Rune Sources - The Collected Character

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Rune Sources

The Collected
A handy reference for character creation...

Requires the use of the RuneQuest™ Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing
Rune Sources
The Collected Character
Credits Contents

Author/Concept Introduction...............................................3
Tim Bancroft Generation Process....................................4
5. Cultural Background............................7
Cover Design Cultures.................................................7
Halfbat 6. Professions..........................................13
7. Free Skill Points..................................21
Illustrations 8. Special Actions/Spells........................22
Miguel Santos ero Points ..........................................22
Open Game License Starting Items.....................................23
This product is produced under the Open Gaming Li- Legendary Abilities............................23
cense a copy of which is enclosed. The entries or Traits...................................................23
sections of this product identified as Open Gaming
Rune Spells.........................................23
Content (OGC) are specifically marked as such within
each entry or section. Demesne Spells Table........................24
Rune to Spells Table.........................24
RuneQuest™ and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks Spells to Demesne and Rune............25
owned by Issaries, Inc. and are used according to the
Runes & Runic Powers.....................26
terms of the RuneQuest Logo Licence version 1.0. A
copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose 9. Attributes.............................................27
Publishing. The mention or reference to any company Appendices...............................................28
or product in these pages is not a challenge to the Divine Magic......................................28
trademark or copyright concerned. Petty-Magick......................................28
Collected Character Sheet.......................30
Character Creation Worksheet...............32
Using the Worksheet.........................33
Requires the use of the RuneQuest™ Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing

Rune Sources: The Collected Character eBook ISBN 978-1-906130-06-0

Published by Sceaptune Games, PO Box 63, Tidworth, SP9 7ZX.
Rune Sources: The Collected Character © 2007 Sceaptune Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any
means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, places, items,
art and text herein are copyright Sceaptune Games.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity
to actual people, places, organisations and events is purely coincidental.


This handy booklet contains a consolidation of the Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards for full details). This
character creation options presented in the various gives a total of well over 60 professions! Various
RuneQuest™ core rulebooks and provides additional additional build options are suggested to allow more
background and professional options. It is intended for powerful starting characters.
Games Masters and Players alike as a quick, all-in-one
reference during character generation. To help choose spells and avoid that constant flicking
through the spell lists to find the Runes to which they
RuneQuest™ character generation allows for rich, high- belong, we have collated the various lists and provided
ly tailored or flexible characters. Sometimes, however, some handy spell-to-Rune/Demesne tables as well as
the process needs a little help to track the various Rune/Demesne-to-Spell tables. Some of these come
changes to the skills. A step-by-step process is provid- from our own products as well as the RuneQuest™
ed with a related worksheet and a character sheet, both SRD (System Reference Document).
of which can be photocopied for your own use. Just
follow the steps and you will find the book is ordered in A separate version of the character sheet given here in
the same sequence as the steps in the process. A4 size is also to be found in the resources/downloads
section on the Sceaptune Games website at
As well as the basic Cultural Backgrounds and Profes-
sions, there are two additional Cultural Backgrounds,
26 additional Professions and a summary of the seven
Petty-Magick Professions (see Petty-Magick, Petty- Whilst using this Rune Sources supplement, it is as-
sumed that you have access to a RuneQuest™ rulebook
that defines the skills, their usage and how to generate
and assign characteristics for a particular race.

In this document, wording in normal grey text is addi-

tional character creation rules intended to extend the
character creation options. Some of these new rules are
Open Gaming Content and are specified as such.

Series Overview
The Rune Sources series are published under the OGL
(Open Gaming License) for RuneQuest™. The series
provides supplementary rules and background informa-
tion for Games Masters and Players. The Rune Sources
series includes a new magic system, Petty-Magick, new
cults, overviews of individual races and other Games
Master aids.

Some professions detailed in this supplement have also

been included in other Rune Source supplements, nota-
bly Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards,
a supplement that outlines a new magic system for
RuneQuest™, and in the Quester’s Guide to Ducks, a
Rune Sources supplement describing aspects of that
ancient but peculiar race (published May 2007).

Generation Process

The following is the procedure and order we find most This will not only govern how you create and build your

useful in generating RuneQuest characters. The process starting character but also how he is used during play.
is also outlined in the tick list.
Concepts can be as simple as in ‘an ignorant but loyal
Many of the steps outlined here are provided with barbarian’ or ‘a younger son of a noble seeking fame
focused sections in this document containing much and fortune in the world’. These are easy to play but
more detail. can give interesting motivation to a character and also
enable the character to be adapted if you wish to change
Examples are provided to explain slightly more complex issues your mind as play unfolds.
that arise during character creation. Guidelines for filling in
the Character Creation Worksheet on page 31 are provided as More interesting or complicated concepts can give a
example text. Of course, you are not obliged to use it, but great deal of motivation and background to a character,
the worksheet can be a useful tool! The columns on the but can be more challenging to play. These more
worksheet are labelled to match with the following steps. complex concepts can be along the lines of: ‘A misera-
ble borderer, rejected by his family after being forced to
1. Determine Constraints kill a clan relative who was plotting against the family
This is a frequently ignored step in character generation and had murdered his beloved. Unable to save his love
but an important one. Discuss with your Games Master he is now wracked by guilt, constantly wishing to atone
any constraints he or the campaign might have on for his inability to save her and to return his people,
character generation. For example, he may preclude or forgiven.’
recommend particular races, Cultural Backgrounds or
Professions or may wish players to fit in with a particu- If running with a more complicated concept, make sure
lar ‘feel’ for his campaign. Sometimes, such a negotia- that it fits in with how the Games Master wishes to take
tion can even give your Games Master ideas he can use his campaign – indeed, it may be that he can use the
for the campaign. concept to enhance the campaign, introducing scenarios
that relate to the character’s history. It is also a good
Your Games Master may also have special skill bonuses idea to talk the concept over with the other players if it
which can be applied to some races or backgrounds, or is slightly controversial: this is, after all, a game and
may have additional aging, skill level requirements or everyone wants to have fun!
professions in mind. You may even find that you can
have multiple professions or can age your character to The Character concept should be recorded in the ‘Comments’
make him more experienced. This information should section of the character sheet.
be quickly noted for use in subsequent steps.
3. Choose Race
It is possible that your Games Master may also wish a Having decided on a concept, choose a race for your
particular race to be used or must prevent others being character which both matches the concept and the back-
used. An elvish Hedge Wizard amongst a group of ground or constraints of the campaign. Humans are
Dark Trolls, for example, may either provide for ex- easiest to play, but other races can provide for interest-
tremely interesting or extremely disastrous roleplaying ing interactions. Record on the character sheet any
– and if the campaign is set amongst trolls the latter is racial traits pertinent to the character’s race.
more likely (though an elf who has decided to take up
the troll way of life may make for an interesting game!) The Character’s Race should be recorded in the ‘Race’ or
‘Species’ section of the Character Sheet. A name can also be
2. Character Concept chosen, but titles or honorifics should be selected after the
Think of the general idea or feel you have in mind for Cultural Background has been selected.
the character and expand this idea into a concept. This
should be agreed with the Games Master and it is a good The race can also be recorded on the worksheet and any
idea to share the Character Concept with the other bonuses due to traits can be in the column intended for steps
players to see how it fits within your regular group. 3 & 8: Traits/Legendary Abilities (‘8 (&3): Tr’t/LA’).

4. Generate Characteristics
Characteristics should be generated as defined in the
RuneQuest™ Main Rulebook. These should just be
recorded on the worksheet for now as they may change.

Worksheet base skill %ges (column 4) can now be completed.

5. Cultural Background

Select a Cultural Background and apply the skill bonus-
es from that Background. The Backgrounds available
are all listed in the tables below. When doing so, it is a
good idea to hold the Character Concept in mind to
ensure the final character meets that concept or can
provide the skills that concept suggests. It is worth
bearing in mind that some races will not come from a
particular background.

Some players like to optimise their character to a nar-

row band of specialities and this is the first stage at
which that optimisation can be carried out. Whatever
your overall concept, however, it is a good idea to have
your character begin play with a few useful competen-
cies (skills with more than 50%) so that, right from the
start, he can both be involved in the group’s activities
and contribute positively to their outcome.

At this point, calculate the character’s starting money

but be prepared to modify this depending on any aging
or experience adjustments your Games Master allows
your character to use before play.
In the Professions chapter are 33 new professions, some
Character creation is easier if you gradually accumulate of them specialist professions for the ancient and medi-
the skills and bonuses before writing them into the eval periods, others more generic in nature and still
character sheet, as subsequent steps can alter them dra- others are from our Petty-Magick supplement. These
matically. can be found on pages 14-20.

The Cultural Backgrounds are given on page 7-12 to- On the Character Creation worksheet, columns 6 to 6c can be
gether with a few guidelines and suggestions. A one- used to add in these bonuses. The corresponding Hero Point,
page reference summary is provided on page 12. Characteristic and Age increments are also easily tracked on
the sheet in the rows above.
The worksheet contains a section in which to record the skill
bonuses due to your character’s background (column 5). For example, if a character has just one Profession, the Hero
Point row should have ‘0’ in the boxes for 6b and 6c (this
6. Profession step!) and all the profession skills will be in the skill table
From the list of Professions available for your under column 6. If he takes two professions, then the first set
character’s Cultural Background, choose one and apply of skill point should be placed in column 6 on the skill table
its skill bonuses. This may also mean that additional and the second in column 6b. At the same time the greyed
skill bonuses are acquired or characteristics are altered figure in the Hero Point row under 6b (a ‘+2’) can be filled
(from Runes, for example). in showing the character has an additional 2 hero Points (and
would also age 2 years and gain an additional characteristic.)
Depending on the level of skill required for the cam-
paign, you may be able to apply bonuses from your 7. Apply Free Skill Points
character’s Profession twice or more. Talk to your These can be allocated as outlined in the ‘Free Skill
Games Master to see at which level of skill he would Points’ section to boost skill levels. Check with the
like characters to start. This Journeymen Profession Games Master how many you can use and whether or
option is outlined on page 13. not you can boost the amount you can use by aging your

character. Applying Free Skill Points and Experienced straight onto the Character Sheet. The effect of some traits
Characters are outlined on page 21. is not directly related to skills and might need to be recorded
in the ‘comments’ box on the character sheet. Both Traits and
The worksheet enables initial Free Skill Points to be recorded Legendary Abilities can be recorded on the character sheet.
under column 7, with bonus Free Skill Points under column 7b
(in increments of 50), including corresponding Hero Point, To calculate your character’s final Characteristic Increases,
Characteristic and Age increments. On the worksheet the letter Hero Points and minimum age, the rows for these can be
‘n’ is used to refer to the number of times the increment of totalled. Hero Points and actual age can be recorded on the
50 Free Skill Points is selected above the base 100 Free Skill character sheet. New characteristics can be updated and the

Points (FSPs). difference between the new and the old characteristics put into
the ‘+Char Adj.’ Characteristic Adjustment column to enable
For example, if your Games Master allows an additional 200 the actual, final percentage to be calculated for each skill.
FSPs, this is 100 above the base. Column 7 can be used for
the base 100 skill points, whilst 7b can be used for the It is worth remembering that Hero Points are gained at a
additional 100 FSPs, two blocks of 50. In the rows above a slower pace as the character ages (refer to the section on Hero
‘2’ would be written in the boxes shaded ‘+1*n’ and a ‘4’ in Points for details).
the boxes shaded ‘2*n’.
9. Generate Attributes
8. Special Actions and Spells These are dependent on the final characteristics and
Apply additional changes to your character such as age, may be modified by Legendary Abilities or Traits.
Hero Points, allocating additional Runes as required by Refer to page 26 for details of how to generate your
the campaign, or provide a Petty-Magick user with his character’s Attributes. Having calculated the attributes,
Talisman or Familiar. record them directly onto the Character Sheet.

Any spells allowed to the character by acquiring runes or 10. Fill in the character sheet!
Petty-Magick Demesnes should also be selected and recorded Fill in the rest of the character sheet, purchase any
directly on the character sheet. Any cults the character equipment (from the plethora of equipment available),
belongs to should be noted, together with the rank within the and you are ready to play!
cult. This may give the character options for Divine Spells, as
well (refer to the RuneQuest™ Companion for details of
Divine Magic).

Using the rules supplied, aging the character may allow

for more experience, enabling you to add additional
Free skill points or give additional options for hero
Points, Runes and spells. It might also be possible that
an experienced character can acquire a Legendary Abil-
ity before even starting play!

