Curling v. Raffensperger Transcript, Volume 10A
Curling v. Raffensperger Transcript, Volume 10A
Curling v. Raffensperger Transcript, Volume 10A
line number, only after the Court Reporter has filed the
(404) 215-1383
1 A P P E A R A N C E S O F C O U N S E L
25 (...CONT'D....)
1 (...CONT'D....)
1 I N D E X T O P R O C E E D I N G S
CATHY LATHAM (Videotaped Deposition) 19
DOUG LOGAN (Videotaped Deposition) 21
JEFFREY LENBERG (Videotaped Deposition) 21
WENDELL STONE (Videotaped Deposition) 21
JAMES BARNES (Videotaped Deposition) 22
11 Argument
by Mr. Tyson 81
12 by Mr. Fisher 88
by Mr. McGuire 94
Direct Examination
18 By Mr. Bedard 99
19 By Mr. Cross 134
20 By Mr. Brown 153
21 * * *
1 P R O C E E D I N G S
9 over 40 minutes.
13 recall at the start of the trial the State asked that the
19 them. We have done that every day. We've often erred on the
22 over the weekend. We did get witnesses. But the list we got
23 last night had two new witnesses that had not been disclosed.
25 which they will call them, other than to say they start the day
7 required last night at 6:00 P.M. We went back and looked after
17 start with Mr. Germany. We'll keep things posted. They have
21 sitting here when they did not go in the order they had given
25 you should do the best you can to give them in the order,
15 I'm just trying to get you all obviously to have as much time
20 for us the first day of trial was the list we received before
4 that we're going to deal with your proffer when you're through
2 to Ms. Greenhalgh.
10 got a lot of --
23 that?
2 the last day that has us concerned is, one of the points we've
3 made is that the case Mr. Davis is advancing is not only within
4 the --
6 Do you need --
7 been told time and time again, including Your Honor, that they
7 obviously the person who has been a party in this case and was
11 was -- there were days on end that he was not present and that
13 to Mr. Favorito for -- and it was only after I asked you about
6 else.
20 but ...
24 that.
4 Mr. Davis bringing his laptop and phone in. Ms. Marks
10 separately but -- and she has counsel who is working with her
15 Ms. Marks and in other proceedings, about what the proper scope
1 is anything wrong with them not all being here for the whole
10 are people here who would like me to retire, but I'm not
14 he was 95. He died 101. There were students all around him
23 Mr. Cross.
2 right?
5 other plaintiffs have been, in fact, here on a day in, day out
9 necessarily on the pretrial order and his not being here and
16 the courthouse.
20 And so -- and this place is a very picky place about the use of
21 technology --
9 that we should do --
11 short.
13 ahead with the -- unless somebody else among the group thinks
21 given the tension around the circumstances in this case and all
23 a large case, which makes people exhausted and lose their cool
24 at times.
2 that. I'm sorry Mr. Oles feels persecuted. Our issue is not
3 with Mr. Oles. He's doing his job. Our issue is what we will
10 MR. TYSON: Your Honor, Mr. Germany and then our plan
25 presenting yesterday.
3 August 8th of 2022. And the attorneys you will hear are David
4 Cross for the plaintiffs and Mr. Pico-Prats for the defendants.
8 was played.)
21 and then Mr. Pico-Prats took over from everything after marked
2 THE COURT: This jumps from 205 to 206 and then from
3 206.09 to 208.06.
6 transcript.
12 than that was him. And everything from Page 198 to 206 was
8 was played.)
4 David Cross. This is the last clip you'll hear from me.
5 Thank you.
10 was played.)
14 would like to offer the Court the list which reflects the
18 May I approach?
23 the binder.
24 relatively brief.
1 go through them.
5 afterwards.
8 are going to make their objections to each one, and they vary.
12 submissions?
19 the ten exhibits and let defense counsel make their objections
24 Exhibit 19, 22, 28, 97, 98, 292, 293, 345, 358, and 198. Those
2 reached agreement.
4 front of me?
7 up?
12 look at them too, if you could just share your book -- a copy
15 seems maybe that one thick binder has the transcripts. I can
18 Thank you.
23 So Exhibit 19 -- is that PX 63 or is it --
25 Tab 8.
10 can take 19, 98, 292, and 293 all together because they are all
13 one kind of note for the record. The first one is just that
18 there wasn't.
10 objection was just hearsay to the extent that they are being
22 So ...
24 those objections.
4 objection to that.
8 it should be admitted.
11 Mr. Hamilton.
18 record as well.
21 preparing these reports. And for that reason they are opposing
13 at the time.
21 that they were produced for the -- for the Secretary of State?
23 in the litigation.
8 in North Carolina.
25 State, and that the State's personnel have looked at it, have
8 look at it. But tell me what the other objections are that are
9 not to -- because there are one, two, three, four, five, six
10 other documents.
17 down.
5 across.
7 it.
