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TO ISO 13623)
Copyright Shell Group of Companies. No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Shell. Not for resale


February 2021



© 2021 Shell Group of companies

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DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions
International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies.
These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international,
regional, national and industry standards.
The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and
gas production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help
achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to
implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each
locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information
set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely responsible for such use, including the quality
of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not
specifically covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve
at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without
detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal.
The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell
Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and
other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three
categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished:
1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these
Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement.
2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a
Service Agreement or otherwise).
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which
requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply
with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims
any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever
as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs or any part
thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Company. The benefit of
this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Company, or companies affiliated to these companies,
that may issue DEPs or advise or require the use of DEPs.
Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, DEPs shall not,
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All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.

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PART I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5
1.1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 5
CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................... 5
1.3 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................... 6
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES .................................................................................... 9
1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES...................................................................... 9
1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP ............................................................................ 10
1.7 DUAL UNITS .................................................................................................... 10
1.8 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) ...................................................10
PART II. GENERAL ........................................................................................................ 11
PART III. AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS TO ISO 13623 ...........................................12
1. Scope ............................................................................................................... 12
3. Terms, definitions and symbols ....................................................................... 12
4. General ............................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Health, safety and the environment ................................................................. 12
5. Pipeline system design .................................................................................... 12
5.2 Categorization of fluids .................................................................................... 12
5.3 Hydraulic analysis ............................................................................................ 12
5.4 Pressure control and overpressure protection .................................................14
5.5 Requirements for operation and maintenance ................................................14
5.6 Public safety and protection of the environment ..............................................15
6. Design of pipeline and primary piping.............................................................. 15
6.1 Design principles.............................................................................................. 15
6.2 Route selection ................................................................................................ 15
6.3 Loads ............................................................................................................... 19
6.4 Strength requirements ..................................................................................... 19
6.5 Stability ............................................................................................................ 24
6.6 Pipeline spanning............................................................................................. 24
6.7 Pressure test requirements .............................................................................. 24
6.8 Other activities ................................................................................................. 25
6.9 Crossings and encroachments ........................................................................ 25
6.11 Section isolation valves ................................................................................... 26
6.12 Integrity monitoring .......................................................................................... 29
6.13 Design for pigging ............................................................................................ 29
6.14 Fabricated components ................................................................................... 31
6.16 Offshore risers ................................................................................................. 32
7. Design of stations and terminals ...................................................................... 33
8. Materials and coatings ..................................................................................... 33
8.1 General material requirements for pipelines and primary piping .....................33
8.2 Line pipe .......................................................................................................... 35
8.3 Components other than pipe ........................................................................... 37
8.4 Coatings ........................................................................................................... 38
9. Corrosion management ................................................................................... 40
9.1 General ............................................................................................................ 40
9.2 Internal corrosivity evaluation .......................................................................... 40

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9.3 Internal corrosion mitigation ............................................................................. 40

9.5 External corrosion mitigation ........................................................................... 40
10. Construction ..................................................................................................... 41
10.1 General ............................................................................................................ 41
10.2 Preparation of the route on-land ...................................................................... 42
10.4 Welding and joining.......................................................................................... 43
10.5 Coating ............................................................................................................. 44
10.6 Installation of on-land pipelines ....................................................................... 44
10.7 Installation of offshore pipelines ...................................................................... 44
10.8 Cleaning and gauging ...................................................................................... 46
10.10 Construction records ........................................................................................ 46
11. Testing ............................................................................................................. 46
11.1 General ............................................................................................................ 46
12. Pre-commissioning and commissioning ..........................................................47
12.1 General ............................................................................................................ 47
12.3 Drying procedures............................................................................................ 47
12.5 Documentation and records ............................................................................. 47
13. Operation, maintenance and abandonment ....................................................47
13.1 Management .................................................................................................... 47
13.3 Maintenance .................................................................................................... 48
PART IV. REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 51

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This DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, material
procurement, construction, testing, operation, maintenance and abandonment of rigid steel
pipelines (both onshore and offshore) used for the transport of hydrocarbons and other
This DEP is not applicable to non-metallic pipelines or unbonded flexible pipes, which are
covered in separate DEPs.
This DEP is based on ISO 13623:2017. Part III of this DEP amends, supplements and
deletes various clauses of ISO 13623:2017. Part III follows the clause numbering of
ISO 13623 for easy reference.
All clauses of ISO 13623 not modified by this DEP remain valid as written.
For pipelines that carry some fluids, in particular those of a very toxic nature (for toxicity
classifications, see Part III of DEP‑Gen.), additional requirements not
specifically covered in this DEP might be appropriate.
For design and operation of CO2 pipelines, refer to ISO 27913 (and DNVGL-RP-F104,
where DNVGL-ST-F101 applies) in addition to this DEP and ISO 13623.
In addition to this DEP, the piping design and engineering of pipeline facilities (e.g., pump
stations, compressor stations, valve stations, pig stations) is complemented by
DEP‑Gen., DEP‑Gen. and DEP‑Gen.
This DEP contains mandatory requirements to mitigate process safety risks in accordance
with Design Engineering Manual (DEM) 1 – Application of Technical Standards.
This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2019; see (1.5) regarding
the main changes.
Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell
companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated
by them. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an
authorization to any documents, data or information to which the DEPs may refer.
This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production, gas handling, oil
refining, chemical processing, gasification, distribution and supply/marketing. This DEP may
also be applied in other similar facilities.
When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented;
this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable with regards to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all
cases, the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of
this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective
being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.

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1.3.1 General definitions
The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The capitalised term SHALL [PS] indicates a process safety requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.
The word may indicates a permitted option.
1.3.2 Specific definitions
The following definitions are specific to this DEP.

Term Definition

Barred Tee Tee-piece provided with bars across the internal bore of the branch pipe to a
pig from entering the branch.

Branch Pipe Pipe connected to a pipeline of equal or larger diameter, using a tee-piece
or welded branch connection.

Cold Bend Bend made from line pipe at ambient temperature, normally on the
construction site, using a mechanical bending machine.

Deep Water Water depth in excess of 300 m (984 ft), unless specified otherwise by the
Principal in the project specifications.

Emergency Valve for isolating a pipeline from an onshore plant or offshore platform in
Shutdown Valve case of emergency situations within the plant or platform.

Flow Assurance Measures to be taken to ensure that a pipeline can operate within the
specified operating window during its lifetime. Such measures are to be
detailed during DEFINE to prevent, e.g. hydrate formation, formation of wax.
Flow assurance is an exercise requiring input from various disciplines, such
as process, hydraulic pipeline design and mechanical pipeline design, to
ensure that all aspects are fully considered and an integrated solution is

Flowline In-field pipeline transporting untreated hydrocarbons and other reservoir

fluids, or a pipeline used to inject gas into a reservoir (gas injection flowline)
or a pipeline to inject water into a reservoir (water injection flowline).

Incidental Pressure occurring in a pipeline with limited frequency and during limited
Pressure periods of time. Incidental pressures include surge pressures, line pack, and
thermal pressures if not occurring routinely or maintained longer than a
short period.

Induction (hot) Bend made under factory conditions by hot working pipes.

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Integrity Condition that is achieved when, under specified operating conditions, the
risk of failure that could endanger the safety of personnel, the environment,
or asset value is tolerable and has been reduced to a level that is ALARP.

Isolation (or Valve used to interrupt the flow or to isolate one section of a pipeline from
block) Valve an adjacent section or a facility connected to the pipeline. An isolation valve
is normally either fully opened or fully closed. Also referred to as a block

Jumper Short subsea section of pipe provided with mechanical connectors for the
diverless connecting of e.g., a wellhead to the end of a flowline.

Line Pack Quantity of gas in a gas transmission system in excess of the minimum gas
inventory required to meet deliveries. The line pack is used to continue
deliveries for some period following interruption of supply upstream.

Liquid Hold-Up Quantity of liquids present in a multi-phase pipeline.

Maximum Maximum temperature to which piping, piping components, pipelines, or

Operating equipment is expected to be exposed during planned operational activities,
Temperature including start-up and shut-down operations, but excluding abnormal
situations, e.g., fires.

Operating Defined set of parameters or parameter ranges that must be adhered to

Envelope during operation of the pipeline in order to prevent loss of technical integrity
and maintain flow.

Pig Device that can be propelled through a pipeline by fluid flow and is normally
used for cleaning, batching, inspection or other activities.

Pig Trap Ancillary item of pipeline equipment, with associated pipework and valves,
for inserting and launching a pig into a pipeline or receiving and removing a
pig from a pipeline.

Pipe-In-Pipe Single flow line, provided with an outer steel carrier pipe and annulus filled
(PIP) with insulation for reasons of flow assurance.

Pipeline Leak Uncontrolled fluid release from a pipeline.

Plant Facility such as a well-head, processing facility, pressure boosting station,

storage tank, offshore platform, refinery, with defined boundaries and that is
not normally accessible to the public.

Pre- Series of activities, including cleaning and possibly drying and inerting,
Commissioning executed to prepare the pipeline for commissioning.

Risk Product of the probability of an event occurring and the consequences of the
event when occurring.

Shore Approach Section of a pipeline that crosses the sea shore, or major river/estuary
shores. The shore approach includes the area of breaking waves and
extends from the lowest to the highest water mark.

Slug Catcher Device located at the downstream end of a multi-phase pipeline, for the
primary separation of the liquid and gas phases, and the temporary storage
of liquids generated by pigging and transient flow conditions. There are two
types of slug catchers: the vessel type and the finger type.

Sphere Spherical pig used for batching and liquid hold-up removal in two-phase

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Sphere Tee Jacketed tee-piece with a perforated inner pipe to prevent entry of a sphere
into the branch pipe.

Surge Pressure Pressure due to mass flow velocity changes caused by operational
activities, e.g., valve closures, pump shut-down or start-up.

Very Toxic – Substances that are very hazardous for the environment or human health,
acute, chronic as specified in DEP
or environment

1.3.3 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are specific to this DEP.

Term Definition

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable

BfD Basis for Design

CP Cathodic Protection

CTOD Crack Tip Opening Displacement

DN Diameter Nominal / Nominal Diameter

DP Dynamic Positioning

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

ESD Emergency Shutdown

FEED Front End Engineering and Design

GRE Glass Reinforced Epoxy

GRP Glass-Reinforced Plastic

HFW High Frequency Welded

HIA Health Impact Assessment

HIC Hydrogen Induced Cracking

HPHT High Pressure and High Temperature

HSAW Helical Submerged Arc Welded

ID Inside Diameter

IPF Instrumented Protective Function, now known as SIF (Safety Instrumented


LDT Lower Design Temperature

MAIP Maximum Allowable Incidental Pressure

MAOP Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure

MESC Materials and Equipment Standards and Code

MOP Maximum Operating Pressure

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MSP Maximum Source Pressure

NPS Nominal Pipe Size

OD Outside Diameter

OOR Out-of-Roundness

PIP Pipe-In-Pipe

PLEM Pipe Line End Manifold

PN Nominal Pressure Rating

QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment

RIV Riser Isolation Valve

RTP Reinforced Thermoplastic

SAW Submerged Arc Welded

SIA Social Impact Assessment

SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength

SSCC Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking

SSIV Sub Sea Isolation Valve

t Nominal Pipe Wall Thickness

Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section or
clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed
in (Part IV).
This DEP is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2019. The following
are the main, non-editorial changes.

Section/Clause Change

Part III, 5.5, Item 5 Updated clause to reflect the incorporation of SHALL [PS] statements from
DEP, as described in the line item in this table for Part III,
8.1.6, Item 3.

Part III, 6.11.3, Item 6 Added SHALL [PS] statement that previously was in
DEP‑Gen. and rephrased to fit within the context of

Part III, 6.11.3, Item 7 Added SHALL [PS] statement that previously was in
DEP‑Gen. and rephrased to fit within the context of

Part III, 6.11.3, Item 8 Added SHALL [PS] statement that previously was in
DEP‑Gen. and rephrased to fit within the context of

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Section/Clause Change

Part III, 6.11.3, Item 9 Added SHALL [PS] statement that previously was in
DEP‑Gen. and rephrased to fit within the context of

Part III, 8.1.6, Item 3 Upgraded to SHALL [PS] to align with the requirements in

The former Part III, Removed this clause since this DEP now includes the relevant SHALL [PS]
8.3.4, Item 3 statements that previously were in DEP‑Gen.


Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following

Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at

(Users with access to https://www.shelldeps.com
Shell DEPs Online) Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for
that DEP.
Click on the “Give feedback” link, fill in the online form
and submit.
DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback System
(Users with access to which is accessible from the Technical Standards
Portal http://sww.shell.com/standards.
Shell Wide Web)
Select “Submit DEP Feedback”, fill in the online form
and submit.
DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form to record
(other users) feedback and email the form to the Administrator at
[email protected].

Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above
options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP.
This DEP contains both the International System (SI) units, as well as the corresponding
US Customary (USC) units, which are given following the SI units in brackets. When agreed
by the Principal, the indicated USC values/units may be used.
Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as
explanation or background information only.
Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP

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1. Part III of this DEP is written as amendments and supplements to ISO 13623:2017.
Wherever reference is made to ISO 13623, it shall be understood to mean
ISO 13623:2017 as amended/supplemented by this DEP.
For ease of reference, the clause numbering of ISO 13623 has been used throughout
Part III of this DEP.
2. Clauses in ISO 13623, which are not mentioned in this DEP, shall remain valid as
3. Where national legislation requires the use of a standard other than ISO 13623, this
DEP shall be read as providing the minimum Shell requirements.
4. In case of conflicts between this DEP and national or local regulations, refer to
(Part I - (1.2)).
This DEP allows use of alternative pressure design calculations as per API RP 1111 for
deepwater projects or DNVGL-ST-F101 for offshore pipelines, as an alternative to pressure
design calculations per ISO 13623, as outlined in (Part III, However, the remaining
clauses of ISO 13623, as amended by this DEP, remain valid as written.

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1. Scope
Add to this clause:
A pipeline extends from pig trap to pig trap (including the pig traps and associated pipework
and valves), or, if no pig trap is fitted, to the first isolation valve within the onshore plant or
the offshore installation as applicable. Refer to (6.14.4).
Slug catchers, including associated pipework and valves, are deemed to be part of a
pipeline, unless otherwise specified by the Principal.
The pipeline and subsea asset class covering both onshore and offshore assets, is defined
in (5) of DEP‑Gen.
3. Terms, definitions and symbols
Add to this clause:
1. Refer to (Part I, 1.3) of this DEP for additional definitions and abbreviations.
4. General
4.1 Health, safety and the environment
Add to this clause:
1. HSE associated with the design, construction (including equipment), testing, operation,
maintenance and abandonment of the pipeline system shall be managed in
accordance with the requirements of the Principal’s HSE Management System.
2. An assessment shall be carried out of the potential public safety, environmental, social
and health impact of the proposed pipeline and where appropriate alternative routes or
designs are evaluated.
a. Mitigation, integrity management and monitoring measures shall be addressed.
b. Refer to (Part III, 5.6), (Part III, and (Part III,
5. Pipeline system design
5.2 Categorization of fluids
Add to this clause:
1. The term toxic shall be understood to include the classification very toxic – acute,
chronic or environment, as defined in Part III of DEP‑Gen.
Rationale: To align with Shell standards regarding toxicity classification.

5.3 Hydraulic analysis

Add to this clause:
1. The hydraulic analysis shall evaluate all possible changes in flowrates and operational
modes, over the complete operational life of the pipeline based upon data provided by
the Principal.
2. The hydraulic analysis shall include the following:
a. Surge pressure during shut-down or start-up of a pipeline transporting liquids;
b. Liquid catching and slug control requirements at the downstream end of multi-
phase lines;
c. All relevant flow assurance aspects (asphaltenes, hydrates, wax, scales,
emulsions, foaming and chemical compatibility, including transport of any solids
present in the fluid);

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d. Turn-down limitations with inhibition or insulation requirements to prevent wax

deposition or hydrate formation;
e. Flow regimes and fluid velocities to allow their effect on pressure drop, hold-up
and the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors to be determined;
f. Minimum fluid velocities (e.g., which might be required for intelligent pigging
g. Benefit of internal flow coating of gas transmission lines after allowing for possible
h. Depressurisation and repressurisation of pipelines transporting Category C, D and
E fluids and slug catchers;
i. Identifying, for the purposes of prevention of running ductile fracture
(Section 8.1.6), whether the fluid is a lean natural gas. Lean natural gas, in this
regard, is defined when all the following requirements are met:
i. A methane content greater than 95 mol%;
ii. Conveyed fluids that exhibit single phase behaviour during sudden
3. Pipelines conveying a liquid should be sized so that the normal range of flow velocities
is 1 m/s – 2 m/s (3.3 ft/s – 6.6 ft/s).
4. Continuous operation above 4 m/s (13 ft/s) shall be avoided for pipelines conveying a
a. Incidental operation of liquid pipelines above 4 m/s (13 ft/s) shall be evaluated and
documented (e.g., surge analysis).
5. Unlined carbon steel pipelines transporting category B liquids containing a separate
water phase, even in a small quantity (e.g., 1 % water cut), shall not be operated at
velocities below 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s).
a. Approval by the Principal shall be obtained on the required minimum velocity or
alternative corrosion mitigation measures (e.g., operational pigging, swabbing) to
be applied.
When transporting light crude oils or condensate, a minimum velocity of
1.5 m/s (5ft/s) in crude (higher in lighter fluids) might not be sufficient to prevent
water dropout.
Rationale: This is to prevent water dropout, which could lead to a corrosive
6. Pipelines conveying gas should be sized so that the normal range of flow velocities is
5 m/s – 10 m/s (16 ft/s – 32 ft/s).
7. Pipelines conveying gas shall not be operated above 20 m/s (65 ft/s).
8. Alternative means of corrosion mitigation (e.g., selection of corrosion-resistant
materials) shall be evaluated as part of the overall Material Selection Report.
9. A corrosion management strategy shall be developed based on the expected water
drop-out in the pipeline during low flow conditions.
a. For intelligent pigging operations, the minimum velocity should be 1 m/s (3.3 ft/s)
unless stated otherwise by the intelligent pig Manufacturer/Supplier.
10. For pipelines conveying fluids containing solid particles, the potential for erosion shall
be evaluated, with the resulting requirements (e.g., limiting maximum velocities)
documented in the Material Selection Report and implemented.
The presence of solids in the fluid will be specified in the Basis for Design (BfD) that
is developed during SELECT.

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11. Pipelines that will require the use of hydrate inhibitors, possibly in combination with
other chemicals, shall be subject to approval from the Principal’s flow assurance,
production chemistry and condensate/water treatment specialists.
5.4 Pressure control and overpressure protection
1. In case overpressure protection is provided by relief valves, refer to
DEP‑Gen. for requirements.
2. In case overpressure protection is provided by source-isolation valves, refer to
DEP‑Gen. for requirements.
3. When existing pipeline systems are extended, e.g., by adding a new branch line, the
pressure protection of the whole pipeline system shall be reviewed to confirm the
a. over-pressurisation of the system from the new branch line is not possible;
b. the extended system has a consistent design pressure.
5.5 Requirements for operation and maintenance
Add to this clause:
1. The requirements for operation and maintenance of the pipeline system shall be
established in the BfD during the SELECT stage.
2. During DEFINE and EXECUTE stages, the requirements for operation and
maintenance of the pipeline system shall be further detailed.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for integrity requirements.
Add to 7th bulleted item:
3. Refer to the following for requirements regarding pipeline leak detection systems.
a. API RP 1130
b. API RP 1175
c. (Part III, 6.12)
d. (Part III, 13.3.4)
Add to 12th bulleted item:
4. The requirement to depressurise and re-pressurize a pipeline containing a Category C,
D or E fluid and slug catcher shall be assessed during the DEFINE phase in order to
accomplish all of the following:
a. establish the minimum temperature and material requirements;
b. define the depressurisation or re-pressurisation rate and durations;
c. consider the impact on the associated facilities.
5. Refer to the following for requirements to prevent brittle fracture:
a. (Part III, 6.11.1, Item 11);
b. (Part III, 6.11.1, Item 12);
c. (Part III, 6.11.1, Item 13);
d. (Part III, 8.1.6, Item 3).

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5.6 Public safety and protection of the environment

Add to this clause:
1. The factors that are critical to public safety and the protection of the environment
SHALL [PS] be identified and analysed over the entire life of the pipeline, including
abandonment, considering any potential changes in the level of risk over time (e.g.,
due to encroachment of built-up areas).
Section of ISO 13623 lists some factors that could apply.
2. The risk shall be reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP), in order to
prevent leaks.
3. The risk reduction measures and ALARP achievement shall be fully documented,
implemented and maintained throughout the project life.
6. Design of pipeline and primary piping
6.1 Design principles
Replace first paragraph with:
1. The extent and detail of the design shall demonstrate that the integrity, in line with
AMS MEC RP 04-01 and the relevant operating integrity management system, and
serviceability required by this DEP can be maintained during the design life.
Add to this clause:
1. For reliability or strain-based limit state design methods, refer to DEP‑Gen.
for requirements.
2. Reliability or strain-based limit state design methods shall only be used to confirm the
safety of a design when no established (e.g., deterministic) guidance is available.
Cases could include the following:
o design for extreme high loads with low probability of occurrence during the design
life such as seismic loads at a fault crossing or loads from the impact of ice keels;
o design for extreme loads in lieu of deterministic design such as for external
pressure design in deep water;
o situations where strain-based criteria are applied but the resistance capability of
the pipe is uncertain, e.g., due to variations in pipe wall thickness or strength of
the pipe material;
o hot buried pipelines where the wall thickness requirement would be governed by
the equivalent stress criterion, instead of the hoop stress requirement.
3. Where use is made of reliability-based limit state design principles, the impact on
welding and materials shall be evaluated during the DEFINE stage.
Rationale: Use of reliability-based limit state design methods has impact on
development and testing of materials and welding.
4. Reliability-based limit state design methods shall not be used to circumvent or
recalibrate functional and deterministic requirements specified in ISO 13623 such as
hoop stress, burial depth, pressure testing and NDE during construction.
6.2 Route selection
6.2.1 Considerations General

Add to this clause:

1. For on-land pipelines, location classes shall be identified along the pipeline route for
pipelines transporting category D and E fluids.

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2. Location classes shall be in accordance with Annex B of ISO 13623, unless another
classification method is specified in applicable regulations.
3. Layout and separation requirements between pipelines (including pig traps) and other
facilities within a plant fence or on an offshore platform shall follow
DEP‑Gen. (for onshore applications) and DEP‑Gen. (for
offshore applications).
Rationale: Layout and separation requirements are normally determined as part of
the plant or platform layout study and safety case. Optimisation of the layout is a
primary means of both preventing incidents and preventing incipient incidents from
escalating in plants and at offshore platforms. Public safety

Replace second paragraph of this clause with:

1. A documented Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for the following, as applicable,
shall be completed for pipelines:
a. on land;
b. all location classes except location class 1, as defined in Annex B, Table B.1 of
ISO 13623;
c. conveying fluid category B, C, D or E as defined in Table 1 of ISO 13623.
2. The final QRA shall confirm that risks are ALARP for the selected design and proximity
3. Risk levels may be reduced by using higher wall thickness, re-routing, providing
additional protection to the pipeline, application of facilities to minimise any released
fluids, and controlled methods of operating, maintenance and inspection.
Pipelines with a wall thickness less than 10 mm (3/8 in) are particularly susceptible to
penetration, even by small mechanical excavators. External interference by third
parties is a major cause of pipeline failures.
4. General requirements for the planning, execution and documentation of safety
evaluations are provided in Annex A.
For the purpose of initial routing of on-land pipelines, Annex C5 provides guidance
for estimating the minimum distance between the pipeline and normally occupied
buildings, depending on the type of the fluid, the pipeline diameter and its maximum
allowable operating pressure. This methodology is intended for initial
planning/guidance purposes only and does not replace the requirement for a QRA.
The QRA can demonstrate the acceptability of reduced minimum distances, adopting
a risk-based approach. Environment

Add to this clause:

1. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall be carried out for all pipelines or, if
more appropriate, groups of pipelines.
a. An EIA may be carried out as part of the overall project EIA.
An EIA is generally not required for deep water flowlines that tie-back to existing
deepwater facilities.
2. An EIA should consider the interaction between the pipeline and the environment
during each stage of the pipeline life cycle as the characteristics of the environment
might affect the pipeline design, construction method, reinstatement techniques, and
operational philosophy and requirements.
3. National requirements for the protection of the environment shall be applied where they
are more stringent than the requirements specified in this DEP.

