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2020 - 2021
Sustainability Report + Annual Report
About this Report Leading a Sustainable Future
with 'Green' Cable Solutions
Since 2010, we have been publishing the report on an annual basis to transparently LS (Leading Solution) 2020 - 2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview 04
share with our stakeholders the previous year’s performance and this year’s targets in
For LS Cable & System, sustainable
economic, social and environmental value creation. This report features special pages Chairman’s Message 04
on our ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) strategy in reflection of the vision management means our belief in the value
President’s Message 06
and management philosophy of LS C&S as part of our efforts to actively respond to the of going forward together. It is not simply a
ESG Management System 08
growing importance of this field. We will continue to work toward ensuring sustainable resolution, but something that must be put
About LS C&S and its Business 12
growth in the years to come. into action on a daily basis. We resolutely
Our Products 14
believe in and act upon our vision to enhance
Company Vision and Philosophy 16
Reporting guidelines the quality of life of our stakeholders,
Our Global Network 18
This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) including suppliers, customers, investors, and
Key Achievements 20
Standards Core option and fulfills the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles of inclusivity, local communities. Our goal for sustainable
Opportunities and Challenges 22
materiality, responsiveness, and impact. No material changes have been made from the management is to create a society defined by
previous year in reporting boundaries, scope, or measurements. For any changes in a coexistence and a prosperous future.
data collection method, adjustment has been made using the 2020 method and details Sustainable Management 24
are specified in the report.
Corporate Governance 26
Reporting period Integrated Risk Management 27
The period is from January 1 to December 31, 2020. Three-year data from 2018 to 2020 Sustainable Management System 30
is provided to keep track of performance trends. The 2021 issues up to the second Identification of Material Issues 34
quarter deemed necessary to be reported as meaningful performance are also included.
10 Key Topics 36
Reporting scope and boundary
The scope includes domestic worksites (the head office, Seoul office, plants in Customer First
Gumi, Indong, and Donghae, and Central Research Lab) and domestic and overseas 1. New Technology and Products 46
subsidiaries. Financial information is based on consolidated data. Where some of the 2. Quality and Product Responsibility 55
social and environmental data falls in different reporting scopes, this fact is noted.

One LS C&S
Reliability of this report
3. Social Contribution 60
For the accuracy, objectivity, and reliability of this report, a review was conducted by the 4. Shared Growth 66
independent verification agency KMR in accordance with international standards. In
5. Respect for Human Rights and Diversity 71
addition, financial data in the report has been audited by an independent auditor.

Rule & Responsibility

Reporting cycle
6. Compliance Management 76
Annually (publication date of the latest report: May 2020)
7. Ethical Management 80
8. Workplace Safety and Health 84
Key changes in terms of the size, structure, and ownership of the organization
9. Talent Management 89
10. Advanced Green Management 96
For further information on LS C&S, please visit
Contact details are as follows:
Appendix 104

LS Cable & System Sustainability Coordination Group

Financial Statements 105
Tel: +82-2-2189-9134
Independent Assurance Statement 111
Email: [email protected]
GRI Standards 113
Additional Information 115
4 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 5

Chairman’s Message

As a company supporting industries that deliver energy and information through cable products
just like the circulatory system running through a body, we have initiated ESG management as part
of our efforts to create a cleaner and healthier planet while promoting corporate social value.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all the stakeholders As a company supporting industries that deliver energy and
in our enterprise for your continued interest and support. information through cable products just like the circulatory system
running through a body, we have initiated ESG management as
Last year, we announced our Vision 2030: The World Best Cable part of our efforts to create a cleaner and healthier planet while
Solution Leader in preparation for the coming decade. To swiftly promoting corporate social value.
spark a management paradigm shift, we have set strategic
directions for globalization, new business models, an advanced Our ESG vision, Leading a Sustainable Future with Green Cable
management system, and ensuring an innovative corporate Solutions, reflects the direction for our business and social value
culture. We have drawn up implementation tasks and have been based on our Vision 2030.
conducting activities for their internalization.
Under this vision, we will respond to climate change through green
Amid these efforts, we have been challenged by both the COVID-19 infrastructure innovation, place safety as the top priority at our
pandemic and climate change as these global crises directly worksites, and implement ESG management in an unbiased and
impact all of our daily lives. The pandemic has forced us to face transparent manner. To this end, an ESG management committee
unprecedented uncertainty, and ongoing climate change issues and a dedicated team will be established to carry out key tasks.
are sending us all a warning regarding fossil fuel-based production
and consumption. Whenever we have confronted challenges over the last six
decades, we have renewed ourselves through innovation. Amid
While pursuing their business, companies must consider both growing uncertainty in the business environment, we will remain
society and the environment in order to ensure a sustainable committed to achieving sustainable growth by implementing ESG
future. New trade barriers such as carbon border adjustment management that allows us to forge a better future for coming
mechanisms are emerging with the growing demand for ESG generations.
management in many countries, particularly in Europe. ESG
management has also become a criterion in financial markets I hope that this year’s report announcing our new commitment
when companies seek to raise investment funds through loans. to sustainability will provide another effective communication July 2021

channel with our stakeholders. Chairman Cha Yub Koo

Considering that globalization is one of our key strategies for We look forward to your unwavering support for our efforts.
achieving sustainable growth, ESG is no longer an option, but a
must for our survival. Thank you.
6 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 7

President’s Message

Corporate sustainability cannot be guaranteed only through economic performance.

To realize ESG values including environmental protection, social contribution,
and compliance management, we will continue our efforts.

Distinguished stakeholders, Secondly, based on the recognition that fostering shared growth
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your support. with local communities is an important corporate role, we are
conducting a variety of activities to support our local communities
Despite the global economic downturn and multiple challenges and the children of low-income families. In particular, a job support
being faced by society, we have achieved robust growth based program for those discharged from military service has been
on systematic strategies and innovative technology. We have launched in partnership with the Donghae City Government under
focused on new growth engines such as renewable energy and which a former petty officer joined LS C&S after his discharge.
EVs to boost our business competitiveness. Our submarine
cable products for offshore wind power transmission have been Thirdly, a Compliance Committee was newly established to
consolidating their market position, and we became the first promote a culture of compliance and proactively meet social
supplier in Korea to provide aluminum cables for EVs and EXLW needs. We believe safety should never be subject to compromise,
(high-function magnet wire). but rather that it is a core value. In this regard, all of our employees
are engaged in accident prevention activities.
However, corporate sustainability cannot be guaranteed only
through economic performance. To realize ESG values including In addition, we have initiated a range of efforts at creating social
environmental protection, social contribution, and compliance value and we would like to present them alongside our ESG
management, we have been conducting the following activities: strategy in this report. We will commit ourselves to implementing
these strategies and fully achieving our goals.
Firstly, as a response to the issue of climate change, efforts are
being made to reduce GHG emissions across our value chain from We look forward to your ongoing support for our efforts.
raw materials to production, consumption, and disposal. At our
Donghae Plant, existing power for submarine cable production is Thank you.
being replaced by renewable energy, and the commercialization
of PP polypropylene cables is allowing us to minimize the air pollutants
generated during production. In addition, a foundation for resource
recycling has been laid thanks to the development of recycling
technology for XLPE cross-linked-polyethylene as a raw material. July 2021
President Roe Hyun Myung
8 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 9

ESG Management System

For 2021, we drew up our ESG vision and strategy to help us fulfill our social responsibility towards Strategic value Where we are Where we are headed

both our internal and external stakeholders in the environmental, social, and governance fields and
Responding to climate change issues through Shifting to eco-friendly materials and Procuring renewable energy and
to ensure sustainable long-term growth. Key tasks and activities have been selected to internalize
green infrastructure innovation manufacturing processes promoting green technology
ESG management and a governance body and dedicated team will be established to support its
implementation. Setting safety as the top priority at Conducting activities to Raising awareness of safety and
our worksites promote workplace safety health across the supply chain

Implementing ESG management in Launching initiatives Promoting transparent communication among

Establishing Drawing up an ESG vision an unbiased and transparent manner and a compliance organization internal and external stakeholders

an ESG Management Our ESG vision, Leading a Sustainable Future with Green Cable Solutions is based on the missions and
core values of our Vision 2030 so that a vision in line with our existing management strategies can
System Creating key tasks and subtasks
provide a foundation as we take the lead in terms of ESG.
We will proactively respond to ESG-related demands and issues that are regarded as critical to the
company. Considering the strategic relevance of the ESG system, our business status, and the available
Identifying strategic values and goals
resources, eight key tasks, subtasks, and an implementation roadmap were determined. The responsible
Based on external trends and our commitment to ESG management, we have identified the following
teams and the ESG Team will craft an action plan for each subtask. The eight key tasks are linked to nine
strategic values: ① Responding to the issue of climate change through green infrastructure innovation; ②
UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Setting safety as the top priority at our worksites; and ③ Implementing ESG management in an unbiased

How to set up key ESG tasks
and transparent manner. Strategic goals for each value have been established to provide direction for
implementation and make each value quantifiable. Identifying critical issues and
Listing key tasks Considering internal feedback Finalizing the list
establishing strategic goals

Our ESG strategy system based on the Vision 2030 Activities Activities Activities Activities
· Analyzing internal/external status · Conducting brainstorming sessions · Making a short list considering ·F
 inalizing the tasks through
· Conducting a diagnosis and · Analyzing the cases of other internal feedback discussion
Mission Vision
identifying the gap companies · Prioritizing the tasks on the list
Our business mission and vision
Enable the Cabled World The World Best Cable Solution Leader · Selecting ten key issues · Creating a long list of tasks in line
· Drawing up three ESG strategies with the ten key issues and strategic
and seven goals goals

10 key ESG issues 8 key tasks 3 ESG strategies and 7 strategic goals
ESG Vision Leading a sustainable future with 'Green' cable solutions
➊ Reducing waste and pollutants Internalizing a capacity for
Developing sustainable solutions Responding to

Establishing infrastructure to strengthen ESG management

➌ Increasing energy efficiency climate change
Implementing ESG Environ- Launching activities to reduce issues through
ESG strategy Responding to the issue of climate change Setting safety as the top Promoting energy efficiency
management in an unbiased ment ➐ Promoting the development of DT-based carbon emissions green
(Strategic value by ESG issue area) through green infrastructure innovation priority at our worksites green products infrastructure
and transparent manner Building a system to Creating a virtuous innovation
➑ Reducing GHG emissions minimize waste resource cycle
Internalizing Implementing Establishing
Promoting Creating Promoting our Strengthening ➋ Promoting employee safety and
ESG ESG-friendly an ESG
ESG strategic goals energy a virtuous ESG strategies supply chain health Creating a ‘safety-first’ Implementing ESG-friendly
management practices at management
efficiency resource cycle externally management work environment practices at our worksites
policies our worksites system ➍ Strengthening communication with
Placing top

communication activities
customers and clients

Conducting external
Society priority on safety
➎ Supporting suppliers in their risk at our worksites
Providing ESG-related
management Promoting our
support to customers
ESG strategies externally
and to society
➏ Supporting local communities

Our core values Customer First One LS C&S Rule & Expertise ➒ Strengthening activities to promote Strengthening supply chain Implementing
Responsibility ethical management Promoting an ESG management ESG management
approach in supply in an unbiased
➓ Internalizing ESG management chain management Establishing an ESG and transparent
policies management system manner
10 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 11

Declaration of ESG Management

Relevance to the UN SDGs and our activities

Relevance to the UN SDGs Our activities To enable a cabled world and become the world best cable solution leader,

Securing a capability for ESG management

we declare our ESG vision, Leading a Sustainable Future with Green Cable Solutions.
Establishing infrastructure to
• Establishing a governance body and management infrastructure and acquiring
strengthen ESG management
ESG certification from external agencies All LS C&S employees proactively join this effort at promoting ESG management and promise:

Promoting green products

Developing sustainable solutions • Raising environmental consciousness in products, adjusting a product portfolio We support reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 and are committed to green infrastructure innovation.
and conducting an environmental impact assessment We strengthen the sustainability of our business by developing green products and solutions.
We promote energy efficiency by improving facilities and processes.
Energy Usage Process Transformation
Launching activities to reduce We create a virtuous resource cycle by minimizing waste.
• Making a commitment to RE100 (100% renewable energy) and launching a
DT-based carbon emissions
company-wide net-zero emission initiative
We fulfill our corporate responsibility and make safety the top priority at our worksites.
Increasing the use of recycled resource in production We implement ESG-friendly practices at our worksites by creating a safe work environment
Building a system to minimize waste
• Recycling waste and developing material and packaging technology
We promote our ESG strategy externally by communicating with customers and conducting social
contribution activities.

Strengthening remote and 24/7 monitoring of occupational safety and

Creating a ‘safety-first’ work
health activities
environment We implement ESG management in an unbiased and transparent manner
• Conducting a real-time health check and monitoring training and activities
We strengthen supply chain management by forming partnerships with our suppliers.
Promoting ESG management outside the company
Providing ESG-related support to We establish an ESG management system by building trust with our stakeholders.
• Strengthening efforts at contributing to the society and launching a program to
customers and to society
make up for environment capital
We continue our efforts at creating a sustainable future for the earth and all humanity.
Conducting external evaluation on our ESG performance
Conducting external communication
• Collecting external feedback from third-party evaluation and participating in
global ESG initiatives
June 14, 2021
Promoting an ESG approach in Promoting ESG management in our global network The employees of LS C&S
supply chain management • Supporting suppliers and overseas subsidiaries in their ESG-related efforts

RE100 (100% renewable energy) initiative to reach carbon neutrality by 2050

To achieve our RE100 goal, one of our key ESG tasks, we will proactively join the global effort to reach
carbon neutrality. Our Donghae plant and Polish manufacturing subsidiaries plan to complete the shift to
100% renewable energy by 2024 and 2025, respectively, and the RE100 initiative will be phased in at all of
our worksites at home and abroad in consideration of the political and social circumstances present in
each country.

Our RE100 initiative

2024 2025 2050

Donghae plant Manufacturing subsidiary in Poland All worksites

12 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 13

About LS C&S and its Business

Company profile Since its foundation in 1962, LS C&S has developed, produced and provided cable solutions, contributing Financial In 2020, the sudden COVID-19 pandemic increased uncertainty and served as a major constraint on
to industrial development by establishing power grids and communications networks at home and our business. We quickly devised response measures to minimize its impact. As a result, we have
abroad. We have been developing state-of-the-art products, including submarine and superconducting marked impressive achievements in our key business areas, including winning a submarine cable supply
cables, to lead a global market while pursing sustainable growth. Going forward, we will continue our contract. Consolidated sales for 2020 were recorded at USD 4,441 million, a year-on-year increase of USD
efforts at becoming a global cable solution leader through customer-oriented and green businesses that 465 million. Operating profit rose USD 12 million to USD 152 million. As of the end of 2020, total assets
meet customer requirements. stood at USD 4,333 million, a rise of USD 788 million year on year: Inventories from expanded business
increased USD 244 million; improved cashflow in sales-allowed cash and cash holdings rose to USD 144
Company name LS Cable & System
million; and tangible assets grew USD 71 million with investments in submarine cable and automotive
Head office 13th-17th Fl. LS Tower, 127 LS-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
part businesses. Our debt-equity ratio was 270%, an increase of 13%p mainly due to expanded business
Domestic worksites Seoul office, plants in Gumi, Indong and Donghae, and Gunpo R&D center
in LS C&S and its subsidiaries.
President Roe-Hyun Myung
Date of establishment May 1962 Sales (unit: USD million) ● Non-consolidated ● Consolidated Operating profit (unit: USD million) ● Non-consolidated ● Consolidated
Primary products Power/telecommunication/industrial cables and materials
Subsidiaries 13 domestic subsidiaries and 18 overseas subsidiaries 2,878 91
2018 2018
3,612 100

2,801 97
2019 2019
3,975 140
information 2020
4,441 152

Assets Sales Employees Subsidiaries Corporate tax

* on a consolidated basis as of the end of Assets (unit: USD million) ● Non-consolidated ● Consolidated Debt-equity ratio (unit: %) ● Non-consolidated ● Consolidated
December 2020 USD 1,171million USD 4,441million 5,455 31 USD 28 million

3,215 257
History 270
Establishment of foundation Growth Qualitative growth Toward 2030
2019 235 249

1962 Established as the Korea 1984 Established 2005 Renamed LS C&S 2020 Declared the Vision 2030 3,202
Cable Industry Goldstar Optical Opened the LS Industrial Complex in Wuxi, Established Sejong 2020 225
1966 Opened the Anyang Telecommunications, China Opened the submarine
plant a joint venture with 2006 Opened LSCV, the second plant in Vietnam cable Plant 3 in 2018 2019 2020
1978 Opened the Gumi plant AT&T for optical fiber 2007 Opened LSCI in India Donghae, Korea and
1982 Opened the Anyang R&D production 2008 Launched as LS holdings Co. Ltd communication harness
center 1994 Opened LGMW and 2009 Opened the first submarine cable plant in Korea Plant 2 in India
1983 Opened an HV LGME in a joint venture Acquired HongQi Electricity of China 2021 Opened a power cable
EHV VCV tower at the with Malaysia 2015 Declared the new company vision LS C&S Way plant (LSMC) in Egypt · Korea Personnel Improvement · Korea Business Council for · International Contractors · FTTH Council Europe
Gumi Plant 1997 Opened the Indong Founded LS C&S Asia (a holding company of Incorporated LS Association Sustainable Development Association of Korea · BICSI
plant in Korea and the Vietnam subsidiaries) Materials as a subsidiary · SERI CEO · Korea Engineering & Consulting · Korea Information and ·K
 orea Electric Wire Industry
LG-VINA cable plant in 2016 LS C&S Asia listed on the KOSPI Announced ESG Association (KENCA) Communications Contractors
· Korea HRD association Cooperative (KEWIC)
Vietnam 2017 Acquired the power business of SPSX management Association (KICA)
· Korea Employer’s Federation (KEF) · Korean Institute of Electrical · CIRED KOREA
2003 Branched off from LG (establishing LSCUS)
Engineers (KIEE) · FTTH Coucil Asian Pacific
Group LS C&S Asia started the construction of a cable · Anyang Chamber of Commerce · Korea Data Center Council
plant in Myanmar / Established LS EV Poland · Korea Electric Association · Korea Rolling Stock Industries
· Anyang Reserve Commander · ITS Korea
and launched LS EV Korea · Korea Electrical Manufacturers Association
Association · ICF
2018 Incorporated Gaon Cable as a subsidiary Association · Korea Railway Association
· Korea Emergency Planning Council
Established G&P (a merger between GCI and · Korea Electrical Contractors · Korea Profibus Association
Pountek) / Founded a subsidiary in Poland for · Fair Competition Federation
Association · CLPA (CC-Link Association)
optical cable production / Established LS Alsco · Korea Listed Companies Association
· Korea Wind Energy Association · ODVA
2019 Opened LSEVP and LSCP in Poland
14 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 15

Our Products


HV/EHV cable Submarine cable system HVDC cable FTTA (Fiber to the Antenna) Optical fiber / Optical cable FTTH (Fiber to the Home)
This efficiently transmits large- This can be installed along the This supports long-distance This is installed in wireless base This delivers large-capacity data This provides high-speed internet
capacity power with a voltage of ocean floor to allow electric power transmission with reduced power stations to efficiently send electric rapidly and accurately by sending service to homes using optical fiber
154kV or higher. transmission and communications loss by converting AC to DC. power and optical signals to an communication signals using light. cables.
between islands or between the antenna.
mainland and an island.

Superconducting cable system Power distribution cable Overhead transmission line/ Bus duct system LAN (Local Area Network) cable Structured cabling system Coaxial cable
This transmits and distributes large This supplies power at 0.6/1kV to Optical ground wire This has the advantage of This allows high-speed This supports the planned installation This stably transmits a high
quantities of energy with little loss 22.9kV to residential and commercial Overhead transmission line is mainly distributing power efficiently telecommunications networking and operation of cables used for frequency signal from base stations
since there is minimal electrical buildings and industrial distribution installed in steel towers for long-distance in confined spaces with a high within limited geographic areas. communications equipment and to antennas using broadband.
resistance. circuits. power transmission. Ground wire shields demand for electricity, such as personal computers within buildings
the line and intercepts lightning stroke. factories or apartment buildings.
OPGW (optical ground wire) is overhead
ground wire to which telecommunication
features have been added.

Industry Materials

Industrial cables Military cable Rolling stock cable Copper wire Aluminum Magnet wire
These are used to supply signals This highly functional cable is used This is used to power and control This is high-purity copper wire made This is made of lightweight, high- This is used to convert back
and power to electric and electronic to supply signals and power to tanks, various rail vehicles, such as subway exclusively with electrolytic copper to strength aluminum with elevated and forth between electric and
devices and industrial robots. aircraft, and battleships. cars and high-speed electric trains minimize the loss of electricity. conductivity. mechanical energy in electrical or
(KTX). * Products of LS Alsco electronic devices.

Wind power cable Marine and offshore cables Automotive cables and harnesses Ultra Capacitor
This is used to transmit to These are used to power and control and modules for electric vehicles This is next-generation energy
transformers the electricity ships (such as an oil tanker or These are used to provide power to all storage with ultra high-capacity
generated from onshore and container ship) and oil-drilling facilities, devices required in a vehicle. energy output to supplement or
offshore wind power generators. and also for telecommunications on * Products of LS EV Korea replace storage batteries and fuel
such ships and facilities. cells.
* Products of LS Materials
16 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 17

Company Vision and Philosophy

In January 2020, LS C&S declared its Vision 2030 to set a clear direction for the company over the next Management policy
decade. With the intense competition in the market, securing future growth engines is increasingly
in 2021 Profit-oriented Digital
important. Furthermore, paradigm shifts in the industry will present both risks and opportunities. In this Global business
management management
regard, we will strive to achieve our vision through four strategic directions: Globalization; an innovative
business model; advanced business management systems; and an innovative corporate culture.

Vision 2030 · Securing competitiveness · Establishing regional · Improving productivity at work

by innovating the business headquarters considering local by connecting and integrating
model and diversifying product business characteristics and functions and subsidiaries
portfolios market environments ·R  esponding rapidly to changes
LS C&S WAY · Quality-oriented operating · Promoting sales activities driven by digital technology in the
systems and solution businesses led by regional headquarters industrial ecosystem
and strengthening global

Achieving profitable growth by Building capacity for global Securing business competitiveness
securing a competitive edge competitiveness to achieve our vision through digital innovation

LSpartnership LSpartnership is LS Group’s corporate philosophy of Greater Value Together.

LSpartnership means employees achieve superior performance through mutual respect, care, and trust.
They cooperate based on open-mindedness and grow together with our stakeholders.

LSpartnership was created with the participation of all members of LS Group and provides the philosophy
upon which employees should act. It serves as a driving force that will bring about a new future.
Mission Enable the Cabled World

Vision The World Best Cable Solution Leader

An innovative Advanced business Innovation in

Strategic direction Globalization
business model management system corporate culture
Excellence Integrity Respect

LS employees pursue excellence LS employees comply with all LS employees respect diversity
that offers customers pertinent principles, standards, and work together with their
C.O.R.E. and our commitment Customer First One LS C&S Rule & Expertise differentiated value. and procedures and take a rational partners to produce the best
Responsibility approach to doing their work. possible results.

