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Cell Surface Deformation during an Action Potential

Christian Fillafer,1 Matan Mussel,1,2 Julia Muchowski,1 and Matthias F. Schneider1,*
Department of Physics, Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany and 2Department of Physics, University of Augsburg,
Augsburg, Germany

ABSTRACT The excitation of many cells and tissues is associated with cell mechanical changes. The evidence presented
herein corroborates that single cells deform during an action potential. It is demonstrated that excitation of plant cells (Chara
braunii internodes) is accompanied by out-of-plane displacements of the cell surface in the micrometer range (1–10 mm).
The onset of cellular deformation coincides with the depolarization phase of the action potential. The mechanical pulse: 1) prop-
agates with the same velocity as the electrical pulse (within experimental accuracy, 10 mm s1), 2) is reversible, 3) in most
cases is of biphasic nature (109 out of 152 experiments), and 4) is presumably independent of actin-myosin-motility. The
existence of transient mechanical changes in the cell cortex is confirmed by micropipette aspiration experiments. A theoretical
analysis demonstrates that this observation can be explained by a reversible change in the mechanical properties of the cell
surface (transmembrane pressure, surface tension, and bending rigidity). Taken together, these findings contribute to the
ongoing debate about the physical nature of cellular excitability.

Action potentials (APs) are intriguing phenomena that contraction (1–10 nm) (10,19,20). In parallel, there exists
appear in many biological systems (neurons, myocytes, a biphasic intracellular pressure wave (19). Intriguingly,
excitable plant cells, etc.). For a long time, it has been neither the mechanism behind the mechanical pulse compo-
believed that these pulses are of a purely electrical nature. nent nor its relation to the electrical events are currently
The mathematical description of APs was based on the understood. Aside from APs in axons, other excitation
view that the excitable membrane can be fully represented phenomena in biology are also associated with mechanical
by an equivalent circuit (1). However, this approach has changes. Deformations were reported most prominently in
come under criticism. The debate has been stirred up by muscle cells (21) but also during spreading depression waves
Tasaki (2–10) and has been extended mainly through the in cortical tissue (22). It must be of central interest to inves-
works of Kaufmann (11,12) and Heimburg and Jackson tigate whether these phenomena have the same underlying
(13,14). One of the central points of criticism of the electrical mechanism.
framework is that it neither contains nor predicts nonelec- Although there exists firm evidence that an AP is not only
trical manifestations of the AP. These pulse components, an electrical but also a mechanical pulse, several open ques-
however, exist and include optical (2), thermal (15), tions remain. Even in well-cleaned axons the cell surface is
magnetic (16), and mechanical (3–6,17) changes at the cell covered by extracellular matrix and Schwann cells (7). This
surface. The latter have been studied with a variety of highly makes it difficult to observe and study the excitable
sensitive techniques (piezoelectric benders, interferometry, membrane directly. Moreover, if this sheath is stiffer than
AFM). The inherently soft nature of nervous tissue prepara- the underlying cell membrane it will lead to significant
tions combined with the sheer minuteness of the movements attenuation of mechanical signals. Intracellular material,
posed difficulties and led to varying results (3–5,17,18). such as the cortical cytoskeleton, could have a similar effect
Nevertheless, more recent studies are widely in agreement (19). Thus, the actual mechanical changes during an AP
and indicate that the mechanical pulse in cylindrical axons may be larger than anticipated. It is important to resolve
consists of either expansion (18) or expansion followed by this question, because the magnitude of the displacement
allows conclusions about the underlying electro-mechanical
coupling mechanism. Suggested mechanisms include a
Submitted April 12, 2017, and accepted for publication November 27, 2017. rotation of phospholipids (11), a thickness change of the
*Correspondence: [email protected] cell membrane during an order transition (14,23), a
Editor: Valentin Nagerl. phase transition in the ectoplasm (8), and capacitance
Ó 2017

