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BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development

of learning and development strategies


BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies –

Student Pack Version 1.0 Dev: 5/2021
Developed by: CAQA CRICOS 02856B RTO 21984 Review: May 2022
Nova Institute of Technology Page 1 of 8
What is the purpose of this document?
The Student Pack is the document you, the student, needs to complete to demonstrate competency. This document includes the
context and conditions of your assessment, the tasks to be completed by you and an outline of the evidence to be gathered.

The information includes the following:

1. Information related to the unit of competency

2. Guidelines and instructions to complete each task and activity

These documents are designed after conducting thorough industry consultation. Students are encouraged to evaluate this document
and provide constructive feedback to their training organisation if they feel that this document can be improved.

BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies –

Student Pack Version 1.0 Dev: 5/2021
Developed by: CAQA CRICOS 02856B RTO 21984 Review: May 2022
Nova Institute of Technology Page 2 of 57
How you will be assessed

The process we follow is known as competency-based assessment. This means that evidence of your current skills and
knowledge will be measured against national standards of best practice, not against the learning you have undertaken
either recently or in the past. Some of the assessment will be concerned with how you apply your skills and knowledge
in the workplace, and some in the training room as required by each unit.

The Graduate Diploma is at Level 8 on the Australian Qualifications Framework. This means that course design,
delivery and assessment must meet the specifications of Level 8 in the AQF – see

Graduates of a Graduate Diploma will have advanced knowledge within a systematic and coherent body of knowledge
that may include the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills in a new or existing discipline or professional

They will have:

• cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge and identify and provide
solutions to complex problems
• cognitive skills to think critically and to generate and evaluate complex ideas
• specialised technical and creative skills in a field of highly skilled and/or professional practice
• communication skills to demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts • communication skills to transfer
complex knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences

The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge and produce
the critical evidence to successfully demonstrate competency at this standard.
Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the assessment process. Your assessment
tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and how it will be collected, for example, a written activity, case study,
or demonstration and observation.

The assessor will also have determined if you have any special needs to be considered during assessment. Changes can
be made to the way assessment is undertaken to account for special needs and this is called making Reasonable

What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ for one or more assessment tasks?
Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning outcome been achieved yet?” If
the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how we can get there.
In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYS’, your trainer will provide you with the
necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit your responses.

What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?

You can appeal against the decision made on your assessment. An appeal should only be made if you have been
assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against a unit of competency and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe
that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills
and experience to be able to meet the requirements of units you are appealing the assessment of.
Your trainer will outline the appeals process, which is available to the student. Nova Institute’s Complaints and
Appeals Policy is on the Nova Institute website. You can request a form from Reception to make an appeal and
submit it to your trainer, the course coordinator, or the Student Support Officer. Nova will examine the appeal and
you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be attached
to the appeal form.

What if I believe I am already competent before training?

If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence in this unit, speak with
your trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

How should I format my assessments?

Your assessments should be typed in an 11 or 12 point size font for ease of reading. You must include a footer on each
page with the complete student name (not just a first name), unit code and date. Your assessment needs to be submitted
as an electronic copy as requested by your trainer. Your trainer will provide you with an email address to send it to.

How long should my answers be?

The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment.

Use the word count function in Microsoft Word to check the number of words in your answer. Your answers must not
be too long or too short.

How should I reference the sources of information I use in my assessments?

Include a reference list at the end of your work on a separate page. You MUST reference the sources you have used in
your assessments in the Harvard Style (see Nova Website) and provide a reference list.


you have problems referencing your assessment, see your trainer or the Training and Compliance Manager for help.

Guide to satisfactory assessment completion

The following table shows you how to achieve a satisfactory result against the criteria for each type of assessment
task. The following is a list of general assessment methods that can be used in assessing a unit of competency. Check
your assessment tasks to identify the ones used in this unit of competency.

Assessment Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for the unit. The assessment process is made
up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be
deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following assessment types.

Questions All questions answered correctly Incorrect answers for one or more
Answers address the question in full; Answers do not address the question in full.
referring to appropriate sources from Does not refer to appropriate or correct
your Learner Guide, textbooks and e- sources.
journals. and/or workplace
Answers address the question at the level Answers do not address the question at the
of the qualification in the required level of the qualification in the required
domain, e.g. if asked to analyse, the domain, e.g. provides a list of factors when
answer contains analysis rather than a asked to analyse factors.
Written Activity The assessor will mark the activity Does not follow guidelines/instructions
against the detailed
Attachments if requested are attached Requested supplementary items are not
All requirements of the written activity Response does not address the requirements
are addressed/covered. in full; is missing a response for one or more
Responses must refer to appropriate One or more of the requirements are
sources from your student workbook, answered incorrectly.
textbooks and e-journals. and/or Does not refer to or utilise appropriate or correct
workplace sources of information
Responses must show the level of Responses are descriptive rather than
analysis required for a graduate analytic.
diploma, rather than description, or Uses material from other sources but does not
merely quoting sources. use it in analysis or to develop an argument to
support an opinion.
Case Study All comprehension questions answered Lack of demonstrated comprehension of the
correctly; demonstrating an application of underpinning knowledge (remove) required
knowledge of the topic case study. to complete the case study questions
correctly. One or more questions are
answered incorrectly.
Answers address the question in full; Answers do not address the question in
referring to appropriate sources from your full; do not refer to appropriate sources.
student workbook, textbooks and e-
journals. and/or workplace
Attachments if requested are attached Requested supplementary items are not