Details of these special actions, such as Aging and Hero

Points are on pages 21-22. To help with choosing
Runes and recording Runic Powers, we have summa-
rised the Runes on page 23. In addition, two sets of
spell lists are provided on pages 24 and 25: Spells by
Petty-Magick Demesnes and Runes, plus the inverse
table Spells and their Demesnes/Runes.

The worksheet provides for aging on spells, Runes and income.

Bonuses for Hero Points and Characteristics can be recorded
in the corresponding ‘bonus’ box. The figures in the two
‘bonus’ boxes should be totalled and put in the ‘sum’ box in
the age row beneath them.

Any bonuses to skills due to Legendary Abilities (in addition

to Traits) should be recorded in the Skills table in the column
labelled ‘8 (&3)‘. The values for each skill can now be totalled
and either temporarily recorded on the final column or put

5. Cultural Background

This covers the options in step 5 in the process outlined
above. The Cultural Backgrounds in the table below are Basic Skills
amalgamated from the RuneQuest core rulebooks and Automatic: Athletics +10%, Perception +5%,
include an additional Cultural Background, the Forest- Resilience +10%, Stealth +5%
born, for those semi-barbarians born in the extensive
woods and wild open spaces. New skills introduced into Pick Two at +5%: Boating, Lore (Animal),
the RuneQuest Companion have been included into the Lore (Plant), Riding
skill options. Cultural Backgrounds specific to an indi-
vidual race are not listed. Pick Three at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, 2H Axe,
2H Hammer, Blowgun, Bow, Dagger, Shield,
All Cultural Backgrounds provide characters with the Sling, Spear, Staff, Throwing, Unarmed
Advanced Skills Language (Native) +50% and Lore
(Regional) for whichever region in which they grew up. Advanced Skills
Automatic: Survival
A character can normally read/write a language if he is
aware of it at 80% or more. It is suggested that charac- Pick One from: Artistic Expression, Craft, Dance,
ters from the Civilised, Noble, or Townsman back- Lore, Play Instrument, Tracking
ground can read/write a language if they know the
language at a lesser percentage, such as 60% or 65%. Starting Money
The precise figure should, of course, be set by the Characters from a Barbarian Cultural Background be-
Games Master. gin play with 4d6x20 silver.

Available Professions
Cultures Acrobat, Animal Trainer, Bard, Bargehand, Black-
smith, Boatman, Charioteer, Conman, Councillor,
Barbarian Craftsman, Enchanter, Explorer, Farmer, Ferryman,
The Barbarian culture provides for characters from a Fisherman, Gladiator, Healer, Healer Mage, Heavy
wide range of cultures approximating the rural settle- Cavalry, Hedge Wizard, Herdsman, Hunter, Legion-
ments in the less civilised Iron Age civilisations. This naire, Light Horseman, Light Infantry, Mercenary, Of-
also applies to those cultures who have not developed, ficer, Peddler, Peltast, Pikeman, Ranger, Riverraider,
or who ignore, the engineering skills for densely popu- Scout, Sea Witch, Shaman, Soldier, Thief, Trapper,
lated towns. Metalworking is likely to be common- Trickster, War Mage, War Smith, Witch, Woodsman
place, though not a factory process, and clothing,
carving, pottery and similar technology is advanced. Civilised
For food, a mix of hunting, herding and cereal farming The civilised background is more suitable for cam-
is normal. Rarely is such a society under pressure to paigns with sophisticated, advanced levels of civilisa-
find natural resources or food. tion, perhaps matching that of our world’s western
Renaissance era. The engineering, water, sewage and
A barbarian society typically has a sophisticated culture building skills to support large towns and impressive
and society. Indeed, the code of conduct, social nuanc- buildings is readily available, though hygiene may not
es and responsibilities of such a culture can be very always be a high priority. Trade is commonplace and
complex, perhaps impossible for an outsider to under- most goods are brought into the cities from rural farm-
stand. ers who still approximate the Peasant background.

To emulate a Celtic style or similar culture, an option Social interactions in such a society can be highly
for a Barbarian background is to allow the character complex and offence can easily be given or taken. The
access to 1H Sword skills in place of the Blowgun social nuances and behavioural expectations are fre-
skill. quently bewildering to any background other than Civ-
ilised, Noble and Townsman.

An option for a character from an upper-class Civilised
background is to substitute the Oratory Advanced Skill Basic Skills
for the Streetwise optional Advanced Skill. This would Automatic: Lore (Animal) +10%, Lore (Plant) +5%,
suggest a family at the top of their profession or guild, Perception +10%, Resilience +5%, Stealth +10%
perhaps upper middle class lawyers, or perhaps a very
rich merchant family. Pick Three at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Sword,
1H Hammer, 2H Axe, Dagger, Dodge, Bow,
(Civilised Background) Basic Skills Shield, Sling, Spear, Staff, Throwing

Automatic: Evaluate +15%, Influence +15%,

Lore (World) +10% Advanced Skills
Automatic: Tracking
Pick One at +10%: Rapier, Crossbow
Pick One from: Artistic Expression, Craft, Dance,
Advanced Skills Lore, Play Instrument, Survival
Automatic: Courtesy
Starting Money
Pick Three: Artistic Expression, Craft, Dance, Characters from a Forestborn Cultural Background be-
Language, Lore, Mechanisms, Play Instrument, gin play with 4d6x30 silver.
Available Professions
Starting Money Animal Trainer, Bard, Blacksmith, Councillor, Crafts-
Characters from a Civilised Cultural Background begin man, Explorer, Fisherman, Healer, Healer Mage, Hedge
play with 4d6x75 silver. Wizard, Hunter, Legionnaire (as a pressed or volunteer
recruit), Light Infantry, Mercenary, Miner, Peddler,
Available Professions Peltast, Ranger, Scout, Shaman, Soldier, Thief, Trap-
Alchemist, Blacksmith, Conman, Courtier, Craftsman, per, Trickster, Witch, Warrior, Woodsman, Yeoman
Diplomat, Enchanter, Explorer, Healer Mage, Heavy (though probably not with the more sophisticated
Cavalry, Knight, Lord, Officer, Petty-Sorcerer, Physi- skills). In a Roman or similar campaign, a Forestborn
cian, Pikeman, Priest, Scholar, Scribe, Senator, Soldier, could also have been captured and be pressed into
Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Spy, Street Tough, Trickster, service as a Gladiator.
War Smith, Warrior, Watchman
The Forestborn Cultural Background and its definition is
Forestborn designated Open Gaming Content.
Forestborn is a new Cultural Background.
In many fantasy worlds as well as the real world, great The mariner profession can be used for a variety of
tracts of forest exist: dense woodland interspersed with naval cultures or semi-aquatic races. Whilst it fits an
open spaces filled with scrub. These are areas rich in islander culture very well, it could be used for members
wildlife and hunter/gatherer societies can thrive with of raft cultures, for coastal villagers dependent on ex-
little need for cereal farming. tensive fishing, or even for families habitually provid-
ing crew for Renaissance galleons.
The Forestborn Cultural Background provides a starting
template for characters from such wilderness areas, Though the professions available for a character from a
perhaps acting as a step between the Barbarian culture Mariner background are few, the skill focus means that
and the Primitive culture but able to co-exist with many in a naval campaign a Mariner character can excel.
others. Some of the Bronze Age or Early Iron Age
cultures could be classed as Forestborn. Basic Skills
Automatic: Acrobatics +5%, Athletics +10%,
The Forestborn are able to take good advantage of their Boating +15%, Dodge +5%, Lore (Animal) +5%,
knowledge of the area in which they live and are fre- Lore (World) +10%, Sing +5%, Throwing +5%
quent traders. The goods they are able to provide
include furs, skins, exotic plants and even mined mate- Pick Two at +10%: 1H Hammer, 1H Sword, Dagger,
rials. These are frequently exchanged for finished Unarmed, Rope*
products, though they are not averse to building small,
specialised forges in their own hamlets. The domain of * The Rope Ranged Weapon Skill (a DEX based skill)
the Forestborn is one overflowing in natural resources could also be added to the weapon skill options for a
and opportunity. Mariner. This reflects skill with using a net.

Advanced Skills Available Professions
Automatic: None Charioteer/Racer, Courtier, Diplomat, Enchanter, Ex-
plorer, Heavy Cavalry, Knight, Lord, Officer, Petty-
Pick One: Craft, Language, Lore, Shiphandling Sorcerer, Physician, Scholar, Senator, Soldier,
Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Spy, Wizard.
Starting Money
Characters from a Mariner Cultural Background begin In a Roman or similar campaign, a jaded Noble youth

play with 4d6x25 silver. could also volunteer for service as a Gladiator. His
family are unlikely to appreciate such a move, however,
Available Professions so he cannot gain a Noble’s income from such a pro-
Bargehand, Boatman, Craftsman, Explorer, Ferryman, fession.
Fisherman, Mercenary, Merchant, Peltast (Marine),
Sailor, Sea Witch, Street Tough, Warrior, Weather- Nomad (Arctic)
worker. Like Forestborn characters, in a Roman or Mainly using a hard foot-slog supplemented by sledges
culturally similar campaign, a coastal Mariner could or perhaps travois, these primitive nomads are strongly
also have been captured and be pressed into service as focused towards survival in harsh climes. Their domain
a Gladiator. is not always snow-bound, but the winters are frequent-
ly too cold for many riding animals to survive.
This generic background can be used for any nobility As an interesting alternative to starting money, Arctic
resembling the Byzantine, Roman, Feudal, Medieval Nomads can calculate the cost of their starting equip-
and Renaissance nobility. It is largely culture-inde- ment and be given the rest in trade goods such as furs.
pendent, so a Samurai lord can use this Cultural back-
ground as readily as a European baron. It can also be If an Arctic Nomad Player Character selects the Hunter
used to build characters from the very top and most Profession, we recommend he substitutes the Spear
powerful merchant families, not just those with political Weapon Skill or even the Throwing Basic Skill for the
power. mandatory Bow Weapon Skill.

Unless the campaign can readily integrate a title Noble Basic Skills
character, a starting Noble character should be a young- Automatic: Athletics +5%, Boating +10%,
er child of a noble family or one who has some years yet Lore (Animal) +5%, Perception +5%,
to come into his inheritance. However, a very interest- Resilience +10%, Stealth +5%
ing campaign can be based around a Noble striving to
regain his lost title or position. Pick Two at +15%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, Dagger,
Basic Skills
Automatic: Influence +10%, Lore (World) +10%, Advanced Skills
Persistence +10% Automatic: Survival

Pick Two at +5%: Evaluate, Dodge, Perception, Pick One: Craft, Lore, Tracking
Starting Money
Pick Two at +15%: 1H Sword, 2H Sword, Dagger, Characters from an Arctic Nomad Cultural Background
Rapier, Shield begin play with 4d6x20 silver.

Advanced Skills Available Professions

Automatic: None Craftsman, Explorer, Fisherman, Hedge Wizard, Hunt-
er, Scout, Shaman, Trapper, Warrior, War Mage.
Pick Two: Artistic Expression, Courtesy, Craft,
Dance, Language, Lore, Oratory, Play Instru- Nomad (Desert)
ment, Shiphandling There are many types of Desert Nomads, most of whom
ride camels and horses, herd hardy animals such as
Starting Money goats and live in rapidly-erected tents. For centuries
Characters from a Noble Cultural Background begin they have travelled from oasis to oasis, trading, and
play with 4d10x100 silver occasionally gathering together for celebrations. They
tend to be hospitable and welcoming to strangers.

