Badhra-06 Wellbore Cleanout Program

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WEOP/ Reservoir Well Intervention Program REV


Eni Pakistan – Karachi

 Technical Manager
 Production & Operated Asset Manager
 Reservoir Manager
 Wells Operation Manager
 Drilling & Completion Superintendent
 Drilling & Competion Engineering Manager
 Bhit Plant Manager
 Data Center

Service Company

 Sprint
 Schlumberger

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1.0 SAFETY, HSE POLICY AND HSE MANAGEMENT: .............................................. 4

2.0 OBJECTIVE: .......................................................................................................... 4
3.0 OUTLINE PROGRAM: ............................................................................................ 5
4.0 DETAILED JOB PROCEDURE: ............................................................................. 6

Figure 1: Badhra-6, Well Completion Schematic
Figure 2: Badhra-6, X-mass tree Diagram

1. Safety Meetings
2. Well Deviation Survey
3. Well Information
4. Well Integrity Certificate
5. Equipment Surface Layout
6. Emergency Response plan
7. Emergency Contact Numbers

1. Schlumberger Wireline Hazard Analysis and Risk Control Record.
2. Schlumberger Surface well testing Hazard Analysis and Risk Control
3. Sprint Job Proposal

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1.0 Safety, HSE policy and HSE Management:

Hold safety meeting prior to start of operations with all the company & services personnel.

Appropriate lighting system will be arranged to enable the crew to conduct operations safely
during the night.

HSE Policy:

The HSE policy of Eni Pakistan governs all business activities to manage HSE risks
associated with them. This policy outlines company’s commitment towards HSE ensuring that
there is no harm or injury to any person or damage to the environment that may arise due to
its business activity.

To make sure that HSE policy is complied, an HSE Integrated Management System is in
place that describes the standards and guidelines for safe operations.

HSE Management:

In order to safely conduct this job, following steps will be taken that are derived from Eni
Pakistan HSE Integrated Management System.

1. Development and implementation of HSE Guidelines for Contractors to carry out this

2. Carry out HSE risk assessment prior to activity start-up. This HSE risk assessment
will be qualitative based on pre-defined risk assessment matrix. The mitigation
measures arising from this risk assessment will be agreed among the group and

3. Strong HSE communication among the site personnel will be important to make sure
that all risks associated to the activity and their controls are well understood. This
communication will be evident through
a. Tool box talks will be carried out prior to start of each activity.
b. Daily HSE meetings by all site company and contractor personnel.

2.0 Objective:

The objectives to conduct Intervention at Badhra-6 well are:

 To remove obstruction inside the wellbore due to scale deposition

 To establish tubing clearance across 3.313” SSD
 Create a punch in the tubing to increase productivity.

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3.0 Outline Program:

 Mobilize equipment and resources to well site
 Spot & R/up surface equipment
 RIH CT and cleanout the wellbore using 7.5% HCl acid system
 Offload the well with nitrogen, if required
 Flow back the well towards flare pit till pH is neutralized
 RIH wireline to confirm tubing clearance across 3.313” SSD
 RIH wireline with gun and create a punches in tubing below SSD
 R/D wireline, and handover the well to production department
 Release all the resources

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4.0 Detailed Job Procedure:

Note: Eni Representative to check and verify all equipment’s original certification on
1. Mobilize Schlumberger Well Testing equipment, wireline unit, Sprint CT unit, Hydraulic
crane and other resources to wellsite.
2. Hold pre-operation safety meeting with all the concerned personnel available on the
location and brief their responsibilities for operations and safety awareness. All the support
personnel should stay away from wellhead.
3. Offload, spot Schlumberger sacrificial choke manifold and related equipment as per
4. Make-up flare lines and connect with downstream of sacrificial choke manifold. Hook-up
upstream of choke manifold with SSV.
5. Connect SSV with remote emergency shut-down stations and function test the same.
6. Meanwhile, hook-up Eni owned test separator with MTS points and pressure test the same
as per production department’s guideline.
7. Secure all surface flow lines with slings / chains.
8. Spot Sprint’s Coiled Tubing Unit and Liquid Nitrogen Tank at a safe and convenient
distance from the X-Mass Tree. Hook up N2 pumping unit and N2 tank.
9. Fill-up coiled tubing with water using Sprint’s pumps and pressure test coil tubing to 4,000
psi for 10-minutes. Pressure test all N2 surface treating lines to 4000 psi for 20-mins.
10. Drift CT with appropriate ball size and flush the complete coiled tubing.
NOTE: Ball size for CT drifting should be selected based on hydraulic disconnect install in
the CT BHA. Drift ball should be larger in diameter than hydraulic disconnect port
11. Function tests all BOPs. Eni Supervisor to verify that the BOPs are installed as follows from
top to bottom:
Sprint’s Quad BOPs:
 Blind and Shear

 1.5” Slip ram

 1.5” Pipe ram

12. M/U injector head, stripper and Sprint’s BOPs on ground as per Sprint Job proposal
(Attachment 2). Pressure test Sprint BOPs blind and pipe rams at 4000psi each for 10-
minutes on ground prior to P/U. Prepare CTU connector and conduct a coil pull test at
surface at 15,000lbs and check/verify connector after the pull test.
NOTE: Eni supervisor to verify the first pull test and connector after the pull test for any
slippage. Pull test should be performed at the maximum allowable coil strength
(up to 75% of CT yield strength), to provide more provision during the job

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13. M/up CT BHA with 1.69” spin cat as per Sprint Job proposal (Attachment 3) and document
the dimensions completely including length, fish neck, OD & ID.
14. Function / pressure test BHA components at surface as per Sprint Job proposal
(Attachment 3). Eni Supervisor to witness the function / pressure tests.
15. Record and report last flowing parameters (including gas rate, WGR, flowing pressure &
temperature) for post-intervention comparison.
16. Shut-in the well. Record & Report shut-in wellhead pressure.
17. Make sure that all X-Mass Tree valves are closed. (Swab Valve, LMV, KWV, FWV).
18. Perform pressure testing of X-mass tree gate valves against SIWHP. Record and report
annuli pressures and function / pressure test side outlet valves.
19. Hook up the X-Mass Tree KWV to Schlumberger well testing choke manifold.
20. Disconnect Tree Cap flanged connection and hook up Flow Tee with swab valve.
21. P/U & Install Sprint injector head, stripper and CTU BOP on flow tee.
22. Connect Sprint Liquid pumping line to injector head through Flow Tee and pressure test
against LTV to 4000 psi for 15 min.
23. Open LTV, keep swab valve close & pressure test CTU stripper and BOP with Sprint
pumping unit against swab valve to 3500 psi for 15min.
24. Open swab valve & pressure test all surface equipment as per following schedule:
 All up-stream line up-to sacrificial choke manifold to 3500 psi
 Down-stream of sacrificial choke-manifold to 200 psi (flare lines)
 Mobile Test Separator to1000 psi (as per production team guidelines)
25. Make sure that TRSCSSV is open and in test mode.
26. Lock-open the UM actuator valve by installing manual hold-open device.
27. Divert the well towards flare pit and through sacrificial choke manifold system at appropriate
choke size and start RIH CT while intermittent trickling with brine at minimum possible rate
(0.2 bbl/min) to maintain internal pressure and ensure that nozzle is free from blockage.
Note: stop pumping brine and divert to lean nitrogen, if well tends to kill. Well should be
flowing at good potential before performing wellbore clean-out at the tag depth.
28. Continue to RIH CT till 2420 m. (last tagged depth: 2458 mRT). Perform pull test at every
300m. Meanwhile start mixing chemicals for wellbore cleanout as per recipe (Sprint
proposal Attachment 2).
Note: Don’t mix the chemicals in bulk quantity, alternatively chemical mixing should be
carried out in the batches to avoid any unused products at the end of job.
29. Record running in weight, hanging weight, pulling out weight, pump rate, pump pressure,
wellhead pressure at ±30m above top of restriction.

