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Advanced Tubing Design

Temperature Modeling

Øystein Lervik

Petroleum Geoscience and Engineering

Submission date: June 2016
Supervisor: Sigbjørn Sangesland, IPT
Co-supervisor: Bjørn Astor Brechan, IPT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics
In casing and tubing design, one of the most important aspects is to make the well
safe for operation. This includes many complex areas that need thorough
understanding, with one being temperature prediction. This is a vital skill to be able to
do correctly, especially in high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) wells. A great
understanding of the mathematics involved is needed to predict wellbore temperatures
with high precision.

The mathematics involved in temperature prediction and some of the most important
production loads were investigated in this thesis. A model was established in Matlab
based on literature on the subject, and the results from the model were compared to
results from industry leading software (ILS). A sensitivity analysis of the model was
done, by analyzing the sensitivity of some of the parameters.

The effect of neglecting convection from the model was tested. When neglecting
convection, there was a high difference in the simulated temperatures. Including the
Joule-Thomson effect in the model was also tested. The inclusion showed that for
certain values of a correction factor for the Joule-Thomson effect, the simulated fluid
temperature were very close to the ILS temperature.

The model can be improved. Implementation of vertical heat transfer into the model,
can give a more realistic wellbore heat transfer simulation, and can give more precise
predicted temperatures. In addition to this, the results can be compared to data from
existing wells, to give less uncertainty from the model.

Et av de viktigste aspektene i brønndesign er å gjøre brønnen trygg for alle
operasjonene som skal bli utført. Dette inneholder mange komplekse tema som
behøver grundig forståelse, der et av temaene er temperaturestimering.
Temperaturestimering er viktig å gjøre riktig, spesielt i brønner med høyt trykk og
høy temperatur. En god forståelse av matematikken bak temperaturestimering er
viktig for å få estimeringen så nøyaktig som mulig.

Matematikken bak temperaturestimering og de viktigste lastene som virker i en

produksjonsbrønn ble undersøkt i denne masteroppgaven. En modell ble laget i
Matlab basert på gjeldende litteratur. Resultatene fra modellen ble sammenlignet med
resultat fra programvare som brukes i industrien. En sensitivitesanalyse ble
gjennomført ved å analysere sensitiviteten til visse parametere i modellen.

Effekten av å neglisjere konveksjon ble testet. Neglisjeringen førte til store forskjeller
i temperaturene. Inkludering av Joule-Thomson-effekten ble også testet. For visse
verdier av en korrelasjonsfaktor for Joule-Thomson-effekten, fikk den simulerte
temperaturen verdier nær temperaturen fra programvaren fra industrien.

Modellen kan forbedres. Ved å implementere vertikal varmeoverføring i modellen,

kan en mer realistisk simulering av varmeoverføring i brønner oppnås. Dette kan igjen
gi mer presise verdier for de simulerte temperaturene. I tillegg kan resultatene
sammenlignes med data fra ekte brønner for å få mindre usikkerhet i modellen.

This thesis is worked out at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology as a
final report for TPG4910 – Master’s Thesis, Drilling Engineering.

I would like to thank my supervisor Sigbjørn Sangesland for letting me write my

thesis as a part of his team, and my co-supervisor Bjørn Brechan for his guidance and
expertise. I would also like to thank PhD student Jesus De Andrade for his help with
wellbore heat transfer. Lastly, I would like to thank my fellow students here at NTNU
for sharing knowledge and ideas.

Table of Contents
List of Figures..............................................................................................................xi  
List of Tables ............................................................................................................. xii  
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... xiii  
1   Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1  
2   Theory ..................................................................................................................... 2  
2.1   Tubing Stress Analysis ...............................................................................................2  
2.1.1   Base Case ..............................................................................................................2  
2.1.2   Pressure Test Tubing .............................................................................................2  
2.1.3   Pressure Test Annulus ...........................................................................................3  
2.1.4   Production .............................................................................................................3  
2.1.5   Shut-in ...................................................................................................................3  
2.1.6   Temperature Changes ............................................................................................3  
2.1.7   Fluid Drag ..............................................................................................................4  
2.1.8   Annulus Pressure Build-up ....................................................................................5  
2.2   Heat Transfer ..............................................................................................................7  
2.2.1   Conduction ............................................................................................................7  
2.2.2   Convection .............................................................................................................8  
2.2.3   Radiation ...............................................................................................................8  
2.3   Temperature Prediction .............................................................................................9  
2.4   Wellbore Heat Transfer ...........................................................................................10  
2.4.1   Formation Temperature Distribution ...................................................................10  
2.4.2   Wellbore Fluid Energy Balance ..........................................................................11  
2.4.3   Wellbore Fluid Temperature ...............................................................................13  
2.4.4   Heat Transfer in the Annulus ..............................................................................15  
2.4.5   Vertical Heat Transfer .........................................................................................18  
3   Heat Transfer Model ........................................................................................... 21  
3.1   Initial and Boundary Conditions .............................................................................21  
3.2   Dimensionless Variables ...........................................................................................22  
3.3   Casing and Wellbore Temperatures .......................................................................24  
3.4   Stepwise Temperature Modeling .............................................................................27  
3.4.1   Step 1 ...................................................................................................................29  
3.4.2   Step 2 ...................................................................................................................30  
3.4.3   Step 3 ...................................................................................................................31  
3.4.4   Step 4 ...................................................................................................................32  
3.4.5   Step 5 ...................................................................................................................33  
3.4.6   Step 6 ...................................................................................................................34  
3.4.7   Step 7 ...................................................................................................................35  
3.4.8   Step 8 ...................................................................................................................36  
4   Vertical Heat Transfer Model............................................................................. 38  
4.1   Initial and Boundary Conditions .............................................................................38  
4.2   Mathematics ..............................................................................................................38  
5   Results ................................................................................................................... 41  
5.1   Assumptions ..............................................................................................................41  
5.2   Input ...........................................................................................................................41  
5.3   Results ........................................................................................................................43  
5.3.1   Simulation Results ...............................................................................................43  
5.3.2   Simulation Results vs. ILS ..................................................................................46  
5.3.3   Varying ϕ .............................................................................................................48  
5.3.4   Time Effect ..........................................................................................................51  

5.3.5   Neglecting Convection ........................................................................................53  
5.3.6   Neglecting Radiation ...........................................................................................56  
6   Discussion ............................................................................................................. 59  
6.1   Model Simulation ......................................................................................................59  
6.2   Sensitivity of the Model ............................................................................................60  
6.2.1   Sensitivity of ϕ ....................................................................................................61  
6.2.2   Sensitivity of Time ..............................................................................................62  
6.2.3   Sensitivity of Convection and Radiation .............................................................63  
6.2.4   Sensitivity of β.....................................................................................................64  
6.3   Model Evaluation ......................................................................................................64  
6.3.1   Model vs. ILS ......................................................................................................64  
6.3.2   Vertical Heat Transfer .........................................................................................64  
7   Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 65  
8   Further Work ....................................................................................................... 66  
9   Nomenclature ....................................................................................................... 67  
10   References ........................................................................................................... 73  

List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Annulus Pressure Build-up (Bellarby, 2009) ............................................... 6  
Figure 2-2 Conduction, Convection and Radiation (Bergman et al., 2011) .................. 7  
Figure 2-3 Heat Transfer Mechanisms (Bellarby, 2009) ............................................... 9  
Figure 2-4 Effects of Varying ϕ (Hasan et al., 2009) .................................................. 15  
Figure 2-5 Control Volume for Vertical Heat Conduction (Izgec, 2008).................... 19  
Figure 3-1 Wellbore Schematic (Hasan et al., 2009) ................................................... 21  
Figure 3-2 Temperature Distribution (Willhite, 1967) ................................................ 26  
Figure 3-3 Well Schematic .......................................................................................... 27  
Figure 3-4 Step 1 for the Model................................................................................... 29  
Figure 3-5 Step 2 for the Model................................................................................... 30  
Figure 3-6 Step 3 for the Model................................................................................... 31  
Figure 3-7 Step 4 for the Model................................................................................... 32  
Figure 3-8 Step 5 for the Model................................................................................... 33  
Figure 3-9 Step 6 for the Model................................................................................... 34  
Figure 3-10 Step 7 for the Model................................................................................. 35  
Figure 3-11 Step 8 for the Model................................................................................. 36  
Figure 3-12 Flowchart for Fluid Temperature Prediction............................................ 37  
Figure 5-1 Simulated Temperatures vs. Measured Depth ........................................... 43  
Figure 5-2 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient vs. Measured Depth............................. 44  
Figure 5-3 Heat Loss to Formation .............................................................................. 45  
Figure 5-4 Comparison of Simulated Fluid Temperature vs. WellCat Fluid
Temperature ......................................................................................................... 46  
Figure 5-5 Comparison of Simulated Wellbore Temperature vs. WellCat Wellbore
Temperature ......................................................................................................... 47  
Figure 5-6 Effect of Varying ϕ on Fluid Temperature................................................. 48  
Figure 5-7 Wellbore Temperatures with Effect of ϕ.................................................... 49  
Figure 5-8 Effect of Varying ϕ on Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient ........................ 50  
Figure 5-9 Fluid Temperatures, t=1 hour..................................................................... 51  
Figure 5-10 Fluid Temperatures, t=10 000 hours ........................................................ 52  
Figure 5-11 Fluid Temperatures, t=200 000 hours ...................................................... 52  
Figure 5-12 Fluid Temperatures with and without Convection ................................... 53  
Figure 5-13 Wellbore Temperatures with and without Convection ............................ 54  
Figure 5-14 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients with and without Convection........... 55  
Figure 5-15 Fluid Temperatures with and without Radiation ...................................... 56  
Figure 5-16 Wellbore Temperatures with and without Radiation ............................... 57  
Figure 5-17 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients with and without Radiation ............. 58  
Figure 6-1 Effect of Formation Conductivity .............................................................. 60  
Figure 6-2 Fluid Temperature Difference for Varying ϕ ............................................. 61  
Figure 6-3 Effect of Time ............................................................................................ 62  

List of Tables
Table 2-1 Production Loads ........................................................................................... 2  
Table 2-2 C-values for Certain Well Inclinations ........................................................ 17  
Table 3-1 Casing and Tubing Diameter Dimensions ................................................... 27  
Table 5-1 Casing and Tubing Configuration ............................................................... 41  
Table 5-2 Input of Variables for the Model ................................................................. 42  

AFE Annulus Fluid Expansion
APB Annulus Pressure Build-up
API American Petroleum Institute
BH Bottomhole
GOR Gas/Oil-ratio
HPHT High-pressure, High-temperature
ILS Industry Leading Software
MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure
MD Measured Depth
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
TOC Top of Cement
TVD True Vertical Depth
WH Wellhead

1 Introduction
In tubing and casing design, one of the most important aspects is to make the well
safe for operation. Tubing and casing design includes many complex areas that need
thorough understanding to ensure as safe operations as possible. Temperature
prediction is one of these areas. Especially in HPHT wells, it is a vital skill to be able
to predict correct temperatures.