Some Desert Nomad cultures spurned the bow as show- Pick Two at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, Blowgun,
ing disrespect and dishonour to their enemies. An Bow, Dagger, Shield, Sling
option for such tribespeople is to substitute the Throw-
ing Basic Skill and Spear Weapon Skill for the optional Advanced Skills
Bow Weapon Skill. Automatic: Survival

Basic Skills Pick One: Craft, Languages, Lore, Tracking

Automatic: Athletics +5%, Lore (World) +5%,

Perception +5%, Resilience +10%, Riding Starting Money

+10%, Stealth +5% Characters from a Civilised Cultural Background begin
play with 4d6x20 silver.
Pick Two at +15%: 1H Axe, 1H Sword, Bow,
Dagger, Shield Available Professions
Acrobat, Animal Trainer, Craftsman, Despatch Rider,
Advanced Skills Explorer, Healer Mage, Heavy Cavalry, Hedge Wizard,
Automatic: Survival Herdsman, Hunter, Light Horseman, Light Infantry,
Officer, Peddler, Shaman, Ranger/Tracker, War Mage
Pick One: Craft, Lore, Tracking
Starting Money This generic culture can be used for peasants from
Characters from a Desert Nomad Cultural Background agrarian hamlets to coastal fishing villages and across
begin play with 4d6x20 silver. almost all time periods in the ancient and medieval
worlds. Some peasants, of course, spurn their back-
Available Professions ground and turn to crime or become outlaws. Their
Animal Trainer, Craftsman, Explorer, Heavy Cavalry, wide range of possible Professions make Peasants,
Hedge Wizard, Hunter, Light Horseman, Light Infan- along with Townsmen, a good choice for new players.
try, Officer, Shaman, Ranger/Tracker, Warrior, War
Mage Basic Skills
Automatic: Athletics +5%, Lore (Animal) +10%,
Nomad (Temperate) Lore (Plant) +10%, Resilience +5%
This background can be used for many of the vast
mounted hordes which traversed our world and which Pick Two at +10%: Boating, Dodge, Driving, First
feature in many sword-and-sorcery cultures. Commit- Aid, Persistence
ted to their tribe horses, their mounted skills are rarely
surpassed. The more organised tribes used their raw Pick Two at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Flail, 1H Hammer,
skills to build vast, fast communication links: the Mon- 2H Axe, Dagger, Sling, Spear, Staff, Unarmed
gols, for example, coordinated their activities and com-
municated through despatch riders who were granted Advanced Skills
extraordinary powers of requisition. Pick Two: Craft, Dance, Lore, Play Instrument,
Such societies frequently had very strong codes of
conduct with severe, virtually draconian penalties for Starting Money
breaking the law. Characters from a Peasant Cultural Background begin
play with 4d6x25 silver
These nomad societies are heavily biased towards hunt-
ing and living off their roaming herds. The yurt is just Available Professions
on example of their portable accommodation – rapidly Acrobat, Animal Trainer, Bard, Bargehand, Black-
erected but lined with carpets and furs. The plains over smith, Boatman, Charioteer, Conman, Craftsman, En-
which they roam are often poor in quality, forcing chanter, Farmer, Ferryman, Fisherman, Gladiator,
frequent migrations. Healer, Healer Mage, Hedge Wizard, Herdsman, Hunt-
er, Legionnaire, Light Infantry, Mercenary, Militiaman,
Temperate Nomad Basic Skills Miner, Peddler, Peltast, Pikeman, Priest, Ranger, Reed-
Automatic: Athletics +10%, Lore (Animal) +5%, hunter, River-raider, Sailor, Scout, Soldier, Street
Lore (Plant) +5%, Lore (World) +5%, Tough, Thief, Trapper, Trickster, Warrior, War Mage,
Perception +5%, Resilience +5%, Riding +10%, War Smith, Watchman, Weatherworker, Witch,
Stealth +5% Woodsman, Yeoman

Primitive Pick Two at +10%: Boating, Driving, Persistence,
Frequently having little access to metals, Primitive Resilience, Sleight, Stealth
societies have a life which is heavily biased towards
survival and hunter-gathering activities, Their religions Pick Two at +10%: 1H Hammer, 1H Sword, Dagger,
are organised around the things they see and do: the Crossbow, Polearm, Shield
hunt, the woodlands and the spirits they see around them.
Whilst Townsmen in the later Feudal and Medieval

A Primitive background is best used for characters from European and Oriental cultures would have access to
a Stone Age or repressed culture or for races which do polearms, such weapon use is unlikely in earlier cul-
not have much in the way of advanced metallurgy. He tures. For the earlier cultures, the Spear Weapon Skill
has few options and few advanced skills, but his wilder- should be substituted for Polearm. In a similar fashion,
ness skills are unparalleled. the Bow or Sling Ranged Skills could be substituted for
If a Primitive Player Character selects the Ranger/
Tracker Profession, we recommend he substitutes the Advanced Skills
Spear Weapon Skill for the 1H Sword weapon skill. An Automatic: Streetwise
option for Primitive characters is that, after purchasing
their basic equipment, they start play with their remain- Pick One: Artistic Expression, Craft, Dance, Lan-
ing money as trade goods or animals in lieu of silver guage, Lore, Play Instrument, Shiphandling
pieces. Two pigs or goats, for example, can be substi-
tuted for 100 silver. Starting Money
Characters from a Townsman Cultural Background
Basic Skills begin play with 4d6x50 silver
Automatic: Athletics +10%, Lore (Animal) +10%,
Lore (Plant) +10%, Perception +10%, Available Professions
Resilience +10%, Stealth +10% Alchemist, Bard, Bargehand, Blacksmith, Boatman,
Charioteer/Racer, Conman, Councillor, Courtier,
Pick One at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, Dagger, Craftsman, Diplomat, Enchanter, Ferryman, Gladiator,
Sling, Spear Healer Mage, Heavy Cavalry, Legionnaire, Mercenary,
Merchant, Militiaman, Officer, Peddler, Peltast, Petty-
Advanced Skills Sorcerer, Physician, Pikeman, Priest, Sailor, Scholar,
Automatic: Survival, Tracking Scout, Scribe, Sea Witch, Soldier, Sorcerer’s Appren-
tice, Spy, Street Tough, Thief, Town Guard, Trickster,
Starting Money Watchman, War Smith, Wizard, Yeoman.
Characters from a Primitive Cultural Background begin
play with 4d6x10 silver

Available Professions
Hedge Wizard, Hunter, Peltast, Shaman,
Ranger/Tracker (see above), Trapper.

This generic background can be used for a wide range
of societies across almost all cultures and time periods.
Towns frequently became centres of commerce and
trade, reflected in the high starting wealth of characters
from a Townspeople background.

Along with Peasant, Townsman makes a good Cultural

Background for starting Players, giving plenty of scope
to tailor a character after it is initially created and
providing plenty of access to Professions.

Basic Skills
Automatic: Evaluate +10%, Influence +10%,
Lore (World) +10%

Cultural Backgrounds Table
Cultural Starting
Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills Money
Barbarian Automatic: Athletics +10%, Perception +5%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 20 silver
Resilience +10%, Stealth +5% Lore(Regional), Survival
Pick Two at +5%: Boating, Lore (Animal),
Lore (Plant), Riding
Pick Three at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, 2H Axe, Pick One from: Artistic Expression, Craft,

2H Hammer, Blowgun, Bow, Dagger, Shield, Sling, Dance, Lore, Play Instrument, Tracking
Spear, Staff, Throwing, Unarmed
Civilised Automatic: Evaluate +15%, Influence +15%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 75 silver
Lore (World) +10% Lore(Regional), Courtesy
Pick Three: Artistic Expression, Craft,
Pick One at +10%: Rapier, Crossbow Dance, Language, Lore, Mechanisms,
Play Instrument, Streetwise
Forestborn Automatic: Lore (Animal) +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 30 silver
Lore (Plant) +5%, Perception +10%, Lore(Regional), Tracking
Resilience +5%, Stealth +10%
Pick Three at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Sword, 1H Hammer, Pick One from: Artistic Expression, Craft,
2H Axe, Dagger, Dodge, Bow, Shield, Sling, Spear, Dance, Lore, Play Instrument, Survival
Staff, Throwing
Mariner Automatic: Acrobatics +5%, Athletics +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 25 silver
Boating +15%, Dodge +5%, Lore (Animal) +5%, Lore(Regional)
Lore (World) +10%, Sing +5%, Throwing +5%
Pick Two at +10%: 1H Hammer, 1H Sword, Dagger, Pick One: Craft, Language, Lore,
Unarmed Shiphandling
Noble Automatic: Influence +10%, Lore (World) +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d10 x 100 silver
Persistence +10% Lore(Regional)
Pick Two at +5%: Evaluate, Dodge,
Perception, Riding Pick Two: Artistic Expression, Courtesy,
Pick Two at +15%: 1H Sword, 2H Sword, Craft, Dance, Language, Lore, Oratory,
Dagger, Rapier, Shield Play Instrument, Shiphandling
Nomad Automatic: Athletics +5%, Boating +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 20 silver
(Arctic) Lore (Animal) +5%, Perception +5%, Lore(Regional), Survival
Resilience +10%, Stealth +5%
Pick Two at +15%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer,
Dagger, Spear
Nomad Automatic: Athletics +5%, Lore (World) +5%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 20 silver
(Desert) Perception +5%, Resilience +10%, Riding +10%, Lore(Regional), Survival
Stealth +5%
Pick Two at +15%: 1H Axe, 1H Sword, Bow, Dagger, Pick One: Craft, Lore, Tracking
Nomad Automatic: Athletics +10%, Lore (Animal) +5%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 20 silver
(Temperate) Lore (Plant) +5%, Lore (World) +5%, Lore(Regional), Survival
Perception +5%, Resilience +5%, Riding +10%,
Stealth +5% Pick One: Craft, Languages, Lore, Tracking
Pick Two at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer,
Blowgun, Bow, Dagger, Shield, Sling
Peasant Automatic: Athletics +5%, Lore (Animal) +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 25 silver
Lore (Plant) +10%, Resilience +5% Lore(Regional)
Pick Two at +10%: Boating, Dodge, Driving, First Aid,
Pick Two at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Flail, Pick Two: Craft, Dance, Lore,
1H Hammer, 2H Axe, Dagger, Sling, Spear, Staff, Play Instrument, Survival
Automatic: Athletics +10%, Lore (Animal) +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 10 silver
Lore (Plant) +10%, Perception +10%, Lore(Regional), Survival, Tracking
Resilience +10%, Stealth +10%
Pick One at +10%: 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, Dagger, Sling,
Automatic: Evaluate +10%, Influence +10%, Automatic: Language(Native) +50%, 4d6 x 50 silver
Lore (World) +10% Lore(Regional), Streetwise
Pick Two at +10%: Boating, Driving,
Persistence, Resilience, Sleight, Stealth Pick One: Artistic Expression, Craft, Dance,
Pick Two at +10%: 1H Hammer, 1H Sword, Dagger, Language, Lore, Play Instrument,
Crossbow, Polearm, Shield Shiphandling

6. Professions

The following Professions are amalgamated from the give access to other Professions to which the character
RuneQuest™ Core Rulebooks and the Professions lists would not otherwise have access (such as to Officer if a
in the Sceaptune Games’ supplements Petty-Magick, character becomes legionnaire).
Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards, Quester’s Guide
to Ducks and the Cults of Conflict. New skills intro- For example, if a Noble/Knight character is allowed to take
duced into the RuneQuest™ Companion SRD (System double his profession he receives a +10% bonus in both
Reference Document) and listed as being applicable for Athletics and Influence and a +20% bonus in Riding. He can
the basic professions have been included into the skill choose to take +10% in each of 1H Sword, 2H Sword, Shield
options. and Spear, or any combination (such as dropping the 2H
Sword and taking +20% in Spear) that matches the given
Also included are new professions and specialist occu- options but taken twice.
pations specifically for this volume. Those Professions
which are not within the core RuneQuest rulebooks are This option can be a very effective way of increasing
marked N as being ‘new’. and focusing relevant skills for a starting character
whilst still allowing the basic Free Skill Point allocation
The Professions table shows all the various bonuses for personalising the character. It can also be used to
each profession bestows on a character. Basic Skill represent some form of promotion path within a strict,
Bonuses are added to the character’s Basic Skill scores; long-term hierarchy such as a Roman Legion (imagine
Advanced Skills start at their base Characteristic score. a character taking the Legionary Profession twice and
If the character already possesses the indicated Ad- then the Officer Profession – perhaps eventually the
vanced skill, or receives it twice, he instead gains a Senator Profession).
+10% bonus to that skill.
Aging during Journey Professions
Specialist Professions For each Journeyman Profession applied a character
The specialist warrior are recommended for campaigns must be aged two years before the start of play. He is
where the Games Master does not feel the generic also allowed to increase a single characteristic by one
Professions are particularly appropriate. point.

