Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.776722: ISSN: 1004-9037

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ISSN: 1004-9037
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.776722



Dr.M. Tamilselvan*
University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Sultanate of Oman.

Dr.M. Muthu Gopala Krishnan**

CHRIST Deemed to be University, Bangalore.

Dr.V. John Paul Raj***

CHRIST Deemed to be University, Bangalore.

Dr. K. Ramya****
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore,

Dr. A. Joseph Xavier*****

Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi.
Customer service is an integral part of any facet of banking and it defines the future of any
banking organization. In India, this realm has undergone vast changes induced by regulatory
and competitive forces and the banking industry has undergone revolutionary changes since
1991. For a service sector like banking industry, the whole range of activity and generation of
income swivels around the customer. It is necessary to identify the key success factors in the
banking industry, in terms of customer satisfaction keeping in view the increasing market size
and intense competition. This study compares customers’ perceptions of service quality of
public and private banks of Jammu. The service quality of both the banks has been measured
using SERVQUAL (service quality) scale. SERVQUAL scale was used to determine different
dimensions of service quality and chi-square analysis was used to understand the impact of
SERVPERF (service performance) dimensions (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance and empathy) on customer satisfaction. It was found that customers of public sector
banks are more satisfied with the service quality, than those of private sector banks.
Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction, public sector bank, private sector bank

I. Introduction
Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) revolution has exposed the service
industry to the challenges of competition, service quality, cost and competitive environment
and which has brought about a reversal in consumer habits for banking service. The quality of
service will be the dominant primary factor in ensuring the survival of service provider in the
Indian banking sector. All over the world, service providers in the banking industry provide
homogeneous and similar products and services to customers. The prime way to convince
customers to use bank products and services is having high quality in services. In India, all

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banks in the banking industry follow good system to maintain better quality in service for
creating satisfied customers. It will lead to customer retention and loyalty.

Banking is a major part of the service sector in India. Quality management and quality
improvement are mandatory for success of the banking sector and for our economy.
Components of Quality may be visualized as Product Quality, Process Quality and Human
Resource Quality. For this study, this Service quality is measured on the basis of a modified
version of SERVQUAL as proposed by (Parasuraman & Berry.L, 1988), which involves five
dimensions of service quality, namely Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and
Empathy. The aim of this study is to measure the service quality based on SERVQUAL model
and customer satisfaction of both public sector and private sector banks and compare the

I. Statement of the Problem

Economic reform has opened Indian banking sector to private and foreign players. It gives rise
to cut throat competition. In such a situation organization have to adopt Quality service
strategies able to cope with changes and survival of fittest. It is the prime way to convince
customers to use bank products and services and ensure customer satisfaction. This study was
conducted to compare the service quality and customer satisfaction in public and private sector
banks ..

II. Objective of the study

1. To compare the level of service quality dimensions of commercial public sector banks
and private sector banks ..
i. To compare the level of tangibility dimension of service quality of commercial public
sector banks and private sector banks ..
ii. To compare the level of reliability dimension of service quality of commercial public
sector banks and private sector banks .
iii. To compare the level of responsiveness dimension of service quality of commercial
public sectors bank and private sector banks .
iv. To compare the level of assurance dimension of service quality of commercial public
sector banks and private sector banks .
v. To compare the level of empathy dimension of service quality of commercial public
sector banks and private sector banks .
2. To examine the satisfaction level of customers of commercial public sector banks and
private sector banks ..
III. Operational Definition
A. Service quality
Service has been defined as “a social act that occurs directly between the consumer and
representatives of the service corporation”. Quality is a complex phenomenon based on
perceptions by individuals with different perspectives on products and services. These
perceptions have been built up through the past experience of individuals and consumption in
various contexts. (Kotler, 2003), in his book “Marketing Management” defined service as 'any
behavior or act based on a contact between two parties: the provider and the receiver, and the

