1-25 - EIB - ESB - Handbook - Final 2022
1-25 - EIB - ESB - Handbook - Final 2022
1-25 - EIB - ESB - Handbook - Final 2022
Table of Contents
EIB Physical Fitness Assessment & ESB Army Physical Fitness Test of Record 4
Expert Infantry Badge (EIB) Fitness Assessment – 4
Expert Soldier Badge (ESB) PT Test – 4
Land Navigation 5
W-1 Part I, M4 carbine/M16 rifle 7
W-1 Part II, Option I: M320 grenade launcher 9
W-2: Part I; M18 Pistol 10
W-2: Part II, Maintain Shotgun 12
W-3 Part I, Maintain M249 Squad Automatic Weapon 14
W-3 Part II, Operate M249 Squad Automatic Weapon 16
W-4 Part I, Maintain M240 18
W-4 Part II, Operate M240B Machine Gun 20
W-5 Part I, Identify Hand Grenades 22
W-5 Part II, Employ Hand Grenades Against Troops in The Open 23
W-5 Part III, Employ Hand Grenades Through a Window, Door or Bunker 25
W-6 M18A1 Claymore Mine (Electronic Initiation) 27
W-7: Javelin 31
W-8: M-2 Machine Gun 33
W-9: MK-19 Heavy Grenade Launcher 35
W-10: Anti-Tank Weapons (Carl Gustaf 84-Mm Recoilless Rifle) 37
ESB-1: Arctic Skills, Employ an Ahkio Sled 39
ESB-2: Arctic Skills; Employ Individual Camouflage in A Snow-Covered Environment 40
M-1: Request Medical Evacuation 41
M-2: Provide Care Under Fire and Move A Casualty 43
M-3: Perform First Aid to Restore Breathing And/or Pulse 46
M-4: Evaluate A Casualty for a Heat Injury 50
M-5: Control Bleeding 52
M-6: Evaluate and Treat a Casualty 54
M-7: Apply an occlusive dressing and perform a needle chest decompression 57
M-8: Perform First Aid for an Open Head Wound in a CBRNE Environment 60
M-9: Treat an Open Abdominal Wound and Eye Injuries 62
M-10: Treat a Fracture and a Burn 64
P-1: Adjust Indirect Fire 66
P-2: Move Under Direct Fire 69
P-3: Tactical Handheld Radio 71
P-4: Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) Operations 73
P-5: Camouflage and Visual Signaling Techniques 74
P-7: Chemical and Biological Operations 77
P-8: Resection and Military Maps 80
P-9: Operate PVS-14 Monocular Night Vision Device 83
P-10: Transmit a SPOT Report with a Tactical Man Pack Radio 85
ESB-3: Arctic Focus, (ECWCS) Protect Yourself in Extreme Cold Weather. 88
ESB-4: Arctic Focus, Identify and Perform First Aid for Cold Weather Injuries 91
ESB-5: Arctic Focus, Evacuate A Hypothermic Casualty 95
12-Mile Foot March 95
Final event: Clear, disassemble, assemble, and perform a function check on M16/M4 series rifle/carbine 96
EIB Physical Fitness Assessment & ESB Army Physical Fitness Test of Record
This event constitutes Phase One of the EIB / ESB test and may only be graded by EIB /
ESB Graders. It is the responsibility of the EIB / ESB Board to ensure all Graders for this event
are grading to the same standard without variance. The EIB / ESB Board will establish this
standard in accordance with existing regulations. Candidates are required to pass each event;
failing to do so will result in a NO-GO and the Candidate will be eliminated from the EIB / ESB
test. Candidates failing this task should be segregated in a separate holding area until they can be
processed by the NCOIC/OIC, followed by the EIB / ESB NCOIC/OIC for out-processing. No
Candidate who fails the EPFA or APFTOR will progress to Phase Two. The EPFA and
APFTOR is the first graded event of the EIB / ESB test.
The fitness tests will be administered in the same fashion as an Army Physical Fitness
Test (APFT), based on the standards outlined in TC 3-22.20. The only difference will be the
number of push-ups and sit-ups required and the length of the run. While Units can allow
Candidates to execute push-ups and sit-ups beyond the minimum requirements, they may also
stop Candidates once the minimum has been reached, as this will reduce the time required to test
all Candidates. Candidates who fail any event should be stopped immediately and directed to a
different holding area to be processed for elimination from the EIB/ ESB test. Units should
ensure that the EPFA and APFTOR site complies with current APFT regulations. The site must
be well lit to facilitate grading/control and the four-mile run route must be clearly marked. An
adequate number of medical personnel/safety vehicles must be available and proper risk
management incorporated into the event.
Expert Infantry Badge (EIB) Fitness Assessment –
EIB Candidates are required to perform 49 push-ups in two minutes, 59 sit-ups in two
minutes, and a four-mile run in 32 minutes. This is a GO or NO- GO event which must be passed
in order for a Candidate to remain in the EIB process. This event is not re-testable.
(1) All candidates must pass the EPFA.
(2) EPFA cannot be waived.
(3) Alternate EPFA events are not authorized.
(4) EPFA testing will be conducted in accordance with Field Manual (FM) 7-22.
(5) All candidates must meet height and weight requirements in accordance with Army
Regulation (AR 600-9)
Expert Soldier Badge (ESB) PT Test –
Army Physical Fitness Test of Record (APFTOR). The APFTOR is a prerequisite
to participate in the ESB. RA candidates must have passed the APFTOR within six
months prior to ESB testing day 1. ARNG and USAR candidates must have passed the
APFTOR within one year of ESB testing day 1. ESB candidates must achieve 80% in
each APFT event: Push-up, Sit-up, and 2 mile run in their respective age group. No
alternate events are authorized. ESB candidates must pass the APFTOR within the limits
of their profile, if any.
(1) All candidates must pass the APFTOR.
(2) APFTOR cannot be waived.
(3) Alternate APFTOR events are not authorized.
(4) APFTOR testing will be conducted in accordance with Field Manual (FM) 7-22.
(5) All candidates must meet height and weight requirements in accordance with Army
Regulation (AR) 600-9.
Land Navigation
Task: Candidates will demonstrate their individual proficiency in navigating from one point to
another, while dismounted, without the aid of electronic navigation devices. Candidates must
pass day and night land navigation in order to receive a GO for this event. Failing land
navigation will eliminate the Candidate from the EIB/ ESB test. This event is not re-testable.
Candidate Conditions: Candidates will have a 1:50,000-scale military topographic map,
lensatic compass, protractor, and writing instrument. They will be provided with a score sheet,
four 10-digit grids of the points they have to find, a 10-digit grid to their known release point,
and a 10-digit grid to their end point. Units must have a calibration site for the Candidates to
verify their compass. Candidates will complete both iterations while in the EIB / ESB uniform
and will be checked upon arrival to ensure they have no electronic equipment to assist them. If
the Unit desires that Candidates have a cell phone, they must be turned off and sealed inside a
non-transparent mailing envelope, evidence bag, etc.
Land Navigation Course Conditions: The navigation courses utilized for train-up and testing
must have all points validated through a site survey conducted by an Engineer/Field Artillery
Unit. If unable to use a validated course, validation may be accomplished as follows:
1) At least two GPS devices to obtain a ten-digit grid per point; less than 20-meter
difference between devices.
2) All GPS devices used in the validation of the course must be the same model. Using a
DAGR and a PLGR together to validate a course would not be acceptable due to the
accuracy differences.
3) Courses will not be validated with civilian GPS models under any circumstances.
4) Unit will make all efforts to use two different land navigation courses for train-up and
testing. If the same land navigation course is used the Unit will need to change the
location of all points prior to testing.
5) The EIB/ ESB Board is responsible for certifying the navigation course prior to the start
of train-up and again before testing. Certification differs from validation process and
consists of having EIB/ ESB Graders negotiate each lane to confirm:
6) All points are present, in good condition, and have a reasonable expectation of being
7) The validation parameters from previous surveys remain in effect.
8) All points are equipped with a unique navigation punch to ensure Candidates were
physically at the point.
9) Lanes consist of a known release point, four navigation points, and a known end point
(may be same as release point). Units may create as many release points as necessary
based on the number of lanes/Candidates. The distance between points is 800-1000
meters during day and 600-800 during night. The total distance of a lane will not exceed
4500 meters during day and 3500 during night. The total includes the distance traveled
from the Release Point to the End Point. If the course contains dense vegetation/limited
visibility and the moon luminosity/weather conditions are poor, each point may be
marked with a single blue glow stick at night. The Unit will not use a self-correcting
course during testing; no points will have any identifying grid locations. The points must
be clearly visible and free of obstructions within a 10-meter radius. No Candidate will
have any of the same points during testing that they had during training.
10) The NCOIC must have a spreadsheet that clearly shows all the requirements outlined in
this paragraph; this spreadsheet will be inspected during validation. Day navigation will
be conducted after sunrise and before End of Evening Nautical Twilight (EENT). Night
navigation will be conducted after EENT and before sunrise.
11) Standards: The following standards will apply for all Candidates conducting the land
navigation course:
12) Candidates stage at a known release point after receiving their points, course orientation
brief, and safety brief. At the direction of the land navigation NCOIC/OIC, Candidates
will be given the signal to start and official timing will begin. Units may use a staggered
release to provide better control/reduce congestion.
13) Candidates record the identification for each of their navigation points as well as punch
their score card with the punch provided at each point. Candidate must have their map
and scorecard upon return.
Standards: Candidates have three hours to correctly locate three out of four of the navigation
points on their lane, return to the end point, and report to the EIB Graders. Upon reporting to the
Graders, the Candidate’s completion time will be recorded on the score card. Candidates will not
be permitted to re-enter the course, even if they have returned before time has expired.
Candidates failing this task will be segregated in a holding area until they can be processed by
the NCOIC/OIC, followed by the EIB/ ESB NCOIC/OIC for out-processing. No Candidate who
fails land navigation will continue.
W-1 Part I, M4 carbine/M16 rifle
Task basis: 071-COM-0028-Load an M16-Series Rifle/M4-Series Carbine, 071-COM-0027-
Unload an M16-Series Rifle/M4-Series Carbine, 071-COM-0030-Engage Targets with an M16-
Series Rifle/M4-Series Carbine.
