JPs Foreign Policy 2012

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Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region

1. Asia and Oceania

Today, the presence of the Asia and Oceanian region will also bring prosperity and vitality to Japan.
region is increasing in the world, as it includes While such opportunities for economic growth
numerous emerging nations and serves as a driving are increasing in the Asia and Oceania region,
force of world growth. The realization of a prosperous various risks are increasing and threatening the
and stable Asia and Oceania region is essential for region’s stability. The security environment
the peace and prosperity of Japan. Economically, this surrounding Japan has become more severe since
region continues to boast high growth rates, the region faces such developments as
supported by its rich human resources: of the world’s modernization of military forces, increased tension
population of approximately 7 billion people, among the countries in the region over intensified
approximately 3.3 billion people reside in East Asia maritime activities and maritime issues in the South
Summit (EAS) member states excluding the U.S. and China Sea and other waters, and territorial disputes
Russia1, accounting for 48.1% of the entire world in the region. In addition, in 2012, changes in
population2; the total nominal Gross Domestic Product leadership are expected in many nations including
(GDP) of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations China and the Republic of Korea (ROK).
(ASEAN) member states, China, and India has Furthermore, other issues such as less-developed
increased by 4.2 times over the past 10 years3 (the financial markets, environmental pollution, tight
global average has increased by twice), and it is supplies of food and energy, and aging populations
expected that the future increase of the middle class can be factors hindering the region’s stable growth.
in this region will lead to the further rapid growth of In light of these conditions, it is becoming even
their purchasing power; the total amount of exports more important for Japan to strengthen cooperation
and imports of EAS member states excluding the U.S. with the countries of the region in order to maximize
and Russia is USD 9.3 trillion, following the European opportunities for growth in the Asia and Pacific
Union (EU) (USD 10 trillion). Intraregional trade region, as well as to minimize risks. While the
accounts for 51.8% of this figure4, showing expanding Japan-U.S. alliance is the linchpin of the Japanese
economic interdependence in this region. In recent diplomacy, Japan will build open and multi-layered
years, a closely linked supply chain is formed by the networks with the countries in the Asia and Pacific
investment led by Japan, throughout this region. region, based on rules adhered to international law.
Encouraging strong growth in this region and making For this purpose, Japan will advance regional
use of massive demand for infrastructure and the cooperation utilizing various frameworks such as the
purchasing power of the huge middle class in the trilateral dialogues among Japan, China, and the
ASEAN members states (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and
Cambodia), Japan, China, the ROK, India, Australia, and New Zealand
IMF Direction of Trade Statistics July 2011
World Bank
IMF Direction of Trade Statistics July 2011

Diplomatic Bluebook 2012

ROK; Japan, the U.S., and the ROK; and Japan, the urged North Korea to take concrete actions toward
U.S., and Australia; as well as multilateral frameworks achieving goals including denuclearization in
including Japan-ASEAN, East Asia Summit (EAS), accordance with the Joint Statement of the Six-Party
ASEAN+3 (Japan, China and ROK), and APEC. Talks and the relevant United Nations Security
The full participation of China is essential to such Council resolutions. Japan will continue such efforts.
open and multi-layered networks. China is an important In addition, following the death of Kim Jong-il,
neighbor with whom Japan has developed strong ties Chairman of the National Defense Commission, in
in a wide range of areas such as culture and human December 2011, Japan has been closely monitoring
exchange, and Japan-China relationship is one of the the situation through close cooperation with countries
most important bilateral relationships for Japan. China concerned to ensure that this does not have a
has further reinforced its presence in diverse area of negative impact on peace and stability on the Korean
the international community in recent years. In 2011, Peninsula. With regard to the abduction issue, Japan
the two sides had frequent high-level exchanges, and has repeatedly demanded that North Korea initiate a
at the Japan-China summit in December, Prime comprehensive investigation as agreed at the Japan-
Minister Noda expressed “Six Initiatives to Further North Korea Working-Level Consultations in August
Deepen a ‘Mutually Beneficial Relationship based on 2008. Japan will continue working in close
Common Strategic Interests’ on the Occasion of the coordination with the countries toward a
40th Anniversary of the Normalization of Diplomatic comprehensive resolution of the outstanding issues of
Relations between Japan and China”. concern, including the abduction issue.
Japan will steadily deepen the “Mutually Beneficial As the security environment of the Asia and
Relationship based on Common Strategic Interests” Oceanian region becomes more severe, the continued
with China from a broader point of view, not only by U.S. presence in this region grows more important.
strengthening the bilateral relationships but also by The United States strengthened its engagement in
promoting cooperation and exchanges in a wide the Asia-Pacific region, for example by the first official
range of areas such as regional and global issues. participation in the East Asia Summit (EAS) and
Based on the traditionally friendly bilateral announcing rotation of U.S. Marine Corps to Australia
relations, Japan will cooperate closely with Mongolia in 2011. Japan will continue striving together with the
to strengthen the mutually beneficial and U.S. to maintain the peace and prosperity of the Asia
complementary relationship on the occasion of the and Oceania region by firmly upholding, and further
40 th anniversary of the establishment of Japan- deepening and developing the Japan-U.S. alliance.
Mongolia diplomatic relations, with an aim to Japan has enjoyed a long history of friendly
embody the “Strategic Partnership” shared by the relations with ASEAN as an ASEAN dialogue partner.
two countries as a new diplomatic goal. In addition to its relations with ASEAN as a whole,
The ROK is Japan’s most important neighboring which is the center of the regional cooperation, Japan
country, which shares fundamental values such as is also working to strengthen its relations with
democracy. There are frequent visits between the individual ASEAN member states. Among them,
two countries. Prime Minister Noda visited the ROK Indonesia, which chaired ASEAN in 2011 and is the
in October President Lee Myung-bak came to Japan only G20 member among the ASEAN member states,
in December. Summit meetings were held on these is playing an increasingly important role in the Asia
occasions. Through communications including such and Oceania region as a core ASEAN member.
high-level ones, Japan will continue to make an effort Indonesia is also important to Japan as a supplier of
to build a future-oriented and multi-layered relations resources, a market, and a destination for investment,
with the ROK. and the two countries have an economically close
On the Korean Peninsula, North Korea sank an beneficial relationship. In recent years, Japan’s relations
ROK navy patrol vessel in March 2010 and shelled with Indonesia have been deepening as strategic
Yeonpyeong Island in November that year. In partners that address various regional and the
addition to these provocative actions, nuclear international issues beyond the bilateral framework, for
development by North Korea, which announced that example, in support for democratization in the region,
it had developed a uranium enrichment program, disaster prevention, and climate change.
poses a grave concern. In close coordination with the On Myanmar, since the transition to civilian rule
U.S., the ROK, and other countries, Japan has strongly in March, some positive developments toward

