Stormbringer - 6th Ed - A Dead Gods Dream

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DEAD GOD’S DREAM is an backgrounds of the characters to explain
Elric of Melniboné scenario for 4-5 their arrival in Dhoz-Kam and to facilitate
Veteran characters or equivalent, one their involvement into the story. Games
of which must be a sorcerer. Masters may wish to reward characters who
This story assumes that Yyrkoon still dwells act upon these story hooks with an extra hero
in Melniboné plotting Elric's demise. He has point at the conclusion of the story.
not fled Imrryr, acquired the Mirror of
Memory and conquered Dhoz-Kam. Games TO SAVE A LOVER
Masters who wish set this story after
The character's affair with a royal concubine
Yyrkoon flees through the Shade Gate can do
named Arazadi led the woman to suffer a
so with ease. In the wake of Elric’s attack and
terrible punishment. The angered lord sold
pursuit of Yyrkoon, the current pirate-lord of
his unfaithful lady to slavers who fetched a
Dhoz-Kam took the opportunity to seize
fine price for the girl in Dhoz- Kam. The noble
power. Of course, if one of the player
woman loved the Player Character. A love
characters is a Melnibonéan, this will cause a
letter intercepted by agents of the suspicious
stir among the locals after their recent
lord revealed her betrayal. The character must
troubles with Melnibonéan sorcery. The
save her from this dreadful fate. Dharijor
Games Master may chooses to have a few
makes an excellent choice for the origin of the
lingering Immryians in the city, perhaps
concubine. In fact, this story assumes that
former loyalists of Yyrkoon who survived
Arazadi was a concubine of King Sarosto of
Elric’s attack and the destruction of the
Dharijor; a dangerous cuckold as any in the
Mirror of Memory. A temporary exile of
Young Kingdoms.
Melniboné, this character might be a
mercenary readably available for hire or a
possible background for a new Player DREAMS OF WEALTH
Character introduced into the existing group. The character is a merchant down on his luck
whether through a stolen cargo, poor
decisions, the success of a rival or some other
THE HOOKS calamity. Agents of a pirate lord of Dhoz-Kam
approached the character with a proposition.
The pirate lord Azarn wishes to unload a
Games Masters should incorporate one or
precious cargo in Imrryr. The PC merchant
more of the following story hooks into the
stands to make a fortune in the transaction, if


he’s willing to risk trafficking with pirates

and trading in the Dreaming City. He arrives
in Dhoz-Kam seeking to make contact with
his illicit business partner through his contact SI’ULE THE SORCERESS
named Sarshan who frequents the Sable
The beautiful Si’ule was born in the desert
Seahorse in Dhoz-Kam. Games Masters are
city of Quarzhasaat. A scion of the noble
encouraged to allow this character to own the
Narsee clan, Si'ule's had every material
ship that takes the Player Characters to Dhoz-
comfort and pleasure the golden jewel of the
desert offered to its nobility. Every forbidden
fruit was hers to taste. Si'ule knew that even
JUSTICE’S BLOOD MONEY the oaths of the Sorcerer-Adventurers would
There’s a significant bounty upon Azarn wilt with the right temptation. Despite the
Aramanes’s head and the character intends to comforts at her disposal, there was one thing
collect it. If the character take him alive, all Quarzhasaat could not give her and she
the better, since the Sea Kings offered extra longed to experience it. She tried to ease her
coin if they can put Azarn on trial and follow ache through the pilfered wares of a Dream
his condemnation with the spectacle of a Thief but the dream experience only
public execution. If the character apprehends increased her obsession. She left Quarzhasaat
or provides proof of death of the other pirate in search of the sea.
lords, he stands to make a small fortune from Si'ule wept along the beaches of Ilmar,
the Sea lords of the Purple Towns. letting the cold waves of the Pale Sea break
against her. It was everything she imagined
A SORCERER’S QUEST and she longed to sail upon it. She met Azarn
Aramanes in the city of Ilmar. She fell in love
Dreams are not only the mind’s way of easing
with the handsome Filkharian buccaneer and
its burdens; dreams are also sources of ancient
together they sailed the high seas, living
knowledge and mystic power. There are some
thrilling and debauched lives. While in
individuals within the multiverse capable of
Bakshaan, Azarn introduced Si'ule into the
pilfering dreams and selling those dreams to
secretive cult of Arnara The Six Breasted and
those who can meet their price. It has come to
Si'ule dedicated her soul to the goddess.
your attention that at night, in the market
square of Dhoz-Kam, strange baubles can be Si’ule and Azarn have a tumultuous
purchased for the right fee. Among the relationship. Her passion for Azarn is
bizarre merchants who ply their trade in the exceeded only by her insane jealousy. It was
bazaar is a fellow who claims to be a Dream Si’ule’s skills with sorcery that allowed Azarn
Trader. He possesses an extraordinary dream- to overthrow the Oinish lord of Dhoz-Kam
the dream of a god. Those interested are and proclaim himself ‘king’. In Si'ule's eyes,
undoubtedly sorcerers, the power mad and Azarn's neglect and worse, spurning her for
explorers of the Moonbeam roads who would the touch of other women, constitute the
dare to experience the dream of a god and worse of betrayals.
obtain the extraordinary knowledge of a Si'ule developed a compulsive and self-
god's dream. destructive jealousy. She intends to see
Azarn’s petty kingdom crash down around
him. Yet, deep in her heart, she loves him. Her
paradoxical desires further unhinges her
mind. Unable to bring herself to directly
murder Azarn, she sought a proxy- a sorcerer
to use against Azarn. Several agents of Si'ule


spread word of the dream trader in Dhoz- capture or kill the corsair. Azarn fled north to
Kam in the hopes of luring a sorcerer capable Ilmiora and found safe harbour in Ilmar.
of bringing havoc to Azarn’s plans. Her While in Ilmar, his path crossed with the
madness is in constant tension with her enchanting Si’ule and though he tussled with
passions for Azarn. She’ll do her best to many women before the sorceress, none stole
defeat and even slay her rival sorcerer while his heart like Si’ule. His decision to allow the
endeavouring to ruin Azarn's dreams. The sorceress to board the ship was unpopular but
mind of Si’ule is complex and contradicting once again, proved right . Si’ule’s aid proved
which pleases her patron goddess. invaluable and Azarn drew more pirates to his
Si’ule intends to influence a direct cause. When he arrived in Dhoz-Kam, he
confrontation between the Player Character developed an alliance with the local barbarian
sorcerer and Azarn over the imprisoned chiefs and his fellow buccaneers who called
Dream Thief. She’s added suggestive the city their home port. In a few short years,
‘prophecies’ to further mislead and sow with the sorcerous aid of Si’ule, Azarn
Azarn’s distrust of anybody that inquires usurped the hold of the city from its former
about the Dream Thief. Her efforts were so Oinish despot.
successful that several companions of Azarn The affairs of the pirate lords remained
were murdered when he believed they unchanged and all the pirates profited.
conspired against him. She knows that when Azarn’s power and wealth, however,
the Player Character sorcerer arrives and outstripped that of his fellows. As his wealth
begins to inquire about the Dream Trader, accumulated, his Oinish and Yurite allies
Azarn’s spies will bring the news to Azarn grew greedier; demanding more of a share in
and all her foes will stumble into her trap. the loot. Unwilling to shoulder the burden
alone, Azarn made his first crucial mistake-
AZARN ARAMANES, he decided to demand a tithe of the loot from
his fellow pirate lords to pay the barbarian
PIRATE KING OF DHOZ-KAM chiefs. The other pirate lords moved against
Azarn is a native of Filkhar, born to a him but were thwarted thanks to Si’ule’s
courtesan in Raschil. He grew up in a brothel sorcery. Their strength depleted, they bitterly
and was inducted at a young age into the cult conceded to his demands.
of Arnara. He took to the streets at an early
Azarn’s success led to his hubris and folly.
age. His street fights and duels earned him
He refused to honour Si’ule as she had hoped,
wealth and a reputation among his fellow
and insulted her further when he spent more
criminals. Unfortunately, after a botched
time among his harem of slaves than he did in
robbery of a local merchant, Azarn was forced
her arms. Only his ambitions dwarf his ego,
to flee the city. He joined a pirate crew to
and he’s not content with just Dhoz-Kam and
make his fortune on the seas.
the plunder of merchant ships. Drunkenly
Most of the crew liked Azarn's natural confiding in Si’ule of his desire to rule a
charm and wit. When the captain of their kingdom that dominates the seas, the
vessel fell in battle against a pursuing sorceress manipulated Azarn into capturing
Lormyrian warship, Azarn used the the Dream Thief Sarda, leading Azarn to
opportunity to take command. Through believe the dreams in the possession of the
intelligence, good planning and a healthy dose Dream Thief would provide Azarn with the
of luck, Azarn engineered their escape and knowledge and power he needs to build his
began his infamous career. Azarn and his crew kingdom.
played havoc with the trading routes of the
The Dream Thief, however, refuses to give
southern continent, leading to a serious effort
Azarn what he wants. Si’ule promised to
by the Sea Kings of the Purple Towns to


unlock the secrets of Sarda’s Dreamstaff. but KING SAROSTO OF DHARIJOR

her efforts have been futile. Azarn thought of
While the king doesn’t have a direct role in
torturing the defiant thief but Si’iule
this story, it’s his decision to sell his
cautioned against it because the thief’s health
concubine Arazadi into slavery that drives
is failing him. He was already in a sorry state
one of the sub-plots of this story. Rescuing
when captured. She fears the thief is needed
Arazadi from her punishment will earn the
alive to obtain the dream. Her warning stayed
character the king’s ire. If the rescue is
Azarn’s hand but his impatience and fears
successful, it will take a few months before
grow. If Si’ule cannot deliver, he’ll have to
word reaches the king of Arazadi’s escape
take matters into his own hands.
from her carefully considered fate. Once King
Sarosto learns of her escape, he dispatches
AUSTOS HUE, assassins to slay his unfaithful concubine and
RIVAL LORD OF AZARN her lover. If the assassins fail, the King’s
wounded pride will spur him to greater
Austos is from Argimiliar. He’s educated
efforts, and he’ll call upon a sorcerer of Pan
having spent considerable time frequenting
Tang to implement the king’s will. Should the
the University of Cadsandria prior to the
character thwart the attacks of several
allegation of his pirate activities. The
demons, he may gain some respite as the
accusation was of course, true, and Austos
king’s attentions are drawn elsewhere. King
barely escaped arrest. His battered ship
Sarosto and his Pan Tangian ally can make for
limped into Dhoz-Kam, the only safe harbour
long-term enemies of the character, and the
he could reach. It seemed a life time ago.
periodic attacks may lead the character to
Austos commands a small fleet of pirate attempt to oppose Sarosto directly, serving as
vessels. He’s one of the richest pirate lords in the basis for an ongoing saga. If the Games
the city, rivalling Azarn in wealth and Master feels an antagonist like King Sarosto is
influence. Unfortunately, Austos lacks a too challenging, a lesser noble of Dharijor can
sorcerer and that’s proved the difference serve just as well.
between them. He watched a few of his
fellows chopped up by those red-headed
women with shark’s teeth, writhing hair and KROSH LUNE, THE SUN MOVER
twirling swords. That’s not the worst of it; he Krosh Lune is the High Priest of the Cult of
remembers what they did next. He still has Kakatal within Dhoz-Kam. A Yurite by birth,
nightmares. he despises the foreigners and their
The thought of those demons feasting on corruptive influence. He rails against the
his flesh stays his hand. Mortal men cannot followers of Straasha, the outsiders, the evil
stand against such monsters. He needs the aid sorceress Si’ule and fishing. He extols his
of a sorcerer. The Lords of the Higher Worlds followers to castigate those who do not
are finally starting to smile upon Austos. One honour the Eternal Flame. His sermons and
of his spies reports that a sorcerer has arrived rhetoric incites his followers to burn the
in the city, asking about the dream thief. infidels while they sleep. His inflammatory
rhetoric has failed to overcome the innate fear
Austos is unaware that his ‘spy’ is really
the barbarians have of Si’ule and the armed
an agent of Si’ule and he, like Azarn are
might of the pirates. They are content to
playing the part of pawns in Si’ule’s game nor
whisper their anger by their bonfires but dare
would he believe it- no woman, not even a
not act against the foreigners. Krosh Lune
sorceress, can outsmart him! Why, he’s well
hopes to change that in the coming days. He
read by most standards!
will illuminate the path and burn the unholy
with cleansing flame.