410 Biophysical Journal 114, 410–418, January 23, 2018

Cell Deformation during an AP

changes (19). Herein, we attempt to contribute to these open potential recording was temporally synchronized with video microscopy by
problems. Mechanical changes are investigated during AP an LED flash into the optical path of the inverted microscope (model No.
IX71; Olympus, Melville, NY). Thereby, it was possible to estimate the
propagation in plant cells. Internodes from Charophytes time difference between the membrane potential pulse and the mechanical
are well suited for this purpose. These cells are large displacement. The criterion for the time of arrival of a pulse at the measure-
(diameter 0.5–1 mm; length 1–15 cm), easy to handle, ment site was defined as a deviation of the signal from baseline by three
and have a longstanding history in excitable cell research times the spreading depression of baseline variance.
(24,25). In Charophytes, comparatively large radial and
axial deformations have been reported during an AP
(100 nm (4,26)). Herein, we demonstrate that freeing the Micropipette aspiration during an AP
excitable membrane from the constraints of the plant cell A hypodermic needle was used to make a small incision in the cell wall
wall reveals even larger surface displacements in the cylinder of a plasmolyzed Chara internode (27). The medium in the first
micrometer range. A theoretical analysis indicates that these compartment was replaced with 150 mM KCl to facilitate membrane poten-
tial recording via the Kþ-anesthesia technique. Glass pipettes were pulled to
deformations during an AP can be attributed to reversible a needle tip (P-97 micropipette puller; Sutter Instrument) and were broken
changes in three mechanical properties of the cell surface after scoring with a second pipette to obtain a flat tip. The pipette was filled
(transmembrane pressure, surface tension, bending rigidity). with APW and was connected to a water column whose height was regulated
by a micromanipulator. For measurements of the membrane potential, an
Ag/AgCl electrode was looped through the water column into the aspiration
MATERIALS AND METHODS pipette (PS-2132, 50 Hz sample rate; PASCO Scientific, Roseville, CA). The
typical technical requirements and procedures for micropipette aspiration
Materials can be found in the literature (28,29). When aspirating the membrane of
plasmolyzed protoplasts, one deals with a comparatively irregular cellular
All reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) and were
geometry. To ensure comparability of the results, we resorted to the
of analytical purity (R99%). Glass capillaries were obtained from Sutter
following procedure: Care was taken to find a position of the protoplast
Instrument (Novato, CA).
edge, at which the point of contact between pipette and protoplast surface
was directly observable. The pipette was slightly pressed against the mem-
brane and a suction pressure was applied. This pressure was insufficient at
Cell cultivation and storage 0 < Dp < Dpcap to aspirate a membrane projection that is longer than the
Chara braunii cells were cultivated in glass aquariums filled with a layer of pipette radius (i.e., Lp > Rp). The negative pressure required to meet this
2–3 cm of New England forest soil, quartz sand, and deionized water. The condition was in the range of 103–104 mN m2 (Rp  10 mm). The system
cells were grown under illumination from an aquarium light (14 W, Flora was allowed to equilibrate for several 10s of seconds. Subsequently, two
Sun Max Plant Growth; Zoo Med Laboratories, San Luis Obispo, CA) at spatially distant electrodes (several millimeters to a centimeter away) were
a 14:10 light/dark cycle at room temperature (20 C). Before use, single used to trigger an action potential that propagated past the aspiration site.
internodal cells were stored for a minimum of 12 h in a solution containing
0.1 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM KCl, and 0.1 mM CaCl2.
Mechanical model of micropipette aspiration

Plasmolysis of Chara internode Complex aspiration scenarios have been studied previously (30,31). How-
ever, these works were carried out in a different context, in a different
A single internodal cell (3–6-cm long) was placed on a plexiglass frame into regime of the parameter space and did not directly focus on the question
which compartments (2  5  10 mm; h  w  l) had been milled. The posed herein. During an AP, the aspirated Chara cell does not reach a
bottom of the frame consisted of a glass coverslip. Small extracellular sec- new stable mechanical state. Thus, our focus is only on identifying the sta-
tions (length 5 mm) of the cell were electrically isolated against each other bility conditions for the weakly aspired state (zero aspiration). Such
with vacuum grease (Dow Corning, Midland, MI). The grease also provided compromise allows the use of a simplified spherical geometry. The model
structural support for the cell during plasmolysis. Artificial pond water was assumptions are: 1) only the simplest surface contributions are considered,
added (APW; 1 mM KCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 5 mM HEPES, 110 mM D-sorbitol; i.e., surface tension (s) and the linear regime of the bending rigidity (k)
pH set to 7.0 with NaOH). This APW was replaced gradually with APW of (32). Although we have focused here on the simplest elastic description
higher osmolarity (regulated by addition of D-sorbitol; initial: 120 mOsm of a cell surface, additional parameters may also change during an AP
kg1; final: 270 mOsm kg1). Addition of 0.5% bovine serum albumin (e.g., spontaneous curvature, in-plane shear rigidity, and surface compress-
to the final APW was crucial to minimize adhesion between aspiration ibility). It may be worthwhile to investigate a more elaborate model of cell
pipette and cell membrane. After an equilibration time of 30–60 min, the surface elasticity in future work. 2) At equilibrium, there are no internal
plexiglass chamber was fixed on the microscope stage. A waveform gener- flows in the bulk or along the surface; i.e., statics implies that s, k, and
ator (model No. 33250A; Agilent, Santa Clara, CA) in combination with a Dp are constants. In principle, these parameters should be coupled to one
stimulus isolation unit (SIU5; Grass Technologies, Warwick, RI) was used another by a state equation. Their dependence on geometrical factors
to trigger APs. The membrane potential in one of the compartments far (e.g., surface area) was neglected, because the focus was on the initiation
from (1–5 cm) the stimulation site was monitored by intracellular recording. of the instability and not on determining the final strongly aspirated state.
Deflections of the edge of the cell surface are presented as kymographs. 3) A simplified geometry of a spherical cell was considered instead of
In brief, the intensity profile along a line was extracted from every frame the cell-wall-bounded cylinder, because it allows a rather simple analytic
of the video recordings (framerate: 10–40 s1) and was assembled in the expression of the energy function. The simplification is reasonable because
software ImageJ (V.1.46r; using the macro ImageJ the cell volume is much larger than the aspirated segment, Vcell > 106 Vasp.
Kymograph (by J. Rietdorf and A. Seitz). Brightness and contrast of the final The volume of the sphere was matched to that of a plasmolyzed Chara cell
kymographs was adjusted. Prominent features in the intensity profile corre- by setting R ¼ 102 Rp, with Rp ¼ 10 mm. The model geometry is depicted in
spond to cell membrane and protoplast edge, respectively. The latter is Fig. 1, although not to scale (the pipette radius is 100-times smaller than the
particularly contrast-rich due to the presence of chloroplasts. The membrane cell radius). 4) Changes in cell volume during an AP were assumed to be

