Indiana Digital Equity Plan 010724
Indiana Digital Equity Plan 010724
Indiana Digital Equity Plan 010724
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 4
PLAN CREATION...................................................................................................... 4
Plan Contributors........................................................................................................ 5
Creation Process.......................................................................................................... 6
Secondary Data Sources......................................................................................... 10
Asset Inventory........................................................................................................ 14
Asset Mapping....................................................................................................... 14
Existing Digital Equity Plans.................................................................................. 17
State Plans and Goals................................................................................................18
Regional Solution Sessions..................................................................................... 19
Summary of Community Engagement.................................................................. 20
Data Insights and Barriers......................................................................................... 21
Access........................................................................................................................ 21
Devices...................................................................................................................... 23
Use............................................................................................................................. 24
Mindset and Trust.................................................................................................... 26
Context...................................................................................................................... 27
Barriers......................................................................................................................... 28
Vision............................................................................................................................. 29
Goals/Strategies/Objectives........................................................................................ 29
MOVING FORWARD................................................................................................ 36
Implementation............................................................................................................ 36
Stakeholder Engagement............................................................................................ 38
Evaluation...................................................................................................................... 39
Timeline......................................................................................................................... 40
APPENDIX................................................................................................................ 41
The 21st century is increasingly digitizing our economy and society. People, communities,
and organizations that are not able to fully participate in this digital economy and society
are falling behind and their quality of life is being negatively affected. However, the digital
equity landscape is complex. It is critical to understand what this landscape looks like, as
well as its related barriers and assets. More importantly, digital equity is a hyperlocal issue
for which cookie-cutter approaches will yield limited impact.
In response, the federal government released the State Digital Equity Planning Grant
program, part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
(IIJA), that provides funding for all states and territories
A Closer Look to draft a digital equity plan, paying particular attention
to nine covered populations. Covered populations
are individuals that may require additional help in
Covered Populations overcoming the digital divide due to unique digital
AF equity barriers and needs. Capacity-building funds
1. Individuals who live in covered will then be distributed to states and territories to aid
households*; in the implementation of the plan.
2. Aging individuals;
This five-year plan will serve as Indiana’s first-ever
3. Incarcerated individuals,
other than individuals who statewide digital equity plan. The five-year plan
are incarcerated in a Federal contains five sections, including the introduction
correctional facility; that outlines the purpose and process for the
5. Veterans; plan’s creation. The next section, The Current State
6. Individuals with disabilities; of Digital Equity, provides context for the plan by
7. Individuals with a language briefly reviewing the data gathering and community
barrier, including individuals
engagement that informed this plan. The third
a. Are English learners; and section showcases the vision, goals, strategies and
b. Have low levels of literacy; objectives that make up the heart of the digital equity
8. Individuals who are members of plan. Then the fourth section, Moving Forward, puts
a racial or ethnic minority group; the plan into action by outlining implementation
strategies, an anticipated timeline, and evaluation
9. Individuals who primarily reside in
a rural area. procedures. Finally, the appendix provides additional
resource materials.
goals. The list below shows the organizations represented on the task force.
PCRD met at least 10 times with the task force, usually once a month, starting in November
of 2022 through December of 2023 both in-person and virtually. The main role played
by the task force was to leverage its multiple networks to promote elements of the plan
(e.g., digital assets map, recruit digital ambassadors, regional solutions sessions), provide
feedback on data reports and insights, and draft the first version of the plan’s vision and
goals while incorporating feedback from the public.
Figure 1. Digital Equity Plan Timeline
Phase 1
Taskforce Formation
Recruit key organizations
Phase 2
Data Gathering & Insights
Survey Indiana residents Analyze secondary data
Key informant interviews Review with taskforce
Phase 3
Data Application & Community Engagement
Phase 4
Refining & Adopting The Plan
Analyze regional solution sessions Post plan for public comment
Review goals, strategies, & objectives Make changes as needed & submit
for the audience or sector they serve. In addition, we sought task
force members with networks that would help the planning process reach
a wider audience. Ultimately, the task force provided a foundation that allowed
the planning process to include diverse perspectives from beginning to end.
The second phase of the planning process consisted of gathering relevant data and
reviewing with the task force. PCRD utilized multiple avenues for primary data gathering,
including a survey of Indiana residents and key informant interviews. In addition, PCRD
analyzed data from several secondary data sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey, Lightcast, Google and the Regional Economic Modeling, Inc.
Further details on the data gathering process and resulting insights are available in the
Current State of Digital Equity section.
The third phase of the planning process applied the data insights and began community
engagement. The task force used the data gathered so far to draft the plan’s vision and
goals. Then seven regional solution sessions were conducted to determine barriers and
gather solutions to inform the plan’s strategies and objectives. More information on the
results of the solution sessions are available in the Current State of Digital Equity section.
The fourth phase of the planning process was refining and adopting the plan. Once the
input from the regional solutions sessions was analyzed, the task force reviewed the
updated goals, strategies and objectives. The updated plan was then posted for public
comment from January 8 to February 9, 2024 on the Indiana Broadband Office’s website.
The public comment period was promoted through a variety of channels and shared
widely through the task force network and other grassroot organizations. Comments were
collected through a dedicated email address and are listed in Appendix C.
Drafting the first-ever state digital equity plan warranted a heavy reliance on data, in
addition to significant community engagement. This section will go through the data
gathering and community engagement conducted to inform this plan. Remember that
digital equity can be measured in different ways; therefore, it is essential to consult
multiple data sources from secondary data sources like U.S. Census Bureau American
Community Survey and Lightcast to primary data like first-hand accounts of those
experiencing barriers and digital inclusion practitioners. This section is meant to give
an overview of the methods and outputs of this effort to provide context for the results
discussed in the Barriers and Data Insights section.
In regards to primary data collection, two efforts were completed. One was a survey and
another was key informant interviews. For the survey, PCRD partnered with the Indiana
University Survey Research Center to design, validate and conduct the survey.
The objectives of this survey were to provide contextual information on the
state’s digital equity landscape, serve as a benchmark for interventions
taking place in the future, and document digital equity differences
among groups. Approval from Purdue’s Institutional Review Board
was obtained and a total of 8,000 Indiana household addresses were
randomly selected using an address-based sampling frame stratified
by study-specific demographics and geographic target characteristics.
