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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 1

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


Course Code GDMAT101 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:0:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 3 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Basic knowledge in
Prerequisites (if any) matrix operations Course Type Theory
and algebra.

Course Objectives:
1. To equip students with a strong mathematical foundation in matrix theory,
differentiation, and integration, essential for understanding and optimizing various
engineering-related problems.

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Systems of linear equations. Gauss Elimination, Rank of a matrix - Row
echelon form, Solutions of Linear systems: Existence, Uniqueness-
Fundamental theorem for linear systems - homogeneous and non-
1 homogeneous (theorem without proof), The matrix Eigen value problem.

Determining Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

(Text 1: Relevant topics from sections 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1)
Introduction to calculus - differentiation from first principles,
Differentiation of common functions, Differentiation of a product,
Differentiation of a quotient, Function of function (Chain Rule),
Introduction to Parametric equations, Differentiation in parameters,
2 Introduction to partial derivatives, first order partial derivatives, second

order partial derivatives, Total differential, Rates of change.

(Text 2: Relevant portions from sections 25.1 to 25.7, 27.1, 27.3, 32.1,
32.2, 32.3, 33.1 , 33.2)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 2

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
The process of integration, The general solution of integrals of the form
𝑎𝑥 , Standard integrals – polynomials, Trigonometric functions; Definite
3 integrals, Double integrals.

(Text 2: Relevant topics from sections 35.1,35.2,35.3,35.4, 44.1)

Family of curves, Differential equations, solution of equations of the form

= 𝑓(𝑥), The solutions of equations of the form = 𝑓(𝑦), The

solution of equations of the form = 𝑓(𝑥)𝑓(𝑦). Procedure to solve

4 differential equations of the form + 𝑃𝑦 = 𝑄, Problems on linear 9

differential equation.
(Text 2: Relevant topics from sections 46.1, 46.2, 46.3, 46.4, 46.5, 48.1,
48.2, 48.3)

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60 marks)

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Assignment/ Examination- Examination-
Attendance Total
Microproject 1 2
(Written) (Written)
5 15 10 10 40

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each
 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be
each carrying 3 marks answered. 60
 Each question can have a maximum of 3
sub divisions.
(8x3 =24marks)
(4x9 = 36 marks)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 3

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Solve homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations and to
find eigen values and eigen vectors of matrices. K3

Apply the techniques of finding derivatives and partial

derivatives of functions in concepts related to rate of change. K3

Familiarize basic concepts of integration and to find integrals

and double integrals of functions. K3

CO4 Solve first order differential equations using various methods. K3

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create
CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO3 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO4 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 4

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Text Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and Year
Advanced Engineering 10th edition,
1 Erwin Kreyszig John Wiley & Sons
Mathematics 2016
Bird’s Higher Engineering Taylor & Francis 9th edition,
2 John Bird
Mathematics Group 2021

Reference Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and Year
Maurice D. Weir, Joel 15th
1 Thomas' Calculus Hass, Christopher Heil, Pearson edition,
Przemyslaw Bogacki 2023
2nd edition,
2 Essential Calculus J. Stewart Cengage 2017

Howard Anton, 11th

Elementary Linear Algebra
3 Chris Rorres Wiley edition,
Higher Engineering B. V. Ramana McGraw-Hill 39th edition,
Mathematics Education 2023

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Module Link ID

1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/107/111107164/

2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/104/111104125/

3 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/104/111104125/

4 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/106/111106100/

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 5

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

(Common to Groups C & D)
Course Code GZPHT121 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:2:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory + Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To provide students with a solid background in the fundamentals of Physics and impart this
knowledge in Physical Science and Life Science disciplines.

2. To develop scientific attitudes and enable students to correlate Physics concepts with their
core programs.

3. To equip students with practical knowledge that complements their theoretical studies and
develop their ability to create practical applications and solutions in engineering based on
their understanding of Physics.

Module Contact
No. Syllabus Description Hours
Laser & Fiber Optics
Optical processes – Absorption-Spontaneous emission and
stimulated emission, Principle of laser - conditions for sustained
lasing – Population inversion- Pumping- Metastable states, Basic
components of laser - Active medium - Optical resonant cavity,
Construction and working of Ruby laser and CO2 laser,
Construction and working Semiconductor laser (qualitative),
Properties of laser, Applications of laser. 9

Optic fiber-Principle of propagation of light, Types of fibers-Step

index and Graded index fibers - Multimode and single mode fibers,

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 6

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture –Derivation, Applications
of optical fibers - Fiber optic communication system (block

Interference and Diffraction

Introduction, Principle of super position, Constructive and
destructive interference, Optical path, Phase difference and path
difference, Cosine law- reflected system- Condition for
2 constructive and destructive interference, Colours in thin films,
Newton’s Rings-Determination of refractive index of transparent
liquids and wavelength, Air wedge- Measurement of thickness of 9
thin sheets.

Diffraction-types of diffraction, Diffraction due to a single slit,

Diffraction grating – Construction - grating equation, Dispersive and
Resolving Power (qualitative).

Quantum Mechanics
Introduction, Concept of uncertainty and conjugate observables
(qualitative), Uncertainty principle (statement only), Application of
uncertainty principle- Absence of electron inside nucleus - Natural
line broadening, Wave function – properties - physical
interpretation, Formulation of time dependent and time

independent Schrodinger equations, Particle in a one- dimensional

box - Derivation of energy eigen values and normalized wave
function, Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling (qualitative)

Waves & Acoustics

Waves- transverse and longitudinal waves, Concept of frequency,
wavelength and time period (no derivation), Transverse
vibrations in a stretched string- derivation of velocity and
4 frequency - laws of transverse vibration.
Acoustics- Reverberation and echo, Reverberation time and its
significance - Sabine’s Formula, Factors affecting acoustics of a
building. Ultrasonics- Piezoelectric oscillator, Ultrasonic
diffractometer, SONAR, NDT-Pulse echo method, medical
application-Ultrasound scanning (qualitative)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 7

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Continuous Examination- 2
Attendance Examination-1 Examination- 3 Total
Assessment (Written)
(Written) (Lab
5 10 10 10 5 40

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.

each module.  Two questions will be given from each

 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered. 60

 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.

(4x9 = 36 marks)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 8

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
CO1 Describe the basic principles and properties of laser and optic

CO2 Describe the phenomena of interference and diffraction of light. K2

Describe the behaviour of matter in the atomic and subatomic
CO3 K2
level through the principles of quantum mechanics.
Apply the knowledge of waves and acoustics in non-destructive
CO4 K3
testing and in acoustic design of buildings.
Apply basic knowledge of principles and theories in physics to
CO5 K3
conduct experiments.
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 2 3

Text Books
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
M N Avadhanulu, P
A Textbook of Engineering 2nd Edition,
1 G Kshirsagar & TVS S Chand & Co.
Physics 2019
Arun Murthy
McGraw Hill 2nd Edition,
2 Engineering Physics H K Malik , A.K. Singh,
Education 2017
Mc Graw 6 Edition,
3 Optics Ajoy Ghatak
Hill 2017

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 9

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Reference Books
Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Year
8th Edition,
1 G Vijayakumari Vikas Publications
Engineering Physics 2014
Tata McGraw Hill 6th Edition
2 Arthur Beiser
Concepts of Modern Physics Publications 2003
2nd Edition,
3 Aruldhas G. PHI Pvt. Ltd
Engineering Physics 2015
4 Fiber Optic Communications Gerd Keiser Springer 2021
A Text Book of Engineering 2 Edition,
5 I. Dominic, A. Nahari OWL Publications
physics 2016
6 Advanced Engineering Premlet B Phasor Books
Rakesh Dogra Katson Books 1st Edition,
7 Engineering Physics

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Module No Link ID
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104104085
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115105537
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115101107

1. Continuous Assessment (10 Marks)

i. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (2 Marks)

● Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes

that test understanding of the upcoming experiment.

● Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and

understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 10

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
ii. Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

● Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate

execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.

● Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in

observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.

● Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.

iii. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (3 Marks)

● Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports.

Proper documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.

● Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough

record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.

iv. Viva Voce (3 Marks)

● Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and underlying

principles during a viva voce session.

Final Marks Averaging: The final marks for preparation, conduct of experiments,
viva, and record are the average of all the specified experiments in the syllabus.

2. Evaluation Pattern for Lab Examination (5 Marks)

1. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

● Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the

procedure and understanding each step involved.

● Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and

organizing materials/equipment.

● Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the

experiment or programming task

2. Result (2 Marks)

● Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 11

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
3. Viva Voce (1 Marks)

● Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical

aspects of the subject.

Experiment List

Experiment Experiment
No. (Minimum 10 Experiments)

1 Optical fiber characteristics- Measurement of Numerical aperture.

2 Determination of wavelength of Laser using diffraction grating.

3 Measure the wavelength of Laser using a millimeter scale as a grating.

4 Determination of wavelength of a monochromatic light using Newton’s Rings method.

5 Determination of diameter of wire or thickness of thin sheet using Air wedge method.

6 Determination of slit width (diffraction due to a single slit).

7 Measure wavelength of light source using diffraction grating.

8 Determination of resolving power and dispersive power of grating.

9 Characteristics of LED.

10 CRO basics-Measurement of frequency and amplitude of wave forms.

11 Solar Cell- I V and Intensity Characteristics.

12 Melde’s experiment- Frequency calculation in Transverse and Longitudinal Mode.

13 LCR circuit –forced and damped harmonic oscillations.

Determination of wavelength and velocity of ultrasonic waves using ultrasonic

14 diffractometer.

15 Determination of particle size of lycopodium powder.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 12

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

(Common to D Group)

Course Code GDCYT122 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:2:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory + Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To equip students with a thorough understanding of chemistry concepts
relevant to engineering applications.
2. Familiarize students with applied topics such as spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and
instrumental methods.
3. To raise awareness among students about environmental issues such as climate
change, pollution, and waste management, which impact quality of life.

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Stereochemistry & Materials for Biological Applications
Stereochemistry: Stereo isomerism-Configurational Isomerism- Geometrical
& Optical isomers-Wedge & Fischer projections - E-Z Nomenclature- R&S
Nanomaterials: Classification based on materials- Synthesis – Sol gel &
1 9
Chemical reduction – Bio-applications of nanomaterials – Carbon Nanotubes,
Fullerenes & Graphene – structure, properties & application.
Polymers: Biodegradable polymers- PHBV & PLA- Synthesis, properties and
applications. Conducting Polymers-Classification-Polyaniline & Polypyrrole-
Synthesis, properties and applications (Biosensors & artificial muscles).

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 13

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Nanopolymers-Dendrimers – biological application.

Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science

Electrochemical Cell: Electrode potential- Nernst equation for single
electrode and cell (Numerical problems)- Reference electrodes – SHE &
Calomel electrode –Construction and Working - Electrochemical series -
Applications – Glass Electrode & pH Measurement-Conductivity-
2 9
Measurement using Digital conductivity meter. Li-ion battery & H2-O2 fuel
cell (acid electrolyte only) construction and working.
Corrosion control methods: Galvanic series - Cathodic Protection -
Sacrificial anodic protection and impressed current cathodic protection –
Electroplating of copper - Electroless plating of copper.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Spectroscopy: Types of spectra - Molecular energy levels - Beer Lambert’s
law – Numerical problems - Electronic Spectroscopy – Principle, Types of
electronic transitions – Role of conjugation in absorption maxima-
Instrumentation-Applications – Vibrational spectroscopy – Principle-
Number of vibrational modes - Vibrational modes of CO2 and H2O –
3 9
Chromatographic methods: Basic principles and applications of column
and TLC-Retention factor. HPLC-Principle, instrumentation (block diagram)
- retention time and applications.
Electron Microscopic Techniques: SEM - Principle, instrumentation and
Fuels: Calorific value – HCV and LCV – Experimental determination of
calorific value of solid fuels. Biofuels- Biodiesel-Green Hydrogen.
Environmental Chemistry
Water characteristics: - Hardness - Types of hardness- Temporary and
Permanent - Disadvantages of hard water -Degree of hardness (Numericals)
Water softening methods-Ion exchange process-Principle, procedure and
4 9
advantages. Reverse osmosis – principle, process and advantages. – Water
disinfection methods – chlorination-Break point chlorination, ozone and UV
irradiation. Dissolved oxygen (DO) -Estimation (only brief procedure-
Winkler’s method), BOD and COD-definition, estimation (only brief

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 14

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
procedure) and significance (Numericals).
Waste Management: Sewage water treatment- Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary - Flow diagram -Trickling filter and UASB process. Chemistry of
climate change- Greenhouse Gases-Ozone depletion - Sustainable
Development- An introduction to Sustainable Development Goals.

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal Internal

Attendance Examination-1 Examination- Examination- 3 Total
(Written) 2 (Written) (Lab
5 10 10 10 5 40

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.

each module.  Two questions will be given from each

 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered. 60

 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.
(4x9 = 36 marks)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 15

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledg
Level (KL)
Describe the use of various materials and their stereochemical
CO1 K2
influence in Biological applications
Explain the Basic Concepts of Electrochemistry and Corrosion to
CO2 K2
Explore the Possible Applications in Various Engineering Fields
Apply appropriate analytical techniques for different engineering
CO3 K3
CO4 Outline various water treatment and waste management methods K2
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2
CO2 3 3 2
CO3 3 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 3 2

Text Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher Year
B. L. Tembe,
1 Engineering Chemistry Kamaluddin, M. S. NPTEL Web-book 2018
Oxford University
2 Physical Chemistry P. W. Atkins l Edition-
Press 2018
Instrumental Methods of H. H. Willard, L. L. 7th Edition-
3 CBS Publishers
Analysis Merritt 2005
Dhanpath Rai 17th Edition
4 Engineering Chemistry Jain & Jain Publishing Company - 2015

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 16

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Reference Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and
Fundamentals of Molecular 4th edn.,
1 Spectroscopy C. N. Banwell McGraw-Hill
Principles of B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma,
2 Vishal Publishing Co Edition,
Physical Chemistry M. S. Pathania
Cengage Learning
3 Introduction to Spectroscopy Donald L. Pavia 2015
India Pvt. Ltd
Polymer Chemistry: Raymond B. Seymour, Marcel Dekker Inc
4 Revised
An Introduction Charles E. Carraher
Prof. Dr. C. N. R. Rao,
The Chemistry of Wiley‐VCH
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult.
5 Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Verlag GmbH & 2014
Achim Müller, Prof. Dr.
Properties and Applications A. K. Cheetham Co. KGaA
Organic Electronics
Shuichiro Ogawa Springer Tokyo
6 Materials and Devices 2024

Principles and Applications of Oxford: Blackwell

7 Thermal Analysis
Gabbot, P Publishing 2008

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Link ID
2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/104/105/104105124/

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 17

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Continuous Assessment (10 Marks)
Continuous assessment evaluations are conducted based on laboratory associated
with the theory.

Mark distribution
1. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (2 Marks)

 Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes that test

understanding of the upcoming experiment.
 Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and
understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.

2. Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

 Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate
execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.
 Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in
observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.
 Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.

3. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (3 Marks)

 Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports. Proper
documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.
 Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough
record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.
2. Viva Voce (3 Marks)
 Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and underlying
principles during a viva voce session.

Final Marks Averaging: The final marks for preparation, conduct of

experiments, viva, and record are the average of all the specified experiments in
the syllabus.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 18

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Evaluation Pattern for Lab Examination (5 Marks)
1. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

 Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the

procedure and understanding each step involved.
 Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and
organizing materials/equipment.
 Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the experiment or
programming task.

2. Result (2 Marks)

 Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

3. Viva Voce (1 Marks)

 Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

List of Experiments

*Minimum 10 Experiments


1 Estimation of iron in iron ore

2 Estimation of copper in brass

3 Determination of cell constant and conductance of solutions

4 Calibration of pH meter and determination of pH of a solution

Synthesis of polymers

(a) Urea-formaldehyde resin

(b) Phenol-formaldehyde resin

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 19

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Determination of wavelength of absorption maximum and colorimetric estimation of

6 Fe3+ in solution

Determination of molar absorptivity of a compound (KMnO4 or any water-soluble

7 food colorant)

8 Analysis of IR spectra

9 Identification of drugs using TLC

10 Estimation of total hardness of water-EDTA method

11 Estimation of dissolved oxygen by Winkler’s method

12 Determination of calorific value using Bomb calorimeter

13 Determination of saponification value of a given vegetable oil

14 Determination of acid value of a given vegetable oil

15 Verification of Nernst equation for electrochemical cell.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 20

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

(Common to Groups A, B & D)

Course Code GMEST103 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)
Credits Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.
Prerequisites (if any) Course Type Theory & Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To learn the principles and techniques of dimensioning and preparing engineering drawings.
2. To develop the ability to accurately interpret and understand engineering drawings.
3. To learn the features of CAD software

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Introduction: Relevance of technical drawing in engineering field.
Types of lines, Dimensioning, BIS code of practice for technical
drawing. (No questions for the end semester examination)
Projection of points in different quadrants, Projection of straight lines
1 inclined to one plane and inclined to both planes. Trace of a line. 9
Inclination of lines with reference planes. True length and true
inclinations of line inclined to both the reference planes.