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

democratization and national reconciliation have partners in the Asia-Pacific region that share
been seen, including the release of many political fundamental values with Japan. Japan and Australia
prisoners and the realization of a ceasefire are strengthening the strategic partnership not only
agreement with minority armed forces. Together in economic relations such as trade and investment
with encouraging the Myanmar government to take but also in the area of security, working closely to
further positive steps toward additional progresses contribute to peace and stability of the international
on democratization and national reconciliation, Japan community. In response to the February
will enhance cooperation in the four areas; human Christchurch earthquake, Japan dispatched
exchange, economic cooperation, the economy, and emergency relief teams to New Zealand and
cultural exchange, from the perspective of provided emergency grant aid.
supporting Myanmar’s reform efforts. Many of the Pacific Island countries have
With a large population of approximately 1.6 amicable relations with Japan, and they are
billion and its geopolitical importance, South Asia important partners for Japan with regard to
has been increasing its weight in the international international cooperation and the supply of fishery
arena, while many countries in the region continue resources. In 2011, a variety of efforts were made
high economic growth. Japan will further strengthen towards the Sixth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting
its economic relations with countries in the region (PALM 6) that was held in May 2012 in Okinawa.
and continue to cooperate with their own efforts in In addition to enhancement of bilateral relations as
such areas as national reconciliation and promotion outlined above, it is important to utilize a variety of
and consolidation of democracy. In particular, Japan frameworks for multilateral and regional cooperation
will further deepen its Strategic and Global in order to build open and multi-layered networks.
Partnership and enhance cooperation in various Japan is advancing trilateral cooperation with
fields with India, where Prime Minister Noda visited China and the ROK. In the Fourth Japan-China-ROK
for the Annual Summit meeting in December 2011, Trilateral Summit held in Japan in May, the leaders
as India has been increasing its influence in the of the three countries visited areas affected by the
international community as an emerging country. earthquake of March 2011. While demonstrating an
With regard to Pakistan, which has a key role in attitude of cooperation toward Japan’s recovery from
counter-terrorism, Japan encourages its own efforts the Great East Japan Earthquake, in response to
towards the peace and stability of the region and that earthquake, the three countries also agreed to
the entire international community, as well as strengthen trilateral cooperation in a broad range of
continues its cooperation mainly in economic areas. fields and in particular in nuclear power safety,
Australia and New Zealand are important disaster management, and promotion of renewable

Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba, left, meeting with Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi (December 26, Myanmar)