Tasks: Clear, load, fire until stoppage occurs, perform immediate action, expend remaining
ammunition, unload, and clear an M4/M16.
Conditions: You are a member of a team conducting combat operations. You have a stoppage
while engaging targets with yourM4/M16.
Standards: Correctly perform all steps, in sequence, in 30 seconds or less.
Requirements: An M4/M16 with blank adaptor, and sling. Starting configuration for the
weapon will be: Free of ammunition, bolt forward, on FIRE (SEMI/BURST/AUTO), and the
trigger pulled. A magazine loaded with four blank rounds of ammunition and one
inert/expended round. A target/safe direction. Hearing protection (part of the ESB uniform)
must be worn when firing.
Note: Candidate will start with the weapon in the low ready position.
Performance steps:
1) Clear the weapon:
(a) Keep the weapon pointed in a safe direction.
(b) Attempt to place the weapon on SAFE.
(c) Lock the bolt to the rear.
(d) Pull the charging handle rearward. Press and hold the bottom of the bolt catch.
(e) Allow bolt to move forward until it engages the bolt catch. Release the bottom of the bolt
(f) Return the charging handle to the forward position.
(g) Ensure the receiver and chamber are free of ammo. Place weapon on SAFE.
2) Load the weapon:
(a) Insert the magazine.
(b) Push the magazine upwards until the magazine catch engages.
(c) Tap upward on the bottom of the magazine to ensure the magazine is seated.
(d) Press the upper portion of the bolt catch allowing the bolt to go forward and chamber a
round. The bolt will not be ridden forward.
(e) Tap forward assist to ensure that bolt is fully forward and locked.
(f) The weapon is now loaded.
3) Place the weapon on SEMI and begin engaging your target.
4) Perform immediate action:
(a) Tap the bottom of the magazine firmly.
(b) Rapidly pull charging handle and release to extract/eject previous cartridge and
feed/chamber/lock new round.
(c) Reassess by continuing the shot process. Weapon should fire. If weapon does not fire,
proceed to remedial action (for this task, move to clear the weapon).
5) Clear the weapon:
(a) Point weapon in safe direction. Attempt to place weapon on SAFE.
(b) Remove magazine from weapon.
(c) Lock the bolt open (if not already).
(d) Pull the charging handle rearward. Press the bottom of the bolt catch.
(e) Move bolt forward until it engages bolt catch. Return the charging handle to the forward
(f) Ensure the receiver and chamber are free of ammo.
(g) Place the weapon on SAFE (if not already).
(h) Press the upper portion of the bolt catch to allow the bolt to go forward.
(i) Close the ejection port cover.
Table W-1 Part I: M4/M16 carbine/rifle
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Load the weapon.
3. Engage the target.
4. Perform immediate action.
5. Clear the weapon.
(e) Insert the end of the recoil spring and the recoil spring guide into the recoil spring
housing and simultaneously, compress the recoil spring and lower the spring guide until it
is fully seated on the locking block cutaway.
(f) Push the firing pin block lever down.
(g) Grasp the slide and barrel assembly with the sights up and align the slide on the receiver
assembly guide rails.
(h) Push until the rear of the slide is a short distance beyond the rear of the receiver assembly
and hold, simultaneously, rotate the disassembly latch lever upward.
Note: A click indicates a positive lock
4) Perform a functions check:
Note: Candidate will start from the last position in the previous task.
(a) Insert an empty magazine into magazine well. Ensure magazine catch engages and locks
magazine in place.
(b) Push up on manual safety lever to engage safety.
(c) Grasp slide serrations and pull the slide to rear until it locks. The magazine follower
should push up on slide stop, locking slide to rear. Press the magazine catch. The
magazine will fall free from pistol.
(d) Press the slide catch. This will release the slide to the forward position. Ensure the slide
is fully forward on the pistol.
(e) Press the trigger. The striker should not be released.
(f) Depress manual safety lever.
(g) Press trigger and hold to rear. Striker should be released. An audible click should be
(h) While still holding trigger to rear, fully retract and release slide.
(i) Release trigger. A light audible click should be heard and felt as the striker resets.
(j) Press trigger. The striker should release and you should hear and feel a loud audible click.
Note: Time will stop when the candidate returns to the standing position with the weapon on the
flat surface.
W-2:PART I Maintain M17/M18 pistol
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Disassemble the weapon.
3. Assembled the weapon.
4. Perform a functions check.
(e) Hold trigger to the rear; re-cock the weapon by moving the forearm fully to the rear and
then forward.
(f) Release the trigger; hammer should NOT fall and trigger should return to its forward
(g) Pull trigger; hammer should fall and the lock lever should be fully up
(h) Release trigger and re-cock the weapon. The hammer should NOT fall.
(i) Move the safety rearward to the SAFE position.
Time will stop when the Candidate returns to the standing position with the weapon on the flat
Table. W-2:PART II Maintain Shotgun
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Disassemble the weapon.
3. Assembled the weapon.
4. Perform a functions check.
(b) Observe ejection port to see if a cartridge case/belt link/round ejects. If not, place on
SAFE while holding cocking handle to rear with right hand palm up with no tension on
(c) (Push) Return cocking handle to forward and locked position and proceed to clear
weapon. If a cartridge/belt link/round ejects, push the cocking handle forward.
(d) Squeeze the trigger and continue mission. Proceed to clear the weapon if it does not fire.
4. Unload and clear the weapon:
(a) Point weapon in a safe direction.
(b) If the bolt is forward, ensure the safety is on FIRE before moving the bolt/operating rod
assembly. If the bolt is fully locked to the rear, ensure the safety is on SAFE and proceed
to step (5) (f) below.
(c) Pull and hold cocking handle with right hand palm up to rear, ensuring bolt locks
completely to rear.
(d) While holding the cocking handle to the rear with right hand palm up with no tension on
the bolt, place the safety to SAFE.
(e) Return the cocking handle assembly to the fully forward and locked position.
(f) Push in feed cover latches, look in a safe direction, raise feed cover, and conduct a five-
point safety check, per step (1)(e) above.
(g) Lower the feed tray and close the feed cover, making sure it locks shut.
(h) Pull and hold cocking handle with right hand palm up to rear.
(i) While holding the cocking handle to the rear with right hand palm up with no tension on
the bolt, place the safety to FIRE.
(j) While depressing trigger, ease bolt forward to close and lock. Release trigger. Close
ejection port cover.
Table W-3 Part II: Operate M249 machine gun
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Load the weapon
3. Engaged the target
4. Take immediate action
5. Unload and clear the weapon
(d) Squeeze the trigger and continue mission. Proceed to clear the weapon if it does not fire.
5. Unload and clear the weapon:
(a) Point weapon in a safe direction. If bolt is forward, ensure safety is on FIRE before
moving bolt/operating rod assembly. If the bolt is fully locked to the rear, ensure the
safety is on SAFE and proceed to step e.
(b) Pull and hold, with palm up, cocking handle with right hand to rear, ensuring bolt locks
completely to rear.
(c) While holding the cocking handle to the rear (with no tension on the bolt), place the
safety to SAFE.
(d) Return the cocking handle assembly to the fully forward and locked position.
(e) Push in the feed cover latches, look in a safe direction, raise the feed cover, and conduct a
four-point safety check (per step 1e above); lower the feed tray and close the feed cover,
making sure it locks shut.
(f) Pull and hold, with palm up, the cocking handle assembly with the right hand to the rear.
(g) While holding the cocking handle to the rear (with no tension on the bolt), place the
safety to FIRE.
(h) While depressing trigger, ease bolt forward to close and lock. Release trigger. Close
ejection port cover.
Table W-4 Part II: Operate M240B machine gun
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Load the weapon.
3. Engage the target.
4. Take immediate action.
5. Unload and clear the weapon.
W-5 Part II, Employ Hand Grenades Against Troops in The Open
Task basis: 071-COM-4407-Employ hand grenades
Tasks: Employ hand grenades
Conditions: You are a member of a team that has been directed to employ hand grenades
against troops in the open. You have two M67 fragmentation grenades.
Standards: Correctly perform all tasks, in sequence, within 30 seconds.
Requirements: Two training grenades with fuses. Candidate should place both grenades on
their person, properly secured in their grenade pouches. If the ESB uniform does not include
grenade pouches, the station will provide appropriate load bearing equipment to properly secure
the grenades. Single enemy silhouette at a range of 35 meters, with a five-meter radius circle
around it. Covered position for the candidate. Grader should immediately tell the candidate if
their grenade exploded within the circle, so the candidate can prepare and throw the second
grenade within the time limit if required.
Performance steps:
Note: There are five standard positions to throw grenades - standing, prone-to-standing,
kneeling, prone-to-kneeling, and alternate prone. However, if you can achieve more distance
and accuracy using your own personal style, do so as long as your body is facing sideways and
toward the enemy’s position, and you throw the grenade overhand while maintaining control of
your weapon.
1. Select proper throwing position:
(a) Ensure you have a proper covered position.
(b) Determine the distance to the target.
(c) Align your body with the target.
2. Grip the hand grenade:
Note: Do not remove the safety clip or the safety pin until the grenade is about to be thrown.
(a) Place the hand grenade in the palm of the throwing hand with the safety lever placed
between the first and second joints of the thumb.
Note: For left-handed throwers the grenade is inverted with the top of the fuse facing
(b) Keep the pull ring away from the palm of the throwing hand so that it can be easily
removed by the index or middle finger of the free hand.
3. Prepare the hand grenade.
(a) Tilt the grenade forward to observe the safety clip.
(b) Remove the safety clip by sweeping it away from the grenade with the thumb of the
opposite hand.
(c) Insert the index or middle finger of the non-throwing hand in the pull ring until it reaches
the knuckle.
(d) Ensure that you are holding the safety lever down firmly.
(e) Twist the pull ring toward the body (away from the body for left-handed throwers) to
release the pull ring from the confidence clip.
(f) Remove the safety pin by pulling the pull ring from the grenade.
4. Throw the hand grenade so it is within the effective range of the target:
(a) Observe the target to estimate the distance between the throwing position and the target
Note: In observing the target, minimize exposure time to the enemy (no more than 3 seconds).
