Rizal Midterm Reviewer

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 - married Mariano

Herbosa. One of their children is

 Jose Protacio Reolonda Alonso Delfina, who helped Mrs. Marcela M.
Mercado Rizal Agoncillo make the first Filipino flag.
 Domingo Lam-Co - Rizal's paternal  - married Daniel Faustino
ancestor. Married to Inez de la Rosa. Cruz of Binan, Laguna.
Rizal's great great grandfather who
adopted the surname Mercado in 1731.  - Died at the age
of three
 Rizal was baptized by
, while  - did not marry
stood as Rizal's godfather.
 - also did not marry
 Francisco Mercado y Chinco - Rizal's
father  - married Pantaleon
Quintero. She studied at La
 Teodora Alonso - Rizal's mother and Concordia College where she and
first teacher Leonor Rivera were classmates.

 His mother was thrown into prison and

charged with conspiracy with her
 - married to Manuel brother, , to
Hidalgo. Doña Saturnina published kill
Pascual H. Poblete's Tagalog his wife. She was imprisoned in
translation of Noli Me Tangere. Santa Cruz. She was released
because of her child, .
 - Rizal's brother.
General of the Philippine Revolution.  - She was
considered a Lorenzo Alberto's other
 - married Antonio
woman considering the latter's marriage
Lopez. It is said the she could recite
to Paula Florentino.
from memory all the poems of Jose
Rizal  - Jose Alberto's
wife who accused Donya Teodora of
 - married Silvestre
poisoning her.
Ubaldo. One of their children was
Aristeo, a retired physician and Rizal inherited his passion for
professor at the Philippine General literature from his uncle
Hospital and College of Medicine,
University of the Philippines,

Celestino*, Maestro Lucas Padua Senators who pursued killing the Rizal
and Leon Monroy bill -
• *Thehero'sfirsttutorinCalamba

 - Rizal's love
for scholarship and intellectual pursuits
was an influence of the town priest of  was the
Calamba during his boyhood. college registrar.
 His teacher was  - the reason
when he was sent to a boys' why Rizal was admitted at Ateneo
school at the age of nine.
 Rizal's first professor in the Ateneo
 GOMBURZA- Fr. Mariano Gomez, Fr. was . whom he
Jose Burgos, and Fr. Jacinto Zamora described as a "tall, thin man, with a
body slightly bent forward, a harried

walk, an ascetic face, severe and
remarked that Rizal was becoming
inspired, small deep-sunken eyes, a
proficient in Spanish. He inspired the
sharp nose that was almost Greek, and
young Rizal to study harder and to write
thin lips forming an arc whose ends fell
toward the chin."
 was the
 , advised him
original author of the bill which would
to stop communing with the Muses and
make Rizal's Noli Me Tangere and El
pay more attention to more practical
Filibusterismo compulsory reading in all
studies, such as philosophy and natural
universities and colleges.
 authored the
 He studied painting under the
RIZAL LAW believing that the great
famous Spanish painter,
ideals and principles for which the
, and sculpture under
hero died must be imbibed into the
noted Filipino sculptor.
minds of the youths.
 Rizal, to develop his weak body,
 - Rizal bill
engaged in gymnastics and fencing. He
faced strong opposition from the
thereby continued the physical train-
Catholic Church through this
ing he began under his sports- minded
organization which urged the public to
write letters to their representatives in  impressed by
Congress for killing the bill. Rizal's sculptural talent,requested him to
carve for him an image, of the
 , Rector of the became best of friends and became his
Ateneo, advised Rizal to take medical admirer

• - Spain's glorified man-of-

letters anf famous author of Don Quixote  Rizal met , great
scientist and author of “Travels in
• - won the second the Philippines”, one of the books
price on the literary contest (1880) Rizal admired during his student
 was an advocate
of freedom and self-determination. He  He also met ,a
was expelled from the university and famous German Anthropologist; his son
his supporters who considered him as , a professor in
their champion clashed with their anatomy; and a
opponents in the campus and in the German Geographer.
streets of Madrid.
 - Rizal’s friend from
The notable members of CIRCULO Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height
HISPANO-FILIPINO included of Rizal despondency and loaned him
the needed funds to publish the novel;
Savior of Noli

