Urology Summary
Urology Summary
Urology Summary
summary 5th year
Done by: Haya Yanes, Printed & modified by: Amal Awwad,
Leen Al-Saheli, samia simrin Fatima messad
Renal tumors:
• Parenchymal Mass • Pelvi-calyceal System
Metanephric Blastema (embryology) Cloacal Membrane
Adenocarcinoma / RCC (M.C. Tumor) * Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Radical Nephrectomy (M.C. Surgery) * Nephroureterectomy & bladder cuff
* After knowing the origin of the mass you have to determine whether it's Benign
/Malignant… there's NO specific investigation that Can tell you.. so you have to
consider it Malignant Until Proven otherwise.
Note that Parenchymal Masses :
1- Benign
a. Adenoma: very small <3cm, Asymptomatic, Originates from PCT
b. Angiomyolipoma: hamartomas that appear in child bearing female, associated
with Tuberous Sclerosis.
- Found incidentally on U/S or CT, but in 10% of cases may Present with Massive
retroperitoneal bleeding leading to patient collapse
- Only beign mass can be distinguished On CT scan ( Fat Containing Tissue).
-It's Very vascular so embolization of feeding Artery Can be the treatment.
If tumor < 4 cm & Asymptomatic. → Observe
But If > 4 cm → excise
* Masses can be Solid or Cystic (MC), screen Initially with US, confirm with
Contrasted CT scan.
For cystic masses, we have Bosniak Classification:
1) 0% are malignant. No enhancement of contrast,
2) 0% are malignant (Cyst with minimal Separation) No hyper vascularity
A) radical Prostatectomy: confined to Prostate (T1-T2) No N or M Involvement.
when PSA ≤20, moderate differentiation (Life expectancy >10, (T1-T2))
Complications: Urinary Incontinence, Impotence, erectile dysfunction, reduce
Penis length, Lymphedema, bladder neck stenosis, obturator N Injury.
B) Waiting & Observe: 89 yr old Pt, ↑ PSA; gleason 10, low life expectancy <10 yrs
C) Active Surveillance (DRE/6 months & Biopsy every year): waiting for
Progression, Pt with LUTS, with BPH, then biopsy comes to be malignant.
D) Hormonal, GnRH agonist with radio: If Mets give continuous dose of GnRH.
*Open Prostatectomy is contraindicated.
* PC is Almost Always Adenocarcinoma (glandular tissue)
* PC extend to Iliac LN
Bladder CA:
Specific gravity 1.005-1.025 + osmolality 300-1,090 MOSM/Kg
* It's 2nd M.C urological Malignancy, M.C in white males around the age of 80.
* RF: Smoking (most important), drugs like phenacetin & Cyclophosphamide.
Tumor spread: Direct extension: detrusor muscle, urethral orifices; prostate.
:Lymphatic infiltration Iliac & Para-aortic LN
: Hematogenous spread: Lung, liver, bone, Adrenals.
:Implantation Into wounds / Percutaneous Catheter...
Histological grading (differentiation):
G1 (well differentiated), G2 (Moderately), G3 (Poorly, high grade).
Staging (T stage)
-Tis / CTS (Not invading Basement mem.)
-Ta noninvasive Papillary Carcinoma
-T1 subepithelial Connective tissue
-T2 Invasion to muscularis propria, Detrusor
-T3 Invasion to perivesical fat
-T4 invasion to other organs
Hx: Painless Macroscopic total hematuria, LUTS, recurrent UTI & Pneumaturia
(Colovesical Fistula) LL swelling (lymph. /veinous Obstruction).
PE: Suprapubic Mass (T4), Bimanual exam in ♀ &, DRE (mass above or Involving
Prostate), Pallor (due to anemia).
Investigations: CT urography, Urine Cytology +ve in CIS specific, TURBT (Dx &Tx).
