2.FY BTech Mech Syllabus AY 23-24 - Updated - Compressed

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Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli

(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)

AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (All Branches)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem I
Course Code 7MA101
Course Name Engineering Mathematics- I
Desired Requisites: Mathematics course at Higher Secondary Junior College

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 3 Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial 1 Hrs/week 30 20 50 100
Credits: 04

Course Objectives
Introduce the basic concepts required to understand, construct, solve and interpret various types
1 of differential equation.

Improve the Mathematical skill for enhancing logical thinking power of students
3 Acquire knowledge with a sound foundation in Mathematics and prepare them for graduate.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1 Explain mathematical concepts in engineering field. Understanding

CO2 Solve engineering and scientific problems. Applying

CO3 Applying the Mathematical concept in Engineering field Applying


Module Module Contents Hours

Rank of matrix, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations, Eigen
I 6
values, Eigen vectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem, Diagonalizations of
Partial Differentiation and its application
Partial derivative, chain rule for partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem for
II 8
homogeneous and non-homogeneous function, Jacobian, Error and
approximation, maxima and minima of function of two variables
Complex NumberPolar form of complex number, Argand’s diagram, De
III Moiver’s theorem, roots of complex number, Hyperbolic function, relation
between circular and hyperbolic function. 7
First order ordinary differential equation and its application
IV Exact, Linear, Bernoulli’s equations, Euler’s equations, Orthogonal trajectory,
applications to simple electric circuit. 7

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations of first order and

first degree:
V 6
Numerical Solution by (i) Taylor’s series method (ii) Euler’s method (iii)
Modified Euler’s method (iv) Runge- Kutta fourth order method
VI Rolle’s theorem, Mean value theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem with
remainders 5

P. N. and J. N. Wartikar “A Text Book of Applied Mathematics, Vol I and II, Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune, 2006.
2 B .S. Grewal “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, , Khanna Publication, 44th Edition, 2017.

Erwin Kreyszig , ”Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, , Wiley Eastern Limited Publication,
10th Edition, 2015.
Wylie C.R “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”,., Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 8th Edition
H. K. Dass, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., 1st Edition, 2014.
4 B.V.Ramana, “Higher Engineering Mathematics ”, The McGraw Hill companies, 2006.

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105121

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 2 1
CO2 2 1
CO3 2 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.

The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Civil & Mechanical Engineering)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech. I & II
Course Code 7ME107
Course Name Engineering Graphics
Desired Requisites: Basic Knowledge of Different Types of Curves

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 2Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial - 30 20 50 100
Credits: 2

Course Objectives
1 Introduce students to the conventions, concepts and basic principles of Engineering Drawing.
2 Draw projections of geometrical objects and real life components.
Demonstrate graphics skill for communication of concepts, ideas and design of engineering

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy
Demonstrating Principles of Engineering, Computer Graphics I Demonstrating
through drafting software
CO2 Understanding Principles of Engineering Graphics II Understanding
CO3 Outline projection of engineering objects II Understanding

Module Module Contents Hours

Introduction to Engineering Drawing / Curves
Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance, usage of Drawing
I instruments, lettering, Conic sections including the Rectangular Hyperbola 4
(General method only); Cycloid, Epicycloid, Hypocycloid and Involute;
Scales – Plain, Diagonal and Vernier Scales;
Projection of Lines
II Principles of Orthographic Projections-Conventions - Projections of Points 5
and lines inclined to both planes, Skew Lines, Parallel Lines, Perpendicular
Lines using auxiliary methods;
Projection of Planes
III Principles of Orthographic Projections-Conventions - Projections of planes 4
inclined Planes - Auxiliary Planes;
Projections of Regular Solids Sections and Sectional Views of Right
Angular Solids
Inclined to both the Planes- Auxiliary Views; Draw simple annotation,
IV dimensioning and scale. Floor plans that include: windows, doors, and 5
fixtures such as WC, bath, sink, shower, etc.
Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone – Auxiliary Views; Development of surfaces
of Right Regular Solids - Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder and Cone;
Orthographic Projections
V Principles of Orthographic Projections-Conventions - Draw the sectional 4
orthographic views of geometrical solids, objects from industry and
dwellings (foundation to slab only)
Isometric Projections
Principles of Isometric projection – Isometric Scale, Isometric Views,
VI Conventions; Isometric Views of lines, Planes, Simple and compound Solids; 4
Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice-versa,
Module wise Measurable Students Learning Outcomes :
After the completion of the course the student should be able to:
The student will learn :
• Introduction to engineering drawing and its place in society
• Exposure to the visual aspects of engineering design
• Exposure to engineering graphics projection of standard solid primitives
• Exposure to visualization of 3-D solid modeling
• Exposure to computer-aided geometric drafting
• Exposure to creating working drawings
Text Books
1 Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. and Ingle P.R., Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, 2014.
Shah, M.B. and Rana B.C., Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Pearson Education,
3 Agrawal B. and Agrawal C. M., Engineering Graphics, TMH Publication, 2012.

1 Narayana, K.L. and P Kannaiah, Text book on Engineering Drawing, Scitech Publishers, 2008.
Warren J. Luzzader, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
Fredderock E. Giesecke, Alva Mitchell others, Principles of Engineering Graphics, Maxwell
McMillan Publishing, 2010

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/103/112103019/
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/104/105104148/

CO-PO Mapping For Mechanical Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 1 2
CO2 2
CO3 3 1

The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

CO-PO Mapping For Civil Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 3 3 1 1
CO2 2
CO3 3 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B. Tech. (Mechanical, Civil, CSE,IT)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech. Sem. I/II
Course Code 7EE106
Course Name Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Desired Requisites: 12th Physics

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 3 Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial - 30 20 50 100
Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1 This course intends to summarize and solve electrical and magnetic circuits.
2 It imparts skill to identifying principles, construction and working of electrical machines.
To explain the difference between analog and digital electronic circuits.
To explain the working of diode circuits, transistorized and op-amp based amplifiers.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Explain principles, construction and working of electrical
II Understanding
CO2 Solve electrical and magnetic circuits. III Applying
CO3 Explain the fundamentals of digital electronics.
I Understanding
CO4 Solve the examples on digital circuits, diodes and transistors and
III Applying
Op-amp based circuits.

Module Module Contents Hours

Module 1: DC Circuits
Review of R-L-C- Electrical circuit elements, KCL and KVL. Star- delta
I 6
conversion, voltage and current sources. Thevenin, Norton and Superposition,
Maximum powers transfer Theorems
Module 2: AC Circuits
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak, RMS values, phasor
II representation real, reactive and apparent power. Analysis of single-phase, ac 6
circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC (series and parallel) circuits and
three-phase balanced circuits. Voltage and current relations in star and delta.
Module 3: Electrical Machines
Construction, working principle and types of DC generator and Motor. Speed-
Torque characteristics.
III Construction and working principle of single and three- phase induction motor. 6
Types, torque- speed characteristics
Magnetic circuits, Construction, working principle of single-phase transformer,
and types.

Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, AY
Module 4: Fundamentals of Digital Electronics
Boolean algebra, SOP and POS terms, K-map reduction technique, converting
IV AOI to NAND/NOR logic. Combinational Circuits: half adder and subtractor, 6
1-bit full adder and subtractor, 1-bit and 2-bit comparator, Sequential Circuits:
flip-flop, counters.
Module 5: Diodes and Transistors
P-N junction diode, diode characteristics, half-wave and full-wave rectifier,
clippers and clampers; Zener diode, LED, Photodiode and Solar Cell.
Introduction to sensors: Light and Temperature Sensors.
Transistor structure, types (BJT, FET and MOSFET), biasing methods,
transistor as a switch.
Module 6: Operational Amplifier
Basic op-amp configuration, op-amp powering, feedback in op-amp circuits,
VI 6
ideal op-amp circuits analysis, inverting, non-inverting amplifier, summing
amplifier, difference amplifier, unity gain buffer; IC555 timer.