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30. Start pumping 10 bbls of SRA-7.5 acid batch nitrified at 350-450 scf/min, for cleanout
Note: Coiled Tubing Engineer on location will perform calculations for N2 volume factor,
acid batch volume and displacement fluid. Eni Representative will cross-check the same
calculations before execution of job. Allowable volume calculations during a single batch
are mentioned in Appendix-4 for reference.
31. Displace the acid with lean nitrogen at appropriate pumping rate.
32. When acid gets nozzle out, RIH slowly and feather tag the obstruction to establish a
smooth cleanout pattern. Pick up CT ~1m above to record downhole off-bottom
 Do not pump more than 10 bbls liquid in the well to keep well alive during the first
bite. After pumping 10 bbls liquid, bottom up with N2 is required. Closely monitor
the WHP during pumping. Stop pumping liquid, if the well tends to kill.
 Allowable volume can be revised based on real time well parameters and well
performance. Eni Supervisor to calculate the allowable liquid volume during every
bite. Volume Calculations are provided in Appendix-4.
 Well should be flowing at good potential during clean-out job. In case well tends to
kill, stop pumping liquid and lift the well with nitrogen. Don’t station the coil at any
depth for long to ensure that coil is not stuck and free to move.
 Treat the cutting samples with acid at surface and report the solubility.
33. Calculate the N2 Volume required for efficient bottom up. Once nitrogen volume required
for bottom up has been pumped, switch to pump 10 bbls cleanout fluid recipe (as
mentioned in above note).
34. Take small bites initially and perform bottom up to make sure the CT annulus area is clean
and all liquid is out of wellbore.
35. Continue to reciprocate CT while closely monitoring the CT weight, to avoid any stuck.
36. If well continues to flow on its own potential, continue to perform wellbore cleanout as per
above mentioned procedure till wellbore clearance is established till 2580 m (2.75” RPT
plug is installed in 2.75” landing nipple at 2584 m). Stop pumping liquid if well tends to kill
and lift all the liquid in the wellbore with nitrogen.
NOTE: Closely monitor WHP & returns during cleanout. Stop pumping liquid, if the well
tends to kill and kick-off the well.
37. Slowly RIH coil till 2583 m and clean the plug top with jetting to ensure that plug fish neck
area is clear from debris. Avoid tagging the plug with coiled tubing.
38. If found hard restriction and no progress in cleanout, then shut-in the well & spot 8-10bbls
acid. Give soaking time for 30 min and again repeat the above mentioned procedure to
clean out the wellbore.

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39. Pump 5 bbls Hi-Vis pill and sweep it out by circulation with brine/nitrogen at maximum
allowable flow rate and reciprocate CT in between the interval to make sure that entire area
is cleaned and no acid is left in the hole.
40. POOH CT to surface.
41. Open mechanical hold open device from UMM.
42. Continue to flow back the well till pH neutralizes. Keep choke size at maximum opening.
43. Once pH is neutralized and flowing parameters are stabilized, divert flow from KWV to
FWV. Pass flow through MTS and record post-wellbore cleanout parameters for
comparison. (maximum duration: 3 hours)
44. Shut-in the well.
45. Bleed off CT lubricator pressure and disconnect injector head.
46. R/down Coiled Tubing injector head and PCE.
47. Make up wireline tool string with 3” gauge cutter tool.
48. M/up wireline BOP on X-mass tree swab valve.
49. Pick up lubricator along with wireline tool string and install on top of BOP.
50. Open LMV, crack open swab valve and equalize the pressure in the PCE. Pressure test
complete PCE against the SIWHP for 10min.
51. Make sure that TRSCSSV is open and in test mode.
52. Lock-open UM actuator valve by installing manual hold-open device.
53. RIH Wireline with 3” gauge cutter & CCL tool till 2545 m to check tubing clearance. POOH.
NOTE: In case if clearance is not achieved contact head office Karachi for way forward.
In case of positive tubing clearance, start preparing puncture guns during wireline POOH
to surface.
Ensure Radio Silence and standard perforations protocol during tubing puncher
54. RIH Wireline with 1-11/16” 2 ft (12 shots) puncture guns & CCL tool BHA till 2540 m.
55. Pick up wireline tool string to punch tubing below 3.313” SSD at 2538 m MD (approx. top of
Note: Avoid punch against casing collar, adjust depth accordingly in coordination with
head office Karachi.
56. POOH wireline to surface. Eni supervisor to witness that all shots are fired.
57. Open mechanical hold open device from UMV.
58. Close LMV & swab valve. Bleed off lubricator through vent line.
59. R/D wireline unit completely and install Tree cap.

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60. Gradually open the well to flow towards flare pit for post punch cleanout. Flow the well for
2-3 hours to ensure that there is no debris flow back.
61. Shut-in the well and disconnect Schlumberger surface lines from X-mass tree KWV.
62. Meanwhile perform TRSCSSV inflow test at 50% SIWHP. Prepare and submit integrity
certificate attached in Appendix-2.
63. Gradually open the well from FWV and pass through MTS. Record and report post
puncture parameters.
64. R/down well testing equipment and release all services.
65. Perform housekeeping and handover the well to production department.

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Figure 1 – Well Completion Schematics

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Figure 2 – Well Head Schematics

51/8” 5K

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A. Pre Operational

A full safety meeting will be held prior to the commencement of all operations.
B. Agenda

The procedures contained in this program should form the basis of the agenda for this
meeting. However, this may be supplemented by any topic that the concerned personnel
may think relevant. Representative from the service company should present an overview of
his function and highlight any points of safety or general awareness. The Eni Pakistan Job
supervisor should clearly outline the following:
 Chain of Command
 Roles and Responsibilities of all key personnel
 Proper lines of communication
 Awareness briefing on Security issues related to Eni Pakistan.
 Briefing on environment protection and standards.

C. Attendance

These meetings should be attended by all services personnel and representatives on

D. Tool Box Meetings

Tool Box type safety meetings will be convened at any stage during the operations, when it is
deemed that special attention to forthcoming operations is required. The Eni Pakistan Job
supervisor will coordinate these meetings.
The meetings will also address and re-enforce standard safety procedures such as driving,
lifting equipment, crane operations etc.
Concerns or general comments and recommendations on safety issues are welcomed from
any member taking part in the regular tool box safety meeting.
Ensure that this section SAFETY / RESPONSIBILITIES / MEETINGS is thoroughly read
and understood by the all personnel who are part of the operations:
All operations shall be in accordance with the safety and environmental requirements
specified in ENI completion and well intervention manual STAP-P-1-M-7120.

E. Responsibilities

If a conflict arises between Eni or Service Company procedures, which are not covered by
documentation agreed by both parties, the issue shall be resolved by management from
involved parties (i.e. Eni, Service Companies), and the proposed course of action shall be
approved by the Eni Well Intervention Job Supervisor and Drilling Engineering Manager.

If a non-standard operation is required (i.e. one that is not covered in existing Eni or

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Service Company procedures), an on-site risk assessment must be carried out and
recorded through a set of written instructions agreed by all relevant parties.

The Eni Senior Operations Supervisor has the ultimate responsibility for the health and
safety of all persons at the well site and for the good practice and security of the site. In his
absence, a competent alternate will be identified, usually the Well Services Contractors
Supervisor or designate on location.

