QuickPlan 2.00 User Guide

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Quick Plan / Plan

Software User’s Guide

Part Number: 25753-20

Revision: A
Date: April 1996

Trimble Navigation Limited

Surveying & Mapping Division
645 North Mary Avenue
Post Office Box 3642
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3642

+1-800-827-8000 in North America

+1-408-481-8000 International
FAX: +1-408-481-8214
Trimble Navigation Europe Limited
Trimble House, Meridian Office Park
Osborn Way, Hook
Hampshire RG27 9HX
FAX: +44-1256-760-148

Trimble Navigation Singapore PTE Limited

300 Beach Road
#34-05, The Concourse
Singapore 199555
FAX: +65-296-8033

Trimble Japan K.K.

Sumitomo Hamamatsu-cho, Building 10F
1-18-16 Hamamatsu-cho Minato-ku
Tokyo 105
FAX: +81-3-5472-2326

Trimble Navigation New Zealand Limited

11 Birmingham Drive
P.O. Box 8729 Riccarton
FAX: +64-3-339-1417

© 1995, 1996 Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be
copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-
readable form without prior written consent from Trimble Navigation Limited.

Printed in the United States of America. Printed on recycled paper.

ii Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

Revision Notice
Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide, Part Number 25753-20, Revision A, April 1996.
This manual describes Quick Plan and Plan software Version 2.2.

4000A, 4000SE, 4000Si, 4000SL, 4000SLD, 4000SSE, 4000SSi, 4000SST, 4000ST, 4000SX,
4600LS, 7400MSi, Asset Surveyor, Geodetic Surveyor, Geodetic System Surveyor,
GIS Surveyor, GPLoad, GPS Pathfinder GeoExplorer, GPS Pathfinder Pro XL, GPS Pathfinder,
GPSurvey, GPTrans, Land Surveyor II, Land Surveyor IID, PFINDER, Quick Plan, Series 4000,
System Surveyor II, TDC1, and TRIMNET Plus are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc. Microsoft is a registered
trademark, and MS-DOS and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brand
names are trademarks of their respective holders.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Limitation of Liability

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide iii


Software and Firmware Limited Warranty

Trimble warrants that Software and Firmware products will substantially conform to the published
specifications provided it is used with the Trimble products, computer products, and operating
system for which it was designed. For a period of ninety (90) days, commencing thirty (30) days
after shipment from Trimble, Trimble also warrants that the magnetic media on which Software
and Firmware are distributed and the documentation are free from defects in materials and
workmanship. During the ninety (90) day warranty period, Trimble will replace defective media
or documentation, or correct substantial program errors at no charge. If Trimble is unable to
replace defective media or documentation, or correct program errors, Trimble will refund the price
paid for The Software. These are your sole remedies for any breach in warranty.

iv Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

Table of Contents

List of Figures ....................................................................................................... ix

List of Tables ........................................................................................................ xi

Preface .................................................................................................................xiii
What You Should Know........................................................................................ xiii
About This Manual................................................................................................ xiv
Related Information................................................................................................ xv
Update Notes.................................................................................................... xv
Bulletin Board Service..................................................................................... xv
Technical Assistance........................................................................................ xv
FaxBack .......................................................................................................... xvi
Email ............................................................................................................... xvi
Internet FTP Address ...................................................................................... xvi
Reader Comment Form................................................................................... xvi
Document Conventions ....................................................................................... xviii
Tips, Notes, and Cautions.................................................................................... xviii

1 Introduction ...............................................................................................1-1
How Quick Plan and Plan Differ........................................................................... 1-1
When and Why to Use Quick Plan or Plan ........................................................... 1-2
What You Will Need ............................................................................................. 1-3
Hardware ......................................................................................................... 1-3
Software .......................................................................................................... 1-3
Installing Quick Plan and Plan .............................................................................. 1-4

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide v

Table of Contents

Updating the Almanac ...........................................................................................1-5

Four Ways to Update the Almanac .................................................................1-6
Downloading an Almanac from a Receiver ....................................................1-6
Loading the Almanac from an SSF File ..........................................................1-9

2 Overview ....................................................................................................2-1
Sessions and Points ................................................................................................2-1
Starting Quick Plan or Plan....................................................................................2-2
Defining the Session in Quick Plan .......................................................................2-2
Step 1: Selecting a Date...................................................................................2-3
Step 2: Defining a Point ..................................................................................2-4
Step 3: The Status Box ....................................................................................2-5
The Main Menu Bar ...............................................................................................2-6
What Next? ............................................................................................................2-7

3 The File Menu............................................................................................3-1

Printing Graphs and Reports ..................................................................................3-2
Print Graph: Print the Active Graph................................................................3-3
Print Auto Time: Print the List Time Box.......................................................3-4
Print the Report to a Printer ......................................................................3-5
Print the Report to an ASCII File .............................................................3-7
Print Report: Print a Satellite Visibility Report ..............................................3-8
Exit: Leave Plan .....................................................................................................3-9

4 The Session Menu......................................................................................4-1

Session Menu Commands......................................................................................4-1
New Session: Creating a New Session............................................................4-2
Edit Session: Editing a Session .......................................................................4-5
Edit Point: Editing a Point...............................................................................4-7
Session Menu Dialog Boxes ..................................................................................4-8
Creating a New Point.......................................................................................4-8
Editing an Existing Point.................................................................................4-9
Creating or Editing a Point with the World Map ..........................................4-10

vi Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

Table of Contents

Creating or Editing a Point with the City List .............................................. 4-14

Editing a City List ......................................................................................... 4-16
Editing a City List with a Text Editor .................................................... 4-16
Editing a City List with the World Map................................................. 4-18
Creating or Editing a Point through the Keyboard ....................................... 4-20
Judging Position Quality (in Plan only) ................................................. 4-22
Adding and Deleting Points in a Session...................................................... 4-24
Changing a Session's Date and Time ............................................................ 4-25
The Curtain Editor ............................................................................................... 4-27
The Curtain Editor Window.......................................................................... 4-28
Defining a Curtain with the Mouse............................................................... 4-30
Defining a Curtain with the Keyboard.......................................................... 4-31
Defining a Curtain with the Magnetic Bearing Option................................. 4-32
Reading a Curtain's Elevation....................................................................... 4-33
Correcting an Error ....................................................................................... 4-34
Saving Curtain Definitions and Exiting the Curtain Editor.......................... 4-34
Displaying a Combined Curtain.................................................................... 4-35
Summary of Curtain Editor Commands ....................................................... 4-36
File Menu Commands ............................................................................ 4-36
Edit Menu Commands............................................................................ 4-37
Options Menu Commands...................................................................... 4-38
Grid Snaps..................................................................................... 4-39
Help Menu Commands........................................................................... 4-39

5 The Graphs Menu .....................................................................................5-1

Notes on Graphs .................................................................................................... 5-3
Other Related Features .......................................................................................... 5-5
Tile ....................................................................................................................... 5-6
Tile 2 Column........................................................................................................ 5-7
Close All ............................................................................................................... 5-8
Time Locked.......................................................................................................... 5-8
Resolution .......................................................................................................... 5-10

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide vii

Table of Contents

Number SVs and PDOP .......................................................................................5-12

Elevation ..............................................................................................................5-13
Azimuth ..............................................................................................................5-14
Number Satellites.................................................................................................5-16
Satellites ..............................................................................................................5-17
PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, GDOP, and TDOP Graphs .............................................5-18
SkyPlot Graph ......................................................................................................5-20

6 The View Menu..........................................................................................6-1

Redraw ...................................................................................................................6-1
Mag ........................................................................................................................6-2
Demag ...................................................................................................................6-2
Pan ........................................................................................................................6-3
Close ......................................................................................................................6-3
Force Monochrome ................................................................................................6-4
Using the Time Ruler Slides ..................................................................................6-6

7 The Options Menu.....................................................................................7-1

Auto Time: Calculate Optimal Observation Times ...............................................7-3
List Times: List Optimal Observation Times ........................................................7-5
SVs: Select and Deselect Satellites........................................................................7-6
Almanac: Choosing an Almanac............................................................................7-8
Time Zone: Defining a Time Zone ........................................................................7-9
SV Sample Rate: Set the SV Sample Rate...........................................................7-12
Show Status: Display Status Information ............................................................7-13
Report Type: Select Constellation Change Report Type.....................................7-14
Show Report: Display Constellation Change Report...........................................7-15
Elevation Mask: Set the Elevation Mask .............................................................7-16
# SVs Receiver Can Track ...................................................................................7-17

viii Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

Table of Contents


Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide ix

Table of Contents

List of Figures
Figure 1-1. The Almanac Update Parameters.................................................................1-7

Figure 2-1. Select Date ...................................................................................................2-3

Figure 2-2. Edit Point......................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-3. Status Box ....................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-4. Plan Main Menu...........................................................................................2-6

Figure 3-1. Plan File Menu .............................................................................................3-1

Figure 3-2. Windows Print Menu ...................................................................................3-3
Figure 3-3. Print Auto Time List ....................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-4. Report Format ..............................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-5. Select Printer Fonts ......................................................................................3-6
Figure 3-6. Save As Dialog Box .....................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-7. Print Satellite Visibility Report....................................................................3-8
Figure 3-8. Exit - Confirmation of Data Change ............................................................3-9

Figure 4-1. Plan Session Menu .......................................................................................4-1

Figure 4-2. Add New Session .........................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-3. Choose a Session..........................................................................................4-5
Figure 4-4. Edit Point......................................................................................................4-7
Figure 4-5. World Map - Mercator Projection..............................................................4-10
Figure 4-6. World Map - Global View .........................................................................4-11
Figure 4-7. Select City ..................................................................................................4-15
Figure 4-8. Edit City List with a Text Editor................................................................4-17
Figure 4-9. Value Input.................................................................................................4-18
Figure 4-10. City Message Box ....................................................................................4-19
Figure 4-11. Edit Point..................................................................................................4-20

x Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

Table of Contents

Figure 4-12. Select Date ............................................................................................... 4-25

Figure 4-13. Enter Start & Stop Times ........................................................................ 4-26
Figure 4-14. Curtain Editor .......................................................................................... 4-28
Figure 4-15. Curtain Editor - Magnetic Bearings Option ............................................ 4-32
Figure 4-16. Curtain Input - Magnetic Bearings Option.............................................. 4-33
Figure 4-17. Grid Snaps ............................................................................................... 4-39

Figure 5-1. Plan Graphs Menu ....................................................................................... 5-1

Figure 5-2. Graphs in Tiled Display............................................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-3. Graphs in Tile 2 Column Display................................................................ 5-7
Figure 5-4. Graphs with Time Locked ........................................................................... 5-9
Figure 5-5. Graphs - Resolution Options ..................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-6. Graph Display Resolution Value............................................................... 5-11
Figure 5-7. Number of SVs and PDOP ........................................................................ 5-12
Figure 5-8. Elevation Plot ............................................................................................ 5-13
Figure 5-9. Azimuth Plot.............................................................................................. 5-14
Figure 5-10. Number of Satellites Graph ..................................................................... 5-16
Figure 5-11. Satellite Availability and Time Graph..................................................... 5-17
Figure 5-12. PDOP Graph ............................................................................................ 5-18
Figure 5-13. TDOP Graph............................................................................................ 5-19
Figure 5-14. Skyplot Graph.......................................................................................... 5-20

Figure 6-1. Plan View Menu .......................................................................................... 6-1

Figure 6-2. Graph without Force Monochrome Selected............................................... 6-4
Figure 6-3. Graph with Force MonoChrome Selected ................................................... 6-4
Figure 6-4. Graph Patterns ............................................................................................. 6-5
Figure 6-5. Time Ruler Slides ........................................................................................ 6-6

Figure 7-1. Plan Options Menu ...................................................................................... 7-1

Figure 7-2. Auto View Time Selection .......................................................................... 7-3
Figure 7-3. List Times .................................................................................................... 7-5
Figure 7-4. Select Satellites............................................................................................ 7-6
Figure 7-5. Load File with Almanac .............................................................................. 7-8
Figure 7-6. Time Zone.................................................................................................... 7-9
Figure 7-7. List of Time Zones .................................................................................... 7-10

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide xi

Table of Contents

Figure 7-8. Sample Time for SVs .................................................................................7-12

Figure 7-9. Status Information......................................................................................7-13
Figure 7-10. Report Type..............................................................................................7-14
Figure 7-11. Azimuth Elevation Table Report .............................................................7-15
Figure 7-12. Constellation Change Table Report .........................................................7-16
Figure 7-13. Edit Elevation Mask.................................................................................7-16
Figure 7-14. # SVs Receiver Can Track .......................................................................7-17
Figure 7-15. List - # SVs Receiver Can Track..............................................................7-18

List of Tables
Table 2-1. Plan Main Menu Commands .........................................................................2-6
Table 2-2. Useful Graph and Option Commands ...........................................................2-8

Table 4-1. Map Display Controls..................................................................................4-13

Table 4-2. Map Mouse Controls ...................................................................................4-14
Table 4-3. City List Format ..........................................................................................4-17
Table 4-4. Edit Point Dialog - Station Identification and Station Position Fields .......4-21
Table 4-5. Control Buttons in the Edit Point Dialog ....................................................4-22
Table 4-6. Position Quality ...........................................................................................4-23
Table 4-7. Curtain Editor Mouse Cursor ......................................................................4-30
Table 4-8. Curtain Editor Commands - File Menu.......................................................4-36
Table 4-9. Curtain Editor Commands - Edit Menu ......................................................4-37
Table 4-10. Curtain Editor Commands - Options Menu ..............................................4-38