1 D.C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 1st revised edition McGraw Hill, 2012.
2 D.P Kothari and I.J Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
3 B.L Theraja “A Textbook of Electrical Technology”, S Chand Publication, 2013.
4 R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
5 Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, 11th edition, “Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson,
6 Ramakant Gaikwad, “Op-amp and Linear Integrated Circuits”, 4th edition, Pearson, 2015.

1 V. D. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall India, 1989.
2 E. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson, 2010.
3 V. N. Mittle and Arvind Mittal, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
4 Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, Pearson, 4th edition, 2011
5 Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
6 Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated
Circuits”, 6th edition, PHI, 2009

Useful Links
Basic Electrical Technology, IISc Bangalore, by Prof. L. Umanand,
Basic Electrical Technology, IIT Kharagpur, by Prof. N.K. De, Prof. G.D. Roy, Prof. T.K.
Bhattacharya, “https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105053”
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur,by Prof. Debapriya Das ,
4 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101091
5 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 2 2
CO4 2 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.

Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, AY
The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on Three modules. (One and half modules from Electrical syllabus and one and
half modules from Electronics syllabus)
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules up to MSE and 60% weightage on
modules after MSE.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)

Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, AY
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech. SEM-I
Course Code 7ME101
Course Name Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Desired Requisites: NA

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 3Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial - 30 20 50 100
Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1 To engage students in analysing mechanisms used in Mechanical Engineering
2 To prepare the students for applying concepts of motion transmission using mechanisms and gears

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Understand the basic principle of mechanisms and stress II Understanding
CO2 Identify and classify gears based on their application III Applying
Describe the thermodynamic systems: power producing II Understanding
absorbing devices

Module Module Contents Hours

Conventional and nonconventional power plants
I Steam power plants, hydropower plant, four stroke and two stroke petrol and 7
diesel engines Diesel power plant, wind power plants
Study of mechanical systems
II pumps, compressors, refrigeration, and air conditioning system, hydraulic 6
and pneumatic systems.
Basic thermodynamics
III First and second law of thermodynamics. Gas processes, Cannot cycle, Otto 7
cycle, Joule cycle, Air standard efficiency, numerical on above

Basics of Machines and Mechanisms

Objective of kinematic analysis of mechanism, classification of links, pairs,
IV Basic terminology and kinematic symbols, kinematic chains, plane motion; 7
constraints and degrees of freedom, mechanism and machines, inversion of
mechanisms along with their practical applications.
Elements of Power Transmission - I
Gears: Classification and Basic terminology, Fundamental law of gearing,
V 6
the cycloidal and involute profile, standards in tooth forms, spur gears and
other types of gears
Elements of Power Transmission – II
VI Introduction to belt and chain drives, types of belt drives, shafts, keys, 6
couplings, sliding and rolling contact bearings

Text Books
1 Beer and Johnson, Mechanics of Materials, McGraw Hill, 6th Edition , 2013
2 S S Rattan, Theory of Machines, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2016
3 R,Yadav, Applied Thermodynamics, Central Publishing House, 3rd Edition, 2011

1 Den Hartog, Jacob P., Strength of Materials. Dover Publications Inc., 3rd Edidtion 1961
Yunus A Cengel and Michael Boles, Thermodynamics:An engineering approach, McGraw Hill, 9th
Edition, 2015

Useful Links
1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104188/
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC2SEiGaqoA
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112104304

CO-PO Mapping For Mechanical Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 1 2 2 3 1
CO2 1 3 2 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech.
Class | Semester First Year B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) | Semester I
Course Code 7CS106
Course Name Computer Programming (Python Programming)
Desired Requisites:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2 Hrs/ Week LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Interaction 1 Hrs/ Week 30 30 40 100
Credits: 2
Course Objectives
1 To understand problem solving and problem solving aspects.
2 To learn basics, features and future of Python programming.
To acquaint with data types, input output statements, decision making, looping, functions, array,
string, pointer, structure and union in Python.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Inculcate the various skills in Problem Solving. II Understand
CO2 Demonstrate significant experience with the Python
III Applying
CO3 To test and execute the Python programs and correct syntax and
IV Analyse
logical errors.
List of Experiments / Lab Activities/Topics

List of Topics (Applicable for Interaction Mode):

Module I: Basics of Problem Solving: General Problem Solving Concepts, Types of Problems,
Problem Solving Strategies. Program Design Tools: Algorithms, Flowcharts and Pseudo-Codes.
Module II: Python Programming: Writing and Executing Python Program, Variables, Keywords,
Identifiers, Constants, Operators & Expressions, Operators, Data Types.
Module III: Decision Control Statements: Conditional Statements: If, If-else, Nested If, If-elseif
Statements. Iterative Statements: While Loop, For Loop, Do While Loop, Break, Continue, Pass.
Module IV: Functions: Need, Definition, Call, Variable Scope, Return Statement, Lambda or
Anonymous Function. Modules: Definition, Introduction to packages in Python, Introduction to
standard library modules.
Module V: Strings and Operations: Concatenation, Appending, Multiplication and Slicing.
Strings are Immutable, Strings Formatting Operator.
Module VI: File Handling: Introduction, File path, Types of files, Opening and Closing files,
Reading and Writing files.

Course Contents for B. Tech Programme First Year, AY 2023-24

List of Experiments:
1. Program to simulate simple calculator that performs basic tasks such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
2. Program to demonstrate different operators and their order precedence.
3. Program to accept the number and Compute a) Square root of number, b) Square of number,
c) Cube of number d) Check for prime, d) factorial of number,
4. Program to accept a number from user and print digits of number in a reverse order.
5. Program to accept two numbers from user and compute smallest divisor and Greatest
Common Divisor of these two numbers.
6. Program to find whether the number is positive / negative / zero using conditional statement.
7. Programs to show different types of iteration / loop.
8. Program to accept N numbers from user and compute and display maximum in list, minimum
in list, sum and average of numbers.
9. Program to print the Fibonacci Series (with & without recursion).
10. Program to swap two number using function.
11. Program to accepts a string from user and perform following string operations, a) Calculate
length of string, b) String reversal, c) Check palindrome,
12. Program to demonstrate different file handling functions.
13. Program to copy contents of one file to other.

Reema Thareja, “Python Programming Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford University
Press, ISBN 13: 978-0-19-948017-6.
R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, Dreamtech Press; Second edition ISBN10:
938605230X, ISBN-13: 978-9386052308 ASIN: B07BFSR3LL.

Maureen Spankle, “Problem Solving and Programming Concepts”, Pearson; 9th edition, ISBN-
10: 9780132492645, ISBN-13: 978-0132492645.
Romano Fabrizio, “Learning Python”, Packt Publishing Limited, ISBN: 9781783551712,
Martin C. Brown, “Python: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education, ISBN-10:
9789387572942, ISBN-13: 978-9387572942, ASIN: 9387572943.
Jeeva Jose, P. Sojan Lal, “Introduction to Computing & Problem Solving with Python”,
4 Khanna Computer Book Store; First edition, ISBN-10: 9789382609810, ISBN-13: 978-

Useful Links
1 https://www.w3schools.com/python/
2 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-programming-language/

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2
CO2 1 2 2
CO3 2 1 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; where, 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO, and preferably to only one PO.

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Marks

Course Contents for B. Tech Programme First Year, AY 2023-24

Lab activities, During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
Submission Week 8
Lab activities, During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
Submission Week 16
Lab activities/ Lab Course Faculty and During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE submission/ External Examiner as Marks Submission at the end of 40
performance applicable Week 19
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.