10 everyone has a lot they are juggling, and I didn't mean -- the
14 all.
20 exhibit. Mr. Fisher said they are not -- they are fine with
24 understanding.
19 THE COURT: Then the next ones are 345, 358, and 498.
22 me.
25 between Ms. Cathy Latham and Scott Hall. Mr. Felicetti is not
3 that these had come from Mr. Maggio's phone. They are not --
13 that and note that for the record. But those were our two
14 objections.
22 recipient? He can say I can see it. How does that make him
8 that this was a text between Mr. -- Ms. Latham and who? I'm
9 sorry.
14 evidence, those texts were part of the work that Mr. Maggio was
16 This was they were engaged to do this work. And Mr. Felicetti
18 documents.
3 Your Honor --
5 operating the machine? Are you looking -- it's over here? All
6 right.
16 in front of me.
21 between --
3 Yes, sir.
5 Yes, sir.
11 thread between Cathy Latham and Paul Maggio. The other one is
19 Ms. Latham?
5 345. It is admitted.
6 And 358?
11 some files that are labeled ICC log and S log files.
16 know where the attachments come from, I don't know what they
23 showing that there was an email that was sent with those
24 attachments and the attachments were sent from Hall -- Mr. Hall
1 authenticate --
11 the email.
14 know where they came from. If plaintiffs are saying we are not
19 too.
20 And 198?
25 content of the --
8 Mr. Sterling.
12 email should be admitted for the truth. And that would be our
13 objection.
18 We have heard --
20 but Sterling --
22 THE COURT: They are ours I think for the reasons you
23 might guess.
3 Coalition Plaintiffs.
17 Dominion to Gabe.
1 with each other, regional tech reconciled the issue and sent
3 well -- then another one was DeKalb County had issues with
8 Mr. Sterling --
15 here?
17 comes in for the truth, but we do not need to offer it for the
18 truth. So we'll simplify and say we are not. The Court will
1 ruling on admissibility.
7 Harvey.
9 Thank you.
10 All right.
13 We're not offering it for the truth. Whether true or not, the
20 statements.
22 the State that our -- the basis for that is that the notice and
25 objection.
12 matter. So ...
16 were talking about, that were the group ones from Fortalice
7 so it won't be long.
17 report.
25 other realms as well, I would say that this report has all the
1 indicia of reliability.
6 that. But they are the evidence that the -- in the reports
21 on this.
5 Is that -- am I correct?
8 witnesses.
12 what you had submitted, that it was a more far reaching that
13 you were -- what you were arguing about. But that is a whole
15 Go ahead.
23 then, you know, stuck defending in this case with that fact
25 inference.
4 limine context.
14 Hotel on or around December 17, 2020, the same day that one of
16 And you're saying today that you can't tell us anything about
23 inference is not one, one way or the other, that is against the
10 substance. I do --
15 reply.
18 handle this.
13 respectfully, because the starting point is, I'm not sure what
5 evidence anyway.
7 one point, which is that counsel for the State was present at
15 these. I'm not saying I'm wild about drawing all sorts of
19 from plaintiffs about this because it did seem like you were
22 that -- one way or the other that are simply to make the record
3 specific concrete facts for which the invocations are the only
5 defendants' liability.
17 case.
4 one hand in the introduction versus what they say -- a few say
5 later on.
7 say is you have heard over and over throughout this case that
9 equipment.
14 equipment.
17 binding or who is a bad actor for the county even if they are a
20 implications.
7 be helpful.
13 disconnect is.
7 liability case.
3 here and that under all of the circumstances these were -- the
7 invocations.
16 the interest.
21 individuals that are down there were out there looking for Hugo
24 But they have the same outcome aligned in the interest of the
25 litigation.
6 that you-all have said and we'll take a lunch break. Because
7 there were some difficult issues that you also had raised in
14 the Mr. Persinger issue since that also bears on the merits.
22 Mr. Persinger. Our case will remain open with that sort of
1 evidence, our 52(c) motion is when the evidence has closed from
6 yesterday.
17 plaintiffs' case.
23 somebody or --
3 equipment.
6 Thank you.
10 phone and your computer to be here so that you can come in and
14 have the -- have to ask you this question, first of all, you
17 courtroom?
21 be putting out Tweets while you are here either? I'm not
22 saying you ever did. I'm just saying this is -- I'm not
7 found some problems with the system. We were testing the fix.
9 did not hear, I had to shut down that meeting and leave that
12 but ...
16 here --
4 Your Honor. There are multiple people who during the opening
5 statements saw Mr. Davis seated with a laptop on his lap on the
6 bench in the well. I'm not sure how that happened. But if we
8 already of anything.
13 Court's rules?
10 which the Court allowed. And I did ask at the time -- I know
12 proffer into the record on the matter of the testimony that was
13 excluded that we believe would have been put into the record.
1 the Court's ruling. I'm merely putting this into the record so
9 issues.
