Foward and Reverse Characteristics of Zener Diode Report

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Determining the I-V Charateristics of the zener diode


Index Number: 4280520
Date: 20/02/2023
The aim of the experiment is to determine the I-V characteristics of the Zener Diode. It was
conducted by using a Voltmeter, Ammeter, 1kΩ Resistor, a D.C Power Supply Unit, a
Programmable Power Supply, a bread board and a Zener Diode. These components were then
connected according to the schematic diagram of the forward bias mode (fig. 3.2). The power
supply unit was switched on, and the voltage was varied from 0.0 – 0.8 volts. The diode
voltage (Vz), and diode current (Iz) were then recorded and tabulated at varying intervals.
The components of the experiment were then changed to suit the schematic diagram of the
forward bias mode (fig. 3.1). The supply voltage was the varied from 0 – 20 volts, and the
diode voltage and current were then recorded at varying intervals. The I-V characteristics for
both modes were then plotted. The experiment failed to obtain the I-V characteristics of the
Zener diode. The errors associated with the experiment are mostly by the experimenter, while
part of the errors were due to the accuracy of the instruments being used.
A Zener diode is a heavily doped semiconductor device that is designed to operate in the
reverse bias mode. It permits current to flow from the anode to the cathode, but also in the opposite
direction. This functionality makes Zener diodes very useful to the modern world. One of the ways the
device is exploited for its functionality is in voltage regulators. In these devices, it is used as a Shunt
voltage regulator for regulating voltage across small loads connected in parallel to it so as to make it
reverse bias. Apart from this, it is also used to protect devices against high voltages. An example of such
an occurrence is, when the input voltage is higher than the Zener breakage voltage, the voltage across the
resistor drops resulting in a short circuit. This can be avoided by using the Zener diode.

The Zener diode operates on the phenomenon called the Zener Effect. This occurs when the terminals of
the Zener diode is reversed, and the potential difference across it reaches the Zener Voltage, the barrier
potential breaks down allowing current to flow in the reverse direction. This phenomenon was first
discovered by Clarence Melvin Zener who was a theoretical physicist who worked at Bell Labs. As a result
of his work, the Zener diode was named after him. He first postulated the breakdown effect that bears his
name in a paper that was published in 1934, after which the phenomenon became common to the world of
physics due to the testing, and evaluation of the diode.

Although, the Zener diode is known to be designed to operate in the reverse bias region, it can also do so in
the forward bias region. During this region it behaves like a normal diode. However, there is one thing that
makes the Zener diode different from the other diodes in the reverse bias region and that is its leakage
current, which is best measured in micro amperes. This becomes larger as the reversed bias voltage is
applied, causing the current to increase to a maximum, which is determined by a resistor connected in
series with the diode, after which it stabilizes and remains constant over a wide range of applied voltage.

The aim of this experiment is to explain the behaviour of the Zener diode through the use of an I-V
characteristics. The approach involves a one kilo ohm resistor connected in series with the Zener diode. A
voltmeter will also be connected across it to measure the break down voltage as and when it occurs.
Theoretical Analysis
A The I - V characteristics of the Zener diode can be obtained by plotting the current
component on the y – axis and the voltage component on the x – axis. It is expected that the
forward bias region of the Zener diode should mimic that of the p – n junction diode in
forward bias mode, such that current would flow after the threshold voltage (Vt) has been

In the reverse bias mode of the diode, there exist a small leakage current that flows through
the diode. This current is due to thermally generated minority carriers. As the reverse voltage
increases, at a certain value of reverse voltage, the reverse current increases drastically and
sharply. This is an indication that the breakdown has occurred. This phenomenon is the Zener
Breakdown. However, further increase in the reverse bias voltage, usually above 6V, will
result in the flow of a much higher current. This only occurs when the Zener diode has
reached its Avalanche breakdown mode. The voltage above which, this occurs in called the
Knee Voltage.

The Zener voltage (Vzo) is calculated as;

Vz=IzRz +Vzo
Were Rz is the resistance of the Zener diode
Iz is the current of the Zener diode
Vzo is the Break down voltage
Vz is the Zener voltage
Power Dissipation Capacity (P) of the Zener Diode is the maximum amount of power that a
Zener diode can consume in the reverse bias mode. It is calculated as;

P=Iz ×Vz
Apparatus: Voltmeter, Ammeter, 1kΩ Resistor, a D.C Power Supply Unit, a Programmable
Power Supply, a bread board and a Zener Diode.