**If Biopsy-Proven Muscle-Invasive Bladder CA → Staging Investigation (CT, MRI,
bone scan)
1) TCC urothelial Carcinoma (90%): Single or multifocal - Superficial or muscle-
Invasive, M.C. in the Floor (>Carcinogen exposure)
a. Papillary (GI / G₂) 2 Ta(Mucosa / Superficial) T1 (Sub mucosa)
b. Solid/Mixed (G3) 50% are Muscle-Invasive.
c. CIS/G3 (Poorly Differ.): Confined to epithelium, aggressive 100% + urine
2) SCC: Solid, ulcerative (Muscle-Invasive ), Associated with Smoking,
- Can be due to: Bladder stones, Catheters
- bilharzial has better prognosis than non-bilharzial.
C. Other tests:
1. Cystoscopy: complications: Infection, Bleeding, urinary retention (Cath),
burning on voiding, Urinary frequency.
2. Needle Biopsy: Percutaneous US guided (for DX & Tx)of renal Diseases.
Urinary stones:
1- Calcium Ca+ oxalate (80%) : MC type of stones. Radiopaque.
RF: hypoait raturia, Crohn's and V c abuse.
Can be caused by: hypercalcemia (PTH) hypercalciuria hyperoxaluria OR
Idiopathic. Treatment: thiazide, citrate.
2- Ca Phosphate: (↑ PH) can be caused by distal renal tubular acidosis type 1 due
to Hypercalciuria, hypokalemin ↑ PH 75.5, Metabolic Acidosis (Radiopaque mc)
Treatment: Thiazide.
4- Uric acid: low PH, radiolucent, mcc hyperuricemia (gout) and leukemias (cell
Treatment: alkalinzation of urine and treat the cause.
failure to store urine due to Abnormal bladder SMCs or deficient sphincter, ectopic
ureter causes total incontinence.
A. Bladder Abnormalities: filling phase defect.
1-Detrosor Overactivity: Neurological Problem (Spinal Cord Injury, radical
hysterectomy, radiation Cystitis)
2-Low Bladder Compliance: decreased Volume to Pressure relationship of bladder.
Caused by (chronic Catheterization, Prostatic Obstruction or Increased Collagen
die to cystitis)
B. Sphincter Abnormalities:
1-Urethral hypermobility: weakness of Pelvic floor muscle (Bladder neck will
descend with Proximal urethra causing urinary leaking)
2-Intrinsic sphincter Deficiency: due to malfunction regardless it's Position
Caused by: Surgery, aging, radical pelvic surgery, menopause, Child birth
**RF: F>M, Collagen Anomalies, Obesity, Smoking, UTI, Aging, decreased mobility,
Prostate / Pelvic Surgery, genetic Predisposition, Neurological Disorder
1-Stress (Recurrent UTI is not RF in it): Urine leak with exertion, Sneezing, cough;
Due to hyper-mobility of the bladder and intrinsic sphincter deficiency
2-Urge: Leakage with Sudden Strong desire to void urine; due to detrosor
instability neurogenic bladder
3-Mixed: Stress and urge UT
4-Overflow: Due to chronic Urinary retention (BOO; bladder outlet obstruction)
5-Functional: Normal Voiding System but have difficulty to reach toilet
6-Total: Constant leakage during day & night
0→ Incontinence without clinical sign
1→ leakage during stress & Descend of bladder <2 am of symphysis pubis
2→ leakage during stress & Descend of bladder >2 am of symphysis pubis
3→ Bladder Neck & Proximal urethra is ofened" (During rest)
**Hx: ask abut LUTS, tiggers for incontinence (coughing, sneezing, exercise,
position, urgercy)
**PE: -examine Abdomen for Palpable bladder (chronic retention)
-Ask Pt to cough/sneeze & inspect for Prolapse & Urinary leakage
**Investigation: Urinalysis, Bld test, X-ray, Cystoscopy, uroflow test
Bladder Diaries (record frequency, volume of urine voided, Incontinence Episodes)
**Management: Tx of Overactive bladder (OAB):
-Conservative management → Pelvic floor exercise, modify fluid Intake, avoiding
Stimulants: caffeine, Alcohol
- Medication To inhibit Contraction: TCA, desmopressin (ADH), GABA agonist.