 He is the
during the period. He is the leading
authority among the oculists of France,
who found Rizal such a competent
student and made him his clinical  was Rizal's
assistant. , a pretty fourteen-year old
Batangueña from Lipa. In Rizal's own
 was born in words: "She was rather short, with eyes
Prague on September 10, 1853. He that were eloquent and ardent at times
studied History at Prague University. and languid at others, rosy- cheeked,
When his correspondence with Rizal with an enchanting and provocative
began, he was 33 years and was a master smile that revealed very beautiful teeth,
teacher at Leitmeritz. and the air of a sylph; her entire self
Blumentritt was among the first to diffused a mysterious charm."
receive the earliest copies of Noli Me
Tangere.  " " - describing her as "fair with
seductive and attractive eyes".
 is a kind protestant
pastor. Rizal stayed at his home and  who was
a tall girl with a regal bearing. He the local fiesta.
sent her love notes written in
invisible ink.  In , at the age of eight, he wrote
the poem "Sa Aking mga Kabata"
 - his cousin from
Camiling, was a frail, pretty girl  At the age of , he wrote
"tender as a budding flower with "Mother's Birthday" to express
kindly, wistful eyes". In her letters to his deep love for his mother.
Rizal, Leonor signed her name as
" ," in order to camouflage their  When he was years old, he
intimate relationship from their parents was sent to a boys' school in
and friends. Biñan, Laguna.

 In Pakil, Rizal was infatuated by a  On , the young Rizal

pretty girl colegiala, with his father had a pilgrimage to
, who skillfully played the the Virgin of Peace and Good
harp at the Regalado home. Voyage in Antipolo.

Rizal had feelings with  - Three priest

, one of the two daughters were implicated in the mutiny,
of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey, a Spanish tried, and sentenced to die.
liberal who lived in the Philippines
 Four months after the martyrdom
during dela Torre’s rule. He wrote her a
of Gom-Bur-Za, he was sent off
to a school in Manila. He
attended Ateneo Municipal in

 When the Jesuits, who had been

expelled from the Philippines in
- Rizal was born. , returned in , they
were given the management of the
 - Rizal was Escuela Pia, whose name was
baptized changed to Ateneo Municipal, and
later became the Ateneo de
 At the age of , he was able to
read and he began to take part in the
family prayers.  On Jose took the entrance
exam at the College of San Juan de
 At , he was able to
Letran and passed them.
read the Spanish family bible
(historia sagrada).  It is said that he wrote Mi
 In , at the age of seven,
Jose Rizal wrote a comedy for
PrimeraInspiracionbefore he was surveying course, but he could not
that is, in the be granted the title as surveyor
year 1874. because he was below age. The title
was issued to him on
 On , he became an
interno in the Ateneo.
 In , he submitted his poem
During the summer vacation of
"A la Juventud Filipina" for the
, he wrote the requested
poetry contest and won the first
religious drama in poetic verses at
his home in Calamba and finished
it on  On , students
of Ateneo presented his drama
On Commencement Day,
"Beside the Pasig" as a play.
Rizal, who was 16 years
old, received from his Alma Mater,  In the summer month of
Ateneo Municipal, the degree of , Rizal went on a pilgrimage to
the town of Pakil, famous shrine of
the Birhen Maria de los Dolores

 In , he founded a secret
In April 1877, Rizal who was then society of Filipino students in the
nearly 16 years old, matriculated in University of Santo Tomas called
the Compañerismo (Comradeship),
taking the course on whose members were called
"Companions of Jehu,"

 It was during the following term (

) that Rizal, having
received the Ateneo Rector's
advice to study medicine, took up  On , Jose Rizal secretly
the medical course. left the country aboard S.S. Salvadora
bound for Singapore, using a passport
 During his first school term in the under the name Jose Mercado
University of Santo Tomas (
), Rizal also studied in After arriving in Singapore, he stayed at
the Ateneo. He took the the Hotel dela Paz for two days.
vocational course leading to the Subsequently, he transferred to another
title of peritoagrimensor(expert ship, the Djemnah, a French streamer,
surveyor). which departed from Singapore for
Europe on
 At the age of , he passed the
final examination in the
by Francisco Calvo. This was the First
article he wrote abroad.
 Rizal arrived at Point Galle and
described it as picturesque yet lonely,  Because of lack of funds, the paper
quiet, and somewhat melancholic in ceased publication on
his travel diary. He left Point Galle for
Colombo at 7:30 a.m.
 - he went to
 Upon arriving in Colombo in the Madrid and enrolled in medicine at the
afternoon, he resumed his journey in Universidad Central de Madrid. He
the evening. He landed at Aden around enrolled in two courses: Medicine and
8:30 a.m., where he noted that the city Philosophy and Letters at the
was hotter than Manila. Rizal was also Universidad Central de Madrid.
amused by seeing camels for the first
time during his observations in Aden.