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Page 17 Construction, testing, operation and maintenance

Add to this clause:

1. In determining the on-land pipeline route and selection of landfall locations, different
crossing methods shall be evaluated.
a. When determining the offshore pipeline route, limitations and risks for potential
pipeline installation methods shall be identified and evaluated as part of the route
2. The following apply to on-land pipelines:
a. all pipelines should have a permanent right of way with a preferred minimum width
i. 4 m (13 ft) for DN 150 (NPS 6) and below;
ii. 6 m (20 ft) for DN 200 (NPS 8) to DN 300 (NPS 12);
iii. 8 m (26 ft) for DN 350 to DN 500 (NPS 14 to 20);
iv. 10 m (33 ft) for DN 600 (NPS 24) and above.
b. the pipeline route should be centred on the permanent right of way.
i. In some cases, particularly for larger diameter pipelines, the pipeline may be
shifted to one side of the permanent right of way to provide space for future
pipelines or a maintenance and inspection access road along the pipeline.
c. the elastic radius of curvature of the pipeline along its route shall not be less than
d. Cold or hot bends should be used when the elastic radius of curvature of the
pipeline along its route is less than 500xDN. See (10.6.2);
e. when more than one pipeline is installed in the same trench, the separation
between adjacent pipelines should be 0.5 m (20 in) minimum;
f. the minimum distance for pipelines installed in a separate trench alongside an
existing buried pipeline should be:
i. 2 m (6.5 ft) for DN 150 (NPS 6) and below;
ii. 3 m (10 ft) for DN 200 to DN 350 (NPS 8 to 14);
iii. 4 m (13 ft) for DN 400 to DN 800 (NPS 16 to 32);
iv. 5 m (16.5 ft) for DN 900 (NPS 36) and above.
g. the crossing of existing pipelines, cables, power lines, roads, railways and
waterways should be at an angle between 60 degrees and 90 degrees;
h. the crossing of existing pipelines, cables, power lines, roads, railways and
waterways shall be at an angle of 45 degrees or more;
i. The minimum horizontal separation distance and other mitigation measures
required to minimise hazards arising from induced voltage effects from parallel
overhead power lines, shall be evaluated;
j. the effects of overhead power line parallelism shall be evaluated for all metallic
pipelines located within 500 m (1640 ft) of a power line of 110 kV and above;
Refer to NEN 3654 for mutual influence of pipelines and high-voltage circuits.
k. in cases where metallic pipelines are located within 500 m (1640 ft) of a power line
of 110 kV and above, the CP design shall be executed by a specialist CP
engineering consultant subject to approval by the Principal;

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l. when selecting the location for a pig launcher or receiver and the routing of the
adjacent outgoing or incoming pipeline within a new or existing facility, the impact
of the pipeline and pig launcher/receiver construction activities on other
simultaneous construction or operations activities and the impact of concurrent
operations shall be evaluated. (see also DEP‑Gen.).
3. The following apply to offshore pipelines:
a. the radius of curvature of the pipeline along its route should not be less than
b. When lower values are necessary, a detailed analysis of the pipeline's lateral
stability during laying should be carried out;
c. the distance between parallel pipelines should not be less than 10 m (33 ft);
d. pipelines close to offshore platforms should be arranged in corridors to facilitate
the anchoring of vessels for support and future construction activities at the
e. Straight lengths of pipe shall be included for start-up of pipe laying;
f. risers should be protected from the marine activity around the platform and, except
for category A fluids, be located away from the living quarters:
i. for further requirements relating to the routing and location of risers refer to
Section 4 of DEP‑Gen.
g. the crossing of existing pipelines and submarine cables should be at 90 degrees
(Part III, 6.9.5):
i. if a crossing at 90 degrees imposes an additional route length, lower crossing
angles may be used.
ii. Lower crossing angles shall not be less than 30 degrees.
6.2.2 Surveys—on-land pipelines

Add to this clause:

1. The following detailed survey data should be available and used when optimising the
final pipeline route:
a. population and building densities for the establishment of location classes
(Part III,, and location of inhabited buildings, considering any future land
development plans;
b. topographical data, location of rivers, roads and railways, including type and
density of traffic;
c. records of any existing features which will need reinstatement after construction is
completed (e.g., posts, poles, markers);
d. soil investigation for foundation design (burial and/or supports design), subsidence
areas (e.g., due to mining activities);
e. soil resistivity for cathodic protection design;
f. geotechnical data (earthquakes, landslides);
g. environmental data (climatic, floods, currents at river crossings, vegetation, fauna,
h. military exercise areas and firing ranges;
i. dumping areas of munitions.

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6.2.3 Surveys—Offshore pipelines

Add to the first bulleted list:

a. fishing, shipping and other sea users activity data;
b. military exercise areas and firing ranges;
c. dumping areas (e.g., unexploded ordnance, UXOs);
d. third party facilities (e.g., exploration and windmill park) and concession areas.
6.3 Loads
6.3.2 Functional loads Design pressure

Replace second paragraph with:

1. The maximum allowable incidental pressure (MAIP) shall be 1.1 times MAOP for both
liquid and gas lines except in the case of the following:
a. pipelines designed in accordance with ISO 13623 conveying category C and D
fluids that have been pressure tested at a reduced test pressure of 1.20 times
MAOP – for such pipelines the MAIP is 1.05 times MAOP;
b. gas pipelines designed in accordance with ASME B31.8 and operating at or below
a hoop stress of 72 % of the SMYS - for such pipelines the MAIP shall is the
pressure which results in a hoop stress not exceeding 75 % of SMYS;
c. gas pipelines designed in accordance with ASME B31.8 and operating over a
hoop stress of 72 % of the SMYS – for such pipelines the MAIP is 1.04 times
2. Pressures in excess of MAOP shall be recorded with duration and value.
6.4 Strength requirements
6.4.1 Calculation of stresses Hoop stress due to fluid pressure

Add to this clause:

1. The nominal pipe wall thickness shall not be less than 4.8 mm (0.2 in) for all pipelines.
a. The diameter to wall thickness (Do/t) ratio should not exceed 96 for on-land
pipelines and 60 for offshore pipelines, unless it can be demonstrated that higher
values are not detrimental to the handling, field bending and other aspects relating
to construction and in-situ integrity of the pipeline.
2. Where internal inspection tools are to be used as part of the integrity monitoring
requirements (6.12), the required minimum wall thickness shall fulfill any minimum
requirements of the inspection tool to ensure its satisfactory performance.
Principal will define the value of the surface design pressure or surface MAOP,
based on well head closed-in tubing head pressure and calculated production fluid
hydrostatic head in the riser during shut-in conditions.
3. Application of Section 4.3 of API RP 1111 for pressure design of deepwater pipelines
shall be subject to the approval of the Principal:
a. If Section 4.3 of API RP 1111 is applied, all applicable requirements regarding
pressure design according to this code shall apply, including the requirements for
limits on hydrostatic test pressure.

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b. If API RP 1111 is applied for the pressure design of deepwater pipelines, the
maximum negative wall thickness manufacturing tolerance shall be -5 % (Refer to
4. The use of DNVGL-ST-F101 for the design of an offshore pipeline shall be subject to
the approval of the Principal.
a. For the design factors in DNVGL-ST-F101 differ from those in ISO 13623, a
project-specific gap analysis shall be performed.
i. The resolution of gaps identified between DNVGL-ST-F101 and ISO 13623
shall be clearly documented during the SELECT phase.
5. The strength contribution of a liner shall not be included for pressure containment.
6. The strength contribution of metallurgically bonded cladding shall not be included,
unless a robust methodology for calculating such strength distribution is used.
a. The methodology for calculating strength distribution shall be subject to the
approval of the Principal. Other Stresses

Add to this clause:

1. For Do/t less than 10, radial stresses shall be included in the calculation of the
equivalent stress.
2. When radial stresses are considered, the (Von Mises) equivalent stress in Equation (2)
of ISO 13263 shall be replaced with Equation 6.4:

where σr = radial stress, and the other symbols are as defined for Equation (2) in
ISO 13263.
3. The radial and hoop stress shall be calculated from the theory of elasticity for a
pressurised pipe (Lamé equation).
4. The longitudinal stress may be obtained from elastic beam theory.
a. The shear stress may be obtained from the theory of torsion.
5. The equivalent stress thus obtained will vary across the wall of the pipe and shall not
exceed the limits in (Part III,
Rationale: Pipe-in-pipe flowline designs present the additional design
considerations of thermal loading, residual loading due to the installation process,
and load sharing between inner (carrier) and outer (casing) pipes. Carrier pipe
designs tend to be burst-driven and thick walled (D o /t~10), and casing pipe tends
to be less thick (D o /t~20) due to the absence of internal pressure and wall
thickness design typically driven by collapse.
6. The annulus between the pipes for pipe-in-pipe flowline designs is typically assumed to
be at atmospheric pressure, but the appropriateness of this assumption shall be
checked for each project.
a. The risk assessment for the project shall include the possibility of a failure of the
inner pipe that may result in accidental flooding of the annulus and might expose
the outer pipe to higher pressure than designed for.

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6.4.2 Strength criteria General

Add to this clause:

1. If the pipeline is subject to wet sour service, then refer to (Part III, 8.1.2) for additional
pipeline requirements.
2. Under the conditions specified in (Part III,, the use of API RP 1111 or
DNVGL-ST-F101 for deepwater pipelines shall be subject to approval of the Principal. Yielding

Delete second paragraph.

Replace Table 2 Note c with:

c. Refer to (Part III, 6.9) for the description of crossings.
Parallel encroachments are defined as those sections of a pipeline running parallel to
existing roads or railways, at a distance less than 50 m (164 ft).
Replace Table 3 with:
Table 3 Hoop stress design factors Fh for offshore pipelines
Location Fh
General route (see note a) 0.77
Shipping lanes, designated anchoring areas and harbour entrances 0.77
Landfalls 0.67
Pig traps and multi-pipe slug catchers 0.55
Fabricated assemblies (see note b) 0.55
Risers and station piping (see note c) 0.55
a. The hoop stress factor may be increased to 0.83 for pipelines conveying category C and D fluids.
b. Fabricated assemblies include valve assemblies, headers, subsea assemblies, etc., on the platform or in its immediate
vicinity, e.g. within a minimum distance equivalent to the water depth for non-deepwater risers.
c. Because of operational/construction activities, pipelines are more exposed close to platforms. Therefore, the riser
design factor should be applied to a section of pipeline on the seabed adjacent to the platform with a minimum length
equivalent to the water depth for non-deepwater risers or 500 m (1640 ft), whichever is the greater.
d. The distance in c. may be reduced if documented by appropriate risk analysis, subject to Principal approval.

Add after Table 4:

The Principal will specify the design codes to be applied or provide requirements for strain
based or limit state design methods, if allowed by National Authority requirements.

Delete sixth paragraph (after Table 4).

Add to the clause:

1. For Do/t ratios less than 10, σeq should be calculated at the inner and outer wall of the
pipe and the highest value be selected to satisfy the requirements of Equation (5) of
ISO 13263.
a. Alternatively, σeq may be calculated at mid-wall.
2. If calculated at mid-wall, the factor feq in Table 4 shall be reduced to the following
values in Table 4a.