Key Words Key Words Key Words

Customer-Oriented Ethical Mindset Open Communication
Infinite Challenge Rationality Fair Opportunity
Satisfying customer needs Maximizing synergies Fulfilling corporate social Concentrating working Value Creation Responsibility Growing Together
through differentiation through communication responsibilities efforts for innovation
18 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 19

Global Network

● Manufacturing subsidiary As of the end of March 2021, we operate 23 manufacturing subsidiaries, 14 sales subsidiaries/
● Sales subsidiary
offices, and four R&D centers under three Regional Groups in China, Asia and the Americas and two
● Sales office
● R&D center Regional Divisions in Middle East/Africa and Europe.
● Others * Europe R&D office



Poland KOREA Korea

● Manufacturing subsidiary (12)

CHINA LS C&S, LS Buildwin, G&P, Sejong Cable,
France G&P Wood, LS EV Korea, LS Alsco,
China Gaon Cable, mobo, EZ Cable, DKC,
LS Materials
● R&D center (4)
Central Research Lab, LS C&S R&D
Vietnam center (electric power), LS C&S R&D
center (industrial/telecommunication),
Egypt Taiwan
Gaon Cable R&D Center
● Others (2)
Saudi Arabia Bangladesh Singapore ASEAN LS Cable & System Asia Mexico

(an intermediary holding company),

GL Marine
India Myanmar


Europe Middle East·Africa China Asean Asia Americas

Poland ● LSEVP, LSCP Egypt ● LSMC ● LSCW, LSHQ Indonesia ● LSAGI / ● LSAGS India ● LSCI USA ● LSCUS / ● LSCA
France ● LSCF / Kuwait ● Branch office Vietnam ● LS-VINA, LSCV Australia ● LSCAU Mexico ● Branch office
● Europe R&D office (Kuwait City) Myanmar ● LSGM / ● LSGMT Japan ● LSCJ (Mexico City)
UK ● LSCU UAE ● Branch office (Dubai) / Singapore ●B ranch office Taiwan ● Branch office (Taipai)
● Branch office (Singapore) Bangladesh ● Branch office (Dhaka) Employees Business operation
(Abu Dhabi)
Saudi Arabia ● Branch office (Riyadh) 5,455 in 20 countries
20 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 21

Key Achievements Achieving the value of Commercializing carbon-fiber-

applied LAN cables
Customer First
We have successfully commercialized
a telecommunications cable that uses
new technology carbon fiber as a shield material in place
Despite business uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we continued our efforts at of copper or aluminum. This material
achieving the Vision 2030 of The World Best Cable Solution Leader. We promoted green business allows a weight reduction of 10-20% while
including offshore wind power cables and automotive parts for EVs, focused on the development and Launching smart increasing flexibility and durability by more
commercialization of next-generation technology and materials, and expanded our overseas business. telecommunication cables than 30%. Everything is in place to start
We have launched PoE (Power over Ethernet) the production of LAN cable for facility Internationally certified solar cables
operations and system management at
cable and anti-hacking optical cable Sole supplier of underwater cables
products to respond to developments in the smart factories and buildings. We plan to
in Korea
IT industry such 5G, IoT, and big data. A PoE use carbon fiber in other industrial cables
Winning more We launched a 1500V DC solar cable
cable is a LAN cable that allows a single for mobility, robots, and mobile equipment.
overseas projects
product and obtained IEC and EN
Making an entry into cable to both provide power and connect a
certifications for it from TÜV Rheinland, a
the African market device to a network. Transmission distance
German testing and certification body. In
Globalization New growth is doubled compared to conventional
engine addition, a 22.9kV underwater cable was
cables so that construction costs can
An innovative developed for floating solar modules. DC
be saved with fewer hubs and switches
business model cable was supplied to more than 30 solar
Green cables used in connection points. An anti-hacking
Offshore wind power farms, including the Solaseado complex
cable has been developed to address the
Carbon fiber in Jeollanam-do Province and reservoirs
susceptibility of optic cable to the hacking of
Eco-Friendly in Jeollabuk-do Province. In 2021, we will
emails and financial information. Its special
build upon this achievement to expand our
optic fiber and reinforced coating allows
presence in the solar cable market.
this cable to completely prevent any data
leakage. Increasing demand for this product
is expected from the financial, defense, and
IT industries.

Sustainable development
Expanding green business Securing new growth engine Opening a 5G telecommunication Opening a power cable plant in Egypt
harness plant in India
Increased production We opened a cable plant in Egypt in
LSCI, our manufacturing subsidiary January 2010, our first plant in Africa. Its
capacity Globalization in India, recently opened its Plant 2 to main product is overhead transmission line.
produce ‘telecommunication harness’, Production recently started after signing
an assembly of cables that connects a cable supply contract with the Egyptian
Winning consecutive offshore wind power cable contracts Expanding EV parts business telecommunication base stations, electric power authority for a project to build
LS C&S has accumulated expertise through a number of offshore Manufacturing aluminum wires for EVs antennas, and systems. The subsidiary a power grid in a new town. As the cable
Opening the submarine cable Plant 3
wind power projects over more than a decade, which has allowed us EV manufactures are concentrating their efforts on automotive plans to focus on the Indian market with market in Egypt is growing steadily with
With the offshore wind power market the relocation of the administrative capital
to win a series of projects in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. A five- lightweighting in order to improve mileage and fuel efficiency. its coming launch of 5G and expand its
steadily growing due to the implementation and the need to replace aging grids, we will
year preferred supplier agreement was signed with Ørsted, the world's In response, we became the first in Korea to build a production presence in Europe and the US.
of green policies in many countries, we focus our efforts on the Egyptian market
largest developer of offshore wind power. We also won a bid for USD line dedicated to aluminum wire and supplied it to a Japanese
invested USD 50 million in Donghae City and expand into East Africa and the Middle
276 million worth of projects in Bahrain, the Netherlands, and the automotive electronics company. We believe aluminum will become
in Gangwon-do Province to build our East as well.
US. In addition, we won a bid for USD 211 million worth of business a key material for EVs as only 15 kg of aluminum wire is required to
submarine cable plant 3. This has allowed
on the Jeju 3 connection submarine cable construction project by make one EV, compared to 25 kg of copper.
us to double our production capacity and
the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). This is the largest
manufacture long-drum length HV/EHV
domestic cable project since the Jeju 2 connection project in 2009. Supplying magnet wire for the drive motors for the IONIQ 5 and EV 6
and large-size cables, strengthening our
With the successful development of magnet wire for motors
competitiveness for bidding on contracts
operating at 800 volts, LS C&S has become the sole supplier
and meeting market demand.
for the Hyundai IONIQ 5 and Kia EV6 electric vehicles. As EV
manufacturers compete over charging speed, the importance of HV/
EHV components is growing. Supplying high-voltage magnet wire to
automakers provides us an opportunity to lead this new market.
22 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 23

Opportunities and Challenges

Energy Transition To better respond to climate change and shift to a low-carbon society, many countries are working on Digital The COVID-19 pandemic has been accelerating the transition to a digital economy characterized by
the formulation and implementation of green policies. These include not only policies for expanding the contactless and online activities. Students are taking online classes and a growing number of people
development of renewable energy, but also for promoting energy efficiency and green mobility. In this are working from home. Some predict that going contactless will become the ‘new normal’ rather than a
regard, the South Korean government announced its Green New Deal designed to secure a sustainable passing fad. Furthermore, new business models such as smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and car-
future and accelerate the transition to a green economy. sharing services are providing momentum for a digital transformation across industries.

Increasing demand for offshore wind power cables Establishment of 5G infrastructure in the US and India
A shift to new and renewable energy is underway in many countries around the world. Offshore wind As countries resume the 5G infrastructure construction projects stalled during the COVID-19 pandemic,
power accounted for 0.3% of total energy production in 2018, but it has increased by 30% annually ever growth in demand for telecommunication equipment and cables is expected. In the US, 5G frequency
since, showing the highest growth rate after solar energy. It is expected that the expanding Asian and bands were allocated to mobile carriers through a bidding process from 2020 to early 2021, and the 5G
North American markets will increase worldwide installed capacity to 230 GW in 2030, marking eight- service currently available only in large cities is soon expected to be provided nationwide. Meanwhile,
fold growth over 2019. the Indian government has been making efforts since 2015 to expand its digital infrastructure under the
Digital India policy. According to their roadmap for 5G commercialization, the service will phase in from
Installed offshore wind power capacity The construction of offshore wind farms
230 worldwide is causing surging demand for large-
2022 for its full operation.
(unit: GW)
27% scale submarine cables. We have signed a five-
Global 5G market (unit: USD 100 million) We are expanding our telecommunication cable
year preferred supplier agreement with Ørsted,
23,175 business in overseas markets, including the
the world's largest developer of offshore wind 20,970
145 US and India, in line with growing investment
25% power. We also won a bid for USD 500 million 18,882 in 5G infrastructure worldwide. Our subsidiary
worth of projects in Bahrain, the Netherlands,
LS Cable India PVT., Ltd. opened its Plant
99 23% the US, and South Korea. Our submarine cable
● Asia, North America 48% 2 and built a production line dedicated to
Plant 3, which opened in April 2020, has allowed
● China 64 18% telecommunication cable harness used for
28% us to double production capacity. As floating
● Europe 45 10% ● 5G 50% 11,588 telecommunication base stations. It plans to
31% wind power is becoming an area of focus, we
29 1% 6% ● All mobile networks
35% focus on the Indian market and also enlarge its
23% 35% have developed dynamic cables adapted for this
* Source: GWEC presence in overseas markets.
(Global Offshore Wind Report 2020) 76% 59% 56% 51% 49% new means of energy generation to increase our * Source: Electronics and
competitiveness in the market. Telecommunications Research Institute 17% 3,565
2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2030 (ETRI, 2019) 2% 378

2020 2023 (F) 2026 (F)

Growing green mobility market
With tightening environmental laws and regulations in the global auto industry, automakers are Management With growing uncertainty over business sustainability fueled by ongoing climate change issues and the
preparing for the transition to eco-friendly vehicles in the near future and are making efforts to respond prolonged global pandemic, many stakeholders have started to consider not only financial performance,
paradigm shift (ESG)
to environmental issues and promote the sustainability of their businesses. A large-scale investment in but also three elements of sustainable management in their corporate evaluations: the environment,
plants and equipment for EV production is underway with the phasing out of the internal combustion society, and governance. Europe and the US have recently increased their environmental improvement
engine. R&D efforts to create high-performance batteries are proceeding as well. Experts forecast the investments, stressing the importance of corporate social responsibility. In addition, ESG-related
global EV market volume will reach 54 million vehicles even before 2030. disclosures have become mandatory in some countries. Many companies are now considering ESG
management to be fundamental rather than optional and announcing their targets to ensure it.
Global EV sales prospect (unit: 10,000 vehicles) To gain a competitive edge in the EV cable and
assembly market, we have diversified our product GHG emission reduction scenario under the Paris Agreement Establishment of an ESG management system
(EVs includes both plug-in hybrid and
pure electric vehicles) 5,400 portfolio with new products and innovative (unit: Gt CO2) LS C&S has set a direction to promote
materials. For HV/EHV EV cables, LS C&S has
(cumulative 45,000 ESG management by establishing targets,
sum: 230 become the sole supplier for the Hyundai IONIQ
40,000 reviewing strategies, and identifying tasks
million) 5 and Kia EV6 electric vehicles following the
35,000 for implementation. We have been making
successful development of magnet wire for motors
Recommendation of the Paris Agreement continuous efforts to heal our planet by quickly
2,600 operating at 800 volts. In response to the trend of 30,000
: limiting global warming preferably to 1.5℃ responding to climate change issues while
automotive lightweighting, we built a production line 25,000
(cumulative Reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 embracing stakeholder value. Moving forward,
170 sum: 116 dedicated to aluminum wire, reducing the weight of
Target of the Paris Agreement 20,000 we will maintain our efforts at nurturing green
(cumulative million) cable by 40% compared to copper. Furthermore, we : limiting global warming to well below 2℃
sum: 850) 15,000 businesses and fostering R&D for our business
established LS EV Korea to produce EV parts and Reaching carbon neutrality by 2070
* Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 10,000 sustainability.
modules, localized our manufacturing subsidiary in Current level
BloombergNEF (BNEF)
Poland. 5,000
2020 2025 2030 * Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2020 0
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070
24 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 25

26 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 27

Corporate Shareholder status

We listen to all of our shareholders to maximize their value. All of our shareholders exercise their
Integrated Risk An integrated management system

Governance rights in accordance with laws and regulations. Our major shareholder is LS Corp. Management Risk Management Committee
The company-wide Risk Management Committee reviews the risk status and makes a decision on
A board of directors is in place at LS Enhancing shareholder values We will do our utmost to identify response measures. The committee is led by the President as the chairperson and the head of IR/
C&S and BOD meetings are convened Dividends are paid by the resolution of the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders. risks connected to uncertainties Finance Division as the Chief Risk Officer (CRO). Meanwhile, project bidding cases are deliberated on
to review items regarding company The amount is determined within the profit available for dividends considering investment in the and potential losses so that an in the Bidding Review Committee; the Copper Futures Committee for copper management; and the
policy and businesses. The company company's sustainable growth, enhancement of shareholder value, and the current business efficient response can be ensured Working-level Investment Review Meeting and Investment Risk Review Committee.
is doing its utmost to ensure that environment. In 2021, USD 11,822 thousand worth of cash dividends (on a non-consolidated basis) were in crisis situations and a stable
decisions are made in consideration paid, and the company’s cash payout ratio based on consolidated financial statements stood at 12.96%. business operation environment Risk Management Committee meetings
of the interests of stakeholders. can be sustained. To this end, risk Meetings are held to review the risk status in detail, evaluate potential losses and establish response
2018 2019 2020
management procedures and measures on a quarterly basis. If necessary, special committee meetings are convened for which the
Cash dividends total (USD thousand) 8,616 8,616 11,822
a related system have been put in monitoring team is required to immediately provide the general management team with the report on
Composition of shareholders Cash payout ratio (on a consolidated basis) (%) 10.88 11.88 12.96
place to allow a proactive response, the risk and its impact on the business.
Minority shareholders thereby enhancing corporate value
10.3% BOD and relations with our stakeholders. Risk management organizations
Affiliated persons The BOD features four registered directors. Chairman Cha Yub Koo was appointed as a chair Our risk management activities are conducted by three groups: an execution team, monitoring team,
0.4% considering his expertise and responsibility. President Roe Hyun Myung is serving as a director. and general management team. The execution team implements action plans and takes response
measures. The monitoring team makes a risk prevention plan at the Division or Group level and
Composition of BOD examines risks for prevention. When abnormal signals are detected, the team reports them to the
Directors are appointed at the general meeting of stakeholders. Candidates are selected by the general management team. The general management team establishes a risk management plan,
LS board based on their experience and expertise. The BOD features four registered directors. Director oversees its status, and operates the company-wide risk management committee.
89.3% make decisions in accordance with commercial laws and articles of association and promote the
Organization chart
rights and interests of stakeholder, including shareholders. LS C&S
(as of March 2021)
Risk Management Committee
Full-time Transaction with Relations with the largest and
Name Job title (Y/N) Responsibility the company major shareholders
Chairperson: President
Percentage of CRO: Head of IR/Finance Division
Number of shareholding Cha Yub Koo Y Chairman N/A
Shareholders stocks held (%) Business Group Quality Strategic planning Legal affairs Labor relations / HR Finance Purchasing and
Inside Response to Customer Strategic risks Compliance Environment Labor-management currency and logistics
LS Corp. 16,744,055 89.3 Roe Hyun Myung Y CEO/President N/A
director Executive of the affiliate of competitors’ complaints, system (changing direction management, Environmental laws issues, Labor-related derivatives, liquidity, Suppliers, raw
Minority market entry and and product of internal project contracts and regulations government policy subsidiaries material supply and
1,929,275 10.3 Inside CSO/CISO/Senior LS Corp. technological certifications, strategies) Serious accidents, quality
shareholders Wan Seob Ju Y N/A
director Managing Director changes customer audit natural disasters
75,152 0.4 Inside CFO/Managing
persons Sang Ho Lee Y N/A
director Director
Risk management process
Risk identification (issues and stakeholders) - At this phase, potential cases that may affect
Board Meetings Phase 1 Risk identification (issues and stakeholders)
the company are identified and then defined as opportunities or risks. Responsible teams host
meetings to identify risks of each business process from quotation to contract, production,
The Board Meetings are held on a regular basis according to the pre-established annual plan. Phase 2 Risk analysis/evaluation
delivery, after-sales service, collection and hedging.
Special meetings are convened for prompt decision-making on major agenda items. In 2020, 12
Phase 3 Risk response
board meetings were held in which a total of 31 items were resolved. For details, please refer to ‘About Risk analysis/evaluation - This is a phase of determining how much impact identified potential
Setting management Devising response risks will have on our efforts to achieve goals. Qualitative or quantitative methods are used
the board of directors’ in our annual report. goals and establishing measures and
the measures in assessing risks. In the qualitative evaluation method, the likelihood of risk occurrence is
strategies management index
indicated as high, moderate, and low while the results using a quantitative method is indicated
in the form of numerical value (amount), frequency and period.
Performance evaluation and compensation Phase 4 Risk monitoring (management index)

Remuneration consists of basic annual salary and incentives based on evaluation results. It is Phase 5 Risk report and its closing
Risk response - Risk response is a phase of establishing and implementing appropriate
responses to eliminate or reduce identified risks. Risk responses are largely classified into four
provided within the amounts approved at the general shareholders’ meeting in accordance with Management Committee review steps: acceptance, reduction, transition, and avoidance.
Article 388 of the Commercial Act and the articles of incorporation of our company. Financial No Yes
Managed by responsible Importance / Urgency /
performance is evaluated, but non-financial results including the implementation of mid- to long- Groups and Divisions New occurrence Risk monitoring - Risk monitoring is a phase of conducting a series of activities from review to
No supervision, observation, and management in order to identify abnormal signs for the defined
term expectations, leadership, and improvement of organizational culture are also considered in the Yes
risks. Monitoring activity items include start date, expected completion date, time of loss
Ad-hoc Risk Management Regular Risk Management
evaluation. In 2020, the remuneration limit at USD 13 million was approved in the meeting. Committee Committee
reflection, changes in risk amount and the status of risk cases.

(unit: person; USD thousand)

Risk report and closing - Risks are reported to management through the Risk Management
Taking measures based on the decision
Number of people Total remuneration Average per person Note Committee for their closing. Based on the three criteria, importance, urgency, and new
* The above is the remuneration for the year 2020.
The average remuneration per capita is based on Registered director 4 8,478 2,120 - occurrence, decisions are made on whether pertinent risks are reported to the committee.
Evaluating the effectiveness and reflecting improvement points
the calculation of the total amount of remuneration Once the risk case is closed, results and completion date are documented.
divided by the number of people. Auditor 1 33 33 -
28 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 29

Risk portfolios Personal information and corporate security system Operational risks

Technical security Physical security

We have created risk portfolios for four areas: disaster, financial, operational, and potential risks. Risks IT system stability and data security
are evaluated based on the company’s specific criteria, and risks categorized by area are managed in a Integrated monitoring of possible Intrusion In order to maintain the stability of the IT system, daily data backup
Outer boundary
proactive and continuous manner. information leakage cases detection
for the entire system is conducted and the backup systems and data
General areas
are stored in a vault to prepare for disasters or accidents. Measures
Disaster risks Leakage prevention areas in place to prevent the leakage of corporate and personal information
Access control
Controlled include document encryption, authentication of external storage
To prevent disasters and occupational accidents and minimize the damage when they do occur, areas
Asset import
media, an approval process for exporting PCs, encryption systems,
we are conducting management activities including response policy formulation and inspection, PC Servers N/W DB APP and export
and firewalls. We have been implementing policy and taking technical
and implementation of improvement measures. For accident prevention at plants and construction
protection measures to comply with domestic and international laws,
sites, safety inspections are carried out on a regular basis. At the same time, we have established a
Managerial security including the Personal Information Protection Act, and the General
management system and are maintaining a dedicated organization to prevent and respond to emergency
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In particular, as part of the
situations to prevent unexpected accidents such as natural disasters and fire from negatively impacting
Information asset management and evaluation system efforts at improving our security management, we became the first
our efforts to provide value to employees and customers. Even when production is disrupted by a disaster,
in the domestic cable industry in obtaining ISO 27001 for business
we are still able to supply products from our overseas subsidiaries through cross-selling. In order to
stability and information security operation.
ensure that our subsidiaries provide comparable products, we operate an integrated Control Tower to
support and manage the R&D, quality, and production technologies at our subsidiaries in a comprehensive Security
governance Ensuring stable equipment operation
manner. Under the Control Tower, technical management, quality management and equipment Security audit management and
accident response In regards to production, regular equipment inspections are being
management teams are being operated. rules)
conducted and a response manual has been established for any
Classification of disaster risk items case of the disruption of equipment operation.
Security training and change management system
Category Items Impact Related teams
Enactment Report of
Other risks
Natural Natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, Reporting and Response and Winning of
and revision of infringement
Suspension of production and sales All laws cases
prevention investigation a lawsuit
disaster earthquakes, snowstorms, thunderstrokes
Strategic risks
loss due to fires, suspension of production,
Fires and explosions casualties, and disruption of process Production
Legislative Government Reporters/ Ministry of
Court The possibilities that a company’s strategy may fail due to changes
body agency Victims the Interior
operations in the competitive environment or to reputational damage are all
Leaking of chemicals (toxic materials) Casualties and tarnished corporate images Production managed as strategic risks.
Serious accidents Disaster victims and disruption of process
All Examples used as criteria
(including inhouse suppliers) operations
Policy and regulatory risks
Misc Wars and coups Disruption of process operations All
Examples used as criteria Risk (O/X)
We also manage the risks of violating HSE laws and regulations. In
Penalties and fines handed down as administrative measures ○ particular, close attention is paid to legal compliance considering that
Pandemic risks Collusion/
Legal claims for payment or damage ○ any violations may have a serious impact on our business operations,
The COVID-19 pandemic has made us aware that the spread of infectious disease can serve as a Incidental expenses for court decomposition or litigation (legal fees) Ⅹ such as restrictions on sales activities and worksite closure orders.
business risk. We are making every effort to minimize any disruption to our business by establishing Bad debts ○
a prevention and emergency response system for infectious disease. For example, an action guide Overdue debts
Debt Ⅹ
Refining risk management criteria
was drawn up for employees to follow. Work-from-home procedures and office floor plans have been Overdue debts related to other issues, such as quality ○
In March 2018, under a policy to refine risk management measures,
established. We will continue to closely monitor changes in internal and external environments and plan Construction loss due to disputes with customers or contractors ○
specific guidelines and examples were provided to help identify risks.
our actions so that we can proactively respond to any potential threats and opportunities. Construction loss due to cost overruns (including costs not

reflected in the quotation price) Classifications such as disaster, operational, and financial risks can
Losses from inventory disposal due to a large volume of feature room for subjective interpretation. To minimize subjectivity,
Financial risks Quality (unusual) defects in process (writing-down the value of inventory ○
included) we devised six new categories: collusion/litigation, debt, quality,
We strictly prohibit currency and derivatives trading for speculative purposes beyond essential risk
Inventory or loss from development and production activities withdrawal of business, subsidiaries, and miscellaneous. In addition,

management. Since price fluctuations in raw materials heavily affect our profit structure, such risks (such as remaining PP, execution loss, development samples)
examples of cases identified as risks were provided to improve the
are mitigated through futures trading. In particular, the Copper Futures Committee regularly reviews Quality claims raised by customers ○
efficiency of risk management and increase accuracy in profit and
related risks by sharing information, including copper commodity and futures related issues, operational Withdrawal
of business
Asset impairment due to withdrawal of business ○ loss estimations.
performance, and market conditions by period. In addition, to minimize risks stemming from to
Subsidiaries Impairment of securities, liquidation loss, fund raising ○
fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, we implement a 100-percent foreign currency hedge policy
Delivery delay, exceeding planned construction duration, and
when bidding on international projects. Our debt-to-capital ratio is reviewed on a monthly basis and unpredictable changes on the part of customers (such as ○
contract termination, bankruptcy, unreasonable requests)
improvement measures are taken as necessary to maintain capital-structure soundness. Misc.
Expenses or losses from ordinary business activities (test/
certification fees, taxes, and additional cable length required at Ⅹ
the start and end of the manufacturing process)
30 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 31

Sustainable Principles Sharing value with stakeholders

Management We are striving to create economic, social, and environmental value with our innovative cable ‘Creating shared value’ is based on the concept of harmonizing the economic value of companies
solutions and product technology. In the rapidly changing business environment, we are seeking with the social value of communities. We are sharing our technology and know-how through a
System both economic and social value while promoting the interests of our customers, shareholders, variety of activities and means in an effort to create new value and achieve sustainability at the
and local communities. To this end, our efforts to minimize the negative impact of our business corporate and social levels.
activities and maximize social value will continue.