If your assessment is NYC

• Where a student’s answers are deemed not yet satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
• If a third submission is required, the student must pay the reassessment fee of $200
Assessment Cover Sheet BSBHRM613 Contribute to the
development of learning and development strategies

Assessment Cover Sheet

Student’s name:

Assessors Name: Date:

Is the Student ready for assessment? Yes No

Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No

Does the Student understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes No

Have the Student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes No
Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during
Yes No

The following documents must be completed and attached

Knowledge Test Checklist
The student will complete the written activity provided to them by
the assessor.
The Written Activity Checklist will be completed by the assessor.
Task 2 - Project Checklist
The student will complete the practical activity provided to them
by the assessor.
The Practical Activity Checklist will be completed by the assessor.
Task 3 – Skills Checklist
The student will answer a range of questions either verbally
or written.
The Questioning Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for
professional development purposes and can only be accessed by the RTO:

Overall Outcome Competent Not yet Competent

Student Signature: Date:

Assessor Signature: Date:

Result and Feedback

Feedback to Student:

Overall Outcome Competent Not yet Competent

Signature: Date:
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1: You are working in a training organisation that provides education and training to both domestic and
international students.

You are one of the individuals responsible for contributing to improving organisational learning and the
quality of training and assessment products and service.

Discuss applicable legislation, codes of practice and national standards considering your job role and
situation given below in 70-120 words.

Situation 1: For assessing and recording recognition of prior learning (RPL) of an international student.

1. Privacy Act 1988-

2. Regulates personal information about individuals.
3. Information Privacy Act 2014(ACT)
4. Telecommunications Act 1997
5. Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979
6. Data-matching Program(Assistance and Tax)Act 1990
7. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006
8. Healthcare Identifiers Regulations 2010
9. Personal Properties Securities Act 2009
10. Freedom of Information Act 1982(FOI Act)

Q2: Explain the role of organisational information technology and systems to support an organisational learning
strategy in 150-200 words.
More than ever, technology is enabling changes in organisational structure. Documents are filed
swiftly and are readily available. The efficiency of our daily job has substantially increased thanks
to the speed of the internet and the accessibility of technology. Documents can now be swiftly
signed and delivered online to any location. People can now complete their coursework on their own
schedule without having to deal with various training plans thanks to the ability to give training and
development online. Communication has never been simpler thanks to technology. The days of
contacting someone by phone or writing letters and waiting for a reply are long gone.
Communication is facilitated by email, SMS, interactive documents, and video conferencing.
Organizations become more complex as a result of electronic communications since it is more
difficult to distinguish between text's tone and that of face-to-face contact. It can be challenging to
use brief, comfortable electronic conversations, but it's essential to upholding a professional work

Q3: Explain the purpose of the consultation and communication processes to support and encourage
organisational input into policy and procedure development processes. Write your answer in 100- 150

Throughout the risk management process, national and international stakeholders must be
communicated with and consulted. Stakeholder discussion and communication are crucial because
they base their risk assessments on how they view dangers. These opinions may vary depending on
the values, needs, presumptions, ideas, and concerns of the stakeholders. Stakeholder viewpoints
should be acknowledged, recorded, and taken into account in the selection process because they can
have a substantial impact on decision-making.
Q4: Prepare a list of common stakeholders that may participate in the development and implementation of
learning strategies.
The Audit and Risk Assessment Office has a designated risk management system, including the
Office of Occupational Health and Safety, Campus Safety and Security Office, Environment and
Risk Management Unit, and IT Security and Risk Management Unit. West Sydney also maintains
an ongoing conversation with colleges/schools through frequent staff meetings. All risk
management inquiries, including units.

Q5: What is an organisational learning and development strategy design? Write your answer in 100- 150 words.

In order to ensure that a business is successful and sustainable, an L&D plan identifies the employee
skills, competences, and competencies that are required as well as how to develop these skills.
Businesses must adjust to shifting labour markets. Your L&D strategy ought to support and direct
the development of your overall business plan. Additionally, it must fit and support the employee's
larger strategy (e.g. recruitment). This was covered in our lesson on evaluating your talents.
Q6: What is the purpose of an organisational learning and development strategy design? Write your answer in
100-150 words.

When creating your plan, it is beneficial to take into account the operational and financial jargon
used by your organisation. This enables a more comprehensive grasp of L&D throughout the
company. As financial and operational "savers," L&D professionals can also contest actions that
could compromise the company's values and employee engagement. The main goal of the L&D plan
is to develop the organization's talent in order to meet its performance needs. In actuality, the focus
can be on those who are thought to have great potential and high potential (sometimes known as
"talent"). This often entails project-based learning, internal development, and mentoring his
initiative. Some businesses teach their employees for various tasks in a more all-encompassing way.

Q7: Explain two (2) contemporary approaches to assessment instrument and learning strategy design. Write your
answer in 50-100 words.

Examining a programme or procedure to determine what and why something works is called
evaluation. It provides a framework for evaluating and improving learning and training programmes
as well as defining key values.
Formative assessment, also known as internal evaluation, is a method for determining the value of a
programme while it is still in progress (ongoing). At any point during the ADDIE process, these can
be completed. This approach focuses on this aspect of the assessment. Thus, formative evaluation is
essentially carried out while in motion. Educational goals and objectives can be monitored by
designers, students, teachers, and supervisors. Its main objective is to spot weaknesses as early as
possible so that students can develop the skills and knowledge required for effective learning.
The process of Summative evaluation, also known as external evaluation, allows for the appraisal of a program's value at the conclusion of its
activities (aggregate). Put results first. A variety of instruments are used to gather data, including questions, surveys, interviews, observations,
and tests. The model or technique used to get the data should be the precise step-by-step procedure. To guarantee that information is accurate
and effective, carefully plan and carry out your actions.
Q8: Explain the use of the continuous improvement process PDCA cycle in organisational learning and
development strategies in 100-150 words:

An organization's learning approach is maintained by a constant attempt to enhance a service or

process called a PDCA cycle. It is also viewed as a constant, incremental adjustment aimed at
boosting an organization's performance and efficiency in order to accomplish both short- and long-
term objectives. The learning strategy of an organisation is closely related to a continuous
improvement process in a number of ways. Learning is always linked to changes in society,
businesses, and people. Continuous improvement is necessary given the changes taking place and
the competition in this industry. The organisational component looks after the strategy and makes
sure all of the parts are current.