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Table 4a Von Mises mid-wall equivalent stress design factors feq for Do/t ratios < 10
Load Combination feq
Construction and Environmental 0.90
Functional and Environmental 0.81
Functional, Environmental and Accidental 0.90

3. If Section 4.3 of API RP 1111 is applied, then the Von Mises stress checks shall be
performed if the effective axial force is negative (compression).
The effective axial force is defined in section of API RP 1111. If the effective
axial force is not negative, then the Von Mises stress checks do not need to be
Add the following note at the end of this clause:
NOTE: API RP 1111 and/or DNVGL-ST-F101 provide guidance for determining the level of
permissible strain. Buckling

Add the following new clauses: Local buckling

1. Offshore and deepwater pipelines shall be designed to withstand buckling due to a
combination of external pressure and bending of the pipe.
API RP 1111 or DNVGL-ST-F101, as applicable, provides guidance for external
pressure (collapse) design. Buckle propagation
1. In pipelines that might be subject to propagation of a buckle, an assessment shall be
made of the risk of propagation.
a. The spacing of the buckle arrestors, shall be based upon the assessment.
b. The spacing of the buckle arrestors, should take into account the anticipated
pipeline repair method. Restrained (global) buckling
Buried pipelines are restrained against thermal expansion and can therefore develop high
axial compressive loads, which can lead to upheaval and lateral buckling.
1. Refer to DEP for requirements for the assessment of the risk of
upheaval buckling of offshore pipelines and possible mitigating actions prior to or after
pipeline construction.
Experience shows that reeled pipelines are more likely to exhibit residual
Out-of-Straightness (OOS) and are therefore more prone to upheaval buckling
behaviour than pipes installed by the S-lay or J-lay method.
2. DEP may be used to assist with the design of on-land pipelines
against upheaval buckling.
3. The mitigation measures to prevent upheaval buckling shall be specified in the
construction specification.
a. The construction specification shall define the required trench depth, requirement
for minimum cover and maximum allowable out-of-straightness.

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4. Use of a pipe-in-pipe system with bulkheads may be considered to reduce maximum

possible strains and associated buckling risk.
High temperature buried pipelines designed according to a limit state design method,
might yield at restrained sections resulting from the compressive axial stress.
5. The design of pipelines subject to lateral buckling shall be subject to approval by the
Rationale: To verify that the design is appropriate and acceptable. Unburied
pipelines operating in an HPHT environment could be subjected to lateral buckling
rather than upheaval buckling when exposed to thermal expansion.
6. The possibility of (axial) pipeline walking and/or ratcheting shall be addressed during
Rationale: Pipelines operating in an HPHT environment might be subject to pipeline
walking or ratcheting when exposed to thermal load cycles.
7. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for further information on geotechnical considerations
and pipe-soil interaction models on a clay seabed.
Refer to Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe (July 2001, with addenda
through February 2005), issued by American Lifeline Alliance, for other soil types.
8. For seabeds other than clay or specific soil conditions, specialist geotechnical advice
should be obtained. Wrinkling
1. The possibility of wrinkling during installation (e.g. trenchless crossing using a
“push/hammering method”) or operation (e.g., due to high axial compressive loading on
high D/t ratio on-land pipelines) shall be evaluated during design. Fatigue

Add to this clause:

1. For systems experiencing pressure or temperature fluctuations that require a fatigue
assessment, this assessment shall also include a ratcheting fatigue analysis.
This typically applies to short onshore and offshore flowlines. Ovality

Add to this clause:

Ovality might impact several aspects of pipeline design, e.g:
• In the design of offshore pipelines against collapse, where Out-of-Roundness
(OOR) affects the resistance of a pipe to buckling. This is of increasing
importance with greater water depth;
• In the design of welds and the assessment of the fatigue resistance of the weld,
where OOR might cause Hi-Lo in the weld, which is an important factor for
determining the fatigue life (e.g. steel catenary risers);
• Automatic welding systems are commonly used onshore and offshore. These
often use narrow bevels and fitting might be compromised by any inaccuracy of
the pipe end and OOR.
The OOR definition as adopted in some codes, such as API RP 1111, is different from
Equation (6) of ISO 13623 for ovality.

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6.5 Stability
Add to this clause:
1. For offshore pipelines, the one-year return wave and steady state current conditions
should be used for the analysis of stability during the installation phase, where the
installation is anticipated to be completed within a single good weather season in any
one year.
2. Where the installation phase is anticipated to extend throughout or beyond one year,
the five-year return wave should be used.
3. The 100-year environmental return conditions should be used for the analysis during
the operation phase.
Further guidance on pipeline stability analysis for offshore pipelines is available in
4. For on-land pipelines, a detailed stress analysis, based upon pipe soil interaction, shall
be performed for pipelines in areas where additional pipe loads or displacement might
For example, where in weak soils (such as peat or soft water saturated sands), at
dyke or sand dune crossings, and at anchor/thrust block locations (transition from
buried sections subjected to settlement to a fixed structure).
6.6 Pipeline spanning
Add to this clause:
1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for pipeline spans.
6.7 Pressure test requirements
6.7.1 General

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for Pressure testing of pipelines.
6.7.2 Test medium

Add to this clause:

1. Pneumatic tests should not be done.
2. If pneumatic testing is required (e.g., arctic environments or conditions which could
result in freezing of test water), a detailed risk analysis shall be performed prior to
pneumatic testing.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. and CSA Z662-11 for specific requirements and
limitations regarding pneumatic testing.
b. The risk analysis shall be subject to the approval of the Principal.
3. For cases where the import and disposal of test water will require road transportation
from/to the source/disposal area, these cases shall be subject to approval of the
6.7.3 Pressure levels and test duration

Add to this clause:

1. For deep water offshore flowline systems, the use of the normal strength test (i.e.,
without the use of the strength test multiplier) shall be subject to approval by the

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2. Designers of deepwater subsea manifolds and other subsea components shall account
for potentially higher system internal test pressure compared to the required
component test pressure due to hydrostatic effects.
6.8 Other activities
6.8.1 Activities by others

Add to this clause:

1. Pipeline protection requirements against trawl gear interaction shall comply with
DNVGL-RP-F111 Interference with trawl gear and pipelines.
6.8.2 Pipeline cover On-land pipelines

Add to Table 5 note e:

Rocky ground is where excavation requires blasting or rock cutting.

Add to this clause:

1. Any non-buried pipeline sections outside plants shall be justified on an individual basis
and subject to approval of the Principal.
2. Any non-buried pipeline sections shall be installed clear of the ground to prevent
external corrosion.
3. For pipe supports requirements, refer to DEP‑Gen. and Section 6.15 of
ISO 13623. Offshore pipelines

Add to this clause:

1. The section of pipeline within the shore approach shall be buried to a depth that
ensures that exposure due to soil erosion will not take place.
There is otherwise no requirement to trench or bury offshore pipelines, unless necessary in
order to achieve pipeline stability, mechanical protection or thermal insulation or to mitigate
the risk of upheaval or lateral buckling (
Protection against dragging anchors from large ships, particularly in soft soils, requires
relatively deep burial involving dredging before pipelay; it might even be impracticable to
achieve the required depth by dredging.
When the soil properties and the environmental conditions are suitable, the pipeline might
self-bury within an acceptable period of time, eliminating the need for physical burial. The
analysis of the self-burial process is complex and is often based on local
2. Reliance on self-burial shall be subject to the approval of the Principal.
6.9 Crossings and encroachments
6.9.1 Consultation with authorities

Add to this clause:

1. Consultation with land owners, authorities and owners of facilities to be crossed and
putting in place the necessary permits and agreements, can be extensive and therefore
shall be planned accordingly, both in terms of timing and resources required.
2. Requirements related to consultation with authorities shall be addressed during
SELECT where they might impact on the feasibility and/or significant costs of a

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3. All Authority and owner requirements should be established during DEFINE and
specified for the subsequent detailed design, construction and operations activities for
EPC contracts.
6.9.4 Waterways and landfalls

Add to this clause:

1. Minimum cover shall comply with Table 5 of ISO 13263 (Part III, and permitting
2. Consideration should be given to pipeline stability and possible exposure due to scour.
Rationale: Directional drilling is particularly suitable for crossings of major rivers and
waterways; this method can achieve large burial depths, and it is unaffected by
currents and river traffic, and results in less impact on the river. It is also particularly
suitable for landfalls where sea defences have to be crossed and in areas of
environmental sensitivity.
6.9.5 Pipeline/cable crossings

Add to this clause:

1. A minimum vertical separation of 0.3 m (1 ft) shall be kept between the pipeline and
any other buried or underwater structures, e.g., existing pipelines, cables, foundations.
2. Where compaction or movement might occur subsequent to installation, or where
installation accuracy cannot be fully guaranteed, the minimum vertical separation
distance should be increased to 0.5 m (1.6 ft).
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for further guidance.
In some regions of the world, regulatory requirements specify a larger vertical
separation than 0.3 m (1 ft).
6.9.7 Sleeved crossings

Add to this clause:

1. Where the use of sleeved crossings at roads or railways is stipulated by authorities, the
cathodic protection of the pipeline section within the casing shall be evaluated and
mitigation measures put in place.
2. Insulated spacers shall be used to ensure that the pipeline is supported and remains
concentric within the casing pipe throughout its length, thus preventing contact
between the pipeline and casing pipe.
3. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for further requirements for cathodic protection where
protective casings are used.
4. The soil immediately outside the casing shall be compacted to prevent differential
settlement and contact between the pipeline and casing.
6.11 Section isolation valves
Add to this clause:

6.11.1 General
1. Valves that are necessary for the routine operation of the pipeline, such as pig trap
valves, shall not be used as isolation valves.
2. An isolation philosophy which includes operation and maintenance requirements shall
be produced for each project during SELECT.
a. Refer to (8.2) of DEP‑Gen. for isolation requirements.

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b. QRA (Part III, should be used to evaluate the requirement for intermediate
section isolation valves and their spacing for on-land pipelines.
3. Pressure balancing, if required prior to valve opening, should be done using the
operational valves located immediately upstream or downstream of the ESD valve.
4. Three methods of operating section isolation valves may be considered, in order of
a. automatically,
b. remotely,
c. locally.
5. The appropriate method should be determined from a study of the likely effects of a
leak and the need to limit potential spill volumes, based on the total time required to
detect, locate and isolate a leak.
6. Valve closure time shall be specified such that the Maximum Allowable Incidental
Pressures (MAIP) due to pressure surges is not exceeded.
7. ESD valves shall be automatically operated when an emergency shutdown condition
8. Automatically operated valves may be activated by detection of low pressure,
increased flow, rate of loss of pressure or a combination of these, or a signal from a
leak detection system.
9. Low pressure detection shall not be activated if designed to maintain minimum pipeline
10. Automatically operated valves shall be fail-safe to close.
11. Facilities for hook-up of equipment for operational and emergency pipeline
depressurisation shall be available at one end of the pipeline and, for on-land pipelines
transporting category C, D or E fluids, at each section isolation valve location.
12. The capacity of the depressurisation system shall be such that the pressure in the
pipeline can be reduced as rapidly as reasonably practicable (i.e., aligning with
13. For category C, D and E fluids, the material specified for the depressurisation and
repressurisation system shall be compatible with the low temperatures encountered
during depressurisation.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for requirements.
6.11.2 On-land pipelines
1. The spacing of section isolation valves should be derived from an evaluation of the
criticality of the pipeline with regard to the consequences of a leak for public safety and
the environment, and the potential spill volumes.
2. The requirement for isolation valves shall also be addressed for pipelines conveying
liquids where unacceptable spill volumes might occur, such as in sensitive
environmental areas and for pipelines in a mountainous area.
3. For on-land pipelines transporting category C, D or E fluids or category B fluids that are
very toxic (Part I, 1.3.2), remotely operated section isolation valves shall be used in
order to further reduce the impact of a leak.
4. The use of fittings between isolation valves, such as flanges and instrument taps, shall
be avoided.
5. In some situations, e.g., at the downstream side of plants or major river crossings or in
mountainous terrain, a check valve, which is self-actuating, may be used instead of an
isolation valve to prevent backflow.