DHOZ-KAM guards- and it’s the strength of these bands

that determine the order of the day. Rampant
murder among the locals is held in check by
Dhoz-Kam is a crude, filthy, ramshackle city. the risk of tribal and family reprisals;
Its haphazard design is filled with narrow otherwise, blood-feuds could continue
alleys and cul-de-sacs perfect for thieves to unresolved for generations.
trap the unwary. The shanty lined streets
Pirated goods and stolen loot account for
accumulate filth dumped by its inhabitants.
the wealth and finished goods of the city,
When the Lormyrian Empire subjugated Oin
whose inhabitants otherwise survive by
and Yu hundreds of years ago, the Lormyrians
fishing. Scrupulous traders generally avoid
built a governor's mansion, which to date is
the city. Occasionally, the need for repairs,
the most complex edifice in the city. The
rations or fresh water force vessels to dock in
governor’s palace is cracked with age,
Dhoz-Kam and the seafarers must trade or
creeping vines sprout from its crevices and
buy the goods they need. The Sea Kings of the
crawl along its weather-worn walls.
Purple Towns loathe the city and few of the
After the departure of the Lormyrians, a merchants of the Purple Towns ply the city
succession of despots claimed dominion over for trade. Those that do, conduct clandestine
both Oin and Yu. These petty lords rarely visits out of desperation and risk censure or
ruled for long, usually holding power until worse from their peers. Indeed, the Sea Kings
murdered or deposed by a rival that in a few have bounties on the heads of many of the
years suffers the same fate as his predecessor. pirates and thieves within the city.
The extent of their power was over the city
itself. Few had the strength to impose their
despotic will beyond the hovels of Dhoz-
Kam. Your ship slinks into the harbour. Twilight
The city is lawless compared to the more paints the sky in rosy hues. The warm air is
civilised cities of the Young Kingdoms. Even humid and thick with the smell of brine. The
those cities within lands openly in service to stink of rotted fish, sea weed and the muck
Chaos, ironically, have more order than Dhoz- of low tide mingle with the oily plumes of
Kam. The city lacks any unified code of smoke from the many cooking fires of Dhoz-
written laws. Most laws are determined by Kam. Fishermen browned by the sun finish
the whims of its despot, the customs of tribal their day's work tending to their nets and
traditions and the mystical decrees of catamarans along the shell covered beaches
wandering shamans. before heading home. The docks are
crowded with ships from several of the
The barbarians of the city favour the
Young Kingdoms, few fly their colours.
elemental lords especially Straasha and
Kakatal. Ancestor worship is also common A decision is made to weigh anchor in
among the barbarians. Most Oinish and the harbour and take a dinghy ashore. The
Yurite folk fear Chaos and do not traffic with oars slap against the warm waters. You a see
it, less they face exile from their tribes, a fin rise slowly from the dark sea and
terrible curses or a horrific demise. languidly sinks again. It is a quick journey to
shore. The barbarians take your measure
The bearing of arms is unrestricted. Scum
before turning away when you meet their
from all the Young Kingdoms find safe haven
gaze. You trudge from the beach up to the
in the city. Pirates find a friendly port to
waterfront. A line of ugly, uneven grey and
repair their vessels and add to their crews.
brown dwellings stained with bird
Theft, murder and other wicked crimes are
droppings mar the shore.
common enough that most folk of means hire


Along the waterfront, audible above the aroma of spilled ale completes the olfactory
waves slapping against the docks and assault.
crawling over the rocky beaches, is the Crowded wooden tables and benches play
sound of music and the muffled cacophony host to sweaty, bare-chested, tattooed men
of conversation and laughter from the large, of Oin and Yu. Their distinctive body art
squat slate-roofed building ahead of you., proclaim their tribal heritage to other
Ocean spray and sea salt have weathered the barbarians but not to foreign eyes. Curved
walls grey. It bears a faded sign of a black swords and knives hang from their belts.
seahorse. Men in garish clothing, leather tunics and
Welcome to Dhoz-Kam bits of jewellery drink to excess and
drunkenly grope at the barefooted, half-
naked serving wenches and courtesans.
SCENE ONE: Mismatched jewellery and tattoos decorate
the women’s bare, sun-browned skin. Most
THE SABLE SEA HORSE allow their long, dark hair to flow freely, a
few tie it back with crude clasps of bronze.
Presumably, after a long ship journey the A minstrel plays his lute, one foot on the
characters will seek hot food, cold drink and ground and another placed upon a bench,
perhaps lodging. The Sable Seahorse is the tapping the beat of his song. The music is
only establishment that offers all three and strong clear, rising over the din of laughing
entertainment. The characters with the and arguing drunks. A few patrons listen
Dreams of Wealth story hook in his idly or clap their hands to the music. In the
background knows that an agent of the pirate corner, left of the main door, a small throng
lord he or she intends to do business with of barbarians and foreigners wager over
frequents this establishment. The contact’s Yurite scorpion fights. The mottled blue
name is Sarshan, a Jharkorian. The other scorpions are common in the arid lands of
Player Characters might reason that they can Yu, and the males of the species are known
learn a bit about the city and possibly learn to fight when placed in close proximity.
more regarding their own interests at the Colourful stone pebbles, debased coins and
tavern. Some players might decide to ply the the occasional silver Gilder are wagered on
streets of Dhoz- Kam without a guide and the outcome.
without making an inquiry at the Sable A few of the foreign customers, Dharijoirans
Seahorse. If that’s the case, see the scene by the looks of them, hold whispered
Stand and Deliver below. conversations and glare in stony silence at
The Sable Seahorse is frequented by travellers anybody who interrupts. The serving
and locals. A long time ago it was the great wenches are careful around these men and
hall of an Oinish chief. It’s usually crowded seem to pay no heed to their conversations.
and tonight is no different. Only non-human Games Masters should decide if there are
foreigners garner attention from most of the available tables or open seats at the bar.
guests. There are inhabitants, however, who Regardless of where the characters sit, or
are on the lookout for the Player Characters. whether they are discreet, they’re watched by
The tavern is filled with smoke from incense a few of the patrons. The sorcerer among
lit to cover the odours of the harbour, the them is noticed by one of the courtesans. Her
cooking fires and the smell of the unwashed name is Vashi of Oin. Vashi is a spy for Si’ule
guests. The fragrant incense mingles with and an initiate in the cult of Arnara the Six
the distinct odour of roasted pork and the Breasted. She is young, barely out of her teen
oppressive scent of fish stew. The pungent years but possessing impressive potential and


extraordinary beauty. Vashi is careful; she WEAPONS

will approach the group under guise of Combat Styles: Dagger 70%
offering the characters drinks or her services.
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Her overtures are made to the sorcerer among
Dagger S S 1D4+1 4/4
the Player Characters.
Over the course of their stay, Vashi attempts
to eavesdrop and learn as much as she can Typical Armour: None
about each of them. She acts the part of the D20 Hit Location AP/HP
inquisitive yet ignorant barbarian, catering to 1-3 Right Leg 0/5
the prejudice of the Player Characters. She 4-6 Left Leg 0/5
will attempt to distract and dissuade 7-9 Abdomen 0/6
suspicion with her physical beauty and 10-12 Chest 0/7
feigned ignorance. If Vashi believes one or 13-15 Right Arm 0/4
more of the PCs may be of the chivalrous sort, 16-18 Left Arm 0/4
she'll provoke one of her usual customers into 19-20 Head 0/5
a drunken, jealous fit and fawn upon her
Passion: Serve Si'ule 75%
At an opportune time, she will slip away into
the evening to inform her mistress of what Skills: Athletics 30%, Brawn 25%, Boating 20%,
she learns about the Player Characters. Games Culture (Oin and Yu) 60%, Dance 66%, Drive 26%,
Masters should make careful note of the Evade 48%, Evaluate 35%, First Aid 28%, Influence
conversations of the Player Characters when 40%, Insight 63%, Language (Common) 65%, Lore
around Vashi. What Vashi learns, Si’ule soon (Regional) 50%, Lore (Arnara) 15%, Lore (Plant) 28%,
knows as well. Perception 56%, Persistence 29%, Resilience 28%,

A clever character might notice Vashi slip Ride 29%, Seduction 79%, Sing 60%, Sleight 64%,

into the night, and may elect to follow her. Stealth 71%, Streetwise 56%, Unarmed 22%, Witch

Game Masters should refer to scene two: Sight 67%

Stand and Deliver if any characters leaves to Runes, Summonings, Magic: Pact Arnara 14%
follow Vashi.
Perfection (CHA): Vashi is extraordinarily beautiful.
VASHI OF OIN Self-Pitying: If threatened with death, Vashi oscillates

Vashi has long black hair, brown skin and elegant between begging for mercy; pleading and promising to
tattooing along her arms. She is short and graceful, debase herself to the whims of her new master to utter
with a smattering of crude jewellery around her self-loathing; begging for death so that she may know
wrists, neck and ankles. She wears little in the heat of the only real pleasure, the comfort of her goddess.
Oin and Yu, typically, a shift of light blue silk around
her waist and sandals. She is also a student of Si'ule,
and shows potential towards learning sorcery.
Harek is knowledgeable of the illicit dealings
STR 10, CON 11, SIZ 11, INT 15, POW 13*, in Dhoz-Kam but tends to mind his own
DEX 13, CHA 19 business. He has a discreet arrangement with
*1 POW dedicated to Arnara Si’ule and several of the courtesans who work
Combat Actions: 3, Damage Modifier: Nil in the Sable Seahorse as spies for Si’ule. In
Strike Rank: +13, Magic Points: 12, exchange for money, Harek allows Si’ule’s
spies to operate freely and says nothing of the
Movement: 8m
bargain even if threatened. Harek does not
meet with Si’ule and instead conducts his