Ensure there are no obstacles that can alter or block the flight of the grenade when it is thrown.
(b) Confirm body target alignment. Allow the motion of the throwing arm to continue
naturally once the grenade is released.
(c) Seek cover to avoid being hit by fragments or direct enemy fire.
Note: If no cover is available, drop to the prone position with your protective head gear facing
the direction of the grenade’s detonation.
(d) Prepare second grenade. Only pull the pin if needed.
(e) Reengage if grenade did not explode within five meters of the target (Grader guidance).
Note: Allow the clock to run on the first throw. If the first grenade is ineffective, the candidate
has the remaining time to reengage the target. Time will stop when the second grenade leaves
the candidate’s hand.
Table W-5 Part II: Employ hand grenades against open troops
1. Select proper throwing position.
2. Grip the hand grenade.
3. Prepare the hand grenade.
4. Throw the hand grenade within the effective range of the target.
W-5 Part III, Employ Hand Grenades Through a Window, Door or Bunker
Task basis: 071-COM-4407-Employ hand grenades, 071-440-0031-Employ hand grenades
during an urban operation
Tasks: Employ hand grenades
Conditions: You are a member of a team that has been directed to employ hand grenades
against troops in a building/room/bunker 10 meters away. You have two M67 fragmentation
Standards: Correctly perform all tasks, in sequence, within 1minute.
Requirements: Two training grenades with fuses. Candidate should place both grenades on
their person, properly secured in their grenade pouches. If the ESB uniform does not include
grenade pouches, the station will provide appropriate load bearing equipment to properly secure
the grenades. Building with an open window/door or bunker with overhead cover. Covered
position 10 meters away for the candidate to start from. Both correct and incorrect throwing
locations should be available for the candidate to select. Grader should immediately tell the
candidate if their grenade exploded within the opening, so the candidate can prepare and throw
the second grenade within the time limit if required.
Performance steps:
1. Identify the target to engage.
2. Select the appropriate movement technique; move to a safe, covered position with protection
from a roll back grenade and enemy fields of fire.
3. Select proper throwing position.
Note: Depending upon the type of target, type of grenade, and safety requirements for friendly
forces, any of the following methods may be used: overarm throwing, underarm lobbing,
throwing like a stone (sidearm delivery and or skipping a stone), flipping, or dropping in place,
while maintaining control of your weapon.
4. Determine the distance to the target.
5. Grip the hand grenade:
Note: Do not remove the safety clip or the safety pin until the grenade is about to be thrown.
(a) Place the hand grenade in the palm of the throwing hand with the safety lever placed
between the first and second joints of the thumb.
Note: For left-handed throwers the grenade is inverted with the top of the fuse facing
(b) Keep the pull ring away from the palm of the throwing hand so that it can be easily
removed by the index or middle finger of the free hand.
6. Prepare the hand grenade:
(a) Tilt the grenade forward to observe the safety clip.
(b) Remove the safety clip by sweeping it away from the grenade with the thumb of the
opposite hand.
(c) Insert the index or middle finger of the non-throwing hand in the pull ring until it reaches
the knuckle.
(d) Ensure that you are holding the safety lever down firmly.
(e) Twist the pull ring toward the body (away from the body for left-handed throwers) to
release the pull ring from the confidence clip.
(f) Remove the safety pin by pulling the pull ring from the grenade.
7. Throw the hand grenade so it is within the opening of the target:
(a) Observe the target to estimate the distance between the throwing position and the target
Note: In observing the target, minimize exposure time to the enemy (no more than 3 seconds).
(b) Ensure there are no obstacles that can alter or block the flight of the grenade when it is
(c) Confirm body target alignment.
(d) Allow the motion of the throwing arm to continue naturally once the grenade is released.
(e) Seek cover to avoid being hit by fragments or direct enemy fire.
Note: If no cover is available, drop to the prone position with your protective head gear facing
the target.
(f) Prepare second grenade.
(g) Reengage if grenade did not explode within five meters of the target (grader guidance).
Table W-5 Employ hand grenades through a window, door or bunker
1. Identify the target to engage.
2. Select the appropriate movement technique.
3. Select proper throwing position.
4. Select proper throwing position.
5. Grip the hand grenade.
6. Prepare the hand grenade.
7. Throw the hand grenade so it is within the opening of the target.
(o) Uncoil enough wire to place the spool out of sight. Place the remaining spool of wire
(with the blasting cap inside the spool) under a sandbag, behind a tree, or in a hole in the
(p) Remove the firing device with the test set attached from the bandoleer.
(q) Remove shorting plug/dust cover from connector of firing wire and the end of the test set.
(r) Plug connector of firing wire into test set and move firing device safety bail to FIRE
(s) Depress handle of firing device with a firm, quick squeeze, and observing flash of light
through window of test set. Candidate states, “I see the light”. When squeezing handle,
an indicator lamp in window of test set flashes. This flash indicates that blasting cap
circuitry is satisfactory.
(t) Place firing device on SAFE. Disconnect test set from firing wire; replace shorting
plug/dust covers.
(u) Disconnect test set from firing device and replace dust covers. Repack in bandoleer.
(v) Remove spool/firing wire/blasting cap from barrier used during circuit testing and walk
tactically while unrolling wire from firing position to site selected for munition. Lay
spool (with the blasting cap inside) down within arm’s reach.
(w) Assume a prone position and remove munition from bandoleer. Open legs to a 45-degree
facing front/rear.
(x) Ensure face of munition marked 'FRONT TOWARD ENEMY' and arrows on top of
munition point to enemy.
(y) Push legs into ground with munition facing direction of fire. In windy areas or when legs
cannot be pressed into ground, spread them as far as they will go so, they are facing
front/rear and mine will not tip.
4. Aim the munition:
(a) Select an aiming point at ground level in front of the munition.
(b) Position one eye about six inches to the rear of the sight.
(c) On knife-edge sight, align two edges of sight with aiming point. On slit-type peep sight,
align groove of sight in line with aiming point that is two and a half meters off ground.
Aiming point should be in center of area of coverage, with bottom edge of peep sight
parallel to ground that is to be covered with fragment spray.
(d) Aim the munition by aligning the two edges of the sight with the aiming point.
5. Arm the munition:
(a) Remove the blasting cap from the spool’s cavity. Secure the firing wire approximately
one meter from the blasting cap side of the munition to a stake, a stone, gravel, a
sandbag, or another available means.
(b) Hold the blasting cap against the center of the chest with the left hand.
(c) Encircle firing wire at base of the blasting cap with the index finger and thumb of the
right hand.
(d) While holding right hand to chest, extend left hand to arm’s length, pulling firing wire
through fingers of right hand. Lock the elbow and pull all slack from the firing wire.
(e) Place the blasting cap back into the spool’s cavity until ready to fire.
(f) At one-meter mark, fold firing wire to create a loop with a large enough circumference to
go around stake.
(g) Twist loop over index/middle fingers of right hand. Push loop through circle created
during previous step.
(h) Secure the firing wire from the blasting cap side of the munition to a stake or a fixed
object at the munition emplacement site. This prevents the munition from being
misaligned if the firing wire is disturbed.
(i) Unscrew/invert shipping plug priming adapter nearest stake or anchor. Remove blasting
cap from spool.
(j) Slide slotted end of shipping plug adapter approximately one inch onto firing wire
between crimped connections and blasting cap. Pull wire through slotted end of adapter
until top of blasting cap is firmly seated in bottom portion of shipping plug adapter.
Screw adapter, with blasting cap, into detonator well.
(k) Recheck the aim of the munition to ensure that the point of aim has not changed.
6. Camouflage the munition and firing wire on the way back to the firing position.
7. Seek cover. Remove firing device and test set from bandoleer; remove dust covers. Plug test
set into firing device.
8. Remove shorting plug/dust cover from connector of firing wire and from end of test set.
9. Plug connector of firing wire into test set. Move firing device safety bail to FIRE position.
10. Place the eye near the window of the test set and squeeze the handle of the firing device
quickly to observe the indicator lamp flashing through the window of the test set. Candidate
states, “I see the light”.
11. Move the firing device bail from FIRE position to the SAFE position.
12. Disconnect test set from firing wire and replace the firing wire and the test set shorting
plug/dust covers.
13. Disconnect test set from firing device and replace test set dust covers. Repack test set into
14. Fire the munition:
(a) Remove shorting plug/dust cover from end of firing wire. Connect the firing device to
the firing wire.
(b) State, “CLAYMORE” twice. Move firing device safety to FIRE and quickly squeeze
15. Disarm the mine:
(a) Ensure firing device safety bail is in SAFE position. Disconnect firing device from the
firing wire.
(b) Replace shorting plug on firing wire and dust cover on firing device. Place firing device
in bandoleer.
(c) Remove firing wire from stake or anchor at firing position and place the firing wire
forward of the position.
16. Recover the mine:
(a) Walk tactically to mine, assume a prone position, and check for booby traps and
(b) Remove shipping plug from detonator well. Separate shipping plug priming adapter from
blasting cap.
(c) Pick up the spool and insert the blasting cap inside it. Place the spool back on the
(d) Invert the shipping plug priming adapter and screw the plug end of the adapter into the
detonator well.
(e) Lift mine from emplacement and secure legs. Repack mine and all accessories into
(f) Remove the firing wire from the stake, anchor, or base of the emplaced munition.
(g) Pick up the spool. Wrap the firing wire on the spool as you move back to the firing
position and secure the shorting plug and dust cover inside the spool. Ensure all
components are packed in the bandoleer.
Table P-7: M18A1 claymore mine operation (electronic initiation)
1. Inventory the components.
2. Ensure the firing device is on “SAFE” and remove dust covers.
3. Prepare the munition for employment.
4. Aim the munition.
5. Arm the munition.
6. Camouflage the munition and firing wire.
7. Seek cover.
8. Remove the shorting plug/dust cover.
9. Plug connector of firing wire.
10. Place the eye near the window of the test set and test the firing device.
11. Move the firing device bail from “FIRE” to “SAFE”.
12. Disconnect test set from firing wire.
13. Disconnect test set from firing device.
14. Fire the munition.
15. Disarm the mine.
16. Recover the mine.
W-7: Javelin
Based on: 071-060-0004-Prepare a M98-series Javelin for Firing, 071-060-0006-React to
Javelin that Fails to Fire
Task: Prepare a M98 Javelin for firing. Perform immediate action procedures for a misfire.