-Injection of botulinum Toxin
-Surgery (Defrosor myectomy) to ↑ functional blader capacity
**Tx of choice for stress Incontinence is Surgery (But) for urge Incontinence
medical Tx usually successful
UTI classification:
1- Upper UTT:
A. Acute Pyelonephritis:
Hx: Flank Pain and tenderness, fever, chills and high WBC (one or both kidneys)
-Causes: 80% due to E-coli -> Strep fecalic, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudom
-RF: DM, Pregnancy, Tract Onstruction, Catheter, VUR
-Investigation: Urinalysis, CBC, Cr, Bld Culture (Immuno decreased in Pt)
1-Fever /Not Systemic ill, give Flauroquinolones, Bacterin (10-14 D.)
2-Systemic ill: IV Fluid & Antibiotics then switch to oral agents for 14 D.
Used for: Complicated Infection, Persistent V, extremes of age, failure of OPT.
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis: rare severe form, usually occur in DM Patient &
Precipitated by obstruction, characterized by high Fever & Abd. Pain (Intrarenal
gas seen on CT scan) Pts. are very unwell with ↑ mortality rate.
Scrotal Pathologies:
1-Testicular Torsion:
-Mostly in Left testis, gold period to refer is 6 hs (cause Irreversible Ischemia)
-Hx: sudden testicular pain.
-PE: Doppler US, Radio-Isotope scan (Most sensitive).
Tx: surgical exploration and detorsion within 6 hs.
2-epididymo-orchitis (Inflammation of testis & epididymis):
-Acute <6w. If chronic there's Pain but no swelling.
-In Male <35 yrs→ caused by; N. gonorrhea, C. Trachomatic.
-In children & Older men caused by→E-coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudom.
-DX: Doppler US & Radio-Isotope scan.
-Tx: Analgesia & scrotal elevation, then according to grade:
Low→Oral Antibiotic high→ IV Abx. (Flouroquinilone, cephalosporin))
- Complication: Infertility, Acute hydrocele, recurrence
Testicular Torsion Epididymo-Orchitis
-Age btw 10-30 (Peak 14) -In rexually-active men from uti
-Sudden Pain (hemiscrotum) - Sudden /gradual Pain
** Associated with Nausea ** No Nausea
** Wakes Pt from sleep ** less severe Pain
-Hx of Minor trauma to testis -Hx of wethritis, LUTS, STD
-Swollen, tender, high riding testis -epididymis swollen, tender, Painful
-Abscent Cremasteric reflex -Relieved by elevation
-Not relieved by scrotal elevation.
*If there is an early morning erection, then we rule out organic causes.
*An organic cause usually has a gradual onset.
*Erection is caused by Parasympathetic Stimulation.
*Ejaculation and detumescence (loss of erection) caused by stimulation.
-Mechanism of erection:
-expansion of sinusoidal spaces against tunica Albugica (in corpus Covernosum) this will
decrease Venous outflow & trapping blood within the erect Penis.
-this happens under effect of NO, CGMP -> vasodilation & muscle relaxation.
* During ejaculation; alkaline prostatic secretion is discharged 1st followed by Spermatozoa &
finally seminal vesicle secretions, ejaculate Volume is 2-5 mL
erectile Impotence: Persistent Inability to achieve or maintain an erection.
*Inflammatory: Prostatitis.
*Mechanical: Peyronie's disease.
*Psychological: Depression, anxiety, stress & mcc.
*Occlusive: HTN, Smoking, DM, DVD, hyperlipidemia.
*Trauma: Pelvic fracture, spinal cord Injury, Penile trauma.
*Neurogenic: MS, Parkinson, multisystem atrophy, Alcohol related.
*Chemicals: Antidepressant. Statin, Anxiolytic, Anti-Parkinson.
*Endocrine: hypogonadism, hyper Prolactin, hyper /hypo-thyroid.
-not a normal aging process >> complete erectile dysfunction
-PE: DRE (Assess Prostate), external genitalia exam. (Penile lesion, testicular exam)
Bulbocavernous reflex (test Integrity of spinal Segment).
