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IIT-JEE Syllabus :
Equatio n of a circle in various for ms, equation s of tan gent , no rmal and cho rd. Parametric
equations of a circle, intersection of a circle with a straight line or a circle, equation of a circle through the points
of intersection of two circles and those of a circle and a straight line.

1. Definition
2. Diametrical form of circle
3. Intercept (Made by the circle)
4. Position of a point w.r.t a circle
5. Parametric equation of a circle
6. Line & A Circle
7. Tangent and normal
8. Director circle
9. Equation of chord with given middle point
10. Chord of contact
11. Pair of Tangents
12. Family of circles
13. Pole & Polar
14. Common tangents to two circles
15. Radical Axis & Radical Centre
16. Coaxial system of circles
17. Orthogonality of two circles


(i) Equal chord subtends equal angles at the centre and vice-versa.

(ii) Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre and vice-versa.

(iii) Angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle subtended at any point
on the remaining part of the circle.

(iv) Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.

(v) The sum of the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180° and vice-versa.

E 1
(vi) If a line touches a circle and from the point of contact a chord is drawn, the q
angles which this chord makes with the given line are equal respectively to the f
angles formed in the corresponding alternate segments. f q

(vii) If two chords of a circle intersect either inside or outside the circle, C B C
the rectangle contained by the parts one chord is equal in area to P P
the rectangle contained by the parts of the other. B

AP × PB = CP × PD

(viii) The greater of the two chords in a circle is nearer to the centre.

(ix) A chord drawn across the circular region divides it in two parts each of Minor

which is called a segment of the circle. Segment


(x) The tangents at the extremities of a chord of a circle are equal.

The angle between the tangents is bisected by the straight line, which joins their point of intersection to
the centre. This straight line also bisects at right angles the chord, which joins the points where they
touch the circle.
Circle is defined as a locus of a point 'P' which moves in x-y plane in such a way such that its distance from the
fixed point in the same plane is always constant.
i.e. (h – a)2 + (k – b)2 = r2 r
(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2 .......(i) (a,b)

fixed point is centre of the circle and fixed distance is radius of circle.
(a, b) º centre, r º radius
Note : If centre is origin then the equation of circle : x2 + y2 = r2
Expand (1) x2 + y2 – 2ax – 2by + a2 + b2 – r2 = 0.
hence the general equation of the circle is taken as
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 .......(ii)

( )
This can be written as (x + g)2 + (y + ƒ )2 = g2 + ƒ 2 - c

1 1
hence, Centre º (–g, –ƒ ) i.e. (– coefficient of x; – coefficient of y)
2 2

Radius º g2 + ƒ 2 - c

Examples :

3 5 5
E(1) Find the centre & radius of 2x2 + 2y2 – 3x – 5y – 2 = 0. [Ans. C æç , ö÷ , r = ]
è4 4ø 2 2

E(2) If x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y – k = 0 is midway between circles x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y – 4 = 0 & x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y – 20= 0,

then k = ? [Ans. k = 11]

2 E
Note :
(i) Necessary and sufficient condition for general equation of degree 2
i.e. ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 to represent a circle is
(a) coefficient of x2 = coefficient of y2 (not necessarily unity) ¹ 0 and
(b) coefficient of xy = 0
(ii) The general equation of circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 contains 3 independent arbitrary constants
g, ƒ and c that a unique circle passes through 3 non-collinear points hence 3 points on a circle or
3 tangents to a circle or 2 tangents to a circle and a point etc. must be given to determine the unique
equation of the circle.
Nature of circle :
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒ y + c = 0
where r = g2 + ƒ 2 - c

If g2 + ƒ 2 – c > 0 If g2 + ƒ 2 – c = 0 If g2 + ƒ 2 – c < 0
(Real circle with finite radius) (point circle) (imaginary circle)
Note : Always chase for centre and radius to get the equation of circle.
Examples :
E(1) If ax2 + by2 + (a + b – 4)xy – ax – by – 20 = 0 represent a circle, then its radius is ? [Ans. ]
E(2) Find the equation of the circle

æ 1 10 ö 5
(a) through 3 non-collinear points (0, 1), (2, 3) and (–2, 5) [Ans. C ç - , ÷ ,R= ]
è 3 3 ø 3

(b) having lines 2x –3y = 5 and 3x – 4y = 7 as its diameter/Normal/

longest chord and whose area is 154 sq. units (Take p = 22/7). [Ans. C = (1, –1), R = 7]
(c) which is concentric with 3x2 + 3y2 – 5x – 6y – 14 = 0 and perimeter of its semicircle is 36

æ5 ö
(Take p = 22/7). [Ans. C = ç , 1 ÷ , R = 7]
è6 ø
(d) Centre is on the line y = 2x and passing through (–1, 2) and (3, –2). [Ans. C = (–1, –2), R = 4]
(e) passes through (2, 3) and centre on the x-axis radius being 5. [Ans. (6, 0) & (–2, 0)]
(f) which has its centre as the point (4, 3) and touching the line 5x – 12y – 10 = 0.
[Ans. (x – 4)2 + (y – 3)2 = 4]
(g) passing through the extremities of the diameter of the
circle x2 + y2 = 4; x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y – 2 = 0 and E
r C

x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y + 10 = 0. [Ans. C = (2, 3), R = 17 ] 7
r r


2 2
Equation of circle with (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as its diameter is A (0,0) B

(x – x1)(x – x2) + (y – y1)(y – y2) = 0

which can be written as x2 + y2 – x(x1 + x2) – y(y1 + y2) + x1x2 + y1y2 = 0 ........ (i)
note that x1, x2 are the roots of the equation x2 – x(x1 + x2) + x1x2 = 0
and y1, y2 are the roots of the equation y2 – y(y1 + y2) + y1y2 = 0
Note that Equation (i) is also the equation of the circle with least radius or area or perimeter passes through
(x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