Projection of Simple solids such as Triangular, Rectangle, Square,

Pentagonal and Hexagonal Prisms, Pyramids, Cone and Cylinder only.
2 Projection of solids in simple position including profile view.
Projection of solids with axis inclined to one of the reference planes
and with axis inclined to both reference planes.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 21

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Sections of Solids: Sections of Prisms, Pyramids, Cone and Cylinder
only, with axis in vertical position and cut by different section planes.
True shape of the sections. (Exclude true shape given problems)
3 Development of Surfaces: Development of surfaces of the solids and
solids cut by different section planes. (Exclude problems with through
Isometric Projection: Isometric scale- Isometric View and Projections
of Prisms, Pyramids, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Hemisphere and their
Computer Aided Drawing (CAD): Introduction, Role of CAD in design
4 and development of new products, Advantages of CAD. Creating two-
dimensional drawing with dimensions using suitable software. (CAD,
only internal evaluation)

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Assignment+ Examination-1 Examination- 2
Attendance Total
Lab Exam

5 10+5 10 10 40

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 22

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions
2 Questions from one module.

Total 8 Questions, each question carries 15 marks

(15x4 =60marks)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Understand the projection of points and lines located in different
CO1 K2
Prepare multiview orthographic projections of objects by
CO2 K3
visualizing them in different positions

CO3 Plot sectional views and develop surfaces of a given object K3

CO4 Prepare pictorial drawings using the principles of isometric

CO5 Sketch simple drawing using CAD tools. K3

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create
CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2
CO2 3 2
CO3 3 2
CO4 3 2
CO5 3 2 2 3

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 23

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Text Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Year
1 Engineering Graphics Varghese, P. I. V I P Publishers 2018 edn
2 Engineering Graphics Benjamin, J. Pentex Publishers 2016 edn
Prentice Hall India
3 Engineering Graphics John, K. C. 2017 edn
Charotar Publishing
4 Engineering Drawing Bhatt, N., D. 60th edn
House Pvt Ltd. 2019
Adhyuth Narayan
5 Engineering Graphics Anilkumar, K. N. 2022 edn

Reference Books
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the and
Publisher Year
Engineering Graphics with Kulkarni, D. M., Rastogi, Prentice Hall India
2020 edn
AutoCAD A. P. and Sarkar, A. K. Publishers
Engineering Drawing & New Age International
2 Graphics Venugopal, K. 5th edn 2011
Parthasarathy, N. S.,
Oxford University
3 Engineering Drawing 2015 edn
Murali, V.

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

No. Link ID

1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/102/112102304/

2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/102/112102304/
3 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/102/112102304/
4 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/102/112102304/

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 24

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

(Common to Biotechnology)

Course Code GDBBT104 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3-1-0-0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory + Lab

Course Objectives:
1. Prepare students to understand the concepts of growth patterns, enzyme catalysis, and

2. Develop a systematic approach in students toward solving problems involved in

fermentation based on the end product formation.

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Exploring Biological concepts – Different types of Cells -Animal
cells, Plant cells, and bacterial cells. Structure of cells, Cycles of
life- Mitosis & Meiosis.
Structure and function of Biomolecules - carbohydrates (mono-, di-,
1 and polysaccharides), lipids, proteins (amino acids, peptides), and 11
nucleic acids (DNA & RNA).
Cell growth and Product synthesis - Nutritional requirements,
Growth patterns and kinetics in Batch culture, Conditions/ Factors
affecting the cell growth and product synthesis.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 25

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Enzymes and Bioenergetics Enzymes: Classification, Catalysis,
Steady-state kinetics, Enzyme Inhibition, Regulatory Enzymes, Co-
2 11
Enzymes, Vitamins Application of Enzymes- Applications of
enzymes in industrial, pharmaceutical, and analytical sectors, Enzyme
Bioprocess- Basic concepts of Different Upstream and
Downstream processes; Intracellular and extracellular products-
Growth-associated and non-growth- associated products.
3 Modes of bioreactor operation - batch bioreactor, Disadvantages 11
of batch bioreactor, Continuous bioreactor, advantages of continuous
bioreactor, Fed- batch bioreactor, Applications.
Bioreactors - Basic functions of a bioreactor, parts of a fermenter,
and their functions. role of aeration and mixing in oxygen transfer,
mechanism of mixing, impellers- types, and Flow patterns.
4 Introduction to process instrumentation and control: Common 11
methodologies of measurements, Measuring Instruments:
Thermocouples, Venturi meters, U-tube manometer.
Biosensors- Enzyme and Microbial Biosensors

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Attendance Examination- Examination- Total
1 (Written) 2 (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 26

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each
 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be
each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3
(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.
(4x9 = 36 marks)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
CO1 Understand the basic concepts of cell and cell growth patterns K1
CO2 Illustrate biocatalysis and various applications of enzymes K3
CO3 Understand the basic concepts of bioprocess engineering K2
CO4 Analyse common bioreactor parameters and biosensors K4
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create
CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 1 1 1 3
CO2 3 1 1 2 2
CO3 3 1 2 1 3
CO4 3 2 2 1 2
CO5 3 1 1 1 3

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 27

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Text Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher Year
Bioprocess Engineering- M. L. Shuler and F. 2nd Edition,
1 Basic Concepts Kargi Prentice Hall 2015
Nelsen, David L., and
2 Principles of biochemistry Michael M. Cox. WH Freeman
McGraw-Hill 2nd Edition,
J. E. Bailey and D.F.
3 Biochemical Engineering Chemical McGraw Hill,
Ollis 2017
Fundamentals, Engineering
Bioprocess Engineering
4 Principles Pauline M Doran Academic Press, 1995 1995

Reference Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Publisher Year
Principles of Biomedical Webb, Andrew G Cambridge 2018
1 Instrumentation University Press

Principles of Fermentation P. F. Stanbury, S. J. Elsevier 3rd

2 Technology Hall, and A. Edition,
Whitaker 2016
Biology for Engineers Johnson, Arthur T CRC Press 2018
Enzymes: biochemistry, Palmer, T., & Bonner, Elsevier 2007
4 biotechnology, clinical P. L.

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Link ID

1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/102/108/102108086/

2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/102/102/102102033/

3 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/102/106/102106086/

4 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_bt21/preview

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 28

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


Course Code GDFTT104 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3-1-0-0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:
1. To study the different types of food groups and categories of food.

2. To acquire knowledge on basic engineering properties of food

3. To understand mechanics of fluids and basic process calculations

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Food & Nutrients: Introduction to food and nutrients, Definition of
food, functions of food, food groups, Nutrients in food–
1 11
Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, their
classification, functions and sources. Role
of water as a nutrient and its dietary sources.
Engineering Properties of Foods: Shape and size – criteria for
describing shape and size Volume and methods of measurement of
volume, Density, Types, Method of measurement of apparent
density, material density, particle density, bulk density, true density-
Laws of friction, effect of load and properties of contacting bodies.
2 Effect of sliding velocity and contact surface temperature, effect of 11
water film and surface roughness. Rolling resistance, angle of
repose, angle of internal friction,
Viscosity and its measurement, firmness and hardness, mechanics of

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 29

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
hardness, dynamic hardness, the effect of age, water content,
and temperature on the texture of foods.
Fluid Mechanics : definition of fluid- properties of fluids – density,
specific gravity, compressibility, surface tension and viscosity –
absolute and kinematic viscosity variation of properties with
temperature and pressure – rheology of fluids- Newtonian and non-
3 Newtonian fluids –fluid static Pascal’s law – hydrostatic equilibrium 11
in gravity and centrifugal field – barometric equation principle of
manometer- principle of continuous gravity and centrifugal decanter
–Introduction to fluid kinematics - Reynolds experiment –
classification of flow. Equation of Continuity (Derivation not
needed), Derivation of Bernoulli’s Equation and its applications
Basics of Process Calculations- –units and dimensions-basic and
derived quantities-conversion of units – conversion of empirical
equations – moisture content- wet basis & dry basis, mole concept –
method of expressing composition –mole fraction – weight fraction –
4 volume fraction– concentration of liquid solutions – molarity, 11
molality, normality, ppm. Order of reaction-definition-limiting
reactant, excess reactant, conversion, yield and selectivity. Energy
balance -heat capacity- mean heat capacity – Kopp's rule - enthalpy
change of phase changes –heat of mixing – heat effects
accompanying chemical reactions-standard heat of formation.

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60 marks)

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Attendance Examination- Examination- Total
1 (Written) 2 (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 30

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each
 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be
each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3
(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.
(4x9 = 36 marks)
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Recall and classify the different components in food,
CO1 K1
distinguishing between nutrients and non-nutrient components
Explain the engineering properties of food materials, including
CO2 K2
factors like density, viscosity, and elasticity.
Utilize basic concepts of material and energy balance to solve
CO3 K3
problems related to food processing and production.
Assess various principles of fluid mechanics as they apply to
CO4 food processing systems, such as viscosity, flow rates, pressure K2
drops, and pumping requirements.
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create
CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 1 3 2 3
CO2 3 2 2 2 1 1
CO3 3 2 2 2
CO4 3 2 2 3 3
CO5 3 2 2 2 2 3

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 31

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Text Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and
Engineering Properties of 2014 (4
1 Rao & Rizvi CRC Press Ed.)

Unit Operations in Chemical Warren McCabe, Mc Graw Hill 1993

2 Engineering. Julian Smith, Peter Book Co. (5Ed.)
Stoichiometry and process Narayanan, K. V. PHI Learning Pvt. 2016
calculations Lakshmikutty, B. Ltd (2Ed.)

Food Processing and Prentice – Hall of

Preservation Sivasankar, B India Pvt. Ltd. New 2002

Reference Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Publisher and
Physical Properties of Plant Gordon and research 1986
1 and Animal materials Nuri N Mohensin science publishers (2 Ed.)
Basic Principles & David M. Himmelblau, PHI Learning Pvt. 2006
Calculations in Chemical
2 James B. Riggs Ltd (7 Ed.)
John M. deMan, John
Principles of Food Chemistry
W. Finley, W. Jeffrey 2018
(Food Science Text Series) Hurst, Chang Yong Springer (4 Ed.)

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

No. Link ID

1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/103107088

2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/126/105/126105011/

3 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_ch02/preview
4 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_ch02/preview

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 32

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


(Common to All Branches)

Course Code UCEST105 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:2:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:

1. To provide students with a thorough understanding of algorithmic thinking and its practical applications
in solving real-world problems.
2. To explore various algorithmic paradigms, including brute force, divide-and-conquer, dynamic
programming, and heuristics, in addressing and solving complex problems.

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours

PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES: - Problem-solving strategies

defined, Importance of understanding multiple problem-solving strategies,
Trial and Error, Heuristics, Means-Ends Analysis, and Backtracking
(Working backward).

1 THE PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS: - Computer as a model of 7

computation, Understanding the problem, Formulating a model,
Developing an algorithm, Writing the program, Testing the program, and
Evaluating the solution.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 33

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
variables in Python, Numeric and String data types in Python, Using the
math module, Using the Python Standard Library for handling basic I/O -
print, input, Python operators and their precedence.
and Definition of Pseudocode, Reasons for using pseudocode, The main
constructs of pseudocode - Sequencing, selection (if-else structure, case
structure) and repetition (for, while, repeat-until loops), Sample problems*

FLOWCHARTS** :- Symbols used in creating a Flowchart - start and

end, arithmetic calculations, input/output operation, decision (selection),
module name (call), for loop (Hexagon), flow-lines, on-page connector,
off-page connector.
2 9
* - Evaluate an expression, d=a+b*c, find simple interest, determine the
larger of two numbers, determine the smallest of three numbers,
determine the grade earned by a student based on KTU grade scale
(using if-else and case structures), print the numbers from 1 to 50 in
descending order, find the sum of n numbers input by the user (using all
the three loop variants), factorial of a number, largest of n numbers (Not
to be limited to these exercises. More can be worked out if time

** Only for visualizing the control flow of Algorithms. The use of tools
like RAPTOR (https://raptor.martincarlisle.com/) is suggested. Flowcharts
for the sample problems listed earlier may be discussed

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 34

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


range, while loop. Sequence data types in Python - list, tuple, set, strings,
dictionary, Creating and using Arrays in Python (using Numpy library).


decomposition as a strategy for solving complex problems,
Modularisation, Motivation for modularisation, Defining and using
3 10
functions in Python, Functions with multiple return values

RECURSION:- Recursion Defined, Reasons for using Recursion, The Call

Stack, Recursion and the Stack, Avoiding Circularity in Recursion,
Sample problems - Finding the nth Fibonacci number, greatest common
divisor of two positive integers, the factorial of a positive integer, adding
two positive integers, the sum of digits of a positive number **.

* The idea should be introduced and demonstrated using Merge sort, the
problem of returning the top three integers from a list of n>=3 integers
as examples. (Not to be limited to these two exercises. More can be
worked out if time permits).
** Not to be limited to these exercises. More can be worked out if time
(Introductory diagrammatic/algorithmic explanations only. Analysis not
required) :-

Brute-force Approach -
Example: Padlock, Password guessing
Divide-and-conquer Approach -
4 Example: The Merge Sort Algorithm 10
Advantages of Divide and Conquer Approach
- Disadvantages of Divide and Conquer Approach Dynamic
Programming Approach
Example: Fibonacci series
- Recursion vs
Dynamic Programming

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 35

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Greedy Algorithm
- Example: Given an array of positive integers each indicating the
completion time for a task, find the maximum number of tasks that
can be completed in the limited amount of time that you have.
- Motivations for the Greedy Approach
- Characteristics of the Greedy Algorithm
- Greedy Algorithms vs
Dynamic Programming
Randomized Approach
- Example 1: A company selling jeans gives a coupon for each pair of
jeans. There are n different coupons. Collecting n different coupons
would give you free jeans. How many jeans do you expect to buy
before getting a free one?
- Example 2: n people go to a party and drop off their hats to a hat-
check person. When the party is over, a different hat-check person is
on duty and returns the n hats randomly back to each person. What
is the expected number of people who get back their hats?

- Motivations for the Randomized Approach

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Continuous Internal Internal Internal

Assessment Examination-1 Examination-2 Examination- 3
Attendance (Accurate Total
(Written (Written (Lab
Execution of
Examination) Examination) Examination)
5 5 10 10 10 40

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 36

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)
In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each

 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.

(4x9 = 36 marks)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Utilize computing as a model for solving real-world problems.
CO1 K2
Articulate a problem before attempting to solve it and prepare a
clear and accurate model to represent the problem. K3

Utilize effective algorithms to solve the formulated models and

translate algorithms into executable programs. K3

Interpret the problem-solving strategies, a systematic approach

to solving computational problems, and essential Python
programming skills
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 37

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Reference Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and Year
Problem solving & Maureen Sprankle, Jim
1 Pearson 2012
programming concepts Hubbard
How to Solve It: A New Princeton University
2 George Pólya
Press 2015
of Mathematical Method
Donald Treffinger.,
Creative Problem Solving: An
3 Scott Prufrock Press 2005
Isaksen, Brian Stead-
Spielman, R. M.,
Psychology (Sec. Problem Dumper, K., Jenkins,
4 H5P Edition 2021
Solving.) W., Lacombe, A.,
Lovett, M.,
& Perlmutter, M
Computer Arithmetic
5 Koren, Israel AK Peters/CRC 2018
Introduction to Computation
6 and Programming using
Guttag John V PHI 2/e., 2016
Cay S. Horstmann,
7 Python for Everyone Rance D. Necaise Wiley 3/e, 2024
Computational Thinking: A
G Venkatesh Mylspot 2020
8 Primer for Programmers
Madhavan Education
and Data Scientists
Mukund Services Pvt

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

No. Link ID
1 https://opentextbc.ca/h5ppsychology/chapter/problem-solving/
2 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs32/preview

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 38

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

1. Continuous Assessment (5 Marks)

Accurate Execution of Programming Tasks

▪ Correctness and completeness of the program

▪ Efficient use of programming constructs
▪ Handling of errors
▪ Proper testing and debugging

2. Evaluation Pattern for Lab Examination (10 Marks)

1. Algorithm (2 Marks)

Algorithm Development: Correctness and efficiency of the algorithm related to the question.