-Investigations: PSA, glu, testosterone, FSH, LH, Prolactin, TFT, color Doppler US.
[1] First Line:
a-PDE5 Inhibitor (Sildanafil)
•Blocks breakdown of CGMP (maintains erection)
•Contra. in Nitrates, stroke Pt recent MI
b-Vacuum erection device (↑ Bld flow to Corpora Cavernosuim)
c-Intraurethral Therapy → Injection of PGE5 (cGMP)
[2] Second Line: intracavernosal therapy of PGE 1
[3] Third Line: Penile Prosthesis (Implanted into corpora to provide Penile rigidity)
Retrograde ejaculation: Failure of adequate bladder neck contraction resulting
in Propulsion of sperm, back into the bladder on ejaculation.
-Presentation: Dry ejaculation, Claudy urine containing sperm after 1st Void
(following intercourse)
- Causes: Neurological, DM, Spinal Cord Injury, &-Blocker (tamsulosin), TURB or
-Investigation: Presence of >10-15 sperm Per hpf in urine
-Tx: Oral Adrenergic (ephedrine), ↑ Sympathetic. tone of Bladder neck SMCs
▪ Risk factors:
- Cryptorchidism ** (orchidopexy doesn't prevent cancer development)
- Contra lateral testicular cancer
- Germ cell neoplasia in situ(GCNIS)
- Family history of testicular cancer (Genetic factors)
- Klinefelter syndrome, trisomy21(increased risk for germ cell tumors)
- white people
- HIV, recurrent infections / Maternal estrogen ingestion / Trauma / Gonadal
▪ Presentation:
- It is usually painless
- Can be painful: dull pain or acute pain that occurs due to intratumoral necrosis or
hemorrhage (rapid growth)
- Unilateral> bilateral, Right > left.
- Approximately 5% of men have gynecomastia, resulting from elevated serum HCG
levels >> mostly in choriocarcinoma.
DDx: hydrocele, spermatocele, hematoma, hernia, epididymitis, TB.
- Asymmetry or slight scrotal skin discoloration
- Hard, non-tender, irregular, non-trans-illuminating mass, non-reducible
- Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, LL edema, Gynecomastia
Dx: Scrotal US, Image contralateral testis (2% of patients will have it bilateral).
- Abdominal and chest CT: for staging purposes
- Serum tumor markers are very useful in staging and follow up.
- Any solid testicular mass should be managed as malignancy until proven
otherwise and histopathology should always be done.
- All are treated by inguinal radical orchiectomy to prevent seeding. Also, a
diagnostic tool to determine T stage (biopsy is not allowed from fear of seeding).
Radical orchiectomy involves excision of the testis, epididymis and spermatic cord,
with their coverings. Sperm cryopreservation should be offered for both single and
bilateral orchiectomy patients.
-If you suspect cancer in patients with single testes you can use frozen section
approach and do partial orchiectomy if possible.
- serum markers are measured 1-2 weeks after radical orchiectomy and during
follow-up to assess response to treatment and residual disease.
- Normal markers prior to orchiectomy do not exclude metastatic disease (some TC
present with normal levels of serum markers). Normalization of markers post-
orchiectomy does not exclude absence of disease. Persistent elevation of markers
post-orchiectomy usually indicates metastatic disease.
Seminoma: MC germ cell tumor
-25-35 y/o, rarely bilateral.
- Appears pale and homogenous (NSGCTs are heterogeneous and sometimes
contain tissues such as cartilage or hair)
- Pure seminomas never secrete AFP. 10% of them secrete β-hCG
- At diagnosis, it is usually confined to the testis
- Treatment: radical inguinal orchiectomy + has excellence response to RTX
o Stage 1: bilateral inguinal orchiectomy + retroperitoneal LN dissection +/- RTX
o Stage 2a/2b: bilateral inguinal orchiectomy + RPLND +/- CTX
o Stage 2c/3: bilateral inguinal orchiectomy + high dose CTX
❖ Embryonal:
Usually occurs as component of mixed tumor
Pure embryonal carcinoma rare (2% testicular GCTs)
Key distinctions from seminoma: Mass with hemorrhage and necrosis =painful
May have syncytiotrophoblast tissue, secretes β-hCG
Tx: Poor response to CTX and RTX
❖ Chroricocarcinoma:
• Syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast cells (always secretes β-hCG )
• Hematogenous spread, especially to lungs and liver very early.