 - Rizal arrived at the  In , Juan Luna and Felix

Suez Canal on his way to Marseilles Resurreccion Hidalgo won top prizes in
and was struck by the beautiful the National Exposition of Fine Arts.
moonlight, which reminded him of Luna won the 1st place for his
Calamba and his family. Spolarium which depicted the corpses
of dead Roman gladiators being dragged
 After disembarking, Rizal explored the under the bowels of the Coliseum while
City of Naples for an hour, marking his Hidalgo garnered 2nd prize for his
first time setting foot on European soil. Christian Virgins Exposed to the
Populace (Virgenes Cristianas
 Upon reaching Marseilles at ten Expuestas al Populacho).
o'clock in the evening, he spent the
night on board. During his stay in
Marseilles, he visited the famous
 - He joined the
Chateau d’If, where the hero of "The
Masonic Lodge called
Count of Monte Cristo," Edmond
under the
Dantès, was imprisoned.
. He aimed to secure
 - the Diariong Freemasonry's aid in his fight in the
Tagalog was founded, the first Philippines. He used the symbolic name
Philippine bilingual newspaper. “ ”.

 - His article "Amor - He transferred to

Patrio" was published in the Diarong where he
Tagalog, a Manila newspaper edited become a

 Rizal received his

in Medicine from the  Mother's Birthday
Universidad Central de Madrid.
 The first poem Rizal probably wrote
 From Madrid, Rizal went to Paris in during his days in the Ateneo was
and continued his medical (My First
studies under Dr. Louis de Weckert. Inspiration) which he was dedicated to
his mother on her birthday.
Rizal left Paris to Germany and arrived
on in
- a historic city in Germany
famous for its old university and In , inspired by Father Sanchez,
romantic surroundings. Rizal worked he wrote more poems, as such:
under the distinguished German
 1. Felicitación (Felicitation).
 2. El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de
Magallanes. (The Departure: Hymn to
 Rizal arrived in
Magellan's Fleet).
Berlin. He was enchanted by the
scientific atmosphere and the absence of  3. Y Es Español: Elcano, el Primero en
racial prejudice in Berlin. dar la Vuelta al Mundo (And He is
Spanish: Elcano, the First to
 the Noli was
Circumnavigate the World).
finally finished and ready for printing
 4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de
 Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-
Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of
Gesselschaft - a printing shop which
charged the lowest rate, that is, 300
pesos for 2,000 copies of the novel

 - the Noli Me In , Rizal wrote poems on

Tangere came off the press various topics - religion, education,
childhood memories, and war. They
 Rizal gave Viola
were as follows:
the galley proofs of the Noli carefully
rolled around the pen that he used in  1. Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo (In
writing the novel and a complimentary Memory of My Town). A tender
copy poem in , the
hero's natal town.

2. Alianza Intima Entre la Religión y la

Buena Educación (Intimate Alliance
 Sa Aking mga Kabata - Rizal's first Between Religion and Good
poem Education). - Rizal showed the
importance of religion in education.
projected expedition of Columbus to the
New World.

3. Por la Educación Recibe Lustre la  3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha

Patria (Through Education the Country (Great Solace in Great Misfortune). This
Receives Light). - He believed in the is a legend in verse of the tragic life of
significant role which Columbus)

 4. Un Diálogo Alusivo a la Despedida

de los Colegiales (A Farewell Dialogue
 4. El Cautiverio y el Triunfo: Batalla of the Students). This was the last poem
de Lucena y Prision de Boabdil (The written by Rizal in Ateneo; it is a
Captivity and the Triumph: Battle of poignant poem of farewell to his
Lucena and the Imprisonment of classmates.
Boabdil). This martial poem describes
the defeat and capture of Boabdil, last
Moorish sultan of Granada.