business through Vashi. He loathes doing so, unless of course, they’re wise enough to pay
because he finds Vashi tempting but he’s wise him extra for his silence.
to her machinations. He knows a few fools Characters who wish to sleep at the Sable
became shark bait after being enticed to fight Seahorse may purchase a spot on the floor for
over her affections and dying in the duel. If a a single bronze. If the character pays a silver
Player Character manages to befriend Harek, for better lodgings, he’s provided with a
the barkeep may warn the characters about courtesan, one of the few rooms and a hot
trusting Vashi but will not divulge her bath - a rarity in Dhoz-Kam.
connection to Si'ule.
A character with the Dreams of Wealth
Harek is not averse to earning a few extra story hook, who asks about Sarshan, are
coins, especially if it’s valuable, foreign directed towards a Jharkorian gambling on
currency. He can be bribed if the price is the scorpion fights. Sarshan is a pirate in the
right. For a modest sum, he’ll inform the service to Lord Aramanes. He’s with several
Player Character where he might purchase companions wagering on the scorpion fight.
quality opiates: He’ll not take kindly to interruption. He
See Emrit Rul, in the market near the river looks more favourably upon a character who
front, the Shazaarian’s parlour offers the participates in the gambling prior to talking
best lotus and other fine pleasures. business. After losing a few more coins and
If the characters offer enough silver coins, drinking several more tankards, Sarshan is
he’ll be glad to share information regarding inclined to talk business. After he ascertains
the struggles of the pirates: the identity of the character, he agrees to
arrange a meeting with Lord Azarn Aramanes.
Austos Hue and Yish Vossian are both from
If any of the Player Characters make reference
Cadsandria, and stand opposed to Lord
to the ‘Dream Trader’ Sarshan informs Lord
Aramanes. But Aramanes has the loyalty of
Azarn and gains a few gold for his troubles.
Alzarea the Queen of the Yellow Coast and
Barhat of Shazaar. The Dharijorian, Zordek A character with the Justice’s Blood
Pran, he’s yet to pick sides, though I’ve Money story hook might be interested in
heard he’s cobbled together an alliance with accompanying his companion to learn more
Gwyll of Tarkesh. Nobody is really sure about Aramanes. Sarshan is drunk enough to
were Sinquo the Sea Dog stands. talk a little too much, and if the character is
careful, he can learn about the location of
He can also inform characters of a few
several of the pirate lords and the location of
dens of entertainment:
the Meeting of the Eight, a monthly gathering
Emtoro is the pit master, he hosts pit fights
where the eight pirate lords reach accords
every night near Rurlat’s smithy. Follow the
and decide on other matters of business. It’s
road outside, turn left up the second alley
possible that Sarshan might not recall his
way, listen for the crowd. If one of the lasses
conversation with the Player Characters, if
you see interests you, you can have a room or
he’s had too much to drink. If the character
head up the tanner’s row and look for the
does something foolish such as revealing he's
sign of the golden lass.
working for the Sea Kings or inquiring about
Harek knows that Lord Aramanes a Dream Trader, no matter how much Sarshan
imprisoned a magician of some sort but after has to drink, he remembers those discussions
hearing some terrible tales about demon and informs Azarn.
women, only enough gold to fill both of his
thick palms will garner any mention of the
Dream Thief Sarda of Eshmir. Harek isn’t shy
about selling the information he learns about
the Player Characters to interested parties,


over a year now and is tired of the city. If

SARSHAN OF JHARKOR approached, he’ll gladly play requests for a
Sarshan is a thin, wiry man with oily black hair, beard
small fee, a bronze at most. If the characters
and coppery-brown skin. His face is creased from too
are friendly or generous, they may be able to
much sun, sea salt and hard drinking. He wears light
influence Zarovan into talking about the city.
cotton clothing of reds and browns and a thick leather He tells them that should they suffer
hauberk. He has a deep voice and is generally surly and illness:
taciturn except when drunk. 'See Aggis, she's the local medicine woman
who lives along the waterfront, she tends
STR 13, CON 13, SIZ 11, INT 10, POW 12, the needs of the fishermen and their families.
DEX 14, CHA 10 She’s also tended a sword wound or axe
Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: Nil blow or two; she’s your best bet for a healer.'
Strike Rank: +12 Magic Points: 12 Should they ask about the magician
Movement: 8m imprisoned by Lord Aramanes, he will warn
WEAPONS them against further inquiries:

Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Fighting 77%, 1H Sword 'The only magician is the sorceress Si’ule. If
77%, 1H Axe 65% you value your lives, you'll not mention such
things again.'
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10 He’ll refuse to elaborate on the subject unless
Dagger S S 1D4+1 4/4 a character scores a critical on an Influence
Hatchet S S 1D6 3/6 test, in which case Zarovan will explain that
Si’ule is lord Aramanes’s lover, and a
sorceress. Si’ule helped Lord Aramanes
Typical Armour: Heavy Leather Hauberk capture a magician. The rumours claim that
D20 Hit Location AP/HP the magician steals the dreams of others,
1-3 Right Leg 0/5 though Zarovan is not sure to what purpose.
4-6 Left Leg 0/5
7-9 Abdomen 2/6
10-12 Chest 2/7
13-15 Right Arm 0/4 DHARIJOR
16-18 Left Arm 0/4 If the character with the To Save a Lover
19-20 Head 0/5 story hook inquires about the Dharijorians
with Harek or Zarovan, the Player Character
learns that the Dharijorians arrived a few
Athletics 60%, Boating 78%, Drive 35%, Evade 34%,
weeks ago but were forced to remain in port
Evaluate 50%, First Aid 28%, Gambling 60%, Influence
because of a fierce storm that damaged their
22%, Insight 30%, Language (Common) 75%, Lore
ship. The storm levelled a number of shanties
(Regional) 40%, Lore (Young Kingdoms Seas) 54%,
and smashed a few ships against the docks.
Perception 57%, Persistence 45%, Resilience 45%
These storms this time of the year are not
Riding 30%, Shiphandling 65%, Sing 10%, Sleight 35%,
unusual- and most blame the tempests on the
Stealth 45%, Streetwise 50%, Swim 60%, Unarmed
Boiling Sea. The Dharijorians brought a
prisoner with them and sold her in the slave
market. Word has it, she was of noble blood
and purchased by Lord Aramanes.
If the character moves closer to overhear their
The Minstrel is an adventurous fellow named
conversation, he may be spotted by the
Zarovan of Ilmar. He’s been in Dhoz-Kam for
group’s leader. Calek Dhav, a trusted servant


and assassin in the service to the King of

Dharijor, may recognise the character unless CALEK DHAV
he is disguised. The Games Master should ask Calek dresses in rich reds beneath his black, hooded
for an opposed skill test to determine if Calek cloak. He is swarthy with narrow eyes and a thin
Dhav recognises the character or penetrates moustache and pointed beard. He wears several
the disguise. If Calek Dhav recognises the earrings in both ears and has a slender build. His dark,
character he warns his companions and the straight hair is cut at his shoulders. His features are
four men rush to their feet, spilling their cups thin and pointed. Calek is not foolhardy and if the
and knocking over their chairs. It is likely fight turns against him, he’ll seek some avenue of
that the Player Character, if he is already escape, perhaps leading his enemies on a wild chase
standing, will have a slight advantage as the down alleys, over rooftops or if he can, directly back to
four Dharijorians seek to stand and free their Vos’ ship Mabelrode’s Grin.
swords from their scabbards.
Accompanying Calek Dhav is Captain STR 13, CON 13, SIZ 13, INT 13, POW 12,
Varran Vos of Dharijor and two royal DEX 17, CHA 14
guardsmen. The Dharijorians are willing to
Combat Actions: 3 Damage Modifier: +1D2
take the Player Character captive, and bring
Strike Rank: +15 Magic Points: 12
him to the king but if capture is unlikely,
Movement: 8m
they’ll seek to kill him on the spot and bring
the corpse back. If the Dharijorians are killed,
they will not be missed by their comrades Combat Styles: Dharijorian Duellist 87% (Rapier &

until the following morning. The Dharijorians Dirk or Main Gauche), Rapier 85%, Dirk 80%
organise hunting parties from the ship to Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
pursue the Player Character and his allies Rapier M L 1D8 3/8
throughout the course of this story if the Dirk S S 1D3+2 6/6
Dharijorians escape the tavern or learn the
fate of Calek Dhav and Captain Vos.
Typical Armour: Leather Hauberk
Ambitious characters, might choose to act
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
against the Dharijorians by arranging
1-3 Right Leg 0/5
ambushes or sending a demon in the night to
4-6 Left Leg 0/5
slaughter the crew and scuttle the ship.
7-9 Abdomen 2/6
Others might choose to exchange their
10-12 Chest 2/7
services to one of the pirate lords for aid
13-15 Right Arm 0/4
against the Dharijorians. If the sorcerer
16-18 Left Arm 0/4
pledges his sorcerous aid against Azarn,
19-20 Head 0/5
Austos Hue agrees to help against the
Dharijorians. With the aid of the pirate lord, SKILLS
the Dharijorians are outmatched and are Athletics 75%, Boating 25 % Drive 30%, Evade 64%,
either forced to set sail or are overtaken by Evaluate 60%, First Aid 30%, Influence 45%, Insight
the Player Characters and their pirate allies. 65%, Lore (Regional) 48%, Lore (Young Kingdom
Games Masters are encouraged to explore this Seas) 55%, Lore (Dharijor) 65%, Perception 70%,
sub-plot. Player Characters with enough coin Persistence 60%, Resilience 60% Riding 60%, Sing
can also hire local Oinish and Yurite 10%, Sleight 55%, Stealth 85% , Swim 70%, Unarmed
mercenaries to assist against the Dharijorians. 56%
Ghan of Yu is one such barbarian mercenary
who can gather a small force of his kinsman
for the right price.

- 10 -


Vos is heavy set with a shaven head. He has a round The guardsmen are uncomfortable in the terrible
belly and thick arms. A slaver and occasional humidity of Dhoz-Kam with their heavy mail and
‘privateer’, he’s no stranger to violence. If the battle cloaks. They are however, stern, haughty and
turns against him or he witnesses Calek Dhav fall, he’s determined men. The guardsmen are unlikely to offer
not averse to bargaining his hard earned profits from or ask for quarter.
the flesh trade in exchange for sparing his life. He’s a
rogue though, and first chance he gets, he’ll set the STR 13, CON 13, SIZ 13, INT 10, POW 12,
Player Characters up for an ambush, inform their DEX 13, CHA 12
enemies of their intentions (true or not) and otherwise Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: +1D2
be a constant annoyance or dangerous foil until he gets Strike Rank: +12 (+7) Magic Points: 12
his money back with interest.
Movement: 8m
STR 15, CON 15, SIZ 11, INT 13, POW 12,
DEX 13, CHA 9 Combat Styles: Weapon and Shield 70%, Dagger 55%

Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP

Combat Actions: 3 Damage Modifier: +1D2
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10
Strike Rank: +13 Magic Points: 12
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8
Movement: 8m
Kite Shield H S 1D6 4/18
Combat Styles: Two Weapon Fighting 85%, War
Sword 75%, Hatchet 78%, Dagger 70% Typical Armour: Helmet, Chainmail shirt, Chainmail
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
War Sword M M 1D8 3/10 D20 Hit Location AP/HP

Dagger S S 1D4+1 4/6 1-3 Right Leg 5/6

Hatchet S S 1D6 3/6 4-6 Left Leg 5/6
7-9 Abdomen 5/7
10-12 Chest 5/8
Typical Armour: Leather Hauberk 13-15 Right Arm 5/5
D20 Hit Location AP/HP 16-18 Left Arm 5/5
1-3 Right Leg 0/5 19-20 Head 5/6
4-6 Left Leg 0/5
7-9 Abdomen 2/6
Athletics 40%, Boating 25%, Evade 30%, Drive 20%,
10-12 Chest 2/7
First Aid 30%, Perception 50%, Persistence 45%,
13-15 Right Arm 0/4
Resilience 45% Ride 40%, Unarmed 30%
16-18 Left Arm 0/4
19-20 Head 0/5

Athletics 40%, Boating 75%, Drive 20%, Evade 40%, Characters have several options to choose
Evaluate 68%, First Aid 30%, Influence 40%, Insight from after they complete their dealings in the
40%, Lore (Regional) 20%, Lore (Slave Markets) 55%, Sable Seahorse. Characters can rent a room or
Perception 50%, Persistence 50%, Resilience 55% a spot on the tavern floor to rest for the night.
Riding 40%, Shiphandling 79%, Sing 10%, Sleight 25%, Some characters might opt to return to their
Stealth 45% Unarmed 50% ship reasoning that’s safer. Other characters
might choose to pursue the leads provided by
the NPCs.