Table 5-1. Graphs Menu Commands ..............................................................................5-2

Table 5-2. Standard Color Display for Graphs ...............................................................5-4

Table 7-1. Option Menu Commands ..............................................................................7-2

xii Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

Table of Contents

Table 7-2. Options in the Auto View Time Selection Dialog........................................ 7-4

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide xiii

Welcome to the Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide. This section
discusses the following topics:
• what you should know before using Quick Plan or Plan software
• the organization of this manual
• information related to using Trimble products
− update notices
− bulletin board service
− technical assistance
• FaxBack, email, and Internet FPT information
• conventions used in this manual

What You Should Know

You should have knowledge of fundamental GPS observation principles
and techniques.
You should be familiar with the fundamentals of Microsoft®
Windows®. It is assumed that you know how to use a mouse, open a
menu, select options from menus and dialog boxes, make selections
from lists, and use standard on-line help commands. For a review of
these techniques, consult your Windows documentation.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide xiv


About This Manual

This manual describes the capabilities of the Plan program, and when
and how to use it.
The divisions in this manual are the following:
• Chapter 1, Introduction - description of the hardware and software
requirements, installation information, and procedures for
updating the almanac.
• Chapter 2, Overview - discussion of the concepts central to the
operation of plan: sessions and points; description of the Main
Menu commands
• Chapter 3, The File Menu - description of the printing commands
in the File menu.
• Chapter 4, The Session Menu - discussion of the command
functions and procedures which are used to define, create, and edit
sessions and points, including use of the world map and the
curtain editor.
• Chapter 5, The Graphs Menu - description of the graphical
displays available in Plan.
• Chapter 6, The View Menu - information on commands in the
View menu that are used to control appearance of the graphical
• Chapter 7, The Options Menu - a review of the settings that affect
the operation of Plan.
• References - a listing of books and other publications related to
GPS or GPSurvey software.
• Table of Contents and Index - quick ways to locate information in
the manual.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide xv


Related Information
The following sections discuss other sources of information.

Update Notes
You will find a Warranty Activation Sheet with your GPSurvey
software. By sending in your Warranty Activation Sheet, you will
automatically receive update notes as they become available. When you
receive these packages, read them. They contain important information
about software and hardware changes. Contact your local Trimble
Dealer for more information about the support agreement contracts for
software and firmware, and an extended warranty programs for

Bulletin Board Service

If you have a modem, check the Customer Support Bulletin Board
Service (BBS) on a regular basis for application notes, new software
release notices, and other information. The phone number is:
protocol: 8, n, 1

Technical Assistance
If you have problems and cannot find the information you need in the
GPSurvey manuals, please call the Trimble Technical Assistance Center
(TAC). The phone numbers are:
+1-800-SOS-4TAC (in North America)
+1-408-481-6940 (International)
+1-408-737-6020 (Fax)
You can call the Technical Assistance Center phones between 6 AM and
6 PM Pacific Standard Time. A support technician will take your call,

xvi Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide


help you determine the source of your problem, and provide you with
any technical assistance you might need.

FaxBack is an automated fax response system for selecting documents
and catalogs (lists of available documents). You can order a variety of
documents, including: data sheets, application notes, technical
documentation, configuration guides, assembly drawings, and general
Call from a tone-dialing phone. A recorded FaxBack message guides
you through the call. The FaxBack system is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
To call the FaxBack service, dial +1-408-481-7704 and follow the
recorded instructions.

You can send email to the Technical Assistance Center at any time.
A support technician will respond to your email questions or comments.
The email address is: [email protected].

Internet FTP Address

You can visit the Trimble Public FTP site at any time to access software
patches, utilities, service bulletins, and FAQs. The FTP site address is:

Reader Comment Form

Thank you for purchasing this Trimble product. A reader comment form
is provided at the end of this guide. If this form is not available,
comments and suggestions can be sent to Trimble Navigation Limited,
645 North Mary Avenue, Post Office Box 3642, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide xvii


3642. All comments and suggestions become the property of Trimble

Navigation Limited.

xviii Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide


Document Conventions
Italics identify software menus, menu commands, and dialog boxes.
Normal text is used for group boxes, options buttons, check boxes, text
boxes, and list boxes.
Bold face words identify push buttons in dialog boxes.
SMALL CAPITALS identify directories, filenames, and filename
Courier represents what is printed on the screen by the application.
Courier Bold represents information that you must type.
 or   identify keys on your computer keyboard.

Tips, Notes, and Cautions

Tips, notes, and cautions are used to emphasize important information.

C TIP – Tips suggest quick steps for simplifying your work or describe
additional functions in the program.

ü NOTE -- Notes give additional information about the subject to increase

your knowledge, or to guide your actions. A note can precede or follow
the text it references.

! CAUTION -- Cautions alert you to situations that could cause loss of data
or software errors.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide xix



xx Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

1 Introduction
Quick Plan and Plan are Trimble software products that can help you
plan and schedule GPS field sessions. Use Quick Plan and Plan to:
• create descriptions of field sessions
• create descriptions of sites where measurements are to be made
• create descriptions of obstructions to visibility at each site
• modify any of the above descriptions
• graph satellite visibility in a variety of ways, and display other
session data in a variety of forms
• determine times when a required number of satellites will be
available at any site or all sites

How Quick Plan and Plan Differ

Quick Plan and Plan are very similar in operation, and this manual
describes both. The programs differ in the way they may be run, and in
the way they store session descriptions:
• Plan runs only as a component of GPSurvey. It stores session
information in the GPSurvey database. Each session you create
belongs to the GPSurvey project that was open when you ran Plan.
• Quick Plan runs as a standalone application or as a component of
GPSurvey. It does not require installation of a security device and
can be installed on different computers, enabling remote field

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 1-1

Introduction 1

crews to plan as needed. Quick Plan is not directly related to a

GPSurvey project database and does not store session descriptions.
It only lets you define them and use them during the same run of
the program.

¸ NOTE – For the sake of brevity, this manual uses the name Plan to refer
to both Quick Plan and Plan. In the few places where the manual
discusses features unique to one program or the other, it uses phrases
like Quick Plan only, or In Plan Only (not Quick Plan).

When and Why to Use Quick Plan or Plan

Mission planning is usually the first phase of managing a surveying
project. Its objective is to define all significant aspects of the project so
that it can be performed effectively and efficiently under all foreseeable
Plan is most often used near the end of the mission planning phase—after
you have decided what information your survey must produce and what
surveying procedures you will use. It usually follows site reconnaissance,
during which you note the size and position of any obstructions that may
affect satellite visibility at each survey or reference mark.
Plan can help you:
• predict satellite availability at each mark
• experiment with satellite selection, almanacs, time zones, site
visibility obstructions, and elevation masks
• determine the best observation periods for a given session, given
any necessary constraints on PDOP and on the hours during which
the field crew can work
• visualize satellite availability through tables and graphical

1-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

1 Introduction

Quick Plan has essentially the same planning capabilities as Plan. Use it
for informal, preliminary work, and for on-the-spot field planning,
where the result will be used immediately and then will cease to be

What You Will Need

Plan runs on IBM-compatible personal computers with at least an 386
processor. As a general rule, use the fastest processor available. Trimble
recommends that, at the minimum, you use a 386/25 and strongly
suggests that you use a Pentium (or the fastest processor available to
you), since this configuration significantly speeds up your processing
Plan requires a math coprocessor. If you are using a 386 or 486
processor, which does not have this function built in, you must install a
80387 math coprocessor.
You need a minimum of 4 MB of RAM, a mouse, and a VGA monitor.
Trimble recommends at least 8 MB of RAM and a super VGA monitor
and display adapter (resolution 768 x 1024 or higher).
You must have about 2.5 MB of free space on your hard disk drive for
the program files. This amount of space is required whether you are
installing Plan, Quick Plan, or both. If you are installing a new version
of Plan and/or Quick Plan in place of an earlier version, you will not
need any significant amount of additional disk space.

Plan and Quick Plan both require Microsoft® Windows® version 3.1 or
higher; Windows® NT Workstation 3.51 or higher; or Windows®95.
These products must be installed before Plan or Quick Plan is installed.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 1-3

Introduction 1

Since Plan functions as a component of GPSurvey, it is installed when

GPSurvey is installed, and cannot be installed separately. Quick Plan is
also installed as a component of GPSurvey, but it may also be installed
as a standalone program from its own set of installation diskettes.

Installing Quick Plan and Plan

There are two ways to install Quick Plan and/or Plan:
• Quick Plan alone—to be run from Program Manager only.
To perform this type of installation you must have a set of Quick
Plan distribution diskettes. Follow the instructions below.
• Plan and Quick Plan together—to be run from GPSurvey or from
Program Manager. To perform this type of installation you must
have a set of GPSurvey installation diskettes. Follow the
instructions in your GPSurvey Software User's Guide.
To install Quick Plan alone:
1. Install Windows 3.1 (or your required software) if it is not already
installed on your computer.
2. Start Windows.
3. Put the Quick Plan disk #1 in a diskette drive (drive A or B).
4. From Program Manager, select the File / Run command (or select
Run from the Task Bar if you are running Windows 95).
5. In the Run dialog box, type A:\INSTALL (B:\INSTALL if you are
using drive B).
6. Click OK.
7. Follow the install program's instructions to complete the installation.
8. At one point the install program asks you to specify the directory in
which the Quick Plan files are to be installed. Trimble recommends
that you use the default, C:\QKPLAN. If GPSurvey is installed on
your system, though, you may prefer to use the GPSurvey program
directory (customarily C:\GPSURVEY).

1-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

1 Introduction

Updating the Almanac

The almanac is a set of data that is used to predict satellite orbits over a
moderately long period of time (about a month).
Quick Plan and Plan both need an almanac no more than about a month
old to produce reasonably accurate results. Therefore, it is important to
obtain a current almanac (if your computer does not have one) before
using either program.
Trimble Series 4000 and Trimble GPS Pathfinder receivers both acquire
the current almanac from satellites during regular operations, and
maintain it in memory. You can download the almanac from a
Series 4000 receiver to your computer by downloading the ephemeris
and storing it in an EPH file. You can download the almanac from a GPS
Pathfinder receiver to an SSF file. Quick Plan and Plan can also read
almanac information in the Yuma ASCII format.

NOTE – To tell how old your most current ephemeris file is:
¸ 1. Get a listing of files with the extension EPH in the directory where
Plan is installed. (If you are not sure what directory this is, click the
Quick Plan or Plan icon in the File Manager window, then select the
File / Properties command to open the Program Icon Properties
dialog box. The program's pathname, including its directory name, is
in the Command Line box. Press to close the dialog box.)
2. The filename of each file should have the form Dyyddd, where yyddd
is the Julian date on which the ephemeris was decoded. For
example, an almanac file that was decoded on August 30, 1994 is
named D94242.EPH. If you are using GPSurvey, it creates one
additional file named CURRENT.EPH.
3. Look for the file with the most recent decoding date. Note that the
decoding date is not necessarily the same as the date in the file's
time stamp!

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 1-5

Introduction 1

Four Ways to Update the Almanac

There are four ways to download a current almanac:
• Download data from a receiver with GPLoad and check it in with
the Check-In program. Check-In will update the ephemeris file,
and thus the almanac, automatically. This is the customary method
if you have GPSurvey (which incorporates GPLoad). See the
GPLoad Software User's Guide for instructions.
• Download an ephemeris file from a Series 4000 receiver. This is
the customary procedure if you are running Quick Plan as a
standalone application with survey receivers. Use the procedure
described in the next section.
• Load the almanac from an SSF file that has been downloaded from
a GPS Pathfinder receiver. This is the customary procedure if you
are running Quick Plan as a standalone application with GPS
Pathfinder receivers. Use the procedure described in Loading the
Almanac from an SSF File, on page 1-9.
• Download a current ephemeris file from the Trimble Surveying
and Mapping BBS. This method is customarily used only if no
receiver is available.

Downloading an Almanac from a Receiver

When you download an almanac from a receiver, be sure to use a
receiver that has the current almanac. If your receiver is used regularly
this is not a problem, since a receiver updates its almanac from the
satellite signals it receives whenever it is used. If your receiver has not
been used recently, acquire a current almanac by attaching an antenna to
the receiver and operating it for at least 15 minutes in a place with an
unobstructed view of the sky.

1-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

1 Introduction

Once you have ensured that the receiver has a current almanac:
1. If you have downloaded data from this receiver to your computer
before, skip to step 6.
2. Configure the receiver and select an appropriate data cable.
For a Series 4000 receiver, see the Series 4000 Application Guide.
For a GPS Pathfinder receiver with data logger, see the TDC1 Asset
Surveyor Software User's Guide.
3. Open the Quick Plan program group, if necessary, and double-click
the Edit Almanac Update Parameters icon.

This runs Microsoft Windows’ Notepad application and opens the

parameter file shown in Figure 1-1.

