Week 6 Modules

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Quarter 1,Wk.6 - Module 2
Solving Quadratic Inequality

(design your own cover page)

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited in the previous page, please do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.
Solving Quadratic Inequalities

What I Need to Know

This lesson aims to assess your knowledge of previous mathematical

concepts and skills in performing mathematical operations. These prior knowledge and
skills will help you understand how to illustrate and solve quadratic inequalities. As you
go through this lesson you will also learn how to apply this and make decisions in real-
life problems.

What I Know

Directions: Find out how much you already know about this lesson. Encircle the letter
that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items. If you were not able
to answer correctly you can find out the right answer as you go through the lesson.

1. It is a polynomial of degree 2 that can be written in the form ax2 + bx + c  0 , where a,

b, and c are real numbers and a  0 . Symbols >, , and may also be used in place
of <.
A. Linear Inequality C. Quadratic Inequality
B. Linear Equation D. Quadratic Equation

2. Which of the following mathematical statements is a quadratic inequality?
A. 2p2 - 3p - 5 = 0 C. 3s2 + 7t - 2 0
B. 7n + 12 < 0 D. m2 + 8tm- 2 = 0

3. Which of the following coordinates of points belong to the solution set of the
inequality y < 2v2 + 5v - 1?
A. (-2,9) C. (3,1)
B. (-3,2) D. (1,6)
4. What is the solution set of the quadratic inequality x 2– x – 20 > 0?
A. { x | x > 5 or x < –4} C. { x | –4 < x < 5}
B. { x | x > –5 or x < 4} D. { x | –4 < x < -5}

5. Solve the following quadratic inequality. x2 -x -4 2

A. -2 < x < 3 C. -3 < x < 2
B. -2 x 3 D. x -2 , x 3

6. What is the solution of x2 + 7x -8 > 0?

A. x = -8 or x = 1 C. -8 < x < 1
B. x < -8 or x > 1 D. x < -1 or x > 8

7. Solve the inequality. x 2 − 7x + 10  0

A. (0,-2)U(3,∞) C. (-∞,2)U(5 ,∞)

B. (-∞,2]U[-2,3] D. [2,5]U[3,∞)

8. Which inequality is shown in the graph below?

A. y< -x2 C. y≤ -x2

B. y> -x2 D. y≥ -x2

‘9. Which inequality best describes the graph below?

A. y<-2x2-8x-12 C. y>-2x2-8x-12
B. y≤-2x2-8x-12 D. y≥-2x2-8x-12

10. Using the graph of y= x2- 3x- 10. What is the correct way to write the solution of
x2- 3x- 10 0?

A. x  2x  5 C. − 2  x  5
B. − 2  x  5 D. x  2x  5

What’s In

In grade 8, you studied linear inequalities and were able to identify and solve
problems involving it. In the previous lesson you studied quadratic equations. Now, you
will study quadratic inequalities. Start by doing the activity below.

Activity 1

Directions: Find what is asked in each number given a mathematical sentence.

1. n – 3 = 10 , What is the value of n?

2. n - 3 < 10, What are the possible values of n to make the statement true?
Show your solution.

3. n – 3  10, What are the values of n?

4. 4f - 2 13,
What is the meaning of the symbol ? You may illustrate your answer.
Find the value/s of f to make the statement true.

5. b2 + 5b + 6 = 0 ,
What do you call this mathematical statement?
How did you find the solution/s of this expression? How many solution did you

What’s New

Activity 2

Directions: Use the table below to identify whether the following equations are
quadratic or not. Answer the questions that follow.

2x2 + 7x + 5 > 0 15 - 6x2 = 10 t2 = 6t - 7 4m2 - 25 = 0

p2 + 10p + 16 0 2t2 < 21 - 9t f2 + 9f + 20 = 0 3b2 + 12b 0

Quadratic Equation Not a Quadratic Equation


1. How do you describe a quadratic equation? a non - quadratic equation?

2. How can you differentiate quadratic and non - quadratic equation?

What Is It

Quadratic Inequality is an equality that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can

be written with the symbols > , < , ≥ or ≤.

Examples: 1. x2 + x -12 0 3. 5 ≥ x2 − x
2. 7x2 -28 < 0 4. 2y2 + 1 ≤ 7y

How to solve quadratic inequality?