- 11 -

If the characters liberally discussed their getting lost or confused by the narrow alleys,
interest in the Dream Trader or Dream Thief, cul-de-sacs and winding roads of the city.
Sarshan informs Azarn about their inquiries Rogues of all sorts ply the streets, and most of
and Azarn sends men to apprehend the the locals are wise enough to stay indoors
players while they sleep. If need be, they’ll when the sun sets. A lone foreigner
board the character’s vessel and capture it to wandering the streets is a tempting target.
bring the characters to Lord Azarn. If the Games Masters might decide that a
characters thwart this attempt, Austos Hue character who follows Vashi encounters the
will learn of their success from his spies (all ruffians or, if Vashi is aware that she’s being
sorts of riffraff, including serving wenches followed, purposively leads the Player
and fishermen make information their cottage Character into trouble so she can slip her
industry) and quickly seeks to rendezvous pursuer.
with the characters to form a secret alliance.
The rogues in this case, by chance, fate or
It is possible that the characters remain Vashi’s design are in the service of Austos
discreet and elect to gather information and Hue. Their leader is a one-handed Dharijorian
avoid direct contact. Nonetheless, one of the name Tharkan, one of Hue’s more loyal sea
Dharijorians who crew The Mabelrode's Grin dogs. The men demand money and other
may recognise the paramour of Lady Arazadi valuables from the characters. If the character
and alerts Dhav and Captain Vos. It's also complies, Tharkan gives him a slash along his
possible that Si'ule may take a direct role in face, warning the victim not to follow or seek
matters, since her demon oracle informed her revenge, and leads his fellows back to the
of the arrival of the Player Characters. Game compound of Austos Hue. The rogues attack
Masters should decide how Si'ule manipulates if the character refuses to comply.
the circumstances to suit their story. Most
likely, she sends Vashi to infiltrate.

OMINOUS WEATHER He’s an ugly, short brute of a man, with multiple scars
on his face, a pug nose, and missing teeth. He shaves
Through the course of the story, the characters should his balding pate and has tattooed his head with
note subtle changes in the weather as the dream of assorted images of Pyaray. He has one hand, the other
Dharnizaan spills into reality. The winds begin to pick was chopped off in a bar fight by a Yurite barbarian
up, clouds can be seen on the distant horizon, maybe a who decided to bring his hatchet into the affair. He
few drops of rain are felt. The effects of the weather straps a buckler to that arm and stump. Tharkan is
are first, dismissed as nothing more than another surly, cruel and lewd. He is extremely loyal to his
storm caused by the Boiling Sea. However, characters master, Austos Hue. If he suffers a minor wound in
with Witch Sight might sense something is amiss. battle, he’ll attempt to flee. If he cannot escape, he’ll
Game Masters should note the weather changes in sputter and beg for his life, promising that he’ll put in
each scene, using it to reflect the rising action of their a good word with Hue and the character will gain the
story. pirate lord’s favour. Of course, he’ll do nothing of the
sort- just the opposite in fact.

STR 17, CON 15, SIZ 9, INT 9, POW 11 DEX

STAND AND DELIVER Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: +1D2
Strike Rank: +10 (+9) Magic Points: 11
Characters who are not natives of Dhoz-Kam Movement: 8m
that venture alone stand a good chance of

- 12 -


Combat Styles: Sword and Shield 65%, Sword 60%, Typical Armour: Leather Shirt
Dagger 55% D20 Hit Location AP/HP
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP 1-3 Right Leg 0/5
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10 4-6 Left Leg 0/5
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 7-9 Abdomen 1/6
Buckler M S 1D3 6/8 10-12 Chest 1/7
13-15 Right Arm 1/4
16-18 Left Arm 1/4
Typical Armour: Leather Hauberk and Leather Shirt
19-20 Head 0/5
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
1-3 Right Leg 0/5
4-6 Left Leg 0/5 Acrobatics 25%, Athletics 66%, Boating 56%, Dodge

7-9 Abdomen 2/6 38%, Driving 25%, Evaluate 36%, First Aid 30%,

10-12 Chest 2/7 Influence 25%, Lore (World) 27%, Perception 35%

13-15 Right Arm 1/4 Persistence 42%, Resilience 52%, Sleight 30%, Stealth
16-18 Left Arm 1/4 38%, Throwing 40%, Unarmed 35%
19-20 Head 0/5
If a character falls in battle but still lives,
SKILLS Tharkan and his rogues are content to rob
Athletics 60%, Boating 67%, Drive 30%, Evade 45%, him and leave him in the mud and filth to
Evaluate 50%, First Aid 40%, Influence 18%, Lore bleed to death. If the character drives them
(Animal) 30%, Lore (Regional) 44%, Perception 50%, off or kills Tharkan, the tale reaches Austos
Persistence 45%, Resilience 56%, Ride 30%, Sing 18%, Hue and he’ll pay a visit to the characters,
Sleight 22%, Stealth 60%, Unarmed 45% unless of course, the characters are already on
their way to see him. In any event, Vashi or
another courtesan spy witnesses the struggle
ROGUES OF THE YOUNG KINGDOMS and can report what she witnessed to Si’ule.
A motley band of assorted Young Kingdoms scum that If the characters in any way demonstrated
ply the seas for plunder and the streets to mug the knowledge of sorcery, Austos Hue wastes
unwary. The Games Master should adjust their little time in arranging a parley in the hope of
numbers based on the strength of the opponent, there employing the sorcerer.
should, however be at least two rogues with Tharkan.
Their morale will break if Tharkan flees or is seriously
wounded. SCENE THREE:
STR 12, CON 12, SIZ 11, INT 10, POW 10, THE BAZAAR
DEX 12, CHA 9

Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: Nil Travelling upriver from the waterfront along
Strike Rank: +11 Magic Points: 10 the muddy roads of Dhoz-Kam, pass the
Movement: 8m poorly constructed dwellings and shops,
leads the characters to the market square. It’s
the largest market in the two barbarian lands,
Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Fighting 65%, Scimitar
and every day, nomads, city dwellers and
60%, Dirk 60%
foreigners gather in the market place to
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP exchange raw materials from Oin and Yu for
Scimitar M M 1D8 6/10 the finished goods of the civilised Young
Dirk S S 1D3+2 6/6 Kingdoms, most of which were acquired

- 13 -

through piracy. The city has a bustling slave clothes are shades of green and aquamarine.
market, and the Oinish and Yurite peoples are He wears a large, gold medallion around his
not averse to selling their own kind to pay neck in the likeness a mermaid curled about a
their debts. seashell. Rings studded with gems adorn his
At night, the market place remains open. fingers.
Strange merchants who sell unusual wares A small bribe is enough to convince Thaloros
appear after sunset. Characters might find the into discussing Arazadi. ' I sold Arazadi to
rare grimiore that contains actual knowledge Aramanes only a few months ago. I thought
of Melnibonéan sorcery, an odd or peculiar about keeping the beautiful girl but she was a
trinket from some lost civilization or a rare bit too old for my tastes. Say, are you
map drawn by an ancient cartographer of interested in a fine, blonde haired
some distant location long forgotten by most Shazaarian?'
civilised lands. Most of what is sold, however, If Thaloros is asked about the Dream Trader,
is rubbish and useless trinkets. If the he refuses to discuss it. If pressed or
characters examine the merchant wares, the convinced to divulge what he knows, he will
Games Master should decide beforehand if state that Azarn Aramanes severely punishes
there are any items of possible value. Some those who discuss the matter. With enough
possible merchants are Meshtari of Shazaar gold or other profitable exchange, Thaloros
who claims the scrolls and papers, many of will explain that in fact, it was a Dream Thief
which have suffered from the humidity of the that was taken prisoner and he’s being held in
climate, all possess magical properties. In the palace. The sorceress Si’ule helped
truth, most are frauds, or mundane capture him for Azarn. If asked about a
documents- such as trade agreements written ‘Dream Trader’ he explains that in all his
in Low Melnibonéan. Karsa-Teg of distant years visiting Dhoz -Kam, he’s never
Okara sells oil lamps, goblets and other encountered a merchant who claimed to be a
objects that he claims contain spirits, Dream Trader.
elementals or possess rare magical properties.
Thaloros is a loathsome lout but he hasn't
Of course, the items are bereft of
caused them harm, at least not yet. In the
enchantments unless the Games Master
chance that the characters try to kill him, the
decides otherwise.
slave’s overseers and his guards will come to
In all likelihood, the characters visit the his aid. The overseers and guards are all men
market place while pursuing Vashi, as part of of Oin and Yu, their numbers should double
their jaunt to the old Lormyrians governor’s the number of Player Characters. Clearly,
palace or to learn what they can from the trying to openly hurt Thaloros might be more
slavers of the market about the fate of trouble than it's worth. If the Player
Arazadi. It’s also possible at least one Characters succeed, they risk angering Lord
character is searching for the Dream Trader. Aramanes who doesn’t take kindly to visitors
disrupting the market place and costing him
THALOROS, SLAVER OF PAN TANG extensive tax revenue. Of course, nothing
prevents the characters from being discreet,
The slave market is not difficult to find. The
perhaps murdering him in the night or
slaver, a business associate of Captain Varran
poisoning him when he indulges in a meal.
Varos of the Mabelrode’s Grin, is Thaloros of
Hwarmgaarl. Thaloros is an obese Pan If the characters have not dealt with the
Tangian. His full beard is oiled and scented. Dharijorians or Calek Dhav and Captain
His dark hair trimmed and held back by a Varran Varos are still alive, Thaloros sends a
human bone clasp etched with a Merman. A messenger to inform them of the character’s
scimitar hangs from his waist and his silk inquiries. The Dharijorians arrive about 30

- 14 -

minutes later seeking out the characters after

speaking with Thaloros. Thaloros will delay IF KROSH LUNE HEARS OF A BATTLE
the characters only if he thinks they will not WITHIN THE PALACE
suspect him. If they seem at all suspicious,
He gathers his score of followers, torches in hand and
he'll let the PCs go on their way, and informs
tries to burn the pirate ships, strong holds or even the
Calek Dhav and Captain Varos when they
palace. He and his followers fail and most are slain,
arrive in the market.
they do, however, succeed in burning at least two
ships, sending the vessels to the bottom of the
PROPHET OF THE FLAME harbour. The Games Master should decide whether
Krosh is killed as well. He and his followers are a wild
While speaking with Thaloros, the characters
card, and the Games Master can use them to swing the
may overhear the ravings of Krosh Lune, a
tide of an encounter or simply add an element of the
barbarian cultist of Kakatal. Lune rants
unexpected. They should not succeed, however, in
against the foreigners who bring Chaos and
burning down the palace unless the Games Master
ruin to the world. Krosh Lune preaches from a
wishes to completely diverge from the events in the
low, wide building made of mud bricks and
Elric of Melniboné saga.
primitively decorated with symbols of the
Sun and the sacred flame of Kakatal. A small
throng of people listen intently to his sermon,
which includes ranting against the pirate
lords who abuse the people of Oin and Yu. He
points out the pirates follow Chaos or
It is likely that Vashi reaches the palace to
Straasha and in either case, corruption
inform Si’ule of the arrival of the Player
follows. Thaloros will be dismissive of Krosh
Characters. Si’ule communed with her demon
Lune and suggests that the characters ignore
oracle and prophesied the characters’ arrival.
Krosh Lune.
Once Vashi delivers the message, Si’ule sends
If the characters attempt to speak with Krosh
Vashi to inform Austos Hue. Hue believes
Lune, he’s antagonistic towards the
Vashi spies for him and is unaware of Si’ule’s
characters unless they can influence him
influence over a number of courtesans that
otherwise. He will threaten them with fiery
secretly joined Si'ule's cult of Arnara. It’s
destruction, a reckoning that he claims is
possible that Hue is already aware of the PCs
coming to the city, purging the city of all its
if the characters encountered Tharkan.
demons and heralding the doom of the world.
Once the characters depart from the
If they really hope to engender his trust, they
market, they are met by Austos Hue and a
must demonstrate that they seek to do the
band of his men, if Tharkan survived his first
pirates harm.
encounter with the characters, he is with Hue
If they convince him (a critical Influence test
as well. Austos is polite, well-mannered and a
will do it) and ask for his help, he informs
gentleman, showing courtesy to the Player
them that he knows the palace has a secret
Characters. He asks if they are willing to
tunnel. The tunnel fell into disrepair and
accompany him to his home and discuss
flooded long ago, but it does provide a means
business. If the characters refuse, he will try
of entrance into the palace. He’s unwilling to
to convince them that he can be of assistance.
provide any other aid or risk his followers at
He explains that he can help them gain
this time.
entrance to the palace and is willing to help
with force of arms, if they can come to an

