Us LSHC Six Winning Roles For Medtech
Us LSHC Six Winning Roles For Medtech
Us LSHC Six Winning Roles For Medtech
medtech to thrive in
the future of health
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
By 2040, we expect that the consumer will What role will medtech companies play nontraditional consumer technology and
be at the center of all things health-related. in the future of health? Conventional digital health disruptors, creating data-
Health will be defined holistically as an medtechs traditionally have focused their centric offerings and clinically differentiated
overall state of well-being encompassing business operations and investments on devices. Flexible consumption models
mental, social, emotional, physical, and manufacturing and selling technologically are emerging in which companies offer
spiritual health. Interoperable, always-on advanced medical products such as services on a per-patient, per-use basis,
data will promote closer collaboration diagnostic equipment, implantable devices, providing alternatives to traditional capital-
among industry stakeholders, and monitoring devices, or other medical intensive models. Health will be monitored
innovative combinations of products and supplies. However, as evolving consumer on a continuum of care, with providers
services will be offered by incumbents and health needs and increasing data availability focusing on devices and equipment that
new entrants. Interventions and treatments drive development of new solutions that go help improve patient outcomes. Decreasing
are likely to be more precise, more beyond the device, the implications for these reliance on traditional product-centric
personalized, less complex, less invasive, companies’ future market viability could solutions will be offset by increasing need
and less expensive. be considerable. For example, innovative for consumer preventive wellness solutions
medical solutions will be enhanced by and postprocedure monitoring capabilities.
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Many medtech companies are already In particular, we envision six future roles
beginning to incorporate always-on that will enable medtech companies to
biosensors and software into devices deliver meaningful and differentiated value
that can generate, gather, and share data. and thrive in tomorrow’s consumer-centric,
That’s an important step forward, but to digitally powered health care marketplace
create sustainable clinical and business (figure 2).
value, medtechs will need to evolve from
their current product supplier role and
define where they want to play and how
they want to win in the future of health via
these new roles.
Smart health
Value Commodity Clinically Holistic medical End-to-end
Data, analytics, devices and
devices at lowest differentiated solutions to solutions for
drivers and algorithms platforms for
costs devices optimize care specific diseases
Providers, payers,
Customers Providers, other Providers, other Providers, payers, Providers, payers,
Providers other medtech
medtech roles medtech roles consumers consumers
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
As they evolve to these roles, medtechs will or integrating all products and services A medtech company may operate in one or
need to: required to treat a selected disease via multiple roles, depending on what products
partnerships or acquisitions; and and services it offers and what markets and
• Strengthen core capabilities to
customers it serves. For each role, we look
specialize either as a low-cost, highly • Enter new spaces by providing
at key success factors and capabilities and
efficient supplier or a premium supplier of transformative offerings that either
provide examples of companies that illustrate
innovative and differentiated products; facilitate data transfer, insight generation,
characteristics of these future-focused roles.
and decision optimization across the
• Expand offerings to create holistic
health ecosystem or enable consumers to
solutions by either combining products,
better and more proactively manage their
software, and services to help providers
health (figure 3).
achieve clinical and operational excellence
Roles will evolve to help companies strengthen core capabilities, expand offerings, and/or enter new spaces
Adjacent or new customers
Consumer health
Next-gen commodities as-a-service
Existing customers
Best-in-class innovator
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Strengthen core
capabilities to
Future role 1: Next-gen commodities Examples: stock grew more than 356% to close at CNY
supplier Mindray, founded in Shenzhen, China, 406 as of November 4, 2020.1
in 1991, has become the largest Chinese
Similar to the product supplier role most medical technology company. It develops, Cardinal Health’s Medical Products &
current medtechs hold, the next-gen manufactures, and supplies high-quality Equipment segment manufactures, sources,
commodities supplier provides clinically medical products at lower costs, making and distributes Cardinal Health-branded
sound products at a much lower price via health care more accessible and affordable medical, surgical, and laboratory products
superior efficiencies that lead to meaningful around the world in three core businesses: globally. The company’s products bridge the
and sustainable cost advantages. The patient monitoring and life support, medical gap between the constant need for quality
role takes advantage of digitally enabled imaging, and in vitro diagnostics. and the increasing demand for savings. Its
supply chain capabilities, access to low- brand portfolio includes a comprehensive
cost supplies and labor, partnerships Mindray’s success has been largely driven by its offering of clinician-preference, cost-efficient
that leverage new data, and a global cost advantage. In the Chinese market, Mindray products and physician-preferred items with
network to achieve an industry-leading competes with multinationals low clinical differentiation, helping providers
cost-of-goods-sold profile. The next-gen by offering its devices at a 20% to 30% discount improve the bottom line while delivering
commodities supplier role is critical to next to those of its international competitors. A high-quality care.2
the health ecosystem because it provides low-cost production structure has enabled the