Customers Shareholders and investors

We are proactively responding to changes in markets and Our shareholders and investors provide us with financial capital so
customer needs through innovative technology. We aim to provide that we can implement strategies and maintain our momentum for
differentiated solution services and create customer value. In 2020, growth. We are striving to achieve qualitative growth and distribute to
To this end, we established a mid-to-long term strategy and roadmap for sustainable sales generated by customers reached USD 4,441 million. them the value we create. In 2020, USD 12 million was passed on to
management, focusing on 7 key topics, including customer satisfaction, green management, Communication channels — Corporate disclosure system / Seminars for shareholders in dividends, and USD 51 million to investors in the form
social contribution, employee wellbeing, shared growth, compliance and fair competition, and customers and meetings / Business reports of interest.
ethical management. This strategy and roadmap will be incorporated into our new ESG strategy Communication channels — Corporate IR activities / Business reports / BOD
Sales generated by customers meetings / General shareholders’ meetings / Corporate disclosure system
to further promote sustainability

Implementation roadmap
USD 4,441million Value passed on to shareholders and investors

USD 63 million
PHASE 1. Foundation building PHASE 2. Internalization and promotion PHASE 3. Integration and differentiation
Suppliers Local communities
Policy Policy Policy We make steady efforts to identify As part of our efforts at fulfilling our
Establishing and implementing a system for Improving and promoting CSR operation, Global CSR strategies and nurture competitive suppliers and corporate social responsibility, we utilize
CSR strategies and expanding governance management and monitoring strengthen our global supply network. our strengths, provide educational
Strategic tasks In addition, unbiased evaluation criteria support and talent donation, and
Strategic tasks Strategic tasks - Integrating sustainability and Integrating and systems are being carefully participate in sharing activities to create
- Establishing a company-wide organization - Strengthening a plan-implementation-check sustainability and operated. Financial, technical, and social value. In 2020, we donated USD
: Setting up a consultative body, and defining process - Formulating CSR strategy by overseas
educational programs are being 717 thousand to local communities.
roles and responsibilities for missions/key - Promoting the strategies to domestic and subsidiary
provided to support stable management Communication channels — Social
tasks of seven working committees overseas subsidiaries
- Implementing a system to respond to
by suppliers. In 2020, USD 2,292 million contribution activities / Sharing activities by
(on a non-consolidated basis) was paid employees / Cooperation between industry
and academia
to suppliers for raw materials, energy,
water, repair expense, and service
Donation to local communities

Organization and direction

Communication channels — Supplier USD 717 thousand
satisfaction survey / Open discussion
meetings / Shared Growth Council

We are operating a sustainable management system that reflects our management commitment
Value allocated to suppliers
to its implementation. The Sustainable Management Secretariat is in overall charge of this
effort, and its seven working committees are carrying out KPI-based tasks aimed at increasing USD 2,292 million
stakeholder value. Key issues and achievements are reported to the executive meeting, where
Organization decisions are made on implementation measures to effectively respond to stakeholder needs. Employees Government
Corporate Strategy Division Talented human resources are one of our key corporate assets The government establishes laws and systems that ensure the
underlying our competitive edge. Based on expertise, one of our stable operation of companies. We are making every effort to fulfill
core values, we are concentrating our efforts on training and our corporate responsibility by faithfully complying with all laws and
Secretariat (Corporate Strategy Team)
Performance investment for employee capacity-building and on improving regulations. In 2020, we paid USD 31 million in corporate tax and
Sharing and
Planning management employee satisfaction through performance-based evaluation utility bills.
Customer satisfaction monitoring
system and compensation. In 2020, USD 299 million was distributed to
Shared growth employees in the form of wages, benefits, and training. Tax and utility bills
Local communities Communication channels — Monthly morning assembly / Intranet / Cyber
Reporting Channel / Counseling office
USD 31million
Compliance management Establishing action plans for (Working committees) Establishing a system and
Ethical management seven working committees in Implementing plans and sharing developing evaluation indexes Value distributed to employees
accordance with the enterprise- issues with the Secretariat. for effective performance
Employees wide CSR roadmap (The Secretariat) Monitoring the management USD 299 million
Green management progress and results of activities.
32 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 33

Activities Responsibility

Activities raising stakeholder value

Achieving shared growth through fair business transactions with
Corporate sustainability can be achieved when
439 suppliers
trust-based long-term relations are established
Raw material and energy source * Suppliers: domestic and international companies supplying materials, electricity and
with stakeholders, including investors, partners,
purchasing for cable manufacturing water used for production, and services
customers, and employees. We hear to the
voices of our stakeholders through a variety Raw material Suppliers
of communication channels and reflect them purchasing 439
in our business activities. We will continue our
efforts at promoting shared growth by providing
stakeholders with the best possible value Complying with environmental regulations and ensuring quality
created across the entire production process. life of 5,455 employees
Product development, design and
Providing a safe work environment, unbiased evaluation and
manufacturing and construction
performance-based compensation
and installation at project sites
* Employees: workforce at LS C&S and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries
by 12 domestic and 11 overseas
2 4 subsidiaries GHG emissions Employees
121,907tCO eq 2 5,455

Ensuring quality and safety, contributing to

Products that are being used around the development of industries and local communities,
the world for power generation, and reducing the use of energy
transmission and distribution, and
* Customers: our product and service users, including electricity agencies,
telecommunication telecommunications service providers, network operators, construction
companies, shipbuilders, and device manufacturers.
1 5

Improving shareholder value and contributing to local

communities by making profits
Creating new markets by nurturing * Shareholders and investors: those who make an investment in equipment
talent and investing in equipment, investment, R&D, and business operations.

bases for business and R&D

Facility investment and streamlining R&D investment

Reinvestment USD 204 million USD 40 million

Realizing public interest, preventing the occurrence of social

cost, and contributing to the development of local communities
Ethical and compliance * Government: implementing laws and regulations and systems to support
management in economic, social companies for their stable business operation
* Local communities: Gumi, Indong, and Donghae where our production facilities
and environmental areas, and social are located, eleven overseas manufacturing subsidiaries, and
contribution through regional and wherever our large-scale projects are being operated
global sharing activities
Corporate social
Social contribution cost
USD 717 thousand
34 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 35

Identification of 2020-2021 key issues Material assessment results ●C ●O ●R ●E

Material Issues We conduct a materiality assessment on an annual basis to identify issues of greatest Important Very Important Extremely Important
importance impacting our businesses and stakeholders at home and abroad. A pool of economic,

Shareholder interest
social and environmental issues is created utilizing our internal process, GRI Standards Index, GHG emissions reduction Advanced green management
ISO26000, and Sustainable Development Goals. In order to evaluate issues, we analyze our Social contribution activities
Workplace safety
policies and strategies, benchmark other companies, examine press reports, and interview
Talent management Compliance management
employees. In 2020, key issues were selected considering strategy in terms of stakeholders’
Employee welfare
interests and business operations and their financial impact. Our 2020-2021 activities related to Shared growth

ten issues identified as highest priority are included in this report, and evaluation process is as
Ethical management Quality and product responsibility
follows: Unbiased evaluation and rewards

holing those in charge to account for

quality-related accidents

Issue selection process Respect for human rights and diversity

Internalizing ethical management and New technology and products
the code of conduct Establishing a data Developing green products
Step 1 Creating a pool of issues (Identifying) Examining and evaluating security system and solutions
supplier risks Replacing harmful substance in products
To identify issues, a pool of 28 issues was created by reflecting global guidelines on sustainable
Conducting strategic CSR activities
management, overseas trends and cases within the industry, material assessment results from
Recycling and a circular economy
leading domestic companies (non-cable), and internal issues at LS C&S.
Positive labor-management relations Fair competition
Step 2 Analyzing issues and evaluating their importance (Assessment)

Others (5): Improving financial soundness; offering customized service; providing economic value; securing Business impact
Measuring stakeholders’ interest
future growth engine; and responsible procurement

Stakeholder issues Global guidelines

Core values Key issues Reporting themes Those affected GRI Index page
· Analyzing domestic and international press Reviewing global standards and guidelines
· Expanding the scope of a product portfolio,
reports of LS C&S in 2020 including GRI Standards Index, ISO 26000, and
New technology and launching green products shareholders, investors,
· Analyzing and benchmarking the material Sustainable Development Goals. 201 Economic performance 46p
Customer products · Increasing business competitiveness through customers, subsidiaries
assessment results of domestic and international First digital transformation
companies in the industry Quality and product customers, shareholders,
· Strengthening competitiveness in quality 416 Customer safety and health 55p
responsibility suppliers, employees
the government, local
Social contribution · Contributing to local communities 413 Local communities 60p
Evaluating business impact communities, future generations
· Promoting practice of fair transactions with
shareholders, the government, 204 Procurement practices
Shared growth suppliers 66p
Industrial issue analysis Company’s internal direction employee survey One · Pursuing shared growth
suppliers 414 Supplier social assessment
Analyzing the sustainability Considering issues related to Conducting a survey to identify 402 Labor-management relations
· Establishing win-win labor-management relations
Respect for human the government, employees, 405 diversity and equal opportunity
reports of five leading business management strategy, the importance of activities for · Respecting diversity and ensuring equal 71p
rights and diversity future generations 407 freedom of association and
international companies in management direction, and sustainable management and opportunity
collective bargaining
the industry and key issues matters of interest the impact of the issues in terms customers, shareholders,
identified by leading domestic of profitability and cost, market Compliance · Strengthening compliance programs (CP) 206 Anti-competitive behavior
the government, suppliers, 76p
management · Creating a culture of fair competition 419 Socioeconomic compliance
companies (non-cable) status and risk management. employees, future generations
customers, shareholders,
Rule & Ethical management
· Improving ethics regulation to promote ethical
the government, suppliers, 205 Anti-corruption 80p
* January 20 to 25, 2021 management
employees, future generations
Step 3 Selecting key issues (Prioritization) customers, shareholders,
Workplace safety · Ensuring employee safety and health the government, local 403 Occupational health and safety 84p
We have created a pool of 28 issues and selected ten issues identified as highest priority, which are communities, employees

included in this report. As climate change is having a significant impact on business operations and · Strengthening employee capacity and nurturing
talent shareholders, employees, 401 Employment
requires efforts at the global level, ‘advanced green management’ has been selected. Workplace Talent management 89p
· Securing talent and promoting unbiased HR future generations 404 Training and education
safety and compliance management were also included in consideration of the importance of multi-
Expertise · Conducting R&D and purchasing raw materials for
faceted efforts to respond to international and domestic laws and regulations. In addition, as we green products
301 Raw material
302 Energy
continue to pursue our target of enhancing stakeholder value, quality and product responsibility and Advanced green · Responding to climate change issues and shareholders, the government,
303 Water and effluents 96p
management reducing GHG emissions future generations
new technology and products were identified as key issues. 305 GHG emissions
· Managing toxic materials and chemicals in
306 Effluents and waste
36 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 37

Ten Key Topics Based on Our C.O.R.E. Values


1. New Technology and Products 3. Social Contribution 6. Compliance Management 9. Talent Management
2. Quality and Product Responsibility 4. Shared Growth 7. Ethical Management 10. Advanced Green Management
5. Respect for Human Rights 8. Workplace Safety and Health
and Diversity
38 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 39

Spotlight Topic 01

Making Inroads into

the Global Cable Market
Globalization is one of our key strategies for achieving our Vision 2030:
The Best Cable Solution Leader. We will continue our efforts toward promoting
our global competitiveness and sustainable growth by expanding businesses and
increasing production capacity through strategic partnerships with local companies.

Submarine Cable Plant 3 in Donghae

Doubling production capacity

Winning offshore wind power cable supply contracts

 5-year preferred supplier agreement
signed with Ørsted
Opening of a power cable plant in Egypt
· USD 460 million worth of contacts with the Netherlands,
· Our first market entry in Africa Bahrain, and South Korea
· Signing a contract with the Egyptian
electric power authority Opening of a telecommunication
harness plant in India

A base for 5G parts production Global network of 20 countries

23 manufacturing subsidiaries and

15 sales subsidiaries/offices

LS C&S Asia achieving a record high export value

Supplying USD 69 million worth of power distribution

cables to Singapore
40 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 41

Spotlight Topic 02

Pursuing Green Values in

Our Business Operations
Environmental issues are no longer simply a risk in the distant future.
They are becoming a matter of survival for both nations and businesses.
Using green materials in cable manufacturing and developing raw material (XLPE)
recycling technology will propel us toward greater business sustainability.
We will continue our efforts at innovating and challenging ourselves to improve
green management.

Investment in the environment and safety

USD 13 million worth of investment over

the last three years

Using renewable energy for power generation

Accounting for 50% of power generation

at our plants in Donghae and Indong Development of DC solar cables

(optical communication) Becoming the first company in Korea to

RE100 for reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 obtain IEC* and EN** certifications
The transition to 100% renewable energy * International Electrotechnical Commission
** European Norm

GHG emissions at the Donghae plant by 2024 and the

GHG emissions reduction for Polish subsidiary by 2025
3 consecutive years (Scope 1 and 2)

Commercialization of eco-friendly PP* insulation cables

Zero methane gas, transfer capability 10%↑ , GHG emissions reduction 30%↓ XLPE* recycling technology and its application
* Polypropylene * Cross linked polyethylene
42 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 43

Spotlight Topic 03

Promoting Social Value to

Create a More Sustainable World
We are moving forward to create economic value as a company. At the same time,
we take sustainability seriously on behalf of the future of our society and are striving
to create social value with our stakeholders. We will communicate and cooperate with
them by fully utilizing our expertise and assets, thereby creating new value.

Announcement of ESG management

Leading a Sustainable Future

with Green Cable Solutions

Worksites with no labor disputes

No labor disputes over 32 years

Safety Cultural Ladder certification

Becoming the first company

in Asia in acquiring the
A win-win cooperation fund certification
USD 40 million per year
Supporting the UN SDGs

17 goals and 169 targets

Creating a supply chain to promote
the local economies in China,
Vietnam and India

COVID-19 support
USD 263 million worth of
local procurement
Donation of 80,000 masks to
regions in short supply A win-win program for job support in Donghae

Launch of the Compliance Donghae plant’s employment program for

Management Committee those discharged from military service
44 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 45

Spotlight Topic 04

Creating New Growth Engines

Upgrades and expansions of electric power and telecommunications infrastructure
through the development of renewable energy, the fourth industrial revolution, and 5G
networks are offering new opportunities for growth. We have innovated our business
model focusing on high-value-added services, designated EV materials as a future
growth engine, and are accelerating our efforts to enter the renewable energy market.

Declaration of our Vision 2030

The World Best Cable

Supplying magnet wire for EV drive motors
Solution Leader
· For the Hyundai IONIQ5 and Kia EV6
· Weight 20% ↓ , flexibility/durability 30%↑

An EV parts manufacturing company

incorporated as our subsidiary

Production of ultracapacitors

Cable diagnosis and monitoring business

Expanding the scope of

our platform business
Building a production line dedicated to
aluminum wire for EVs
Development of carbon fiber telecommunications cables
Reducing the weight of cable by 40%
Weight 20%↓ , flexibility/durability 30%↑ compared to copper
46 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 47

Dynamic cables for floating offshore wind power

Development background Concept

Offshore wind power is recognized as one of the most Dynamic submarine cables are used to transmit power to
promising sources of renewable energy as it has fewer land from a floating offshore system. While conventional
space restrictions on its generation and large-scale submarine cables can be installed as export cables for
wind farms can be constructed. Offshore wind-power long-distance transmission to land, dynamic cables are
generation systems can be divided into bottom-fixed and used for the inter-array cables. The liners and exteriors
floating types according to the support structure. Fixed are designed to ensure long-term durability based on
systems have been widely used due to their relatively technology that interprets dynamic environments and
affordable operational costs. Recently, however, floating monitors durability against fatigue.
systems have come to the fore since they allow easy
access to wind resources and can be built as a large-
scale complex. Since these systems are installed in Bend Stiffeners
deep waters and exposed to a dynamic and extreme Buoyancy Modules
environment including strong winds, currents, and
CUSTOMER FIRST storms, product durability and reliability are essential. Dynamic Power Cable
Our dynamic cables for floating wind-power generation

New Technology and Product

are highly resistant to repetitive mechanical force and
Offshore Field Joint Protection
prolonged electrical stress.
Static Power Cable

Bend Restrictors

To achieve its vision 2030 of becoming Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
The World Best Cable Solution Leader, Developing new technology and products and Expanding the product portfolio Dynamic cable

LS C&S aims to increase its presence securing a future growth engine · Dynamic cables for floating
in global growth markets and innovate offshore wind power
Key tasks · Carbon fiber LAN1) cables
business models for high values by
Enhancing customer value by strengthening · Anti-hacking optical cables
dedicating itself to the research and
product competitiveness
development of new technology and
· Strengthening competitiveness in offshore Launching green products
products. We have recently been wind power solutions · Commercialization of non
designated as a company providing · Developing differentiated products to cross-linked PP2) insulation
power cables
Offshore Dynamic Power Cable
national core technology for our AC/DC enhance customer value
500kV power system. Efforts are being · XLPE3) recycling technology
Continuing innovation activities to respond · 400kW EV charging cable
made to strengthen our competitiveness
to market changes
in the age of digital transformation by
· Developing green products and technology Strengthening business
focusing on green products and XLPE · Increasing capacity for digital transformation capability for digital Advantages
recycling technology. transformation Insulation material is applied to the cable so that it can be
· i-Check cables used in a dynamic sea environment. In addition, the structure
· Big data-based compound is designed to withstand extreme conditions such as rain and
prescription development
wind and ensure a 25-year product lifecycle, proving its long-
term durability. To enhance its maintenance efficiency, we plan

1) LAN: Local Area Network

to work on failure prediction and preventive maintenance using
2) PP: Polypropylene monitoring technology.
3) XLPE: Cross-linked Polyethylene
48 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 49

Carbon fiber LAN cables Anti-hacking optical cables

Development background Concept Development background Concept

There has recently been a growing demand for Ethernet- Carbon fiber is used in place of metal-based shielding As Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies involving Our product has the same structure as a conventional
communication-based LAN (Local Area Network) cables. material in this product. This new material has high data, networks, and ar tificial intelligence grow telecommunications cable, but includes an enhanced
Metal (copper) braid for the internal static shield and strength, elasticity, and conductivity. The use of carbon increasingly sophisticated and contactless activities optical fiber structure and coating layer to minimize
aluminum mylar tape double shielding are applied for fiber makes LAN cables lighter, more flexible, and more such as online schooling and working from home curvature loss and prevent light from escaping. It solves
cables of Cat.5e and higher used in high-speed and durable compared to copper. are becoming the new normal, the importance of the compatibility issue that occurs with pricey special
broadband networks. However, double shielding with telecommunication services are growing. Optical cable optic fiber that has very low curvature. In addition,
metal braid is heavy and poorly flexible. is widely used in high-speed telecommunications since the installation limitation is addressed since it is less
it conveys more information over longer transmission susceptible to bending.
Highly flexibility equipment and materials are required Aluminum tape distances at higher speeds compared to UTP and coaxial
by our customers for spatial efficiency and installation Copper
Weight Flexibility/ Carbon fire cables. However, when the cable is bent severely, the
shielding shielding
in smart factories. Customers are also working on Durability optical signal within it can refract and escape through
lightweighting measures to improve the energy efficiency 20% 30% the fiber cladding. In addition, data can be hacked by
of EVs. In response, we applied carbon fiber to replace amplifying signals using special equipment. To address
metal braid in LAN cables for the first time in Korea. these issues, we devised an anti-hacking cable by
improving existing cables with infrared coating or metal

Carbon Fiber Shielded Anti-hacking Optical Cable

Local Area Network

Advantages This product can be installed and used in the same way as
Carbon fiber shielding allows weight reductions of 10-20% in existing cables. We offer anti-hacking optical cables with
the cable and increases flexibility and durability by 30%. We a variety of connectors, allowing our customers to choose
are working on expanding our business into mobility, smart options suitable for their environment. As this product is easy
factories, and robots using this technology and plan to develop to use and has enhanced security features, increasing demand
a next-generation carbon fiber with high conductivity. is expected from the financial, defense, and IT industries.
50 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 51

Non-cross-linked PP insulation power cables XLPE Recycling

Development background Concept Development background Concept

Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) has been widely Unlike XLPE, non-cross-linked PP (polypropylene) is Green is clearly one of the top global buzzwords these The plastics we use in everyday life are easily prepared
applied as an insulation material for power cables recyclable. It has the same electric and mechanical days. In Korea, the Resource Recycling Act is being as raw materials through the melting process. In
since the 1960s. However, it emits methane gas at high characteristics but does not produce cross-linked by- enforced and a waste charge system is being imposed. contrast, special technology is required for the XLPE
temperatures and during the high-pressure cross-linking products. In particular, it is more heat-resistant than To bid for international projects, manufacturers are used in cables because of the cross-linking process. We
process and it is not recyclable. As part of our efforts XLPE, ensuring stable cable operations. often required to use renewable energy and recycled established conditions for an optimal decrosslinking
to address environmental issues, we became the first raw materials. This means that business activities that process based on cable extrusion technology and
manufacturer in Korea to develop and commercialize consider the environment are becoming a matter of a screw design for XLPE decrosslinking in order to
non-cross-linked PP (polypropylene) insulation cables, survival. We have been responding to market changes minimize deterioration of its properties. XLPE materials
thus reducing GHG emissions. by reducing industrial waste and developing recycling recycled through this process are currently being used in
technology. XLPE is a cross-linked polymer material. our cable production.
In 2017, we obtained KEPCO certification to apply the Since its waste is difficult to recycle, it is usually
product to 22.9kV power distribution lines. With the incinerated or sent to landfills. To resolve this issue,
finalization of the KEPCO specifications, it has been used we conducted a national project from 2011 to 2016 to
in KEPCO’s distribution lines since 2020. In addition, a develop decrosslinking technology using supercritical
cable for use at 6/10kV was developed and has been fluid. Technology substantiation for commercialization
certified at the industrial level. It acquired NET* (New was carried out for XLPE recycling. We will continue
Excellent Technology) and Eco-Label certifications, our development efforts to achieve our goal of 100%
demonstrating the eco-friendliness of the product. The recycling of plastic waste generated during production.
PP cables supplied to the first pilot power distribution
line are currently being successfully operated.
* KHIDI’s certification mark for health technology (Korea Health Industry
Development Institute)

Polypropylene insulation cable XLPE Recycling

Technology advantages
This technology allows XLPE scrap and cable waste that used
to be sent to landfills or incinerators to be recycled, thereby
As carbon emissions regulations grow increasingly tighter and
reducing our carbon footprint. Furthermore, the development
corporate social responsibility receives more emphasis than
of new upcycling1) technology is underway. In addition, we are
ever, the product is garnering attention in the market for its eco-
exploring other possibilities such as applications in high-priced
friendliness. This green product compatible with existing power
engineering plastics and measures to strengthen production
equipment is expected to be utilized in power distribution lines
cost competitiveness through process simplification.
for dispersed storage and generation of renewable energy with
1) The process of creating new products of higher quality or value using recyclable
a volatile output in dense urban areas. materials
52 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 53

400kW EV charging cables i-Check cables

Development background Concept Development background Concept

With a growing number of countries declaring a goal The product is a liquid-cooled charging cable in which Since a cable is a means of transmitting electricity, Since a 2D1) code (data matrix) printed on the cables
of carbon neutrality, there has been a paradigm shift circulating coolant allows a reduction of cable heat, stable operation must be guaranteed. A regular cable allows cable data to be checked, including design
from internal combustion engines to EVs. In particular, increasing in-use stability. In addition, a thermally check is conducted every one to three years. However, specifications, operating voltage, production information,
as domestic and international automakers are conductive compound is applied inside the cable to data integrity issues can arise due to handwritten reports and test reports, it is expected that customers will be
concentrating their efforts on EV production, the demand maximize the cooling effect. and limitations on the optimal management of power- able to utilize the cables as a database, and platform-
for charging infrastructure is on the rise. EV charging line assets. In addition, failure to check miswritten or based asset management will be possible. In addition, a
is classified into slow charging, ranging from 3 to 7kW otherwise incorrect operation history or power line dedicated mobile app is provided for user convenience
(typically for households), and rapid charging, from 50 ② Liquid Cooled information stemming from a lack of data could lead to so that customers can check cable information on-site.
Charging Cable
to 400kW (generally for the public and private sectors). accidents. To address this, we developed a system that 1) 2D: Two – dimensional
④ Converter AC
50kW systems are mainly being used for rapid charging allows the identification of power lines and operation-
needs, but it is projected that 400kW systems will related information using digital technology. Customers i-Check diagram
expand in the future. As ultra-high-speed charging cable can check cable specifications, current carry capacity,
designed based on the concept for 50kW cable would and operations instructions in real-time through this
③ Liquid Cooled
have a greater weight and size, a new concept is needed Connector system so that data integrity and stable maintenance
for its design. To this end, we developed a design for can be ensured. Data server
lightweighting and enhanced usability for the product. ① Chiller

i-Check Data Matrix

i-Check cable Mobile app/


400kW EV Charging Cable i-Check Cable

Technology advantages Advantages

If temperature rise is not controlled during ultra-high-speed i-Check cables with a printed scratch-resistant 2D code and
cable charging, it may impact battery performance. The power line management platform-based smartphone app
increase in temperature is effectively controlled in our products allow cable information to be checked on-site. Using this
through the application of a thermally conductive compound i-Check service, users can modify and store data in the cloud
and cooling tubes. In addition, flexibility and bending range and are provided with statistical analysis. If needed, our
have been considered in the design in order to ensure experts offer consulting service for customized product design,
convenient use. maintenance, and diagnosis.
54 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 55

