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Evolve Resources for Goulds Pathophysiology for the Health Professions 6th Edition Hubert Te

Evolve Resources for Goulds

Pathophysiology for the Health
Professions 6th Edition Hubert Test
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Evolve Resources for Goulds Pathophysiology for the Health Professions 6th Edition Hubert Te

Chapter 01: Introduction to Pathophysiology

Test Bank


1. Which of the following would be the most likely cause of an iatrogenic disease?
a. An inherited disorder
b. A combination of specific etiological factors
c. An unwanted effect of a prescribed drug
d. Prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment

2. The manifestations of a disease are best defined as the:

a. subjective feelings of discomfort during a chronic illness.
b. signs and symptoms of a disease.
c. factors that precipitate an acute episode of a chronic illness.
d. early indicators of the prodromal stage of infection.

3. The best definition of the term prognosis is the:

a. precipitating factors causing an acute episode.
b. number of remissions to be expected during the course of a chronic illness.
c. predicted outcome or likelihood of recovery from a specific disease.
d. exacerbations occurring during chronic illness.

4. Which of the following is considered a systemic sign of disease?

a. Swelling of the knee
b. Fever
c. Pain in the neck
d. Red rash on the face

5. Etiology is defined as the study of the:

a. causes of a disease.
b. course of a disease.
c. expected complications of a disease.
d. manifestations of a disease.

6. A type of cellular adaptation in which there is a decrease in cell size is referred to as:
a. hypertrophy.
b. metaplasia.
c. anaplasia.
d. atrophy.

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7. A change in a tissue marked by cells that vary in size and shape and show increased mitotic
figures would be called:
a. metaplasia.
b. atrophy.
c. dysplasia.
d. hypertrophy.

8. A deficit of oxygen in the cells usually due to respiratory or circulatory problems is called:
a. apoptosis.
b. ischemia.
c. hypertrophy.
d. necrosis.

9. When a group of cells in the body dies, the change is called:

a. ischemia.
b. gangrene.
c. hypoxia.
d. necrosis.
ANS: D REF: 10

10. Rigorous weight lifting/body building regimens may result in the skeletal muscle cells
a. hypertrophy.
b. dysplasia.
c. atrophy.
d. regeneration.

11. The term cancer refers to:

a. dysplasia.
b. hyperplasia.
c. metaplasia.
d. malignant neoplasm.

12. To which of the following does the term apoptosis refer?

a. Increased rate of mitosis by certain cells
b. Ischemic damage to cells
c. Liquefaction of necrotic tissue
d. Preprogrammed cell self-destruction

13. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Alteration of DNA does not change cell function.
b. Damaged cells may be able to repair themselves.
c. All types of cells die at the same rate.
d. Mild ischemia causes immediate cell death.
ANS: B REF: 10

14. Caseation necrosis refers to an area where:

a. cell proteins have been denatured.
b. cell are liquefied by enzymes.
c. dead cells form a thick cheesy substance.
d. bacterial invasion has occurred.
ANS: C REF: 10

15. Routine application of sun block to skin would be an example of:

a. an iatrogenic cause of cancer.
b. a preventive measure.
c. a precipitating factor.
d. a predisposing condition.

16. A circumstance that causes a sudden acute episode of a chronic disease to occur is termed:
a. latent stage.
b. predisposing factor.
c. incidence.
d. precipitating factor.

17. The term homeostasis refers to:

a. the causative factors in a particular disease.
b. maintenance of a stable internal environment.
c. a condition that triggers an acute episode.
d. a collection of signs and symptoms.

18. Which term is used to describe a new and secondary or additional problem that arises after the
original disease has been established?
a. Symptoms
b. Occurrence
c. Manifestations
d. Complication

19. Pathophysiology involves the study of:

a. the structure of the human body.
b. the functions of various organs in the body.
c. functional or structural changes resulting from disease processes.
d. various cell structures and related functions.
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already vying with Rotterdam, and was expected to surpass it as a
trading town, in consequence of a law having passed to lower the
transit duties, and which was to take effect in January 1822.