Previous Solutions
There are many papers on the subject, and most temperature prediction literature
based on wellbore heat transfer goes back to the paper by Ramey from 1962. He
found a method to relate the flowing wellbore fluid to the formation temperatures,
which also have been used to calculate wellbore heat loss. During the years with new
technology and findings the theory has been improved. Hasan and Kabir have
developed a method to effectively predict the flowing wellbore fluid, with high
presicion. Knut Vegard Løbergsli made a model for his master’s thesis in 2015 which
assumed a vertical well with cement in all annuli (Løbergsli, 2015).

The goal of the thesis is to give a broad understanding of the literature on wellbore
heat transfer mechanisms, as well as developing a well functioning model to predict
flowing fluid temperatures in Matlab, with a deviated well and with specified cement

The literature on the subject will be investigated in this thesis, with an explanation of
the most important theory. A model will be developed in Matlab to simulate results
based on the existing literature. The results will be compared to ILS results. The ILS
program used will be WellCat.

2 Theory
2.1 Tubing Stress Analysis
Tubing stress analysis is important in regards to completion design. To get a broad
understanding of all the loads acting on the tubing is essential to get the completion
design needed to make the tubulars withstand all the loads. Tubing stress analysis is
also helping with defining what packers or expansion devices that are required for the
well (Bellarby, 2009). Some of the most important loads that are affecting the tubing
during production are presented below. Table 2-1 shows the different loads during
production, and what type of loads they are, i.e. collapse, burst or axial (Lervik,
2015). The loads that are highlighted in red are not discussed in this thesis.
Table 2-1 Production Loads

Collapse Burst Axial

Load Pressure Test- Pressure Test- Temperature Changes
Case Annulus Tubing Fluid Drag
Late-life Production Shut-in Annulus Pressure Build-
Mid-life Production Early-life- up
Tubing Evacuation Production Pumping Kill Fluid
Tubing Leak Pumping Kill Fluid Bullheading
Bullheading Tubing Evacuation

2.1.1 Base Case

To get all the loads calculated correctly, it is essential to get the initial conditions, i.e.
the base case, correct. These include the initial pressures and temperatures (Bellarby,
2009). A HPHT well is defined as a well that has an expected shut-in pressure that
exceeds 69 MPa or that has a static bottomhole pressure higher than 150 °C
(NORSOK D-010, 2004).

2.1.2 Pressure Test Tubing

Before the completion is accepted for service, the tubing has to be pressure tested
(Bellarby, 2009). This is because the tubing is the primary barrier in most well
constructions. The tubing is tested with an applied pressure called “well design
pressure”, which is the wellhead pressure plus a margin of 70 bar (NORSOK D-010,

2.1.3 Pressure Test Annulus
The most important part of pressure testing the annulus is to verify the integrity of the
packers or liner hangers. The purpose of pressure testing the A-annulus is to certify
the secondary well barrier (NORSOK D-010, 2004).

2.1.4 Production
Production cause thermal changes in the well, and can generate high temperature
loads with either high or low pressures in the tubing. Some considerations have to be
made for production-related conditions. Firstly, the load case that has the highest
temperature must be found from sensitivities to flow rate, pressure and fluids.
Secondly, the production loads with high surface pressures are not always examined,
because they are included in the shut-in loads. Thirdly, a separate load case is often
made for tubing evacuation. If the severity of this load is greater than a low-pressure
production load, the tubing evacuation load is deemed too severe, i.e. unlikely to
occur, and the low-pressure production load should be examined. Finally, high
collapse loads can be produced from a combination of high annulus pressure and high
drawdowns. If this collapse load has a possibility to occur, the well design should
have a warning for this and the well operation procedures should include the
maximum allowable annular surface pressures (MAASP) (Bellarby, 2009).

2.1.5 Shut-in
Both pressures and temperatures can be high during shut-in, so this is a critical load
case. Steady-state production with high temperature followed by a quick shut-in is the
worst-case scenario for this load, because this generates a combination of high
pressure and temperature. The worst-case scenario can often be hard to identify,
because the wellhead pressure will rise when the temperature falls (Bellarby, 2009).

2.1.6 Temperature Changes

When metal is heated, it expands. This expansion is given by (Bellarby, 2009):

ΔLT = CT ΔTL (1)

ΔLT = Metal expansion (ft)

CT = Coefficient of thermal expansion (°F-1)
ΔT = Average change in temperature from base case to load case (°F)
L = Length of tubing (ft)

For tubing that is fixed at both ends, heating will cause compression, while cooling
will cause tension. This compressional or tensile force is given by (Bellarby, 2009):

FT = −CT EΔT (Ao − Ai ) (2)

FT = Force due to temperature change (lb)
E = Young’s modulus (psi)
Ai = Inside area (in2)
Ao = Outside area (in2)

When tubulars are heated it is most often caused by production of hotter fluids from
depth, while cooling of the tubulars comes from surface injection of colder fluids.
Some times injection wells can be hot also, e.g. for gas injectors where the
compressors are local to the injection well (Bellarby, 2009).

2.1.7 Fluid Drag

Frictional drag in the tubing occurs when there are fluids flowing through the tubing.
This is an axial force and is given by (Bellarby, 2009):

FF = − Ai L (3)

FF = Force due to frictional drag (lb)
= Friction pressure drop (psi/ft)

When the tubing is free to move, the frictional drag force generates a change in length
of the tubing, given by (Bellarby, 2009):

Δp 2
− L Ai
ΔLF = ΔL (4)
2E(Ao − Ai )

ΔLF = Length change due to frictional drag (ft)

The forces and length changes that are generated from fluid drag are often small in
comparison to forces and length changes from e.g. ballooning, so they are often
neglected in software calculations (Bellarby, 2009).

2.1.8 Annulus Pressure Build-up

Thermal expansion of fluids can lead to either an increase in the fluid volume or an
increase in the fluid pressure. This is why annulus pressure build-up (APB) or annulus
fluid expansion (AFE) is an important issue. Prediction of APB consists of three
factors. Firstly, due to an increase in fluid temperature, there is an expansion of fluid.
Secondly, ballooning or reverse ballooning of the casing strings lead to changes in
containment volume. Finally, fluids removed from the annulus, by bleeding off at
surface or leakage of an open shoe (Bellarby, 2009).

Figure 2-1 Annulus Pressure Build-up (Bellarby, 2009)

The pressure increase resulting from the thermal expansion is given by (Bellarby,

Δp = (5)

Δp = Pressure increase due to thermal expansion (psi)
α = Coefficient of thermal expansion of annular fluid (°F )

ΔT = Average temperature change in the annulus (°F)

C = Compressibility of the fluid (psi-1)

An explanation of more tubing loads can be found in Appendix A.

2.2 Heat Transfer
To understand the concept of heat transfer, an explanation of the terms conduction,
convection and radiation is needed. Heat transfer is defined as “thermal energy in
transit due to a spatial temperature difference” (Bergman et al., 2011).

Figure 2-2 Conduction, Convection and Radiation (Bergman et al., 2011)

2.2.1 Conduction
Conduction is referred to as heat transfer that occurs across a stationary medium, in
solid or fluid form. Its mechanism is random molecular motion that leads to diffusion
of energy (Bergman et al., 2011). Fourier’s law governs the equation for convection
rate (Bergman et al., 2011):

q"x = −k (6)

q"x = Conductive heat transfer rate in x-direction (W/m2)
k = Thermal conductivity (W/m-K)
= Temperature gradient (K/m)

Fourier’s law is applicable for both simple and complex conditions. The minus sign
comes from the fact that the direction of the heat transfer is with decreasing

2.2.2 Convection
Convection is referred to as heat transfer that occurs between a moving fluid and a
surface that have different temperatures. Its mechanism is as for conduction random
molecular motion that leads to diffusion of energy. What makes it differ from
conduction is addition of energy transfer due to bulk motion, also called advection
(Bergman et al., 2011). The convection rate equation is given as (Bergman et al.,

q" = h(Ts − T∞ ) (7)

q" = Convective heat transfer (W/m2)
Ts = Surface temperature (K)
T∞ = Fluid temperature (K)

2.2.3 Radiation
Radiation is referred to as heat transfer between two surfaces with different
temperatures, in the form of electromagnetic waves. The radiation is energy that is
emitted from matter at a nonzero temperature. Radiation does not need the presence
of a material medium (Bergman et al., 2011). The radiation rate is given by (Bergman
et al., 2011):

qrad = hr A(Ts − Tsur ) (8)

hr = εσ (Ts + Tsur )(Ts2 + Tsur

) (9)

qrad = Radiation heat transfer (W/m2)
hr = Radiation heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K)
A = Area (m2)
Tsur = Surroundings temperature (K)

ε = Emissivity (dimensionless)
-8 2 4
σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (=5.67×10 W/m -K )

2.3 Temperature Prediction

In tubing stress analysis, temperature prediction of the production or injection fluids
and surrounding casing/tubing is a critical skill. Especially in HPHT fields this is
critical, to ensure safe and efficient well design. There are several different ways of
predicting the temperature in and around the wellbores (Bellarby, 2009).

