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PDHonline Course C264 (4 PDH)

Laboratory Testing and Interpretation

of Rock Properties

Instructor: John Huang, Ph.D., PE and John Poullain, PE


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Laboratory rock testing is performed to determine the strength and elastic properties of intact specimens and
the potential for degradation and disintegration of the rock material. The derived parameters are used in
part for the design of rock fills, cut slopes, shallow and deep foundations, tunnels, and the assessment of
shore protection materials (rip-rap). Deformation and strength properties of intact specimens aid in
evaluating the larger-scale rock mass that is significantly controlled by joints, fissures, and discontinuity
features (spacing, roughness, orientation, infilling), water pressures, and ambient geostatic stress state.


Common laboratory tests for intact rocks include measurements of strength (point load index, compressive
strength, Brazilian test, direct shear), stiffness (ultrasonics, elastic modulus), and durability (slaking,
abrasion). Table 8-1 gives a summary list of laboratory rock tests and procedures by ASTM. Brief sections
discuss the common tests (denoted with an asterisk*) useful for a standard highway project involving
construction in rock.

8.2.1 Strength Tests

The laboratory determination of intact rock strength is accomplished by the following tests: point load
index, unconfined compression, triaxial compression, Brazilian test, and direct shear. The uniaxial (or
unconfined) compression test provides the general reference value, having a respective analogy with
standard tests on concrete cylinders. The uniaxial compressive strength (qu = Fu) is obtained by compressing
a trimmed cylindrical specimen in the longitudinal direction and taking the maximum measured force
divided by the cross-sectional area. The point load index serves as a surrogate for the UCS and is a simpler
test in that irregular pieces of rock core can be used. A direct tensile test requires special end preparation
that is difficult for most commercial labs, therefore tensile strength is more often evaluated by compression
loading of cylindrical specimens across their diameter (known as the Brazilian test). Direct shear tests are
used to investigate frictional characteristics along rock discontinuity features.

Figure 8-1: (a) Intact Rock Specimens for Laboratory Testing; (b) Compressive Strength Testing.

TABLE 8-1.


Test Name of Test Test Designation

Point Load D 5731*
Method for determining point load index (Is) -
Compressive Compressive strength (qu = Fu) of core in unconfined
- D 2938*
Strength compression (uniaxial compression test)

Triaxial compressive strength without pore pressure T 226 D 2664

Creep Creep-cylindrical hard rock core in uniaxial compression - D 4341

Creep-cylindrical soft rock core in uniaxial compression - D 4405

Creep-cylindrical hard rock core, in triaxial compression - D 4406

Tensile Direct tensile strength of intact rock core specimens - D 3936

Splitting tensile strength of intact core (Brazilian test) - D 3967*

Direct Shear Laboratory direct shear strength tests - rock specimens,

- D 5607*
under constant normal stress

Permeability Permeability of rocks by flowing air - D 4525

Durability Slake durability of shales and similar weak rocks - D 4644*

Rock slab testing for riprap soundness, using

- D 5240*
sodium/magnesium sulfate

Rock-durability for erosion control under freezing/thawing - D 5312*

Rock-durability for erosion control under wetting/drying - D 5313

Deformation Elastic moduli of intact rock core in uniaxial compression - D 3148*

and Stiffness
Elastic moduli of intact rock core in triaxial compression - D 5407

Pulse velocities and ultrasonic elastic constants in rock - D 2845*

Specimen Rock core specimen preparation - D 4543

Rock slab preparation for durability testing - D 5121

Note: *Routine rock test procedure described in this manual

Point Load Index (Strength)
ASTM D 5731
Purpose To determine strength classification of rock materials through an index test.
Procedure Rock specimens in the form of core (diametral and axial), cut blocks or irregular lumps
are broken by application of concentrated load through a pair of spherically truncated,
conical platens. The distance between specimen-platen contact points is recorded. The
load is steadily increased, and the failure load is recorded.

There is little sample preparation. However, specimens should conform to the size and
shape requirements as specified by ASTM. In general, for the diametral test, core
specimens with a length-to-diameter ratio of 1.0 are adequate while for the axial test
core specimens with length-to-diameter ratio of 0.3 to 1.0 are suitable. Specimens for
the block and the irregular lump test should have a length of 50±35 mm and a
depth/width ratio between 0.3 and 1.0 (preferably close to 1.0). The test specimens are
typically tested at their natural water content.