Historical Hoplites or Legionnaires, for example, can Income during Journeyman Professions
be selected from this list rather than allowing a charac- For each two years a character spends in a Journeyman
ter to pick any combination of weapons. Peltasts can be Profession, he gains extra income depending on what
used for Roman Auxiliaries as well as the fast-moving sort of Profession he takes. This is either:
support troops surrounding the Greek Phalanx.
1) Additional silver equal to his Background starting
The Yeoman Profession does not strictly assume a me- silver (so a Peasant rolls 4d6 x 25 silver again and
dieval background. This profession can also be used for adds it to his starting amount). This is ideal for a
other, highly-trained archers such as those common in passive occupation such as Farmer or Ferryman; or
the civilised armies of the middle-east. 2) An additional 4d6 x 50 silver for active Professions
such as Mercenary, Officer or Hoplite/Pikeman.
Journeyman Professionals
If a Games Master wishes to have more powerful start- A Noble should be allowed to take his starting silver for
ing characters, this character generation option allows a each two years he ages in a Journeyman Profession
starting character to benefit from the same profession unless he has disgraced himself.
twice (or more) or to pick two, related professions. In
effect, this makes them a journeyman rather than just a Check with your Games Master the income rule that he
graduated apprentice. When applying multiple profes- wishes to use for his campaign.
sions the character should be allowed to make separate
choices from the same options list and not be forced to The ‘Journey Professional’ section and its sub-sections is
just take double the bonus. Some Professions could designated Open Gaming Content.

Professions Table (continued on subsequent pages...)

Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills

Acrobat Barbarian Acrobatics +10%, Athletics +10%,
Nomad (Temperate) Dodge +10%, Throwing +10%, Sleight +10%
Alchemist Civilised Evaluate +10%, First Aid +10%, Lore (Alchemy)
Townsman Lore (Plant) +10% RunecastingA

Animal Barbarian Driving +5%, First Aid +5%,

Trainer Forestborn Lore (Animal) +20%, Persistence +10%,
Nomad (Desert) Resilience +5%, Riding +5%
Nomad (Temperate)
Bard Barbarian Influence +10% Pick One
Forestborn Lore (World) +10% Artistic Expression
Peasant Perception +5% Courtesy
Townsman Sing +10% Dance
Sleight +5% Oratory
Play Instrument
BargehandN Barbarian Acrobatics +5% Shiphandling
Mariner Athletics +5%
Peasant Boating +10% Pick One:
Townsman Dance
Pick Two at +5%: Oratory
Evaluate, Perception, Sing, Spear, Play Instrument
Blacksmith Barbarian 1H Hammer +10% Craft (Blacksmith)
Civilised Evaluate +5% Lore (Mineral)
Forestborn Resilience +5%
Peasant Pick One
Townsman Engineering
Craft (Armourer)
Craft (Weaponsmith)
BoatmanN Barbarian Athletics +10%, Craft(Boatbuilding)
Mariner Boating +15%
Peasant Lore (World) +10%
Townsman Resilience +5%

Charioteer/ Barbarian Acrobatics +5%, Athletics +5%, Craft(Chariot)

RacerN (Inc. Noble Dodge +5%, Drive +15%,
Celts, Egyptians, Peasant Lore(Animal) +10%
ConmanN Barbarian Evaluate +10% Pick Two:
Civilised Influence +10% Disguise
Noble Lore(World) +5% Mechanisms
Peasant Sleight +5% Streetwise
CouncillorN See SenatorN As Senator As Senator
Civilised Influence +15% Dance
Townsman Lore (World) +5%
Noble Perception +5% Pick One
Sleight +5% Artistic Expression
Lore (Art)
Lore (Heraldry)
Lore (Philosophy)
Lore (Regional)
Play Instrument
N This is a new Profession, Bargehand, Conman and Boatman are also included in the Sceaptune Games RuneQuest supplement The
Quester’s Guide to Ducks
A The Alchemist must choose one of the following: Metal, Motion, Plant or Stasis. The Alchemist has integrated that Rune and has that
rune’s Runecasting skill.

Professions Table (continued ...)
Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills
Craftsman Barbarian Evaluate +20% Craft
Civilised Influence +5%
Forestborn Persistence +5% Pick One
Mariner Artistic Expression
Nomad (all) Craft (other)
Peasant Engineering

Townsman Mechanisms

Despatch Nomad (Temperate) Influence +5%, Lore (Animal) +10%, Pick One
RiderN Resilience +10%, Riding +15% Language, Lore, Oratory
Diplomat Civilised Influence +20% Pick One
Noble Perception +10% Artistic Expression, Courtesy,
Townsman Lore (World) +10% Dance, Language, Lore,
Oratory, Play Instrument
EnchanterN Barbarian Evaluate +5% Enchantment
Civilised Lore(World) +5%
Noble Persistence +10% Pick Two
Peasant Craft, Demesne Insight (any)PM,
Townsman Petty-MagickPM, RunecastingO,
Explorer Barbarian Lore (World) +20% Pick Two
Civilised Perception +5% Language
Forestborn Resilience +5% Lore (Astronomy)
Mariner Lore (Geography)
Nomad (all) Shiphandling
Noble Survival
Farmer Barbarian Athletics +5%, Driving +5%,
Peasant Lore (Animal) +15%, Lore (Plant) +15%,
Resilience +10%
FerrymanN Barbarian Athletics +10%, Boating +10%, Craft(Boatbuilding)
Mariner Influence +10%, Lore (World) +5%,
Peasant Resilience +5%
Fisherman Barbarian Athletics +5%, Boating +20%,
Mariner Lore (Animal) +5%, Resilience +10%,
Nomad (Arctic) Throwing +10%
GladiatorN Barbarian Pick Two at +15%: In place of Unarmed: Martial Arts
Peasant 1H Sword, Dodge, Shield
Pick Two at +10%:
Resilience, RopeRo, Spear, Unarmed
Healer Barbarian, First Aid +10%, Lore (Animal) +10%, Healing
Forestborn Lore (Plant) +10% RunecastingH
Healer MageN Barbarian First Aid +10% Craft(<object for Talisman>)T
Civilised Persistence +5% Petty-MagickPM
Nomad(Temperate) Demesne Insight(Peace)PM
Peasant Healing

H Choose one of the following: Beast, Fertility, Plant, Man or, if the Healing Rune is being used, Healing. The Healer has integrated that
Rune and has that rune’s Runecasting skill.
N This is a new Profession. Ferryman is also included in the Sceaptune Games RuneQuest supplement The Quester’s Guide to Ducks
O Pick one of the following: Conflict, Disorder, Fate, Man or Metal. The Enchanter has integrated that Rune and has that Runecasting skill
PM See the Appendices and Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards for more information on Petty-Magick, Demesne In-
sights and their pre-requisites, and on the Healer Mage Profession.
Ro ‘Rope’ is a Ranged Combat Skill and applies to nets, lasso- or bolas- like weapons which need to be thrown and which entangle opponents
T This craft skill must be one which the spellcaster can use for his Talisman and, if he elects to start with a Talisman, must be the skill that
was used to craft the Talisman

Professions Table (continued...)
Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills
Heavy CavalryN Barbarian 1H Sword +10%, Riding +10%, Shield +10%
Noble Pick One at +10%:
Nomad(Desert) Bow, Spear
Townsman Pick Two at +5%:

Athletics, Bow or SpearOSk, Influence,

Lore(Animal), Throwing
Hedge WizardN Barbarian Lore(Animal) +5% Petty-MagickPM
Forestborn Lore(Plant) +5% Demesne Insight(Nature)PM
Peasant Persistence +10%
Nomad Pick One:
Primitive Demesne Insight(other)PM HW
Survival, Tracking
Herdsman Barbarian First Aid +5%, Lore (Animal) +20%, Survival
Nomad (Temperate) Resilience +5%, Sling +10%

Hunter Barbarian Bow +5% Survival

Forestborn Lore (Animal) +10% Tracking
Nomad (Arctic) Spear +5%
Nomad (Desert) Stealth +10%
Nomad (Temperate)
Jongleur N Barbarian Influence +10% Pick One:
Forestborn Dance
Nomad (Desert) Pick Three at +10%: Disguise
Nomad (Temperate) Acrobatics, Athletics, Dodge, Influence, Language
Peasant Lore (World), Sing, Sleight, Throwing Play Instrument
Knight Civilised Athletics +5%, Influence +5%, Riding +10% Pick One:
Noble Courtesy, Dance, Oratory,
Pick Two at +10%: Play Instrument
1H Sword, 2H Sword, Shield, Spear
Legionnaire N Barbarian 1H Sword +5%, Lore (World) +5%, Pick One:
Forestborn Shield +10%, Spear +15%, Craft
Peasant Engineering
Townsman Pick One at +5%: Healing
Dagger, Driving, Evaluate, First Aid, Lore
Resilience, Throwing, Unarmed Play Instrument
Light HorsemanN Barbarian Riding +10% In place of one skill at +10%:
(Hun, Mongol Nomad (Desert) Lore(Animal) +5% Tracking
Ordo, Nomad (Temperate)
Pick Two at +10%:
Turkoman, etc)
1H Axe, 1H Sword, Bow, RopeRo, Spear

Pick One at +5%:

Acrobatics, Dagger, Perception, Resilience,
Light InfantryN Barbarian Dodge +15%
(Psiloi, Cretans, Forestborn
young warriors, Nomad (Desert) Pick Two at +10%:
Nomad (Temperate) Bow, Spear, Sling, Stealth
Pick Three at +5%:
1H Axe, 1H Sword, Dagger, Perception,

HW Pick one Demesne apart from Chaos, Necromancy or Weather. This can be the same as one previously chosen to give a +10% bonus
N This is a new Profession. Healer Mage and Hedge Wizard are detailed in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards.
OSk This should be the other skill than that previously selected from the pair.
PM See the Appendices or Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards for Petty-Magick and Demesne Insight pre-requisites
Ro ‘Rope’ is a Ranged Combat Skill and applies to nets, lasso- or bolas- like weapons which need to be thrown and which entangle opponents

Professions Table (continued...)
Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills
Lord Civilised 1H Sword +10%, Influence +20% In place of Persistence: Courtesy
In place of Courtesy: Persistence +10% In place of Riding: Oratory

In place of Oratory: Riding +10%

Mercenary Barbarian Lore (World) +10%

Peasant Pick Two +15%
Townsman 1H Axe, 1H Flail, 1H Hammer, 1H Sword,
2H Axe, 2H Flail, 2H Hammer, 2H Sword,
Bow, Crossbow, Polearm, Shield

Pick Two +5%

Athletics, Dagger, Dodge, Driving,
Evaluate, Resilience, Riding, Unarmed
Merchant Mariner Evaluate +20%, Influence +10%, Pick One
Townsman Lore (World) +10% Language, Lore (Logistics),
Militiaman Peasant 1H Axe +5%, Athletics +10%, Dodge +5%,
Townsman Resilience +5%, Shield +10%, Spear +10%,
Unarmed +5%
Miner Peasant 1H Axe +10%, 2H Axe +10%, Lore (Mineral)
Forestborn Athletics +10%, Resilience +10%
OfficerN Barbarian 1H Sword +10% Lore(Military Tactics)
Civilised Riding +10%
Noble Pick One:
Nomad(Desert) Pick Two at +5%: Petty-MagickPM
Nomad(Temperate) Bow, Influence, Persistence, Resilience, Shield, Oratory
Townsman Spear RunecastingO
Peddler Barbarian Driving +5%, Evaluate +10%, Influence +10%, Pick One
Forestborn Lore (World) +10% Language
Nomad (Temperate) Lore
Peasant Pick One Streetwise
Townsman 1H Hammer +5%, Crossbow +5%, Survival
Staff +5%, Unarmed +5%
PeltastN (or Barbarian Pick Three at +10%4: Pick One:
Auxiliary, Forestborn 1H Axe, 1H Sword, Perception, Polearm, Shield, Craft
Marine or Mariner Spear, Stealth, Throwing, Language
Peasant One of Bow or Crossbow or Sling Survival
PrimitivePrim Tracking
Townsman Pick Two at +5%:
Athletics, Dagger, Lore(Animal), Lore (World),
Resilience, Riding, Unarmed
Petty-SorcererN Townsman Lore(World) +5% Craft(<object for Talisman>)T
Noble Persistence +10% Petty-MagickPM
Civilised Demesne InsightPM PS

Pick One:
Demesne Insight(other) PM HW ,
Language, Lore
Physician Civilised Evaluate +5%, First Aid +20%, Healing
Noble Lore (Plant) +10%, Perception +5%

HW Pick one Demesne apart from Chaos, Necromancy or Weather

N This is a new Profession. Petty-Sorcerer is also included in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards
Prim Primitives are unlikely to acquire skills in Crossbow or Polearm and Craft skills should be appropriate
PM See Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards or the appendices for Petty-Magick and Demesne Insight pre-requisites