In addition to selling Cardinal Health–branded
“good enough” products at the lowest company to sustain such price advantage
products, Cardinal also distributes a broad
prices, similar to generics manufacturers without decimating margins. After its success in
range of medical, surgical, and laboratory
in the pharmaceutical industry. Potential the Chinese market, Mindray has been
products from other manufacturers and
variations of this role include full- expanding its footprint globally. Its high-quality,
provides supply chain services and solutions
spectrum manufacturer with lean R&D low-cost value proposition resonates well in
to hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers,
and commercial functions; commodity emerging and developed markets under global
clinical laboratories, and other health care
manufacturing company providing health care cost containment trends. Today,
providers. It is one of the few vertically
medical devices; and vertically integrated Mindray is selling its products in more than 190
integrated manufacturer-distributor players
manufacturer-distributor. countries and regions, reaching $2.3 billion
in the medtech industry that provide
annual revenue in 2019. Only two years after
cost-effective solutions to help customers
an IPO on the Chinese A-share market in
improve operational efficiency and
October 2018 at a price of CNY 89, Mindray’s
financial performance.
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Future role 2: Best-in-class innovator Examples: Stryker uses in-house R&D and
Intuitive Surgical leverages AI and data manufacturing capabilities and partners
A best-in-class innovator provides products analytics in its product development with leading academic medical centers
with substantial clinical and economic process to fuel innovations that can to develop and test new digitally enabled
differentiation, such as devices that can help enable better outcomes.3 Intuitive’s care products that deliver better patient
cure specific diseases, significantly slow well-known robotic surgery platforms, outcomes.5 Stryker has consistently
disease progression, or enable personalized VinciSP System and Ion, continue to make leveraged customers in leading academic
treatment with higher clinical utilization. headway in the marketplace with novel medical centers to improve its products
Best-in-class innovators excel in the idea-to- capabilities like pre- and intraoperative and help those customers improve the
market process and deliver superior product augmented reality (AR) guidance, delivering metrics they are measured on, including
innovations via customer-centric, data- 3D images of a patient’s anatomy. In rehospitalizations and cost savings from
driven, open innovation capabilities with addition to platform-based innovations, procedures where Stryker products are
significant access to world-class medical Intuitive Surgical continues to set new used. By going beyond core product
researchers and clinicians. Success in this benchmarks in core technologies, like benefits and creating better metrics
role requires an agile ability to evaluate its X and Xi Endoscope Plus imaging around performance metrics of utmost
innovative ideas both internally and with technology, which provides fifth- importance to health systems, Stryker
external partners. Market development will generation resolution. Intuitive’s business has been able to innovate both on key
be another required capability, as many of model innovations, including increasing product and solution dimensions.
the products this role introduces will be first- use of operating leases of its equipment,
of-their-kind. Investments in comparative at 34% of total placements in 2019, 4 is
effectiveness studies may be needed to seen as being equally important in this
support market-shaping and/or penetration age of tight hospital budgets.
efforts. Although this role is still a product
supplier, it adds value to the health
ecosystem by regularly and consistently
designing, developing, and introducing truly
value-enhancing, differentiated products.
Potential variations of this role include
full-spectrum manufacturer with minimum
commercial capabilities (process or product
technology innovators); R&D and small- or
medium-scale manufacturing capabilities
only (product technology innovators only);
and academic or research institutions.
4 Intuitive Surgical JPMorgan presentation, January 2020.
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Expand offerings
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Future role 5: Ecosystem data and Examples: Cerner offers analytics, population
informatics provider Verily (Google’s health care company) health management, clinical solutions,
uses big data and the Internet of Things revenue cycle management, and other
Many hospitals and health systems make (IoT) to improve health care outcomes.12 services and technology that enable
minimal use of analytics due to data Verily develops computational tools health care providers to make informed
availability and interoperability challenges. that help create a stronger feedback decisions to better manage operations
Data is the new gold in the increasingly loop; support learning health systems in and provide smarter patient care.14 As an
digitized health care space, given its vital which better data continuously improves electronic medical record (EMR) leader,
role in improving clinical decision-making interventions and care; and increase Cerner can leverage a number of data
and care quality. We expect an ecosystem accessibility to research and care.13 With sources as it looks to offer enhanced data
data and informatics provider role will Alphabet’s recent acquisition of Fitbit, analytics and longitudinal records to those
emerge to collect, aggregate, curate, Verily now can leverage a number of analyses. Cerner’s HealthAnalyticsSM
analyze, and interpret data from various wearable devices as it looks to collect and HealthEDWSM analytic content
sources—and enable data interoperability— measurements and data about a patient’s packages15 are just two ways the company
to generate superior insights and health so that it can be combined with is operationalizing this vast trove of data
recommend actionable next steps so other information that Google has about to glean more precise clinical insights.