Diplomatic Bluebook 2012

energy and energy efficiency. through the framework of Japan-Mekong

Japan believes that it is important that ASEAN, of cooperation. The summit also expressed a shared
which integration is proceeding, play as a center of recognition of the importance of public-private
regional cooperation for the stability and prosperity partnership and of assistance for environment and
of the whole East Asian region. Based on this climate change, maternal health and infectious
understanding, Japan attaches importance to Japan- diseases, and food security and safety. Furthermore,
ASEAN relations in regional cooperation. The Special it also reaffirmed the need for further strengthening
Japan-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in April, in cooperation to prevent disasters in the Mekong
the aftermath of Great East Japan Earthquake, was a region, along with the aid in the aftermath of the
historically significant meeting that demonstrated the massive flooding that had occurred in that region,
further deepening of the strong solidarity and sense particularly in Thailand.
of community between Japan and ASEAN. In From the perspective of establishing an ASEAN
November, the Japan-ASEAN summit adopted the Community, the efforts for rectifying regional
“Bali Declaration” defining relations between Japan disparities by Southeast Asian countries, such as the
and ASEAN as well as the Japan-ASEAN Plan of Brunei Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN
Action for implementing this Declaration in light of Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA)5, are also important as
increasing economic and political presence of ASEAN well as Mekong development. Japan has been
in the international community and the deepening of implementing the invitation and dispatch program
economic ties between Japan and Asia. These with BIMP-EAGA in the fields of tourism, fisheries,
achievements will further bolster the friendly and and human-resources development.
cooperative relations between Japan and ASEAN and The Bali Democracy Forum (BDF), hosted by
more active support for the establishment of an Indonesia annually since 2008, is seeing an increase
ASEAN Community in 2015. in the number of participants every year, and it has
The Sixth East Asia Summit (EAS) held in become an important international forum for
November was the first one, in which the U.S. and spreading democratization in the region. Japan
Russia participated. Japan attended this summit supports Indonesia’s effort and is also contributing to
aiming to develop the EAS into a leaders-led forum its work, for instance, by assisting to hold a seminar
that confirms common principles and fundamental in support of democratization in Egypt to share
rules or the region through enhancement of its Indonesia’s experiences of democratization.
political and security initiatives in addition to practical Japan will also support the strengthening of
cooperation promoted so far, thus connecting its regional connectivity and promote people-to-people
outcome to tangible cooperation. The summit affirmed exchanges with the South Asian Association for
the importance of international law, particularly with Regional Cooperation (SAARC).
regard to the ocean, as public goods connecting the In response to Great East Japan Earthquake,
Asia and Pacific region as well as shared an Japan received words of solidarity and
understanding to advance cooperation and dialogue encouragement as well as relief supplies and
about the ocean, based on a proposal from Japan. donations from the Asia and Oceania region, which
The Third Japan-Mekong Summit held in is geographically close and has deep historical and
November featured a shared recognition that cultural ties with Japan. In gratitude, Japan intends
cooperation between Japan and the Mekong region to contribute to the region’s peace, stability, and
countries was making effective progress and prosperity by playing a leading role in development
affirmed that cooperation would be promoted further of regional order and rules.

An initiative advanced by Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines for the development of island areas which are less developed.

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

2. North America
Japan and the United States are allies sharing Japan and the U.S. cultivated discussion on measures
basic values and strategic interests. The Japan-U.S. to deepen the alliance with a focus on security,
Alliance, with the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements economy, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges,
at the core, has brought peace and prosperity to including the Japan-U.S. Security Consultative
Japan and the Far East for more than 60 years since Committee (“2+2” Meeting). As the U.S. has reaffirmed
the end of World War II. The Japan-U.S. Alliance is its policy to strengthen its commitment in the Asia-
the linchpin of Japan’s diplomacy and security, and Pacific region, Japan and the U.S. have also been
it serves as a public good contributing to the consistently working together, making use of the
stability and prosperity not only of the Asia-Pacific opportunities at the ASEAN-related ministers’
region but also of the world. meetings, APEC, the EAS and other occasions, to build
Japan and the U.S. are closely working together a prosperous and stable order in the Asia-Pacific region.
and sharing their roles and responsibilities not only Japan and Canada cooperate closely in a wide
on bilateral issues, but also on regional issues in the range of areas such as politics, economy, security,
Asia-Pacific such as those concerning North Korea and culture as partners in the Asia-Pacific region and
and Myanmar, as well as on global issues such as also as G8 members, sharing fundamental values.
assistance to Afghanistan and Pakistan and the In 2011, Japan and Canada ensured their close
Iranian nuclear issue. cooperation through the three meetings between the
The alliance is increasing its importance amid the Prime Ministers, which included one telephone talk,
dramatically changing international situation, such as and one between the Foreign Ministers. In addition,
the increasingly severe security environment in the starting in fall, there was a series of visits by
Asia-Pacific region and the current state of the world Canadian ministers, including several by economic
economy, including the European financial crisis. The ministers. As for the Japan-Canada Economic
significance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance was also Partnership Agreement (EPA), the Joint Study on
reaffirmed in the wake of the Great East Japan the Possibility of a Japan-Canada EPA was started
Earthquake, represented by Operation Tomodachi . in March, and the exercises aiming to launch
As reaffirmed repeatedly at the summits and negotiation were progressed, despite the aftermath
foreign ministers’ meetings throughout the year 2011, of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Prime Minister Noda, left, meeting with the U.S. President Obama for the first time after assuming office
(September 21, New York, photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office, Cabinet Secretariat)