Size corrections are applied to obtain the point load strength index, Is(50), of a rock
specimen. A strength anisotropy index, Ia(50), is determined when Is(50) values are
measured perpendicular and parallel to planes of weakness.
Commentary The test can be performed in the field with portable equipment or in the laboratory
(Figure 8-1). The point load index is used to evaluate the uniaxial compressive
strength (Fu). On the average, Fu . 25 Is(50). However, the coefficient term can vary
from 15 to 50 depending upon the specific rock formation, especially for anisotropic
rocks. The test should not be used for weak rocks where Fu < 25 MPa.

Figure 8-1: Point Load Test Apparatus. (Adopted from Roctest)

Uniaxial Compression Test
ASTM D 2938
Purpose To determine the uniaxial compressive strength of rock (qu = Fu = FC).
Procedure In this test, cylindrical rock specimens are tested in compression without lateral
confinement. The test procedure is similar to the unconfined compression test for soils
and concrete. The test specimen should be a rock cylinder of length-to-width ratio (H/D)
in the range of 2 to 2.5 with flat, smooth, and parallel ends cut perpendicular to the
cylinder axis. Originally, specimen diameters of NX size were used (D = 2c in. = 44
mm), yet now the standard size is NQ core (D = 1f in. = 47.6 mm).


σu =


Figure 8-2: Uniaxial Compression Test on Rock with (a) Definitions of stress
conditions and strains, (b) Derived stress-strain curve with peak
stress corresponding to the uniaxial compressive strength (qu = Fu)

Commentary The uniaxial compression test is most direct means of determining rock strength. The
results are influenced by the moisture content of the specimens, and thus should be
noted. The rate of loading and the condition of the two ends of the rock will also affect
the final results. Ends should be planar and parallel per ASTM D 4543. The rate of
loading should be constant as per the ASTM test procedure. Inclined fissures, intrusions,
and other anomalies will often cause premature failures on those planes. These should
be noted so that, where appropriate, other tests such as triaxial or direct shear tests can
be required.

Splitting Tensile (Brazilian) Test for Intact Rocks
ASTM D 3967
Purpose To evaluate the (indirect) tensile shear of intact rock core, FT.
Procedures Core specimens with length-to-diameter ratios (L/D) of between 2 to 2.5 are placed in
a compression loading machine with the load platens situated diametrically across the
specimen. The maximum load (P) to fracture the specimen is recorded and used to
calculate the split tensile strength.

Figure 8-3. Setup for Brazilian Tensile Test in Standard Loading Machine.

Commentary The Brazilian or split-tensile strength (FT) is significantly more convenient and
practicable for routine measurements than the direct tensile strength test (T0). The test
gives very similar results to those from direct tension (Jaeger & Cook, 1976). It is a
more fundamental strength measurement of the rock material, as this corresponds to
a more likely failure mode in many situations than compression. Also, note that the
point load index is actually a type of Brazilian tensile strength, that is correlated back
to compressive strength. Additional details on tensile strengths of rocks is given in
Chapter 10.

Direct Shear Strength of Rock

ASTM D 5607

Purpose To determine the shear strength characteristics of rock along a plane of weakness.

Procedure The laboratory test equipment is shown below in Figure 8-4. The specimen is placed
in the lower half of the shear box and encapsulated in either synthetic resin or mortar.
The specimen must be positioned so that the line of action of the shear force lies in the
plane of the discontinuity to be investigated, and the normal force acts perpendicular
to this surface. Once the encapsulating material has hardened, the specimen is mounted
in the upper half of the shear box in the same manner. A strip approximately 5 mm
wide above and below the shear surface must be kept free of encapsulating material.
The test is then carried out by applying a horizontal shear force T under a constant
normal load, N.



Figure 8-4: (a) General Set-up for Direct Shear Strength Testing of Rock
(Wittke, 1990) (b) Derived Shear Stress vs. Shear Displacement
Curve. (ASTM D 5607, 1995)

(Direct Shear Testing of Rock - Continued)

Commentary Determination of shear strength of rock specimens is an important aspect in the design
of structures such as rock slopes, foundations and other purposes. Pervasive
discontinuities (joints, bedding planes, shear zones, fault zones, schistosity) in a rock
mass, and genesis, crystallography, texture, fabric, and other factors can cause the rock
mass to behave as an anisotropic and heterogeneous discontinuum. Therefore, the
precise prediction of rock mass behavior is difficult.

For nonplanar joints or discontinuities, shear strength is derived from a combination

base material friction and overriding of asperities (dilatancy), shearing or breaking of
the asperities, rotations at or wedging of the asperities (Patton, 1966). Sliding on and
shearing of the asperities can occur simultaneously. When the normal force is not
sufficient to restrain dilation, the shear mechanism consists of the overriding of the
asperities. When the normal load is large enough to completely restrain dilation, the
shear mechanism consists of the shearing off of the asperities.