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essence of this reciprocal process in intangible. (Oakland, 2001) Defined quality of a banking
service as the degree to which it meets the requirements of the customer
B. Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a product‟s perceived performance matches a
buyer‟s expectations: if the products performance matches or exceeds expectations the buyer
is satisfied; if performance falls short of expectations the buyer is dissatisfied. Kolter and
Armstrong (1999) defended the customer satisfaction as the customer's perception that
compare their pre-purchase expectations with post purchase perception.
C. Commercial Bank
Commercial banks are those banks which carry out the normal business of banking such as
accepting deposits, giving out loans and other banking services.
D. Commercial Public Sector Banks
At present, there are 27 Public Sector Banks in India including SBI and 19 nationalized banks.
Further, there are two banks which have been categorized by RBI as “Other Public Sector
Banks”. IDBI and Bhartiya Mahila Bank come under this category.
E. Commercial Private Sector Banks
In private sector banks, most of the capital is in private hands. There are two types of private
sector banks in India viz. Old Private Sector Banks and New Private Sector Banks
New Private Sector Banks: Private bank which were permitted to start in mid 90”s after
introducing prudential norms for the banking system in 1993.Introduction of LPG in1991 has
made dramatic changes in the functioning of new private sector banks. New prudential norms,
such as capital adequacy perception, identification of bad dept, provision requirement etc were
enforced, and interest rates were deregulated. The private banks in India have a major role
when it comes to serving the Indian people with their savings since they made the banking
services more efficient and customer friendly.
Today, we are without doubt, in the midst of the quality resolution- a period of change affecting
every type of business, organization and person. In general, the term „service quality‟ means
the mental outlook representing a long run overall judgment. It is a censorious prerequisite and
decisive of competitiveness for establishing and sustaining harmonious relationships with
customer. The word quality consists of those product features, which meet the needs of
customers, thereby providing product satisfaction. In any competitive economy like banking
sector, continuous quality improvements are essential if any organization is to stay in operation.
(Parasuraman & Berry.L, 1988) made an attempt to develop conceptual framework of service
quality based on the interpretation of qualitative data from extensive explanatory research
performed in four service businesses and introduced the criteria and dimensions through which
service quality can be assessed: Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Accessibility,
Courtesy, Credibility, Security, Understanding/ knowing the customer and Tangibility. Later
these dimensions have been integrated into only five ones. Scholars agreed on the fact that
these attributes are appropriate ones which help reveal the customers‟ perception and
expectations. These five dimensions include: This new model is known as 'Servqual', The name
consists of the two words 'Service' and 'Quality', these five dimensions include: Assurance ,

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Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Tangibility. This model is known as 'Servqual'. The
name consists of the two words 'Service' and 'Quality'.
(Mualla & Deeb, 1997) Measured Banking Service Quality provided by Jordanian Commercial
Bank and argued that the Service quality as perceived by customers definitely indicates what
is left of their past perception of the service quality and the extent of their satisfaction with the
current performance of the service. That is, satisfaction is an intermediary factor between the
past perceptions of the service quality and the present perception of it. They also reveals that
customers can assess the actual service quality provided to them. Hence, the customer's
satisfaction with the actual performance level of service has a further affect on the formation
of the customers' perceptions and expectations of service quality.
(Chris Manolis & Lasser, 2000) through his article made an attempt to study the Service
Quality Perspectives & Satisfaction in Private Banking and defined service as a set of
characteristics that meet the clients' needs and desire, strengthen the connective links between
the organization and them, and enrich the clients' value as well.
B. Customer satisfaction
(Sureshchandar & Rajendran C., 2002) Made attempts to throw a more light on the
distinctiveness of constructs of service quality and customer satisfaction and relationship
between them. The study adopts different approach by operationalizing customer satisfaction
on factors and corresponding basis as done for service quality. Primary data for the study was
collected from 150 customers of public, private and foreign bank in India of random basis. The
result reveals that service quality and customer satisfaction do exhibit independence and are
indeed different constructs from the customer‟s point of view. It is also observed that service
quality and customer satisfaction was closely related as can be seen from the high correlation
between them.
(S.G & Srivasteva, 2010) Have attempted to examine the strength of association between
service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and commitment and explore the
difference in perception of these variables between public sector and private sector banks. The
study reveals that there is a significant difference found between public and private banks with
regard to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and commitment and loyalty. Public sector
banks should focus Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles and private sector should focus on
providing reliable service.
(Hayat Muhammad Awan & Iqbal, 2011) have investigated the service quality and its
relationship to customer satisfaction among the customers of conventional banks and Islamic
banks by using SERVQUAL scale. Data was collected from 200 walk-in customers
conveniently drawn from three major conventional banks and three Islamic banks located in
urban areas of Pakistan. This study found that the relationship between multi-dimensional
service quality dimensions and uni-dimensional customer satisfaction factors also validated the
importance of service quality aspects for behavioral intentions (satisfaction, feelings) for
customers from conventional banks and Islamic banks.
The forgoing overview of literature reveals that though various studies were done on the impact
of service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. Every investigation showed the
service quality and its relationship to customer satisfaction. This research was conducted on
the comparative study of commercial Banks and Private Sector Banks . focused on the aspects