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6. Check valves should be piggable, either by using a piggable flapper or by allowing the
flapper to be temporarily secured in the open position during pigging operations.
7. Check valves shall not be used to provide isolation for inspection and maintenance.
8. Valves installed within plant boundaries to isolate the plant from the pipeline (used to
prevent escalation of an incident) are referred to as ESD valves and shall form part of
the pipeline or plant.
9. ESD valves shall be located at either end of a pipeline and on the incoming and
outgoing sections at any plant en route, such as compressor or pumping stations.
10. ESD valves shall be located in a non-hazardous area and close to the plant fence.
6.11.3 Offshore pipelines
1. For offshore pipelines containing category B, C, D or E fluids an ESD valve SHALL
[PS] be located at the top of each riser connected to a manned offshore installation.
2. The ESD valve shall be located in a position:
a. in which it can be safely inspected, maintained and tested;
b. such that it is above water;
c. such that its exposure to topside incidents is minimised; and
d. such that the distance from the ESD valve to the base of the riser is as short as
reasonably practicable.
3. The location of the ESD valve shall be included in the QRA assessment.
4. Connections outboard of the ESD valve shall be avoided.
5. For pipelines containing category B, C, D or E fluids and connected to a manned
offshore installation, the benefits of an additional subsea isolation valve (such as
Subsea Isolation Valve (SSIV), Riser Isolation Valve (RIV), Keel or Pontoon Valve)
SHALL [PS] be evaluated as specified in Managing Risks Manual Section of the
HSSE&SP Control Framework and the results included in the documented
demonstration of ALARP.
6. For pipelines containing category B, C, D or E fluids and connected to a manned
offshore installation, the stem of the Subsea Isolation Valve (SSIV), Riser Isolation
Valve (RIV), Keel or Pontoon Valve SHALL [PS] be a one-piece design manufactured
from forged material (this includes bar stock).
7. For pipelines containing category B, C, D or E fluids and connected to a manned
offshore installation using a Subsea Isolation Valve (SSIV), Riser Isolation Valve (RIV),
Keel or Pontoon Valve, the stem or shaft retainer ring or collar of the valve SHALL [PS]
be integral with the stem.
Stem or shaft retention by means of body/stem threads is not allowed.
8. For pipelines containing B, C, D, or E fluids and connected to a manned offshore
installation, the actuator for the subsea isolation valve (such as a riser isolation valve,
keel valve or pontoon valve) SHALL [PS] have a minimum safety factor of 2:1 over the
maximum torque or force required to operate the valve to its fail to safe position, over
its design life, where the maximum torque or force requirement to operate the valve is
taken at the minimum hydraulic pressure.
9. For pipelines containing category B, C, D or E fluids and connected to a manned
offshore installation using a subsea isolation valve (such as Subsea Isolation Valve
(SSIV), Riser Isolation Valve (RIV), Keel or Pontoon Valve), the hydraulic fluid
cleanliness in the system as delivered SHALL [PS] conform to ISO 4406 class level

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10. For offshore pipelines not containing category B, C, D or E fluid and connected to a
manned offshore installation, the risk of harm to people occupying the offshore
installation shall be managed to ALARP as specified in Managing Risks Manual
Section of the HSSE&SP Control Framework and the results included in the
documented demonstration of ALARP.
A “manned installation” is an “installation on which people are routinely
accommodated” and “accommodation is the place where personnel onboard sleep
and spend their off-duty time” as per DEP‑Gen. and ISO 13702.
6.12 Integrity monitoring
Replace first sentence with:
1. Requirements for pipeline integrity monitoring shall be established at the DEFINE stage
in line with DEP‑Gen.
The relevant operating integrity management system will be provided by the Principal.

Add to this clause:

1. The requirements for and type of leak detection and location systems should be
derived from an evaluation of the criticality of the pipeline with regard to the
consequences of a leak, depending on the transported product, the potential volume
released, the sensitivity of the environment and, for on-land pipelines, public safety.
2. A combination of internal and external leak detection methods should be considered to
improve the leak size detection threshold, reduce the time to detect a leak and/or
define the leak location more accurately.
3. The BfD prepared during the SELECT stage shall document the leak detection
philosophy, selection of the detection systems and anticipated sensitivity or accuracy
level (size and location of a leak and time to detect the leak).
4. Requirements for the application of pipeline leak detection systems shall be established
at the DEFINE stage, see (Part III, 13.3.4).
5. In case a Fibre Optic Cable is installed for communication purposes, placement of the
cable next to the pipeline should be considered, enabling it to be used for (future) leak
detection purposes.
6.13 Design for pigging
Add to this clause:
Potential requirements for pigging might include pre-commissioning, commissioning and
decommissioning of pipelines, cleaning (removal of debris), flow assurance (removal of
wax), corrosion control (removal of stagnant water, batch inhibition), control of liquid hold-up
in gas pipelines, internal inspection with intelligent pigs, and pipeline repairs (use of
isolation pigs/plugs).
1. All pipelines, including flowlines, shall be designed to allow pigging including the
running of internal inspection tools.
2. Facilities for launching and receiving pigs should be a permanent part of the pipeline
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for design requirements of permanent pig trap
systems for onshore and offshore pipelines.
A connection for temporary pig traps could be sufficient if it is demonstrated that
pigging is only required on a very infrequent basis and double block and bleed
isolation valves are provided to allow connection of the temporary facilities.
3. The design and installation of temporary pig launching and receiving facilities shall be
subject to review and approval by the Principal.

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4. The maximum distance between pigging stations should be decided on the basis of
anticipated pig wear and the potential quantity of debris to be removed from the
pipeline section.
Intermediate pig trap stations are normally not required. If installed, they are typically
located at (future) pump or compressor stations for on-land pipelines.
5. Barred tees shall be installed at all branch connections with a diameter equal to or
greater than 50 % of the pipeline diameter.
6. Where sphering is anticipated barred tees shall be installed at all branch connections
with a diameter equal to or greater than 25 % of the pipeline diameter.
7. If the use of sphere-type pigs is required, sphere tees may be used to prevent their
hold-up or destruction at barred tees.
8. Sphere tees should have a drainage provision to prevent collection of debris and liquids
which could cause a corrosive environment in the sphere tee annulus.
9. Sphere tees should not be used subsea because of the difficulty of providing this
drainage facility.
10. All ancillary equipment (e.g., corrosion probes) installed on the pipeline shall be flush
mounted with respect to the internal pipe wall.
11. For the design of pipelines, based on the requirements for internal inspection tools:
a. Variations in the internal diameter shall not exceed values which can hinder
pipeline inspection with internal inspection tools;
b. Where sections of different internal diameter are unavoidable, the chamfer angle
at the transition shall not exceed 14 degrees, measured from the axis of the pipe
(i.e., a taper of 1:4);
c. Main line valves shall be specified with a bore equal to the internal diameter of the
d. All main line bends shall have a sufficient radius to allow the passage of internal
inspection tools.
Rationale, Item 11d: Most internal inspection tools are able to pass a minimum of
3 D bends for pipeline diameters of DN 300 (NPS 12) and above, 5 D bends for
pipeline diameters between DN 150 and DN 250 (NPS 6 to 10). For pipeline
diameters below DN 150 (NPS 6), the required bends depend on the pipe internal
bore (7 D to 10 D). This is only indicative and can also be influenced by wall
thickness and extent of out-of-roundness of the pipe.
12. The Manufacturer/Supplier of internal inspection tools should be contacted during the
DEFINE stage, to ensure that the configuration of the pipeline (bend radius, distance
between bends, changes in ID) and pig launchers/receivers are suitable for inspection
13. The use of dual diameter pipelines shall be subject to review and approval by the
Dual diameter pipelines are more frequently used and might be necessary as a
project enabler. Dual diameter pigging during pre-commissioning is also proven to be
14. For isolation of pipelines for operation/maintenance whilst in operation, refer to (Part III,
15. Isolation of the pig trap for launching and receiving pigs shall enable safe operation and
maintenance of the pig trap, without depressurising or decommissioning of the pipeline.

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6.14 Fabricated components

6.14.1 Welded branch connections

Add to this clause:

1. Branch connections shall be designed to ASME B31.8 unless otherwise specified by
National Standards and approved by the Principal.
2. All branch connections (except for pressure relief systems, see (Part III, 5.4), but
including connections for pig signallers) should be provided with a valve to permit
isolation of the branch from the pipeline.
3. Branches or instrument connections on pipelines and pig traps shall be DN 50 (NPS 2)
or larger.
Rationale: Connections smaller than DN 50 (NPS 2) are not to be used for the
mechanical strength reasons recognizing the number of associated historical
failures of these small sized branches/fittings.
4. For pipelines smaller than DN 50 (NPS 2), the branch connections shall have the same
diameter as the pipeline.
a. Weldolets larger than DN 80 (NPS 3) shall not be used.
5. All branch connections greater than DN 50 (NPS 2) on steel pipelines with a specified
yield strength equal to or exceeding 290 MPa (42 ksi) shall be analysed for compliance
with the area replacement requirements of ASME B31.4 or ASME B31.8 (as applicable
based on the fluid category) unless otherwise specified by national standards and
approved by the Principal.
6. Refer to DEP‑Gen. when hot-tapping is used to make welded branch
6.14.4 Pig traps

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the design of pipeline pig trap systems.
6.14.5 Slug catchers Multi-pipe slug catchers

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the design of multiple-pipe slug catchers.
6.14.6 Fabricated assemblies

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to ASME B31.4 or ASME 31.8, as applicable for the fluid category for
requirements for the pipe to flange transition design where flanges are welded to line
pipe having a higher specified minimum yield strength.
2. Threaded connections (pipe to pipe, fittings), slip-on flanges and mitred connections
shall not be used in any part of the pipeline system.
3. Pup pieces should not be less than 0.3 m (1 ft) or one pipe diameter in length,
whichever is longer.

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6.16 Offshore risers

Add to this clause:
1. Options for (i) onshore installation on the platform versus offshore installation with the
platform on location and (ii) type of connection (e.g., welded against flanged) shall be
identified during SELECT and detailed during DEFINE.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the design of risers for non-deepwater
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the generic design and analysis for steel catenary
risers connecting deep water pipelines to floating production systems.
Add new clause:

6.17 Piggyback pipelines

1. Small diameter pipelines (e.g., for transporting glycol to a field) strapped to larger
export lines during installation may be used if the following apply:
a. if the pipelay barge or vessel can install the pipelines simultaneously;
b. if trenching is required, only one trenching run is necessary;
c. the pipelines can be installed in a narrower corridor.
2. When designing piggyback lines, the following should be evaluated:
a. pipelines having a diameter of DN 400 (NPS 16) or more do not need to be
trenched for protection.
b. Adding a piggyback pipeline requires the combined pipelines to be trenched to
protect the smaller line;
c. the larger effective diameter of the piggybacked pipeline needs to be considered
in the stability analyses;
d. the impact of the installation of a piggyback pipeline on the laybarge/vessel
pipelaying speed and burial requirements.
3. The method of trenching shall be evaluated to confirm the suitability of the trenching
equipment for piggyback pipelines (e.g., trenchers that rely on contact with the pipe
might damage the piggyback and are generally unsuitable).
Add new clause:

6.18 Flanged connections

1. The number of flanged connections in pipeline systems should be minimised.
2. In some situations (e.g., offshore pipeline tie-in to a PLEM or a pre-installed riser), the
use of flanged connections might be unavoidable, therefore in such cases one of the
flanges should have a swivel ring to facilitate bolthole alignment.
3. Flanged sub-sea connections for large diameter (> 600 mm (24 in)) fluid category D
and E pipeline systems should be avoided.
a. The connection between pipeline and riser should be by welding.
4. Layout and other requirements for enabling a hyperbaric tie-in of pipeline and riser
during construction should be addressed during DEFINE in consultation with the
designers of the platform structure.

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7. Design of stations and terminals

Add to this clause:
1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the design of onshore stations and terminals.
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the design of offshore facilities.
3. Refer to (Part III, for the routing of pipelines at onshore plants and offshore
8. Materials and coatings
8.1 General material requirements for pipelines and primary piping
8.1.1 Selection

Add to this clause:

1. A material selection report for the pipeline shall be produced during SELECT.
2. For pipelines constructed from non-metallic materials, refer to DEP‑Gen.,
DEP‑Gen., DEP‑Gen., DEP‑Gen. and
The most frequently used pipeline materials are metallic.
Non-metallic materials (e.g., GRP/GRE, RTP, flexible pipe) can be cost effective for
specific applications, especially when the fluid is corrosive.
3. Carbon steel line pipe material may be used in moderately corrosive conditions with
appropriate corrosion allowance, chemical inhibitor injection, corrosion monitoring and
under strictly controlled operating conditions.
4. Corrosion allowances and required chemical inhibition regimes should be determined
following a detailed analysis by corrosion specialists.
Materials able to resist corrosion include duplex stainless steels and carbon steels
with an internal cladding of corrosion resistant alloy.
Requirements and recommendations covering materials selection, corrosion mitigation and
corrosion monitoring for oil and gas systems are provided in DEP‑Gen.
Detailed requirements for equipment selection are provided in DEP‑Gen.

