Chemical Kinetics

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Prepared by
Ashitha A A
PGT Chemistry
JNV Kottayam
* Hyderabad region1
Three aspects of chemical reaction



Rate of the

* 2
Types of reactions

* 3
Content of the chapter

* 4
Chemical Kinetics:-
Study of reaction rates and their mechanisms

Rate of a chemical reaction:

Change in concentration of either reactant or
product per unit time.
Unit of rate of reaction Mol L ‾¹S‾¹

* 5
Rate of a chemical reaction:

Rate of change in concentration of either reactant

or product per unit time.

Unit of rate of reaction Mol L ‾¹S‾¹

* 6
Rate of a reaction

• Rate of disappearance of A = -d[A] /dt
• Rate of formation of B = +d[B] /dt
• d[A] = change in concentration of A over time period dt
• Because [A] decreases with time, d[A] is negative.
• d[B] = change in concentration of B over time period dt

* 7
Graphical representation of rate of a reaction

* 8
* 9
Instantaneous rate

Total change in concentration Change in concentration of reactant

of reactant or product by the or product at particular instant of
elapsed time time

Denoted by ΔX/ΔT Denoted by dx/dt.

Graphical Representation of average rate and
instantaneous rate

* 11

For the reaction R → P, the concentration of a reactant

changes from 0.03 M to 0.02M in 25 minutes. Calculate
the average rate of reaction using units of time both in
minutes and seconds

* 12

Average rate of a reaction

-Δ[ R]/ Δt
= -( 0.02-0.03)/25 M min‾¹
=4X10‾⁴ M min‾¹
=4X10‾⁴/ 60M sec‾¹
=6.67x10 ‾⁶M sec‾¹

* 13
For a reaction

Rate of a reaction=

-1/a d[ A]/dt =-1/b d[ B]/dt

=1/c d[C/dt =1/d d[D]/dt

* 14

2HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g)

r= -1/2 d [ HI ]/dt=+d [ H2 ]/dt =d[ I2 ]/dt

N2 +3 H2 → 2NH3

r=-d[N2 ]//dt = -1/3 d [ H2 ]/dt =+1/2 d [ NH3 ]/ /dt

* 15
Factors affecting rate of reaction

Concentration of the reactants

Temperature of the reactants
Surface area

* 16
Effect of concentration

When concentration of reactant increases rate of

reaction increases

Rate Law
Rate of a reaction is directly proportional to
concentration of reactants raised to some power
Which may or may not be same as
stoichiometric coefficient of reactants in a
balanced chemical equation.

* 17
Differrential rate equation

For a reaction:

aA + bB → Product

Rate = k[A]x[B]y
k is called rate constant
x and y may or may not be equal to stoichiometric
coefficient a and b

* 18

2NO+O2→ 2NO2
rate=k [NO ] [ O2 ]

* 19
Order of a reaction
Sum of the powers of the concentration of the
reactant terms in experimentally determined rate

It can have a value of zero, integral values as well as

fractional values

Rate = k [A]x [B]y

x and y represent the order with respect to the
reactants A and B respectively
x + y the overall order of a reaction

* 20

* 21
Examples of zero order reaction

* 22
Examples of First Order reaction

* 23
Order of reactions…

•A reaction is zero order in a reactant if the change in

concentration of that reactant produces no effect.

• A reaction is 1st order if doubling the concentration causes the

rate to double.

• A reaction is 2nd order if doubling the concentration causes

a quadruple increase in rate.
The conversion of molecules X to Y follows second order kinetics. If
concentration of X is increased to three times how will it affect the rate
of formation of Y?

X→ Y follows second order kinetics
r =k [X] 2

X is increase 3 times ,rate will become 9 times

r =k [3X] 2 i.e., r= 9x k X2
Unit of rate constant
Depending on the order of the reaction unit of
rate constant changes
For a general reaction aA+bB → cC+dD

Unit can be expressed as

( mol L-1 ) (1- n)

* 26
Units of rate constant

* 27
Identify order of the reaction if the units of its rate
constant are i)L‾¹ mol sec‾¹ ii)L mol‾¹ sec‾¹

i)Zero order ii)Second order


* 28
The decomposition reaction of NH3
on platinum surface is given
N2 +3 H2 → 2NH3
What are the rates of production of N2 and H 2
if K= 2.5 X10-4mol l-1 s-1
A der

* 30
Elementary Reaction

Elementary reactions are those which complete

in one step

NH4NO2 → N2 + 2H2O

Decomposition of dinitrogen tetra oxide

N2O4(g) → 2NO2(g)

Molecularity of a reaction is simply the number of

reacting species (atoms, ions or molecules) involved in
an elementary reaction which must collide

* 32

✔Bimolecular reactions involve simultaneous

collision between two species,
e.g. dissociation of hydrogen iodide.
2HI → H2 + I2
✔Trimolecular or termolecular reactions involve
simultaneous collision between three reacting
e.g. 2NO + O2 → 2NO2
Why the reactions having molecularity greater
than three rare ?

Since the chances of collision and reaction of more than

three molecules at a time are very less, the molecularity
greater than three is rare.