Key Informant Interviews
Key Informant Response
Parallel to the survey, the task force was asked to
identify individuals who have experienced digital
inequities for a virtual, up to 45-minute semi-
People need access to
structured interview. Most task force members were
their device and their also interviewed. The objective of these interviews
device needs to have was to document barriers directly from those
access to the Internet. affected, as well as those who work with affected
covered populations. The semi-structured interview
When either of those asked about ideal uses of digital technology, barriers
two things isn’t true,
AF encountered, potential solutions, existing resources,
the barriers just start and who else could be interviewed. A total of 47 key
to compound quite informant interviews were completed, coded and
analyzed. Table 1 summarizes covered populations
quickly.” discussed in key informant interviews either by
participants self-identifying or discussing populations
they serve. Note numbers are not mutually exclusive.
Rural Residents 25
Low-Income 27
Aging Individuals 12
Veterans 3
into low (lighter blue), moderate,
2021 Indiana Census Tract by Low, and high (darker blue areas)
Figure 2.
Moderate, or High Digital Divide digital divide areas as shown
in the State of Digital Divide in
AF Indiana report.
Results indicate that a higher
share of rural, minority, veteran,
poor, disabled, limited English
proficient households, and
senior citizens live in high digital
divide areas compared to low
digital divide areas. Likewise, a
lower labor force participation
rate, educational attainment,
share of digital economy jobs,
and share of occupations
requiring high digital skills were
present in high digital divide
areas compared to low areas
across the state. Read the full
report here.
Second, to better help digital equity stakeholders Investments
prioritize and be strategic about where digital
The Impact of Remote Work
equity interventions may be needed, an interactive
digital equity and covered populations hotspot map
at the Census tract (neighborhoods) level was presented to the task force and eventually
released to the general public. This map showcases neighborhoods that are in the highest
group based on the state distribution of the share of covered populations as well as digital
distress variables. In other words, this
2021 Share and Location of map is a visual guide to identify areas
Figure 3.
Individuals with Any Disability more likely to require digital equity
interventions keeping in mind their share
of covered populations.
minorities and high poverty. Similarly, transit routes and stops do not serve all areas
with a high digital divide, as measured by the digital divide index.
This means that single mothers, a higher share of which are minorities and poor, are the
least likely to benefit from remote/hybrid jobs paying more than the living wage. They,
in turn, may have to rely on traditional jobs, that while paying a living wage, may require
transportation. Hence, the barriers for racial/ethnic minorities and poor populations
include education, broadband, and transportation accessibility. Figure 4 shows areas with
no public transit service overlap with high digital divide areas in Indianapolis.
Figure 4. 2021 Public Transit Stops and the Digital Divide, Marion County, IN
equity a reality. This analysis also helped showcase that
there are existing opportunities in place that can be
Key Informant Response leveraged or augmented if digital equity were a reality
in Indiana.
The need for access Multiple secondary data sources were analyzed,
including Census data as well as proprietary datasets,
to the Internet or resulting in several reports and insights that
devices has moved informed both the task force as well as the solutions
from something that’s sessions participants and general public. Additional
innovative metrics developed previously by PCRD
incredibly helpful to
were also analyzed (e.g., digital divide index and
something that’s just digital distress). More importantly, these data insights
absolutely vital.” resulted in the state’s digital equity dashboard, a
group of 19 variables that will be monitored to gauge
AF the state’s digital equity landscape during the next
five years. These include data on school-aged children, seniors, race & ethnicity, digital
distress, household income, and the digital economy.
All these reports and data analysis yielded significant insights to inform the task force on
the state of digital equity in Indiana. A summary of findings, from both the primary and
secondary data, was prepared and shared with the task force and in several statewide
public forums.
Asset Mapping
The statewide digital equity task force helped instigate the promotion of an interactive
digital assets map with the intent for it to be crowdsourced by Indiana residents and
organizations. The objective was to gain a sense of where existing digital assets are located
across the state.
The Indiana Geographic Information Office provided a map of community anchor
institutions (CAIs) such as schools, nonprofits, and other organizations in Indiana.
Representatives from these organizations were able to type an address to find that
particular CAI and verify its address. If a CAI was not included, users could contact PCRD
asking for this CAI to be added to the fabric.
Once the CAI was located, users were asked to complete a short form capturing
information on digital assets available at that location such as public Wi-Fi, space for digital
literacy workshops, availability of public computers, etc., as well as listing the audiences
they mostly work with or target such as the general public, rural populations, veterans, etc.
This crowdsource effort will continue, but as of early October 2023, digital assets
information was gathered on 143 CAIs. Close to three-quarters of these CAIs offered public
Wi-Fi, close to 60% had meeting space available, and a little more than half had computers
available for the public. However, less than 17% had a device loaning program while less
than one-quarter had a hotspot loaning program. See the full breakdown of assets at CAIs
in Table 2.
Table 2. Breakdown of Assets at Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs)
Other 32 22.4
Rural populations 79 55.2
Incarcerated individuals
AF 26 18.2
Veterans 60 42.0
Other 16 11.2
Equity-Focused Plans
identify populations vulnerable to the digital divide and focus on creating opportunities
for all residents.
AF Plans
Affordable Connectivity Program, City of Bloomington Digital Equity
targeted audiences, audience-specific Strategic Plan, South Bend Digital
resources and programs, etc. Equity Roadmap
Topics Plans
Small Business Support, Workforce Boone County 5-year Digital Inclusion
Digital Skills, Business Connectivity, Plan, Carroll County Digital Inclusion
Digital Agriculture, etc. Initiative
incorporate elements of the other two categories with the ultimate aim of addressing
digital equity for all facets of the community.
Topics Plans
Community/Regional collaboration, Rush County Digital Inclusion Plan,
device programs, digital literacy Southeastern Indiana Regional
ecosystems, community and Digital Inclusion Plan
economic development
Table 4. Other State Plans and Correlations to the Indiana Digital Equity Plan
Plan Name
Indiana’s Multi-Sector
Indiana’s Family
& Social Services
Parts of this Plan
Relevant to Digital
Correlation with
Indiana’s Digital
Equity Plan’s Goal/
Goal 5 Goal 1
Plan on Aging Administration (FSSA)
– Division of Aging
recruited by task force members.