Biophysical Journal 114, 410–418, January 23, 2018 411

Fillafer et al.

2p 3 p
Vsph ¼ R ½1 þ cosðaÞ þ R2p R cosðaÞ;
3 3
Vasp ¼ pR3p þ pR2p :

The assumption of a constant cell volume simplifies the energy expression

FIGURE 1 Geometry of the aspiration model (not to scale; in the calcu- into
lations R/Rp  102). To see this figure in color, go online.
E ¼ sA þ kgcurv þ DpVsph þ const; (7)

negligible because DV/V  104 (33). 5) The pressure inside the pipette pp with Dp ¼ pout – pp.
was assumed constant. The favorable shape was calculated by minimizing
the elastic energy function
k 2
E ¼ s dA þ ð2HÞ dA þ p dV; (1)
2 Cell surface deformation during an AP

where A is the surface area, H is the mean curvature of the surface, and V
In a native Chara cell, the plasma membrane is tightly
is the cell volume. For the simplified geometry considered, the energy pressed against the cell wall by a turgor pressure
function is (6∙105 N m2 (33)) (Fig. 2 a). However, by increasing
the extracellular osmolarity it was possible to progressively
E ¼ sA þ kgcurv þ pout Vsph þ pp Vasp  pin Vtot : (2)
reduce turgor until the plasma membrane detached from
the cellulose sheath—a process known as plasmolysis
The area and curvature contributions to the energy are, respectively,
(Fig. 2 b) (27,34). During this procedure, the protoplast
A ¼ 2pR2p þ 2pRp Lp þ 2pR2 ½1 þ cosðaÞ; (3) did not retract uniformly. In certain regions (e.g., at the
nodes), the membrane still adhered to the cell wall,
  whereas in other areas, it detached entirely. Initially, the
Lp shape of a plasmolyzed cell was irregularly wavy. As
gcurv ¼ 4p 4½1 þ cosðaÞ þ þ 4 ; (4)
Rp time progressed, the protoplast equilibrated, assumed an
unduloidlike form, and eventually fragmented. This
with process was described previously (28) and resembled a
Rp pearling instability that develops at a very slow pace. In
sinðaÞh : (5) the medical/biological literature, this phenomenon is some-
times referred to as ‘‘beading’’ or ‘‘varicose’’. Physically, it
The volume contribution is partitioned into Vsph as the volume of the part of is related to the Plateau-Rayleigh instability. Chara cells
the cell outside of the pipette (shaded area in Fig. 1), Vasp as the volume did not lose excitability in the course of plasmolysis. There
enclosed in the pipette, and Vtot ¼ Vsph þ Vasp (31): were also no signs of variation potentials that have been

FIGURE 2 Cell surface deflection during an AP.

(a) In Chara, the cytoplasm (cp) is marginalized by
the tonoplast (to)-covered vacuole (vac). The
cellular cortex consists of the cell wall (cw), cell
membrane (cm), cortical cytoskeleton (cc), chloro-
plasts (chlo), and subcortical actin bundles (ab) (see
(42)). (b) When turgor was reduced by increasing
the extracellular osmolarity, cm separated from
cw. Deflections (dashed arrow) of the projection
edge of the protoplast surface (prot) were tracked
by light microscopy. (c) Upon excitation of an
AP, the cell surface underwent a biphasic, reversible
deflection (stimulus indicated by arrow; top trace,
membrane potential; bottom trace, kymograph of
surface deflection). (d) Given here is the membrane
potential pulse (black) and out-of-plane displace-
ment of the cell surface (red); note: an initial inward
movement is followed by expansion. To see this
figure in color, go online.