Condition: You are a gunner who has been directed to engage enemy targets with your Javelin.
While engaging targets, you experience a misfire.
Standard: Prepare to fire in three minutes and thirty seconds. Perform immediate action
procedures for a misfire in two minutes. All tasks will be performed in sequence.
Station Requirements: A M98 training Javelin with appropriate tools and accessories. A
covered position for the Candidate to prepare the CLU, a firing position for the Candidate to
move to, and a target.
1) Prepare to Fire:
(a) Candidate will start from a standing position next to the Javelin on the ground behind
(b) Prepare the CLU. Ensure power switch is OFF. Install the CLU battery. Open day sight
and NVS lens covers on CLU.
(c) Place the round on the ground with the flat sides of the end caps down and latch assembly
facing up.
(d) Kneel on the left side of the round, at the forward end, facing forward.
(e) Remove forward end cap. Remove locking pin by pulling straight up on wire rope. Turn
forward end cap latch release counterclockwise. If cap does not come off, press manual
release button to relieve pressure. Remove forward end cap by lifting Javelin away from
forward end cap and resting missile on it.
(f) Remove protective covers from CLU and round interface connectors. Candidate
verbalizes if not quipped.
(g) Position protective covers so no interference exists when placing round interface bracket
in round hooks.
(h) Engage CLU and round interface connectors by sliding forward, then press down on
CLU. Round and CLU are connected correctly when latch release snaps into place. Rock
and gently lift the CLU to ensure it is attached.
(i) Position open end of round on forward end cap.
(j) Set power switch to NIGHT. The CLU has four modes of operation: Off, Day, Night (IR
Surveillance), and test.
(k) Verify CLU indicators are lit. Candidate verbalizes. Grader states, “CLU indicators are
(l) Perform battery warm-up procedures. Turn the power switch to DAY for 30 to 60
seconds. Grader will state, “30 seconds has elapsed”. Turn the power switch to OFF, then
back to NIGHT.
(m) Place on shoulder. Do not lift by handgrips; roll onto shoulder with right arm under
missile and left hand on grip. Adjust diopter adjust ring for clarity of CLU display.
Candidate verbalizes. Javelin is prepared to engage.
(n) Move to firing position and attempt to fire. Squeeze seeker trigger and wait four seconds
(Candidate will count) for seeker to initialize before locking tracking gates and
attempting to fire. Candidate visually checks and states, “Back blast area clear”.
(o) Acquire the target. Candidate verbalizes this step.
(p) Lock-on the target. Candidate verbalizes this step.
(f) If the bolt locks to the rear, depress the bolt latch to return the bolt to the forward
(g) Attempt to reengage the target; expend remaining ammunition.
5. Unload and clear the weapon, removing all rounds and links:
(a) Place trigger block on SAFE and unlock the bolt latch release.
(b) Raise the cover and lift the cartridge extractor.
(c) Remove the ammunition belt from the feed way.
(d) Place cartridge extractor down and close the cover.
(e) Pull and lock the bolt to the rear, leaving the retracting slide handle to the rear.
(f) Open the cover and inspect the chamber and T-slot for rounds.
(g) Press the bolt latch release and ease the bolt forward with retracting slide handle. Close
the cover.
Table W-4: Operate M-2 machine gun
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Load the weapon.
3. Take immediate action.
4. Engage the target.
5. Unload and clear an unfired round.
(b) Push both charger handles forward to up position. Attempt to reengage target; expend
remaining ammunition.
5. Unload and clear the weapon:
(a) Place the safety switch to SAFE and remove the case catch bag, if applicable.
(b) Charge the weapon. Pull both charger handles to the rear ensuring the bolt locks to the
rear. Return both charger handles to the forward position and rotate only one charger
handle up.
(c) Remove live round or spent case from the bolt, if present. Insert the tip of a cleaning rod
or tool through the receiver rail, as close to the bolt face as possible, with tip of rod or
tool on top of round or case. Position one hand beneath the weapon to catch the round as
it falls out. Force round off the bolt face and out the bottom of the gun by pushing down
on the cleaning rod or tool. Attempt to catch round as it falls out.
(d) Open top cover assembly. Remove linked rounds from feeder. Reach beneath feed tray
with one hand. Press and hold primary and secondary positioning pawls. Slide linked
rounds out of feeder and feed throat.
(e) Return the bolt to the forward position. Place the weapon on FIRE. Hold one charger
handle to the rear. Ride the bolt forward by squeezing the trigger and easing the bolt
forward. Ensure both charger handles are forward and up position. Place the weapon on
W-9 Operate heavy grenade launcher
1. Clear the weapon
2. Load the weapon
3. Attempt to fire weapon until stoppage occurs
4. Take immediate action
5. Unload and clear an unfired round
(e) Grader will state, “Misfire”. AG repeat “Misfire” three times and return pressure to
venturi lever with right hand.
(f) Gunner keep aim, recharge, and direct AG to check venturi lock.
(g) AG check handle is in lock position and round is fully seated, then state, “Venturi lock
(h) Gunner re-aim and state, "On the way".
(i) AG check BBA, state “BBA clear”, release venturi lever, leave hand in place above lever,
and watch BBA.
(j) Gunner pull trigger.
(k) Grader will state, “Misfire”. AG repeat “Misfire” three times and return pressure to
venturi lever with right hand.
(l) Gunner keep aim, place on “S”, and recharge. Maintain firing position and wait two
minutes (Candidate verbalizes).
(m) Gunner direct AG to load a new round, re-aim, and state, "On the way".
(n) AG check BBA, state, “BBA clear”, release venturi lever, leave hand in place above
lever, and watch BBA.
(o) Gunner pull trigger.
(p) Grader will state, “Misfire”.
(q) Gunner keep aim.
(r) AG repeat “Misfire” three times and return pressure to venturi lever with right hand.
3. Unload the weapon.
(a) Gunner place on "S"; with trigger hand on firing grip, place index finger on trigger guard.
State, "Unload”.
(b) AG repeat, "Unload”. Open breech and tap venturi lock knob forward to partially eject
round. Grasp round e from chamber; catch with underhand grip of right hand.
(c) Close breech with left hand and tap venturi lock knob to rear. Report, "Clear”.
Table. W-10: Anti-Tank Weapons (Carl Gustaf 84-Mm Recoilless Rifle)
1. Prepare and Fire, Carl Gustaf 84-mm Recoilless Rifle:
2. Perform Misfire Procedure and Unload: Carl Gustaf 84-mm Recoilless Rifle:
3. Unload the weapon, Carl Gustaf 84-mm Recoilless Rifle
(b) Place CAT, 2-3 inches above the wound on the injured extremity.
(c) Pull the free end of the self-adhering band through the buckle and route through the
friction adapter buckle.
(d) Pull the self-adhering band tight around the extremity and fasten it back on itself as
tightly as possible.
(e) Twist the windlass until the bleeding stops. Candidate will verbalize this and will ensure
to not overtighten if using an actual Soldier as a casualty.
(f) Lock the windlass in place within the windlass clip.
(g) Secure the windlass with the windlass strap.
(h) Assess for absence of a distal pulse. Candidate should perform and verbalize with proper
technique. Pulse must be taken with skin-to-skin contact and not using their thumb.
(i) Place a "T" and the time of the application on the casualty with a marker (provided in
casualty’s IFAK). This can be simulated and verbalized, or a piece of lamination can be
applied to the casualty’s forehead so each candidate can perform the task.
(j) Transport and transfer a Casualty:
4. Move the casualty using a Sked litter.
(a) Prepare the Sked litter for transport.
1) Remove the Sked litter from its pack and place it on the ground, unfasten the retainer
2) Step on foot end of Sked litter and unroll completely, bending the Sked in half and
back roll.
3) Repeat with the opposite end of the litter so that the Sked litter lays flat.
4) Pull out the handholds, straps for the casualty, and dragline at the head of the litter.
5) Place and secure a casualty to a Sked litter.
6) Place the Sked litter next to the casualty so that the head end of the litter is next to the
casualty's head and place the cross straps under the Sked litter.
7) Log roll casualty onto his/her non-CAT side in a steady and even manner.
8) Slide the Sked litter as far under the casualty as possible.
9) Gently roll the casualty until he/she is again lying on his/her back with the litter
beneath him/her.
10) Slide casualty to middle of the Sked litter, keeping his/her spinal column as straight
as possible.
11) Pull out the straps from under the Sked litter and bring the straps across the casualty.
12) Lift sides of Sked litter and fasten the four cross straps to the buckles directly
opposite the straps.
13) Lift the foot portion of the Sked litter feeding the foot straps over the casualty's lower
extremities and through the unused grommets at the foot end of the Sked litter.
14) Fasten the straps to the buckles and check to make sure the casualty is secured to the
Sked litter.
15) Reassess CAT.
(b) Suppress the enemy.
1) Candidate will return fire. When the candidate has demonstrated the proper
techniques, the Grader will state “Fire superiority has been achieved”, or the enemy
fire will stop.
2) Candidate states, “Cover me”. Grader will reply, “Got you covered”.
3) Drag the casualty 50 meters to the casualty collection point (CCP) and reassess CAT.
5. Document injuries and treatment given on casualty's TCCC Card (in IFAK) for transfer to
medical personnel.
(a) Remove TCCC Card. Administrative data will already be filled out.
(b) Complete all pertinent entries as fully as possible.
(c) Front of card:
1) Evacuation (EVAC): - Mark an “X” on the casualty’s evacuation priority/precedence
(Urgent; Priority; or Routine).
2) Date: Write date of injury in DD-MMM-YY format. For example, “29-JUN-13”.
3) Time: Write 24-hour time of injury, and indicate whether local (L) or Zulu (Z) time.
For example, “1300Z”.
4) Mechanism of Injury: Mark “X” on mechanism or cause of injury (artillery, blunt,
burn, fall, grenade, gunshot wound (GSW), IED, landmine, motor vehicle
crash/collision (MVC), rocket propelled grenade (RPG), other (specify)). Mark all
that apply.