Q9: Explain the use of the continuous improvement process Total Quality Management in organisational
learning and development strategies in 100-150 words:

One of the crucial continuous processes is TQM. It functions by necessitating the creation of
evaluation tools to gauge the effectiveness and progress of the process. Within a specific time
frame, the evaluation takes place. This establishes whether the organisational learning
strategy being used is in line with the objectives and mission of the organization. To stay
current with market trends, continuous learning encourages ongoing consultation with
subject-matter specialists.

Q10 Explain the implementation process of an organisation’s learning strategy and its impact on an
: organisation. Write in your own words and answer in 100-150 words.
The organization's learning strategy is integrated into current organisational policies and procedures
during the implementation process, and a new set of rules and procedures is created in order to
guarantee the learning strategy's efficacy. The stages or tasks that must be carried out for the plan to
be effective are known as actions. A measure consists of three main components with precise tasks,
timing, and resource assignments. It has the following effects:
• It gives everyone who participates in the organization's processes and procedures an ethical
• It ensures consistency and fairness in practice;
• It promotes long-term continuity throughout the organization.

s. Regulatory requirements are criticised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other international regulatory bodies
Flexibility vs. Stringency: Opponents may contend that laws are either excessively lenient, thereby endangering the
public's health, or excessively rigorous, impeding innovation and access to new therapies. It might be difficult to strike the
correct balance between encouraging innovation and maintaining safety.

Speed of Approval: In the case of life-threatening illnesses, in particular, some stakeholders—including patients and
industry representatives—may be critical of regulatory bodies for taking too long to approve new medications or
treatments. Some contend that expediting permits might jeopardise security.

Regulatory Burden: Companies may be complaining about the time and money it takes to comply with laws, implying that
having too many rules might impede the creation of new goods and impede economic progress.

Q12: Identify and document any five (5) quality management compliance requirements as they relate to
organisational learning.

• Manual quality.
• Procedures, guidelines and documents.
• Management of data.
• Internal processes. internal processes.
• Product quality customer happiness.
• Opportunities to improve.
• Analyzes of quality.

BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies –

Student Pack Version 1.0 Dev: 5/2021
Developed by: CAQA CRICOS 02856B RTO 21984 Review: May 2022
Nova Institute of Technology Page 13 of 57
Q13 Answer the following questions:

Who registers the training providers that deliver vocational education and training
nationally, what legislative act do these organisations need to comply with, and what are
the standards they operate under?
What does the acronym AQF (previously AQTF) stand for, and how does it relate to
Vocational Education and Training?

Registration with the Australian Skill Quality Authority is required for training providers (ASQA).

The National Vocational Education and Training Regulatory Act of 2011 Standard for Registered
Training Organizations (RTOs) of 2015 must be followed by these organisations.
AQF, or Australian Qualification Framework, is the abbreviation. Higher education institutions and
training providers in Australia are required to abide by this set of national laws. This outlines the
requirements a VET provider must meet in order to be certified. These credentials, which are
acknowledged nationally, establish the level of education or expertise an institution is capable of.

Q14: Explain strategies to evaluate organisational learning implementation based on

‘Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation’ in 150-200 words.

The Kirkpatrick model is a widely used technique for assessing the success of training and
education initiatives. The four levels of evaluation used to compare formal and informal training
approaches are Response, Learning, Behavior, and Outcome. One way to organise a plan is as

Level 1: Reaction Recording employee answers to training is the first stage.

Level 2: Here, you can measure precisely what your employees learnt during training—or didn't
Level 3: conduct.
Results are at Level
Q15: Explain the purpose of Validation policy and procedures for training/learner material relating to the
development of learning and development strategies in the VET sector.
Write your answer in 300-350 words.

a) Policy and Procedures for Training/Learning Material Verification

Verification is the process of certifying that students have acquired the abilities and information that
the training is meant to impart. Validation demonstrates not only the effectiveness of the training
process but also the soundness of the program's overall design.
b) Policy and Procedures for Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation system must be a modified set of defined policies and procedures (including
evaluation materials).

Explain the purpose of Assessment standard policy and procedures for training/learner material relating to the
development of learning and development strategies in the VET sector.
Write your answer in 300-350 words.

The evaluation process for delivering university-based vocational training makes sure that the instruction, as well as the
advancement of knowledge and related skills, are responsive to the needs of both students and business, and include training
packages, professionally accredited programmes, and meet VCAL syllabus requirements. Evaluation procedures.
This methodology must be used by all teachers and students who are evaluating the VET and VCAL programmes and courses that
the university offers. Methods used to assess RPL requests or transfer credit are not covered in this.
Providing evidence that a learner has acquired competence in a particular area in a manner consistent with the assessment
principles and standards, as described in a training programme or vocational certification course, is referred to as assessment.
BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and
development strategies

ASSESSMENT 1 – Knowledge Test Checklist

Student’s Name
Assessor’s name:
Satisfactory response: No
Discuss applicable legislation, codes of practice and national standards considering your job
role assessing RPL for international students
Explain the role of organisational information technology and systems to support an
organisational learning strategy
Explain the purpose of the consultation and communication processes to support and
3 encourage organisational input into policy and procedure development
Prepare a list of common stakeholders that may participate in the development and
4 implementation of learning strategies.
What is an organisational learning and development strategy design?
What is the purpose of an organisational learning and development strategy design?