Course Contents for B. Tech Programme First Year, AY 2023-24

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Civil & Mechanical)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem I &II
Course Code 7ME157
Course Name Engineering Graphics Lab
Desired Requisites: Basic Knowledge of Computer

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2Hrs/Week LA1 LA2 ESE Total
Interaction ---- 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To impart the techniques of engineering graphics.
2 To prepare the students for applying knowledge of engineering graphics in real life drawings.
3 To develop the skills of students for evaluating CAD software for its applications

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonom Taxonomy
y Level Description
CO1 Understand the basic principle of Engineering graphics. II Understanding
Draw different views of components using the first angle projection III Applying
Apply the knowledge of engineering graphics in real life III Applying

List of Experiments / Lab Activities

List of Experiments:
Submission of drawing on following topics (use of CAD software)
1: Plane Curves and Conic Sections (Min. 5 Problems)
2: Projections of Points and Lines (Min. 5 Problems)
3: Projections of Planes and Solids (Min. 6 Problems)
4: Development of Lateral Surfaces (Min. 3 Problems)
5: Orthographic Projections (Min. 2 Problems)
6: Isometric Projections (Min. 2 Problems)

Text Books
1 Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. and Ingle P.R., Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, 2014
Shah, M.B. and Rana B.C., Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Pearson Education,
3 Agrawal B. and Agrawal C. M., Engineering Graphics, TMH Publication, 2012.

1 Narayana, K.L. and P Kannaiah, Text book on Engineering Drawing, Scitech Publishers, 2008.
Warren J. Luzzader, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
Fredderock E. Giesecke, Alva Mitchell others, Principles of Engineering Graphics, Maxwell
McMillan Publishing, 2010

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/103/112103019/
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/104/105104148/

CO-PO Mapping For Mechanical Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 1 2
CO2 2
CO3 3 1

The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

CO-PO Mapping For Civil Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 3 3 1 1
CO2 2
CO3 3 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessmen Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Mark
t s
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 8
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 16
Lab Course
Lab activities, Faculty and
During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External 40
Marks Submission at the end of Week 19
performance Examiner as
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme First Year B. Tech. ( Mech, Civil, CSE, IT)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem I/II
Course Code 7EE156
Course Name Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab
Desired Requisites: 12th Physics

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 3 Hrs/ Week LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Interaction - 30 30 40 100
Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1 This course intends to demonstrate basic knowledge of Electrical engineering.
It intends to develop skills to recognize working principle, construction and types of electrical
3 This course intends to demonstrate basic knowledge of Electronics engineering.
To provide knowledge of electronic components and circuits to first year engineering students, so
that they can understand, design and implement simple analog / digital electronic circuits.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Describe basic concepts of electrical circuits and various theorems. II Understanding
CO2 Demonstrate the use of transformers and AC/DC machines. III Applying
CO3 Identify and explain use of electronics components and instruments. II Understanding
CO4 Construct digital IC, diode, transistor and op-amp based circuits. III Applying

List of Experiments / Lab Activities/Topics

List of Topics(Applicable for Interaction mode ): Electrical
1. To study AC and DC machines parts and their functions.
2. Study of AC/DC motor starters.
3. To study servo motor/ steeper motor with application.
4. Study of installation techniques using fuse, MCB and MCCB.
5. Measure voltage, current and power in single phase R-C series circuit.
6. Measure Voltage, current and power factor of 1-phase A.C R-L series circuit.

List of Lab Activities: Electrical

1. Electrical Safety Measures.
2. To study series-parallel RL, RC and RLC circuits
3. To verify KVL and KCL theorems.
4. To study speed control techniques of ac and dc machines.
5. To perform load test on transformer.
6. Find out equivalent resistance in series and parallel connection.

List of Lab Activities: Electronics

1. Identification of components and instruments required in lab to perform experiments in basic electronics
2. Realization of logic gates using basic building block (NAND/NOR).
3. Implementation of combinational and sequential logic circuit.
4. Study of half-wave and full-wave rectifier.
5. Study of diode-based clipper and clamper circuits
6. Study of transistor as a switch.
7. Study of inverting and non-inverting amplifier using op-amp.

Proposed Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical Engineering, AY 2023-24
1 D.C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 1 st revised editionMcGraw Hill, 2012.
2 D.P Kothari and I.J Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”,Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
3. R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, 11th edition, “Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson,
5. Ramakant Gaikwad, “Op-amp and Linear Integrated Circuits”, 4th edition, Pearson, 2015.

1 V. N. Mittle and Arvind Mittal, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 2 nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2 Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, Pearson, 4th edition, 2011
Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
Robert F. Coughlin and Frederick F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated
Circuits”, 6th edition, PHI, 2009

Useful Links
Virtual Labs ,An Initiative of Ministry of Education Under the National Mission on Education
through ICT,
1. https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-electrical-engineering
2. http://vlabs.iitkgp.ac.in/asnm/#
Virtual Labs, An Initiative of Ministry of Education Under the National Mission on Education
through ICT:Basic Electronics
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122106025

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3
CO2 3 2
CO3 3
CO4 3 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; where, 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO, and preferably to only one PO.

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Marks
Lab activities, During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
journal Week 8
Lab activities, During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
journal Week 16
Lab activities, Lab Course Faculty and During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External Examiner as Marks Submission at the end of 40
performance applicable Week 19
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.

Proposed Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical Engineering, AY 2023-24
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Mechanical)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem-I
Course Code 7ME151
Course Name Elements of Mechanical Engineering lab
Desired Requisites:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2Hrs/Week LA1 LA2 ESE Total
Interaction ---- 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To impart the techniques of Manufacturing Systems.
2 To prepare the students for applying knowledge of Mechanical engineering.
3 To develop the skills of students in basic Mechanical Engineering processes.

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
Understand the thermodynamic systems: power-producing I Remembering
absorbing devices.
Apply kinematics principles to estimate mobility parameters of III Applying
Understanding basic elements of power transmission in II Understanding
Mechanical systems

List of Experiments / Lab Activities

List of lab activities:
1. Study and demonstration of the steam power plant.
2. Study and demonstration of two-stroke internal combustion engines
3. Study and demonstration of four-stroke internal combustion engines
4. Study and demonstration of the refrigeration system.
5. Study and demonstration of air conditioning system.
6. Study and demonstration of pumps.
7. Study of basic mechanisms like four bar, slider crank, etc.
8. Estimation of degrees of freedom for given mechanism using Gruebeler’s criterion
9. Demonstration on type of gears and gear trains
10. Demonstration on type of belt drives
11. Demonstration on type of bearings
12 Study of gear tooth profiles

Text Books
1 Beer and Johnson, Mechanics of Materials, McGraw Hill, 6th Edition , 2013
2 S S Rattan, Theory of Machines, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2016
3 R,Yadav, Applied Thermodynamics, Central Publishing House, 3rd Edition, 2011

1 Den Hartog, Jacob P., Strength of Materials. Dover Publications Inc., 3rd Edidtion 1961
Yunus A Cengel and Michael Boles, Thermodynamics:An engineering approach, McGraw Hill,
9th Edition, 2015
3 Richard Crowson, "Introduction to Manufacturing Processes," McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.

Useful Links
1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104188/
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC2SEiGaqoA
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112104304

CO-PO Mapping For Mechanical Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 1 2
CO2 2
CO3 3 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessmen Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Mark
t s
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 8
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 16
Lab Course
Lab activities, Faculty and
During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External 40
Marks Submission at the end of Week 19
performance Examiner as
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B. Tech. (All Branches)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem.-I
Course Code 7VS152
Course Name Engineering Skills Laboratory
Desired Requisites: -

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2 Hrs/Week LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Interaction - 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To provide basic knowledge of handling electrical equipment and safety.
2 To impart skills to plan and implement simple electrical wiring.
To provide exposure to the students with hands on experience on various basic engineering
practices in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
4 To explain the working of small electronic gadget like electronic bell, emergency lamp etc.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Identify the instruments for measurement of electrical parameters. I Remembering
Illustrate working of switchgear for electrical safety and III Applying
CO3 Identify and explain the use of electronic instruments. II Understanding
CO4 Build and Test simple electronic gadget. III Applying

List of Experiments / Lab Activities/Topics

List of Lab Activities: (minimum 08 experiments)
Engineering Skills (Electrical)
Module 1:
i. Measurement of Electrical Parameters in DC Circuits.
ii. Measurement of Electrical Parameters in Single Phase AC Circuits.
Module 2:
i. Study of various types of wires and cables.
ii. Basic wiring schemes for residential and industrial applications.
iii. Demonstrate the operation of fuse, MCCB, ELCB
Module 3:
i. Preparation of Earthing Pit for Electrical Installation Safety.
ii. Dismantling, Assembly and Fault Finding of Ceiling Fans / Table Fans, Automatic Electric
Iron, Plate Tube Water Heater, Use of Megger.