412 Biophysical Journal 114, 410–418, January 23, 2018

Cell Deformation during an AP

observed in plants upon deleterious manipulations (35). is temporarily arrested (excitation-cessation-coupling) and
Thus, it was possible to stimulate APs and to study if recovers within several minutes. This resembles the relaxa-
deflections of the cell surface occur. For this purpose, tion timescales of the surface deformation as observed here-
randomly chosen regions of the protoplast edge were in (see Fig. 2 and (20)). Thus, the cellular events that trigger
tracked by light microscopy (Fig. 2 b). In the absence of stoppage of streaming (probably an increase of intracellular
electrical stimulation, only minor drift of the edge was Ca2þ (37)) or a coincident process in the cytoskeleton may
observed (Fig. S1). In contrast, a distinct surface displace- be involved in the observed deformations. We attempted to
ment occurred upon excitation of an AP (in 142 out of 152 investigate these possibilities. It has been reported that
cases; N ¼ 30 cells) (Fig. 2 c; Movies S1 and S2). The membrane excitation can be uncoupled from the cessation
maximum deflection was more often outward (95 cases) of streaming by replacing extracellular Ca2þ with Mg2þ
than inward (47 cases) and typically in the 1–10-mm range (38). This approach, however, was not feasible, because
(Fig. S1). In the majority of experiments, a brief displace- plasmolysis in the absence of Ca2þ led to rupture of the
ment (%1 s) with opposite directionality preceded the Chara cell membrane. Another technique that was proposed
maximum deformation (109 cases; Fig. 2 d; Movie S2). to uncouple membrane excitation from streaming in
Such biphasic displacements have also been reported in Nitella—addition of manganese chloride (5 mM) to the
fully turgid cells, albeit with 10–100 lower amplitudes external medium (39)—was also not successful, as it led
(20). In general, the amplitudes and time courses of the to spontaneous activity and deterioration of the cell. We
deformations were quite variable at different locations finally attempted to gradually reduce the extracellular
along the protoplast projection edge (Fig. S1). This varia- concentration of Ca2þ by addition of a chelating agent
tion will be discussed in a forthcoming article. (EGTA, 0.1–2 mM). In this concentration range, the stop-
page of cytoplasmic streaming during an AP persisted.
Upon addition of increasing amounts of EGTA (10 mM),
Correlation between membrane potential and
the membrane potential record started to fluctuate, stream-
surface displacement pulse
ing became irregular, and the cell exhibited signs of deteri-
The AP propagation velocity calculated from the mechanical oration. The replacement of extracellular Ca2þ by other
displacement (8.2 5 2.4 mm s1; n ¼ 26 pulses in N ¼ 4 cations (Mg2þ, Mn2þ, Ba2þ) was also studied with Nitella
cells), within experimental accuracy, agreed with that based translucens, but it was not possible to achieve a plasmolyzed
on the electrical pulse (9.6 5 2.0 mm s1; Fig. S2). In most and excitable state.
experiments, the surface displacement slightly trailed the In a subsequent series of experiments, cytochalasin D
membrane potential pulse (Fig. 2 d). However, because the (CytD) was employed. Cytochalasins have been reported
electrical measurement is by default not as localized as a to uncouple membrane excitation and contraction in muscle
mechanical measurement, the delay between the electrical cells (i.e., the membrane is excitable, but contractility is
and mechanical pulse may be a measurement artifact. Future impaired (40)). These substances also interfere with and
studies could circumvent this difficulty, for instance, by us- arrest cytoplasmic streaming by a presently unknown mech-
ing fluorescent imaging that allows for localized monitoring anism (41). Thus, we hypothesized that treatment with CytD
of the membrane state. In any case, it was evident that the will abolish the cell surface deformation in Chara if the
mechanical deformation outlasted the electrical component latter is dependent on actin-myosin motility. When a Chara
(Fig. 2 c). The membrane potential pulse in a plasmolyzed cell was incubated with CytD, cytoplasmic streaming came
cell usually had a duration of 10–20 s, whereas the surface to a halt but the cell remained excitable. This is analogous to
deflection relaxed on timescales that were an order-of- the effects of CytD on muscle cells. When an AP was
magnitude longer (0.5–5 min). The latter agrees with triggered under these conditions, the surface deformation
observations in fully turgid Charophytes (20,26). It is of of the Chara cell persisted (Fig. 3). The timescales of the
interest to note that the first derivative of the displacement
with respect to time (i.e., the out-of-plane velocity of the
membrane) correlates fairly well with the membrane poten-
tial pulse (Fig. S3). This indicates that the two pulses are not
independent phenomena.