2. Programming (3 Marks)

Execution: Accurate execution of the programming task.

3. Result (3 Marks)

Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

4. Viva Voce (2 Marks)

Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

Sample Classroom Exercises:

1. Identify ill-defined problem and well-defined problems

2. How do you differentiate the methods for solving algorithmic problems:

introspection, simulation, computer modelling, and experimentation?
3. Use cases for Trial and error, Algorithm, Heuristic and Means-ends analysis can be
applied in proffering solution to problems
4. Use a diagram to describe the application of Tower of Hanoi in choosing and
analysing an action at a series of smaller steps to move closer to the goal
5. What effect will be generated if the stage that involves program writing is not
observed in the problem-solving process?

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 39

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
6. What effect will be generated if the stage that involves program writing is not
observed in the problem-solving process?
7. Evaluate different algorithms based on their efficiency by counting the number of steps
8. Recursive function that takes a number and returns the sum of all the numbers from zero to that
9. Recursive function that takes a number as an input and returns the factorial of that number.

10. Recursive function that takes a number ‘n’ and returns the nth number of the
Fibonacci number.
11. Recursive function that takes an array of numbers as an input and returns the product of all the
numbers in the list.

LAB Experiments:

1. Demonstrate about Basics of Python Programming

2. Demonstrate about fundamental Data types in Python Programming. (i.e., int, float,
complex, bool and string types)
3. Demonstrate different Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python.

4. Create, concatenate, and print a string and access a sub-string from a given string.

5. Familiarize time and date in various formats (Eg. “Sun May 29 02:26:23 IST 2017”)

6. Write a program to create, append, and remove lists in Python using numPy.

7. Programs to find the largest of three numbers.

8. Convert temperatures to and from Celsius, and Fahrenheit. [Formula: c/5 = f-32/9]

9. Program to construct the stars(*) pattern, using a nested for loop

10. Program that prints prime numbers less than 20.

11. Program to find the factorial of a number using Recursion.

12. Recursive function to add two positive numbers.

13. Recursive function to multiply two positive numbers

14. Recursive function to the greatest common divisor of two positive numbers.

15. Program that accepts the lengths of three sides of a triangle as inputs. The
program output should indicate whether or not the triangle is a right triangle
(Recall from the Pythagorean Theorem that in a right triangle, the square of one

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 40

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
side equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides). Implement using
16. Program to define a module to find Fibonacci Numbers and import the module to
another program.
17. Program to define a module and import a specific function in that module to another program.

18. Program to check whether the given number is a valid mobile number or not using functions?


1. Every number should contain exactly 10 digits.

2. The first digit should be 7 or 8 or 9

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 41

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


Course Code GDBBL106 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week ESE Marks

0:0:2:0 50
(L: T:P: R) (Internal only)

Credits 1 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce laboratory safety measures and familiarise the students with the basic
concepts of biotechnology

2. To provide practical knowledge in analytical instruments used in biotechnology.

Expt. Experiments
No. (Minimum 10 Experiments)
1 Introduction to Biosafety in Laboratories

2 Basic concepts of preparing solutions (normality, molarity, molality)

3 Principles of sterile technique and cell propagation.

4 Preparation of buffers and determination of pH

5 Determination of specific gravity

6 Determination of refractive index of sugar solutions using refractometry.

7 Determination of specific rotation of sugar

Precision and validity of an experiment using absorption spectroscopy.

 UV spectra of Nucleic Acids or Protein

 Validate Beer’s – Lambert law using potassium
dichromate Absorption maxima.

9 Study of the stages of cell division using onion root tip

10 Isolation of an enzyme from a natural source.

11 Extraction of lipids from natural sources.

12 Immobilization of enzyme (gel entrapment)

13 Demonstration of a bioprocess fermenter

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 42

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 50 marks, ESE: 50

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Preparation/Pre-Lab Work, experiments, Viva and

Attendance Timely completion of Lab Reports / Record Total
(Continuous Assessment)

5 45 50

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE): (Internal evaluation only)

Procedure/ Conduct of experiment/ Result with

Preparatory Execution of work/ valid inference/ Viva
Record Total
work/Design/ troubleshooting/ Quality of voce
Algorithm Programming Output
10 15 10 10 5 50

 Submission of Record: Students shall be allowed for the end semester examination
only upon submitting the duly certified record.

 Minimum Pass Mark: The requirement for passing the lab course included in the
first-year curriculum is that the student must score a minimum of 50% overall,
combining marks from both Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and End
Semester Examination (ESE). There is no separate minimum requirement for each

 There will not be any relaxation in the attendance requirement.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 43

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Understand the laboratory techniques, methodologies, instruments, and
CO1 K2
equipment following current laboratory safety protocol
CO2 Understand basic analytical instruments K2
CO3 Understand and use the microscope and observe the cell division K2
CO4 Understand the parts and functioning of a bioreactor K2

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 2

Text Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher Year
Vogels text on
1 Vogel, Arthur I. Harlow: Longman 1996
Practical organic chemistry
Laboratory Manual in General McGraw Hill
2 Microbiology Alfred Brown Publications 2004

Reference Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher Year

1 An Introduction to Practical 1998

David T. Plummer McGraw-Hill
Biochemistry 3rd edn

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 44

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Continuous Assessment (45 Marks)
1. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (10 Marks)

 Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes that test

understanding of the upcoming experiment.
 Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and
understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.

2. Conduct of Experiments (15 Marks)

 Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate

execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.
 Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in
observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.
 Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.

3. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (10 Marks)

 Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports. Proper

documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.
 Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough
record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.
4. Viva Voce (10 Marks)

 Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and

underlying principles during a viva voce session.

Evaluation Pattern for End Semester Examination (50 Marks)

1. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Design/Algorithm (10 Marks)

 Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the
procedure and understanding each step involved.
 Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and
organizing materials/equipment.
 Algorithm Development: Correctness and efficiency of the algorithm
related to the experiment.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 45

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
 Creativity and logic in algorithm or experimental design.

2. Conduct of Experiment/Execution of Work/Programming (15 Marks)

 Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the

experiment or programming task.

3. Result with Valid Inference/Quality of Output (10 Marks)

 Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

 Analysis and Interpretation: Validity of inferences drawn from the experiment or
quality of program output.

4. Viva Voce (10 Marks)

 Ability to explain the experiment, procedure results and answer related questions
 Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

5. Record (5 Marks)

 Completeness, clarity, and accuracy of the lab record submitted

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 46

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2


Course Code GDFTL106 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week ESE Marks

0:0:2:0 50
(L: T:P: R) (Internal only)

Credits 1 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To demonstrate the major properties of food

2. To study various equipment involved in food technology.

1 Estimation of Moisture Content by Hot Air Oven method.
2 Test for the presence of carbohydrates in the given food sample.
3 Test for the presence of protein in a given food sample.
4 Estimation of Physical parameters of water.
5 Determination of size, shape, sphericity, and roundness of food products.
6 Determination of firmness of given food product.
7 Determination of angle of repose and coefficient of friction of different food
Determination of True density, bulk density, porosity, Hausner ratio, and
8 Compressibility index of different food materials.
9 Determination of Reynold’s number.
10 Measurement of the rate of flow of fluid using an Orifice meter.
11 Measurement of the rate of flow of fluid using a Venturi meter.
12 Demonstration of different types of pumps
Estimation of the concentration of the given solution in terms of molarity, molality
13 & ppm.

14 Preparation of buffer solutions to ensure a stable pH in a chemical solution.

15 Standardization of acid and base solutions.
16 Determination of specific gravity and viscosity of the given sample.

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Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 50 marks, ESE: 50
Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Preparation/Pre-Lab Work, experiments, Viva and

Attendance Timely completion of Lab Reports / Record Total
(Continuous Assessment)

5 45 50

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE): (Internal evaluation only)

Procedure/ Conduct of experiment/ Result with
Preparatory Execution of work/ valid inference/ Viva
Record Total
work/Design/ troubleshooting/ Quality of voce
Algorithm Programming Output
10 15 10 10 5 50

 Submission of Record: Students shall be allowed for the end semester examination
only upon submitting the duly certified record.

 Minimum Pass Mark: The requirement for passing the lab course included in the
first-year curriculum is that the student must score a minimum of 50% overall,
combining marks from both Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and End
Semester Examination (ESE). There is no separate minimum requirement for each

 There will not be any relaxation in the attendance requirement.

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Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
CO1 Understand the basic principles of Food Science K2
CO2 Comprehend on the basic engineering properties of food K2
CO3 Apply the basic concepts of Flow properties K3
CO4 Apply the basic concepts of process calculations. K3
CO5 Understand the basic principles of Food Science K2

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO2 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO3 3 2 2 3 3 3
CO4 3 2 2 3 3 3

Text Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
H.-D. Belitz, Werner
4th revised
1 Food Chemistry Grosch, and Peter Springer
Stephanie Clark,
Food Processing: Principles Second
2 Stephanie Jung, and Wiley Blackwell
and Applications edition
Buddhi Lamsal

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Reference Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
1 Food Analysis S Suzainne Nielson Springer 4th edition
2 Handbook of Food and M. Swaminathan Bappco 2018
Nutrition edition

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Sl. No. Link ID

1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/103107088

Continuous Assessment (45 Marks)

1. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (10 Marks)

 Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes that test

understanding of the upcoming experiment.
 Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and
understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.

2. Conduct of Experiments (15 Marks)

 Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate

execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.
 Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in
observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.
 Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.

3. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (10 Marks)

 Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports. Proper

documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.
 Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough
record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.

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4. Viva Voce (10 Marks)

 Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and

underlying principles during a viva voce session.

Evaluation Pattern for End Semester Examination (50 Marks)

6. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Design/Algorithm (10 Marks)

 Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the

procedure and understanding each step involved.
 Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and
organizing materials/equipment.
 Algorithm Development: Correctness and efficiency of the algorithm
related to the experiment.
 Creativity and logic in algorithm or experimental design.

7. Conduct of Experiment/Execution of Work/Programming (15 Marks)

 Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the

experiment or programming task.

8. Result with Valid Inference/Quality of Output (10 Marks)

 Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

 Analysis and Interpretation: Validity of inferences drawn from the experiment or
quality of program output.

9. Viva Voce (10 Marks)

 Ability to explain the experiment, procedure results and answer related questions
 Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

10. Record (5 Marks)

 Completeness, clarity, and accuracy of the lab record submitted

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(Common to all Groups)

Course Code UCHWT127 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week
1:0:1:0 ESE Marks 0
(L: T:P: R)
Credits 1 Exam Hours Nil

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type

Course Objectives:
1. To provide essential knowledge on physical activity, health, and wellness.

2. To ensure students understand body systems, exercise principles, nutrition, mental

health, and disease management.

3. To educate students on the benefits of yoga, the risks of substance abuse and basic
first aid skills.

4. To equip students with the ability to lead healthier lifestyles.

5. To enable students to design effective and personalized exercise programs.


Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Human Body Systems related to Physical activity and its functions:
Respiratory System - Cardiovascular System.
Musculoskeletal System and the Major Muscle groups of the Human
Quantifying Physical Activity Energy Expenditure and Metabolic
equivalent of task (MET)
1 4
Exercise Continuum: Light-intensity physical activity, Moderate -
intensity physical activity, Vigorous -intensity physical activity.
Defining Physical Activity, Aerobic Physical Activity, Anaerobic
Physical Activity, Exercise and Health-Related Physical Fitness.
FITT principle to design an Exercise programme

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Components of Health related Physical Fitness : - Cardiorespiratory

Fitness- Muscular strength- Muscular endurance- Flexibility- Body
Concept of Health and Wellness: Health and wellness differentiation,
Factors affecting health and wellness. Mental health and Factors
affecting mental health.
Sports and Socialization: Sports and character building - Leadership
through Physical Activity and Sports
Diet and nutrition: Exploring Micro and Macronutrients: Concept of
Balanced diet
2 2
Carbohydrate & the Glycemic Index

Animal & Plant - based Proteins and their Effects on Human Health
Dietary Fats & their Effects on Human Health
Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Lifestyle management strategies to prevent / manage common

hypokinetic diseases and disorders - Obesity - Cardiovascular
diseases (e.g., coronary artery disease, hypertension) - Diabetes -
Osteoporosis - Musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., osteoarthritis, Low
back pain, Kyphosis, lordosis , flat foot, Knock knee )
Meaning, Aims and objectives of yoga - Classification and
importance of of Yogic Asanas (Sitting, Standing, lying) Pranayama
3 and Its Types - Active Lifestyle and Stress Management Through 4
Understanding on substance abuse and addiction - Psychoactive
substances & its ill effects- Alcohol- Opioids- Cannabis -Sedative -
Cocaine - Other stimulants, including caffeine -Hallucinogens -
Tobacco -Volatile solvents.

First aid and principles of First Aid: Primary survey: ABC (Airway,
Breathing, Circulation). Qualities of a Good First Aider
First aid measures for: - Cuts and scrapes - Bruises - Sprains -
4 2
Strains - Fractures - Burns - Nosebleeds. First Aid Procedures:
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - Heimlich Maneuver -

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Applying a sling
Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries - Abrasion,

Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain)

Additional Topics

 Need and Importance of Physical Education and its relevance in

interdisciplinary context. Understanding of the Endocrine System
 Developing a fitness profile
 Healthy foods habits for prevention and progression of Lifestyle Diseases.
Processed foods and unhealthy eating habits.
 Depression - Anxiety - Stress
 Different ways of carrying an injured person. Usage of Automated
external defibrillator

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 50 marks)

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Case Study/Micro Activity evaluation

Attendance Total
10 20 20 50

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Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Explain the different human body systems and describe various
types of physical activities along with methods to measure and K2
quantify these activities.
Explain how to maintain or improve health and wellness through
CO2 K2
psychological practices, dietary habits, and sports activities.
Discuss about common hypokinetic disorders and
musculoskeletal disorders, and describe the importance of
CO3 K2
leading a healthy lifestyle through the practice of yoga and
abstaining from addictive substances.
Explain the basics of first aid and describe common sports
CO4 K2
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 3 3 3 2 2
CO2 2 3 2 2 2
CO3 0 3 3 2
CO4 2 3 2

Text Books
Sl. Name of Edition
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher
No the and
Author/s Year
Foundations of Nutrition Bhavana Sabarwal Commonwealth
1 1999
Anatomy and physiology in
2 Ross and Wilson Waugh, A., & Grant, A. 2022
health and illness.

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Reference Books
Sl. Edition
No Title of the Book Name of the Name of the Publisher and
Author/s Year
Thygerson, A. L.,
Fit to be Well Essential Jones & Bartlett
1 Thygerson, S. M., & 2018
Concept Learning.
Thygerson, J. S.
Introduction to physical Siedentop, D., Human kinetics.
2 education, fitness, and sport. Van der Mars, H. 2022

National Drug
Substance Use Disorders. Lal, R., & Ambekar,
3 Dependence Treatment 2005
Manual for Physicians. A. (2005).
Centre, New Delhi
The exercise health
connection-how to reduce Nieman, D. C.,
4 your risk of disease and Public Health 1998
White, J. A
other illnesses by making
exercise your medicine.
ACSM's resource manual
Lippincott Williams American College of
5 for guidelines for exercise 2012
testing and prescription. & Wilkins. Sports Medicine.

Exercise Physiology: Katch, F. I., Katch,

energy, nutrition and human V. L., & McArdle, Lippincott Williams &
6 2010
performance. W. D. Wilkins

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE): for the Health and wellness course

Students will be evaluated as follows.

Title Method of Evaluation

Students must attend at least 75% of both theory and practical classes. They
will receive 10 marks based on their class attendance.
Attendance Students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirement for a course,
as specified in the B. Tech regulations, will not be eligible to proceed to the
next criteria.

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Assignments will be given to students to assess their understanding of the
subjects taught. Students will be required to make presentations on the
Assignment / subjects taught in class, and their understanding of the subjects will be
Presentation assessed. Based on the Assignments and Presentations the students will be
awarded marks out of 20

The Assignment / Presentation faculty handling the class will use the tests
from the Fitness Protocols and Guidelines for ages 18+ to 65 years, as set
forth by FIT India. Measurements will be taken for all the tests of the FIT
India Fitness Protocol and the evaluation will be based on the benchmark
score received for the following tests:

1. V Sit Reach Test

Evaluation 2. Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds

3. Push Ups (Male) and Modified Push Up (Female)

4. Two (2) Km Run/Walk

Students who achieve a total benchmark score of 8 across the

aforementioned 4 tests will be awarded pass marks for activity evaluation.
Students who score better will be awarded a maximum mark of 20.
Physically challenged and medically unfit students can opt for an objective
Evaluation test to demonstrate their knowledge of the subjects taught. Based on their
- Special performance in the objective test, they will be awarded marks out of 20.
Students who enrolled themselves in the NCC during the course period
Activity (between the start and end dates of the program) and attended 5 college
level parades will be awarded pass marks for activity evaluation. Students
- Special
Considerations - who attend more parades will be eligible for a maximum mark of 20 based
NCC on their parade attendance.