* ALMUPDT - Configuration File

* This file can be edited to set the serial port and program configuration.
* Edit the values to the right of the colon, do not modify the strings to
* the left of the colon as they are used to identify each parameter. Valid
* values for each settable parameter are enclosed in square brackets: [value].
* Serial port settings
port: com1 [com1,com2]
baud: 9600 [1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400]
databits: 8 [7,8]
parity: odd [none,odd,even]
stopbits: 1 [0,1,2]

* Program options
verbose: yes [yes,no]
last error: 0
last almanac: d:\prog\geteph\d93235.eph

Figure 1-1. The Almanac Update Parameters

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 1-7

Introduction 1

4. Set the port parameter to the device name of the communications

port (COM1 or COM2) that is connected to the receiver. Set the other
parameters under Serial port settings to match the settings you are
using on the corresponding receiver port.
5. Select the File / Save command to save the parameter file, then the
File / Exit command to exit Notepad.
6. Connect the data cable to the appropriate serial ports on the
computer and the Series 4000 receiver or GPS Pathfinder data
7a. For a Series 4000 receiver:
Double-click the Almanac Update icon in the Quick Plan program

This runs the almanac update program, which downloads the current
ephemeris from the receiver and stores it in an EPH file.

¸ NOTE -- If the almanac update utility fails to download the almanac from
the receiver, be sure that:
• The parameter settings on the receiver are the same as the ones
specified in the almanac update parameters.
• You are using the correct type of data cable.
• The serial ports connected to the data cable on the computer and the
receiver are the ones you configured.

1-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

1 Introduction

7b. For a GPS Pathfinder receiver with data logger:

1) Download the almanac information to an SSF file using your
PFINDER software. See the PFINDER Software Reference
Guide for the details.
2) Start Quick Plan.
3) Specify a position and session date (see Chapter 2).
4) Select Options / Almanac to open the Load File with Almanac
dialog box.
5) In the List Files of Type dropdown box, select SSF Files.
6) Select the appropriate drive and directory to display a list of SSF
files, then select the desired ephemeris file from the list.
7) Click OK to load the ephemeris file.

Loading the Almanac from an SSF File

To load the almanac from an SSF file:
1. Download ephemeris data to an SSF file using your PFINDER
software. See the PFINDER Software Reference Guide for
2. Start Plan.
3. After you have the position and date, select Options / Almanac.
Plan displays the Load File with Almanac dialog box.
4. In the List Files of Type dropdown box in the lower left corner of
the dialog box, select SSF files (*.SSF).
5. Select the drive and directory that contain the SSF file.
6. Select the file.
7. Click OK.
Plan opens the SSF file and loads the almanac from it.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 1-9

Introduction 1


1-10 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

2 Overview

Sessions and Points

The concepts of sessions and points are central to the operation of Plan.
• A session is a period of time during which you plan to make
observations. To be defined in Plan, a session must begin and end
on the same day in whatever time zone you are planning in (local
time or GMT). The purpose of planning is to let you schedule your
observations so that the satellites you need will be available
throughout a session long enough for you to complete your work.
• A point is a place at which you plan that observations will take
place. It is equivalent to a mark or a station in GPS surveying
terminology. For planning purposes, an approximate point position
is sufficient. An error of 1° in the coordinates will cause an error
of no more than 4 minutes in satellites' predicted rise and set

¸ NOTE – GPSurvey can use coordinates entered with Plan (but not with
Quick Plan) for solving baseline and adjusting networks. If you plan to
use point coordinates in this way, they need to be more accurate than
coordinates used for planning alone.

You must define a point for every mark to be observed in the survey,
even if you are entering approximate point positions that are so close
together that they are equivalent. This is because each point's properties

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 2-1

Overview 2

include a description of the obstructions visible from that point, and

predicting the effects of these obstructions on satellite availability is an
important part of Plan's function.

Starting Quick Plan or Plan

You can start Quick Plan in two ways:
• Select the appropriate command from GPSurvey's menu system
(Plan / Plan Project or Plan / Quick Plan).
• Double-click the Quick Plan icon in Program
Manager's Quick Plan program group.
Start Plan with the Plan / Plan Project command from the GPSurvey
main menu. You cannot start Plan from the Windows Program Manager.

Defining the Session in Quick Plan

When you start Quick Plan, you must define a session before the
program will let you use its main menu. The procedure you must follow,
described in the following sections, is the same as the procedure for
defining a new session with the Session / New Session command.

¸ NOTE – It is possible to reach the main menu without defining a

session, but it is not useful. Most of the main menu's commands will
be unavailable.

When you start Plan, you go directly to Plan’s main menu. You must
define a session with the Session / New Session command.

2-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

2 Overview

Step 1: Selecting a Date

The first dialog box Quick Plan displays is the Select Date dialog box.

Figure 2-1. Select Date

Select Date requires you to select the date on which a session will be
conducted. Quick Plan will compute satellite visibility for that date.
You can select a date with any of these methods:
• Click one of the date buttons, Today, Tomorrow, or Day After
• Click a date in the calendar. Use the Prev Month or Next Month
button, if necessary, to display the required month.
• Enter the Julian date in the lower left corner, or the calendar date
in the lower right corner.
After you have selected the date, click OK to close the dialog box.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 2-3

Overview 2

The Select Date dialog box is described more completely in the section
New Session: Creating a New Session in Chapter 4.

Step 2: Defining a Point

When you close the Select Date dialog box, Quick Plan displays the
Edit Point dialog box.

Figure 2-2. Edit Point

Edit Point lets you select or define a point (a mark) at which

observations will be made. Quick Plan will compute satellite visibility
for that point.
You can select a point by any of these methods:
• Click World Map... to display a map of the world, then use the
mouse to select a point on the map.
• Click Cities... to display a world-wide or local list of cities, then
select a city from the list.
• Click Keyboard... to open a dialog box, then define a point by
entering its latitude, longitude, and other properties.

2-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

2 Overview

After you have selected a point:

1. Click OK in the world map, city list, or dialog box to return to the
Edit Point box.
2. Click OK in the Edit Point box to close the box and proceed.
Edit Point is described in more detail in Editing an Existing Point in
Chapter 4.

Step 3: The Status Box

When you close the Edit Point dialog box, Quick Plan displays the
Status box (described in Chapter 7) as shown in Figure 2-3 below.

Figure 2-3. Status Box

¸ NOTE – The satellite and almanac information appears in the Status

box after you work with the Options / SVs... commands.

At this point Quick Plan's main menu bar becomes accessible.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 2-5

Overview 2

The Main Menu Bar

Figure 2-4. Plan Main Menu

Many of the commands you can select from the main menu bar display
dialog boxes and other windows in Plan's main window.
The main menu commands and functions are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Plan Main Menu Commands

Menu Command Use to ...

File Print graphs, optimal observation time lists, and observation reports;
exit Plan. (See Chapter 3.)
Session Create and modify sessions and points within sessions. (See
Chapter 4.)
Note: You can select different dates within a single planning session by
opening the Select Date dialog box, and you can select different points
by opening the Edit Point dialog box. These dialog boxes are
accessible through the Session / New Session and Session / Edit
Session commands.
Graphs Create and display graphs of satellite data. (See Chapter 5.)

View Resize, zoom, and pan graphs. The View menu is available only when
at least one graph window is open. (See Chapter 6.)
Options Select available satellites, time zone, program status, elevation mask,
and almanac. (See Chapter 7.)
Help Display information about how to use the program.

2-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

2 Overview

What Next?
Once you reach the main menu, you are ready to begin planning.
• If you are using Plan, use Session / New Session to define the
sessions and points you need, and add the appropriate points to
each session.
• If you are using Quick Plan, you have already defined one session
and one point, and have added the point to the session.
- Use Session / Edit Session to define and add additional points.
- Use Session / New Session, if necessary, to define additional
sessions and add points to them.
After you have defined the sessions and points you need, experiment
with different observation schedules and session parameters:
• Session / Edit Session lets you vary the schedule.
• The Options menu commands let you vary parameter settings such
as the elevation mask.
• Options / Auto Time controls the minimum required observation
period, the minimum required number of satellites, and the
PDOP mask.
The commands listed in Table 2-2 on page 2-8 display and print
information that can help you define the best plan for your needs.
There are essentially two ways to use Plan:
• You can let the program do the planning. Enter appropriate
parameter settings, then select Options / List Times to produce a
list of observation times that meet the criteria you have specified.
• You can do the planning yourself. Use any combination of
commands to display information that helps you visualize satellite
availability over the period of time when the observations must be
made, and decide on a plan.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 2-7

Overview 2

A practical approach usually combines both techniques. You can use

Options / List Times to get a list of suitable times, then produce various
graphs to help you decide, within those times, what schedule of
observations best suits your needs.

Table 2-2. Useful Graph and Option Commands

Menu / Command Use to...

Graph / Number of SVs Find observation periods that offer the best combination of
and PDOP satellite availability and high PDOP.

Graph / Elevation Determine how many satellites (and which ones) will clear site
obstructions at any time.

Graph / Azimuth Find safe observation periods for a site in which an entire part of
the sky is obstructed. At any time, satellites with azimuths in that
part of the sky may be unavailable.

Graph / Number of Make preliminary studies of satellite availability; help you find
Satellites observation times when many satellites will be available.

Graph / Satellites Find observation periods when particular satellites are available.
Helpful if you know which satellites you want to observe.

Graph / PDOP Select a set of satellites to observe. You can enable and disable
specific satellites and see the effect on PDOP.

Graph / Skyplot Visualize satellite paths and their relations to obstructions.

Graph / Status Put graphic displays in context by providing data about the
ephemeris file, time zone, etc. This helps you avoid making
plans based on obsolete or inappropriate data.

Options / Auto Time Compute and display list of optimal observation times, given
specified criteria.

2-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

3 The File Menu

Figure 3-1. Plan File Menu

The File menu has three commands for printing various types
of information:
• Print Graph: Print the current graph
• Print Auto Time: Print the optimal observation time list
• Print Report: Print the satellite visibility report
The File menu also has one command that ends a run of Plan:
• Exit: Terminate Plan and return control to GPSurvey or to the
Program Manager

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 3-1

The File Menu 3

Printing Graphs and Reports

Use the Print Graph, Print Auto Time, and Print Report commands to
print graphs and reports.
Each command is available only when Plan is displaying the type of
information that command is meant to print. For example, Print Graph
is available only when Plan is displaying one or more graphs.
It is a good habit to activate the window or dialog box you want to print
by clicking it before you select a Print... command. If several graphs are
open, for example, click the one you want to print before you select
Print Graph. Otherwise Print Graph will print the graph you opened
most recently—which may or may not be the one you want.

¸ NOTE – See your Microsoft Windows manual for more information

concerning printing features, and naming and saving files in Windows.

3-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

3 The File Menu

Print Graph: Print the Active Graph

You can print a graph only when that graph is displayed in the Plan
To print a graph:
1. Display the graph in the Plan window.
2. Click the graph's window to activate it.
3. Select the File / Print Graph command to open a standard Print
dialog box.

Figure 3-2. Windows Print Menu

4. Click OK to print the selected graph.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 3-3

The File Menu 3

NOTE – You may be able to speed up printing of graphs by reducing

¸ your printer's resolution. Resolution control is a function of the
Windows printer driver and is not supported by the drivers for all types
of printers. To see if your printer's driver supports it:
1. Click on a graph.
2. Select the File / Print Graph command.
3. Select the Print Quality dropdown box.
If Print Quality offers a choice of resolutions, you can speed up printing
by selecting a lower resolution.
Changing the resolution in the File / Print Graph command affects just
only the printing operation you start with that command. To change the
resolution permanently:
1. Click Windows Control Panel's Printers icon.
2. In the Printers dialog box, click the Setup button and look for a Print
Quality dropdown box.
Any change you make with Control Panel will endure until you make
another change, and will affect all Windows applications.

Print Auto Time: Print the List Time Box

The Print Auto Time command prints the contents of the List Time box:
a list of optimal observation times for the current session.
To print the List Times box:
1. Select Options / Auto Time to display the List Times box.
2. Select File / Print Auto Time.

3-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

3 The File Menu

File / Print Auto Time presents the Auto Time List Destination
dialog box, which prompts you to choose whether to print the List
Time box to the printer or an ASCII (text) file.

Figure 3-3. Print Auto Time List

3. Click the appropriate button to close the dialog box and proceed.

Print the Report to a Printer

If you click Printer, Plan opens a standard Print dialog box.

1. Click OK to send the list to the printer.
2. When you click OK, the command opens the Report Format dialog
box, which prompts you to select the report format.

Figure 3-4. Report Format

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 3-5

The File Menu 3

a. Check the Dividing Lines box to insert breaks between

constellation changes. Clear the box to insert no breaks.
b. Click Fonts to display the Font dialog box, which lets you select
the type font, style, size, and color of the output. (All of these
choices are subject to limits on your printer's capabilities.)

Figure 3-5. Select Printer Fonts

3. Click OK in the Report Format dialog box to print the report.

3-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

3 The File Menu

Print the Report to an ASCII File

If you click Ascii-File, Plan opens a standard Save As dialog box.

Figure 3-6. Save As Dialog Box

1. Choose the destination for the file using the Drives and Directories
2. Specify the file type using the Save File as Type list. The default file
type is REP (a Plan report file).
3. Type the name of the file into the File Name edit box.
If you do not add an extension to the file name, it defaults to a value that
depends on the type of file you are saving. The default type for a
Plan report file is REP.
4. Click OK to write the report to the file.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 3-7

The File Menu 3

Print Report: Print a Satellite Visibility Report

To print a satellite visibility report:
1. Use the Options / Show Report command to display the report.
Once the report is visible, the File / Print Report command becomes
2. Select File / Print Report to open the Report Destination dialog box.