The Eni Well Intervention Supervisor reports directly to the Drilling & Wells Manager in

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Appendix 2
Well Deviation Survey

# m BRT deg m BRT # m BRT deg m BRT # m BRT deg m BRT
1 0 0 0 31 900 1.6 899.93 61 1,981.59 49.87 1,919.79
2 30 0.43 30 32 930 1.36 929.92 62 2,010.51 52.86 1,937.85
3 60 0.24 60 33 960 0.9 959.91 63 2,039.21 55.22 1,954.70
4 90 0.17 90 34 990 1.23 989.91 64 2,067.46 55.57 1,970.74
5 120 0.2 120 35 1,020.00 2.36 1,019.90 65 2,096.77 55.82 1,987.26
6 150 0.18 150 36 1,050.00 2.7 1,049.87 66 2,145.99 55.16 2,015.15
7 180 0.32 180 37 1,078.64 2.96 1,078.47 67 2,175.65 55.31 2,032.06
8 210 0.55 210 38 1,141.44 2.81 1,141.20 68 2,203.32 55.41 2,047.79
9 240 0.53 240 39 1,199.65 2.31 1,199.35 69 2,230.16 55.45 2,063.02
10 270 0.38 270 40 1,287.25 2.02 1,286.88 70 2,260.50 55.39 2,080.24
11 300 0.81 299.99 41 1,374.19 1.87 1,373.77 71 2,287.93 54.96 2,095.90
12 330 0.3 329.99 42 1,438.88 1.27 1,438.44 72 2,322.88 55.34 2,115.87
13 360 0.36 359.99 43 1,488.72 2.92 1,488.25 73 2,349.96 55.35 2,131.27
14 390 0.23 389.99 44 1,517.33 4.33 1,516.80 74 2,380.35 54.64 2,148.71
15 420 0.14 419.99 45 1,517.33 4.33 1,516.80 75 2,408.38 55.81 2,164.69
16 450 0.21 449.99 46 1,545.99 6.62 1,545.33 76 2,437.10 55.62 2,180.87
17 480 0.16 479.99 47 1,575.52 10.06 1,574.54 77 2,464.93 55.53 2,196.61
18 510 0.41 509.99 48 1,606.18 13.61 1,604.55 78 2,495.69 50.8 2,215.04
19 540 0.3 539.99 49 1,619.34 14.91 1,617.30 79 2,523.63 52.63 2,232.35
20 570 0.39 569.99 50 1,633.67 15.88 1,631.12 80 2,553.97 50.91 2,251.13
21 600 0.5 599.99 51 1,660.10 17.94 1,656.40 81 2,585.70 54.65 2,270.32
22 630 0.57 629.99 52 1,690.46 20.52 1,685.07 82 2,611.26 55.69 2,284.92
23 660 0.5 659.99 53 1,719.95 24.01 1,712.35 83 2,623.66 55.78 2,291.90
24 690 0.78 689.98 54 1,749.07 27.06 1,738.63 84 2,639.85 56.4 2,300.93
25 720 1.16 719.98 55 1,778.00 29.67 1,764.08 85 2,667.80 56.39 2,316.41
26 750 1.53 749.97 56 1,807.00 32.58 1,788.90 86 2,696.74 56.38 2,332.43
27 780 1.33 779.96 57 1,865.81 38.35 1,836.78 87 2,724.86 56.43 2,347.99
28 810 1.42 809.95 58 1,895.27 41.38 1,859.39 88 2,747.00 56.43 2,360.23
29 840 1.31 839.95 59 1,923.30 43.99 1,879.99
30 870 1.25 869.94 60 1,952.66 46.93 1,900.59

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Appendix 3
Reservoir Data




580 Psi


217 Psi


128 °F






PBTD 2582 mBRT

LAST TAGGED DEPTH 2458 mRT (slickline depth with 2.8” GC)

B1-Sand (2315 - 2393.5 m BRT)

D-Sand (2588.5 - 2637 mBRT)

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Appendix 4

Procedure to Calculate Allowable Liquid Volume during Wellbore Cleanout

Step-1: Calculate “h” in ft, using the below mentioned formula:

(𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 − 𝑭𝑾𝑯𝑷) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝟐 × 𝝆 × 𝒉

Step-2: Calculate the allowable liquid volume “V” in bbls using below mentioned formula:

(𝟒. 𝟓" 𝑻𝒖𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰𝑫)𝟐 − (𝑪𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒖𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝑫)𝟐

𝑽= × (𝒉)
𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟗. 𝟒

Reservoir Pressure: 690 psi

FWHP: Flowing Wellhead Pressure, psi (to be observed as per actual well behaviour, before
wellbore cleanout operations)
𝝆 : Density of liquid fluid pumped, ppg
h: height of liquid column, ft
4.5” Tubing ID: 3.90 in
Coiled Tubing OD: 1.5”

(𝟔𝟗𝟎 − 𝟐𝟏𝟕) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝟐 × 𝟖. 𝟓 × 𝒉
𝒉 = 𝟏𝟎𝟕𝟎. 𝟏 𝒇𝒕

(𝟑. 𝟗𝟐)𝟐 − (𝟏. 𝟓)𝟐

𝑽= × (𝟏𝟎𝟒𝟎. 𝟏)
𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟗. 𝟒

𝑽 = 𝟏𝟑. 𝟔 𝒃𝒃𝒍

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Appendix 5


Eni Pakistan Ltd.

Well Integrity is defined as the application of technical, operational and organizational solutions to reduce the risk of
uncontrolled release of formation fluids to atmosphere or subsurface layers, throughout the life cycle of a well.

General Information

Well Name
Test Equipment
Serial & Part Numbers
Equipment Specification
Test Pressure
Hold Period
Eni Drilling Supervisor
Contractor Representative
Purpose of Testing

Acceptance Criteria

As per clause F.1.6.3 of ISO 10423, the hydrostatic test at room temperature is passed if no visible leakage occurs during
the specified pressure hold periods of the test. The pressure change observed on the pressure measuring device during
the hold period shall be less than 5% of the test pressure or 3.45 MPa (500psi), whichever is less.
Note: Hold period is one hour.

Observation (If Any)

This equipment qualifies the above mentioned criteria.

Eni Drilling Supervisor Contractor Representative

Drilling & Completion Superintendent

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Appendix 6
Equipment Surface Layout

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Emergency Contact Numbers

Operational Contacts
Eni Pakistan Limited (Operations Department)
Names Designation e–mail Office Phone Mobile Fax no.
+92(0)21 5838491
Corcella Giacomo Technical Manager [email protected] +92(0)21 35828101 0333-4900230
+92(0)21 5838452
Calogero Brancato Well Operations Manager [email protected] +92(0)21 35828103 0333-4900285 As above
Sr. Drilling & Completion
Sumair Ahmed [email protected] +92(0)21 35828104 0333-4900284 As above
Engineering Coordinator
Muhammad Umar
Sr. Completion Engineer [email protected] +92(0)21 35828169 0333-4900286 As above

Celso Giubbilei Drilling Superintendent [email protected] +92(0)21 35828131 0333-6900178 As above

Eni Pakistan Limited (Reservoir Department)

Giuseppe Maniscalco Reservoir Manager [email protected] +92(0)21 35828310 0333-4900300 As above

Production Optimization
Imtiaz Ali [email protected] +92(0)21 35828414 0343-2151245 As above
Team Leader

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Schlumberger Wireline Hazard Analysis and Risk
Control Record
Hazard Analysis and Risk Control Record
Task/Process Assessed: Pressure Control Operations Rig up & Perforations
Revision: 1.0 Location: ENI
Date: Aug-2017 Assessment Team: WL Crew
Operation: Wireline operations Approved by:

Hazard Description List all Current and Planned Control Measures, taking into Account all
and Worst Case Loss Contributing and Escalating Factors


Risk Level

Risk Level
Consequences with Category/


no Prevention or
Mitigation Measures Population Current and Planned Prevention Current and Planned Mitigation
Activity Steps in Place Affected Measures to reduce Likelihood Measures to reduce Severity
Positioning Falling objects Personnel 1. Only deck crew to position skid. SLB 1. Personnel trained on workshop safe
Pressure Control Trapped fingers (SLB and rig personnel to supervise only practices and crane operations
Skid and picking Tripping crew) 2. Attach two tag lines to equipment to position. 2. Use correct PPE
up lubricators 3. Use certified lifting equipment including

Schlumberger Private
Struck by skid

Undesirable (-5)

Acceptable (-3)
Damaged equipment Assets slings and pad-eyes.

Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)

Light (-1)
4. Good housekeeping around work area.
5. Use crane for heavy lifts
6. Apply SIPP techniques for lifting/moving
7. Hold toolbox talks to identify hazards in work

Connecting Serious injury Personnel 1. Certified and pressure tested hoses. 1. Training on ELMAR skid operation.
Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)
Undesirable (-5)

Light (-1)

Acceptable (-3)
hydraulic/greas Release of grease / 2. Use correct PPE
e hoses hydraulic oil Environment
2. Fixture design making it impossible to swap
hose connections.
3. After connecting hoses, make sure gear
works correctly before continuing rig up.

