Low Temperature Burnt Portland Cement Clinker Using Mineralizer
Low Temperature Burnt Portland Cement Clinker Using Mineralizer
Low Temperature Burnt Portland Cement Clinker Using Mineralizer
65, 2011
KEY WORDS:Low temperature burning, Mineralizer, Flux, Fluorine, Sulfur trioxide, Clinker mineral,
Cement properties, Preheater coating
Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.65, 2011
along with sulfur oxide, alkali oxide, and fluorine in the The sample preparation, XRD measurement conditions,
clinker. A minimal amount of reagents(10 %)was used and Rietveld analysis method were the same as in the
to adjust the clinker s moduli and minor elements. The reference 6). Tests for setting time and compressive
mixture of starting materials was calcined at 1000 ℃ strength of the cement were carried out in accordance
for 60min and then burned at 1450 ℃ for 90min in an with JIS R 5201:1997 Physical testing method for ce-
electric furnace, and quenched in air. ment.
JIS R 5204:2002 Chemical analysis method of ce-
ment by X ray fluorescence and Japan Cement As- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
sociation Standard(JCAS)I 01:1997 Determination 3. 1 Effect of the Mineralizer
method for free calcium oxide were used to determine Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between F
the chemical composition and the free lime(f.CaO) content and f.CaO content in clinker at burning tem-
amount of the clinker. Florine(F)content in clinker peratures of 1300 ℃ and 1350 ℃. The f.CaO content
was determined in accordance with spectrophotometry in clinker that is burned at the same temperature de-
in combination with steam distillation(JCAS I 51: creases with an increase in F. This result demonstrates
1981). the effect of CaF2 as a mineralizer. Furthermore, SO3
2. 4 Fabrication of Cement content in clinker enhances burnability and strength-
The obtained clinker was crushed in a jaw crusher ens the effect of mineralization of CaF2. The improved
and roughly ground with a ball mill under constant burnability of a high F and high SO3 clinker can be ex-
conditions. Reagent gypsum was added to adjust the plained not only by reduced viscosity and surface ten-
total sulfur oxide(SO3)content in cement to 2.1 % sion of the oxide melt, but also by increased melt due
when the SO3 content in the clinker was less than 1.3 %. to eutectic formation of fluoride and sulfate mixtures,
When the SO3 content in the clinker was more than which enables alite to form at low temperatures7, 8).
1.3 %, reagent gypsum addition was constant at 0.8 % In the present study, the degree of burnability was
SO3. The mixture was further ground with a ball mill evaluated by the f.CaO in clinker. When the mineral-
to a Blaine specific surface area(Blaine value)of 3250 ized clinker was burned at 1350 ℃, the F content in-
±50cm2/g. creased from 0.024 % to 0.067 %, and the SO3 content
2. 5 Physical Testing of Clinker and Cement increased from 0.6 % to 2.2 %, thus achieving the same
The bulk density of the clinker was determined by burnability as the normal clinker burned at 1450 ℃. In
filling a 400mL container and weighing the amount addition, in the clinker burned at 1300 ℃, as the F con-
of clinker with a particle size of 2 to 5mm to fill the tent was increased up to 0.27 % and the SO3 content
container. The number of revolutions of the finishing was increased up to 2.2 %, the burnability was equal to
mill required to obtain the intended Blaine value was that of the normal clinker burned at 1450 ℃.
used to evaluate the grindability of the clinker. Fewer Table 1 presents the chemical composition of miner-
revolutions indicated superior grindability. Bruker s alized clinkers burned at 1350 ℃ and 1300 ℃ in which
D8 ADVANCE and TOPAS Version 3 were used to mineralizer content was adjusted to same burnability
acquire an X ray diffraction(XRD)profile and used as normal clinker burned at 1450 ℃.
for the Rietveld calculation of the mineral composition. Although the Na2O and K2O contents in the raw
Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.65, 2011
mix of all clinkers were adjusted in the same way, the Figure 3 indicates the mineral composition of the
mineralized clinkers burned at low temperatures had mineralized clinkers burned at different temperatures,
somewhat higher alkali content, due to their reduced determined by the XRD/Rietveld method. The mineral-
volatility. ized clinker had higher belite and ferrite contents and
3. 2 Clinker minerals lower alite and aluminate contents than the normal
Conventional clinker minerals(e.g., alite, belite, alu- clinker, mostly due to the influence of higher F and SO 3
minate, and ferrite)were easily identified in all clinkers in clinker12, 13).