Big data-based compound prescription development system

Development background Concept

E a c h c u s to m e r e x p e r i e n c e s d i f fe re n t s e r v i c e This compound development system uses a big
environments and conditions, so cables with different data-based A.I. analysis algorithm. When the types
characteristics such as flame retardance and resistance and content of raw materials and additives for the
are needed. A compound 1) is the basic material for compounding agents are entered, the system predicts
an insulator, and LS C&S is providing a customized the resulting characteristic values. In addition, when
insulating compound with a mixture of chemicals. A a required result value is entered, raw materials and
customized compound prescription can often take an additives can be recommended.
extended period to develop as customer requirements
differ and it is difficult to predict characteristic changes Input of the types and
Output of predictive
content of compounding
with existing formulas. values of test results

To address this, we introduced a compound prescription

A.I. Algorithm
development system based on data accumulated during
the creation of a cable insulation compound to which X2 Model f(x) CUSTOMER FIRST
A.I. technology has been applied. The utilization of big X3

data and A.I. by the system allows optimal compound

prescription, reducing the time required for development
Quality and Product Responsibility
and increasing the success rate.
1) Insulating materials with a mixture of resin, lead, and rubber developed to
meet the requirements of each type of cable Output of the types
Input of required values
and content of As our cable products are used for power Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
of test results
compounding agents
and telecommunication transmission Promoting customer-oriented quality Q-cost cutting at overseas
for industrial infrastructure and people’s management subsidiaries
lives and applied to a variety of power
Key tasks
devices, we are proactively conducting
Satisfying the requirements of global · China, India, Vietnam, Poland
quality management activities to increase
reliability and meet the requirements Innovation activities at
·A cquiring certifications by area
of eco-friendly products. In addition, production sites
·E stablishing a live-streaming inspection
considering the impact of our products system Proposals for improvement
Artificial Intelligence System for
Compound Development
has on local communities and the country, · Upgrading a QMS1) IT system 16.9 cases per person
we are striving to secure the best possible Themes of quality circle tasks
Strengthening capacity for quality
product quality and meet the needs
of our customers and stakeholders by
differentiation 67 themes
· Innovation activities by quality circles in 2020
establishing a risk management system · Building a CTQ2) monitoring system QMS IT system upgrade
across the entire process. ·S ecuring product quality evaluation Development for upgrade
Technology advantages 7 cases
Operating the Quality Control Tower Functional improvement
The system’s characteristic prediction and prescription
· Cutting global Q-costs
recommendation features have provided a 30% reduction in
·C onducting a global quality capability
64 cases
compound development time. In addition, prescription data is
managed within the system, strengthening data security. · Holding exchange meetings with suppliers
1) Quality Management System
2) Critical To Quality
56 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 57

Satisfying the requirements of global customers Strengthening capacity for quality differentiation

Acquiring certifications by area Upgrading a QMS IT system Innovation activities by quality circles in 2020 Securing product quality evaluation technologies
We have acquired international quality certifications The first phase of the QMS IT system project was The innovation activities at our site consist of proposals We are making continuous efforts at developing product
and applied the latest changes for a timely response to completed in 2018 followed by the second phase of the and themed tasks. Proposals can be made by any plant performance evaluation technologies to ensure product
customer requirements and market changes. To operate system upgrade in 2020. The upgrade allows us to enter employee in the belief that the proposals collected will reliability and guarantee that defects do not impact
a quality management system, VoCs, pertinent laws and utilize data in real time thereby proactively detecting drive innovation. Themed tasks by quality circles that industrial sites or people’s daily life. We have established
and regulations, and global standards are identified and and addressing potential quality risks. are designed to raise awareness include the reduction of evaluation technologies for long-term reliability and
reflected within the system. production losses and internal failure costs. In addition, electrical and physical property tests while developing
we have developed a quality circle management program alternative available quality specifications.
Customer/ Existing in the QMS IT system. Quality circle improvement cases
ISO 9001 QMS IT system
Supplier system
· Power transmission/distribution and submarine cables are put into a database so that they can be used as a Evaluation technologies secured in 2020 (unit: case)
and connection materials Correction reference for resolving issues.
· Industrial and telecommunications cables and power measures 27
distribution materials
· Busducts, bare conductor manufacturing, magnet wires, Customer Processed 2020 proposals by type Misc.
Suppliers complaints as fail ERP, G/W
cables for industrial equipment, tubes 4% 29
· HV/EHV underground and overhead systems, submarine Quality
cable systems, nuclear power cable systems C A Product
item 9%
Measurement/ Setting up
Analysis a key process Defect Productivity Work 33
IATF 16949 Supplier group improvement ● 2018

· Automobile (power lines, tubes, magnet wires for automobiles) evaluation Overall status Products Defect 43% ● 2019
Management details ● 2020
Half-finished Safety
TL 9000 satisfac- information
tion Change mgmt.
products Dept. 26% 2018 2019 2020
· Telecommunication (optical communication) Raw information
CTQ mgmt. materials
Audit information
KEPIC D 2020 quality circle themes ·H V/EHV: A system to evaluate AC resistance
· Nuclear power (industrial specialty cables) Factory
of a conductor at high temperature evaluation
P code
Inspection Common Quality
Standard mgmt. Energy ·P ower Cable Accessory: dry type EB-A routine
Product certification information
ments mgmt. 25% test
· Globally certified by respective industries, including CPR1),
railways, blast protection, structures, and shipbuilding.

QMS Framework / Workflow

7cases · Submarine: FJ PD evaluation technology

1) Construction Products Regulation Safety Production cost

※ Note) PDCA cycle: a plan-do-check-action cycle 46%
 ower distribution: Outdated cable sample
Delivery Power distribution/ diagnosis technology
22% Overhead ·O
 verhead transmission: Long-term heat
Establishing a live-streaming inspection system transmission resistant testing

Due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, in-person 10cases

inspections are being performed remotely through
Customer Building a CTQ monitoring system ·O  ptical communication: Micro unit cable
multi-video streaming and intercommunication. If evaluation in accordance with XPC standards
customers are unable to visit plants, our service allows In our QMS IT system, we developed a customized data (France)
detailed monitoring through a screen using multi-video
Multiple video stream entry screen considering the product characteristics ·A  utomotive cable: Ethernet cable evaluation
streaming. Testing and measurement are conducted and of each business division. Data can be entered in real- Telecommunication/
Industrial cables · Industrial cable: Jacket welding line detection
Internet time using tablet PCs, and statistical analysis is applied. evaluation technology
controlled in accordance with international standards
Network switch In 2020, we identified CTQs (Critical to Quality) that 7cases · Industrial specialty: Ship cable shielding
reflecting the requirements of each customer. measurement
Shield HV test were causing customer claims or product defects and
monitored them in real-time. In 2021, improvement ·M  aterial: Defect detection in the in-line
activities based on analysis results will be conducted appearance of magnetic wire SCR
Dimension Physical ·M  agnet wire: Film adhesion defect analysis
inspection property and best practices will be shared at the enterprise level. Material/Busduct using big data
Tablet PC Access point Tablet PC
· Bustduct: Impedance measurement technology
3cases in temperature rise tests
58 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 59

Operating the Quality Control Tower Future plans

Cutting global Q-costs Holding exchange meetings with suppliers Establishing a QMS IT system at overseas Customer satisfaction survey
Q-cost is one of our key KPIs under which the To promote a win-win partnership and enhance product subsidiaries A survey will be conducted to improve customer
responsibility for quality issues is assigned and related quality, we conduct quality evaluations and provide With the aim of securing global quality competitiveness, satisfaction in business environments that are going
targets are set and managed. The Quality Control technical guidance to suppliers. Our engineers regularly responding better to customers, and establishing a contactless due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tower is being operated to cut Q-costs by comparing visit to check their processes and discuss points for database on quality information, a QMS IT system will be
rates of defects or losses within a given product group improvement. In addition, exchange meetings are held to established at eight subsidiaries.
between the head office and overseas subsidiaries and share best practices with suppliers and raise their quality
conducting improvement tasks. In 2020, a total of 29 awareness. Implementing LS C&S global quality management system Scope: 28 items in 5 areas
tasks were identified and carried out, reducing Q-cost to
LS C&S global quality management system ● Additional
sales ratio by 20% year on year. ● Purchasing criteria
· Customer response
· Sharing real-time information between LS C&S and its subsidiaries · Attitude in customer service
Improvement tasks carried out at overseas subsidiaries (unit: case) · Improving work efficiency and minimizing Q-costs at the enterprise level
· Price competitiveness ● Video service
· Appearance quality Service ● Diagnosis service

Expanding into overseas

· Issue response
6items ● Turn-key purchase

LS C&S QMS system

LSCP · Strengthening data integration
and analysis within the system
· Establishing a system at
overseas subsidiaries (in 2021)
5items A total 4items

LSHQ LSCW 2021 improvement tasks to

· Upgrading the system through
monitoring and improvement
· Minimizing failure costs through
quality information sharing in
28 survey items
4 3 be conducted · Utilizing the system to store the real-time
company’s knowledge assets - Securing a communication Price and
channel and sharing best/worst delivery
LSCI practices
9items 4items
2 LS-VINA · Laying a foundation for quality
7 management at a global level
· Price adequacy ● Assembly characteristics
· Delivery ● Construction quality
LSCV · Prior consultation ● Improvement part
QMS IT system scope at overseas subsidiaries
· Tracking customer complaints · Audit Customer and
· NCR and correction measures external audits 3R5S innovation at worksites
· Internal inspections
We are operating a 3R5S certification system and
conducting data-based improvement activities at
Production Audit our worksites for enhanced quality and productivity
quality response competitiveness. The best worksites are certified by the
Conducting a global quality management Mid- and long-term master plan for global quality management capacity
system, which provides as an opportunity for other sites
capacity evaluation Standard Proactive
management quality to benchmark them and ‘level up’.
To address potential quality management risks at 2019 2020 2022 2023 control
domestic and overseas subsidiaries, a global quality Establishment Introduction Level-up Self
of Q-cost of a quality activities Improvement · Managerial and 2021 2025 2030
capacity evaluation was conducted based on 64 standards evaluation technical standards Strengthening Advancing Becoming
requirements for meeting global standards and the system · Certifications and · Change management basic activities innovation competitive
subsidiaries’ Q-cost performance. This evaluation allows external standards · Lesson Learned activities worksites
us to check our quality management system, identify
improvement points, and promote best practices, thus 3R5S at worksites Employee Competitive
Identifying and implementing improvement tasks in Sticking to the innovation worksites
providing an opportunity to strengthen our quality
the 2020 global quality management capacity evaluation basics
management capacity.
60 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 61

Local community support

Job creation for local communities creating social value are mainly concentrated around the
We conduct CSR activities based on the belief that locations of our plants in Gumi, Indong, and Donghae.
corporate sustainability can be ensured along with We will continue our work to make a positive change in
the ongoing development of local communities and society and promote cooperation with the central and
wellbeing of their members. Our efforts aimed at local governments.

A win-win program for job support in Donghae

We signed a business agreement on job support The first beneficiary of this program is Jang Jin-su,
for those discharged from military service and their who served as a petty officer and was discharged from
settlement in Donghae City with the Headquarters of the the navy on November 30, 2020 after four years of
Republic of Korea Navy First Fleet in Donghae, Gangwon- service. Following a three-month internship that began
do Province. This agreement, made in cooperation on January 4, 2021, Jang is now working as a technical
with our Donghae plant, aims to provide opportunities employee in charge of cable manufacturing and
Social Contribution for bright young petty officers and seamen from inspection at the Donghae plant. This program for those
Headquarters of the Republic of Korea Navy First Fleet discharged after two to five years of military service
to work and settle in Donghae City. is expected to create a win-win situation providing
job support to discharged soldiers and promoting the
LS C&S is always striving to fulfill its Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
inflow of population to Donghae City. We will continue
corporate social responsibility and grow Promoting communication with our Job creation for local our support so that this type of cooperative model for
together with local communities. stakeholders that allows businesses and the communities creating value can take firm root.
As part of these efforts, activities society to grow sustainably together · Donghae plant’s employment
program for those discharged
considering our business characteristics
Key tasks from military service
such as talent donation, sharing events
Local community support
in partnership with local communities, Sharing activities by employees
· Support for welfare organizations and
programs for nurturing future talent, and employment programs in local communities USD 717 thousand
regional and global sponsorship events · Sharing activities by employees · Volunteer activities of The signing ceremony of an agreement for job support for those discharged
are being conducted. We will continue Chamsarang Society and from military service and their settlement in Donghae City

our efforts at promoting corporate social Donation of talent Jeongnanum Society

· Electrical safety checks in traditional I N TE RV I E W
responsibility thereby achieving shared
markets Nurturing future generations
growth with local communities Jang Jin-su / Submarine Cable Production Team
· LS Dream Science Class programs:
Nurturing future talent
· LS Dream Science Class
operated in 9cities; First of all, I was very pleased to work in Donghae City after being discharged from the
Navy since Donghae is like my second hometown. I feel deeply grateful to the Navy,
a total of 3,000schoolchildren Donghae City, and LS C&S for this job opportunity. I hope this kind of program can
Global sharing activities * Contactless programs (science kits) be further promoted so that more promising young people in uniform can be given
· LS overseas volunteer group
employment opportunities after finishing their service.
· Local community support by overseas Support activities for overcoming
subsidiaries the COVID-19 pandemic
· Donation and relief supplies
(for medicals staff and those
in need)
62 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 63

Local community support Donation of talent Nurturing future talent

Support for welfare organizations Sharing activities by employees Electrical safety checks in traditional markets Science class for children
We have been providing support for the development of Donation from monthly salary Based on our belief that growing together with local - LS Dream Science Class
local communities mainly in areas where our plants are All employees of LS C&S have voluntarily donated up communities is corporate responsibility, we have been The LS Dream Science Class has served as a program
located. In 2020, we assisted flood victims and the most to USD 1 from their monthly salary, and the company providing monthly electrical safety checks in traditional helping children to increase their interest on basic science
vulnerable who were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. matches its employees’ charitable contributions. The markets since September 2017. Employees with cable and strengthen the accessibility to education since 2013.
Donations were made in March to medical staff and those funds collected through employee donation is used to inspection expertise visit shops to check cable insulation College students majoring in science and engineering
facing economic difficulties in Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk- support children living with their grandparents, people performance, sheathing, and possible short-circuits and participate as teachers during summer and winter
do Province, one of the hardest-hit regions in Korea at the with disabilities, and senior citizens living alone. In 2020, provide repair or exchange services. They offer education vacations and teach science classes to the elementary
time, and in August to support the recovery of the victims we donated USD 38 thousand. on the risks posed by cable misuse. Such activities had school students in Anyang, Gumi and Donghae. In
following unprecedented flooding. been conducted at 300 shops in 22 traditional markets addition, a variety of cultural activities including a job
Employee volunteer groups not only in Anyang, Gunpo, Gumi, and Donghae where experience program and camp are conducted. Due to
Since 2009, a special bond has been formed between LS Employee volunteer groups at LS C&S are conducting our worksites are located but also in Busan, Daejeon, the constraints placed on group and outdoor activities
C&S and Donghae. We are striving to sustain our efforts activities on a regular basis to support the vulnerable. Gwangju and Ulsan. during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, an ‘LS@HOME
to contribute to local communities through designated Chamsarang Society, a volunteer group established BOX‘ consisting of science kits, face masks, and food was
donation, scholarships and sharing activities by in 1999 at the Gumi and Indong plants consists of delivered to 3,000 children in nine cities.
employees. LS C&S has been making an annual donation 600 employees, while 200 employees at the Donghae
of USD 100 thousand to the city of Donghae since 2018 worksite are working as volunteers of Jeongnanum
to support welfare centers. In July 2020, we supported Society that was started in 2009.
children who had experienced domestic violence and
donated delivery trucks to self-support programs for low- They visit local social welfare centers on a regular basis
income households. and conduct a variety of activities, including cleaning,
repairs, birthday parties, sports events, free meals, and
Our subsidiary G&P acquired a bankrupt cable free haircut services. In addition, fuel and food support,
manufacturer in Sejong City in early 2020 and restarted scholarships to child breadwinners, and stream and Electrical safety checks in
plant operations by re-hiring 20 former employees and traditional markets
cultural heritage protection are provided. At the end of
recruiting an additional 30, thus contributing to revitalizing the year, coal briquet delivery and kimchi making events 300 shops LS@HOME BOX
· Science kit: It consists of a solar powered airplane, a car
the local economy. We also made a donation of USD 100 for the vulnerable are held. (in 22 traditional markets)
detecting obstacles, and a merry-go-round powered by
thousand to the Community Chest of Korea to support temperature difference.
welfare centers in Sejong City. It was used for the ‘food Last winter, our subsidiary G&P conducted ‘briquet boiler · Food and COVID-19 hygiene goods
pack program’ to provide food and daily necessities to sharing’ activities to support the low-income elderly living
those suffering following the prolonged closures of welfare alone. A group of 20 employees visited five households
centers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to deliver briquet boilers. In addition, all employees at
our efforts to fulfill our corporate responsibility and take G&P joins our efforts of donating up to USD 1 from their
the lead in creating a culture of sharing and donation. monthly salary to create a fund for those in need.

Donation for Donghae City’s self-support programs for low-income households Support for social welfare centers and relief for the COVID-19 pandemic Electrical safety checks in traditional markets
64 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 65

Global sharing activities Social contribution activities

Local community support by overseas subsidiaries Social contribution activities in 2020 (Domestic)
Our subsidiaries in Vietnam and China have been Volunteer and sharing activities (unit: USD)
conducting a wide range of social contribution activities
Support fund
to support the vulnerable and establish positive Activities Beneficiaries/Organizations Frequency Participants in 2020
relationships with local communities. LS-VINA and LSCV, Sponsoring events and birthday parties Aehyang Welfare Home Monthly 5 1,478
our subsidiaries in Vietnam raise funds every year to Meal box delivery to the elderly living alone;
Gumi Social Welfare Home As needed 5 2,283
house cleaning and repairs
support the socially vulnerable in Haiphon and Ho Chi
Supporting daily necessities, fuel expense, Seongshim Care Home; Hwangsang Children’s Center;
Min. Employees regularly donate to and make a visit Chamsarang and holiday gifts Ansa Community
As needed 5 916

to schools for the blind and orphanages for volunteer Society

Gyeongbuk Red Cross; Hwangsang Children’s Center;
Monthly support Monthly - 6,801
activities. Moreover, they are also sponsoring the LS- Seongshim Care Home

Vietnam national go competition and the Haiphong Kimchi sharing events Local residents in need Annually 20 8,088
Coal briquet-sharing events Local residents in need Annually 15 1,241
Using overseas agencies to send COVID-19 relief goods fireworks festival, contributing to promoting human
Jeongnanum 120 senior citizens living alone and
rights and cultural exchanges with Vietnam. Society
Kimchi sharing events
child breadwinners
Annually 47 6,388

Total 27,196
LS overseas volunteer group For subsidiaries in China, LSCW located in Wuxi City
We have participated in the LS overseas volunteer group provides a support fund for the local Korean vendor Donation and sponsorship (unit: USD)
program and elementary school construction projects association and visits nursing homes for volunteering
Support fund
in developing countries, including Vietnam, India, activities. LSHQ selects employees in need and offers Activities Beneficiaries/Organizations Frequency Participants in 2020

Bangladesh, and Cambodia, to improve their educational their families monthly financial support, and delivers Contribution The Community Chest of Korea Annually - 353,860

environment. Since 2007, over 1,000 college students aid to low-income families in cooperation with the Medical staff and the vulnerable in Gyeonsangbuk-do
COVID-19 relief fund Annually - 50,551
Province / the Community Chest of Korea
and employees (a team of 25 each) have joined these Yichang City government. In particular, during the early Enterprise-wide
Flood recovery fund Flood victims / the Community Chest of Korea Annually - 88,235
programs. In addition, as part of LS overseas volunteer stages of the COVID-19 pandemic when masks were in
Children living with their grandparents;
Employee donation from monthly salary Monthly - 32,445
group activities, LS Dream School buildings with eight short supply, a total of 80,000 masks were donated to senior citizens living alone; children’s home

to ten classrooms are being constructed every year, and health departments and the Red Cross Society in China. Headquarters International relief goods (Int’l busduct sales team) Poor areas in Latin America
Three times
- 3,676
per year
a total of 14 have now been opened in Haiphong, Hai Meanwhile, our international busduct sales team used
Donation of hand sanitizers The Donghae City government Annually - 9,191
Duong, Ho Chi Min, and Dong Nai cities in Vietnam. Due overseas agencies to send COVID-19 relief goods such Donghae Plant
Donation for flood recovery The Donghae City government Annually - 1,838
to the difficulties of sending volunteer groups overseas as antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, and masks to poor
Coal briquet-sharing Low-income seniors in Chungju City
G&P Annually - 3,217
during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we supported areas in Mexico, Columbia, and Chile. (using the employee donation from monthly salary) (Mokhaeng-dong)

repairs to the health rooms at the 14 LS Dream Schools Total 543,015

and supplied them with medicine and medical equipment

to allow students to experience better care. Social contribution activities in 2020 (Overseas) (unit: USD)
Support fund
Activities Beneficiaries/Organizations Frequency Participants in 2020
Support for the family members with disabilities of
Families of employees/retirees As needed 4 2,950
employees and for retirees
Gifts for low-income families; support for schools
Low-income families, welfare centers,
for the blind, for children with HIV/AIDS and for Annually 6 4,320
orphanages in Haiphong City
LS-VINA orphanages
Donation for housing construction The Haiphong Federation of Labor Annually - 2,252
Sponsoring 2020 new year’s fireworks The Haiphong City authorities Annually - 4,596
Support fund for orphanages Social welfare foundation Annually - 919
COVID-19) Donation of hygiene kits in Dianjun District Health department in Dianjun District Annually - 61,393
Support fund for the local Korean vendor association Local Korean vendor association in Wuxi City Annually 2 1,838
COVID-19) Donation of hygiene kits in Yichang City Red Cross in Yichang City Annually - 66,212
LSHQ Support for employees in need Employees Monthly - 1,916
Donation to the Wuxi Charity Federation Welfare centers in Yichang City Annually - 320
Total 146,717
66 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 67

Operating a system for fair business transactions

Procurement process Contract

Supplier selection We use a standard form of subcontractor agreement
In order to select suppliers in a fair manner, the entire that includes the following information: payment amount;
process from registration to final selection is managed payment methods; and price adjustment conditions for
through our e-Procurement system (http://epro.lscable. raw material price fluctuations. In principle, contracting
com). In principle, competitive bidding is always parties’ signatures should be included on the contract.
conducted except in special cases such as the application
of new technologies or customer requests. Applicants Pricing
are evaluated through both paper screening and on-site We set a reasonable price by considering product
inspections. The results based on production capability, quality, quantity, and delivery as well as market price.
quality, price, environment (worksite safety), labor Unjustly lowering the unit price without sufficient reason
management and other evaluation criteria are announced is disallowed. Suppliers can file for a purchase price
to individual applicants in writing within 15 days of the adjustment at any time. If a valid reason exists, a contract
final selection. price can be adjusted based on mutual agreement
between within 30 days from the date of request.
Regular evaluation
ONE LS C&S We conduct evaluations of those suppliers making more Delivery/Inspection
than 10 annual transactions worth USD 500 thousand.
After delivery and service are completed, a confirmation
Shared Growth Suppliers are grouped into four categories (strategic
cooperation, continued relationships, reliability, and
slip is issued and an inspection is performed in accordance
with the pre-agreed standards and procedures. We strictly
simple purchase) considering market competition and the
comply with pertinent rules and inspectors’ duties and due
importance of products. Then, evaluations are conducted
diligence to prevent the return of supplied goods without
Cooperation and the competitiveness Strategic direction Key performance in 2020 in the areas of process, quality, labor, and financial
sufficient cause.
management in accordance with detailed supplier
of our suppliers provide a starting point Establishing a culture of sound business
Direct loans to suppliers evaluation and management rules. Based on the result
for building our mutual strength by transactions based on activities for achieving Payment criteria
of the annual evaluation, ‘AVL suppliers’ are selected in
creating synergies. To create a sound shared growth with business partners USD 1,000 thousand December. Payment criteria set according to transaction type and
industrial ecosystem with a virtuous circle payment amount are available through the e-Procurement
Key tasks
of economic and social value, LS C&S High
system allowing suppliers to make a predictable plan.
Operating a system for fair business SHOP

(Number of companies)
A win-win cooperation fund Requiring strategic For suppliers that have signed subcontracting contracts,
establishes partnerships with suppliers

Market competition
Simple purchase
transactions cooperation
based on a long-term perspective and · Procurement process USD 40 million 1. EG 1)

classifica- PARTNER
payment is made in cash and cash equivalents on 15th
Establishing continued
day of the following month after delivery.
supports their sustainable development · Strengthening internal regulations to prevent tion Securing reliable suppliers
through a transparent procurement unfair business transactions Payment criteria
Supply networks in China, Low
process, fulfilling corporate social · A subcontracting review committee Low Importance of products (purchase price) High
Vietnam, and India Supplier
responsibility. Evaluation Amount Payment
Operating a system for win-win cooperation USD 263 million Area Description
Quality defect rate and
USD 300 thousand or less Cash (paid on 15th of the following month)
Quality System
· Supporting business stability improvement rate Subcon-
tracting Cash paid in 45 days from the delivery date or
· Joint efforts for technology development Price Price improvement rate System More than USD 300 thousand
the end of the delivery month
2. QCDS2) Basic
· Support of suppliers in expanding their Supporting major suppliers evaluation Delivery Delivery compliance rate System USD 5,000 or less Cash (paid on 24th of the following month)
Developing measures to
overseas sales using the AVL system Cooperation respond to urgent delivery Manual Non-sub- More than USD 5,000 and Cash paid in 60 days from the delivery date or
contracting USD 20,000 or less the end of the delivery
· Developing local economies Cooperation and measures taken
Additional Common improvement tasks
Manual Cash paid in 90 days from the delivery date or
points Secondary supplier support More than USD 20,000
the end of the delivery
Operating a supplier management system
USD 5,000 or less Cash (paid on 24th of the following month)
· The AVL (Approved Vendor List) system 3. Results Improvement measures for low-performing suppliers
More than USD 5,000 and Cash paid in 90 days from the delivery date or
· A credit rating system USD 20,000 or less the end of the delivery
1) EG (Evaluation Group) classification: grouping suppliers for evaluation by business and companies
material characteristics Cash paid in 120 days from the delivery date
More than USD 20,000
2) QCDS: quality, cost, delivery, and service or the end of the delivery
68 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 69

Operating a system for fair business transactions Operating a system for win-win cooperation

Strengthening internal regulations to prevent Running a subcontracting review committee Supporting business stability and automotive cables. This project allows LS C&S to
unfair business transactions A subcontracting review committee is in place to ensure To help suppliers improve their cash flow, we operate make breakthroughs in a volatile business environment

Our internal regulations have been tightened to prevent a culture of fair and transparent business transactions financial support systems, including direct loans, a win- and its suppliers can develop products whose purchase

unfair business transactions. Firstly, our Guidelines for and to see that there is no violation of any related laws or win cooperation fund, a network loan, and Shinhan shared- can be guaranteed, ensuring stable sales and profitability.