Involvement of Ca2D and actin-myosin-motility in

surface displacement
FIGURE 3 Effect of cytochalasin D on surface deflection during an AP.
Actin and myosin are present in Characean cells, where
(Top) Shown here is the displacement of the cell surface upon excitation of
coherent sliding of myosin-coated organelles on actin an AP in artificial pond water (APW) and (bottom) in a different cell that
filaments leads to directional streaming of the cytoplasm had been incubated with APW þ 50 mM cytochalasin D. (Arrow) Stimulus
(velocities up to 100 mm s1) (36). During an AP, streaming is indicated. Vertical scale bars represent 20 mm.

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Fillafer et al.

deflection were similar and the amplitudes were slightly Rp  10 mm). This value of membrane tension is in good
larger as compared to native cells. This is in contrast to agreement with that of other excitable systems—for
the observation of diminished contractility of muscle cells instance, Nitella protoplasmic droplets (z0.05 mN m1
upon addition of CytD (40). These results provide some (43)) and molluscan neurons (z0.04 mN m1 (44)).
indication that actin-myosin-motility may not be involved For aspiration experiments during an AP, the pipette
in the surface deformation during an AP in Chara. touched the cell surface and a slight suction pressure was
applied (0 < Dp < Dpcap; see Fig. 4 and Materials and
Methods for details). Once the position of the membrane
projection at the pipette tip had remained relatively steady,
Micropipette aspiration at rest and during an AP
an AP was induced several millimeters to centimeters
To better understand the mechanism of the cell surface away and propagated past the aspiration site. Although the
displacement, micromechanical tests were carried out. A pipette pressure was held constant, Lp increased upon arrival
small incision (length  500 mm) was made in the cell of the AP in all experiments conducted (n ¼ 22, N ¼ 9 cells;
wall of a plasmolyzed Chara internode. Through this Fig. 4; Movie S3). In some cases, a short outward dip
opening it was possible to directly access the cell surface occurred before this movement (Fig. 4 d). The membrane
(see Fig. 2 a and (42)). Micropipette aspiration was used projection either moved into the pipette irreversibly
to study the mechanical properties of this surface. For a (Fig. S4) or reached a maximum and relaxed back to its
cylindrical cell that is aspirated into a pipette, the surface initial position (Fig. 4 c; Movie S3). In general, reversibility
tension (s) is given by the Young-Laplace law prevailed (14 out of 22 cases). Because cell surface deflec-
 1 tions in the absence of a pipette were reversible (Fig. 2), it
2 1
s ¼ Dp  ; seems likely that irreversibility was a concomitant of the
Rp Rc aspiration procedure (30).

with Dp as the pressure difference between extracellular

Mechanical analysis of micropipette aspiration
medium (pout) and pipette (pp), and Rc and Rp as the radii
during an AP
of the cell cylinder and the pipette, respectively (28). The
cortical tension of the cell in the resting state srest (i.e., before In a typical aspiration experiment, the surface forces, which
excitation) was determined from the pressure difference consist of the surface tension s and the bending rigidity k,
(Dpcap) that is required to aspirate a membrane projection balance the pressure difference between the extracellular
with length equal to the pipette radius (i.e., when a hemi- medium and the interior of the pipette (Dp). This triplet of
spherical membrane cap was aspirated (29)). In plasmolyzed surface properties (Dp, s, k) represents the mechanical state
Chara cells, srest was 0.06 5 0.01 mN m1 (n ¼ 4 of the system in a 3D-phase space. The objective of this
experiments in N ¼ 3 cells; Dp 10 N m2, Rc  150 mm, section is to identify the conditions under which the balance

FIGURE 4 Cell mechanical changes during an

AP. (a) Shown here is aspiration of Chara cell
membrane into a micropipette (membrane projec-
tion indicated by m, protoplast surface by p).
Note: the cell membrane is peeled off the dense
array of chloroplasts (also see Movie S3). (b) Dur-
ing an AP, the membrane underwent a reversible
cycle of motion into and out of the pipette at con-
stant suction pressure. Aspirated membrane cap is
indicated by a dashed arrow. (c) Suction pressure
(Dp) before stimulation of an AP was clamped at
0 < Dp < Dpcap (see text for definition of Dpcap).
Shown here is the membrane potential record
(top) and aspirated length (Lp; bottom) during an
AP. (d) Shown here is the initial phase of mem-
brane motion into the pipette (n ¼ 6 experiments
in N ¼ 4 cells; individual traces (black) and
average (red)). See text for additional data and
statistics. Unlabeled scale bars represent 10 mm.
To see this figure in color, go online.

