End-Of-Year Test B

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End-of-year Test | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 10 Listen to a podcast about millennials and their saving habits and complete the gaps
in the sentences.
1 Researchers have used a UK banking app to give them ___________________.
2 London workers ___________________ those living in many other places.
3 According to the speaker, millennials ___________________, relatively speaking, than their parents did.
4 Although the banking app cannot ___________________, it can still access more people than traditional
___ / 4

2 Track 10 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 What do older generations often wrongly assume?
2 Why does the writer mention several European countries?
3 Why is saving a big challenge for today’s young people?
___ / 3

3 Complete the idioms in the sentences with the correct words.
1 I’d like to be able to let you know the results, but I’m afraid I’m in the _____________ myself.
2 It took me a while to learn the _____________ when I started, but now I know what I’m doing.
3 I’m really tired after that long meeting, so can we call it a _____________ and go home?
4 We need to hold the police to _____________ for the disorganisation in patrolling the disturbance.
5 The new employee’s work is on a _____________ with Kate’s – and she’s been here five years.
___ / 5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 Debbie set __________ a pension scheme when she first started work and is now very glad that she did.
2 I’m quite a prudent person, but I do like to splash __________ on things from time to time.
3 It was difficult to take __________ all the information at first as there was so much.
4 I didn’t fully agree with the decision, but I went __________ with it because it was the easiest option.
5 It’s a good idea, but let me sleep __________ it and I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.
___ / 5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs from the box. There are two extra verbs.
alleviate buy pay play rise take
1 In order to ______________ pressure on energy supplies, people were asked to economise where they
2 Although nervous, Kylie ______________ to the occasion and gave an excellent speech.
3 Can you ______________ me some time by chatting to the new client for ten minutes, please?
4 Leo got cross because he found out that he’d ______________ over the odds for his new phone.
___ / 4

6 Choose the correct options.
1 ___ the hospitality of the local people that I shall always remember.
A What is
B That is
C It is

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2 ___ to check every email that we sent, I made sure that I did.
A Been asked
B I was asked
C Having been asked
3 I wish I ___ more carefully to the lecture as now I need to write an essay.
A listened
B had listened
C should have listened
4 Ava asked me to pay towards the electricity bills and ___.
A I did it
B I did so
C I did pay
5 ___ that the votes are all in by this evening, we can publish the results tomorrow.
A Assuming
B Supposed
C Thinking
___ / 5

7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I received a campaign leaflet today from our local MP 1 _________ was aimed at encouraging his constituents
to support his re-election. I was not overly impressed. 2 _________ was not so much the content of the leaflet
that disappointed me, but the tone. The considerations of local residents seem to have 3 _________ ignored,
and his focus is solely on targeting those businessmen 4 _________ financial contributions have helped him
in the past. He asks 5 _________ we are concerned about the future of the economy. Of course, we are, but we
are also concerned about how he will support local issues.
___ / 5

8 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use the word in capitals.
1 The poet dedicated his book to his daughter. TO
The person _____________________________________________ was his daughter.
2 A lot of money was stolen from Jacquie in an insurance scam last year. STOLEN
Jacquie _____________________________________________ in an insurance scam last year.
3 It appears that the students have not been informed about the timetable change. TO
The students _____________________________________________ about the timetable change.
4 Mr Turner’s business has received a financial boost because he is an MP. GIVEN
_____________________________________________ Mr Turner’s business a financial boost.
___ / 4

9 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
In the 1 ____________ (after) of the election, there have been many complaints about how the campaign was
conducted. In an 2 ____________ (expect) announcement earlier today, ministers expressed a 3 ____________
(commit) to uncovering any wrongdoings. Many believe that the 4 ____________ (elect) system in the UK
needs revision to prevent such issues arising in the future. Any changes will need to be a 5 ____________
(collaborate) effort involving all parties.
___ / 5

10 Translate into English.

1 This is exactly _______________________________ (to, co miałem nadzieję) you’d say.
2 _______________________________ (Nie ma sensu zaprzeczać) what everyone knows is true.
3 The computer _______________________________ (wydaje się, że uległ awarii) when we tried to access
a particular website.