Figure 2-3 Heat Transfer Mechanisms (Bellarby, 2009)

It is of great importance to have an accurate fluid model to obtain accurate

temperature predictions. This importance is increased when including phase transfers.
For wells that are producing gas, pressure has a great effect on the temperature.

Therefore, when making a prediction model, it is important to iterate on both pressure
and temperature. Most prediction models assume constant wellhead flowing pressure
and bottomhole flowing temperature (Bellarby, 2009).

Thermal diffusivity governs the heat transfer away from the wellbore. This heat
transfer is most often assumed to be radial. The heat transfer is given as (Bellarby,

Q = Uπ D(Tw − Tg ) (10)

Q = Heat transfer per unit length (Btu/hr)
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)
D = Diameter of inside completion string (ft)
Tw = Inside tubing temperature (°F)
Tg = Temperature of formation away from wellbore (°F)

The heat transfer coefficient can often be assumed constant, e.g. for steady-state flow.
The calculation of this coefficient is dependent on both fluid properties and time
(Bellarby, 2009).

2.4 Wellbore Heat Transfer

When fluids move through a wellbore, it causes heat transfer between the fluids and
the earth. This heat transfer occurs because of the difference of the fluid and
geothermal temperature. Since heat transfer occurs in drilling, production and
injection operations, it is important to have great knowledge about this type of heat
transmission (Ramey, 1962).

2.4.1 Formation Temperature Distribution

Heat transfer in both the wellbore and the surrounding formation has a diversity of
applications to its various aspects. Therefore it is important to have a rigorous
approach to the development of applications using heat transfer calculations. A
formation temperature distribution can be used with dimensionless temperature and

dimensionless time to allow easy computation of both wellbore heat loss and
temperature of flowing fluid for steady-state, two-phase flow (Hasan and Kabir,

2.4.2 Wellbore Fluid Energy Balance

When a fluid flows up through the wellbore, the heat loss that occurs causes the fluid
temperature to decrease. An energy balance for the fluid can be done. For a two-phase
system, the following equation can be used (Hasan and Kabir, 1994):

dT f 1 dH dp
= + CJ (11)
dz c pm dz dz

dH dQ gsin θ v dv
= − − (12)
dz dz gc J gc J dz

T f = Tubing fluid temperature (°F)

c pm = Wellbore fluid heat capacity (Btu/lbm-°F)

H = Fluid enthalpy (Btu/lbm)

C J = Joule-Thomson coefficient (dimensionless)
Q = Heat flow rate (Btu/hr)
g = Gravity acceleration (ft/sec2)
gc = Conversion factor (=32.2 lbm-ft/lbf-sec2)
θ = Pipe inclination angle from horizontal (Degrees)
v = Specific volume (ft /lbm)

The fluid and the surrounding formation generate a radial heat transfer that can be
expressed with an overall heat transfer coefficient, Uto. Uto is based on the outside
surface area of the tubing, and is used in the equation for the heat transfer rate (Hasan
and Kabir, 1994) and the component terms of temperatures (Willhite, 1967):

dQ 2π rtoU to
=− (T f − Twb ) (13)
dz W

T f − Twb = (T f − Tti ) + (Tti − Tto ) + (Tto − Tci ) + (Tci − Tco ) + (Tco − Twb ) (14)

rto rins rco rwb

rto ln( ) rto ln( ) rto ln( ) rto ln( )
rto rto rti ro rci rco
U to = [ + + + + + ]−1 (15)
rti hto rins (hc + hr ) kt kins kcas kcem

Uto = Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)
W = Total mass flow rate (lbm/sec)
T f = Tubing fluid temperature (°F)

Twb = Interface temperature wellbore/earth (°F)

Tti = Inside tubing temperature (°F)
Tto = Outside tubing temperature (°F)
Tci = Inside casing temperature (°F)
Tco = Outside casing temperature (°F)
rto = Tubing outside radius (ft)
rti = Tubing inside radius (ft)
rins = Insulation surface radius (ft)
rco = Casing outside radius (ft)
rci = Casing inside radius (ft)
rwb = Wellbore or cement outside radius (ft)
hc = Convective heat transfer coefficient for fluid in annulus (Btu/°F-hr-ft2)
hr = Radiative heat transfer coefficient for annulus (Btu/°F-hr-ft2)
kt = Tubing material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kins = Insulation material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kcas = Casing material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kcem = Cement conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)

Using the definition for TD, heat transfer rate can be defined as (Hasan and Kabir,

dQ 2π ke
=− (Twb − Tei ) (16)
dz WTD

ke = Earth conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
TD = Dimensionless temperature
Tei = Undisturbed formation temperature at any given depth (°F)

By combining equations (13) and (16) the following expression can be obtained for
heat transfer rate (Hasan and Kabir, 1994):

2π ⎛ rtoU to ke ⎞
W ⎜⎝ ke + TD rtoU to ⎟⎠
(T f − Tei ) (17)

2.4.3 Wellbore Fluid Temperature

Wellbore fluid temperature is controlled by the heat loss rate going from the wellbore
to the formation surrounding it. This rate is varying with depth and the production or
injection time. To define an equation for wellbore fluid temperature varying with
depth, heat transfer rate is eliminated from equations (11) and (17). Wellbore fluid
temperature is therefore defined as (Hasan and Kabir, 1994):

dT f Tei − T f g sin θ dp vdv

= − + CJ − (18)
dz A gc Jc pm dz gc Jc pm

c pmW ⎛ ke + rtoU toTD ⎞

A= (19)
2π ⎜⎝ rtoU to ke ⎟⎠

Tei = Teibh − gT z (20)

A = Inverse relaxation distance (ft)
Teibh = Undisturbed bottomhole formation temperature (°F)
gT = Geothermal temperature gradient (°F/ft)
z = Depth from surface (ft)

For a producing well with known fluid and formation temperatures at bottomhole
conditions, the following expression for fluid temperature varying with well depth is
obtained (Hasan and Kabir, 1994):

⎛ gsin θ ⎞
T f = Tei + A ⎡⎣1− e( zbh −z )/A ⎤⎦ ⎜ −
⎝ gc Jc pm
+ φ + gT sin θ ⎟ + e( zbh −z )/A T fbh − Tebh

( ) (21)

φ = −2.978 ×10 −3 +1.006 ×10 −6 pwh +1.906 ×10 −4 wt −1.047 ×10 −6 RgL + 3.229 ×10 −5 γ API + 4.009 ×10 −3γ g − 0.3551gG (22)

zbh = Total depth from surface (ft)
φ = Correction factor including the Joule-Thomson effect for each length interval in
the well (dimensionless)
T fbh = Bottomhole fluid temperature (°F)

Tebh = Bottomhole formation temperature (°F)

pwh = Wellhead pressure (psi)
wt = Total mass flow rate (lbm/sec)
RgL = °Gas/liquid ratio (scf/STB)

γ API = Oil gravity (°API)

γ g = Gas specific gravity

gG = Geothermal gradient (°F/ft)

The equation for ϕ is applicable for wt < 5 lbm/sec, while ϕ=0 for wt ≥ 5 lbm/sec
(Sagar et al., 1991).

Figure 2-4 Effects of Varying ϕ (Hasan et al., 2009)

Figure 2-4 shows the effect of varying ϕ.

2.4.4 Heat Transfer in the Annulus

Stefan-Boltzmann’s law gives the radiant heat flux between the outside surface of the
tubing having temperature Tto, and the inside surface of the casing having temperature
Tci (Willhite, 1967):

Qr = 2π rtoσ Ftci (Tto*4 − Tci*4 )ΔL (23)

Qr = Annulus heat flow due to radiation (Btu/hr)
-9 2 4
σ = Stephan-Boltzmann constant (=1.713×10 ft -hr-R )

Tto = Tubing outside temperature at surface (°F)

Tci = Casing inside temperature at surface (°F)
ΔL = Length increment of tubing or casing (ft)

The asterisks at the temperatures mean that they are calculated with absolute
temperature. Ftci is a view factor that connects the geometry of the wellbore and
emissivity of the tubing and casing to the radiant heat flux (Willhite, 1967):

⎡1 r ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
Ftci = ⎢ + to ⎜ − 1⎟ ⎥ (24)
⎣ ε to rci ⎝ ε ci ⎠ ⎦

Ftci = View factor (dimensionless)
ε to = Tubing outside emissivity at surface (dimensionless)
ε ci = Casing inside emissivity at surface (dimensionless)

The heat transfer coefficient for radiation is defined as (Willhite, 1967):

hr = σ Ftci (Tto*2 + Tci*2 )(Tto* + Tci* ) (25)

hr = Radiative heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

The expression for heat flux by radiation becomes (Willhite, 1967):

Qr = 2π rto hr (Tto* − Tci* )ΔL (26)

Heat transfer by convection and conduction occurs between the outside tubing surface
and the inside casing surface (Willhite, 1967):

Qc = 2π rtohc (Tci − Tto )ΔL (27)

Qc = Annulus heat flow due to natural convection and conduction (Btu/hr)
hc = Convective heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

The heat transfer coefficient for convection and conduction is defined as (Willhite,

hc =
rto ln ci

khc = Equivalent thermal conductivity of annular fluids (Btu/hr-ft-°F)