414 Biophysical Journal 114, 410–418, January 23, 2018

Cell Deformation during an AP

of forces of a weakly aspirated cell is disrupted, such that the DISCUSSION

system is progressively aspirated (Fig. 4). This was achieved
It has been documented by several independent investigators
by calculating the aspiration length (Lp) that minimizes the
that excitation of cells and tissues is accompanied by a defor-
elastic energy of the cell surface for different values of the
mation. Mechanical pulses with micrometer amplitudes have
mechanical parameters (for details, see Eq. 7). An example
been reported in myocytes (1) and during spreading depres-
of the energy as a function of Lp is provided for three values
sion waves (22). During an AP in single axons, the deforma-
of the surface tension with the other parameters (Dp and k)
tions are typically on the scale of 1–10 nm (10,18,19),
held constant (Fig. 5 a). This graph demonstrates the
whereas in fully turgid Charophytes they reach 100 nm
existence of a critical value of s, which flattens the energy
(4,20). Herein, it was demonstrated that sheathing material
function. From there, an increase of surface tension stabi-
may attenuate these motions. When the plasma mem-
lizes the weakly aspirated state (Lp ¼ 0), whereas a decrease
brane of a Chara cell was separated from the rigid external
of s leads to an instability; i.e., Lp increases with time,
cell wall, considerably larger biphasic displacements were
which means that the cell is aspirated into the pipette.
observed (1–10 mm compared to 100 nm; Fig. 2). An
The phase space of the system consists of two regimes:
obvious difference as compared to axons is that mem-
one in which the weakly aspirated state is stable, and one
brane potential and displacement are not in phase
where it is not. A state is unstable when the surface tension
(Fig. 2 d; (20) as compared to (18,19)). In Chara internodes,
and bending rigidity are insufficient to balance the pressure
the derivative of displacement roughly correlates with
difference (29). A 2D slice in the Dps plane of the phase-
voltage (Fig. S3).
space is depicted in Fig. 5 b. Weakly aspirated states are
stable below the instability line (dashed line). The estimated
resting state of a plasmolyzed Chara cell is located in this
On the relation between the electrical and
regime and is marked by a gray ellipse. A transition
mechanical events
across the line into the unstable regime (from stable
Lp ¼ 0 to Lp > 0) can be induced, for example, by increasing There are at least three possible relations between the
Dp by 5 N m2, decreasing s by 50%, or decreasing k by membrane potential pulse and the cellular deformation:
2–3 orders. The effect of the latter is much smaller, and 1) the mechanical and electrical components belong to the
requires a close proximity of the initial state to the insta- same phenomenon (i.e., one observes two aspects of the
bility line. The short inward motion of a weakly aspirated action potential). An objection to this viewpoint comes
cell at the beginning of an AP (Fig. 4 d) can be induced from the different behavior in time of membrane potential
by a parameter change with opposite directionality (i.e., a and the surface deformation. In Chara, the cell surface
decrease in Dp or an increase in s or k). These findings recovers its shape on timescales that are roughly an order-
are in line with a more elaborate calculation conducted for of-magnitude longer than the membrane potential pulse
a different domain of the parameter space (30). (30–300 s vs. 5–10 s). A difference in time course, however,
does not necessarily mean that one deals with decoupled
phenomena. Such behavior of variables is common, for
example, in coupled differential equations. The mechanical
relaxation time agrees fairly well with the duration of the
relative refractory period (>60 s at room temperature
(45)). Thus, it could be that the mechanical observable
reflects state changes of the excitable medium in a more
direct manner as compared to the electrical one. This first
option will be falsified if the same deformation can be
induced in absence of an AP. 2) The cell surface deforma-
FIGURE 5 (a) The energy E as a function of aspiration length Lp for tion is an independent phenomenon triggered by the AP.
three values of the surface tension reveal that the weakly aspired state This is equivalent to the view of excitation-contraction
(Lp ¼ 0) can be stable, critical, or unstable. Other parameters were held con- coupling in muscle cells. There, an AP at the plasma mem-
stant: k ¼ 1019 J, Dp ¼ 3N/m2, Rp ¼ 10 mm. For convenience, the energy
brane is believed to trigger cellular shortening via a process
was scaled to zero at an aspiration length of zero (Lp ¼ 0). In addition, it
was normalized by the mean thermal energy at room temperature (20 C), that involves intracellular polymers (1). This shortening lags
to indicate that the elastic energy stored in the surface is considerably larger. behind and outlasts the electrical pulse (21). Similarly, an
(b) Shown here is the instability line in the Dps phase space. Weakly aspi- AP in Chara couples to an intracellular process based on
rated states are located below the line. The estimated resting state of the cell actin/myosin (cytoplasmic streaming). The recovery time
is depicted by the gray ellipse (its width reflects the experimental error in
of streaming (several minutes (36)) also outlasts the mem-
the measurement of srest, whereas its height reflects the experimental error
in the aspiration pressure that sets the weakly aspirated state). Decreasing k brane potential pulse. This second option will be falsified,
effectively shifts the instability line in the direction of the arrow. The three if the deformation persists upon removal of intracellular
states studied in (a) are depicted as small diamonds in (b). filaments (e.g., by intracellular perfusion (19)). 3) A third

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Fillafer et al.