Quadratic inequalities can be solved using

A. Three Test Points;
B. Sign Graph; and
C. Graphing ( in two variables).

Study the examples given below.

Example 1: Find the solution set of x2 + 3x > 10


❏ Test a value from
each interval in the Intervals in x x2 + 3x - 10 = 0 True or False
inequality. the number

x < -5 -6 x2 + 3x - 10 > 0
(-6)2 + 3(-6) -10 > 0 True
36 - 18 -10 > 0

-5 < x < 2 1 x2 + 3x - 10 > 0

(1)2 + 3(1) -10 > 0 False
1 + 3 - 10 > 0
-6 > 0
x>2 4 x2 + 3x - 10 > 0
(4)2 + 3(4) -10 > 0 True
16 + 12 - 10 > 0
18 > 0

❏ Test the roots, x= -5

and x = 2 if it satisfies for x = -5 for x=2
the inequality.
x2 + 3x - 10 > 0 x2 + 3x - 10 > 0
(-5)2 + 3(-5) -10 > 0 (2)2 + 3(2) -10 > 0
25 - 15 - 10 > 0 4 + 6 - 10 > 0
10-10 > 0 10 - 10 > 0
0 > 0 False 0 > 0 False

Therefore, the inequality is true for any value of x in the interval < x < -5 or
2<x< 2
but points -5 and 2 does not satisfy the inequality x + 3x - 10 > 0.

The solution set of the inequality x2 + 3x > 10 is .

Method B: The Sign Graph

❏ Write the quadratic inequality in Given: x2 + 3x > 10

standard form. Standard Form: x2 + 3x - 10 > 0

❏ Factor the quadratic inequality. x2 + 3x - 10 > 0


▪ Illustrate a sign graph that shows the for x + 5

signs of each factor. -------------- +++++++++++ -----------

for x - 2
-------------- +++++++++++ -----------

❏ Apply the rules of signs for multiplying The product of x + 5 and x - 2 is positive if
sign numbers to determine which area the factors are both positive and negative.
satisfies the original inequality. These are possible to happen in the
regions where x < -5 or x > 2.

Example 2: Find the solution set of x2 + 2x - 3 0


Method A Three Test Points

❏ Write the quadratic Given: x2 + 2x - 3 0
inequality in
standard form. Already in standard form

❏ Find the roots of its x2 + 2x - 3 = 0

corresponding =0
equality. = 0 or =0

❏ Find the 3 test points The points at -3 and 1 can separate the real number line into
using -3 and 1. three intervals:
x < -3 , -3 < x < 1 , x > 1

❏ Test a value from
each interval in the Intervals in x x2 + 2x - 3 0 True or False
inequality. the number

x < -3 -4 x2 + 2x - 3 0
(-4)2 + 2(-4) -3 0 False
16 - 8 - 3 0
5 0

-3 < x < 1 0 x2 + 2x - 3 0
(0)2 + 2(0) -3 0 True
0+0-3 0
-3 0

x>1 2 x2 + 2x - 3 0
(2)2 + 2(2) -3 0 False
4+4-3 0
5 0

❏ Test the roots, x= -3

and x = 1 if it satisfies
for x = -3 for x=1
the inequality.
x2 + 2x - 3 0 x2 + 2x - 3 0
(-3)2 + 2(-3) -3 0 (1)2 + 2(1) -3 0
9-6-3 0 1+2-3 0
3-3 0 3-3 0
0 0 True 0 0 True

The solution set of the inequality x2 + 2x - 3 0 is .

Method B

The Sign Graph

❏ Write the quadratic inequality in Given: x2 + 2x-3

standard form. Already in standard form

❏ Factor the quadratic inequality. x2 + 2x - 3 0


Illustrate a sign graph that shows the signs for x + 3

of each factor. --------------------- ++++++ ++++++++++

for x-1

❏ Apply the rules of signs for multiplying The product of x + 3 and x - 1 is negative if
sign numbers to determine which area the factors have different signs. These are
satisfies the original inequality. possible to happen in the regions
where -3
Note: -3 and 1 are included in the solution
because it satisfies the equation.