Diplomatic Bluebook 2012

Assistance from the United States Following the Great East Japan Earthquake
In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, assistance from the United States
stood out in its content and scale, and it reaffirmed the reliability of the alliance with the United States for
many Japanese people. In response to the unprecedented disaster, Japan and the United States maintained
close communication at all levels of government, starting with the telephone consultation between the heads
of state of the two countries on the day of the earthquake, and five telephone consultations between the two
heads of state and foreign ministers in March. As U.S. President Barack Obama repeatedly articulated the
intent of the United States to assist Japan in any way possible, the United States provided Japan with swift
and large scale assistance immediately after the disaster, including the deployment of the U.S. Forces and the
dispatch of rescue teams and nuclear experts. Also, in the private sector, charity events were held throughout
the United States, and many Americans, including private sector organizations, prominent artists as well as
small children sent many messages of support. Donations made to the American Red Cross amounted to USD
296 million*. Through these responses and assistance after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the strength of
the Japan-U.S. alliance as well as the strong bond between the two countries were exemplified. This column
focuses on Operation Tomodachi and a public-private partnership called TOMODACHI, and introduces their
contents by including interviews with those involved in the operation and the initiative.
* This figure is as of August 11, 2011, according to the American Red Cross.

1. Operation Tomodachi
The U.S. Forces including the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan which had been deployed in the western
Pacific right after the disaster launched an operation designed to support the disaster-struck area without
any delay. This operation, implemented in close cooperation with Japan Self-Defense Forces, was named
“Operation Tomodachi ” (“tomodachi ” means friend in Japanese). The operation was unprecedented in scale
with approximately 24,500 personnel, 24 ships, and 189 aircraft mobilized at its peak, according to the U.S.
Forces, Japan (USFJ). The scope of the operation ranged from the search and rescue of missing persons, the
transportation of supplies to disaster-struck areas, and airport rehabilitation work, to various kinds of
assistance in relation to TEPCO’s Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station. Many heart-to-heart interactions
took place in the disaster-struck area as the name of the operation said, and a lot of words of gratitude were
expressed by the survivors, who witnessed the dedication of the U.S. forces. The activities not only
highlighted the firm alliance between the two countries that is rooted in close cooperative relations in normal
times but also provided an opportunity to reacknowledge the importance of the Japan-U.S. alliance and USFJ to Japan.

The words of Lt. Gen Burton M. Field, Commander, USFJ

As the Deputy Commander for Joint Support Force –
Japan (JSF-Japan) from March 24 to April 11 and as the
Commander for JSF-Japan from April 11 to May 31, 2011,
I worked closely with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces in
support of “Operation Tomodachi.”
During this period, I was responsible in overseeing the
entire operation, from search and rescue operations,
The aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan assessing radiation levels, to ensuring a swift response to
(US Navy photo)
the areas affected by the disaster.
The operation demonstrated the U.S. commitment to
Japan and tested the strength and capabilities forged and
developed by the two allies over many years of bilateral training and coordination.
Even months after the disaster, I continued to lead the USFJ with a will to play an
active role in recovery efforts. I was very impressed by the response of the Japanese
government and the Japan Self-Defense Forces, and the will power and resilience of the
people of Japan. It is an honor for the USFJ to serve as a member of the community in
Japan and as a part of an ally in recovery efforts.
A message written on the ground in Onagawa Town,
Miyagi Prefecture: “THANK YOU USA”
(US Navy photo)

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

The words of Corporal Jason Chatman, US Marine Corps

I served with the Forward Command Element, Joint
Support Forces - Japan from March 12 through April 5,
During this period, I went to more than 20 different
missions including site surveys and transportation with
the Japan Self-Defense Forces to assist in providing aid to
U.S. Army personnel engaged in railroad recovery work
the people affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in at Nobiru Station on the Senseki Line in Higashi-
Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. Matsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture
(U.S. Army photo)
On the other hand, I, as a combat photographer, also
documented the operations conducted in the area with
photos and movies.
While working with the Self Defense Forces personnel and the people of Japan, the
main thing that stood out to me was how resilient they were at a time of great tragedy.
I was also impressed by the families really depended on each other.
I believe the results of the operation in a whole had a positive outcome. It has made
our relationship stronger and we have created strong bonds with our Japanese counter
parts. On this occasion, I hope the people of Japan acknowledged they can depend on
us to help when needed because of the strong bond we've built together.
U.S. Marine Corps personnel listen to evacuees at a shelter
in Watanoha Elementary School in Ishinomaki City
(U.S. Marine Corps photo)