They were recognized at the regional
solution sessions and their input was
extremely valuable. A total of 148
participants discussed 137 barriers
and 388 proposed solutions. Figure 6
shows the locations of the in-person
and virtual meetings across the state.
Solution Session for the Northwest Region
held in Delphi, Indiana
during the public comment period.
important to note that there is significant overlap between the buckets. Unless otherwise
specified, these barriers affected most of the covered populations analyzed.
According to the 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS), 24.7% of households
in the state did not have home internet access or relied solely on cellular data to access
the internet. When looking at urban versus rural (one of the covered populations), this
percentage was 22.7% in urban areas versus 30.2% in rural areas of the state, clearly
showcasing digital inequities between urban and rural.
When looking at income and location, a similar pattern emerges regarding home internet
access. Roughly 30% of households making less than $35,000 per year did not have home
internet access compared to 5% of households making $75,000 or more per year. When
comparing urban and rural, 36.8% of rural households
making less than $35,000 per year did not have
By The Numbers home internet access compared to 28.7% of urban
households. Clearly, location and income play a role
in Indiana’s digital inequities measured by home
24.7% internet access.
of Indiana households do not have When looking at school-aged kids, according to the
internet access ACS, the percentage of children aged 3 years or older
urban respondents (83.7%) paid for home internet compared to rural (76.4%). See Figure 7
for differences between surveyed groups.
Figure 7. Share of Survey Respondents by Groups
When it comes to devices, the share of households in Indiana without devices or relying
solely on mobile devices was close to one-quarter. Again, when looking at urban and rural
areas of the state, differences emerge though not as large as with home internet access.
Roughly one-quarter of urban households did not have computing devices or relied solely
on mobile devices compared to close to 28% in rural areas.
Another factor to be considered when looking at digital inequities is the age group.
According to the 2017-2021 ACS, not having a computer is more of an issue among the
senior population (age 65 or older) compared to children (under 18) in Indiana. About 16%
of seniors did not have a computer versus 3.2% of children. Regarding computers but no
internet, the difference was lower at 7.5% seniors compared to 5% children. When looking
18% In addition to the Census data, the digital equity
of seniors in rural areas do not have survey and key informant interviews also revealed
a computer important data insights. A little more than one-third
of survey respondents did not own a tablet, 43.5%
of survey respondents do not own a
home desktop computer
did not own a desktop, and close to one-quarter
did not own a laptop; 9.1% of respondents were
smartphone-only of which the majority were less
educated, lower income, younger, white, and urban.
In addition to the Census data, the digital equity survey and key informant interviews also
detailed personal accounts of needs expressed and barriers encountered that helped
PCRD and the task force better understand digital inequities.. Overall, 92.1% of survey
respondents used the internet daily over the previous year; of those that did not use the
internet daily, the main reasons were not having a desktop or laptop followed by home
internet costing too much. In addition, close to one-third were not interested in doing
things online and did not feel comfortable using the internet.
accessing and applying for government services was
the lowest with 63.7% followed by creating a resume of jobs require a high skill level of
digital literacy
with 67.5%.
Overall, close to two-thirds of respondents said they
search online or rely on family when needing help with devices and/or internet; however,
ages 60 or older, rural, lower income, and less educated rely on family more followed by
searching online.
In addition to socioeconomic variables, analyses were completed on
workforce and economic variables that are also affected by digital
inequities. The hope is that as digital inequities are addressed, these
variables will also improve in an inclusive way. According to the Bureau
of Economic Analysis, about 1.9% of jobs in the state were related to 44
industries that are fully part of the digital economy (does not include
warehousing and retailing related to e-commerce). The
share of digital economy jobs in urban counties was
2.1% versus 1.1% in rural counties. In addition, the
share of jobs requiring low digital skills, as well as
high, was close to one-quarter for each.
However, the share requiring high
digital skills in urban counties was 25.5%
the internet daily. Figure 9 shows the reasons for not
using the internet daily overall and for each covered
of respondents are not interested in population. The first two reasons have to do with
doing things online daily access, but then 32.9% of respondents reported they
were not interested in doing things online. No matter
the reason for not being interested, the root cause
using the internet daily it could also be an issue with trust, as is reflected
in feedback from the solution sessions and key
informant interviews.
Figure 9.
Summary of Reasons for Not Using the Internet Daily
“We have a lot of unhoused populations, a lot of people who are in temporary
accommodations and they just aren’t able to make a commitment to a more
permanent solution. They’re in transitional housing or temporary housing, so that
could be things like a domestic violence shelter or maybe they’re in the process of
transitioning to a permanent address. They, of course, have options like hot spots.
But if you’re unhoused or in those unstable situations, there’s a fear that resources
like technology might be stolen, lost or damaged. So they tend to want to hold back
until they feel like they have that kind of point of stability in their life. And then
they’re willing to make a decision. They also tend to see a lot of decision overload.
Because of that instability, making a commitment like, ‘I’m going to use $100 to buy
a device’ or, ‘I’m going to make a commitment to this service’ without someone like a
digital navigator or someone to help guide them through that process. It can be very
overwhelming because it’s so many decisions all at once.”
Another interviewee talked about how the barriers compound for some justice-involved
“Lots of people that come out of the prison system are unemployed or
underemployed…They don’t have credit to get an AT&T-type contract, and we’re in
rural Indiana, so we have very few options like Boost [Mobile] and Cricket [Wireless]
but that’s it. There’s not a whole lot of non-contract places around out there, too.”
These are just a few examples, and these situations may not be unique to these
populations. But they illustrate the importance of being aware of the context in which our
target audiences live in in order to support auxiliary services.
An important barrier documented was lack of internet access, mostly in rural areas
of the state. Secondary data, survey responses, key informant interviews, and
Access regional solutions sessions confirmed that lack of affordable access to internet
service is an issue, particularly in rural areas. Lack of competition and options was
also mentioned as an issue.
Survey respondents and key informant interviews confirmed that the No. 1 barrier
to digital equity in the state is affordability of devices (e.g., laptop, desktop). A close
Devices second reason was the cost of internet service. For those ages 60 or older, disabled,
rural, low-income, less-educated, and white, the primary reason for not paying for a
home internet subscription was the cost of the service.