Figure 3-7. Print Satellite Visibility Report

3. Click Printer to write the report to the printer, or Ascii-File to write it

to a file.
The procedure for printing a satellite visibility report is the same as the
procedure for printing a auto time list (see above). Similarly, the
procedure for writing a satellite visibility report to a file is the same as
the procedure for writing an auto time list to a file.

3-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

3 The File Menu

Exit: Leave Plan

File / Exit ends a run of Plan. It returns control to the program from
which Plan was run: GPSurvey or (for Quick Plan only) Program
In Plan only, File / Exit displays a dialog box asking if you want to save
changes you have made to the project database:

Figure 3-8. Exit - Confirmation of Data Change

You normally should click Yes, so that the changes you have made will
not be lost.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 3-9

The File Menu 3


3-10 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Figure 4-1. Plan Session Menu

Session Menu Commands

The Session menu has three commands:
• New Session: Create a new session and create new points for
a session
• Edit Session: Edit an existing session and create new points for
a session
• Edit Point: Edit an existing point
The following subsections describe the Session menu's three commands.
The rest of the chapter describes the dialog boxes and other elements
used in these commands, some of which are shared by more than one of
the commands.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-1

The Session Menu 4

¸ NOTE – Because Quick Plan does not save information from run to run,
you must create a new session before it will let you use the main menu.
In effect, it selects Session / New Session for you when you start the

You may use Session / New Session to define additional sessions, but
remember that none of the sessions you create will be saved.

New Session: Creating a New Session

Use this command to describe each session that will be conducted in the
course of the project.
To create a new session:
1. Select the Session / New Session command. (When you start Quick
Plan, the program performs this step for you.)
• If you have not yet created or edited a session in this run, the
program opens the Select Date dialog box. Select a date for the
session and click OK. (See Changing a Session's Date and Time
on page 4-25.)
• If you have created or edited a session in this run, the program
assigns the new session the same date as the last one you created
or edited. You can change this date later in the procedure if
• If you have not yet defined any points, the program opens the Edit
Point dialog box to let you define the first point. (See Edit Point:
Editing a Point on page 4-7.) If you have defined points, the
program skips this step. You can define additional points later in
the procedure if necessary.

4-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

The program displays the Add New Session dialog box.

Session name Session date & time

Points in session Defined points

Set session date

Set session time

Display session's
combined curtains Edit selected
point's curtain

Define new point

Edit selected point

Set receiver ID
(Plan only)

Figure 4-2. Add New Session

The program automatically assigns the session a four-digit session ID

consisting of the day of year and a unique digit to distinguish different
sessions created on the same day.
2. Change the contents of the Session Name text box if you want to
change this session name. You may use an alphanumeric session ID
up to nine characters long.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-3

The Session Menu 4

3. Add each point at which observations will be made by double-

clicking on the point in the All Points list, or by highlighting it in the
All Points list and clicking the Add button. (See also Adding and
Deleting Points in a Session on page 4-24.)
• To add a point that has not yet been defined, you must first define
it by clicking the Create button. This displays the Edit Point
dialog box.
• If you want to define curtains for the point that is selected in the
n Points list, click the Curtain button to run the curtain editor.
(See The Curtain Editor on page 4-27.)
• In Plan only: If you want to enter a receiver ID for the point,
select the Receiver ID at Pt box and enter the ID. The receiver ID
is an alphanumeric field up to nine characters long.
4. Click the Date button to open the Select Date dialog box and select a
date for the session.
5. Click the Time button to open the Enter Start & Stop Times dialog
box and specify the session's start and stop times. (See Changing a
Session's Date and Time on page 4-25.)
6. Click OK to close the Add New Session dialog box.

4-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Edit Session: Editing a Session

Use this command to change the date, time, and set of points in a
session, and to edit the properties of points.
1. Select the Session / Edit Session command.
• Plan displays the Choose a Session dialog box. This box contains
a list of session IDs.
• In Quick Plan, the list ordinarily contains just one entry: the
session ID of the session that you created at the start of the run.

Figure 4-3. Choose a Session

2. Double-click the session you want to edit, or select the session and
click OK.
• Plan closes the Choose a Session dialog box and displays the Edit
Session dialog box (not shown here, but very similar to the Add
New Session dialog box, Figure 4-2). Use the dialog box to:
- Create a new point by clicking Create (see Creating a New
Point on page 4-8).

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-5

The Session Menu 4

- Edit the properties of an existing point by highlighting the point

in the n Points list and clicking Edit Pt (see Editing an Existing
Point on page 4-9).
- Define or edit the selected point's curtains by clicking Curtain
(see The Curtain Editor on page 4-27).
• In Plan only: Enter or change the selected point's station ID.
- Change the set of points in the session with the Add and
Remove Pt buttons (see Adding and Deleting Points in a
Session on page 4-24).
- Change the session's date and time by clicking Date and Time
(see Changing a Session's Date and Time on page 4-25).

¸ NOTE – You can display the session's combined curtains by clicking

Combined Curtains (see Displaying a Combined Curtain on page 4-35).

3. When you are done, click OK to close the Edit Session dialog box.

4-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Edit Point: Editing a Point

To edit a point:
1. Select the Session / Edit Point command. Plan opens the Choose a
Point dialog box.
2. Double-click the point you want to edit, or highlight it and click OK.
Plan closes Choose a Point and opens the Edit Point dialog box.

Figure 4-4. Edit Point

3. Click the World Map..., Cities..., or Keyboard... button, depending on

the procedure you want to use to edit the point.
4. Make your changes. (All three procedures are described in the
following sections.)
5. When you return to Edit Point, click OK to close the dialog box and
complete the editing operation.

C TIP – You can also edit a point by highlighting the point from the list box
on the left side of the Add New Session or Edit Session dialog box, then
clicking the Edit Pt button.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-7

The Session Menu 4

Session Menu Dialog Boxes

The following sections describe dialog boxes that the Session menu's
commands may display. The dialog boxes are described separately from
the commands because so many of them are used by more than one

Creating a New Point

To include a point in a session, you must first create (define) the point.
Plan maintains a single database of points; a point you create while
working on one session will be available for use in all others, and a point
you delete while working on one session will disappear from them all.
(But remember that in Quick Plan, the database of points is not saved at
the end of a run.)
To create a point from the Add New Session or Edit Session dialog box,
click the Create button. Plan opens the Add New Point dialog box.
To define a point:
1. Click one of the three buttons:
• World Map... to define the point by clicking on its position on
a map
• Cities... to define the point by selecting the name of a near-by city
from a list
• Keyboard... to define the point by entering its coordinates and
other properties on the keyboard
2. Use the appropriate procedure to define the point, as described in the
sections below.
3. Click the OK button to create the point and close the Add New Point
dialog box.

4-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Editing an Existing Point

You can edit (redefine) a point using either of these procedures:
• Highlight the point in the list box on the left side of the Add New
Session dialog box (if you are creating a new session) or the Edit
Session dialog box (if you are editing one). Click the Edit Pt
• Select the Session / Edit Point command from the main menu.
Plan opens the Choose a Point dialog box. Double-click the point
you want to edit, or highlight the point and click OK.
Either procedure opens the Edit Point dialog box that shows the name
and coordinates of the point you selected. To edit the point:
1. Click one of the three buttons:
• World Map... to redefine the point by clicking on its position on
a map
• Cities... to redefine the point by selecting the name of a near-by
city from a list
• Keyboard... to redefine the point by editing its coordinates and
other properties on the keyboard
2. Use the appropriate procedure to edit the point, as described in the
following sections.
3. Click the OK button to create the point and close the Edit Point
dialog box.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-9

The Session Menu 4

Creating or Editing a Point with the World Map

If you are fortunate enough to go far afield, you will probably find that
the world map is the most convenient means of defining points for your

Mouse cursor's coordinates Display globe view

City nearest selected point Click mouse to select point Name of city

Figure 4-5. World Map - Mercator Projection

4-10 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Figure 4-6. World Map - Global View

All of the procedures for adding or editing a point lead to the Edit Point
dialog box, from which you can open a world map by clicking the World
Map button.

World Map opens the Select Pt dialog box, which displays the map in a
Mercator projection, with a panel of buttons at the right and a status bar at
the bottom. The dialog box has two variations, as shown in Figure 4-5 and
Figure 4-6. One displays a Mercator projection, the other an global view.
In the map, a colored block marks the city nearest the selected point.
Major political boundaries are shown in several colors to make them
easier to distinguish. The coordinates of the mouse cursor are shown in
an inset box at the upper right.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-11

The Session Menu 4

In a Mercator projection, the status bar shows the map scale. In the
example above (Figure 4-5), each segment of the scale bar represents
5000 km. (The scale is subject to the usual distortions inherent in a
Mercator projection.) The inset box at the right end of the status bar
shows the name of the city nearest the selected point.
To define a point:
1. Move the mouse cursor to the point.
2. Click the mouse's left button.
The inset coordinates freeze at the point you clicked on. The
coordinates of the point are defined as the coordinates at the
mouse—not the coordinates of the nearest city. The point may be
given the name of the city, though. (See the description of the Take
City check box in Table 4-1.)

C TIP – If you make a mistake, just click the mouse button again. This frees
the colored block to follow the mouse cursor around the map.

When you have frozen the coordinates by clicking the mouse button,
Plan enables the Magnify and Demagnify buttons. You can use these
buttons to zoom in an area of interest (to magnify it) and to zoom
out again (demagnify). Zooming in makes it possible to define a
point more precisely than the world map would allow.
3. When you have defined the point to your satisfaction, click OK.
Plan defines the point and closes the Select Pt dialog box.
The controls to the right of the map are described in Table 4-1 below.

4-12 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Table 4-1. Map Display Controls

Button / Control Use to ...

Redraw Redraw the map.

Mercator or Globe Change the map projection.

About Display an About box describing the origins of the

information in the map.
Magnify and Demagnify Display a smaller part of the world at a greater
(in the Mercator projection only) magnification, and a larger part of the world at a lesser
magnification. These buttons are enabled only when a point
is selected. They redisplay the map roughly centered on
that point.
Redraw Redraw the map at its largest (global) scale; thus, it might
be called “Demagnify all the way.”
Left, Right, Up, and Down Rotate the map in the indicated directions to display
(in the global view only) different parts of the world.

Rivers Display major rivers on the map. If you clear this box, rivers
will not display.
Take City Make Plan name the point the same as the nearest
(highlighted) city. If you clear this box, Plan will not name
the point; if you want the point to have a name, you must
edit it from the keyboard.
OK Accept the point definition you have made and close the
Select Pt dialog box.
Cancel Close the Select Pt dialog box without defining the point.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-13

The Session Menu 4

You can also use the mouse as described in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2. Map Mouse Controls

Action / Both Map Views Use to ...

Click left Select point; change mode from moving to fixed.

Double-click left Magnify map, centered on the current point.

Action / Mercator Projection Only Use to ...

Double-click right Demagnify map, centered on the current point.

 + click left Redraw the map at current magnification, centered on

the point where you clicked.
  + click left Redraw map at the original (global) scale.

Press left and drag Zoom in to an area defined by the drag (the points
where you press the mouse button and release it
become diagonally opposite corners of the map).

¸ NOTE -- Political boundaries have changed since the world map was
created, and will continue to change. Trimble will update the map
periodically and will attempt to stay current with an ever-changing world.

Creating or Editing a Point with the City List

The city list is a convenient means of defining a point if you are
planning a session in or near a listed city. It is also useful as a means of
locating an area whose place on the world map is unknown to you. You
can use the city list to define the point at the nearest city, edit the point
with the world map, zoom in on the region around city and locate the
point's true position.

4-14 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

All of the procedures for adding or editing a point lead to the Edit Point
dialog box.
To create or edit a point with the City List:
1. Click the City List button in the Edit Point dialog box (Figure 4-4) to
open the Select City dialog box.

Figure 4-7. Select City

Select City can display either of two lists of cities: a world list or a
local list. (The local list is initially a list of cities in the United
States, but can be changed; see the following section Editing a City
2. Select either list by clicking the World or Local button at the top of
the dialog box.
3. Once you have selected the appropriate list, double-click the city
you want, or highlight the city and click OK.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-15

The Session Menu 4

Either action makes Plan define a point at the coordinates defined

for that city.

C TIP – You can also select a city by typing the first part of its name into the
Select City box. Plan highlights the first city name that begins with the
same letters. If you entered CA, for example, Plan would highlight Cairo;
add an N and it would highlight Canberra instead.

The name of the point is the name of the city. If the Take Country Name
Also box was checked, the name of the point is the name of the city
followed by the name of the country, state, or province in parentheses,
like this:
San Francisco(CA)
Cape Town(South Africa)

Editing a City List

You can edit the city lists to add city names you need, and if you want,
to remove city names you do not need.
There are two ways to edit the city lists:
• edit the files that contain the lists with a text editor
• use the world map

Editing a City List with a Text Editor

The city lists are stored in the same directory as the Plan program itself.
This is customarily C:\GPSURVEY\BIN (for Plan or Quick Plan used with
GPSurvey) or C:\QKPLAN (for a standalone version of Quick Plan). The
world list is kept in a file named CITY.WOR; the local list is in a file
named CITY.LOC.

4-16 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

You can use any editor that handles unformatted ASCII files. The
following illustration shows what a city list looks like when edited with
Microsoft Windows's Notepad editor.