- 15 -

If the characters agree, he leads them back If the characters ask how he can help
to the waterfront to a single storied building them gain access, he explains they could
with heavy shutters over the windows. The accompany him to the monthly meeting of the
roof has makeshift battlements. A few men Eight or if they prefer, to the palace as part of
armed with bows are seen on the rooftop. The his guard at Azarn’s next banquet occurring
Player Characters are invited to join Hue in the following evening. He explains that Azarn
the main hall. Yurite serving girls set the table enjoys parties and plans them regularly,
with a feast of seafood, roasted pork and bestowing the Oinish and Yurite chiefs with
wine. Tharkan is ill-mannered and Hue lavish gifts acquired on the high seas. Azarn’s
corrects him and apologises to the Player parties are debauched affairs and he usually
Characters for Tharkan’s rude behaviour past provides sordid entertainments. Hue has
and present. The servants provide desserts of noticed that when Azarn is drunk and lewd,
puddings, fresh exotic fruits and wine. While Si’ule tends to retire to her own chamber. The
the Characters dine, musicians enter and characters could slip away at that time and
begin to play; they’re accompanied by several kill her. He warns though, they’ll not be
girls who dance to entertain the characters. allowed entrance in full metal armour or with
Among the dancers is Vashi. Unless a bows but otherwise, they could carry their
character managed to determine that Vashi weapons and don leather armour which
works for Si’ule, they will likely assume that would not raise any suspicion.
she was heading to confer with Austos Hue. If the player characters reached agreement
Austos explains that the girls are all with Krosh Lune, they might be aware of
courtesans and the characters are welcomed another means of entrance into the palace –
to their services. After fêting the characters, one that is unguarded. If they share this
Austos discusses business. information with Austos, he’ll be pleased but
Austos is primarily interested in the caution that the characters have not tested
sorcerer and his inquiries will attempt to the path, what if it is sealed? Whatever
confirm which character is a sorcerer. He decision is made, Vashi spies on the meeting,
needs the sorcerer’s ability to counter Si’ule. whether listening behind a curtain, a door or
Ideally, if the characters are willing to while she’s in the room. Once a deal and plan
actually kill Si’ule themselves, he will pledge is reached, Vashi will wait for an opportune
the swords of his men and several of his allies time to return to Si’ule. Suspicious characters
against Azarn Aramanes. He offers payment may expect such a manoeuvre, good for them!
of 50 Gold Gilders each. If the characters Games Masters should allow the characters
bargain for the Dream Thief or certain slaves, an opportunity to catch or follow Vashi.
he readily agrees. He will also agree to betray If Vashi is unimpeded, she returns to the
the other pirate lords. He will provide palace, through the secret tunnel. She will
information regarding the location each of inform Si’ule of the plans of Austos Hue and
their strongholds within the city. The the characters. If she’s apprehended,
individual assassinations of these pirate lords intimidation is unlikely to work but actual
are beyond the scope of this scenario but the torture, if the characters stoop to it, will
player characters will have an opportunity to work. She'll tell them about the secret tunnel
dispatch them as a group later in this but claim she serves Azarn. If the character
scenario. suspects she's lying, and resort to cruelty, it is
If a merchant is looking for a profitable up to the Games Master to decide how much
relationship, Austos Hue is willing to move information she reveals about her true
certain goods through the merchant. In any loyalties and Si'ule's plan.
event, the characters should profit from this
relationship if they agree to eliminate Si’ule.

- 16 -

If the Games Master wishes for an SKILLS

additional complication or would like to spice Athletics 45%, Art 30%, Boating 50%, Courtesy 60%,
up the scene with more action, Si’ule decides Culture (Own) 77%, Driving 25%, Evade 56%,
to test the party’s strength, sending a Demon Evaluate 78%, First Aid 45% Influence 66%, Lore
of Combat to attack them. The demon bursts (Regional) 50%, Lore (Geography) 56%, Lore
through the window of Hue’s stronghold, (Argimiliar) 56%, Navigate 79%, Perception 60%,
seeking to kill all in attendance. Persistence 55%, Resilience 66% Ride 45%,
Shiphandling 85%, Sing 20%, Sleight 20%, Stealth

AUSTOS HUE, PIRATE-LORD 35%, Streetwise 60%, Unarmed 50%

Hue is a finely dressed, portly gentleman of Argimiliar.

He is of medium height, full beard that he keeps
trimmed and sparkling grey-blue eyes. He is in his SCENE FIVE:
mid-40s and carries a war sword but disdains armour.
When outside, he wears an ostentatious hat and dabs THE PALACE OF DHOZ-KAM
his face with a red silk handkerchief. He adorns
himself with gold rings, necklaces and medallions. Palace is a misnomer; the building only stands
Several earrings decorate his ears. Hue thinks his three stories tall. It has a small courtyard, and
accessories add to his prestige- it does in Oin and Yu. from the rooftop, which is accessible from a
In other Young Kingdoms, he is seen as garish and stair case on the roof, one has an excellent
boorish. view of the city and the harbour. Long ago,
during the days of the Lormyrian Empire, this
STR 13, CON 15, SIZ 12, INT 14, POW 13, building served as the home of the Lormyrian
DEX 12, CHA 13 governor. Typically, the two backwater
Combat Actions: 3 Damage Modifier: +1D2 nations were given oversight to a noble in
Strike Rank: +13 Magic Points: 13
disfavour with the Lormyrian royalty. The
Movement: 8m garrisons of Oin and Yu were the first recalled
when the Lormyrian Empire faced rebellion
and resistance from its provinces. The
Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Fighting 79%, War barbarians occupied the building after the
Sword 75%, Hatchet 65%, Dagger 65% Lormyrian departure.
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP The building's main entrance is well
War Sword M M 1D8 6/10 guarded; the double doors are made of hard
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 wood, reinforced by iron bands. Two guards,
Hatchet S S 1D6 3/6 either Yurite or Oinish, flank the main doors.
ARMOUR & HIT POINTS The windows have thick, heavy shutters. The
first floor consists of the servant’s quarters,
Typical Armour: None
the main dining hall and the kitchen. The
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
second floor includes several bedrooms and
1-3 Right Leg 0/6
the third floor holds a large study, a quaint
4-6 Left Leg 0/6
library and a room converted into a
7-9 Abdomen 0/7
summoning chamber (see scene six for
10-12 Chest 0/8
information about the summoning chamber).
13-15 Right Arm 0/5
The basement contains a small wine cellar, a
16-18 Left Arm 0/5
large chamber for storage and several cells for
19-20 Head 0/6
prisoners. Long ago, a Lormyrian governor
who was particularly fearful of a barbarian
uprising had an escape passage built in the

- 17 -

basement, near the wine cellar of the building. Si'ule is suspects treachery or a ploy by the
Time and the climate eroded the characters, she discreetly but quickly heads to
construction, flooding the part of the tunnel her sea cliff sanctuary to exact her final
that opens along the west river bank. Later vengeance.
governors ordered the tunnel sealed with a The characters might choose to
large metal grate. accompany Austos Hue to the palace. If they
Si’ule discovered the secret passage in the do, they will be restricted in the armour they
basement and followed the tunnel to the wear and the weapons they carry. Nobody in
corroded grate. With the aid of an elemental, armour heavier than leather or armed with
she sent the rusty grate to the bottom of the bows will be allowed entrance and any
river and uses the passage way to sneak from character that attempts to enter so armoured
the palace and communicate with her spies. If and armed will immediately raise Azarn’s
the characters learn of the tunnel either suspicion. Other pirate lords and local Oinish
through Krosh Lune or Vashi, the characters and Yurite chieftains always attend the
can easily sneak into the palace and gain an banquets. Musicians, dancing girls and
element of surprise against Azarn. If they’re acrobats are frequently employed to entertain
only interested in saving the imprisoned the guests. The events are loud and
Dream Thief, the tunnel is the best option to debauched; providing ample opportunity for
rescue him since he’s imprisoned in a the Player Characters to slip away and act
basement cell. before their absence is noted immediately.
If the characters hope to rescue the Once noted, Azarn assumes the worse and
concubine Arazadi, they will have to continue orders his men to find the characters and
through the palace, risking discovery along apprehend them. The pirates and barbarians
the way. If the Player Characters make their will not hesitate to try and kill the characters
move during the banquet, Arazadi is kept in if they resist.
the main hall, chained to Azarn’s chair. If they They should be wise about venturing into
wait until the wee hours of the morning, she the palace and should ensure that they leave
is either still chained in a hall filled with men the main dining hall at different intervals;
in a stupor from their drinking or she is in the otherwise, they’ll be noticed by Azarn, his
bedchamber (along with a few other slaves) guards or his allies. The only member of his
of Azarn depending on the Games Master’s court who will not raise an alarm is Si’ule. If
decision and how difficult he wishes to make the characters strike during the banquet, in
her rescue, if the Player Characters elect not addition to the pirate lords, and the six
bargain for her freedom. chieftains of Oin and Yu who attend, each
If they intend to kill Azarn or Si’ule, pirate lord will have three or four trusted
slipping in through the tunnel provides the retainers. Azarn will also have his Pikaraydian
element of surprise against Azarn but if Vashi mercenaries led by their Captain- Dard of
has not returned to Si’ule, Si’ule will be alert Pikarayd guarding the palace. A dozen
and suspicious. She’s smart enough to know mercenaries guard the main hall, while the
that Vashi, if pressed, could reveal the rest are paired into patrols. Two on the roof
existence of the tunnel. Si’ule will not alert top, two through the palace, two making the
Azarn of a possible intrusion. She hopes to rounds outside and another pair stationed on
punish him for his transgressions and keep the second floor. The third floor does not
the tunnel’s existence secret. Depending on have any guards nor does the basement.
when the characters strike, the palace’s Ambitious characters who somehow learn of
inhabitants might be drunk or otherwise the location of the guards (through a Demon
impaired in their response. In any event, if of Knowledge or other means at the Games
Master’s discretion) might elect to scale the