= 0.049(Gr Pr)0.333 Pr 0.074 (29)

kha = Thermal conductivity of annular fluids (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
Gr = Grashof number (dimensionless)
Pr = Prandtl number (dimensionless)

The number 0.049 is found by Dropkin and Somerscales, and is applicable for
5×104<GrPr<7.17×108 and vertical wells. An extrapolation is needed for deviated
wells, with the following values given (Dropkin and Somerscales, 1965):
Table 2-2 C-values for Certain Well Inclinations

θ (degrees) Corresponding C (dimensionless)

0 0.069
30 0.065
45 0.059
60 0.057
90 0.049

Gr =
( rci − rto ) gρ an
3 2
β (Tto − Tci )

g = Acceleration due to gravity (=4.17×108 ft/hr2)
ρ an = Annulus fluid density (lb/ft3)
β = Thermal volumetric expansion coefficient of annulus fluid (°R-1)
µan = Annulus fluid viscosity (lbm/ft-hr)

can µan
Pr = (31)

can = Annulus fluid heat capacity (Btu/lb-°F)

For an ideal gas, the following expression gives the thermal volumetric expansion
coefficient, β (Willhite, 1967):

β= (32)

Tan∗ = Average temperature of the fluid in the annulus (°R)

The general equation for β is given as (Willhite, 1967):

1 ⎛ ∂ ρ an ⎞
β=− ⎜ ⎟ (33)
ρ an ⎝ ∂T ⎠ P

P = Annulus pressure (psi)

2.4.5 Vertical Heat Transfer

The type of heat loss that most temperature models account for is radial heat loss to
the surrounding formation. In some cases, for example a shut-in test, the wellbore

does not only lose heat to the surrounding formation radially, but also to the grid cells
that are above and below, i.e. vertical heat transfer. This is a very important subject,
especially for offshore wells (Izgec, 2008).

Figure 2-5 Control Volume for Vertical Heat Conduction (Izgec, 2008)

From Fourier’s law, the amount of heat coming in and going out from “i” can be
calculated (Izgec, 2008):

dQin n
Ti−1 − Ti n
= −kA (34)
dz Δz

dQout T n − Ti+1
= −kA i (35)
dz Δz

= Rate of heat coming in (Btu/hr)
= Rate of heat coming out (Btu/hr)
A = Heat flow area (ft2)

T = Temperature (°F)

From an energy balance for the volume element in addition to integration over time,
and the introduction of the conduction term the following equation is obtained (Izgec,

ΔT n
Ti+1 − 2Ti n + Ti−1
kA 2 = kA (36)
Δz Δz 2

From equation (36) the fluid temperature equation can be obtained (Izgec, 2008):

ΔT 1
T f = Ce− a't + Tei + kA (37)
Δz mc p (1+ CT )a'

a' = (38)
m(1+ CT )

2π ⎡ rtoU to ke ⎤
L'R = ⎢k +r U T ⎥ (39)
cp ⎣ e to to D ⎦

C = Integration constant
CT = Thermal storage parameter

The integration constant, C, can be written as the following when the initial condition
after shut-in is applied (Izgec, 2008):

ΔT ' −1
C = T fn − Tei − kA
Δz 2
( LR ) (40)

3 Heat Transfer Model
The mathematics behind a temperature prediction model can be complex. Therefore,
it is vital to establish a thorough and comprehensive background behind the equations
and assumptions involved in the model. Figure 3-1 shows the way to draw the
wellbore to fit the model.

Figure 3-1 Wellbore Schematic (Hasan et al., 2009)

3.1 Initial and Boundary Conditions

Heat flux from the wellbore can be considered constant for a short time-step. The
following differential equation can be used for formation temperature varying with
radial distance from the wellbore (Hasan and Kabir, 1991):

∂ 2 Te 1 ∂Te ce ρ e ∂Te
+ = (41)
∂r 2 r ∂r ke ∂t

r = Radial distance from wellbore (ft)
ce = Formation heat capacity (Btu/lb-°F)
ρ e = Density (lbm/ft3)

If radial symmetry around a wellbore is assumed, unsteady-state three-dimensional

heat diffusion can be treated as a two-dimensional problem. The initial conditions
assumed are that the formation temperature remains time-invariable (Hasan and
Kabir, 1991):

lim Te = Tei

The boundary conditions assumed are that the formation temperature does not change
with radial distance (Hasan and Kabir, 1991):

lim =0 (43)
r→∞ ∂r

The other boundary condition comes from the heat flow rate where the formation and
wellbore intersects. Fourier’s law of heat conduction controls this (Hasan and Kabir,

dq 2π ke r ∂Te
=− (44)
W ∂r

3.2 Dimensionless Variables

Dimensionless variables are introduced to have a solution that is more applicable. rD,
tD and α are introduced and inserted into equations (41), (43) and (44) (Hasan and
Kabir, 1991):

rD = (45)

tD = (46)

α= (47)
ρ ece

rD = Dimensionless radius
t D = Dimensionless time
α = Formation heat diffusivity (ft /hr)

t = Time (sec)

∂ 2 Te 1 ∂Te ∂Te
+ = (48)
∂rD2 rD ∂t D ∂t D

lim =0 (49)
rD →∞ ∂rD

⎛ dq ⎞
W⎜ ⎟
∂Te ⎝ dz ⎠
rD =1 = − (50)
∂rD 2π ke

Equations (48), (49) and (50)  lead to the following definition for dimensionless
temperature (Hasan and Kabir, 1991):

2π ke
TD = −
W (dq / dz)
(Twb − Tei ) (51)

TD = Dimensionless temperature

Using these conditions, Hasan and Kabir reached a solution for the dimensionless
temperature equation (Hasan and Kabir, 1991):

( )
TD = 1.1281 t D 1− 0.3 t D , 10 −10 ≤ t D ≤ 1.5 (52)

⎛ 0.6 ⎞
TD = ( 0.4063 + 0.5 ln(t D )) ⎜ 1+ , t D > 1.5 (53)
⎝ t D ⎟⎠

3.3 Casing and Wellbore Temperatures

After defining the initial and boundary conditions, the casing and wellbore
temperatures need to be found. Based on the equation for rate of heat transfer between
a flowing fluid and the inside of a tubing wall, the equations for casing temperatures
can be obtained. Starting with (Willhite, 1967):

Q = 2π rtoUto (T f − Th )ΔL (54)

Th = Cement-formation interface temperature (°F)

Combining equation (54) with heat transfer for conduction through casing and cement
gives (Willhite, 1967):

2π kcas (Tci − Tco )ΔL

Qcas =
ln co

2π kcem (Tco − Th )ΔL

Qcem =
ln h

Qcas = Heat flow casing (Btu/hr)

Qcem = Heat flow cement (Btu/hr)
rh = Drill hole radius (ft)
Tco = Outside casing temperature (°F)

The following equation is then obtained for the casing temperature (Willhite, 1967):

⎛ rh r ⎞
ln ln co
⎜ r rci ⎟
Tci = Th + ⎜ co + ⎟ rtoU to (T f − Th ) (57)
⎜ k cem k cas ⎟
⎝ ⎠

The outside casing temperature is given by (Tøien, 2015):

Tco = Twb +
rtoU to
rco ( hr + hc )
T f − Twb ) (58)

Th is given by (Willhite, 1967):

T f TD +
rtoU to
Th =
TD + e
rtoU to

Figure 3-2 Temperature Distribution (Willhite, 1967)

3.4 Stepwise Temperature Modeling
The well needs to be divided into several sections to calculate the correct
temperatures, because the equations will be different for parts of the well that have
different interfaces. It is assumed that both the surface casing and the conductor
casing are cemented to the top, while the intermediate and production casing and the
production liner are cemented for a specified length. Iterations are needed to calculate
the correct values for the overall heat transfer coefficient for each section, and
therefore also the heat transfer coefficients in the annuli.

Figure 3-3 Well Schematic

Table 3-1 Casing and Tubing Diameter Dimensions

Type Pipe Diameter (in) Hole Diameter (in)

Conductor Casing 30 36
Surface Casing 20 26
Intermediate Casing 13 3/8 17 1/2
Production Casing 9 5/8 12 1/4
Production Liner 7 8 1/2

The well is being iterated for each foot. Figure 3-3 shows the schematic for the well
used in the simulations, and is based on the well schematic from WellCat. The A, B
and C on the schematic represent the A-, B- and C-annulus of the well. The equations
that vary for each section are the following: Uto, Tci and Tco, from equations (15), (57)
and (58) respectively. Twb is given by equation (59). These equations lead to a
calculation of Tf from equation (21). The following will explain the steps to model the
temperature prediction for flowing fluid temperatures, where the figures are based on
Figure 3-2 from Willhite’s paper from 1967. The temperature decreases from left to
right on the figure for each of the steps, with flowing fluid temperature in green,
casing and tubing inside and outside temperatures in blue and wellbore temperature in
red. Resulting equations used in the model for Uto can be found in Appendix B.

3.4.1 Step 1

Figure 3-4 Step 1 for the Model

The first step in the model is to calculate the equations from the shoe of the
production tubing and up to the shoe of the production casing. This section has a
flowing fluid in the tubing, cement outside the tubing and no annulus.

Uto is calculated with a constant equation for this section, due to no annulus. The
value for Tf will be iterated for each foot of the section.

3.4.2 Step 2

Figure 3-5 Step 2 for the Model

The second step is to calculate the equations from the production casing shoe to the
top of cement of the liner hanger. This section has cement outside both the liner
hanger and the production casing. The outside and inside temperatures for the
production casing are assumed to be equal, because of the cement on both sides. Uto is
calculated with a constant equation for this section as well, due to no annulus.