Figure 4-8. Edit City List with a Text Editor

If you add cities to either file, make sure that the city list remains in
alphabetical order, and that the information is placed into the file in the
format shown in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3. City List Format

Field Column
Name 1–21
State/Province 22–43
Minutes of longitude 44–50
Minutes of latitude 51–57

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-17

The Session Menu 4

Editing a City List with the World Map

You can add a city to either city list from the world map in the Select Pt
dialog box. You cannot edit or delete a city list entry with this technique.
Instructions for using the world map to create or edit a point in a session
are given in Creating or Editing a Point with the World Map on
page 4-10.
To add new cities to the world map, open the Select Pt dialog box
(containing the map) and then:
1. Be sure that the Mercator map projection is displayed.
2. Magnify the map sufficiently to be able to locate the city with
reasonable precision.
3. Click the left mouse button on the city's location to fix the point on
the map.
4. Hold down and
   , and click the right mouse button. Plan

displays the Value Input dialog box.

Figure 4-9. Value Input

5. Enter the city name, including the state, province, or country name
in parentheses.
6. Click OK.

4-18 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Plan opens a message box which prompts you to select the list to
which the city is to be added.

Figure 4-10. City Message Box

7. Click Yes to add the city to the local list, or No to add it to the
world list.
Plan adds the city to the appropriate list and closes the message box.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-19

The Session Menu 4

Creating or Editing a Point through the Keyboard

If you know the coordinates of the points that you wish to observe, you
can enter them through the keyboard by clicking the Keyboard button in
the Edit Point dialog box.
You can also use this technique to set several properties of a point that
are not accessible through the world map or the city list, such as the
height and the station ID of the point.
Keyboard displays a new dialog box (also named Edit Point).

Figure 4-11. Edit Point

To use the dialog box, fill in the fields as appropriate. You must supply a
name, a Latitude, and a Longitude. The other fields are optional.
The fields in the dialog box are described in Table 4-4.

4-20 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Table 4-4. Edit Point Dialog - Station Identification and Station Position Fields

Field Includes the following information...

Name The point's name, as it appears in the world map and in Plan's
other dialog boxes. It is limited to 20 characters. It can be a
station name.
Long Name (in Plan only) A longer name (up to 50 characters) that will appear in certain
reports printed by GPSurvey.
ID (in Plan only) The point's station ID (up to 8 characters). The station ID is
intended to store a four-digit numeric code that is used to
identify stations on Trimble Series 4000SL and 4000SX
receivers or an eight-character alphanumeric code that is used
to identify stations in the Stop-and-Go kinematic software.
Latitude and Longitude The coordinates of the point. Note that the quadrant
(north/south or east/west) is specified by clicking the buttons to
the right of the coordinate numbers, not by entering a letter with
the number.
Height Height of the point above the ellipsoid, in meters.

Position Quality An indication of the type (source and precision) of the position.
(in Plan only) The Position Quality box provides a dropdown list of accepted
position types; you must select one of these types. For more
information about Position Quality, see Judging Position
Quality, below. This property is not used in Plan or Quick Plan,
but it is used by other pieces of Trimble surveying software.
Usable GPS Check this box to indicate that GPSurvey can use this point for
(in Plan only) subsequent processing (the usual setting). Clear it to indicate
that GPSurvey should not use this point.

The control buttons in the Edit Point dialog are described in Table 4-5.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-21

The Session Menu 4

Table 4-5. Control Buttons in the Edit Point Dialog

Button Use to ...

OK Accept the point definition now shown in the dialog box, and
close the box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without creating or editing the point.

Notes (in Plan only): Open a Windows Notepad window containing this point's
station notes. Use this window to enter, edit, or view notes.

Judging Position Quality (in Plan only)

The quality of a position determines how GPSurvey's baseline processor

and network adjustment program can use that position.
GPSurvey's data check-in procedure lets you set the quality of the
useable coordinates for each point you enter into a project. If you enter
coordinates for a particular station through the keyboard, you should be
aware of how GPSurvey interprets the Position Quality you specify.
The possible values for Position Quality, roughly in increasing order of
precision, are outlined in Table 4-6 below.

4-22 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Table 4-6. Position Quality

Precision Description

Coordinates You don't know the position's coordinates, or you choose not to
Unknown/Undefined enter them.

Estimated Coordinates You estimated the coordinates, for example, by measuring the
position on a map.
Point Positioning This is the best position computed by the receiver using
pseudorange measurements (autonomous positioning). This is
the default Position Quality, since check-in retrieves this type of
position from the data file.
Differential Point Positioning You got the position from a GPS receiver using differential GPS
Baseline Solutions You got the position from baseline processing using
TRIMMBP, GPSurvey, or some other postprocessing program.
The accuracy of a Base Solutions position depends on the
reference position from which it was derived.
Network Adjustment You are using results from TRIMNET Plus or some other
network adjustment program.
Baseline Processor The solution was derived from pseudorange measurements
Averaged using the baseline processor.

Fixed Control You are using a high-order control monument from which you
want to compute you relative GPS baselines.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-23

The Session Menu 4

Adding and Deleting Points in a Session

You add or delete points in a session with:
• the Add New Session dialog box (if you are creating a new session)
• the Edit Session dialog box (if you are editing an existing session).
The procedures are the same in each case.
Add New Session is shown in Figure 4-2 on page 4-3. Edit Session is not
shown in this manual, but is very similar.
To add a point:
1. If the point does not appear in the All Points list on the right side of
the dialog box, create it as explained in Creating a New Point on
page 4-8.
2. Double-click the point in the All Points list, or highlight the point in
the All Points list, then click Add.
Plan adds the point to the n Points list on the left side of the dialog
box. (The n represents a number; the list box's label tells how many
points are in the list.)
To delete a point:
1. Highlight the point in the n Points list on the left side of the
dialog box.
2. Click Remove Pt.

4-24 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Changing a Session's Date and Time

You must specify a session's date and time when you define the session
with the Add New Session dialog box. You may specify a different date
and time when you edit the session with the Edit Session dialog box.
To specify the date:
1. Click the Date button. Plan displays the Select Date dialog box.

Set project date to

today, tomorrow, etc.

Set project date

from a calendar

Set project date in Microsoft

Windows' customary format

Enter project date as day of

year (must be current year)

Figure 4-12. Select Date

2. Select the date by any of the methods described below.

• Click Today, Tomorrow, or Day After Tomorrow.
(These buttons are based on your computer's date settings.
Be sure the computer's date is correctly set.)

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-25

The Session Menu 4

• Click the date in the calendar in the middle of the dialog box.
If the date is not in the current month, click the Prev Month or
Next Month button to display the appropriate month.

• Type the date's day of year into the Date (Julian) field. Plan
assumes that the date is in the current year.
• Type the date itself into the Date field. Use the date format
selected by the Date Format field of Windows Control Panel's
International dialog box.
3. Click OK.
To specify the time:
1. Click the Time button. Plan displays the Enter Start and Stop Times
dialog box.

Figure 4-13. Enter Start & Stop Times

2. Enter the session's Start Time in the form hh:mm.

3. Enter the session's Duration or its Stop Time in the form hh:mm.
(Whichever field you fill in, Plan will automatically fill in the
4. Click OK.

4-26 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

The Curtain Editor

A curtain is any obstruction that blocks satellite signals from a GPS
receiver located at a particular point. A point's curtains are part of the
point's definition. Plan's curtain editor lets you define the curtains
(station obstructions) that affect each point in a session. Plan takes the
curtains into account when it computes satellite availability.
You can create and edit curtain definitions from:
• the Add New Session dialog box
• the Edit Session dialog box
In either case, to do so:
1. Highlight a point in the n Points list.
2. Click the Curtain button to invoke the curtain editor as shown in
Figure 4-14.

¸ NOTE – See Summary of Curtain Editor Commands on page 4-36 for

descriptions of the menu bar options.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-27

The Session Menu 4

The Curtain Editor Window

The curtain editor displays its own window with its own menu bar.

Enter curtain data

from keyboard


Save curtain
descriptions Elevation mask


Figure 4-14. Curtain Editor

The curtain editor displays curtains from the perspective of a spot above
the observation point. The display resembles a graph in polar coordinates.
Directions are as on a conventional map; for example, up represents
north. A point's distance from the origin represents its elevation. The
outermost circle represents the horizon (elevation 0°); the middle circle

4-28 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

is 30°; and the inner circle is 60°. In addition, the standard value of the
elevation mask (15°) is marked by a circle drawn with a broken red line.
Each curtain is represented by a sequence of lines that trace the curtain's
upper edge. The obstructed area is shaded.
There are two types of curtains:
• A single curtain is defined by a left boundary and a right
boundary. Its sides are vertical; its top is a straight line.
• A continuous curtain is defined by a left boundary, a right
boundary, and any number of internal boundaries. Its sides are
vertical; its top is a zigzag line from the left boundary, through
each internal boundary, to the right boundary.
In both cases, left and right are defined from the perspective of an
observer at the origin. That is, from left to right means clockwise, or in
order of increasing azimuth values.
The Sky Coords box in the upper right part of the window displays the
coordinates of the mouse cursor, and also lets you define curtains by
editing boundary coordinates through the keyboard.
A status message often appears at the bottom of the window (but is not
shown in Figure 4-14 above); the message tells you what Plan is doing,
or suggests what you should do next.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-29

The Session Menu 4

Defining a Curtain with the Mouse

The easiest way to define a curtain is to draw it with the mouse. To do
this you must understand how the curtain editor represents the mouse
The curtain editor's mouse cursor has three possible states as shown in
Table 4-1 below:

Table 4-7. Curtain Editor Mouse Cursor

Cursor Meaning

+1 Ready to define a curtain's left boundary. When you start

the curtain editor, the mouse cursor is in this state.

+2 Ready to define a curtain's right boundary.

Å “Neutral”; not ready to define a boundary.

To define continuous curtains:

1. Click the left mouse button at the position of the curtain's left
boundary in the curtain diagram. The mouse cursor changes
from +1 to +2.
2. Click the left mouse button at the curtain's first internal boundary,
then its second, third, and so on, up to and including its right
3. To complete the curtain, press , or click the right mouse button.

The mouse cursor changes from + to Å .


To define a second curtain for the same point, select the Edit /
Edit Continuous Curtains command. Then define the second curtain just
as you defined the first.

4-30 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

To define single curtains:

1. Select the Edit / Edit Multiple Single Curtains command.
The +1 mouse cursor appears.
2. Click the left mouse button at the curtain's left boundary.
The +2 mouse cursor appears.
3. Click the left mouse button at the curtain's right boundary. The
curtain editor completes the curtain and displays the +1 cursor again.
4. To define another single curtain, return to step 2.
5. To stop defining curtains, press or click the right mouse button.

The mouse cursor changes from +1 to Å .

Defining a Curtain with the Keyboard

You can define curtains by entering the coordinates of their boundaries
through the keyboard. This is a more precise method than drawing
curtains with the mouse. You may find it more natural if you are
entering curtain descriptions that were recorded as lists of boundary
coordinates during site reconnaissance.
Each of a curtain's coordinates is described by an azimuth and an
elevation. Coordinates of this kind are called sky coordinates.
To define a curtain with the keyboard:
1. Enter the sky coordinates of the curtain's left boundary in the Sky
Coords box.
2. Click OK.
3. Enter the sky coordinates of the first internal boundary, then the
second, third, and so on. Click OK after entering each pair of
4. Enter the sky coordinates of the right boundary and click OK.
Note that the Sky Coords box displays the coordinates of the mouse
cursor as you move the mouse. Thus you can use the mouse to enter
moderately accurate boundary coordinates by watching the box.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-31

The Session Menu 4

Defining a Curtain with the Magnetic Bearing Option

If you are using compasses in the field, Plan supports magnetic bearings
in the Curtain Editor to construct the curtains.
1. Select Options / Azimuth/Bearing...A (or B, if bearings were
last used).

Figure 4-15. Curtain Editor - Magnetic Bearings Option

4-32 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

A new dialog for Curtain Input appears.

Figure 4-16. Curtain Input - Magnetic Bearings Option

2. Select either Azimuth or Bearing for your obstruction direction

3. You may also input a declination, if the azimuths or bearings are
relative to the magnetic pole.
For bearing input, note the Sky Coords dialog in the upper right of
the Curtain Editor window. A curtain may be specified by azimuth
and elevation, where each approximate angle point is entered
If you use the mouse, note the change in quadrants in the Sky Coords
dialog as you move the mouse around the curtain field. Use the left
mouse button to click on angle points for your curtain, and use the
right mouse button to end the curtain.
4. Click on OK when you are finished entering your information.

Reading a Curtain's Elevation

To read a curtain's elevation, move the cursor to the azimuth you want to
read, press the key, and move the mouse slightly. The cursor will

snap to the top of the curtain at that azimuth, and you can read azimuth
and elevation from the Sky Coords box.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-33

The Session Menu 4

You can adjust the mouse position by moving it in a circle around the
center of the curtain diagram. The mouse cursor will follow the curtain
around the diagram.

Correcting an Error
If you make a mistake while defining a curtain:
1. Complete the curtain.
2. Select Edit / Undo.
The curtain editor will undo the curtain definition you entered.
3. Enter the curtain correctly and proceed.
If you make an extensive mistake and want to discard all of the current
point's curtain definitions, select Edit / Clear. The curtain editor asks
you to confirm your intentions, then clears (deletes) all of the point's

Saving Curtain Definitions and Exiting the Curtain Editor

To save a curtain definition:
1. Click the Save Curtain button.
2. Select the File / Save command.
In Plan only, the point's new curtain definition is saved in the project
In Quick Plan, the point's new curtain definition is saved in the sense
that the program will use it in satellite availability computations later in
the same run. It is not saved permanently. When you exit Quick Plan,
any curtain definitions you have created are lost.
To leave the curtain editor: select the File / Exit command.