- No LN involvement (the only one)
❖ Teratoma:
• Cells from all three germ layers:
Ectoderm (skin, hair follicles), Endoderm, Mesoderm (cartilage)
• Large mass: Neural tissue, muscle, cartilage
• Often part of a mixed tumor in adults
• Pure teratoma usually seen in young children: Mean age: 20 months, before 4.
❖ Leydig cell tumor:
- Most common non-germ cell tumor
- Strongly associated with cryptochordism
- Management: bilateral orchiectomy + RPLND
❖ Sertoli: Usually
- do not produce hormones
- Most are benign
-Management: bilateral orchiectomy + RPLND
❖ Lymphoma:
• Non-Hodgkin lymphoma may involves testes
• Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma most common subtype
• 5% testicular cancers = lymphoma
• Most common testicular tumor men > 60 years old
• often bilateral aggressive malignant cancer
Tx. Radical orchiectomy + chemo
❖ Gonadoblastoma:
- Seen in patients with gonadal dysgenesis
- Management: radical orchiectomy + gonadectomy of the contralateral
gonad (50% bilateral)
Vesicoureteric Reflux
- The main function of the ureterovesical junction is to permit free drainage of the
ureter and simultaneously prevent urine from refluxing back from the bladder.
- The ureteral musculature continues uninterrupted into the base of the bladder to
form the superficial trigone, and this direct continuity offers an efficient,
muscularly active valvular function. Thus, any stretch of the trigone (with bladder
filling) or any trigonal contraction (with voiding) leads to firm occlusion of the
intravesical ureter, preventing retrograde flow.
o Primary VUR
▪ Developmental uretero-trigonal weakness
▪ anomalies: Ectopic ureter, Duplex ureter, Congenital megaureter, Ureterocele.
o Secondary VUR
▪ Bladder outlet or urethral obstruction
▪ Neuropathic dysfunction
▪ Iatrogenic causes
▪ Infection. e.g.: TB
▪ Stones and foreign body
Clinical findings:
▪ Infants and young children: Non-specific (due to UTI), Fever, Failure to thrive.
▪ Older children: Incontinence, Frequency, Dysuria, Abdominal pain
▪ With acute pyelonephritis: Fever and chills, Costovertebral angle tenderness
o Urinalysis and urine cultures: Evidence of infection; pyuria and bacteriuria.
o Abnormal renal function tests
o Radionuclide voiding studies
o Voiding cystourethrogram: This is the standard investigation. It demonstrates the
grade of the reflux and the urethral anatomy. It involves injecting contrast medium
into the bladder using a urinary catheter. The catheter is then removed and x-rays
are taken while the child is voiding;
Grade I reflux into a non-dilated distal ureter
Grade II reflux into the upper collecting system without dilation
Grade III reflux into a dilated collecting system without blunting of calyces
Grade IV reflux into a dilated system with blunting of calyces
Grade V massive reflux with gross dilation and distortion of the ureter and
collecting system
When there is no ureteral dilation, there is an 85% chance of spontaneous
resolution as the child grows. In the meantime, the urinary tract must be kept free
of infection, and this is done by:
o Regular voiding.
o High fluid intake.
o Avoiding constipation.
o Maintaining perineal hygiene.
o Anti -bacterial chemotherapy.
o Regular follow up, with charting of growth and development.
**In obstructive secondary reflux (e.g. posterior urethral valves), release of
obstruction may cure reflux.
**In neuropathic reflux, intermittent catheterization for control of infection may
allow return of valvular competence.
