Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

1. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or

worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

The COVID-19 pandemic, a global crisis that disrupted lives in unprecedented ways,
turned my life upside down, especially with the sudden shift of schooling to an online
format. Adapting to this new learning environment was challenging. The isolation from
peers and teachers, as well as the lack of clear instruction and support, took a toll on both
my education and mental health. It felt as though my education had hit a roadblock.
However, as I continued in the online environment, I began to adapt and navigate this
newfound mode of learning. I realized that I had to take control of my education and
develop essential technological skills to thrive in this digital world. This period of
adjustment forced me to become more self reliant, disciplined, and resourceful. It was a
transformative experience that made me more resilient and better prepared to face the
challenges life might throw at me in the future. As I returned to school after the
quarantine period, I discovered a unique opportunity. K-12 students had the opportunity
to apply to college without the tuition fees at my local community college, Merced Jr
College. Without hesitation, I seized this opportunity during the summer of my
sophomore year. This decision marked the beginning of a transformative educational
journey. Over the last three years, I have been actively engaged in taking online classes at
Merced Jr College, with a focus on pursuing an Associate of Arts for Transfer in
Psychology. The skills and adaptability I cultivated during the pandemic proved
invaluable in my college coursework. I found myself excelling academically, driven by
the determination to make the most of the resources at my fingertips. The difficulties I
faced during the COVID-19 pandemic have shaped me into a more resilient, tech-savvy,
and resourceful individual. As I continue my educational journey, I am grateful for the
chance to apply the lessons learned during that challenging time to achieve greater
success and seize new opportunities.

2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem
solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically. describe how you express
your creative side.

Art is a passion that's been a part of me for as long as I can remember. Since I could walk,
I've found myself in the kitchen, working alongside my family. This early exposure to the
culinary instilled in me a deep love for food and the connections it can foster among
people. My artistic journey has led me through various mediums. During my elementary
years, I took classes in acrylic/oil painting, ceramics, and more. Each medium allowed
me to explore different aspects of my creativity, honing my skills and broadening my
artistic horizons. I spent four years learning and playing piano, and have been self taught
to play the guitar from my father. Yet, among all these mediums, my deepest passion has
always been acting. My love for theater blossomed in 2016. Acting became more than
just a hobby, it became an form of expression. Acting played a vital role in my life,
especially during challenging times when I battled depression. Acting served as a window
to a new world, a world where I could escape from the troubles of my own. It offered me
an outlet for my emotions and allowed me to explore different facets of my personality.
Through acting, I had discovered an avenue to connect with others. I met like minded
individuals who shared my passion, and I made memories that left lasting impressions on
my life. I explored opportunities I had never imagined, participating in plays, showcases,
and overall collaboration with talented artists. Most notably, my dedication to acting has
opened doors I never anticipated. It led me to discover scholarships for theater lessons, a
valuable opportunity that I might have otherwise missed. These scholarships have not
only improved my acting skills but have also provided me with financial support and
encouragement to pursue my passion further. In essence, art, in all its forms, has been a
guiding force in my life. Through my passion for the arts, I have found a sense of
purpose, resilience in the face of challenges, and a profound connection with others,
ultimately shaping the person I am today.

3. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken
to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic

One of the most significant challenges I've faced in my lifetime is coming to accept who I
am. For as long as I can remember, I was physically, verbally and mentally abused by my
mother. The person in my life who was supposed to show me what it feels like to be
loved, to nurture me and help me grow as her daughter, tried to kill me by the time I was
four. I lived my life walking on eggshells, and didn't feel safe or welcome in my own
home. I witnessed my father being beaten bloody and bruised countless times by the time
I was twelve years old. Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my family lost our house and
we had nowhere to go, and my mother abandoned my family. I was struggling isolated
from school and peers, watching my father struggling to make ends meet, all while
battling severe anxiety and depression contemplating my self worth, and even if it was
worth it to continue living. Eventually, with the harmful influence of my Mother gone, my
life slowly began to improve. My dad showed me the true value of hard work and got us a
place to live. I started going to therapy and learned that I don't have to be perfect, and
everything I've been though wasn't ok, and I've grown. Above all, I was expected to fill
shoes a child should never have even imagined filling. I had to step up for my little sister
and little brother, and be the strong older sister and show them everything was gonna be
ok. Now, years later, I'm happy and healthy, and my little siblings aren't so little anymore
either. My sister and I have had so many unique opportunities to grow our relationship
with each other, and even now she desires to follow in my footsteps in education. Ive
been able to experience what rock bottom looks like, and now I am on an uphill journey
to possibilities I couldn't have ever imagined, and I don't plan on slowing down anytime

4. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and
demonstrated that talent over time?

I feel as if my greatest skill is empathy. I have lived a very unique life story with my
experiences, struggles and perseverance and can relate to many diverse groups of people.
I'm able to understand others and make deep interpersonal connections with almost
anyone, and I am very grateful for that skill. My ability to be empathetic has allowed me
to help old friends through some of their toughest times, being a leader and role model
that things can in fact get better. I've seen people I will hold near and dear to my heart for
many years to come, crawl out of the hell their lives used to be and consciously make
decisions to better themselves, and I stood beside them the entire way. I have tried to
inspire others, but everyday even I still am inspired by those I see around me grow into
better people just as I have. With having this skill, it has driven my passion for
psychology as a career. Knowing I am very empathetic and understanding, and have a
very deep interpersonal/intrapersonal intelligence and have a very high EQ, I want to
apply those skills in a way I can help people be the best version of themselves possible,
and I know this is the way I can do it best. Whether it truly be through becoming a
psychologist or social worker, or perhaps being a special education teacher. I want to be
the light for others and help lead them to greatness, and to be the person I never had.

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