PS Pick one apart from Chaos, Nature, Necromancy or Weather

O Pick one of the following: Conflict, Disorder, Fate, Man or Metal. The Officer has integrated that Rune and has that Runecasting skill
T This craft skill must be one which the spellcaster can use for his Talisman and, if he elects to start with a Talisman, must be the skill that
was used to craft the Talisman

Professions Table (continued...)
Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills
PikemanN Civilised Lore (World) +5%, Shield +10%,
(Phalangite, Peasant Spear or Polearm +15% (Spear only for Hoplite or
Spearman, Townsman similar)
Pick One at +10%:
Hoplite or 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, 1H Sword

Pick Two at +5%:
Dagger, Driving, Evaluate, Resilience,
Throwing, Unarmed
Priest Civilised Influence +15% Lore (Theology) or Lore(Specific
Peasant Lore (World) +5% Theology)
Townsman Persistence +10% Oratory or
Ranger/ Tracker Barbarian 1H Sword +5% (Spear for Primitives) Lore (Regional)
Forestborn Perception +5% Survival
Nomad (Desert) Lore (World) +10% Tracking
Nomad (Temperate)
ReedhunterN Peasant Boating +10%, Perception +10%, Tracking
Stealth +10%

Pick Two at +5%

Bow, Crossbow, Sling, Spear
River-raiderN Barbarian Athletics +5%, Boating +10%,
Peasant Perception +5%, Resilience +5%, Stealth +5%

Pick Two at +10%:

1H Axe, 1H Hammer, 1H Sword,
Dodge, Shield, Unarmed
Sailor Mariner Acrobatics +10%, Athletics +10%, Shiphandling
Peasant Boating +10%, Lore (World) +5%,
Townsman Resilience +5%
Scholar Civilised Evaluate +5% Lore
Townsman Lore (World) +5%
Noble Persistence +10% Pick Two:
Artistic Expression, Courtesy,
Engineering, Healing, Language,
Lore (other), Mechanisms
ScoutN (or Barbarian 1H Sword or 1H Axe +5% Pick Two:
Exploratores) Forestborn Perception +10% Disguise
Nomad(Arctic) Lore (World) +5% Lore (Regional)
Peasant Stealth +10% Survival
Townsman Tracking
Scribe Civilised Evaluate +5% LanguageS
Townsman Lore (World) +5%
Pick Three from
LanguageS, Lore
Sea WitchN Barbarian Boating +5% Petty-MagickPM
Mariner Persistence +5% Demesne InsightPM SW
Pick Two:
Demesne InsightPM SW
N This is a new Profession. Reedhunter and River-raider are also included in the The Quester’s Guide to Ducks; Sea Witch is also included
in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards
PM See Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards and the appendices for more information on Petty-Magick
Pr Choose one of the following: Communication, Law, Man or Spirit. The Priest has integrated that rune and has that rune’s Runecasting skill.
S A Scribe that selects the Language skill may either learn another Language skill or add +10% to a Language skill he already possesses.
SW Choose from Weather, Nature, Physick and Conflict. The same Demesne can be chosen twice for skill at base +10%

Professions Table (continued...)
Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills
SenatorN (or Barbarian (Councillor) Influence +20% Oratory
Councillor) Civilised Lore (World) +5%
Forestborn (Councillor) Perception +5% Pick One
Noble Courtesy (Senator only), Language,
Townsman Lore, Lore (Regional),
Oratory +10%

Shaman Barbarian First Aid +5% RunecastingSh
Forestborn Influence +10%
Nomad (Arctic) Lore (Animal) +5% Pick One
Nomad (Desert) Lore (Plant) +5% Healing, Lore,
Nomad (Temperate) Persistence +5% Runecasting (other)Sh, Survival
Soldier Barbarian Dodge +5%, Lore (World) +5%
Civilised Resilience +5%, Unarmed +5%
Peasant Pick Three +10%:
Townsman 1H Axe, 1H Flail, 1H Hammer, 1H Sword,
Noble 2H Axe, 2H Flail, 2H Hammer, 2H Sword,
Athletics, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Driving,
Polearm, Riding, Shield, Sling, Spear
Sorcerer’s Civilised Persistence +10% Sorcery Spell SS
ApprenticeN Noble Manipulation(Magnitude)
Pick Two:
Language, Lore,
Sorcery Spell (other) SS
Spy Civilised Acrobatics +5%, Dodge +5%, Influence +5%, Pick One
Townsman Perception +5%, Persistence +5%, Courtesy, Disguise, Language,
Noble Lore (World) +5%, Sleight +5%, Stealth +5% Tracking
Street ToughN Civilised Dodge +10%, Resilience +10%, Streetwise
(or Thug) Mariner Unarmed +10%
Townsman Pick One at +5%:
1H Hammer, Dagger, Evaluate, Sleight, Staff,
Thief Barbarian Acrobatics +5%, Evaluate +5%, Pick One:
Forestborn Perception +10%, Sleight +10%, Stealth +10% Disguise
Peasant Mechanisms
Townsman Streetwise
Town Guard Townsman 1H Hammer +5%, Athletics +5%, Streetwise
Crossbow +5%, Perception +5%,
Polearm +10%, Shield +10%

TrapperN Barbarian Perception +10% Craft(Trapmaking)

Forestborn Lore (Animal) +5% Tracking
Nomad (Arctic) Stealth +5%
Peasant Pick One:
Primitive Craft, Lore(Regional), Survival,
Tracking +10%
TricksterN Barbarian Pick Two at +10%: Petty-MagickPM
Civilised Perception, Sleight, Stealth Demesne Insight(Delusion)PM
Peasant Pick One:
Townsman Demesne Insight(Sensing)PM
Mechanisms (not Forestborn)
Tracking (Forestborn only)

N This is a new Profession. Trickster and War Mage are also included in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards
PM See Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards and the appendices for more information on Petty-Magick
Sh Choose one of the following: Beast, Earth, Man or Spirit. The Shaman has integrated that rune and has that rune’s Runecasting skill
SS Select a suitable Sorcery Spell Advanced Skill. The character knows this spell at their base skill (INT + POW)

Professions Table (continued...)
Profession Cultural Background Basic Skill Bonuses Advanced Skills
War MageN Barbarian Pick Three at +10%: Petty-MagickPM
Nomad(any) Persistence, Resilience, Any Weapon, Demesne Insight(Conflict)PM
Peasant Any Weapon (other)
War SmithN Barbarian 1H Hammer +10% Lore(Mineral)
Civilised Evaluate +5%
Peasant Resilience +5% Pick One:

Townsman Craft (Armourer)

Craft (Weaponsmith)

Pick One:
Craft (Armourer or
Craft (Blacksmith),
Craft(Leatherworker), Mechanisms
WarriorN (such Barbarian Lore (World) +10%, Shield +5%, Spear +10%
as Warband) Forestborn
Mariner Pick One at +10%:
Nomad(Arctic) 1H Axe, 1H Sword, 1H Hammer, 2H Axe,
Nomad(Desert) 2H Hammer
Pick Three at +5%:
Athletics, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Dodge,
Driving, Evaluate, Resilience, Unarmed
WatchmanN Civilised Athletics +5%, Dodge +5%, Shield +10%, Pick One:
Peasant Influence +10% Language
Townsman Lore (Regional)
Pick Two at +5%: Streetwise
1H Axe, 1H Hammer, 1H Sword, Lore(World),
Resilience, Staff, Unarmed
Weather- Mariner Boating +10% Petty-MagickPM
workerN Peasant Persistence +10% Demesne Insight(Weather) PM

Pick One:
Witch Barbarian First Aid +5% RunecastingW
Forestborn Lore (Animal) +5%
Peasant Lore (Plant) +10% Pick Two:
Healing, Lore,
Runecasting (other)W, Survival

Wizard Townsman Evaluate +5% RunecastingWiz

Noble Lore (World) +5% Runecasting (other)Wiz
Persistence +10%
Pick One:
Language, Lore,
Runecasting (other)Wiz
Woodsman Barbarian 1H Axe +5%, 2H Axe +10%, Athletics +10%, Survival
Forestborn Lore (Plant) +10%, Resilience +5%
YeomanN Forestborn Bow +20% Pick Two:
Peasant CourtesyY, Craft(Bowyer),
Townsman Pick Two at +5% Craft(Fletcher), DanceY, Language,
H Hammer, 1H Sword, 2H Hammer, Lore, OratoryY, Play InstrumentY
2H Sword, Dagger, Riding, Shield,

N This is a new Profession. Weatherworker is also included in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards
OSk Choose the Other skill to that chosen earlier
PM See Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards and the appendices for more information on Petty-Magick
W Choose one of the following: Fertility, Luck, Moon or Shadow. The Witch has integrated that rune and has that rune’s Runecasting skill.
Wiz Choose one of the following: Air, Cold, Earth, Fire, Heat or Water. The Wizard has integrated that rune and has that rune’s Runecasting
Y Some Yeomen could come from partially respectable parts of their culture

7. Free Skill Points

Free Skill Points

Every character receives 100 additional skill points. Games Master’s Note: A character starting with 200
The player can add these Free Skill Points to his skills Free Skill Points is a very potent adversary and may
in the following ways: easily have some skills over 100%.

Add to a Basic or Weapon skill score. With Older Characters

Add to an Advanced skill score, as long as the For an even more flexible approach to character crea-
character already possesses the skill. tion, Experienced Characters increments can also be
Purchase an Advanced skill. This costs 10 free skill purchased as part of The Older Character (see below).
points and the Advanced skill starts at its basic For each two years a by which a character is aged, an
Characteristic-derived score. increment can be purchased, along with all the accom-
panying benefits such as income, Characteristic In-
No single skill can benefit from more than 30 Free Skill creases and Hero Points from aging.
Points (FSPs). The Advanced skill of Runecasting may
not be purchased. An Advanced skill purchased with The Experienced Characters section is Open Gaming Content.
Free Skill Points cannot be increased by more than 20

Petty-Magick spellcasters can spend skill points on
increasing skills to match the minimum skill require-
ments of their Demesnes, even if such an increase
requires more than 30 free skill points. They still
cannot spend more than the Free Skill Points available.

For example, after her background and Profession have been

applied, a Civilised Healer Mage has a skill in First Aid of
only 25% and her other skills are not particularly appropriate.
She needs 70% in her First Aid as a minimum to qualify as
a Healer Mage, so raises it using 45 of her additional skill
points, leaving her 55 to spend elsewhere.

Experienced Characters
For more difficult of the campaign, Experienced Char-
acters can be created who benefit from additional Free
Skill Points. Free Skill Points for Experienced Charac-
ters are awarded in increments of 50 points. For each
additional increment the character:

is aged two years;

receives additional income as for Journeyman
gains a single point Characteristic Increase;
Is allowed to increase by 10 the amount a single
skill can benefit from Free Skill Points up to a
maximum of 90%.

As discussed in the Older Character rules, Experienced

Characters also accrue Hero Points as they age.

8.Special Actions/Spells
Spells & Specials

At the Games Master’s discretion, by spending two

Hero Points years on aging an Older Character an additional Jour-
neyman Profession or an additional increment of expe-
Every character starts with two Hero Points. rience can be gained (see Experienced Characters or
Hero Points are also acquired from Journeyman Pro-
fessions or by being and Experienced Character if the Notes on Older Character options
Aged Character rules are used (see below). R If Runes are rare in a given campaign, this can be

extended to require two or three years to gain an

Legendary Abilities additional Rune.
If the character has accumulated enough Hero Points to I This can be increased to twice or even three times

purchase a Legendary Ability he should be allowed to starting silver if the Games Master wishes the char-
exchange them for one and apply its effects. In high- acters to be very well equipped.
powered campaigns a Games Master may insist that
characters begin with a Legendary Ability. Older Characters and Hero points
Older Characters and Experienced Characters auto-
Age matically gain Hero Points for each year they spend on
the above benefits at a rate of one hero Point per year up
Normally, a character may start out at any age between to age 30, one per two years up to age 40 and one per 4
18 and 30. The player should initially choose a starting years thereafter. This is in addition to any other skill
age for his character, but this may be modified by the increase or bonus (so a character gains 2 HPs in the year
profession and increased skill options already outlined. he ages for 1).