 5. La Entrada Triunfal de los Reyes

Catolices en Granada (The Triumphal
Entry of the Catholic Monarchs into  Al Niño Jesus (To the Child Jesus) -
Granada). This poem relates the This poem was written in 1875 when he
victorious entry of King Ferdinand and was 14 years old.
Queen Isabel into Granada, last
Moorish stronghold in Spain.  A la Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary)

A year later, in , he wrote more  San Eustacio, Martir (St. Eustace, the
poems. It was his last year in the Martyr) - Father Sanchez, requested him
Ateneo. Among the poems written that to write a drama based on the prose story
year were: of St. Eustace the Martyr.

 1. El Heroismo de Colón (The Heroism  A La Juventud Filipina (To the

of Columbus). This poem praises Philippine Youth)
Columbus, the discoverer of America.
 The Council of the Gods - was based on
 2. Cólon y Juan II (Columbus and John the Greek classics. The allegory
II). This poem relates how King John II established a parallel among Homer,
of Portugal missed fate and riches by Virgil, and Cervantes.
his failure to finance the

 Junto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig) - a

zarzuela which was staged by
Ateneans on December, 1880 declaimed during the New Year’s Eve
reception of the Madrid Filipinos held in
 A Filipinas (1880) - for the album of
the evening of
the Society of Sculptors.

 Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma - he composed

 While in Madrid, a request had come
a poem, which was declaimed by
from the Philippines for Jose to write a
Manuel Fernandez, on the night of
song to celebrate the raising of Lipa
December 8, 1879 in honor of the
Batangas into a villa. In response, Rizal
Ateneo's Patroness.
wrote a poem titled “ ” which arrived
 Al M. R. P. Pablo Ramon (1881) - this in the Philippines after the celebration
peom is an expression of affection to had passed.
Father Pablo Ramon.
Inspired by the blooming flowers of
the university city along the Neckar
River, he wrote the poem "

 He wrote an essay entitled “

nationalistic essay, Rizal’s first
article written on Spain’s soil. Under his
pen-name . It was published
- It is otherwise
in two texts – Spanish and Tagalog – the
known as Rizal Law, which mandates
Spanish text was the one originally
the teaching of the life, works and
written by Rizal in Barcelona, the
writings of Rizal in all schools in the
tagalog text was a Tagalog translation
made by M.H. del Pilar
- This law provided the
 His next article was entitled “
authorization for public to erect a
and followed by
monument in honor of Rizal in

), but the latter was returned  - This law created the
because the publication was ceased province of Rizal
because of lack of funds.
 - This law set aside the
anniversary of Rizal’s death as a day of

)- upon the request of the  -

members of this society, Rizal wrote This CHED Memorandum was
this poem which he personally issued to strictly implement Rizal
Law in the universities and colleges. frail Calamba boy progressed rapidly. At
the end of the month, he became
 by
- The surname
Rizal was adapted by virtue of a royal  To improve his Spanish, Rizal took
decree commanding the Filipinos to private lessons in
use Spanish surnames. during the noon recesses.

 In the second half of his first year in the

Ateneo, Rizal did not try hard enough
to retain his academic supremacy
- This which he held during the first half of
event is a turning point in the life of the term. This was because he some
Rizal and the dawn of Filipino remarks of his professor. He placed
nationalism. Without this event which second at the end of the year, although
took place in 1872, Rizal might have all his grades were still marked
been a priest. "Excellent".

 Rizal’s was  When the summer vacation ended, Rizal

the imprisonment of his beloved returned to Manila for his second year
mother. term in the Ateneo. This time he
boarded inside
 The registrar at Ateneo Municipal . His
to admit Jose for two reasons: landlady was an old widow named
(1) he was late for registration and (2)
he was sickly and undersized for his
age.  Rizal's prophecy became true. Barely
three months passed, and suddenly
 He first boarded in a house outside Doña Teodora was set free.
Intramuros, on 25
minutes' walk from the college. This  One day he carved an image of
boarding house was owned by a on a piece of
spinster named who owed the (Philippine hardwood) with his
Rizal family the amount of . pocket-knife.
Jose boarded with her in order to collect
part of the debt. 
One of Rizal's contemporaries in the
 Being a newcomer and knowing little Ateneo was . He
Spanish, Rizal was placed at the bottom related an incident of Rizal's schooldays
of the class. He was an externo, hence in the Ateneo which reveals the hero's
he was assigned to the Carthaginians, resignation to pain and forgiveness. One
occupying the end of the line. After the day many Ate-
first week, the
neans, including Rizal, were studying  Rizal, recording his first and tragic
their lessons at the study- hall. Two romance, said: "Ended,atanearly hour,myfirstlove!
Ateneans, , Myvirginheart
quarreled and vio- lently hurled books willalwaysmourntherecklessstep
at each other. Rizal, who was busy at ittookontheflower-deckedabyss.
his desk poring over his lessons, Myillusionswillreturn,yes,but
by one indifferent,uncertain,readyforthe
of the thrown books. He did not raise a firstbetrayalonthepathoflove."
cry of protest, although his wounded
face was bleeding. His classmates  Doña Teodora, who knew what
brought him to the infirmary where he happened to Gom-Bur-Za, vigorously
had to undergo medical treatment for opposed the idea and told her husband:
several days. After the incident, he "Don'tsendhimtoManila
continued to attend his classes, feeling again;heknowsenough.Ifhegets
neither bitterness nor rancor towards the toknowmore,theSpaniardswillcut
guilty party. offhishead."