Before retiring early to-bed, I secured my place in the diligence to

Brussels, for the following morning; at which place I proposed to rest
for some time, after so long a series of travelling; during which, in the
course of three months, I had never slept more than four nights in
the same bed; and farther, I was induced to select this place, for my
repose, as I hoped to meet with some old friends there.

We commenced our journey at seven o’clock; about ten we

stopped to change horses at Mechlin, the city so celebrated for its
manufacture of fine lace of that name. The cathedral here is said to
be a very grand structure and well worth seeing. About noon, we
arrived at Brussels, after a journey of twenty-five miles from Antwerp.

On the recommendation of M. G. Mignon, the French gentleman

with whom I had travelled from Berne to Cologne, and who had
arrived in Brussels the day before myself, I fixed my residence at the
Hotel de la Paix, Rue Violet.

The great anxiety of various countries to become the masters of

this city, may alone be regarded as a strong indication of its
importance. It is extensive, handsomely built in an eligible situation,
and its inhabitants regarded as a polished people; their politeness
towards the English visitors, has, however, been latterly no little
tempered by political or commercial jealousy, arising from our being
able to furnish better and cheaper commodities than they can
manufacture; while, at the same time, they have been subjected to
heavy imposts, and deprived of the advantage of exchanging their
productions for French wines and goods. They do not hesitate to
express their preference of the French government, under which
they had been so long subjected, and even the wish to return to it;
indeed their habits and characters assimilate more with the French
than the Dutch, with whom they are now connected.

The manufactories of carpets, lace, &c. carried on at this place,

are well known; few of the former are, however, actually the
productions of this city, but made in a number of the towns around,
particularly Tournay; they are conveyed, however, into the
merchants’ stores at this place, and then come out as real Brussels
Brussels appears to have had a particular partiality for the number
seven; hence there were formerly seven public fountains; seven
principal streets that centre in the great market-place; seven parish
churches; seven principal noble families; and seven gates of Doric

There is a canal encircling the town, and forming it into a kind of

island, planted with trees, and which runs to Willibrook, a village on
the Scheldt, at the distance of fifteen miles; along the banks of this
canal lies an excellent road, shaded with four rows of trees on each
side, upon which the ladies of Brussels take the air in their carriages.
The treckschuyts pass by this canal from Brussels to Antwerp, twice
every day.

The great market-place is one of the most beautiful squares in

Europe. One side is occupied by the Stadt-house. The states of
Brabant used formerly to meet in a palace in this square, which was
most richly adorned. In three large rooms the resignation of his
empire, by Charles the Fifth, is wrought in tapestry. The other rooms,
which belonged to this august assembly, were embellished with fine
original paintings. In this square are also situated the halls of the
various trading companies of Brussels, the fronts of which are
adorned with exquisite sculpture and workmanship.

The herb-market is also a fine square, as well as the horse-market

or sablon; both of which are environed by some excellent buildings.
The Place Royal, situated near the palace and park, is an airy
situation, and contains the two principal hotels, the Bellevue, and the
Hotel de Flandres. The museum, and the botanic garden are also
situated by this square; in the former is deposited the cradle of
Charles the Fifth, and the chair in which

“The Spaniard, when the lust of sway

Had lost its quickening spell,
Cast crowns for rosaries away,
An empire for a cell.”
This museum contains also a number of interesting objects of
nature and art; amongst the former a good collection of minerals,
and amongst the latter, an extensive one of paintings; and which
comprises a few valuable originals.

In company with a friend, Mr. M’M⸺, to whom my warmest

acknowledgments are due for his unceasing attentions in conducting
me to, and explaining its various parts, I made the complete tour of
this city along the ramparts, commencing at the gate of Namur.
These ramparts appeared in a bad state, not calculated for a
fashionable promenade; we passed an old fort with a very few guns
upon it, and these certainly not in fighting order. We did not complete
the tour on the first day, but left off at what was lately named Port
Napoleon, but now Port Guillaume; this is a handsome modern

On the following day we completed our tour, finishing at Port

Namur; in the course of this walk we passed a number of persons
employed in making a boulevard, and building a wall from a depth of
six feet to the surface to support it.