The Older Character Olrder Characters and Characteristic

Aging a character by a year can be used to gain Hero Aged Characters automatically gain a Characteristic
Points, spells, income or even Runes. Before the Older Increase for each two years they spend on the benefits
Character rules are used, agree with your Games Mas- above up to age 30 and one per four years up to age 40.
ter which he is happy to use and by how many years This is in addition to any other skill increase or bonus.
your character can be aged. If the Older Character
rules are used, it is recommended the Aging rules are Aging Penalties
also used. The Games Master should be careful when allowing a
character to start so old that his characteristics should
Older Character Options deteriorate due to age. A maximum age of 40 for most
For each year by which an Older Character is aged he characters is recommended and 50 for spellcasters fo-
can choose from one of the following options: cusing on their spellcasting skills. If the Games Master
is worried about older characters, simple aging rules
Acquire a new Petty-Magick Demesne Insight (up could be applied as follows:
to a maximum of two additional Demesne Insights)
plus two additional points of Magnitude of spells • after 35 no more gains to STR, SIZ, CON or DEX
associated with that Demesne; can be made without specific quests to do so;
Gain an additional Rune with up to two Magnitude • after 40 a character’s increases to INT, POW or CHA
of Rune spells cast with that Rune;R take twice as long;
Gain a Hero Point (up to a maximum of +8); • after 60 INT or CHA cannot increase;
If a Runecaster, gain an additional four points of • after 40 a character should deduct one from STR,
Magnitude of Rune Spells ; CON or DEX (player’s choice) for each three years
If a Petty-Magick spellcaster, gain an additional six the character ages.
points of Magnitude of Rune Spells ;
Gain their starting silver in additional incomeI. Though these allow for a degree of aging, at all times it
should be borne in mind that Player Characters are

heroes, and not necessarily subject to the same aging
and experience gains as normal people. Non-Player
Characters should not be able to gain from increased
Characteristics unless heroes, like the Player Charac- Take note of the Traits which apply to the character due
ters. to race, Runic Power or Legendary Ability and ensure
their benefits are applied to the character and to his skills.

Spells & Specials

The ‘Older Characters’ Section and its sub-sections are
designated Open Gaming Content.
Rune Spells
Starting Items For each Runecasting skill with which a character
starts, one spell is known for that skill (up to Magnitude
Enchanters should be allowed to have Enchanted a 3 for non-Progressive spells, Magnitude 2 for Progres-
single item themselves and have it available for use at sive spells). This may mean that some characters start
the start of play. The Enchanted item should allow off with more spell points than others.
them at least a 20% chance of creating it after all skill
penalties due to difficulty. The POW needed for this Starting Petty-Magick Professionals receive the start-
item should be deducted from their final POW. ing spells for the Demesne Insights they have gained
plus three (3) more points of Magnitude of spells that
Those from the Priest profession can automatically can be cast using those Demesne Insights.
become an Acolyte or Initiate of their cult if their skills
allow them to qualify. A Priest is also allowed to have Spell Lists, Runes and Demesnes are provided overleaf.
permanently dedicated some POW to his god (see the The spell lists are listed by Demesne and by Rune, and
Dedicated Divine POW extension in the Appendices), all known spells in the Petty-Magick book and in the
if the Divine Dedicated POW rules are being used. RuneQuest™ Core Rulebook are listed with the Runes
or Demesne Insights needed to cast them.
An Animal Trainer can be accompanied by one trained
animal, providing the chance to train the animal is not
reduced to less than 20%. The species must be agreed
between the player and the Games Master. A Crafts-
man can have one item of above average quality he has
crafted provided his skill at crafting that item is not less
than 20%.

Petty-Magick spellcasters or Runecasters who have

the Create Talisman or Bind Familiar spells can begin
play with reduced POW in exchange for a correspond-
ing Talisman and/or Familiar. POW is spent to bind the
relevant Familiar or create the corresponding strength
Talisman as outlined in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers
and Hedge Wizards. Petty-Magick spellcasters cannot
reduce their POW to below the minimum they need for
Petty-Magick spellcasting.

The ‘Starting Items’ section and sub-sections are designated

Open Gaming Content.

Legendary Abilities
If a starting character has enough Hero Points to pur-
chase a Legendary Ability, he should be allowed to do
so. In very high-powered campaigns, an additional
award of a free Legendary Ability could be made. If a
free Legendary Ability is granted the characters should
not be able to be aged to purchase additional Hero
Points, but should still acquire Hero Points due to their
age as normal.

Demesne Spells Table
Demesne Spells
Chaos Chaos Gift1, Contagion1, Detect Chaos, Fate, Sense Chaos1, Sense1 disease, Skybolt
Conflict Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Demoralise, Detect Enemy, Disruption, Dullblade, Fanaticism, Firearrow, Fireblade, Oppose1,
Multimissile, Pierce, Protection, Speedart, Strength, Sense Enemy1, WarBlock1, WarStrike1
Spells & Specials

Delusion Babel, Befuddle, Co-ordination, Cover of Night, Demoralise, DullSound1, Emotion, Faceless1, Fogbank1, Glamour,
MistPatch1, NullSense1, ShadowCloak1, ShadowStealth1, Shimmer, Thunder’s Voice, TwistVoice1
Nature BeastCall1, BeastTalk1, Befuddle Beast, Bestial Enhancement, Bind Familiar1, Calm Beast1, Clear Path, Detect Beast (and
derivatives), Dragon Breath, Entwine1, Plant Growth1, Sense Beast1 (and derivatives), SoftClaw1, Warp Wood1, Water Breath
Necromancy Animate Corpse1, Animate Skeleton1, Blight1, Command Undead1, Contagion1, Demoralise, Despoil1, Hand of Death,
Sense Undead1, Undead Bane
Peace Cleanse1, Comprehend1, Detect disease, Detect poison, Draw Poison1, Endurance, Glamour, Good Fortune,
Golden Tongue, Heal, Sense1 disease, Sense1 poison,Vigour
Petty-Magick Countermagic, Countermagic Shield, Create Talisman1, Charge Talisman1, Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, Fate, Light,
Mindspeech, Second Sight, Sense Magic1
Physick Co-ordination, Charge Talisman1, Create Talisman1, Darkwall, Detect elements, Extinguish,Fate, Firearrow, Fireblade,
Frostbite, Ignite, MistPatch1, Mobility, Protection, Repair, Sense elements1, Slow, TwistVoice1, Undead Bane,
Versatility, Warmth, Warp substance1
Sensing BeastTalk1, All Detect spells, Comprehend1, Oath of Ordeal, Second Sight, All Sense spells, Predict Weather1
Weather BindWind1, ClearSky1, Cloudburst1, Fogbank1, LashWind1, MistPatch1, Predict Weather1, WindRoil1
1 This spell is a new Rune Spell described in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards

Rune to Spells Table

Rune SpellsS Rune SpellsS
Air BindWindN, ClearSkyN (with Water), CloudburstN Magic Bind FamiliarN (with Beast and Communication),
(with Water), DullSoundN, Extinguish, FogbankN, Countermagic, Countermagic Shield (with
LashWindN, MistPatchN, Predict WeatherN, Stasis), Charge TalismanN, Create TalismanN
TwistVoiceN, WindRoilN (with Mastery), Detect MagicS, Dispel Magic,
Beast BeastCallN (with Mastery), BeastTalkN, Bestial NullSenseN (with Shadow), Sense MagicS
Enhancement, Bind FamiliarN (with Magic and Man ComprehendN, FacelessN, OpposeN, TwistVoiceN,
Communication), Calm BeastN, SoftClawN, Versatility, Warp BoneN
Strength, Vigour, Warp BoneN, Mastery BeastCallN (with Beast), Create TalismanN (with
WaterBeastN (with Water) Magic), OpposeN, Thunder's Voice
Chaos Chaos GiftN, ContagionN, Skybolt Metal Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Dullblade, Repair,
Cold Frostbite Warp metalN
Communication BeastTalkN, Bind FamiliarN (with Magic and Moon Emotion
Beast), Calm BeastN, ComprehendN, Mindspeech Motion ClearSkyN (with Water), CloudburstN (with
Conflict Disruption, OpposeN, WarBlockN, WarStrikeN Water), Co-ordination, LashWindN, Mobility,
Darkness Darkwall (mobile with Movement), Slow, Speedart, WaterBeastN (with Water),
ShadowStealthN WindRoilN
Death BlightN, DespoilN, Hand of Death, Undead Bane Plant Clear Path, EntwineN, Plant GrowthN, Warp
Disorder Babel (with Communication), Befuddle Beast WoodN
(with Beast), Befuddle Humanoid (with Man), Shadow Cover of Night, DullSoundN, FogbankN,
ContagionN, Demoralise, Disruption MistPatchN, NullSenseN (with Magic),
Dragon Dragon Breath ShadowCloakN, ShadowStealthN
Earth Protection Spirit Second Sight
Fate Fate Stasis BindWindN, LashWindN, Pierce, SoftClawN
Fertility Draw PoisonN, Endurance, EntwineN, Heal, Trade Golden Tongue
Plant GrowthN Truth All Detects, All SensesN, Oath of Ordeal
Fire Firearrow, Fireblade, Ignite Undead Animate CorpseN, Animate SkeletonN, BlightN,
Harmony Glamour Command UndeadN, ContagionN, DespoilN,
Heat Warmth Detect UndeadS, Sense UndeadNS
Healing CleanseN, Detect DiseaseS, Detect PoisonS, Draw Water ClearSkyN (with Air or Movement), CloudburstN
PoisonN, Heal (with Air or Movement), FogbankN,
Illusion FacelessN, MistPatchN, NullSenseN, Shimmer, MistPatchN, Predict WeatherN, WaterBeastN
ShadowCloakN, ShadowStealthN, TwistVoiceN (with Beast or Movement), Water Breath
Infinity Multimissile N This spell is a new Rune Spell described in Petty-Magick, Petty-
Law ComprehendN, Fanaticism Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards
Light Light
S It is suggested that Detect and Sense spells can also be used by corre-
Luck Good Fortune sponding Runes: the spell Detect Metal, for example, should also be a
spell available to the Metal Rune. The Sense and Detect spells for
each Rune have not been listed.

Spells to Demesne and Rune

Spell Demesne(s) Runes Spell Demesne(s) Runes

Animate Corpse1 Necromancy Undead Golden Tongue Peace Trade
Animate Skeleton1 Necromancy Undead Good Fortune Peace Luck
Babel Delusion Communication and Hand of Death Necromancy Death
Disorder Heal Peace Fertility or Healing
BeastCall <beast>1 Nature Beast and Mastery Ignite Physick Fire

