Ingles 1er Año Epet

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EPET N° 16

1st year “A-C”

Teacher Antonela Martinez
Student: __________

In the classroom Classroom language 6 ɑː 04 Read and complete with words from
1 ɑː Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with words from the box. 5 Look at the pictures. Then listen and
03 the box. Then listen and check.
complete the instructions.
board student teacher chair desk notebook pencils bag window clock six eight four nine seven

11 12 13 14 15
1 5
eleven twelve thirteen teen fifteen

16 17 18
2 6
six teen teen teen
7 Look Match
19 20
teen twenty

7 What is similar about the numbers in pink


3 Listen Close
9 Fun time!
4 Join a classmate. Think of a number between 1 and
10 20. Your classmate has to guess it. Take turns.

Numbers 8 05 We use the English words below in

We say: 3 ɑː 02 Listen and match the numbers Spanish. Join a classmate and try to complete
Good morning. Good afternoon. to the words. Open Read the missing letters. Then listen and check your
1 six ten
2 1 sh pp ng 8 ph t
2 tel vi i n 9 c nn r
3 one
4 nine 3 a r b g 10 t le one
5 eight 4 c mp ter 11 r gb
6 5 de ti t 12 di iona y
7 Write Circle 6 i-f 13 fo ball
8 five two
7 em l 14 r b t
four seven 9 ɑː Now complete the table with words from
Exercise 8. Underline the stressed syllables.
Good evening. Good night. 4 Look at the picture in Exercise 1 again and ~ Spanish
English = Spanish English =
practise the dialogue with a classmate.
television football
What’s number …?
2 Practise these dialogues with a classmate. It’s a … Underline Cross out
Use words from Exercise 1. 1 your books at page 9.
2 page 5, please.
What’s (desk) in Spanish?
3 the correct answer.
It’s the teacher. (only one) 4 the pictures to the words.
Desk in Spanish is It’s a student. (one of many)
(escritorio). 5 to the instructions.
6 the extra word.
What’s the English word
for (ventana)? Fun time! 7 your notebooks.
The English word for 8 at the board.
ventana is (window). Draw a number on your classmate’s back with your
9 your name.
finger. He / she guesses the number. Then change Can you add more words to the lists?
roles. The student who guesses the most numbers 10 the title.

4 5

1 Hi!
2 Match the columns.
1 Hello! a I’m Robert.
2 My name’s Robert. b Goodbye!
›› Say hello and goodbye
›› Ask for and give personal information 3 Bye! c Hi!
›› Spell your name
›› Describe people and places 3 06 It’s Marie’s first day at school. She is talking
›› Write about a person you know to Miss Duncan, her counsellor. Listen and circle
›› Listen to a conversation about a language course the correct options.
›› Project: A presentation on a special person at school
Good 1 morning / afternoon, Are you
Miss Duncan 
Marie Rousseau?
Marie Yes, Miss.
1 Match the dialogues to the pictures. Miss Duncan 
Can you spell your surname, please?
Marie Sure! R-O-U-double S-E-A-U.
1 A: Goodbye, Ayelén! 3 A: Hi, Isabel! Miss Duncan Are you French?
B: Bye, Fran! B: Hello, Sarah! Marie Yes, I am from Paris.
2 A: Hello! I’m Patricia. 4 A: Good morning. My name’s Robert. Miss Duncan Are you 2 13 / 12 ?
B: Hi! My name’s Francisco. B: Nice to meet you, Robert. I’m Miss Atkins. Marie Yes, I am.
A: Nice to meet you, Francisco. Miss Duncan Are you in Year 3 2 / 4 ?
Marie No, I’m not. I’m in Year 1.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
Miss Duncan What’s your phone number?
Marie 4
2909-8531. / 2099-8513. In English, we say telephone numbers one by one.
0 is called oh.
Miss Duncan And your email address?
E.g. 2909-8531
Marie [email protected]
Miss Duncan Ok, Marie, now …

4 Fill in the form with Marie’s information. Then, practise the dialogue with a classmate.

International School of English
ID 4728
b School of

First name:
a Surname:
Age: Year:
Email address:
Telephone number:
Teacher: Mr Parker

Think it up!
• You are going to prepare a poster / slide presentation about a special person at your school. You are
going to describe them and their role in the school to the class.

6 7
The alphabet 4 Read and practise the dialogue with a
The Global Classroom classmate. Then use your own information.
1 07 Listen and repeat the letters of the Write down what your classmate says. Check if
alphabet. you are right.

A B C D E F G What’s your surname? Frankl. F-R-A-N-K-L.