Contract Signing were introduced to promote fairness regulations. The committee consists of the heads of the growth loan. We will further strengthen promotional We will continue to cooperate in product and technology

and discourage any potential standards violations Purchasing Division, the Legal Team and the Purchasing activities to benefit more suppliers. In addition, to help development with our suppliers in order to secure growth

among our employees and suppliers. Secondly, Planning Team. The risks of unfair business transactions subcontractors secure cash flow, payment is made within engines for our business sustainability.

regulations on supplier registration were strengthened are reviewed in monthly committee meetings chaired by 45 days, 15 days shorter than 60 days specified in the
to ensure that our employees responsible for purchasing the head of the Purchasing Division. Subcontracting Act. Support of suppliers in expanding their
select suppliers in a fair and transparent manner based overseas sales
on a clear understanding of the selection criteria. In Direct support Not only do we help our suppliers operate their businesses
addition, our internal policy on these matters is available The heads of the Purchasing Division, We have created a fund worth USD 1 million to extend in a stable manner through financial and technological
to all of our employees and suppliers through the the Legal Team and the Purchasing Planning Team. direct interest-free loans to suppliers and elevate their support, but we also provide opportunities for them to
e-Procurement system so that any potential unfair acts technology development and equipment investment. achieve growth in expanding their overseas sales. As
can be monitored both internally and externally. part of these efforts, we share information with domestic
Indirect support suppliers on demand for raw and subsidiary materials by

LS C&S Guidelines for Contract Signing

Win-win cooperation fund ― We provide a in-win our overseas subsidiaries in China, Vietnam, and India.
cooperation fund worth USD 40 million that was created in Moreover, selected suppliers are given an opportunity to
Purpose partnership with KEB Hana bank. It allows our suppliers to supply products to our overseas subsidiaries and increase
The purpose of the guidelines is to establish business transaction practices Deliberation on Listening to Reviewing issues secure loans at lower-than-market interest rates. To create their sales. As part of our globalization efforts, we have
in which contracts between LS C&S and its supplier are concluded in a subcontracting subcontractors’ related to win-win
an environment promoting shared growth with as many been expanding our global network of manufacturing
reasonable and fair manner. In the guidelines, contract signing includes a issues opinions and cooperation
checking the status suppliers as possible, secondary suppliers are also eligible subsidiaries: In 2020, we opened a 5G parts plant in India
standard form of a contract with suppliers as well as contracts on supplier
of the measures for this fund. In 2020, a total of 19 primary and secondary
selection for individual items and on pricing. and established a subsidiary in Egypt.
Laying a foundation for contract signing
suppliers were provided with loans of USD 5 million.
1) Contract options: available options for suppliers are specified. Local economic development
2) O
 peration of a means for companies to propose their registration as one Network loan ― We and the IBK (Industrial Bank of Korea)
of our suppliers
As part of the efforts to support our suppliers in expanding
Details have operated a network loan worth USD 50 million to their overseas sales, selected suppliers with superior
Introducing a contract signing process support suppliers to improve their cash flow. A total of performance are given an opportunity to supply products
Specifying matters to be observed and prohibited Conducting preliminary reviews of subcontracting USD 500 thousand of loan was extended in 2020 and
transactions worth USD 1 million or more, focused on to our overseas subsidiaries. At the same time, overseas
we plan to expand support by promoting this program to subsidiaries in China, Vietnam, and India have created
contract signing, pricing, and related laws and regulations
suppliers a supply chain to promote the local economies in our
LS C&S Guidelines for Supplier Selection and Management Preliminary review items:
international locations. In 2020, raw materials worth USD
· Issuance of written contracts
Shinhan shared-growth loan 263 million were purchased locally, accounting for 60% of
· Checking for unfair pricing
The purpose of the guidelines is to secure transparency and fairness in
· Creation of local credit and the obligation of payment We signed a shared-growth loan agreement with Shinhan total procurement (nonferrous metals not included).
supplier selection and management so that fair business transactions can Bank that allows our secondary and tertiary suppliers
· Violations of forced purchase of goods
be ensured. to access secured loans for credit sales using the credit Raw material procurement by region (unit: USD million)
· Proper revocation criteria and procedures for supplier
Selection criteria registration of LS C&S. This helps them to secure cash flow at a low Purchased Purchased
1) E
 valuation in five areas, including general business administration, and · Request for an objection related to supplier selection or interest rate and improve their financial soundness. Country locally Imported Total locally (%)
process, quality, environment and labor, and finance management cancellation
Vietnam 152 86 238 64
2) P
 ass (70 points or higher), Temporary Pass (60 to less than 70),
Fail (less than 60) Joint efforts for technology development India 16 13 29 57
China 94 74 168 56
Equal opportunities for initiating business transactions LS C&S and its suppliers have participated in an MSS
Companies selected and registered as suppliers of LS C&S are not Total 262 173 435 60
(Ministry of SMEs and Startups) project for developing
prevented from or discriminated against being given opportunities to join a
products with purchase demand. Development is
bid for business transactions.
underway for five key tasks, including telecommunications
70 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 71

Operating a supplier management system

The AVL (Approved Vendor List) system Credit rating system

Since the AVL system was introduced in 2016 based on We are regularly monitoring and evaluating the credit
the belief that the competitiveness of our suppliers is one of our suppliers. The results are utilized as AVL supplier
of our core strengths, we have been working to enhance selection criteria. To ensure the transparency of
the competitiveness of key suppliers and manage risks evaluations, we cooperate fully with credit rating agencies.
together. Companies selected as key suppliers under In 2020 the credit of 144 suppliers was evaluated. Based
the AVL system are guaranteed one year of supply to LS on suppliers’ credit rating, we plan to support them in
C&S, allowing them to minimize uncertainties in sales. conducting improvement activities by providing business
In addition, along with financial benefits, they receive consulting services. With rising uncertainties in the
support for conducting improvement activities that are internal and external environments, we established a
identified together with LS C&S. In 2020, 293 companies management system in 2020 allowing us to monitor
were selected as AVL suppliers for a total of 83 product financial risks and proactively respond to any signals of
groups. We will continue our efforts to strengthen the bankruptcy. In 2021, we will strengthen our efforts to build
foundation for achieving shared growth with suppliers. a more sophisticated risk management system.

Evaluation items
Procurement items ONE LS C&S

Respect for Human Rights and Diversity

Supply ❶ Net sales growth rate ❷ Total asset growth rate

Business Product LS C&S works to integrate respect for Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
area characteristics human rights into all of our business Creating an organizational culture in which Employees participating
Product group diversity is embraced
activities in order to fulfill our corporate in programs for improving
❸ Operating profit margin ❹ Net income ratio social responsibilities and communicate awareness of people with
Key tasks disabilities and prevention of
Purchase Supply/ with a variety of stakeholders.
amount Demand type Respect for employee rights sexual harassment
Drawing upon the concept of horizontal
Purchase partnership, we respect our employees
· No discrimination
· Education on human rights protection
❻ Total borrowings and and strive to treat them fairly.
❺ Debt ratio · No child/forced labor
bonds payable to total assets The percentage of female
To promote work-life balance, a variety
employees and managers
of support measures are in place. Labor-management relations for
We also put considerable efforts into shared growth 15.4%, 5.2%
product · Operation of a labor union
· Strategic importance creating a pleasant working environment.
groups · Labor-management communication
· Impact on QCD Our management and labor
·J oint labor-management social contribution No labor disputes
83 · Purchase volume
representatives cooperate fully based
on a sound relationship.
Over the last 32 years
Respect for diversity
· Support for female employees
AVL benefits · Employment of people with disabilities
suppliers · Financial support
selected · Technical support
· Support for increasing sales
293 · Guaranteeing one year of
72 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 73

Respect for employee rights Labor-management relations for shared growth

No discrimination Education on human rights protection Labor union Joint social contribution activities
According to LS Group’s corporate philosophy of In order to internalize an organizational culture in which Our labor union has cooperated with the company to create Since the labor-management agreement was made in 2007,
LSpartnership and the Article 6 (Equal Treatment) of the social and cultural diversity is respected, we conducted value based on mutual trust and respect since its launch we have operated a program that all employees of LS C&S
Labor Standards Acts, all of our employees should be educational sessions on human rights. In 2020, a total of of the labor union as the Anyang branch of the GoldStar donate up to 1 dollar from their monthly salary and the
respected and treated fairly. Our Code of Ethics clearly 1,903 employees participated in programs for improving chapter of the Federation of Korean Metal Workers Trade company matches its employees’ charitable contributions. In
states discrimination against employees. no employer awareness of people with disabilities and prevention of Unions in 1967. LS C&S honors freedom of association addition, volunteer activities, such as living expense support

should not discriminate against workers on the basis sexual and workplace harassment. These topics are also and collective bargaining, guarantees the right to organize for the underprivileged, and kimchi- and coal briquette-
and form workers' organizations, and respects employees’ sharing events are conducted. Employees also participate in
of gender, or give discriminatory treatment in relation covered in other employee training programs in an effort
right to join a labor union. We communicate with each environmental cleanup activities, including the One Company
to employment, promotion, compensation, training and to raise awareness of human rights.
other not only in negotiations over working conditions, but One Stream campaign, to fulfill corporate responsibility.
retirement on the basis of nationality, religion or social
also regarding major changes in our business such as the
status. All employees are given equal opportunities, and No child/forced labor
transfer of businesses and selling of equipment. There have Worksite satisfaction survey
reward is made based on their performance. To prevent We strictly prohibit any labor by children under 15 years been no labor disputes for the last 32 years since 1989. The An annual worksite satisfaction survey is jointly conducted
any unfair act, we operate support systems, such as the old and put restriction on the employment of the youth union has 858 members as of the end of 2020. by the labor and management to diagnose and improve
help center, grievance channel, cyber reporting channel aged below 18 in accordance with the Labor Standards
a working environment and organizational culture at
and appeal against employee performance evaluation Act of Korea and the labor principles of the UN Global Labor-management communication our plants. The survey consists of the following items:
results where anyone can freely get counseling and Compact. We prevent the employment of children and The autonomy of our labor unions is guaranteed. A 1) managers; 2) supervisors; 3) communication; 4)
report in anonymity. There have been no correction adolescents through ID checks during the hiring process. variety of channels are used for labor-management organizational culture; 5) labor-management relations; 6)
requests for cases of discrimination filed over the last Our employees work only based on their free will. We do communication regarding business status and work labor union; 7) working environment; 8) job management;
three years. not unfairly restrict our employees’ mental or physical environment matters. We listen to the voices of our and 9) welfare benefits. Based on the survey results,
freedoms and will never force them to work. Exploitation employee and work together in order to improve a working improvement measures are devised for any issues identified
LS Code of Ethics and Practical Guidelines
of intermediaries is also strictly prevented. environment and welfare benefits. so that employee satisfaction at work can improve. In 2020,
worksite satisfaction slightly decreased due to a reduction in
Chapter 5. Corporate Responsibilities for Employees communication and organizational activities.
Participation Labor-
Monthly morning and Cooperation Management Labor union membership by worksite (unit: employee)
1. Nurturing talent assembly Promotion Council working-level
meetings meetings
1) The company has established, supports, and Employment of minors in 2020 2018 2019 2020
promotes a system to nurture the autonomy and
creativity of our employees. 0 case Anyang 6 6 3
Gumi 469 459 442
2) Team leaders give advice and guidance to team
Participants Participants Participants Indong 260 256 238
members in consideration of their aptitude and 2018 2019 2020
All employees Management: six Management: led by Donghae 137 142 175
abilities based on our determination to help them Employment of minors
0 0 0 persons including the head in charge of
develop into strong individuals who challenge (aged below 18) Total 872 863 858
Frequency the President labor-management
themselves. Labor: six persons affairs
including the head of Labor: led by a
2. Treatment based on abilities and performance Worksite satisfaction survey results (unit: point)
Activities the union member fully
1) The company provides employees with equal dedicated to the
Sharing information A three-year trend of enterprise-wide satisfaction
opportunities for capacity building (training, job Frequency union
on business
rotation, promotion and work assignment) and does status, financial Quarterly 2018 74.5
not discriminate them for reasons of academic Employees receiving training performance and
pending issues Activities Monthly/As needed 2019 75.1
background, gender, age, religion, birthplace, age,
disability, marital status, nationality, and race. 1,903 Sharing information
on business status 2020 74.1
2) The company clearly sets, discloses, and complies and performance, Discussing how to
Office Technical
with criteria for evaluating the abilities and workers workers Total and negotiating over improve working
performance of employees in order to create a systems working conditions and 2018 2019 2020
Sexual harassment prevention
culture of fair competition. conditions employee benefits 74.5 75.1 74.1
Awareness-raising on people with
1,025 878 1,903
disabilities Satisfaction Gumi 71.5 72.6 71.8
The workplace anti-bullying law by worksite Indong 76.7 76.9 75.3
※ Three courses were provided online (a total of 3 hours) Donghae 79.0 79.4 77.6
74 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 75

Respect for diversity

Support for female employees Maternity protection Employment of people with disabilities Employment of people with disabilities (unit: person)

Due to the characteristics of the cable manufacturing We provide support for maternity protection, including
1.9% 1.9%
industry, female employees are a minority at the pregnancy checkups, working hour reduction, and Consideration for employees with physical disabilities 1.8%
company, accounting for 15.4% of all employees and pre- and post-maternity leave to reduce the burden of As employees in the cable manufacturing industry are
childbirth and child care on our employees and to help 38 38
female managers for 5.2% of all managerial positions. required to be more careful about their safety and health,
We are making continued efforts at increasing the them balance work with family life. As our employees are the proportion of our employees with physical disabilities
26 26
percentage of female workforce. In the 2020 recruitment, strongly encouraged to take parental leave, the number is relatively low. However, in accordance with the Act on
female applicants accounted for 16.1% of new hires. of male employees using this benefit has been rising Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation
There is no gender pay gap and leadership training every year. In 2020, a total of 15 employees took the for Disabled Persons, we hire those who with physical
programs and child-care support for female employees leave and four employees took pre- or post-maternity disabilities at our plants. We actively support and help
are provided to create a women-friendly workplace. leaves. them successfully adjust to and do their jobs through
guidance and preparatory training so that they can stand
Female employees in managerial positions (unit: person) LS daycare center on their feet.
15.4% An LS daycare center that was established in Anyang at
15.1% 15.1%
the end of 2014 helps employees reduce the burden of Increasing the number of employees with disabilities
158 childcare and concentrate on their work. Currently, a total
153 153 through indirect employment 12 12 12
of 70 employees from LS Group subsidiaries are utilizing We have been contributing to supporting people
this daycare center. with disabilities through indirect employment in ● Direct employment
cooperation with Butyi since April 2017. The company ● Indirect employment
5.2% Space for female employees (Butyi)
was established to provide stable jobs to the socially
There are nursing rooms and lounges for female vulnerable, including the disabled, according to the 2018 2019 2020
● Female 35
employees at our worksites. The female employee club ‘subsidiary-type standard business system’ of the Korea
31 32
employees Arom Society is operated to provide counseling and
●F  emale Employment Agency for the Disabled and the Act on
managers promote good fellowship among female employees. Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation for
Disabled Persons. Employees are selected from the day-
2018 2019 2020 Use of parental leave and returning to work
hospital center named Haeddeulnal within the Yongin
· Female employees (percentage): Regular workers, and re-employed retirees
2018 2019 2020 Mental Hospital in Korea. They receive training prior to
(office work only)
· Proportion of female mangers = The ratio of female managers to all Returning Returning Returning starting work, and all cases of trainees are managed to
managers Leave to work (%) Leave to work (%) Leave to work (%)
· Employees at the headquarters and domestic worksites only provide support them to continue working.
2 (6 employees
Female 17 14 (82%) 7 5 (71%) 8
on leave)
Number of new hires leave Male 3 3 (100%) 2 2 (100%) 7 7 (100%)
20 17 (85%) 9 7 (78%) 15 9 (-)
2018 2019 2020
Male 42 (87.5%) 40 (88.9%) 47 (83.9%) Employment period of employees returning to work after parental leave
Female 6 (12.5%) 5 (11.1%) 9 (16.1%) over the last three years
Total 48 45 56
Less than 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-36
· Employees transferred from domestic and overseas subsidiaries not included 6 months months months months months Total
6 (19.4%) 8 (25.8%) 6 (19.4%) 7 (22.6%) 4 (12.9%) 31

※ Employees who took the leave two times, the period was calculated starting from the day
Safe workplaces free of sexual harassment after the second leave.
Annual training on the prevention of sexual harassment at
workplace is provided to all of our employees. To ensure a The use of pre- or post-maternity leaves over the last three years
safe workplace, sexual harassment prevention officers are
appointed for each worksite and strict punishments are 2018 2019 2020

applied to employees who commit sexual assault. pre- or post-maternity leaves 16 6 4

76 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 77

Promoting fair competition

Launch of the Compliance Management Committee

We launched the Compliance Management Committee In order to implement the agenda items discussed in
in June 2020 to proactively respond to government committee meetings, the committee operates working-
policy changes impacting business operations, to level meetings in which teams in charge of a wide range
answer social demands for compliance, and to fulfill of compliance programs regularly review the plans and
our corporate social responsibility, one of the action check the status of the related activities.
promises for our Vision 2030. The committee consists
of internal and external experts and holds meetings Agenda items
bimonthly to discuss company policies and plans related In these committee meetings, agenda items such
to compliance management, evaluate the performance as actions plans, implementation and oversight, and
of related activities, and offer advice on points for response measures to government policy changes are
improvement. It also provides a direction for and discussed. Further discussion takes place at working-
opinions on our compliance activities as a consultative level meetings to formulate plans for implementation. In
body. We will be able to strengthen enterprise-wide 2020, a total of four committee meetings were held.
compliance activities in various areas through this
RULE & RESPONSIBILITY committee, including fair business transactions, ethical
management, and industrial safety.

Compliance Management The organization of the Compliance Management

To ensure the independence and expertise of the
committee, a total of six internal and external experts
Our compliance organization operates Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
were appointed as members.
a wide range of compliance programs · Promoting a culture of fair competition and Customized compliance
(CP) including training and an online strengthening risk prevention activities training to employees
· Operating stakeholder-oriented compliance Co-chairs Members
bulletin board. Our goal is to promote
programs 7 times 2 4
compliance to employees through the
· Newly-hired career and non-
programs so that internal risks of violating External 1 / Internal 1 External 2 / Internal 2
Key tasks career employees, sales
laws and regulations can be eliminated and production divisions,
Strengthening a system for fair business
and corporate responsibilities are can be employees dispatched
fulfilled. We will continue CP activities for · Launch of the Compliance Management
Organization chart
raising corporate value and promoting Committee Postings on a compliance
Compliance Management Committee

fairness in society. · Employee training management bulletin board

· Operation of an in-house compliance
management bulletin board 11 postings Compliance Management Secretariat*

* Compliance Management Team

· Related to the Subcontracting
Preventing potential risks Act, Fair Trade Act, and Fair Working-level meetings
· Support for bidding on project contracts Agency Transactional Act
· Legal advice and contract review
Review of domestic and Industrial
A culture of fair business transactions Anti-corruption/transparency accident
Strengthening CP international contracts security
· Revising a CP handbook
· Strengthening the expertise of employees in
454 cases Internal Industrial
Internal review Ethical Corporate
charge of CP Review of laws and regulations Compliance Shared growth accounting Health and
meetings on management security
program (CP) program management Safety
subcontracting program council
6,736 cases system Committee
78 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 79

Promoting fair competition Preventing potential risks Strengthening CP

Compliance training for employees Operation of an in-house compliance management Support for bidding on project contracts Revising a CP handbook
We are providing customized compliance training bulletin board LS C&S is participating in a variety of international We researched and analyzed the enactment and revision
programs to our employees. Our regular training targeting As part of the efforts to help our employees understand projects as part of the efforts at achieving our vison of of international and domestic laws and recent trends in
newly-hired career and non-career employees aims to l a w s a n d re g u l a t i o n s re l a t e d to f a i r b u s i n e s s The World’s Best Cable Solution Leader. For preventing regulation, based on which our compliance rules were
help our employees internalize Rule & Responsibility, one transactions and promote compliance management, risks at project sites, we have created a checklist of changed. We plan to publish a revised CP handbook
of our core values, and fulfill corporate responsibility. we are maintaining a bulletin board* on a range of risks at each bidding stage. In 2020, training programs in 2021. Guidelines by job will be added to improve
In addition, not only enterprise-wide programs for all themes including fair competition and violation cases. on the FIDIC (Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs- its utilization. Meanwhile, a survey is conducted after
employees but also division-specific programs are also Practical and useful information is posted to encourage Conseils* contracts were provided to international sales employees complete their compliance training. The
operated. employees to apply it at work. To help employees better employees. survey results are considered in the following sessions
understand the postings in the board, case studies are * An International Standards Organization for consulting engineering and in order to better meet their needs and enhance the
included to illustrate the postings and legal terms are effectiveness of the training.
explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
Contract and legal review Strengthening the expertise of employees in
* ‘Information for the implementation of compliance management’ on our
intranet Wels Our dedicated legal team of internal and external lawyers charge of CP
provides the support needed by our employees as they
Compliance training in 2020 2020 postings in a bulletin board Employees responsible for CP are at the forefront of
review contracts, laws, and regulations and provide legal
our efforts at fulling our corporate social responsibility.
advice in regard to risk identification. This approach is to
To strengthen their expertise, they have acquired CCP
help our employees remain fully in compliance with laws
(Certified Compliance Professional) Level 2 certification
and regulations and serve as a basis for us to prevent
and are given annual training by specialized institutions.
economic loss to the company and to society.
Compliance training Postings

7 times 11
Target Program/Frequency/Date Misc. Month Theme Related laws

For newly- Fair business transactions and The

hired career The Subcontracting Act
legal affairs: 2 sessions Jan.-Apr. Subcontracting Contract and legal reviews for the last three years (unit: case)
and non-career Offline (1)-(4)
· Career/Non-career: 6/17 Act
(2 sessions) · Supplementary training: 6/24
Domestic International
The 4,417
Jun. Violation cases Subcontracting 4,320
For production Act
employees The Subcontracting Act (7/16) Offline 2,381
(1 session) 2,319
Unfair business The Fair Trade 1,967
transactions (1)-(4) Act
Bond management (5/18)
For sales
The Subcontracting Act (9/17)
employees Offline 273
International project contracts Unfair business The Fair Agency
(3 sessions) 245
(FIDIC) (9/17) Nov. transactions review Transactional 181 223
170 173
guidelines Act
For dispatched
employees ●C ontract review* ●C ontract review
Latest violation cases: The
returning to The Fair Trade Act (11/10) Offline ● Legal review** ● Legal review
Korea Dec. Prohibition of technical Subcontracting
(1 session) data misappropriation Act
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

* The number of inquiries in the legal review system within the company website
** The number of emails sent
80 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 81

Strengthening the foundation for ethical management

Implementing the Code of Conduct

We established our Code of Conduct as criteria for An ethics evaluation has been conducted on an annual
our employees to make decisions and take actions in basis to assess the utilization of the Code by employees
ethically challenging situations at work. The Code of and review the need for revisions or refinements to it
Conduct consists of six categories: responsibilities and related guidelines. In line with the revision of related
and obligations toward customers; basic ethics for laws such as the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, we
employees; fair competition; fair business transactions; regularly review the necessity of revising our Code of
corporate responsibilities for employees; and Conduct and related guidelines.
responsibilities toward the country and society. In
addition, implementation guidelines help our employees
understand and act upon our Code of Conduct. All of our
employees strictly comply with the pertinent guidelines
while doing their work.