Spells & Specials

BeastTalk <beast>1 Nature Beast or LashWind1 Weather Air or Stasis
Communication Light Petty-Magick Light
Befuddle Delusion Disorder and Man Mindspeech Petty-Magick Communication
Befuddle Beast Nature Disorder and Beast MistPatch1 Delusion, Weather, Air or Water or Shadow or
Bestial Enhancement Nature Beast Physick Illusion
Bind Familiar1 Nature Beast, Magic and Mobility Physick Motion
Communication Multimissile Conflict Infinity
NullSense1 Delusion Illusion;
BindWind1 Weather Air or Stasis
or Shadow and Magic
Bladesharp Conflict Metal
Oath of Ordeal Sensing Truth
Blight1 Necromancy Undead or Death
Oppose1 Conflict Mastery or Man or Conflict
Bludgeon Conflict Metal
Pierce Conflict Stasis
Calm Beast1 Nature Beast or Communication
Plant Growth1 Nature Plant or Fertility
Chaos Gift1 Chaos Chaos
Predict Weather1 Sensing, Weather Air or Water
Charge Talisman1 Petty-Magick, Physick Magic
Protection Conflict, Physick Earth
Cleanse1 Peace Healing
Repair Physick Metal
Clear Path Nature Plant
Second Sight Petty-Magick, Spirit
ClearSky1 Weather Air or Movement and Water
Cloudburst1 Weather Air or Movement and Sense any1 2 Sensing Truth
Water Sense Beastbeast1 2 Nature Truth or Beast
Command Undead1 Necromancy Undead Sense Chaos1 2 Chaos, Sensing Truth or Chaos
Comprehend1 Peace, Sensing Communication or Law Sense disease1 2 Peace, Chaos Truth or Healing or Chaos
or Man Sense elements1 2 Physick (specific elements)
Contagion1 Chaos, Necromancy Chaos or Disorder or Sense Enemy1 2 Conflict Truth or Conflict
Undead Sense Magic1 2 Petty-Magick Truth or Magic
Co-ordination Delusion, Physick Motion Sense poison1 2 Peace Truth or Healing
Countermagic Petty-Magick Magic Sense Undead1 2 Necromancy Truth or Undead
Countermagic ShadowCloak1 Delusion Illusion or Shadow
Shield Petty-Magick Magic and Stasis ShadowStealth1 Delusion Illusion or Shadow or
Cover of Night Delusion Shadow Dark
Create Talisman1 Petty-Magick, Physick Magic and Mastery Shimmer Delusion Illusion
Darkwall (mobile) Physick Darkness (& Movement) Skybolt Chaos Chaos
Demoralise Conflict, Delusion, Necromancy Slow Physick Movement
Disorder or Conflict SoftClaw1 Nature Beast or Stasis
Despoil1 Necromancy Death or Undead Speedart Conflict Movement
Detect any Sensing Truth Strength Conflict Beast
Detect Beast/beast2 Nature Truth or Beast Thunder’s Voice Delusion Mastery
Detect Chaos2 Chaos Truth or Chaos TwistVoice1 Delusion, Physick Man or Air or Illusion
Detect disease2 Peace Truth or Healing Undead Bane Physick, Necromancy Death
Detect elements2 Physick (Detect specific elements/things) Versatility Physick Man
Detect Enemy2 Conflict Truth or Conflict Vigour Peace Beast
Detect Magic2 Petty-Magick Truth or Magic WarBlock1 Conflict (Conflict)
Detect poison2 Peace Truth or Healing Warmth Physick Heat
Dispel Magic Petty-Magick Disorder and Magic Warp <substance>1 Physick, Nature Metal (for metal), Man or
Disruption Conflict Disorder (for Warp wood) Beast (for bone) or
Dragon Breath Nature Dragon Plant (for wood)
Draw Poison1 Peace Healing or Fertility WarStrike1 Conflict (Conflict)
DullBlade Conflict Metal Water Breath Nature Water
DullSound1 Delusion Air or Shadow WaterBeast1 Weather Water and Beast or
Emotion Delusion Moon Movement
Endurance Peace Fertility WindRoil1 Weather Air or Movement
Entwine1 Nature Disorder or Fertility
Extinguish Physick Air 1 This spell is a New Rune Spell described in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sor-
Faceless1 Delusion Man or Illusion
cerers and Hedge Wizards
Fanaticism Conflict Law 2 It is suggested that Detect and Sense spells can also be used by corre-
Fate Chaos, Physick, Fate
sponding Runes: the spell Detect Metal, for example, should also be a
spell available to the Metal Rune
Firearrow Conflict, Physick Fire
Fireblade Conflict, Physick Fire
Fogbank1 Delusion, Weather Air or Water or Shadow
Frostbite Physick Cold
Glamour Delusion, Peace Harmony

any relevant skill modifications or new skills gained.
Runes & Runic Powers This may mean that Characteristics or Attributes are
also modified. The POW for integrating Runes during
The power that each Rune grants to its owner should be Character Creation should not be deducted from a
checked in the Runic Power table (provided below) and character’s initial POW Characteristic.
Spells & Specials

Runic Power Table

Rune Image Runic Power
Air A Rune Touched reduces damage from falling by half and adds +10% to Athletics skill when
Beast B Rune Touched gains Survival (or +10% to Survival is already possessed) and +5% to Lore
(Animal) and Resilience.
Chaos C Any spells with the Instant trait cast by the Rune Touched inflict a –30% penalty on attempts
to resist or counterspell them.
Cold G Rune Touched ignores negative effects from exposure to cold environments.
Communication @ Rune Touched gains +10% to Influence skill and gains new Language skill.
Conflict < The Rune Touched a bonus of +5% to all Opposed Tests and to all attack and parry rolls
when in combat against a foe who could parry or dodge (See Appendices)
Darkness 0 Rune Touched gains Dark Sight and +10% to Stealth skill.
Death # An opponent suffering a Major or Serious Injury inflicted by the Rune Touched’s close
combat attack suffers a –10% penalty to Resilience tests to stay conscious or avoid death.
Disorder D Rune Touched adds +2 to all Strike Rank rolls.
Dragon x Rune Touched gains +20% to Resilience.
Dragonewt n Rune Touched will reincarnate as a dragonewt upon death.
Earth E Rune Touched gains +1 to STR, CON and SIZ .
Fate * Rune Touched may re-roll one dice roll each day.
Fertility F Rune Touched heals and recovers in half the normal time.
Fire V Rune Touched reduces damage from fire, magical or otherwise, by half.
Harmony H Rune Touched may grant a single ally +20% to a single skill test, once per day.
Healing > Rune Touched gains a bonus of +5% to any spell associated with healing and recovery or
for any skill tests relating to healing (including First Aid & Craft(Midwifery: see Appendices)
Heat 7 Rune Touched ignores negative effects from exposure to hot environments.
Illusion 5 Rune Touched gains Disguise skill and +5% to Sleight and Stealth skills.
Infinity I Rune Touched doubles the duration of all spells with the Duration trait.
Law L Any spells with the Permanent trait cast by the Rune Touched inflict a –30% penalty
on attempts to resist or counterspell them.
Light O Rune Touched gains Night Sight and +10% to Perception skill.
Luck k Rune Touched may re-roll one dice roll each day.
Magic R Rune Touched gains +5% to all Runecasting skills.
Man J Rune Touched gains +1 to DEX, INT and CHA.
Mastery M Rune Touched gains +10% to all opposed tests.
Metal 4 Rune Touched’s iron close combat weapons gains +1 damage, but only when wielded by the Rune
Moon Q Rune Touched gains +5% to Influence, Perception, Persistence and Stealth.
Motion 2 Rune Touched’s Movement increased by +1m.
Plant P Rune Touched gains Survival (or +10% to Survival is already possessed) and +5% to Lore
(Plant) and Resilience.
Shadow 9 Rune Touched gains +10% to Sleight and Stealth skills.
Spirit S Any spells that target spirits cast by the Rune Touched inflict a –30% penalty on attempts
to resist or counterspell them.
Stasis U Rune Touched is unaffected by Knockback, though they may still cause it themselves.
Trade T Rune Touched gains +10% to Evaluate and Lore (World) skills.
Truth Y Rune Touched gains +10% to Perception and Persistence skills.
Undead z Any spells that target undead cast by the Rune Touched inflict a –30% penalty on attempts
to resist or counterspell them.
Water W Rune Touched’s Athletics skill is considered to be +50% when swimming.

9. Attributes

This is step 9 of the character generation process. Play experience has shown that using half the listed
positive modifiers for thrown weapons produces effec-
Attributes are a set of secondary scores that depend on tive and realistic results and can also be applied to
the character’s final characteristics, Runic Powers and specially-made bows the character uses.
Legendary Abilities.
Hit Points (HP)
Combat Actions (CA) These determine how much damage the character can
This is the number of actions a character can perform in each sustain before reaching unconsciousness or death. Hit
combat round. It is dependent on the character’s DEX, as points are located in certain areas of the character’s
shown in the following table. body, representing exactly how much damage he can
sustain. The number of Hit Points in each location are
calculated by adding the character’s SIZ and CON and
DEX Combat Actions comparing the result on the Human and Humanoid Hit
6 or less 1 Points per Hit Location Table below.
7–12 2
13–18 3 Magic Points (MP)
19 or more 4 These are used to activate any spells the character
knows. The character’s starting Magic Points will be
equal to the character’s POW.
Damage Modifier (DM)
The Damage Modifier applies whenever the character Petty-Magick Spellcasters may start play with items
uses a melee or thrown weapon. It is calculated by able to store additional Magic Points, such as Talis-
adding STR and SIZ and comparing the result on the mans. These will also be able to store Magic Points,
table below. depending on their potency. A Petty-Magick user with
a Familiar should also take note of the Magic Points he
can use from any Familiar he may have gained.
Total of Damage Total of Damage
STR+SIZ Modifier STR+SIZ Modifier Movement
1–5 –1D8 51–60 +1D12 Human characters have a Movement of 4 metres (4m).
6–10 –1D6 61–70 +2D6 Other races, such as Ducks, have different movement
11–15 –1D4 71–80 +2D8 options as given in their descriptions. This may be
16–20 –1D2 81–90 +2D10 modified due to Runic Powers or Legendary Abilities.
21–25 +0 91–100 +2D12
26–30 +1D2 101–120 +3D10 Strike Rank (SR)
31–35 +1D4 121–140 +3D12 This determines how quickly the character acts in com-
36–40 +1D6 141–160 +4D10 bat. Strike Rank is determined by adding together the
41–45 +1D8 161–180 +4D12 character’s INT and DEX, and halving the result.
46–50 +1D10 181–200 +5D10

Human and Humanoid Hit Points per Hit Location Table

Total SIZ + CON
Location 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 26–30 31–35 36–40 41-45 46-50 51-55 +5
Each Leg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 +1
Abdomen 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 +1
Chest 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Each Arm 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +1
Head 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 +1


spells of the same Magnitude providing the spells are not

Divine Magic Progressive.

These Divine Magic Extensions are Open Gaming Content.

Dedicated Divine POW

When an initiate gains new POW as a result of a Characteris-
tic Improvement roll he can elect to dedicate that point of Full details of the Petty-Magick system are provided in the
POW to storing Divine Magic from a god in whose cult he is Sceaptune Games Rune Sources supplement ‘Petty-Magick,
an Initiate. This Dedicated Divine POW does not count Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards’. To help with selecting
towards his own POW, does not grant additional Magic Demesnes for the seven Petty-Magick Professions, the pre-
Points, and can only be used to store Divine Magic from that requisites for each Demesne and the starting spells are given
god. This POW is taken first when Divine Intervention is in the Demesne Insight Prerequisites Table.
The knowledge of Petty-Magick Demenses is potentially
A character can still elect to temporarily dedicate some of his available to anyone who has good skills, exceptional physical
own POW to Divine Magic as normal. attributes or has the strength of mind to explore the various
Demesnes of power. This potential to learn is key: typically
Personal POW cannot be transferred over to Dedicated Divine only exceptional individuals, the heroes, are able to channel
POW and Dedicated Divine POW, once dedicated, cannot be magical capabilities at will. This is represented by having
transferred over to normal POW. If a character is Excommu- pre-requisites for the Petty-Magick Advanced Skill and each
nicated from the god to whom the POW was dedicated he Demesne Insight Advanced Skill.
loses the use of that Dedicated Divine POW.
The Demesne Insight Skills Table Shows the pre-requisites
Divine Spell Limitations for each Demesne (in addition to the Petty-Magick skill).
Whilst a character may not store the same Progressive Divine Also shown are the starting spells that are automatically
Magic spell twice, he may store multiple Cult Divine Magic

Demesne Insight Prerequisites Table

Insight Other Prerequisites (minimums unless stated) Starting spell or spells
Chaos INT 10 and either Lore(Chaos) 80% or Chaotic Trait1 Chaos Gift2, Detect Chaos
Conflict Either: CON 15, STR 15 and a Weapon skill at 70%; or five skills at 50% Detect Enemy,
from Lore(Tactics), Martial Arts, Resilience, Unarmed Combat and Disruption,
any Weapon skills Sense Enemy2
Delusion DEX 16 or INT 16 and either: two of Sleight, Stealth or Perception at 70%; Faceless 12,
or all of Sleight, Stealth and Perception at 50% ShadowCloak2
Nature CHA 12 and either: two of Lore (Plant), Lore(Animal) or Survival at 70%; Detect Beast,
or all of Lore (Plant), Lore(Animal) and Survival at 50% Bind Familiar2
Necromancy INT 16, CHA 12 or less, and either: Lore(Undead) or Lore(Theology) 80% Sense Undead,
Undead Bane
Peace CHA 15 and any of First Aid, Healing, Lore(anatomy) or Influence at 70%; Heal 3 or Goldentongue 3
or three of the four skills at 70%
Petty-Magick POW 14, INT 14, CHA 10 Detect Magic, Light,
Sense Magic2
Physick CON 12, INT 16 and either: Acrobatics, Athletics, Mechanisms or a Repair, Warp2
Craft skill at 70%; or three of the four skills at 50%
Sensing INT 16 and Perception or Tracking at 70% Second Sight
Weather CON 13, INT 16, POW 16 and Boating 50% and either: Shiphandling 70%; Predict Weather2
or Lore(Meteorology/Weather) 70%
1 The character acquires an aura of Chaos and, if he does not have one already, he acquires a chaotic trait.