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Tests to evaluated as per Criterion - 2 and Benchmark Scores

V Sit Reach Test

How to Perform:
1. The subject removes their shoes and sits on the floor with the measuring line between their
legs and the soles of their feet placed immediately behind the baseline, heels 8-12" apart.

2. The thumbs are clasped so that hands are together, palms facing down and placed on the
measuring line.

3. With the legs held flat by a partner, the subject slowly reaches forward as far as possible,
keeping the fingers on baseline and feet flexed.

4. After three tries, the student holds the fourth reach for three seconds while that distance is
5. Make sure there are no jerky movements, and that the fingertips remain level and the legs

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

1. A tape for marking the ground, marker pen, and ruler.

2. With the tape mark a straight line two feet long on the floor as the baseline, and a
measurement line perpendicular to the midpoint of the baseline extending two feet on each

3. Use the marker pen to indicate every centimeter and millimeter along the measurement
line. The point where the baseline and the measuring line intersect is the zero point.

Scoring: The score is recorded in centimeters and millimeters as the distance reached by the
hand, which is the difference between the zero point (where the baseline and measuring line
intersect) and the final position.

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Scoring for V Sit Reach Test for Males

Level Benchmark Score Measurement (cm)

1 2 <11
2 4 12-13
3 6 14-17
4 7 18-19
5 8 20-21
6 9 22
7 10 >22

Scoring for V Sit Reach Test for Females

Level Benchmark Score Measurement (cm)

1 2 <14
2 4 15-16
3 6 17-19
4 7 20-21
5 8 22
6 9 23
7 10 >23
Partial Curl Up – 30 seconds
How to Perform:
1. The subject lies on a cushioned, flat, clean surface with knees flexed, usually at 90 degrees,
with hands straight on the sides (palms facing downwards) closer to the ground, parallel to
the body.

2. The subject raises the trunk in a smooth motion, keeping the arms in position, curling up
the desired amount (at least 6 inches above/along the ground towards the parallel strip).

3. The trunk is lowered back to the floor so that the shoulder blades or upper back touch the

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Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

Flat clean cushioned surface with two parallel strips (6 inches apart), Stopwatch

Scoring: Record the maximum number of Curl ups in a certain time period 30 seconds.

Scoring for Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds Test for Males

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 <25
2 4 25-30
3 6 31-34
4 7 35-38
5 8 39-43
6 9 44-49
7 10 >49

Scoring for Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds Test for Females

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 <18
2 4 18-24
3 6 25-28
4 7 29-32
5 8 33-36
6 9 37-43
7 10 >43

Push Ups for Male/Modified Push Ups for

Female How to Perform:

1. A standard push up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor, the body and legs in
a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a right
angle to the body.

2. Keeping the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a predetermined point,
to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, then returns back
to the starting position with the arms extended.

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3. This action is repeated, and the test continues until exhaustion, or until they can do no
more in rhythm or have reached the target number of push-ups.

4. For Female: push-up technique is with the knees resting on the ground.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

Flat clean cushioned surface/Gym mat

Scoring: Record number of correctly completed pushups.

Scoring for Push Ups for Male

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 <4
2 4 04- 10
3 6 11 -18
4 7 19-34
5 8 35-46
6 9 47-56
7 10 >56

Scoring for Modified Push Ups for Female

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 0-1
2 4 2-5
3 6 6 -10
4 7 11 - 20
5 8 21-27
6 9 27-35
7 10 >35

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2 Km Run/Walk
How to Perform:
1. Participants are instructed to run or walk 2 kms in the fastest possible pace.

2. The participants begin on signal (Starting point)- “ready, start”. As they cross the finish
line, elapsed time should be announced to the participants.

3. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the distance in the shortest possible time.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

Stopwatch, whistle, marker cone, lime powder, measuring tape, 200 or 400 m with 1.22 m (minimum 1 m)
width preferably on a flat and even playground with a marking of starting and finish line. You can also use any
application on your mobile phone that tells you the distance.

Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min, sec.

Scoring for 2Km Run/walk for Male

Level Benchmark Score Minutes: Seconds

1 2 > 11:50
2 4 10:42
3 6 09:44
4 7 08:59
5 8 08:33
6 9 07:37
7 10 >07:37

Scoring for 2Km Run/walk for Female

Level Benchmark Score Minutes : Seconds

1 2 >13:47
2 4 12:51
3 6 12:00
4 7 11:34
5 8 10:42
6 9 09:45
7 10 >09:45

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

(Common to all Branches)

Course Code UCHUT128 CIE Marks 100

Teaching 2:0:1:0 ESE Marks 0

(L: T:P: R)
Credits 1 Exam Hours -

Course Type Activity-based

Prerequisites (if any) None learning

Course objectives:
1. To foster self-awareness and personal growth, enhance communication and
interpersonal connection skills, promote effective participation in groups and teams,
develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, and cultivate the
ability to exercise emotional intelligence.

2. To equip students with the necessary skills to listen, read, write & speak, to comprehend
and successfully convey any idea, technical or otherwise.

3. To equip students to build their profile in line with the professional requirements and
Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

 Continuous internal evaluation is based on the individual and group activities as detailed in the
activity table given below.
 The students should be grouped into groups of size 4 to 6 at the beginning of the semester. They
should use online collaboration tools for group activities, report/presentation making and work
 Activities are to be distributed between 3 class hours (2L+1P) and 3.5 Self-study hours.
 Marks given against each activity should be awarded fully if the students successfully complete
the activity.
 Students should maintain a portfolio file with all the reports and other textual materials generated

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from the activities. Students should also keep a journal related to the activities undertaken.
 Portfolio and journal are mandatory requirements for passing the course, in addition to the
minimum marks required.
 The portfolio and journal should be carried forward and displayed during the 7th Semester
Seminar course as a part of the experience sharing regarding the skills developed through the
HMC courses and Mini project course.
 Self-reflection questionnaire shall be given at the beginning of the semester, in between and at the
end of the semester based on the guidelines in the manual of the course
Table 1: Activity Table

Group /
Sl. (L) / Week of
Activity Individual Marks Skills CO
No. Self completion
1.1 Group formation and self-introduction L 1 G -
among the group members
 Connecting with
1.2 Familiarizing the activities and group members
L 1 G -  Time
preparation of the time plan for the
management -
activities Gantt Chart
1.3 Preparation of Gantt chart based on the SS 1 G 2
time plan

2.1 Take an online personality

 Self-awareness
SS 1 I 2 CO1
development test, self-reflect and report Writing
2.2 Role-storming exercise 1:
Students assume 2 different roles given
●Goal setting -
below and write about their
Identification of
● Strengths, skills and setting
● Areas for improvement, L 1 I 2 goal
● Concerns, ●Discussion in CO1
● Areas in which he/she hesitates to take groups
●Group work-
advice, Compiling of
● Goals/Expectations, ideas
 Mind mapping
from the point of view of the following
assumed roles

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i) their parent/guardian/mentor
ii) their friend/sibling/cousin

2.3 Role-storming exercise 2:

Students assume the role of their teacher
and write about the SS 1 I 2
● Skills required as a B. Tech graduate
● Attitudes, habits, approaches required
and activities to be practised during their
B. Tech years, in order to achieve the set
2.4 Discuss the skills identified through
role storming exercise by each one L 1 G 2
within their own group and improvise
the list of skills
2.5 Prepare a mind map based on the role-
SS 2 G 2
storming exercise and exhibit/present it CO1
in class

3 Prepare a presentation on instances of

L 2 to 4 I 2 ● Empathy
empathy they have observed in their CO2
own life or in other’s life
4.1 Each student connects and networks  Workplace
with a minimum of 3 professionals
SS 3 I 2  Listening
from industry/public sector  Communication -
organizations/other agencies/NGOs interacting with
/academia (at least 1 through LinkedIn)  Networking
4.2 Interact with them to understand their through various
media including
workplace details including LinkedIn
● workplace skills required  Discussion in
● their work experience SS 3 I 4
 Report
● activities they have done to enhance preparation
 Creativity CO2
their employability during their B. Tech
years Goal setting -
Preparation of
● suggestions on the different activities
action plan
to be done during B. Tech years
Prepare a documentation of this
4.3 Discuss the different workplace details &

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work readiness activities assimilated by SS 3 G 2
each through the interactions within their
group and compile the inputs collected
by the individuals
Prepare the Minutes of the discussions
4.4 Report preparation based on the SS 4 G 3
4.5 Perform a role-play based on the
L 5 G 4
workplace dynamics assimilated
through interactions and group
4.6 Identify their own goal and prepare an
SS 5 I 2
action plan for their undergraduate CO1
journey to achieve the goal

5.1 Select a real-life problem that requires a

L 6 G 2
technical solution and list the study CO3
materials needed
5.2 Listen to TED talks & video lectures
from renowned Universities related to
SS 6 I 2
the problem and prepare a one-page CO4
summary (Each group member should
select a different resource)
5.3 Use any online tech forum to gather SS 6 G 2
ideas for solving the problem chosen
5.4 Arrive at a possible solution using six L 7 G 3
thinking hat exercise
5.5 Prepare a report based on the problem- SS 7 G 2
solving experience

6.1 Linkedin profile creation SS 1 I 2 CO6

6.2 Resume preparation SS 8 I 2 Profile-building CO6
6.3 Self-introduction video SS 8 I 3 CO6
7 Prepare a presentation on instances of SS 9 I 2 Emotional
intelligence CO2
demonstration of emotional intelligence
8 Prepare a short video presentation on Diversity
SS 10 G 3
diversity aspects observed in our CO5

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society (3 to 5 minutes)
9 Take online Interview skills ● Interview skills
SS 10 I 2
development sessions like robotic CO6
interviews; self-reflect and report
10 Take an online listening test, self- SS 11 I 2 Listening skills
reflect and report
11.1 Activities to improve English L 8 I/G 4
vocabulary of students
11.2 Activities to help students identify L 9 I/G 2
errors in English language usage
11.3 Activity to help students identify
L 10 I/G 2
commonly misspelled words,
commonly mispronounced words and  English vocabulary
confusing words  English language
11.4 Write a self-reflection report on the  Writing
SS 12 I 2  Presentation
improvement in English language CO4
 Group work
communication through this course  Self-reflection
11.5 Presentation by groups on the
experience of using online
L 11 to 12 G 2
collaboration tools in various group
activities and time management CO5
experience as per the Gantt chart
12.1 Each group prepares video content for  Audio-visual
podcasts on innovative technological presentations
creations with the
interventions/research work tried out in SS 12 G 4 use of technology
Kerala context by tools
 Effective use of
academicians/professionals/Govt. CO5
social media
agencies/research institutions/private platforms
 Profile building
agencies/NGOs/other agencies
12.2 Upload the video content to podcasting SS 12 G 1
platforms or YouTube
12.3 Add the link of the podcast in their SS 12 G 1
LinkedIn profile

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Table 2: Lab hour Activities (P): 24 Marks

Sl No Activity Marks Skill CO

1 Hands-on sessions on day-to-day engineering Basic practical 3

skills and a self-reflection report on the engineering
experience gained: 24 skills
1. Drilling practice using electric hand
drilling machines.
2. Cutting of MS rod and flat using electric
hand cutters.
3. Filing, finishing and smoothening
using electrically operated hand
4. MS rod cutting using Hack saw by
holding the work in bench wise.
5. Study and handling different types of
measuring instruments.
6. Welding of MS, SS work pieces.
7. Pipe bending practice (PVC and GI).
8. Water tap fitting.
9. Water tap rubber seal changing practice.
10. Union and valves connection practice in pipes.
11. Foot valve fitting practice.
12. Water pump seal and bearing changing
2 Language Lab sessions - Language Skills 4

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Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Develop the ability to know & understand oneself, show confidence in
one's potential & capabilities, set goals and develop plans to K5
accomplish tasks
Develop the ability to communicate and connect with others,
CO2 participate in groups/teams, empathise, respect diversity, be
responsible and understand the need to exercise emotional
CO3 Develop thinking skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills K5
Develop listening, reading, writing & speaking skills, ability to
CO4 comprehend & successfully convey any idea, and ability to analyze, K6
interpret & effectively summarize textual, audio & visual content
Develop the ability to create effective presentations through audio-
CO5 visual mediums with the use of technology tools and initiate effective
use of social media platforms & tech forums for content delivery and
CO6 Initiate profile-building exercises in line with the professional
requirements, and start networking with professionals/academicians K6

CO-PO Mapping

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 1 3
CO2 1 3 3 3
CO3 1 1 1 1 1
CO4 1 1 2
CO5 1 1 1 2
CO6 1 1
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

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Text Books
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Name of the Edition and
Author/s Publisher Year
1 Life Skills & Maithry Shinde et.al. Cambridge First Edition,
Personality University Press 2022
Emotional Intelligence: Why Bloomsbury, Anniversar
2 it can matter more than IQ Daniel Goleman Publishing y Edition
PLC December
Think Faster, Talk Macmillan September
3 Smarter: How to speak Matt Abrahams Business 2023
successfully when you are
put on the spot
4 Deep Work: Rules for Cal Newport PIATKUS January 2016
focused success in a
distracted world
5 Effective Technical Ashraf Rizvi McGraw 2nd Edition
Communication Hill
6 Interchange Jack C. Richards, With Cambridge 5th Edition
Jonathan Hull, Susan publishers

Reference Books
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Name of Edition
Author/s the and
Publisher Year
1 Life Skills for Engineers Remesh S., Vishnu Ridhima First Edition,
R.G. Publication 2016
2 Soft Skills & Employability Sabina Pillai and Cambridge First Edition,
Skills Agna Fernandez University Press 2018
3 Effective Technical Ashraf Rizvi McGraw 2nd Edition
Communication Hill 2017
Cambridge 5th
4 English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy, University Press Edition
India PVT LTD 2023
5 Guide to writing as an David F. Beer John Willey. 2004
Engineer and David New York

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Course Code GDMAT201 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:0:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 3 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) Basic knowledge in Course Type Theory


Course Objectives:
1. Equip students with fundamental concepts of complex numbers.

2. Provide a robust understanding of Taylor and Maclaurin series expansions for

approximating functions and solving boundary value problems.

3. Familiarize students with analytical techniques for solving differential equations and
computing power series coefficients.

4. Introduce advanced concepts and methods in Laplace transform relevant to engineering

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Complex numbers and their geometric representation- addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, conjugate. Polar form of complex
numbers, Derivative - Analytic function, Cauchy Riemann equation,
Exponential function, Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions - Euler’s
(Text1: Relevant topics from Sections 13.1,13.2,13.3,13.4,13.5,13.6)
Power series - Concept behaviour of convergence of Power series- Radius
of convergence. Taylor and Maclaurin series - Binomial series-Series
representation of exponential - trigonometric - logarithmic functions.
Fourier series , Euler formulas, Convergence of Fourier series (Dirichlet’s

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conditions), Fourier series of function with period 2l.
(Text 1: Relevant topics from Sections 11.1 ,11.2, 15.2,15.4)

Homogeneous linear ODEs of second order with constant coefficients

(Method to find general solution, solution of linear Initial Value
Problem). Non homogenous ODEs (with constant coefficients)- General
3 solution, Particular solution by the method of undetermined coefficients
(Particular solutions for the functions 𝑘𝑒 , 𝑘𝑥 , 𝑘𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑥, 𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑥 ,
𝑘𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑥, 𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑥 )
(Text 1: Relevant topics from sections 2.2, 2.7)
Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity property, First
shifting theorem, Transform of derivatives, Solution of Initial value
4 problems by Laplace transform (Second order linear ODE with constant
coefficients with initial conditions at t=0 only).
(Text 1: Relevant topics from Sections 6.1,6.2)

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Assignment/ Examination-1 Examination- 2
Attendance Total
(Written) (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

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End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)
In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions
Part A Part B Total

● 2 Questions from ● Each question carries 9 marks.

each module. ● Two questions will be given from each

● Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered. 60
● Each question can have a maximum of 3
sub divisions.
(8x3 =24marks)
(4x9 = 36 marks)

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Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
CO1 Understand the concept of complex numbers and analytic
functions K2
Understand the concept of series expansions of functions and
to calculate Fourier series K2

Solve homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear differential

equations with constant coefficients. K3

Compute Laplace transform of functions and solve ODEs

arising in engineering problems. K3

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO3 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO4 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - - 2

Text Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
1 Advanced Engineering Erwin Kreyszig John Wiley & Sons edition,
Mathematics 2016

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Reference Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
Maurice D. Weir, 15th
1 Thomas’ Calculus Joel Hass, Pearson edition
Christopher Heil, , 2024
2 Bird’s Higher Engineering John Bird Taylor & Francis 9th edition,
Mathematics Group 2021
Howard Anton, Irl
3 Calculus Wiley edition,
Bivens, Stephen Davis 2024
Higher Engineering B. V. Ramana McGraw- 39th edition,
Mathematics Hill 2023

Module. No Link ID

1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/103/111103070/

2 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_ma64/preview

3 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/104/111104031/

4 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/106/111106139/

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(Common to Group C & D)

Course Code GZPHT121 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:2:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory + Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To provide students with a solid background in the fundamentals of Physics and impart
this knowledge in Physical Science and Life Science disciplines.

