Sample Table of Results and Interpretation
Sample Table of Results and Interpretation
Sample Table of Results and Interpretation
Level of Students’ Mathematics Achievement. The data on the test result of the students’
mathematics achievement using the Flipped classroom approach (experimental group) and
Conventional teaching method (control group) for both first trial and second trial runs were
shown in Table 1.
As shown in the table, the use of Flipped Classroom Approach in teaching generates a
posttest result with an MPS of 79%, descriptively interpreted as moving towards mastery of
which a computed increase of 51% in the level of students’ achievement from the pretest with an
MPS of 28% which is descriptively interpreted as low for the first trial run was exhibited. The
posttest result for the second trial run exhibited an MPS of 76%, descriptively interpreted as
moving towards mastery, which is a 47% increase in the level of students’ achievement from the
mean percentage score (MPS) of 29% and 26%, respectively. A descriptive equivalent average
with an MPS of 64% for the posttest in the first trial run of which indicates an increase of 35% in
the level of students’ achievement from the pretest. Also, a descriptive equivalent average with
an MPS of 62% for the posttest in the second trial run of which shows an increase of 36% in the
The findings indicated that there is an increase in the level of students' achievement from
the pretest to posttest using the two methods in teaching Mathematics. The experimental group,
which is taught using the Flipped Classroom Approach, appeared to have a better performance
with an average increase in their level of achievement of 49% compared to students in the
control group with an average increase of only 35.5%. The posttest result of the experimental
group during the two trial runs are higher than that of the control group. This indicates that using
a Flipped Classroom Approach posted a higher achievement level than using the conventional
teaching method.
Level of Students’ Engagement. Table 2 shows the results in determining the students’
level of engagement in learning Mathematics. The overall level of engagement in learning using
Similarly, the overall level of engagement in learning with Conventional Method was also
observed to be Very High (M = 3.34; SD = 0.62). Taking into consideration the range of the
deviations, the control group seems to be more homogeneous compared to the experimental
group which means that the responses of the students in terms of their level of engagement when
they are taught using Mathematical Games are a bit varied compared to the responses of the
Interestingly, only two (2) indicators of students’ engagement in the experimental group
out of seventeen (17) posted a mean interpreted as High while other indicators posted means
interpreted as Very High. On the other hand, Item #3, Item #4, Item #8, and Item #9 indicated a
level of engagement interpreted as High while the remaining thirteen (13) items posted means
interpreted as Very High. By and large, students in the experimental and control groups showed
The results showed that there is a moderate positive correlation between students’
computation skills and students’ Mathematics performance (Pearson “r” = .593) which means
that when the students' computation skills are more strengthened and developed, the better they
will perform in Mathematics. On the other hand, if such computation skills are weak, the bigger
the chance that they will have poor performance in Mathematics. Besides, a significant
relationship was established between the two variables (p-value < .05). Thus, the null hypothesis
was rejected and the alternative hypothesis specifying that there is a significant relationship
between the students’ computation skills and their Mathematics performance was accepted.
Philips (2007) emphasized that computation skill is essential for today’s generation and
posited that it empowers students to be more operative problem solvers for situations beyond the
computer science realm, and inspires them to generate tools to solve problems, rather than utilize
prevailing paraphernalia. This skill also has been called the literacy of the 21st century, which is
being addressed at the tertiary level with high degrees of achievement. Moreover, Lunsford &
Poplin (2011), said that computation skills are an important factor of student success in
elementary statistics regardless of the level of mathematics presented, or the virtual emphasis on
performance has been established, this recommends that both students and teachers must help
one another to strengthen the students’ computation skills in order to maximize their
performance in Mathematics.
By employing Paired Samples T-test, Table 4 indicates the test of significant difference
in students’ engagement in learning Science with and without the use of Interdisciplinary
Contextualization and Inquiry-Based Approach during the second trial run. The table (t-value = -
4.39; p-value = 0.000) reveals that there is a high significant difference between the level of
students’ engagement before and after ICon and IBA during the second trial run.
