Unit 6 Test Higher A

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Unit 6 Test Higher | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 12 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat Amy Bray. Na podstawie informacji z nagrania
uzupełnij luki 1–5 w poniższym e-mailu.
Hi Laura,
Do you know Amy Bray? She is a young 0 environmental campaigner from England who started a charity,
Another Way. She gives talks in schools about how to be more 1 _________________ and about the ways
in which we can help our environment.
I believe that her ideas are great and they can really change the world! For example, she thinks that people
should grow food together – in this way we will eat healthy local food. We should also reduce the number
of things we 2 _________________ – there will be less waste then! She also thinks that children should spend
more 3 _________________ instead of watching TV or playing games. And schools could have classes where
children learn how to 4 _________________ food. She also has a fantastic idea about a special type
of “library”, but not for books! In these places people could borrow things they need and then give them back.
In this way, people will only buy what’s necessary and, of course, they will 5 _________________!
What do you think about her ideas?
Take care,
___ / 5

2 Uzupełnij definicje.
0 carpet – a thick soft cover for a floor.
1 __________ – a large, soft, comfortable seat that two or three people can sit on
2 __________ – you use it for baking cakes
3 __________ – a large piece of furniture where you put your clothes
4 __________ – something you put sorted rubbish in
5 __________ – you wash your dishes there
___ / 5

3 Uzupełnij wyrazy w zdaniach. Pierwsza litera jest podana, a każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.
0 There are so many c l o u d s in the sky.
1 It is so w _ _ _ _ today. Perfect weather for sailing!
2 I would like to spend holidays b _ t _ _ s _ _.
3 Yesterday it was such a f _ _ _ _ day! I couldn’t see a thing.
4 Could you t _ _ _ o _ _ the heating, please? It is so hot in here!
___ / 4

4 Uzupełnij zdania, używając will oraz czasowników z ramki. Dwa czasowniki zostały podane dodatkowo.
be buy invite not go not take pass rain win
0 Do you think she will win the race? She’s really fast!
1 He _________________ the bus home. He’s got his bike with him today.
2 Electric cars _________________ less expensive in the future.
3 She _________________ to the party tonight, she’s not feeling well.
4 If my parents lend me some money, I _________________ a video game.
5 _________________ it _________________later?
___ / 5

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5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika podanego w nawiasie, używając konstrukcji will lub
going to.
0 I hope we ’ll go (go) hiking together one day.
1 We _________________ (visit) my cousin on Saturday. It’s his birthday and we made a cake for him
2 I _________________ (see) the doctor tomorrow. I made an appointment.
3 Maybe it _________________ (not / rain) tomorrow.
4 I’m sure people _________________ (buy) more ecological products in the future.
___ / 4

6 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby oddać sens zdania wyjściowego.
0 Will there be a lot of clouds tomorrow?
Will it be cloudy tomorrow?
1 What are your plans for the summer?
What _________________ do in the summer?
2 Will there be a lot of sun tomorrow?
Will it _________________ tomorrow?
3 This house is not modern.
This is an _________________.
4 Is Greg going to paint the house without any help?
Is Greg going to _________________?
5 I think it’s a bad option.
I _________________ it’s a good option.
___ / 5
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdej części tekstu (1–5). Jeden nagłówek został
podany dodatkowo.
Tiny house, big benefits?
1 Today, many people are moving to ‘tiny homes’ – houses that are usually no bigger than 37 square metres.
A typical home in the UK is between 70 and 90 square metres, so this is a big difference in size.
2 Why are people moving to tiny houses? They have many advantages: a tiny house is more environmentally
friendly. Smaller houses don’t need lots of warmth and use less energy, so you save money on heating
and lighting. You can also build a tiny house using recycled materials and include solar panels.
3 Many families that live in tiny houses say that they spend more time outside doing activities that they used
to do inside, like reading and playing, and so they spend more time in the fresh air and exercise more.
Also, as there is less cleaning to do in a tiny house, everyone has more free time.
4 To make the change from a normal house to a tiny house, you might need to give away some of your stuff.
In a tiny house, you will probably have a smaller fridge, wardrobe and bookshelf. You will need to make
some changes, but many people find that when you have fewer things, you value and use them more.
5 Finally, living in a tiny house usually means that you spend less money on possessions, so you have more
money to spend enjoying your hobbies or taking a class to learn something new. You also have more time
for travelling and adventures. Would you like to try the ‘tiny’ life with your family?
A Close to nature
B Free to try new things
C What is a tiny house?
D Reduce, reduce, reduce
E Go green!
F It’s not so great after all

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___

___ / 5

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8 Uzupełnij luki jednym wyrazem.
Claire: So, what do we need 0 to prepare for the beach picnic?
Tom: What 1 _________________ making some sandwiches?
Claire: I think Ben is going to do that. 2 _________________ you think that we need to take some drinks?
Tom: Yes, we can take some lemonade.
Claire: What do you 3 _________________ about making our own?
Tom: I’m not sure. Will we have enough time?
Claire: That’s a good 4 _________________. We can buy some before we go.
Tom: There’s a shop next to the beach.
Claire: You’re 5 _________________, there is. Let’s go there.
___ / 5

9 Przeprowadzasz się do nowego mieszkania. Podziel się swoimi przemyśleniami na blogu.
– Wyjaśnij, dlaczego zmieniasz miejsce zamieszkania.
– Napisz, jakie są wady i zalety nowego mieszkania.
– Opisz swoje obawy związane z nowym mieszkaniem.
– Poproś swoich czytelników o rady dotyczące adaptacji do nowego otoczenia.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Hello guys, I’d like to tell you about …
That’s all for today.
___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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