A place to meet students
from all over the world Join us!
THE GLOBAL H I J K L M N And your phone number? 1-1-6-3-2-5-7-0-9.
Public Group Email addresses
About Members News Contact
5 Match the symbols to the meanings.
Hi! 2 ɑː 08 Listen again and complete the table 1 @ a underscore
I’m Raúl Vazquez. I’m 14. I’m a student at Bolívar School in Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia, but I am not with letters from the box. Then check with a 2 . b asterisk
Colombian. I'm Ecuadorian. I'm from Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. classmate. 3 _ c at
My friend Vanesa is Mexican. She is from Metepec, a small city 63 km from Mexico City.
Vanesa and I are in Year 1. There are 20 students in my class. The classroom is big and comfortable.
4 / d hyphen
The school day starts at 7 a.m. and finishes at 2 p.m. We like our school. It is old but the teachers are great.
A B E I K L O U V Z 5 * e hash
6 – f dot
/iː/ 1
C D 2
G P T 3 7 # g slash
Hi everyone!
I’m Liz Trembley from Toronto, Canada. /e/ F 4
M N S X 5 6 Exchange email addresses with 4 classmates.
I’m 13 years old and I’m in Year 7 at Brunswick School. Now you can ask about homework by email.
/eɪ/ 6
H J 7
Toronto isn’t the capital of Canada, but it is a very important Canadian city. The capital of Canada is
Ottawa. /ju/ Q 8
W Adjectives describing people and places
Students at my school come from many different countries. There are 25 students in my class and we
/aɪ / Y 7 Put the letters in order to form words to
are all 13 years old. Melisa is from Córdoba, a big city in Argentina. She is funny. Louis is French. He is from
Paris, the capital of France. He is very intelligent and kind. And Gianni is from Milan, in Italy. They are my best describe the following people and places.
/əʊ/ 10
We like our school. It is big and modern. Our favourite subject is English. Our teacher, Miss Watson, is /ɑː/ R 1 2 3

3  o you know what these initialisms and

1 Read and find: acronyms mean? Join a classmate and
Your turn! discuss.
a 9 cities.
4 5 6
b 6 countries. Write about yourself. Join with a classmate BBC LASER UK LOL CD OMG MTV
c 5 nationalities.
and practice. USA CNN ZIP (code) VIP CSI
1 My name is .
2 Read again and circle the correct options. • Laugh Out Loud • United States of
• Oh My God America
1 Raúl is in / from Bogotá. He / She is Ecuadorian. 3 I’m years old.
• Very Important Person • Compact Disk
2 His / Her friend is Vanesa. She is / isn’t from 4 I’m from in
• British Broadcasting • MusicTeleVision Numbers
Mexico City. .
3 Vanesa and Carlos is / are in Year 1. His / Their
Corporation • Light Amplification by
8 ɑː 09 Listen and put the numbers in order.
• Cable News Network Stimulated Emission of
classroom is big and comfortable. twenty ninety sixty
• Crime Scene Radiation
4 Liz is / isn’t Canadian. He / She is in Year 7. fifty seventy eighty
5 Gianni, Melisa and Louis are / aren’t her friends. She In action! Investigation • Zone Improvement

one hundred thirty
• United Kingdom Plan forty ten
/ They are from different countries. • Think of a person at school that is important
6 Gianni is Italian / Canadian. to you. It can’t be a student in your class. 9 Look and complete the sequences. Use words
• Visit the person and tell him / her about from the box.
3 Read once more and complete the descriptions. the project.
1 Bolívar School . You read acronyms as words. E.g. ASAP (As Soon eighty fifty-four forty seventy-five twenty-eight
As Possible)
2 Teachers at Bolívar School are You read initialisms letter by letter. E.g. UFO 1 20: twenty, 24: twenty-four,
3 Melisa is . (Unidentified Flying Object)
2 30: thirty, , 50: fifty
4 Louis is . Search online for a list of common initialisms and
acronyms. 3 , 58: fifty-eight, 62: sixty-two
5 Miss Watson is .
4 65: sixty-five, 70: seventy,
6 Brunswick School is .
5 , 90: ninety, 100: one hundred

8 9
Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives 8 Read the text in Exercise 6 again and correct 9 Put the words in order to form questions. Then
the following information. match them to the answers.
1 Read and practise. Subject pronoun Possessive adjective 1 Celene is a teacher. 1 name / what / your / is / ?
I’m a student. My name is Peter. Celene isn’t a teacher. She’s a student.
Singular Plural
You’re from Colombia. Your family is in Bogota. 2 Celene, Raquel and Laura are in Year 9. 2 you / Year 1 / are / in / ?
He’s at school. His classroom is big.
We She’s my friend. Her name is Letizia.
I 3 Ms Murray is their classmate. 3 you / where / from / are / ?
It’s my pet. Its name is Bony.
We’re in Year 7. Our friends are Canadian.
You You They’re from Argentina. Their hometown is Mendoza. 4 English is horrible! 4 your / Mr Brusa / teacher / is / ?