E 3
Examples :
E(1) The abscissa of 2 points 'A' and 'B' are the roots of the equation x 2 + 2x – a2 = 0 and the ordinate are the
roots of the equation y2 + 4y – b2 = 0. Find the equation of circle with AB as diameter.
[Ans. x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y – a2 – b2 = 0]
E(2) Find circle of least radius & passing through (1, 1) & (2, 2). [Ans. (x – 1)(x – 2)+(y – 1)(y – 2) = 0]
E(3) Equation of the circle which touches the lines x = 0, y = 0 and x = c will the circle described on the line
(0, c/2) and (c, c/2) on diameter. [Ans. 4(x2 + y2) – 4cx – 4cy + c2 = 0]
E(4) Line y = mx cuts the curve y2 = 4ax at A and B. Find the equation of circle with AB as diameter.
[Ans. m2(x2 + y2) – 4a(x + my) = 0]
D(5) Find the equation of a circle circumscribing the quadrilateral formed by the lines 2x + 3y = 2;
3x – 2y = 4; x + 2y = 3; 2x – y = 3. [Ans. 8x2 + 8y2 – 25x – 3y + 18 = 0]
Home Work : S.L. Loney : Ex.XVII (Q.1 to 20) .................................................................


Intercept made by a circle on the coordinate axes, is the distance between the 2 points where the circle cuts the
axis of x and axis of y
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0
For x-intercept : put y = 0
x2 + 2gx + c = 0 ; x1 + x2 = –2g ; x1x2 = c y

|x1 – x2| = 2 g2 - c
(i) If g2 – c > 0 Þ circle cuts the x-axis at 2 distinct points. (x1,0) (x2,0)

(ii) If g – c = 0 Þ
circle touches the x-axis

x1=x2 x

(iii) If g2 < c Þ circle lies completely above or below the x-axis. y

Similarly For y-intercept : put x = 0

y2 + 2ƒy + c = 0

|y1 - y2 | = 2 ƒ2 - c y
(0, y1)A
(i) If ƒ 2 – c > 0
Þ circle cuts the y-axis at 2 distinct points.
(0, y2) B
(ii) If ƒ 2 = c
Þ circle touches the y-axis

(iii) If ƒ 2 < c
Þ circle lies completely either on right or left of y-axis.
Example :
E(1) Find the equation of a circle which touches the positive axis of y at a distance of 4 unit from origin and
cuts off an intercept of 6 units from the axis of x. [Ans. (x ± 5)2 + (y – 4)2 = 25]

4 E
E(2) Find the equation of a circle which touches the coordinate axes and whose radius = 2.
E(3) Find the equation of a circle touching both axes & whose centre lies on x – 2y = 3.
[Ans. (–3, –3) or (1, –1)]
E(4) Find the equation of a circle passing through origin cutting off intercept equals to unity on the lines
2 2
æ 1 ö 2 1 2 æ 1 ö 1
y2 – x2 = 0. [Ans. ç x ± ÷ + y = , x +çy± ÷ = ]
è 2 ø 2 è 2ø 2
E(5) Find the equation of the locus of the centre of a circle which touches the positive y-axis and having
intercept on x-axis equal to 2l. [Ans. x2 – y2 = l2]
E(6) Two rods whose lengths are 2a and 2b slide along the rectangular axes in such a way that their extremities
are always concyclic. Find the equation of the locus of the centre of the circle.
[Ans. x2 – y2 = a2 – b2 or x2 – y2 = b2 – a2]
E(7) Equation of circle touching x-axis at origin & passing through point (1, 2) is ? [Ans. 2x2 + 2y2 – 5y = 0]
Point 'P' lies outside the circle according as : P(x1,y1)
OP > r
i.e. (x1 + g)2 + (y1 + ƒ )2 > r2 O
(–g,–ƒ) 2 2
x +y +2gx+2ƒy+c=0
x12 + y12 + 2gx1 + 2ƒy1 + c > 0

or S1 > 0, where S1 = x12 + y12 + 2gx1 + 2ƒy1 + c

Point 'P' lies inside the circle, then S1 < 0
Note : Greatest and least distance of a point A(x1, y1) from a circle with A(x1,y1)
centre 'C' and radius 'r' is |AC + r| and |AC – r|
Examples :
E(1) If the join of (x1, y1) & (x2, y2) makes an obtuse angle at (x3, y3) then prove that
(x3 – x1)(x3 – x2) + (y3 – y1)(y3 – y2) < 0
E(2) S1 = x2 + y2 – 4x + 6y – 3 = 0; S2 = x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y – 3 = 0, then point (1, 2) lies -
(A) inside S1 = 0 and inside S2 = 0 (B) outside S1 = 0 and outside S2 = 0
(C) inside S1 = 0 and outside S2 = 0 (D) outside S1 = 0 and inside S2 = 0
E(3) For what value of 'a' the point (a, a + 1) lies inside the region bounded
by the circle x2 + y2 = 5 and the line x + y = 2 in the first quadrant. (0,2

æ1 ö (2,0)
[Ans. ç , 1 ÷ ]
è2 ø
x - x 1 y - y1 y P(x,y)
= = r (Distinguish it with the parametric equation of line, carefully)
cos q sin q r
x = x1 + r cosq (x1, y1)
and y = y1 + r sinq
(x1, y1) ® fixed centre x–x1 x
r ® fixed radius and q Î [0, 2p) is a parameter. O
coordinates of any point on the circle is (x1 + r cosq, y1 + rsinq)

if (x1, y1) º (0, 0) Þ x = r cosq & y = r sinq

which are the parametric coordinates for the circle x2 + y2 = r2
Note :
(i) If q is eliminated we get cartesian form of a circle i.e. (x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 = r2.
(ii) Equation of chord of circle x 2 + y 2 = r 2 joining two points P(a) & Q(b) on the circle is
æa +bö æa +bö æa -bö
x cos ç ÷ + y sin ç ÷ = r cos ç ÷
è 2 ø è 2 ø è 2 ø