5) Injury: Mark an “X” at the site of the injury/injuries on the body picture.
6) TQ: R Leg (tourniquet, right leg) - If a tourniquet is applied to the right leg, write
type of tourniquet used and the time of tourniquet application.
7) TQ: L Leg (tourniquet, left leg) - If a tourniquet is applied to the left leg, write type
of tourniquet used and the time of tourniquet application.
(d) Back of card:
1) Evacuation (EVAC): Mark “X” on casualty’s priority/precedence (Urgent; Priority;
2) C: Mark an “X” for all Circulation hemorrhage control interventions. For
tourniquets (TQ), mark category (Extremity, Junctional and/or Truncal) and write
name of TQ(s) used.
3) First Responder Name: Print the first responder’s name (Last, First).
4) First Responder Last 4: Write last four numbers of first responder’s Social Security
5) Attach completed card to casualty per unit SOP. Do not attach the card to casualty's
body armor as this equipment may will be separated from the casualty once they
arrive at the medical treatment facility (MTF).
Table. M-2: Provide care under fire and move a casualty
1. Suppress enemy fire.
2. Move the casualty and his/her equipment to cover.
3. Administer life-saving aid.
4. Move the casualty using a Sked Litter.
5. Document injuries and treatment given and transfer to medical personnel.
5. Insert an NPA:
(a) Keep the casualty in a face-up position.
(b) Select the appropriate size of airway by measuring from the patient's nostril to the earlobe
or from the patient's nostril to the angle of the jaw.
(c) Lubricate the tube of the NPA:
(d) Push the tip of the casualty's nose upward gently.
(e) Position tube of the NPA so that the bevel (pointed end) of the NPA faces toward the
septum (the partition inside the nose that separates the nostrils). Most NPAs are designed
to be placed in the right nostril.
(f) Insert NPA into the nostril and advance it until the flange rests against the nostril. Never
force the airway into the patient's nostril. If resistance is met, pull the tube out and
attempt to insert it in the other nostril.
(g) Recheck breathing per step 4.
Grader will state, “Casualty is still not breathing”
6. Give breaths to ensure an open airway:
(a) Insert a face shield, if available, into the casualty's mouth, with the short airway portion
over the top of the tongue, and flatten the plastic sheet around the mouth.
(b) Maintain airway and gently pinch nose closed (covering the NPA), using the hand on the
casualty's forehead.
(c) Take a normal breath and place your mouth, in an airtight seal, around the casualty's
(d) Give two breaths (1 second each), taking a breath between them, while watching for the
chest to rise and fall and listening and/or feeling for air to escape during exhalation.
Breaths should not be over-exaggerated or forceful.
Grader will state, “The chest did not rise”
(e) Reposition the casualty's head slightly farther backward and repeat the breaths.
Grader will state, “The chest did not rise”
7. Perform chest compressions to clear the airway:
(a) Kneel close to the side of the casualty's body.
(b) Locate the nipple line placing the heel of one hand on the lower half of the sternum
(c) Place the heel of the other hand on top of the first hand on the lower half of the
breastbone, extending or interlacing the fingers.
(d) Straighten and lock the elbows with the shoulders directly above the hands.
(e) Without bending the elbows, rocking, or allowing the shoulders to sag, apply enough
pressure to depress the breastbone 1½ to 2 inches. Give compressions at a rate of 100 per
minute (hard and fast at a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths) with the intent of
relieving the obstruction.
(f) Look in the mouth for objects between compressions and breaths. After one round of
compressions and breaths, the
Grader will state, “You see an object in the casualty’s mouth”
(g) Remove the object. Candidate simulates using proper technique.
8. Reopen airway and repeat the breaths (Steps 3 & 4).
Grader will state, “You see the chest rise and fall with your breaths, but the casualty is still
not breathing”.
9. Check for a pulse for five to 10 seconds: Place tips of index and middle fingers in groove in
casualty's throat beside the Adam's apple on the side closest to you. Do NOT use the thumb.
Grader states, “You do not feel a pulse”
10. Perform CPR:
(a) Position your hands and body for chest compressions as in step 7.
(b) Give 30 compressions:
(c) Press straight down to depress the breastbone 1 ½ to 2 inches.
(d) Come straight up and completely release pressure on breastbone to allow chest to return
to its normal position. The time allowed for release should equal the time required for
(e) Give 30 compressions in about 23 seconds (at a rate of 100 per minute). Do NOT
remove the heel of your hand from the casualty’s chest or reposition your hand between
compressions. However, all pressure must be released from the chest cavity to allow for
full chest wall expansion.
(f) Give two breaths:
(g) Open the casualty's airway.
(h) Give two breaths (1 second each).
(i) Repeat steps 10a-c for five cycles or two minutes. After one PROPERLY performed
cycle, the Grader will state, “Two minutes has elapsed”. If the candidate does not
perform the steps properly within two minutes, they will be a NO-GO.
(j) Reassess the casualty:
(k) Check for the return of the pulse for 3 to 5 seconds.
Grader will state, “You feel a pulse”
(l) Check breathing for 3 to 5 seconds.
Grader will state, “Casualty is not breathing”
(m) Give breaths at the rate of one every 5 to 6 seconds (10 to 12 breaths per minute).
(n) Note: Breaths should not be over exaggerated or forceful. After the candidate has
demonstrated proper performance, grader will state, “Two minutes has elapsed”. If the
candidate does not perform the steps properly within two minutes, they will be a NO-GO.
(o) Recheck for pulse and breathing.
Grader will state, “The casualty is breathing and conscious”
(p) Place the casualty in the recovery position (by rolling him/her as a single unit onto his/her
side, placing the hand of his/her upper arm under his/her chin, and flexing his/her upper
leg) until help arrives. Watch the casualty closely for life-threatening conditions,
maintain an open airway, and check for other injuries.
(q) Candidate will state that if the casualty’s condition deteriorates, they will continue CPR
(r) The breathing and pulse returns.
(s) They are relieved or stopped by a qualified person.
(t) They are physically unable to continue.
Table M3: Perform first aid to restore breathing and or pulse
(b) Treatment:
1) Call for evacuation. Candidate verbalizes.
2) Cool the casualty with any means available, even before taking the clothes off (Unit
3) Remove the casualty's outer garments and/or protective clothing.
4) Lay the casualty down and elevate his/her legs.
5) Immerse the casualty in cold water if available.
6) Place ice sheets/packs in groin, armpits, and around neck.
7) Cover all but the face with a soaked ice sheet.
8) Evacuate the casualty. Candidate verbalizes.
Table M-4: Evaluate a casualty for a heat injury
1. Heat cramps.
2. Heat exhaustion.
3. Heat stroke.
(b) Place a second CAT, from the casualty’s IFAK, side-by-side but above the other
(c) Pull free end of self-adhering band through buckle and route through friction adapter
buckle. On an arm wound, it is not necessary to route the strap through the friction
(d) Pull self-adhering band tight around extremity and fasten it back on itself as tightly as
(e) Twist the windlass until the bleeding stops. Candidate will verbalize this and will ensure
to not overtighten if using an actual Soldier as a casualty.
(f) Lock the windlass in place within the windlass clip and secure the windlass with the
windlass strap.
(g) Assess for absence of a distal pulse. Candidate should perform and verbalize with proper
technique. Pulse must be taken with skin-to-skin contact and not using their thumb.
(h) Place a "T" and the time of the application on the casualty with a marker (provided in
casualty’s IFAK). This can be simulated and verbalized, or a piece of lamination can be
applied to the casualty’s forehead so each Candidate can perform the task.
(i) Secure the CAT in place with tape (provided in casualty’s IFAK).
(j) Apply a pressure or hemostatic dressing.
Table M-5: Control bleeding
1. Perform a blood sweep and expose wounds as needed.
2. Apply a hemostatic dressing.
3. Reassess any tourniquets.
(d) The front height of the collar should fit between the chin and the chest at the suprasternal
(e) Once in place, the collar should rest on the shoulder girdle and provide firm support
under both sides of the mandible without obstructing the airway or any ventilation efforts.
(f) If the collar is too large, the casualty's neck may be placed in hyperextension.
(g) If the collar is too small, the casualty's neck may be placed in hyperflexion.
(h) Size the collar based on the manufacturer instructions.
(i) Apply the collar to a supine casualty.
(j) Ensure the other Soldier maintains in-line stabilization.
(k) Set the collar in place around the neck.
(l) Secure the Velcro strap in place.
(m) Maintain manual stabilization of the head and neck until the casualty is immobilized on a
long spine board. If the assistant is notional, the Grader will state, “The other Soldier has
the head and neck immobilized”.
(n) Immobilize casualty to spine board using straps and head immobilization blocks (or
3. Assess for shock:
(a) Assess casualty’s level of consciousness.
Grader will state, “Casualty does not answer, but reacts to pain”.
(b) Evaluate skin.
Grader will state, “Skin is pale and moist; abdomen is distended”.
(c) Assess capillary refill on a finger.
Grader will state, “Capillary refill takes four seconds”.
(d) Check for pedal pulse (skin to skin; no thumb).
Grader will state, “You do not feel a pulse”.
(e) Check for femoral pulse (skin to skin; no thumb).
Grader will state, “You do not feel a pulse”.
(f) Check for radial pulse (skin to skin; no thumb).
Grader will state, “You do not feel a measurable pulse”.
(g) Check for carotid pulse (skin to skin; no thumb).
Grader will state, “You feel a weak but rapid pulse”.
(h) Measure pulse for 30 seconds (skin to skin; no thumb).
Grader prompt if using a mannequin.
(i) Assess respirations.
Grader will state, “Respirations are rapid but shallow”.
(j) Measure respirations for 30 seconds.
Grader prompt if using a mannequin.
4. Treat for hemorrhagic shock.
(a) Position the casualty.
1) Move the casualty under shelter to shade him/her from direct sunlight.
Note: Secure casualty to the litter before moving. If no assistant is available, Candidate will
verbalize, but still ensure to secure the casualty on the litter.
(b) Maintain supine position and spinal immobilization.
(c) Loosen clothing at the neck, waist, or anywhere it is binding.