TOMODACHI is a public-private partnership that supports Japan’s recovery from the Great East Japan
Earthquake, and invests in the next generation of Japanese and Americans in ways that further strengthen
cultural and economic ties and deepen the friendship between the United States and Japan. The partnership
is led by the U.S. Government and the U.S.-Japan Council, a non-profit organization, and is supported by the
Government of Japan and corporations, organizations and individuals from both countries. It seeks to foster a
“TOMODACHI generation,” the next generation of Japanese and Americans who appreciate each other’s
cultures and countries and support the Japan-US alliance. To attain this vision, TOMODACHI implements
and supports programs in such areas as cross-cultural exchange, education, entrepreneurship, and leadership
development (visit for details).

Remarks by His Excellency John V. Roos, Ambassador of the United States to Japan
TOMODACHI embodies the deep relationship between
our two countries. Immediately after the tragic events of
March 11, we were proud to play even a small role in
helping our friends in Japan through Operation Tomodachi
to provide immediate relief and assistance to areas most
heavily affected by the disasters. After March 11 there was
also a tremendous outpouring of emotional, financial, and Foreign Minister Gemba speaks at a TOMODACHI
volunteer support from the private sector and from the (photo: The U.S.-Japan Council)
American people, creating new connections between our
two countries in all of these areas. In order to capture and
sustain that spirit, we initiated TOMODACHI as our long-
term effort to support Japan. In our conversations with national and local leaders,
students, and volunteers, it became clear that in order to confront the post March 11
world, we must strengthen and greatly increase the connections between our young
people in areas such as education, culture, entrepreneurship, and leadership. So through
TOMODACHI, we are focused on investing in the young people who will soon lead both
our countries, and the future of our relationship, that we hope will be founded upon the
bonds formed by this brave new TOMODACHI generation. U.S. baseball legend Cal Ripken, Jr. runs a baseball
clinic for Japanese youth
(photo: The U.S.-Japan Council)

Diplomatic Bluebook 2012

3. Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean region has a (3)advancing cooperation in the international arena.
total population of 590 million and regional GDP of In strengthening economic relations, the
$4.9 trillion6 (2.5 times as large as ASEAN’s). While Government of Japan supports Japanese companies
most countries around the world are experiencing by establishing EPAs, investment treaties, tax
sluggish economic growth due to the effects of the treaties, and other legal frameworks, as well as by
global economic and financial crisis, the region consulting with the governments in the region,
achieved economic growth of around 5.9 percent in based on the information about the activities of
2010. The region is further increasing its presence in Japanese companies and local situations. The
the world economy as it realizes steady economic Government of Japan is also actively promoting the
growth based on the market economy, for example, Japanese infrastructure development in Latin
its economy is projected to grow by 4.3% in 2011. America and the Caribbean countries as
These countries are also attracting increased infrastructural demands in Latin America and the
attention as the suppliers of minerals, including rare Caribbean countries are expected to increase due to
metals, energy and food. In addition to its increasing their economic growth. Japan is also working to
economic presence, the voice of the region as a secure the stable supplies of natural resources and
whole is becoming increasingly influential in the food through deepening cooperative relations with
international community, as democracy has the countries in the region that have abundant
advanced in the region. natural resources and food.
Japan has traditionally maintained very friendly In addition, the deep-rooted problems of poverty
relations with countries in Latin America and the and social disparity in each country must be
Caribbean, with ties between the people of each side resolved to realize the stable development in Latin
including the presence of approximately 1.5 million America and the Caribbean. Japan cooperates
Japanese descendants in the region, as well as the toward the realization of sustainable economic
presence of approximately 400,000 descendants of development in the region by actively supporting
Japanese immigrants now residing in Japan. Based the efforts of each government to resolve such
on harmonious relationship, Japan has deepened problems, through financial and technical
these relations by supporting the consolidation of cooperation.
democracy and economic development in Latin Consisting of 33 countries, Latin America and the
America and the Caribbean countries. Today, these Caribbean region has a significant influence over
countries that share fundamental values with Japan decision making at the United Nations and other
such as democracy and the market economy, have international for a where decisions are made by
become important partners for Japan in the majority vote. In light of this, the Government of
international community. In order to further advance Japan works closely with those countries, in
these relations, Japan is conducting diplomatic addressing those issues the international community
policies for this region under the following three is facing, such as environmental and climate change
pillars: (1)strengthening economic relations, (2) issues, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation,
supporting the stable development of the region, and and the UN Security Council Reform.