6 Complete the text with subject pronouns and 5 Laura is from Venezuela. 5 I / your / in / am / class / ?
She They possessive adjectives.
6 classroom / where / our / is / ?
Verb to be – interrogative and short
Verb to be – affirmative answers
a I’m from Italy. d No, you aren’t.
2 Study and complete the table. Am I tall? Yes, you are. No, you are not / aren’t. b Fernando. e It’s on floor 2.
Are you from Salto? Yes, I am. No, I am not / ’m not.
Is she 18? Yes, she is. No, she is not / isn’t. c Yes, he is. f Yes, I am.
Full form Short (contracted) form
Are they at school? Yes, they are. No, they are not / aren’t.
I am Celene. I’m Celene.
You are Luis. You are Luis.
Fun time!
He is Albert. He 4 Albert. Design a school ID with information about
Fernando. Try to be original.
She 1 Marina. She’s Marina. Wh- + to be + subject
It 2
Perico. It’s Perico.
Hi! 1 name’s Celene. In What is your name? Julia.
We are Ann and Javier. We 5 Ann and Javier.
this photo 2 am with What are your favourite subjects? French
You are Julie and Laura. You’re Julie and Laura. and English.
Raquel and Laura. 3 ’re
They 3 Mel and Justo. They’re Mel and Justo. Where is Milan? It's in Italy.
friends and classmates. Where are you from? England in the UK.
’re students in Year 7. am I? At school!
favourite teacher is How old are you? 14.
We use: Ms Murray. 7 ’s great!
• full forms in formal documents. 8
lessons are very
• short (contracted) forms when we write to
friends or when we speak. interesting. English is fun! Raquel and Laura
What is What’s
aren’t from Argentina. 9 ’re
Where is Where’s
exchange students. Raquel is from Brazil.
3 Complete with am, is or are. 10
family is in São Paulo.
1 I a student. Laura is from Salto, in Uruguay.
2 Margarita from Peru. In action!
3 My friend Jenny very intelligent.
• Interview your favourite person at school.
4 Chris and Helen from the USA.
Prepare your questions in advance.
5 We very happy. • Ask him / her the name of his / her job and
Verb to be – negative
what time he / she starts work.
4 Rewrite sentences 1, 2 and 5 using the short form. • Take a photo of the person and a photo of
7 Study and complete the table.
1 the place where he / she works at school.
2 Full form Short form
5 I am not a teacher. I’m not a teacher.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct You are not from Japan. You aren’t from Japan.
subject pronoun. He is not at school. He isn’t at school.
1 Hi! ’m María. She is not French. She 3 French.
2 is my friend Francisco. It 1
my dog. It isn’t my dog.
3 is my pet. We 2 in Year 9. We aren’t in Year 9.
4 are my friends Milton and Joaquín. They are not nice. They 4 nice.
5 Alicia is a student. is from Uruguay.

10 11
5 13 Listen to the conversation and complete the form.

English Spanish French Italian


Name: City:

Age: Country:

School: Phone number:

Class: Email address:

1 Look at the picture and answer. 4 12 Listen again. Who says each sentence?

1 Are they teenagers? Tick () the correct option.

2 Where are they? Ask and say how you are
6 Listen again and number the questions in
3 Are they friends? Patricia Francis
the order they are mentioned. Hi! How are you?
1 What’s your name? How old are you, Samantha?
2 Listen to the conversation to check your
answers. 2 Wow! It’s my class! What’s your name, please?
Is it a mobile phone?
3 ɑː 11  isten again and circle the words you
L 3 I’m 14. Today is my birthday!
Can you spell that, please?
hear. 4 I’m from Lisbon.
Where are you from? Great! Thanks. Not very well.
city 5 She’s an Art teacher. And your email address? I’m fine, thanks. Terrible!
50 class
Instagram OK, thanks. I'm not too good.
6 C
 ould you repeat your phone
number, please? 7 15 Listen once more and answer. Very well, thanks.
surname phone 15
7 Can you spell DeSouza, please? 1 Is Samantha interested in a French course?
2 Where is she from?
teacher country music  ractise this dialogue with a classmate. You
3 How old is she? decide if the answer is or . Then
4 What’s the name of her school? change roles.
5 Is she in Year 6?