(d) Prevent the casualty from getting chilled or overheated. Using a blanket or clothing,
cover the casualty to avoid loss of body heat by wrapping completely around the
casualty, underneath the litter straps. Re-secure the patient on the litter.
(e) Calm and reassure the casualty; watch the casualty closely for life-threatening conditions.
5. Correctly record all treatments on the front and back of the TCCC Card:
(a) Evacuation (EVAC): -Mark an “X” on the casualty’s evacuation priority/precedence
(Urgent; Priority; Routine).
(b) Date: Write date of injury in DD-MMM-YY format. For example, “29-JUN-13”.
(c) Time: Write 24-hour time of injury, and indicate whether local (L) or Zulu (Z) time. For
example, “1300Z”.
(d) Mechanism of Injury: Mark an “X” on the mechanism or cause of injury (artillery, blunt,
burn, fall, grenade, gunshot wound (GSW), IED, landmine, motor vehicle crash/collision
(MVC), rocket propelled grenade (RPG), other (specify)). Mark all that apply.
(e) Injury: Mark an “X” at the site of the injury/injuries on the body picture. If multiple
mechanisms of injury and multiple injuries, draw a line between the mechanism of injury
and the anatomical site of the injury. (Spinal injury and internal bleeding).
(f) Time: Write time of vital signs taken.
(g) Pulse (rate & location): Write casualty's pulse rate.
(h) Respiratory Rate: Write casualty's respiratory rate.
(i) AVPU: Write casualty's level of consciousness (AVPU: Alert, Verbal, Pain,
(j) Evacuation (EVAC): Mark an “X” on the casualty’s evacuation priority/precedence
(Urgent; Priority; Routine).
(k) Other: Mark an “X” for other treatments administered (combat pill pack, eye shield
(mark right (R) or left (L)), splint, hypothermia prevention) and type of device(s) used.
(Cervical collar).
Notes - Use this space to record any other pertinent information and/or clarifications.
(Patient exhibiting signs and symptoms of shock).
(l) First responder name: Print the first responder’s name (Last, First).
(m) First responder last 4: Write last four numbers of first responder’s SSN.
(n) Secure the TCCC card to the casualty per unit SOP.
Table Evaluate and treat a causality for a spinal injury and shock
1. Identify signs and symptoms of shock.
2. Apply a cervical collar.
3. Assess for shock.
4. Treat for hemorrhagic shock.
5. Correctly record all treatments on the front and back of the TCCC card.
M-8: Perform First Aid for an Open Head Wound in a CBRNE Environment
Task Basis: 081-831-1033-Perform First Aid for an Open Head Wound
Tasks: Treat a casualty with an open head wound in a CBRNE Environment.
Conditions: You are a member of a team on a combat patrol in a CBRNE environment that has
come under indirect fire. You witness a teammate in the open receive fragmentation to the head.
Your teammate was able to move to you and is responsive. You are behind cover, not under
hostile fire, and your teammates have established a security perimeter. You must begin
treatment while waiting on medical personnel to arrive. The injured Soldier is conscious and
alert. You are in MOPP level three.
Standards: Perform all tasks to standard, in sequence, within five minutes, without causing
further injury.
Requirements: A simulated casualty (mannequin with all extremities) with a clearly visible
simulated head wound. Casualty will be in a full MOPP level three combat uniform per Unit
SOP, including weapon and a fully packed IFAK. Something for the casualty to sit/lean against.
Unit may degrade this Candidate’s MOPP uniform due to heat considerations but the Candidate
will wear the complete ESB uniform and protective mask at a minimum.
Performance steps:
1. Check the casualty's level of consciousness by asking, "What is your name, where you, and
what is today's date?" Grader states, “The casualty replies appropriately”.
2. Position the casualty.
(a) Have the casualty sit up.
(b) Turn head to the side (opposite the wound) to prevent bleeding into the mouth.
3. Expose the wound by removing the casualty's helmet, if necessary, but retaining all MOPP
garments. Do NOT attempt to clean the wound, remove a protruding object, or apply a
pressure dressing. Do NOT put unnecessary pressure on the wound or attempt to push any
brain matter back into the head (skull). Do NOT touch white (sterile) side of dressing or
allow it to come into contact with any surface other than wound.
4. The following procedures are for applying a field dressing. If you are applying an
emergency bandage, follow the procedure for other bleeding wounds, while observing
general guidelines and precautions.
(a) Apply the casualty's dressing to a wound on the forehead or back of head.
(b) Apply dressing, white side down, directly over wound with tails extending toward sides
of head.
(c) Wrap tails, one at a time, around head in opposite directions, making sure tails cover
dressing but not eyes or ears.
(d) Tie the tails at the side of the head using a nonslip knot.
(e) Apply the casualty's dressing to a wound on the top of head.
(f) Apply the dressing, white side down, directly over the wound.
(g) Wrap 1st tail under chin and bring up in front of ear over dressing above and in front of
the other ear.
Note: Ensure tails remain wide and close to the front of the chin to avoid choking the casualty.
(h) Wrap 2nd tail under chin in opposite direction and up the side of head to meet 1st tail.
(i) Cross the tails.
(j) Wrap one tail across forehead above eyebrows to a point just above and in front of
opposite ear.
(k) Wrap other tail above ear, low over back of head, and above opposite ear to meet the
other tail.
(l) Tie the tails using a nonslip knot.
(m) Apply the casualty's dressing to a wound on the side of the head or cheek.
(n) Apply dressing, white side down, directly over the wound with the tails extending up and
(o) Wrap the top tail over the top of the head, down in front of the ear, under the chin, and up
over the dressing to a point just above the ear.
(p) Wrap the other tail in the opposite direction to meet the first tail.
(q) Cross the tails and complete the procedure as follows:
(r) Wrap 1st tail across forehead above eyebrows to a point above and in front of opposite
(s) Wrap the 2nd tail above ear, low over back of head, and above opposite ear to meet 1st
(t) Tie the tails using a nonslip knot.
5. Watch the casualty for life-threatening conditions, check for other injuries, and treat for
shock. Seek medical aid.
Table M-8 Perform first aid for an open head wound in a CBRNE environment
1. Check the casualty’s level of consciousness.
2. Position the casualty
3. Expose the wound.
4. Apply a field dressing.
5. Watch he casualty for life-threatening conditions, check for other injuries,
treat for shock, and seek medical aid.
(a) Loosen binding clothing and prevent the casualty from getting chilled or overheated.
While performing this step, the Grader will state, “The casualty is making vomiting
(b) Roll to side without causing further injuries. Grader will state, “Vomiting has stopped”.
(c) Return to supine position with knees flexed. Re-secure bandages and blanket if needed.
6. Treat lacerations and contusions of tissue surrounding the eye (Grader prompt if not
(a) Close the lid of the affected eye. Do not exert pressure or manipulate the globe in any
(b) Cover the injury with moist, sterile dressing to prevent drying.
(c) Cover torn eyelids with a loose dressing. Place field dressing over eye pad or dressing.
7. Treat injury to the eyeball (Grader prompt if not simulated). Do not reposition the globe or
replace it in the socket.
(a) Cover injured eye with a sterile dressing soaked in saline to keep the wound from drying.
(b) Place a field dressing over eye pad. Tell the casualty not to squeeze the eyelids together.
8. Treat extrusion (Grader prompt if not simulated):
(a) Cut a hole in several layers of dressing material and then moisten it with saline.
(b) Place dressing so globe protrudes through hole without touching it. Build up dressing
higher than globe.
(c) Apply Fox eye shield or improvised object such as a paper cup, structural aluminum
malleable (SAM) splint, or intact set of eyewear secured in place.
(d) Apply garter shield cover or tape to edges of Fox eye shield or object.
(e) Place over the injured eye, resting on the bony support of the face and secure with tape.
9. Treat protruding object (Grader prompt if not simulated): Immobilize object and dress with
moist, loose dressing.
Table M-9: Treat an open abdominal wound and eye injuries
1. Check for entry and exit wounds.
2. Position the casualty.
3. Expose the wound.
4. Apply a moist, sterile abdominal dressing.
5. Treat for shock.
6. Treat lacerations and contusions of tissue surrounding the eye.
7. Treat injury to the eyeball.
8. Treat extrusion.
9. Treat protruding object.
(e) Check splint for tightness. Make sure cravats are tight enough to hold splinting materials
securely in place. Recheck circulation below injury to make sure that circulation is not
impaired. Make any adjustments to improve circulation without allowing splint to
become ineffective.
4. Sling-actual or improvised (Grader choice): Make an improvised sling from non-stretching
(a) Ensure supporting pressure is on uninjured side and hand of supported arm is slightly
higher than elbow.
(b) Recheck circulation below the injury to make sure that circulation is not impaired.
(c) Make any adjustments to improve circulation without allowing the sling to become
5. Swathe (Grader choice): Apply when there is a splinted fracture of elbow/leg or when
fracture cannot be splinted.
(a) Place swathes above and/or below the fracture, not over it.
(b) Apply swathes to arm by wrapping over injured arm, around casualty's back, and under
arm on uninjured side. Tie ends on uninjured side.
(c) Apply swathes to injured leg by wrapping swathes around both legs and tying on
uninjured side.
(d) Recheck circulation below the injury to make sure that circulation is not impaired.
(e) Make any adjustments to improve circulation without allowing the swathe to become
6. Treat burn:
(a) Cut casualty's clothing away from burns and remove potentially constricting items such
as rings/bracelets.
(b) Apply a dry sterile dressing securely but not overly tight. Cover extensive burns with a
sterile sheet/linen.
Table M-10: Treat a fracture and a burn
1. Reassure casualty and explain the process of treating the fracture.
2. Check for signs of circulation problems below injury
3. Splint.
4. Sling.
5. Swathe.
6. Treat burn.
(i) That same 25-meter fighting position would be .3125 meters long and still appear as 6.25
(j) That same 50-meter building would be .625 meters long and still appear as 12.5 mils.
(k) If the Candidate makes a 50-meter correction, the Grader would move .625 meters.
(l) If the Candidate makes a 400-meter correction, the Grader would move 5 meters. Other
distances or target sizes may be used, but:
(m) They must be represented accurately and to scale.
(n) The Candidate must know the actual size of the enemy target.