4. Europe
Japan and Europe have traditionally shared and also plays a significant role with great influence
fundamental values such as democracy, human in the areas of making international rules and
rights, and the rule of law, and Europe is Japan’s standards and forming international public opinion
partner for playing leading roles toward the peace in the UN and other multilateral venues. In
and prosperity of the international community. In particular, the United Kingdom and France, which
addition, Europe is an economic superpower that are G8 members and permanent members of the UN
accounts for approximately 25% of the world’s GDP Security Council, as well as Germany and Italy, and
GDP and population statistics are cited from the ECLAC Statistical Yearbook 2011 .

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

the EU, also G8 members, continue to have great states such as Ireland and Portugal, and there are
influence on the international community. At the concerns about its effect on the world economy.
same time, the power of taking action and the Although the EU is making efforts to stabilize the
presence of other European states or international financial markets, for example by creating the
organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in May
Organization (NATO) are increasing in areas where 2010, there is also a possibility that the European
they have their own strengths. Strengthening sovereign debt crisis could affect not just economic
relations with Europe is extremely important to and financial matters but also the future course of
Japan to effectively address various global issues, European integration, as well as political and
such as security in general, world economy and finance, diplomatic matters. In light of the possible influence
environmental issues, the fight against terrorism, and of this crisis on the world economy and on the political
nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction. role that Europe can play, Japan is aware of the
In addition, exchange of opinions and deepening necessity to cooperate to the maximum extent possible.
mutual understanding between Japan and European For years, Japan and Europe have maintained
states through multi-layered dialogue including VIP close relations not just at the governmental level but
visits on how to cooperate in the regions around the through citizen-level exchanges and other activities
world is highly significant for earning support to as well, and European governments and citizens
conduct diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific region and provided great amount of supports in response to
constructing the environment in order to advance the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011.
diplomacy effectively in the regions, such as the Another development in Japan’s relations with
Middle East and Africa. the EU is the conduct of works toward launching of
The European sovereign debt crisis, which began negotiations of a Japan-EU EPA and a binding
with the issue of Greek sovereign debt that was agreement covering political and other sectoral
revealed when the change in political administration cooperation based on the agreement reached at the
took place in 2009, has spread to other European Japan-EU Summit in May 2011.

The representatives of the “Heroes of Fukushima” after receiving the Prince Asturias Award for Concord from
H.R.H Felipe de Borbón, the Prince of Asturias at the presentation ceremony (October 21, Oviedo City in
Spain, photo: the Prince of Asturias Foundation)

Diplomatic Bluebook 2012

Great East Japan Earthquake :
Working as a Liaison Officer for the EU Emergency Aid Team
Almost all European countries* offered assistance in the wake of the earthquake on March 11. Japan
eventually received rescue teams from five countries and relief supplies from 19 countries, and funds from
many other countries of Europe. Rescue and aid teams from different countries and regions were often
accompanied by liaison officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan when they went to the
disaster-hit area. They were needed as they are familiar with the countries where the teams came from, to help
the teams and the Japanese side share information and communicate with each other better and to solve
problems that may have arisen in the field, in a flexible manner.
As one of such officials, I accompanied the civil protection team from the European Union (EU). Between
March and April, this team delivered relief supplies from nine EU member countries out of the 19 European
countries that provided assistance. They delivered bedding and radiation meters to Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Miyagi
prefectures, and also taught people how to use these meters. I worked hard to address the difficult task of
reconciling the stance of the donors with that of the recipients. The donors told me that upon being informed of
the needs in the disaster-hit area, they would refer to the member countries and report how much they could
deliver. The recipients, on the other hand, said that upon being informed of what the donors can deliver, they
would refer to the affected areas and tell how much they need. The relief items were delivered as soon as they
became available after this coordination process. The situation was so critical that it was impossible to wait for
all the supplies to arrive from the EU side. The team thus repeated the task of receiving just-arrived items at
Narita airport and delivering them to the afflicted areas. The team members had to travel every day: for
instance, they made a one-day round trip between Narita and the outskirts of Sendai; and the next day, they
delivered radiation meters to Ibaraki Prefecture and taught people how to use them there.
Many of the members of civil protection team from the EU were fire fighters or rescue squad members by
profession. One day, after the team delivered supplies to the gymnasium of a fire academy in Tochigi Prefecture,
they toured the Disaster Preparedness Learning Center at the site and saw the facilities that give simulations for
visitors to experience an earthquake, heavy rain, gale and smoke, as well as the exhibits of disaster response kits.
The team members, in learning from Japan, were able to reflect on their individual circumstances. One member told
me that he was surprised at the high level of Japan’s disaster preparedness education for the public and would
report this back home. At the same time, he has realized how devastating the March 11 disaster was, commenting
“Even with such a high level of disaster preparedness, Japan could not withstand the tsunami.”
Looking ahead, I hope that Japan and the EU will further strengthen bilateral ties in the area of disaster
preparedness and disaster response as well.