❏ Solution The solution of the inequality x2 + 2x-3 is


There are quadratic inequalities that involve two variables. These inequalities can be
written in any of the following forms below, where a, b, and c are real numbers and
a .

y > ax2 + bx + c y ax2 + bx + c

y ax2 + bx + c y ax2 + bx + c

The solution set of quadratic inequalities in two variables can be determined

graphically. To do this, write the inequality as an equation, then show the graph.

Take note of the image of the following graphs for each quadratic inequality.

y  ax2 + bx + c y  ax2 + bx + c y  ax2 + bx + c y  ax2 + bx + c


Steps for graphing inequality:

1. Write the inequality to its corresponding equation.

2. Find the vertex of the parabola.
3. Construct table of values for x and y.
4. Sketch the parabola y= ax2 + bx + c
(dotted line for < or > , solid line for ; opens up if the coefficient of x is
positive or opens downward if negative)

5. Choose a test point and see whether it is a solution of the inequality.

6. Shade the appropriate region.
(if the point is a solution, shade where the point is, if it’s not a solution, shade the
other region)

Example 1: Find the solution set of y - x2 + 4x - 3

❏ Write the inequality to its y - x2 + 4x - 3 y - x2 + 4x - 3

corresponding equation.

❏ Find the vertex of the ● Coordinates of the vertex

x= = = =2
to get y substitute 2 to the quadratic expression
- x2 + 4x - 3
y = -( )2 + 4( ) - 3
= +8-3
y = 4 -3 = 1
y= 1 V = (x, y) = (2 , 1)

❏ Construct table of
values for x and y. x 0 1 2 3 4

y -3 0 1 0 -3

❏ sketch the parabola test

y= - x2 + 4x - 3 point
● The parabola opens
downward because
the coefficient of x is
● Use dotted line
because it has a >

❏ Choose a test point Test point: (0, 0)

and see whether it is
a solution of the Substitute (0,0) to the inequality y > - x2 + 4x - 3
y > - x2 + 4x - 3
0 > - (0)2 + 4(0) - 3
0 > -3 True

❏ Answer Therefore, the entire region containing (0,0) represents

the solution set and we shade the outside region of the

Example 2: Find the solution set of y -x2 + 6x – 4

❏ Write the inequality to its y x2 + 6x - 4 y x2 + 6x - 4

corresponding equation.

❏ Find the vertex of the ● Coordinates of the vertex

parabola. x= = = = -3
to get y substitute -3 to the quadratic expression
x2 + 6x - 4
y = ( )2 + 6( ) - 4
= - 18 - 4
y = -9 -4 = -13
y= -13 V = (x, y) = (-3 , -13)

❏ Construct table of
values for x and y. x -1 -2 -3 -4 5

y -9 -12 -13 -12 -9

❏ sketch the parabola test

y= x2 + 6x - 4 point
● The parabola opens
upward because the
coefficient of x is
● Use dotted line
because it has a >

❏ Choose a test point Test point: (0, 0)

and see whether it is
a solution of the Substitute (0,0) to the inequality y x2 + 6x - 4
inequality. y x2 + 6x - 4

❏ Answer Therefore, the entire region containing (0,0) represents

the solution set and we shade it.

What’s More

Activity 3

Direction: Fill-in the table below to find the solution set of each of the following quadratic

1) x2 - 9x + 14 0 (Use three test point method.)

Write the quadratic inequality

in standard form.

Find the roots of its

corresponding equality

Find the 3 test points

Test a value from each

interval in the inequality.

Test the roots

Solution set

2) x 2 + x − 12  0 (Use the sign graph method.)

Write the quadratic inequality in standard


Factor the quadratic inequality.

Illustrate a sign graph that shows the signs

of each factor.

Apply the rules of signs for multiplying sign

numbers to determine which area satisfies
the original inequality.

Solution Set

Activity 4

Directions: Find the solution set of each of the following quadratic inequalities then graph
and explain your answer.

1. 2x 2 − 3x + 1  0

2. x2 - 2x 15

What I Have Learned

Activity 5

Direction: Determine whether the indicated ordered pair is a solution to the quadratic
inequality y < x2 + 4x - 5 . Justify your answer.

1. A (-2, 5 )
2. B ( 6, -2 )
3. C (-3, 2 )
4. D (1, -1 )
5. E ( 2, -2 )

Activity 6

Direction: Match from the list of mathematical sentences the inequality that is described by
the given graphs. Answer the questions that follow.