E 5
Examples :

E(1) x2 + y2 – 6x + 4y – 3 = 0. convert into parametric form

E(2) If A(cosq1, sinq1); B(cosq2, sinq2); C(cosq3, sinq3) are the vertices of a triangle ABC, then find the orthocentre
of the triangle. [Ans. (Scosq, Ssinq)]
E(3) For the condition x2 + y2 – 4x + 3 = 0, find
(a) maximum & minimum value of x2 + y2 [Ans. 9 & 1]

(b) maximum value of x2 + y2 + 2y [Ans. 5 + 2 5 ]

(c) maximum & minimum value of 3x + 4y [Ans. 11 and 1]

Home Work : S.L. Loney : Ex.XVII (Q. 21 to 36) ....................................................................


Let L = 0 be a line & S = 0 be a circle. If 'r' is the radius of the circle and 'p' is the length of the perpendicular
from the centre on the line, then :
(i) If p > r Þ line is neither secant nor tangent ; passes out side the circle P
(ii) If p = r Þ line is tangent to the circle. Secant
(iii) If p < r Þ line is a secant.
(iv) If p = 0 Þ line is a diameter.
Alternatively : solve the line with the circle and if D<0
(i) D>0 Þ line is a Secant. D>0

(ii) D=0 Þ line is a Tangent C

(iii) D<0 Þ line passes outside the circle.

This is true for a time with any 2nd degree curve
Examples :
E(1) For what value of 'm' the line 3x – my + 2 = 0 intersect to the circle x2 + y2 – 4x + 6y – 3 = 0 at two

coincident points. [Ans. 4, ]

E(2) If there are 3 distinct points on 3x + by = 4 which form a right angled D with two points A(0, 0) and
B(0, 4), then find the value(s) of b. [Ans. ±4]
D(3) If 4l2 – 5m2 + 6l + 1 = 0, then show that the line lx + my + 1 = 0 touches a fixed circle. Find the centre

and radius of the circle. [Ans. (3, 0), 5 ]



Tangent : Tangent is the limiting case of the secant as

the point B ® A A
Normal : Normal is a line perpendicular to the tangent passing through the point of tangency.
In case of circle normal always passes through centre.

6 E
Equation of the tangent drawn to the circle in various forms :
(a) Tangent drawn to the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 at its point (x1, y1) is given by
xx1 + yy1 + g(x + x1) + ƒ (y + y1) + c = 0. P(x1,y1)

If circle is x2 + y2 = a2
(–g, –ƒ)
then tangent is xx1 + yy1 = a2 (Cartesian from)
Note :
(i) Equation of tangent drawn to any second degree curve at P(x1, y1) on it can be obtained by
replacing x2 ® xx1 ; y2 ® yy1 ; 2x ® x + x1 ; 2y ® y + y1 ; 2xy ® xy1 + yx1
(ii) Point of Tangency : P(x1,y 1)
For P : either solve tangent and normal to get P or compare the equation of
tangent at (x1, y1) with the given tangent to get point of tangency. (–g, –ƒ)

E(1) Find the point of contact of 3x – 4y – 15 = 0 and circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 8y – 5 = 0.

[Ans. (5, 0)]

x1 = a cos aü
(b) Parametric form : ý
y1 = a sin a þ

\ equation of tangent is x cosa + y sina = a.

Note :
Point of intersection of the tangents drawn to the circle x2 + y2 = a2

a+b a+b
a cos a sin R(h,k)
at the point P(a) and Q(b) is h = 2 ; k= 2
a-b a -b
cos cos
2 2

E(2) Variable line tx + 1 - t2 y = 4 always touches a fixed circle, identify ? [Ans. x2 + y2 = 16]

E(3) Find the locus of the point of intersection of the pair of tangents drawn to a circle x2 + y2 = a2 at
P(a) and Q(b), where |a – b| = 120°. [Ans. x2 + y2 = 4a2]
(c) Slope form : y = mx + c is tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = a2
if c2 = a2(1 + m2) (condition of tangency).

\ y = mx ± a 1 + m2 is the equation of the tangent to x2 + y2 = a2 " m Î R.

Note :
(i) For a unique value of m there will be 2 tangents which are parallel to each other.
(ii) From an external point 2 tangents can be drawn to the circle which are
P(x1,y 1) q
equal in length and are equally inclined to the line joining the point and

the centre of the circle.

(iii) Tangents from external point (x1, y1)

Step-1 : Assume equation of tangents (y – y1) = m(x – x1)

Step-2 : Use p = r to find out 'm'.

E 7
Examples :
E(4) Find the equations of the tangents to the circle x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 4 = 0 which are
(i) perpendicular and [Ans. 4x + 3y = 25, 4x + 3y + 5 = 0]
(ii) parallel to the line 3x – 4y – 7 = 0. [Ans. 3x – 4y + 20 = 0, 3x – 4y = 10]

(iii) lies at maximum distance from point (2, 1) [Ans. x – y + 1 + 3 2 = 0]

E(5) Find the equation of the tangent drawn to the circle x2 + y2 – 6x + 4y – 3 = 0 from the pont (7, 4) lying

æ 59 74 ö
outside the circle. Also find the point of contact. [Ans. x = 7, 5x – 12y + 13 = 0 & (7, –2), ç ,- ]
è 13 13 ÷ø