by XRD. Other minerals containing F or SO 3 such as 3. 3 Physical Properties of Clinker and Cement
fluoroaluminates(C 11A 7・CaF 2)and calcium langbe- (1)Bulk density and grindability of clinker
inite(K2SO4・2CaSO4)were not identified with XRD The bulk density of the clinker was measured since
methods. However, the alite polymorphs differed in the there was a significant difference in shrinkage of the
samples studied here. In commercial clinker, alite ex- clinker after burning(Fig. 4). The mineralized clinker
ists in two crystal systems(M1 and M3), in which the burned at 1350 ℃ had higher bulk density than the
polymorphic state is reflected in the diffraction peak at normal clinker burned at 1450 ℃, primarily because
9, 10)
2θ=51 52(CuKα radiation) . The M1 phase gives of increases of SO 3. However, the bulk density of the
a single peak, and M3 phase gives a double peak. Fig- mineralized clinker burned at 1300 ℃ was lower than
ure 2 presents their XRD profiles. Alite in mineralized that of other clinkers due to insufficient clinker sinter-
clinker burned at 1350 ℃ or 1300 ℃ resulted in M1, and ing. Decreasing f.CaO in clinker may not necessarily
alite in the normal clinker burned at 1450 ℃ resulted improve the clinker sintering characteristics.
in M3. The M1 phase of the alite in mineralized clinker Figure 5 presents the number of test mill revolutions
may be attributed to the high SO3 content, since it has required to achieve a specified Blaine surface area. The
been demonstrated that doping with SO3 stabilizes M1 grindability of clinker was primarily reflected in the
polymorphs . bulk density.
Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.65, 2011
Fig. 4 The bulk density of clinker Fig. 5 The number of test mill revo- Fig. 6 Setting time of cement
lutions required to obtain the
target Blaine value
(2)Setting time
Cement was fabricated using mineralized clinkers
and gypsum. Figure 6 indicates the setting time of ce-
ment burned at different temperatures with or without
mineralizer. Setting time differed only slightly between
cement burned at 1450 ℃ and that burned at 1350 ℃.
However, the setting time of cement burned at 1300 ℃
was retarded to 50min. In the past study, the setting
time was retard to 60min with a 0.1 % increase of F12).
(3)Compressive strength
Figure 7 illustrates the relationship between clin-
ker burning temperature and cement compressive
Fig. 7 Compressive strength of cement
strength. Compressive strength after three days was
not influenced by the clinker burning temperature or
the mineralizer in the clinker. However, the cement size of mineralised clinker was smaller than normal
burned at 1300 ℃ had lower compressive strength than one at the same Blaine value of the cement.
those burned at 1350 ℃ and 1450 ℃. 3. 4 Influence of Mineralizer on Preheater Coating
From the results of this study, we could not deter- (1)Influence of fluorine
mine a clear reason for the large strength gap between Chloride in the raw materials and fuels of the clinker
the two cements burned at 1300 ℃ and burned at burning process causes coating problems in preheater
1350 ℃. Several studies have focused on the effect of cyclones. The chloride that condenses on the kiln feed
F on cement compressive strength. Most report that or kiln gas reacts with sulfates, resulting in a low melt-
F in cement does not negatively affect the strength of ing point composition so that the materials become ad-
cement up to the order of 1 %12). In this study, the F hesive and adhere to the preheater equipment. In this
content in the cement burned at 1300 ℃ was at most section, we discuss the chemical reactivity of fluorine
0.27 %. We assumed that the decreasing strength of with sulfate, as well as the volatility of fluorine com-
the mineralized cement at 28days was due to the rela- pared with that of chloride. The influence of mineraliz-
tively low burning temperature, which decreases active ers on preheater coating is then investigated.
alpha C2S in the high temperature phase. Figure 8 depicts the phase diagram for the CaSO4
Despite lower alite content in the mineralised clinker CaCl2 CaF2 system15). Fluoride forms a eutectic system
burned at 1350 ℃, the compressive strength of the ce- with sulfate as well as chloride;eutectic liquid thus
ment is the almost same as the one burned at 1450 ℃. appears below the melting point of CaF2. The ternary
The reason for this seems to be lower gypsum addition eutectic temperature is 597 ℃. The amount of eutectic
to the mineralised clinker since the gypsum amount in liquid increases with fluoride, the same as chloride on a
the cement lower compressive strength14), and particle molar basis. Therefore, increasing the fluoride content
Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.65, 2011
We investigated the conditions of CaF2 and CaSO4
as a mineralizer or flux to lower the clinker burning
temperature. We also examined the properties of clin-
ker and cement fabricated used these components and
obtained the following results.
(1)Controlling the F content at 0.067 % and the SO3
content at 2.2 % achieved clinker burning at a
temperature 100 ℃ below that of the current pro-
cess(1450 ℃).
(2)The setting and hardening properties of mineral-
ized cement burned at 1350 ℃ equal those of ordi- Fig. 10 Relationship between CaF2 addition and alkali
nary Portland cement burned at 1450 ℃. content in clinker
(3)Coating or build up on the preheater cyclone may
form due to the condensation of fluoride vapors, in did not significantly influence coating formation.
the same way as for chloride. However, lowering
burning temperature and increasing SO 3 content REFERENCES:
in clinker to decrease the volatilization of fluoride 1) IPCC: IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide
and then increasing the fluorine content to 0.067 % Capture and Storage, Chapter 2, Sources of CO2,
Cement Science and Concrete Technology, No.65, 2011