2 This spell is a New Rune Spell described in Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards

gained when knowledge of the Demesne are acquired. The
Petty-Magick Advanced Skills are as follows. Rune Spells
Common Rune spells cast through the Rune of Conflict in-
Petty-Magick (POW+CHA) clude Demoralise and Detect Enemy as well as the spells
This core skill enables a character to gain a basic understand- Oppose, WarBlock and WarStrike.
ing into Petty-Magick and the Demesne of Magic. After
learning this skill the character can learn any of the other Runic Power
Demesne Insights, providing the prerequisites are met. The Runic Power of the Rune of Conflict is a bonus of +5%

to all tests which assume an active opposition, such as Op-
Demesne Insight(<demesne>) (INT+POW) posed Tests and to all attack and parry rolls when in combat
Like Lore(), the Demesne Insight Advanced Skill covers a against a foe who could parry or dodge.
range of separate skills, each of which applies to a particular
Demesne of Petty-Magick. Each skill is a separate skill and The Conflict Rune and its definition is Open Gaming Content.
is learnt and developed separately.
A character must meet a number of prerequisites before he can The Rune of Conflict is not the same as the Petty-Magick
learn any Demesne Insight Advanced Skills. These prerequi- Demesne of Conflict.
sites are characteristic or skill based and are shown in the
Demesne Insight Skills Table. Once learnt, a Demesne In- The Rune of Healing
sight() allows the casting of spells known in that Demesne of Also called the Rune of Wholeness
Petty-Magick using a normal skill test. and Unity of Being, the Healing
Rune is specifically associated with

Runes acts of recovery, personal stability

and support, as well as the skills
On top of the core Runes, the Rune Sources series uses a associated with healing and the res-
number of additional, Open Gaming Content Runes to support toration of health. Though more
the concepts behind the cults described. Two runes referred specialised and focused than that of
to in this booklet are Healing and Conflict. These are special- the Rune of Fertility, whose associ-
ised runes that do not automatically assume the connotations ation with Healing is a result of its
of those to which they might be related, such as Fertility, gifts of growth, plenty and procrea-
Death and Disorder. tion, the Healing Rune also ad-
dresses the Unity of mind and spirit.
The Rune of Conflict
Though the Rune of Conflict is It is frequently associated with one or two other Runes which
primarily associated with the skills govern or indicate its use. The cults of healing, such as
of war, it is not limited to such Suberle, are those who might otherwise have struggled to
active interaction. Conflict is integrate the Fertility Rune to themselves, or who found the
present in all situations where two diverse needs of the healing powers significantly more useful
views, opinions or strengths are in in caring for their followers. The Healing Rune is often
opposition and striving to over- associated with a type of being, such as Spirit, Beast, Man or
come the other. It is also called the even Plant; such an association can both focus and strengthen
Rune of Opposition. its powers in those areas.

The Rune of Conflict is not only Rune Spells

used by warrior gods but also by gods engaged in indirect Spells cast through the Rune of Healing include Heal, Cleanse
conflict, such as protection, assassination or even combating and Draw Poison and similar spells.
disease or poison. Some of the more confrontational trading
cults could be associated with Conflict, for example, as its Runic Power
members try and force a deal through against a less than The Runic Power of the Rune of Healing is a bonus of +5% to
co-operative trading partner. spell casting for any spell associated with healing and recov-
ery, such as Heal or Regrow Limb, and a bonus of +5% to First
Conflict need not be automatically associated with Disorder, Aid and Healing skills and to all Lore and Craft skills associ-
though may temporarily flow through such a state, and Con- ated with the act of healing, such as Lore(Anatomy) and
flict never, automatically, assumes Death. Craft(Midwifery).

The Healing Rune and its definition is Open Gaming Content.

Character Name Age
Race/Culture Eyes
Background/Profession Hair The Collected Character Sheet
Characteristics Attributes Weapons
Orig Current Weapon %ge1 Cur2 Damage ENC AP HP Rnge Load
STR Movement (m)
CON Hero Points
DEX Combat Actions
SIZ Damage Modifier
INT Strike Rank
POW Base Magic Points
CHA Max ENC Base weapon skill
1 Weapon skill after Armour Penalty

Basic Skills Petty-Magick Spellcasting AP Hit Points & Damage

Skill Char %ge Demesne Insights Char %ge
AcrobaticsAP.EP DEX Petty-Magick POW+CHA
AthleticsAP.EP (Base:) INT+POW
Climb/Jump/Swim STR+DEX INT+POW
Driving 10+POW INT+POW
Evaluate INT Advanced Skills (& RuneCastingAP)
First Aid INT Advanced Skills Char %ge
Influence 10+CHA Lang: INT
Lore(Animal) INT Lore: INT
Lore(Plant) INT
Lore(World) INT
Perception INT+POW
Persistence 10+POW
Resilience CON+POW
Riding DEX+POW Mechanisms DEX+INT
Sing CHA Streetwise POW+CHA
SleightEP DEX Survival INT+POW Special Damage Notes
StealthAP.EP 10+DEX-SIZ Tracking INT
ThrowingAP.EP DEX APThese skills suffer Armour Penalty
EPThese skills suffer Encumbrance Penalty
UnarmedEP STR Personal Magic Points
Armour, hit locations, Armour Penalty and encumbrance Base MP
Ser. Maj.
d20 Location Armour AP ENC Pen.% Wnd Wnd

19-20 Head ru rdu

16-18 Left Arm u/s ru
13-15 Right Arm u/s ru Fatigue
10-12 Chest ru rdu Fresh Winded
7-9 Abdomen ru rdu Tired Wearied
u/s ru Exhausted Debilitated
4-6 Left Leg
1-3 Right Leg u/s ru Encumbrance (see over)
ru = Resilience test or unconscious; u/s = useless 0%/OK
rsu = Resilience tests for death & unconsciousness Total: ENC -20%/½ Mv
This character sheet is not for resale. Permission is granted to reproduce for personal use only. Requires the use of
RuneQuest™ available from Mongoose Publishing. Copyright © 2007 Sceaptune Games
RuneQuest™ and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks owned by Issaries, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the
RuneQuest logo Licence version 1.0. A copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose Publishing. The mention or
reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
Spells (Petty-Magick, Rune and Divine)
Spell Demesne/Rune/Theology %ge Mag. Cast DIPC R T Area Res? Effect

Mag. = Magnitude; Cast = Casting Time; D I P C = Duration (D/#), Instant(I), Permanent (P) or Concentration (C);
R T = Ranged (R: POW*5) or Touch (T); Res? = Resist Trait: No Resist (N or –), Dodge(D), Persistence (P), Resilience (R)
Cult/Guild Associations Traits, Integrated Runic Powers & Legendary Abilities
Cult/Guild Rank Lore % Trait/Runic Power/Ability Effects

Weapon Skills Advanced/Spellcasting Skills Equipment/Possessions

Weapon Char %ge Skill Char %ge Item Cost ENC
Basic Close Combat AP.EP STR+DEX
Basic RangedAP.EP DEX

Notes, Comments & Background

Money Gold pieces

Talismans, Familiars, Crystals & other Magic Point Boosting Silver pieces
Talisman type/Familiar’s beast Name POW (MP) Tracking Copper pieces
Base MP Lead bits
Base MP
Maximum Encumbrance (see over)
Base MP Maximum Carry = (STR+SIZ)*2
Character Player 3. Race
3 Start Final 5. Background 6. Professions
Runes/ HP/
STR 8. Aging: Spells Dem’s + Silver + Char. + = aging
CON # Rune Spells:
DEX Step: 5 6 6b 6c 7FSP 7bFSP 8 Total
SIZ Hero PointsHP +0 2 +2 +2 +0 + 2*n + =
INT Charact. Incr. +0 +0 +1 +1 +0 + 1*n + =
POW Silver +0 +0 + *n + =
CHA Minimum Age 18 +0 +2 +2 +0 + 2*n + aging

Skills %ges Step: 4 5 6 6b 6c 7 7bFSP 8 (&3) +Char.
Basic Char Base +B/G JP#1 JP#2 JP#3 +100FSP +n*50 Trait/LA Adj.CA Total
Acrobatics DEX
Athletics (Base:) ( )
Brute Force STR+SIZ above above above above above above above above above
Climb/Jump/Swim STR+DEX above above above above above above above above above
Boating STR
Character Creation Worksheet

Dodge 10+DEX-SIZ
Driving 10+POW
Evaluate INT
First Aid INT
Influence 10+CHA
Lore(Animal) INT
Lore(Plant) INT
Lore(World) INT
Perception INT+POW
Persistence 10+POW
Resilience CON+POW
Riding DEX+POW
Sing CHA
Sleight DEX
Stealth 10+DEX-SIZ
Throwing DEX
Unarmed STR
Lang: INT
Lore: INT

Mechanisms DEX+INT
Streetwise POW+CHA
Survival INT+POW
Tracking INT
Basic Close Combat STR+DEX
Basic Ranged DEX

FSP = Free Skill points; CA = Difference between start characteristics and final (e.g. +2); HP = Hero Points are gained during professional, Free Skill,
Characteristic gain and spell gain years at a rate of 1 per year to age 30, 1 per 2 years to age 40, then 1 per 4 years thereafter.
used to build normal starting characters or most Jour-
Using the Worksheet neyman and more experienced or older characters, us-
ing the rules outlined in steps 6, 7 and 8. Once the
In our campaigns we have found that generating charac- various sections are filled in it is a matter of copying the
ters can be time-consuming and involve a lot of rub- totals to the character sheet. For generating characteris-
bing-out on the character sheet. The worksheet can be tics, refer to the RuneQuest™ Core Rulebook.

Step 3 - Character Name, Player and Race, used here for Step 8 - If using the Older Character rules, work out how

reference. Generate the initial Characteristics and make a note many years are spent on each option and record them
of bonuses from Traits in the relevant skills in the 8(&3) column. in this row. Total them in the aging box and copy the
value into the box on the Minimum Age line.
Step 4 - Calculate and record the Basic Skills from the
characteristics and the Racial Traits. Step 8.ii - Add in Characteristic Increases to
Final Characteristics and also adjust the skills
Step 5 - Choose a Background Culture by the amount the characteristics have
and fill in the skill bonuses (see p12). At changed. Finally total the skills and
the same time, roll for starting silver. transfer the values on this sheet to the
Character Sheet.

Step 6 - Choose a Profession, record what Step 7 - Add in 100 Free

is chosen and put the skill bonuses in Skill Points into the skills
column 6. If Journeyman Professions are columns.
being used (see p13), make a note of the
professions and add the skills into col-
Step 7b - If using Experienced Characters, put in 50 Free
umns 6b and (if more than one) 6c.
Skill Points for each increment (n) of experience
allowed. Add in additional Hero Points (2 x n),
Step 6b/6c - If choosing Journeyman Professions, make sure the Characteristic Increases (n) and Minimum Age (2 x n
additional Hero Points (2), Characteristic Increases (1) and years) are also included. Roll n times for additional
Minimum Age (2) are added in. Roll for additional Silver from Silver from the Profession and record it in the ‘Silver’
the Profession and record it in the ‘Silver’ row. row.

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Rune Sources: Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Copyright 2007 Sceaptune Games; Author Tim Bancroft
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Also available from Sceaptune Games

Singleton Scenarios Series

Scenarios and Sourcebooks for Games Masters and from as few as one up to a full table of six players.
The Lost Isles - 1 Exile, Scenario & Sourcebook, paperback & PDF

Sceaptune Games
The Lost Isles - 2 Dryhaven, Scenario & Sourcebook, paperback & PDF (Due end April 2007)
Rune Sources titles currently available
The Rune Sources series provides Games Masters and players with absorbing and useful campaign ideas, tools and rules.
Petty-Magick, Petty-Sorcerers and Hedge Wizards, paperback & PDF
Quester’s Guide to Ducks, paperback & PDF (Due May 2007)

Rune Sources

The Collected
The Collected Character: all the RuneQuest character creation rules gathered together
into one, handy reference guide, and more!

Included in this packed sourcebook is the following:

A step-by-step process for creating a character
A new Background Culture: the Forestborn for fantasy and historical games
26 new Professions, including Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Enchanter, Legionary,
Peltast, Trapper, Yeoman and all seven Petty-Magick professions
All the Background Cultures and Professions from
the core rules in one place – over 60 Professions
Open Gaming rules for aging and creating
more potent and experienced characters
Ready Reference tables for Spells and
A double-sided RuneQuest character sheet
A Character Creation worksheet – no more
scribbling out on your character sheet as
you generate your characters!
Help yourself! Add a rich dimension to all your
RuneQuest characters!

Requires the use of the RuneQuest™ Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing

SGRS954 ISBN: 978-1-906130-06-0

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