Rigging up tools Serious injury Personnel 1. Use correct PPE 1. Use correct PPE
Undesirable (-6)


Acceptable (-4)
Dropped objects 2. Proper SIPP technique
Serious (-2)
Possible (3)

Serious (-2)
Unlikely (2)
Back strain 3. Good communication
Manual handling

HARC Record Template OFS-QHSE-S020 Page 1 of 5

Pressure Testing High-pressure Personnel 1. Pressure equipment design, 1. Training in proper usage and handling of
release in case of (Schlumberger maintenance and certification. pressure equipment. (Pressure certified)
component failure. and rig crew) 2. SLB pressure test procedures to be
2. Barrier off area.
Serious injury 3. Make announcement before pressure
Death testing

Catastrophic (-4)

Undesirable (-8)

Acceptable (-3)
Detonation of 4. NEVER exceed equipment Working

Possible (3)

Unlikely (2)
explosives (in case Pressure

Light (-1)
of pressure testing 5. Use low volume/high-pressure test pumps to
of live guns) avoid pressure surges
6. Use 2 calibrated pressure gauges: one at
pressure pump and one at WHE.
7. SLB engineer-in-charge should be in
position, ready to shut down pump or bleed off
pressure as required.
8. Pressure NEVER to exceed 80% of gun /
explosive rating whichever is lower
Pressure No grease seal: Release Environment 1. Use sufficient number of flow tubes. 1. Training on ELMAR skid operation.
operations: of hazardous well fluid Injections grease pressure = 1.2 x well 2. Ensure fire extinguishers and charged
general Damage to environment. Assets head pressure. water hoses are available on the drill floor

Undesirable (-6)

Acceptable (-3)

Possible (3)

Unlikely (2)
2. Check grease tank levels before and

Major (-3)

Light (-1)
Personnel during the job

Schlumberger Private
Fire or explosion caused 3. Pressure skid to be monitored at all
by spark times by SLB operator
4. Grease skid should have record of last
q-check attached with skid
Pressure Loss of air to pressure Environment 1. Accumulator charged on skid prior to 1. Training on ELMAR skid operation.
operations: skid: job. 2. Ensure fire extinguishers and charged
general No grease seal Assets 2. Check that BOP can be closed using water hoses are available on the drill floor
Undesirable (-5)

Acceptable (-3)
Unable to close BOP or accumulator pressure prior to commencing
Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)

Light (-1)
stuffing box Personnel pressure job.
3. Ensure signs are placed on air supply
4. Toolbox talk to inform rig crew to keep air
compressor running during the job

Pulling into tool Broken weak-point Assets 1. Most experienced person on winch when 1. Crew completed pull-off prevention
catcher. pulling into catcher. training (winch driving).
Tool dropped into
2. See Winch Driving risk assessment
Undesirable (-5)
Serious (-2)
Possible (3)

Acceptable (-3)
well 2. Follow Safe Winch Operations Placard

Unlikely (2)
3. Prior knowledge of any restrictions.

Light (-1)
4. Crew to hold down wire as tool is pulled
into catcher. Only one person to do this.
5. Ensure tool catcher in “catch” position.

HARC Record Template OFS-QHSE-S020 Page 2 of 5

Pulling tool Tool stopped across Assets 1. Operator to watch external indicator and 1. Training on ELMAR skid operation.
through tool trap tool-trap set to close when the tool has passed 2. Count turns of christmas tree when
through. opening and closing and record this.

Undesirable (-5)

Acceptable (-3)
Tool jerks or cable

Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)
drag wrongly 2. Ensure external indicator has

Light (-1)
indicating that tool is distinct/different color from tool trap body.
in tool catcher 3. Pull slowly (<1000ft/hr) at surface so
operator can observe external indicator

Rigging down Serious injury Personnel 1. Use correct PPE 1. Use correct PPE

Undesirable (-6)
tools Assets

Acceptable (-4)
Dropped objects 2. Proper SIPP technique

Serious (-2)
Possible (3)

Serious (-2)
Unlikely (2)
Back strain 3. Good communication
Manual handling

Disconnecting Serious injury Personnel 1. Certified and pressure tested hoses. 1. Training on ELMAR skid operation.

Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)
Undesirable (-5)

Light (-1)

Acceptable (-3)
hydraulic / Release of grease / 2. Proper SIPP 2. Use correct PPE
grease hoses hydraulic oil Environment 3. Be sure all pressure is bled off before trying
to disconnect hoses.

Schlumberger Private
Rigging down Falling objects Personnel 1. Attach tag line to equipment to position. 1. Personnel trained on workshop safe
PCE Trapped fingers (SLB and rig 2. Use certified lifting equipment including practices and crane operations
Tripping crew) slings and pad-eyes. 2. Use correct PPE

Undesirable (-5)

Acceptable (-3)
Struck by skid 3. Good housekeeping around work area.
Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)

Light (-1)
Damaged equipment Assets 4. Use crane for heavy lifts
5. Apply SIPP techniques for lifting/moving
6. Hold toolbox talks to identify hazards in work

Gun Loading Explosives Personnel - Only authorized personal be in loading shop - Wearing full PPE
Assets - Gun loading environment must be - Good - Certified fire extinguishers reachable
Improper way of loading housekeeping; no usage of electrical
Undesirable (-6)

Improbable (1)

Negligible (-1)
gun in a non-compliance equipments; no smoking, welding and open
Unlikely (2)

Major (-3)

Light (-1)
gun loading environment flames; no flammable materials
lead to possibility of - Use appropriate tools and equipments
personal injuries and asset - Use only SLB safety meter/ multimeter (Never
damage. use Simpson or Meggar meter)

HARC Record Template OFS-QHSE-S020 Page 3 of 5

Preparation Explosives Personnel - Turn off electrical cathodic protection (except - Wearing full PPE
for job (Stray Assets for SAFE operation) - Contact Operation Manager if well is
current) - Stop all electric welding operations (except within 1.5 times the rig up height of high-
Stray current caused for SAFE operation) voltage (>10kv) power lines
premature explosion on - Isolate (electrically) top drive system
ready-gun that cause - Remove rig wiring that might contact cable

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

heavy lives casualties and - On water operation, install positive grounding

Non-Operable (-25)

Acceptable (-4)
assets damage. cable from truck to barge or wireline unit to

Probable (5)

Serious (-2)
Unlikely (2)
generator skid.
- Install safety-grounding straps between unit,
rig and casing.
- Check voltage between rig, casing and cable
- Test and install casing-to-rig voltage monitor
- Do not proceed with operation if residual
voltage > 0.25V
- For SAFE operation, casing-to-Rig voltages
can exceed 0.25V, but less than 40V

Preparation Explosives Personnel - Turn off all radio frequency transmitter (radio, - Put up sign reading “ Danger Explosives –
for job (Radio Assets cellular, radar, etc) within 100ft of the well Turn Off Radio” or equivalent

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Silence) Waveform from radio - Radio silence at all time unless the gun is - Contact Operation Manager if well is

Non-Operable (-25)

Schlumberger Private
Acceptable (-2)
communication cause below 200ft from ground level or the sea floor within 1 mile (1.6km) of large transmitter or

Improbable (1)
Probable (5)

Serious (-2)
premature explosion on - For SAFE operation, usage of radio if transmitter must remain enable
ready-gun that cause heavy transmitters is allowable at all time
lives casualties and assets

Hot-check Explosives Personnel - Conduct hot-checks only if the cable head is

Assets brought into logging cab.
Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Non-Operable (-25)

Improper way of hot-check - Never apply power through a gun or

Acceptable (-2)
Improbable (1)
Probable (5)

Serious (-2)
lead to premature explosion explosive tool assembly while on surface
that cause heavy lives (armed or unarmed)
casualties and assets

HARC Record Template OFS-QHSE-S020 Page 4 of 5

Arming/ Explosives Personnel - Ensure continuity of logging cable to safety - Only certified FE/FT could carry out
Disarming Assets switch arming or disarming (to have safety key
Improper way of arming/ - Unless the gun is below 200ft from ground during this operation)
disarming lead to premature level or the sea floor, make sure no helicopter - Clear the line of fire of all personnel
explosion that cause heavy or boat arrival, turn off all AC power
lives casualties and assets instrumentation, safety switch and remove key

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Non-Operable (-25)
damage. outside wireline unit

Acceptable (-2)
Improbable (1)
Probable (5)
- For SAFE operation, helicopter and boat

Serious (-2)
operations can be continue
- Do not perform arming/ disarming during
lighting storm
- The cable must attach to the gun string
before it’s armed/ disarmed
- Electrically and then ballistically arm the gun
- Ballistically and then electrically disarm the

After disarm Explosives Personnel - Release any trapped pressure before

Pressure Assets handling or disconnecting gun and firing heads
- Always point away the pressure relieve hole
Trapped pressure in away from any personnel

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

- If hollow carrier gun did not fire, perform test

Non-Operable (-25)
guns. Special

Schlumberger Private
Acceptable (-2)
consideration needed for to determine if an ongoing thermal event is

Unlikely (2)
certain anomaly occurring. If it is, follow recovery procedures

Likely (4)

Light (-1)
operations. Improper - If gun contains HMX explosives that were
disposal of explosive heated to more than 330F, disarm but do not
remnant. download the explosives from the gun for 48 hr
- All explosive remnant to be packed into the
explosive remnant box. Pack misfired
detonators in the detonator carrying case after
shunting their leads.