2. To develop scientific attitudes and enable students to correlate Physics concepts with
their core programs.

3. To equip students with practical knowledge that complements their theoretical studies
and develop their ability to create practical applications and solutions in engineering
based on their understanding of Physics.

Module Contact
No. Syllabus Description Hours
Laser & Fiber Optics

Optical processes – Absorption-Spontaneous emission and

stimulated emission, Principle of laser - conditions for
sustained lasing – Population inversion- Pumping-
Metastable states, Basic components of laser - Active
medium - Optical resonant cavity, Construction and 9
working of Ruby laser and CO2 laser, Construction and
working Semiconductor laser (qualitative), Properties of

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laser, Applications of laser.

Optic fiber-Principle of propagation of light, Types of fibers-

Step index and Graded index fibers - Multimode and single
mode fibers, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture –
Derivation, Applications of optical fibers -

Fiber optic communication system (block diagram)

Interference and Diffraction

Introduction, Principle of super position, Constructive and

destructive interference, Optical path, Phase difference and
2 path difference, Cosine law- reflected system- Condition for
constructive and destructive interference, Colours in thin
films, Newton’s Rings-Determination of refractive index of 9
transparent liquids and wavelength, Air wedge-
Measurement of thickness of thin sheets.

Diffraction-types of diffraction, Diffraction due to a single slit,

grating – Construction - grating equation, Dispersive and
Resolving Power (qualitative).

Quantum Mechanics

Introduction, Concept of uncertainty and conjugate

observables (qualitative), Uncertainty principle (statement
only), Application of uncertainty principle- Absence of
electron inside nucleus - Natural line broadening, Wave
function – properties - physical interpretation, Formulation of
time dependent and time independent Schrodinger equations,
Particle in a one- dimensional box - Derivation of energy
eigen values and normalized wave function, Quantum
Mechanical Tunnelling


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Waves & Acoustics

Waves- transverse and longitudinal waves, Concept of

frequency, wavelength and time period (no derivation),
Transverse vibrations in a stretched string- derivation of
velocity and frequency - laws of transverse vibration. 9

Acoustics- Reverberation and echo, Reverberation time and its


- Sabine’s Formula, Factors affecting acoustics of a building.

Ultrasonics- Piezoelectric oscillator, Ultrasonic
diffractometer, SONAR, NDT-Pulse

echo method, medical application-Ultrasound scanning


Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Continuous Examination
Attendance Examination- Examination- 3 Total
Assessment -2
1 (Written) (Lab
5 10 10 10 5 40

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End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)
In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each

 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.

(4x9 = 36 marks)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
CO1 Describe the basic principles and properties of laser and optic
CO2 Describe the phenomena of interference and diffraction of light. K2
Describe the behaviour of matter in the atomic and subatomic
CO3 K2
level through the principles of quantum mechanics.
Apply the knowledge of waves and acoustics in non-destructive
CO4 K3
testing and in acoustic design of buildings.
Apply basic knowledge of principles and theories in physics to
CO5 K3
conduct experiments.
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

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CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3
CO2 3 3

CO3 3 3

CO4 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 2 3

Text Books
Name of
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s and Year
M N Avadhanulu, P G 2nd
A Textbook of Edition, 2019
1 Kshirsagar & TVS S Chand & Co.
Engineering Physics
McGraw Edition, 2017
2 Engineering Physics H K Malik , A.K.
Mc Graw Edition, 2017
3 Optics Ajoy Ghatak

Reference Books
Sl. Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Edition and
No Year
8th Edition,
1 Engineering Physics G Vijayakumari Vikas Publications 2014
Tata McGraw Hill 6th Edition
2 Concepts of Modern Physics Arthur Beiser Publications 2003
2nd Edition,
3 Engineering Physics Aruldhas G. PHI Pvt. Ltd
4 Fiber Optic Communications Gerd Keiser Springer 2021
A Text Book of Engineering 2nd Edition,
5 I. Dominic, A. Nahari OWL Publications
physics 2016
6 Advanced Engineering Premlet B Phasor Books
Engineering Physics Rakesh Dogra Katson Books 1st Edition,
7 2019

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Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Module No Link ID
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104104085
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115105537

1. Continuous Assessment (10 Marks)

1. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (2 Marks)

● Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes

that test understanding of the upcoming experiment.

● Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and

understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.

2. Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

● Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate

execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.

● Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in

observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.

● Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.

3. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (3 Marks)

● Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports.

Proper documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.

● Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough

record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.

4. Viva Voce (3 Marks)

● Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and underlying

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principles during a viva voce session.

Final Marks Averaging: The final marks for preparation, conduct of experiments,
viva, and record are the average of all the specified experiments in the syllabus.

2. Evaluation Pattern for Lab Examination (5 Marks)

1. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

● Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the

procedure and understanding each step involved.

● Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and

organizing materials/equipment.

● Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the

experiment or programming task

2. Result (2 Marks)

● Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

3. Viva Voce (1 Marks)

● Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical

aspects of the subject.

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Experiment List

No. (Minimum 10 Experiments)
1 Optical fiber characteristics- Measurement of Numerical aperture.

2 Determination of wavelength of Laser using diffraction grating.

3 Measure the wavelength of Laser using a millimetre scale as a grating.

4 Determination of wavelength of a monochromatic light using Newton’s Rings method.

5 Determination of diameter of wire or thickness of thin sheet using Air wedge method.

6 Determination of slit width (diffraction due to a single slit).

7 Measure wavelength of light source using diffraction grating.

8 Determination of resolving power and dispersive power of grating.

9 Characteristics of LED.

10 CRO basics-Measurement of frequency and amplitude of wave forms.

11 Solar Cell- I V and Intensity Characteristics.

12 Melde’s experiment- Frequency calculation in Transverse and Longitudinal Mode.
13 LCR circuit –forced and damped harmonic oscillations.

Determination of wavelength and velocity of ultrasonic waves using

ultrasonic diffractometer.
15 Determination of particle size of lycopodium powder.

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(Common to Group D)

Course Code GDCYT122 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:0:2:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:
1. To equip students with a thorough understanding of chemistry concepts
relevant to engineering applications.
2. Familiarize students with applied topics such as spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and
instrumental methods.
3. Raise awareness among students about environmental issues, including climate change,
pollution, and waste management, and their impact on quality of life.

Module Contact
No. Syllabus Description Hours
Stereochemistry & Materials for Biological Applications
Stereochemistry: Stereo Isomerism-Configurational Isomerism-
Geometrical & Optical isomers-Wedge & Fischer projections - E-Z
Nomenclature- R&S Configuration
Nanomaterials: Classification based on materials- Synthesis – Sol

1 gel & Chemical reduction – Bio-applications of nanomaterials – 9

Carbon Nanotubes, Fullerenes & Graphene – structure, properties &
Polymers: Biodegradable polymers- PHBV & PLA- Synthesis,
properties and applications. Conducting Polymers-Classification-
Polyaniline & Polypyrrole- Synthesis, properties and applications

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(Biosensors & artificial muscles).
Nano polymers-Dendrimers – biological application.

Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science

Electrochemical Cell: Electrode potential- Nernst equation for

single electrode and cell (Numerical problems)- Reference
electrodes – SHE & Calomel electrode –Construction and Working
- Electrochemical series - Applications – Glass Electrode & pH
2 9
Measurement-Conductivity- Measurement using Digital
conductivity meter. Li-ion battery & H2-O2 fuel cell (acid electrolyte
only) construction and working.
Corrosion control methods: Galvanic series - Cathodic
Protection -
Sacrificial anodic protection and impressed current cathodic
protection – Electroplating of copper - Electroless plating of copper.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis

Spectroscopy: Types of spectra - Molecular energy levels - Beer

Lambert’s law – Numerical problems - Electronic Spectroscopy –
Principle, Types of electronic transitions – Role of conjugation in
absorption maxima- Instrumentation-Applications – Vibrational
spectroscopy – Principle- Number of vibrational modes - Vibrational
modes of CO2 and H2O – Applications
3 9
Chromatographic methods: Basic principles and applications of
column and TLC-Retention factor. HPLC-Principle, instrumentation
(block diagram)
- retention time and applications.

Electron Microscopic Techniques: SEM - Principle,

instrumentation and Applications.
Fuels: Calorific value – HCV and LCV – Experimental
determination of
calorific value of solid fuels. Biofuels- Biodiesel-Green Hydrogen.

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Environmental Chemistry
Water characteristics: - Hardness - Types of hardness- Temporary
and Permanent - Disadvantages of hard water -Degree of hardness
(Numericals) Water softening methods-Ion exchange process-
Principle, procedure and advantages. Reverse osmosis – principle,
4 process and advantages. – Water disinfection methods – 9
chlorination-Break point chlorination, ozone and UV irradiation.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) -Estimation (only brief procedure-
Winkler’s method), BOD and COD-definition, estimation (only brief
procedure) and significance (Numericals).
Waste Management: Sewage water treatment- Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary - Flow diagram -Trickling filter and UASB process.
Chemistry of climate change- Greenhouse Gases-Ozone depletion
- Sustainable Development- An introduction to Sustainable
Development Goals.

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal Internal

Attendance Examination-1 Examination-2 Examination- 3 Total
(Written) (Written) (Lab
5 10 10 10 5 40

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End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)
In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each
 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be
each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3
(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.
(4x9 = 36 marks)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Describe the use of various materials and their stereochemical
CO1 K2
influence in Biological applications
Explain the Basic Concepts of Electrochemistry and Corrosion to
CO2 K2
Explore the Possible Applications in Various Engineering Fields
Choose appropriate analytical techniques for different engineering
CO3 K3
CO4 Outline various water treatment and waste management methods K2
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

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CO-PO Mapping Table:
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2
CO2 3 3 2
CO3 3 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 3 2

Text Books
Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher Year
B. L. Tembe,
1 Engineering Chemistry Kamaluddin, M. S. NPTEL Web-book 2018
Oxford University
2 Physical Chemistry P. W. Atkins al Edition-
Instrumental Methods of H. H. Willard, L. L. 7th Edition-
3 CBS Publishers
Analysis Merritt 2005
Dhanpath Rai 17th Edition
4 Engineering Chemistry Jain & Jain Publishing Company - 2015

Reference Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Publisher and Year
Fundamentals of Molecular 4th edn.,
1 Spectroscopy C. N. Banwell McGraw-Hill 1995
Principles of B. R. Puri, L. R.
2 Vishal Publishing Co Edition,
Physical Chemistry Sharma,
M. S. Pathania
Cengage Learning
3 Introduction to Spectroscopy Donald L. Pavia India Pvt. Ltd 2015
Polymer Chemistry: Raymond B. Seymour, Marcel
4 Revised
An Introduction Charles E. Carraher Dekker Inc
Prof. Dr. C. N. R. Rao,
The Chemistry of Wiley‐VCH
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult.
5 Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Verlag GmbH & 2014
Achim Müller, Prof. Dr.
Properties and Applications Co. KGaA
A. K. Cheetham
Organic Electronics
Shuichiro Ogawa Springer Tokyo
6 Materials and Devices 2024

Principles and Applications of Oxford: Blackwell

7 Thermal Analysis Gabbot, P Publishing 2008

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Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Link ID

2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/104/105/104105124/

Continuous Assessment (10 Marks)

Continuous assessment evaluations are conducted based on laboratory associated
with the theory.

Mark distribution
1. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (2 Marks)
 Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes that test
understanding of the upcoming experiment.
 Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and
understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.

2. Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)

 Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate
execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.
 Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in
observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.
 Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.
3. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (3 Marks)
 Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports. Proper
documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.
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 Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough

record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.
4. Viva Voce (3 Marks)
 Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and underlying
principles during a viva voce session.

Final Marks Averaging: The final marks for preparation, conduct of

experiments, viva, and record are the average of all the specified experiments in
the syllabus.

Evaluation Pattern for Lab Examination (5 Marks)

1. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Conduct of Experiments (2 Marks)
 Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the
procedure and understanding each step involved.
 Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and organizing
 Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the experiment or
programming task.
2. Result (2 Marks)
 Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

3. Viva Voce (1 Marks)

 Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

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List of Experiments
Minimum 10 Experiments

1 Estimation of iron in iron ore

2 Estimation of copper in brass

3 Determination of cell constant and conductance of solutions

4 Calibration of pH meter and determination of pH of a solution

Synthesis of polymers

(a) Urea-formaldehyde resin

(b) Phenol-formaldehyde resin

Determination of wavelength of absorption maximum and colorimetric estimation of

6 Fe3+ in solution

Determination of molar absorptivity of a compound (KMnO4 or any water-soluble

7 food colorant)

8 Analysis of IR spectra

9 Identification of drugs using TLC

10 Estimation of total hardness of water-EDTA method

11 Estimation of dissolved oxygen by Winkler’s method

12 Determination of calorific value using Bomb calorimeter

13 Determination of saponification value of a given vegetable oil

14 Determination of acid value of a given vegetable oil

15 Verification of Nernst equation for electrochemical cell.

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Course Code GDEST203 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3-0-0-0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 3 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:
1. Understand thermodynamic cycles and the working of IC engines.
2. Understand the refrigeration cycles and psychrometric concepts
3. To understand the relevance of civil engineering and its various disciplines.
4. Explain the relevance of various building codes and types of buildings as per the
5. Understand various types of building components and building materials.
6. Understand the concept of environmental systems through ecological contexts.


Module Contact
No. Syllabus Description Hours
General Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Thermodynamic cycles -Carnot Cycle -Derivation of efficiency

(problems on efficiency) Otto, Diesel cycles (no derivation of
efficiency and problems).
IC Engines: CI & SI Engines, working of 2-Stroke & 4-Stroke
1 engines. Listing the parts of IC Engines. Concept of CRDI, MPFI, 9
and hybrid engines.
Refrigeration: Unit of refrigeration, reversed Carnot cycle, COP,
vapor compression cycle (only description and no problems);
Definitions of dry, wet & dew point temperatures, specific humidity,
and relative humidity, Psychrometric chart, Cooling and

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
dehumidification, Layout of central air conditioning systems
Classification of pumps, Description about working with sketches of
Reciprocating pump, Centrifugal pump. Classification of Hydraulic
Different types of gears and their applications (spur, helical, bevel,
worm, and worm wheel), List types of clutches and their use,

2 Bearings and their classification (Journal bearing and ball bearing)

Manufacturing Process: Sand Casting, Forging, Rolling, Extrusion.
Metal Joining Processes: List types of welding, Description with
sketches of Arc Welding, SMAW, Soldering and Brazing and their
Machining processes: Description and operations performed on
Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, CNC machine, 3D printing.
Relevance of Civil Engineering in the overall infrastructural
development of the country.
A brief introduction to major disciplines of Civil Engineering like
Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geo-technical
Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Environmental
Engineering. Introduction to buildings: Types of buildings according
to the character of occupancy as per NBC, Load bearing and non-
load bearing building structures, components, and functions.
3 9
(concept only).
Selection of site for a residential building,

Building Area Definitions: Built-up area, Plinth area, Floor area,

Carpet area, and Floor area ratio or a building as per KBR.
Building rules and regulations: Relevance of NBC, KBR & CRZ
norms (brief discussion of relevance only).
Environmental Laws and Regulations: Overview of environmental
laws (Brief Description only)

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Origin of soil-weathering of rocks, types of weathering

Conventional construction materials: Brick, stones, sand, cement,

and timber- Classification of construction materials, Qualities, tests
and uses of construction materials,
4 Cement concrete: Constituent materials, properties, and types. – 9

Steel: Structural steel sections and steel reinforcements - types.

