Headway 5th Edition Workbook Answer Key PDF Baggage Transport

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Headway 5th Edition

Workbook Answer Key

Uploaded by Juan Antonio on Nov 25, 2019

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Unit 1 11 was chosen/has been chosen Vocabulary
12 ’s getting
1 2 ’m … driving 13 ’ll shout 1 1 road 11 rain
3 ’ve been driving 14 went 2 house 12 sun
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was taken
’ll take
’re saving
6 ’d/had taken 17 hadn’t realized 5 blood 15 day
7 sells 18 were … doing/have … doing 6 book 16 hand
8 will be sold 19 ’ll be 7 water 17 fire

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are … made
’s been made/’s being made/was made
’ll/will have made
won’t forget
13 ’re/are being washed 5 1 Our house was built in the 19th century.
2 My flat is being decorated at the moment. 2 1 a 3 a 5 b

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14 had been washed/was washed 2 b 4 b 6 a
15 ’d been washing 3 Has the printer been fixed yet?
16 ’ve/have had 4 While the new kitchen was being 3 1 brought home to me
17 were having installed, we had lots of takeaways. 2 got on like a house on fire
18 ’ll be having 5 When we went up to our hotel room, we 3 make yourselves at home
19 ’ll/will have been teaching found that it hadn’t been cleaned. 4 brought the house down
20 were being taught 6 She won’t be recognized in those dark 5 (as) safe as houses

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6 on the house
6 1 were caught, were driving/drove 4 1 literal 3 idiomatic
Active Simple Continuous 2 is … emptied 2 idiomatic 4 literal
Present sells am driving 3 were given
4 were cycling, were overtaken 5 1 put … up (I), Put up (L)
Past drove were having 5 had been snowing 2 sorted out (L), sort … out (I)

6 arrive, will be met 3 stood up (L), stand up (I)
Future will take will be having
4 take … off (L), taken off (I)
Present have had have been 7 1 moved 11 made 5 picked … up (I), pick up (L)
perfect driving 2 have been 12 ’ve been 6 Hold on (I), hold on (L)
living/have lived learning
Past had taken had been 3 thought 13 don’t like Pronunciation
perfect washing 4 ’ll miss 14 get
1 1 text 7 bang

Future will have will have been 5 has been 15 ’s getting
relocated 16 ’ll be able to 2 English 8 box
perfect made teaching
6 didn’t want 17 misses 3 clean 9 walk
Passive Simple Continuous 7 ’ll have been 18 don’t live 4 month 10 work
8 has lived 19 are 5 took 11 start
Present are made is being
9 had … thought 20 ’ll miss 6 news 12 mother
10 joined
being washed 2 /e/ /ɪ/
8 1 How long has Matt lived/been living in said pretty
Did you find this document useful?
Past was taken/was were being
Japan? fend guilty
made/was taught
2 Where did he move from? message business
3 Why did he move there/to Japan? /iː/ /ʌ/
Future will be sold 4 What did he do when he first arrived? freak rough
Present has been 5 What has he been studying/learning for sea London
Perfect made three years? believe funny
6 Why doesn’t he like writing Japanese?
Past had been /ʊ/ /uː/
7 What does he miss (the) most?
Perfect washed would lose
8 When will he go home/is he going home?
look zoom
Future will have been 9 3 has (A) 8 does (A) good suit
Perfect sold 4 have (F) 9 was (A)
5 have (A) 10 is (A) /ae/ /ɒ/
3 1 ’m studying 5 ’ve been going catch sorry
2 ’s been 6 spent 6 didn’t (A) 11 doing (F)
7 done (F) 12 did (F) language what
3 has been 7 were taught Japan shock
promoted 8 ’m going 10 1 A have … got/do … have
Is this content inappropriate? Report … have this Document
4 was making /ɔː/ /ɜː/
B ’m having, Have … got/Do … have
taught learn
4 2 forget 2 A Have … got/Do
warm third
3 has … gone B haven’t/don’t, Have/Do
chalk journey
4 ’ll be A ’ve had, ’ve got/have
3 A ’ve got/have /ɑː/ /ə/
5 hasn’t got father orphan
6 ’ve been getting B haven’t got/don’t have
A had, had party asleep
7 haven’t spoken heart beggar
8 put B ’ve got/have
9 is studying 4 A having, ’ve had, haven’t had
10 ’ll be accepted B haven’t got/don’t have