AF Paid home internet subscriptions across groups varied with the educational
attainment category having the largest difference. Minorities said their smartphone
lets them do everything online and thus a home subscription is not needed.
Regarding internet use, security concerns, lack of internet, not feeling comfortable,
and low literacy were barriers for not using the internet more frequently, as was
the lack of a laptop/desktop. Personal life situations such as transportation, income,
and rurality affected individual digital equity as well.
Barriers can compound and create additional hurdles people need to overcome
to leverage digital technologies. It’s important to be aware of the context in which
Context digital equity services are provided and support auxiliary services that reduce these
This section has highlighted how extremely nuanced digital equity is within the state. This
data laid the foundation for the goals and strategies drafted by the taskforce. Then, this
data also drove the conversation at the digital equity solution sessions that determined the
objectives. All of this is presented in the next section of the plan.
Indiana residents trust and use innovative connectivity for improved quality of life,
resulting in inclusive and resilient communities that ensure opportunities for all.
Of course, this vision is not attainable without a clear and measurable outline of the goals,
strategies, and objectives needed.
Goals AF
Goal 1
Provide Indiana residents with universal connectivity that is affordable, accessible, reliable,
equitable and available in public and private spaces to ensure maximum adoption.
Strategy 1.1: Assess and educate interested parties in a community to help provide full
coverage of the state with high-speed internet access.
market accessible home internet subsidy programs, specifically targeting areas with
an above-average share of covered populations.
Objective 1.1.4: Ensure community anchor institutions—especially in areas with an
above-average share of covered populations—have access to ultra-fast and reliable
connectivity that meets their needs.
Objective 1.1.5: Collect best practices for operating public Wi-Fi access points and
publish as part of the Indiana Digital Asset Map available through community
anchor institutions with special recognition of public access sites that are safe and
Objective 1.1.9: Establish an awards program to recognize organizations that work
to create equitable access.
Strategy 1.2: Strengthen existing incentives and/or develop new programs for Internet
Service Providers (ISP).
Objective 1.2.7: Work with BEAD and other funding programs to establish
reporting and evaluation expectations to increase accountability and
Objective 1.2.8: Incentivize community reinvestment for ISPs by
prioritizing funding for ISPs that report investments in service
areas with an above-average share of covered populations.
Objective 1.2.9: Facilitate opportunities for ISPs and interested
parties to discuss community needs and strategize solutions.
Goal 2
Ensure all Indiana residents have access to affordable devices needed to live, work, and
thrive along with the education to utilize that technology safely and successfully.
Strategy 2.1: Expand availability of quality and reliable devices in the community
relying on local device-related assets to educate and repurpose.
Objective 2.1.1: Launch and/or support existing device loan or giveaway programs,
prioritizing programs that already serve covered populations and provide continual
tech support. Include peripheral devices (such as printers and assistive devices,
microphones, etc.) necessary for full participation in the digital economy.
Objective 2.1.2: Collect and publish best practices for operating device giveaway or
device loan programs and facilitate a network of practitioners to share experiences
and innovations.
Objective 2.1.3: Find ways to sustain and subsidize device giveaway programs and/
or offset the costs of device recycling/refurbishing programs.
Objective 2.1.4: Build capacity to support one-to-one devices in schools and beyond
(e.g., churches).
Objective 2.1.5: Establish community “tech hub” designation and/or facilities
to provide devices, technical support, and space for digital literacy workshops.
Prioritize tech hubs serving covered populations and filling specific needs
within those communities. Collect and publish best practices through creating a
community of practice to share experiences.
Objective 2.1.6: Develop device refurbishing skills through programs where
participants can refurbish and keep a computer.
Objective 2.1.7: Incentivize businesses, organizations, and individuals to donate
retired devices to refurbishing programs.
Objective 2.1.8: Create and market a directory of computer labs/tech hubs, device
lending programs, and device giveaway programs in the state of Indiana.
Objective 2.2.1: Encourage, fund, and support partnerships that educate the public
how to safely use devices.
Objective 2.2.2: In collaboration with lending programs, schools and libraries,
develop digital literacy programs that supply devices upon successful completion
and are invested in maintaining and updating them.
Objective 2.2.3: Engage with schools for the deaf and blind to connect individuals
in those communities to help them access non-standard devices. Build capacity
in schools to access assistive technology and leverage resources to keep them
Objective 2.2.4: Support educational resources and programs that equip
consumers to make educated device purchases and build awareness about the
importance of quality device ownership.
Objective 2.2.5: Leverage existing tech hubs/computer labs for digital skills classes
and support existing educational programs.
Goal 3
Build digitally resilient and equitable communities by supporting new and existing
ecosystems for local prosperity.
Objective 3.2.3: Recognize Indiana-based websites/web services going above and
beyond to be accessible to all.
Objective 3.2.4: Encourage and support programs connecting residents with local
digital services, such as telehealth, online banking, or government/civic services, to
cultivate prosperous online communities.
Objective 3.2.5: Collaborate with partners to explore programs and policies
protecting children in the digital age.
Objective 3.2.6: Develop digital equity recommendations for incorporation and
consideration in local Continuity of Operations (CoOp) plans and encourage
coalition involvement in CoOp development.
Objective 3.2.7: Support programs that leverage telehealth to address healthcare
deserts and meet the unique needs of covered populations.
Objective 3.2.8: Encourage, support and fund programs and resources according to
best practices for digital civic engagement between local residents and leaders.
Objective 3.3.11: Invest in a revolving loan fund that owners of home businesses,
micro businesses, and start-up entrepreneurs can benefit from to scale up their
digital capacity.
Objective 3.3.12: Support and fund the development and delivery of programs
and resources that build digital skills among small businesses and cultivate unique
digital communities for Indiana towns/cities/counties.
Strategy 3.4: Equip residents to participate in the digital world safely and prosperously.
Objective 3.4.1: Support and fund digital skills programs for parenting in the digital
age, as well as a digital citizenship training program for adults to build their online
social interaction skills.
Objective 3.4.2: Support and fund digital skills programs on online safety and
privacy, specifically for covered populations.
Objective 3.4.3: Provide Digital Citizenship Training for adults and build skills to
socialize virtually and increase media literacy.
Objective 3.4.4: Continue to develop trainings around emerging technology, such as
artificial intelligence (AI), and relevant safety and ethical concerns.