This finding signifies that students’ level of engagement in learning Science has
Contextualization (ICon) and Inquiry-Based Approach. This warrants the claim that ICon and
become involved in the learning process will always succeed and engage more than a student
who is subjected to a threatening environment or lack of stimulation (Dotterer & Lowe, 2011).
Students' engagement in their schoolwork increases significantly when they are taught why they
are learning the concepts and how those concepts can be used in real-world contexts (Chernus &
Fowler, 2010; K to 12 Toolkit, 2012; K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide, 2013). Inquiry-based
pedagogy provides students with opportunities to engage and practice the activities involved in
science (Apedoe, Walker, & Reeves, 2006). When students learn things that are close and
relevant to their daily living through the use of authentic materials, their interests and
engagement are engrossed and maintained (Goode, 2000; Simpson & Nist, 2002).
By employing Independent Samples t-test, Table 5 establishes that there is a significant
Conventional Method (control). The table (t-value = 2.358; p-value = .022) reveals that students
in the experimental have significantly higher level of interest than their counterparts in the
control group.
Table 5. Independent t-Test on Students’ Interest Using Video (Experimental) and Conventional
Method (Control): 1st Trial Run
One of the common goals of all mathematics teachers at all levels of education is that
students should understand and learn Mathematics. Various factors are involved in shaping the
understanding and learning of Mathematics (Payan & Khayati, 2014). However, one of the
prerequisites for understanding Mathematics is interest in math and the desire of students to learn
it. Interest is a stimulus that increases the activity power. Simultaneous to active learning,
students should be interested in the subject they are learning and students may resort to it in
The findings of this study revealing significantly higher level of interest to students who
are taught using Videos (experimental) suggested that teaching with the use of Videos enhanced
students’ interest on the learning process and that learning Mathematics can be more enjoyable
and its value can be much more appreciated by students (Darling, Zielezinski, & Goldman,
2014). The more interested and engaged students are, and the more interactive each learning
session is, the more students will enjoy, learn and retain information from the lesson (Zane
Education, 2017).
Using One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to test, analyze, and interpret the
difference, at 0.05 level of significance. The factor of Table 6 (f-ratio = 67.64 and p-value
<0.000) reveals that there is a significant difference in students’ achievement among the three
groups particularly the experimental group A, experimental group B and control group. These
traditional instruction.
Table 7 displays post hoc analysis using Tukey test to show the pairwise differences that
occurred in the groups using three teaching strategies. In the first group, there is a significant
difference between the means of students’ achievement using Technology and Realia (p < .05),
meaning to say, using technology in teaching Mathematics is more effective compared to the use
of Realia in teaching Mathematics. Second group shows that there is significant difference
between means of students’ achievement using Realia and Conventional Teaching (p < .05),
which means the use of Realia in teaching Mathematics is more effective than Conventional
Teaching. Lastly, group C shows the significant difference between means of students’
achievement using Technology and Conventional Teaching (p < .05) which is the use of
most students (Shyu, 2000). But learning mathematics can be more enjoyable and the value of
design for incorporating situated learning theory and multimedia video technology into
instruction in which students learn in a better way (Darling, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014).
When mathematics teachers use technology strategically, more students, especially those
students who struggle, are given the opportunity to learn math skills effectively, close their
achievement gaps, and have a better chance for a productive future. Using technology, can
improve student achievement in mathematics by providing multiple means and methods for
learners to grasp traditionally difficult concepts (Darling, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014).
Stanic (2014) stated that students will more likely understand the material and memorize
it better when they are engaging in active learning; it encourages the students to mentally
represent the material in words (written or narrated) and pictures and make the connection
between the pictorial and verbal representation. This significantly improves recall of heard and
seen and also fosters creative thinking. Thus reinforcement of realia could substantially improve
students’ performance. Other aspects of realia that have been demonstrated to engage students in
active learning are its address to 4 multiple forms of intelligence, its use of multiple modes for
content delivery and its emotional appeal to viewers (Mayer, 2001). Thus, these empirical
findings suggest that the technology-enhanced should be reinforced in teaching and learning