How To Boost Employee Performance Investigating TH

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How to Boost Employee Performance: Investigating the Influence of

Transformational Leadership and Work Environment in a Pakistani Perspective

Article in Middle East Journal of Scientific Research · January 2012

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2012.11.10.741


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5 authors, including:

Rabia Imran Afsheen Fatima

Dhofar University PMAS - Arid Agriculture University


Arshad Zaheer Imran Yousaf

Foundation University The University of Calgary


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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (10): 1455-1462, 2012
ISSN 1990-9233
© IDOSI Publications, 2012
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2012.11.10.741

How to Boost Employee Performance: Investigating the Influence of

Transformational Leadership and Work Environment in a Pakistani Perspective
Rabia Imran, 1Afsheen Fatima, 2Arshad Zaheer, 3Imran Yousaf and 1Iram Batool

PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Iqra University Islamabad, Pakistan
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract: The current study makes theoretical contribution by developing a model explaining the relationship
among transformational leadership, work environment and employee performance. While empirically, these
relationships were examined in manufacturing sector of Pakistani economy. The results reveal positive and
significant impact of transformational leadership and work environment on employee performance. Moreover,
the work environment was also found to play a mediating role in the relationship between transformational
leadership and employee performance. Implications and future research were also discussed.

Key words: Employee Performance % Transformational Leadership % Work environment

INTRODUCTION Transformational leadership theory is deemed as

one of the most influential theories of the management
The Organizations today consider employees as literature. It is speculated to increase the performance of
their top most priority. A lot of effort is put in order to the employees within the organization or a team [10-12].
attain, retain and motivate them. The traditional role of Transformational leaders act as a role model and
employees is no more effectivee and the organizations shows concern for the employees. In this way they are
are finding new ways of working. The key to able to articulate a clear vision, align employee’s self and
organizational success is the competitive workforce [1, 2]. organizational interest and encourage followers to achieve
The organizations strive hard to align organizational their goals [13, 14].
strategies and objectives with employee’s behaviors Transformational leadership can be defined as a form
in order to stay competitive [3, 4]. The way in which of leadership motivating followers to perform beyond
employees accomplish organizationally set goals and expectations by transforming their values, aspirations,
relate their interpersonal behaviors to the organizational needs and priorities. [15]. Moreover, such leaders
norms can be termed as employee performance [5]. encourage followers to think of collective interest to
A lot of past research has been devoted towards achieve collective goals [16]. They create an emotional
the concept of employee performance. Employee link with their followers; make them realize the significance
performance was found to be related to a number of of shared mission and a sense of purpose in order to
factors including conscientiousness, openness to encourage their commitment to the results [16].
experience, agreeableness and emotional stability [6]. Transformational leadership has been extensively
An empirical investigation found significant relationship studied during the last twenty years and is found to
between TQM practices and employee performance [7]. be positively related to a variety of outcomes in various
Employee performance was also found to be effected by situations and organizations [17, 18]. For instance Kouzes
trait competitiveness, self efficacy and level of effort and Posner [19] identified that among all the leadership
[8]. Iun and Huang [9] examined the relationship styles transformational leadership can be helpful to
between age and performance and found organizational accomplish organizational goals. They also proposed that
commitment moderating the relationship. Moreover, a strong leadership can alter visions into realities, values
positive effect of transformational leadership was also into actions, obstacles into innovations and successful
found on employees’ performance [5]. leadership helps to develop a climate in which followers

Corresponding Author: Dr. Rabia Imran, University Institute of Management Sciences,

PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 11 (10): 1455-1462, 2012

are well motivated to transform challenges into success. performance [35, 36]. The link among transformational
Marion and Uhl-Bien [20] advocated that complex leadership and performance is obvious from previous
dynamics within organizations can be simplified by the literature [12, 37, 38]. The effect of transformational
strong leadership. For instance, leaders may support their leadership has also been established with employee
followers make sense of the changes and provide performance in Asian context [39]. For instance studies by
guidance and help them to cope with the ambiguous Bono and Judge, [40] ; Walumbwa, Wang, Lawler and Shi,
change. [41] revealed that the followers of the transformational
Work environment is considered to be an important leaders are comparatively more satisfied, concerned about
factor affected by transformational leadership and work, motivated and devoted to their organizations and
affecting performance. It is composed of all factors related reduce turnover. Such kinds of leaders promote followers’
to job and organization, which influence the relationship confidence; motivate them by considering their individual
between employees, their job and the organization [21]. requirements and ambitions [42]. They also acknowledge,
Organizations in order to boost productivity design work recognize and try to address the individual needs of the
environment in a way that satisfies employees [22]. followers [10, 43] which in return provide them higher
Dension [23] proposed that there are two level of aspirations [44]. Hence, followers who are well
components of work environment: culture and climate. motivated perform beyond expectations and mostly work
During the last decade these two constructs have gained to achieve longer-term goals resulting in increased job
comparatively more attention of researchers [24]. Some satisfaction [45]. Transformational leaders pay
researchers have used these two terms interchangeably individualized attention which becomes an important
[25] whereas, others claim that they overlap [26]. reason of motivating followers to perform beyond
While, some emphasize that they are different from each expectation [46].
other [27]. However, the operational definition of these
two constructs can better help to understand their true H1: The Transformational leadership perception would
sense. Cooke and Szumal [28] defined organization culture lead to high employee performance
as the set of norms, beliefs, assumptions and values
shared by the individuals which prevail in the The new era has given the leadership researches a
organization. These values and beliefs help the employees new shape. Leadership does not take place in vacuum so
to approach the work in the organization and help them to organizational context is considered potentially Important
perform in better way. Whereas on the other hand [47]. The researchers started exploring the importance of
organizational climate is the property of individual and situation antecedents on leadership especially
defines the way that how does he perceive his work [29]. transformational leadership [43, 48]. Transformational
Climate can be described as the practices, procedures, leadership was found to be more influential in uncertain
policies and routines followed within the organization and changing work environments [36, 49]. An important
whereas culture provides the underlying mechanism and contribution in the transformational leadership literature
reasons for why these things occur based on individuals’ is made by an empirical study conducted by Bass, Avolio,
assumptions, values and beliefs [30] therefore in the light Jung and Berson [48] as it is one of the few studies
of above definitions culture is the organizational property examining the effect of transformational leaders on
and climate is the individual’s property [29]. employees outside the stable work environment.
However, multiple cultures and climates may prevail
within the organization under different supervisors [31]. H2: Transformational leadership has an impact on work
They provide the context within which employees environment
function and perform on daily basis [32].
Kravetz [50] proposed that management practices
Theory Building: Management literature is rich of the and policies (organization climate) foster participation,
researches demonstrating the effect of transformational creativity and autonomy and are objective indicators of
leadership on a number of outcomes. Transformational performance. Hansen and Wernerfelt [51] studied the
leadership is found to have a relationship with job effects of internal organization on performance and found
satisfaction [15], organizational commitment [33], turnover a positive relationship between two constructs. Ostroff
intention [33] and innovation [34]. The positive and Bowen [52] argue that employees’ attitude and
relationship of transformational leadership has been behavior (organization climate) influences individuals’
found with motivation, individual and financial motivational level which in return affects their

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 11 (10): 1455-1462, 2012

performance. The performance within the organization is Methodology

affected by the employees’ values (organization culture) Sample: A purposive sample of 215 employees from
and to which extent they are aligned to organizational manufacturing sector of Pakistan was used for the
strategy [53,23, 54]. study. About 21.4 percent of respondents were male
There has been a heavy body of research suggesting and 78.6 percent were female. Majority of the
that organizational and individual performance is a respondents belong to age group of 20 to 30 years.
function of existing culture, characteristics and underlying Education level of respondents was bachelors and
traits within the organization [55-58]. Denison [23] and above. Pilot study was also conducted to test the
Gordon and DiTomaso [54] both established a link reliability of adapted instrument on a sample of 70
between culture and performance and proposed that respondents.
performance is a function of organization culture and
varies with the adaptability of cultural traits. Therefore in Measures
order to sustain competitive edge organizations need to Employee Performance: The concept of employee
adapt those traits which are necessary [59, 60]. performance was measured using a scale developed by
Babin and Boles [70] consisting of 4 items. The scale was
H3: Work environment is related to employee anchored at five point Likert scale ranging from 1
performance. (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