E(6) Tangent is drawn from the point P(4, 0) to the circle x2 + y2 = 8 touches it at the point A in the 1st
quadrant. Find the coordinates of another point B on the circle such that AB = 4. [Ans. (–2,2) & (2,–2)
Director circle is a name given to a special locus. Locus of a point 'P' which moves in such a way such that the
pair of tangents drawn from 'P' to a given curve makes an anlge of 90°.
Locus of the point of intersection of two mutually perpendicular tangents to a given curve is called the director
circle of the given curve. (Director circle of a parabola is its own directrix)
Method-I :

y = mx ± a 1 + m2 passes through (h, k) a

(0,0) a
Þ (k – mh)2 = a2(1 + m2) Þ m2(h2 – a2) – 2mhk + k2 – a2 = 0
2 2 2
x +y = a
k 2 - a2
m1m2 = –1 Þ = -1 Þ x2 + y2 = 2a2
h2 - a 2

\ Director circle of a circle is a concentric circle having radius equals to 2 times. If equation of circle is
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0, then its director circle is (x + g) 2 + (y + ƒ )2 = 2R2 where R = g + ƒ + c
2 2 2

Method-II :
OAPB is square A

\ a2 + a2 = OP2 a
\ 2a = h + k
2 2 2 O a B

Þ x2 + y2 = 2a2 2 2 2
x +y = a
Examples :
E(1) Locus of point 'P' which moves such that the angle made by the pair of tangents drawn to the circle
x2 + y2 = a2 is 60°. [Ans. x2 + y2 = 4a2]
E(2) Find the range of values of 'a' such that the angles 'q' between the pair of tangents drawn from the point

(a, 0) to the circle x2 + y2 = 1 satisfies < q < p. [Ans. a Î ( - 2, - 1) È (1, 2) ]

E(3) Locus of centre of circle touching two perpendicular lines from origin & a line x + y = 1
[Ans. 2(x +y) – 2xy = 1]

Home Work : S.L. Loney : XVIII ...................................................................................


8 E

Length of Tangent & power of a point.

"Length of the tangent from an external point P(x1, y1) to a given circle."
S = x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 B
L2 + R2 = d2 (x1,y1) q –g,–ƒ
q d O
L = d – R = (x1 + g) + (y1 + ƒ ) – (g + ƒ – c)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
L2 = x12 + y12 + 2gx1 + 2ƒy1 + c
2 2
\ L = x1 + y1 + 2gx1 + 2ƒy1 + c = S1
Note : All these formulae are applicable when coefficient of x2 & y2 is unity
(i) Area of Quad PAOB = 2DPOA = 2 . RL = RL A
2 R L
D q P
(ii) Find AB i.e. length of chord of contact –g,–ƒ
O d q
AB = 2Lsinq where tan q = B
R 2 + L2
(iii) Area of DPAB (D formed by pair of Tangent & corresponding C.O.C.)

1 1 RL3
DPAB = AB ´ PD = (2L sin q)(L cos q) = L2 sin q cos q = 2
2 2 R + L2

2 tan q 2RL2
(iv) Angle between the pair of Tangent tan2q = =
1 - tan q L(L2 - R 2 )

æ 2RL ö
2q = tan -1 ç 2 2 ÷
èL -R ø
(v) Equation of the circle circumscribing the DPAB. (One such circle described on OP as diameter)
i.e. (x – x1)(x + g) + (y – y1)(y + ƒ ) = 0
Examples :
E(1) Find the length of the Tangent from any point on the circle
S1 º x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + l = 0 to the circle

S2 º x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + m = 0 is [Ans. µ-l ]

E(2) (a) A point moves such that length of a tangent from it to the circle x2 + y2 + 4x – 5y + 6 = 0 is double
the length of the tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = 4. Show that the locus is a circle. Find its centre

æ2 5ö 305
and radius. [Ans. centre : ç , - ÷ ; radius = ]
è3 6ø 6

(b) Find the locus of a point the tengents from which to the circles 4x2 + 4y2 – 9 = 0 and
9x2 + 9y2 – 16 = 0 are in the ratio 3 : 4. [Ans. 7x2 + 7y2 = 20]
D(3) From a point 'P' on circle x 2 + y 2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0, tangents are drawn to circle
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c sin2a + (g2 + ƒ2)cos2a = 0. Find angle between tangents. [Ans. 2a]

E 9
Power of a point :
Square of the length of the tangent from the point P is called power of the point P w.r.t. a given circle
i.e. PT2 = S1 B
Note : Power of a point remains constant w.r.t. a circle
PA . PB = PT2
Analytical proof : T
x - x 1 y - y1
2 2 2
P(x1,y 1) x +y = a
= = r ; substituting x = x + rcosq
cos q sin q 1
and y = y1 + rsinq in x + y = a ,2 2 2
we get, r2 + 2r(x1cosq + y1sinq) + x12 + y12 - a2 = 0 r2

r1r2 = x12 + y12 - a2 = constant = (PT)2

Note : Power of a point is positive/0 (zero)/negative according as point 'P' lies outside/on/inside the circle.
E(4) Find the value of 'p' for which the power of a point P(2, 5) is negative w.r.t. a circle x2 + y2 – 8x – 12y +
p = 0 and the circle neither touches nor intersects the y-axis. [Ans. 36 < p < 47]
The equation of the chord of the circle S º x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 in terms of its mid point M (x1 , y1)
x1 + g
is y - y1 = - (x - x1). This on simplication can be put in the form m
y1 + f
xx1 + yy1 + g (x + x1) + f (y + y1) + c = x12 + y12 + 2gx1 + 2fy1 + c which is designated by T = S1.
Note : Of all the chords which passes through a given point M(a, b) inside the circle the shortest chord is one
whose middle point is (a, b)
Proof : From the figure
l = R 2 - p2 ...... (i)
q L
R p
and L = R2 - q2 ...... (ii)
l l
A M(a,b) B
clearly p > q
C x2+y2+2gx+2ƒy+c=0
\ l<L
Þ 2l < 2L Hence proved.