Environmental Systems and Sustainable Practices: Pollution control
technologies, Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy,
Basics of climate change and mitigation strategies (brief description

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Attendance Examination- Examination- Total
1 (Written) 2 (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each
 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be
each carrying 3 marks answered. 60

 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.
(4x9 = 36 marks)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 95

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Understand the relevance of mechanical engineering and its
CO1 K2
various disciplines.
Learn the applications of thermodynamics through IC engines and
CO2 K2
refrigeration systems.
Understand the various manufacturing processes adapted by
CO3 K2
mechanical engineers.
Understand the relevance of civil engineering and its various
CO4 K2
Describe the relevance of various building codes and types of
CO5 K2
buildings as per the codes.
Understand various types of building components and building
CO6 K2
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 3 2
CO4 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 2 2
2 2 3 2

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Text Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and Year
1st Edition,
1 Basic Mechanical Engineering Pravin Kumar Pearson Education
A Textbook of Basic 3rd Edition,
2 R.K. Rajput Laxmi Publications
Mechanical Engineering 2017
K.P. Roy, S.K. Hajra Revised
Elements of Mechanical Media Promoters &
3 Choudhury, A.K. Hajra Edition,
Engineering Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2012
Engineering Charotar Publishing 43rd
4 S C Rangwala Edition
Materials (Material House Pvt Limited
5t Edition
5 Building Materials S K Duggal New Age International
Charotar Publishing Ist
Essentials of Civil
6 Dalal, K R house Edition
Essential Environmental Kurian Joseph & Pearson Education, 1st
7 Edition
studies R Nagendran New Delhi

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 97

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Reference Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and Year
Hybrid Electric Vehicles: 2nd
Chris Mi and M. Abul
1 Principles and Applications John Wiley & Sons Edition,
Masrur 2017
with Practical Perspectives
Automotive Engineering Richard Stone and 1st Edition,
2 Jeffrey K. Ball SAE International 2004
Additive Manufacturing
Technologies: 3D Printing, Ian Gibson, David W. 2nd Edition,
3 Springer
Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Rosen, and Brent 2015
Digital Manufacturing Stucker
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Faye C. McQuiston,
6th Edition,
4 Conditioning Analysis and Jerald D. Parker, and John Wiley & Sons
Design Jeffrey D. Spitler
Mamlouk, Pearson Publishers 4th Edition,
5 Materials for Civil and
M.S.,and 2017
Construction Engineering
Zaniewski, J.P
Materials for Civil and Mamlouk, M. S., and Pearson Publishers 4th edition
Construction Engineering Zaniewski, J. P 2021
Rangwala S.C and Charotar Publishing 34th edition
7 Building Construction Dalal house 2022
Longman group,
Construction Technology 2nd edition
8 Chudley, R England Course
Vol. I to IV 2014
Building Construction Mckay, W.B. and Pearson India 4th Edition
9 Volumes 1 to 4 Mckay, J. K Education Services 2013

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Link ID
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106133/
2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/105/112105268/
4 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/105/106/105106206/

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
(Common to Group C & D)

Course Code GZEST204 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
4:0:0:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:
1. Apply fundamental concepts and circuit laws to solve simple DC/AC electric circuits

2. Develop an awareness on the fundamentals of electric power generation, transmission

and distribution
3. Compare different types of DC and AC motors

4. Describe the fundamental concepts of electronic components and devices

5. Outline the basic principles of an electronic instrumentation system

6. Identify important applications of modern electronics in the contemporary world


Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Generation of alternating voltages: - Faradays laws of
Electromagnetic induction, Generation of Alternating Voltage,
Elementary Generator, Representation of ac voltage and currents,
sinusoidal waveforms: frequency, period average, RMS values and
1 11
form factor of waveform; (Simple numerical problems)
DC Circuits: Resistance in Series and Parallel, Ohms Law and
Kirchhoff’s laws, Voltage and current divider rule (Simple
numerical problems)

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
AC circuits: Purely resistive, inductive and capacitive circuits;
Inductive and capacitive reactance, concept of impedance. (Simple
numerical problems) Three phase AC systems: Representation of
three phase voltages; star and delta connections (balanced only),
relation between line and phase voltages, line and phase currents
Power in AC circuits – Power factor; active, reactive and apparent
power in
single phase and three phase system. (Simple numerical problems)
Generation of electrical energy: Conventional Sources:
Hydro, thermal, nuclear plants (Block diagram description)
Introduction to non-conventional energy sources: solar, wind,
small hydro plants, PV system for domestic application.
Transformers. Principle of operation, step-up and step-
down transformers
AC power supply scheme: Single phase and three phase
system, Three phase 3 wire and 4 wire systems,
Transmission System, Distribution system: Feeder, distributor,
service mains
2 11
Types of Motors – Principle of Operation: Block diagram
showing power stages, losses and efficiency (electrical and
mechanical and overall efficiency); Simple numerical
Introduction to different types of DC and AC motors.
Classification and different type of dc and ac motors, common
applications: Principle of traction and applications
Earthing: need for earthing, Types of earthing; pipe earthing,
plate earthing;
Principle of operation of MCB, ELCB/RCCB

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Introduction to Semiconductor devices:

Electronic components- Passive and active components -

Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors (constructional features not
required): types, specifications. Standard values, colour
3 11
PN Junction diode: - Principle of operation, V-I characteristics.
Bipolar Junction Transistors: PNP and NPN structures, Principle
of operation Digital Electronics: -Binary number system,
Boolean algebra and Logic Gates, Universal gates.
Basic electronic circuits: - Rectifiers and power supplies: Block
diagram description of a dc power supply, working of a full wave
bridge rectifier, capacitor filter (no analysis), working of simple zener
voltage regulator.
Amplifiers: - Transistor as an amplifier, Block diagram of Public
Address system
Electronic Instrumentation:

Quality of measurements -accuracy, precision, sensitivity and

resolution, Working principle and applications of Sensors – pressure
4 – strain gauge, Bourden gauge, temperature – RTD, thermocouple, 11
proximity – capacitive sensor, ultrasonic sensor and accelerometer.
Internet of things (IoT): Introduction, architecture of IoT,
Implementation of
smart city – street lighting, smart parking.

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Attendance Examination- Examination- Total
1 (Written) 2 (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 101

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each
 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be
each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3
(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.
(4x9 = 36 marks)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Apply fundamental concepts and circuit laws to solve simple
DC/AC electric circuits K2
Develop an awareness on the fundamentals of electric power
generation, transmission and distribution K3
CO3 Compare different types of DC and AC motors K2
Describe the fundamental concepts of electronic components and
devices K2
Outline the basic principles of an electronic instrumentation
system K2
C06 Identify important applications of modern electronics in the
contemporary world K2
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

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CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 2
CO2 3 2 2 1 2
CO3 3 1 2
CO4 3 1 2
CO5 3 1 2
CO6 3 2 1 2

Text Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
D P Kothari and I J
1 Basic Electrical Engineering Tata McGraw Hill 4/e 2019
Schaum's Outline of Basic J.J.Cathey and Syed
2 Tata McGraw Hill
Electrical Engineering A Nasar 3/e 2010
Basic Electronics: Chinmoy Saha,
3 Principles and Arindham Halder and 1/e 2018
Applications Debarati Ganguly
Basic Electrical and D. P. Kothari and I. J.
4 McGraw Hill 2/e 2020
Electronics Engineering Nagrath
The Internet of Things:
How Smart TVs, Smart
5 Michael Miller QUE 1/e 2015
Cars, Smart Homes, and
Smart Cities Are
Changing the World
N N Bhargava D C
Basic Electronics and Linear
6 Kulshreshtha and S. C. McGraw Hill 2/e 2017

7 Electronic Communication Kennedy and Davis McGraw Hill 6/e 2017


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Reference Books
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the
1 Basic Electrical Engineering D C Kulshreshtha Tata McGraw Hill 2/e 2019
Electrical Engineering
2 Del Toro V Pearson Education 2/e 2019
T. K. Nagsarkar, M. S. Oxford Higher
3 Basic Electrical Engineering 3/e 2017
Sukhija Education
Electronics: A
4 Neil Storey Pearson 6e 2017
Systems Approach
Electronic Devices and Circuit Robert L. Boylestad and
5 Pearson 11e 2015
Theory Louis Nashelsky
Principles of Electronic
6 Frenzel, L. E McGraw Hill 4e 2016

Internet of Things:
7 Raj Kamal McGraw Hill 1/e 2017
Architecture and Design
Dennis Roddy and
8 Electronic Communication McGraw Hill 4/e 2008
John Coolen
9 Basic Electrical Engineering D C Kulshreshtha Tata McGraw Hill 2/e 2019

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

(Common to all Branches)

Course Code UCEST206 CIE Marks 60

Teaching Hours/Week 2:1:0:0 ESE Marks 40

(L: T:P: R)

Credits 3 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:
1. Develop a framework for identifying, curating and validating engineering-based
business ideas.
2. Learn essential tools for understanding product-market fit and customer needs.
3. Create a comprehensive business plan for a new venture.
4. Gain foundational knowledge of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and their
importance for startups.
5. Develop skills for prototyping, stakeholder engagement, and team collaboration.


Module Contact
No. Syllabus Description Hours
Introduction to Ideation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

● What is Ideation?

● Understanding Innovation

● Frameworks for Innovation

1 9
● The Entrepreneurial Mindset

● Starting a Business, types formation statutory compliances.

● Resources for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

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Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

● Types of IPR: Patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets

Strategies for protecting intellectual property based on the
type of innovation
● Role of IPR in securing funding and competitive advantage
Importance of building a strong team
● Identifying roles
● Skill sets
● Team dynamics
Identifying Pain Points and problem statement
● Idea Generation Techniques
● Developing and Refining Ideas
● Develop strategies for bringing your innovation to life
Problem and solution canvas preparation
● Orientation and canvas introduction
● Customer needs assessment
● Market segmentation
● Value proposition
● Competitive analysis
● Market entry strategy
● Market validation
● Regulatory and legal considerations
Customer profiling
● Review of market research
● Customer segmentation
● Customer profiling
2 9
● Persona development
● Validation and feedback
● Prioritisation and selection
● Communication and messaging
Competitor analysis
● Identify competitors
● Competitor profiling
● SWOT analysis

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● Market positioning
● Customer feedback and reviews
● Pricing analysis
● Differentiation strategy
● Benchmarking and improvement
Business plan preparation
● Business plan framework
● Market analysis
● Product/ service description
● Marketing and sales strategy
● Operations plan
● Financial projections
● Risk management
Prototype development plan preparation
3 9
● Prototype requirements analysis
● Technical specifications
● Development approach
● Development timeline
● Resource allocation
● Testing and quality assurance
● Iterative development and feedback loop
● Documentation and version control
Prototype development
Stakeholder engagement
4 9
● Investors
● Partners
● Customers
● Advisors & Mentors

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 60 marks, ESE: 40

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Attendance Micro Internal Ex-1 Internal Ex-2 Total

5 35 10 10 60

Micro project / Comprehensive Business Plan:

The course will be evaluated based on a comprehensive Business Plan Report submitted
and prototype development evaluation at the end of the course. The report should integrate
learnings and activities from each module, demonstrating a deep understanding of the
concepts and your ability to apply them to a chosen engineering venture.

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 Minimum 1 and Maximum 2  2 questions will be given from each module,
Questions from each module. out of which 1 question should be answered.
 Total of 8 Questions, each  Each question can have a maximum of 3
carrying 3 marks subdivisions.
(6x2 =12 marks)  Each question carries 9 marks.

(4x7 = 28 marks)

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Gain foundational knowledge of Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and their K2
importance for startups.
Develop a framework for identifying, curating and validating
CO2 K3
engineering-based business ideas.
Learn essential tools for understanding product-market fit
CO3 K3
and customer needs.

CO4 Create a comprehensive business plan for a new venture. K6

Develop skills for prototyping, stakeholder engagement, and
CO5 K4
team collaboration.
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 3 3 3 3 3
CO2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Text Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and Year
2 nd Edn,
1 The Engineering Handbook Richard C. Dorf CRC Press
Clayton M. Christensen Harvard Business edition
The Innovator's DNA and Jeffrey H. Dyer Review Press; (June 4,
3 Start with Why SIMON SINEK Portfolio
27, 2011)
Alexander Osterwalder Wiley 2010
4 Business Model Generation
& Yves Pigneur
The Engineering
Entrepreneur: A Practical
Guide to Starting and
Running a Successful Saibal Gupta and Ashok
Sage Publications 2011
Engineering Business in
India by Saibal Gupta and
Ashok Jhunjhunwala
Innovation and
Entrepreneurship for
6 Bharat Bhushan and
Engineers by Bharat Seema CRS Press 2016
Bhushan and Seema Bhushan

Indian Patent Law Eastern Book
7 P. Narayanan 2nd edn/ 2020
by P. Narayanan Company

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 110

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

The Law of Copyright

8 and Designs B.L. Wadehra Universal Law 5th edn/2010
by B.L. Wadehra
Intellectual Property
Rights (Including IPR in Tata McGraw-Hill
9 Prabuddha Ganguli 2001
the Digital Age) Education

by Prabuddha Ganguli
The Startup India
Manifesto: A Guide to the
Rashmi Bansal and
10 Indian Startup Ecosystem Westland Publications 2020
Deepinder Goyal
by Rashmi Bansal and
Deepinder Goyal

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 111

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
(Common to all Groups)

Course Code UCHWT127 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week
1:0:1:0 ESE Marks 0
(L: T:P: R)
Credits 1 Exam Hours Nil

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type

Course Objectives:
1. To provide essential knowledge on physical activity, health, and wellness.

2. To ensure students understand body systems, exercise principles, nutrition, mental

health, and disease management.

3. To educate students on the benefits of yoga, the risks of substance abuse and basic first
aid skills.

4. To equip students with the ability to lead healthier lifestyles.

5. To enable students to design effective and personalized exercise programs


Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Human Body Systems related to Physical activity and its functions:
Respiratory System - Cardiovascular System.
Musculoskeletal System and the Major Muscle groups of the Human
Quantifying Physical Activity Energy Expenditure and Metabolic
equivalent of task (MET)
Exercise Continuum: Light-intensity physical activity, Moderate -
1 4
intensity physical activity, Vigorous -intensity physical activity.
Defining Physical Activity, Aerobic Physical Activity, Anaerobic
Physical Activity, Exercise and Health-Related Physical Fitness.
FITT principle to design an Exercise programme

Components of Health related Physical Fitness: - Cardiorespiratory

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 112

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Fitness- Muscular strength- Muscular endurance- Flexibility- Body
Concept of Health and Wellness: Health and wellness differentiation,
Factors affecting health and wellness. Mental health and Factors
affecting mental health.
Sports and Socialization: Sports and character building - Leadership
through Physical Activity and Sports
Diet and nutrition: Exploring Micro and Macronutrients: Concept of
2 2
Balanced diet
Carbohydrate & the Glycemic Index

Animal & Plant - based Proteins and their Effects on Human Health
Dietary Fats & their Effects on Human Health
Essential Vitamins and Minerals
Lifestyle management strategies to prevent / manage common
hypokinetic diseases and disorders - Obesity - Cardiovascular
diseases (e.g., coronary artery disease, hypertension) - Diabetes -
Osteoporosis - Musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., osteoarthritis, Low
back pain, Kyphosis, lordosis , flat foot, Knock knee )
Meaning, Aims and objectives of yoga - Classification and
importance of Yogic Asanas (Sitting, Standing, lying) Pranayama and
3 Its Types - Active Lifestyle and Stress Management Through Yoga 4
Understanding on substance abuse and addiction - Psychoactive
substances & its ill effects- Alcohol- Opioids- Cannabis -Sedative -
Cocaine - Other stimulants, including caffeine -Hallucinogens -
Tobacco -Volatile solvents.
First aid and principles of First Aid: Primary survey: ABC (Airway,
Breathing, Circulation). Qualities of a Good First Aider
First aid measures for: - Cuts and scrapes - Bruises - Sprains -
Strains - Fractures - Burns - Nosebleeds.
4 First Aid Procedures: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - 2
Heimlich Maneuver - Applying a sling
Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries - Abrasion,
Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain)

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Additional Topics
 Need and Importance of Physical Education and its relevance in interdisciplinary
context. Understanding of the Endocrine System
 Developing a fitness profile
 Healthy foods habits for prevention and progression of Lifestyle Diseases. Processed
foods and unhealthy eating habits.
 Depression - Anxiety - Stress
 Different ways of carrying an injured person. Usage of Automated external

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 50 marks)

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Case Study/Micro Activity evaluation

Attendance Total
10 20 20 50

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Explain the different human body systems and describe
various types of physical activities along with methods to K2
measure and quantify these activities.