8.1.2 Materials for sour service

Add to this clause:

1. When sour service conditions are foreseen for normal or for upset operating conditions,
carbon and low alloy steels, refer to DEP‑Gen. for requirements (based on
ISO 15156-2), regardless of whether or not the fluid is to be dehydrated.
The requirements of ISO 15156 apply only to pipelines designed within the elastic
stress range.
2. Strain-based designs shall be subject to approval from the Principal during the
SELECT stage of the project.
a. The risk of HIC (stepwise cracking) and stress corrosion cracking shall be
3. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for requirements related to stainless steels and other
corrosion resistant alloys (based upon ISO 15156-3).

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8.1.6 Shear fracture toughness

Add to this clause:

1. The pipe body materials for pipelines carrying category C, D or E fluids SHALL [PS] be
capable of arresting running ductile shear and running brittle failures.
Running ductile shear and running brittle failure resistance is assessed by parent material
Charpy testing and Drop Weight Tear Testing (DWTT), respectively.
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for Charpy and DWTT testing requirements.
3. The Charpy requirements for running ductile fracture SHALL [PS] be assessed in
accordance with API 5L Annex G based on one of the following criteria, in order of
a. Option 1: The Charpy requirements to be assessed in accordance with
API 5L Annex G, clause G7, provided all of the following apply:
i. the content is lean natural gas as defined in (Part III, 5.3, Item 2i);
ii. the maximum allowable operating pressure is less than 80 bar (1160 psi);
iii. the pipe diameter is ≤ 1430 mm (56.3 in);
iv. the wall thickness ≤ 25 mm (1 in).
b. Option 2: The Charpy requirements to be assessed in accordance with
API 5L Annex G, clause G9, provided:
i. the content is lean natural gas that exhibits single-phase decompression
behaviour, rich gases that decompress into the two-phase boundary, and all
other category C or E fluids that are not natural gas, e.g., ethylene, propylene
and CO2;
ii. A full compositional decompression assessment is conducted;
iii. The maximum allowable operating pressures is less than 120 bar (1740 psi),
iv. The pipe grade is ≤ L555 or X80;
v. The pipe diameter to wall thickness ratio ranges from 40 < D/t < 115;
vi. The CVN absorbed energy value derived by this method is less than
100 J (74 ft∙lbf) based on full-size test pieces.
c. Option 3: The Charpy requirements to be assessed in accordance with API 5L
Annex G, clause G11.
4. A full compositional decompression arrest prediction for Charpy running ductile shear
arrest requirements should be carried out for pipelines that carry category C or E fluids
that are not natural gas, e.g., ethylene, propylene, CO2.
5. The final Charpy requirements for line pipe shall be the maximum of the requirements
to prevent running ductile fracture and the requirement for brittle fracture
(IOGP S616 Section 9.8 or relevant annexes).
6. The calculated minimum impact energy values shall be applied to a minimum of three
specimens from each batch of 100 pipes from each heat, rather than the all heat
a. If in a sample of three, a specimen fails to meet the minimum impact energy
value; this may be compensated for by increasing the sample size.
b. Re-testing shall meet the requirements in Table 5.

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Table 5 Acceptable toughness sampling results

No. of No. of results < Jarrest No. of results > Jarrest
3 0 3
5 1 4
9 2 7

8.1.10 Marking

Add to this clause:

1. For pipeline systems consisting of multiple diameters and wall thicknesses,
consideration should be given to marking the line pipe with a colour coding to facilitate
identification during installation.
8.1.13 Reuse of components

Add to this clause:

1. The reuse of components shall be subject to approval by the Principal.
8.2 Line pipe
8.2.1 Carbon steel pipe

Replace this clause with:

Pipelines are commonly constructed with line pipe in steel grades L290 to L485, as defined
in ISO 3183. Lower grades such as L245 and higher grades can be appropriate in some
1. The use of Grades L555 and above shall be subject to the approval of the Principal.
2. Envisaged use of Grades L555, and above, shall have weld qualification testing to
ensure weld strength overmatching.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for ordering requirements for carbon and low alloy
steel line pipe, for the following applications:
i. all offshore pipelines;
ii. all on-land pipelines, except when classified as non-critical service, defined in
(8.2.1, Item 4);
iii. all pipelines designed for sour service;
iv. all pipelines subject to high strain (more than 0.3 % above normal elastic
design limits) during installation and/or service;
v. all line pipe ordered with resistance to ductile fracture propagation.
3. Carbon Steel line pipe for onshore applications classified as non-critical service, and
not addressed above shall be ordered in accordance with ISO 3183 or
API Spec 5L PSL 2, without any amendments.
4. To be classified for non-critical service, all of the following conditions shall be satisfied:
a. the pipeline does not form part of main transportation infrastructure;
b. the fluid transported is non-toxic Category A, B or C;
c. the pipeline has a diameter of DN 250 (NPS 10) or less;
d. the design pressure does not exceed 40 bar (g) (580 psig);
e. the minimum pipeline design temperature is 0 °C (30 °F) or greater.

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5. If the pipeline has been designed with a design factor of 0.5 or lower; then line pipe
may be ordered in accordance with ISO 3183 or API Spec 5L PSL 1 requirements only
for non-hydrocarbon, non-toxic, Category A fluids in low pressure service (not greater
than 20 barg (290 psig) having a minimum design temperature greater than
0 °C(30 °F).
6. HSAW line pipe should be considered for onshore applications under the following
a. the diameter and wall thickness requirements are within the manufacturing range
for HSAW line pipe;
b. exceptions for using are indicated in (Part III, 8.2.1, Item 7).
c. If HSAW line pipe is used, refer to DEP for requirements.
7. HSAW line pipe shall not be used if any of the following are applicable:
a. For sour service operating conditions;
b. The operating conditions require use of batch inhibition for corrosion control;
c. The seam welds are at risk of corrosion due to water drop out.
d. Where strain--based design principles are used.
8. Prior to order placement, the pipe mill and all sources of coil shall be evaluated and
subject to the approval of the Principal.
8.2.2 Stainless steel and non-ferrous metallic pipe

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for welded and seamless duplex and super duplex
stainless steel line pipe.
8.2.3 Carbon steel pipe with stainless steel or non-ferrous metallic layer

Replace first paragraph of this clause with:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for CRA clad (metallurgically bonded) or CRA
(mechanically) lined steel pipe.
2. The base carbon steel line pipe shall conform to the requirements of (Part III, 8.2.1).
Add to this clause:
1. Line pipe mechanically lined with CRA may be considered for on-land pipelines and for
offshore pipelines where installation and operating conditions do not impose high
bending strains (e.g., pipelines installed by towing).
2. Line pipe mechanically lined with CRA may be used for offshore lines installed by S-lay
or J-lay if a qualification program is carried out on the pipe to be used (i.e., of the same
manufacturer, grade (backing steel and liner), diameter and thickness) to ascertain that
the pipe will withstand the maximum bending strain to be encountered during
installation or operation.
3. Mechanically lined pipes should not be used if axial bending strains greater than 0.5 %
might occur during installation or operation.
4. This use of mechanically lined pipe by reeled installation shall be subject to approval by
the Principal.
Rationale: To verify that the use of mechanically lined pipe by reeled installation is
appropriate and acceptable. Mechanically lined pipe has been used for reeled
installation (with internal pressure applied to avoid liner wrinkling during (un)reeling).
Experience is currently limited to a single CRA lined pipe supplier and construction

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5. Unless special clad transition pieces are used, the internal diameter of clad pipelines
shall be constant.
In this context, special clad transition pieces are pieces that combine the use of clad
material with a transition piece (which is normally manufactured from a solid
material). Chamfering will reduce the thickness of the cladding and risks exposing
the carbon steel.
8.3 Components other than pipe
8.3.1 Flanged connections

Add to this clause:

1. The type of gaskets for flanged connections should conform to the following:
a. raised face spiral wound gaskets for all flange classes, including PN 400
(ASME class 2500#), for onshore or above water;
b. ring type joints for all subsea flanges regardless of pressure class.
8.3.2 Bends made from pipe

Add to this clause:

1. The effects of thinning during bending and the effect of the bending process on the
material properties shall be evaluated.
8.3.3 Fittings

8.3.4 Valves

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for onshore pipeline valves.
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for subsea pipeline valves.
8.3.5 Fabricated isolating couplings

Add to this clause:

1. Where required to maintain cathodic protection potentials for external corrosion
protection, pipelines should be electrically isolated from plants, platforms or other
pipelines by means of monoblock isolating joints installed at an accessible location,
such as above ground, in a pit or above water.
2. Isolating joints should be installed in an inclined or vertical position.
3. Isolating joints shall be capable of withstanding mechanical loads resulting from the
adjacent pipework configuration.
4. Isolating joints shall be supported on both sides by sliding supports in order to minimise
bending moments.
5. When the transported fluid is conductive, e.g., oil with high water cut, the length of the
isolating joint required to achieve sufficient electrical isolation may be such that an
internally coated isolating spool is a more cost-effective solution.
6. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for pipeline isolating joints.

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8.3.6 Other components

Add to this clause:

1. Components shall be compatible with the line pipe material in terms of weldability.
a. When specified, components shall conform to the bevel geometry constraints.
2. For Piping materials, refer to DEP‑Gen.
3. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for intrusive type pig signallers.
8.4 Coatings
8.4.1 External coatings Concrete weight coatings

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for concrete weight coatings.
2. Concrete coating thicknesses less than 38 mm (1-1/2 in) should not be used for
concrete applied by the impingement method in combination with cage reinforcement.
3. If thicknesses less than 38 mm (1-1/2 in) are required to satisfy the design
requirements, concrete shall be applied by the compression method and use wire
mesh instead of cages.
a. For such designs the track record of the concrete applicator shall be evaluated.
4. Concrete coating thicknesses less than 25 mm (1 in) shall not be used. Coating for corrosion prevention and thermal insulation

Add to this clause:

1. The selected external coating system shall be compatible with the specified minimum
and maximum operating temperature of the pipeline.
a. For on-land pipelines, within their temperature limitations, either polyethylene,
polypropylene or fusion bonded epoxy powder coating should be used.
b. Due to its poor impact properties, bituminous enamel coating should not be used
for on land pipelines.
c. Bituminous enamel coating may be used for offshore pipeline systems where a
concrete coating is to be applied over the external corrosion coating.
2. Coal-tar coating systems shall not be used in view of the significant health and
environmental impact during application.
3. Resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion shall be evaluated when selecting the
type and thickness of coating for sections of pipelines installed at crossings using
trenchless techniques.
4. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for the requirements for the external coatings for
corrosion prevention:
a. polyethylene or polypropylene coating;
b. fusion bonded epoxy powder coating;
c. bituminous enamel coatings.

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8.4.2 Internal coatings/linings

Add to this clause:

1. Internal coating shall not be used as a means of mitigating internal corrosion because
holidays in the coating cannot be completely avoided.
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for internal flow coating of line pipe for non-corrosive
gas transmission service to reduce friction.
Internal flow coating might be beneficial in limiting corrosion during transit and
storage, facilitating pre-commissioning, reducing pig wear and reducing formation of
Pyrophoric Dust (FeS).
Add new clause:

8.5 Additional materials for construction and operations

1. Material quantities shall be subject to approval of the Principal and take into account
the requirements for additional materials with regard to fabrication allowances,
construction purposes and contingencies.
a. A quantity of line pipe shall be kept in stock for contingency situations and
emergency repairs during the operational phase of a pipeline.
b. Sufficient heavy wall line pipe shall be ordered for the manufacture of all induction
bends including test bends.
i. The order for bends should be included within the purchase order for the line
pipe to ensure consistent material properties of the finished product.
2. The quantities indicated below may be used as guidance:
a. minor route deviations, typically 0.5 % to 1.0 % of the total theoretical length of the
line, should be taken into account;
b. installation contingencies; sufficient pipe should be ordered to allow for
contingencies during installations such as wet buckles in offshore pipelines:
i. as a general guideline, one suspended span length (installed by S-lay or J-lay)
for the deepest water depth should be ordered for wet buckle contingency.
c. Lengths for welding qualifications, coating trials and intelligent pigging calibration.
i. For welding procedure and welder qualifications three joints are required as a
ii. Requirements additional to those in (Part III, 8.5, item 2.c.i) such as coating
trials or intelligent pigging runs should be established.
d. Allowance should be made for the fabrication of temporary testing and installation
i. The Contractor should define (or confirm) the number of joints needed for the
fabrication of temporary testing and contingency heads.
e. Additional line pipe and bends should be allowed for risers, expansion loops, dog
legs or subsea jumpers that are a permanent part of the system.
i. To allow for contingencies during installation, one or more additional risers,
loops or jumpers, should be included if a large number is to be installed.
In deep water and on large projects the costs of spare and contingency materials
can be substantial.
ii. The possibility of using line pipe designated for contingency stock as
installation spares should be considered.