Engineering Skills (Electronics)

Module 1: Introduction to Lab Instruments like CRO, Power supply, Oscillator, Multi meter. Frequency
measurement, AC-DC voltage measurement using CRO and multi meter

Module 2: Study of components (Resistance, capacitor, Diode, Transistor, Transformer, switches,

relays, PCB etc.) testing and lead identification

Module 3: Electronics Gadget building & testing (Gadget must work)

Proposed Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electronics Engineering, AY2021-22
1 Make: Electronics, by Charles Platt, Published by Maker Media, 2015
Electronics Projects For Dummies, by by Earl Boysen and Nancy Muir, Published by Wiley
Publishing, Inc., 2006
3 D.C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 1 st revised editionMcGraw Hill, 2012.
4 D.P Kothari and I.J Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”,Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.

1 Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill, “The Art of Electronics”, Cambridge University Press, 1989
2 E-learning material through Intranet/Internet
V. N. Mittle and Arvind Mittal, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 2 nd edition, Tata McGraw

Useful Links

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 1 2 1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1
CO3 2 1 1
CO4 2 1 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; where, 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO, and preferably to only one PO.

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%

Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Marks

Lab activities,
Lab Course During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 attendance, 30
Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 8
Lab activities, During Week 9 to Week 16
Lab Course
LA2 attendance, Marks Submission at the end of Week 16 30
Lab Course During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab activities, Faculty and Marks Submission at the end of Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External 40
performance Examiner as
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.

Proposed Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electronics Engineering, AY2021-22
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Civil/ Mechanical)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem- II
Course Code 7MA102
Course Name Engineering Mathematics –II (Civil/Mech)
Desired Requisites: Mathematics course at Higher Secondary Junior College

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 3 Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial 1 Hrs/week 30 20 50 100
Credits: 04

Course Objectives
1 Familiarize the students with techniques in multivariate integration and Differential equation.
Awareness about Mathematics fundamental necessary to solve and analyse the Engineering
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1 Understand the Mathematical Tools that are needed to solve Engineering problem Understanding

CO2 Solve the problems in multivariable calculus, Applying

CO3 Apply the statistical technique to interpret the data Applying


Module Module Contents Hours

Beta-Gamma Functions: 6
Definition of Beta, Gamma functions and properties of Beta Gamma functions
Curve tracing 5
II Tracing of curves for Cartesian and polar coordinate
Multivariable Calculus: 8
Multiple Integrals: Double integrals, change of order of integration, change of
III variables (Cartesian to polar) Evaluation of triple integrals, Application of
Multiple integrals such as Area enclosed by plane curves, Mass of lamina,
Volume of solid.
Linear Differential equations of nth order with constant coefficient: 8
IV Linear Differential equation with constant coefficient, Complementary
function, Particular Integral, Homogeneous Linear Differential equation
Applications of L.D.E with constant coefficient:
V Applications of L.D.E with constant coefficient to Civil and Mechanical
Engineering 5

VI Correlation, Linear regression, Curve fitting (a) straight line (b) logarithmic
curve, 7

P. N. and J. N. Wartikar, “A Text Book of Applied Mathematics”, Vol I and II”, Vidyarthi
Griha Prakashan, Pune, 2006
2 B .S. Grewal , “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publication, 44th Edition , 2017.
S.C. Gupta, “Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics and probability”, Sultan chand

Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley Eastern Limited Publication,
2015, 10th Edition
Wylie C.R, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 8th Edition,
H. K. Dass , “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., 1st Edition 2014.
4 S. S. Sastry, “Engineering Mathematics (Volume-I)”, Prentice Hall Publication, 3rd Edition

Useful Links
1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgItZSst2sU
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105121
CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 2 1
CO2 2 1
CO3 2 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.
The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Civil /Mech)
Class, Semester First Year B.Tech., Sem I / II
Course Code 7PH101
Course Name Engineering Physics (Civil /Mech)
Desired Requisites: Students are expected to know the basic concept in Physics.

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 03Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial 0 Hrs/week 30 20 50 100
Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1 To provide basic concepts to solve many engineering and technical issues.
2 To give deep insights into the understanding of engineering courses.
3 To encourage them to understand engineering and technical development.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Descriptor
Exhibit memory of previously learned information by recal
ling facts, terms, basic concepts in Wave Optics, Modern
Physics and Quantum Mechanics, Ultrasonic, 1 Remembering
Semiconductors, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by recalling,
CO2 2 Understanding
comparing, interpreting for all terms in these modules.
Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired
CO3 knowledge, facts, techniques and rules for various concepts 3 Applying
in a different way.
Module Module Contents Hours
Wave optics: Introduction, interference of light, Newton’s rings,
Fresnel’s diffraction: Fresnel’s half-period zones, zone plate and
I 6
diffraction at a straight edge. Fraunhofer’s diffraction: Diffraction due
to single slit, Diffraction due to double slits, Plane diffraction grating.
Modern Physics and Quantum mechanics: Introduction, black body
radiation, Planck’s quantum theory, Wien’s displacement law and
Rayleigh – Jeans law, phase velocity, group velocity and particle
II velocity, de-Broglie’s hypothesis, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, 8
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and applications, wave function and
physical significance, Schrödinger’s wave equation: time dependent and
time independent, Eigen value and Eigen function.
Ultrasonic: Introduction, generation of ultrasonic waves
(Magnetostriction and Piezoelectric method), detection of ultrasonic
III waves by Kundt’s tube, thermal detection and sensitive flame method, 6
velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquid, applications of ultrasonic waves
in scientific and engineering field.
Semiconductors: Introduction, formation of energy bands,
classification of solid on basis of band theory, number levels in a band,
IV density of states, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Fermi level, variation of Fermi 7
level with temperature, electrical conductivity of metal and
semiconductor, Hall effect, basic concept of p-n junction.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Introduction to nano-science and nanotechnology, Surface to volume
ratio, Two main approaches in nanotechnology -Bottom up technique and
top down technique. Nano materials: Methods to synthesize 6
nanomaterials (Ball milling, Sputtering, Vapour deposition, sol gel),
properties and applications of nanomaterials. Applications of
nanomaterials, Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes and its applications.
Acoustics: Introduction, Types of Acoustics, reverberation and
reverberation time, absorption power and absorption coefficient,
VI Requisites for acoustics in auditorium, Sabine’s formula, measurement
of absorption coefficient, factors affecting the acoustics and remedial
measures, Noise and its Measurements, Sound Insulation and its
measurements. Impact of Noise in Multi-storied buildings.

1 M. N. Avadhanulu and P. G. Kshirsagar, “A Text book of Engineering Physics”, S.Chand Pub.
2 R. K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta “Engineering Physics”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2011

1 Halliday, Resnic and Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, John Wiley, 9th edition 2011.
2 A. Beiser, “Concepts of Modern Physics”, McGraw Hill International, 5th edition, 2003.
3 Ajoy Ghatak, “Optics”, Tata McGraw Hill 5th edition, 2012.
4 Charles P.Poole and Frank J. Owner, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Wiley India.
5 G. Cao “Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”
Imperial College Press, 2004.

