Unit - 1 (Communication Skills)

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Part A

Employability Skills
Unit - 1
Communication Skills

● The word ‘communication’ comes from the latin verb

‘Communicare’ which means sharing and imparting.
● Communication is the process of exchanging or passing
meaningful information , ideas , thoughts or feelings from one
person to other.
● The communication is effective and successful only when the
message conveyed by the sender is interpreted by receiver in
exactly the same way as it was intended by the sender.
Communication Cycle
The Communication Cycle constitutes of the transmission of messages from the
sender to receiver and the receiver’s feedback to the sender. It explains how the
system of conveying and understanding messages operates.
● The communication process starts with the formation of
thought , ideas or facts by the sender
● The sender then transforms the idea into a message
● He transmits the message through a channel or a medium
to the receiver.
● The receiver receives the message and decodes it i.e.
makes meaning of the message.
● He gives the feedback to the sender in the form of a
message or an appropriate signal.
Elements of communication
● The main elements of the communication cycle are:
1. Sender - The sender is the one who originates the communication cycle.
2. Message - The message is the information that the sender wishes to
convey to the receiver. The message can be in verbal or Non-verbal
3. Encoding - Encoding is the process of converting or translating the idea
into words, signs, etc which is suitable for the required medium.
4. Channel or Medium - After the message has been encoded, it is
transmitted through the appropriate channel or medium. The channel is
the link that connects the sender and the receiver.
5. Receiver - The receiver is the intended target of the
6. Decoding - The receiver tries to interpret and understand the
message, so that he can translate it into meaningful information
7. Feedback - Feedback is the message that the receiver sends
back to the sender.
8. Noise - Noise is a distraction that can interfere with effective
Types of communication

● Verbal Communication
○ It involve the exchange of message or information by using words verbally, face to
face or through other channels, such as telephone , chat rooms , or video
○ In this type of communication the person needs to be careful of the words used as
the words once spoken cannot be taken back.
● Non - Verbal Communication -
○ It involve the exchange of message or information without using words.
○ The communication is done using gestures , tone of voice ,body language , facial
expressions, hand movements etc.
○ The communication can be implicit or explicit.
● Written Communication -
○ It involve the exchange of message in the written form.
○ Written communication is effective when there is clarity of intended topic ,
careful choice of words etc.
○ It is a formal way of communication and it is mostly used in professional
and business communication.
● Visual Communication -
○ It involves exchange of messages through pictures , signboards ,
logos,etc i.e through any visual medium.
Significance of Communication
● Sharing Information: Communication allows us to exchange information, ideas, and
knowledge with others. It enables us to convey messages, instructions, and details
necessary for effective collaboration and decision-making.
● Building Relationships: Communication is vital for building and maintaining
relationships. It helps in expressing emotions, thoughts, and opinions, fostering
understanding, trust, and connection between individuals.
● Expressing Thoughts and Ideas: Effective communication enables individuals to
express their thoughts, ideas, and perspectives clearly. It provides a platform for
creative expression, problem-solving, and innovation.
English Language Skill

● Phrase
○ A phrase is a group of words that act together as a single grammatical
unit typically as a part of clause.
○ Phrase communicate a concept but isn’t a full sentence.
○ For eg - Rahul was very proud of us. Here very proud of us is a phrase.
● A group of words which gives complete meaning of the idea that the sender of the message wants
to communicate.
● A sentence contains a subject and a predicate where the subject is the topic of the sentence and
predicate is what is said about the subject.

Kinds of Sentences
There are four types of sentences:

1. Declarative / Assertive

2. Interrogative

3. Imperative

4. Exclamatory
Parts of Speech
There are 8 different types of words that are commonly referred to as parts of speech in English. These
● Noun - A noun is a word or a phrase that represents a person, a place or a thing.
For eg : The children spoke to the teacher.
● Pronouns - A pronoun is used instead of a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence.
For eg - Ram is a wonderful boy. He helps his friends
● Verb - A verb is a word or a group of words that describe an action , experience or a state of being.
For eg - Sita loves swimming.
● Adverbs - An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence
For eg - She carefully preserved all her trophy
● Adjective - An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.
For eg - They have a garden big
● Conjunction - It connects words, phrase or clauses in a sentence.

For eg - I want the to get home before it rains.

● Preposition - It is used before. noun to show place, time, direction in a sentence.

For eg - Henry hid behind.

● Interjection - It is a word or a phrase. used to express a strong feeling or emotion.

For eg - Bravo, Ram! you are right.

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