Kazuo Chujo
Counsellor, the Mission of Japan to the European Union
(Mr. Chujo accompanied the EU emergency aid team as a MOFA liaison officer.)

Mr. Chujo, at the time accompanying European Commission Team members unloading relief supplies with Japan’s Self-
members and emergency aid team from EU, in Kitaibaraki Defense Forces personnel in Yamamoto Town, Miyagi
City, Ibaraki Prefecture Prefecture.

* “European countries” here refers to the counties covered by Section 4, Chapter 2: EU member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) and
Albania, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Norway,
Serbia and Montenegro, and Ukraine.

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

5. Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus

The strategic environment of the Asia-Pacific There still remains a wide gap between Japan
region is drastically changing and closer cooperation and Russia on their positions concerning the issue of
between Japan and Russia not only serves the the Northern Territories, the most outstanding issue
strategic interests of the two countries, but also between the two countries. While the governments
contributes to the stability and prosperity of the of Japan and Russia have been making efforts for
region. Such recognition led to some move in 2011 to the development of cooperation in various fields, it is
develop the relations in a positive manner, while the required more than ever to conclude a peace treaty
relations between Japan and Russia had not been by resolving the territorial issues, in order to
described as good due to Russia’s hardest position establish a genuine partnership between the two
on the issue of the Northern Territories. countries.
In particular, after Great East Japan Earthquake The countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus8
in March, Russia supplied aid in the forms of relief occupy an important position in geographical terms
materials and rescue workers 7, and proposed to as the regions link Asia with Europe, and Russia
strengthen Japan-Russian cooperation in the field of with the Middle East. The maintenance of peace and
energy. In addition, youth from disaster-affected prosperity in these regions, therefore, benefits the
areas were invited to visit Vladivostok and Moscow, whole of Eurasia. These regions, abundant energy
and there was close communication between the and mineral resources, are also important from the
related authorities on the management of damage perspective of diversification of natural resources
from nuclear accident. and energy supply of Japan which intends to
In 2011 Japan and Russia had two summits and strengthen its relations with the countries of these
four meetings of foreign ministers along with active regions. Japan is advancing cooperation with the
consultation and dialogue at an administrative level. countries of these regions. With regard to Central
Discussions were held between the Japanese and Asia in particular, Japan is contributing to the
Russian governments about a wide range of fields, regional stability and the promotion of the inter-
such as security, the issue of the Northern regional cooperation, as well as promoting broad-
Territories, economic matters including nuclear ranging cooperative relations with the region under
power and energy, and cooperation on the the framework of the “Central Asia plus Japan”
international fola. Dialogue since 2004.

6. The Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North Africa (hereinafter on the one hand, and Yemen on the other, which is
referred to as the Middle East region) occupies a on the process of regime transition. While processes
geopolitically important location, linking Europe, sub- of political reforms such as elections and formation
Saharan Africa, Central Asia, and South Asia, and of new cabinets are advancing in these countries, it
has important shipping lanes for international is time that economic and social reforms are
commerce, and furthermore supplies large quantities entering critical stages. While such transitions and
of oil and natural gas. Thus, the peace and stability reforms are taking place in some nations,
of this region is vital to the peace and stability of the suppression of the public and disorder continues in
entire international community, including Japan. In Syria despite repeated calls to stop them by the
2011, this region saw massive upheaval not seen for international community including Japan. Although
decades, referred to as the “Arab Spring”. Long-lived the Arab League sent observation teams to locations
regimes were overturned in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, across Syria at the end of the year 2011, there remains
Two relief teams that were totaling 156 workers were dispatched to Japan, and relief materials were received in the forms of
17,200 blankets, 400 personal radiation dosimeters, and 5,000 masks. In addition, aid and donations were received from numerous
individuals and organizations as well.
The countries of Central Asia refer to the five countries of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and
Turkmenistan, while the countries of the Caucasus refer to the three countries of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia.