L AB = 2 R 2 - p 2 = 2 (g2 + ƒ 2 - c) - {(a + g)2 + (b + ƒ )2 }

L AB = 2 - (a 2 + b2 +42ag
14444 + 2bƒ +3
244444 c) (since (a, b) lies inside the circle)

Examples :
E(1) Locus of the middle point of the chord of the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 which passes through a
fixed point (a, b) lying outside the circle. [Ans. x2 + y2 + (g – a)x + (ƒ – b)y – bƒ – ag = 0]
E(2) Find the equation of the locus of the middle point of the chord of the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0
a2 + b2 + c
which subtends right angle at a given point P(a, b). [Ans. x2 + y2 + (g – a)x + (ƒ – b)y + = 0]

E(3) If 2 distinct chord of the circle x2 + y2 – ax – by = 0 drawn from the point (a, b) are divided by the x-axis
in the ratio 2 : 1, then prove that a2 > 3b2.
D(4) Find the equation to the locus of the feet of the perpendicular drawn from the origin upon a variable
chord of the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 which subtends right angle at origin.

Home Work : S.L. Loney Ex.XIX (Q.11, 18 to 23) .................................................................


10 E
10. CHORD OF CONTACT : A(x',y')

Definition : It is defined as the straight line joining the point of contact 2 2 2

x +y =a
of the pair of tangents drawn from an external point P(x1, y1) to a P(x1,y 1)

circle. B(x'',y'')

Note : Chord of contact (C.O.C) will exist only if the point P does not lie inside the circle. Equation of chord of
contact AB :
Tangent at 'A' xx' + yy' = a2
passes through (x1, y1) Þ x1x' + y1y' = a2 .......(i)
Similarly at 'B' xx'' + yy'' = a 2

passes through (x1, y1) Þ x1x'' + y1y'' = a2 .......(ii)

from (i) and (ii) equation
xx1 + yy1 – a2 = 0 or T = 0 .......(iii)
Examples :
E(1) Tangents are drawn to the circle x2 + y2 = 8 at the points where the line x + 2y = 4 intersect the circle.
Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the tangents. [Ans. (2, 4)]
E(2) Tangents are drawn to a unit circle centre at origin from every point on the line 2x + y = 4, then
(i) Prove that chord of contact passes through a fixed point. [Ans. (1/2, 1/4)]
(ii) Find equation to the locus of the middle point of chord of contact. [Ans. 4x + 4y2 – 2x – y = 0] 2

E(3) Chord of contact of the tangent drawn from a point on the circle x2 + y2 = a2 to the circle x2 + y2 = b2
touches the circle x2 + y2 = c2. Prove that a, b, c are in G.P. (a, b, c > 0)
E(4) If the chord of contact of tangents drawn from P to the circle x2 + y2 = a2 subtends a right angle at the
centre, find the locus of P. [Ans. x2 + y2 = 2a2]


Combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn from an external point 'P' to a given circle is SS1 = T2, where
S º x2 + y2 – a2 ; S1 º x12 + y12 - a2 . A
l L
Proof : Equation of COC AB is xx1 + yy1 = a 2
N Q(h,k)
triangles AQN and APM are similar 2 2 2 M
x +y =a p2 P(x1,y 1)
AQ QN l P1
= Þ =

h2 + k2 - a2 hx1 + ky1 - a2
Þ =
x12 + y12 - a2 x12 + y12 - a2

\ (x2 + y2 – a2) (x12 + y12 - a2 ) = (xx1 + yy1 - a2 )2

S S1 = T2
Examples :

E(1) Show that the equation to the pair of tangent drawn from the origin to the circle
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 is (gx + ƒy)2 = c(x2 + y2)
D(2) Tangents are drawn to the circle x2 + y2 = a2 from two points on the axis of x, equidistant from the point
(k, 0). Show that the locus of their intersection is ky2 = a2(k – x).
Home Work : S.L. Loney Ex.XIX (Q.14, 17) .......................................................................

E 11
Type-1 : Equation of the family of circles which passes through the points of intersection of two circles S1 = 0
and S2 = 0 is
S1 + lS2 = 0 l ¹ –1 (Justify the family)
(E) Find the equation of a circle which passes through the point of intersection of S1 = 0 and S2 = 0.
S1 : x2 + y2 – 4x + 6y – 3 = 0
S2 : x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y + 12 = 0
(i) Which passes through (0, 0)/(a, b)

(ii) Radius = 5 ; g2 + ƒ 2 - c = 5

(iii) x-intercept = 5 i.e. 2 g2 - c = 5

(iv) y-intercept = 5 i.e. 2 ƒ 2 - c = 5

(v) Line 3x + 4y – 5 = 0 is tangent to the circle i.e. p = r
(vi) Centre lies on x-axis i.e. ƒ = 0
or centre lies on y-axis i.e. g = 0
(vii) line 4x – 7y = 10 is normal to the circle i.e. centre lies on the line.
Hint : Equation of the family of circle is S1 + lS2 = 0
i.e. x2(1 + l) + y2(1 + l) – 4x(1 – l) + 6y(1 – l) + 12l – 3 = 0
Type-2 : Equation of the family of circles passes through the point A B L=0

of intersection of a circle S = 0 and a line L = 0 is given by

S + lL = 0. S=0
Examples :
E(1) Find the equation of a circle drawn on the chord x cos a + y sin a = p of the circle x2 + y2 = a2 as
its diameter. [Ans. l = –2p]
E(2) Show that the equation x2 + y2 – 2x – 2ly – 8 = 0 represents for different value of l a system of
circle passing through two fixed points A and B on the x-axis and also find the equation of that
circle of the system the tangent to which at A and B meet on the line x + 2y + 5 = 0.
[Ans. x2 + y2 – 2x – 6y –8 = 0]
E(3) Find the equation of a circle which passes through origin and through the point of contact of the
tangents drawn from the origin to the circle x2 + y2 – 11x + 13y + 17 = 0.
[Ans. 2x2 + 2y2 – 11x + 13y = 0]
Type-3 : Equation of the family of circles passes through two given points A(x1, y1) & B(x2, y3) is :

x y 1
(x - x1 )(x - x2 ) + (y - y1 )(y - y 2 ) + l x1 y1 1 = 0
x2 y2 1
Note : Fixed circle of this family is circle described on AB

as diameter. (x1,y1) (x2,y2)