Objective 3.4.5: Support and fund digital skills classes to maximize the benefit
Objective 3.5.2: Market the repository and distribute the materials to community
resource centers and libraries so they are equipped with digital equity resources.
Objective 3.5.3: Publish digital equity metrics and plan evaluation summaries as
part of the repository.
implementation, stakeholder engagement, and evaluation.
Implementation Strategies
It is important to note that the implementation of this plan will be significantly influenced
by the funding guidelines for the Digital Equity Capacity grant. IBO, PCRD, and the state
Digital Equity taskforce have sought to make a comprehensive plan. While the intentions
at this time are to address all the plan objectives through creating or supporting programs
and resources through partnering organizations and tailoring to unique covered-
population needs, the priorities and methods to conduct this work will be greatly driven by
the forthcoming funding guidelines. Upon receiving the guidelines, the IBO will adjust this
implementation and begin moving forward with addressing digital equity in Indiana. Given
these limitations, the plan currently presents the following Implementation strategies.
coalitions will also diversify digital equity’s stakeholders and partners from “traditional”
ones to include additional key community groups and partners also working on other
community issues (e.g. health, housing, economic development).
IBO and other partners will work to transform the existing digital equity task force into a
statewide digital equity coalition. This statewide coalition will broaden the type and number
of digital equity stakeholders and in turn, will support and augment regional and/or county-
level digital equity coalitions. These coalitions will be critical to not only implement the
plan but also ensure sustainability and community buy-in and connect researchers and
The IBO will work with organizations in Indiana who have a history of successfully working
with covered populations or addressing digital equity to carry out the plan objectives.
This includes supporting existing programs or resources, as well as the creation of new
programs or resources. Through the planning process, the IBO has already worked with
the state digital equity taskforce and PCRD to identify existing digital equity programs and
or resources. Building on existing assets and relationships will not only stretch the funding,
but be essential to successful intervention. While the funding guidelines will determine the
exact nature of the collaboration between IBO and partner organizations, collaboration will
be key to plan success.
From the start of this plan there has been coordination with the BEAD plan, particularly
with objectives in Goal 1. Moving forward, IBO intends to continue the coordination
between the two plans as IBO works to implement the plans concurrently.
In addition, Indiana has a history of broadband and digital equity-related initiatives. For
example, the state of Indiana has two large broadband programs as well as multiple city,
county, and regional digital equity plans in place (read more in the asset inventory section).
It will be important to coordinate between these initiatives and the implementation of this
plan to avoid duplication and increase the impact of the invested funds.
IBO will continue to establish the infrastructure needed to ensure this plan has the
intended impact and is sustainable. First, IBO will develop a sound project and impact
evaluation strategy and ensure that any projects that are implemented as part of this
plan include project and impact evaluation requirements. Appendix B outlines examples
of the kind of metrics the IBO will seek to collect for each objective. These metrics may
change based on the project and what is reasonable or available to collect. The next step is
developing a collection system that is compatible with the funding guidelines.
Digital Equity is a constantly evolving issue due to the nature of technology. Already, IBO
has worked to cultivate relationships with practitioners in Indiana, from internet service
providers to non-profit organizations. These relationships will be important for gaining
insight into the evolving digital equity context in Indiana that will inform plan priority
activities and necessary plan updates. To gain these insights, the IBO will continue to build
a network within Indiana as well host stakeholder engagement events as allowed by the
forthcoming digital equity capacity grant funding guidelines.
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder engagement has been pivotal in the creation of this plan and it will continue
to be for the implementation of this plan. As outlined in the previous section, stakeholder
engagement will serve multiple purposes including forming digital equity coalitions,
partnering to achieve plan objectives, and informing and updating the plan. To accomplish
this, several of the stakeholder engagement strategies conducted during the planning
process will continue. The survey conducted at the start of the planning process will
be repeated. In addition, the Digital Equity State-wide task force will be continued and
transformed into a coalition. These activities will be complemented by new engagement
activities, including those expressed in the plan such as the development of practitioner
networks and collaboration opportunities. Additional community engagement events will
be held as allowed by the forthcoming digital equity capacity grant
funding guidelines. Regardless of the engagement method, IBO
will seek to include the voices of covered populations.
metrics were identified through secondary and primary data sources. These provide a
baseline for the current digital equity context in Indiana. By repeating the data gathering
in five years, we can track overall progress in Indiana on digital equity. A survey similar to
the one conducted to document digital equity differences between multiple groups will be
deployed, including covered populations. This survey will be repeated in 2025 or 2026 to
see if these differences indeed were reduced once the plan is implemented in 2024 and
In addition to the individual survey data, a preliminary list of 19 secondary data variables
have been identified to help local digital equity coalitions prioritize strategies and objectives
as well as measure impact. A digital equity dashboard will showcase any movement in these
variables over time at the county, regional, state and national levels. Please refer to section
2.b of this plan for an overview of the state’s current digital equity landscape as measured
by these variables and the survey results.
In order to impact the digital equity landscape in Indiana, this plan outlines interventions
through the objectives. To track progress and impact, any funded initiatives tied to the
objectives will be expected to report metrics. These metrics in turn should affect both the
second individual survey, as well as the macro digital equity Census variables. Examples of
potential metrics for each objective are outlined in the table in Appendix B.
Finally, in addition to tracking progress on digital equity in Indiana, plan evaluation should
indicate any needs for updating or modifying the plan. While the metrics collected for each
of the measurable objectives can serve as one indication, there are specific activities in
the objectives that can also highlight the need. Many objectives call for the formation of
practitioner networks, digital equity coalitions or other communities of practice. Through
engaging with these groups, emerging digital equity issues can be identified and brought to
the task force to determine if and what modifications to the plan need to be made.
Tailor processes to
with Digital Equity
Creation of Digital
Equity Collaitions
Digital Equity Data
Gathering for
Impact Evaluation
Digital Equity AF
Dashboard Annual
Repeat Survey
designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration; and
includes—obtaining access to digital literacy training; the provision of quality technical
support; and obtaining basic awareness of measures to ensure online privacy and
Digital Literacy*: the skills associated with using technology to enable users to find,
evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information.
Aging Individual*: The term “aging individual” means an individual who is 60 years of age
or older.