Treatment: Surgical correction by reimplanting the ureter in the bladder wall so
that a length of it lies deep to the bladder mucosa. This is indicated for:
o severe reflux with dilated ureters
o For other anatomical abnormalities
o For children who fail to progress on conservative management
Ureteral anomalies
o Congenital obstruction of the ureter
o Duplication of ureters
o Ectopic ureteral orifice
o Ureterocele
Bladder anomalies
- Bladder agenesis
- Bladder duplication:
▪ Complete; with separate urethral openings drained by duplicated urethras
▪ Incomplete; with a septum deformity
- Urachal anomalies:
▪ Urachal diverticulum
▪ Urachal cyst.
- Extrophy of the bladder: complete ventral defect of the urogenital sinus and the
overlying inferior abdominal wall musculature.
o The lower central portion is devoid of skin and muscles.
o A bladder wall is absent, and P wall is contiguous with the surrounding skin
o The rami of the pubic bone are widely separated, and the open pelvic ring may
affect gait
o Urine drains onto the abdominal wall
o In males, the penis is shortened, and the urethra is epispadiac
o The exposed bladder mucosa tends to be chronically inflamed.
o Closure of the bladder in the newborn period
o Urethral closure and penile reconstruction
o Ureteral re-implantation
Penile and urethral anomalies
A. Hypospadias: results from failure of fusion of the urethral folds on the
undersurface of the genital tubercle.
- Incidence: 1 in 400 male births
- The urethral meatus is ventrally displaced on the glans, shaft, the level of the
scrotum, or perineum.
- The remnant of urethral tissue distal to the meatus is fibrotic, causing the penis to
bend downwards or be erect (chordee). The more proximal the urethral meatus,
the worse the chordee is.
- The ventral part of the foreskin is absent giving rise to a hooded appearance.
- In hypospadias with the meatus positioned proximal to the corona, circumcision
shouldn't be done, as the prepuce can be used later in surgical repair.
• Management:
▪ If the opening is glandular or coronal (85%), the penis is usually functional, and
repair is done primarily for cosmetic reasons
▪ More proximal openings require correction (surgical plastic repair).
▪ Complications of surgery include meatal stenosis and fistula formation.
B. Epispadius:
- The urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis, with deficient corpus spongiosum
and loosely attached corpora cavernosa.
- If the defect is extensive, it may extend to the bladder neck causing incontinence.
- The pubic bones are separated, as in extrophy
- Marked dorsiflexion of the penis is usually present
- It is commonly associated with bladder extrophy, and if present alone is
considered as a mild degree of the extrophy complex.
• Management:
▪ Correction of penile curvature
▪ Reconstruction of the urethra and bladder neck
Urethral strictures
Most common in the fossa navicularis, just proximal to the meatus, and in the
bulbo-membranaous urethra. They are thin diaphragms that respond to simple
dilation or direct-vision internal urethrotomy. Open surgery is rarely required.
Posterior urethral valve
The most common obstructive urethral lesions in newborn and infant males, and the
most common cause of end-stage renal disease in boys.
They are obstructive mucosal folds, seen only in males, which originate at the veru
montanum at the prostatic urethra.
Clinical manifestations:
o Difficult voiding
o Weak stream
o A lower abdominal mass that represents a distended bladder
o Palpable kidneys with signs of acidosis and uremia
o Urinary incontinence and UTI
o Up to 70% have VUR
Laboratory findings:
o Elevated BUN and creatinine
o Evidence of UTI
o U/S shows evidence of bladder thickening and trabeculations, hydroureter and
o Voiding cystourethrogram demonstrating the urethral valves establishes the diagnosis.
• Treatment: Endoscopic destruction of the valves as soon as possible.
Gross hematuria - observable through direct visual inspection of the urine. Overall urine
color may be pink, red, brown.
Microscopic hematuria - only detectable by microscopic examination of the urine (five or
more RBC/HPF).
- Amount of blood and Colur of urine/blood
- Relationship of blood to stream: Initial -> urethral cause
• Terminal -> prostate or bladder neck, bladder stone
• Total -> bladder and above.