Diplomatic Bluebook 2012

little prospect for improvement in the situation. years by incorporating this dynamism. Also, they
The Middle East region also continues to face are transforming their countries into attractive
diverse issues including the Iranian nuclear issue, markets and investment destinations for foreign
stability and reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, countries by advancing industrial diversification.
the Middle East peace process, and terrorism. Japan views such economic development in the
Resolving these issues is extremely important not Middle East region as a good opportunity for further
only for the peace and stability of the region itself developing economic and business relations and
but also for those of the entire international emphasizes the advancement of economic diplomacy
community, including Japan that imports through efforts including holding the Japan-Arab
approximately 90% of its crude oil from this region. Economic Forum. Japan also believes that
Under these circumstances, Japan is actively strengthening of economic relations in such a
working in coordination with the international manner contributes to the stability and advancement
community toward peace and stability in the Middle of the political and economic situations in each
East region, including through participation in the country. Japan is further strengthening its relations
Deauville Partnership launched by the G8. Japan is with countries that export natural resources
providing a variety of assistance including support including oil and natural gas in order to secure
for the establishment of fair political and stable supplies of natural resources and energy.
administrative management, human resources Japan is also arranging legal frameworks such as
development, and promotion of employment and free trade agreements (FTAs), investment treaties,
industrial development for countries in transition to and tax treaties as a foundation for strengthening
democracy in order to back the efforts of each economic relations, as well as promoting efforts such as
country. Japan is also working to achieve peace in the development of Japanese infrastructure overseas.
the Middle East and the peaceful and diplomatic Furthermore, in recent years Japan has been
resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue on the basis of striving to deepen mutual understanding by building
its unique relationship with the region, in close up multi-layered relations across wide-ranging fields,
coordination with the countries concerned, by including renewable energy, politics, science and
conducting political dialogues and dispatching special technology, education and culture, and the
envoys. Japan is also providing assistance centered environment, in addition to traditional efforts to
on economic cooperation that contributes to regional reinforcement of cooperation in the fields of oil,
peace and stability, including aid for the natural gas, and economy. Among the various
reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as for frameworks for dialogue, the Broader Middle East
the establishment of a Palestinian state. and North Africa (BMENA) Initiative “Forum for the
A sharp increase in the youth population of the Future” ministerial meeting is an important venue
Middle East region in recent years is a source of for dialogue and cooperation with G8 countries on
dynamism generating economic development. the political, economic, and social development of the
Countries of the Middle East region have been Middle East region, and Japan will continue to
achieving steady economic development in recent actively participate in this forum.

7. Sub-Saharan Africa
In recent years, Africa has been realizing Under such circumstances, Africa is becoming
relatively high economic growth, compared with the increasingly important for Japan’s diplomacy from
industrialized countries, and many conflicts have the perspectives that (1)it is Japan’s duty as a
been concluded. The independence of South Sudan, responsible member of the international community
as Africa’s 54th state, on July 9 which followed the to earnestly work toward the resolution of the
result of the referendum, gave a strong impression various problems facing Africa, and by doing so
of the further progress of peace and democratization Japan will earn trust of the international community
in Africa. On the other hand, conflicts continue in (2)it is also important for Japan’s economy to
such regions as Somalia, and many Africans are still strengthen the economic relationship with Africa, a
suffering from drought, poverty and infectious potentially huge market sustains high rates of
diseases. economic growth which is endowed with abundant

Japan’s Foreign Policy by Region Chapter 2

natural resources and a growing population, and (3) to enhance the peacekeeping capability of African
the cooperation of African countries is essential to countries.
further address global issues such as UN Security In the area of development assistance, trade and
Council Reform and climate change. investment, Foreign Minister Matsumoto attended
While valuing its solidarity with Africa, which the Third Tokyo International Conference on
was reaffirmed in the aftermath of Great East Japan African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Follow-up
Earthquake, Japan continued to actively advance its Meeting in Senegal in May, in the aftermath of Great
policy on Africa in 2011, focusing mainly on (1) East Japan Earthquake, as the co-chair of the
contributions to peace and stability, (2)development meeting. In this meeting, Japan reiterated its
assistance and promotion of trade and investment, unequivocal determination to faithfully implement
and (3)response to global issues. the pledges made at the Fourth Tokyo International
For peace and stability in Africa, Japan advanced Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) in
various cooperation measures for the consolidation 2008: which include (1)doubling Japan’s official
of peace in the conflict regions which include such development assistance (ODA) to Africa by 2012 and
as Sudan and Somalia. Japan decided to dispatch (2)supporting doubling private-sector investments. In
units of the Japan Self-Defense Forces to the United addition, in the UN General Assembly in September,
Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan Prime Minister Noda announced the plan to hold the
(UNMISS), a UN peacekeeping operation (PKO) to Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African
support the nation building efforts of this newly Development (TICAD V) in 2013 in Japan. Japan is
independent country. Japan also provided election seeking to promote business in Africa as it
support and dispatched election observation teams strengthens public-private partnership, through such
to support the democratization process in such means as dispatching, the Public-Private Joint
countries as Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Mission for Promoting Trade and Investment to
Congo, and Liberia. Furthermore, Japan continued to Africa to Sudan, South Sudan, and Kenya in October.
provide support for PKO training centers in Africa,


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