Explain how to maintain or improve health and wellness through

CO2 psychological practices, dietary habits, and sports activities. K2
Discuss about common hypokinetic disorders and
musculoskeletal disorders, and describe the importance of
CO3 K2
leading a healthy lifestyle through the practice of yoga and
abstaining from addictive substances.

Explain the basics of first aid and describe common sports

CO4 K2
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 3 3 3 2 2
CO2 2 3 2 2 2
CO3 3 3 2
CO4 2 3 2

Text Books
Sl. Name of the Edition
Title of the Book Name of the Publisher
No Author/s and Year
Foundations of Nutrition Bhavana Sabarwal Commonwealth
1 1999
Anatomy and physiology in
2 Ross and Wilson Waugh, A., & Grant, A. 2022
health and illness.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 115

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Reference Books
Sl. Edition
No Title of the Book Name of the Name of the Publisher and Year
Thygerson, A. L.,
Fit to be Well Essential Jones & Bartlett
1 Thygerson, S. M., & 2018
Concept Learning.
Thygerson, J. S.
Introduction to physical Siedentop, D., & Human kinetics.
2 Van der Mars, H. 2022
education, fitness, and

National Drug
3 Substance Use Disorders. Lal, R., & Ambekar, Dependence Treatment 2005
Manual for Physicians. A. (2005).
Centre, New Delhi
The exercise health
connection-how to Nieman, D. C., &
4 reduce your risk of Public Health 1998
White, J. A
disease and other
illnesses by making
exercise your medicine.
ACSM's resource
Lippincott American College of
5 manual for guidelines 2012
Williams & Sports Medicine.
for exercise testing
and prescription. Wilkins.
Exercise Physiology: Katch, F. I., Katch, Lippincott Williams &
6 energy, nutrition and V. L., & McArdle, Wilkins 2010
human W. D.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 116

B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE): for the Health and wellness course

Students will be evaluated as follows.

Title Method of Evaluation

Students must attend at least 75% of both theory and practical
classes. They will receive 10 marks based on their class attendance.

Attendance Students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirement for a
course, as specified in the B. Tech regulations, will not be eligible to
proceed to the next criteria.
Assignments will be given to students to assess their understanding of
the subjects taught. Students will be required to make presentations on
Assignment / the subjects taught in class, and their understanding of the subjects
will be assessed. Based on the Assignments and Presentations the
students will be awarded marks out of 20
The Assignment / Presentation faculty handling the class will use the
tests from the Fitness Protocols and Guidelines for ages 18+ to 65
years, as set forth by FIT India. Measurements will be taken for all the
tests of the FIT India Fitness Protocol and the evaluation will be based
on the benchmark score received for the following tests:

1. V Sit Reach Test

Evaluation 2. Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds

3. Push Ups (Male) and Modified Push Up (Female)

4. Two (2) Km Run/Walk

Students who achieve a total benchmark score of 8 across the

aforementioned 4 tests will be awarded pass marks for activity
evaluation. Students who score better will be awarded a maximum
mark of 20.

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Activity Physically challenged and medically unfit students can opt for an
objective test to demonstrate their knowledge of the subjects taught.
- Special
Circumstances Based on their performance in the objective test, they will be
awarded marks out of 20.
Activity Students who enrolled themselves in the NCC during the course
- Special period (between the start and end dates of the program) and
Considerations - attended 5 college level parades will be awarded pass marks for
activity evaluation. Students who attend more parades will be eligible
for a maximum mark of 20 based on their parade attendance.

Tests to evaluated as per Criterion - 2 and Benchmark Scores

V Sit Reach Test

How to Perform:
1. The subject removes their shoes and sits on the floor with the measuring line between
their legs and the soles of their feet placed immediately behind the baseline, heels 8-12"

2. The thumbs are clasped so that hands are together, palms facing down and placed
on the measuring line.

3. With the legs held flat by a partner, the subject slowly reaches forward as far as
possible, keeping the fingers on baseline and feet flexed.

4. After three tries, the student holds the fourth reach for three seconds while that
distance is recorded.

5. Make sure there are no jerky movements, and that the fingertips remain level and
the legs flat.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

1. A tape for marking the ground, marker pen, and ruler.

2. With the tape mark a straight line two feet long on the floor as the baseline, and a

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
measurement line perpendicular to the midpoint of the baseline extending two feet on
each side.

3. Use the marker pen to indicate every centimeter and millimeter along the
measurement line. The point where the baseline and the measuring line intersect is the
zero point.

Scoring: The score is recorded in centimeters and millimeters as the distance reached by the
hand, which is the difference between the zero point (where the baseline and measuring line
intersect) and the final position.

Scoring for V Sit Reach Test for Males

Level Benchmark Score Measurement (cm)

1 2 <11
2 4 12-13
3 6 14-17
4 7 18-19
5 8 20-21
6 9 22
7 10 >22

Scoring for V Sit Reach Test for Females

Level Benchmark Score Measurement (cm)

1 2 <14
2 4 15-16
3 6 17-19
4 7 20-21
5 8 22
6 9 23
7 10 >23

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2
Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds
How to Perform:
1. The subject lies on a cushioned, flat, clean surface with knees flexed, usually at 90
degrees, with hands straight on the sides (palms facing downwards) closer to the
ground, parallel to the body.

2. The subject raises the trunk in a smooth motion, keeping the arms in position,
curling up the desired amount (at least 6 inches above/along the ground towards the
parallel strip).

3. The trunk is lowered back to the floor so that the shoulder blades or upper back touch
the floor.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

Flat clean cushioned surface with two parallel strips (6 inches apart), Stopwatch

Scoring: Record the maximum number of Curl ups in a certain time period 30


Scoring for Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds Test for Males

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 <25
2 4 25-30
3 6 31-34
4 7 35-38
5 8 39-43
6 9 44-49
7 10 >49

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Scoring for Partial Curl Up - 30 seconds Test for Females

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 <18
2 4 18-24
3 6 25-28
4 7 29-32
5 8 33-36
6 9 37-43
7 10 >43

Push Ups for Male/Modified Push Ups for

Female How to Perform:

1. A standard push up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor, the body and
legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, extended
and at a right angle to the body.
2. Keeping the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a predetermined
point, to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, then
returns back to the starting position with the arms extended.

3. This action is repeated, and the test continues until exhaustion, or until they can
do no more in rhythm or have reached the target number of push-ups.

4. For Female: push-up technique is with the knees resting on the ground.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

Flat clean cushioned surface/Gym mat

Scoring: Record number of correctly completed pushups.

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Scoring for Push Ups for Male

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 <4
2 4 04- 10
3 6 11 -18
4 7 19-34
5 8 35-46
6 9 47-56
7 10 >56
Scoring for Modified Push Ups for Female

Level Benchmark Score Numbers

1 2 0-1
2 4 2-5
3 6 6 -10
4 7 11 - 20
5 8 21-27
6 9 27-35
7 10 >35

2 Km Run/Walk
How to Perform:

1. Participants are instructed to run or walk 2 kms in the fastest possible pace.

2. The participants begin on signal (Starting point)- “ready, start”. As they cross the
finish line, elapsed time should be announced to the participants.

3. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the distance in the shortest possible time.

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Infrastructure/Equipment Required:

Stopwatch, whistle, marker cone, lime powder, measuring tape, 200 or 400 m with 1.22 m
(minimum 1 m) width preferably on a flat and even playground with a marking of starting and
finish line. You can also use any application on your mobile phone that tells you the distance.

Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min, sec.

Scoring for 2Km Run/walk for Male

Level Benchmark Score Minutes: Seconds

1 2 > 11:50
2 4 10:42
3 6 09:44
4 7 08:59
5 8 08:33
6 9 07:37
7 10 >07:37
Scoring for 2Km Run/walk for Female

Level Benchmark Score Minutes: Seconds

1 2 >13:47
2 4 12:51
3 6 12:00
4 7 11:34
5 8 10:42
6 9 09:45
7 10 >09:45

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(Common to all Branches)

Course Code UCHUT128 CIE Marks 100

Teaching 2:0:1:0 ESE Marks 0

(L: T:P: R)
Credits 1 Exam Hours -

Prerequisites (if any) Course Type Activity-based

None learning

Course objectives:
5. To foster self-awareness and personal growth, enhance communication and
interpersonal connection skills, promote effective participation in groups and teams,
develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, and cultivate the
ability to exercise emotional intelligence.

6. To equip students with the necessary skills to listen, read, write & speak, to comprehend
and successfully convey any idea, technical or otherwise.

7. To equip students to build their profile in line with the professional requirements and
Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

 Continuous internal evaluation is based on the individual and group activities as detailed in the
activity table given below.
 The students should be grouped into groups of size 4 to 6 at the beginning of the semester. They
should use online collaboration tools for group activities, report/presentation making and work
 Activities are to be distributed between 3 class hours (2L+1P) and 3.5 Self-study hours.
 Marks given against each activity should be awarded fully if the students successfully complete
the activity.
 Students should maintain a portfolio file with all the reports and other textual materials generated
from the activities. Students should also keep a journal related to the activities undertaken.
 Portfolio and journal are mandatory requirements for passing the course, in addition to the

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minimum marks required.
 The portfolio and journal should be carried forward and displayed during the 7th Semester
Seminar course as a part of the experience sharing regarding the skills developed through the
HMC courses and Mini project course.
 Self-reflection questionnaire shall be given at the beginning of the semester, in between and at the
end of the semester based on the guidelines in the manual of the course
Table 1: Activity Table

Group /
Sl. (L) / Week of
Activity Individual Marks Skills CO
No. Self completion
1.1 Group formation and self-introduction L 1 G -
among the group members  Connecting with
group members
1.2 Familiarizing the activities and
L 1 G -  Time
preparation of the time plan for the
management -
Gantt Chart
1.3 Preparation of Gantt chart based on the SS 1 G 2
time plan

2.1 Take an online personality  Self-awareness

development test, self-reflect and report SS 1 I 2 Writing
2.2 Role-storming exercise 1:
Students assume 2 different roles given
below and write about their
● Strengths,
● Areas for improvement,
● Concerns, L 1 I 2
●Goal setting -
● Areas in which he/she hesitates to take CO1
Identification of
advice, skills and setting
● Goals/Expectations, goal
from the point of view of the following ●Self-awareness
assumed roles ●Discussion in
i) their parent/guardian/mentor groups
ii) their friend/sibling/cousin ●Group work-
2.3 Role-storming exercise 2: Compiling of
Students assume the role of their teacher ideas
 Mind mapping
and write about the
● Skills required as a B.Tech graduate SS 1 I 2
● Attitudes, habits, approaches required
and activities to be practised during their
B.Tech years, in order to achieve the set

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2.4 Discuss the skills identified through
rolestorming excercise by each one
L 1 G 2 CO1
within their own group and improvise
the list of skills
2.5 Prepare a mind map based on the role-
storming exercise and exhibit/present it SS 2 G 2 CO1
in class

3 Prepare a presentation on instances of

● Empathy
empathy they have observed in their L 2 to 4 I 2 CO2
own life or in other’s life
4.1 Each student connects and networks  Workplace
with a minimum of 3 professionals awareness
from industry/public sector SS 3 I 2  Listening
organizations/other agencies/NGOs  Communication -
/academia (atleast 1 through LinkedIn) interacting with
4.2 Interact with them to understand their people
workplace details including  Networking
● workplace skills required through various
media including
● their work experience
SS 3 I 4 LinkedIn
● activities they have done to enhance
 Discussion in CO2
their employability during their B.Tech groups
years  Report
● suggestions on the different activities preparation
to be done during B.Tech years  Creativity
Prepare a documentation of this
4.3 Discuss the different workplace details & Goal setting -
work readiness activities assimilated by Preparation of
SS 3 G 2 action plan
each through the interactions within their
group and compile the inputs collected
by the individuals
Prepare the Minutes of the discussions
4.4 Report preparation based on the SS 4 G 3
4.5 Perform a role-play based on the
workplace dynamics assimilated L 5 G 4
through interactions and group
4.6 Identify their own goal and prepare an
action plan for their undergraduate SS 5 I 2 CO1
journey to achieve the goal

5.1 Select a real-life problem that requires a

technical solution and list the study L 6 G 2 CO3
materials needed
5.2 Listen to TED talks & video lectures
from renowned Universities related to
the problem and prepare a one-page SS 6 I 2 CO4
summary (Each group member should
select a different resource)
5.3 Use any online tech forum to gather SS 6 G 2
ideas for solving the problem chosen
5.4 Arrive at a possible solution using six L 7 G 3 CO3

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thinking hat exercise
5.5 Prepare a report based on the problem- SS 7 G 2
solving experience

6.1 Linkedin profile creation SS 1 I 2 CO6

6.2 Resume preparation SS 8 I 2 Profile-building CO6
6.3 Self-introduction video SS 8 I 3 CO6
7 Prepare a presentation on instances of SS 9 I 2 Emotional
demonstration of emotional intelligence intelligence
8 Prepare a short video presentation on Diversity
diversity aspects observed in our SS 10 G 3
society (3 to 5 minutes)
9 Take online Interview skills ● Interview skills
development sessions like robotic SS 10 I 2 CO6
interviews; self-reflect and report
10 Take an online listening test, self- SS 11 I 2 Listening skills
reflect and report
11.1 Activities to improve English L 8 I/G 4
vocabulary of students
11.2 Activities to help students identify L 9 I/G 2
errors in English language usage
11.3 Activity to help students identify
commonly misspelled words, L 10 I/G 2  English vocabulary
commonly mispronounced words and  English language
confusing words skills
11.4 Write a self-reflection report on the  Writing
improvement in English language SS 12 I 2  Presentation CO4
communication through this course  Group work
11.5 Presentation by groups on the  Self-reflection
experience of using online
collaboration tools in various group L 11 to 12 G 2 CO4,
activities and time management CO5
experience as per the Gantt chart
12.1 Each group prepares video content for  Audio-visual
podcasts on innovative technological presentations
interventions/research work tried out in creations with the CO2,
Kerala context by SS 12 G 4 use of technology CO4,
academicians/professionals/Govt. tools CO5
agencies/research institutions/private  Effective use of
agencies/NGOs/other agencies social media
12.2 Upload the video content to podcasting SS 12 G 1 platforms
platforms or YouTube  Profile building
12.3 Add the link of the podcast in their SS 12 G 1
LinkedIn profile CO5

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Table 2: Lab hour Activities (P): 24 Marks

Sl No Activity Marks Skill CO

1 Hands-on sessions on day-to-day engineering Basic practical 3

skills and a self-reflection report on the engineering
experience gained: 24 skills
13. Drilling practice using electric hand
drilling machines.
14. Cutting of MS rod and flat using electric
hand cutters.
15. Filing, finishing and smoothening
using electrically operated hand
16. MS rod cutting using Hack saw by
holding the work in bench wise.
17. Study and handling different types of
measuring instruments.
18. Welding of MS, SS work pieces.
19. Pipe bending practice (PVC and GI).
20. Water tap fitting.
21. Water tap rubber seal changing practice.
22. Union and valves connection practice in pipes.
23. Foot valve fitting practice.
24. Water pump seal and bearing changing
2 Language Lab sessions - Language Skills 4

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Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Develop the ability to know & understand oneself, show confidence in
one's potential & capabilities, set goals and develop plans to K5
accomplish tasks
Develop the ability to communicate and connect with others,
CO2 participate in groups/teams, empathise, respect diversity, be responsible
and understand the need to exercise emotional intelligence
CO3 Develop thinking skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills K5
Develop listening, reading, writing & speaking skills, ability to
CO4 comprehend & successfully convey any idea, and ability to analyze,
interpret & effectively summarize textual, audio & visual content
Develop the ability to create effective presentations through audio-
CO5 visual mediums with the use of technology tools and initiate effective
use of social media platforms & tech forums for content delivery and K6
CO6 Initiate profile-building exercises in line with the professional
requirements, and start networking with professionals/academicians K6

CO-PO Mapping

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 1 3
CO2 1 3 3 3
CO3 1 1 1 1 1
CO4 1 1 2
CO5 1 1 1 2
CO6 1 1
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

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Text Books
Name of the Name of the Edition and
Sl. No Title of the Book
Author/s Publisher Year
Life Skills & Cambridge First Edition,
1 Maithry Shinde et.al.
Personality University Press 2022
Emotional Intelligence: Why Bloomsbury, Edition
2 Daniel Goleman
it can matter more than IQ Publishing
PLC December 2020
Think Faster, Talk
Macmillan September
3 Smarter: How to speak Matt Abrahams
Business 2023
successfully when you are
put on the spot
Deep Work: Rules for
4 Cal Newport PIATKUS January 2016
focused success in a
distracted world
Effective Technical McGraw 2nd Edition
5 Ashraf Rizvi
Communication Hill 2017
Interchange Cambridge 5th Edition
6 Jack C. Richards, With
Jonathan Hull, Susan publishers