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iii. If the line pipe is used to deal with installation contingencies, then additional
pipe can be ordered immediately after construction to replenish the
operational contingency stock.
9. Corrosion management
9.1 General
Add to second paragraph of this clause:
1. The internal and external corrosivity evaluations and material selection shall be carried
out during SELECT; refer to (Part III, 8.1.1).
Add to this clause:
1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for materials selection, corrosion mitigation and
corrosion monitoring.
9.2 Internal corrosivity evaluation
Add to this clause:
The occurrence and rate of internal corrosion is governed by a variety of process conditions
that include the following:
o corrosivity of the fluid, in particular due to the presence of water combined with
hydrogen sulphide (sour corrosion), carbon dioxide (sweet corrosion) or oxygen.
Temperature and pressure can have a great impact on the corrosion rates;
o velocity of the fluid, which determines the flow regime in the pipeline. In pipelines
transporting fluids containing water, too low velocities lead to settlement of water
which might lead to bottom of pipe internal corrosion, and too high velocities can
increase the overall corrosion rate and also destroy any protective scale or inhibitor
o deposition of solids, which might prevent adequate protection by inhibitors, and can
create anaerobic conditions for the growth of sulphate reducing bacteria.

9.3 Internal corrosion mitigation

9.3.4 Internal coatings or linings

Add to this clause:

1. Internal coatings cannot be relied on for complete prevention of corrosion and should
not be used as a means of mitigating internal corrosion.
2. Internal lining (e.g., thermoplastic liner) may be applied for internal corrosion protection
but will not protect against SSCC or HIC.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for thermoplastic lined pipelines.
9.5 External corrosion mitigation
9.5.3 Cathodic protection

Replace this clause with:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for cathodic protection system for on-land pipelines.
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for cathodic protection system for offshore pipelines.
3. Strain should be avoided in pipelines constructed of duplex, martensitic and high
strength low alloy steels (above L485) and with cathodic protection.

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4. Potentials more negative than –1050 mV, which can occur in impressed current
systems, should be avoided in all situations.
5. The hardness of low alloy bolting material shall be limited to 34 HRC.
10. Construction
10.1 General
10.1.1 Construction plan

Add to this clause after the second paragraph:

1. The construction Contractor shall provide all necessary calculations and procedures to
ensure that the pipeline is installed in a safe and timely manner and with minimum
impact on the environment.
2. The procedures should include the following, as a minimum:
a. For on-land pipelines:
i. safety and environment;
ii. quality assurance;
iii. handling, transportation and storage of materials;
iv. right of way and trenching (including rock blasting if appropriate);
v. stringing and cold bending;
vi. welding and non-destructive testing;
vii. field joint coating;
viii. lowering-in, tie-in and backfilling;
ix. crossings (roads, railways, river, 3rd party pipelines, cables);
x. concrete coatings for river crossings, swamp, wet terrain;
xi. fabricated assemblies, valve stations, pigging stations;
xii. cathodic protection;
xiii. site reinstatement;
xiv. filling, cleaning, gauging and hydrostatic testing;
xv. pre-commissioning;
xvi. permanent markers and barriers;
xvii. preparation of as-built records;
xviii. Whenever possible, in-line pipeline valves should be installed after the
cleaning operations.
Rationale: This is to prevent the ingress of debris and dust into the valve
bodies which may lead to damage of the valve seats and seals.
b. For offshore pipelines:
i. safety and environment;
ii. quality assurance;
iii. handling, transportation and storage of materials;
iv. pipeline installation (laying initiation, normal laying, pipeline abandonment and
recovery, post-installation survey);
v. riser installation;
vi. shore approach;

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vii. Pipeline trenching/burial;

viii. Welding and non-destructive testing;
ix. Field joint coating;
x. Crossings;
xi. Fabricated assemblies, e.g., subsea valve assemblies, pig
xii. Cathodic protection;
xiii. Filling, cleaning, gauging and hydrostatic testing;
xiv. Pre-commissioning and preservation;
xv. Preparation of as-built records;
xvi. Personnel transfer during offshore operations.
10.1.4 Transport and handling of materials

Add to this clause:

1. Measures shall be taken to prevent pipe rolling and ensure stability of line pipe storage.
10.2 Preparation of the route on-land
10.2.1 Site inspections

Add to this clause:

1. Before work starts, a pre-entry record should be made of any existing special features
so that they are adequately reinstated after construction is completed.
10.2.3 Preparation of the working width

Add to this clause:

1. The working strip should be of adequate width to ensure efficiency and safety during
construction; the recommended width ranges from 15 m to 30 m (50 to 100 ft),
depending on the type of terrain and the pipe diameter.
a. Requirements for access along the right of way should be considered when
determining the working width strip.
2. Where applicable, and prior to grading, the topsoil and any existing special features
should be removed from the working strip and stored for reinstatement on completion
of the pipeline installation.
10.2.4 Blasting

Add to this clause:

1. Blasting shall not be carried out within 20 m (65 ft) of any existing above ground or
buried pipeline or structure.
2. Blasting shall not be carried in any location where possible danger exists to the general
public, property, existing utilities or other structures.
3. Where blasting is to be carried out 20 m (65 ft) or more from any existing above ground
or buried pipeline or structure, this shall be based on a procedure for controlled blasting
that details safety precautions (e.g., break holes, slit trenches.) to safeguard the
existing facilities.
a. The blasting procedure shall be subject to approval by the Principal prior to
commencement and performance of a trial blast.

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4. Where blasting is carried out between 20 m (65 ft) and 50 m (165 ft) from any exiting
above ground or buried pipeline or structure, ground vibration shall be continuously
monitored with certified instruments.
5. Peak particle velocities near existing facilities should be kept to a minimum.
6. Peak particle velocities shall in no case exceed 10 mm/s (0.03 ft/s).
10.4 Welding and joining
10.4.1 Welding standard

Replace this clause with:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for welding of carbon steel pipeline systems, except
a. refer to DEP‑Gen. for welding of deepwater pipelines, flowlines and
steel catenary riser systems or if specified by the Principal when regulatory
requirements require compliance with API 1104.
2. Welding qualifications, for both the procedure and the welders, should be carried out
under actual field conditions.
3. Refer to ( for welding and hot-tapping on pressurised pipelines.
10.4.2 Weld examination

Replace first paragraph of this clause with:

1. Examination of welds in pipeline systems shall be performed in accordance with the
applicable welding standard; refer to (Part III, 10.4.1).
Replace second and third paragraphs of this clause with the following:
2. All welds SHALL [PS] be examined by radiography or ultrasonics.
Add to fourth paragraph of this clause:
3. Weld defect acceptance criteria shall be established by an Engineering Criticality
Assessment (ECA) if the equivalent stress limits of ( are exceeded, e.g., due to
the application of strain-based design methods, or when the pipeline or riser is
subjected to significantly cyclic loads and subject to approval by the Principal.
4. Acceptable weld defects shall not exceed the limits in the base welding standards (see
If an ECA is needed, additional testing may need to be performed during the Welding
Procedure Qualification to provide the necessary inputs for the ECA analysis and
meet the requirements of the applicable standards (e.g., Appendix A to API 1104).
10.4.3 Joining other than welding

Add to this clause:

1. Assembly of flanged joints shall comply with 3.12 of DEP‑Gen.
2. Hydraulic bolt tensioning equipment shall be used to make flanged connections for all
subsea flanged connections and other critical applications, as agreed between the
Contractor and the Principal.
3. Subject to approval by the Principal, the use of mechanical interference fit connectors
instead of welding may be considered for specific on-land pipeline applications.

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10.5 Coating
10.5.1 Field joint coating

Add to this clause:

1. Field joint coating shall be compatible with the external coating system applied to the
line pipe.
a. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for field joint coatings.
2. For on-land pipelines, heat shrink sleeves shall be used as the field joint coating, refer
to DEP‑Gen.
For offshore pipelines, there is a variety of field joint coating materials suitable for
shallow water or deep water applications.
3. Pre-qualification tests shall be performed by the installation Contractor.
4. Subject to approval of the Principal, these pre-qualification tests may be omitted
provided documented evidence is available for similar coating applications e.g. for a
relevant pipe size, coating system and application method.
5. Special care should be taken if the pipe will be subjected to high strains due to small
stinger radii or to the reeling installation process.
10.6 Installation of on-land pipelines
10.6.2 Field pipe bends

Replace second paragraph with:

1. The minimum bend radius should not be less than 40 DN (NPS 1-1/2).
Add new clause:

10.6.10 Installation in areas of swamp

1. Two methods that may be considered for the installation of pipelines in swamps are as
a. the flotation method, where the pipeline is laid from a barge moving through a
channel cut along the right of way;
b. the push-pull method, where the ditch is dug by a lightweight track-driven
excavator and the pipeline, fitted with buoyancy tanks if necessary, is pulled along
the ditch and sunk. This method is preferred in environmentally sensitive areas.
10.7 Installation of offshore pipelines
10.7.1 Marine operations Anchors and station-keeping

Add to this clause:

1. Construction vessels using anchors shall use an Anchor Management System that
allows the positions of all equipment on the seabed, and of the vessel, anchors and
anchor handling tugs carrying anchors to be monitored.
a. The Anchor Management System shall be subject to approval by the Principal.

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10.7.3 Pipe laying

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for requirements for all DP vessels and DP operations.
2. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for requirements for all marine construction vessels,
including all ancillary and support vessels (e.g., survey vessels, tugs, supply vessels,
pipe haul vessels/barges).
3. The laybarge shall have tensioners capable of withstanding the worst probable case
loading, such as loads from currents and flooded pipe, plus a margin of 25 %.
4. The laybarge shall be fitted with a quick abandonment system capable of safely
abandoning the pipeline:
a. Abandonment and recovery systems shall be capable of lowering and raising the
pipeline safely to or from the seabed at the maximum calculated tension (as
calculated for tensioner capacity.
5. If S-lay is used clearance shall be maintained between the pipeline and the last roller,
with continuous video monitoring of the clearance or the last roller fitted with load
measurement devices with continuous load measurement.
6. To prevent loss of tensioner capacity and anode damage, anodes shall have an outside
diameter equal to that of the adjacent concrete coated pipes.
7. To mitigate the consequences of possible tensioner failure, the following shall be
a. fail safe tensioner system that will lock the line in case of system failure;
b. a secondary retention system;
c. redundant tensioner hydraulic/electrical systems (controls and supply) that make
tensioner failure very improbable.
8. Floating stingers should not be longer than 60 m (200 ft).
9. An installation analysis shall be conducted, and procedures prepared detailing all
equipment, step-by-step activities. and cover all aspects of the installation, from regular
installation to contingency operations.
For deepwater projects an initial assessment of installability (vessel requirements
including tension capacity) is performed to confirm feasibility, which is typically done
the ASSESS phase. For offshore projects a preliminary installation analysis is
performed during the DEFINE phase and further detailed by the EPC Contractor
during EXECUTE.
10. The equipment to be tested on mobilisation should include, as applicable:
a. anchor winches;
b. pipe tensioners;
c. abandonment and recovery winches;
d. pipe straighteners;
e. navigation/positioning equipment.
Modern DP installation vessels often have a high utilization and have planned
maintenance systems for all equipment.