LS C&S Code of Conduct

Ethical Management
Responsibilities and obligations for Basic ethics of Fair competition
customers employees (with competitors)
Ethical management means companies Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
place ethics as their top priority and do Raising employee awareness of compliance
business in a fair and transparent manner. and promoting ethical management by Utilization of the Code of · Respect for customers · Prohibition of wrongful acts using ·F  air acquisition and utilization of
conducting related activities the Conduct · Protection of customer interests one’s job position information
It allows companies to give trust and
· Provision of credible information · Honest and unbiased report ·S  ecuring competitive advantages
confidence to their customers, employees, · Response to customers · Sense of decency through fair competition
Key tasks · Value to customers · Prevention of sexual harassment in the · Prohibition of collusion
competitors, suppliers and shareholders.
Strengthening the foundation for ethical Completion of case reporting workplace · r especting laws and commercial
Our actions in support of ethical · Avoidance of a conflict of interest with practices
management through the Cyber Reporting
management are not simply institutional · Reviewing the Code of Conduct and Channel the company
· Compliance with the Code of the
means for eradicating corruption and implementation guidelines for their utilization
100% Conduct
irregularities among employees, but are
basic and fundamental conditions for Operating systems for ethical management
· Counseling center Training and promotional
strengthening our competitiveness and activities
· Ethical management website
maximizing corporate value. · A total of 12 postings and
· Cyber Reporting Channel
4,127 hits Fair business transactions Corporate responsibilities for Responsibilities for the country
· Reporter protection programs
(* on the company intranet ) (with suppliers) employees and society
· Rewards for reporting
· Clean Company

· Supplier selection through an unbiased · Nurturing talent ·P rohibition of unethical and anti-social
Raising stakeholder awareness process · Reward based on performance business activities
· Ethical management training · Fair business transactions and · Guarantee of the right to sound ·C ontribution to the development of the
· Promotional activities unbiased evaluation expression country and society
· Clean business transaction process · Workplace safety and health ·P rotection of shareholder right and
· Sending of an official document for
· Support to suppliers interests
cooperation to suppliers
· Protection of the environment
· Ethics evaluation
82 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 83

Operating systems for ethical management Raising stakeholder awareness

Counseling center Reporter protection programs Ethical management training Sending of an official document for cooperation
A counseling center is being operated for employees We operate reporter protection programs under which To prevent any possible violation cases of the Code of to suppliers
who face ethical issues or want to know about ethical Identities of reporters, or any other information that could Conduct, ethics training is provided to new hires and Before the Chuseok and Lunar New Year’s holidays,
management. They can not only have counseling on identify them are strictly kept confidential. We protect employees to be dispatched overseas before leaving. we send an official document asking suppliers for
ethical conflicts at work but also get general information those who report violations from being disadvantaged The training programs, including the concept of ethical cooperation in eradicating practices of giving and
on ethical management and advice on how to interpret or discriminated against in their teams or business management and violation cases, are provided to receiving gifts, entertainment, and money and informing
and apply the Code through the Cyber Reporting relationships due to reporting, providing testimony, or employees at overseas branches, sales manufacturing them of our Code of Conduct and reporting channels.
Channel, phones or emails. Reports are received and submission of evidence. subsidiaries, and construction sites. We present our After the document is sent, it is also posted on the
handled confidentially, and the center does not disclose Code of Conduct, implementation guidelines, and company purchasing intranet so that all of suppliers can
the personal information of anyone reporting and the internal ethical management programs to new hires and check the information.
reported details without their consent. Identities of reporters, or any other information that could distribute an ethical management guidebook to newly
identify them are strictly kept confidential. promoted team leaders. Ethic evaluation
Ethical management website An ethics evaluation has been conducted for all
Guarantee of status
To introduce ethics management and promote the Promotional activities employees on an annual basis to identify improvement
implementation of its values, a dedicated website is We protect those who report violations from being LS C&S has been posting articles on ethical management, areas for our ethical management activities. From
being maintained. A full text of the Code of Conduct disadvantaged or discriminated against in their teams or including the Code of Conduct, implementation Dec. 4 to Dec 15, 2020, an online survey was operated
business relationships due to reporting, providing testimony, or
and the pertinent programs for its implementation, guidelines and violation cases on the company intranet. for all employees. The evaluation survey consists of
submission of evidence.
including the rewards for reporting, Clean Company, In 2020, twelve articles on fair business transactions 33 questions in three categories: the basis of ethical
Cyber Reporting Channel and counseling center can in international markets, shared growth, and ethical management, implementation of corporate ethics, and
Reduction and exemption from responsibility
be found on the website along with articles on ethical management were posted. They received total 4,127 hits. ethics being practiced in our workplaces. The results are
management. Those who voluntarily report unethical acts are exempted used for strengthening ethical management training and
from responsibility or receive consideration in the disciplinary
for promotional activities and programs supporting its
Cyber Reporting Channel implementation.
The Cyber Reporting Channel allows employees as well
as stakeholders, including customers and suppliers, to Rewards for reporting
make suggestions and report any unethical activities To prevent unethical acts and create a sound
they witness or disadvantages they suffer. We keep organizational culture, those who report irregularities
personal information and reporting details of all reporters such as cases of bribery are offered a reward of up
confidential. Even when reports are made anonymously, to five times of the amount of the bribe (USD 1 in
we investigate the case and provide a response as maximum). Those who voluntarily report unethical acts
quickly as possible. are exempted from responsibility and the money they
received is used for CSR activities.

Clean Company
We established a system called Clean Company that
helps employees voluntarily report any past acceptance
of money or gifts based on the criteria for our employees
to make decisions and take actions. Once they fill out
a report form and submit it to the Ethical Management
Secretariat, any money or gifts received are returned
to the givers with an explanation regarding our ethical
management policies. If there is a situation in which the
received items are difficult to return, they are donated to
social welfare facilities or to religious groups under the
name of the giver.
84 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 85

Advancing an HSE management system

Operating a governance body International certifications

Establishing a critical accident prevention committee ISO 45001
We established an internal committee to proactively Our manufacturing plants in Gumi, Indong, and Donghae
respond to the Act on the Penalty of Fatal Accidents and domestic and international construction sites
(enforced in Jan. 2022) strengthening the punitive have obtained certifications for safety and health
actions leveled against companies, and devised management systems and have identified and evaluated
even stronger safety measures. The critical accident potential risks to ensure safe worksites. Every year,
committee comprised of the head of the Management management reviews the performance over the previous
Support Group as a chair and eight standing members year, sets goals for the current year, and operates
holds monthly meetings to review and make decisions programs for improvement. Each team internally
on health and safety activities, including establishing establishes, implements, monitors and evaluates
a management system, taking accident re-occurrence targets and plans in details, and conducts independent
prevention measures, and fulfilling legal obligations. improvement activities. Our compliance status is
Agenda items resolved in the committee are announced evaluated by the certification organization DQS-UL on an
to all employees. annual basis to ensure we are meeting global standards
RULE & RESPONSIBILITY for safety and health management.
An occupational safety and health committee

Workplace Safety An occupational safety and health committee is operated

at each worksite. Key health and safety issues are jointly
The SCL (Safety Culture Ladder) certification
We became the first company in Asia to acquire the
reviewed and decided by representatives of labor and SCL (Safety Culture Ladder) certification co-developed
management through this committee. It is composed by TenneT, a Dutch state-run power company and
of 15 members from management, including a person the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute.
As close attention is paid to industrial Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
responsible for safety management, and 15 labor Over 200 European companies are SCL-certified.
accidents in our society, corporate Ensuring a healthy and safe workplace by
representatives, including the head of the labor union. The process consists of diagnoses of 18 items in six
responsibility is greater than ever. promoting and raising awareness of safety Establishing a critical accident
prevention committee Key considerations include: making a plan to prevent areas, including safety management governance and
A variety of health and safety policies are
Key tasks industrial accidents; establishing and revising pertinent policy, on-site inspections and interviews for checking
put in place at LS C&S to ensure a healthy
regulations; providing training to workers; checking and pertinent systems and procedures, and determination
Advancing an HSE management system
and safe environment for its employees. Acquiring international improving the working environment; managing employee of employee awareness of and attitudes toward safety.
· Operating a governance body
We will continue our efforts to establish in certification heath; and collecting statistics on industrial accidents. This certification allows us to ensure reliability in our
· International certifications
accordance with the ISO 45001 a robust The committee meets on a quarterly basis to consider occupational safety and health management, and we will
· An integrated HSE management system
ISO 45001

health and safety management system in · Five basic safety principles and vote on key issues. Approved items are announced continue our efforts to ensure that safety can take firm
SCL Safety Culture Ladder
which potential risks can be identified and to all employees. root at worksites.
addressed. Critical accident risk management
· Four high-risk work categories Improvement measures taken
· Safety diagnoses of worksites after supplier safety diagnoses
· Safety checks at construction sites
51 cases
Strengthening supplier management in · Win-Win cooperation
industrial accident prevention efforts programs with 32 suppliers
· A safety and health consultative body and
integrated safety diagnoses 1) International certification on a safety and health
management system
· Win-Win cooperation programs
2) Certification on safety culture by Dutch organizations

An integrated diagnosis by the occupational safety and health committee An SCL evaluation
86 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 87

Advancing an HSE management system Critical accident risk management

An integrated HSE* management system Five basic safety principles Focusing on four high-risk work processes Safety checks at construction sites
In December 2020, we established an HSE System that We analyzed accident types and critical accidents that To reduce critical accident risks at our worksites in Gumi, Special safety checks are conducted in summer and
integrates data into business administration, safety, have occurred over the last 10 years and identified key Indong, and Donghae where production and shipment winter to prevent accidents at our seven construction
health, chemicals, and common areas to implement areas for safety management. Based on this, we set five work is conducted, we identified four high-risk work sites. From Dec. 7 to Dec. 24, 2020, two power
systemic safety management and improve work basic safety principles by which all of our employees processes involving: 1) cranes; 2) forklifts; 3) rotating transmission and five power cable construction sites were
efficiency in line with the ongoing strengthening of HSE- must abide. They must always wear a safety badge equipment; and 4) fire extinguishing equipment. The investigated, with 69 improvement points identified and
related regulations. The system features inquiry into data at work as part of our efforts at raising awareness of following improvements were made: warning devices and measured.
such as safety work permissions and MSDS (Material accident prevention so that a culture of worksite safety around-view monitoring systems were installed in 140
Safety Data Sheets) and monitoring work progress in is fully established. forklifts. Non-destructive inspections of key components Winter safety management General safety management

real-time. The system allows employees to identify were performed on 207 cranes, and two outdated cranes
Fire prevention Preventive measures against fire or
harmful risks and quickly collect data at worksites via were replaced. Safety covers and interlock devices were (sand, and fire extinguishers) suffocation in a sealed space
mobile phone. We plan to phase in the system with our placed on 807 pieces of rotating equipment. Fire prevention training and Preventive measures against
suppliers as well. promotional activities falling during elevated work
Prevention of slipping accidents Preventive measures against traffic
* Health, Safety, Environment Replacing outdated cranes and
hoists; installing protection
Safety devices in rotating equipment;
and placing around-view * Power transmission construction: Shingajwa-Bugae (154kV); and Sepoong-Yulchon (154kV)
Power cable construction: Gunjang Energy (154kV); Woonjung apartment complex in Paju;
monitoring systems on forklifts
Gunsan-Daeya; Soonwhadongbinggo (154kV); and a children’s library in Sungbook-dong
improvement Replacing old dust collectors
Environ- Accident statistics
and pipes; and improving clean
23 cases ment

USD 2.8 million 2018 2019 2020

worth of investment Firefight- Replacing an outdated Gumi 1 1 0
ing emergency broadcasting system
Indong 0 0 0
Number of Donghae 1 0 2
accidents (case)
0 0
Safety diagnoses of worksites sites

(by an external agency) Total 2 1 2

Enterprise-wide occupational
To ensure objectivity in safety management, a regular 0.16 0.07 0.15
accident rate (%)
diagnosis of our domestic worksites in Gumi, Indong and Occupational accident rate in the
0.28 0.35 0.54
Donghae was conducted by the Korea Industrial Safety cable industry (%)
Association. We have established comprehensive safety
and health measures outlining system improvement and
2018 2019 2020
supplier capacity-building. The results of the diagnosis will
Gumi 0.77 0.74 0
be reflected in our safety management system.
Indong 0 0 0
Frequency rate of
accidents (%)1) Donghae 2.54 0 4.45
0 0
Occupational accident rate in the
0.83 0.38 0.78
cable industry (%)

1) Frequency rate of accidents: (number of accidents/annual work hours) X 1,000,000

A Five Golden Rule campaign On-site diagnoses by an external agency

88 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 89

Strengthening supplier management in industrial accident prevention efforts

A safety and health consultative body and

integrated safety diagnoses
We are making utmost efforts to ensure a safe work
environment for all workers by strengthening supplier
management in industrial accident prevention. Safety
management meetings with on-site suppliers are held
on a monthly basis and quarterly safety diagnoses are
conducted. In 2020, a total of 51 risks were identified and
improvement measures were taken. We will continue
to strengthen this partnership to lay a foundation for
promoting a culture of workplace safety.
A joint safety check with suppliers

Win-Win cooperation programs

We are operating win-win cooperation programs with our
32 suppliers to build up their capacities for safety and
health management and establish a cooperative system EXPERTISE

for occupational accident prevention. We provide human

and material resource support to on-site suppliers
through this cooperation to reduce the health and safety
Talent Management
gap and promote win-win growth.

Based on our belief that sustainable Strategic direction Key performance in 2020
performance can be achieved only Achieving corporate sustainability through Diversified channels for
through the efforts of the people involved, the growth of our employees securing talent
we are running a variety of programs to · Internship programs, and
Key tasks open recruitment in the first/
secure and nurture creative talent.
Securing talent and ensuring unbiased HR second half
The talent we seek includes: professionals
management and welfare benefits
with outstanding job competence; Digital capacity-building
· Employment
members leading the development of the · A performance management system training
organizational culture by implementing ·U  nbiased evaluation and performance- · A data analyst program:
its core values; and global leaders based compensation A total of 28 participants
· Employee benefits conducted 16 tasks.
actively responding in an ever-changing
environment. We aim to create an
Capacity building for future business Achievements in
environment in which the company and its
· Nurturing innovative leaders the LS C&S Way
employees grow together, thereby creating · Strengthening global and digital capability · Vision 2030 internalization
greater value. training: Developing web-
Achievements in the LS C&S Way based content
· Internalization of the Vision 2030
· A smart organizational culture A Team Vision Workshop for
·O ne LS C&S through communication producing results
and care Participation of all of
· Promoting employee satisfaction
96 teams at LS C&S
A safety management meeting with suppliers
90 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 91

Securing talent and promoting unbiased HR management Employment welfare system

Employment A performance management system Employee benefits A retirement pension system

To find talented people, our recruitment process reflects We operate the SPCM (Strategic Performance & Competency We operate a welfare system that covers six areas Since 2011, a retirement pension system has been
GRIT (Guts, Resilience, Initiative, Tenacity), a predictor Management) system to achieve outcomes that align the crucial to employee health and economic stability, operated for all employees. They can choose between
of ability to achieve goals. A job-based application form company’s goals with individual goals. Once key tasks are thus allowing them to take pride in the company and DB (defined benefit) and DC (defined contribution) plans.
and occupational value survey are used in this process. set to ensure each functional organization achieves its concentrate on their work.
To verify the job competency of applicants, the scope of management goals, employees establish a development
internships has been expanded for newly-hired non-career plan for the competencies required for reaching performance In January, May, August, September, and December
employees, and newly-hired career employees. We also targets for the defined key tasks. The advantages of SPCM 2020, employees were encouraged to take vacation days
have a year-round recruitment program that manages are as follows: employees feel more responsible for their on sandwich days falling between two holidays in order
a pool of applicants and industry-academia scholarship work when they take part in the setting of performance to refresh themselves and restore their energy. In 2021,
students. targets. They are motivated to determine a direction for their we will encourage them to take advantage of sandwich
career development in a systematic manner. days occurring in February, May, August, September,
November and December so that they can concentrate
Our perception of talent (C.O.R.E._GRIT) The SPCM system our working efforts while ensuring work-life balance.

Business Plan
Customer First One LS C&S Employment welfare system
LS C&S is always thinking about its LS C&S values benefits that Business group’s goals
Communication Communication
customers. We work to understand are shared by all. We listen to one Agreement Agreement Healthy life Cultural life Energetic life
their needs, put ourselves in their another and work together for Team’s goals
place, and stand at their side. sustainability. We are one. The One · Medical expense reimbursement for · Support for in-house club activities · Reward for long-term employees: Vacation
To strengthen customer-oriented LS C&S Prize goes to employees Individual goals employees · Money gift for anniversaries, including and cash gifts for employees with 5, 10,
management, employees with who produce substantial results · Medical expense reimbursement for family birthdays or wedding anniversaries 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service
outstanding sales performance through support/cooperation on Creation of outcome Capacity building members of employees · Cultural events such as the provision of · Free recreational facilities such as
are awarded the Customer behalf of all LS C&S. · Free medical checkups for employees and sports game tickets and lectures for family condominiums and a Baekam training
First Prize. · Job assignment/Performance · Target setting their spouses members of employees center
target setting · Support/guidance, interim check · Sports facilities for employees · Company outings: Annually
Guts · Target adjustment/Interim check · Measurement · Healthcare rooms or clinics at worksites
· Performance measurement · Counseling programs at the head office
and R&D center

Organization Growth Individual Stable life Hopeful life Prosperous life

Initiative Resilience · Family occasion support: Cash gifts or · Monthly in-house online training programs · Financial aid of middle school, high school
C.O.R.E. Overcoming
Proactive condolence money for family occasions of on job skills, leadership, and foreign and college tuitions for the children of
difficulties Unbiased evaluation employees such as weddings and funerals languages employees
In order to evaluate performance in a fair and objective · Dormitories or employee apartments at · Mid-/long-term educational support for · Housing loan support
local worksites graduate schools, MBA, and intensive · Discount for our sister company products
manner, we disclose our evaluation criteria and follow a · Group life and health insurances for foreign language programs (LS Networks)
pre-defined process. Coaching and progress check (in employees · Outside training programs on job skills and · Retirement gifts
Tenacity · Commuting support: Commuter bus service foreign languages · An LS daycare center
Tenacious July) are provided to help employees produce results and
· Golden baby ring gifted to the children of
Patient develop capacity. The results are released to the pertinent
Rule & Responsibility Expertise employees on their first birthday
LS C&S sticks to the principles We are professionals employees, teams, or divisions to ensure transparency and
and fundamentals for all committed to innovation and to they are allowed to raise their objections to the results.
processes. We take initiative, work challenging ourselves to go beyond
honestly, and learn lessons from the bounds of what had been
Employee welfare expenses
failures. To enhance compliance considered possible. The Expertise Performance-based compensation
with principles and basics, we Prize is designed to strengthen 2018 2019 2020
award the Rules & Responsibilities the expertise and is granted to
We operated a compensation system reflecting employee
Prize to employees with excellent employees who contribute to performance. Compensation is provided based on the Medical expenses of family Number of persons (person) 361 385 326
performance in production/ business performance through members of employees The amount paid (USD 1,000) 500 703 696
evaluation results of group and individual performances in
development. R&D activities. Number of persons (person) 365 333 267
the form of annual base salary, management incentives, School expenses
The amount paid (USD 1,000) 2,140 1,997 1,614
CORE: Job competency / GRIT: Personality trait and individual incentives.
92 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 93

Capacity building for future business

Nurturing innovative leaders Agile training for executives and team leaders Employee training over the last three years

Based on the belief that innovative and future-oriented with senior employees is conducted. In addition, we We conducted a program for executives and team
leadership is essential for achieving our Vision 2030, we also provide programs to help them understand our leaders called ‘Understanding agile work processes'. 2018 2019 2020

Case studies related to work process innovations that Average training hours per employee
are providing a variety of training programs to nurture business portfolio, future growth strategies, and general 54 54 58
(including production workers)
leaders who can take the initiative in creating change and operations systems as well as to improve their job skills allow employees to concentrate on activities directedly
Executives (including heads
contributing to forging a positive organizational culture. and offer mindset training. linked to goals and results and to quick decision-making of divisions)
24 29 33
Average training
The required roles and leadership skills have been and feedback on customer requirements were used hours per Managers (from the manager
* OPEN: It stands for ownership, pioneer, energizer, and networking. 78 86 88
defined by job position and reflected in the programs.
The programs aim to nurture future talent with a sense of ownership, for discussions on how to better understand them and employee by to general manager level)
challenge spirit and positive attitude. job position
apply them to our business. In 2021, the program will be Assistant managers and
136 137 178
rank-and-file employees
A future innovation course for executives expanded to team members, providing a foundation for
Strengthening global and digital capability Training expenses (USD thousand) 2,800 2,800 2,300
This course targeting our executives from the director to internalizing agile work process.
A range of programs have been developed and provided
managing director level aims to help them gain insight to respond to a rapidly changing business environment LS Group’s Miraewon training center
into future management environments characterized by and digital innovation. LS Group’s Miraewon training center was established
globalization and digitalization. Participants were given
in 2009 to establish and propagate LS values, nurture
opportunities to deeply consider and prepare strategies Capacity building for local team leaders at leaders for future growth, and build the capacity of all
regarding the role of executives in future innovation, overseas subsidiaries employees. Since its foundation, a variety of programs
prediction of social change, new technologies and digital We provided training to 24 team leaders at LS-VINA and on values, leadership, jobs, and globalization have been
innovation, investment, and enhancement of corporate LSCV, our Vietnamese subsidiaries. This program is operated to support the development of employees.
value. aimed to help them identify and proactively address key
issues of their teams. They learned about identifying the Our HR development system
LCP (Leadership Challenge Program) roles of leaders in contributing to interactions with team B. Business management and leadership C. Job
The LCP is designed to strengthen capacity for business members and achieving results throughout the process. A. Value D. Global E. Misc.
Newly-promoted employees
operation, organization management and leadership. and leadership
Key talent Common Specialized

Five employees participated in the program for their Support for employees dispatched overseas S-ELP (Senior Executive

capacity-building as future leaders. To strengthen the competitiveness of our overseas
Leadership Prg.) EMP

Business management and

Programs for newly- Mgt. Prg.)
subsidiaries, we select employees for overseas dispatch

leadership seminars
appointed executives
Programs for team leaders based on pre-defined criteria in the production, finance,
LCP (Leadership Challenge Prg.)
To respond to rising uncer tainty and changing

Programs for employees dispatched overseas

and quality areas and provide intensive training. For Capacity-building programs for term

environments, leaders should quickly recognize changes

team leaders
those returning to Korea, an on-boarding program Evening

Vision and core values (for all employees)

Short-term English programs (Presentation / Negotiation)

and identify new business opportunities. Team leaders is operated to help them readjust and convert their
On-boarding programs graduate

In-house/external foreign language programs

New entry (for newly-hired career employees)
participated in these online programs through a mobile Programs for
overseas experience into assets. newly-promoted team leaders ·

Intensive - Chinese / China Biz. Academy

app to raise awareness of change and innovation and ·

Promotional training LS-SKKU

promote a positive mindset and leadership.