(o) The simulated target should be far enough away to require the Candidate to use the
(2) Transmit the Call for Fire:
(a) Candidate plots their location on the map.
(b) Candidate determines direction to target using compass.
(c) Candidate estimates distance to target using mil-relation method based on known size.
(d) Candidate plots the enemy location on the map.
(e) Candidate transmits call for fire to the FDC using three transmissions.
1) Send observer identification and warning order.
2) Send eight-digit grid to the target location. Must be accurate within 250 meters.
3) Send target description, method of engagement, and method of fire and control
(direction if desired).
(3) Adjust Fire:
(a) If not already sent, give direction to target within 100 mils or five degrees as a four-digit
(b) Adjust rounds. Grader will stand at or point to the Candidate’s initial impact location.
Regardless of how accurate the grid was, the Grader should put the initial impact far
enough away to require at least two corrections. All impact locations must be given
accurately based on the target scale and the Candidate’s stated corrections.
(c) Spot each round when it impacts as right or left, over or short of your target.
(d) Determine corrections for deviation left or right of the target. Measure the horizontal
angle in mils, using reticle pattern in binoculars. Estimate range to target and divide by
1,000. This is the Observer-Target (OT) factor. If OT distance is 1,000 meters or greater,
the OT Factor is expressed to the nearest whole number. If OT distance is less than 1,000
meters, the OT factor is expressed to the nearest 1/10th. For example, 800 = 0.8.
Multiplying the OT factor by the deviation measured in mils produces deviation
corrections in meters.
(e) When the first range spotting is observed, make a range correction that would result in a
range spotting in the opposite direction. NO-GO if the Candidate does not bracket
correctly. For example, if you estimate that the first round impacted 50 mils left and 250
meters short on a target that is 2100 meters away, add enough to get an over on the next
round. You must add 400 meters to start successive bracketing procedures. With an OT
factor of 2, the round impacted 100 meters left. Your correction to the FDC is "RIGHT
100-ADD 400-OVER".
(f) Continue splitting the range bracket until a 100-meter bracket is split or range correct
spotting is observed, maintaining deviation on line, and transmitting all corrections to the
FDC in meters. After each correction the Grader will state, “Shot over”, and the
Candidate will reply with “Shot out”. The Grader will move to the new impact location,
raise one hand for several seconds, and wait for the Candidate’s next correction.
(g) Use the following guide to establish a bracket. When the estimated round impact distance
to the target is:
1) More than 400 meters, add or drop 800 meters.
2) More than 200 but less than 400 meters, add or drop 400meters.
3) More than 100 but less than 200 meters, add or drop 200meters.
4) Less than 100 meters, add or drop 100 meters.
5) Add or drop 50 meters and announce Fire for Effect.
(4) Fire for Effect:
(a) When a 100-meter bracket is split or a range correct spotting is made, the fire-for-
effect phase is entered.
(b) Observe the results of fire for effect. Give a brief description of what happened to
Table. P-1: Adjust Indirect Fire
1. Target Setup
2. Transmit the Call for Fire
3. Adjust Fire
4. Fire for Effect
2) Grasp the sling of the weapon at the upper sling swivel with your firing hand.
3) Let the hand guard rest on your forearm and keep the muzzle of the weapon off the
4) Move forward.
5) Push both arms forward while pulling your firing side leg forward.
6) Pull on the ground with both arms while pushing with your firing side leg.
7) Repeat until you reach your next position.
(c) Move using rush technique. The rush is the fastest way to move from one position to
another. Use when you must cross an open area and time is critical.
1) Raise your head and select your next position.
2) Lower your head and draw your arms into your body.
3) Pull your firing side leg forward, raise your body, and get up quickly.
4) Run for 3-5 seconds to your next position.
5) Plant both feet just before hitting the ground; fall forward and drop to your knees.
6) Slide your firing hand down to the heel of the butt of your weapon, using it to break
your fall.
5. Occupy your identified firing position within 100 meters of the enemy position and engage
the enemy.
Note: Grader will verbalize the destruction of the enemy. Time will stop.
Table P-2: Move under direct fire
1. Select appropriate route.
2. Communicate your movement.
3. Suppress the enemy.
4. Conduct movement using the appropriate techniques.
5. Occupy your identified firing position within 100 meters of enemy and
(b) Secure items that rattle or make noise when moved and/or worn.
(c) Breakup the shape of large and/or bulky equipment using natural or man-made items.
Visual Signaling Techniques:
8. Combat formations:
(a) Disperse: Extend the arm horizontally. Wave the arm and hand to the front, left, right,
and rear. Point toward the direction of each movement.
(b) Assemble or rally: Raise arm vertically overhead. Turn palm to the front. Wave in large
horizontal circles. Point to assembly or rally site.
(c) Join me, follow me, or come forward: Point toward person(s) or unit. Beckon by
holding the arm horizontally to the front with palm up. Motion toward the body.
(d) Increase speed, double time, or rush: Raise the fist to the shoulder. Thrust the fist
upward to the full extent of the arm and back to shoulder level. Continue rapidly several
(e) Quick time: Extend the arm horizontally sideward. Turn palm to the front. Wave the
arm slightly downward several times, keeping the arm straight. Keep arm at shoulder
(f) Enemy in sight: Hold the rifle in the ready position at shoulder level. Point rifle in the
direction of enemy.
(g) Wedge: Extend the arms downward to the side. Turn the palms to the front. Place your
arms at a 45degree angle below horizontal.
(h) Vee: Raise the arms. Extend the arms 45-degrees above the horizontal.
(i) Line: Extend the arms. Turn palms downward parallel to the ground.
(j) Coil: Raise one arm above the head. Rotate it in a small circle.
(k) Staggered column: Extend the arms so that upper arms are parallel to the ground. Make
sure the forearms are perpendicular. Raise the arms so they are fully extended above the
9. Battle drills:
(a) Contact left or right: (Grader choice). Extend the left/right arm parallel to the ground.
Bend the arm until the forearm is perpendicular. Repeat.
(b) Action left or right: (Grader choice). Extend both arms parallel to the ground. Raise the
left/right arm until it is overhead. Repeat.
(c) Air attack: Bend the arms with forearms at a 45-degree angle. The forearms should
cross. Repeat.
(d) Nuclear, biological, or chemical attack: Extend the arms and fists. Bend the arms to the
shoulders. Repeat.
(e) Patrolling:
(f) Map check: Place one hand on top of other. Point at palm of one hand with index finger
of other hand.
(g) Pace count: Bend knee so that heel can be tapped on. Tap heel of boot repeatedly with
the open hand.
(h) Head count: Raise one arm behind the head. Tap the back of the helmet repeatedly with
an open hand.
(i) Danger area: Raise one hand up until it is level with the throat. Draw the hand, palm
down in a throat cutting motion across the neck.
(j) Freeze or halt: Make a fist with one hand. Raise the fist to head level.
10. Control drivers:
(a) Start engine or prepare to move: Simulate cranking of the engine by moving the arm,
with the fist, in a circular motion at waist level.
(b) Halt or stop: Raise the hand upward to the full extent of the arm, with palm to the front.
Hold that position until the signal is understood.
(c) Left or right turn: Grader choice. Extend the opposite arm horizontally to the side. Turn
palm toward vehicle with finger extended in the direction of travel.
(d) Move forward: Face the vehicle. Raise the hands to shoulder level with palms facing the
chest. Move the hands and forearms backward and forward.
(e) Move in reverse: Face the vehicle. Raise the hands to shoulder level with palms facing
the vehicle. Move the hands and forearms backward and forward.
(f) Stop engine: Extend the arm parallel to the ground with hand open. Move the arm across
the body in a throat-cutting motion.
Table P-5: Camouflage and visual signaling techniques
1. Subtly employ realistic camouflage that resembles the background;
2. Use natural or artificial materials to breakup regular shapes.
3. Reduce possible shine by covering or removing items that may reflect light.
4. Blend colors with the surroundings.
5. Camouflage your exposed skin.
6. Camouflage your uniform and helmet.
7. Camouflage your personal equipment.
8. Combat formations.
9. Battle drills.
10. Patrolling.
11. Control drivers.
(s) Thoroughly scrub your hands with lotion again as in the steps above.
(t) Assume MOPP Level 4 by putting on protective gloves; fasten Velcro.
9. Decontaminate your equipment (M295 or M334).
(a) Open the M334 at either end where the kit is notched.
(b) Remove one M334 packet from the kit.
(c) Open an M334 packet at a notch on the packet.
(d) Remove the individual wipe from the packet and unfold completely.
(e) Decontaminate all contaminated individual equipment by wiping the surface using
sweeping motions away from the body. Take care not to spread contamination to any
area that has been visually determined clean. Note: M334 individual wipe may leave
behind a film on decontaminated surfaces. This film may alter how certain surfaces (i.e.,
optics, reflective surfaces) process light. Refer to the decontaminated equipment's TM
for cleaning procedures, as some surfaces may require specific procedures to avoid
damaging the surface. In the absence of cleaning procedures, a lens cloth has been found
to be an effective means of removing any film left behind by the M334 individual wipe.
(f) Note: The wipe may be folded/refolded as necessary to maximize use of the clean areas
of the wipe, to obtain the proper grip, and to ensure even contact pressure. When wiping,
pay special attention to areas that are hard to reach, such as cracks, crevices, and
absorbent materials. To avoid premature evaporation of the solvent, do not open a new
M334 packet until needed.
(g) Dispose of contaminated waste material in accordance with unit SOP.
Table P-7: Chemical and biological operations
1. Don mask assembly.
2. Clear mask assembly.
3. Seal mask assembly.
4. Give the alarm.
5. Close mask carrier.
6. Don the hood, if applicable.
7. Seek overhead cover.
8. Decontaminate your hands, face, and the inside of your mask.
9. Decontaminate your equipment.
(c) Program one secure (SC; cypher text (CT)), operational frequency, into the radio
according to the SOI.
(d) Radio check:
Note: NO-GO if candidate cannot communicate on this frequency/uses improper
pronunciation/procedures so long as it is not an equipment failure.