11 Mr. Davis believes were within the scope of the trial issues as
14 Ms. Watson would have shown, first, that Ms. Watson was not
17 re-count.
2 re-count.
9 election.
11 established through her that Mr. Germany was not truthful when
23 ballot.
19 election.
3 that from his testimony Mr. Davis could have established that
11 the ICX BMD or the ICP scanner that reads the QR codes for all
12 in-person voting.
8 infect ICP in-person voting scanners and not simply the BMDs.
15 would.
21 explained why Paul Maggio was able to image copy every Dominion
3 proffer.
4 We also would object to the proffer obviously that Mr. Oles has
5 offered.
9 that's fine.
19 quarter of 2:00.
4 reasonable factual inferences that the Court can draw from the
7 Amendment.
1 that my focus in this case has always been evidence and facts.
7 are sort of almost clear from the record, such as Ms. Latham
13 presented.
16 going to draw an inference, the one thing that I would just add
21 1482.
24 informs the finder of fact why the parties with the burden of
14 clerks got this, and I'm not -- and I didn't get it right. But
18 their case.
20 asking.
23 are we -- why are you saying I can't -- that we're going to now
24 suddenly do it earlier?
2 the 4:00 discussion related to Mr. Cross' email from Sunday and
6 his testimony.
20 the close of evidence, and I think that is fine what you are
25 counsel said was that they had talked about the issue of -- did
1 what they needed in order for you to close, and they decided
7 are fine.
12 Mr. Persinger --
22 that.
24 don't see how the issues from Mr. Cross' email on Sunday have
3 now. And then after that is concluded, we can call our first
5 point.
9 rest. And Rule 52(c) is clear on its face. Your Honor cannot
11 That is the language. And so we will not have been fully heard
15 we will show later that what has transpired coming out of this
18 in public.
1 like --
4 you saying things that I would say would not be proper for the
15 is your view as opposed now to the State's view that you need
16 to have this in the record before you close, then we'll just --
18 that is fine.
20 there was --
24 point.
12 all right.
23 pleasure and saving grace that I have such great people who
24 work with me. And I want to thank them because they have also
25 been working day and night, and I think no one harder than
1 Shannon.
8 how long this will take. It could take half an hour; it could
11 is?
15 Mr. Germany.
18 I would appreciate if you would not sit -- get too close to the
4 rebuttal.
12 findings under Rule 52(c) of the Federal Rules and are ready to
13 be heard on that.
18 the presentation.
20 once a party has been fully heard on an issue, like the posture
21 of the case now at the end of the plaintiffs' case, you can
23 law would require that. At this stage, you are now able to
1 evidence.
17 Court has discussed and the plaintiffs referenced the idea of:
19 their votes that are being cast, and they have asserted a right
2 injury.
11 what the burden on the right to vote is so that then this Court
13 burden.
5 order.
13 of an election.
22 could talk about degrees, but they couldn't tell you exactly
4 means.
11 fraud.
18 evaluate whether the Government had a good reason for not doing
24 both testified that a business card from Cyber Ninjas was not
3 call between Ms. Marks and Mr. Hall was played, it looked at
6 far.
13 lack of a remedy the Court can order. All systems require some
10 QR code option. And you have heard testimony that the State
20 Thank you.
3 here.
7 the Court to what Judge Jones did in Fair Fight. Same motion
11 this case through the State's case, and the right thing to do
13 ruling.
4 that case. You heard Donna Curling testify about it, Donna
5 Price testify about it, and Jeff Schoenberg testify about it.
6 They all said that they lack confidence that the current system
9 standing.
15 change votes with nothing but a pen. That is it. Just a pen.
3 elections. They are not about outcomes. They are about the
5 what was demonstrated in court, what you saw with your own eyes
12 program BMDs even in a simple way that will really visibly swap
16 was wrong, and you probably couldn't know for sure, even with
20 this case, Your Honor. You saw photos of it. You saw videos
8 the internet.
16 what the evidence says and what the evidence has shown about
19 testified about that. We know that only the SEB can grant
21 that too. We know that only the State can determine and make
6 instances.
17 recommended by CISA.
22 breaches.
2 But I'll note that enjoining the BMDs here in Georgia under the
7 implemented.
11 should be used. The Court enjoining the use of BMDs would not
16 the use of BMDs. They could have asked witnesses from the
6 were going to talk about evidence that fell into four buckets.
7 The first one was injury -- was standing, and then the
13 Good Governance.
8 that is when your vote is cast is when you cast it into the
11 for sure the votes that you are casting, and that informational
13 the individuals.
1 motion.
4 you have the burden side and you have the State interest side.
17 the lawsuit. And the merits can consider harms that are larger
20 harms that make you right on the merits, they don't have to be
24 ineffective vote than people who vote by other means. They are
6 the State interests, and the evidence that you heard, both from
7 Mr. Sterling and from Mr. Mashburn, is that the State does not
15 these machines.