HARC Record Template OFS-QHSE-S020 Page 5 of 5

Schlumberger Surface well testing Hazard Analysis
and Risk Control
Hazard Analysis and Risk Control Record
Revision: 01.1 Well Test Operations for Eni Bhit-Badhra Campaign '14
Date: 09-Nov-14 Location: WTS - Islamabad
Operation: Well Test Execution Assessment Team: Muhammad Fahd, Arsalan Malik
Hazard Description List all Current and Planned Control Measures, taking into Account all
and Worst Case Loss Contributing and Escalating Factors


Risk Level

Risk Level
Consequences with Category/


no Prevention or
Activity Mitigation Measures in Population Current and Planned Prevention Current and Planned Mitigation
Steps Place Affected Measures to reduce Likelihood Measures to reduce Severity

Assigning well Incorrect operation of Schlumberger pre-job onshore briefing Personnel with previous well operations to
test crew equipment by personal be assigned to the job.
Competent / trained personnel.
unfamiliar with working Adequate supervision for task/operation
requirements & practices. Review of 3rd Party competency portfolios /
CV’s. regards training and experience. Correct PPE.

Schlumberger Private
Schlumberger Injury Prevention Program Specific/critical operations only carried out
Personnel Death/Injury Personnel – by senior personnel.
Training (SIPP) or equivalent regards handling
Welltest Crew and stepping techniques. Spill kits available

Multi Catastrophic (-5)


Non-Operable (-25)
Rig Specific Offshore Induction

Acceptable (-4)
Rig Crew
Buddy type system of work for junior members

Probable (5)

Serious (-2)
Unlikely (2)
of crew.
Adequate personnel for task / operation.
Assets Clean work areas / house keeping maintained.
Damage to equipment Permits to work where applicable.
Client Well Specific program available for
Spill / Loss of containment Environment Schlumberger operating procedures for
equipment – job specific.
Onsite toolbox talks / JSA and review of
HARC regards operations

Equipment Dropped Load Compliance with relevant authority regulations No personnel under load at any time.
transfers Adequate cleared space to land load.
Certified slings and Lifting Points. Non-essential personnel kept clear of area
between truck Personnel Injury/Death Personnel -
Rig & Client lifting procedures. Maintain use of tag lines to control load
Multi Catastrophic (-5)

& rig Vessel Crew

Competent personnel involved in lift from distance.
Intolerable (-15)

Acceptable (-3)
Improbable (1)
(Rig crew ). Specific JSA to be carried out for lifts
Possible (3)

Major (-3)
Assets Rig & Client Restrictions on lifting in adverse classed as HEAVY/NON RUTINE Lifts (to
Equipment Damage / Loss weather conditions. be defined by Barge Master and/or OIM).
Weight of load clearly marked
Tool box talks prior to lift.
Communication between crane operator and
Dedicated Banksmen to guide crane.
Equipment Falling Objects All Equipment checked in yard before and No personnel under load at any time.
transfers during load out. Non-essential personnel kept clear of area

Catastrophic (-4)

Intolerable (-16)

Acceptable (-4)
between truck Personnel Injury/Death Personnel - All valve handles etc to be removed or secured Correct PPE worn,

Serious (-2)
Unlikely (2)
& rig Vessel Crew into position.

Likely (4)
Rig Crew Objects shipped in baskets secured/tied
Test Crew

Equipment Swinging Loads Rig & Client lifting procedures. Only Competent, Essential personnel in
transfers Rig & Client Restrictions on lifting in adverse area.
between truck Personnel Injury/Death Personnel - weather conditions. Maintain escape routes for banksmen and
& rig Competent / Trained personnel involved in deck crew.
Vessel Crew

Catastrophic (-4)

Intolerable (-16)
Adequate cleared space to land load.

Acceptable (-4)
Rig Crew lifting operations ( deck crew ).

Serious (-2)
Unlikely (2)
Specific JSA to be carried out for lifts classed

Likely (4)
Test Crew
as HEAVY/NON RUTINE Lifts (to be defined
by site Master and/or OIM).
Equipment Damage / Loss Assets
Good communication between Crane Operator
and Dedicated Banksmen to guide crane.
Tag lines used on all lifts to control load from

Schlumberger Private
Unpacking / Impact from Doors Doors checked for damage. Ensure enough space to open doors to
Packing Weather conditions assessed for high winds reduce potential points of contact ( pinch

Undesirable (-6)

Acceptable (-2)
Containers Personnel - which could catch the door as it is being points ).
Personnel Injury

Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)
Test Crew opened. If doors stuck or stiff, seek assistance.

Light (-1)
Correct PPE.

Unpacking / Falling Objects Cargo nets fitted before container leaves the Correct PPE.
Packing Base.

Undesirable (-8)
Equipment secured in place with rope/ratchet

Acceptable (-2)
Containers Personnel -
Personnel Injury
Serious (-2)


Unlikely (2)
Test Crew
Likely (4)

Light (-1)
Heavy items stored low.
Drawers and doors locked closed
Equipment Damage Assets

Unpacking / Manual handling of Heavy Pre-shipment planning regards equipment SIPP Compliance ( Schlumberger
Packing Equipment which can not be comfortably moved by hand Handling and Stepping training ).
Undesirable (-8)

Correct PPE (ie steel toed boots, gloves)

Acceptable (-2)
Containers being mobilized in suitable containers/baskets
Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)
Personnel Injury Personnel - to allow mechanical lifting.
Likely (4)

Light (-1)
Test Crew Use buddy system to share load.

Equipment Damage Assets

Unpacking / Toxic/Corrosive/Hazardou Correct storage containers used. Correct PPE available.
Packing s Chemicals Items suitably secured for shipment Material Safety Data Sheets available.

Undesirable (-8)
All hazardous goods identified and marked.

Acceptable (-2)

Serious (-2)
Personnel Trained in handling techniques

Unlikely (2)
Personnel Injury / Personnel –

Light (-1)
Likely (4)
Contamination Test Crew

Spill / loss of containment Environment

Climbing in & Slip /Trip / Fall. Pipework packed in an orderly manner SIPP Compliance ( Schlumberger
out of Basket to be positioned so that it is easily Handling and Stepping training ).

Undesirable (-6)
accessible to Welltest crew Correct PPE (ie steel toed boots, gloves)

Acceptable (-2)
Pipework Personnel Injury Personnel -

Possible (3)

Serious (-2)

Unlikely (2)
baskets Test Crew Toolbox Talk and review of HARC / JSA..

Light (-1)
Unloading & Slip / Trip / Pinch Points / Pipework packed in an orderly manner. SIPP Compliance ( Schlumberger
loading Back strains Crane utilised when possible. Handling and Stepping training ).

Intolerable (-10)
Adequate personnel for the job. Correct PPE (ie steel toed boots, gloves)

Acceptable (-3)

Probable (5)

Possible (3)
Serious (-2)
baskets Personnel Injury Personnel - Use of pipe racks / bundles when available.