Community Anchor Institution*: The term “community anchor institution” means a
public school, a public or multi-family housing authority, a library, a medical or healthcare
provider, a community college or other institution of higher education, a State library
agency, and any other nonprofit or governmental community support organization.
Covered Household*: The term “covered household” means a household, the income of
which for the most recently completed year is not more than 150 percent of an amount
equal to the poverty level, as determined by using criteria of poverty established by the
Bureau of the Census.
Covered Populations*: The term “covered populations” means:
1. Individuals who live in covered households;
2. Aging individuals;
3. Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal
correctional facility;
4. Veterans;
5. Individuals with disabilities;
6. Individuals with a language barrier, including individuals who—
a. Are English learners; and
b. Have low levels of literacy;
7. Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group; and
8. Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area.
population of greater than 20,000 inhabitants.
Veteran*: The term “veteran” means a person who served in the active military, naval, air,
or space service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other
than dishonorable.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA): Presented with bipartisan support,
this piece of legislation was signed into law by President Biden November 15, 2021 that
included the Digital Equity Act of 2021 and established the funding for the development of
this and other state plans, in addition to the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program,
Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program and other programs focused on broadband
Digital Divide: The gap between individuals or communities who do not have and those
who have the information technology capacity that is needed for full participation in the
society and economy of the United States.
Digital Equity Coalition: Groups of community representatives dedicated to addressing
digital equity within their community.
OCRA region: Strategic groupings of counties by the Indiana Office of Community and
Rural Affairs (OCRA) for placing community liaisons and other assistance. Learn more about
the six regions on the OCRA website here:
Indiana Geographic Information Office (GIO): The Geographic Information System (GIS)
community is governed by Indiana state statute that assigns responsibilities and duties to
the Indiana Geographic Information Office (GIO). Learn more about these responsibilities
The Purdue University Center for Regional Development (PCRD): Part of Purdue
University’s Office of Engagement, this center’s mission is to be a leader in innovative and
adaptive partnerships empowering regions to find solutions for equitable, sustainable, and
resilient development. The Purdue Center for Regional Development will collaborate with
people to listen, identify, and enhance assets unique to their story resulting in prosperity
and quality of life. Learn more at
*This plan uses these definitions as stated in the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the State
Digital Equity Planning Grant Program
Appendix B - Example Metrics
AF Outputs
• Number of participating localities
• Number of participating organizations
• Number of assets inventoried
• Number of inventoried assets
• Number of households impacted by
mobilized assets
• Number of Households impacted by
mobilized assets in areas with above
average covered populations
• Number of Community Anchor
Institutions impacted by mobilized
• Number of Community Anchor
Institutions that serve mostly covered
populations impacted by mobilized
1.1.2 • Number of experts engaged in • Number of municipal/county
resource creation governments implementing toolkit
1.1.6 • Number of data programs/resources • Number of local leaders or
started or supported organizations using the data
• Amount of data collected • Decisions impacted by data from these
• Number of hotspot lending programs
supported or launched
• Number of hotspot lending programs
included on the Indiana Digital Asset
• Number of resources collected
• Number of people using the launched
or supported hotspot lending programs
• Share of people using the launched or
supported hotspot lending programs
that are part of one or more covered
• Number of individuals accessing the
best practices
• Number of practitioners participating in
network activities
1.1.8 • Number of connectivity programs • Number of students connected
supported • Number of adult learners connected
• Number of post-release justice-involved
individuals connected
1.1.9 • Identified requirements/parameters for • Number of nominated organizations
the awards program • Number of organizations recognized
• Impact from recognized organizations
1.2.1 • Number of Incentive programs • Network upgrades
• Number ISPs involved assistance programs
• Number of covered population
households enrolled in assistance
• Number of covered population
AF households informed of assistance
1.2.6 • Number of resources created • Number of ISPs/potential ISPs using the
• Number of resources deployed resources
• Number of organizations creating or • Number of ISPs created
deploying the resources • Number of ISPs sustained
1.2.7 • Number of reporting/evaluation tools • Reach of published evaluation results
• Number of funding programs
collaborated with
1.2.8 • Incentive programs developed • Number of Communities leveraging
• Funding resources created incentive programs
• Amount of funding reinvested through
prioritized ISPs
• Network expansions
• Number of unserved Households
• Number of unserved Households of
1.3.3 • Development of reporting (systems) • Number of individuals using the
• Reach of promotion of reporting reporting system
systems • Number of concerns reported
• Number of covered population using
the reporting system
AF • Number of concerns addressed
1.3.4 • Number of partnerships developed or • Number of households assisted with
supported home internet set-up
2.1.1 • Number of device loan or giveaway • Number of households provided
programs launched or supported supplied with a device
• Number of device loan or giveaway • Number of households of covered
programs that offer peripheral devices populations supplied with a device
• Number of device loan or giveaway • Number of peripheral devices supplied
programs that provide continual tech
2.1.2 • Number of resources collected • Number of users accessing published
• Number of resources published best practices
• Number of practitioners participating in • Number of practitioners reporting
network activities changes to programs based on
best practice resources or network
• Number of resources contributed to
the best practices from the practitioner
2.1.3 • Strategies identified for sustaining or • Number of devices given away through
subsidizing device give away programs sustained/subsidized device giveaway
• Strategies identified for offsetting programs
cost of device recycling/refurbishing • Number of households, organizations
programs or businesses donating used devices
• Number of subsidized/sustainable • Number of devices recycled/
device giveaway programs refurbished
• Number of device recycling/ • Proximity of device giveaway programs
refurbishing programs to covered populations
• Distribution of device recycling/
refurbishing programs around the state
community tech hubs located in areas • Number of individuals using
with an above average share of covered community tech hubs on a weekly or
populations month biases
• Number of community tech hubs • Number of individuals using devices at
providing technical assistance
AF community tech hubs
• Number of community tech hubs • Number of individuals attending digital
providing digital literacy workshops literacy workshops at community tech
• Number of best practice resources hubs
collected • Knowledge gain reported by attendees
• Number of best practice resources of digital literacy workshops at
published community tech hubs
• Number of practitioners participating in • Number of users accessing best
network activities practice resources
• Number of practitioners reporting
changes to programs or practices
based on best practice resources
• Number of resources contributed
to the best practices by practitioner
network participants
2.1.6 • Number of device refurbishing skills • Number of participants completing
programs developed or supported device refurbishing skills programs
• Number of device refurbishing skills • Number of devices refurbished through
programs delivered device refurbishing skills programs
• Number of devices kept by participants
educational campaigns
2.2.2 • Number of digital literacy programs • Number of participants who completed
developed the digital literacy program
• Knowledge gain reported by
AF participants
2.2.3 • Number of schools engaged or • Number of students accessing the
supported assistive technology they ended
• Capacity built • Number of students receiving the
resources they need
2.2.4 • Number of educational resources or • Number of individuals reached
programs supported • Number of participants in educational
• Number of users accessing resources
• Knowledge gain reported by program
2.2.5 • Number of tech hubs or computer labs • Number of individuals participating in
hosting digital skills classes classes/programs
• Number of programs conducted • Knowledge gain reported by program
3.1.1 • Number of digital equity (or similar) • Number of digital equity coalitions or
coalitions formed coalition members actively participating
• Percent of state (by area or population) in state digital equity coalition
state-wide network • Number of website visitors to the
• Percent of state (by area or population) online repository of resources and/or
served by digital equity coalitions best practices
engaged in the state-wide network • Number of first-time users accessing
• Number of best practice and/or
AF the online repository of resources and/
resources sharing events hosted for or best practices
the statewide network of digital equity • Number of returning users accessing
coalitions the online repository of resources and/
• Number of resources and/or best or best practices
practices published in an online • Average time spent by users spent on
repository for network use the online repository of resources and/
or best practices.