17 in front of the Court right now certainly does not outweigh the
21 voting will solve both the standing injuries and the burden on
24 because the State has not put on any evidence to contradict it,
1 Germany.
4 for me.
6 before.
9 hand.
10 (Witness sworn)
12 would, state your name and spell your name for the record.
15 Whereupon,
24 correct?
25 A. Yes.
2 A. Yes.
4 office?
5 A. January 2014.
7 A. Secretary Kemp.
8 Q. And who was the Secretary when you left the Secretary's
9 office?
10 A. Secretary Raffensperger.
11 Q. So fair to say --
21 administrations; right?
22 A. Yes.
24 A. Yes.
6 in place.
12 system. The previous DRE voting system was getting old, and we
20 make sure that their voice was heard, that they could bring
24 A. Yes.
10 A. Yes.
11 Q. Okay.
16 A. Yes.
18 report?
21 Q. You jumped the gun on me. I'll go ahead and move to this
22 next one.
3 A. Yes.
8 A. Yes.
10 website?
11 A. Yes.
14 Q. Okay.
7 Again, the session only lasts from January until the end of
10 technical element.
19 that the legislature hears from the most are kind of the
23 heard.
6 the legislature from both the House and the Senate, and then
7 from both parties and the House and the Senate. And then we
20 A. No.
23 and then hear additional expertise, and then make a report and
1 to the legislature.
4 A. The legislature.
11 into it.
21 running an election.
2 Commission?
8 take this over, but I just want to make sure I understand what
22 there?
24 Q. You see here, this is the SAFE Commission report which you
2 study and discuss all options for Georgia's next voting system
8 A. Yes.
11 their deliberations?
16 of systems that the SAFE Commission could look at that you are
17 aware of?
23 on the scope of systems that the SAFE Commission could look at?
7 A. No.
9 ballots?
10 A. Yes.
12 A. Yes.
14 knowledge?
25 A. Yes.
5 the initial things we did was I worked with the voting system
13 members.
23 And we did a similar thing for voting rights, and we had people
25 litigation come in and talk about, you know, what they see.
3 be of interest.
10 question.
13 A. Yes.
25 A. Yes.
2 A. Yes.
8 before?
10 A. Yes.
17 A. Yes.
16 and I think talking about some of the other things that were
18 won't --
8 commission?
10 15-to-18-type of range.
12 not sure how relevant it is, but it may be relevant, and there
14 any event.
20 Q. Let's go through --
3 referring to.
13 or --
21 community?
22 A. Yes.
24 disability community?
4 voting systems.
6 A. I don't recall.
8 transcript.
15 A. Yes.
21 Disabilities.
22 It looks like the other panelists were Lou Ann Blake who,
3 I won't read the whole thing. Anne Kuhns was also on the
4 panel. She was -- Kuhns is K-U-H-N-S. She was with the staff
10 A. Yes.
19 into testimony, you'll see that some of the concerns that they
8 use it.
13 Mr. Germany?
17 voters.
25 can respond.
4 she observed in her work, and I believe Your Honor ruled that
5 she could at least testify to what she had heard and to her
11 for the truth of the matter, but I also think it goes towards
15 as well.
18 about.
20 THE COURT: All right. Well, who were you -- who was
22 or are you talking about experts who say they want the same
3 Commission.
6 Q. Let's go to --
9 not suggesting these people are experts, then I'll withdraw the
10 objection.
19 Blind and the Jernigan Institute where she had worked since
20 2005. And for eight years, Ms. Blake had served as the manager
24 Human Services.
4 blind voters.
6 scholarly --
10 qualifications.
13 The next one was Anne Kuhns who was a staff attorney
16 with disabilities.
18 easier.
20 case that any of the people who spoke are experts under the
9 legislature --
21 everyone else.
22 Do you recall what the reasons were they were saying why
5 on hand-marked paper.
11 different.
19 every voter used the same equipment. Every voter used the
24 defendants.
13 an important one.
17 that concern was that was raised to them from that community.
20 So, you know, you can't have one paramount because they compete
1 I understand that.
4 don't know that. I only have what your summary is. And I
12 heard, fine.
16 machinery --
19 only option?
24 given the way that you can vote at any early voting location in
25 your county.
6 to decide how they want to vote. I mean, they come in, they
14 considered that.
21 SAFE Commission.
23 the commission?
6 combination in the county to any voter that shows up, and they
7 don't -- they don't really know, you know, which voter is going
14 There are some counties that only have one precinct for
18 any machine.
20 that. You usually have one ballot style per precinct. But in
25 some of those same issues on election day where they are going
3 day.
4 And I guess the concern they raised is when you have that,
6 poll workers maybe not giving the voter the correct ballot.
11 A. Yes.
14 of the head of one of the plaintiffs in this case, and she has
19 A. Yes.
21 SAFE Commission?
22 A. Yes.
25 The final meeting, when was the final meeting of the SAFE
1 Commission?
7 Q. Yes.
10 and they had different votes on edits and things like that.