Explain two (2) contemporary approaches to assessment instrument and learning strategy
Explain the use of the continuous improvement process PDCA cycle in
8 organisational learning and development strategies
Explain the use of the continuous improvement process Total Quality Management in
9 organisational learning and development strategies
Explain the implementation process of an organisation’s learning strategy and its
10 impact on an organisation.
11 Explain the purpose of the quality management system (QMS)
Identify and document any five (5) quality management compliance requirements
12 as they relate to organisational learning.
13.1. Who registers the training providers that deliver vocational education and training
nationally, what legislative act do these organisations need to comply with, and what are the
standards they operate under?
13.2. What does the acronym AQF (previously AQTF) stand for, and how does it
relate to Vocational Education and Training?
Explain strategies to evaluate organisational learning implementation based on
14 ‘Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation’
Explain the purpose of Validation policy and procedures for training/learner material
15 relating to the development of learning and development strategies in the
VET sector.
Explain the purpose of Assessment standard policy and procedures for
16 training/learner material relating to the development of learning and development
strategies in the VET sector.
Feedback to Student:

Result Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies –

Student Pack Version 1.0 Dev: 5/2021
Developed by: CAQA CRICOS 02856B RTO 21984 Review: May 2022
Nova Institute of Technology Page 18 of 57
Assessment 2 – Project: Assessment instructions and
• This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
• This assessment task requires you to complete a project.
• You must complete a set of activities related to the following concepts in this assessment
- Provide leadership in learning strategy formation.
- Design and develop organisational learning strategy.
• You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your
competency in this assessment task.

Assessment task Instructions

• This is an individual assessment.

• This assessment involves a role play, which must be completed in class. If you do not
complete this role play, you cannot complete and submit your assessment and cannot
be assessed as competent.

• This assessment requires you to deliver a presentation in class. If you do not complete
this presentation, you cannot complete and submit your assessment and cannot be
assessed as competent.

• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge essential to
provide professional leadership in improving organisational learning and the quality of
training and assessment products and services.

• To ensure your responses are satisfactory, you should consult a range of learning
resources and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.

• All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment.

• This assessment task requires the student to take on the role of “Training manager”.

• The trainer/assessor will act as the Director of the company.

• The trainer/assessor will provide the following resources to the student before initiating the
- Access and equity policy
- Assessment principle policy and procedure
- Assessment standards policy and procedure
- Learner support policy
- PEC_learning strategy (existing)
- Validation policy and process

• The student will complete a set of activities related to the following concepts in this
assessment task:
- Provide leadership to learning strategy formation.
- Design and develop organisational learning strategy.
- The time limit to complete Activity 1 of part A is 10-15 minutes.

BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies –

Student Pack Version 1.0 Dev: 5/2021
Developed by: CAQA CRICOS 02856B RTO 21984 Review: May 2022
Nova Institute of Technology Page 19 of 57
- The report to be prepared based on the discussion in Activity 1 must be 300-400
- Word limit to complete the report for Part A is 800-1000 words.
- Part B answers must be documented in the “Learning strategy template”. Validation
policy and process
- For part B, the Meeting minutes template must be completed based on discussion
(trainer/assessor to provide)
Assessment Task 2 - Project
The senior managers of the organisation have realised that they are struggling to keep the skills of the
team up to date, and because of poor project work delivery, they are losing large-scale organisation
contracts. To improve the skills and knowledge of the team members, Ron (Director) and Ben
(Operations Manager) have decided to engage you, the Training Manager, to develop a learning
strategy and then implement that strategy.

As the Training Manager, you are responsible for the PEC Consultants’ learning and development. The
first step is to provide leadership in the formation and development of a learning strategy.

Part A

You need to provide leadership in the formation of a learning strategy for BSB40215 Cert IV in
Business; To do this, you must carry out the following activities:

1. Organise a meeting with stakeholder team members, instructional designer, instructors,

management, staff, clients and agencies to consult. Your trainer will organise staff and students to
play the roles of these stakeholders in the meeting.

Prior to the meeting, develop the consultation and communication processes that will be used
to support and encourage stakeholder input into the design, implementation and review of the
organisation’s learning strategy. Present this to the meeting attendants as a handout.

During the meeting, you will be discussing the following issues:

• Expectations from the learning program, technological and system requirements.

• The communication process - during the meeting, you need to encourage feedback and input
to help to form a strong learning strategy.
• The learning needs and for on-going learning the preferred structure of the learning and
development program.
• Management’s concerns regarding the decline in business and how it is affecting the morale of
the team.
• The expectations of clients and agencies from PEC consultants.
• Creation of in-built flexibility for change in organisational priorities for the future.
• Discuss and analyse the impact of organisational learning, and confirm with key stakeholders.
• The final steps in the implementation process of the learning strategy.

Complete the meeting minutes template provided with this unit (Appendix 2).