Example :
D(1) Two circles are drawn through the point (a, 5a) & (4a, a) to touch the axis of y. Prove that they

intersect at an angle of tan -1 .
Type-4 : Equation of family of circle touching a line L at its fixed point (x 1, y1) is : (x – x1)2 + (y – y1)2 + lL = 0

12 E
Examples :
E(1) Find the equation of a circle which touches the line 2x – y = 4
at the point (1, –2) and
(a) Passes through (3, 4) [Hint : l = 20]

(b) Radius = 5 [Hint : l = ±2 5 ]

E(2) Find the equation of the circle which passes through the point (–1, 2) & touches the circle
x2 + y2 – 8x + 6y = 0 at origin. [Ans. 2x2 + 2y2 + 4x – 3y = 0]
E(3) Find the equation of the circles to which the line 4x + 3y = 10 is a common tangent at (1, 2) and
radius of each of the circle is 5. [Ans. (x – 5)2 + (y – 5)2 = 25, (x + 3)2 + (y + 1)2 = 25]
Note :
(i) Equation of a circle circumscribing a triangle whose sides are given by l1 = 0;
l1 l3
l2 = 0 & l3 = 0 is given by l1l2 + ll1l3 + µl3l1 = 0 ........ (i)
provided coefficient of x2 = coefficient of y2 & coefficient of xy = 0,
B l2 C
represent a 2nd degree curve & A, B, C satisfy equation (i)
This could also be used to compute circumcentre of a triangle without finding
the coordinates of its vertices.
(ii) Equation of a circle circumscribing a quadrilateral whose sides in order are l1 B
represented by the lines l1 = 0; l2 = 0; l3 = 0; l4 = 0 is given l4 l2
by l1l3 + ll2l4 = 0 ....... (i) C
D l3
represents a second degree curve & also A, B, C, D satisfy (i)
\ l1l3 + ll2l4 = 0 is the equation of circle provided coefficient of
x2 = coefficient of y2 & coefficient of xy = 0.
13. POLE & POLAR : (Just introduction has to be given)
If through a point P in the plane of the circle, there be drawn any straight line to meet the circle in Q and
R, the locus of the point of intersection of the tangents at Q & R is called the Polar of the point P;
and P is called the Pole of the Polar.
Explanation :

R P(x1,y1)

P(x1,y1) R

2 2 2
x +y = a

Equation of the polar :


Equation of the variable chord of contact of the point (h, k) w.r.t. x2 + y2 = a2 is : xh + yk = a2

passes through (x1, y1)
\ x1h + y1k = a2
\ required equation is xx1 + yy1 = a2 Tangent
in case if circle is general then equation of polar becomes
xx1 + yy1 + g(x + x1) + ƒ (y + y1) + c = 0 & (x1, y1) is the pole.

E 13
Example : To find the pole of a given line lx + my = n w.r.t. a circle x 2 + y2 = a2
i.e. we have to find the coordinates of the point whose polar w.r.t. the given circle is the line lx + my = n
Sol. Let the pole be P(x1, y1)
\ its polar w.r.t. the circle x2 + y2 = a2 is
xx1 + yy1 = a2 .......(i)
also lx + my = n .......(ii)
(i) and (ii) must be indentical

x1 y1 a 2
\ = =
l m n

a2l a2 m
\ x1 = and y 1 = (not to be remember)
n n

(a) Conjugate Points : Two points P and Q said to be conjugate of each other w.r.t. the circle if polar of
'P' passes through 'Q' and vice versa.
(b) Conjugate lines : Two lines l1 and l2 are conjugate of each other if pole of one lies on other and vice
Examples :
E(1) Find the value of 'k' for which the point (2, k) and (k, 3) are conjugate of each other w.r.t. the circle
x2 + y2 = 10.
E(2) A variable circle is drawn to touch the axis of x at origin. Find the locus of the pole of the straight line
lx + my + n = 0 w.r.t. the circle.
D(3) (a) The lengths of the tangents from two points A and B to a circle are l1 and l2 respectively. If the
points are conjugate with respect to the circle show that AB2 = l21 + l22 .
(b) Prove that if two lines at right angles are conjugate with respect to a circle one of them must pass
through the centre.

Home Work : S.L. Loney : Ex.XIX (Q.1 to 10, 12,13,15,16) .........................................

Common tangents to two circles

(1) Direct Common Tangent (DCT) (2) Transverse Common Tangent (TCT)
(External common tangent) (Internal common tangent)
How do we distinguished between D.C.T. and T.C.T.


C1 C2

Direct Common Tangent (D.C.T.) : Here the centre of both the circles lies on the same side of the tangent
Transverse Common Tangent (T.C.T.) : Here the centre of both the circles lies on the opposite side of the
tangent line.