 Another anecdote on Rizal the  He enrolled in Philosophy and Letter for

Atenean was related by two reasons: (1) his father liked it and
This anecdote illustrates (2) he was "still uncertain as to what
Rizal's prediction to help the helpless at career to pursue".
the risk of his own life. One Thursday
afternoon, being vacation day, the boys  One dark night in Calamba, during the
flew their kites from the azotea. Young summer vacation in , he
Rizal then was busy reading a Spanish was walking in the street. He dimly
book of fables at the window. After a perceived the figure of a man while
while he heard passing him. Not knowing the person
one of the smallest boarders, due to darkness, he did not salute nor
crying because say a courteous "Good Evening". The
growing on the belfry of vague figure turned out to be a
the Manila cathedral which was near the lieutenant of the Guardia Civil. With a
boarding-house. The bigger boys were snarl, he turned upon Rizal, whipped
laughing, making fun of Julio's out his sword and brutally slashed the
misfortune. Rizal closed the book he latter on the back.
was reading and told Julio not to cry, for
The wound was not serious, but it was
True painful. When he recovered, Rizal
to his promise he courageously climbed reported the incident to
the high cathedral tower and , the
successfully recovered the kite. Spanish governor general of the
Philippines at that time.
 In the year 1879 the •Legalization of Spanish and Filipino
of Manila, a society of literary men and
artists, held a literary contest. •Creation of a public school system
independent from friars
 The following year (1880) the Artistic-
•Abolition of polo and vandala
Literary Lyceum opened another
literary contest to commemorate the •Equal opportunity for Filipinos and Spanish to
fourth centennial of the death of enter government service

 Rizal was the champion of the Filipino

students in their frequent fights against  Rizal joined the
the arrogant Spanish students. . It is an association formed by
Filipino students in Spain composed both
 After finishing the fourth year of his Filipinos and Spaniards led by Juan
medical course, Rizal decided to study Atayde.
in Spain. He could no longer endure the
rampant bigotry, discrimination, and  The organization published the
hostility in the University of Santo –
Tomas. Thus, Rizal's parents, Leonor, Filipino, a newspaper aiming to
and the Spanish authorities knew express thoughts on the abusive
nothing of his decision to go abroad in Spanish government.
order to finish his medical studies in
 Rizal gave a at the banquet
emphasizing that the two are the pride
 To observe keenly the life and culture, of the Filipino people and that genius
languages and customs, industries and knows no race. He stated that the hold
government and laws of the European of Spain over the Philippines was
nations rapidly ending. The speech was
mentioned at the newspaper and the
 To prepare himself for the mighty news about it reached the Philippines.
task of liberating his oppressed Some elements in the country were
people from Spanish tyranny. displeased and it was said that Rizal
made enemies with his speech.

•Representation of the Philippines in the

Spanish Cortes

•Secularization of the clergy

1. To gain further knowledge in • Vienna, Lintz and Salzburg in
Ophthalmology Austria
2. To further his studies of sciences • Munich and Ulm Germany
and languages;
• Switzerland
3. To observe the economic and
political conditions of the German • Milan, Venice and Rome before he
nation; boarded Djemnah in Marseilles,
France bound for the Philippines
4. To associate with famous German
scientists and scholars;

