Tender Submission Letter (Form PG3 - 1)
Tender Submission Letter (Form PG3 - 1)
Tender Submission Letter (Form PG3 - 1)
[This letter shall be completed and signed by the Authorized Signatory preferably on the Letter-Head pad of the
Letter-Head pad of the Tenderer.]
To, Date:
The Project Director
Sunamganj Textile Institute, Sunamganj Project.
Invitation for Tender No: 24.02.0000.070.23-12 IFT No ___________________
Date: 02 January 2023
Tender Package No: GD- 10 Package No ________________
Lot No (when applicable) Lot No ____________________
We, the undersigned, tender to supply in conformity with the Tender Document the following Goods and
related services, viz:
In accordance with ITT Clauses 24 and 25, the following price applies to our Tender:
Tk. __________________________
(In words):
(insert the amount based on percentage of the Tender price) (In figures):
(In words):
And we shall accordingly submit an Advance Payment Guarantee in the format shown in Form PG3 – 11.
In accordance with ITT clause 23, the following discounts apply to our Tender:
The unconditional discount for being awarded more than Tk. ________________________________
one lot in this package is: [in figures]
(ITT Sub Clause 24.11 and 25.1) Tk. ________________________________
[in words]
In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that:
a) Our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 29.1) and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
b) A Tender Security is attached in form of a [Pay Order / Bank Guarantee] in the amount stated in the
Tender Data sheet (ITT Clause 31) and valid for a period of twenty-eight (28) days beyond the Tender
Validity date;
c) If our Tender is accepted, we commit to furnishing a Performance Security in the amount stated in the
Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 62.1) in the form stated in Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 63.1) and
valid for a period of twenty-eight (28) days beyond the date of completion of our performance
d) We have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by you on [insert date];
Including Addendum to Tender Documents No(S) [states numbers], issued in accordance with the
Instructions to Tenders (ITT Clause 11). [insert the number and issuing date of each addendum; or delete
this sentence if no Addendum have been issued]
e) We, including as applicable, subcontractor for any part of the contract resulting from this Tender process,
have nationalities from eligible countries, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.1;
f) We are submitting this Tender as a sole Tenderer
g) We are not a Government owned entity as defined in ITT Sub-Clause 5.10 or we are a Government owned
entity, and we meet the requirements of ITT Sub-Clause 5.10;
(delete one of the above as appropriate)
h) We, declare that we are not associated, nor have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a
consultant or any other entity that has prepared the design, specifications and other documents, in
accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.6;
i) We, including as applicable Subcontractor have not been declared ineligible by the Government of
Bangladesh or the Development Partner, under the laws of Bangladesh or official regulations or by an act
of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council on charges of engaging in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive (or obstructive in case of Development Partner) practices, in accordance
with ITT Sub-Clause 5.9;
j) Furthermore, we are aware of ITT Sub Clause 4.2 concerning such practices and pledge not to indulge in
such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract;
k) We intend to subcontract an activity or part of the Supply, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 16.1 to the
following Subcontractor(s);
l) We, confirm that we do not have a record of poor performance, such as abandoning the Supply, not
properly completing contracts, inordinate delays, or financial failure as stated in ITT Sub-Clause 5.8 and
that we do not have, or have had, any litigation against us, other than that stated in the Tenderer
Information Sheet (Form PG3-2);
m) We are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering process. We understand
that your written Notification of Award shall become a binding Contract between us, until a formal
Contract is prepared and executed;
n) We understand that you reserve the right to accept or reject any Tender, to cancel the Tender
proceedings, or to reject all Tenders, without incurring any liability to Tenderers, in accordance with ITT
Clause 57.1.
[Insert signature of authorized representative of the
Duly authorized to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer.
[If there is more than one (1) signatory add other boxes and sign accordingly].
Attachment 1: Written confirmation authorizing the above signatory(ies) to commit the Tenderer, in accordance
with ITT Sub-Clause 36.3;