4-34 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

! CAUTION – If you select File / Exit without first selecting File / Save, the
curtain editor will exit and discard your work. The curtain's prior definition,
if any, will be retained. The curtain editor will not prompt you to confirm
that you want to discard your work.

Displaying a Combined Curtain

A combined curtain is a composite of the curtains defined for all of the
points in a session.
The combined curtain display is a useful planning tool because the
receivers at all points in a survey should collect data simultaneously;
therefore a curtain that interferes with observations at any point will
affect the usefulness of observations at every point. Observations should
proceed only when the composite curtain shows that a sufficient number
of satellites is visible.
To display a point's combined curtain:
1. Highlight that point in the n Points list of the Add New Point or Edit
Point dialog box.
2. Click the Combined Curtains button.
Plan opens the Combined Curtains window. This window is similar
to a Curtain Editor window, but has no menu and does not allow
you to enter a curtain definition.
To close a combined curtain display:
1. Double-click the Combined Curtains window's system box (at the
left end of the window's title bar).
2. Click the system box and select Close from the resulting dropdown

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-35

The Session Menu 4

Summary of Curtain Editor Commands

This section briefly describes each of the commands in the curtain
editor's menus.

File Menu Commands

The File menu contains commands that are used to save and clear
curtain definitions, and to exit the curtain editor.

Table 4-8. Curtain Editor Commands - File Menu

File Menu Command Function

File / New Prompts you to confirm your intentions, then deletes all curtain
definitions. This change will not become permanent until you
save. File / New and Edit / Clear are equivalent.

File / Save Saves the current point's curtain definition.

Caution: Plan saves the curtain definition in the project
database, so that it endures from one run to another.
Quick Plan saves curtain definitions for use later in the same
run, but does not save them in a database; it discards them
when you exit.

File / Exit Makes the curtain editor return control to the dialog box that
invoked it.

! CAUTION -- If you have edited the curtain definition since you last
saved it, File / Exit will discard your changes. It will not prompt you for
confirmation first.

4-36 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Edit Menu Commands

The Edit menu contains commands that are used in the procedures for
defining curtains.

Table 4-9. Curtain Editor Commands - Edit Menu

Edit Menu Command Function

Edit / Undo Undoes the last curtain definition you entered.

Edit / Continuous Lets you define a continuous curtain. To define the curtain,
Curtains click the left mouse button at the left boundary, then at each
internal boundary from left to right, then at the right boundary.
Complete the curtain by clicking the right mouse button or by
pressing  .

Edit / Multiple Single Lets you define a series of single curtains. To define each
Curtains curtain, click the left mouse button at the left boundary, then at
the right boundary. You may terminate single-curtain mode by
clicking the right mouse button or by pressing  .

Edit / Clear Prompts you to confirm your intentions, then deletes all of the
current point's curtain definitions. However, the deletion will not
become permanent until you save. Edit / Clear and File / New
are equivalent.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-37

The Session Menu 4

Options Menu Commands

The Options menu commands change settings that influence the

operation of the curtain editor. These menus are not described in the
earlier sections that explain the procedures for defining curtains.

Table 4-10. Curtain Editor Commands - Options Menu

Option Menu Command Function

Options / Opens a dialog box that lets you define the use of Azimuth or
Azimuth/Bearing... A or B Bearing for your observation directions input.

Options / Grid Changes the pitch of the display's grid. This command cycles
the grid through three states:

• First time: Sets azimuth grid at 30° intervals, elevation grid at

15° intervals.

• Second time: Sets azimuth grid at 5° intervals, elevation grid

at 10° intervals (plus broken red line at 15°).

• Third time: Resets azimuth grid at 90° intervals, elevation grid

at 30° intervals (plus broken red line at 15°).
You can also select this command by pressing the  key.

Options / gridSnaps Opens a dialog box (shown below) that displays and lets you
change the pitch of the curtain editor's snap grid.

4-38 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

4 The Session Menu

Grid Snaps

Whenever you enter a curtain boundary with the mouse, the curtain
editor will snap the boundary's coordinates to the nearest intersection on
the snap grid. For example, if the snap grid's pitch is set to 5° azimuth
and 10° elevation, a curtain boundary entered with a mouse click at
26° azimuth, 16° elevation will be recorded as 25° azimuth,
20° elevation.

Figure 4-17. Grid Snaps

You can effectively turn the snap grid off by setting its pitch to
azimuth 1°, elevation 1° (its initial setting).

¸ NOTE – The snap grid is not the same as the visible grid set by the
Options / Grid command. Their functions are different and their pitches
are independent of each other.

Help Menu Commands

The curtain editor's Help menu is identical to the Plan main menu bar's
Help menu.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 4-39

The Session Menu 4


4-40 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

Figure 5-1. Plan Graphs Menu

The Graphs menu produces Plan's graphical displays and controls their
appearance. The Graph commands fall into several groups, divided by
horizontal rules in the menu. Each group is described in Table 5-1.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-1

The Graphs Menu 5

Table 5-1. Graphs Menu Commands

Command Function - control appearance of graphs

Tile Arranges the open windows vertically, filling the screen in one
column. Each window is as wide as the screen, and all
windows are of equal height.

Tile 2 Column Arranges the open windows vertically, filling the screen in two
columns. Each window is half as wide as the screen, and all
windows are of equal height.

Close All Closes all open graphs in the Plan window. (To close individual
graphs, use the View / Close command.)

Function - control the time Interval shown in graphs

Time Locked Alternately sets and releases time interval locking among the
graphs in the Plan window. When time intervals are locked, all
of the graphs show the same time interval; when you change
one, Plan automatically changes others.

Function - control the resolution of graphs

Resolution Lets you set graphs for:

• Min Resolution

• Max Resolution

• Set Resolution
Graphs with finer resolution show more detail, but take much
longer to draw. Set Resolution lets you set resolution to a
specific value. Even if you select Min Resolution, resolution
becomes finer as you zoom in on the graph.

5-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

Table 5-1. Graphs Menu Commands (continued)

Command Function - display graphs

Number of SVs and Number of available satellites and PDOP plotted against time.
Elevation Satellite elevations plotted against time.

Azimuth Satellite azimuths plotted against time.

Number Satellites Number of available satellites plotted against time.

Satellites Number of available satellites plotted against time

PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, Separate displays plotting the respective types of dilution of
GDOP, and TDOP precision (DOP) against time.

SkyPlot Satellite tracks through the time interval being plotted, showing
elevations and azimuths in polar coordinates.

Notes on Graphs
All of the graphs present information for the last point added or edited in
the session. Open displays are updated when curtains are added or
removed from a session station, and when the set of enabled satellites is
changed. Thus, the displays always reflect the conditions of the current
Most of the graphs plot one or more properties of satellites on the
vertical axis against time on the horizontal axis. The time interval shown
is initially the interval between the session's start and stop times. If the
session's start and stop times are not defined, the time interval is the
entire day of the session.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-3

The Graphs Menu 5

Plan uses color to distinguish different types of information in many of

the graphs. In displays that plot a number of available satellites against
time, the colors listed in Table 5-2 are standard.

Table 5-2. Standard Color Display for Graphs

Color Meaning

Red < 4 SVs

Yellow 4 SVs

Green 5 SVs

Dark Green 6 SVs

Dark Cyan 7 SVs

Light Cyan 8 SVs

Blue 9 SVs

Dark Magenta 10 SVs

Magenta 11 SVs

If you do not have a color monitor, you may use View / Force
Monochrome command to make Plan display the graphs with distinctive
patterns instead of colors. The conventions used to display graphs in
monochrome are described in Force Monochrome in Chapter 6.

5-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

Other Related Features

The Status window can help you interpret graphs. It shows the current
values of several important Plan parameters. The window is described in
Show Status: Display Status Information in Chapter 7.
The View menu has several commands that control the time interval
displayed in a graph: Redraw, Mag, Demag, and Pan. Chapter 6, The
View Menu, describes these commands.
Time ruler slides provide a means of controlling a graph's time interval
with the mouse. They are described in Using the Time Ruler Slides in
Chapter 6.

¸ NOTE – In connection with changing a graph's time interval, note the

effect of the Graph / Time Locked command (described in this chapter).
When you change one graph's time interval, it can make Plan change
every other graph automatically.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-5

The Graphs Menu 5

Tile rearranges the graphs in the Plan window to fill the window in a
single column. Each display is as wide as the window and all are the
same height, as in Figure 5-2 below.

Figure 5-2. Graphs in Tiled Display

Each time that you create a new graph, you can re-tile the display so that
all of the graphs are visible.

5-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

Tile 2 Column
Tile 2 Column rearranges the graphs in the Plan window to fill the
window in two columns. Each display is as half as wide as the window
and all are the same height, as in Figure 5-3 below.

Figure 5-3. Graphs in Tile 2 Column Display

Each time that you create a new graph, you can re-tile the display so that
all of the graphs are visible.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-7

The Graphs Menu 5

Close All
Close All closes all of the graphs in the Plan window.
To close a single graph, double-click the system box in the window's
upper left corner.

Time Locked
Time Locked alternately sets and releases time interval locking among
the graphs in the Plan window. When time intervals are locked,
changing the time interval of one graph causes Plan to set all other
graphs to the same time interval.

5-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

When Time Locked is enabled, ...moves this graph's time handles

moving this graph's time handles... as well.

When Time Locked is disabled,

moving this graph's time handles... ...has no effect on this graph.

Figure 5-4. Graphs with Time Locked

When a check appears next to Time Locked in the Graphs menu, time
interval locking is set. When no check appears, time interval locking is

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-9

The Graphs Menu 5

The Resolution command controls the resolution of the graphs.
When you select this command, Plan opens a submenu next to the
command name in the menu.

Figure 5-5. Graphs - Resolution Options

You may select:

• Min Resolution: Sets minimum resolution. This makes the graphs
look somewhat coarse, but makes Plan display them more quickly.
• Max Resolution: Sets maximum resolution. This makes the graphs
look sharper, but makes Plan display them significantly slower.
• Set Resolution: Lets you enter a resolution setting between 0 (the
minimum) and 100 (the maximum). This lets you choose the best
compromise between resolution and speed.

5-10 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

When you select Set Resolution, Plan opens a dialog box that
prompts you to enter a resolution setting. Enter a number between
0 (the lowest resolution) and 100 (the highest) and click OK.

Figure 5-6. Graph Display Resolution Value

¸ NOTE -- When you print a graph, the maximum resolution is always used,
regardless of the resolution setting.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-11

The Graphs Menu 5

Number SVs and PDOP

Number SVs and PDOP displays a graph of the total number of visible
satellites and the PDOP for the given satellite constellation, both plotted
against time.

Figure 5-7. Number of SVs and PDOP

This graph is a composite of the Number Satellites graph and the

PDOP graph.
PDOP (position dilution of precision) is the best overall measure of the
precision obtainable from measurements taken with a given satellite
geometry. A PDOP of 4 or less yields excellent precision. A PDOP
between 5 and 7 is acceptable; a PDOP of 7 or more is poor.

5-12 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

Elevation plots the elevation of each visible satellite over time.

Satellite rising above the horizon Thicker lines represent curtains Elevation mask

Figure 5-8. Elevation Plot

The elevation mask is displayed on the graph as a dashed horizontal line.

This makes it easy to compare a satellite's elevation to the mask value. You
can use the Options / Elevation Mask command to change the mask's value.
The graph also displays the combined curtains (a composite of any
curtains that you have defined for stations in the session). Satellite tracks
that are obstructed by the combined curtains are represented by thicker
lines. This lets you see when obstructions prevent a satellite from being
visible at all stations.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-13

The Graphs Menu 5

Azimuth plots the azimuths of visible satellites against time. The vertical
axis represents the azimuth of a satellite (0° to 360°).

Figure 5-9. Azimuth Plot

Azimuth is particularly useful for examining the visibility of satellites

over time in certain quadrants of the sky. This is important when
obstructions may block out large portions of the satellite window in
specific quadrants.
If, for example, the northeast and southwest quadrants of the satellite
window are blocked by obstructions, you might try to find satellites that
rise in the northwest and travel overhead to the southeast.

5-14 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

You can also use the Azimuth graph to see when satellites pass due
north from the current point. This causes the azimuth to change from
360° to 0°, represented by a vertical drop in the line on the graph.
Another, perhaps more intuitive, way to view both elevation and
azimuth with respect to a point is via a skyplot. This graphical
representation is discussed in SkyPlot Graph in this chapter.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-15

The Graphs Menu 5

Number Satellites
Number Satellites plots the number of available satellites against time.

Optimal survey period: more than 4 SVs Not able to survey: less than 4 SVs

Marginal survey periods: 4 SVs

Figure 5-10. Number of Satellites Graph

If the # SVs Receiver Can Track option is set (see Chapter 7), the setting is
shown by a broken line across the graph. If one of the bars extends above
this line, at that time more SVs will be visible than the receiver can track.
You can use the Number SVs and PDOP graph to plot both the number
of available satellites and PDOP against time.

5-16 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

Satellites plots available satellites against time. Each healthy satellite
present in the almanac is graphed when it rises above the local horizon.