- Presence of clots (pathology is in the UT rather than from the renal parenchmya)
- Irritative symptoms: Frequency, urgency and nocturia.
- risk factors for malignancy: WL, anorexia, smoking and family history.
• flank pain that radiates to the groin: suggestive of a uretric stone.
- Concurrent pyuria + dysuria = UTI
- Recent URTI = infection-related glomerulonephritis positive
- FH of kidney disease: hereditary nephritis, polycystic kidney, or sickle cell disease.
- Unilateral flank pain, which may radiate to the groin, suggests ureteral obstruction
- Symptoms of prostatic obstruction in old M (hesitancy& dribbling) suggests BPH
- History of a bleeding disorder or bleeding from multiple sites due to excessive
anticoagulant therapy.
- Cyclic hematuria in women that is most prominent during and shortly after
menstruation, suggesting endometriosis of the urinary tract
- LL swelling or rash is suggestive of a glomerular origin.
PE: Vitals, abdominal examination for tenderness (renal angle), palpation for a masses or
urinary retention, careful examination of genitalia.
** DRE in M to assess for enlargement (prostate cancer) or tenderness (prostatitis).
Cytology, cystoscopy, CT with contrast
Labs: KFT, CBC, UA, culture, INR.
Urine analysis: detects heme in urine (high sensitivity, low specificity.
+ does not = hematuria because the test does not distinguish between the presence of
RBCs, hemoglobin, and myoglobin.
Urine sediment: Confirm hematuria with microscopy (≥ 5 RBCs/HPF).
• If RBC casts and proteinuria: Evaluate for glomerular diseases.
• If the morphology of RBCs is normal: Evaluate for non-glomerular causes (e.g.,
coagulation disorders, kidney stones, malignancy).
**urine remains pigmented after centrifugation because the pigments are dissolved in
the urine and do not settle at the bottom like RBCs in hematuria.
Culture: if clinical signs of infection or + WBCs dipstick (pyuria) and/or leukocyte esterase.
US: Urinary tract neoplasm, stone disease, inflammatory processes, congenital
abnormalities, vascular lesions, and obstruction.
➢ Not likely to show non-obstructing ureteral stones or small urothelial abnormalities.
➢ All patients with gross hematuria without evidence of glomerular disease or UTI.
➢ If the patient has evidence of glomerular disease but there is blood clots.
Gross painless hematuria in a patient > 35 should be considered as cancer until
proven otherwise-> CYSTOSCOPY.
85% of patients with bladder cancer and 40% of patients with RCC present with
gross hematuria.
**uninfected patients (UTI), subsequent evaluation depends upon whether the
hematuria is gross or microscopic:
1. gross hematuria with visible blood clots: CTU, Cystoscopy.
2. gross hematuria without visible blood clots in the urine
A. Patients with AKI or findings suggestive of glomerular bleeding-> nephrology.
B. Nonpregnant patients without AKI: CTU Cystoscopy.
C. Pregnant patients: kidney and bladder US.
3. microscopic hematuria:
A. Patients with AKI or findings suggestive of glomerular bleeding-> nephrology.
B. Pregnant patients: kidney and bladder US.
C. Nonpregnant patients who have risk factors for malignancy: CTU, Cystoscopy.
D. Nonpregnant patients who have no risk factors for malignancy: do not require
imaging studies or cystoscopy.
✓ Asymptomatic (isolated) hematuria generally does not require treatment.
✓ Microscopic hematuria in a woman during her menses, or in a patient shortly after
vigorous exercise or acute trauma, confirmed by repeating urinalysis.
✓ In UTI, urinalysis should be repeated approximately 6 weeks after completion of
antibiotic therapy in order to determine if it is persistent.
✓ If abnormal clinical, Labs, or imaging, treat the cause.
✓ Surgical intervention in certain anatomic abnormalities (ureteropelvic junction
obstruction, tumor, or significant urolithiasis).
✓ persistent microscopic hematuria monitored every 6-12 months for the appearance
of signs or symptoms indicative of progressive renal disease.