Using this test method to determine the shear strength of intact rock may generate
overturning moments that induce premature tensile breaking. Thus, the specimen
would fail in tension first rather than in shear.

Rock shear strength is influenced by the overburden stresses; therefore, the larger the
overburden stress, the larger the shear strength.

In some cases, it may be desirable to conduct tests in-situ rather than in the laboratory
to more accurately determine a representative shear strength of the rock mass,
particularly when design is controlled by discontinuities filled with very weak material.

8.2.2 Durability

The evaluation of rock durability becomes an issue when the materials are to be subjected to the natural
elements, seasonal weather, and repeated cycles of temperature (e.g., flowing water, wetting and drying,
wave action, freeze and thaw, etc.) in its proposed use. Tests to measure durability depend on the type of
rock, on its use in construction, and on the elements to which the rock will be subjected. The basis for
durability tests are empirical and the results produced are an indication of the rock’s resistance to natural
processes; the rock’s behavior in actual use may vary greatly from the test results. These tests, however,
provide reasonably reliable tools for quality control. The suitability of various types of rock for different
uses should, in addition to these test results, depend on their performance in previous applications. An
example of the use of rock durability tests is in the evaluation of shale in rock fill embankments.

Slake Durability

ASTM D 4644 (for shales and similar weak rocks)

Purpose To determine the durability of shale or other weak or soft rocks subjected to cycles of
wetting and drying.

Procedure In this test dried fragments of rock of known weight are placed in a drum fabricated
with 2.0 mm square mesh wire cloth. Figure 8-4 shows a schematic of the test
apparatus. The drum is rotated in a horizontal position along its longitudinal axis while
partially submerged in distilled water to promote wetting of the sample. The specimens
and the drum are dried at the end of the rotation cycle (10 minutes at 20 rpm) and
weighed. After two cycles of rotating and drying the weight loss and the shape and size
of the remaining rock fragments are recorded and the Slake Durability Index (SDI) is
calculated. Both the SDI and the description of the shape and size of the remaining
particles are used to determine the durability of soft rocks.

Figure 8-5: Rotating Drum Assembly and Setup of Slake Durability

Equipment. (ASTM D 4644, 1995)
Commentary This test is typically performed on shales and other weak rocks that may be subject to
degradation in the service environment. When some shales are newly exposed to
atmospheric conditions, they can degrade rapidly and affect the stability of a rock fill
or cut, the subgrade on which a foundation is to be placed, or the base and side walls
of drilled shafts prior to placement of concrete.

Soundness of Riprap

ASTM D 5240

Purpose To determine the soundness of rock subjected to erosion.

Procedure The procedure is known as the Rock Slab Soundness Test. Two representative, sawed,
rock slab specimens are immersed in a solution of sodium or magnesium sulfate and
dried and weighed for five cycles. The percent weight loss as a result of these tests is
expressed as percent soundness.

Commentary One of the most effective means to control erosion along riverbanks and coastal beaches
is by covering exposed soil with rip-rap, or a combination of geosynthetics and rip-rap.
Rock or stone used in this mode is subject to degradation from weathering effects due
to repeated cycles of wetting & drying, as well as repeated exposure to salts used in de-
icing of roadways. This test is used to estimate this type of degradation. A similar test
for aggregates is available through ASTM C 88.

Durability Under Freezing and Thawing

ASTM D 5312

Purpose To determine the resistance of rock used for erosion control to repeated cycles of
freezing and thawing.

Procedure Slabs of representative rock specimens are subjected to freezing and thawing cycles in
the laboratory. The loss of dry weight at the end of five successive cycles of freezing,
thawing, and drying is expressed as percent loss due to freeze/thaw.

Commentary This test is useful in assessing the durability of rock due to weathering effects, in
particularly for stone and gravel aggregates used in northern climates where seasonal
winters will degrade their use in highway construction. It can also be used to assess the
durability of armor stones placed for shore protection or rip-rap placed for shoreline
protection or dam embankment protection.

As discussed above, none of these tests provide results which can be used independent of each other or
independent of other tests and experience. Often the behavior of rip-rap stone in actual use will vary widely
from the laboratory behavior.

8.2.3. Deformation Characteristics of Intact Rocks

The stiffness of rocks is represented by an equivalent elastic modulus at small- to intermediate-strains.