Capacity building for digital transformation

- General manager Technology Job competency training

Environmental safety training

management modules (12)
We provided expert training on data analysis and course
OPEN* programs for new hires · Training

Quality training

Patent training
utilization starting in 2020. Sixteen tasks were selected Business roadmap

Solution Leader Program

We provide our OPEN programs to support recent Promotional training management
in areas including profit and loss, cost reduction, by job

- Deputy general manager academy Teamwork
(in sales, R&D,
hires as they adapt to their new environments. productivity and risks. A total of 28 employees carried Training programs after Strategic management and quality)
After the announcement of successful applicants, a out tasks for improving work processes through coaching
promotion Basic accounting
Cost analysis
‘Healing Camp’ was held at a resort in Gangwon-do from external experts and in cooperation with working- Promotional training Information analysis

- Manager
Province where they were given time to relax through level managers. Feedback from the participants will be Planning ability enhancement
Decision making
meditation and yoga. It was followed by three weeks reflected in the following programs. We plan to develop Self-leader
of introductory courses at the LS Group level and one this program in the long term to support our employees Interpersonal skills
Promotional training

week at the company level. Once they are assigned to quickly and accurately make data-based decisions at
-and-file - Assistant manager Presentations

New Entry Negotiations

to different teams, a full year of mentoring activities work. (OPEN)
94 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 95

Achievements in the LS C&S Way One LS C&S through communication and care Promoting employee satisfaction
Thank-you cards from CEO Work and life balance
We strive to create a corporate culture where the LS C&S Way is centered on the company’s We sent thank-you cards from the CEO to encourage Based on our CEO’s philosophy of concentrating on working
and individuals’ vision for growth and all of our employees concentrate on their work in order to our employees who were doing their utmost to produce during office hours but leaving the office on time and getting
produce results and achieve our Vision 2030. results within the work environment under the high fatigue enough rest to restore energy, we have been promoting
and widespread limitations imposed by the COVID-19 employee work-life balance since 2015 by encouraging our
pandemic. Employees selected from among candidates employees to leave work on time and take full advantage of
recommended by the head of each Group were given words vacation days. We check the vacation utilization rate of each
of encouragement from the CEO in the cards. They were also team and inform employees who have to work overtime for
Internalization of our Vision 2030 A smart organizational culture invited to a Healing Camp so that they can create cherished unavoidable reasons so that they can use alternative holidays
Training for all of our employees Improvement in work processes, meetings and reporting memories with their families. and flexible work hours instead. We will continue these efforts
The year 2020 was meaningful for LS C&S as our Vision We have been conducting a range of activities designed to to allow our employees to demonstrate their abilities and
2030 was announced to help the company to take another create an environment in which employees can concentrate Organizational culture meetings of Business Group heads grow with the organization while pursuing happiness in their
leap forward over the coming decade. Only when all of on, take pride in, and feel a sense of accomplishment In order to effectively improve an organizational culture, it is personal lives.
our employees understand and voluntarily implement the about their work. In particular, we have devised smart work essential for management to show consistent leadership,
desired actions can this vision be realized. To help them methods and improved work processes to promote efficiency seize the initiative, and set an example. The heads of the Diagnoses of an organizational culture
Business Groups met on a quarterly basis to discuss how We are conducting an organizational culture survey on an
internalize the vision, we created a course consisting of and strengthen competitiveness within the organization:
to improve our work processes and the communication and annual basis to measure the satisfaction of our employees. A
modules including on the necessity of the vision, its strategic With the introduction of RPA (Robotic Process Automation),
cooperation between organizations and to hear the opinions comprehensive analysis is made in regards to leadership, how
direction, and enterprise-wide and Group-wide vision. We simple and repetitive jobs have been automated. A campaign
of their Group members. These meetings aim to spark a we work, systems and working environments to create a more
also illustrated our core values and action promises. has been operated to simplify meetings and reporting. Online
virtuous cycle in which best practices and requirements are energetic and capable organization.
meetings are held using WebEX, and Time Timers are utilized
reflected in improvement activities, ultimately leading to
at meetings.
raised corporate competitiveness. Organizational competence/ organizational vitality/corporate
culture improvement index — Organizational competence
An example of a Team Vision Workshop
and corporate culture improvement slight improved (an
Mission increase of one point each) while organizational vitality was
Becoming facilitators to support our employees to the same as in the previous year. Among the elements on the
achieve the company vision organizational competence index, the score for organizational
Training for all of our employees direction significantly rose four points which is attributable to
Team vision the announcement of our Vision 2030. Vacation, an element
Business Insight Creator on the corporate culture index, also surged four points.
Team-based activities to produce results
As part of the efforts at achieving our vision by internalizing Organizational competence (Unit: points) 2019 2020
its goals, strategic direction, and core values, a Team Vision Core values (C.O.R.E.)
2018 54 • Organizational 65 69
workshop was held for all of 96 teams at LS C&S to help Rule & direction
Customer First One LS C&S Expertise 2019 56
them find and address improvement points at the team level. Responsibility • Leadership 60 61
2020 57 capacity
Each team member conducted a diagnosis on their own • System capacity 45 45
before the workshop, discussed the direction of their team, Satisfying Maximizing Fulfilling
customer synergies corporate Organizational vitality (Unit: points)
established a team vision with other members, and made working efforts
needs through through social
for innovation
actions promises. In addition, a C.C. (Core Communicator) differentiation communication responsibilities 2018 72 • Organizational 61 61
was appointed for each team to encourage team members 2019 72
• Work 72 73
to pursue changes in their perception, mindset, and Team action promises 2020 72 effectiveness
Our Vision 2030 campaign for improving an organizational culture
• Relationship 83 83
organization by promoting team vision. We will continue Let’s effectiveness
Let’s have
these efforts to bring change to the company and each a business
Let’s take concentrate
Let’s take Corporate culture improvement (Unit: points)
a tea break on working
employee. insight report
once a day and during office
a global
evaluation expert training 2018 65 • Company norms 76 80
1) C.C. (Core Communicator): Core Communicators represent employees and see each hours to • Vacation 78 82
meeting once course! 2019 66
encourage them to make changes by taking the initiative, and promoting and other’s faces! increase office • Team meals 73 75
a month!
facilitating positive change. They are generally known as C.A., but at LS C&S C.C. productivity!
is used to emphasize communication.
2020 67
96 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 97

Advancing a green management system

Environmental management policies An environmental management system

We are steadily promoting green management programs Since receiving our first ISO 14001 certification in 1997,
based on our policy of becoming a leading HSE company we have been maintaining the certification through a
by caring about people and the environment. All of our surveillance audit on an annual basis and are working on
worksites are proactively managing HSE by making further improvements. LS C&S operates an enterprise-
efforts to minimize environmental impacts throughout wide environmental management system to meet
the product lifecycle and applying pollutant management international standards by complying with related laws
standards that surpass the legal requirements. and regulations, managing performance, and reducing
An environmental management organization
Environmental management system certification status
To proactively respond to legal and customer
requirements, our HSE organization was integrated into Certification
ISO 14001: 2015
the labor relations and compliance division in 2020 and
dedicated HSE1) teams were created in our worksites in All of our worksites
Gumi, Indong and Donghae. The organization is in close (Gumi, Indong, Donghae)

EXPERTISE cooperation with legal and compliance management

The processes including design,
teams for actively supporting green management. distribution and use of power

Advanced Green Management

transmission and distribution cables
1) Health, Safety, Environment
Details (Gumi), Telecommunications and
industrial cables (indong), submarine
and industrial specialty cables
Labor Relations/Compliance Division

The international community and our Strategic direction Reducing environmental impact in the Period 2020. 11. 27 ~ 2021. 09. 12
Legal Team
stakeholders have been continuously Achieving sustainable growth by complying product use and disposal stage
with global standards and taking the lead in · Plastic recycling Certification
calling for green business activities to Compliance Team DQS Inc.
environmental preservation · Waste management agency
mitigate environmental challenges such
as global warming, other forms of climate * Our domestic and overseas subsidiaries operate an environmental
Key tasks Environment management at worksites Labor Relations/HSE Department management system certification process on their own.
change, and resource depletion. Based · Water resource management · Domestic: G&P, LS EV Korea, LS Alsco
Advancing a green management system · Overseas: LSCW, LS-VINA, LSCV, LSGM, LSCI, LSEVP, LSCP
on the awareness of our corporate social · Pollutant management
· Environmental management policies/
responsibility toward the environment, · Chemicals management
organizations/systems/investment/ HSE Planning/Diagnosis
HSE Office
we apply pollutant management standards Management of the full product cycle Team Environmental facility investment
that surpass the legal requirements. Key performance in 2020 Following a massive environmental investment in 2019,
To realize our value of Customer First, Reducing environmental impact in the cable we have invested in facilities to prevent air pollution
Using renewable energy for Environmental planning Procurement HSE Team
design and raw material procurement stage and manage harmful chemicals to minimize related
we continue to provide eco-friendly cable power generation
· Green product research and development risks. Dust collectors 2) that inhibit the emissions of
products and solutions, thus contributing Health and safety planning Indong HSE Team
· Management of hazardous materials and 35.7 GWh materials causing air pollution during the stranding
to a sustainable future for our customers. chemicals
Donghae HSE Team process of power transmission and submarine cables
· Green purchasing
Scope 1·2 GHG emissions have been newly installed or improved. In addition,
● Established in 2020
A decrease for safety equipment for transfers has been repaired. We
Reducing environmental impact in the
product manufacturing stage 3 consecutive years have not simply responded to more stringent laws and
· Using renewable energy for power regulations, but are conducting business activities based
generation on the perception that environmental issues are a matter
· Energy saving and GHG emission reduction A new system for monitoring of survival for companies and for nations.
harmful chemical substance 2) A device that collects and removes particles of solid or liquid floating
in the air
98 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 99

Reducing environmental impact in the cable design and

Advancing a green management system
raw material procurement stage

Management of the full product cycle Green product research and development (chemical monitoring system) in our HSE system in
To reduce our environmental footprint across the During product research and development, environmental 2020. It allows us to obtain chemicals information
overall process of the product value chain, we consider impact is considered at each stage of the design of purchased raw materials and closely check their
environmental impact during product design, production, review (DR) process. In the planning stage, customer harmfulness and regulatory information, thus preventing
logistics, construction, use, and disposal. Since a range requirements and regulations are reviewed. In addition, potential risks.
of elements, including environmental impact and quality, we are developing products that can increase energy
Our chemical review and approval process
are determined at the design stage, we reflect HSE- efficiency, recycle resources and energy and replace
related laws and customer requirements in product hazardous materials. With the currently increasing R&D/Production/
HSE Purchasing
design to fulfill our corporate responsibility toward the Extended Producer Responsibility, we are working on QA

environment. recycling technology for XLPE within waste cables.

Obtaining the
information of
Activities at LS C&S Product design review (DR) process suppliers


Regulatory Requesting Import Submitting chemical

AREC1) review/
material confirmation
review response
purchasing statements
R&D Design Procurement Production Planning

CCA2) review/
· Development of highly- · Resource saving design · Supplier management · Energy saving/GHG Purchasing
Development Domestic response
efficient products · Application of eco- · Green purchasing emissions materials
· Product development in friendly materials · Increased productivity
the new energy industry through process Environ-
improvement mental 1) The Act on the Registration Reporting chemicals
Internal approval and Evaluation of Chemicals management status
Response to 2) The Chemicals Control Act
PQ1) and
Product life cycle audit
External certification
Green purchasing
Since issues triggered in a supply network can impact
the entire value chain, the corporate social responsibility
Design transfer for production
Raw material
Product Logistics/ Use of products/ Disposal/ required of suppliers is greater than ever. For the
collection and
manufacturing Construction Maintenance Recycling environmental impact assessment of our supply chain,
we are conducting supplier evaluation in the areas of HSE
Pilot product evaluation
systems and leadership, environmental management
1) Prequalification: A preliminary examination of bidding qualifications status at worksites, and hazardous materials and
Value offered by LS C&S
chemicals management. Our worksites in Gumi, Indong,
Construction Collection/ and Donghae are regularly providing environment-related
Suppliers LS C&S Customers
companies/Clients Recycling industry Management of hazardous materials and technical support to their on-site suppliers. Meanwhile,
chemicals in products a waste disposal company management process is in
· Resource · Business creation · Logistics/ · Product stability · Waste reduction As legal and customer requirements, including EU’s place to prevent any possible violation of environmental
· Green partnership · Raw material/energy construction-related · Service stability · Increased resource
RoHS and ELV Directives and the Act on Resource regulations, including onsite inspection, contract signing
saving energy and cost · Energy loss recycling rate
· Waste/waste water/ saving reduction during Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and and registration, and post-check.
emissions reduction power transmission Vehicles, are increasingly strengthened, an enterprise-
· Easy maintenance
wide chemical review and approval process is being
· Customers’ Scope
3 GHG emissions operated. In addition, to respond to stricter regulations
reduction and strengthen product stability, we introduced a CMS
100 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 101

Reducing environmental impact in the product manufacturing stage Reducing environmental impact in the product use and disposal stage

Using renewable energy for power generation the request of customers, we also provide information Plastic collection and recycling Waste management
We introduced renewable energy for power generation on our responses to climate change through the CDP There is a rising demand for resource recycling due to To minimize wastes and protect the environment, we
in order to respond to the requirements of international (Carbon Disclosure Project) Supply Chain. We have increasing volumes of waste. To fulfill our responsibility, keep in place a waste disposal process from product
customers and the government’s climate change policy. internally calculated some of our Scope 3 emissions we signed a voluntary agreement on plastic waste development to final disposal and continue our efforts
In the first quarter of 2021, we made a bid for KEPCO’s since 2013 and plan to obtain third-party verification to collection and recycling with the Ministry of Environment at increasing our waste recycling rate. Wastes generated
Green Premium program and purchased 35.7 GWh of ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the results. and have been proactively participating in its EPR 1)
during our HV/EHV and optical communication cable
electricity generated as renewable energy, which makes programs. In addition, we are sharing materials manufacturing processes are made of plastic such as
Scope 1·2 GHG emissions and intensity
up 50% of the power consumed in our plants in Donghae (unit: tCO2eq; tCO2eq/sales (KRW 1 million))
information with recycling companies to promote the HDPE and PVC, and they are categorized into general
and Indong (optical communication). It accounts for recycling of plastic from power/communication lines and wastes. In 2020, wastes totaled 11,767 tons, a decrease
20% of our annual power consumption of 188 GWh 2018 2019 2020 packaging. Our XLPE recycling technology was developed of 58 tons from the previous year. Recycled wastes
(as of 2019). We plan to increase the use of electricity Scope 1 36,595 30,663 29,530 in 2020. It is currently partially applied to shaped filters rose by 64 tons year-on-year to reach 11,018 tons. Our
generated by renewable energy even further. Scope 2 105,638 94,652 92,376 in submarine cables and we are working to expand the recycling rate increased slightly as generated wastes
Total 142,233 125,315 121,907 scope of its application. were recycled to the greatest extent possible.
Energy use and GHG emissions Intensity 0.043 0.039 0.037 1) Extended Producer Responsibility
Waste disposal process
The current status of energy use
Voluntary collection and recycling of plastic from power/
About 97% of this energy is used at our worksites, and is Scope 3 GHG emissions (unit: tCO2eq) communication cable wastes in Korea (unit: ton, %) Raw materials Production Waste generation
mostly attributable to the consumption of major energy · Setting targets to reduce · Separating and recycling
sources, including electricity, LNG, and steam. By energy 2018 2019 2020 wastes wastes
20.65% · Establishing waste · Transferring wastes to
source, electricity accounts for the largest share at 73%, Waste disposal 1,767 2,843 2,107 17.82% reduction programs storages
followed by 22% for LNG and 5% for steam. As on-site Fuel/energy
5,430 4,522 4,317 4,688
management and participation are essential for energy 4,063 Waste disposal Waste transport Waste storage
Leased assets 7,030 18,412 11,897
saving, employees in charge of each type of equipment are
 onducting preliminary · Signing a contract with · Storing wastes by type/
designated and awareness-raising efforts are being made. ※ Calculation is internally made based on domestic and international criteria. physical inspections and an authorized transport characteristics
checking permission details company · Abiding by the pre-defined
 lastic collected and ·C
 hecking whether wastes · Tracking the transport storage period
Energy use and intensity (unit: TJ; TJ/sales (KRW 100 million)) recycled (ton) are properly treated and
Energy saving and GHG emissions ●P
 lastic collected and disposed
recycled (%) ·C
 onducting physical
2018 2019 2020 To reduce energy use at worksites, we are steadily making inspections and evaluation

Fuel 656 547 525 equipment investments to meet the annual target while
2018 2019 2020
Electricity 1,999 1,802 1,772 strengthening on-site energy management. In 2020, we Wastes generated and intensity (unit: ton; ton/production volume (1,000 tons))
Plastic used in power/
Steam 159 135 119 completed a total of seven tasks, including replacing communication 22,799 22,700 24,961
Total 2,814 2,484 2,416 outdated compressors in SCR and identifying waste 2018 2019 2020
Plastic collected and
Intensity 0.084 0.077 0.074 elements through patrol inspections, resulting in a decrease 4,063 4,688 5,741 Designated wastes* 2,021 2,134 1,947
recycled (ton)
of 1,020 tons of annual GHG emissions. General wastes** 10,298 9,690 9,820
※ Electric energy conversion factors: 9.6MJ/kWh Plastic collected and
17.82 20.65 23.00
(loss from power transmission and distribution and production included) recycled (%) Total 12,319 11,825 11,767
※ Calculation was made for finished products sold to end-customers only. Intensity 32.1 32.3 33.3
Misc. Replacing outdated
The 2020 recycling volume will be aggregated in the second half of 2021.
The current status of GHG emissions 19.1% compressors in SCR * Designated wastes: waste oil, waste organic solvent, paint waste, and waste acid
(Improvement in air Total investment 28.8% ** General wastes: cable scrap, waste synthetic resins, rubber wastes, and residential wastes
At LS C&S, Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions are calculated, loss; and repair of
boiler steam supply
USD 797 thousand Plastic packaging collection and recycling in Korea (unit: ton)
verified by a third party, and reported to the government
pipes) GHG emissions Waste disposal (unit: ton)
on an annual basis. Emission sources include the energy 2018 2019 2020
consumed by the head office, R&D centers, the Seoul
Improving drying 1,020 tCO eq 2
Plastic packaging
233 229 - 2018 2019 2020
office, sales agencies, and worksites in Gumi, Indong, systems and Conducting joint
implementing an patrol inspections Required recycling Incineration 756 1,263 1,362
and Donghae, and some processes. The reported 178 181 -
unused steam pipe and identifying waste volume Landfill 434 348 344
emissions data is publicly disclosed at (the shut-off system elements
Recycled volume 225 278 - Recycling 11,107 10,954 11,018
National Greenhouse Gas Management System). Upon 24.7% 27.4%
※ The 2020 recycling volume will be aggregated in the second half of 2021.
Recycling rate (%) 90.0 92.6 93.6
102 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 103

Environment management at worksites

Water resource management Pollutant management Water pollutants Chemicals management

Water resource management is not only an essential Air pollutants We operating wastewater treatment systems to treat We strictly manage chemicals at our worksites in order
activity for production, but a starting point for environmental We have continued our efforts to reduce air pollutants. and discharger wastewater generated in the cable to protect the environment, our employees, and local
protection at our worksites. Water resources are used as we have conducted air measurement and raw materials manufacturing process. We apply in-house limits on water communities from potential accidents. As part of these
cooling water for the cable extrusion process or in the and process analyses, upgraded outdated facilities, and contaminants that are stricter than the legal limits. In efforts, a CMS (chemical monitoring system) was
electrolytic copper smelting furnaces at our plants. It is also invested in advanced air pollution control facilities. The 2020, the contamination level in wastewater discharged introduced to our HSE system to systemically manage
required for human uses such as drinking and sanitation. air pollutants we produce are mainly dust, NOx, HCl, and was within 10% of the legal limits. Re-use of coolant rose the entire cycle from chemical use to disposal at our
Used water is re-used for a period and then discharged as HF. As part of the efforts at PM10 reduction, a large- in 2020 with the increase in production volume, resulting worksites. Meanwhile, the use of hazardous chemicals
waste in consideration of its impact on product quality and scale equipment investment was made in 2019. In order in highly-concentrated waste water, higher biochemical increased in 2020 year on year because of the use of lead
whether it can be internally treated. There was zero use to cut NOx, which is known as substances causing PM10 oxygen demand, and more suspended matter. Although for the lead sheathing process at our worksite in Donghae.
of groundwater in 2020 as a result of water conservation and accounts for over 90% of our air pollutants, we none of our worksites are located in or near water source We gained approval for our processes using lead from
activities. However, total water consumption rose by 2.5% have operated RTO (regenerative thermal oxidizer) and protection areas, restricted zones, special management the Ministry of Environment by conducting off-site risk
from the previous year and water use intensity increased SCR (selective catalytic reduction) systems. In addition, zones, or biodiversity protection areas, we have worked assessment. We are also maintaining an emergency
by 6.5%. We plan to establish mid- and long-term targets with the installation of low-NOx burners in boilers at our continuously to reduce water contamination by effectively response system for any possible chemical-related
for water resource conservation to allow us to use it in a worksites, we were able to reduce 6.2% of nitrogen oxide. operating wastewater treatment plants. accidents.
sustainable and economically-beneficial manner.