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11. For every pipe the buckling behaviour shall be checked, and an assessment made of
the risk of introducing a detector into the pipeline.
Rationale: Buckle detectors are of importance for the laying of medium to large
diameter pipelines with high D/t ratios that are prone to elastic buckling. For small
diameter pipelines with low D/t ratios that will buckle in the plastic mode, buckle
detectors can be a hazard to the installation, especially in deep water.
12. Contractor shall evaluate the possibility of wet buckles during installation.
13. Contractor shall have procedures, personnel and equipment available that will permit
pipe repairs for the entire range of water depths.
a. Contractor should demonstrate that the required equipment can be mobilised to
site and be operational within 30 days of a wet buckle incident occurring.
Repairs could require diverless wet buckle recovery tools.
14. For CRA solid, clad or lined pipelines (both onshore and offshore), the installation
Contractor shall have on-site procedures, personnel, equipment, chemicals, vessels
(for offshore pipelines), for dewatering and chemical treatment to avoid pitting corrosion
of pipe wall in case of an unplanned ingress of (sea) water.
10.7.6 Backfilling

Add to this clause:

1. To prevent the pipeline from floating and to avoid that the required burial depth is not
achieved, the Contractor shall ensure that the specific gravity of the fluidised backfill
material is less than the effective specific gravity of the pipe.
Add new clause:

10.7.10 Minimum requirements for diving operations

1. All diving operations shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the
Principal’s project diving specifications.
10.8 Cleaning and gauging
Replace second paragraph of this clause with:
1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for cleaning and gauging requirements.
2. Cleaning and gauging shall be performed prior to hydrotesting.
10.10 Construction records
Add to this clause list:
Changes to original design, with reasons.
o Pipe tally giving the size, grade, wall thickness, identification number, coating
details, and location of each pipe joint used during construction.
o Non-conformance reports and remedial actions taken.
o Pigging records.
11. Testing
11.1 General
Add to this clause:
1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for testing requirements.

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12. Pre-commissioning and commissioning

12.1 General
Add to this clause:
1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for pre-commissioning requirements.
12.3 Drying procedures
Add to this clause:
1. The pipeline should be dewatered and, if necessary, dried in a manner compatible with
the required service.
a. Drying shall be evaluated if the pipeline is designed to transport dehydrated fluids,
or if the dewatering operations are carried out long before commissioning.
b. The appropriate drying technique should be derived from an analysis of product
specification requirements (in terms of water content) and the risks of corrosion
and hydrate formation during pipeline commissioning and operation.
Drying techniques include methanol or glycol swabbing, air or nitrogen drying and
vacuum drying, or a combination of these techniques. Vacuum drying or super
dry air drying is normally used when high levels of dryness are required.
c. Consideration should be given to the removal of water in voids in valves and
fittings when planning a drying operation.
2. Drying of CRA lines should not be required.
3. The line shall be dewatered after hydrotest and filled with an inert medium such as
For on-land pipelines a nitrogen pressure of at least 1 bar above the maximum
external pressure at any location along the pipeline is typically adopted.
For offshore pipelines a nitrogen pressure of at least 1 barg at the top of the riser is
typically adopted.
Rationale: To prevent pitting corrosion of the pipe wall.
12.5 Documentation and records
Add to this clause list:
o Number of runs, with type of pigs;
o quantity and type of debris recovered during each run;
o record of any damage or excessive wear of the pigs;
o drying records, including certificate of dryness.
13. Operation, maintenance and abandonment
13.1 Management
13.1.1 Objectives and basic requirements

Replace first paragraph with:

1. An integrity management system shall be established and implemented to ensure safe
and reliable operation of the pipeline system in line with DEP‑Gen.

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13.1.8 Records

Add to this clause:

1. Hand-over documentation shall include the design, materials, construction and
pre-commissioning records, agreements, permits and authorisations related to the
pipeline system, plus a pipeline operating and maintenance manual to be prepared
during the Execute phase of the project.
a. The manual should cover the range of key operating conditions that are envisaged
for the entire pipeline life span, and the operating envelope for which the pipeline
is designed.
b. The manual should be compatible with any operational and maintenance practices
already in place.
13.3 Maintenance
13.3.4 Leak detection and surveys

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to API RP 1130 and API RP 1175 for requirements and recommendations for
pipeline leak detection systems (based on Computational Pipeline Monitoring for
Liquids) and program management.
a. Refer to DNVGL-RP-F302 for guidance regarding Offshore leak detection.
13.3.7 Pipeline and piping repairs and modifications General

Add to this clause:

1. Onshore and shallow water pipeline repairs during operation shall be addressed by the
relevant operating integrity management system.
2. Any repair of pipelines during construction shall meet the requirements of the
construction specifications. Draining

Add to this clause:

1. Draining of the pipeline by gravity alone shall not be permitted, as this can result in a
broken liquid column that can seriously affect the pressure needed to propel pigs
through the line due to the accumulation of multiple static heads. Hot work

Add to this clause:

1. Refer to DEP‑Gen. for welding on pressurised pipelines.

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Annex A. Records and documentation

Add to list a):

A functional description of the pipeline, in the form of a process engineering flow scheme,
showing all operational, safety and instrumentation features (pig-traps, valves, fitting,
instruments, alarms and shut-down logics, pressure and flow controls).
o A physical description of the pipeline (route including major features along the
route, line pipe characteristics including corrosion allowance, coatings, supports,
burial details, crossings, cathodic protection, equipment drawings).
o A description of the key operating parameters (specification of the transported
fluid, ranges of pressure, temperature and flow, design life, corrosion
management including materials design philosophy, expected corrosion rates and
inhibition requirements, design environmental conditions).
o The inspection and condition monitoring requirements of all parts of the pipeline
(route surveys, external and internal corrosion surveys, valves and instrument
checks, cathodic protection).
o Requirements for special operations such as start-up and shut-down, conditioning
for prolonged shut-down, liquid hold-up control that may be required before
o Pigging requirements (type of pigs, frequency) for the foreseeable operating
conditions, explaining the purpose, e.g. cleaning, corrosion control, liquid hold-up
control, including criteria for adjustment.
o Identification of the risks associated with the pipeline and the means taken to
minimise them.
Add to list b):
o Line leak/break detection and contingency plan, including roles and
responsibilities of personnel, list of emergency equipment and contingency
materials, and repair procedures of all parts of the pipeline.

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Annex C. (informative) Pipeline route selection process

Add new clause:

C.5 Building proximity distances

The following methodology, based on PD 8010 requirements in the UK, and is provided for
initial planning/guidance purposes only. It does not replace a requirement to perform a
Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA). Adopting a QRA approach would typically reduce the
building proximity distance, recognising the low probability of failure for pipelines.
1. For the purpose of initial pipeline routing, the following formulae provide a first estimate
for the minimum distance between the pipeline and normally occupied buildings.
2. Pipelines having a design factor not exceeding 0.72.

Table C.1
Fluid Category Fluid Factor
A and B Q = 0, i.e., there is no minimum distance
requirement except for access during construction
and operations
C Q = 0.3 for all fluids

D Q = 0.5 for methane (Natural Gas)

E Q = 0.8 for ethylene
Q = 1.0 for liquefied petroleum gas
Q = 1.25 for natural gas liquids
Q = 0.45 for hydrogen
Q = 2.5 for ammonia

Note: Formulae above are in SI units. When using USC units, these should be converted to SI
before applying the formulae.
3. Fluids not specifically mentioned in Table C.1 should be given the fluid factor most
closely similar in hazard potential to those quoted.

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In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications:
Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used,
together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.

DEP DEP feedback form

DEP Definition of temperature, pressure and toxicity levels

DEP Metallic Materials – Prevention of Brittle Fracture in New Assets

DEP Welding on pressurised pipes (amendments/supplements to


DEP Cathodic protection design, installation, and commissioning

(amendments and supplements to ISO 15589 1:2003)

DEP Cathodic protection systems for subsea pipelines and hardware
(amendments/supplements to ANSI/NACE SP0607-2007/
ISO 15589-2)

DEP Pipeline transportation systems – Pipeline valves

(amendment/supplements to ISO 14313)

DEP Piping classes

DEP Piping - Engineering and layout requirements

DEP Piping - Process design requirements

DEP Piping - Pipe stress analysis requirements

DEP Pipe supports

DEP Shop and field fabrication of piping

DEP Hot-tapping on pipelines, piping and equipment

DEP Pipeline and subsea integrity – Design and construction

DEP Riser design

DEP Design of multiple-pipe slug catchers

DEP Design of pipeline pig trap systems

DEP Analysis of spans for submerged pipelines

DEP Upheaval buckling of pipelines

DEP Pipeline engineering – reliability-based limit states methods

(amendments/supplements to ISO 16708:2006)

DEP Glass-fibre reinforced plastic pipeline and piping systems

DEP Flexible composite pipe systems

DEP CRA clad or lined steel pipe (amendments/supplements to

API Spec 5LD)

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DEP Welded and seamless duplex and super duplex stainless steel line
pipe (amendments/supplements to API Spec 5LC)

DEP Line pipe for critical service (amendments/supplements to

ISO 3183:2012 and API SPEC 5L 45th edition)

DEP Selection and design of thermoplastic and composite pipeline

materials for onshore use

DEP High density polyethylene pipelines and piping systems for oilfield

DEP Pipeline isolating joints (amendments/supplements to

ISO 15590-2:2003)

DEP Pig signallers: Intrusive type

DEP Concrete coating of line pipe (amendments/supplements to

ISO 21809-5)

DEP External polyethylene and polypropylene coating for line pipe
(amendments/supplements to ISO/DIS 21809-1:2009)

DEP Thermoplastic lined pipelines

DEP Internal coating of line pipe for non-corrosive gas transmission
service (amendments/supplements to ISO 15741)

DEP External field joint and rehabilitation coating systems for line pipe

DEP Hydrostatic pressure testing of new pipelines

DEP Pre-commissioning of pipelines

DEP Safety instrumented systems

DEP Vessel integrity, marine systems – Requirements for selection and
operation of vessels (endorsement of DNV RP-H104)

DEP Design of offshore temporary refuges

DEP Subsea pipeline valves (amendments/supplements to ISO 14723)

DEP Generic design and analysis for steel catenary risers and catenary
umbilical systems for offshore structures

DEP Pipe-soil interaction on a normally consolidated clay seabed

DEP Welding of deepwater pipelines, flowlines and risers

(amendments/supplements to API 1104)

DEP Offshore pipeline and umbilical/cable crossings

DEP Unbonded flexible pipe for offshore applications

(amendments/supplements to ISO 13628-2, 13628-11)

DEP Dynamically positioned (DP) vessels for construction,

drilling/completion/well intervention activities – Selection and

DEP Selection of materials for life cycle performance (upstream

facilities) – Materials selection process

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DEP Selection of materials for life cycle performance (upstream

facilities) – Equipment

DEP Welding of pipelines and related facilities

DEP Shop and field pressure testing of piping and process systems

DEP Layout of onshore facilities

DEP Layout of offshore facilities

DEP Relief devices – Selection, sizing and specification

DEM1 Shell HSSE & SP Control Framework, Design Engineering Manual

DEM 1 – Application of Technical Standards .


API STD 1104 Welding of pipelines and related facilities

API RP 1111 Design, construction, operation, and maintenance of offshore

hydrocarbon pipelines (limit state design)

API RP 1130 Computational Pipeline Monitoring for Liquids

API RP 1175 Pipeline Leak Detection – Program Management

API SPEC 5L Specification for Line Pipe

ASME B31.4 Pipeline transportation systems for liquid hydrocarbons and other

ASME B31.8 Gas transmission and distribution piping systems

Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe Published by

American Lifelines Alliance


CSA Z662-11 Oil and gas pipeline systems


NEN 3654 Mutual influence of pipelines and high-voltage circuits


IOGP S-616 Supplementary Specification to API Specification 5L and

ISO 3183 Line Pipe

ISO 3183 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Steel pipe for pipeline
transportation systems

ISO 27913 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage

Pipeline transportation systems

ISO 13702 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Control and Mitigation of
Fires and Explosions on Offshore Production Installations
Requirements and Guidelines

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ISO 13623:2017 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Pipeline transportation


ISO 15156-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Materials for use in
H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production – Part 2:
cracking-resistant carbon and low alloy steels, and the use of cast

ISO 15156-3 Petroleum, and natural gas industries – Materials for use in
H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production - Part 3:
cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other


DNVGL-ST-F101 Submarine pipeline systems

DNVGL-RP-F104 Design and operation of CO2 pipelines

DNVGL-RP-F109 On-bottom stability design of submarine pipelines

DNVGL-RP-F111 Interference with trawl gear and pipelines

DNVGL-RP-F302 Offshore Leak Detection

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