12 13
Write about a person you know
1 Complete the text about Marie Kondo with She is 34 years old. She is famous for her KonMari
words from the box. organising method.
She is 34 years old and she is famous for her
and live but from (x2) her KonMari organising method. A special person at school
is Japanese she to + and +
She is from Japan. She and her family live in the Let’s complete the Project!
+ but - 1 Prepare your presentation. Use a poster or slides to show your special person at
She is from Japan, but she and her family live in the school. Remember to include a picture of the person and a picture of the place
M USA. where he / she works at school.
2 Use the description from page 14 to rehearse your presentation.
3 Deliver your presentation.

Marie Kondo
2 Complete the form with information about your 4 Listen to your classmate's presentations.
special person at school.

Home About Tips Contact

Fact File
Home now:
Room number:
Email address:

3 Write a paragraph using information from

Exercise 2. Add a picture to accompany the text.
Use the text about Marie Kondo to help you.

In action!
• You can use this text to complete your project.

Marie Kondo is a 1 My learning record
organising consultant and book author. She is
Tokyo, in Japan,
she and her family
Greet formally and informally
in Los Angeles, in the
USA. She 5 34 years old Ask for and give personal information
and 6
is famous for
Fill in forms
KonMari organising
method. She is intelligent 8 Name countries and nationalities
nice. Her work day is 9 Correct information about people and
8:30 a.m. 10 5:00 p.m. places = very we
Speak in front of my classmates = I can m
= I need to

14 15

2 Whose Favourite Things?

›› Name and describe things
›› Ask and answer about favourite things
›› Use singular and plural nouns to talk about your favourite things
›› Use adjectives and have got / haven't got to describe things
›› Listen and talk about prices l
›› Write about your favourite things
›› Project: A survey and a presentation on your classmates'
favourite things

1 ɑː Match the objects to the pictures.

1 book 6 pen 11 video game console
2 notebook 7 cap 12 jeans n
3 smartphone 8 laptop 13 hair bands
2 Look at the pictures again. Write which are
4 skateboard 9 dictionary 14 sport pants Angela's and Felipe’s things.
5 glasses 10 T-shirt 15 trainers

Which are Angela’s things? Which are Felipe’s things?

b c

3 Which are their favourite things?
Your turn!
Listen and circle them in Exercise 1.
Angela is brainy and Felipe is athletic.
d 4 J oin with a classmate and discuss Look at their favourite things.
whose favourite things these are.
Are you brainy or athletic? Which are your
Use It’s / They’re Angela’s / Felipe’s
favourite things? Discuss with your partner.
favourite (pen / jeans).

Angela’s jeans = Her jeans
j Felipe’s book = His book

Think it up!
• You are going to do a survey of your friends’ favourite things. Then you are going to present the results
i to the class.

16 17
Guess the owner! Colours
blue white
1 17 Write the names of the colours. Then listen and check. black grey
brown orange
pink violet
red indigo


Hi! My
favourite things are
my new pink pompom
2 18 What are the colours of the rainbow? Listen and colour.
pen and my pink hat.
They are funny. I’ve got I’ve got a new skateboard.
a pink bicycle. It’s new It’s orange and blue. I’ve got an
and it’s my favourite old book of fantastic stories and
too. a black T-shirt. They are all my
favourite things!
Hi there! I’ve got
three favourite things.
I’ve got my new white
helmet and my black bike. It’s Hello guys! I’ve got three
very fast. And I’ve got my grey favourite things. They are my
and orange trainers. They old green jeans, my big new
are not new, but they are glasses and my yellow modern
cool. smartphone.

3 Find the opposites in each line. 5 Say the prices and react to them.
1 SMBIALLG small / big
1 Look at the items and match each person to the sticky note description. 2 SLFOAWST
4 BAGODOD It's cheap!
Numbers $20.0

4 Match the prices to the tags.

1 It’s four hundred and sixty-four pesos. c
2 It’s seventy-eight pesos fifty.
3 It’s one hundred and five pesos fifteen.
4 It’s thirteen pesos twenty-five. ook
It's expensive! noteb
5 It’s two hundred and sixty-nine pesos. 0
Felix Martina Fiona Richard $32 .0

2 Write the name. You might have to write more 3 Write the name of the object. $269.00
than one name. $105.15
1 They are cool. a b $13.25
1 His / her favourite thing is black. Richard's trainers
2 They’re old and green.
2 He’s / She’s got a modern smartphone. $464.00 $78.50 e
A T-
3 It’s new, brown and yellow. c d $135 rt
3 His / Her favourite colour is pink.
4 It’s black and fast.
4 He’s / She’s got a fast bicycle.
$25.00 = twenty-five pesos
5 They’re pink and funny. $347.00 = three hundred and forty-seven pesos
5 He’s / She’s got a favourite thing that is old.