* 34
Complex reactions
Multistep reactions where products are
obtained after completion of a sequence of
elementary reactions

✔ Molecularity of a complex reaction has no meaning.

✔ The slowest step or slowest reaction determines the
rate of the reaction

✔ molecularity of the slowest elementary reaction of a

complex reaction similar to the overall order of the
complex reaction.

* 35


The first step being slow, is the rate determining

step ,therefore order is two

* 36
Difference between order and molecularity

order molecularity
Experimental quantity theoretical

can be zero and even a cannot be zero or a non integer

applicable to elementary as applicable only for elementary
well as complex reactions reactions.

For complex reaction, order individual steps has its own

is given by the slowest step molecularity
Integrated Rate Equations

Equation obtained by integrating the differential rate

equation to give a relation between directly measured
experimental data, i.e., concentrations at different times and
rate constant is called integrated rate equation.

* 38
Integrated rate equations

Zero Order Reactions


Rate ∝ (Conc. Of Reactant)0

* 39
Integrating both sides
[R] = – k t + I
where, I is the constant of integration.
At t = 0, the concentration of the reactant [R]=[R]o
where [R]o is initial concentration of the reactant.
Substituting in equation )
[R] = –k × 0 + I ]

Substituting the value of I in the equation )

[R] = -kt + [R]0

* 40
Concentration vs Time plot for zero order

Concentration of R

[R] = -kt + [R]o


* 41
First Order Reactions
Consider the reaction,

* 42
* 43
Concentration vs Time plot for first order reaction


* 44
* 45
Half Life of a reaction
The half-life of a reaction is the time in which the
concentration of a reactant is reduced to one half of its
initial concentration. It is represented as t1/2

* 46
* 47
Half life for a first order reaction

Half life of first order reaction is independent of initial

* 48
* 49
* 50
* 51
* 52
Time required to decompose SO2Cl2 to half its initial
amount is 60 minutes. If the decomposition is a first
order reaction, calculate the rate constant of the

* 53

* 54
* 55
Temperature dependence of the rate of reaction:

For a chemical reaction with rise in temperature by 10°

the rate constant is nearly doubled.

The temperature dependence on the rate of a

chemical reaction can be accurately explained by Arrhenius

T –temperature
k-rate constant
R-universal gas constant
Ea-activation energy

* 56
Temperature dependence of the rate of reaction:

During decomposition of N2O5,

The time taken for half of the original amount of material

to decompose is 12 min at 500C, 5 h at 250C and 10
days at 00C

Reaction between oxalic acid and potassium

permanganate occur at higher temperature

* 57
Transition State Theory
According to Arrhenius, reaction takes place
through formation of unstable Intermediate
called activated complex which exist for short
time and then breaks up to form product.

* 58
* 59
Activation energy (Ea)

The energy needed to form activated complex

is called energy of activation. It is very low for
some reactions and very high for others.

•Ea is always positive.

•The larger the value of Ea, the slower the rate of a

reaction at a given temperature.

* 60
Increasing the temperature of the substance
increases the fraction of molecules, which collide
with energies greater than Ea.
* 61
It is clear from the diagram that in the curve at (t + 10),
the area showing the fraction of molecules having energy
equal to or greater than activation energy gets doubled
leading to doubling the rate of a reaction.
* 62
For a chemical reaction with rise in
temperature by 10°, the rate constant is nearly
The ratio kT is called the temperature

coefficient and its value is 2 or 3

* 63
Arrhenius Equation
-Ea /RT
e-Ea /RT = Fraction of molecule having K.E. > Ea
Natural logarithm of Arrhenius equation gives

Plot of ln k vs 1/T is straight line

shows that increasing the
temperature or decreasing the
activation energy will
result in an increase in the rate of
the reaction and an exponential
increase in the rate constant.

* 64
Arrhenius Equation

Plot of ln k vs 1/T is straight line shows that increasing

the temperature or decreasing the activation energy will
result in an increase in the rate of the reaction and an
exponential increase in the rate constant.

* 65
Arrhenius Equation

* 66
Effect of catalyst on rate of reaction
A catalyst is a substance which alters the rate of a
reaction without itself undergoing any permanent
chemical change.

For example, MnO2 catalyse the following reaction so

as to increase its rate considerably.

* 67
Effect of Catalyst on Rate of reaction

* 68
Collision theory

The reactant molecules are assumed to be hard

Reaction occurs when molecules collide with
each other.

Rate = ZABe-Ea/RT
Z AB the number of collisions per second per
unit volume of the reaction mixture.
e-Ea /RT the fraction of molecules with
energies equal to or greater than Ea.

* 69
Collision theory continued…..

The proper orientation of reactant molecules lead to bond formation

Improper orientation makes them simply bounce back
and no products are formed.

Diagram showing molecules having proper and improper orientation

* 70
* 71
Collision theory…

By considering orientation factor

Rate = PZAB e-Ea/RT

P=steric factor or probability factor

In collision theory activation energy and proper orientation

of the molecules together determine the criteria for an
effective collision and hence the rate of a chemical

* 72
Thank you

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