Unit 2 11 ’m expecting train: season ticket, track, baggage rack,

12 expect Customs, aisle/window seat, ticket
1 1 a He’s written three magazine articles so 13 is being decorated inspector, carriage, platform, trolley
far. 14 is decorated plane: runway, Customs, security check, life
b He’s been writing a travel blog since 15 be losing jacket, trolley, check-in desk, timetable,
he left home. 16 has lost aisle/window seat, seat belt, tyres, hand
2 a They’ve missed the bus again. luggage, overhead locker
b They’ve been missing you lots, so 6 2 scaled ship/ferry: Customs, cabin, harbour, life
come home soon. 3 have been dumping jacket, trolley, horn, timetable, deck, port
3 a Paula’s been leaving work early all this 4 melts
week. 5 was made 5 2 at 13 to
b Paula’s left work early to go to the 6 had been looking 3 out of 14 into
dentist. 7 are being asked 4 into 15 against
4 a I’ve lost my car keys. 8 are paid 5 to 16 in
b I’ve been losing weight recently. 9 have been asked 6 through 17 out of
5 a She’s been talking on the phone for 10 have been removed 7 towards 18 along
ages. 11 are used 8 off 19 past
b She’s talked about this subject before. 12 includes 9 onto 20 across
6 a The cat’s been going next door to 10 over 21 over
7 2 have her ears pierced 11 into 22 along
have its dinner. 3 have my eyes tested
b The cat’s gone upstairs. 12 through 23 onto
4 have had their car serviced
7 a He’s had a heart attack. 5 had our dishwasher repaired yet 6 2 e 4 f 6 d
b He’s been having second thoughts 6 had her Amazon parcel delivered yet 3 a 5 b
about the job.
8 a I’ve been saving up to go on holiday Vocabulary 7 2 in the same boat
next month. 3 to rock the boat
b I’ve saved up £500. 1 1 do 5 make 9 make 4 get the show on the road
9 a I’ve been swimming, which is why my 2 make 6 made 10 do 5 went off the rails
hair is wet. 3 doing 7 do 6 on the right track
b I’ve swum 20 lengths today. 4 do 8 make
10 a I’ve been finding it hard to concentrate Pronunciation
2 1 do without you 5 could do with
recently. 2 made off with it 6 make of her 1 1 explorer exploration
b I’ve found my phone at last. 3 make up for 7 make … in time 2 politics politician
2 2 ’s/has been snowing 4 made it 3 photograph photographer
3 have … walked 4 luxury luxurious
3 5 produce production
4 have been living/have lived, ‘ve/have
been trying, haven’t managed car bus bike train plane ship/ 6 Japan Japanese
5 have been arguing ferry
6 ’ve/have eaten get ✓
7 ’ve been sunbathing into/
8 ’s/has been crying Japan Japanese
9 have been running produce introduce
transform disappoint
3 2 Has the road been repaired yet? get ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ success afternoon
3 Some new environmental laws have just on/off impress
been passed.
4 No new houses have been built for 10 take ✓
years. off explorer exploration
5 The house hasn’t been cleaned. land ✓ adoption politician
production navigation
4 2 A baby has been rescued from a house ✓ embarrass compensation
fire. impression European
3 A surfer has been saved from a great drive ✓ ✓ ✓
white shark.
4 Over 400 have been killed by an catch ✓ luxury photographer
earthquake in Afghanistan. ancestor luxurious
5 A priceless Picasso painting has been miss ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
scientists embarrassment
stolen. discovery
board ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
6 A Super-Earth has been discovered 40 emergency
light years away. park ✓ ✓ ✓
7 A missing teenager has been found alive. Unit 3
8 Four hundred and sixty-four jobs have
been axed (in a shock announcement by 4 car: traffic lights, one-way street, Customs, 1 2 had been 9 swam
the Council). traffic warden, horn, seat belt, service 3 came through 10 had managed
station, tyres, traffic jam 4 was having 11 was struggling
5 3 has/have been performing 5 had arrived 12 hovered
4 performed bus: traffic lights, one-way street, horn,
season ticket, timetable, ticket inspector, 6 had been body 13 was lowered
5 ’m having boarding 14 was taken
6 have/have got tyres, traffic jam, cycle lane
bike: helmet, traffic lights, one-way street, 7 swept 15 made
7 are you thinking 8 had happened 16 had risked
8 think tyres, cycle lane
9 was banging
10 ’ve … banged