- 18 -

wall at night, quietly eliminate the two summoning chamber at the first opportunity.
rooftop guards and sneak down into the She calls upon her Pact with Arnara and
building, taking advantage of the lack of summons a demon horde of the Elenoin (page
guards on the third floor, especially if they’re 158 of the Elric of Melniboné Core Book);
unaware of the secret tunnel. ordering the horde to slay everybody and
Lord Azarn is a magnanimous host; immediately leaves for her sea cave sanctuary.
hospitable to all who visit his hall and The Elenoin appear in the courtyard and
lavishing good food, wine and entertainment burst through the main door singing their
upon his visitors without asking anything in dreadful dirge. Chaos erupts as demons
return. He is cautious though, if he suspects a attack any in their reach, as pirate lord turns
visitor is a sorcerer, especially after Si’ule on pirate lord, and the Player Characters fulfil
prophesied that a sorcerer would be his their own ambitions while fighting through
undoing, he will quietly instruct Captain demons and pirates. The Games Master is
Dard to watch the suspected sorcerer’s every encouraged to play up the betrayals,
move. Dard will signal his guards to watch confusion and chaos with servants running
this individual. Characters that detect the about screaming, drunken men hacked down
signal, might over-react, ending negotiations by the demon women, pirates slaughtering
and instead, crossing swords. Characters who one another and the additional mayhem
note this extreme suspicion may learn of caused by the interests of the Player
Si'ule's prophecy that 'A sorcerer will be your Characters.
ruin.' She of course, refers to her own plans.
Azarn is amiable and willing to negotiate. A COMMON CAUSE
In fact, it is possible that they characters
It's possible the various factions join common cause
could negotiate a price for Arazadi. He’s
against the demons hacking them to pieces and eating
willing to sell the concubine for five times the
their remains. Azarn is not adverse to such an alliance
amount he paid for her. A rich character
and proves an honourable ally. If he's convinced of
might have the means to save her from the
Si'ule's treachery, he may accompany the Player
fate of slavery by paying Azarn’s price. Azarn
Characters to the sea caves. This may lead to a final
is a man of his word, he keeps the deals he
confrontation between Si'ule and Azarn. Games
makes. He is a likeable rogue, who willingly
Masters might wish to test the passions of Si'ule,
enters into business relationships with the
which is stronger, her hate or love? If her love prevails,
Player Characters if it’s profitable. He will
after her final words, she throws herself from the cliffs
contract with merchants to deliver raw
into the sea, ending her spell and her life.
materials to other lands (especially Imrryr),
and will offer a fair percentage. If a Games
Master is interested in complicating such an
arrangement, one of the pirates could be an
agent of the Sea Kings. Eventually word of Sarda the Dream Thief is within a cell in the
this arrangement reaches the Lords of the basement. He is in poor condition; his body
Purple Towns and the character finds he’s and mind wracked by his last theft. While he
declared an outlaw on the Island. The only succeeded in stealing the dream, his success
thing Azarn will not do is betray other pirate cost him dearly- his death is inevitable.
lords to bounty hunters and assassins. He has He knows the dream is destined for one
his own sense of honour. individual in particular, the Player Character
Once the characters enter the palace, sorcerer. Sarda walked the Moonbeam roads
whether through stealth or invitation, if Si’ule as a servant of the Balance. Through another
is aware of their intrusion, she heads to her agent of the Balance, he was charged with
acquiring the dream of the Dead God

- 19 -

Dharnizaan. The Dream is beyond the ken of STR 13, CON 14, SIZ 13, INT 14, POW 14,
most mortal minds, stretching sanity to the DEX 16, CHA 17
limit. Most souls cannot fathom the Combat Actions: 3, Damage Modifier: +1D2
knowledge bestowed by a god’s dream. Strike Rank: +15 (+14), Magic Points: 14,
Indeed, most wondered if gods dreamed and
Movement: 8m
if such a theft was possible? Sarda proved it
possible but the cost is inevitably fatal.
Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Fighting 90%, Rapier
The minds of sorcerers are hardier but by
90%, Hatchet 75%, Main Gauche 75%
no means immune to the dangers posed by
the dream. Sarda will inform the characters of Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
the cause of his ailment. He does not have Rapier M L 1D8 5/8
much time. He must acquire his Dreamstaff in Hatchet S S 1D6 3/6
order to bestow the dream to the chosen Main Gauche S S 1D4 6/7
character. Sarda tells the characters that ARMOUR & HIT POINTS
Si’ule has the Dreamstaff; they must find her
Typical Armour: Leather Hauberk &Leather Shirt
and acquire the staff before it’s too late. She
was careless around him and spoke with D20 Hit Location AP/HP

Vashi of a rite using his Dreamstaff in the sea 1-3 Right Leg 0/6

caves. He suspects this is Si'ule's sanctuary. 4-6 Left Leg 0/6

He also warns that he overestimated his own 7-9 Abdomen 2/7

skills and fears something terrible is 10-12 Chest 2/8

happening with his Dreamstaff. It cannot 13-15 Right Arm 1/5

contain the power of a god's dream. If they do 16-18 Left Arm 1/5

not hurry, the dream may spill into this 19-20 Head 0/6

reality and the line between the two realities PASSIONS & SKILLS
will cease to exist. Sarda accompanies the
Passions: Rule a Kingdom 90%, Love S'iule 75%
characters but is useless in a fight, death is
Hate: The Sea Kings 65%
too close and its by sheer will that he's able to
continue. Skills: Athletics 85%, Boating 78%, Courtesy 45%,
Drive 28%, Evade 85%, Evaluate 70%, First Aid 45%,
The sorcerer may choose to refuse the
Influence 77%, Lore (Regional) 60%, Lore (Seas of the
dream and another character might volunteer
Young Kingdoms) 80%, Lore (Ports of the Young
in his place despite the risks. It's also possible
Kingdoms) 90%, Oratory 85%, Navigate 87%.
that one of the Player Characters is a Dream
Perception 78%, Persistence 55%, Resilience 65%,
Thief. In which case, the storyteller may let
Ride 55%, Shiphandling 88%, Sing 45%, Sleight 55%,
Sarda die after telling his tale, and the fate of
Stealth 55%, Streetwise 90%, Unarmed 78%
the Young Kingdoms rests in the hands of the
PC Dream Thief.
AZARN ARAMANES, LORD OF DHOZ- Dard is dark haired with thick hair and a beard. He is
KAM broad shouldered and barrel-chested as wide as two
men. He is tall, nearly seven feet. His arms are
The dashing lord Aramanes has curly dark hair, deep
powerful and his skin glistens with sweat and oil from
brown eyes and a broad smile. He wears a black
wearing so much armour in the southern climate.
leather shirt, red sash, high boot and silk pantaloons.
He covers his fingers with gold rings set with precious
STR 16, CON 16, SIZ 18, INT 10, POW 10,
stones. He has several necklaces of silver and gold
DEX 14, CHA 12
adorned with ornaments. His ears are pierced and
decorated with hoops and studs of gold and gems. Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: +1D4

- 20 -

Strike Rank: +14 (+9) Magic Points: 10 Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Movement: 8m Long Spear L VL 1D10 4/10

WEAPONS Shortsword M S 1D6 6/8

Dagger S S 1D4+1 4/6
Combat Styles: Longspear: 85%, Longsword 85%,
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP Typical Armour: Helmet & Chainmail Hauberk
Long Spear (2 Handed) D20 Hit Location AP/HP
L VL 1D10+1 4/10 1-3 Right Leg 0/6
Long Sword (2 Handed) 4-6 Left Leg 0/6
L L 1D10 6/12 7-9 Abdomen 5/7
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8 10-12 Chest 5/8

ARMOUR & HIT POINTS 13-15 Right Arm 5/5

16-18 Left Arm 5/5
Typical Armour: Helmet, Chainmail Shirt & Leather
19-20 Head 5/6

D20 Hit Location AP/HP SKILLS

1-3 Right Leg 1/7 Athletics 50%, Brawn 70%, Boating 26%, Drive 30%,
4-6 Left Leg 1/7 Evade 42%, Evaluate 30%, First Aid 45%, Influence
7-9 Abdomen 5/8 15%, Lore (Regional) 25%, Lore (Pikarayd) 55%,
10-12 Chest 5/9 Perception 45%, Persistence 40%, Resilience 44%,
13-15 Right Arm 5/6 Ride 25%, Sing 10%, Sleight 12%, Stealth 20%,
16-18 Left Arm 5/6 Unarmed 45%
19-20 Head 5/7


Athletics 65%, Boating 35%, Dodge 48%, Driving 47%,
These Oinish and Yurite men are the strongest, most
Evaluate 30%, First Aid 40%, Influence 30%, Lore
vicious and wealthiest of their people. They sport
(Regional) 40%, Lore (Southern Kingdoms) 40%, Lore
tattoos, stolen jewellery and ostentatious clothing.
(Pikarayd) 58%, Perception 70%, Persistence 45%,
When ready for combat they don their helms but
Resilience 60%, Riding 55%, Sing 22%, Sleight 15%,
while getting drunk and stuffed on fine food, they do
Stealth 30%, Unarmed 60%
not wear their helmets and are more vulnerable-
especially in their typically inebriated state.

STR 15, CON 16, SIZ 11, INT 11, POW 12,
These bands of hardened Pikaraydian warriors are DEX 13, CHA 13
dark of hair, tall and broad. They were helmets with
Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: +1D2
nose-guards, chainmail hauberks and carry longspears
Strike Rank: +12 (+10) Magic Points: 12
and short blades for close quarter combat.
Movement: 8m
STR 14, CON 14, SIZ 14, INT 10, POW 10, WEAPONS
DEX 12, CHA 10 Combat Styles: 1H Axe 65%, Two Weapon Fighting

Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: +1D2 65%

Strike Rank: +12 (+7) Magic Points: 10 Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Movement: 8m Battle-Ax (1-H) M M 1D6+1 4/8

WEAPONS Scimitar M M 1D6+1 6/10

Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8
Combat Styles: Longspear 75%, Two Weapon Fighting
75%, Shortsword 75%, Dagger 70%

- 21 -

ARMOUR & HIT POINTS Falchion M M 1D6+1 6/8

Typical Armour: Helmets & Leather Hauberks Dagger S S 1D4+1 4/6

Shortsword M S 1D6 3/8
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
1-3 Right Leg 0/6 ARMOUR & HIT POINTS
4-6 Left Leg 0/6 Typical Armour: Heavy Leather Hauberk
7-9 Abdomen 2/7
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
10-12 Chest 2/8
1-3 Right Leg 0/6
13-15 Right Arm 0/5
4-6 Left Leg 0/6
16-18 Left Arm 0/5
7-9 Abdomen 2/7
19-20 Head 5/6
10-12 Chest 2/8
SKILLS 13-15 Right Arm 2/5

Acrobatics 30%, Athletics 55%, Brawn 65%, Boating 16-18 Left Arm 2/5
60%, Culture (Own) 78%, Drive 40%, Evade 65%, 19-20 Head 0/6

Evaluate 55%, First Aid 50%, Gambling 55%, Influence SKILLS

45%, Insight 40%, Language (Own) 86%, Language
Acrobatics 50%, Athletics 60%, Boating 76%, Drive
(Common) 80%, Lore (Regional) 76%, Perception
30%, Evade 60%, Evaluate 65%, First Aid 45%,
46%, Persistence 50%, Resilience 50%, Ride 45%,
Influence 60%, Lore (Regional) 35%, Lore (Oin and
Stealth 38% , Streetwise 35%, Survival 79%, Swim
Yu) 20%, Lore (Seas of the Young Kingdoms) 60%,
67%, Track 45%, Unarmed 50%
Navigate 79%, Perception 55%, Persistence 55%,
Resilience 60%, Ride 20%, Sing 15%, Shiphandling
PIRATE LORDS OF DHOZ-KAM 79%, Sleight 45%, Stealth 50%, Unarmed 50%