18 19
Singular and plural nouns a / an 3 ɑː  ook at the pictures and complete the
L Verb have got – yes / no questions
5 Study and complete the table.

a pen three pens

a bag an umbrella

2 Write words from the box in the correct circle.

✗ My favourite thing isn’t
It’s a .
Have you


Have I got a box?

a pen?


Short answers

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Yes, you 4

Yes, we have. / No, we


, they
. / No,

a box two boxes
they . / No, they
email laptop English book got books? 8
expensive sandwich skateboard bicycle

a an
The Colosseum is in Rome.
We use the for specific things.
a dictionary two dictionaries

2 Their . They’re . I’ve got a bicycle and a skateboard. The bicycle is
Remember! old but the skateboard is new.

bus class + -es buses classes

dish watch dishes watches
6 Complete the paragraph with have got, a,
box boxes
an or the.

baby + -ies babies

dictionary dictionaries It’s a pencil. It’s an apple. but
3 Your . It’s . I1 three favourite things: 2
They’re a pencils. They’re an apples.
boy + -s boys colourful umbrella,3 dictionary and
day days
Verb have got – affirmative and negative 4
old cap. 5 umbrella is
shelf + -ves shelves Describing things – adjective + noun beautiful!
4 Study and complete the table.

Affirmative 7 ɑː  ave you got these things in your

Full form Short form bag? Ask a classmate and write his /
Jeans are always plural. her answers.
I have got a box. I’ve got a box.
1 blue pen?
You 1 a pen. You’ve got a pen.
1 Look at the picture and circle the correct options. Have you got a blue pen in your bag? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.
We 2 a camera. We’ve got a camera.
a school bag a new bag 2 red trainers?
They have got books. They 5 books.

3 Negative
3 dictionary?
2 I have not got a box. I haven’t got a box.
6 You 3 a pen. You haven’t got a pen.
4 English book?
We 4
a camera. We haven’t got a camera.
They have not got books. They 6 books.
two red caps red caps 5 small box?
5 Your turn! 6 hair band?
Write true sentences about things you
have in the classroom.
1 trainer / trainers 4 jean / jeans olds books
yellows boxes 1 I / skateboard. In action!
2 shelf / shelves 5 skateboard / skateboards
3 box / boxes 6 bed / beds 2 We / big blackboard. • Prepare a grid with all the favourite things
3 We / six boards. mentioned. You will need it to create the
survey report.
4 I / black trainers.

20 21
Talking about favourite things A commercial
1 Look at the pictures to see what Brenda and Michael are talking about. Whose things appear 4 21 Listen to a radio commercial and tick (✓) the things that are mentioned. Find the differences
in the pictures? between the commercial and the leaflet.

At the shop
5 22 Listen again and write T (true) or F (false).

2 19 Listen to the conversation and check your Your turn! 1 It’s Zahira’s birthday. 6 23 Listen once more and put the sentences in
Join with a classmate and discuss. 2 Zahira’s 12 years old. order.
3 20 Listen again and circle the correct options. Are you surprised at the conversation between 3 The glasses are cheap. 1 Have you got a green T-shirt? 1
Brenda and Michael? Why / Why not?
1 Is that your ball / video game? 4 They haven’t got boxes at 2 £25,00
2 I’m a tennis / football fan. “GIFTS FOR ALL BUDGETS”. 3 Well, we’ve got this red T-shirt.
3 This is from a Science / Geography contest. 5 Frida and Marcos buy a pink pen. It’s £18,00
4 My favourite thing is my poster / laptop. 4 Yes, big or small?
5 And a very good / intelligent one. 5 Good! I’ll take it!
6 Small, please. How much is it?
7 Oh, it’s expensive.

7  ractise the conversation with a

classmate. You can use the leaflet in
Exercise 4 for more items.

22 23
Write about your favourite things

This is my favourite thing. It’s my new bag. It’s

modern, pink and big. I’ve got my yellow notebook and
my pencil case in it. I’ve got a blue pen, a rubber and Survey: My classmates' favourite things
12 coloured pencils in my pencil case. My blue pen is
new and cool, and my new rubber is grey and white.
My ruler is old but it is long. I love it! Let’s complete the Project!
1 Now you have all your classmates’ answers. Count how many classmates
have got the same favourite thing. You could ask your ICT teacher how to
use a computer programme. You could ask your Maths teacher for help with
2 Once you know how many students have got the same favourite thing, draw a pie
chart to show your results. Use different colours and label the sections. You can
use a slide presentation or a poster.
Mary’s bag is modern, pink, and big. 3 Use the guide in the IN ACTION! sections to write your survey report.
4 Rehearse your report and present it to the class.
We use capital letters (C) to start sentences and a
full stop (.) to finish them.
We use commas (,) for lists of things.