The understanding of the processes through which Transformational Leadership: The instrument consisted
the leaders influence organizational outcomes is still of 20 items of Transformational leadership adopted
limited and largely speculative [61, 62]. This relationship from Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ-5X,
needs to be established further. Past researches have developed by Bass and Avolio [71]. Five point Likert
explored the influence of transformational leadership on scale was used ranging from 1 being strongly disagree to
performance through some intermediate constructs such 5 being strongly agree.
as knowledge management [64], entrepreneurship [65],
congruence in top management teams [66], flexibility [67], Work Environment: The concept of work environment
absorptive capacity [68] and culture [69]. As work was measured by using a scale developed by Lee and
environment is one of the most important factors in the Brand [72]. It contained 5 items and was anchored at 5
relationship between transformational leadership and point likert type scale ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree)
employee performance. So it is proposed that work to 5 (Strongly Agree).
environment mediates the relationship between
transformational leadership and performance. Work RESULTS
environment has a positive relationship with both
transformational leadership and employee performance Table 1 exhibits the correlation matrix of all the
respectively. Therefore, present study is aimed at variables of present research. The results show that
examining the role of work environment. In the presence employee performance is significantly and
of transformational leadership within an organization, positively associated with transformational leadership
when workers feel their work environment as a (r =.31, p <.01) and work environment (r =.51, p <.01).
comfortable place to work at, they would surely Transformational leadership is also significantly
outperform. There is a lack of empirical research exploring and positively associated with work environment
this relationship so; this study fills the gap by exploring (r =.21, p<.01). The values of Cronbach’s alpha
the mediating role of work environment in the relationship coefficient for all the scales used in the current research
between transformational leadership and employee are also exhibited in above table. All scales
performance. reliabilities exceeded the.70 recommended by Nunnally
[73]. Cronbach’s alpha of.82,.89 and.54 for
H4: Work environment mediates the relationship between transformational leadership, employee performance and
transformational leadership and employee work environment respectively, were significantly high for
performance. research use.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 11 (10): 1455-1462, 2012

.10 different steps to observe the partial or full mediation.

Transformational Employee
First, the direct effect of the predictor to the outcome
Leadership Performance variable is to be examined. Second, the indirect effect of
the predictor to the outcome variable is to be examined
throught mediating variable. If the predictor variable to
the outcome variable is insignificant through the
mediating variable, it indicates complete mediation. If the
predictor variable to the outcome variable is still
significant and path declines, it is the evidence of partial
Fig. 1: Structural Equation Model showing relationship mediation [74,75]. For both complete and partial mediation,
between Transformational Leadership and the mediating varable should be significantly related to
the predictor as well as outcome variable in the model with
Employee Performance without mediation
indirect effect [75, 76]. Table 2 represents the impact of
.34 transformational leadership on employee performance
e2 using two models i.e. direct and indirect model. These
models are described in detail below.
.58 .24
Figure 1 reveals the relationship between
Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance
without mediating variable. Transformational Leadership
is positive and significantly related to Employee
Transformational Employee
Performance ($=0.31, p<0.01). Transformational
Leadership explain 10% of the variance in Employee
Figure 2 reveals the mediating role of Work
Environment in the relationship between Transformational
e1 Leadership and Employee Performance. Transformational
leadership is positively and insignificantly related to
Fig. 2: Structural Equation Model showing relationship Employee Performance ($=0.17, p>0.01) with the inclusion
between Transformational Leadership and of Work Environment as mediating variable in the model.
Employee Performance with Work Environment as Work Environment is significantly related to both the
mediating variable Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance
(p<0.01). Transormational Leadership explains 34%
Table 1: Descriptive statistics, Reliability and Correlation Matrix of all variance in Work Environment. Transormational
variables (N=215) Leadership and Work Environment explains 14% variance
Scales Mean S.D I II III in Employee Performance. The positive and insignificant
I Transformational Leadership 3.40 0.493 (.82)
relationship between Transofmrational Leadership and
II Employee performance 4.10 0.511 0.311* (.89)
III Work environment 3.71 0.893 0.512* 0.216* (.74) Employee Performance with Work Environment as
*p<.01, (Parenthesis Shows Alpha Reliability Values of Variables) mediating variables indicates that Work Environment
completely mediates the relationship between
Table 2: Mediating Effect of Work Environment Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance.
Models $
Transformational Leadership 6 Employee Performance .31*
Transformational Leadership 6 Work Environment 6 Employee performance is the focus of the attention of
Employee Performance .17 the academicians and practitioners since decades. The
Organizations in order to gain competitive edge and
This study uses the procedure explained in literature achieve success give top priority to the employee
Hoyle and Smith [74] and Prabhu [75] to examine the performance. As employees are the key to organizational
mediating role of variable between the predictor and success, new ways are sought to get maximum
outcome variable [74-76]. This procedure consists of performance from them. [1,2]. Past literature is evident of

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