12 meeting?
13 A. Yes.
15 A. Yes.
17 A. Yes.
19 A. Yes.
21 A. Yes.
23 A. No.
5 can talk about what was presented to them, but that's as far as
6 he can go.
11 community?
12 A. Yes.
14 A. Yes.
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. What was the -- if you can recall, what was the final vote
8 A. Yes.
9 Q. Okay. Those that voted against it, did they have the
11 A. Yes.
16 A. Yes.
18 legislature?
19 A. Yes.
21 legislature?
22 A. Yes.
24 Mr. Germany.
1 A. Yes.
6 this case, which I'm not even aware of. So I just wanted to
7 preface that.
12 Mr. Persinger?
17 abouts, 2021.
21 Q. I'm sorry.
23 A. Yes.
6 A. Good afternoon.
13 where you can -- you can go anywhere in your county and get --
16 BMDs for early voting and hand-marked paper for election day?
19 Mr. Cross' objection as to him not being able to speak into the
25 A. Yes, sir.
5 the hearing?
18 August 2018.
25 A. Yes.
2 Commission; right?
3 A. Yes.
6 commission; correct?
20 Secretary Kemp thought you had the wrong guy, he would have let
2 And we wanted them to be, you know, shared with everyone on the
3 commission.
7 asked.
13 A. Yes.
17 others?
22 And then someone who was willing to serve, and Dr. Lee
13 defense added.
18 extra copy?
25 you.
3 A. Yes.
8 A. Yes.
9 Q. And if you come down, do you see below are comments that
11 that?
12 A. Yes.
15 right?
20 A. Yes.
24 A. Correct.
2 Threats?
3 A. Yes.
6 first paragraph?
7 And I'll read the second sentence. You see where he says,
12 A. Yes.
13 Q. And do you see the third line from the bottom in his
16 threshold?
18 A. Yes.
1 that again.
11 detection threshold?
18 things that they had to take into account. And then, you know,
24 account.
4 will resolve this concern? You can't identify any measures for
10 A. Yes.
13 A. Yes.
17 A. Yes.
20 the second approach is to keep our cyber systems away from the
23 A. Yes.
1 right?
7 A. I'm sorry.
8 Q. Last paragraph.
9 A. Yes.
14 said it.
16 right, sir?
17 A. Yes.
21 that it greatly increased risk? You say that this type of risk
22 could happen in any system. His opinion that he laid out was,
6 which came in not for the truth, they offered Exhibit 1224
12 to them using Dr. Lee's opinions as for the truth of the matter
15 to us doing.
18 Commission. But I don't think you can take Mr. Lee's opinions
23 the truth.
1 But it was that I could shortcut all of this and say I'm not
19 specialist and was the only one on the commission. You can ask
23 in. But I believe the question when I was asking about the
15 Exhibit 1224.
17 A. Yes.
19 Cybersecurity.
21 A. Yes.
22 Q. And if you come down in the first paragraph, you see that
1 A. Yes.
8 A. Yes.
12 A. Yes.
17 cybersecurity; right?
22 A. Yes.
3 A. Yes.
8 A. Not to my knowledge.
16 A. Yes.
20 bolded sentence?
21 A. Yes.
24 the voters to hand-mark paper ballots that are then scanned and
1 correct, sir?
2 A. Yes.
3 Q. And if you come to the last paragraph, four lines from the
12 the ballots also can be compromised and lie to the voter or the
13 auditor.
20 scanner.
24 device.
1 A. Yes.
14 Q. I'm sorry.
16 text; right?
18 election.
6 asking --
11 you?
12 A. Yes.
14 last paragraph there that was put up, do you see that, the SAFE
16 A. Yes.
19 A. Yes.
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. And the only expert who served on the commission and gave
11 thing I forgot.
17 Q. Just so we have the timing right, this was the same month
18 when the Secretary's office learned about the card from Cyber
21 last week.
23 actually took the EMS server from Coffee County because it was
4 dispute that.
7 discovery.
13 KSU?
16 his engagement, when he was engaged in the very same month you
19 answered.
1 KSU server.
8 Q. Help me out.
10 I think, when --
22 information.
6 expert for the KSU server when they did not even hire an expert
11 the question.
1 expert.
11 cross-examine on that.
18 Mr. Cross'.
13 A. Yes.
24 Q. Are you sure he was not also looking at the Coffee County
1 A. Yes.
3 A. Yes.
10 County stuff.
21 ballots.
3 the SAFE Commission was that disabled voters should not vote on
6 that is right.
10 usually one BMD in every polling place that has -- would you
11 like me to answer?
13 every --
18 voters who are completely blind, but voters who might need --
19 they can make larger text or adjust contrast, and those are
23 But, Mr. Germany, what I'm getting at is that the BMD that
24 we saw Dr. Halderman hack into here -- are you with me? Do you
1 A. No.
8 Q. Right.
9 A. That allows --
10 Q. And in each voting location, the BMD is set aside with the
18 that interface.