1 Read and write what it is. 3 Answer Jeremy’s question and describe your Football
favourite thing. Remember to use capital letters, 35 20
1 There are 12 of them.
commas and full stops. Draw your favourite
2 It’s modern, pink and big. thing or stick on a photo of it. Jeans
3 It’s blue, new and cool.
4 It’s old but long.
5 It’s Mary’s favourite thing. 15
2 Rewrite the following paragraph. Include capital
letters, commas and full stops.

imjeremymyfavouritethingismy School bag

mynewrubberandmynewrulerinitmy 30

My learning record

Name and describe things

Talk about favourite things

Ask and say what people have got

In action! Conduct a survey
• Ask each of your classmates what their Show results of a survey in a pie chart
favourite thing is. = very we
• These punctuation rules are useful for your Present the results of a survey in front ll
survey report. of my classmates = I can m
• Girls’ favourite objects are …, …, … and …
= I need to
• Boys’ favourite objects are …, …, … and …
• 10 girls’ favourite object is a / an … revise
• 1 boy’s favourite object is a / an …

24 25

Numbers All Around 1 Complete the text with the correct subject pronouns.


DAILYFACTS News Articles Videos More Hello. My name is Dave. 1

great city, 2
am from Los Angeles, USA. Los Angeles is a
is fantastic! I have got a big family. My father’s name is Jose.

NUMBERS ALL AROUND is not American, 4 is Colombian. My mother’s


name is Wendy. 5
is American. My three sisters are Mary, Tereza and
Posted by Daily Facts 17 March 2019 Share Comment Email Print
Rachel. Mary and Tereza are not American, 6 are from Colombia. Rachel
We use numbers for many things, for example: is my little sister. 7 is 13 now. Oh, and there is Ruffles too.
• time – e.g. It’s 2:30. It’s 3:45. It's eight thirty-five.
• dates – My birthday is on the 02/12. The party will be on 01/07/2019.
is our dog. My grandmother is 75 years old and 9
• temperature – It’s 5°C; it’s 35°F. is very funny. 10
are a happy family.
• money – The T-shirt is $1.50.
• measurements – The table is 2 m long. Big Ben in London is 96 m tall.
• phone numbers – My number is 328-918-9941.

We also use numbers in mathematics and science. In mathematics the four basic
operations are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (÷). Here / 10
are some different ways to talk about the four operations.
2 Complete the table with the plural form of words from the box.
addition (+) subtraction (-) multiplication (x) division (÷)
wolf story toy half sandwich kiss pen dictionary umbrella bus
plus difference by each
sum minus product (of) equal parts
total take away times split
together less per every -s -es -ies -ves

1 Write which operations indicate …

Increase Decrease
1 3
2 4

/ 20
2 Read the maths problems. Decide which operation (+ / - / x / ÷) you need.
3 Complete the dialogue with a, an or -.
Question Operation Chris: 
Rita, is this your pen?
Rita: No, that is 1 yellow pen. I have got 2 orange pen.
1 I have got 25 pens. My friends have got 3 pens. How many pens have we got in total? Chris: 
And is this your pencil?
Rita: Is it 3 black pencil?
2 We have got 20 caps and 4 children. All children have got the same number of caps now. Chris: No, it is 4 white pencil.
Rita: I have got 5 white pencils too. Wait a minute. No, they are not my pencils.
3 Timothy and Sally have got 10 books from the library. Jana and Dean have got 3 books
/ 10
from the library. What is the difference between the number of books they have got?
4 You have got 2 bags. I have got 2 times the number of bags you have got. How many bags 4 It’s the first day at school and some students are talking to each other. Match the questions to
the answers.
have I got?
1 Can you spell your name, please? No, I’m not. He is not here today.
2 Are you Cameron Nunes? Yes, it is!
3 Write the answers to the questions in 4 Now create your own maths problem like the
Exercise 2. Show your work. ones in Exercise 2. Show your maths problem 3 Have you got an extra English dictionary? D-W-A-Y-N-E.
to a classmate and ask him / her to: 4 Is this your dictionary? Yes. You can use this one.
• say which operation is needed. 5 Leo is not from France. Where is he from? He is from Canada, but he speaks French.
/ 10
3 • solve the problem.
4 Total: / 50

26 27

3 We Are Family!
2 24 Listen to Stephanie’s description of her family and number the names in the order
they are mentioned.
1 Ben 4 Jacob 7 Stephanie
›› Describe families 2 Cathy 5 Marjorie 8 Sweety
›› Talk about houses and pets
3 Cecilia 6 Patrick 9 Wolf
›› Read about and describe houses
›› Talk about families and homes
3 Complete Stephanie’s family tree with the people's names.
›› Listen to a programme about the perfect house
›› Write about a family member
›› Project: A collage of your family and their special places at home

1 Look at the pictures and label them.

1 baby 6 grandmother
2 boy 7 grandfather
Grandmother Grandfather
3 girl 8 dog
4 mother 9 cat
5 father

a b

d Mother Father

Brother Stephanie Sister

f g

Hi! I’m Stephanie and this is my family.