Answer key 85

2 1 stuck 7 had caught 4 2 a 6 h 10 g 14 k 5 which countries he visited

2 had stuck 8 caught 3 c 7 e 11 l 15 j 6 how he had the nerve to impersonate a
3 fell 9 held 4 b 8 f 12 m doctor
4 had fallen 10 had held 5 o 9 i 13 n 7 why the police took so long to catch him
5 cost 11 beat 8 how he got the job with the FBI
6 had cost 12 had beaten 5 1 was working in Paris, my grandfather died
2 got home, I switched on the TV 4 (suggested answers)
3 1 was snowing, got up, were making, put, 3 had a shower, then I got dressed 1 how much money he made
raced 4 ’d /had always wanted to visit Australia, 2 what the title of the film is
2 played, were losing, won and I finally went last year 3 which airline he flew for
3 wasn’t thinking, had 5 posted the letter he realized he hadn’t 4 who starred in the film Catch me if you can
4 was crying/cried, didn’t get put on a stamp 5 works for the FBI
5 was living, met 6 ’d/had finished speaking, most of the 5 2 by 7 about
6 was playing, hit, made audience had fallen asleep 3 to 8 of
7 happened, was walking, noticed, wanted, 7 ’d/had told him the truth, I felt better 4 at 9 with
vanished 8 bought my first flat, I’d /had seen 30 other 5 on 10 from
8 was sunbathing, heard, appeared, landed properties 6 in
4 2 was discovered underneath the new 6 2 i 5 j 8 f 6 2 What for? 6 Who for?
housing estate 3 b 6 h 9 e 3 Where to? 7 Who to?
3 were held indoors because it was raining 4 g 7 a 10 c
4 What about? 8 What with?
4 had been booked for a children’s party on
7 1 ’ll turn up/turns 5 settled down 5 How long for?
Saturday afternoon
5 was being repaired, so I couldn’t leave the up 6 broke up 7 2 don’t suppose you’ve got change for a
house 2 setting off/going 7 find out 20-euro note?
6 still hadn’t been cleaned when we to set off 8 Shut up 3 doesn’t seem to be working
returned 3 cheer up 9 Speak up 4 didn’t think it was going to rain
7 hadn’t been cooked for long enough 4 stay in 10 Hold on 5 don’t want their daughter to move to
8 were being installed at the crossroads Canada
6 didn’t expect to see you here
5 2 didn’t receive 12 has had
1 1 pay /peɪ/ pear 7 don’t suppose you’ve seen Robert
3 lost 13 is loved recently
2 write /raɪt/ wrote