2. Prepare SPOTREP.
1. LINE 1: Date time group (DTG) of report submission.
2. LINE 2: Reporting unit and method of observation: unaided, binoculars, infrared,
thermal, night vision device, unmanned aircraft system, or other. Follow with narrative if
3. LINE 3: Size of detected element:
(a) Persons: Military, Civilian.
(b) Vehicles: Military, Civilian.
(c) Equipment: Military, Civilian.
4. LINE 4: Activity of detected element at DTG of report (sub-type if applicable). If
needed add narrative.
(a) Attacking (direction from).
(b) Air defense artillery (ADA) (engaging).
(c) Aircraft (engaging) (rotary wing [RW], fixed wing [FW]).
(d) Ambush improvised explosive device (IED) [exploded], IED [unexploded], sniper,
anti-armor, other).
(e) Indirect fire (point of impact, point of origin).
(f) Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN).
(g) Defending (direction from).
(h) Moving (direction from).
(i) Stationary.
(j) Cache.
(k) Civilian (criminal acts, unrest, infrastructure damage).
(l) Personnel recovery (isolating event, observed signal).
(m) Other (give name and description).
5. LINE 5: location (grid coordinate with military grid reference system (MGRS) grid zone
designator of detected element activity or event observed). Must send correct six-digit
(a) Candidate plots their location on the map.
(b) Candidate determines direction to target using compass.
(c) Candidate estimates distance to target using mil-relation method based on known
(d) Candidate plots the enemy location on the map.
6. LINE 6: Unit (detected element unit, organization, or facility). If it cannot be identified
it should be described in detail to include; uniform, vehicle markings, or other identifying
(a) Conventional.
(b) Irregular.
(c) Coalition.
(d) Host nation.
Table P-10: Transmit a spot report with a tactical man pack radio
1. Assemble, load, program, and conduct radio check.
2. Prepare SPOTREP.
3. Send SPOTREP to next higher element.
(b) Gloves may be stored under Gen III shell to keep warm and prevent accumulation of
snow inside the mittens.
(c) Do not wear with Trigger Finger Mittens.
4. Correctly identify and Explain the seven (7) levels of the Generation III ECWCS
1) Level 1 (Base Layer)
(a) Lightweight Cold Weather Undershirt and Drawers.
(b) Long sleeve top and full-length bottom constructed from silk weight moisture
wicking polyester.
(c) Material aids in movement of moisture from the skin to the outer layers.
2) Level 2 (Base / Insulation Layer)
(a) Mid-weight Cold Weather Shirt and Drawers.
(b) Long sleeve top and full-length bottom garments constructed out of polyester ‘grid’
fleece. (Waffle top and bottoms)
(c) Grid fleece provides an increase of surface area for transportation of moisture away
from the wearer during movement.
(d) Can be worn next to skin or over Level 1 for additional insulation.
3) Level 3 (Insulation Layer)
(a) Fleece Jacket is the primary insulation layer for use in moderate to cold climates.
(b) Thermal pro, animal fur mimicking insulation provides an increase in warmth to
weight ratio along with a reduction in volume when packed.
4) Level 3 Fleece is not an outer layer.
5) Level 4 (Outer Shell)
(a) Wind Cold Weather Jacket is made of a lightweight, wind resistant and water
repellant material.
(b) Acts as a minimum outer shell layer, improving the performance of moisture wicking
layers when combined with Body Armor and / or the ACU.
6) Level 5 (Outer Shell)
(a) Soft Shell Cold Weather Jacket and Trousers.
(b) Made of a water and wind resistant material that increases moisture vapor transfer.
(c) Increased breathability improves performance of insulation layers by decreasing
saturation due to moisture vapor accumulation.
(d) Provides a reduction in weight, bulk, and noise signature during movement.
(e) Designed for cold / dry climate.
7) Level 6 (Outer Shell)
(a) Extreme Cold / Wet Weather Jacket and Trousers.
(b) A waterproof layer for use in prolonged or hard rain and cold / wet conditions.
(c) Designed for cold / wet climate.
8) Level 7 (Outer Shell)
(a) Extreme Cold Weather Parka and Trousers.
(b) Provides superior warmth with low weight and volume.
(c) Water and wind resistant, provides moderate wind and moisture protection.
(d) Sized to fit over body armor
(e) For extreme cold weather climates; the outer most layer of protection.
(f) Meant for static positions or halts in movement.
ESB-3: Arctic Focus, (ECWCS) Protect Yourself and Fellow Soldiers in Extreme Cold Weather
ESB-4: Arctic Focus, Identify and Perform First Aid for Cold Weather Injuries
Task: Identify and Perform First Aid for Cold Weather Injuries
Conditions: The Soldier sees a casualty who has signs and symptoms of a cold weather injury.
Standards: Given the necessary equipment and materials consisting of a canteen with potable
water, blanket or similar items to use for warmth, and dry clothing. The Soldier correctly
identifies the type of cold weather injury and performs the correct first aid within ten 10 minutes.
Evaluation preparation:
Setup: Utilizing another Soldier or a mannequin as the simulated casualty. Walk the Soldier
through the injury or injuries to be evaluated. If using another Soldier, coach the simulated
casualty on how to answer questions about symptoms. Physical signs and symptoms that the
casualty cannot readily simulate must be described to the Soldier performing aid.
Brief to Candidate Tell the candidate to determine what type of cold weather injury the casualty
has. After the cold weather injury has been identified, ask the Soldier to describe the proper
Performance Measures:
Identified the type of cold weather injury.
Provided the proper first aid for the cold weather injury.
Performance steps:
1. Identify & Treat Chilblain/ Frostnip
(a) Identify the signs and symptoms of Chilblain / Frostnip.
1) Prolonged exposure of bare skin at temperatures of 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 32
degrees Fahrenheit.
2) Redness or pallor of affected areas.
3) Absence of pain (numbness)
4) May have ulcerated bleeding skin lesions.
(b) Explain the treatment of Chilblain / Frostnip. (Do not rub or massage the area)
1) Apply rewarming (body heat).
2) Apply warmth with casualty’s bare hands.
3) Blow warm air on the affected area.
4) For hands and fingertips, place hands in armpits.
5) Protect lesions (if present) with dry sterile dressing.
6) Seek medical aid. (If the condition does not respond to simple care, begin first aid for
Note: Freezing of superficial skin tissue may occur with frostnip; however, there is no freezing
of the deeper tissues.
2. Identify & Treat Frostbite (superficial & deep).
(a) Identify Frostbite
a. Superficial Frostbite
1) Loss of sensation or numb feeling in any part of the body.
2) Sudden whitening of the skin in the affected area followed by a momentary
tingling feeling.
3) Redness of skin in light-skinned Soldiers, grayish coloring in dark-skinned
b. Deep Frostbite
1) Blisters.
2) Swelling or tender areas.
12-Mile Foot March
The final phase of the EIB/ ESB test is the 12-mile Foot March and Final Event. The Foot March
is executed in accordance with the guidance listed in this publication and ATP 3-21.18. All
Candidates must successfully complete the 12-mile Foot March in three hours or less,
immediately followed by the Final Event, which must be completed within five minutes or less.
See Chapter 12 for the Final Event performance measures. The 12-mile Foot March and Final
Event is not re- testable.
Conditions: The Foot March may be executed during the day or at night at the discretion of the
EIB/ ESB Board. The Foot March route must be 12 miles in length, clearly marked, and easily
identifiable by the Candidates. The length of the route must be verified through the use of a
calibrated distance measuring wheel. If a calibrated measuring wheel is not available then the
course can be verified by using the average odometer reading taken from three different vehicles.
Route selection needs to include consideration for ease of movement, consistent terrain features,
and no obstructions along the route that would require the Candidates to maneuver around. The
slope of the terrain should be similar in nature to the terrain that the Candidates had been
conducting their conditioning and training on. Units should take every effort to plan the Foot
March along a route closed to vehicular traffic; if this is not possible, positive safety control
measures need to be put in place to ensure Candidates are protected from vehicles. Units will
ensure that medics are stationed along the route, ambulances are available, and that safety
vehicles are used along the route during this event. If the route requires a turn-around point, it
must be easily recognizable by the Candidates. It must allow the Candidates to turn around
without impeding each other or causing congestion. Units need to establish control measures
along the route, including turns and turn-around points, to ensure Candidates remain on the
route. Water points need to be established along the route with reasonable distance between each
water point. At a minimum, water should be available every three miles along the route. Units
will ensure there are at least two official timing devices which have been calibrated for the Foot
March. While it is not required, Units are encouraged to provide the Candidates with the elapsed
time when they reach the six-mile point of the Foot March. The time from the official clock will
be the only time used to officiate this event.
Standards Candidates must carry 35 pounds of dry weight in their ruck-sack over the entire
course of the Foot March. This weight is in addition to their personal equipment and water,
which is worn and carried evenly distributed over their bodies. Units must have a calibrated scale
at the end of the course to ensure that the Candidates finish the event with the required weight in
their ruck-sack or the Unit conducts a layout of the required packing list totaling 35 pounds. Any
Candidate who finishes with less than the required 35 pounds of dry weight in their ruck-sack or
missing a piece of equipment from the layout will be eliminated from the EIB / ESB process,
even if they completed the Foot March within the required time. The scales must be available to
the Candidates at least one day prior to the Foot March. The 12-mile Foot March must be
executed in the EIB / ESB uniform with approved boots. Units may add additional equipment at
the direction of the EIB / ESB Board and Commander. No Candidate will proceed to the Final
Event if they fail to complete the Foot March in three hours or less. Candidates failing the Foot
March should be segregated in a separate holding area until they can be processed by the station
NCOIC/OIC, followed by the EIB / ESB NCOIC/OIC for out-processing.
Final event: Clear, disassemble, assemble, and perform a function check on M16/M4 series
Task basis: 130-CLC-0029-Perform a Function Check on an M16-Series Rifle/M4-Series
14) Place the selector switch on AUTO. Pull charging handle to the rear and release.
15) Squeeze the trigger. Hammer should fall.
16) Hold the trigger to the rear and cock the weapon again.
17) Fully release the trigger then squeeze it again. The hammer should not fall.
18) Charge the weapon again, place it on SAFE, and close the dust cover.
Final event
1. Clear the weapon.
2. Disassemble the weapon
3. Assemble the weapon
4. Perform a functions check