4 Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.
1 Cecilia is Cathy’s mother.
2 Patrick and Cecilia are Stephanie’s grandparents.
3 Jacob is Cathy’s sister.
h 4 Stephanie’s got a brother and a sister.
5 The children have got two pets.

Think it up!
• You will present a collage of your family and pets at home. You should include a description of each
photo. You can do it as a craft or you can use an online photo editor.

28 29
Awesome houses Family members and pets 4 Label the house plan. Use Exercise 3 to help
1 Look at the text below. It is … 1 Complete the definitions. d
a c
1 a magazine. 1 My mother’s father is my .
2 a brochure. 2 My parents’ son is my . b
3 an ad. f
3 My grandfather is my mother’s .
4 My sister is my father’s .
The Awesome Container House 5 My father is my grandmother’s .
There is a large, bright bedroom with a
double-bed and a LED lamp. There are two
2 Find nine words in the spiral. Write them in the
drawers under the bed to store clothes. The corresponding columns in the table.
small bedroom has got bunk beds. There

is a small window next to each bed with
curtains to block the light. e
The bathroom is modern and comfortable. ht e
It’s got a shower with a glass door, a toilet

and a large sink.

One of the main attractions is the integrated

kitchen-dining room. There is a table with

four chairs. The kitchen has got a cooker,

a small fridge and a microwave oven. Don’t
worry about electricity! The house has got its

own solar energy. fis
And to top it all, there's a spectacular view hcatco
from the roof! A sliding glass door upstairs
opens onto a garden full of beautiful flowers. Have you got a
lot of friends? family members pets
Recycled Why not organise a dinner party
shipping containers on the rooftop? Climb up the
ladder on the side of the house.
make great homes!
How many members are
there in your family? Contact:
Our revolutionary eco-friendly houses are ideal
for a small family.

mother = mum grandmother = granny / gran j

2 Read the text and circle the rooms. 5 ɑː 
Look at the brochure and talk about
father = dad grandfather = grandpa
g k
the rooms, the furniture and the i
3 Read again. Which adjectives describe … appliances in the house.
Parts of the house h
1 the house?
Which room is this / that?
It’s the (bedroom). 3 Match the items to the parts of the house.
2 the bedrooms? 1 toilet Your turn!
What is there (in the bedroom)? 2 table Join with a classmate and discuss.
3 the bathroom? 3 double bed Have you got a favourite room in your house?
There are (bunk beds and curtains). Which room is it? What is in it? When do you
4 sofa
spend time in that room?
4 the view? 5 microwave oven Have you got a pet? What’s its name?
What’s your favourite room? 6 plants a kitchen Is it friendly?
7 sink b garage
4 Read once more and answer the questions. The (bedroom). c bedroom
8 dishwasher
1 Is this house eco-friendly? d living room
Why? 9 washing machine
e utility room
In action!
Because (it’s got bunk beds). 10 fridge
2 How many bedrooms are there in the house? f dining room • Make a list of the members of your family
11 car and their favourite places in the house. You
12 shower g garden
can start taking some pictures.
3 What is there in the bathroom? Your turn! 13 flower beds h bathroom

Join with a classmate and discuss. 14 bunk beds

4 Where is there a table for four people? Is this house cheap or expensive to live in? Would
you like to live there? Why?
5 Has the house got a garden?

30 31
Verb have got 4 Confirm information about Anna and her family. This / That / These / Those
Interrogative Short answers
1 Anna has got three adopted children.
1 Study and complete the table. Look! These are my pets. This is my
Has Anna got three adopted children? No, she hasn’t. Is there a garden? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
dog Fido and that is my cat Prana.
Affirmative Negative She’s got two step-daughters. Are there two sofas? Yes, there are. / No, there Those are my parents at the back.
I have got a pet. I haven’t got a pet.
2 Anna has got a big family.
He has got a house. He hasn’t 3
6 Look at the picture. Write questions and
a house. answers.
She 1 She 4
a car. a car.
3 Robert has got two sons.
It 2
got big It hasn’t 5

eyes. big eyes.

2 ɑː Circle the correct options.