Useful Links
1 For optics https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122/107/122107035/
2 For Quantum Physics https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122/106/122106034/
3 For Ultrasonic https://freevideolectures.com/course/3531/engineering-physics-i/8
4 For Solid State Physics https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115/105/115105099/
5 For Introduction to Nanotechnology https://youtu.be/ebO38bbq0_4
6 For acoustics https://youtu.be/fHBPvMDFyO8
CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.
The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can be
Tests, assignments, oral, seminar etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 30 - 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60 - 70% weightage
on modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in ESE
are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Civil and Mechanical Engineering )
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem I/II
Course Code 7AM101
Course Name Engineering Mechanics
Desired Requisites: Physics, Mathematics

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 3 Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial --- 30 20 50 100
Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1 To impart knowledge on fundamentals of mechanics
2 To provide knowledge of basic concepts and system of forces in statics and dynamics
3 To illustrate the principles of mechanics in engineering applications
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Explain concept & principles of forces with respect to engineering
II Understanding
CO2 Apply the concepts of force, stresses and strains for analysis of
III Applying
trusses and solid bodies
CO3 Apply the concepts of Newton’s laws of motion, D’Alemberts
III Applying
principles to solve problems related to dynamic system

Module Module Contents Hours

Fundamentals, Systems, Composition and Resolution, Resultant of planar
I 8
force systems. Free Body Diagram, Laws of Forces, Varignon’s Theorem,
Lami’s Theorem
Equilibrium conditions, Concept of determinacy and indeterminacy
II 7
Beams: Types of Supports, Loads and Reactions
Principle of Virtual Work and its applications to statically determinate beams
Centroid and Moment of Inertia
III Centre of gravity and Centroid, Moment of Inertia of Plane figure, Composite 5
Sections, Radius of gyration, Mass-Moment of Inertia
Plane Trusses
Pin-jointed statically determinate plane trusses: Assumptions, imperfect,
IV 5
perfect and redundant trusses, Analysis by Method of joints, method of
Concept of Stress and Strain:
Normal and shear stress and strain, State of stress at a point, Stress strain
V 8
curve, Hook's law, Modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, Modulus of rigidity,
Bulk modulus

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Applied Mechanics Department, AY2023-24

Dynamics of Particles:
Rectilinear Motion, Motion of Projectile, Kinetics – Newton’s laws of
VI motion, D’Alemberts principle, Applications to rough inclined plane, lift, and 7
connected bodies, Collisions: Impact, Collision of bodies, Coefficient of
Restitution, Loss of Kinetic Energy due to Impact

Ramamrutham., S. “Textbook of Applied Mechanics”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company
Limited, 2008.
Bhavikatti., S. S. and Rajashekarappa., K. G. “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age
International Publishers, 2015, 5th Edition.
Beer, F. P. and Johnston, E. R. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers Vol. I and II”, McGraw Hill
Company Publication, 2011, 9th Edition.

1 Singer, F. L. “Engineering Mechanics Statics & Dynamics”, B. S. Publications, 2011.
Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H. “Engineering Mechanics”, McGraw Hill Companies, 2008,
4th Edition.
Meriam, L. and L.G. Kraige, “Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics”, John Wiley & Sons, 2002,
6th Edition.
4 F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, Mechanics of materials, McGraw-Hill International

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112106286
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yt3I4bP-90

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3
CO2 3 1
CO3 3 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.

The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Applied Mechanics Department, AY2023-24

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B. Tech. (Mechanical)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech. Sem. I/II
Course Code 7CV106
Course Name Basic Civil Engineering.
Desired Requisites: Nil

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 2 Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial - 30 20 50 100
Credits: 2

Course Objectives
To, familiarize with Building Systems and Sustainable Construction: Students will gain knowledge
about building systems, including structural systems and their various components and functions.
To introduce students to different types of construction equipment used on construction sites,
enhancing their understanding of efficient project execution and management.
To, acquire Proficiency in Surveying, Construction Materials, and Equipment: Through this course,
students will develop practical skills in surveying techniques and measurement methods. They will
also gain insights into various construction materials, their properties, and applications in civil
engineering projects.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Identify different types of building systems, their components, and
II Knowledge
CO2 Describe the importance of smart cities in modern urban Understandin
development and its challenges. g
CO3 Select appropriate construction equipment based on project
III Apply
requirements and constraints.

Module Module Contents Hours

Introduction to Civil Engineering
Scope of civil engineering, Disciplines of civil engineering, Role of Civil Engineers
in infrastructure development, Building Systems: Conceptualization, Need for
I buildings, Defining Sustainability for Building systems, Structural systems; Load 5
bearing, Framed, Prefabricated, Pre Engineered Construction, Loads on Building,
Components in Buildings and their functions, building bye laws, Principle of building
Surveying and Construction Materials
Principles of surveying, Distance measurement, Levelling,
II 5
Construction materials and classification, Properties and uses of stone, brick, tile,
timber, cement, sand, lime, mortar, concrete, bitumen and steel
Construction Equipment
Necessity of Construction Equipment and types, Earth moving equipment: Excavator,
III bulldozer, and loader, Material handling equipment: Cranes, hoists, and conveyors. 4
Concrete equipment: Concrete pumps, mixers, and vibrators, Asphalt equipment:
Asphalt pavers and compactors.
Transportation Engineering
Modes of surface transport, Functional Classification of Highway Systems, Typical
IV 4
Cross section of a Highway.
Introduction to Railways, Airport, Docks and Harbours, functions, types, layouts

Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Civil Engineering, AY 2023-24

Hydraulic Structures
Sources of water,
V 4
Hydraulic structures: Dam, Reservoir, Barrage, Weirs, Canal, Hydropower plant,
Irrigation systems
Smart Cities
The Challenge of Urbanization, Sustainable environment
VI 4
Smart city: Infrastructure elements, Features, Strategic components of development,
The Process of Selection, Smart Cities in India, A typical smart city in India

1 Bhavikatti S.S “Basic Civil Engineering”, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
2 B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, and Arun Kumar Jain “Surveying Vol. I and II”
3 S.K. Garg Water Supply Engineering, Khanna Publishers, 15th edition
4 Hirasakar G. K., “Basic Civil Engineering”, DhanpatRai publications, 1st Edition,2007

Robert Peurifoy, Clifford J. Schexnayder, Aviad Shapira, Construction Planning, Equipment and
Methods, McGraw Hill Education, 7th edition, 2010
Smart Cities Mission Statement & Guidelines, Ministry of Urban Development Government of

Useful Links

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.

The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of a teacher’s assessment. The mode of assessment
can be field visits, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed, and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)

Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Civil Engineering, AY 2023-24

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech. SEM-II
Course Code 7ME102
Course Name Manufacturing Systems
Desired Requisites:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture 3Hrs/week MSE ISE ESE Total
Tutorial - 30 20 50 100
Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1 To impart the techniques of Manufacturing Systems.
2 To prepare the students for applying knowledge of Mechanical engineering.
3 To develop the skills of students in basic Mechanical Engineering processes.