The experiment is conducted by connecting the various components stated above, according
to the schematic diagram of the forward bias mode (fig. 3.2). The power supply unit is
switched on, and its voltage is increased from 0 – 0.8 volts. The diode voltage (Vz), and
diode current (Iz) are recorded and tabulated at varying intervals. The components of the
experiment are changed to suit the schematic diagram of the forward bias mode (fig. 3.1).
The supply voltage is increased from 0 – 20 volts, and the diode voltage and current are
recorded at varying intervals. The I-V characteristics for both modes are then plotted.
Figure 3.1: Diagram of Zener Diode in Reverse Bias Mode

Figure 3.2: Diagram of Zener Diode in Forward Bias Mode

Table 4.1: Table of Voltage and Current for Zener Diode in Forward Bias Mode

V/V Vz/V Iz/mA

0.00 0.00 0.0000

0.15 0.15 0.0001

0.25 0.24 0.0001

0.35 0.34 0.0002

0.45 0.44 0.0003

0.55 0.54 0.0004

0.60 0.59 0.0005

0.65 0.64 0.0005

0.70 0.69 0.0006

0.75 0.73 0.0006

0.80 0.78 0.0007

Table4.2:Table of Current and Voltage for Zener Diode in Reverse Bias Mode

V/V Vz/V Iz/mA

0.00 0.00 0.0000
1.00 0.98 0.0009
1.50 1.48 0.0013
2.00 1.97 0.0019
2.50 1.35 0.0011
3.00 2.96 0.0003
3.50 3.46 0.0034
4.00 3.96 0.0039
4.50 4.46 0.0043
5.00 4.95 0.0048
5.50 5.45 0.0053
6.00 5.94 0.0058
6.50 6.44 0.0063
7.00 6.93 0.0068
7.50 7.43 0.0073
8.00 7.91 0.0078
9.00 8.90 0.0087
10.00 9.89 0.0097
11.00 10.88 0.0109
12.00 11.88 0.0117
13.00 12.87 0.0127
14.00 13.85 0.0137
15.00 14.83 0.0147
16.00 15.81 0.0157
17.00 16.80 0.0166
18.00 17.79 0.0176
19.00 18.76 0.0186
20.00 19.77 0.0196
Graph 4.1

I-V Characteristics of Zener Diode in Forward Bias Mode










0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008

I-V Characteristics of Zener Diode in Forward Bias Mode

Linear (I-V Characteristics of Zener Diode in Forward Bias Mode)
Graph 4.2

I-V Characteristics of the Zener Diode in Reverse Bias Mode






0.0000 0.0050 0.0100 0.0150 0.0200 0.0250

I-V Characteristics of the Zener Diode in Linear (I-V Characteristics of the Zener Diode in )
Results and Discussion
The experiment failed to deduced the break down voltage of the Zener Diode, and it’s I-V
characteristics. This was due to the misinterpretation of the Zener diodes terminals, hence
leading to the interchanging of the forward bias and reverse bias characteristics of the Zener
diode as seen in tables 4.1 and 4.2.

In Table 4.1, which is supposed to be the I-V characteristics in reverse bias mode, there is a
small flow of current. This current is called the leakage current which is as a result of some
thermally generated minority charge carriers. The leakage current also tells us that the diode
is not perfect as it contains impurities which may be out of proportion to the original element
of the semi-conductor. If the experiment was done properly, I would have arrived at a point
where a large amount of current would flow, according to the theory. This phenomenon is
called the Zener Effect. If the reverse bias voltage was applied further, Avalanche Breakdown
would occur, which is usually above 6.0V. Avalanche Breakdown occurs in lightly dopped
diodes. This is because a high electric field would have to be set up across the depletion
region in order for electrons to break their covalent bonds, hence diodes with unusually high
breakdown voltages can be said to experience this phenomenon. The latter, is experienced by
diodes that are heavily dopped.

In Table 4.2, which is supposed to be the I-V characteristics in forward bias mode, the diode
would operate normally as a p-n junction diode. However, the reason why the Graph 4.2 is
different from the expected graph is because the applied voltage is too large to see any
significant change in the resistance of the diode. The graph although appears to be a linear
graph, is actually not a linear graph since the applied voltage is so large, the threshold voltage
of the diode becomes insignificant. Hence, it is not right to assume that the Zener diode is an
ohmic device. The same can be said about the Graph 4.1, except that the applied voltage was
too small to reach the breakdown voltage of the diode.

The errors associated with this experiment are due to the experimenter. The other errors were
associated with the accuracy of the measuring instruments.
1. It was ensured that all connections were tightly fitted before conducting the experiment.
2. It was ensured that the Zener diode was not operating above its maximum capacity.
3. It was ensured that a minimum current was supplied to the circuit to avoid damaging
certain sensitive components.

Although the experiment failed to meet its objectives, it was able to explain how the Zener
diode works, which will be useful for future references.

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