EEE1105-Chapter - 2 - DC - Networks DC Network Basici
EEE1105-Chapter - 2 - DC - Networks DC Network Basici
EEE1105-Chapter - 2 - DC - Networks DC Network Basici
DC Network Theorems
Dr. Md. Robiul Hoque
Dept. of CSE, IU
(a) Sign of Battery E.M.F. A rise in voltage should be given a + ve sign and a
fall in voltage a -ve sign.
(b) Sign of IR Drop
If we go through a resistor in the same direction as the current, then there is
a fall in potential because current flows from a higher to a lower potential.
Hence, this voltage fall should be taken -ve.
However, if we go in a direction opposite to that of the current, then there
is a rise in voltage. Hence, this voltage rise should be given a positive sign.
2.3. Determination of Voltage Sign
2.4. Assumed Direction of Current
It is that voltage source (or generator) whose output voltage remains absolutely
constant whatever the change in load current.
Such a voltage source must possess zero internal resistance so that internal voltage
drop in the source is zero.
In that case, output voltage provided by the source would remain constant
irrespective of the amount of current drawn from it.
In practice, none such ideal constant-voltage source can be obtained.
However, smaller the internal resistance r of a voltage source, closer it comes to
the ideal sources described above.
2.16. Ideal Constant-Current Source
The current flowing through a load resistance RL connected across any two
terminals A and B of a linear, active bilateral network is given by Voc / (Ri + RL)
where Voc is the open-circuit voltage (i.e. voltage across the two terminals when RL is
removed) and Ri is the internal resistance of the network as viewed back into the
open-circuited network from terminals A and B with all voltage sources replaced by
their internal resistance (if any) and current sources by infinite resistance.
2.25. Norton’s Theorem
2.26. How To Nortonize a Given Circuit ?
1. Remove the resistance (if any) across the two given terminals and
put a short-circuit across them.
2. Compute the short-circuit current I SC.
Rth = 2 + (3 || 3) + 1 = 4.5 Ω
Maximum power transfer to the load will take place when RL = Rth = 4.5 Ω.