4 Anna and her family have got a big house.

5 They have got three dogs.

Blogging life...
7 Write the sentences.
Home About Latest post Contact
under 1 This is a chair.
There is / There are

Affirmative Negative

There is / There’s a dining There isn’t a garage.

room. There aren’t three 2
1 a dog / in the box?
There are two bedrooms. bathrooms.
Is there a dog in the box? No, there isn’t.
I 1 have got / has got a friend. Her name is Anna. She 2 a cat / on the table?
has got / have got a small family. She 3 has got / There is a table. It is brown.
hasn’t got a husband. His name is Robert. There are two double beds. They are big. . 3
She 4 has got / hasn’t got biological children, but she 3 two birds / under the table?
has got / have got two step-daughters, Amy 5 Look at Exercise 4 on page 31 and write
and Lilly. They are her husband’s daughters from a sentences. .
previous family. They hasn’t got / haven’t got pets
1 table / dining room 4 a dog / under the table?
because they 7 has got / have got a small house. It There is a table in the dining room. 4
hasn’t got / haven’t got a garden. . .
2 shower / kitchen 5 two cats / in the box?
3 Study and complete the table.
. .
Interrogative Short answers 3 car / garage 5
Have you got a pet? Yes, you have. / No, you
4 beds / living room
Has he 1 a Yes, he 5 . / No,
house? he hasn’t.
Have we 2 a Yes, we 6 . / No,
. 8  ook at Exercise 4 on page 31 again and
5 chairs / dining room point to things and rooms in the house.
dog? we 7
. Use this / that / these / those.
she Yes, she has. / No, she
new jeans? 8

32 33
The perfect house 4 Read the list and circle the new words. What do 6 27 Listen to Grace and Steve. Which of the
they mean? Use a dictionary to help you. houses in Exercise 1 are they talking about?
1 Look at the pictures and answer.
1 single bed 7 wardrobe
1 Who is the woman on TV?
2 drawer 8 king-size bed
7  ork in pairs and circle the correct
2 What is the programme about? option. Then listen to the dialogue again
3 fridge 9 bunk beds and check your answers.
4 washing machine 10 jacuzzi tub
1 There are two / three bedrooms in the house.
5 stove 11 level
2 There is a king-size / bunk bed in the parents’
6 sink 12 sofa
5 26 Listen again and complete the sentences 3 There are / aren’t big wardrobes in the bathroom.
with words from Exercises 2 and 4. 4 There is / isn’t a big window in the dining room.
1 The is ideal for a single 5 There is a jacuzzi tub in the bedroom / bathroom.
2 The kitchen is complete with a Your turn!
, a fridge and a sink.
Join with a classmate and discuss.
3 This is ideal for a family Which is your favourite home? Why? What is
with kids because it’s got a big garden. your ideal house? Draw the plan and show it to a
4 The bedroom is on the top level in that classmate.
5 The is small but perfect.
In action!
• You can start describing the pictures. Use the
vocabulary from this section.
• Remember to use this, that, these, those in
2 Tick () the kind of houses you see in the pictures. your descriptions.
1 a three-storey house 4 a detached house
2 a studio flat 5 a loft apartment
3 a mansion

3 25 Listen to a TV programme about houses. Match the people in the photos to the houses
in Exercise 1.


34 35
Describe a family member and his / her 2 Choose one of the pictures for your project and
favourite place in the house write a description. Use the text in Exercise 1
to help you.
1 Look at the pictures and read the description.
My family at home
Let’s complete the Project!
1 Choose the pictures you are going to use.
2 Display the pictures on coloured paper to form the collage or use a photo editor to
prepare the collage on your computer.
3 Label the images.
4 Rehearse at home.
5 Present your family and their favourite places at home. Remember to speak clearly
because your classmates and teacher are listening!
Describe families and houses
3 Go to Exercises 2 and 3 on page 34 and
1 The family in picture c is a typical family because
there is a father, a mother, and two children

2 The couple in picture a are smiling because

3 The loft is small so

4 The detached house is ideal for the family

in picture c because

This is my grandpa Alexander. He's a great granddad. 5 The studio flat has got a single bed so
His favourite room in the house is the living room
because it is cosy. There is a comfortable sofa and a
My learning record
television. There is a lot of light because there is a big
window. It hasn’t got curtains. That is our pet dog,
4 Write a paragraph about a member of your
Cirilo. His favourite place is the garden!
family. Use the paragraph in Exercise 1 to help
Describe and respect different kinds of
Identify and value members of the
Identify different kinds of houses

Speak about families and houses with

my classmates
There is a lot of light because there is a big
window. Express cause and consequence
= very we
because + a reason ll
Prepare a collage presentation and
There is a big window so there is a lot of light. = I can m
share it with my classmates anage
so + consequence
= I need to

36 37

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