Light (-1)

Schlumberger Private
Communication between personnel involved
Test Crew
Basket to be positioned so that it is easily
accessible to Welltest crew
Toolbox Talk and review of HARC / JSA..

Carrying Slip / Trip / Pinch Points / All known trip hazards removed or highlighted. SIPP Compliance ( Schlumberger
pipework Back strains Pipework basket spotted close to work area. Handling and Stepping training ).

Intolerable (-10)
Adequate personnel for the job.

Acceptable (-3)
And Rigging-
Probable (5) Correct PPE (ie steel toed boots, gloves).

Possible (3)
Serious (-2)
Up Personnel Injury Personnel - Crane used for heavy pieces of pipe, and Use of back supports where available.

Light (-1)
whenever possible.
Test Crew
Ensure Adequate lighting is available. Ensure
Crows foot connections is fit for purpose.

Making Up / Pinch Points / Muscle Strain Adequate personnel for the job. SIPP Compliance ( Schlumberger
Rigging up / Back Strain / Struck by Crane used for heavy pieces of pipe, and Handling and Stepping training ).
pipework whenever possible. Correct PPE (ie steel toed boots, gloves)
Personnel Injury Personnel - Ensure Adequate lighting is available. Use of back supports where available.
Intolerable (-10)

Acceptable (-3)
Condition of tools ( Hammer, etc ) checked.
Probable (5)

Possible (3)
Serious (-2)

Test Crew,

Light (-1)
Others Sufficient room for swinging hammer.
Pipe stands/supports used.
Competent / Trained personnel.
Consider positions of others in area while
Minimise personnel in area while hammering.
Consider impact on adjacent work areas.
Pressure Pressure :- Equipment Equipment qualified and certified Correct PPE.
Testing failure / Unexpected No equipment tested on site to higher than No entry in to area unless absolutely
pressure release, stated working pressure. necessary ( for leak detection only ).
Flushing overpressure. Pressure applied in controlled stages.
equipment Relief valves fitted on equipment
Relief valves fitted to pumping unit.
Personnel Injury/Death Personnel - Water to be used as pressure test medium
Test Crew, Competent personnel operating pumping

Non-Operable (-20)
Catastrophic (-4)

Catastrophic (-4)

Acceptable (-4)

Improbable (1)
Probable (5)
All equipment and interconnecting pipework
Equipment Damage / Loss Assets anchored and secured.
Detailed program for pressure testing
sequence stating method and pressures.
Environment Area to be barriered off and warning signs
Permit to work to be raised.
P.A. to be made to inform all personnel of
ongoing operation
Tool box talk to be held with all relevant

Flowing the Fire/Explosion, Over Equipment pressure tested prior to operation. Barriers erected to minimise access.
Well Pressure, All Safety Systems fully tested and on line. Emergency drills and exercises have

Schlumberger Private
Noise/Nuisance, Heat Well effluent pressures and temperatures already been performed by all crew
Radiation, Temperature, known in advance. members.
Competent personnel operating equipment. Correct PPE – inc. Breathing appreratis
Test programme for testing of Well prepared

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Personnel Injury/Death and ear defenders.

Non-Operable (-25)
Personnel - and distributed to all parties.

Undesirable (-5)
Improbable (1)
ALL On site tool box talk.

Probable (5)
Permit to work for all hot work while testing
operation is ongoing
Equipment Damage / Loss Assets All lines to be regularly checked.
Schlum equip. Responsibilities of all personnel are clearly
& Loss of Rig defined to all crew members.
Check lists closed if applicable.
Compliance with Client H2S procedures as per
Line Rupture - Spill Well Specific program.
Compliance with Client flaring criteria as per
Well Specific program.
Surge Tank Overpressure of surge tank Safety systems in place and on line ( E.g. Correct PPE
Operations. Rupture due to blockage Personnel - PSV’s, Level Alarms, Pressure Alarms). Only Schlumberger Competent Personnel
Overflowing surge tank ALL Inline choke sized to ensure that flow rate to within the area.
tank< relieving rate of relief valves.
Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Non-Operable (-25)

2” adjustable choke upstream surge tank.

Catastrophic (-4)

Acceptable (-4)
Improbable (1)
Tank constantly manned by trained personnel
Probable (5)

Assets while operations are taking place.

Fire / Explosion Schlum equip. FOH reviewed

Damage to equipment
Shutting in the Fire/Flammable, Pressure All equipment fully pressure tested to working Correct PPE
Well pressure on site. Barriers erected to minimise access
Personnel Injury/Death Personnel - All Safety Systems fully tested and on line.

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Maximum shut in wellhead pressure less than

Non-Operable (-25)

Undesirable (-5)
working pressure of equipment.

Improbable (1)
Probable (5)
Competent personnel operating equipment.

Equipment Damage / Loss Assets

Schlum equip.
& Loss of Rig

Line Rupture - Spill Environment

Flushing well Fire/Flammable, Pressure Programme detailing method, flowrates etc. Reduced inventory of hydrocarbons during
test Safety systems fully tested and on line. shut in procedure.
equipment Personnel Injury/Death Personnel - Relief valves fitted to pumping unit. Correct PPE

Multi Catastrophic (-5)

Relief valves fitted to equipment.

Non-Operable (-25)

Catastrophic (-4)

Acceptable (-4)
Line of communication set up.

Improbable (1)
Probable (5)
Check line up prior to commencing operation.
Flare / Spill watch personnel in place.
Equipment Damage / Loss Assets
Competent personnel operating equipment.
Schlum equip.
& Loss of Rig

Schlumberger Private
Line Rupture - Spill Environment
Rigging down Trips and Falls Adequate personnel for operation. SIPP Compliance ( Schlumberger
Well Test Adequate space to rig down in. Handling and Stepping training ).

Undesirable (-8)
Adequate number of/and suitable containers

Acceptable (-3)
equipment Personnel - Injury Test Crew Correct PPE (ie steel toed boots, gloves)

Possible (3)
Serious (-2)
for back loading equipment. Use of back supports where available
Likely (4)

Light (-1)
Adequate time to be allocated for rigging down.
Planned positioning of baskets / containers.
Use of mechanical lifting devices when

Rigging down Hydrocarbon Spill Procedures to flush ALL equipment at end of Spill cleaning equipment available.
Well Test job prior to rig down ( Standard practice ). Break connections slightly initial and
Intolerable (-15)

Acceptable (-2)
equipment Environmental Pollution Environment Competent & trained personnel conducting observe type of fluid flowing.
Probable (5)

Unlikely (2)
flushing operation.
Major (-3)

Correct PPE

Light (-1)
Reputation Experienced Supervision of operation
Sprint Job Proposal
Badhra-06 : Wellbore Cleanout

Client Name Eni

Well Name Badhra-06
Job Proposal number JP-CTSTN2/Eni-0918-01
Prepared by: Muhammad Omer Farooq- Technical Engineer
Reviewed by: Saqib Jah Temuri- Sr. Technical Engineer
Approved by: Arif Yousaf- Principal Technical Engineer
Submitted to: Sumair Ahmed - Drilling & Completions Engineering

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
Date: 3-Sep-2018

Attn: Syeda Kanwal Shahid

Engineer- Drilling and Well Operations

Cc: Sumair Ahmed

Drilling & Completions Engineering Coordinator

Subject: Job Proposal for Wellbore Cleanout at Badhra-06

Sprint Oil & Gas Services FZC appreciates being given the opportunity to submit the Job Proposal for the above-mentioned
work based on the data forwarded by ENI. The document includes:

• Well Data
• Completion Diagram
• Well bore Cleanout & N2 Calculations
• Job Procedure
• Chemical Recipe
• Mixing Procedure
• BHA Selection & Dimensions
• CT Rig up Schematic
• Risk Analysis

Key points of the Job Proposal are summarized below and are subject to change, if ENI deem any variation in the data or should
the well conditions dictate so:

• During slickline operation tag was observed at bottom SSD at 2,458 m.