Reference Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the
Author/s the and
Publisher Year
Remesh S., Vishnu Ridhima First Edition,
1 Life Skills for Engineers
R.G. Publication 2016
Soft Skills & Employability Sabina Pillai and Cambridge First Edition,
Skills Agna Fernandez University Press 2018

Effective Technical McGraw 2nd Edition

3 Ashraf Rizvi
Communication Hill 2017
Cambridge 5th Edition
4 English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy, University Press
India PVT LTD 2023

David F. Beer John Willey. New

5 Guide to writing as an 2004
Engineer and David York

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(Common to Group C & D except for Civil Engineering Branch)

Course Code GZESL208 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week ESE Marks

0:0:2:0 50
(L: T:P: R) (Internal only)

Credits 1 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Lab

Course Objectives:
1. Demonstrate safety measures against electrical shocks

2. Develop familiarity with transformers, rheostats, batteries and earthing schemes

3. Develop the connection diagram and identify the suitable accessories necessary
for wiring simple electric circuits
4. Identify various electronic components

5. Operate various measuring instruments

6. Design simple electronic circuits on breadboard and PCB

7. Build the ability to work in a team with good interpersonal skills.

Expt. Experiments
No. (Minimum of 7 Experiments to be done)
a) Demonstrate the precautionary steps adopted in case of Electrical shocks.
1 b) Identify different types of cables, wires, switches, fuses, fuse carriers, MCB,
ELCB and MCCB, familiarise the ratings.
Wiring of a simple light circuit for light/ fan point (PVC conduit wiring) and a 6A
plug socket with individual control.
3 Wiring of light/fan circuit using two-way switches. (Staircase wiring)

4 Wiring of fluorescent lamp and a power plug (16 A) socket with a control switch.

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Wiring of power distribution arrangement using single phase MCB distribution
board with ELCB, main switch and Energy meter.
Familiarisation of step up and step down transformers, (use low voltage
transformers) Measurement and representation of voltage and waveform to scale in
graph sheet with the help of CRO
Familiarisation of rheostats, measurement of potential across resistance elements
and introducing the concept of relative potential using a DC circuit.
a) Identify battery specifications using different types of batteries. (Lead
acid, Li Ion, NiCd etc.)
8 b) Familiarize different types of earthing (Pipe, Plate Earthing, Mat Schemes) and
ground enhancing materials (GEM).

(Minimum of 7 Experiments to be done)
Familiarization/Identification of electronic components with specification
(Functionality, type, size, colour coding, package, symbol and cost of -Active,
1 Passive, Electrical, Electronic, Electro-mechanical, Wires, Cables, Connectors,
Fuses, Switches, Relays,Crystals, Displays, Fasteners, Heat sink etc.)
Drawing of electronic circuit diagrams using BIS/IEEE symbols and Interpret data
2 sheets of discrete components and IC’s
Familiarization/Application of testing instruments and commonly used tools-
Multimeter, Function generator, Power supply, CRO, DSO.
3 Soldering iron, Desoldering pump, Pliers, Cutters, Wire strippers, Screw drivers,
Tweezers, Crimping tool, Hot air soldering and de- soldering station
Testing of electronic components using multimeter - Resistor, Capacitor, Diode,
4 Transistor and JFET.
Printed circuit boards (PCB) - Types, Single sided, Double sided, PTH,
Processing methods.
5 Design and fabrication of a single sided PCB for a simple circuit.
Inter-connection methods and soldering practice.

Bread board, Wrapping, Crimping, Soldering - types - selection of materials and

6 safety precautions.
Soldering practice in connectors and general purpose PCB, Crimping.

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Assembling of electronic circuit/system on general purpose PCB, test and show the
functioning (Any two)-
● Fixed voltage power supply with transformer
● Rectifier diode
7 ● Capacitor filter

● Zener/IC regulator

● Square wave generation using IC 555 timer in IC base.

8 Assembling of electronic circuits using SMT (Surface Mount Technology) stations.

9 Introduction to EDA tools (such as KiCad or XCircuit)

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 50 marks, ESE: 50

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Preparation/Pre-Lab Work, experiments, Viva and

Attendance Timely completion of Lab Reports / Record Total
(Continuous Assessment)

5 45 50
End Semester Examination Marks (ESE): (Internal evaluation only)

Procedure/ Conduct of experiment/ Result with

Preparatory Execution of work/ valid inference/ Viva
work/Design/ Record Total
troubleshooting/ Quality of voce
Algorithm Programming Output
10 15 10 10 5 50

 Submission of Record: Students shall be allowed for the end semester examination
only upon submitting the duly certified record.

 Minimum Pass Mark: The requirement for passing the lab course included in the
first-year curriculum is that the student must score a minimum of 50% overall,
combining marks from both Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and End
Semester Examination (ESE). There is no separate minimum requirement for each

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 There will not be any relaxation in the attendance requirement.

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:
Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
CO1 Demonstrate safety measures against electrical shocks K2

CO2 Familiarise with transformers, rheostats, batteries and earthing schemes K2

CO3 Illustrate the connection diagram and identify the suitable accessories K3
necessary for wiring simple electric circuits

CO4 Identify various electronic components K2

CO5 Select and Operate various measuring instruments K3

CO6 Apply the design procedure of simple electronic circuits on breadboard K3

and PCB

CO7 Build the ability to work in a team with good interpersonal skills K3

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2
CO2 1 2 1 2
CO3 2 1 2
CO4 3 2 3
CO5 3 3 2 2 3
CO6 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 3
CO7 3 2 2

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Text Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
Electrical Design Estimating K B Raina and S K New Age
1 2/e 2024
and Costing Bhattacharya International
I K International
2 Electrical Systems Design M K Giridharan Publishing House 3/e 2022
Pvt. Ltd
D P Kothari and I J
3 Basic Electrical Engineering Nagrath Tata McGraw Hill 4/e 2019
NN Bhargava, D C
Basic Electronics and Linear
4 Kulshreshtha and S Mc Graw Hill 2/e 2017
Circuits C Gupta

Continuous Assessment with equal weightage for both specialisations

(45 Marks)

1. Preparation and Pre-Lab Work (10 Marks)

 Pre-Lab Assignments: Assessment of pre-lab assignments or quizzes that test

understanding of the upcoming experiment.
 Understanding of Theory: Evaluation based on students’ preparation and
understanding of the theoretical background related to the experiments.
2. Conduct of Experiments (15 Marks)

 Procedure and Execution: Adherence to correct procedures, accurate

execution of experiments, and following safety protocols.
 Skill Proficiency: Proficiency in handling equipment, accuracy in
observations, and troubleshooting skills during the experiments.
 Teamwork: Collaboration and participation in group experiments.

3. Lab Reports and Record Keeping (10 Marks)

 Quality of Reports: Clarity, completeness and accuracy of lab reports. Proper

documentation of experiments, data analysis and conclusions.
 Timely Submission: Adhering to deadlines for submitting lab reports/rough
record and maintaining a well-organized fair record.

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4. Viva Voce (10 Marks)

 Oral Examination: Ability to explain the experiment, results and

underlying principles during a viva voce session.

Evaluation Pattern for End Semester Examination with equal

weightage in both specializations (50 Marks)

1. Procedure/Preliminary Work/Design/Algorithm (10 Marks)

 Procedure Understanding and Description: Clarity in explaining the

procedure and understanding each step involved.
 Preliminary Work and Planning: Thoroughness in planning and
organizing materials/equipment.
 Algorithm Development: Correctness and efficiency of the algorithm
related to the experiment.
 Creativity and logic in algorithm or experimental design.

2. Conduct of Experiment/Execution of Work/Programming (15 Marks)

 Setup and Execution: Proper setup and accurate execution of the

experiment or programming task.

3. Result with Valid Inference/Quality of Output (10 Marks)

 Accuracy of Results: Precision and correctness of the obtained results.

 Analysis and Interpretation: Validity of inferences drawn from the experiment or
quality of program output.
4. Viva Voce (10 Marks)

 Ability to explain the experiment, procedure results and answer related questions

 Proficiency in answering questions related to theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

5. Record (5 Marks)

 Completeness, clarity, and accuracy of the lab record submitted

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Course Code PCBBT 205 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:1:0:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

GDCYT122 -
Prerequisites (if any) Chemistry for Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:
1. Prepare students to analyze chemical and biochemical processes through
2. Develop a systematic approach in students toward solving problems involved in the
design, development, and analysis of process engineering systems.

Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Units and Conversions: System of Units and Conversion.

Chemical composition: Methods of expressing compositions of

mixtures and solutions- mole percent, mass percent, volume percent,
molarity, molality, normality, ppm, density and specific gravity, and
specific gravity scales.
1 11
Gas Laws: Ideal gas and Real Gas laws, Ideal gas mixtures, gas
constant. Composition of gases on a dry basis and wet basis,
Average molecular weight, and gas density.

Humidity: Humidity and saturation: various terms associated with

humidity and saturation. (A treatment using numerical examples on
all the above topics is required)

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B.Tech 2024 –S1/S2

Fundamentals of material balances and energy balances: Definition

of unit operations and unit processes.

Law of conservation of mass, types of material balance problems –

total and component balances, steady and unsteady state processes,
batch and continuous processes.

Concept of tie element, the basis for calculations, independent

material balance equations, degrees of freedom, and steps for solving
2 material balance problems. 11

(A treatment using numerical examples on all the above topics is


Fundamentals of energy balances: Law of conservation of energy for

non- reactive systems, qualitative study of components of energy
balance equations.

(A brief introduction would be sufficient as the same will be learned

in details in higher semesters)
Material balances without chemical reactions: Material balances for
unit operations like evaporation, crystallization, leaching, extraction
and distillation.
Qualitative and quantitative study of bypass, recycle and purging
3 11
operations Case study on filtration operations in downstream
(A treatment using numerical examples on all the above topics is
Material balances with chemical reactions: Definition of terms like
limiting reactant, excess reactant, percentage yield and selectivity,
extent of reaction

Combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels (Biological reactions,

4 Carbon and Sulphur compounds only). Orsat analysis. 11

Heat of reaction and application of Hess’s law.

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Stoichiometry of cell growth and product formation – elemental
balances, degree of reduction, respiratory quotient, yield factors
(YX/S, YP/S) and maximum possible yield, Theoretical oxygen
demand based on degree of reduction (A treatment using numerical
examples on all the above topics is required)

Course Assessment Method

(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Attendance Examination- Examination- Total
1 (Written) 2 (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.

each module.  Two questions will be given from each

 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered. 60

 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.

(4x9 = 36 marks)

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Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Use appropriate system of units for quantities in engineering
problem solving K2

Solve the material balance equations for unit operations and unit
processes in bioprocess engineering K3

Formulate growth medium conditions based on stoichiometry and

elemental balances. K3

CO4 Apply energy balance concepts in bioprocessing. K3

Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 2 - - - - - 1 - - 1
CO2 2 2 1 - - - - - 2 - - 2
CO3 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1
CO4 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1

Text Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
Stoichiometry and Process
1 K.V. Narayanan, B. Prentice Hall of Second,
Calculations Lakshmikutty India Learning 2017
(P) Ltd
Bioprocess Engineering
2 Pauline M Doran Elsevier- Academic Second,
Principles Press 2013

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Reference Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s the and
Publisher Year
Basic Principles and
1 Calculations in Chemical David M. Himmelblau, Prentice Hallof India Ninth,
James B. Riggs Learning (P) Ltd 2021
2 B.I. Bhatt, S.M. Vora Tata McGraw Hill Fourth,

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)

Link ID
1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/102/106/102106069/

2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/103/103/103103165/

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Course Code PCFTT205 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week
3:1:0:0 ESE Marks 60
(L: T:P: R)

Credits 4 Exam Hours 2 Hrs. 30 Min.

Prerequisites (if any) None Course Type Theory

Course Objectives:

1. To deliver an understanding of the chemical function and properties of major

biomolecules as food components.
2. To understand the chemical interactions of food components and their effects on
sensory and nutritional quality, functional properties, and safety of foods.


Module Contact
Syllabus Description
No. Hours
Introduction to Food chemistry: Importance of food, Scope of food
chemistry. Different food groups: their classification and
importance. Water - Structure of water molecule, properties of
water, water activity and its importance, determination of water

1 quality for food processing. 11

Vitamins- Definition, Classification, general sources, functions and

dietary requirements, deficiency symptoms of vitamins.

Basal metabolic rate, Calorific value of food, balanced diet-

Computing caloric requirements

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 143

Chemistry of carbohydrates –Definition, classification, Structure of
major mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Properties and reactions of
2 11
carbohydrates. Browning reactions- Caramelization, Maillard
reaction, Dextrose Equivalent. Sugar alcohols – properties.
Glycemic Index – definition and significance.

Starch- properties, thickening & gelatinization, modified

starches, resistant starch, Dextrin sand dextrans, Starch hydrolysis.
Pectins, gums & seaweeds- Food sources, functional role in foods.
Proteins- Definition, Classification -according to composition,
structure, and functions. Role of proteins in food and dietary
Amino acids-Definition, classification, Physical and chemical
3 11
properties of proteins, Important protein sources– Milk, Meat, Fish,
Egg and Cereal proteins – Texturized proteins
Food Enzymes- Food sources, functional role and uses in foods.
Biological value of protein- Protein Malnutrition- Obesity
Lipids- Definition, structure, classification & nomenclature.
Properties of fats & oils: crystal formation, polymorphism, melting
points, plasticity and isomerisation. Modification of fats:

4 hydrogenation- cis and trans isomers, inter-esterification. 11

Rancidity and its types; Shortening power of fats, tenderization,
emulsification. Food sources of lipids, functional role and uses in

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 144

Course Assessment Method
(CIE: 40 marks, ESE: 60

Continuous Internal Evaluation Marks (CIE):

Internal Internal
Attendance Examination- Examination- Total
1 (Written) 2 (Written)

5 15 10 10 40

End Semester Examination Marks (ESE)

In Part A, all questions need to be answered and in Part B, each student can choose
any one full question out of two questions

Part A Part B Total

 2 Questions from  Each question carries 9 marks.
each module.  Two questions will be given from each

 Total of 8 Questions, module, out of which 1 question should be

each carrying 3 marks answered.
 Each question can have a maximum of 3

(8x3 =24marks) sub divisions.

(4x9 = 36 marks)

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 145

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students should be able to:

Course Outcome Knowledge
Level (KL)
Understand the fundamentals of bio molecules and describe the
CO1 K2
food sources
Explain the principal components of food, their chemical and
CO2 K2
nutritional properties
Understand the relationship between the composition of the
individual food components and their chemical and physical K2
Recognize real examples underlying physicochemical
CO4 mechanisms responsible for food functionality and be able to use K2
their knowledge of food chemistry
Understand the quality changes in food components during
CO5 K2
processing and preservation
Note: K1- Remember, K2- Understand, K3- Apply, K4- Analyse, K5- Evaluate, K6- Create

CO-PO Mapping Table:

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3
CO2 3 2
CO3 2 2 2 3 2
CO4 2 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 2

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 146

Text Books
Name of the Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
Publisher and
1 Food Chemistry Chopra, H.K. and Narosa 2010
P.S. Panesar.
2 Food Chemistry H.-D. Belitz , W. Springer 2004
Grosch , P. (3Ed.)
3 Biochemistry U. Satyanarayana, U. Elsevier 2017(5Ed.)
4 Hans-Dieter Belitz
Food Chemistry , Werner Grosch , Springer 2009(4Ed.)

Reference Books
Name of Edition
Sl. No Title of the Book Name of the Author/s
the and
Publisher Year
Peter Chi Keung
1 Handbook of Food Chemistry Cheung, Bhavbhuti Springer Berlin 2015(1Ed.)
M. Mehta,
John M. deMan, 2018 (4Ed.)
2 Principles of Food John
W. Finley, W. Springer
Chemistry (Food Science
Jeffrey Hurst, Chang
Text Series) Yong Lee,
Food Biochemistry and Longman Scientific
3 Robinson, D. S 1987
Nutritional Value and Technical,
John M. deMan, John
4 W.Finley, W.Jeffrey
Principles of Food Chemistry Springer 2018(3Ed.)
Hurst, Chang Yong

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 147

Video Links (NPTEL, SWAYAM…)
No. Link ID

1 https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_ag10/preview

2 https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_ag10/preview

3 https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_ag10/preview

4 https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_ag10/preview

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University 148

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