23 A. Yes.
3 machine and different system than all the other voters; right?
4 A. No.
5 Q. How can you sit here and say that it is bad for them to do
7 that; right?
10 no.
12 objection.
16 question.
2 polling place.
9 wheelchair level.
10 Q. Exactly.
13 would not be the case if it was just set up for disabled voters
15 the same.
19 A. I would say they are voting on the same system, and there
25 A. The ATI is a tool that they can use. The overall system
2 was the same equipment, same DREs, but they had an ATI
6 specifically.
7 Q. You --
9 all the vendors and they saw the technology that was available,
10 the technology that was available was -- I think there was some
11 QR codes and some barcodes coming out of BMD ballots. The SAFE
15 ballot.
24 have known that that -- what that included based on the vendor
2 question.
4 Q. It is very simple.
8 recommendations as well.
9 Q. Okay.
22 answer. Yes.
24 with anyone, and thank you very much for coming back today and
4 address?
12 report then.
17 Honor. I think this may have been discussed when I was out of
18 the room.
6 him.
17 think that just depends on how quickly we can get through some
18 of the exhibits.
23 the Persinger issue and then Mr. Evans? I thought that is how
11 out if they were going to rest at that time, and then they came
12 back.
17 adjourned.
19 PM.)
1 C E R T I F I C A T E
16 ________________________________
29/22 30/14 33/1 33/8 43/24 44/3 44/5 40/4 40/5 42/13
44/11 44/18 45/14 45/18 1983 [3] 56/25 57/6 57/12
BY MR. BEDARD: [20] 99/19 100/19
MR. McGUIRE: [6] 8/24 81/5 94/2 1:00 [2] 71/16 165/21
102/14 102/25 103/23 107/23 111/18
95/22 95/24 96/3 1:17-CV-2989-AT [1] 1/6
112/6 113/20 114/19 114/23 115/18
MR. MILER: [3] 49/6 50/6 51/4 1:40 [1] 165/21
116/11 118/11 120/5 122/18 125/17
MR. MILLER: [8] 48/16 50/1 50/13 1st [1] 21/22
127/18 131/8 133/8
51/12 52/10 55/20 58/14 165/5
BY MR. BROWN: [9] 153/24 154/12 2
MR. OLES: [42] 8/11 8/17 9/3 9/8 9/11
154/23 155/3 155/14 157/7 158/7
9/15 9/19 11/14 12/23 13/21 14/19 20 [1] 71/16
161/19 164/3
15/12 15/20 15/25 16/17 16/22 17/2 20 years [1] 139/18
BY MR. CROSS: [8] 134/4 134/22
17/10 17/17 17/25 45/24 60/20 60/24 2002 [1] 126/1
135/22 139/1 141/5 146/13 151/9
61/2 63/22 64/3 64/5 64/7 64/20 64/22 2005 [2] 57/4 120/20
65/4 65/25 66/3 66/5 70/4 70/8 70/11 2014 [2] 100/5 100/15
71/14 81/9 98/3 98/6 98/16 2016 [1] 101/11
10/7 88/2 99/8 99/11
MR. RUSSO: [3] 167/1 167/6 167/10 2017 [1] 101/10
MR. SCHEINMAN: [17] 18/23 19/9 2018 [8] 101/4 101/5 101/9 111/20
[4] 46/8 71/20 146/10 167/16
19/14 19/19 19/24 20/4 20/9 20/16 112/13 115/2 115/11 135/18
MR. BEDARD: [103] 24/13 26/9 26/24
20/20 20/23 21/1 21/3 21/9 21/15 21/18 2019 [4] 92/9 100/16 130/2 130/4
27/1 28/12 31/11 31/18 31/24 32/4 32/8
22/1 22/7 2020 [11] 26/7 49/14 49/21 66/8 67/9
32/12 32/15 32/23 33/2 33/7 33/15
MR. TYSON: [26] 6/6 7/17 14/2 18/10 67/16 67/18 83/24 85/8 92/12 126/2
33/18 33/23 35/21 36/7 36/9 36/20 38/7
18/13 44/21 59/24 60/7 60/15 64/17 2021 [6] 133/17 152/14 154/2 154/16
39/4 39/13 39/21 40/1 40/5 41/1 41/13
70/19 71/3 74/21 74/25 75/5 75/8 76/20 155/15 157/10