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy
CO1 Recall the basic principle of Mechanical Engineering domain. I Remember
CO2 Understand the application areas of manufacturing systems. II Understanding
Apply the knowledge of Manufacturing Systems in real life III Applying

Module Module Contents Hours

Introduction to Measurement Techniques
I Introduction to Dimensional Measurements, measuring instruments such as 6
calipers, micrometers, gauges , limits, fits tolerance, reading of job drawing.
Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
Basics of conventional Manufacturing Processes such as Turning, Milling,
II 6
Drilling, Grinding, casting etc. Its classifications, Working Principles,
Materials, Advantages and Disadvantages.
Introduction to Joining and Fabrication Processes
Basics of joining and fabrication processes such as Welding, Cutting,
Bending, Brazing, Soldering, Adhesive Bonding. Its classifications, Working
Principles, Materials, Advantages and Disadvantages.
Introduction to Non-Conventional Machining
Definition and significance of NCM in modern manufacturing, Comparison
IV with conventional machining processes: advantages and limitations, 7
Overview of various NCM techniques such as EDM, LBM, ECM, WJM, USM,
AJM etc. and their applications.
Background of Manufacturing Systems and Its Support Systems
Computer applications in Design and manufacture, Design Process :
V 6
Introduction to Design Process / Materials , Processes, Product Mix / Specs
/ Classification / Architecture, Conceptual Design, Generation.
Introduction to Automation
VI Automation in production system, Automation principles and strategies, 7
Elements of Automated system., Advanced automation function, Levels of
Automation, Arguments for and against automation.
Module wise Measurable Students Learning Outcomes :
The student will learn :
• Different engineering measurement techniques.
• basic manufacturing techniques applicable for production.
• Different joining and fabrication techniques.
• high-precision non-conventional machining processes.
• Background of design processes using CAD.
• automation in manufacturing.
Text Books
Katsundo Hitomi, Manufacturing Systems Engineering: A Unified Approach to Manufacturing
Technology, Production Management and Industrial Economics, 2017
2 Jeff Hansen, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Willford Press, 2017
Mikell P. Groover, "Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems,"
Wiley, 2015.

Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology," Pearson,
George F. Schrader and Ahmad K. Elshennawy, "Fundamentals of Manufacturing," Society of
Manufacturing Engineers, 2012.
3 Richard Crowson, "Introduction to Manufacturing Processes," McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.

Useful Links
1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104188/
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC2SEiGaqoA
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112104304

CO-PO Mapping For Mechanical Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 1 2
CO2 2
CO3 3 1

The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

The assessment is based on MSE, ISE and ESE.
MSE shall be typically on modules 1 to 3.
ISE shall be taken throughout the semester in the form of teacher’s assessment. Mode of assessment can
be field visit, assignments etc. and is expected to map at least one higher order PO.
ESE shall be on all modules with around 40% weightage on modules 1 to 3 and 60% weightage on
modules 4 to 6.
For passing a theory course, Min. 40% marks in (MSE+ISE+ESE) are needed and Min. 40% marks in
ESE are needed. (ESE shall be a separate head of passing)
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech.
Class, Semester First Year B.Tech., Sem I &II
Course Code 7PH155
Course Name Engineering Physics Lab.
Desired Requisites: Students are expected to know the basic practical knowledge up to HSC
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)
Lecture - LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Tutorial - 30 30 40 100
Practical 2 Hrs/week
Interaction - Credits: 1
Course Objectives
To gain practical knowledge by applying the experimental methods to correlate with
the physics theory.
2 To learn the usage of electrical and optical systems for various measurements.
3 To Apply the analytical techniques and graphical analysis to the experimental data.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
Calculate the diameter of the thin wire, Planck’s constant, Refractive index
of liquid / radius of curvature of Plano convex lens , Specific rotation of
CO1 optical active substances, I-V characteristics of Semiconductor diode, Applying
Velocity of sound in air, Calculate R.T for specific hall/auditorium, Verify
the expression for the resolving power of a telescope
Demonstrate Hartley and Colpitt’s oscillator and simulation , Wavelength of
CO2 Applying
light by Plane diffraction grating, Wavelength of light by He-Ne LASER
List of Experiments / Lab Activities.
List of Experiments/ Lab Activities- Any Eight Experiments
1 Find the diameter of the thin wire by diffraction of the light
2 Determination of wavelength of light by plane diffraction grating.
3 Determine the Specific rotation of sugar solution
4 Find the wavelength of He-Ne Laser using Plane diffraction grating.
5 Verify the expression for the resolving power of a telescope.
6 Measure the wavelength of ultrasonic waves by Kundt’s tube method.
7 Design and simulate Colpitt’s & Hartley Oscillator.
8 Determine the Planck’s constant.
9 Study the I-V characteristic of semiconductor diode.
10 Newton’s ring: Determination of wavelength of light and refractive index of liquid /radius of
curvature of Plano convex lens
11 To calculate the reverberation time of specific hall.
12 Determination of Fermi energy of copper using a Wheatstone bridge.
Text Books
1 C. L. Arora “Practical Physics” S. Chand & Co Edition 2009.
2 P.R. Sasi Kumar “Practical Physics”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd 1st edition 2011.
1 Halliday, Resnic and Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, John Wiley, 9th edition 2011.
2 A. Beiser, “Concepts of Modern Physics”, McGraw Hill International, 5th edition, 2003.
3 Ajoy Ghatak, “Optics”, Tata McGraw Hill 5th edition, 2012.
Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115/105/115105121/
2 https://www.iitg.ac.in/cet/nptel.html
3 https://youtu.be/imHvRBOMg84
CO-PO Mapping For All B.Tech. Programs
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1 1
CO2 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High
Assessment (for Lab. Course)
There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing. LA1, LA2 together is treated as In-Semester Evaluation.
Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule (for 26-week Sem) Marks
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 1 to Week 6
LA1 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 6
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 7 to Week 12
LA2 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 12
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 15 to Week 18
Lab ESE 40
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 18
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. The typical schedule of lab assessments is shown, considering a
26-week semester. The actual schedule shall be as per academic calendar. Lab activities/Lab performance shall
include performing experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming and other suitable
activities, as per the nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10
Assessment Plan based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Remember 10 10 15 35
Understand 10 10 10 30
Apply 10 10 15 35
Analyze 0 0 0 0
Evaluate 0 0 0 0
Create 0 0 0 0
Total 30 30 40 100
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-2024
Course Information
Programme First Year B. Tech
Class, Semester Sem I and Sem II
Course Code 7HS101
Course Name Communication & Generic skills
Desired Requisites: 10+2 level English

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Lecture --- LA1 LA2 ESE Total
Tutorial --- 30 30 40 100
Practical 2Hrs/week
Interaction 1Hr/week Credits: 2

Course Objectives
1 Enable the students to communicate with clarity and precision.
Prepare the students to acquire structure of Oral and written expression required for
their profession and enable them to acquire proper behavioural skills
Provide relevant knowledge about generic skills, its importance and enable them to
3 understand personal attributes like commitment, loyalty, ethical values, team building,
and ensure exposure to personal growth.
Infuse the ability to positively consider other’s views and to work effectively in teams
and teach them self-management skills, problem solving skills and technological skills.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
CO1 Communicate clearly, precisely and competently in different scenario Apply
Acquire basic proficiency in English including reading and listening
CO2 Understand
comprehension, writing and speaking skills.
Practice Lifelong Learning (LLL) with positive attitude. loyalty,
CO3 commitment, reliability, self-development and manage himself/herself Apply
physically, intellectually and psychologically.
Work ethically and effectively as a team member, manage tasks
CO4 Apply
effectively and apply knowledge to solve problems.

Module Module Contents Hours

Module 1: Introduction to communicative English
2. Elements
I 4.Types 02
6.Need to develop good interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
7.Developing effective Listening Skills (types, Barriers, listening and
note making)
Module2: Communicative Grammar & Developing advanced.
1.Modal verbs, non-modal verbs ,semi-modal verbs
2.Question tags
3.Misplaced Modifiers
5.Phrasal verbs
II Vocabulary: 05
1. Connectives,
2. Prefixes and suffixes,
3.Synonyms and Antonyms
4.one-word substitutions ,
5.Re-arranging Jumbled sentences