that providers can deliver superior care. that patient. Cerner’s partnerships with AWS and
Potential variations of this role include data others point to additional ways in which it
conveners and artificial intelligence (AI) is teaming with other companies to offer
algorithm developers for improved products researchers access to de-identified data.16
and treatments; application developers
and insight generators; and advisory
services for hospital systems. Because
big health IT companies may already may
have a competitive edge to win in this
role and consumer tech giants are also
investing heavily in health care, medtech
companies interested in this role will need to
dramatically transform their capabilities or
leverage these same consumer tech leaders
via partnerships.
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Future role 6: Consumer health enabler Examples: Johnson & Johnson Health and
Zimmer Biomet partnered with Apple Wellness Solutions collaborates with
Health care is transitioning to a prevention- to create a consumer-friendly way for health plans, health systems, and retailers
and wellness-oriented model, with more patients to track their recovery from to deliver behavior change solutions at
care delivery happening in consumers’ knee or hip replacement surgery. The scale to deliver better health outcomes,
homes instead of the traditional physician Zimmer Biomet mymobility app uses business performance, and patient
office or hospital. The consumer health Apple Watch to facilitate a new level of experience.18 J&J’s solutions offer a way
enabler role empowers consumers to connection between patients and their for devices to integrate key behavioral
proactively and continuously manage their surgical care teams.17 With this enhanced science concepts and approaches as
own health by collecting and analyzing patient engagement, Zimmer Biomet is these become critical to helping clinicians
data from various diagnostic devices (e.g., demonstrating how medtech companies and patients change their behavior on the
implantable, wearable, and environmental can embark on a digital transformation of use of those devices. By focusing around
sensors) to generate superior, consumer- the patient care journey, including pre-op “last mile,” medtech leaders like J&J hope
friendly insights and care recommendations education and activity monitoring linking to improve clinical outcomes beyond just
delivered via telehealth and virtual physician step count and heart rate variability. By product-based capabilities.
tools. This role supports early disease using the Apple iPhone to score people
detection and behavioral nudging by on the way they walk, detected even
integrating consumer health data with core before a procedure is needed, Zimmer
determinants of health, such as an annual Biomet is hoping to be “the first to develop
physical (including blood pressure, pulse predictive analytics that connects pre-,
rate, RBC and WBC count, and psychological intra-, and post-operative data,” thereby
testing) and social determinants of enhancing prevention and wellness
health data. Variations of this role include functionality.
consumer-friendly, non-medical-grade
device manufacturers and applications
and platforms for virtual preventive and
wellness services and care management.
To succeed as a consumer health enabler,
medtech companies will need to shift from
a provider-centric to a consumer-centric
business model with efficient and effective
capabilities to reach and engage a broad
consumer customer base.
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Medtech roles of the future will evolve along innovator) are embedded in many leading owner, ecosystem data and informatics
with the products and services they offer medtechs’ current operations. We expect provider, and consumer health enabler) are
and what customers they serve (figure 4). Of these roles to continue in the future. emerging; we expect these roles to grow in
the six future roles, the first two (next-gen Examples of the other four roles (“medical- importance and influence as time goes on.
commodities supplier and best-in-class solutions-as-a-service” provider, disease
Figure 4. Roles of the future will evolve along with what they offer and where they serve
The future roles will evolve to either strengthen core capabilities, expand offerings, or enter new spaces
Treatment Monitoring
Patient Prevention Screening
decision and and
journey and wellness and diagnosis
intervention management
Advisory and
Consumer health
services enablers
“Medical-solutions-as-a-service” provider
data, and
Ecosystem data and informatics provider
Health IT
Digital health
and algorithms
Disease owner
Care planning,
and delivery
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
19 Deloitte Insights, “Winning in the future of medtech,” Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, 2019,
Six winning roles for medtech to thrive in the future of health
Pedro Arboleda
Managing director
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Email: [email protected]
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