• 1.69" Rotary-Jetting tool conveyed on 1.5" CT string shall be used for cleanout job.
• Clean-out shall be performed from SSD depth to EOT ( 2,457 - 2,588 m) in stages, initially with SRA-7.5, contingencies
will be applied as required.
• Sprint recommends to mobilise TT Tools as final contingency for Wellbore Cleanout.
• 3,000 gal LN2 shall be mobilised for the job.
• 1.5" CTU, 90K N2 unit and 2x250 HP pumping unit shall be mobilised for subject job. 45 M Ton shall be required for
lifting 1.5" CT reel.

Please feel free to contact if you require any further assistance. Finally, please accept all our appreciation and respect.

Sincerely Yours,

Muhammad Omer Farooq

[email protected]

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
Table of Contents
1 Well Data....................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Completion Diagram...................................................................................................................... 2
3 Well bore Cleanout & N2 Calculations............................................................................................ 4
4 Job Procedure............................................................................................................................... 5
5 Chemical Recipe ........................................................................................................................... 6
6 Mixing Procedure........................................................................................................................... 7
7 BHA Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 8
8 Rig-Up Schematic ....................................................................................................................... 10
9 Risk Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 11

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
1 Well Data

1 Well Data
Job Objective Perform well-bore cleanout till EOT
Current Well Status All three zones are flowing commingled and production has declining trend
Type of Well Development
Well Trajectory Max inclination of 56 deg
Expected top of scale 2,458 m
Tubing Type 4.5" 13 ppf L-80
SSD Depth 2,296 m
2,457 m
EOT 2,589 m
Top Connection 5-1/8" 5 K
Tubing Capacity 0.0490 bbl/m
Coiled Tubing Capacity 0.0072 bbl/m
Minimum ID 2.65" @ 2588 m
Tubing Volume 126 bbl
CT-Tubing Annular Volume 107 bbl
Current Flowing Parameters Qg = 5.1 MMScfd
FWHP = 295 Psi
Qw = 18.3 bwpd
WGR = 3.6 bbl/MMScf
Reservoir Pressure B1 Sand = 1020Psi
C Sand = 920 Psi
D Sand = 920 Psi
Perforated Interval C-Sand 2,474-2,519 m
2,528-2,549.5 m
2,562-,2567 m
Total Perforated Interval = 71.5 m
C-Sand Porosity & Permeability 10.7% and 22 mD
BHT 195 F
H2S & CO2 Nil

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 1
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
2 Completion Diagram

2 Completion Diagram

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 2
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
2 Completion Diagram


X-Mas Tree Company: Eni-Pakistan Limited Hole Size Casing Depth
Cameron 5-1/8" 5M EE-Trim Field: Badhra inches size mRT
FLS type, . classU , PSL3, PR2 Well: Badhra 6 Dir 36" 30" 20
Spud Date: 01-Sep-2013 26" 18 5/8" 520
Final Completion Landed: 03-Dec-2013 17 1/2" 13 3/8" 1109
Tubing RT-Tubing Spool: 7.620 m 12 1/4" 9 5/8" 2123
Size 4-1/2" Completion Fluid: 8.5 ppg Inhibited KCl 8 1/2" 7" Liner 2017 - 2744
Wt (ppf) 13.5 Perforation Technique: Wireline
Grade L80 Gun Type: 4-1/2" 5 spf, Super Hero HMX charges guns
Connection Tenaris Blue Dopeless Control Line: 1/4" x 0.049" SS
M/up loss (m) 0.102

Length Top Depth Bottom

Equipment Description Max OD (in) ID (in)
(m) (mRT) Depth (m)
Tubing Hanger, CXS 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Box 0.584 7.620 8.204 11.000 3.900

3 x Tubing Joints, 4 1/2-13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 28.763 8.204 36.967 5.000 3.920

Flow Coupling, 4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue BxP 1.656 36.967 38.623 5.000 3.920

TRSV,NE-SLIMLINE, 3.750 RPT Profile, 4 1/2-13.50#TSH Blue BxP 1.532 38.623 40.155 5.965 3.750

Flow Coupling, 4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue BxP 1.720 40.155 41.875 5.000 3.920

TRSV 231 x Tubing Joints, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 2198.64 41.875 2240.517 5.000 3.920
Tubing Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 9.707 2240.517 2250.224 5.000 3.920

Landing Nipple, 3.688" RPT, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 0.456 2250.224 2250.680 5.000 3.688

Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 2.395 2250.680 2253.075 5.000 3.920

Tubing Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 9.706 2253.075 2262.781 5.000 3.920

HPS Chemical Cut to Release Packer, 7 in., 29-32 lb/ft , 0.900 2262.781 2263.681 5.920 3.800
4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue BxP 2.000 2263.681 2265.681 5.920 3.800

Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 1.480 2265.681 2267.161 5.000 3.920

2 x Tubing Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 19.179 2267.161 2286.340 4.971 3.920

Tubing Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 9.695 2286.340 2296.035 5.000 3.920

SSD Circulation/Production Device, 3.562" RPT, 4 1/2-13.5# TSH

3.688" LN Blue Box x Pin
1.451 2296.035 2297.486 5.520 3.562

HPS Dual
7" liner Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 2.390 2297.486 2299.876 5.000 3.920
Piston Pkr
12 x Tubing Joints, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 115.150 2299.876 2415.026 5.000 3.920
3.562" SSD Single Tubing Joint, 4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue Dopeless BxP 9.705 2415.026 2424.731 4.998 3.920
HPS Chemical Cut to Release Packer, 7 in., 29-32 lb/ft , 0.900 2424.731 2425.631 5.920 3.800
HPS Dual 4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue BxP 2.000 2425.631 2427.631 5.920 3.800
Piston Pkr Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 0.880 2427.631 2428.511 5.000 3.920

2 x Tubing Joints, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 19.176 2428.511 2447.687 5.000 3.920

Tubing Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 9.693 2447.687 2457.380 5.000 3.920
3.313" SSD
SSD Circulation/Production Device, 3.313" RPT, 4 1/2-13.5# TSH
1.395 2457.380 2458.775 5.520 3.313
Blue Box x Pin

Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 1.480 2458.775 2460.255 5.000 3.920

HPS Dual
11 x Tubing Joints, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Dopeless Box x Pin 105.526 2460.255 2565.781 5.000 3.920
Piston Pkr
Single Tubing Joint, 4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue Dopeless BxP 9.705 2565.781 2575.486 4.998 3.920

2.750" LN HPS Chemical Cut to Release Packer, 7 in., 29-32 lb/ft , 0.900 2575.486 2576.386 5.920 3.800
4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue BxP 2.000 2576.386 2578.386 5.920 3.800
Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 0.885 2578.386 2579.271 5.000 3.920

Pup Joint, 4 1/2" 13.5# TSH Blue Box x Pin 2.438 2579.271 2581.709 5.000 3.920
Perf. Pup Cross Over 4 1/2-13.50# TSH Blue Box x 3 1/2 -9.2# TSH Blue Pin 0.340 2581.709 2582.049 4.971 2.992

Pup Joint, 3 1/2" 9.2# TSH Blue Box x Pin 2.550 2582.049 2584.599 5.000 3.920

2.75 RPT Landing Nipple, 3 1/2-9.2# TSH Blue BxP 0.426 2584.599 2585.025 3.937 2.750
2.650" LN Perforated Pup Joint, 3 1/2-9.2# TSH Blue BxP 3.147 2585.025 2588.172 4.000 2.949

2.65 RPT Landing Nipple, 3 1/2-9.2# TSH Blue BxP 0.438 2588.172 2588.610 3.937 2.650

Mule Shoe Half Mule Shoe, 3 1/2-9.2# TSH Blue BxP 0.158 2588.610 2588.768 3.960 2.920


Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 3
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
3 Well bore Cleanout & N2 Calculations

3 Well bore Cleanout & N2 Calculations

Wellbore Cleanout

Cleanout Interval = 2458 - 2589 m = 131 m = 429.8'

Maximum volume of SRA-7.5 to be pumped in single cleanout stage = 8 bbl

Gel sweep in last stage = 5 bbl

Volume of tubing of scaled interval = 6.5 bbl

Penetration per stage = 100'

Nitrogen Requirement

Nitrogen Required to RIH for WBC = 600 gal

Nitrogen Required per transfer per cooldown = 400 gal

Nitrogen Required to Nitrify WBC fluid = 700 gal

Minimum Quantity of N2 required at location ~ 2,000 gal

*More LN2 may be required depending on well behaviour.