One afternoon we went to examine the environs around the royal

palace of Lacken, and might without much difficulty have been
admitted into the palace itself, had it not been too late in the
afternoon; we were informed, however, that it offered nothing
particularly magnificent or interesting; with its grounds it is enclosed
within a wooden fence, which altogether does not comprise an area
of two miles in circumference, certainly not an extensive domain for
a royal residence, in the neighbourhood of so fine a city.

The churches at Brussels are very fine, particularly that of St.

Gudulo, which is a magnificent building with two steeples. There are
two places of worship, where the English service is performed in an
impressive manner, by their respective preachers; the one the
church of St. Augustine, for morning, the other a chapel in the Place
Royal, for evening service.
Brussels is almost wholly supplied with firing, from the forest of
Soignè, which covers a tract of sixteen or seventeen thousand acres
of land, one sixtieth part of which is allowed to be cut down annually,
and thus a constant supply ensured.

Lodgings and all kinds of provision are very reasonable, but

French wines now comparatively dear. We one day went to a coach-
maker’s, where we saw vehicles of every description, which my
friend on examining into, declared were as well got up as they
generally are in England, and at about two-thirds of the customary
English prices. We visited also the lace manufactories, where my
companion made some purchases, but I did not choose to run the
risk of being laughed at, for taking back the produce of my own
country, which, I am assured, is now frequently put off as the
manufacture of Flanders.

One evening I went to the larger theatre, with Mr. S⸺, for the
express purpose of hearing the celebrated Mademoiselle Mars, in
the character of the Femme Colère in the play of that name. I
thought the piece very inferior, and to comprise common place
incidents, and trifling dialogues. The plot is founded upon the
stratagem of a peaceable kind of husband, to quell the turbulent
temper of his wife, and who succeeds in convincing her of her folly,
by shewing the impropriety of such conduct in himself; for this
purpose, on one occasion, when she has been enraged at her
waiting-maid, he throws himself into a still greater passion; upsets
the tables, chairs, and every thing that comes in his way; she hears,
sees, and is astonished at his violence, becoming proportionately
tame, as his rage increases, and at length convinced of her error,
determines to reform.

The stage of this theatre I thought not sufficiently advanced

towards the audience, the greater part of the sound appearing to be
retained upon it.

One day, amongst other amusements in the suburbs, I was

present at that of shooting the popinjay, which consists in placing the
figure of a bird at the top of a long pole, and shooting at it with bows
and arrows; the person who succeeds in displacing the mark, is
remunerated with a gold or silver watch, or whatever prize may be
contended for; it did not appear, however, an easy matter to effect
this, as it was four o’clock when we were there, and they had been
engaged the whole day, without being able to remove the popinjay.

During my stay at Brussels, I discovered very few symptoms of

gaiety, although the royal family were at the time resident. The
English families were many of them gone to different bathing places.
I had, however, the gratification of finding there my friend, Admiral D
⸺, whose great condescension and hospitality, demand my
warmest acknowledgments, and have left an indelible impression of
gratitude and esteem; nor can I forget the kind attentions of his friend
Mr. P. H⸺.

On the 10th of September, I received a letter from my friend C⸺,

dated at the port of Lubec, describing his progress towards St.
Petersburg, and which gave me unfeigned pleasure.

Being desirous of reaching England, before the equinoctial gales

might come on, on the 12th of September I took my place for Ghent,
in one of the many coaches that go daily to that city; after an early
dinner, I left Brussels at half past two o’clock, occupying the same
seat with an English gentleman and his dog; the middle seat was
taken up by a Dutch captain, from Batavia, with a parrot and dog;
while a pair of monkies belonging to him, enjoyed the fresh air on the
roof, and amused the people as they passed along. We arrived at
the fine city of Ghent about half past eight o’clock, and, at the
recommendation of Admiral D⸺, I went to the Hotel de Vienne, in
the merché au blê, where, in consequence of using his name, I was
treated with particular attention, and charged reasonably for very
superior accommodations.

This city derives no little of its celebrity from having been the birth-
place of Charles the Fifth, as well as our John of Gaunt, duke of
Lancaster, and son of Edward the Third.
We were now in what was formerly called Flanders, the Austrians
possessing the larger part with this city for their capital; the French,
the south-west, comprising Lisle and Dunkirk; and the Dutch, the
north-east, with the strong fortress of Sluys.