3.4.3 Step 3

Figure 3-6 Step 3 for the Model

The third step is to calculate the equations from the top of cement of the liner hanger
to the top of cement of the production casing. This section has an annulus between the
liner hanger and the casing, so the heat transfer due to convection and radiation in the
annulus needs to be taken into account. Therefore, Uto and the outside casing
temperature need to be checked for convergence. When the convergence is reached
for the outside casing temperature, Uto can be calculated. When Uto has reached
convergence, Tf can be calculated.

3.4.4 Step 4

Figure 3-7 Step 4 for the Model

The fourth step is to calculate the equations from the top of cement of the production
casing to the shoe of the intermediate casing. This section has two annuli. Therefore,
the heat transfer due to convection and radiation needs to be taken into account in
both annuli. Uto and the outside casing temperature need to be checked for
convergence in the same way as in step 3, before Tf can be calculated.

3.4.5 Step 5

Figure 3-8 Step 5 for the Model

The fifth step is to calculate the equations from the shoe of the intermediate casing to
the top of cement of the intermediate casing. The section has two annuli and cement
outside the intermediate casing. The outside intermediate casing accounts for the heat
transfer through the cement. Heat transfer due to convection and radiation in the
annulus is taken into account. Uto and the outside production casing temperature need
to be checked for convergence in the same way as in step 3, before Tf can be

3.4.6 Step 6

Figure 3-9 Step 6 for the Model

The sixth step is to calculate the equations from the top of cement of the intermediate
casing to the shoe of the surface casing. This section has three annuli. Heat transfer
due to convection and radiation needs to be taken into account in all three annuli. The
outside intermediate casing temperature is first checked for convergence. Then the
outside production casing temperature is checked for convergence, and Uto is finally
checked for convergence before Tf can be calculated.

3.4.7 Step 7

Figure 3-10 Step 7 for the Model

The seventh step is to calculate the equations from the shoe of the surface casing to
the shoe of the conductor casing. This section has three annuli and cement outside the
surface casing. The outside surface casing temperature accounts for the heat transfer
through the cement. Heat transfer due to convection and radiation needs to be taken
into account in all three annuli. The outside intermediate casing temperature is first
checked for convergence. Then the outside production casing temperature is checked
for convergence, and Uto is finally checked for convergence before Tf can be

3.4.8 Step 8

Figure 3-11 Step 8 for the Model

The eight and final step is to calculate the equations from the shoe of the conductor
casing to the mudline. This section has three annuli and cement outside both the
surface casing and conductor casing. The outside surface casing temperature accounts
for the heat transfer through both layers of cement. Heat transfer due to convection
and radiation needs to be taken into account in all three annuli. The outside
intermediate casing temperature is first checked for convergence. Then the outside
production casing temperature is checked for convergence, and Uto is finally checked
for convergence before Tf can be calculated.

The eight steps are summed up in a flowchart of the model in Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12 Flowchart for Fluid Temperature Prediction

4 Vertical Heat Transfer Model
Implementing a vertical heat transfer model involves numerical differentiation and
matrix calculations. A brief explanation of how to implement it is given below.

4.1 Initial and Boundary Conditions

The following initial and boundary conditions are applicable for this model (Izgec,

T ( r,0 ) = Tei
T ( r = rt ) = T f (t) (60)
T ( r = ∞,t ) = Tei

rt = Tubing outside radius (ft)

4.2 Mathematics
When developing a temperature model that includes vertical heat transfer, cylindrical
grids represent the wellbore with radial grids around them. The radial grids
surrounding the cylindrical grids are generated to calculate the heat flow from tubing
fluid into the formation. These are generated in addition to solving for conduction
equation in finite difference form (Izgec, 2008).

The accuracy of the finite difference solution is improved by making equally spaced
nodes on a logarithmic basis. The analogy between heat and fluid flow equations
makes it possible to generate radial grids around the wellbore that are geometrically
spaced, which again makes it possible to calculate the formation temperatures. The
outer boundary is the outer grid, which represents the geothermal gradient (Izgec,

Generating the radial grids consists of three calculation steps (Izgec, 2008):
Calculate a scaling parameter:

⎛ r ⎞ i max−1
β =⎜ e ⎟ (61)
⎝ rwb ⎠

Calculate the initial grid distance:

ri+1 = β ri (62)

Calculate the remaining grids:

1 = βr
1 (63)
2 2

ri = r 1 r
i+ i−
1 (64)
2 2

re = Maximum distance from wellbore to formation
i max = Number of grids around the wellbore

Using the heat conduction equations the following implicit equation for the
temperature can be obtained, where “i” represents space and “n” represents time
(Izgec, 2008):

α n
TRW Ti−1 − TRCTi n+1 − TRETi+1
=− Ti (65)

2ki−1π ri−1h
TRW = (66)

2kiπ ri h
TRE = (67)

TRC = TRW − TRE + (68)

α = cρπΔr 2 h (69)

This implicit equation can be solved using matrix operations, and its matrix form is
given as (Izgec, 2008):

1 T1n+1 T1n
TRW TRC TRE T2n+1 α T2

• =− (70)
TRW TRC TRE T3n+1 Δt T3n
TRW TRC T4n+1 T4n

This matrix is made for a case with four radial grids and one vertical wellbore grid.

5 Results
The model explained in Chapter 3 was implemented in Matlab to obtain the best
possible understanding regarding temperature prediction problems and challenges.
The input and well trajectory used in this thesis was also used in the courses TPG4525
Specialization Course and TPG4520 Specialization Project (Lervik, 2015).

5.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions were taken into account when making the model:
• Radial symmetry around wellbore
• Constant formation heat diffusivity
• Steady-state flow
• Single-phase flow
• Constant emissivities and conductivities
• Ideal gas

5.2 Input
Table 5-1 shows the casing and tubing configuration used in the model. These values
were the result from the course TPG4525 Specialization Course.

Table 5-1 Casing and Tubing Configuration

Type Pipe Hole Shoe Shoe Inclination Top of

Diameter Diameter Depth, Depth, (degrees) Cement,
(in) (in) TVD MD (ft) MD (ft)
Conductor 30 36 1197.5 1197.5 0 1072.8
Surface 20 26 2624.6 2624.7 1.62 1072.8
Intermediate 13 3/8 17 1/2 6868.8 6955.4 19.03 5643.0
Production 9 5/8 12 1/4 12934.4 14150.3 66.18 12837.9
Production 7 8 1/2 13293.4 19289.1 89.9 13986.2

Table 5-2 shows the input variables that were used in the model. These were found
from the specialization course and from the master’s thesis of Knut Vegard Løbergsli
(Løbergsli, 2015).
Table 5-2 Input of Variables for the Model

Variable Value Units

Conductivity casing, kcas 26.2 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
Conductivity tubing, ktub 26.2 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
Conductivity cement, kcem 0.568 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
Conductivity formation, ke 0.92 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
Conductivity annulus, kan 0.35 Btu/hr-ft2-°F
Emissivity, ε 0.85 Dimensionless
Heat diffusivity formation, α 0.022 ft2/hr
Geothermal gradient, gT 1.44 °F/100ft
Fluid density A-annulus, ρan,A 78.03 lbm/ft3
Fluid density B-annulus, ρan,B 109.25 lbm/ft3
Fluid density C-annulus, ρan,C 90.52 lbm/ft3
Viscosity annulus, µan 60 lbm/ft-hr
Heat capacity annulus fluid, cp,an 0.95 Btu/lbm-°F
Heat capacity flowing fluid, cp,m 0.7 Btu/lbm-°F
Time, t 2000 hr
Mass flow rate, wt 70 lbm/sec
Gravity acceleration, ga 32.2 ft/sec2

5.3 Results
The model was run to compare against results from the ILS and to check the
sensitivity of certain variables.

5.3.1 Simulation Results

Figure 5-1 Simulated Temperatures vs. Measured Depth

Figure 5-1 shows the flowing fluid temperature in blue, wellbore temperature in red
and the undisturbed geothermal temperature in green. The values are plotted against
measured depth, and the values are the result from simulation in Matlab. The wellbore
temperature showed increased temperatures below each casing shoe, and decreased
temperatures where the casings were cemented. The values for all three temperatures
showed constant values where the deviation of the well was 90 degrees, at around 15
000 feet.

Figure 5-2 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient vs. Measured Depth

Figure 5-2 shows the overall heat transfer coefficient for the simulated well. It
increased below each casing shoe, and decreased where the casing was cemented. The
highest value of the overall heat transfer coefficient was found just below the
intermediate casing shoe. The lowest value was found at the mudline.

Figure 5-3 Heat Loss to Formation

Figure 5-3 shows the simulated heat loss to the formation in Btu/hr. The total
simulated heat loss was 1 769 300 Btu/hr.

5.3.2 Simulation Results vs. ILS

Figure 5-4 Comparison of Simulated Fluid Temperature vs. WellCat Fluid Temperature

Figure 5-4 shows a comparison of the simulated fluid temperature in red and the
WellCat fluid temperature in blue. The simulated temperature was lower than the
WellCat temperature for the entire well, except from at the bottom, where the
simulated temperature was 0.5 °F higher.

Figure 5-5 Comparison of Simulated Wellbore Temperature vs. WellCat Wellbore

Figure 5-5 compares the simulated wellbore temperature in blue to the WellCat
wellbore temperature in red. The simulated temperature was lower than the WellCat
temperature for the entire well.

5.3.3 Varying ϕ

Figure 5-6 Effect of Varying ϕ on Fluid Temperature

Figure 5-6 shows the simulated fluid temperatures with varying ϕ, with ϕ=0,
ϕ=0.0005, ϕ=0.001, ϕ=0.002 and ϕ=0.003, and the WellCat fluid temperature. ϕ=0
gave the lowest temperature with the temperature increasing for increasing values of

Figure 5-7 Wellbore Temperatures with Effect of ϕ

Figure 5-7 shows the simulated wellbore temperature in blue and the WellCat
wellbore temperature in red plotted against true vertical depth. The green plot shows
the simulated wellbore temperature with ϕ=0.0005. The simulated results gave a
higher difference in wellbore temperature where the annulus was cemented.