2. Prepare a report using 800 – 1000 words based on the discussions in the meeting.

Guidelines for preparing the report:

• Start with an introduction, then move on to supporting body paragraphs. Write a conclusion
and cite your sources.
• You must only use authentic and verifiable information.
• The report should be presented in the provided format.
• Proofread it.
• Always make sure to run your ideas by your trainer/assessor to make sure that it is okay that
you approach the report in this way.
• Your report must contain original content and should not be a “copy” of someone else’s work.
Report format:
• Introduction
• Body of the report
• References and bibliography
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the extent of creating a thorough learning and
development strategy for internal PEC consultants. The report's conclusions are based on in-depth
conversations, revelations, and feedback exchanges with numerous significant internal and external
stakeholders of the organisation that took place during recent meetings. Best practises for the
industry as well as the viability, significance, and need for PEC consultant service provider training
were discovered.
The meeting's opening session was devoted to discussing long-term goals for the study plan. Learning
initiatives are included into the broader business culture as a sustainable component. Consequently,
change management should be a part of strategy, ideally with a complete understanding of the
reasons for change (1). The creation of an integrated virtual knowledge development infrastructure is
one of the technical and systemic prerequisites in this area. This architecture facilitates the orderly
distribution and storage of explicit and tacit information among team members (2). Additionally, this
infrastructure supports the development of knowledge communities within your company.
In order to help build learning strategies, participants were urged to contribute by offering general
input. Feedback from external stakeholders generally suggested that new employees were not given
the curriculum in an engaging way. Additionally, the company's service provider did not offer a reliable
channel for communicating with clients. The entire evaluation offered a foundation for include
mentoring as a component of her team member's learning plan. The goal of mentoring is to gradually
improve the new member's general abilities and mental processes. As a result, a large number of top-
tier resources are chosen to foster the capabilities of new members through mentorship schemes.
Structure for Learning and Development
This meeting highlighted weaknesses in the organization's entire architecture for learning and growth.
Ideally, ad hoc programming based on an evaluation of team member needs should be supplemented
by regular learning and training sessions (4). A quarterly review of our training needs forms the basis
of our present training programme. The new learning and development approach, however, includes
regular training sessions based on the perceived requirements of the workforce. The enrollment term
for the new member will also be increased by 20% of her own.

3. After the meeting with the stakeholders, research and evaluate three (3) methods and
approaches to organisational learning to support the strategic requirements in 300-400
One of the strategies is the use of group learning techniques. Diverse activities are used in group learning
methodologies. Role-playing games are given as one technique to assist project creators comprehend the
viewpoint of the client (1). Team members receive individualised coaching to help them improve their project
development skills. A coaching infrastructure should ideally establish a framework for knowledge parity
between senior resources and team members (2). Team members receive specialised training to raise the
level of client interactions and communication overall. Management identifies team members who require
specialised training in this situation.
4. Examine and review the organisation’s existing policies and procedures relevant to training and
assessment and list any gaps in the existing system. Write your review using 300 – 400 words.
The level of continuous improvement of the team leader is one of the key components of the learning
method. The ideal continuous improvement plan for an organisation would be based on a variety of
comments and insights from important stakeholders (1). PEC consultants took into account comments from a
few stakeholders as part of a programme for ongoing improvement. Forms created especially for students
and organisational staff are among a number of feedback tools and strategies.
5. Write an analysis of the following:
• Current training and development policy
• Organisation’s existing strategy
• Requirements or current needs of the organisation.
• List technological requirements for the learning strategy
Use 400 – 500 words in your response.
The organisation maintains its own infrastructure to support international students, as seen by its policies and processes. The option to designate specific staff members
to deal with international students was made possible by learning regulations and procedures. Incorporating industry feedback into the organization's current plan is
one way to enhance and streamline its overall learning and development procedures. The organization's infrastructure, however, shows that annual industry feedback is
taken into account to direct learning and growth strategies.
The organisation currently needs to work with internal and external stakeholders to build an internal knowledge evaluation programme. A committee comprised of
senior and knowledgeable staff members from the organisation should ideally be formed by the organisation.
The infrastructure for digital knowledge management needs to be improved, which is one of the most crucial technical requirements. To expand the development reach
of the collaborative knowledge management community, the intranet of the organisation needs to be updated.

6. Ensure that all available resources, including human resources, learning requirements and
learning and development plans, are aligned with the overall objectives of the organisation.

Prepare a detailed report of your findings, send an email and attach your report to Ron, the
Director (your trainer/assessor). At the end of your email, ask him to share his thoughts and
provide feedback.

Guidelines for preparing the report:

• Start with an introduction, then move on to supporting body paragraphs. Write a conclusion
and cite your sources.
• You must only use authentic and verifiable information.
• The report should be presented in the provided format.
• Proofread it.
• Always make sure to run your ideas by your trainer/assessor to make sure that it is okay that
you approach the report in this way.
• Your report must contain original content and should not be a “copy” of someone else’s work.

Report format:
• Introduction
• Body of the report
• References and bibliography

To: The Director

Subject: Requirements for learning strategy implementation
Respected Sir,

The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the volume of resources needed to carry out an
organization's learning plan.
In order to develop their human resources infrastructure, firms should first seek for seasoned trainers on the
open market. Management may think about dropping the teacher-to-student ratio from 1:250 to 1:20, which
is the justification for this. Spreading the burden with the use of human resources enhances student
To assist personnel in better understanding the perceptions of many key stakeholders, provide group
activities such as role-plays. The acquisition of the focus skills required to provide high-quality learning
services depends on this knowledge base. Additionally, encouraging kinesthetic learning among employees is
one of the main duties of the knowledge management committee.

In general, informal study techniques are used to supplement traditional study plans. On a bimonthly training
infrastructure, official learning plans are distributed. By using platforms for knowledge development and
mentoring, informal learning plans are strengthened.
What do you think about the resources needed to carry out the study plan? We're eager to hear from
you. Regards,

Training Manager
Part B

Design and develop an organisational learning strategy.