41/24 42/16 42/19 43/21 46/19 98/25
78/10 79/5 79/16 80/12 80/14 81/10 2022 [8] 19/3 21/5 21/11 21/22 22/3
99/5 102/12 102/23 103/16 106/22
81/15 87/24 165/7 67/23 153/1 153/9
107/11 107/20 111/17 112/3 112/5
MS. KAISER: [9] 48/6 48/10 52/6 52/25 2024 [3] 1/13 5/2 168/13
112/18 112/23 113/3 113/9 114/15
53/9 54/1 54/6 55/8 57/17 203 [1] 19/20
114/21 115/2 115/6 115/8 115/11
THE COURT: [292] 205 [1] 20/2
115/14 116/10 117/18 117/23 118/2
THE WITNESS: [19] 99/13 100/14 206 [2] 20/2 20/12
118/9 119/1 119/19 121/24 122/12
107/4 107/18 114/2 114/9 120/1 120/14 206.09 [1] 20/3
122/15 122/17 123/25 124/10 124/15
121/11 124/19 126/17 126/20 127/12 207 [4] 19/22 19/23 20/5 20/10
125/13 131/7 133/3 134/2 134/18
127/16 153/21 155/2 158/5 161/9 165/1 208 [1] 20/4
135/11 135/17 135/20 138/19 138/22
208.06 [1] 20/3
140/22 143/25 144/8 144/11 144/24 . 20th [2] 22/3 42/20
145/8 145/21 146/4 151/2 151/8 153/18
...CONT'D [2] 2/25 3/1 215-1383 [1] 1/25
154/17 155/1 155/8 155/16 155/19
21st [1] 21/11
156/16 161/8 161/13 164/14 164/17 1 22 [3] 24/24 32/16 32/22
164/19 10 [1] 138/24 22 months [1] 67/3
MR. BELINFANTE: [6] 165/16 165/25 100 percent [1] 158/5
23 [2] 1/13 5/2
166/3 166/7 166/12 166/16 101 [1] 15/14 2394 [1] 1/24
MR. BROWN: [14] 42/2 70/12 70/25 102 [1] 93/1 23rd [2] 15/5 168/13
117/13 117/22 117/25 119/16 123/21 103 [1] 70/17 24 months [1] 67/4
138/10 155/10 155/17 157/4 164/1 107 [1] 28/5 25 [1] 154/11
164/13 1092 [1] 57/4 25th [1] 26/7
MR. CAMPBELL: [13] 22/13 22/20 10A [1] 1/10 26 [1] 145/8
23/11 23/16 23/18 33/20 34/17 34/24 1105 [1] 57/4 261 [1] 44/3
35/12 38/21 39/17 40/15 40/21 113 [1] 34/19 28 [3] 24/24 32/16 32/22
MR. CROSS: [75] 5/7 5/11 9/24 10/8 11:42 [1] 46/9 292 [3] 24/24 26/10 33/11
10/15 18/1 18/8 22/11 30/1 35/3 35/10 12 [1] 138/24
293 [3] 24/24 26/10 33/11
35/13 43/9 43/16 45/20 50/11 50/19 1222 [4] 112/19 112/19 135/16 135/17 2:00 [1] 71/19
59/13 59/17 59/20 60/13 62/20 63/3 1224 [9] 103/17 134/23 135/6 135/15 2:11 [1] 80/23
64/18 73/14 75/22 76/5 76/8 76/13 138/11 138/22 144/6 144/21 146/15
76/15 77/7 77/19 77/23 78/2 78/6 78/19 13 [1] 147/19 3
78/22 78/25 79/3 81/1 103/19 103/21 1383 [1] 1/25 3,000 [1] 160/21
112/20 113/8 115/1 115/4 116/9 118/20 14 [2] 34/19 53/6 30 [8] 21/20 35/3 35/7 37/6 37/22 38/1
120/7 121/17 131/2 134/21 135/6 135/8 1471 [1] 73/20 112/13 115/2
135/14 138/5 138/7 138/11 138/15 1482 [1] 73/21 30303 [1] 1/25
138/20 138/23 140/25 141/3 144/5 15 [3] 105/2 131/22 148/17 345 [5] 24/24 33/19 33/21 33/23 38/5
144/10 144/20 145/11 152/5 152/7 1501 [1] 29/7 358 [6] 24/24 33/19 33/21 38/6 38/7
153/22 156/2 164/21 166/22 167/9 167 [1] 168/9 39/22
167/13 17 [2] 49/14 49/21 376,863 [1] 67/14
MR. DAVIS: [10] 46/3 61/12 61/18 17,852 [1] 67/9 3:43 [1] 80/25
61/25 62/4 62/17 63/1 63/10 63/14 1705 [1] 93/1
63/20 1728 [1] 28/5 4
MR. FISHER: [8] 36/22 37/1 37/14 1793 [3] 49/12 72/1 72/14 40 minutes [1] 5/9
37/17 37/20 37/23 88/4 88/6 18 [4] 21/5 105/2 131/22 132/4 402 F.3d [1] 57/3
MR. MARTINO-WEINHARDT: [24] 19 [7] 24/24 25/23 25/24 26/5 26/10 404 [1] 1/25
23/19 24/3 24/7 24/18 24/22 25/5 25/8 28/1 28/6 45 [1] 166/13