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Department of Humanities and Science, AY 2023-24
Module 3 : Formal Communication Skills
a. Oral skills: Developing non-verbal skills.
1.Extempore /Public Speaking Skills ( speeches)
2.Group Presentation
3.Individual Presentations
III 05
b. Written Skills:
1.Paragraph Writing
2.Comprehension passage
3.Inter-office communication – Memorandums ,Circulars
4.Report Writing
Module 4: Introduction to Generic Skills
a. Importance of Generic Skill Development (GSD)
IV b. Global and Local Scenario of GSD 01
c. Lifelong Learning (LLL) and associated importance of GSD.
Module 5: Self-management skills
1. Knowing Self for Self-Development. (01 hrs)
a. Self-concept.
b. Attitude,
c. Self-esteem.
d. Self-confidence.
e. Self-motivation.
2 Personal Attributes (02 hrs)
a. Loyalty.
b. Commitment.
c. Honesty and integrity. 07
d. Reliability.
e. Enthusiasm.
f. Balanced attitude while studying, working and home life.
3. Managing Self – Physical (02 hrs)
a. Personal grooming.
b. Health, Hygiene.
c. Time Management.
4. Managing Self – Psychological (02 hrs)
a. Stress, Emotions, Anxiety- concepts and significance.
b. Exercises related to stress management.
c. Techniques to manage the above.
Module 6: Teamwork Skills
1. Team Building (01 hrs.)
Definition, hierarchy, team dynamics.
2. Team related skills. (02 hrs)
a. Sympathy, empathy.
b. co-operation, concern, lead and negotiate.
c. work well with people from culturally diverse background.
3. Technological Skills. (02 hrs.)
a. Task Initiation, Task Planning, Task execution, Task close out 07
VI b. Exercises/case studies on task planning towards development of
skills for task management.
4. Problem Solving skills. (02 hrs.)
a. Prerequisites of problem solving- meaningful learning, ability to
apply knowledge in problem solving.
b. Different approaches for problem solving.
c. Steps followed in problem solving.
d. Exercises/case studies on problem solving.

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Department of Humanities and Science, AY 2023-24
Text Books
Textbook: Sanjay Kumar, Pushpalata, Communication Skills, Oxford University Press,
First edition ,2012

Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw Hills publishing
Company 2006
William Sanborn Pfeiffer, T.V.S. Padmaja, Technical Communication: A Practical
Approach, Pearson, Sixth Edition 2012
3 Exercises in Spoken English, Parts 1 and II CIEFL, Hyderabad, Oxford University Press

Useful Links
1 www.oupinheonline.com
2 www.scitechpublications.com

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 2 2
CO4 2 3
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO.

The assessment is based on two In-semester evaluations (LA) of 30 marks each, one End-semester
examination (ESE) of 40 marks.
LA1 and LA2 are based on the modules taught (typically Module 1-3) and ESE is based on all modules with
30-40% weightage on modules before LA1 and 60-70% weightage on modules LA2.

Assessment Plan based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level LA1 LA2 ESE Total
Understand 10 10 10 30
Apply 20 20 30 60
Total 30 30 40 100

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Department of Humanities and Science, AY 2023-24
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (All Branches)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem I/II
Course Code 7AM155
Course Name Engineering Mechanics Lab
Desired Requisites: Engineering Mechanics

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2 Hrs/ Week LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Interaction --- 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To provide hands on practice for the conduct of experiments to verify the principles of mechanics
2 To demonstrate the graphical methods to verify the analytical solutions

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Demonstrate verification of laws and basic principles of mechanics
III Applying
through experiments.
CO2 Apply graphical method to solve problems on force system, beams,
III Applying
and frames.

List of Experiments / Lab Activities/Topics

List of Experiments :

1. Verification of law of triangle of forces

2. Verification of law of polygon of forces
3. Determination of support reactions for Simply Supported Beam
4. Verification of the principle of moments using Bell crank lever apparatus
5. Determination of the coefficient of friction for motion on horizontal plane
6. Determination of the coefficient of friction for motion on inclined plane
7. Analysis of concurrent and non-concurrent coplanar force system by graphical method
8. Analysis of statically determinate beams by graphical method
9. Analysis of pin jointed perfect plane frames by graphical method

1 Lab Manual Link - https://atifmohd077.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/em-lab-manual-1.pdf
Lab Manual Links - https://jecassam.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/1_Engineering-
Bhavikatti., S. S. and Rajashekarappa., K. G. “Engineering Mechanics”, New Age International
Publishers, 2015, 5th Edition.

Ramamrutham., S. “Textbook of Applied Mechanics”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company
Limited, 2008.
Beer, F. P. and Johnston, E. R. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers Vol. I and II”, McGraw Hill
Company Publication, 2011, 9th Edition.
R. K. Bansal “Engineering Mechanics” Laxmi Publications,ltd.

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Applied Mechanics Department, AY2023-24

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112106286
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yt3I4bP-90
3 https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-civil-engineering
4 Virtual Lab link by IIT Mumbai - http://vlabs.iitb.ac.in/vlab/labsme.html

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 1
CO2 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; where, 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO, and preferably to only one PO.

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Marks
Lab activities, During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
journal Week 8
Lab activities, During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
journal Week 16
Lab activities, Lab Course Faculty and During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External Examiner as Marks Submission at the end of 40
performance applicable Week 19
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.

Course Contents for BTech Programme, Applied Mechanics Department, AY2023-24

Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B. Tech. (Mechanical)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem I
Course Code 7CV156
Course Name Basic Civil Engineering Lab
Desired Requisites:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2 Hrs/ Week LA1 LA2 Lab ESE Total
Interaction - 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To introduce students to fundamental civil engineering experiments and procedures.
2 To develop practical skills in handling civil engineering equipment and instruments.
To promote teamwork, problem-solving, and analytical skills while conducting experiments and
interpreting results.
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
CO1 Demonstrate identification and reading ability of elements in building
II Understanding
CO2 Examine the material properties and comment on their quality. III Applying
CO3 Use surveying equipment to measure distance and area. III Applying

List of Experiments / Lab Activities/Topics

List of Topics (Applicable for Interaction mode):
1. Study and identify basic elements in
i) Site plan,
ii) Plan, elevation and section of a residential building
2. Study water supply and sanitation plan of a residential building
3. Field tests on brick
4. Field tests on cement
5. Measurement of horizontal distances by using tape and pedometer
6. Measurement of horizontal angles by using prismatic compass
7. Area measurement by planimeter
8. Determination of levels by Dumpy Level/Auto level
9. Demonstration of total station
10. Study of any two construction equipment

1 Hirasakar G. K., “Basic Civil Engineering”, DhanpatRai publications, 1st Edition,2007
2 Gole L.G., “Introduction to Civil Engineering”, Mahu Publisher House, 4th Edition, 2005
3 Bhavikatti S.S., “Basic Civil Engineering”, New Age Publications, 2010

1 Duggal S.K., “Surveying (Vol I)”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition 2013
2 Bindra S.P., Arora S.P. , “Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai publication, 5th edition, 2012

Useful Links

Proposed Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical Engineering, AY 2023-24
CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 1
CO2 3 1
CO3 2
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; where, 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
Each CO of the course must map to at least one PO, and preferably to only one PO.

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Marks
Lab activities, During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
journal Week 8
Lab activities, During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 attendance, Lab Course Faculty Marks Submission at the end of 30
journal Week 16
Lab activities, Lab Course Faculty and During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External Examiner as Marks Submission at the end of 40
performance applicable Week 19
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.

Proposed Course Contents for B. Tech. Programme, Department of Electrical Engineering, AY 2023-24
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. (Mechanical)
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech., Sem-II
Course Code 7ME152
Course Name Manufacturing Systems Lab
Desired Requisites:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2Hrs/Week LA1 LA2 ESE Total
Interaction ---- 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To impart the techniques of Manufacturing Systems.
2 To prepare the students for applying knowledge of Mechanical engineering.
3 To develop the skills of students in basic Mechanical Engineering processes.

Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonom Taxonomy
y Level Description
Recall the basic working principles of Manufacturing and I Remembering
CO2 Understand the basic design process and its applications. II Understanding
Apply the knowledge of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in III Applying
real life applications.