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 4
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
4 Job Procedure

4 Job Procedure
Surface Preparations

• Conduct PJSM for Spotting, Rig up, Pressure Test and Job Procedure with all service involved.
• Calibrate pumping unit with recording system.
• R/U HPL with Kill Valve and CT Reel Manifold and pressure test at regular intervals from 500 to 3,500 psi, hold for 10
• Drift Coiled Tubing with drop ball size of Hydraulic Disconnect.
• Make up roll on connector and pull test at 10K lbs. Pressure test at regular intervals from 500 to 3,500 psi, hold for 10
• Make up complete BHA as per BHA diagram and perform rate Vs pressure test of spin-cat.
• R/U injector head and pressure test the entire setup against swab valve at regular intervals from 500 to 3,500 psi.
• Bleed pressure from CT reel to pressure test DFCV at 1,500 psi DP.

Well bore Cleanout

• RIH CT after adjusting depth from RTKB or as agreed with Eni, with pumping N2 at 250-300 scf/min.
• Reduce CT speed to 10 fpm while crossing restrictions and during snubbing.
• Perform pull test after every 1000' in vertical well and after every 500' in horizontal well.
• When CT is at 2,458 m RIH CT 50' to observe drag/tag. Pickup CT and start pumping 8 bbl SRA-7.5 + 5 bbl brine,
nitrified at 500 scf/bbl. Displaced out of CT using lean nitrogen.
Note: Sprint Engineer at location to calculate N2 volume factor at location and time required to nozzle out acid.
• Perform cleanout in stages of 100' each and take complete returns of acid at pit & wait for pH to neutralize before
proceeding for next bite.
Station CT across nipple profiles and SSD for effective jetting.

Contingency Procedure:

During job if penetration is not achieved perform next cleanout with 8 bbl SRA-15 + 2 bbl NDP, displaced out of CT
string with nitrogen.

Second contingency shall be pumping 5 bbl SRA-15, displaced by 30 bbl brine.

• During last batch of cleanout, station CT at nipple profiles to clean effectively.

• Pump a batch of nitrified 5 bbl NDP and displace out of CT string and tubing using Nitrogen.
• When all pumped fluid is returned, pickup CT 100' above cleanout interval, note weight parameters, and re-run to EOT
and observe drag. If drag is observed bottom up another 8 bbl SRA-7.5 + 2 bbl NDP, following above procedures.
• POOH CT and Rig-Down CT unit as per standard safe practice.

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 5
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
5 Chemical Recipe

5 Chemical Recipe
Table 5.1 Well-bore Cleanout Job Recipe
SRA-7.5 Wellbore Cleanout Recipe 50.0 bbl 2,100
Code Description Concentration / 1000 Gal Unit Total Required
H2O Water 781 Gallons 1640.1
S-260 Iron Control Agent 100 Pounds 210
S-101 Corrosion Inhibitor 5 Gallons 10.5
32%HCL Hydrochloric Acid 209 Gallons 438.9
S-281 Surfactant 5 Gallons 10.5
NDP 10.0 bbl 420
Code Description Concentration / 1000 Gal Unit Total Required
H2O Water 931 Gallons 391.02
XS-580 Ammoinum Chloride 334 Pounds 140.28
S-1000 Gelling Agent 40 Gallons 16.8

Table 5.2 Displacement Brine

4% KCl Brine 50.0 bbl 2,100
Code Description Concentration / 1000 Gal Unit Total Required
H2O Water 978 Gallons 2053.8
XS-580 Ammonium Chloride 334 Pounds 701.4

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 6
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
6 Mixing Procedure

6 Mixing Procedure
Procedures for Brine Recipe/Gel

1. Take required quantity of water and add required quantity of salt in it.
2. Mix in rotary/paddle mixer
3. Add additives as per recommended concentration in recipe.
4. Keep circulating into storage container to ensure homogenity.

Procedures for Mixing Mineral Acid

1. Take required amount of water and add iron control agents.

2. Mix in rotary/paddle mixer and continue mixing untill solution becomes completely homogenize.
3. Carefully add inhibitors to the recipe. Make sure not to decrease inhibitors loading when estimating, increase is accepted.
4. Homogenize recipe.
5. Add HCl as per concentration in recipe. Homogenize recipe.
6. Add surfactants, mutual solvents and speciality additives in last.
7. Homogenize recipe once before pumping into well.
8. Do not circulate out mixed recipe more than three times. Consult TE if age of recipe is increased by 24 hrs.

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 7
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
7 BHA Diagram

7 BHA Diagram
Fig. 7.1

Fig. 7.1 BHA Diagram


Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 8
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
7 BHA Diagram

Use 5 jets of 0.09375" in Spin-Cat.

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 9
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
8 Rig-Up Schematic

8 Rig-Up Schematic
Fig. 8.1

Fig. 8.1 Rig Up Schematic

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 10
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
9 Risk Analysis

9 Risk Analysis
Operation Well Intervention Task Wellbore Cleanout Planning Date 3 Sep 2018
Assessment Team Muhammad Omer Farooq
Reviewed By Saqib Jah Temuri Location Badhra-06 Field Review Date
Spotting & Rig-Up Overhead lifting. Follow Rig-Up Schematic Certified Crane.
Hammer cat heads Restricted area Certified Operator.
Caught-in hazards Assign one man for the signal Licensed drivers
Falling Objects PPE Certified lifting equipment Medical facility on well site.
Sharp objects Certified load eyes T Ambulance in standby condition
Manual handling Training of sprint crew
Working at height Supervision
Moving Machinery Use of Proper Tools
Plan to Avoid re-lift Don’t get trapped between two
moving/one moving one stationary object.
Avoid coming under load unnecessarily
Risers set-up with injector Load with High center of gravity Slacked load Training & Supervision Certified Crane.
head,BHA make up Falling load, Working under load Proper crane use Certified Operator.
One signaler Licensed drivers
Good condition of risers Medical facility on well site.
Certified lifting equipment Ambulance in stand by condition
Use lock-tite & properly tight BHA & F/T it before
Pressure Testing Possible Leaks Pre pressure test meeting Ambulance at location
Flying Objects Barrication of Area with signboards First Aid Availability at location
Pressure test against each LTV initially Ensurance of only concerned
personnel during pressurized
Pressure Testing Procedure Primary Equipment Failure Pressure Test all Pressure Control Equipments as MOC required for deviation
per Standard at 1.5 times Working Pressure
Nitrogen Handling Noise Pollution Always spot Nitrogen and chemical tank with vent in Keep Ambulance Handy
Hazardous Chemical upwind direction. Designate a safe atmosphere zone
Suffocation Use gloves and certified lines for transfer and Follow buddy system while Cool

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 11
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01
9 Risk Analysis


Operation Well Intervention Task Wellbore Cleanout Planning Date 3 Sep 2018
Assessment Team Muhammad Omer Farooq
Reviewed By Saqib Jah Temuri Location Badhra-06 Field Review Date
Equipment Damage handling. Down and Transferring
Ensure lines are purged and do not contain water.

Night Operations Injury Availability of light at location from Company Arrangement of adequate lightening
Limited Visibility if not available
N2 Kickoff Circulation Loss Increase N2 rate and monitor pressure Pickup CT and establish circulation.
Sort out way forward before
proceeding ahead
Mixing Recipes Properties & Effectiveness Follow guidelines for mixing recipes. Discuss with TE regarding mixing
Do not contaminate gels with acid and organic plan.
solvents. Add inhibitors after consultation from
TE, if required.
Well Flow Back Flow Back Fluid Monitor pH of fluid in returns. If pH < 2, inhibition time has
pH less than 3 need to be neutralized to be surpassed circulate out a batch of
disposed. S101
Job Suspended/Halted Acid Corrosion Sort out way forward and resume operation Displace corrosive fluid into reservoir.
considering additives effectiveness. Immediately kick-off to prevent
corrosion of tubulars.

Client Name: ENI

Well Name: BADHRA-06 12
Job Proposal Number: 0918-01

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