4 was shown 14 is … awarded 8 don’t expect you remember me
3 phone /fəʊn/ fine
5 became 16 were 9 don’t believe she passed all her exams
4 round /raʊnd/ reined
7 has been trying 17 are covered 10 don’t think I would like snails
5 dear /dɪə/ dare
8 are being said 18 is repaid
6 boy /bɔɪ/ bow
9 saves 19 gave/gives
7 tour /tʊə/ toe
8 1 not 8 not 15 Not
10 has 20 wrote/writes 2 no 9 no 16 none
8 fair /feə/ fear
11 has touched 3 None 10 Not 17 no
2 1 /eɪ/ 14 /əʊ/ 27 /eɪ/ 4 n’t 11 none 18 no
Vocabulary 2 /iː/ 15 /əʊz/ 28 /eɪ/ 5 not 12 no 19 None
3 /əʊ/ 16 /əʊs/ 29 /eɪ/ 6 n’t 13 n’t 20 Not
1 positive: tender, fast-moving, romantic,
4 /uː/ 17 /uːz/ 30 /e/ 7 not 14 not
exceptional, tear-jerking, hilarious,
riveting, witty, unpredictable, powerful 5 /ɔː/ 18 /uːs/ 31 /ʌ/
6 /ɜː/ 19 /uːz/ 32 /uː/
9 1 don’t 7 ’m not
negative: second-rate, dull, confused, 2 didn’t 8 doesn’t
unbelievable 7 /ɪə/ 20 /əʊm/ 33 /ʊ/
3 haven’t 9 hadn’t
8 /ɜː/ 21 /uːm/ 34 /əʊld/
4 aren’t 10 hasn’t
2 2 fast-moving 9 second-rate 9 /ɔː/ 22 /ɒm/ 35 /ʊd/
5 isn’t 11 wasn’t
3 dull 10 romantic 10 /ɜː/ 23 /ɒl/ 36 /ʌ/
6 won’t 12 weren’t
4 unpredictable 11 tear-jerking 11 /aʊ/ 24 /əʊl/ 37 /ɒ/
5 riveting 12 powerful 12 /əʊ/ 25 /əʊm/ 38 /əʊ/ 10 1 a 4 d 7 g 10 i
6 hilarious 13 tender 13 /uː/ 26 /ʌm/ 2 b 5 f 8 h
7 confused 14 exceptional 3 c 6 e 9 j
8 unbelievable Unit 4
3 1 His current job is surprising because he is a
Positive Negative Both conman. 1/2
witty flawed whacky 2 2 How long … for B Opposites C Synonyms
sophisticated clichéd spine-chilling 3 Why did … to make 2 untruthful dishonest
thrilling predictable classic 4 How old … when 3 incredible unbelievable
powerful implausible shocking 5 What … like 4 implausible ridiculous
dramatic weak psychological 6 What … major 5 improbable unlikely
polished 7 Which … work for 6 illegal illicit
absorbing 8 What kind of 7 irresponsible thoughtless
unputdownable 9 Whose … risk when 8 abnormal bizarre
gripping 10 Where … caught/arrested 9 unprofessional amateur
intriguing 11 Who played 10 unimportant trivial
best-selling 12 Who does … for
haunting 11 dishonesty deceit
3 2 how he learned to forge cheques 12 unreality fantasy
3 why his parents divorced 13 disbelief incredulity
4 who decided to make a musical