3.1.5 • Number of educational events • Number of Community Partners
or consultations on digital equity offering grants or other funding
conducted with community partners opportunities for digital equity efforts
• Number of community partners • Total dollars invested in digital equity
contacted about digital equity initiatives by community partners
• Number of digital equity awareness • Number of digital equity coalitions
and/or educational campaigns receiving funding from community
conducted partners
• Reach of digital equity awareness and/ • Number of community partners
or educational campaigns conducted providing funding to digital equity
• Engagement for digital equity coalitions
awareness and/or educational • Total dollars leveraged by digital equity
connect to or support the state wide digital equity plans and the state-wide
digital equity plan digital equity plan
• Number of collaborations pursued
between state-wide and local/regional
AF digital equity coalitions.
3.1.8 • Number of organizations serving • Number of covered-population
covered populations identified individuals participating in programs
• Number of initiatives funded provided by partner organizations
• Number of dollars used to fund through provided funding
digital equity initiatives for • Number of cover-population individuals
covered populations delivered by using resources developed by partner
or in collaboration with partner organizations through provided
organizations funding
• Unique digital equity needs being
addressed by partner organizations
through provided funding
• Adjustments to the Digital equity plan
or implementations based on feedback
from covered population provided
through partner organizations
technical assistance
3.2.3 • Development of a recognition • Number of Indiana residents served by
program(s) including: recognized Indiana-base websites or
° Number of areas of recognition web services
° Criteria developed for awardees
AF • Number of Indiana residents who
• Number of Indiana-based websites or identify as one or more covered
web services nominated populations served by recognized
• Number of Indiana-based websites or Indiana-base websites or web services
web services recognized
• Number of Awareness campaigns
about the recognition program and/or
recipients implemented
• Reach of awareness campaign
• Engagement with the awareness
3.2.4 • Number of awareness campaigns • Number of community residents
implemented connected with digital services
• Number of programs connecting • Number of community residents
community residents with local digital reporting an increase in use of local
services conducted digital services
• Number of resources connecting • Number of local digital services
community residents with local digital reporting an increase in users
services launched • Number of community residents
• Number of local digital services reporting positive benefits from using
developed to help integrate digital a continuity of operations plan
equity recommendations into that incorporated digital equity
continuity of operations plans recommendations
• Number of individuals impacted by one
AF or more disasters whose community
leveraged a continuity of operations
plan that incorporated digital equity
• Number of individuals who identify
as one or more covered populations
impacted by one or more disasters
whose community leveraged a
continuity of operations plan
that incorporated digital equity
• Number of individuals using
programs or resources to understand
and integrate digital equity
recommendations into continuity of
operations plans
• Number of areas with above average
share of covered populations
with a continuity of operations
plan that integrates digital equity
• Number of educational programs • Number of leaders reporting a
conducted knowledge gain from the educational
• Number of counties or cities with a
AF leader that has participated in the
educational programing
• Number of policies or programs
resulting from education provided
3.3.2 • Number of resources developed to • Number of local leaders using the
help local officials leverage broadband resources
infrastructure for workforce attraction • Number of counties/cities using the
3.3.3 • Number digital ag programs developed • Number of farmers participating in
• Number of digital ag resources digital ag programs
developed • Number of local leaders participation in
• Number of digital ag experts consulted digital ag programs
• Number of farmers reporting adopting
digital ag practices because of
programing or resources
• Profit increases reported by farmers
who adopted digital ag practices
• Crop yield increases reported by
farmers who adopted digital ag
• Number of cities or counties adopting • Number of new workers employed by
incentive programs incentivized employers
• Number of new residents in cities or
counties employed in remote work
3.3.7 • Number of high school classes
AF • Number of students showing a
developed knowledge gain from the classes
• Number of high school classes • Number of students demonstrating
receiving support from local employers proficiency in employable digital skills
• Number of employers involved in the • Number of students who secure jobs
development or support of high school with local employers following course
classes completion
3.3.8 • Number of incentive programs • Number of employees receiving home
developed internet benefits from participating
• Number of cities or counties adopting employers
the incentive program • Number of employees with an
• Number of employers utilizing the employer-provided device at home
incentive program from participating employers
• Number of participants who report the
employer-provided device as the only
device in the household
• Number of participants who report not
having had home internet before the
benefit from participating employers.