Figure 5-8 Effect of Varying ϕ on Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

Figure 5-8 shows the effect of varying ϕ on the overall heat transfer coefficient. It can
be seen that there was a difference at the areas not covered by cement below the
surface casing shoe and below the intermediate casing shoe. The coefficient was
increasing for increasing values of ϕ.

5.3.4 Time Effect
The following three figures show the difference in simulated fluid temperature in red
and WellCat simulated temperature in blue. Figure 5-9 shows the difference with
production time set to one hour, Figure 5-10 shows the difference with production
time set to 10 000 hours and Figure 5-11 shows the difference with production time
set to 200 000 hours.

Figure 5-9 Fluid Temperatures, t=1 hour

Figure 5-10 Fluid Temperatures, t=10 000 hours

Figure 5-11 Fluid Temperatures, t=200 000 hours

For the production time set to one hour the simulated fluid temperature was above the
WellCat temperature, while the simulated fluid temperature was below the WellCat
temperature for the two higher production times.

5.3.5 Neglecting Convection

Figure 5-12 Fluid Temperatures with and without Convection

Figure 5-12 shows the fluid temperature with convection in blue and the fluid
temperature without convection in red.

Figure 5-13 Wellbore Temperatures with and without Convection

Figure 5-13 shows the wellbore temperature with convection in blue and the wellbore
temperature without convection in red.

Figure 5-14 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients with and without Convection

Figure 5-14 shows the overall heat transfer coefficient with convection in blue and the
overall heat transfer coefficient without convection in red.

5.3.6 Neglecting Radiation

Figure 5-15 Fluid Temperatures with and without Radiation

Figure 5-15 shows a zoomed in area on the plot of the fluid temperature with radiation
in blue and the fluid temperature without radiation in red. The temperature axis, i.e.
the x-axis, on the plot has a difference in minimum and maximum value of 0.5
degrees, and the measured depth axis, i.e. the y-axis, on the plot has a difference in
minimum and maximum value of 20 feet. This was to highlight that there was very
low difference in the fluid temperatures when neglecting radiation.

Figure 5-16 Wellbore Temperatures with and without Radiation

Figure 5-16 shows a zoomed in area on the plot of the wellbore fluid with radiation in
blue and the wellbore temperature without radiation in red. The temperature axis, i.e.
the x-axis, on the plot has a difference in minimum and maximum value of 4 degrees,
and the measured depth axis, i.e. the y-axis, on the plot has a difference in minimum
and maximum value of 200 feet.

Figure 5-17 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients with and without Radiation

Figure 5-17 shows the overall heat transfer coefficient with radiation in blue and the
overall heat transfer coefficient without radiation in red.

More results can be found in Appendix C.

6 Discussion
The main purpose of this thesis was to establish a model for predicting the flowing
fluid temperature based on existing literature and comparing with calculations from
the ILS. The model was only compared to ILS results, no real data from existing wells
or earlier models. Because of this, it is unclear if the ILS or the model gives the most
correct temperatures in accordance with real data from existing wells.

6.1 Model Simulation

Figure 5-1 showed that the simulated temperature of the fluid had a discrepancy from
the calculated fluid temperature in WellCat, with the fluid temperature being lower
than the WellCat temperature. The same was the case for the wellbore temperatures.
Figure 5-5 showed the difference in wellbore temperatures from the model and
WellCat. WellCat seemed to be ignoring the decreases of wellbore temperature at the
cemented areas of the well. This gave the wellbore temperatures on the cemented
areas a higher value than what was modeled. This could also be an error in the model,
but if it is the case that WellCat ignores the temperatures, the model might have more
accurate results. Another reason that the WellCat temperature had higher values at
these areas can be that there is a safety margin in WellCat

In Hasan and Kabir’s paper from 1994 they did not use constant conductivity for the
formation. In the simulation in this thesis it was assumed constant conductivity for the
formation. The formation conductivity was used in the equations for wellbore
temperature and the flowing fluid temperature. When changing the values for
formation conductivity the fluid temperature increased for decreasing values of
formation conductivity. This is shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Effect of Formation Conductivity

6.2 Sensitivity of the Model

The sensitivity of the most important parameters was tested. These parameters were ϕ
(correction factor including the Joule-Thomson effect used in the fluid temperature
equation), β (thermal volumetric expansion coefficient of annulus fluid), time and
heat transfer by convection and radiation in the annulus.

6.2.1 Sensitivity of ϕ

Figure 6-2 Fluid Temperature Difference for Varying ϕ

Figure 6-2 shows the difference in fluid temperature from ϕ=0, for ϕ=0.0005,
ϕ=0.001, ϕ=0.002 and ϕ=0.003. The difference varied from 5% for ϕ=0 to 27% for

From Figure 2-4 it is clear that when ϕ is changed, it affects the fluid temperature a
lot. When using different values for ϕ, it could be seen that when ϕ=0.0005, the
simulated result and the temperature obtained in WellCat were very close to each
other. It could be seen that the values of ϕ had great importance with regards to
getting the optimal result in comparison to WellCat results. ϕ=0.0005 also gave a
value for the simulated wellbore temperature that was closer to the WellCat wellbore

WellCat does not give the equations that are used when calculating the fluid
temperature. Therefore, it is hard to know what the source of error is. Since ϕ=0.0005
gave values close to the WellCat values, it is possible that one or more of the
parameters in the equation of ϕ are the source of error. The expression for ϕ includes
wellhead pressure, mass flow rate, GOR and specific gravities for oil and gas. For
mass flow rate higher than 5 lbm/sec ϕ is assumed to be zero (Sagar et al., 1991).

From equation (22) it is clear that when the specific gravities for oil and gas is
increased, ϕ increases. The same is the case when the wellhead pressure and the mass
flow rate increases. When the GOR or the geothermal gradient is increased, ϕ
decreases. Since increasing values of ϕ give increased temperatures, increasing the
specific gravities for oil and gas, wellhead pressure or mass flow rate, increases the
fluid and wellbore temperatures in the well. Increasing the GOR or the geothermal
gradient decreases the fluid and wellbore temperatures in the well.

Figure 6-2 shows that the highest difference between ϕ=0 and ϕ=0.0005 was 5% and
the highest difference between ϕ=0 and ϕ=0.003 was 27%.

6.2.2 Sensitivity of Time

Figure 6-3 Effect of Time

Figure 6-3 shows the effect of time on the fluid temperature. The simulated
production times to enlighten the effect were t=1 hour, t=5 hours, t=2 000 hours, t=10
000 hours, t=200 000 hours and t=1×1020 hours. The dark blue line shows the fluid
temperature for t=1 hour.

For a short production time, 1 hour, the simulation gave a higher temperature than
WellCat. At longer production times the opposite happened. One reason for this could
be that the temperature prediction is less stable for short production times. This is

highlighted in Figure 6-3, where the temperatures at longer production times are close
to each other, whereas the temperatures at 1 hour and 5 hours are far from each other.

Time is used in one equation in the model, i.e. equation (46), which gives the
dimensionless time. For the short production times, here tested at 1 hour and 5 hours,
the dimensionless time was below 1.5 for all wellbore radii. Therefore, the
dimensionless temperature was calculated with a different equation for shorter
production times than for longer production times. The two different equations are
equations (52) and (53).

6.2.3 Sensitivity of Convection and Radiation

When neglecting the convection from the annulus there was high difference in the
overall heat transfer coefficients for the entire well, except from the part with no
annulus. This was expected, because convection is not used where there is no annulus.
Because of the high difference in the overall heat transfer coefficient, the fluid
temperature and the wellbore temperature also showed high differences.

Neglecting the radiation lead to small differences in both fluid temperature and
wellbore temperature, while some differences were found at the sections with no
cement. Zooming in on the temperature plots highlighted the small differences.

Comparing the results that were found when neglecting convection and radiation, it
could be seen that it had much greater effect when neglecting the convection than
when neglecting the radiation. This is because the heat transfer coefficient for
convection is greater than the heat transfer coefficient for radiation. Since the overall
heat transfer coefficient includes parts that include the convection and radiation
coefficients in the denominator, it becomes smaller when neglecting convection than
when neglecting radiation.

In the equations for heat transfer due to convection, the properties of the annulus
fluids are used. All the properties of the annulus fluids are kept the same for A-, B-
and C-annulus fluids in this model, except for the density. This gives an uncertainty
for the results.

6.2.4 Sensitivity of β
β is the thermal volumetric expansion coefficient of annulus fluid. As equation (32)
says, this equation is used for ideal gases. This equation was used for this model. If an
ideal gas is not assumed equation (33) has to be used, where the annulus fluid density
needs an iterative updating due to the annulus pressure. The effect of no ideal gas was
not tested in this thesis.

6.3 Model Evaluation

As mentioned, the only comparisons that were made were between the model and the
ILS. The assumptions that were made were conservative, which is an uncertainty for
the model.

6.3.1 Model vs. ILS

WellCat does not show the calculations for the temperatures. It is likely that a safety
margin is implemented in WellCat, which is not the case for the model. If a safety
margin were assumed in WellCat, the temperature would be higher than the actual
temperatures. Since there are no safety margins in the model that could be why the
simulated temperatures were lower than the ILS temperatures.

6.3.2 Vertical Heat Transfer

Vertical heat transfer was not implemented in this model due to time restrictions. If
this had been implemented it is assumed that it would have given some different
results. For a vertical heat transfer model it is assumed that the heat transfer of the
wellbore affects the formation temperature. Therefore, the formation temperature
needs to be updated for a specified number of grids in a user-specified distance away
from the wellbore.