SV 24 sets SV 4 rises, then sets 6 SVs are visible SV 24 rises again

Figure 5-11. Satellite Availability and Time Graph

Note that satellites may rise and set once or twice during a day. In this
case, breaks in tracking are represented by gaps in the satellite
availability bar chart.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-17

The Graphs Menu 5


These graphs plot several Dilution of Precision metrics against time:
• PDOP plots Position Dilution of Precision, the best general
measure of the precision obtainable from a particular satellite
• HDOP plots Horizontal Dilution of Precision.
• VDOP plots Vertical Dilution of Precision.
• GDOP plots Geometric Dilution of Precision.
• TDOP plots Time Dilution of Precision.

Low PDOP, adequate number of SVs High PDOP, marginal number of SVs
(green, cyan, blue, or magenta) (red or yellow)

Figure 5-12. PDOP Graph

5-18 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

A DOP value of 4 or less yields excellent positions. A DOP between

5 and 7 is acceptable; a DOP of 7 or more is poor.
The DOP graphs use Plan's standard color coding to represent the
number of satellites. Thus the optimal times for observation are times
with a low DOP that are represented in green, cyan, blue, or magenta
(not in red or yellow).
Some GPS Pathfinder receivers have tracking modes in which only the
four satellites that yield the best PDOP are used for positioning. Plan
does not support this mode directly, but you can get a similar effect by
setting the # SVs Receiver Can Track option to ‘4’ (see Chapter 7). Plan
will then use only the four SVs with the highest elevations at any time.
You can plot the number of available satellites together with PDOP in
the Number SVs and PDOP graph.

A sample TDOP graph is shown in Figure 5-13 below.

Figure 5-13. TDOP Graph

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-19

The Graphs Menu 5

SkyPlot Graph
SkyPlot produces a polar graph that plots the paths of available satellites
throughout the graph's time interval, with each satellite's elevation
represented by the radial dimension, and its azimuth represented by the
angular dimension. The result is roughly equivalent to showing the
satellites' paths as they would appear to an observer looking down from
a place that is directly above the current survey point and far beyond the
orbits of the GPS satellites.

Thick lines
represent curtains

Figure 5-14. Skyplot Graph

The background of the plot is divided into three primary circles at the
horizon (0°), 30°, and 60°. Note that the horizon is the extreme outside

5-20 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

5 The Graphs Menu

circle. The zenith (90°) is at center of the graph. The elevation mask is
also displayed.
The skyplot representation is particularly useful because it is the same as
the representation used to show curtains. The skyplot shows the current
survey point's curtains as well as the satellite paths. Where a satellite's
path is obstructed by a curtain, it is represented by a thicker line.
Each SV's number is drawn at the end of its sky track.
As with all of the other graphs available within Plan, the SkyPlot graph
can be zoomed in time by using the time ruler slides. Note that unlike
most of the other graphs, the skyplot's time line is not a label on one of
the graph's axes; it simply describes the time interval represented by
the graph.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 5-21

The Graphs Menu 5


5-22 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

6 The View Menu
The View commands are available when graphs are displayed on the
screen. The View commands control the graphical displays presented by
the Graphs commands and influence their appearance.

Figure 6-1. Plan View Menu

This chapter describes the View commands and several related features,
such as use of the time ruler slides.

View / Redraw redisplays the selected graph with its time interval set to
match the current session. If you have not defined start and stop times
for the session, Redraw displays the entire day of the session.
There are two ways to redraw a graph:
• Select View / Redraw from the menu bar.
• Select the graph and then press the  key.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 6-1

The View Menu 6

View / Mag restricts the time interval represented by the selected graph.
In effect, the graph is magnified. Each time you select Mag, the graph's
time interval is roughly halved. The start and end times both change,
while the center point remains the same.
There are three ways to magnify a graph:
• Select View / Mag from the menu bar.
• Select the graph and then press the  key.
• Select the graph and double-click the left mouse button.

View / Demag expands the time interval represented by the selected
graph. In effect, the graph is demagnified. Each time you select Demag,
the graph's time period is roughly doubled. The start and end times both
change, while the center point remains the same.
There are three ways to demagnify a graph:
• Select View / Demag from the menu bar.
• Select the graph and then press the  key.
• Select the graph and double-click the right mouse button.

6-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

6 The View Menu

View / Pan centers the selected graph on a specified time.
There are two ways to use the Pan command:
• Click on a point over the desired time on the graph, then select
View / Pan.
• Click on a point over the desired time on the graph, then press
the key.

Close closes the selected graph.
There are three ways to close the graph:
• Select View / Close from the menu bar.
• Double-click the system box in the upper left corner of the graph’s
window frame.
• Select the graph, then press the  key.
To close all of the open graphs, select the Graphs / Close All command.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 6-3

The View Menu 6

Force Monochrome
If you do not have a color monitor, the color coding used in many of
Plan's graphs is not useful. You can use the Force MonoChrome
command to make Plan present these displays with distinctive
crosshatched patterns instead of colors. Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3
illustrate the difference between the two types of displays.

Figure 6-2. Graph without Force Monochrome Selected

Figure 6-3. Graph with Force MonoChrome Selected

6-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

6 The View Menu

View / Force Monochrome is available only when one or more graphs

are open; it affects all open graphs and all graphs subsequently opened
during the same run of Plan. If you select View / Force Monochrome
repeatedly, the graphs will alternate between colors and patterns.
The patterns take on special significance in a few of the graphs:
• Number SVs and PDOP
• Number Satellites
In these graphs, patterns represent a measure of quality based on the
number of visible satellites. The patterns and their meanings are:

Less than four SVs; marginal for 3D GPS use.

Four SVs; feasible, but not optimal.
More than four SVs; optimal conditions.

Figure 6-4. Graph Patterns

The other graphs use black lines to represent satellite location and
availability. The Satellites graph uses a hatching pattern for its bar chart,
but the pattern has no special significance.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 6-5

The View Menu 6

Using the Time Ruler Slides

You can control a graphical window's time interval with the time ruler
slides. These are the arrows at each end of the graph's time scale.

Left-hand time ruler slide Right-hand time ruler slide

Figure 6-5. Time Ruler Slides

To restrict a graph's time interval:

1. Drag one of the time ruler slides toward the center of the graph.
2. Release the slide at the time when you want the interval to begin (for
the left-hand slide) or end (for the right-hand slide).
To expand a graph's time interval:
1. Attempt to drag one of the time ruler slides away from the center of
the graph.
2. The slide will not actually move, but Plan expands the time interval
to begin earlier (for the left-hand slide) or end later (for the right-
hand slide).

6-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

6 The View Menu

¸ NOTE -- If you hold the left mouse button down as you move the mouse
cursor around a graph, the time value at the cursor position is displayed
in the graph title.

You can also control a graph's time interval with the Redraw, Mag,
Demag, and Pan commands, described earlier in this chapter.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 6-7

The View Menu 6


6-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

Figure 7-1. Plan Options Menu

The Options menu controls the settings of several options that affect
various aspects of Plan's operation.
The Options menu commands described in Table 7-1 below.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-1

The Options Menu 7

Table 7-1. Option Menu Commands

Option Menu Command Function

Auto Time Create a list of optimal observation times, given the specified
PDOP mask, session time, and available satellites.

List Times List the optimal observation times computed by Options / Auto

SVs Enable or disable individual satellites.

Almanac Load almanac data from a specified ephemeris file.

Time Zone Specify the time zone for the current session.

SV Sample Rate Specify the sample rate for satellite azimuth and elevation;
indicate that Plan should compute satellite visibility at intervals
of n minutes in the almanac.

Show Status Show the Status message box. This box shows the satellites
used for computations, the current almanac, the time zone, the
sample rate, and the elevation mask.

Report Type Change the type of report displayed by Options / Show Report.
The report may be Azimuth Elevation Table or Constellation
Changes Only.

Show Report Display a text report on satellite availability.

Elevation Mask Change the elevation mask: the lowest elevation at which you
plan to collect data.

#SVs Receiver Can Track Set the maximum number of satellites your receiver(s) can

7-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

Auto Time: Calculate Optimal Observation Times

Options / Auto Time calculates optimal times for making observations.
It considers the other option settings you have specified, such as the
times during which observations can be performed and minimum
number of satellites required, and the curtains you have defined for the
points in the current session.

Figure 7-2. Auto View Time Selection

The Options / Auto Time command opens the Auto View Time Selection
dialog box, which lets you set several parameters that affect the
calculation of optimal times. They are described in Table 7-2 below.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-3

The Options Menu 7

Table 7-2. Options in the Auto View Time Selection Dialog

Auto Time Selection Controls...

Number Sats The minimum number of satellites required. (The default, shown
above, is the recommended value.)
Working Hours The time period during which observations must be performed.

PDOP A limit on acceptable PDOP values during observations. Only

values less than the limit are acceptable. The default (7) is the
maximum recommended limit.
Minimum Observation Shortest acceptable duration of conditions for valid observations.
Time (Appropriate values depend on the type of field procedure to be
Auto Recalc If this box is checked, Plan recalculates the optimal observation
times whenever you change a setting that could affect them. If the
List Times box (described below) is displayed, it immediately
reflects the recalculated times. All open graph windows reflect the
recalculated times as well.
If this box is cleared, the observation times are recalculated only
when you select Options / Auto Time.

Once you have calculated the optimal observation times, you can display
them with the Options / List Times command and print them with the
File / Print Auto Time command.

7-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

List Times: List Optimal Observation Times

Options / List Times opens the List Times box, which displays the
optimal observation times calculated by Options / Auto Time.

Figure 7-3. List Times

You can close the List Times box by double-clicking the system box at
the left end of its title bar. This does not affect the calculated
observation times; you can reopen the List Times box by selecting
Options / List Times without recalculating the optimal observation times
You can also print the list of optimal observation times by selecting the
File / Print Auto Time command. You must select Options / Auto Time
before you print the list of times, but the List Times box need not be
open when you print it.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-5

The Options Menu 7

SVs: Select and Deselect Satellites

The Options / SVs command displays a toolbar that you can use to select
and deselect individual satellites. This is useful for updating a satellite's
status if it has gone from healthy to unhealthy (or vice versa) since the
almanac was collected.

Each button represents one SV.

Colored buttons, "pressed down," represent enabled SVs.
Grey buttons, "pressed down," represent disabled SVs.

Enable all satellites

Disable all satellites

Update open graph windows

Figure 7-4. Select Satellites

Selected satellites are assumed to be available for use in observations.

They are represented on the toolbar by colored buttons that appear to be
pressed in. Each button's color corresponds to the color used to plot and
code that satellite in Plan's graphs.

7-6 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

Deselected satellites are assumed to be not available for use in

observations. They are represented on the toolbar by gray buttons that
appear to stand out from the toolbar, and their numbers are followed by
the letter X.
If a satellite was unhealthy when the almanac was collected, Plan
automatically deselects it. Other satellites are selected. You can change
any satellite's status from selected to deselected and back by clicking
its button.
You can also control satellite status with the wide buttons at the bottom
of the toolbar:
• All: Selects all satellites
• None: Deselects all satellites
• Graph: Updates all open graphs to reflect which satellites are now
selected and deselected
The toolbar has no OK and Cancel buttons because it is intended to
remain open while you work. However, you can close it by double-
clicking its system box.

¸ NOTE – Enabling and disabling satellites affects the observation times

computed by the Options / Auto Time command. Before you change the
set of enabled and disabled satellites, be sure to select Auto Time's Auto
Recalc feature so that Plan will recalculate the optimal observation times

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-7

The Options Menu 7

Almanac: Choosing an Almanac

As satellite orbits change, new satellites are launched, and old satellites
become unhealthy, you must periodically update the almanac that Plan
uses to predict satellite availability. Trimble recommends updating the
almanac on a regular basis, at least once a month.
To update the almanac you must acquire a current version with a GPS
receiver. If your receivers are used regularly this requires no effort, since
a receiver collects almanac data whenever it is used. Otherwise, log
satellite measurements for about 15 minutes to get a current almanac.
Once the receiver has a current almanac, you must download the
information to your computer and store it in an EPH file (if you have a
Series 4000 receiver) or an SSF file (if you have a GPS Pathfinder
receiver with data logger). You can do this in the course of regular
download and check-in operations, or if you are using a Series 4000
receiver, by running the Almanac Update utility. For more information
on this topic, see Updating the Almanac in Chapter 1.
Once you have downloaded a current almanac, use the Options /
Almanac command to select that almanac's ephemeris file for use in
Plan. The command opens the Load File with Almanac dialog box.

Figure 7-5. Load File with Almanac

Select the appropriate ephemeris file and click OK.

7-8 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

Time Zone: Defining a Time Zone

The time zone that you define for your project area affects the graphical
displays. You must set Plan's time zone correctly for the project area to
for Plan to compute correct satellite availability times.
The Options / Time Zone command allows you to:
• check the time zone setting
• modify an existing project’s time zone
• add a new time zone into the GPSurvey library
• delete a time zone from the GPSurvey list
Select Options / Time Zone to display the Time Zone dialog box.

Figure 7-6. Time Zone

In addition to the observation location, the Time Zone dialog shows the
name of the selected time zone and the Time Difference from GMT
(difference between local time and GMT). Plan checks the selected time
zone against the longitude of each point in the session. If any point is
more than two hours away from the selected time zone, Plan displays a
warning message. Note that this calculation does not consider changes
due to daylight savings time.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-9

The Options Menu 7

To select a different time zone:

1. Click the down-arrow (ò) next to Zone Name to open list of time

Figure 7-7. List of Time Zones

2. Click the appropriate time zone to select it. (Notice that the Time
Difference from GMT changes accordingly.)
3. Confirm that the time difference from GMT is correct.
4. Click OK to set the time zone and close the Time Zone box.
To modify an existing time zone.
1. Select the time zone to be modified from the list.
2. Make the appropriate changes in the Time Difference from GMT.
a. Place the cursor in the highlight the current time box (hours or
minutes) or highlight the time.
b. Use the buttons to change the displayed time or enter the time
from the keyboard.
c. Specify the correct sign. East longitudes will generally be
positive and west longitudes will generally be negative.