1. 2. 3.

y x2 - 4x + 1 y x2 - 4x + 1 y x2 - 4x + 1 y -x2 - 4x + 1


1. What are your hints to determine the quadratic inequality that is described by a
given graph?
2. How do you know if the graph opens upward or downward?
3. In each graph, what does the shaded region represent? What does the dashed line
and solid line represent?
4. How would you describe the graphs of quadratic inequalities in two variables
involving “less than”? “greater than”? “less than or equal to”? “greater than or equal
5. How are you going to graph if you are given a quadratic inequality in two variables?

Activity 7

Direction: Answer the questions that follow.

a. Graph the inequality y x2 - 7x + 10?

b. Is the point (-4 , -8 ) in the solution set ? Justify your answer.

c. Is the boundary line drawn solid or dashed? Explain?

What I Can Do

Activity 8

Directions: Read the situation below then answer the questions that follow.

The floor of a house can be covered completely

with tiles. Its length is 38 ft. longer than its width. The
area of the floor is less than 2 040 square feet.


1. How would you represent the width and the length of the floor?

2. Write a mathematical sentence that would represent the given situation?

3. What are the possible lengths and widths of the floor?

4. What are the possible areas of the floor?

Activity 9

Direction: Perform the following activity.

1. Look for a rectangular floor in your house. Find its dimensions and indicate
the measure (in meters) obtained in the table below.

Length Width

2. Seek help to determine the measure and costs of your preferred tile that is
available in the nearest hardware store or advertised on the internet. Write your
answer in the table below.

Tile Length Width Cost

3. Formulate a quadratic inequality involving the dimensions of the floor, and the
measure and cost of the tile. Find, then graph the solution sets of the inequalities.

Activity 10 Post Test

Directions: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following mathematical statements is a quadratic inequality?

A. 2 p 2 − 3 p − 5 = 0 C. 3s 2 + 7s - 2  0

B. 7k + 12 < 0 D. b2 + 8b + 16= 0

2. Which of the following coordinate of points belong to the solution set of the inequality
y  2x 2 + 3x − 5 ?

A. (-2, 9) C. (-1, 5)

B. (-3, 2) D. (1, 6)

3. What is the solution set of x 2 + x − 12  0 ?

A. {x / x  −4 or x  3} C. {x / x  −4 or x  3}

B. {x / x  −4 or x  3} D. {x / x  −4 or x  3}

4. Which of the following mathematical sentence is not a quadratic inequality?

A. 4t 2 − 7t  −2 C. 15 − 2x = 3x 2

B. x 2  10x − 3 D. (2r − 5)(r + 4)  0

5. What is the solution set of the inequality y  x 2 − 9x + 14 ?

A. {x / x  2 or x  7} C. {x / x  2 or x  7}
B. {x / x  2 or x  7} D. {x / x  2 or x  7}

6. Which inequality is shown in the graph?

A. y< x2

B. y> x2

C. y≤ x2

D. y≥ x2

7. What is the solution set of y  2x 2 + 11x + 5
A. {x / x  −5 or x  −0.5} C. {x / x  −5 or x  −0.5}
B. {x / x  −5 or x  −0.5} D. {x / x  −5 or x  −0.5}

8. Which of the following shows the graph of y  x 2 + 7x + 6 ?





9. The figure below shows the graph of y  2x 2 − 4x −1. Which of the following is true
about the solution set of the inequality?

I. The coordinates of all points along the parabola as shown by the broken line
belong to the solution set of the inequality.
II. The coordinates of all points on the shaded region belong to the solution set of
the inequality.
III. The coordinates of all points along the parabola as shown by the broken line
do not belong to the solution set of the inequality.

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II and III

10. Choose a possible dimension of a rectangle with a width = 2x-1 and length = 3x + 2
so that its area is greater than 153 sq. cm.

A. W= 13 L= 15 C. W= 11 L=21
B. W=11 L=20 D. W= 13 L= 22


The lesson was about quadratic inequalities, their solution sets and graphs. The lesson
Equipped you to solve, describe, and graph quadratic inequalities using your
mathematical skills and concepts learned in the previous topics. Furthermore, you were
given the opportunity to determine what method to apply in solving quadratic inequalities
and test your understanding of the lesson by doing a practical task

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