Yish Vossian of Cadsandria, Alzarea the Queen of the

Yellow Coast, Barhat of Shazaar, Zordek Pran, Gwyll PIRATES OF DHOZ-KAM
of Tarkesh and Sinquo the Sea Dog; their notoriety
The rough and tumble buccaneers, cutthroats, sea
spreads far beyond Oin and Yu. These are the pirate
dogs, corsairs and villains who ply the seas plundering
lords of Dhoz-Kam. Games Masters may choose to
merchantmen and coastal communities.
individualise their statistics or use the statistic block
below. Individual weapons skills are noted with the
STR 13, CON 13, SIZ 11, INT 9, POW 9,
pirate lord’s name in parenthesis. DEX 12, CHA 8

STR 14, CON 14, SIZ 12, INT 13, POW 12, Combat Actions: 2 Damage Modifier: Nil
DEX 14, CHA 14 Strike Rank: +11 Magic Points: 8
Movement: 8m
Combat Actions: 3 Damage Modifier: +1D2
Strike Rank: +13 (+11) Magic Points: 12
Movement: 8m Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Fighting 75%, Scimitar
75%, Dagger 70%, Hatchet 70%
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Combat Styles: War Sword (Yish) 81%, Rapier
Scimitar M M 1D8 6/10
(Alzarea) 83%, Battle- Axe (Gwyll) 79%, Scimitar
Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8
(Zordek ) 84%, Falchion (Sinquo) 85%, Dagger
Hatchet S S 1D6 3/6
(all) 55%, Shortsword (all)
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP ARMOUR & HIT POINTS
War Sword M M 1D8 4/10 Typical Armour: Leather Shirts
Rapier M L 1D8 3/8 D20 Hit Location AP/HP
Battle-Axe M M 1D6+2 3/8 1-3 Right Leg 0/5
Scimitar M M 1D6+1 4/10 4-6 Left Leg 0/5

- 22 -

7-9 Abdomen 1/6 Resilience is enough to topple it and the

10-12 Chest 1/7 demon cries out before it's banished to its
13-15 Right Arm 1/4 own plane.
16-18 Left Arm 1/4 A sorcerer may force the demon to answer
19-20 Head 0/5 a question with a successful Command roll.
SKILLS Of course, if the character Fails or Fumbles
the roll, the demon may decide to play along
Acrobatics 40%, Athletics 60%, Boating 50%, Drive
and provide incorrect information. The
30%, Evade 40% Evaluate 38%, First Aid 45%,
Games Master decides whether a sorcerer can
Gambling 54%, Influence 30%, Lore (Regional) 30%,
Command the demon summoned by Si'ule.
Lore (Dhoz-Kam) 33%, Navigate 50%, Perception
40%, Persistence 39%, Resilience 43%, Ride
25%,Shiphandling 55%, Sing 21%, Sleight 30%, Stealth Z'XVAOO'OOM
55%, Unarmed 45% SI'ULE'S DEMON ORACLE

STR 3, CON 10, SIZ 6, INT18, POW 18,

DEX 3, CHA 13
CHAMBER OF SI’ULE Prophecy: May look up to three days into the future or
three years into the past.
The symbol of Chao is painted along the floor;
its outer edge and each point occupied by a
Evaluate: 54%, Influence 39%, Language (High
half-melted purple candle. The walls are
Speech) 54%, Lore (Dreams) 54%, Lore (Dream
covered in glyphs and runes in High Speech;
Magic), Lore (Million Spheres) 54%, Persistence 54%.,
entreaties to Arnara and the Lords of Chaos .
Resilience 30%, Teaching 54%
A dead cat, its innards arranged carefully, lies
on the floor; flies have found the corpse and
lay their eggs upon it.
Across the room, is a basin, filled with SCENE SEVEN: THE SIGN OF
blood carved into a marble pedestal. The
liquid swirls and bubbles forming a wizened, THE GOLDEN MAIDEN
ape-like face out of coagulated blood. This is
Si'ule's Demon of Knowledge. It speaks when The brothel overlooks the east bank of the
a character approaches, mistaken the River Ar. It is a two story ram-shackle
character for Si'ule. 'More questions about the building. Its windows are protected by heavy
dream of unfettered Chaos mistress? Desire shutters. The sign over the main entrance
this dream, yes?' depicts a female form, arms stretched above
Once it realises its mistake, it frowns and her head; it was once painted gold but has
curses the characters, promising to deliver faded and accumulated some mould, giving
eternal doom when they shed this mortal the image a sea-green tint flecked with gold.
form. It mocks their speech, cackles at its own The courtesans of the brothel fan out
wickedness and otherwise acts as churlish as across the city, a fair number finding willing
possible. Irritated characters might choose to customers at the Sable Seahorse, while others
topple the pedestal, at which point the work the waterfront, alley ways and market
demon pleads and then harangues the place. The courtesans are not only providing
character with the temerity to do so. A sensual pleasures for money, they also form a
successful Brawn test opposed by the demon's spy ring for Si’ule the Sorceress. A few of the

- 23 -

courtesans: Tegahe, Alpi and Aiyari are STR 12, CON 13, SIZ 13, INT 13, POW 11 (1
initiates into the cult of Arnara. Dedicated), DEX 16, CHA 16

Lone foreigners who arrive in the city and Combat Actions: 3 Damage Modifier: Nil
venture to the brothel never leave. These poor Strike Rank: +14 Magic Points: 13
fools are drugged, fleeced, trussed and Movement: 8m
sacrificed on the new moon to Arnara. These
abductions are infrequent and the victims
Combat Styles: Dagger 65%
carefully selected- usually scum and villains
from other lands seeking shelter from their Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
enemies- and are therefore, not missed by Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8
anyone. Locals and the pirates are never taken ARMOUR & HIT POINTS
in such a fashion, less suspicion land at the
Typical Armour: None
feet of the brothel. The bodies are disposed in
the river for the crocodiles and even a few D20 Hit Location AP/HP

sharks are known to swim up the river and 1-3 Right Leg 0/6

feast on the corpses. 4-6 Left Leg 0/6

7-9 Abdomen 0/7
The brothel has six guards- all are Yurite
10-12 Chest 0/8
barbarians who refuse to discuss their
13-15 Right Arm 0/5
employer. The second floor has one room that
16-18 Left Arm 0/5
its customers do not enter. This room is a
19-20 Head 0/6
small temple to Arnara, replete with an altar
and statue of the goddess. The altar is blood PACTS & SKILLS
stained. Pacts: Pact (Arnara) 11%
The initiates are aware of who the Player Skills: Acrobatics 25%, Athletics 48%, Boating 22%,
Characters are if they arrive at the brothel Culture (Own) 40%, Drive 25%, Evade 45%, Evaluate
undisguised. The sisters feign ignorance and 45%, First Aid 55%, Influence 36%, Language
try to seduce their opponents for only modest (Common Tongue) 70%, Lore (Animal) 25%, Lore
fees. They will provide wine and food and (Arnara) 30%, Lore (Plant) 20%, Perception 75%,
provide distraction, drugging the wine Persistence 45%, Resilience 45%, Ride 25%, Seduction
(Potency 60%) using their Sleight skill after 70%, Sing 65%, Sleight 66%, Stealth 70%, Streetwise
the characters see the courtesans eat and 60%, Unarmed 30%
drink. If the characters fail to notice or fail to
resist the drugging, the characters will awake
hours later, fleeced, bound and guarded by
two Yurite barbarian mercenaries. If the SCENE EIGHT: THE SEA CLIFF
characters fail to escape, that evening Si’ule
arrives and expresses her disappointment
with her chosen rival. The Player Characters
are duly sacrificed to Arnara on the next new A short distance from the squat city of Dhoz-
moon. Kham, the land rises and a steep bluff
overlooks the harbour. Jagged rocks and a
tempest of crashing, crushing waves pound
INITIATES OF ARNARA against the rocks and reefs. Si'ule discovered
These ladies resemble other native courtesans. They the caves within the cliffs when she first came
are deeply tanned, dark haired women and often bare- to Dhoz-Kham. Some parts of the caves flood
bodied from the waist up, in sandals or barefoot with during high tide and the echoes of the ebb
tattoos and an assortment of jewellery. and flow of the tides strike an eerie tune
throughout the caves. There are two

- 24 -

entrances to the cave. The first is a short High above on the ledge of a cliff, Si'ule
rocky path that leads to the mouth of a cave sings in High Speech, tapping into the
which opens to the sea and fills with water seething effluence of Chaos that spills over
during high tide, making passage more the cliff's edge into the sea like an unholy
difficult. It becomes accessible only by a waterfall. She unleashes a powerful
narrow ledge of slick rock. The second is summoning, something only the ancient
commonly used by Si'ule. Si'ule traverses up a Melnibonéan sorcerers dared try and only
rocky slop to an entrance that is difficult to with the greatest reluctance. Accessing the
see from any distance. It is a crevice that dream, Si'ule beckons a greater demon, a
opens up into the caves and is only a little Kyrenee, to the Young Kingdoms.
more than a metre wide. These caverns are a Arrows and thrown weapons are useless
shadowy, strange place where Si'ule conducts in this storm and well out of range. The
her rites and strengthens her pact to her characters have no choice but to enter the
goddess. caves to stop Si'ule and obtain the Dream
The dreams of gods are powerful, Staff.
unpredictable things and it's a risky Ascending the rocky slope to the crevice
proposition to apply logic to an inherently side entrance is the safer of the two ways to
illogical thing. The caverns are no longer enter the caverns. The character must ascend
solely of the natural world. The properties of 20 metres up the cliff. As the characters
the caves are altered by the miasma of Chaos ascend, they are battered by the elements.
as the Dead God's Dream spills into this This requires a Difficult Athletics roll. If the
reality, re-shaping it into a nightmare reality. characters proceed to enter via the sea cave,
The walls within the cave are transformed they must traverse 30 metres and risk being
into an un-natural substance, and scintillate battered and swept out to sea. This pathway
in blues, greens and purple hues- providing a requires a Hard Athletics roll.
soft, unnatural illumination. The walls seem
Regardless of the path chosen, Failure
to flow beneath the surface depicting strange,
means the character does not make progress
swimming shapes. In some cases, the walls
towards the entrance. A Fumble means the
begin to ooze Chaos matter that mingles with
character is bashed against the rocks and
the sea. Life forms are created and dissolve in
tumbles into the sea. Characters who are
an instant. Some of the shapes are eerily
ascending the cliff side risk falling damage
beautiful and resemble Si’ule. Other shapes
from the plunge and the rocks below,
depict horrid, grotesque chaos things from
followed by a danger of drowning and being
the depths of the sea and the dark places of
swept out to sea. Characters who proceeded
Dharnizaan's mind. The reality of the Young
along the ledge to the sea cave risk being
Kingdoms is dissolving as the dream leeches
swept out to sea and drowning. Swimming in
into the plane.
these waters requires a Hard Swim roll.
When the characters near the cliffs, the
approaching storm reaches its crescendo. The
wind grow cold and gain the strength of a THE DEAD GOD'S DREAM
gale. Thick roiling purple-black clouds gather Within the substance of the chaos dream, sorcerers
on the horizon, flashing with lightening and gain access to extraordinary magical potential.
booming with thunder. The tormented Sorcerers impose their will on reality and reshape it.
waters rise, toss and swirl; crashing against The cost is usually taxing since any given reality or
the stone, forming towers of spray and foam plane has its own established laws, which the sorcerer
that crash back into the angry sea. in most cases seek to violate. In game terms, sorcerers
expend Magic Points. Within Dharnizaan's dream, the