In this part of the project, you must design and develop an organisational learning strategy using the
‘Learning strategy template’ (see Appendix 3) provided along with this unit. When developing the
learning strategy, consider the learning/e-learning objectives in the organisation’s strategic vision.

1. For the designing and development of the learning strategy, consider the following
key points:
• The learning strategy should be designed to include the requirements of instructors, learners
and the organisational strategic requirements.
• Include relevant units of competency, modules from accredited courses or non-accredited
training specifications in the organisational learning strategy.
• The learning strategy to be flexible and promote continuous improvement in the system.
• Learning strategy should promote responsiveness to changed circumstances and priorities.

2. In the development stage of a learning strategy, it is important to clearly define all the process
for smooth implementation of the learning strategy; for that purpose, as a specialist, you need to
consider the following important key processes:
• Simplify the steps of resource allocation to establish processes or modify the existing process
and procedures for allocating and managing the resources and staff required to implement the
organisational learning strategy.
• Structure compliant assessment and recognition policies and processes appropriate to
organisational strategic requirements.
• Structure procurement and supply policies and processes appropriate to organisational
strategic requirements.
• Ensure that the learning strategy is complying with all relevant legislation.

3. To implement the learning strategy, you need to list clear steps for all processes above.

4. Prepare a learning strategy manual for PEC consultants. Guide through clear instructions as well
as clear explanations of all the steps or process and procedures related to the learning strategy.

5. Organise a meeting with the Director and Senior Management and present the designed
learning strategy to the stakeholders. Seek their feedback on the learning strategy.

Note: The role of the Director will be played by the trainer/assessor. Other roles will be allocated to
students by the trainer/assessor.

6. As per feedback, update the learning strategy and then send an email to Ron (Director) for
approval to implement the updated learning strategy.
The Director
Subject: Updated Learning Strategy
Respected Sir,
As per our discussion, I am summarizing the details of the updated Learning Strategy.
For each senior resource that the organisation chooses, the overall learning plan schedule will be 80
hours. Based on historical performance records, senior resources are chosen to serve as mentors.
The face-to-face instruction and digital infrastructure are both parts of the learning strategy process.
Both human and technical resources are needed for training. Working with specialist training facilities or
seasoned resources who can grow senior resources and improve mentoring skills are examples of
using human resources. A strong knowledge growth platform is also ensured by collaboration with
outside experts. The evaluation method used in the monitoring protocol is a kinesthetic learning
approach. Through simulated classroom experiences, trainees are required to show how they have
applied the knowledge they have acquired. Following each training session, a methodology for
monitoring or evaluating performance will be followed.

Training Manager

7. After approval, you need to have a meeting with Ron and Senior Management to discuss:
• Implementation timelines and the appropriate processes for the learning strategy
• Required resources for the implementation of the learning strategy
• The monitoring of the implementation of learning strategy
• Procedures to liaise with educators, learners and others and monitor learning and
development strategies and learning and development resources
Subject: Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting
Respected Sir,
The discussion at the meeting was on incorporating human and technology resources to
enhance the overall learning strategy.
The Learning Strategy Template and the Meeting Minutes Template are supplied for your
Training Manager
8. After the meeting, confirm the above details with Ron by sending an email, concluding the
discussion during the meeting or meeting minutes.
You must use the templates below to complete this part of the assessment task:
• Learning strategy template
• Meeting minutes templates.
ASSESSMENT 2 – Project Checklist

For this assessment, the student must complete the practical activity.

The practical activity is a stand-alone activity that will allow the student to display the required knowledge and
skills that are essential when deciding overall competency.


Assessor’s name:

Did the student provide evidence of their ability to:

Part A
During the consultation process with stakeholder
• Discussed the expectation of stakeholder
• Technological and system requirements
• Discussed instructor, learner and organisational strategic
• Flexibility to adapt to future change
• The implementation process of learning strategy
In the report, evaluated the approaches to learning and workplace
training against organisational strategic requirements

In the report analysed the contribution of organisational learning to

competitiveness, and confirmed with key stakeholders

The report has a clear process of examining and reviewing options for
deploying quality policies and processes in organisational learning

In the report analysed and planned requirements for an organisational

learning strategy to support organisational strategic and policy

The report clearly explained how learning strategy aligns with

organisational learning strategy, human resources and learning
requirements and plans

Learning strategy was developed considering the following:

• feedback given by an instructor, learner and stakeholders during
the meeting
• relevant units of competency, modules from accredited courses or
non-accredited training specifications in organisational learning

Learning strategy had the flexibility:

• to adapt to future changes, and promote the responsiveness of the
organisation to changed circumstances and priorities
• to support organisational strategic requirements
Learning strategy established processes and procedures for allocating
and managing resources and staff, required for the
implementation of the strategy
Structure of learning strategy compliant as per assessment and
recognition policies and processes appropriate to organisational
strategic requirements
The structure of procurement and supply policies and processes are
appropriate to organisational strategic requirements

Part B
Was the learning strategy designed to include the requirements of
instructors, learners and the organisational strategic
Did the learning strategy includedrelevant units of competency,
modules from accredited courses or non-accredited training
specifications in the organisational learning strategy?

Is the learning strategy flexible and promote continuous

improvement in the system.
Learning strategy promotes responsiveness to changed circumstances
and priorities
Steps of resource allocation are simplified

Procurement and supply policies and processes appropriate to

organisational strategic requirements.

Prepare a learning strategy manual for PEC consultants

Present the designed learning strategy to the stakeholders.

