Theory: 1 Plant Water Relations

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In most cells and tissues of higher plants, water constitutes more than 80% of
fresh weight. The water content of some growing young cells may be 90% or even more
and in dormant seeds and buds, it may be 10% or less

1. Water is the major constituent of protoplasm.
2. Water acts as a solvent for many solutes and other minerals. The mineral nutrients
are dissolved in water and then transported or translocated from one part of the
cell to another.
3. Water is the medium in which many metabolic reactions take place.
4. Water is a reactant in a number of metabolic reactions. In many physiological
processes like photosynthesis, hydrolytic processes such as hydrolysis of starch to
sugar and protein into amino acid, water plays an important role.
5. Water imparts turgidity to the growing cells and thus helps in maintaining their
form and structure.
6. The temperature in plant tissues is maintained by water.
7. Water helps in respiration, reduction of CO2 in photosynthesis, growth, absorption
of dissolved substances and many other plant processes.
8. Gain or loss of water from the cells and tissues is responsible for many
movements in plant parts, eg. Closure and opening of stomata.
1. Water has high specific heat capacity.
2. Water is good conductor of heat.
3. It is fairly transparent to visible radiation. It allows light to penetrate and enables
the plant to carry out photosynthesis even in considerable depth of water.
4. Water has much higher surface tension than any other liquids because of the high
internal cohesive forces between the molecules.
5. Water is a good solvent for electrolytes and non- electrolytes.

A membrane which allows both solvent and solute molecule to pass through it is
called as permeable (cell wall).
Membranes which allow only solvent molecules to pass through it and do not allow
solute molecules to pass through it are called as Semi-permeable. Solute particles can
neither enter nor leave through such membranes.
The biological membranes are not perfectly semi-permeable. They also allow passing
solute molecules only up to a certain extent and are selective in nature. They are known,
as selectively or differentially permeable membranes.

Imbibition is a physical process in which water is adsorbed by certain substances
making them swell. The increase in volume is mainly due to adsorption of water
molecules by hydrophilic colloids. The material which adsorbs water is called imbibant
and the swelling of imbibant as a result of absorbance of water is called imbibition.

1. Imbibition is the first step in germination of seeds. When seeds are soaked in
water, they imbibe water and swell. The water is imbibed by seed coat and then
by other tissues of embryo and endosperm. Thus the process of imbibition
initiates the seed germination.
2. The water is first adsorbed by the walls of root hairs which are then absorbed by
the root hair.
3. The water moves into the ovules which are ripening into seeds by the process of
4. During imbibition, heat energy is released which further increases the metabolic
activities of cells of seeds.

Diffusion is defined as the movement of molecules or ions of a solute or a
solvent, be it a solid, liquid or gas from the region of its higher concentration to the
region of lower concentration.
Eg. Blowing of wind, exchange of gases during photosynthesis and respiration,
dissolution of sugar in water are certain common examples of diffusion.
The rate of diffusion is the maximum in gases, minimum in solids when dispersed
in water and intermediate in liquids.

Importance of diffusion in plants

1. The ions of mineral salts are absorbed by the process of diffusion during passive
salt uptake.
2. Diffusion is an effective means of transport of substance over short distance and
helps in translocation of food material.
3. During transpiration, water vapours from intercellular spaces diffuse through
stomata by diffusion.
4. The exchange of gases, eg: CO2 intake and O2 output in photosynthesis and CO2
output and O2 intake in respiration takes place by the simple process of diffusion.

When two solutions are separated by means of a semipermeable membrane,
the molecules of water (or solvent) move from the region of higher potential to the region
of lower potential, movement of water or solvent is called as osmosis. Osmosis is a type
of diffusion through semi-permeable membrane.

Osmosis in plants is of two type viz., endosmosis and exosmosis.

When water or solvent molecules enter into the cell through plasma membrane
from an external medium, it is called endosmosis. For example, when dry raisins are
placed in water, they swell up due to endosmosis.

When a plant cell is placed in a highly concentrated solution, the water molecules
move from the cell to the external medium through plasma membrane. It is called
For example, when fresh grapes are placed in 40% sugar solution, they will
wrinkle and collapse after sometime due to exosmosis

1. It is important in absorption of water by plants from soil.
2. Cell to cell movement of water and its distribution in all the plant parts occurs
through osmosis.
3. The turgidity of plant organs is maintained by osmosis.
4. Osmotic pressure helps in growth of young cells.
5. The movement of plants and plant organs, for example, bursting of many fruits
and sporangia occur due to osmosis.
6. The opening and closure of stomata is influenced by osmosis through turgidity of
guard cells.

