Business Communication Solved MCQs (Set-3)

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Business Communication MCQs [set-3]

51. Communication barriers are;

A. A receiver's response to a message.
B. Avenues through which messages are delivered.
C. Obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message.
D. The circumstances under which communication takes place.
Answer: C

52. All of the following are examples of verbal communication EXCEPT:

A. Email
B. symbols
C. Telephone calls
o m
D. Text messaging . c
Answer: B
53. -----------is the wordless form of communication which takes the form of
q eye contacts, tension, breathing and
postures, body language ,facial expressions,
tones etc.
A. Verbal communication
B. Garbage communication
C. Informal communication
D. Non-Verbal communication
Answer: D

54. According to Richard Fitch, in communication process 90% belongs to ----------

A. Formal communication
B. Non-verbal communication
C. Informal communication
D. Oral communication
Answer: B

55. ----------- means the position in which you hold your body when standing or
A. Gestures
B. Postures
C. Paralanguage
D. Proxemics
Answer: B

56. According to Proxemics (space language), zones are classified into-------

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: B

57. The keys to write a successful resume are:

A. Too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone
B. “You” attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need
C. None of the above
D. All of the above
Answer: B

58. While giving an interview, be --- in your salary expectations.

A. Modest
B. Unrealistic
C. Realistic
D. None of the above
Answer: A

59. An informal report is usually in the form of a _____communication.

A. Person to person
B. Prescribed form.
C. Regular intervals.
D. Authoritative.
Answer: A

60. List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as ____

A. Resolution.

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B. Minutes.
C. Invoice.
D. Agenda
Answer: D

61. An Agenda prepared in connection with ____

A. Meeting.
B. Business tours.
C. Exhibition.
D. Personal notes.
Answer: A

62. . _____is a communication which contains the decision of the meeting.

A. Amendment.
B. Resolution.
C. Debate.
D. Minutes.
Answer: D

63. A report prepared in a prescribed form and presented according to an

established procedure is ____report
A. Formal.
B. Informal.
C. Statutory.
D. General.
Answer: A

64. ____is done by drawing a list of the items of business to be transacted at the
A. Minutes.
B. Resolution.
C. Invitation.
D. Agenda.
Answer: D

65. The minute books are the ____book of the company.

A. Subsidiary.

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B. Statutory.
C. Obligatory.
D. Secondary.
Answer: B

66. ____and testimonials are important because they express the opinion of others
the applicant’s suitability for a position.
A. References.
B. Qualification.
C. Service certificate.
D. Letters.
Answer: A

67. ---------- refers to the amount of space that individuals naturally maintain
between each other.
A. Chronemics
B. Gestures
C. Proxemics
D. None of these.
Answer: C

68. A circular is a form of --------

A. Oral communication.
B. Face-to-face communication.
C. Group communication.
D. Visual communication.
Answer: C

69. Dunning letters are also called -----------

A. Collection letters.
B. Letter of credit.
C. Compliant letters.
D. Suggestion letters.
Answer: A

70. In................. speakers’ choice of words unintentionally communicates

something more than what the actual words state.

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A. Formal Communication
B. Informal communication
C. Meta communication
D. None of these
Answer: C

71. Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds.

A. Discriminative listening
B. Biased listening
C. Evaluative listening
D. Appreciative listening
Answer: A

72. In ............. , the receiver holds preconceived notions, which shape the way a
receiver decodes the sender's message.
A. Discriminative listening
B. Biased listening
C. Evaluative listening
D. Appreciative listening
Answer: B

73. also referred to as critical/judgmental listening

A. Discriminative listening
B. Biased listening
C. Evaluative listening
D. Appreciative listening
Answer: C

74. --------------- takes place when you listen to only those things that you want to
hear or to those that you interested
A. Discriminative listening
B. Biased listening
C. Selective Listening
D. Appreciative listening
Answer: D

75. In .................. form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to

communicate with the boss of his boss.

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A. Chain
B. Circular
C. Inverted V
D. Wheel
Answer: C

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