Seek their feedback on the learning strategy.

Updated the learning strategy

Meeting and discussion with senior management

Prepare and send meeting minutes

Feedback to Student:
Assessment 3 - Skills Test Assessment method-based
instructions and guidelines:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s following skills and abilities to:
• Skills to implement organisational learning strategy as appropriate to organisational
• Skills to validate organisational assessment methods and assessment tools consistent with
learning and wider operational needs of PEC consultants.
• Skills to ensure that learning resources are compliant with specific international, national,
training industry and workplace needs of PEC.
• Skills to review assessment policies and procedures for continuing relevance, operational
effectiveness and identify any gaps in learning strategy.
• Skills to review organisational learning and development and evaluate strategic outcomes
attained through organisational learning strategy and update policies and procedures
accordingly for future growth.
• Skills to incorporate national policy and system changes into organisational learning and
development strategies and practices.

Task instructions
• This is an individual assessment.
• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge essential to
provide professional leadership in improving organisational learning and the quality of
training and assessment products and services.
• To ensure your responses are satisfactory, you should consult a range of learning
resources and other information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.
• All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment.
• This assessment task requires students to take on the role of “Training Manager”.
• The trainer/assessor will act as the Director of the company.
• The trainer/assessor will provide the following resources to the student before initiating the
o Access and equity policy
o Assessment principle policy and procedure
o Assessment standards policy and procedure
o Learner support policy
o PEC_learning strategy_existing
o Validation policy and process
• The student will complete a set of activities related to the implementation and monitoring
of organisational learning strategy.
• Email addresses where the email is to be sent will be provided by the trainer/assessor.
• The learning strategy with version control numbers is to be updated using the same
template used in assessment task 2.
• The word limit to complete the report for Part B of this assessment task is 600-800 words.
• The student must prepare 10-12 presentation slides for Part B (Activity 8) of this
assessment task.
• The time limit to deliver the presentation is 8-10 minutes.
• You must assess the performance as per the performance criteria and checklist provided.
Assessment Task 3: Skills Test

Part A:

Refer to the scenario in Assessment Task 2 and implement the organisational learning strategy you
designed in Task 2.

1. Refer to the meeting minutes of the previous task (Assessment Task 2 - Part B). After approval
from management, implement the organisational learning strategy. Follow the implementation
process (Activity 2-6)
2. Refer to PEC organisation’s Validation Policy and validate the organisational assessment
methods and assessment tools, ensuring consistency with the learning and wider operational
needs of PEC Consultants.
3. Ensure that learning resources are compliant with specific international, national, training
industry and workplace needs of PEC.
a. Trainer/assessor will provide learning resources for BSBHRM613.
b. The student must ensure the assessment tools comply with specific international,
national, training industry and workplace needs of PEC.
c. The student must modify, if required, to mee the requirements of organisational learning
4. Review assessment policies and procedures for continued relevance, operational effectiveness
and identify any gaps in the learning strategy.
5. Send an email to all relevant departments and update the revised learning strategy with version
control numbers. Share the location of the new learning strategy as per the recordkeeping
system of PEC Consultants. Archive the old learning strategy.
6. Attach a screenshot with the submission, the location of the new learning strategy and the old
learning strategy.

Subject: A Implementation of the Updated Learning Strategy and Changes to the Resources

I am ecstatic to share the news that our redesigned learning strategy has been successfully put into
action, since it is now aligned with both our organisational aims and the requirements of PEC
Consultants. The plan, which has already been implemented and is available to all relevant
departments, has been ratified by management and is backed by the insights that were gleaned
during our most recent meeting.The educational materials for BSBHRM613 have undergone a
painstaking curation process to ensure that they are in accordance with all applicable international,
national, and sector-specific requirements. Assessment tools have been modified to cater not just
to the needs of PEC but also those of the industry as a whole. The rules and methods governing our
evaluations have been examined in order to guarantee their continuous applicability and efficient
functioning. The prior tactic has been stored away for future use as a reference. Please find
attached a snapshot that shows the position of the new strategy as well as the old strategy that has
been stored. We are grateful for your dedication to adjusting to these improvements when they are
implemented. In the event that you have any questions or need further information, please do not
be reluctant to get in touch with us.

With warmest regards,

e.g. Training and development folder > Learning strategy folder > Copy of learning strategy file.

7. The final step is to initiate and implement the learning program for BSBWHS401 - Implement
and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
in partnerships with Safe Work Australia. Send an email to Safe Work Australia’s Representative
confirming the guidelines of the learning program to be delivered at three big organisations;
Telstra, Vodafone and Optus.
Subject: Collaboration for BSBWHS401 Learning Program

Dear [Safe Work Australia Representative],

It gives me great pleasure to launch a study programme for BSBWHS401 that is in line with the
criteria of the legislation. Guidelines established by Safe Work Australia have been included into
this programme, which was developed in collaboration with Telstra, Vodafone, and Optus. Your
contribution is essential, and I need to hear back from you on the programme that has been

With warmest regards,

8. Send a confirmation email to the Training Manager at Telstra, Vodafone and Optus (regarding
the course structure, outline the training and assessment structure and time frame for the
learning program). Check with them if they want to incorporate any late changes in the course
and, if so, update the learning strategy accordingly.
Subject: Confirmation of Learning Program Details for BSBWHS401

Dear Training Managers,

The structure, training, assessment plan, and timetable of the BSBWHS401 course were verified to be in
accordance with Safe Work Australia standards. We will be able to accept any late adjustments that you
would want to integrate, which will guarantee an updated learning plan. We ask that you validate the
revisions by the next week.