A solution having a concentration such that it gains water or solvent by osmosis
across a semi permeable membrane from some other solution is termed as hypertonic
solution (more concentrated solution)

A solution having a concentration such that it loses water or solvent by osmosis
across a semi permeable membrane to some other solution is termed as hypotonic
solution (less concentrated solution)

A solution having a concentration such that it neither gains nor loses water by
osmosis when separated by a semi permeable membrane from another solution is termed
as isotonic solution.
Differences between Diffusion and Osmosis
It is defined as the movement of molecules When two solutions are separated by
or ions of a solute or a solvent, be it a solid, means of a semi permeable membrane, the
liquid or gas from the region of its higher molecules of water (or solvent) move from
concentration to the region of lower the region of higher potential to the region
concentration. of lower potential. The movement of water
or solvent is called as osmosis.
The Diffusion may occur in any medium Osmosis occurs in liquid medium and only
and the diffusing particle may be solid, the solvent molecules move from one place
liquid or gas. to another.
Presence of a semi permeable membrane is Presence of a semi permeable membrane is
not required. Diffusion may occur through required.
a membrane where the movement is

Concept of Water Potential and Osmotic Relations of Plant Cells

It is difficult to explain accurately the movement of water in osmosis in terms of
difference in concentration. Therefore, it is always better to express in terms of
differences in free energy between the two regions.

Free energy
It is defined as the energy available isothermally to do work. The free energy per
mole of any substance is called as the chemical potential of the substance. Thus, the
chemical potential measures the energy with which a substance will react or move.
What is Water Potential?
The difference between the free energy of water molecules in pure water and the
energy of water in any other system (eg. Water in solution or in a plant cell) is called as
Water Potential. It is represented by the Greek letter, Psi (Ψ) which is measured in bars
(a pressure unit =14.5 Ib/in 2750mm Hg or 0.987 atm.).
1 bar = 105 pascals = 100KPa = 0.1 MPa.
Water potential (Ψ) of protoplasm is equal but opposite of the DPD or SP. Since
the Ψ of pure water is zero (0), the water potential (Ψ) of protoplasm is equal but
opposite of the DPD or SP. Since Ψ of pure water is zero (0), the presence of solute
particles reduces the free energy of water, thus decreases the negative value. Therefore, Ψ
is always less than zero or its highest value is zero.

Components of Water Potential (Ψ)

The components of water potential are as follows:
Ψw = Ψs + Ψp + Ψm
Where, Ψm is the matric potential used for the surface such as soil particles or cell wall
to which water molecules are adsorbed, Ψs is the solute potential, also called as osmotic
potential, the amount by which water potential is reduced.

Solute Potential (Ψs)

Reduction in free energy of water in cells due to the electrostatic attraction or
repulsion of dissolved salts and water molecules is called as Solute Potential.

Pressure Potential (Ψp)

It is due to the pressure developed with in the cells and tissues. The pressure
normally exerts in the contents of plant cells. This is due to the elastic stretch of the cell
wall. As a result of the inward pressure from the cell walls, a hydrostatic pressure is
developed in the vacuoles. This pressure is called as the Pressure Potential or Turgor
Potential. .

Matric Potential (Ψm)

The potential developed due to the binding of water molecules to protoplasmic
and cell wall constituents are called as Matric Potential. It is always negligible when
compared to solute or pressure potential.
Therefore, water potential becomes. Ψw = Ψs + Ψp
In fully turgid cell, the osmotic potential (π) and pressure potential (Ψp) are equal
but opposite in sign, so that water potential (Ψ) is zero. Suppose in a cell, Ψs is -10 bars
and ΨP is, 10 bars, Ψ will be zero.
Ψ = Ψs + Ψp
Ψ = -10 bars + 10bars
Ψ = 0 bars.
And in the case of a flaccid cell, Ψ p will be zero, so
Ψ = Ψs + Ψp
Ψ = -10 bars + 10bars
Ψ = -10 bars.
In the plasmolysed cell, suppose Ψs =-10 bars and Ψp =-2 bars, then
Ψ = Ψs + Ψp
Ψ = -10 bars + (-2) bars
Ψ = -12 bars.