• Number of Indiana towns/cities/
counties with a strong online presence
• Number of residents participating in
Indiana digital communities
3.4.1 • Number of digital parenting programs
AF • Number of parents who participated in
developed digital parenting programs
• Number of digital parenting programs • Number of parents who completed
funded digital parenting programs
• Number of digital parenting trainings • Number of parents who report feeling
conducted more confident when it comes to
• Number of digital citizenship programs parenting decisions related to digital
developed technology
• Number of digital citizenship programs • Number of individuals who participated
funded in digital citizenship programs
• Number of digital citizenship trainings • Number of individuals who completed
conducted digital citizenship programs
• Number of individuals who report a
knowledge gain following participation
in a digital citizenship program
• Number of individuals who report
changing their online behavior
following participation in a digital
citizenship program
3.4.2 • Number of programs developed • Number of program participants
• Number of experts consulted in knowledge gain following trainings
training or resource development • Number of local leaders participating in
• Number of covered populations
AF participating in trainings
• Number of covered populations served
by local leaders who participate in
3.4.5 • Number of digital skills classes • Number of individuals who completed
developed at least one digital skills class
• Number of digital skills classes funded • Number of returning class participants
• Number of digital skills classes • Number of individuals who completed
conducted at least one digital skills class who
• Number of digital skills classes identify as one or more covered
conducted in areas with an above populations
average share of covered populations • Number of returning class participants
who identify as one or more covered
• Number of individuals reporting an
increase in the number of online
activities they conduct following class
• Number of individuals reporting an
increase in frequency of use of online
average share of covered populations
serviced by a digital navigator or similar
3.4.9 • Develop resources for integrating • Number of adult education programs
digital skills in adult education
AF using the developed resources
programs • Number of adult education programs
• Provide funding to adult education with integrated digital skills offered in
programs to integrate digital skills areas with an above average share of
covered populations
• Number of individuals graduating from
adult education programs who have
integrated digital skills
3.4.10 • Number of best practices published in • Number of organizations recognized
the online repository • Number of organizations nominated
• Number of partner organizations • Number of organizations participating
contributing best practices in networking opportunities
• Number of recognition programs • Number of individuals participating
developed in professional development
• Number of professional development opportunities
opportunities offered • Number of individuals accessing the
best practices
3.5.1 • Number of resources published on the • Number of website users
online repository • Number of returning website users
individuals of all ages with physical impairments.
Goal 5 of the FSSA’s Multi-Sector Plan focuses on instituting policies and evidence-based
programs to positively impact social determinants of health. This proposed Digital Equity
Plan for the state of Indiana specifically addresses internet access, which is increasingly
recognized as a “super determinant” of health. Internet access plays a role in health care
outcomes and influences more traditionally recognized social determinants of health, such
as education, employment, and healthcare access. Both digital access and digital adoption
were considered in terms of how they relate to this covered population, referred to as
“aging individuals”.
Indiana Association of Regional Councils (IARC)
IARC supports regional development efforts that prioritize and categorize local community
and economic development needs and projects based on urgency, feasibility and
determined regional priority. As part of their regional purview, IARC has been involved in
many of the digital inclusion and broadband planning efforts conducted at the county and
community levels across the state of Indiana. Their voice as part of the Digital Equity Task
Force helps ensure the plan’s compliance with regional planning needs and interests.
One of the IARC regions that hosted a Digital Fellow recently received $5M in BEAD funding
and is poised to obtain another $10M in the near future. They have focused on connecting
their schools with the broadband network in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The DWD is also responsible for administering federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunity
Act (WIOA) funding in the state of Indiana to benefit adult education programs. In January
2024, the DWD will release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to interested Hoosier adult
education providers for a competition grant that will span six (6) years from 2024-2030.
While the RFP is not a strategic document, it does set the stage for how adult education
providers address the digital literacy needs of Indiana’s adult learners. The new grant
competition sets out several objectives that align to those under Strategy 3.5 of this
proposed Digital Equity Plan.
Indiana’s State Service Plan (Serve Indiana)
Serve Indiana’s State Service Plan (launched in 2019 and extended through 2024) created
three priorities to advance service and volunteerism in Indiana: 1) strengthen Indiana
AmeriCorps programs, 2) increase employer-based volunteer programs in Indiana, and 3)
increase awareness of Serve Indiana in the broader community. As part of its first priority,
Serve Indiana worked with the PCRD to fund a Digital Fellows Program, placing AmeriCorps
volunteers in six of the IARC regions where they served (September 2021 to August 2023)
as liaisons to build digital capacity at the county and community levels in these regions. The
Digital Fellow program helped regions strategize the areas in which they needed to build
added capacity. For some regions, this involved ensuring their community schools were
connected. In another region, this meant supporting schools as they formed after school
robotics programs. Two regions sought to enact their Digital Inclusion plans with the help
of their Fellows; while another two sought to bolster the cybersecurity of their municipal
governments, local institutions and key industries.
Indiana Rural Schools Association (excerpt from their policy)
The Indiana Small and Rural Schools believes all entities receiving any tax dollars for
a digital build should share their fiber maps with the state. This will prevent taxpayer-
supported fiber from being built on top of existing tax-supported fiber. The Indiana
Small and Rural Schools also asks that taxpayer-supported broadband investments fund
multiple ISP plans, including private and public partnerships that will serve the last mile in
underserved areas.
dashboard could be created that visualizes digital equity using survey/partner/outcome
data gathered by the Digital Equity Plan. While the state’s work, propelled by these
partners, is informed by many resources (in addition to the data presented in the portal),
the ultimate goal is that people will use this portal as a gateway to open up conversations
regarding Indiana’s opportunities to provide the tools necessary for all Hoosiers to
experience their best quality of life. Having reliable internet access (including access to this
portal) is a critical component of that.
Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs
The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) mission is to support, serve, and
advocate for the Indiana Veteran Community. IDVA’s work encompasses three main
areas for Indiana Veterans, including: 1) veteran long-term care at the Indiana Veterans
Home in West Lafayette, Ind., 2) the Indiana Veterans Cemetery in Madison, Ind., and 3)
management of federal and state veterans’ benefits.
Two of the three IDVA goals align directly with the digital access and equity priorities
described in this plan. Specifically, IDVA has a goal to “increase awareness of Indiana
veteran programs and benefits.” Digital equity across the state will help IDVA achieve this
goal. Secondly, IDVA has the goal to “improve and enhance customer satisfaction.” Digital
equity will provide Indiana veterans with better access to services overall, and it will allow
IDVA to provide tools, information and resources when and where Hoosier veterans need
them most.
libraries across the state that are specific to help bridge the digital equity gap.