With warmest regards,

Note: Use email addresses as advised by your Trainer/Assessor.

Part B

After six months:

You have received a call from Senior Management. PEC has situation has improved. The team
members’ productivity has increased, and PEC Consultants are back in business (improved by 25%
after the implementation of the learning strategy, and they now have a desired 40% market share). This
time Ron called you to prepare for future programs.

Ron has asked you to systematically evaluate the strategic outcomes attained through the
organisational learning strategy and update policies and procedures accordingly to enable future

Feedback from clients:

• The course structure was clear, but the allocated time for training was less than what the
content required.
• Clients mentioned they liked the simulated environments for assessments and role-plays.
• Telstra’s Training Manager would like to set up on-going arrangements for training. They want
their staff to be able to access their performance outcomes after training and then would like a
customised training program for future individual training needs.

For 2020-2021 you need to:

1. Review organisational learning and development, evaluate the strategic outcomes attained
through the organisational learning strategy and update policies and procedures accordingly for
future growth.

2. Review the learning resources or assessment tools, and modify if required, to meet the
requirements of organisational learning strategies and/or client requirements.

3. Set up a procedure to systematically liaise with educators, learners and others to monitor the
learning strategies and learning resources against organisational learning targets. Incorporate
the procedure in your review.

4. Review, monitor, and incorporate any national policy and system changes into the organisational
learning and development strategies and practices

5. Modify or re-design the learning strategies and learning resources to support the
implementation of improved learning policies and procedures.

6. Review the performance of resources and people supporting organisational learning strategy

7. Evaluate the end-to-end implementation of the organisational learning strategy.

8. Develop a presentation to introduce your plan for improving organisational learning strategy
Prepare a report including point 1 – 7 above as headings. Attach any updated policies and procedures.
Write your report using 1000 - 1500 words.

1. Review and Evaluation of Organisational Learning Strategy

The strategic assessment examined the effect that the adopted learning approach had on PEC Consultants, finding
that it drove a remarkable 25% increase in productivity and helped the company achieve a 40% market share. The
input from customers pointed out many areas that may be improved. The study examined the strategic results,
which resulted in revisions to the policies and procedures in order to support future expansion. The efficiency of the
approach was bolstered as a result of this evaluation, which guaranteed alignment with organisational goals and
addressed the requirements of clients.

2. Review and Modification of Learning Resources and Assessment Tools

The input from customers brought to light the need of adjusting the training duration, which resulted in revisions
to guarantee that enough content coverage was achieved. The use of virtual environments for evaluations and role-
playing sessions improved the overall quality of training while also enhancing the learning experience and catering
to the interests of individual customers.

3. Procedure for Monitoring Learning Strategies and Resources

Through the establishment of a structured liaison procedure, continuous involvement with educators, learners, and
other stakeholders was made possible. This continual communication made it possible to consistently assess and
adjust learning tactics so that they aligned better with organisational goals and the ever-changing demands of the

4. Incorporation of National Policy Changes

Compliance and alignment with ever-evolving national standards and regulations were assured by doing ongoing
reviews and integrating changes to national policy into organisational learning initiatives.

5. Modification of Learning Strategies and Resources

Learning methodologies and resources have been adapted to better support improved policies and processes, taking
into account the needs of the client as well as the findings of internal evaluations. Working together with Telstra's
Training Manager allowed for the development of individualised training programmes that were tailored to meet the
requirements of specific employees.

6. Performance Evaluation of Supporting Resources and Personnel

A comprehensive examination of the resources and persons engaged in the implementation of the organisational
learning strategy aims to identify strengths, weaknesses, and possibilities for improvement, therefore assuring
optimum support for the execution of the organisational learning strategy.

7. End-to-End Evaluation of Organisational Learning Strategy Implementation

The comprehensive review analysed every step of the process, including the formulation of the plan, its
implementation, the incorporation of feedback, and the creation of adaptive measures. During the in-depth
evaluation, the efficacy of the strategy was reviewed, and both its accomplishments and the areas that need
additional improvement in order to achieve sustainable development and alignment with organisational goals were

Develop a PowerPoint presentation (15 – 20 slides) that discusses your findings and evaluations and
your Learning Strategy improvement plan for a future board meeting.
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist (Part B)
Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
(Comment and feedback to students)
assessment task the participant needs to
demonstrate competency in the
following critical aspects of evidence

a) Review organisational learning and

• Review the feedback from external
• Review the feedback from internal
• Review the outcome of the learning
strategy after implementation

b) Develop procedures to systematically

liaise with educators, learners and
others to monitor if the learning
strategies and learning resources
achieve organisational learning
• Discussed and agreed on a procedure
for liaising between stakeholders and
PEC consultants
• Attached a copy of the report after
the meeting

c) Discussed the monitoring process of

learning strategies with stakeholder
for future improvements
d) Ensured that the learning strategy is
compliant with national standards,
policy requirements and industry code
of practice
e) Customised or improved learning
strategies and learning resources to
support implementation of improved
learning policies and procedures

f) Listed a process to customise the

learning resources as per client or
organisational needs
g) Evaluated the implementation plans
for improvement of organisational
learning strategies
• Learning program outcome
• Reviewed the resources including
human resources in the process of
implementation of learning strategy
• Listed the improvements or activities
required to fill the gap
• Outlined the implementation plan for
improving learning strategies

h) Developed and presented a plan for

improving organisational learning
strategy formation:
• Learner demonstrated professional
behaviour during the meeting
• Commutated professionally during the
• Presented effectively and prepared an
engaging presentation
• Covered all the listed points given in
the assessment task in the findings

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