7 Conclusion
The most important findings of this thesis were:
• A model for flowing fluid temperature prediction was established in Matlab.
• The effect of ϕ was tested, and a value of 0.005 gave flowing fluid temperatures
that were very close to WellCat flowing fluid temperatures.
• The effect of neglecting convection and radiation was tested. Neglecting
convection gave a high discrepancy in the results, while neglecting radiation gave
a low discrepancy.
• The effect of changing production times was tested, where the temperature
differences between the model and WellCat stabilized with higher production
• Due to conservative assumptions and little insight to the WellCat calculations, the
model had some uncertainty.

8 Further Work
Due to time restrictions, the model was not perfected. Some further work has to be
done for that to happen. Some of the changes that can be done are the following:
• Implement vertical heat transfer in the model.
• Modification of the model to work for transient flow.
• Updating of annulus density due to the thermal volumetric expansion coefficient
of annulus fluid.
• Compare results to real data from existing wells.

9 Nomenclature
A = Area (m2)
A = Heat flow area (ft2)
A = Inverse relaxation distance (ft)
Ai = Inside area (in2)
Ao = Outside area (in2)
Ax = Area (in2)
C = Compressibility of the fluid (psi-1)
C = Integration constant
can = Annulus fluid heat capacity (Btu/lb-°F)
ce = Formation heat capacity (Btu/lb-°F)
C J = Joule-Thomson coefficient (dimensionless)
c pm = Wellbore fluid heat capacity (Btu/lbm-°F)

CT = Coefficient of thermal expansion (°F-1)

CT = Thermal storage parameter
D = Diameter of inside completion string (ft)
= Rate of heat coming in (Btu/hr)
= Rate of heat coming out (Btu/hr)
= Temperature gradient (K/m)
E = Young’s modulus (psi)
F = Force (lbf)
Fb = Axial tensile force (lb)
FF = Force due to frictional drag (lb)
Fp = Axial force (lb)

FT = Force due to temperature change (lb)

Ftci = View factor (dimensionless)
g = Acceleration due to gravity (=4.17×108 ft/hr2)

g = Gravity acceleration (ft/sec2)

gc = Conversion factor (=32.2 lbm-ft/lbf-sec2)

gG = Geothermal gradient (°F/ft)
Gr = Grashof number (dimensionless)
gT = Geothermal temperature gradient (°F/ft)
H = Fluid enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hc = Convective heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)
hc = Convective heat transfer coefficient for fluid in annulus (Btu/°F-hr-ft2)
hc,A = Convection heat transfer coefficient for A-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hc,B = Convection heat transfer coefficient for B-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hc,C = Convection heat transfer coefficient for C-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hr = Radiation heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K)

hr = Radiative heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)
hr = Radiative heat transfer coefficient for annulus (Btu/°F-hr-ft2)
hr,A = Radiation heat transfer coefficient for A-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hr,B = Radiation heat transfer coefficient for B-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hr,C = Radiation heat transfer coefficient for C-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

i max = Number of grids around the wellbore

k = Thermal conductivity (W/m-K)
kcas = Casing material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kcem = Cement conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
ke = Earth conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kha = Thermal conductivity of annular fluids (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
khc = Equivalent thermal conductivity of annular fluids (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kins = Insulation material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
kt = Tubing material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
ktub = Tubing material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)
L = Length of tubing (ft)
P = Annulus pressure (psi)
p = Pressure (psi)

phydrostatic = Hydrostatic pressure (psi)

Pr = Prandtl number (dimensionless)

pwh = Wellhead pressure (psi)

q" = Convective heat transfer (W/m2)

Q = Heat flow rate (Btu/hr)
Q = Heat transfer per unit length (Btu/hr)

Qc = Annulus heat flow due to natural convection and conduction (Btu/hr)

Qcas = Heat flow casing (Btu/hr)
Qcem = Heat flow cement (Btu/hr)
Qr = Annulus heat flow due to radiation (Btu/hr)
qrad = Radiation heat transfer (W/m2)

q"x = Conductive heat transfer rate in x-direction (W/m2)

r = Radial distance from wellbore (ft)
rci = Casing inside radius (ft)
rci,9 = Inside radius of the 95/8” casing (ft)

rci,13 = Inside radius of the 133/8” casing (ft)

rci,20 = Inside radius of the 20” casing (ft)

rci,30 = Inside radius of the 30” casing (ft)

rco = Casing outside radius (ft)

rco,9 = Outside radius of the 95/8” casing (ft)

rco,13 = Outside radius of the 133/8” casing (ft)

rco,20 = Outside radius of the 20” casing (ft)

rco,30 = Outside radius of the 30” casing (ft)

rD = Dimensionless radius
re = Maximum distance from wellbore to formation
RgL = °Gas/liquid ratio (scf/STB)

rh = Drill hole radius (ft)

rins = Insulation surface radius (ft)
rti = Tubing inside radius (ft)

rto = Tubing outside radius (ft)
rwb = Wellbore or cement outside radius (ft)
rwb,7 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 7” section (ft)

rwb,9 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 95/8” section (ft)

rwb,13 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 133/8” section (ft)

rwb,20 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 20” section (ft)

rwb,30 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 30” section (ft)

T∞ = Fluid temperature (K)

T = Temperature (°F)
t = Time (sec)
Tan∗ = Average temperature of the fluid in the annulus (°R)
Tci = Casing inside temperature at surface (°F)
Tco = Outside casing temperature (°F)
TD = Dimensionless temperature
t D = Dimensionless time
Tebh = Bottomhole formation temperature (°F)
Tei = Undisturbed formation temperature at any given depth (°F)
Teibh = Undisturbed bottomhole formation temperature (°F)
T f = Tubing fluid temperature (°F)

T fbh = Bottomhole fluid temperature (°F)

Tg = Temperature of formation away from wellbore (°F)

Th = Cement-formation interface temperature (°F)

Ts = Surface temperature (K)
Tsur = Surroundings temperature (K)
Tto = Tubing outside temperature at surface (°F)
TVD = True vertical depth (ft)
Tw = Inside tubing temperature (°F)
Twb = Interface temperature wellbore/earth (°F)
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)
U to = Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

v = Specific volume (ft3/lbm)
W = Total mass flow rate (lbm/sec)
wt = Total mass flow rate (lbm/sec)
z = Depth from surface (ft)
zbh = Total depth from surface (ft)
α = Coefficient of thermal expansion of annular fluid (°F-1)
α = Formation heat diffusivity (ft2/hr)
β = Thermal volumetric expansion coefficient of annulus fluid (°R-1)
γ API = Oil gravity (°API)
γ g = Gas specific gravity

= Fractional length change
ΔL = Length increment of tubing or casing (ft)
ΔLbal = Length change due to ballooning (ft)
ΔLF = Length change due to frictional drag (ft)
ΔLT = Metal expansion (ft)
= Friction pressure drop (psi/ft)
Δp = Pressure increase due to thermal expansion (psi)
Δpi = Applied internal pressure (psi)
Δpo = Applied external pressure (psi)
ΔT = Average change in temperature from base case to load case (°F)
ΔT = Average temperature change in the annulus (°F)
ε = Emissivity (dimensionless)
ε = Strain (dimensionless)
ε ci = Casing inside emissivity at surface (dimensionless)
ε to = Tubing outside emissivity at surface (dimensionless)
θ = Pipe inclination angle from horizontal (Degrees)
µ = Poisson’s ratio (dimensionless)
µan = Annulus fluid viscosity (lbm/ft-hr)
ρ = Fluid density (psi/ft)

ρ an = Annulus fluid density (lb/ft3)
ρ e = Density (lbm/ft3)
σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (=5.67×10-8 W/m2-K4)
σ = Stephan-Boltzmann constant (=1.713×10-9 ft2-hr-R4)
σ = Stress (psi)
φ = Correction factor including the Joule-Thomson effect for each length interval in
the well (dimensionless)

10 References
BELLARBY, J. 2009. Well Completion Design, Amsterdam, Amsterdam : Elsevier
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, New York, Wiley.
DROPKIN, D. & SOMERSCALES, E. 1965. Heat Transfer by Natural Convection in
Liquids Confined by Two Parallel Plates Which Are Inclined at Various
Angles With Respect to the Horizontal. ASME, 10.1115/1.3689057.
HASAN, A. R. & KABIR, C. S. 1991. Heat Transfer During Two-Phase Flow in
Wellbores; Part I--Formation Temperature. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
HASAN, A. R. & KABIR, C. S. 1994. Aspects of Wellbore Heat Transfer During
Two-Phase Flow (includes associated papers 30226 and 30970 ).
HASAN, A. R., KABIR, C. S. & WANG, X. 2009. A Robust Steady-State Model for
Flowing-Fluid Temperature in Complex Wells.
IZGEC, B. 2008. Transient Fluid and Heat Flow Modeling in Coupled
Wellbore/Reservoir Systems. PhD Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
LERVIK, Ø. 2015. Advanced Tubing Loads. NTNU: IPT.
LØBERGSLI, K. V. 2015. Advanced Temperature Model for HPHT Conditions.
NORSOK D-010 2004. Well integrity in drilling and well operations. Standards
RAMEY, H. J., JR. 1962. Wellbore Heat Transmission.
SAGAR, R., DOTY, D. R. & SCHMIDT, Z. 1991. Predicting Temperature Profiles in
a Flowing Well.
TØIEN, M. 2015. Modell for casing design. NTNU.
WILLHITE, G. P. 1967. Over-all Heat Transfer Coefficients in Steam And Hot Water
Injection Wells.