Water resources flowchart Primary air pollutant emissions Primary water contaminants discharged and intensity Use of harmful chemicals (unit: ton)
(unit: kg; kg/production volume (1,000 tons)) (unit: kg; kg/production volume (1,000 tons))
· Gumi/Indong:
Source of supply Nakdonggang River
Total Total Use of harmful chemicals
· Donghae: Dalbang
Public water Dam 23,837 1,324 11,5422)
Industrial water
16,383 976
439,760 tons 22,886 tons 656 6,1841)

Manufacturing processes

In-house treatment plants 65,159 tons

Sewage treatment plants

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
Dust 1,326 969 960 BOD 25 42 60 1) The lead sheathing process at our Gumi worksite included
Discharge NOx 20,621 14,387 13,491 COD 940 311 497 (power transmission)
2) The lead sheathing process at our Donghae worksite included (submarine)
HCl 1,746 947 722 SS 112 97 105
HF 144 80 50 T-N 247 206 314
Water use and intensity (unit: ton; ton/production volume (ton))
Total 23,837 16,383 15,223 Total 1,324 656 976
Intensity 63.6 47.8 47.8 Intensity 3.5 2.3 3.3
2018 2019 2020
For human uses 447,904 429,202 439,760
For industrial uses 25,966 17,933 22,886
Underground water 0 1,365 0
Total 473,870 448,500 462,646
Water use intensity
(the amount used (ton)/ 1.31 1.23 1.31
production volume (ton))
104 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 105

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

LS Cable & System Ltd. And Subsidiaries (Unit: USD Million)

2018 2019 2020

Current assets 2,136 2,343 2,908
Cash and cash equivalents 173 289 451
Financial deposits 46 26 40
Trade receivables 1,091 1,114 1,145
Other receivables 58 64 54
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 3 3 14
Derivative financial instruments 17 21 108
Firm commitment assets 51 45 59
Inventories 530 568 811
Other current assets 167 214 225
Non-current assets held for sale 40 40 40
Non-current assets 1,040 1,162 1,385
Property, plant and equipment 868 933 1,064
Intangible assets 48 49 99
Investment property, net 20 8 8
Right of use assets, net - 41 40
Financial deposits 1 1 1
Trade receivables 32 56 75
Other receivables 30 15 16
Investments in joint ventures 0.5 38 45
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2 2 2
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive 1 1 1
Derivative financial instruments 4 15 25
Firm commitment assets 3 1 0.2
Deferred tax asset 11 3 8
Other assets 19 0.5 1
Total assets 3,215 3,545 4,333
Current liabilities 1,504 1,658 2,227
Trade payables 566 622 786
Borrowings 601 666 895
Derivative financial liabilities 44 26 30
Firm commitment liabilities 18 29 135
Other payables 121 126 141
Current income tax liabilities 9 4 25
Provisions 12 20 10
Lease liabilities - 9 10
Liabilities Other liabilities 133 156 195
Non-current liabilities 753 893 935
Borrowings 681 818 821
Derivative financial liabilities 4 1 19
Firm commitment liabilities 0.2 1 23
Other payables 0.2 0.2 0.2
Net defined benefit liabilities 11 9 1
Deferred income tax liabilities 43 43 49
Provisions 13 0.02 4
Lease liabilities - 20 17
Total liabilities 2,257 2,551 3,163
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Company 679 751 872
Share capital 81 81 86
Share premium 469 469 499
Accumulated other comprehensive income (20) (15) (28)
Other components of equity 301 310 330
Accumulated deficit (151) (94) (15)
Non-controlling interests 279 242 299
Total equity 958 993 1,171
Total liabilities and equity 3,215 3,545 4,333
106 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 107

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income Consolidated Cash Flow Statements

LS Cable & System Ltd. And Subsidiaries (Unit: USD Million) LS Cable & System Ltd. And Subsidiaries (Unit: USD Million)

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

Revenue 3,612 3,975 4,441 Cash flows from operating activities (199) 50 142
Cost of sales 3,279 3,581 4,003 Cash generated from (used in) operations (135) 123 200
Gross profit 333 395 438 Interest received 3 4 4
Selling and administrative expenses 223 249 283 Dividends received 0.03 0.1 0.5
Impairment loss (reversal) 10 5 3 Interest paid (43) (49) (50)
Operating profit 100 140 152 Income taxes paid (24) (27) (12)
Other income 290 234 476 Cash flows from investing activities (47) (96) (155)
Other expenses 226 230 490 Decrease (increase) in financial deposit (3) 21 (5)
Finance income 4 5 4 Decrease (increase) in other receivables 8 (1) 1
Finance costs 43 54 51 Proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 43 8 5
Share of profit of equity method investment, net 75 2 1 Proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income - - 0.2
Other non-operating income (expenses) (90) 11 42 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 1 15 2
Profit before income tax 110 108 133 Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets - 2 1
Income tax expense 24 31 28 Proceeds from disposal of other investment assets - 0.1 0.01
Profit from continuing operations 86 77 105 Payment for acquisition of property, plant and equipment (103) (128) (140)
Discontinued operations 9,247 2,576 Payment for acquisition of intangible assets (2) (8) (10)
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax 8 2 - Payment for acquisition of other investment assets - - (0.02)
Profit for the year 90,313 86,706 114,083 Payment for acquisition of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (28) (8) (15)
Owners of the Parent Company 74 68 91 Payment for acquisition of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income - - (0.02)
Profit from continuing operations 82 70 91 Loss of control over subsidiaries 0.02 24 26
Loss from discontinued operations 8 2 - Payment for acquisition of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (2) (9) (19)
Profit is Profit (Loss), attribute to owners of Parent Company 74 68 91 Decrease (increase) in derivative financial instruments 39 (13) -
attributable to Non-controlling interests 4 7 14 Cash flows from financing activities 224 156 160
Profit from continuing operations 4 7 14 Proceeds from (Repayments of) short-term borrowings (excluding CP) 46 (16) 171
Loss from discontinued operations - - - Proceeds from short-term borrowings (CP) 946 544 92
Profit (Loss), attribute to non-controlling interests 4 7 14 Repayments from short-term borrowings (CP) (825) (605) (110)
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (4) (3) 2 Repayments from long-term borrowings (20) (65) (123)
Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligation (4) (3) 2 Proceeds from long-term borrowings 52 160 148
Gain (loss) on valuation of financial assets at fair value through other Proceeds from issuance of debentures 216 276 212
Other 0.02 (0.3) 0.04
comprehensive income, net Repayment of bonds issued (203) (104) (200)
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss 2 4 (8) Repayments of currents lease liabilities - (8) (11)
Cash flow hedges 0.4 (0.5) (0.7) Cash inflows from consolidated equity transactions 32 - -
Changes from equity method - (0.1) (0.3) Cash outflows from consolidated equity transactions (10) (12) (3)
Exchange differences 2 5 (7) Dividends paid (11) (13) (18)
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year, net of tax (2) 1 (6) Capital increase by issuing new stocks 2 - -
Total comprehensive income for the year 76 75 98 Decrease (increase) in derivative financial instruments - - 3
Total comprehensive Owners of the Parent Company 73 71 81 Others (1) (1) (1)
income for the year Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (22) 111 147
Non-controlling interests 3 5 18
attributable to
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 194 173 307
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 1 5 (4)
Earnings (losses) Earnings per share from continuing operations $4.4 $3.8 $4.9
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 173 289 451
per share Losses per share from discontinued operations $0.4 $0.1 -
Basic earnings per share $3.9 $3.6 $4.9
108 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 109

Separate Statements of Financial Position Separate Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Unit: USD Million) (Unit: USD Million)

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

Current assets 1,420 1,615 2,035 Revenue 2,878 2,801 3,019
Cash and cash equivalents 102 200 365 Cost of sales 2,636 2,541 2,738
Financial deposits 8 5 4 Gross profit 242 260 280
Trade receivables 798 822 815 Selling and administrative expenses 149 156 165
Other receivables 60 58 63 Impairment loss (reversal) 2 7 1
Derivative financial instruments 13 16 81 Operating profit 91 97 115
Firm commitment assets 41 41 55 Other income 181 184 395
Inventories 267 295 470 Other expenses 167 184 408
Other current assets 131 178 182 Finance income 3 3 2
Non-current assets 884 1,003 1,167 Finance costs 29 36 35
Property, plant and equipment 421 443 505 Share of profit of equity method investment, net 34 44 8
Intangible assets 34 37 45 Other non-operating income (expenses) (3) (17) 10
Investment property, net 11 5 7 Profit before income tax 110 91 87
Assets Right of use assets, net - 20 18 Income tax expense 16 22 19
Financial deposits 0.02 0.02 0.02 Profit from continuing operations 94 69 68
Trade receivables 32 56 75 Discontinued operations 8 2 -
Other receivables 23 8 8 Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax 8 2 -
Available-for-sale financial assets - - - Profit for the year 87 67 68
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 0.2 0.2 0.2 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 0.4 0.4 0.4 Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligation (4) (2) 1
Derivative financial instruments 4 14 22 Remeasurement of post-employment benefit obligation of subsidiaries
(0.2) (0.4) 0.5
Firm commitment assets 1 0.4 0.2 and others
Investment in Subsidiaries 346 393 460 Gain (loss) on valuation of financial assets at fair value through other
Other comprehensive (0.01) - 0.2
Investment in joint ventures 0.5 25 23 comprehensive income, net
Deferred tax assets 10 - 3 Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss
Net defined benefit assets - - 0.01 Gain (loss) on valuation of financial assets at fair value through other
(0.01) - -
comprehensive income, net
Other assets 0.4 0.4 0.4
Cash flow hedges (0.2) (0.3) (0.3)
Total assets 2,303 2,618 3,202
share of other comprehensive income (loss) of subsidiaries and others 1 3 (7)
Current liabilities 1,010 1,074 1,561
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (3) (0.03) (5)
Trade payables 393 487 630
Total comprehensive income for the year 84 67 63
Borrowings 368 298 482
$4.6 $3.6 $3.6
Derivative financial liabilities 33 21 22
Earnings (Losses) per from continuing operations $5.0 $3.6 $3.6
Firm commitment liabilities 17 26 110
share from discontinued operations $0.4 $0.1 -
Other payables 91 97 120
Basic earnings per share $4.6 $3.6 $3.6
Current income tax liabilities 8 1 21
Lease liabilities - 6 6
Provisions 10 8 1
Liabilities Other liabilities 91 130 169
Non-current liabilities 584 793 787
Borrowings 576 771 736
Derivative financial liabilities 1 1 14
Firm commitment liabilities 0.1 1 20
Other payables 0.1 0.4 1
Deferred income tax liabilities - 0.4 -
Net defined benefit liabilities 6 6 -
Lease liabilities - 14 12
Provisions 1 - 4
Total liabilities 1,594 1,867 2,348
Share capital 81 81 86
Share premium 469 469 499
Equity Accumulated other comprehensive income (15) (12) (20)
Other components of equity 0.3 0.2 0.2
Retained earnings 174 214 288
Total equity 709 751 854
Total liabilities and equity 2,303 2,618 3,202
110 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 111

Separate Cash Flow Statements Independent Assurance Statement

(Unit: USD Million)

To readers of LS Cable & System 2019 - 2020 Sustainability Report + Annual Report
2018 2019 2020
Cash flows from operating activities (154) 38 164
Cash generated from (used in) operations (108) 79 192 Introduction
Interest received 1 3 2 Korea Management Registrar (KMR) was commissioned by LS - Training and Education: 404
Dividends received 3 5 6
Cable & System to conduct an independent assurance of its 2019 - Diversity and Equal Opportunity: 405
Interest paid (29) (31) (33)
Income taxes paid (22) (17) (2) - 2020 Sustainability Report + Annual Report (the “Report”). The - Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: 407
Cash flows from investing activities (40) (49) (100) data and its presentation in the Report is the sole responsibility of - Local Communities: 413
Decrease (increase) in financial deposit 7 3 1 the management of LS Cable & System. KMR’s responsibility is to - Supplier Social Assessment: 414
Decrease (increase) in other receivables (12) 17 0.3
perform an assurance engagement as agreed upon in our agreement - Customer Health and Safety: 416
Proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income - - 0.2
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 23 1 1 with LS Cable & System and issue an assurance statement. - Socioeconomic Compliance: 419
Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets - 2 -
Proceeds from disposal of other investment assets - 0.1 - Scope and Standards As for the reporting boundary, the engagement excludes the data and
Loss of control over subsidiaries 35 27 28
LS Cable & System described its sustainability performance information of LS Cable & System’s partners, suppliers and any third
Payment for acquisition of investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (74) (48) (48)
Payment for acquisition of property, plant and equipment (54) (56) (73) and activities in the Report. Our Assurance Team carried out an parties.
Payment for acquisition of intangible assets (0.4) (7) (9) assurance engagement in accordance with the AA1000AS v3 and
Decrease (increase) in derivative financial instruments 34 13 -
KMR’s assurance standard SRV1000. We are providing a Type KMR's Approach
Others 2 - -
Cash flows from financing activities 190 110 87 2, moderate level assurance. We evaluated the adherence to the To perform an assurance engagement within an agreed scope of
Proceeds from (Repayments of) short-term borrowings (excluding CP) 9 16 98 AA1000AP (2018) principles of inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness assessment using the standards outlined above, our Assurance
Repayments from short-term borrowings (CP) (825) (605) (92) and impact, and the reliability of the information and data provided Team undertook the following activities as part of the engagement:
Proceeds from short-term borrowings (CP) 946 544 92
using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index provided below. The
Repayments from long-term borrowings - (65) (46)
Proceeds from long-term borrowings 56 61 37 opinion expressed in the Assurance Statement has been formed at • reviewed the overall Report;
Proceeds from issuance of debentures 216 276 212 the materiality of the professional judgment of our Assurance Team. • reviewed materiality assessment methodology and the assessment
Repayment of bonds issued (203) (104) (200)
Repayments of currents lease liabilities - (5) (7)
Confirmation that the Report was prepared in accordance with • evaluated sustainability strategies, performance data management
Dividends paid (8) (8) (9)
Decrease (increase) in derivative financial instruments - - 3 the Core Options of the GRI standards was included in the scope system, and processes;
Others (1) (1) (1) of the assurance. We have reviewed the topic-specific disclosures • interviewed people in charge of preparing the Report;
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (4) 99 152 of standards which were identified in the materiality assessment • reviewed the reliability of the Report's performance data and
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 106 102 213
process; conducted data sampling;
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (0.1) (1) 0.01
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 102 200 365 • assessed the reliability of information using independent external
• GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards sources such as Financial Supervisory Service’s DART and public
• Universal standards databases.
• Topic specific standards
- Management approach Limitations and Recommendations
- Economic Performance: 201 KMR’s assurance engagement is based on the assumption that the
- Procurement Practices: 204 data and information provided by LS Cable & System to us as part
- Anti-Corruption: 205 of our review are provided in good faith. Limited depth of evidence
- Anti-Competitive Behavior: 206 gathering including inquiry and analytical procedures and limited
- Materials: 301 sampling at lower levels in the organization were applied. To address
- Energy: 302 this, we referred to independent external sources such as DART and
- Water and Effluents: 303 National Greenhouse Gas Management System (NGMS) and public
- Emissions: 305 databases to challenge the quality and reliability of the information
- Effluents and Waste: 306 provided.
- Employment: 401
- Labor/Management Relations: 402
- Occupational Health and Safety: 403
112 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 113

GRI Standards

1. Universal Standards
Conclusion and Opinion Competence and Independence
Topic Disclosure Page Assurance
Based on the document reviews and interviews, we had several KMR maintains a comprehensive system of quality control including
GRI 102: General Disclosures ●
discussions with LS Cable & System on the revision of the Report. documented policies and procedures in accordance with ISO/
102-1 Name of the organization 12 ●
We reviewed the Report’s final version in order to make sure that our IEC 17021·2015 - Requirements for bodies providing audit and
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services 12, 14-15 ●
recommendations for improvement and revision have been reflected. certification of management systems. This engagement was 102-3 Location of headquarters 12 ●
Based on the work performed, it is our opinion that the Report carried out by an independent team of sustainability assurance 102-4 Location of operations 12 ●
applied the Core Option of the GRI Standards. Nothing comes to our professionals. KMR has no other contract with LS Cable & System 102-5 Ownership and legal form 26 ●
attention to suggest that the Report was not prepared in accordance and did not provide any services to LS Cable & System that could 102-6 Markets served 18-19 ●
with the AA1000AP (2018) principles. compromise the independence of our work. Profile 102-7 Scale of the organization 12-13 ●
102-8 Information on employees and other workers 12, 89-95 ●
Inclusivity May 2021 Seoul, Korea 102-9 Supply chain 66-70 ●
LS Cable & System has developed and maintained different 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain About this Report ●
stakeholder communication channels at all levels to announce and 102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach 27-29 ●
fulfill its responsibilities to the stakeholders. Nothing comes to our 102-13 Membership of associations 13 ●
attention to suggest that there is a key stakeholder group left out 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker 4-7 ●
in the process. The organization makes efforts to properly reflect 102-15 Key impacts, risks, and opportunities 22-23 ●
opinions and expectations into its strategies. 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior 81 ●
Ethics and integrity
102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics 81-83 ●
Materiality 102-18 Governance structure 26 ●

LS Cable & System has a unique materiality assessment process to 102-22 Composition of the highest governance body and its committees 26 ●

decide the impact of issues identified on its sustainability performance. 102-23 Chair of the highest governance body 26 ●

We have not found any material topics left out in the process. 102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest governance body 26 ●
Governance 102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes 27 ●

Responsiveness 102-32 Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting 30 ●

LS Cable & System prioritized material issues to provide a 102-35 Remuneration policies 26 ●

comprehensive, balanced report of performance, responses, and CEO 102-36 Process for determining remuneration 26 ●

future plans regarding them. We did not find anything to suggest 102-37 Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration 26 ●
102-40 List of stakeholders groups 31-33, 35 ●
that data and information disclosed in the Report do not give a fair
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements 115 ●
representation of LS Cable & System’ actions. Stakeholder
102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders 31-35, 115 ●
102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement 31-35 ●
102-44 Key topics and concerns raised 34-35 ●
LS Cable & System identifies and monitors the direct and indirect
102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements 20-21 ●
impacts of material topics found through the materiality assessment,
102-46 Defining report content and topic Boundaries 34-35 ●
and quantifies such impacts as much as possible.
102-47 List of material topics 34-35 ●
102-48 Restatements of information About this Report ●
Reliability of Specific Sustainability Performance Information
102-49 Changes in reporting About this Report ●
In addition to the adherence to AA1000AP (2018) principles, we
Reporting practice 102-50 Reporting period About this Report ●
have assessed the reliability of economic, environmental, and
102-51 Date of most recent report About this Report ●
social performance data related to sustainability performance. We
102-52 Reporting cycle About this Report ●
interviewed the in-charge persons and reviewed information on
102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report About this Report ●
a sampling basis and supporting documents as well as external
102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards 111-112 ●
sources and public databases to confirm that the disclosed data is
102-56 External assurance 111-112 ●
reliable. Any intentional error or misstatement is not noted from the
data and information disclosed in the Report.
114 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report Overview Sustainable Management 10 Key Topics Appendix 115

GRI Standards

2. Topic-specific Standards

Topic Disclosure Page Assurance Topic Disclosure Page Assurance

103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary DMA ● GRI 400: Social topics ●
Management Approach
103-2 The management approach and its components 34-35 ● 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 93 ●
GRI 404: Training and
103-3 Evaluation of the management approachs 34-35 ● 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 93 ●
GRI 200: Economic topics ● 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 93 ●
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 12-13, 31 ● GRI 405: Diversity and Equal 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 73-75 ●
GRI 201: Economic Opportunity
201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans 91 ● 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men 115 ●
201-4 Financial assistance received from government 115 ● GRI 408: Child Labor 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor 72 ●
GRI 202: Market Presence 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage 115 ● GRI 409: Forced or
409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor 72 ●
Compulsory Labor
GRI 203: Indirect Economic 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported 60-65 ●
Impacts GRI 410: Security Practices 410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures 72 ●
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts 31-33, 65 ●
GRI 411: Rights of
GRI 204: Procurement 411-1 Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples 115 ●
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers 31 ● Indigenous Peoples
412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures 72 ●
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 115 ● GRI 412: Human Rights
Assessment Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 76, 82 ● 412-3 115 ●
underwent human rights screening
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 80 ●
GRI 413: Local Communities 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 65 ●
GRI 206: Anti-competitive
206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices 115 ● GRI 414: Supplier Social
Behavior 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken 70 ●
GRI 300: Environmental topics ●
GRI 419: Socioeconomic
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 100, 102 ● 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area 115 ●
GRI 301: Materials 301-2 Recycled input materials used 101 ●
301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials 101 ●
302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 100 ● Additional Information
302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization 100 ●
GRI 302: Energy Indicators Additional information
302-3 Energy intensity 100 ●
102-41 All employees are subject to the results of collective bargaining agreements.
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 100 ●
Key stakeholders
303-1 Water withdrawal by source 102 ● Our key stakeholders are: (1) those who are affected by business activities; (2) those who affect business performance; and (3) those who are
GRI 303: Water 102-42
303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water 102 ● legally, financially, and operationally responsible. We listen to their voices through a variety of communication channels and reflect them in our
business activities.
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 100 ●
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 100 ● subsidies 2018 2019 2020
GRI 305: Emissions 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 100 ● (Unit: USD thousand) Land 14,402 13,967 15,436
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 100 ● 201-4 Tangible assets Buildings 1,353 2,018 2,191
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions 102 ● Machines and equipment 172 732 708
306-1 Water discharge by quality and destination 103 ● Intangible assets Development cost 191 269 406

GRI 306: Effluents and 306-2 Waste by type and disposal method 101 ●
202-1 The ratio of entry level wage to legal minimum wage is 135%.
Waste 306-3 Significant spills 103 ●
205-1 None of our worksites were found to have risks of any corruption cases according to the analysis results.
306-5 Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff 102 ●
We are striving to promote transparent and fair competition. However, some violation cases that occurred before implementing our compliance
GRI 307: Environmental 206-1/419-1 programs are still under investigation and subject to lawsuits. For further details, please refer to our 2020 audit report. Going forward, we will
307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations 115 ●
Compliance further strengthen our efforts to promote compliance activities of our employees and prevent any violations that could lead to market disruptions.
GRI 400: Social topics ● Our water resources are from the Nakdong River for the Gumi/Indong plants, the Paldang Dam for the Anyang plant, and the Dalbang Dam for the
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 91 ● Donghae plant. They are purified by the K-Water and provided through water supply offices in each area.
GRI 401: Employment
401-3 Parental leave 74 ● 306-3/307-1 There were no cases of harmful substance leakage and environmental violations in 2020.
GRI 402: Labor/ 402-1 We disclose key information and major changes regarding management and employee welfare in real time through our website.
402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes 115 ●
Management Relations 405-2 Employees with the same positions and jobs are equally paid. There is no wage discrimination for reason of gender.
403-1 Workers representation in formal joint management–worker health and safety committees 85 ● 411-1 There were no violations involving the infringement of the rights of local residents during the reporting period.
GRI 403: Occupational Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and When deciding new investment, including the establishment of a worksite, acquisition, and joint venture, we review and consider local labor
403-2 87 ●
Health and Safety number of work-related fatalities 412-3 practices. As of now, there have been no human rights issues. However, if newly invested worksites do not meet the international human rights
403-4 Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions 85 ● standards, actions will be immediately taken to address these issues.
116 LS Cable & System 2020-2021 Sustainability Report + Annual Report

Our report since 2010

2020-2021 LS Cable & System Sustainability Report + Annual Report

Date of Publication July 15, 2021 (Korean Version June 14, 2021)
Publisher Roe Hyun Myung
Company LS Cable & System
Design The Moments
Production management The Sustainable Management Secretariat
Wan Seob Ju, Byung Ok Kim, Woo Jin Choi
Ju Young Dong, Hee Jung Kim


Working Committees
Technology Management Team Min Soo Ko, Gwang Jin Heo
Quality management Team Ho Eun Kim, Ki Hun Kim
Communications Team Dong Hee Keum, In Sil Lee
Purchasing Planning Team Soon Il Jung, Hyun Gyu Park
Labor Relations/HSE Department Kyun Woong Yang, Dong Gyu Lee
Human Resources Team Sung Joon Kim, Seoung O Lee
Compliance Team Young Jun Oh, Jung Rae Kim
Internal Audit & Consulting Team Chang Won Choi, Jin Young Hyun
Corporate Culture & HRD Team Seung Geun Ahn, Min Jin Kim
HSE Planning & Inspection Team You Hwan Lee, Seong Hun Woo, Hyun Woo Noh

Corporate Strategy Team Ung Sik Chae, Ji Hwa Chung, Chang Bae Yoo
Business Management & Yong Gyu Choi, Min Jun Ahn, Min Hyoung Lee
Planning Team
Business Information Yong Phal Yoo
Management Team
Accounting Team Ji Eun Choi
Investor Relation Team Kyoung Su Oh
Human Resources Team Tae Hyun Kim
Legal Team Jae Woon Lee
Business Support Division Jung Won Han
HSE Office Jin Tag Lee, Sang Wook Park, Jeong Wook Jang
Sung Jae Byun, Seong Kyu Jeong
Jun Young Kang, Dong Woo Kim, Ji Hoon Go
HSE Planning & Inspection Team Kwang You Cho
Platform Technology Research Whan Ki Kim, Yu Ho Rho
Covergence Modular Product Un Kyoo Park, Eun Jeong Yang, Hyun Woong Kim
Research Center
Global LV/MV Research Center Young Ho Kim, Jung Ji Kwon, Won Young Kim
In-Company Venture_GreenPR Jung In Shin
LSCW Yong Jin Yoo
LSHQ Sang Gab Lee
LS-VINA Seung Jin Han
LSCV Min Hye Jo
LSGM Seung Kyeom Kim
LSCI Han Yong Park
LSCP Bong Jun Cha
LS EV Korea Byoung Joon Kim
G&P Jong Hyuk Yoon This report is printed with soy ink and printed on paper made of materials from
well-managed, FSC®-certified forests and other controlled sources.

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