14 disappear vanish 28 I didn’t see my sister | because/as she had 5 A ✓

15 misunderstand confuse already gone to work. B You’ll have to wake me up

16 distrust suspect 29 I have no idea how they managed to 6 A ✓
escape from the fire. B You’ll be getting
17 uncover reveal
30 I wonder if/whether you’d | mind 7 A ✓
3 1 unimportant 4 implausible helping me with my college project. B It’ll only take
2 unprofessional 5 dishonesty 8 A ✓
3 uncovered Unit 5 B We’re going to stay/staying at home
9 A as soon as I arrive
4 1 suspected 4 trivial 1 1 j 4 g 7 d 10 i B ✓
2 fake 5 fantasy 2 e 5 b 8 a 11 k 10 A ✓
3 ’m … confusing 3 f 6 h 9 c 12 l B unless I get held up
5 2 for 9 to/with 2 1 ’m going to, I’ll 6 ’ll /’m going to,
3 of/from 10 to, about 2 are going to, ’ll ’ll Vocabulary
4 from 11 at 3 ’m going to, ’ll, ’ll 7 ’m going to, ’ll 1 2 puts 7 Take 12 taken
5 in 12 in, with 4 is going to, ’ll 8 ’ll, ’ll 3 putting 8 take 13 put
6 to 13 for 5 ’s going to, ’ll 4 took 9 put 14 take
7 in 14 in 5 took 10 put
8 in 3 2 have written
6 take 11 took
3 I’ll have passed
Pronunciation 4 I’ll be flying 2 1 a ’re waiting for
5 I’ll be living b is expected
1/2 6 I’ll have earned c looking forward to
2 aren’t you (fall) 7 I’ll be writing 2 a spend/’ve been spending/’ve spent/’m
3 wasn’t it (fall) 8 I’ll be inviting spending
4 could you (rise) 9 I’ll have made b pass
5 isn’t he (fall) 10 we’ll be taking c wasted
6 isn’t it (fall) 3 a Have … seen
7 did he (rise) 4 1 will/’ll have 5 ’ll … be living
b watched/were watching
8 have you (rise) bought 6 ’ll be flying
c Look at
9 weren’t we (fall) 2 ’ll be working 7 ’ll have moved
3 ’ll have made 8 ’ll have earned 4 a Actually
10 would you (rise) b at the moment
4 ’ll have finished 9 won’t be living
3/4 c really
2 That was a really awful meal, wasn’t it? 5 (suggested answers) 5 a owe
(fall) 2 ’ll get her a present b borrowed
3 You’ve borrowed my new coat again, 3 ’m going to study hard for my final exams c lend
haven’t you? (fall) 4 ’m seeing the dentist next Friday 6 a embarrassed
4 You couldn’t water my plants while I’m 5 my team will win on Saturday b nervous
away, could you? (rise) 6 I’m going to be late for my meeting c angry
5 Vanessa, your plane leaves at 11 o’clock, 7 is having a baby next March
8 takes off at 7.30 a.m. next Sunday (from 3 3 I couldn’t take it all in.
doesn’t it? (rise) 4 I’ll sort it out tomorrow.
London, Heathrow)
5 Put it in your diary.
Exam practice 9 I’ll be lying on a beach in Spain
6 Please put them away.
10 I think it’s going to be hot there
7 … you’d better look after him.
Units 1–4 6 1 eat, won’t get 8 I’ll look into it right away.
2 won’t move, find 9 Take it back!
Part 1 3 ’ll love, meet 10 … you’ve put me off her.
1 C 3 B 5 A 7 A 4 Will … learn/Are … going to learn, ’re 11 … I’ll take it over later.
2 B 4 C 6 C 8 D 5 won’t go, have/have had
6 ’ll be, finish/’ve finished Pronunciation
Part 2 7 don’t do, will … have to
9 as 13 who 1 2 walk /ɔ:/ 10 work /ɜ:/
8 are, ‘ll deal 3 wonder /ʌ/ 11 wander /ɒ/
10 go 14 if/whether 9 ’ll feel, ’ve had
11 have 15 forward 4 woman /ʊ/ 12 women /ɪ/
10 ’ve tried, ’ll never use 5 warm /ɔ:/ 13 worm /ɜ:/
12 on/in 16 round
7 2 ’m going to be 8 ’ll have 6 word /ɜ:/ 14 ward /ɔ:/
Part 3 3 ’ll be hoping concentrated 7 wear /eə/ 15 weary /ɪə/
17 officials 21 convincing 4 ’ll never give up 9 will be 8 weight /eɪ/ 16 weird /ɪə/
18 entering 22 potentially 5 win 10 be hoping 9 want /ɒ/
19 Dishonest 23 directly 6 ’ll have been 11 will
2 2 blood /ʌ/ 7 north /ɔ:/
20 complaints 24 personal training 12 will be 3 love /ʌ/ 8 height /aɪ/
7 are being staged
4 through /u:/ 9 pear /eə/
Part 4 5 weak /i:/ 10 hear /ɪə/
25 Children in some areas get away with | 8 2 A What are you doing/going to do this
weekend? 6 lower /əʊ/
not having to wear school uniforms.
26 Why don’t you take /aren’t you taking | it B ✓
easy? You’re doing too much.
3 A ✓
27 Tom often makes things up, | so don’t B What am I going to do/will I do?
believe everything he says. 4 A is going to the States
B ✓

