Outline 1 3

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Digital Technologies NCEA NZC Level 1 Course Outline 3

Guide to aid teacher planning — designed to be printed or viewed in A3,

This example Course Outline has been provided to support teachers to understand how the new
subject Learning Matrix and NCEA Achievement Standards might be used to create a year-long
programme of learning.

Significant Learning Learning Activities

Prioritise user experience in design — Usability principles and mātāpono Māori

practise manaakitanga by applying Through a range of learning activities, students learn about:
relevant design principles, mātāpono • human-computer interaction
Māori, and usability principles • a specific set of usability principles and mātāpono Māori
• how to apply their principles and mātāpono to existing huma
Understand that digital technologies
and the concepts that underpin them Students learn what their different principles and mātāpono are and
are influenced by the people that create the students or provided by the teacher.
them and the contexts in which they are
developed Students recommend improvements to existing outcomes based on

Understand that digital technologies Learning covered supports development of skills and knowledge tow
and the concepts that underpin them interfaces.
impact on people, societies, and

Follow a technological process to Mini project, teacher-led: design and develop an outc
design, develop, and document digital This is a teacher-led project to help prepare students for the main pr
outcomes and develop a digital outcome. The context of this project could be a
aspects of app design and development should happen throughout
Investigate and consider possible digital
Through a range of learning activities, students learn about:
solutions for authentic contexts or
Designing the outcome
• Describing a need or opportunity, the requirements, and pote
• Investigating and considering possible solutions and selectin
Understand that digital technologies
• Creating a range of design ideas and improving them using r
and the concepts that underpin them
• Demonstrating how the design could reflect or has been info
are influenced by the people that create
• Producing a chosen design for the outcome.
them and the contexts in which they are
• Reflecting on the design's fitness for purpose.
Developing the outcome
Understand that digital technologies
• Acquiring the skills needed to create the outcome.
and the concepts that underpin them
• Describing the purpose, specifications, and user requiremen
impact on people, societies, and
• Using the tools or techniques of a digital technologies domai
• Testing the outcome to ensure basic functionality and using i
Evaluate the fitness for purpose of • Working with other people, including end user(s) to trial the o
digital technologies outcomes by
considering manaakitanga, This mini project provides an opportunity for the teacher to review st
kaitiakitanga, and the outcomes’ social feedback on what is required for them to independently design and
and physical environments

Prioritise user experience in design —

practise manaakitanga by applying
relevant design principles, mātāpono
Māori, and usability principles

Use appropriate standards and

conventions for digital technologies

Apply appropriate tools and use

information from testing to improve the
quality of digital technologies outcomes

Work collaboratively and engage in

talanoa, wānanga, and kōrero to share
perspectives and values

Recognise that new and innovative

solutions to existing problems are
developed through kotahitanga, and
creative and critical thinking

Understand that digital devices can

collect, store, and share data, and
consider the related ethical issues

Understand how compression enables

widely used technologies to function

Investigate and consider possible digital Major project, student-led: design and develop an out
solutions for authentic contexts or This is a student-led project. The context is open, and students may
issues guide students to identify an appropriate need and possible solution

Teachers could provide a brief for students to follow before the desig
Understand that digital technologies
provide their own context for the design section of the project but the
and the concepts that underpin them
a modified proposal could be provided by the teacher for the develo
are influenced by the people that create
context and solution, so the teacher may provide them with a brief a
them and the contexts in which they are
Students may need to acquire some new skills to successfully deve
Understand that digital technologies students to appropriate resources that can help them learn the skills
and the concepts that underpin them
impact on people, societies, and Designing the outcome
cultures • Describing a need or opportunity, the requirements, and pote
• Investigating and considering possible solutions and selectin
Understand how digital technologies • Creating a range of design ideas and improving them using r
impact on end users by considering the • Demonstrating how the design could reflect or has been info
following mātāpono Māori: kotahitanga, • Producing a design for the outcome.
whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, • Reflecting on the design's fitness for purpose.
wairuatanga, kaitiakitanga, and tikanga
Developing the outcome
Evaluate the fitness for purpose of • Acquiring the skills needed to create the outcome.
digital technologies outcomes by • Describing the purpose, specifications, and user requiremen
considering manaakitanga, • Using the tools or techniques of a digital technologies domai
kaitiakitanga, and the outcomes’ social • Testing the outcome to ensure basic functionality and using i
and physical environments • Working with others to trial the outcome to improve its fitness

Prioritise user experience in design ― Learning covered supports development of skills and knowledge tow
practise manaakitanga by applying Design a digital technologies outcome.
relevant design principles, mātāpono
Māori, and usability principles

Use appropriate standards and

conventions for digital technologies

Apply appropriate tools and use

information from testing to improve the
quality of digital technologies outcomes

Work collaboratively and engage in

talanoa, wānanga, and kōrero to share
perspectives and values

Recognise that new and innovative

solutions to existing problems are
developed through kotahitanga, and
creative and critical thinking

Use appropriate strategies to manage

time and resources for completing a

Be aware of relevant occupational

safety and health practices
Understand the nature of computation Programming
Through a range of learning activities, students learn about:
and apply appropriate reasoning about
• input and output
the behaviour of basic programs
• variables and data types
• conditional statements
Apply basic computational thinking
• loops
skills (decomposition, abstraction,
• collections
pattern recognition, algorithms, logic,
• modular programming (with functions, methods, etc).
and evaluation) to write and debug
Students learn to decompose problems into discrete parts, and to de
computer programs
Understand that the cost (or
Students design and develop a series of increasingly complex progr
computational complexity) can differ
follow programming ‘best practice’ which may be specific to their cho
between two iterative algorithms for the
same problem size
Students follow an organised testing process and document that the
their program.
Demonstrate learner agency and
persevere when things fail
Learning covered supports development of skills and knowledge tow
Anticipate and find solutions to

Prioritise user experience in design — Usability principles and mātāpono Māori revisit
practise manaakitanga by applying • Return to learning and experience from across the year in th
relevant design principles, mātāpono assessment task.
Māori, and usability principles • Generate screenshots (as allowed) of an interface they have

Understand that digital technologies Learning covered supports development of skills and knowledge tow
and the concepts that underpin them interfaces.
are influenced by the people that create
them and the contexts in which they are

Understand that digital technologies

and the concepts that underpin them
impact on people, societies, and

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