7-10 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

3. Click the Modify button.

4. Click the OK button to accept the changes.
Not all time zones are predefined in Plan's files. To add a new time
1. Type a new Time Zone name in the Zone Name text box.
2. Enter the appropriate Time Difference from GMT.
a. Place the cursor in the highlight the current time box (hours or
minutes) or highlight the time.
b. Use the buttons to change the displayed time or enter the time
from the keyboard.
c. Specify the correct sign. East longitudes will generally be
positive and west longitudes will generally be negative.
3. Click the Add button to add this new time zone to the list of
currently defined zones.
To delete an existing time zone:
1. Select the time zone from the list.
2. Click on the Delete button.
There is no confirmation of this action. The time zone is removed
from the list of available zones.
3. Click OK to close the Time Zone box.

NOTE -- If you do your project planning in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT),

¸ use the same procedure but set the time zone to Greenwich Std. Be sure
to recalculate optimal observation times after changing the time zone, or
enable the Options / Auto Time command's Auto Recalc feature so that
Plan will recalculate observation times automatically when you change
the time zone.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-11

The Options Menu 7

SV Sample Rate: Set the SV Sample Rate

SV Sample Rate opens a dialog box that lets you set the sampling
interval for satellite visibility calculations. For example, if the sampling
rate is 2 minutes, Plan will compute each satellite's visibility at intervals
of 2 minutes throughout the session being planned.
The SV sample rate can range from 2 to 10 minutes. A faster sampling
rate makes the visibility computations more precise, but also makes
them take longer.
For very long survey sessions (several hours or more) use the slowest
sampling rate (10 minutes). For very short survey sessions (1 hour or
less), use the fastest sampling rate (2 minutes) for an accurate view of
the satellite availability.

Figure 7-8. Sample Time for SVs

7-12 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

Show Status: Display Status Information

Show Status opens Plan's Status box. Once the Status box is open, it
remains open until you exit Plan, or until you close it by double-clicking
its system box.

Figure 7-9. Status Information

Plan opens the Status box automatically when you create or edit a
session. Thus you never need to select Options / Show Status unless you
have closed the Status box.
The Status box displays information about:
• The selected point and the current session: point name, point
coordinates, and session date
• Important Plan options: elevation mask, ephemeris file name and
date collected, time zone, sampling rate, and set of selected

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-13

The Options Menu 7

Report Type: Select Constellation Change Report Type

Report Type opens a dialog box that lets you select the type of report
that the Options / Show Report command will produce.

Figure 7-10. Report Type

The command opens a dialog box with two option buttons:

• Azimuth Elevation Table: Selects a report that shows the azimuth
and elevation of each visible satellite at the time increment
specified by Options / SV Sampling Rate.
• Constellation Changes Only: Selects a report that shows each
unique constellation of satellites, the time or rise and time of set
for each constellation, and the PDOP at the time of rise and the
time of set.
To use the dialog box, click the appropriate button, then click OK.
The two types of reports are shown in Figure 7-11 and Figure 7-12

7-14 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

Show Report: Display Constellation Change Report

Show Report displays a report on constellation changes of the type
specified by the Options / Report Type command. The types of reports
are shown in Figure 7-11 and Figure 7-12.
Plan calculates satellite availability for the interval specified by
Options / SV Sample Rate. Thus, if you set a 10-minute sample rate, Plan
reports on constellation changes at 10-minute intervals, although the
changes might actually occur at times in between.
The constellation change report always displays satellite visibility for
the entire day for the current session. It does not use the start and stop
To print the report, use the File / Print Report command. Plan
automatically generates the visibility report when you create or open a
session. You can print the report whether or not it is displayed.

Figure 7-11. Azimuth Elevation Table Report

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-15

The Options Menu 7

Figure 7-12. Constellation Change Table Report

Elevation Mask: Set the Elevation Mask

Elevation Mask opens a dialog box that lets you set the elevation mask
that Plan uses to compute satellite availability.

Figure 7-13. Edit Elevation Mask

The default (the recommended value for most types of work) is 15°. The
minimum value is 0°; the maximum value is 90°.

7-16 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide

7 The Options Menu

If the elevation mask is set too low, your receivers will waste memory
storing measurements from low-elevation satellites whose signals are
probably not useful. If these measurements are not discarded in
postprocessing, they will expose your observations to atmospheric
distortions and interference from distant obstructions.
If the elevation mask is set too high, it will unnecessarily reduce
satellite availability.

# SVs Receiver Can Track

The Options / # SVs Receiver Can Track command opens a dialog box
that lets you set the maximum number of satellites your receiver(s) can
track. Use this command if you are working with receivers that do not
have enough channels to track as many satellites as may be visible.

Figure 7-14. # SVs Receiver Can Track

The dialog box contains a dropdown list of values that have been
selected in the past.

Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide 7-17

The Options Menu 7

You can open the dropdown list by clicking the down-arrow (ò), then
select a value, or you can type a value into box that heads the list.

Figure 7-15. List - # SVs Receiver Can Track

When you are done, click OK.

When this # SVs is set to Not Used (the default), Plan's graphs and
reports show as many SVs as are available or visible.
When the option is set to a numeric value (n between 4 and 12), certain
graphs and reports show the n SVs with the highest elevations at any
given time.
This command affects the following graphs and reports:
• Number of SVs and PDOP graph
• Number Satellites graph
• PDOP, VDOP, HDOP, and GDOP graphs
• Azimuth Elevation report and Constellation Change report

7-18 Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide


# City List
editing with a text editor, 4-16
# SVs Receiver Can Track dialog box, 5-16, editing with the world map, 4-18
5-19, 7-17 City list for editing points, 4-14
CITY.LOC and CITY.WOR files, 4-16
A Closing a graph, 5-8, 6-3
Combined curtains, 4-35, 5-13
Add New Point dialog box, 4-8, 4-35
Constellation Change Report, 7-14, 7-15
Add New Session dialog box
Continuous curtain, 4-29, 4-30
Curtain editor, 4-27
Coordinates, accuracy required of, 2-1, 4-20
Date and time, 4-25
Editing points, 4-8, 4-9, 4-24
Combined, 4-35
Session / New Session command, 4-3
Defined, 4-27
Almanac, 1-5, 7-8
Defining with the keyboard, 4-31
Almanac Update icon, 1-8
Defining with the mouse, 4-30
ALMUPDT file, 1-7
Editor, 4-28
ASCII (text) file, printing to, 3-5, 3-8
summary of commands, 4-36
Auto Recalc option, 7-3, 7-7
Elevation graph shows combined
Auto Time List, 3-4, 7-4, 7-5, 7-7
curtains, 5-13
Auto View Time Selection dialog box, 7-3
Reading elevation of, 4-33
Azimuth Elevation Report, 7-14
Saving definition of, 4-34
Azimuth graph, 5-14
Skyplot graph shows, 5-21
Bulletin Board Service (BBS), xv
Date and time of session, 2-3, 4-25
Date, internationalized format, 4-26
C Demagnifying a graph, 6-2
Check-In program, 1-6 Disclaimers, iii
Choose a Point dialog box, 4-9 DOP (Dilution of Precision) graphs, 5-18
Choose a Session dialog box, 4-5

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide Index-1


E Time ruler slides, 6-6

Graphs menu, 5-1
Edit Almanac Update Parameters icon, 1-7 Azimuth command, 5-14
Edit Elevation Mask dialog box, 7-16 Close All command, 5-8, 6-3
Edit Point dialog box, 4-2, 4-7, 4-20, 4-35 Elevation command, 5-13
Edit Session dialog box Number Satellites command, 5-16
Date and time, 4-25 Number SVs and PDOP command, 5-12
Editing points, 4-8, 4-9, 4-24 PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, GDOP, and TDOP
Editing sessions, 4-5 commands, 5-18
Edit menu of curtain editor, 4-34 Resolution command, 5-10
Elevation graph, 5-13 Satellites command, 5-17
Elevation mask, 5-13, 7-16 SkyPlot command, 5-20
Email address, xvi Tile 2 Column command, 5-7
Enter Start and Stop Times dialog box, 4-26 Tile command, 5-6
Time Locked command, 5-8
FaxBack, xvi
File menu, 3-1 Hardware requirements, 1-3
Exit command, 3-9, 4-34 HDOP graph, 5-18
Print Auto Time command, 3-2, 3-4, 7-4, 7-5
Print Graph command, 3-2, 3-3 I
Print Report command, 3-2, 3-8, 7-15
Save command, 4-34 Installation, 1-4
FTP site address, xvi International dialog box of Windows Control
Panel, 4-26
GDOP graph, 5-18
GPS Pathfinder receiver, 1-9 Julian date, 2-3, 4-26
GPSurvey, Plan must run under, 1-1
Graphs K
Closing, 6-3 Keyboard editing of curtain definition, 4-31
Colors used in, 5-4 Keyboard editing of point definition, 4-20
General information, 5-3
Magnifying and demagnifying, 6-2
Monochrome display, 6-4
Other menus' commands, 5-5 Limitation of Liability, iii
Panning, 6-3 List Times dialog box, 7-5
Printing, 3-3 M
Redrawing, 6-1
Selected and deselected satellites in, 7-7 Magnifying a graph, 6-2
Table of uses, 2-8 Main menu bar, 2-6

Index-2 Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide


Map for editing points, 4-11 Plan, distinguished from Quick Plan
Mercator projection, 4-11 Curtains saved in database, 4-34
Mission planning, 1-2, 2-7 File / Exit command asks if you want to save
Monochrome graph display, 6-4 changes, 3-9
GPSurvey required, 1-4
N Point
Accuracy required, 2-1
Notepad file editor, 4-17 Adding and deleting in session, 4-24
Number Satellites graph, 5-16 City list for editing, 4-14
Number SVs and PDOP graph, 5-12 Creating a new, 4-8
Defined, 2-1
O Defining initial, in Quick Plan, 2-4
Observation times, optimal, 3-4, 7-3 Editing a, 4-7, 4-9
Options menu Entering through the keyboard, 4-20
# SVs Receiver Can Track command, 7-17 Keyboard for editing, 4-20
Almanac command, 7-8 World map for editing, 4-10
Auto Time command, 3-4, 7-3, 7-5, 7-7 Position Quality of point, 4-22
Elevation Mask command, 7-16 Printing graphs and reports, 3-2
List Times command, 7-4, 7-5
Report Type command, 7-14 Q
Show Report command, 3-8, 7-14, 7-15 Quick Plan
Show Status command, 7-13 Defining session at startup, 2-2
SV Sample Rate command, 7-12 Differences from Plan, 1-1
SVs command, 7-6 Starting, 2-2
Time Zone command, 7-9
Orthographic projection, 4-11
P REP (report) files, 3-7
Report Format dialog box, 3-5
Panning a graph, 6-3 Report Type dialog box, 7-14
PDOP, 5-12 Resolution of graphs, 5-10
PDOP graph, 5-18
PFINDER software, 1-9
Differences from Quick Plan, 1-1 Sample rate for visibility calculations, 7-12
Purpose of, 1-2 Satellite health, 7-7
Starting, 2-2 Satellite Visibility report, 3-8
Satellites graph, 5-17
Satellites, selecting and deselecting, 7-6
Select City dialog box, 4-14
Select Date dialog box, 2-3
Select Pt dialog box, 4-11, 4-18

Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide Index-3


Series 4000 receiver, 1-8 V

Adding and removing points, 4-6 Value Input dialog box, 4-18
Creating a new, 4-2 VDOP graph, 5-18
Date and time of, 4-4, 4-25 View menu, 6-1, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6
Defined, 2-1 Close command, 6-3
Editing a, 4-5 Demag command, 6-2
Points, adding and deleting, 4-24 Force Monochrome command, 6-4
Select Date dialog box, 2-3 Mag command, 6-2
Session menu, 4-1 Pan command, 6-3
Edit Point command, 4-7, 4-9 Redraw command, 6-1
Edit Session command, 4-5 Visibility
New Session command, 4-2 Azimuth graph, 5-14
Single curtain, 4-29, 4-31 Number Satellites graph, 5-16
Sky coordinates, 4-31 Number SVs and PDOP graph, 5-12
Sky Coords box, 4-29, 4-31 Satellite Visibility report, 3-8
Skyplot graph, 5-20 Satellites graph, 5-17
Software requirements, 1-3 Skyplot graph, 5-20
SSF file, loading almanac from, 1-9 SV sample rate, 7-12
Station notes for point, 4-22
Status box, 2-5, 7-13 W
SV toolbar, 7-6
Warranty, iii, iv
World map
T Editing points with, 4-10
TAC, xv
TDOP graph, 5-18
Technical Assistance, xv
Tiling graph windows, 5-6, 5-7
Time locking option for graphs, 5-8
Time ruler slides, 6-6
Time zone, 7-9
Time Zone dialog box, 7-9
Trimble Technical Assistance Center (TAC), xv

Update notes, xv

Index-4 Quick Plan / Plan Software User's Guide

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Quick Plan / Plan Software User’s Guide April 1996
P/N 25753-20 Revision A

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