alternative is that the cell surface deformation consists of Although a chemical potential difference for water could
two mechanical components (one being the mechanical underlie the cellular deformations as observed herein, we
aspect of an AP and an additional triggered component). deem it necessary to point out open problems. In the simplest
In the following, potential mechanisms that could underlie case, i.e., if the cell membrane is highly permeable to water
the cellular deformation are discussed. and if no significant transmembrane pressure acts on the sur-
face (47), one expects uniform shrinkage. Experimentally,
however, inward as well as outward deflections of the cell
Potential involvement of Ca2D and cytoskeleton
surface were observed (Fig. S1). This indicates that a more
in cell surface deformation
comprehensive consideration of cellular geometry and of
An increase in the intracellular Ca2þ concentration has been the mechanical forces that govern the surface is required.
implicated in many cellular events such as the stoppage of Another open problem regarding an ion-based mechanism
cytoplasmic streaming in Charophytes, muscle contraction, of the deformation in excitable cells emerged from
etc. It has been argued that the stoppage of cytoplasmic voltage-clamp experiments (19). Ionic currents are low
streaming during an AP in Nitella can be eliminated by during hyperpolarization (30 mA cm2) and high during
various protocols that reduce the concentration of Ca2þ in depolarization (1 mA cm2) (49), yet larger displacements
the extracellular medium (38,39,46). By using these tech- were found during hyperpolarization of squid axons (19).
niques, it should have been possible to investigate the role Finally, it must be emphasized that an osmotic mecha-
of Ca2þ influx in the cellular deformation. However, it nism implies a change in cell volume. To the best of our
was found herein and by others that these techniques cannot knowledge, there is little evidence that corroborates that
be readily applied to all Chara and Nitella cells (39,46). this is the case. One study with Charophytes has indicated
Cytoskeletal motility as in muscle cells is probably not that volume decreases slightly during an AP (33). However,
involved in the cell mechanical changes in Chara. Cytocha- more experimental evidence, in particular from neuronal
lasin D interferes with contractility in muscle (40) and in- preparations, is required. It has to be kept in mind that
hibits actin-myosin based streaming in Chara (41). The cellular deformations can also occur at constant volume.
cell surface deformation, however, persisted in presence of As an analogy, one may imagine a droplet of water sitting
this substance (Fig. 3). Still, the role of cytoskeletal fila- on a surface. The droplet will deform at constant volume
ments (e.g., by polymerization/depolymerization, etc.) in if, for instance, its surface tension is changed by addition
the mechanical events warrants further investigations. of a small amount of surfactant.

Cell surface deformation due to a change in Cell surface displacements due to changes in
transmembrane pressure surface tension and/or bending rigidity
Significant transmembrane pressure deviations should only It was proposed by Kaufmann (11,12) and more recently by
arise if the chemical potential of water in the intra- or extra- Heimburg and Jackson (13,14) that an AP is a propagating
cellular space is altered. A chemical potential difference change of state in the quasi 2D membrane interface. Such
will be equilibrated by transfer of water (i.e., osmosis) if the a reversible (adiabatic) phenomenon must be associated
membrane is sufficiently permeable. In the classical theory with transient changes in forces and fluctuations of all
of excitability, transmembrane flux of ions is a central thermodynamic observables of the system (electric field,
premise. Therefore, cell surface displacements in neurons pressure, temperature, surface area etc.). More recently, it
and plant cells have usually been interpreted as cell volume was indeed demonstrated that linear (50) as well as
changes based on osmosis (20,47). In nerve fibers, transmem- nonlinear, self-stabilizing pulses (solitary waves) (51,52)
brane flux of ions was estimated from radiotracer studies to be can be excited in lipid monolayers—the simplest model
on the order of 1011 mol cm2 impulse1 (1,7). In Chara, an system of a cell membrane. These pulses manifest in all
influx of Ca2þ and an efflux of Cl and Kþ occurs during an thermodynamic variables (e.g., electrical, thermal, optical,
action potential. The influx of Ca2þ (4,1014 mol cm2 etc.) (53–55). This is also the case for APs (1,2,10,15,19).
impulse1) (37) is believed to be orders-of-magnitude smaller If one compares the solitary waves in protein-free lipid
as compared to the efflux of Cl and Kþ (4,109 mol cm2 monolayers at the water-air interface with action potentials,
impulse1) (48). The main consequence of these events in additional similarities exist (threshold, amplitude saturation,
Chara should be an increase in extracellular osmolarity dur- etc.). Thus, the thermodynamic theory predicts a lateral
ing an AP. This is equivalent to an increase in extracellular pressure pulse (related to the surface tension) as well as
pressure (pout). The cell could deform as a consequence of a change in mechanical susceptibilities (area compress-
this transmembrane pressure difference. If the chemical ibility and bending rigidity) during cellular excitation. The
potential difference for water is equilibrated by efflux from mechanical changes during an AP in Chara (Figs. 2, 3,
the cell, the pressure difference will decrease and in parallel and 4) may be the consequence of pulse-associated changes
to this, the cellular volume will be reduced. in s and/or k of the excitable medium. For an acoustic pulse

