ICSE Class 8 Geography Sample Paper 1

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ICSE Board

Class VIII
Sample Paper - 1
Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 80


1. Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.

3. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

4. Attempt all questions from Section A and Section B

5. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].


Fill in the Blanks: [10]

i) The Arctic Circle passes through the northern part of .
ii) Superfast highways in Germany are known as .
iii) The Baltic states include Estonia, Latvia and .
iv) When the dew point temperature is above the freezing point of 00C,
takes place in the form of tiny droplets of water.
v) The winds do not blow in the same path and get deflected due to the
vi) The protects the Earth by not allowing all the radiation from the Sun
from reaching the Earth’s surface.
vii) A large group of stars forming a pattern is known as a .
viii) The Plains is the greatest continuous lowlands in the world.
ix) is the leading country in the production of milk products in Europe.
x) The type of climate is found in Central Europe, Eastern Europe and


Pick the correct answer from the options: [5]

i) Which of the following statements is not true?
a) Stars make different patterns in the night sky, which are known as
b) The Sun is the biggest star in our Universe.
c) Stars have light of their own.
d) There are millions of stars in our Solar System.
ii) Which of the following is not an element of weather?
a) Latitude
b) Temperature
c) Humidity
d) Sunshine

iii) Variations in pressure can be shown by drawing

a) Isotherms
b) Isobars
c) Isotopes
d) None of the above

iv) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) Moisture is an integral part of the atmosphere.
b) Water is present in its gaseous state as rainfall.
c) Water is present on the Earth in three states- solid, liquid and gas.
d) The total volume of water present in the oceans and seas is constant.

v) Which of the following is the smallest country in Europe?

a) Luxemburg
b) Vatican City
c) Portugal
d) None of the above


State whether true or false. [5]

i) The Alps are old fold mountains. (True/False)
ii) Dairy farming in Europe is highly mechanised. (True/False)
iii) The Arabian Plateau is an intermontane plateau. (True/False)
iv) Japan largely exports minerals and imports heavy machinery. (True/False)
v) The Indian Northern Plain is mainly made up of old alluvium soil. (True/False)


Answer the questions in brief. [20]

i) How big is the Sun?
ii) Why is the Earth also known as the ‘blue planet’?
iii) What are clouds?
iv) State one point of difference between Fortin’s barometer and Aneroid barometer.
v) What is ‘latent heat’?
vi) Name the countries which are collectively called the lowland countries. Why are
they called so?
vii) Why are the Dogger Bank in the North Sea and the Great Fisher Bank rich in terms
of fish supply?
viii) State the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of Asia.
ix) What is plantation agriculture?
x) Why is Darjeeling cooler than Kolkata during the summers?


Answer the following:

i) Describe the process of wheat cultivation in Punjab.

ii) Discuss four main differences between planets and stars.

iii) Briefly elaborate on the Equatorial Low Pressure Belt.

iv) Give geographical reasons:

a) We notice dark spots on the surface of the Moon.
b) We can see comets only when they come near the Earth.

v) Give geographical reasons for the following:

a) Land gets heated during the day very quickly and cools rapidly during the
b) Guangzhou has much colder winters than Kolkata although both cities lie on
the coast on the same latitudes.

vi) Write a short note on Polar winds.

vii) On an outline map of India mark the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep
Islands, Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

viii) In an outline map of Europe mark the following:

a) River Rhine
b) A region experiencing Mediterranean type of climate.
c) Taiga Region
d) Steppes Grasslands

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