Appendix A Tubing Stress Analysis
Stress and Strain of Tubing
One of the most important aspects of tubing stress analysis is to understand the
behavior of metals under loads and the limits of what the metals can withstand. The
loads on tubing come from a lot of different sources, e.g. pressure and temperature. It
acts either axially, by compression or tension, or radially, by collapse or burst. A
common term for it is stress (Bellarby, 2009):

σ= (71)

σ = Stress (psi)
F = Force (lbf)
Ax = Area (in2)
Stress will elongate the tubing. This elongation is given in the equation for strain,
which is the fractional length change (Bellarby, 2009):

ε= (72)

ε = Strain (dimensionless)
= Fractional length change

Figure A-1 Stress and Strain Relationship (Bellarby, 2009)

Stress and strain has a linear relationship until the yield point is reached. This linear
relationship is the basis for Hooke’s law, which gives the modulus of elasticity or
Young’s modulus, i.e. the slope of the linear line (Bellarby, 2009):

E= (73)

E = Young’s modulus (psi)

The elastic limit shows the point where the non-permanent deformation, i.e. elastic
deformation, ends, and the permanent, i.e. plastic deformation, starts. The elastic limit
lies close to the yield point, where there begins to be a large increase in strain, for a
small increase in stress. This makes it difficult to measure it accurately. The API yield
stress is defined as the minimum strength of the grade of the pipe, and it lies above
the yield point (Bellarby, 2009).

Temperature has an effect on the strength of materials, especially for alloys, but also
for carbon steel. Heating processes are often used to improve the properties of the
steel, but it can also result in a reduction in yield stress. If this happens downhole and
the temperatures are too high, it can lead to creep of the material (Bellarby, 2009).

Axial Loads
Axial loads are loads that occur along the length of the tubing. They can be either
tensile or compressive forces (Bellarby, 2009).

Weight of Tubing
The load that is acting on the tubing initially, when the tubing is hanging free, is the
weight hanging below. This means that at the bottom of the tubing there are no loads
acting on it, while at the top there is the worst case, with the full weight of the entire
tubing transferred to either the hanger or slips (Bellarby, 2009).

Figure A-2 Weight of Tubing (Bellarby, 2009)

Buoyancy is a piston force, i.e. a load caused directly by pressure on cross-sections of
pipe that are exposed. It occurs when tubing that is free to move has applied pressure
to the base (Figure A-3) (Bellarby, 2009).

Figure A-3 Piston Forces (Bellarby, 2009)

An axial force is generated by the pressure applied, a compressional force when

pressure is applied underneath the tubing. This force is given by (Bellarby, 2009):

Fp = − pAx (74)

Fp = Axial force (lb)

p = Pressure (psi)

The pressure can come from both applied pressure and hydrostatic pressure.

phydrostatic = ρ *TVD (75)

phydrostatic = Hydrostatic pressure (psi)

ρ = Fluid density (psi/ft)

TVD = True vertical depth (ft)

A tube loaded in axial tension generates axial and radial compressive strain. These
two types of strain are proportional to each other in the elastic region. The following
equation relates them to each other (Bellarby, 2009):

Radial Strain
µ=− (76)
Axial Strain

µ = Poisson’s ratio (dimensionless)

(Eq.) is called Poisson’s ratio and is the material property. It is slightly temperature
dependent. This relationship is also applicable for axial compression, except that
radial expansion occurs. This radial strain effect that comes from either axial tension
or compression is often called the ballooning effect in tubulars (Bellarby, 2009).
When pressure is applied to tubing, ballooning occurs. If it is fixed tubing, an axial
tensile force is generated. This tensile force is generated from applied internal
pressure and axial compression from applied external pressure. The force is given by
the following equation (Bellarby, 2009):

Fb = 2 µ (Ai Δpi − Ao Δpo ) (77)

Fb = Axial tensile force (lb)
Ai = Inside area (in2)
Δpi = Applied internal pressure (psi)
Ao = Outside area (in2)
Δpo = Applied external pressure (psi)

If the tubing is free to move, the applied internal pressure will shrink the tubing, while
the applied external pressure will elongate the tubing. This occurs by applying
Hooke’s law (Bellarby, 2009):

−2 µ L
ΔLbal = (Δpi Ai − Δpo Ao ) (78)
E(Ao − Ai )

ΔLbal = Length change due to ballooning (ft)
L = Length of tubing (ft)

The pressure changes described will in addition cause either an inward or an outward
movement of the tubing, which will displace or compress fluid on the other side of the
tubing (Bellarby, 2009).

Figure A-4 Ballooning and Reverse Ballooning (Bellarby, 2009)

Appendix B Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients
Step 1 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
The iteration needs to start from the bottom, with the production liner. The variable
that is changing in this section is the overall heat transfer coefficient. The entire
production liner is cemented, so the following is the equation for Uto:

⎡ rto r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln wb,7 ⎥
U to = ⎢ ti
+ ⎥ (79)
⎢ ktub kcem ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

rwb,7 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 7” section (ft)

ktub = Tubing material conductivity (Btu/hr-ft-°F)

Step 2 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

Since the top of cement for the production liner exceeds the shoe of the production
casing, the first overall heat transfer coefficient for this section includes both heat
transfer for the radius of the liner and the casing. The short interval where there is two
cement interfaces, gives the following expression for Uto:

⎡ rto r r r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln ci,9 rto ln co,9 rto ln wb,9 ⎥
rto rci,9 rco,9
U to = ⎢ ti
+ + + ⎥ (80)
⎢ ktub kcem kcas kcem ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

rci,9 = Inside radius of the 95/8” casing (ft)

rco,9 = Outside radius of the 95/8” casing (ft)

rwb,9 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 95/8” section (ft)

Step 3 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
This section includes A-annulus instead of cement between the tubing and the
production casing. Therefore, the equation for Uto becomes:

⎡ rto r r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln co,9 rto ln wb,9 ⎥
1 rci,9 rco,9
U to = ⎢ ti
+ + + ⎥ (81)
⎢ ktub hc,A + hr,A kcas kcem ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

hc,A = Convection heat transfer coefficient for A-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hr,A = Radiation heat transfer coefficient for A-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

Step 4 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

This section consists of A-annulus and B-annulus, so Uto becomes:

⎡ rto r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln co,9 ⎥
1 rci,9 rto
U to = ⎢ ti
+ + + ⎥ (82)
⎢ ktub hc,A + hr,A kcas rco,9 ( hc,B + hr,B ) ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

hc,B = Convection heat transfer coefficient for B-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hr,B = Radiation heat transfer coefficient for B-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

Step 5 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

This section includes A-annulus, B-annulus and cement. Uto is given as:

⎡ rto r r r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln co,9 rto ln co,13 rto ln wb,13 ⎥
1 rci,9 rto rci,13 rco,13
U to = ⎢ ti
+ + + + + ⎥ (83)
⎢ ktub hc,A + hr,A kcas rco,9 ( hc,B + hr,B ) kcas kcem ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

rci,13 = Inside radius of the 133/8” casing (ft)

rco,13 = Outside radius of the 133/8” casing (ft)

rwb,13 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 133/8” section (ft)

Step 6 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

This section includes A-annulus, B-annulus and C-annulus and Uto is given as:

⎡ rto rco,9 rco,13 ⎤
⎢ rto ln rto ln rto ln ⎥
rti 1 rci,9 rto rci,13 rto
U to = ⎢ + + + + + ⎥
⎢ ktub hc,A + hr,A kcas rco,9 ( hc,B + hr,B ) kcas rco,13 ( hc,C + hr,C ) ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦

hc,C = Convection heat transfer coefficient for C-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

hr,C = Radiation heat transfer coefficient for C-annulus (Btu/hr-ft2-°F)

Step 7 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

The surface casing section has a constant equation for Uto, since it is cemented all the
way to the top, with three annuli:

⎡ rto r r r r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln co,9 rto ln co,13 rto ln co,20 rto ln wb,20 ⎥
1 rci,9 rto rci,13 rto rci,20 rco,20
U to = ⎢ ti
+ + + + + + + ⎥
⎢ ktub hc,A + hr,A kcas rco,9 ( hc,B + hr,B ) kcas rco,13 ( hc,C + hr,B ) kcas kcem ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦


rci,20 = Inside radius of the 20” casing (ft)

rco,20 = Outside radius of the 20” casing (ft)

rwb,20 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 20” section (ft)

Step 8 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

As for the surface casing section the conductor casing section has a constant equation
for Uto, and in addition to three annuli, it is cemented outside both the surface casing
and the conductor. Therefore, the equation becomes:

⎡ rto r r r r r r ⎤
⎢ rto ln r rto ln co,9 rto ln co,13 rto ln co,20 rto ln ci,30 rto ln co,30 rto ln wb,30 ⎥
1 rci,9 rto rci,13 rto rci,20 rco,20 rci,30 rco,30
U to = ⎢ ti
+ + + + + + + + + ⎥
⎢ ktub hc,A + hr,A kcas rco,9 ( hc,B + hr,B ) kcas rco,13 ( hc,C + hr,C ) kcas kcem kcas kcem ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦


rci,30 = Inside radius of the 30” casing (ft)

rco,30 = Outside radius of the 30” casing (ft)

rwb,30 = Radius for wellbore drilled before the 30” section (ft)

Appendix C Additional Results
Production Rate
The production flowing rate was changed to investigate its effect on the model. The
flow rate of 3 lbm/sec where included, but may give a faulty result due to ϕ=0 only
for values over 5 lbm/sec. The production rates that were investigated were 3 lbm/sec,
15 lbm/sec, 35 lbm/sec, 70 lbm/sec, 140 lbm/sec and 300 lbm/sec.

Figure C-1 shows the different fluid temperatures for the various production rates.

Figure C-1 Fluid Temperatures for Various Production Rates

Figure C-2 shows the different wellbore temperatures for the various production rates.

Figure C-2 Wellbore Temperatures for Various Production Rates

Figure C-3 shows the different overall heat transfer coefficients for the various
production rates.

Figure C-3 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients for Various Production Rates


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