416 Biophysical Journal 114, 410–418, January 23, 2018

Cell Deformation during an AP

in a 2D continuum, a biphasic response is expected because C.F. is grateful for funding by the Max Kade Foundation (http://
of mass conservation (11). The analysis presented here of M.F.S. acknowledges financial support by the
German Science Foundation (DFG) as well as the research unit Shear
micropipette aspiration results suggests that the observed Flow Regulation of Hemostasis (SHENC).
phenomenology (Fig. 4) could be explained by a decrease
in surface tension (by 50%) and/or bending rigidity (by
2 orders). Such changes are large but not entirely unreal- REFERENCES
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418 Biophysical Journal 114, 410–418, January 23, 2018

Biophysical Journal, Volume 114

Supplemental Information

Cell Surface Deformation during an Action Potential

Christian Fillafer, Matan Mussel, Julia Muchowski, and Matthias F. Schneider
Cell surface deformation during an action potential – Supporting Material
C. Fillafer, M. Mussel, J. Muchowski, M.F. Schneider

Figure S1. Cell surface deflection during an action potential (AP). (a) Under control conditions
(no excitation of an AP) only a slight drift of the protoplast projection edge was observed. A
representative kymograph is shown. Vertical scale bar represents 10 µm. Average drift of projection
edge during 10 min ≪1µm (ntotal=134 experiments). (b) Upon propagation of an AP across the field of
view, the cell surface deflected. At randomly chosen points along the protoplast, varying amplitudes
and directions of the displacement were observed (see kymographs). This variability will be explained
in a forthcoming manuscript. Horizontal and vertical scale bars apply to all kymographs. The latter
represents 10 µm. (c) Frequency histogram of maximal displacement of projection edge during an AP
(ntotal=135 experiments in 24 cells).

Figure S2. Pulse propagation velocities. Propagation velocity of action potentials in plasmolysed
Chara braunii internodal cell as calculated from electrical and mechanical component respectively.
The plotted values are averages (±standard deviation) of n=6-7 measurements per cell.
Cell surface deformation during an action potential – Supporting Material
C. Fillafer, M. Mussel, J. Muchowski, M.F. Schneider

Figure S3. Correlation between cell surface displacement, velocity of displacement and
membrane potential pulse. Two representative examples (a, b) for simultaneous measurements of
membrane potential via intracellular recording (orange) and out of plane displacement of membrane
(blue, top). (blue, bottom) The derivative of the displacement with respect to time (i.e. the out of
plane velocity of the membrane) correlates relatively well with the membrane potential which
indicates that the two phenomena are coupled. An AP was triggered at t=0 by an electrical stimulus; in
record (b) a spontaneous AP occurred (around 220 sec).

Figure S4. Irreversible membrane aspiration during an AP. An AP was excited under condition
Lp>0 where the membrane had initially been separated from the protoplast by aspiration (i.e. in the
unstable regime). (a) Recording of membrane potential (arrow indicates stimulus artifact). (b)
Concurrent with the depolarizing phase of the AP the aspirated membrane (m) deflected into the
pipette. The dark interface (p) corresponds to the surface of the chloroplast layer which is also
deformed transiently. Kymograph shown is a representative example. See text for detailed statistics.
Scale bar represents 10 µm.
Cell surface deformation during an action potential – Supporting Material
C. Fillafer, M. Mussel, J. Muchowski, M.F. Schneider

Supporting movie legends

Video S1. Cell surface deflection during an action potential (AP). A typical plasmolysed Chara
cell. The protoplast appears as a dark tube within the cell wall cylinder. Upon stimulation of an AP (9
s mark; ~0.5 cm from observation site), a dynamic deflection of the cell surface occurs (arrows are
guides to the eye). Note: biphasic and reversible nature of displacement; transient stoppage of
cytoplasmic streaming during AP; field of view ~200 x 110 µm

Video S2. Close-up view of cell surface deflection during an AP. An AP is excited electrically (0.5
s mark; ~2 cm from the observation site). Note: biphasic and reversible nature of the displacement as
well as a slight lateral shift of the cell surface; video speed switches from real time to time lapse at 12
s mark; field of view ~35 x 35 µm.

Video S3. Micromechanical testing during an AP. A low suction pressure (insufficient to aspirate
the membrane) is applied to a Chara cell via a micropipette. This suction pressure is kept constant
during the time course of the experiment. When an AP is excited (2.5 s mark), the membrane
projection deflects into the pipette. Note: deflection is fully reversible; video speed switches from real
time to time lapse at 7 s mark; field of view: ~165 x 90 µm.

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