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4 As _______________________________ (przypadkiem zdarzyło się, że były) two rooms available, we
booked both.
5 If _______________________________ (odrzucono Ci wnioski o odszkodowanie) in the last year, please
contact us.
___ / 5

11 Read the article and choose the correct options.
The pros and cons of working while studying
In some countries, having a part-time job while you are also studying is considered the norm. Many school
students look forward to the day when they can step into the shoes of an older relative, friend or schoolmate
who has moved on, leaving a coveted position vacant. This can be anything from the classic paper round before
school in the morning to shop work or any other job that the local area demands (and the law allows). In some
cultures, however, the idea is so foreign that just the mention of it brings about complete shock, laughter
or ridicule.
On the one hand, it cannot be denied that there are advantages. Firstly, there’s the income, of course.
Schoolchildren may not need money, but their families might, so they are able to contribute towards
the expenses of the home. Some teenagers donate a part of their salary to their parents to help pay for food
and other essentials. Needless to say, university and college students can always find a use for a little steady
income. But the benefits of earning don’t stop there. Having money teaches you how to manage it. You quickly
learn whether you should treat it as your own to do with as you want or whether it is better to start building
up some savings for the future or unexpected needs.
Managing your time is also something that working from a young age teaches you. School students already
know the consequences of lateness, but they’re rather different in the world of work, and a stern warning
or even being made redundant can seem like a much more useful life lesson than anything the school can do
to punish you. Then there is the job itself which, depending on the exact nature of the work, can help you
develop a wide variety of skills and characteristics. These begin with responsibility – towards your colleagues,
your employer, anyone else you deal with and ultimately yourself. But there is a whole range of things that you
can learn which will give you a distinct advantage once you settle on a career path. These include learning
to join in with others in activities, becoming efficient at your job, getting pleasure from doing something
worthwhile and playing an active role in a larger organisation. No experience, to my way of thinking, is ever
That’s not to say there isn’t a downside of working while you’re studying. The first objection that those closest
to the student usually raise is that it takes away valuable studying time. ‘How can they focus on their education
when they have these other responsibilities?’ is the usual approach. If a teen or young adult is tired after
working, there’s every chance that he or she will sit daydreaming instead of seriously studying. Parents are
often concerned that their children are missing out on vital relaxation time. They fear that their child will look
back on this time with regret because they somehow lost their youth.
Another complaint is that having a part-time job (and more specifically earning your own money) can lead
to the teenager or young adult abandoning his or her studies. The fear is that once the individual has got used
to living on a regular amount of money, the temptation to go full time and earn more of it is too great.
Certainly, it seems that giving up a considerable amount of extra cash, for example, to keep up with course
work or to concentrate on revision for exams, would involve trying to overcome financial difficulties which
many students would perhaps not be able to do. Many people fear that when students weigh up their options,
they’ll choose the one that gives them money in the short term rather than giving priority to their studies
and a more secure future.

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1 According to the writer, having a part-time job
A is looked at differently from country to country.
B is usually kept secret from parents or teachers.
C is something students talk about but rarely do.
D is occasionally done illegally.
2 The writer believes that students with part-time jobs
A give some money to good causes.
B should take a course on how to use money wisely.
C might assist relatives with money problems.
D can help earn their keep at home.
3 In paragraph C ‘they’re’ refers to
A time management skills.
B results of not being punctual.
C superiors in the work place.
D pupils and students who are working.
4 The writer’s approach to work experience is that
A it is always useful.
B it comes at a price.
C it is hard to find.
D it is better in large corporations.
___ / 4

12 Read the article again and complete the sentences.

1 If a friend or a relative leaves a part-time job, this can be _______________________ for some students
who want some work.
2 Acquiring _______________________ can benefit someone in their future career.
3 Working part-time might impact a student negatively because it _______________________ or relaxing.
___ / 3

13 Complete the dialogue with the correct phrases a–e.
X: It must be nearly time for your interview. How are you feeling? 1 ___ – pretty nervous, right?
Y: Yes, you’re right. 2 ___ I’m going to get the job. The other candidates have way more experience
than I have.
X: Oh, come on! That was 3 ___ with the job you went for last month. But this one – well, in my opinion,
you’re 4 ___ because of the extra courses you studied at university.
Y: Thanks, but I 5 ___ that they’re looking for someone who’s worked in this industry before, and I haven’t.
X: You’ll be fine. Have some confidence and you will amaze them, I know.
a get the impression
b my guess would be
c certainly the case
d there’s no way
e particularly suited to it
___ / 5

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14 Niedawno wysłuchałeś/wysłuchałaś odcinka podcastu, w którym uczestnicy debatowali
nad zagadnieniem wprowadzenia nauki praktycznych umiejętności życiowych w szkołach. Jeden
z ekspertów wyraził opinię, że program szkolny powinien kłaść na to większy nacisk, zaś inny – że jest
to niemożliwe bez większego obciążenia planu lekcji uczniów. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz
swoją opinię na ten temat, odnosząc się do możliwości uczenia praktycznych umiejętności życiowych
w szkole oraz zagrożeń związanych z przeładowaniem programu nauczania.
Twoja wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów.


___ / 13

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 70

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