Relationship between water potential

The cell at 0 turgor (in flaccid condition) has a solute potential equal to its water
potential. On the other hand, a cell at full turgor has a water potential of 0 bars. Under
natural condition, cell is usually at a state between 0 turgor and full turgor. When the
leaves are wilted, 0 turgor approaches. When the leaf reaches maximum water content,
full turgor approaches.

Range of Water Potential in Leaves

Leaves of most crop plants in well-watered soils will have a water potential of -2
to -10 bars. With decrease in water supply, the water potential becomes more negative
than -10 bars. At this stage, the leaf growth rate will be affected. Leaves of crop plants
may survive for short periods when water potential is less than -15 bars. They will not
recover if the water potential falls below between -20 and -30 bars. In contrast, the
leaves of desert plants will survive as low water potential as -100 bars. The viable air
dried seeds will have a water potential range of -60 to -100 bars.
Movement of water between cells
Water moves in and out of the cell because of the difference in water potential
gradient between cells and its surrounding solution. Similarly, water can move from cell
to cell by diffusing down a water potential gradient between the two cells. Thus, the
direction of movement of water and force with which it moves depends on the water
potential in each cell and consequently in the difference in water potential between them.

Cell A has a pressure potential of 5 bars and contains a sap with a solute (osmotic)
potential of -12 bars. Cell B has a pressure potential of 3 bars and a solute potential of -6
bars. If these two cells are in contact, which way the water will move and with what
Cell A:
Ψ w = Ψs + Ψp
= -12 +5
= -7 bars (low water status)
Cell B:
Ψ w = Ψs + Ψp
= -6 +3
= -3 bars (high water status)
Therefore, water will move from cell B to Cell A. And the force is 4 bars (-3-(-7)). The
value of is of importance because it is directly proportional to the rate at which the water
sill move between cells.

It is defined as the movement of water from an area of higher potential to an area
of lower potential, but without the assistance of differentially permeable membrane. The
adsorption of water by hydrophilic colloids is also known as imbibition. During
imbibition, some energy is also released. Solvents are usually imbibed only into the
materials, with which they have affinity.
Eg. Water into proteins; Acetone into rubber
The pressure generated by imbibition is called as Imbibitional Pressure (IP). This
will cause the swelling of the imbibant. The imbibitional pressure is sometimes enormous
and may be playing very important roles, i.e., it helps in breaking soil profiles by
germinating seeds and also for splitting of hard seed coats. Also, when a seed is placed in
a rock crevice, it may split the rock due to the pressure of the imbibing water of the
germinating seeds. Proteins have a very high imbibing capacity, followed by starch and
cellulose. Therefore, proteinaceous pea seeds swell more on imbibition than starchy
wheat seeds
The relationship between DPD, IP and TP is as follows:

Factors Affecting Imbibition

i. Nature of organic substances
ii. Temperature change
iii Presence of solutes
iv. Degree of cohesion of the molecules
v. Type of solution.

Significance of Imbibition
Imbibition plays a very important role in the plant life as:
1. It helps in the absorption of water by the roots of higher plants through cell walls of
root hairs.
2. Imbibition of water is very essential for dry seeds before they start germination.

Under normal condition, the protoplasm is tightly pressed against the cell wall. If
this plant cell or tissue is placed in hypertonic solution (whose O.P is higher than that of
cell sap) the water comes out of the cell sap into the outer solution and cell becomes
flaccid. This process is known as ex-osmosis and the protoplasm begins to contract from
the cell wall. This is called as incipient plasmolysis.
The phenomenon of shrinkage of protoplasm and its separation from the outer cell
wall on account of the much-concentrated outer hypertonic solution in comparison to the
cell sap is called as plasmolysis.
This process separates the protoplasm from the cell wall and finally assumes a
spherical form. This is due to the process of ex-osmosis. The cell or tissue is then said to
be plasmolysed. Then, the space between the cell wall and protoplast is filled with the
outer hypertonic solution.

Stages in plasmolysis of a plant cell

Significance / Advantages of Plasmolysis

1. It indicates the semi-permeable nature of the plasma membrane
2. It is used in the determination of O.P. of the cell sap.
3. It is also used in the post-harvest technological process of addition of sugar solution to
jams and jellies to check the growth of fungi and bacteria, which become plasmolysed in
the concentrated solution.

If a plasmolysed cell or tissue is placed in water process of endosmosis takes
place. Water enters into the cell sap, the cell becomes turgid, and the protoplasm again
assumes its normal shape and position. This phenomenon is called as deplasmolysis.

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