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Nav1 Eplan13

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Course / Doc. No.

UC-DS-NAV1EPLAN13 Page 1 of 3
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Validator Pilot Testing Final Approval

Student’s Name: Date:

Instructor’s Name: Date:

Must have passed NAV1_EPLAN12 Student-equipment

ratio: 1: 4 (as per
Scope: This intended for Final Week 1. CMO requirement)

Course Nav 1 / Navigational Instruments and Compasses

Exercise Title Familiarize with the Gyro Compass and its Parts

Exercise code NAV1_EPLAN13

45 minutes
Duration (briefing 5 minutes, familiarization 5 minutes, execution 30 minutes, and debriefing
5 minutes)

Table A- II/1: Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on ships of 500 gross

STCW Table
tonnages or more

Function Navigation at the OPERATIONAL LEVEL

Competence Plan and conduct a passage and determine position

Compass – Magnetic and Gyro

KUP6. Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-compasses

Knowledge KUP7.2 Ability to determine errors of the magnetic and gyro-compasses, using
Understanding terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors.
and Proficiency KUP1. Ability to determine and allow for errors of the magnetic and gyrocompasses.
KUP2. Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyrocompasses
KUP3. An understanding of systems under the control of the master gyro and a
knowledge of the operation and care of the main types of gyrocompasses

At the end of the session the students should be able to:

Exercise Outcome  Describe the assembly, characteristics, operation and principles behind a
gyrocompass and its application in maritime navigation

Exercise Area Approved RADAR/ECDIS/Full Mission Bridge Simulator

Equipment Needed Gyro Compass, Nautical Chart/ECDIS, Deviation Table

The practical exercise shall be carried out and performed by three in an approved
Condition simulator. The student must demonstrate the required exercise outcome according
to performance standard and criteria within time prescribed.

Scenario Ownship is drifting at Gulf of Leyte. The OOW was instructed by the Master to
Description inspect the gyrocompass as per planned maintenance system.

Ownship Container (laden)

Displacement 5000 tonnes
Ship’s Particulars
LOA 294 m Beam 32 m
Draught Fore 11.00 m Aft 11.90 m

Initial Position: Lat: 10°50’ N Long: 125° 25’ E

Status: Drifting
Course: 080⁰T, Speed 0.4 knots
Squat: N/A
Height of Tide: 0.8 mtrs.
Initial Conditions
Set Current: SW at 0.5 knots
Wind Direction: SE° at 5.0 knots
Time: 0950H
Visibility: 12 Nm
Echo Sounder: Powered ON

1. Check if the Instructor's station is connected to all ship stations.

2. Load the scenario and check Initial Conditions as per Exercise Plan copy.
3. Distribute cadet’s copy. Conduct briefing & preparation; questions will not be
entertained once the exercise scenario starts.
4. Provide students with access to a Gyro Compass, either in the simulator or a
Instructor’s Actions physical setup.
5. Monitor students as they identify and label the parts, assisting and clarifying
doubts as needed.
6. Save any notes or observations for the debriefing session.
7. Conduct debriefing as per debriefing guide checklist, discussing common
mistakes or misconceptions.

Briefing As per briefing checklist

1. Once received, carefully read the exercise plan copy and understand the
2. Examine the Gyro Compass provided in the simulator or physical setup.
Student Tasks 3. Identify the various parts of the Gyro Compass.
4. Describe the function of each part and its importance in navigation.
5. Discuss with peers and instructors about any doubts or clarifications
regarding the compass parts.
Performance Not
Performance Criteria Done

Correctly describe the purpose and function of the gyro bowl

1. Describe the
assembly, Correctly describe the function of the gyro wheel
operation and
principles behind a Correctly describe the significance of the spin axis
gyrocompass and
its application in
maritime Correctly describe the roles of the ring and gimbal system

Correctly describe the purpose of the readout/display

Debriefing Discussion of the outcome of the exercise. Please refer to de-briefing checklist.

Condition to The student will re-do the exercise if the critical criteria marked (*) is not done.
proceed Student who performed correctly the exercise shall proceed to assessment.

Student’s Signature over Printed Name

Instructor’s Signature over Printed Name

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