- 25 -

laws of the physical reality of the Young Kingdoms Once the characters are on the ledge, the
breakdown becoming easily malleable, anything swirling pool's chaos tainted water s erupts
becomes possible. In game terms, the sorcerer has into a towering- half-formed thing that lashes
unlimited access to Magic Points each round. out with crustaceous claws and piscine maws.
There of course, is a terrible cost. If the Game Master Moments later, it collapses back into the pool
is using optional rules for Insanity, then each point dissolving and reforming into the myriad
tapped in this manner risks one point of insanity. This shapes of life that inhabit the multiverse. The
can be resisted with an opposed Persistence Roll thing does not last but its sudden attacks are
against the Potency of the Chaos energy. Each Magic enough to knock the characters from the
Point is multiplied by 5% to determine the strength of ledge to crash into the rocks or pool below.
the Chaos energies. Thus, if the character channels 10 Hard Athletics Skill rolls are necessary to
MP in one round, his Persistence is opposed by a keep from falling. If a character fumbles, he
Chaos Potency of 50%. If he fails the roll, he gains 10 crashes into the rocks 35 metres below. If he
points of insanity. Harsh, indeed, but such is the price fails the test, he falls into the churning chaos
of playing with the unfettered Chaos of a god's dream. waters, which seek to warp and twist the
character. The character must make an
If the Games Master does not use insanity rules,
opposed Resilience check against the Chaos
tapping the dream stuff takes a physical toll on the
Waters' Potency of 65%. If the character Fails
character, reducing a random hit location by one Hit
this test, he suffers a chaotic change before he
Point per Magic Point. The character may resist this
can climb from the pool. If he Fumbles the
loss by making an Opposed Resilience roll in the same
roll, the unfortunate character is grabbed by
manner as noted above. Should the character suffer the
the many strange limbs of half created things
equivalent of a Serious Wound in any location, the
which warp, stretch, tear asunder and finally
location is mutated by Chaos. The Game Master
assimilated the poor wretch into the dream
should roll on the Chaotic Features Table of the Core
stuff of chaos.
Rulebook and apply the results.
After the characters deal with the dangers
If the character should Fumble the Persistence or
of the swirling pool and ascend back up, they
Resilience Roll, he suffers double the insanity points
enter into a cave that opens and forms the
or physical damage and should roll twice on the
ledge where Si'ule summons the Kyrenee. In
Chaotic Features Table. Some Game Masters may wish
the centre of the chamber floating half way
to apply both the mental and physical costs to the
between the floor and ceiling is the
character. Sorcerers instinctively know they can draw
Dreamstaff. The staff warps the air around it
upon the power of the dream. The Games Master may
and an alien plasma seeps from it, forming
allow an appropriate Lore roll or Insight roll for the
into the raw Chaos stuff flowing from the
character to guess at the risks. There is no limit to how
staff. Sarda warns the characters back and he
many MP the character can tap in a round but going
plunges into Chaos to retrieve the staff. He
mad with power is sure to reduce the character to a
tells them to stop Si'ule before the demon
mindless, maddened chaos thing.
fully forms on this plane.
Si'ule is using the energies of the dream to
THE SWIRLING POOL summon the demon to this world. It has not
fully manifested. It will take Sarda ten
If the characters succeed in entering the
combat rounds to obtain the staff and to
caverns via the sea cave, the must ascend a
temporarily cut off the flow of the dream
mystical hewn stair case that spirals along the
that's allowing Si'ule to power her
edge of the cavern to end at a ledge that opens
summoning. If the characters hope to hold
into a large chamber. Characters who enter
back until Sarda obtains the staff, Si'ule
from the cliff side crevice begin on the ledge.
Commands the demon to kill Sarda, which it
does easily. If Sarda is slain, the characters'

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situation is desperate. If a Dream Thief is Dagger S S 1D4+1 6/8

available, he can take Sarda's place. The
Storyteller may wish to use the Dream Thief
Typical Armour: None
sorcery rules as the Player Character employs
dream magic to acquire the staff and D20 Hit Location AP/HP

temporarily seal the dream back in the staff. 1-3 Right Leg 0/6
The dream is only safe once its bestowed to a 4-6 Left Leg 0/6
sapient being's mind. In the meanwhile, his 7-9 Abdomen 0/7
companions must survive against the Kyrenee. 10-12 Chest 0/8
13-15 Right Arm 0/5
If the characters slay Si'ule or stop her
16-18 Left Arm 0/5
summoning, such as knocking her off the
19-20 Head 0/6
ledge into the sea below, the characters
successfully disrupt the summoning. The PASSIONS & SKILLS
Kyrenee continues to pose a threat for one Passions: Love Azarn 80%
combat round before returning to its hell.
Hate: Azarn 95%
Once the dream is sealed in the staff, Si'ule
defeated and the Kyrenee banished to its own Skills: Acrobatics 25%, Athletics 48%, Boating 25%,

plane, the storm breaks, the seas calm and the Courtesy 65%, Command 90%, Dodge 45%, Driving

stuff of chaos dissipates and becomes sea 25%, Evaluate 65%, First Aid 55%, Influence 77%,

water once more. Language (Common Tongue) 90%, Language (High

Melnibonéan) 90%, Language (Low Melnibonéan)
The caves, however, forever remained
90%, Language (Mabden) 55%, Lore (Animal) 65%,
tainted by Chaos and strange creatures are
Lore (Arnara) 90%, Lore (Plant) 90%, Lore (Million
said to ply these seas, ranging far and wide,
Spheres) 40%, Lore (Quarhasaat) 90%, Perception
creating new dangers in the oceans of the
80%, Persistence 72%, Resilience 75%, Riding 65%,
Young Kingdoms.
Seduction 80%, Sing 65%, Sleight 35%, Stealth 80%,
Unarmed 60%, Witch Sight 90%
SI’ULE THE SORCERESS Pacts & Summonings: Pact (Arnara) 80%

Si’ule hides her face behind a gossamer veil like the Summoning Rituals: Demon of Desire 90%, Summon
ladies of her homeland. She is scantily clad in purple Elenoin 90%, Demon of Knowledge 77%, Demon of
silks beneath her hooded cloak. Si’ule's hair is usually Protection 75% Demon of Combat 75% Water
hidden beneath her conical cap. Her hair is long, Elementals 70%, Earth Elementals 60%
straight and black, decorated with clasps of gold. She Runes: Alarm 80%, Chaos 75%, Earth 75%, Man 75%,
is a beautiful woman, but her mind is tortured, and she Protection 75%, Water 80%, Woman 75%
can be provoked into revealing the true depths of her
Sanctuary: 1 POW
STR 13, CON 15, SIZ 13, INT 17, POW 21 (11 Horde: Elenoin (10 POW)
Dedicated), DEX 15, CHA 18
Jealousy (Compulsion): A desire to doom her lover-
Combat Actions: 3, Damage Modifier: +1D2 destroying all he values
Strike Rank: +15, Magic Points: 10,
Movement: 8m Hero Points: 4
The description and abilities of the Kyrenee are on
Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Fighting 85%, Scimitar
pages 165-166 of the Elric of Melniboné Core
85%, Dagger 85%
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Scimitar M M 1D6+1 6/10

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EPILOGUE: DARK DREAMS aware of Dharnizaan and the Dead Gods’

desire to return to this world and bring the
OF THE FUTURE entire world to Chaos. He also knows that
Dharnizaan seeks to obtain the runeswords
Stormbringer and Mournblade. He obtains an
Once the characters defeat Si'ule and obtain
intuitive understanding of the Cosmic
the Dream Staff, the Dream Thief wastes little
Balance. He is free to choose his side, fully
time in bestowing the dream of the dead god
aware of the impact his choice has in the
Dharnizaan, if the character is willing. If the
greater struggle. In game terms, the character
character refuses and no other character is
is free to form a new pact with Chaos, Law or
willing, the dream thief dies from his injuries.
the Balance.
The characters retain the Dream Staff and the
dream it contains but given sufficient time, If Arazadi is rescued, she will likely
risk the dream escaping and further choose to remain with her lover. Where the
endangering the Young Kingdoms. Hardly a two go from here, is up to them but
good plan. eventually, King Sarosto learns that she
escaped her fate and how she managed that
Mortals, even sorcerers, are not meant to
feat. The Character will have a life-long
experience the dreams of a god. Most of what
enemy that will last until the world’s end.
is experienced is alien, mind destroying
paradoxes, visions of hells and chaos ridden If Aramanes or other of the pirate lords
worlds that are soul rending to humanity. are slain, and proof of their deaths are
Even Melnibonéans are pushed to the edge by delivered to the Sea Kings, the character or
the dream of a god. characters are rewarded with a small fortune
in gold (CHA x10 in Gold for each pirate lord,
Games Masters should require an opposed
double for Azarn Aramanes). If all the pirate
skill test of the character’s Persistence versus
lords are slain or at least, none are able to
the Dreams’ Persistence. The Dream’s
assert their dominance over Dhoz-Kam, the
Intensity is equal to 24 and its Persistence is
strength of the pirates fragment and shipping
120%. If the character fails this roll, he suffers
improves for a time. A truly inspired
backlash as if he were a Dream Thief. He loses
character might actually bring Aramanes back
MP equal to the Dream’s Intensity. If he
alive and bear witness to his execution.
Fumbles, he loses MP equal to twice the
Aramanes does not beg for mercy and goes to
Intensity of the dream. Points exceeding the
his death with aplomb and a gallows’
characters Magic Points are taken as physical
damage, evenly spread over each hit location.
The character remains unconscious until he If Aramanes or another pirate lord
recovers at least one Magic Point. survives and made an arrangement with a
character to deliver goods such as rare herbs
If the character resists or survives the
to Imrryr, the successful venture yields an
damaging effects, He gains a new Lore
incredible profit from the Dragon Princes.
(Million Spheres) at twice his INT rating. If
The GM should decide on the reward but it
the character already possesses this lore at
should be equivalent in gold to the pirate
twice his INT or higher, he gains 1D4+1 points
in the skill. The character also gains a
permanent gain of 1D3 INT and 1D3 POW. He While in all likelihood, Si'ule meets her
also has the option of entering into a Pact fate from either trafficking with the power of
with Dharnizaan. He understands that the Chaos or at the end of a character's sword, it
Dead Gods are not destroyed; they chose to is possible that Si’ule escaped her doom. She
abandon their material shapes to avoid may becomes a long-term nemesis, working
destruction by the rune swords. He is now

- 28 -

with the characters enemies and sending

demons to plague them.
Skilled, ambitious or lucky adventures
might manoeuvre into a position of power
and become the lords of Dhoz-Kam. This is a
perfectly acceptable possibility if the Games
Master wishes to take his campaign in this
direction. Of course, when Prince Yyrkoon
arrives with Captain Valharik, his Imrryian
warriors and demons at his command, the
characters will have quite the challenge on
their hands. If they’re not careful, they’re
among the many victims of Oin and Yu who
resist Yyrkoon’s conquest and lose their souls
to the demons who erect the Mirror of
Memory or have their memories stolen by the
mirror. If the characters survive, they might
seek vengeance against Yyrkoon. The tales of
their harrowing escape and perhaps their
adventure to find and inform Emperor Elric of
Yyrkoon’s whereabouts is a storyline the
Games Master might wish to explore. In
aiding Elric and driving Yyrkoon from the
city, the characters might become lords of
Dhoz-Kam once more.

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