5. To publish his novel, Noli Me


The townspeople of Calamba called him

The bleak winter of in Berlin "Pepe" or "Pepito"
was Rizal’s darkest winter because
arrived from Calamba and
- Rizal's diary
he was flat broke. The diamond ring his
sister, , gave him was in  Mercantilism - This is an economic
the pawnshop. It was memorable in the doctrine based on the idea that a
life of Rizal for two reasons: country’s economic wealth and power
can be measured in its stocks of gold
(1) It was a painful episode, for he was
and silver.
hungry, sick, and despondent in a
strange city  - The liberals
and conservatives in Spain took turns in
(2) it brought him great joy after
administering the affairs of the country.
enduring so much suffering,
because his first novel, Noli Me  The amalgamation of the church and
Tangere came off the press in state during Rizal’s time is called
March 1887

 The story of the moth is the story

told by Rizal’s mother which left a
• Visited Blumentritt at Leitmeritz deep impression on Rizal's mind
from May 13-17, 1887 about “death of a martyr

• Brunn and Prague  Escuela Pia -> Ateneo Municipal ->

Ateneo de Manila - was formerly a  Rizal was also a member of the
school for boys in Manila which was and
established by the city government the
in 1817. It is a college under the These "academies" were exclusive
supervision of the Spanish Jesuits. societies in the Ateneo, to which only
Ateneans who were gifted in literature
 Intramuros - "within walls" and sciences could qualify for
 Students were divided into two
groups, namely: the " "  Another reason why he chose medicine
consisting of the and for a career was to be able to cure his
the " " mother's growing
composed of the .
 The first prize consisted of a silver pen,
 Each of these empires had its ranks. feather-shaped and decorated with a
The best student in each "empire" was gold ribbon (1879) and a gold ring on
the ; the second best, the which was engraved the bust of
; the third best, the Cervantes (1880)
; the fourth best, the and
the fifth best, the  This winning poem of Rizal is a classic
in Philippine literature for two
reasons: First,
 The first favorite novel of Rizal was

, and secondly,
 He persuaded his father to buy him a
costly set of 's historical
work entitled
According to Rizal, this valuable work
was of great aid in his studies and
enabled him to win more prizes in
Ateneo  Rizal and his companions were
fascinated by the famous ,
 Later Rizal read
the people dancing in the streets during
the procession in honor of the
German scientist-traveler who visited miraculous Birhen Maria de los Dolores.
the Philippines in 1859-1860.
 Years later Rizal mentioned the
 He was an active member, later in Chapter VI of NoliMe
secretary, of a religious society, the Tangereand Pagsanjan Falls in his
travel diary (UnitedStatesSaturday,  Practiced fencing and shooting at the
May12,1888), where he said that Niagara Hall of Arms in Sanz y Carbonell.
Falls was the "greatest cascades I ever
saw" but "not so beautiful nor fine as
the falls at Los Baños, (sic) Pagsanjan".
 is an undergraduate similar
 He was unhappy at this Dominican to the Bachelor’s degree with a more
institution of higher learning because vocational focus.
(1) the Dominican profes- sors were
hostile to him, (2) the Filipino  Rizal failed to complete his doctorate
students were racially discriminated in medicine because he did not
against by the Spaniards, and (3) the submit his doctoral thesis.
method of instruction was obsolete
and repressive
 During his free time, he visited his
 In his novel, ElFilibusterismo, he fellow countrymen – Pardo de Taveras
described how the Filipino students (Trinidad, Felix and Paz) and Juan
were humiliated and insulted by their Luna. Rizal posed in Luna’s canvass
Dominican professors and how
like, “ ”
backward the method of instruction
in which he posed as Sikatuna and
 Because of the unfriendly attitude of his Trinidad as Legaspi. He also posed for
professors, Rizal, the most brilliant a group picture called “
graduate of the Ateneo, failed to win ” wherein he dressed as
high scholastic honors. an Egyptian.

 The Suez Canal, built by French  UNCLE TOM’S CABIN by HARRIET

diplomat-engineer Ferdinand de BEECHER STOWE & THE
Lesseps and inaugurated on November WANDERING JEWS by EUGENE
17, 1869, connected him to Port Said, SUE
the Mediterranean terminal of the - inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel
canal. that would depict the miseries of his
people under the lash of Spanish tyrants.

– Rizal studied painting and  The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin
sculpture. phrase which means “
”. It is not originally conceived by
Took lesson in French, German and Rizal, for he admitted taking it from the
English at the Bible. Rizal mistakenly wrote to Felix R.
Hidalgo that the words were taken from
the gospel of St. Luke. It should be the
 Noli was dedicated to the

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