List of Experiments / Lab Activities

List of Experiments:
1. Demonstration of basic conventional machining and manufacturing systems. (2 Practicals)
2. Demonstration of Non-Conventional manufacturing techniques. (2 Practicals)
3. Demonstration of metrology measurement techniques. (2 Practicals)
4. Drawing of dimensioning and tolerancing sheet. (2 Practicals)
5. Demonstration of automation lab. (2 Practicals)
6. Demonstration of 3D modelling and PLM techniques. (3 Practicals)

Text Books
Katsundo Hitomi, Manufacturing Systems Engineering: A Unified Approach to Manufacturing
Technology, Production Management and Industrial Economics, 2017
2 Jeff Hansen, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Willford Press, 2017
Mikell P. Groover, "Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems,"
Wiley, 2015.

Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology," Pearson,
George F. Schrader and Ahmad K. Elshennawy, "Fundamentals of Manufacturing," Society of
Manufacturing Engineers, 2012.
3 Richard Crowson, "Introduction to Manufacturing Processes," McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.

Useful Links
1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104188/
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC2SEiGaqoA
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112104304

CO-PO Mapping For Mechanical Engineering Department

Programme Outcomes (PO) PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 2 1 1 2
CO2 2
CO3 3 1

The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing.(min 40 %), LA1+LA2 should be min 40%
Assessmen Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule Mark
t s
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 1 to Week 8
LA1 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 8
Lab activities, Lab Course During Week 9 to Week 16
LA2 30
attendance, journal Faculty Marks Submission at the end of Week 16
Lab Course
Lab activities, Faculty and
During Week 18 to Week 19
Lab ESE journal/ External 40
Marks Submission at the end of Week 19
performance Examiner as
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. Lab activities/Lab performance shall include performing
experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings, programming, and other suitable activities, as per the
nature and requirement of the lab course. The experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments and
related activities if any.
Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
(Government Aided Autonomous Institute)
AY 2023-24
Course Information
Programme B.Tech. All Branches
Class, Semester First Year B. Tech. SEM-I & II
Course Code 7VS151
Course Name Engineering Skills (Mechanical/Civil) Lab
Desired Requisites:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)

Practical 2Hrs/Week LA1 LA2 ESE Total
Interaction - 30 30 40 100
Credits: 1

Course Objectives
1 To train the students to use different tools and equipments involved in the manufacturing processes
To develop the skills to handle the basic cutting tools and devices required for various
manufacturing processes, interpret the given job drawing, select relevant fitting tools
3 To prepare the students to carry out the various operations to make a finished product
To prepare approximate Estimate of material requirement in constructed structure and to calculate
Course Outcomes (CO) with Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
Bloom’s Bloom’s
CO Course Outcome Statement/s Taxonomy Taxonomy
Level Description
Illustrate the simple mechanical systems, machines, equipment, the II Understanding
basic working of cutting tools for manufacturing.
CO2 Use of Fitting tools, job holding devices, measuring tools III Apply
CO3 Defining the building line out and masonry construction. II Understanding
CO4 calculate the FSI and terminologies related to building plan. III Apply
CO5 Estimate the material requirement in constructed structure. II Apply
CO6 Sketch building plan. II Apply

List of Experiments / Lab Activities

List of Experiments [Mechanical]:
1. Introduction to woodworking,the hand tools required and machines:
Perform Planing operation,Cutting by chisel to prepare small wooden job [Square joint type] (4 Hrs)
2. Introduction to fitting shop tools, equipment/machines:
Job consisting of male and female parts viz.one with groove, another with matching
projection,holes on both and their assembly, as per given job drawing.
operations to be performed:Marking,Punching,Sawcutting,Drilling, Edge filing operations (6 Hrs.)
3. Introduction to sheet metal work : Job of small sheet metal tray as per given job drawing with
following operations: Marking,Cutting,bending/folding (4 Hrs.)

List of Experiments [Civil]:

1. Establishing verticality right angle corner level difference in masonry construction (2 Hrs)
2. Line out building plan on site (2 Hrs)
3. Estimate quantities/ material (4Hrs)
a) Brickwork
b) Concrete component
c) Flooring
4. Sketching of building plan and calculation of FSI (2Hrs)

Text Books [Mechanical]

1 Raghuwanshi B. S.,”A Course in Workshop Technology I”,Dhanpat Rai Publications,10th Ed.,2009
S. K. Hajra Choudhury and A. K. HajraChoudhary,“Workshop Technology” – Vol I [Manufacturing
Processes]”,Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 10th edition, reprint 2001
Bawa . H S . “Workshop Practice, ” McGraw Hill Education, Noida, 2nd edition ,2009
ISBN-13: 978-0070671195
Gupta, J. K . ; Khurmi , “A Textbook of Manufacturing Process” (Workshop Tech.) R S S Chand
and Co., New Delhi,2020, ISBN:81-219-3092-8
Singh Rajender, “Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Process and Workshop Technology ”,New
Age International, New Delhi; 2014, ISBN: 978-81-224-3070-7
References [Mechanical]
W.A.J. Chapman, “Workshop Technology Volume I”, CBS Publishing & Distributors, Delhi.
[ISBN-13:9788123904016] 2001
2 Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology”, Vol. I and Vol. II, Tata McGraw Hill House,2017
3 Gowri P. Hariharan and A. Suresh Babu, “Manufacturing Technology – I” Pearson Education, 2008
Text Books [Civil]
1. Hirasakar G. K., “Basic Civil Engineering”, DhanpatRai publications, 1st Edition,2007
2. Gole L.G., “Introduction to Civil Engineering”, Mahu Publisher House, 4th Edition, 2005
3. Bhavikatti S.S., “Basic Civil Engineering”, New Age Publications, 2010

References [Civil]
1 Duggal S.K., “Surveying (Vol I)”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition 2013
2 Bindra S.P., Arora S.P. , “Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai publication, 5th edition, 2012

Useful Links
1 https://www.vlab.co.in/broad-area-mechanical-engineering
2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tp5yV2ghp_Slub58S7iKnvvJyoEwQVYq/view
3 https://www.youtube.com/@workshop.supdtjmdabir5653
4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPaBULgRRuM
5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f7tTNRH_04
6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD3q5R0N8U4
7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uapzeNwKq4U
8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbRgJbIGAwc
9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeErxz59Sss
10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4SwbJ1euB8
11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuv-tP6JHEI
12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUIY_BiLyFI
13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMQOR6Jg3o4
14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdrBpPNJMaI
15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAIXHqOm0AM
16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzCBASUKpF4
17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ_NeHenT9Y
18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkp2Uvpop-g
19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDJ_sMvXsYs
20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZgtyNdGHvs

CO-PO Mapping
Programme Outcomes (PO) Mechanical PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 1
Programme Outcomes (PO) Civil PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 1

Programme Outcomes (PO) Electrical PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 1

Programme Outcomes (PO) Electronics PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 1

Programme Outcomes (PO) Information Technology PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 1
Programme Outcomes (PO) Computer Science and Engineering PSO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1
CO2 1
CO3 1
The strength of mapping is to be written as 1,2,3; Where, 1:Low, 2:Medium, 3:High

There are three components of lab assessment, LA1, LA2 and Lab ESE.
IMP: Lab ESE is a separate head of passing. LA1, LA2 together is treated as In-Semester Evaluation.
Assessment Based on Conducted by Typical Schedule (for 26-week Marks
During Week 1 to Week 6
Lab activities, Lab Course
LA1 Marks Submission at the end of 30
attendance, journal Faculty
Week 6
During Week 7 to Week 12
Lab activities, Lab Course
LA2 Marks Submission at the end of 30
attendance, journal Faculty
Week 12
During Week 15 to Week 18
Lab activities, Lab Course
Lab ESE Marks Submission at the end of 40
attendance, journal Faculty
Week 18
Week 1 indicates starting week of a semester. The typical schedule of lab assessments is shown,
considering a 26-week semester. The actual schedule shall be as per academic calendar. Lab
activities/Lab performance shall include performing experiments, mini-project, presentations, drawings,
programming and other suitable activities, as per the nature and requirement of the lab course. The
experimental lab shall have typically 8-10 experiments.

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