14 E
(I) Position of circle and number of common tangent : D.C.T
(a) If 2 circles are separated, then d > r1 + r2 and in this case there exists r1 r2
C1 d C2
2 D.C.T. T.C
4 common tangent D.C.T
2 T.C.T.
(b) If 2 circles touch externally, then d = r1 + r2 and in this case there D . C. T

2 D.C.T. r1 r2
exist 3 common tangents C1 d C2
1 T.C.T. (at their point of contact)
(c) If 2 circles intersect each other then |r2 – r1| < d < r1 + r2 D .C.
D . C. T
and in this case there exist
2 common tangent both of them being D.C.T. C2
C1 d
Note : Only d < r1 + r2 is not sufficient condition in
this case because if one circle is contained in order D .C.
then also d < r1 + r2.
(d) If both the circle touches each other internally, then d = r1 - r2
C1 d
and in this case there exist only one common tangent i.e. D.C.T.
at their point of contact.
(e) If one circle is contained in other, then d < r1 - r2 and in this case C2

there exist no common tangent. C1 d

Examples :
E(1) Equation of transverse common tangent is x = 0 and y = 0
from figure. (2,2)

E(2) If figure is one of the equation of D.C.T. is x = 0 and (2,2)

T.C.T. is y = 0 T.C.T


E(3) Find the range of r so that the circle (x – 1)2 + (y – 3)2 = r2 and (x – 4)2 + (y + 1)2 = 9 intersects
at 2 distinct points (r being the radius of the circle.)
(ii) To find analytically the length of common tangent (both external and A
r1 Lext
internal common tangent) r1–r2
C1 r2
From figure : L2ext + (r1 - r2 )2 = d2 d C2

Þ L ext = d2 - (r1 - r2 )2 A

\ d2 = L2int + (r1 + r2 )2 r1 r2
C1 d C2

\ 2
L int = d - (r1 + r2 ) 2 Lint. B

(III) Equation of D.C.T. and T.C.T.

(a) Direct Common Tangent (D.C.T.) meet at a point which divides the line joining the centres of circles
externally in the ratio of their radii.
(b) Transverse Common Tangent (T.C.T.) meets at a point which divides the line joining the centres of
circles internally in the ratio of their radii.

E 15
PC1 r1 |r1 - r2 |
Proof : = sin q =
PC2 r2 d
(since for S2 = 0, C2P is the angle bisector
and also for S1 = 0, C1 P is the angle bisector.
\ C1, C2, P will lie in a same line S1 r1 r2 S2 q P
C1 C2 q
r1 + r2
C1 Q r1 A sin f =
Similarly = D.C.T d
C2 Q r2 Q r2
Note : C1Q, C1C2, C1P are in H.P. C1 f C2
Lint. B
Examples :
E(4) Prove that the common tangents to the circles x2 + y2 – 6x = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2x = 0 form an equilateral
E(5) Find all the common tangent to circles x2 + y2 = 1 and (x – 1)2 + (y – 3)2 = 4.
[Ans. 4x – 3y = 5, 3x + 4y = 7, x = –1 & y = 1]
E(6) Find the co-ordinates of the point at which the circles x 2 + y 2 – 4x – 2y + 4 = 0 &
x2 + y2 – 12x – 8y + 36 = 0 touch each other. Also find equation of common tangents touching the
æ 14 8 ö
circle at distinct points. [Ans. ç , ÷ , 7y – 24x + 16 = 0, y = 0]
è 5 5ø
Home Work : ...........................................................................................................



The radical axis of 2 circles is the locus of a points whose powers w.r.t. the two circles are equal. The equation
of radical axis of the two circles S1= 0 and S2 = 0 is given by S1 - S2 = 0 P(h,k)
i.e. 2(g1 - g2) x + 2 (ƒ1 - ƒ2) y + c1 - c2 = 0 L1 L2

Þ h + k + 2g1h + 2ƒ1k + c1 = h + k + 2g2h + 2ƒ2k + c2

2 2 2 2

\ 2(g1 - g2)x + 2(ƒ1 - ƒ2) y + c1 - c2 = 0

S1=0 S2=0
is the required equation of radical axis of S1 = 0 and S2 = 0.
L21 = L2

Note : R.A.
(i) If two circles intersect, then the radical axis is the common chord of the two

(ii) If two circles touch each other then the radical R.A.
axis is the common tangent of the two circles or
at the common point of contact.
(iii) Radical axis is always perpendicular to the line C1 C2
(–g1,–ƒ1) (–g2,–ƒ2)

joining the centres of the two circles.

2(g 1,–ƒ2)x+2(ƒ1–ƒ2)y + C1–C2=0

(iv) Radical axis need not always pass through the mid point of the line joining the centres of the two circles.
(v) Radical axis bisects a common tangent between the two circles.
(vi) Pairs of circles which do not have radical axis are concentric.
S1 = x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c1 = 0
S2 = x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c2 = 0
16 E
Examples :
E(1) Number of real values of 'a' for which line 5x + by – a = 0 passes through points of intersection of circles
x2 + y2 + 2ax + cy + a = 0 & x2 + y2 – 3ax + dy – 1 = 0 [Ans. 0]
E(2) Find the equation of a straight line meeting the circle x 2 + y2 = a2 in 2 points at equal distance 'd' from the

2 d2
point (x1, y1) on its circumference is xx1 + yy1 - a + =0.
E(3) Prove that the circle x 2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 will bisect the circumference of the circle
x2 + y2 + 2g'x + 2ƒ 'y + c' = 0 if 2g'(g – g') + 2ƒ '(ƒ – ƒ ') = c – c'.
E(4) Tangent are drawn to the circle x 2 + y 2 = 12 at the points where it is met by the circle

æ 18 ö
x2 + y2 – 5x + 3y – 2 = 0. Find the point of intersection of the tangents. [Ans. ç 6, - ]
è 5 ÷ø

E(5) Consider a family of circles passing through two fixed points A(3, 7) and B(6, 5). Show that the chords
in which the circles x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y – 3 = 0 cuts the member of the family are concurrent at a point.