Answer key 87

Unit 6 6 2 a few, a little 6 Fewer Pronunciation

3 have less respect 7 Few
1 2 unemployment, training than 8 a few 1 2 V 5 V 8 N 11 V
3 traffic, petrol 4 few/very few 9 is very little 3 N 6 V 9 N 12 N
4 luggage, accommodation 5 a little 10 a few 4 N 7 V 10 V
5 food, rice 4 increase insulted produce
6 entertainment, music 7 1 somewhere
2 anyone/anybody contested present records
7 violence, evidence protested contract
8 celebration, opportunity 3 everywhere, anywhere
9 ingredient, snack 4 anything
10 calorie, muscle 5 everything Unit 7
6 nothing, nowhere, nobody/no one 1 2 b 4 a 6 a 8 b
2 1 some, any 4 any, any 7 Nobody/No one
2 Some, any 5 some, some 3 a 5 a 7 b
8 nowhere
3 some, any 6 any 9 someone 2 2 Can/May
3 2 Is there much work to be done in the 10 something, anything 3 must/have to
garden? 11 anyone/anybody, everywhere 4 might/may
3 I didn’t spend much time on the 12 Everybody/Everyone 5 could/’ll
homework. 6 should/ought to
8 1 b 5 f 9 i 13 m 7 ’ll have to/ought to
4 Did they do much research before they 2 a 6 e 10 j 14 n
found a cure? 8 should/have to
3 c 7 h 11 l 15 o 9 may/can
5 I didn’t have too many problems with this 4 d 8 g 12 k 16 p
exercise either. 10 have to/must
6 I’ve got too much luggage. I can’t carry it 9 1 many 12 more 3 1 won’t 5 can’t
all. 2 a bit 13 hundred 2 don’t have to 6 was able to
7 There is too much traffic on the streets of 3 few 14 something 3 couldn’t 7 mustn’t
our town. 4 any 15 a great deal of 4 won’t
8 They couldn’t give me much information 5 one of 16 a few
about the delay to our flight. 6 all 17 No one 4 1 You mustn’t/can’t stop here.
7 one piece 18 several 2 We don’t have to/needn’t learn the whole
4 (Possible answers) 8 all 19 None poem.
1 loads of: There are loads of cheese 9 a couple 20 over 3 They didn’t have to take off their shoes.
sandwiches./There’s loads of milk./There’s 10 nobody 21 one 4 He can’t be speaking Swedish.
loads of orange juice./There are loads of 11 anything 5 You don’t have to/don’t need to help me
chips. do this exercise.
2 plenty of: There’s plenty of milk./There’s 10 A in debt
plenty of orange juice./There are plenty under arrest 5 2 She must be missing/miss her boyfriend.
of cheese sandwiches. There are plenty of below/over/under 75% 3 That’ll/It’ll be Tom.
chips. below freezing 4 She can’t still be sleeping/asleep.
3 several: There are several hamburgers. over/under 18 years old 5 They could be having a party.
4 a few: There are a few chocolate biscuits. on/against the advice of 6 He must have a deadline to meet.
There are a few tuna sandwiches. under pressure 7 It might be difficult driving/to drive to
5 a little: There’s a little fruit salad./There’s in business work.
a little chocolate mousse./There’s a little under new management 8 She may be hiding in the garden.
spaghetti. B during/in the night
at/in/from the beginning 6 2 mustn’t
6 not many: There aren’t many tuna 3 needn’t, don’t have to
sandwiches./There aren’t many by/during/in the winter
at/by the weekend 4 need to, have to
doughnuts./ There aren’t many chocolate 5 don’t need to, don’t have to
biscuits. in/on time
in a fortnight’s time 6 got to
7 not much: There isn’t much spaghetti./ 7 needs
There isn’t much fruit salad./There isn’t during/in the rush hour
in his forties 8 ’ve managed
much chocolate mousse./There isn’t 9 wasn’t able to, didn’t manage to
much apple juice. at/by the end of the week
10 needn’t, don’t have to
8 a couple of: There are a couple of 11 1 in 8 from 15 of
doughnuts. 2 In 9 by 16 on
7 2 Guests are advised not to leave valuables
9 hardly any: There’s hardly any apple 3 of 10 for in their rooms.
17 by
juice./There’s hardly any spaghetti. There’s 4 in 3 My parents didn’t/wouldn’t let me stay
11 Against 18 from
hardly any chocolate mousse./There’s 5 at out late until I was 18.
12 on 19 over
hardly any fruit salad. 6 for 13 from 20 over 4 He’s bound to do well. He’s so clever.
10 no: There are no bananas./There’s no 7 in 14 of 21 for 5 People under 18 are not supposed to
chocolate cake. drink alcohol.
Vocabulary 6 The use of dictionaries in this exam is not
5 3 plenty/loads/lots allowed./The use of dictionaries is not
4 a few 1 reduce 6 set up allowed in this exam.
5 not much/hardly any 2 transfer 7 pay off 7 Travellers to the US are required to have a
6 hardly any/not much 3 compare 8 refund visa./A visa is required for travellers to the
7 a few 4 haggle 9 sales figures US.
8 a little 5 spread 10 invoice 8 You are likely to find it difficult to learn
9 some Russian./It is likely that you will find it
10 plenty of/loads of/lots of, a couple of difficult to learn Russian.
9 Using your phone in the quiet carriage is
not permitted.


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