Elastic Moduli
ASTM D 3148
Purpose To determine the deformation characteristics of intact rock at intermediate strains and
permit comparison with other intact rock types.
Procedure This test is performed by placing an intact rock specimen in a loading device and
recording the deformation of the specimen under axial stress. The Young’s modulus,
either average, secant, or tangent moduli, can be determined by plotting axial stress
versus axial strain curves.

Figure 8-6: Definitions for Determining Elastic (Young’s) Modulus from Axial
Stress-Strain Measurements During Compression Loading , including (a)
Tangent, (b) Average, and (c) Secant Values. (ASTM D 3148)
Commentary The results of these tests cannot always be replicated because of localized variations in
the each unique rock specimen. They provide reasonably reliable data for engineering
applications involving rock classification type, but must be adjusted to take into account
rock mass characteristics such as jointing, fissuring, and weathering.

8 - 10
Ultrasonic Testing

ASTM D 2845

Purpose To determine the pulse velocities of compression and shear waves in intact rock and the
ultrasonic elastic constants of isotropic rock.

Procedure Ultrasound waves are transmitted through a carefully prepared rock specimen. The
ultrasonic elastic constants are calculated from the measured travel time and distance of
compression and shear waves in a rock specimen. Figure 8-7 shows a schematic diagram
of typical apparatus used for ultrasonic testing.

Note: Components shown by dashed lines are optional, depending on method of travel-time
measurement and voltage sensitivity of oscilloscope.

Figure 8-7: Schematic Diagram of the Ultrasonics Apparatus (ASTM D 2845)

Commentary The primary advantages of ultrasonic testing are that it yields compression (P-wave) and
shear (S-wave) velocities, and ultrasonic values for the elastic constants of intact
homogeneous isotropic rock specimens. Elastic constants for rocks having pronounced
anisotropy may require measurements to be taken across different directions to reflect
orthorhombic stiffnesses and moduli, particularly if pronounced foliation, banding,
layering, and fabric are evident.

The ultrasonic evaluation of elastic rock properties of intact specimens is useful for rock
classification purposes and the evaluation of static and dynamic properties at small strains
(shear strains < 10-4 %). Older equipment only provides ultrasonic P-waves
measurements, while new designs obtain both P- and S-wave velocites. When compared
with wave velocities obtained from field geophysical tests, the ultrasonics results provide
an index of the degree of fissuring within the rock mass. This test is relatively
inexpensive to perform and is nondestructive, thus may be conducted prior to strength
testing of intact cores to optimize data collection.

8 - 11

In general, the general quality assurance guidelines presented previously on the laboratory testing of soils
(Chapter 7) also apply for laboratory testing of intact rock. Herein, certain precautions applicable to
laboratory rock testing are presented.

8.3.1 Cautions

Omissions or errors introduced during laboratory testing, if undetected, will be carried though the process
of design and construction, possibly resulting in costly or unsafe facilities. Table 8-2 lists topics that
should be considered and given proper attention in order that a reasonable assessment of the rock will be
ascertained and an optimization of the geotechnical investigation can be realized in terms of economy,
performance, and safety. Guidance in the proper handling and storage of rock cores may be found in ASTM
D 5079 (Preserving & Transporting Rock Core Samples).

TABLE 8-2.


1. Provide protection of samples to avoid moisture loss and structural disturbance.

2. Clearly indicate proper numbering and identification of samples.
3. Storage of samples in controlled environments to prevent drying, overheating, & freezing.
4. Take care in the handling & selection of representative specimens for testing.
5. Consult the field logs while selecting test specimens.
6. Recognizing disturbances & fractures caused by coring procedures.
7. Maintain trimming & testing equipment in good operating condition.
8. Use of proper fittings, platens, o-rings, & membranes in triaxial, uniaxial, and shear tests.
9. Careful tolerances in trimming of ends and sides of intact cores.
10. Document frequency, spacing, conditions, & infilling of joints and discontinuities.
11. Maintain calibration of instruments used to measure load, deflections, temperatures, & time.
12. Use of properly-determined loading rate for strength tests.
13. Photo documentation of sample cores, fracture patterns, & test specimens for report.
14. Carefully align & level all specimens in directional loading apparatuses and test frames.
15. Record initial baselines, offsets, and eccentricities prior to testing.
16. Save remnant rock pieces after destructive testing by uniaxial, triaxial, & direct shear.
17. Conduct nondestructive tests (i.e., porosity, unit weight, ultrasonics) prior to destructive strength
testing (compression, tensile, shear).

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