1 1 1
E(6) Prove that the circle x2 + y2 + 2ax + c2 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2by + c2 = 0 touch each other if 2
+ 2 = 2
a b c
E(7) Find the locus of the centre of circles which bisect the circumference of the circles x2 + y2 = 4 and
x2 + y2 – 2x + 6y + 1 = 0 [Ans. 2x – 6y – 15 = 0]
Radical centre :
S1=0 S2=0
Definition : The common point of intersection of the radical axis of
3 circles taken 2 at a time is called the Radical Centre of three circles, (–g1,–ƒ1) (–g2,–ƒ2)
from this
Radical Axis of S1 & S2 : 2(g1 – g2)x + 2(ƒ1 – ƒ2)y + c1 – c2 = 0
Radical Axis of S2 & S3 : 2(g2 – g3)x + 2(ƒ2 – ƒ3)y + c2 – c3 = 0 (–g 3,–ƒ3)

Radical Axis of S3 & S1 : 2(g3 – g1)x + 2(ƒ3 – ƒ1)y + c3 – c1 = 0

g1 - g2 ƒ1 - ƒ2 c1 - c2
D = g2 - g3 ƒ2 - ƒ3 c2 - c 3 = 0 ; Use R1 ® R1+ R2 + R3 Þ D = 0
g3 - g1 ƒ 3 - ƒ1 c3 - c1
(solve any 2 radical axes to get radical centre)
Examples :
E(1) Lines lx + my + n = 0; px + qy + r = 0 intersects the circle x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2ƒ1y + c1 = 0 and
x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2ƒ2y + c2 = 0 at 4 points A and B; C and D respectively. If these points are concyclic
2(g1 - g2 ) 2(ƒ1 - ƒ2 ) c1 - c2
then prove that l m n =0
p q r

E(2) Prove analytically that radical centre of 3 circles described on the sides of a tringle as diameter is the
orthocenter of the triangle. (Remember this)

Definition : A system of circles, every 2 of which have the same radical axis, is called Coaxial system of circles.


R.A. R.A.

E 17
Examples :
E(1) Find the equation of a circle coaxial with S1 : x2 + y2 + 4x + 2y + 1 = 0 and S2 : 2x2 + 2y2 – 2x – 4y – 3 = 0
and the centre of the circle to be determined lies on the radical axes of these 2 circle.
E(2) Find the equation of the circle passes through (1, 1) belonging to the system of coaxial circle which touches
the locus of the point of intersection of 2 perpendiculars tangents to the circle x2 + y2 = 4 at (2, 2).
[Ans. x2 + y2 – 3x – 3y + 4 = 0]
Definition : Two curves are said to be orthogonal if they intersect each other at 90° wherever they intersects.
Condition for orthogonality of 2 circles :
r12 + r22 = (g1 - g2 )2 + (ƒ1 - ƒ2 )2 r1 r2

2 2 2 2 2
(g + ƒ - c1 ) + (g + ƒ - c2 ) = (g1 - g2 ) + (ƒ1 - ƒ2 ) 2
C1 C2
1 1 2 2
(–g1,–ƒ1) (–g2,–ƒ2)
\ 2g1 g2 + 2ƒ1 ƒ2 = c1 + c2 (condition for orthogonality)
Circle orthogonal to 3 given circles :
Method-I : Let the equation of circle be x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 S1 S3
orthogonal to S1 = 0; S2 = 0; S3 = 0 get 3 relation in g, ƒ, c.

Method-II : Circle orthogonal to 3 given circles is one such circle whose centre
is the radical centre of 3 given circles and radius equals to length of
[Solve any 2 radical axis to get radical centre and then compute r = aT] (x1,y1)

Note : Locus of the centre of a variable circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0

which cuts the 2 given circles x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2ƒ1y + c1 = 0 and
x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2ƒ2y + c = 0 orthogonally is the radical axis of 2 given circles.
Examples :
E(1) If the circles, S1 : x2 + y2 + 2x + 2ky + 6 = 0 and S2 : x2 + y2 + 2ky + k = 0 intersects orthogonally then
find k. [Ans. k = 2, –3/2]
E(2) Find the equation of a circle which passes through the point of intersection of S1 : x2 + y2 – 4x + 6y = 0
and S2 : x2 + y2 – 6x + 4y = 0 and cuts the circle S3 : x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 4 = 0 orthogonally.
[Ans. x2 + y2 + 2y = 0]
E(3) Find the equation of the circle which cuts the circle x + y + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0, the lines x = –g and
2 2

y = –ƒ orthogonally.
Note:Here we observe that the two circles (one which is given and one which we obtain are concentric circles).
They will intersect only if they have the same radii or both of them are point circle (having zero radius).
So ! one may think !, if they do not intersect how can they be orthogonal ? The answer is they intersect
in imaginary points.
(Refer "Coordinate geometry by S.L. loney, page 163, 3rd paragraph).
D(5) Prove that the 2 circles which passes through the 2 points (0, a) and (0, –a) and touches the straight line
y = mx + d will cuts orthogonally if d2 = a2(2 + m2)
D(6) The circles x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2ƒ1y + c1 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2ƒ2y + c2 = 0 intersect orthogonally at
A and B. If C, D are the centres of these circles, show that the equation of the circle passing through A,

B, C, D is 2(x2 + y2) + 2(g1 + g2)x + 2(ƒ1 + ƒ2)y + c1 + c2 = 0

D(7) If 2 circles are orthogonal then the polar of any point 'P' on the first circle w.r.t. the second circle always
passes through the other end of the diameter of first circle through 'P' and hence equation of the circle
orthogonal to 3 given can be regarded as a locus of a point 'P' whose polar w.r.t. 3 circles are concurrent.
Home Work : ...........................................................................................................

18 E

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