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of service quality and customer satisfaction. It will be useful to service providers for making
competitive edge in business. Hence the relevance of the study.
V. Methodology
A. Instrument
This study was an analytical nature based on primary. The primary data for the analysis were
collected, by the researcher, from the customers‟ of commercial public sector banks and private
sector banks .. It was collected with the help of structured questionnaires. Questionnaire
measures service quality by implementing the five dimensions of the “SERVQUAL”
instrument namely Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy and
customer satisfaction. Tangibility dimensions followed by 5 questions, Reliability dimensions
followed by 7 questions, Responsiveness dimensions followed by 4 questions, Assurance
dimensions followed by 5 questions and Empathy dimensions followed by 5 questions. The
instrument used is a seven-point Likert scales, representing a range of attitudes from 1 –
strongly disagree to 7 – strongly agree to measure service quality and to measure Customer
satisfaction, seven-point Likert scales, representing a range of attitudes from 1 – extremely
dissatisfied to 7 –– extremely satisfied.
B. Sampling
For the collection of samples survey, multistage deliberate sampling technique was used. For
the purpose of the study the whole of entire Coimbatore is divided into three regions namely
North, Central and Southern. One district from each zone is selected to represent this regions-
Calicut from northern region, Ernakulum from central region and Thiruvananthapuram from
southern region. The primary data is collected from a sample of 50 persons from customers of
bank from each district, thus obtaining a total sample size of 150 customers; 77 from public
and 73 from private bank.
C. Research Hypotheses
In order to reveal the objectives of the study, the following hypotheses have been developed.
1. H0.: There is no significant difference between level of satisfaction of the customers in
commercial public sector banks and private sector banks .
2. H0.: There is no significant difference between service quality dimensions of
commercial public sector banks and private sector banks ..
VI. Statistical Analysis
The collected data were presented in tables for the purpose of analysis. The primary data were
analyzed with the help of computer package namely MS. Excel 2010 and SPSS 23. Statistical
Inferences used are as follows:
a. Reliability Analysis, used to measure reliability using Cronbach alpha
b. Descriptive statistics, used to measure level of service quality and customer satisfaction
c. T-Testing (Levene's Test for Equality of Variances and t-test for Equality of Means),
used to compare the level of service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction of
commercial public sector bank and private sector bank.
A. Reliability Analysis
Reliability test is a judgment of the degree of stability and consistency between multiple
measurements of a variable. Cronbach‟s alpha is the commonly accepted measurement
technique with a generally agreed lower limit of 0.7. The following Table provides an overview

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of the reliability scores. As can be seen from this table, all the alpha coefficients were above
the required level of 0.7.
Table I Reliability
Scale Number of items Cronbach‟s Alpha
Tangibility 5 0.711
Reliability 7 0.747
Responsiveness 4 0.811
Assurance 5 0.855
Empathy 5 0.866
customer satisfaction 26 0.925

B. Descriptive Analysis
Table II
Level of Customer Satisfaction
Dimensions N Mean Score Std. Deviation Level Category
Tangibility 150 5.2200 1.05468 High
Reliability 150 5.4667 0.96005 High
Responsiveness 150 5.4067 1.07502 High
Assurance 150 5.5067 1.23564 High
Empathy 150 5.1267 1.30716 High
customer satisfaction 150 5.7533 1.25284 High
Valid N (listwise) 150

Norms for Level of Customer Satisfaction

Level Category Score Range
Low 1.00 –3.00
Medium 3.00–5.00
High 2.37 – 3.00

C. T-Test
Level of Customer Satisfaction – Bank Type Analysis

H0: There is no significant difference between level of satisfaction of the customers in

commercial public sector banks and private sector banks .
H1: There is significant difference between level of satisfaction of the customers in commercial
public sector banks and private sector banks .
Table III
Level of Customer Satisfaction – Bank Type Analysis
Bank Type N Mean Std. Deviation
Public sector bank 77 5.7012 1.44245
Private sector bank 73 5.8082 1.02276

Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means

Equality ofVariances
F Sig. T DF Sig.
Equal variances 3.109 .080 -.521 148 .0.603

Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing Vol. 38 (2) 2023 1347


Equal variances -.526 137.239 .600


Levene's Test for Equality of Variances (Homogeneity) result shows that significant value that
is 0.080 which means both groups are heterogeneous group, so t-test for equal variance
assumed considered.
Here the mean value of Public sector bank was 5.7012 and that of Private sector bank was
5.8082, the difference between the two is 0.107 which is insignificant. Based on the result
generated by SPSS, the significant value is .521 and it is greater than 0.05 so accept null
hypothesis. Hence there is no significant difference between the two means i.e. Customer
Satisfaction Level of public and private sector banks.
Bank Type Analysis; Service Quality Dimension
2.H0: There is no significant difference between service quality dimensions of commercial
public sector banks and private sector banks ..
2.H1: There is significant difference between service quality dimensions of commercial public
sector banks and private sector banks .
Table IV
Group Statistics
Std. Std.
BANK N Mean Deviation Erro
Tangibility Public sector bank 77 5.2857 1.07431 .12243
Private sector bank 73 5.1507 1.03644 .12131
Reliability Public sector bank 77 5.4935 .95454 .10878
Private sector bank 73 5.4384 .97163 .11372
Public sector bank 77 5.5065 1.03394 .11783
Responsiveness Private sector bank 73 5.3014 1.11411 .13040
Public sector bank 77 5.5195 1.20972 .13786
Assurance Private sector bank 73 5.4932 1.27064 .14872
Public sector bank 77 5.1169 1.31763 .15016
Empathy Private sector bank 73 5.1370 1.30507 .15275

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of
F Sig. t df
Equal variances
assumed .064 .801 .783 148 .435
Equal variances
assumed not .783 147.953 .435
Equal variances
assumed .100 .752 .351 148 .726
Equal variances
assumed not .350 147.248 .727
Equal variances
assumed 1.148 .286 1.169 148 .244

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Responsiveness Equal variances

assumed not 1.167 145.611 .245
Equal variances
assumed .167 .683 .130 148 .897
Assurance Equal variances
assumed not .130 146.455 .897
Equal variances
assumed .010 .921 -.094 148 .925
Empathy Equal variances
assumed not -.094 147.712 .925

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances (Homogeneity) all dimensions of service quality result
shows that significant value greater than 0.05 which means both groups are heterogeneous
group, so t-test for equal variance assumed considered.
In Tangibility dimension, here the mean value of Public sector banks was 5.2857 and that of
Private sector banks was 5.1507, the difference between the two is 0.1287 which is
insignificant. Based on the result generated by SPSS, the significant value is 0.435and it is
greater than 0.05 so accept null hypothesis. Hence there is no significant difference between
the two means i.e. Tangibility dimension of service quality in public and private sector banks
In Reliability dimension, here the mean value of Public sector banks was 5.4935 and that of
Private sector banks was 5.4384, the difference between the two is 0.0551 which is
insignificant. Based on the result generated by SPSS, the significant value is 0.726and it is
greater than 0.05 so accept null hypothesis. Hence there is no significant difference between
the two means i.e. Reliability dimension of service quality in public and private sector banks.
In responsiveness dimension, here the mean value of Public sector banks was 5.5065 and that
of Private sector banks was 5.3014, the difference between the two is 0.2051 which is
insignificant. Based on the result generated by SPSS, the significant value is 0.244 and it is
greater than 0.05 so accept null hypothesis. Hence there is no significant difference between
the two means i.e. responsiveness dimension of service quality in public and private sector
In assurance dimension, here the mean value of Public sector banks was 5.5195 and that of
Private sector banks was 5.4932, the difference between the two is 0.0263 which is
insignificant. Based on the result generated by SPSS, the significant value is 0.897 and it is
greater than 0.05 so accept null hypothesis. Hence there is no significant difference between
the two means i.e. assurance dimension of service quality in public and private sector banks
In empathy dimension, here the mean value of Public sector banks was 5.1169 and that of
Private sector banks was 5.1370, the difference between the two is 0.0201 which is
insignificant. Based on the result generated by SPSS, the significant value is 0.925 and it is
greater than 0.05 so accept null hypothesis. Hence there is no significant difference between
the two means i.e. empathy dimension of service quality in public and private sector banks.

VII. Conclusion
This study examined the perceived service quality of bank customers of public and private
sector banks . and compare a level of customer satisfaction and quality dimensions using the
SERVQUAL model. SERVQUAL appears to be a reliable scale to measure banking service
quality. The study result indicates the high level of service quality in all dimensions (more than

Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing Vol. 38 (2) 2023 1349


5) . It also reveals that, there is no significant difference in level of service quality and customer
satisfaction between public sector and private sector banks .
The finding will be useful to service providers for making competitive edge in banking
business. It enables us to have an understanding of service quality perceptions of banking
customers and leads how to improve the level of customer satisfaction with respect to
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility aspects. Certainly some
limitations must be mentioned. The primary limitation of this study is the size and scope of its
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