On the following morning we breakfasted at seven o’clock, and,

after taking a short walk into the town, set off for the barge to
Bruges, which lay at a considerable distance from the hotel, and
starts at nine o’clock in the morning. The day was unfavourable; it
blew hard, and we had frequent showers of rain; however, we were
better situated for these gales than had we been in the packet
midway between Ostend and Margate. Between twelve and one
o’clock, a better dinner was placed before us, than I had met with at
any table d’hôte in France, Germany, or the Low Countries, and the
wine was universally praised. I certainly had as good a pint of
Burgundy as I had met with on the continent, for which, with my
dinner, and the fare for thirty miles’ journey, including the
conveyance of baggage, I was only charged seven francs and a half.
Our dinner concluded with a magnificent dessert; we had more
baskets of peaches than we could make use of, grapes (the first I
had met with this season), and abundance of the more common
fruits. We arrived at Bruges at half-past three, and, without tarrying,
immediately traversed the city to the barge for Ostend, on a canal at
the opposite side of it. All I know of this place is, that we walked
through the town for nearly two miles before we reached the boat.

Our barge from Bruges, as well as our party, was much smaller
than the one we had travelled with from Ghent; soon after seven
o’clock we arrived at Sas van Ghent, a small village, about a mile
from Ostend, where we rested a few minutes, after which we
proceeded into the town, when about eight o’clock I reached the
Wellington hotel, an inn conveniently situated for the custom-house,
and the packets sailing to and from England, and which has been
established by an Englishman, lately the head waiter from
Nicholson’s hotel.
On our arrival at Ostend we found two packets intending to sail for
England, a private one for Margate and London, on the following
day, and a government one for Dover on the succeeding day to that;
those to whom time is of importance, however, unless a vessel is on
the point of sailing from hence, and the wind favourable, will do well
to take the barge to Dunkirk, and travel from that place to Calais by
the diligence.

On the Friday the wind was unfavourable, and we had nothing to

do but amuse ourselves as we pleased; in the morning we walked
about the town, and in the evening visited again the village of Sas
van Ghent, with the object of examining Paren’s museum, which, as
the sole collection of a humble individual, the proprietor of a small
inn at this place, is by no means contemptible. He had great variety
of land and sea animals, several of the former coming under the
head of lusus naturæ. No remuneration is expected for seeing his
curiosities; but we could not do less than take refreshment at his
house of business; and I presented him with a small piece of Mosaic
work which I had brought from Rome, with which he appeared highly
pleased, never having seen any before. On returning to our hotel we
found the captain intending to sail at midnight, and therefore we did
not go to-bed until we ascertained that he had abandoned this

On Saturday the morning was delightful, and the wind favourable;

at one o’clock, a.m. we took leave of the town and harbour of
Ostend, in the Fox packet, commanded by Captain Fox, with whom I
engaged to be landed at Margate. The Dover packet immediately
followed, but soon steered a more westerly course. The wind, at first
fresh, gradually decreased until midnight, when it became calm, and
the weather foggy. At day-break a slight breeze sprung up; at eleven
o’clock the fog cleared off; we found ourselves close under the North
Foreland; and at twelve myself and a few other passengers were put
on board a lugger, which soon landed us upon the pier of Margate.

The indescribable delight with which I hailed my native land, after

so long an absence, was not a little enhanced by the general
improvement my health had experienced; the restoration of which,
had formed one of my leading motives for undertaking the journey.

On a retrospective view of the various incidents and

circumstances to which I had been exposed, I found no reason to
think that my tour had been defective in interest, or that I had
returned without commensurate advantages. Amongst other results,
I felt enabled to contrast the advantages of our happy isle, with the
less substantial comforts, and more specious characters, of its
continential neighbours, and to appreciate its superiority; an
inference, which, should it be deemed erroneous or unphilosophical,
I am proud to attribute to that spirit of patriotism, which ought to
pervade every human bosom, and like the magnetic influence,
incline its affections to their native pole.

“Such is the patriot’s boast! where’er we roam,

His first, best country, ever is at home.”


Printed by W. Woodcock, St. Helena Place, Spa Fields.


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