25/14 25/21 25/24 27/23 28/13 28/24 198 [8] 20/12 24/24 33/20 33/21 39/20 498 [1] 33/19
4 65/8 65/15 65/23 66/1 66/7 66/12 71/18 27/23 47/22 59/16 65/6 65/7 68/4 75/21
74/15 75/14 75/25 76/21 79/11 79/19 86/18 86/19 86/20 86/22 87/2 98/9
4:00 [2] 75/15 76/17
82/9 83/15 84/8 84/10 84/22 85/1 85/15 118/6 118/9 141/9 165/4 166/21
4:00 discussion [1] 75/2
85/15 85/23 87/7 88/22 89/3 89/4 89/5 addressed [2] 9/25 27/25
4:00 hearing [1] 74/22
89/5 90/2 90/3 90/3 90/19 91/13 91/15 addresses [1] 96/19
4:00 P.M [1] 59/16
91/16 91/19 91/20 92/3 92/19 93/15 addressing [1] 124/4
5 93/17 93/18 93/19 94/6 101/5 101/11 adjourn [1] 165/14
502 [2] 156/2 156/4 103/24 106/18 110/25 111/2 111/16 adjourned [3] 80/22 167/17 167/18
52 [9] 4/10 60/1 76/17 77/2 77/9 77/10 113/16 114/17 116/3 116/16 118/2 adjust [2] 108/4 159/19
81/12 81/19 97/25 118/3 118/19 119/10 119/18 119/21 administration [1] 84/8
588 [1] 28/19 119/22 120/1 122/6 124/3 125/3 126/4 administrations [1] 100/21
5:16 [1] 146/11 131/5 131/22 134/11 134/12 134/15 administrative [2] 102/2 107/16
5:52 [1] 167/18 137/5 143/3 143/5 145/13 145/17 admissibility [2] 44/1 57/6
145/20 145/23 148/10 149/16 150/20 admissible [1] 42/11
6 151/4 152/18 156/9 157/16 158/18 admission [1] 70/20
601 [1] 145/6 159/9 159/14 admit [7] 44/17 47/11 56/24 67/21 71/1
604 [2] 23/16 23/17 abouts [1] 133/17 103/17 114/11
63 [1] 25/23 absence [1] 50/6 admits [1] 10/18
6:00 P.M [1] 6/7 absentee [6] 43/4 68/18 69/10 82/10 admitted [11] 28/8 38/5 39/24 40/12
82/15 158/25 42/8 43/11 45/13 52/4 103/22 119/10
7 absolutely [6] 54/12 61/25 61/25 149/4 135/15
701 [1] 145/6 149/9 150/2 adopt [2] 106/3 157/4
702 [1] 121/21 accept [3] 54/24 130/20 130/22 adopted [1] 134/17
705 [1] 88/24 acceptable [2] 47/10 62/19 adopting [2] 140/20 140/24
75 [1] 1/24 accepted [1] 66/8 adoption [1] 132/5
access [6] 68/7 86/1 87/7 90/22 91/20 adopts [1] 98/3
8 140/10 advance [2] 5/15 6/4
819 [1] 73/20 accessibility [3] 106/12 106/14 108/4 advanced [4] 12/20 140/1 140/5
84 [4] 116/7 116/10 116/12 116/16 accessible [4] 101/2 103/6 121/3 123/1 140/14
847 [1] 28/5 accessible-type [1] 123/1 advancing [2] 10/3 10/8
85 [1] 88/25 accommodating [1] 124/3 advantage [1] 7/12
856 [5] 103/17 107/20 135/10 135/14 accommodation [1] 118/7 advantages [1] 87/5
151/10 according [2] 36/10 66/25 adverse [21] 47/25 48/7 49/19 49/25
858 [2] 135/10 135/13 accordingly [1] 7/24 50/3 51/1 51/1 52/21 56/3 56/6 56/12
86 [1] 88/25 account [4] 74/1 141/17 141/18 141/24 57/5 65/7 71/25 72/16 72/23 73/4 73/9
87 [1] 116/17 accuracy [1] 86/20 73/11 74/3 74/6
8th [1] 19/3 accurate [1] 109/23 advise [1] 7/2
accurately [4] 29/12 67/18 83/17 108/6 Advocacy [2] 117/5 121/14
9 achieving [3] 142/8 146/18 146/24 advocate [2] 121/15 129/20
90 [2] 1/4 125/15 acknowledged [1] 11/9 advocates [1] 121/2
90 minutes [1] 166/13 acknowledges [2] 10/20 10/21 advocating [2] 129/15 129/17
901 [1] 28/25 across [2] 32/5 118/18 affect [1] 75/10
918 [1] 29/7 act [3] 86/10 120/22 149/17 affected [1] 90/17
92 [1] 125/15 acting [1] 28/20 after [19] 1/6 6/7 10/18 12/13 19/21
95 [1] 15/14 action [2] 87/1 87/11 19/22 45/19 54/22 65/5 65/5 76/2 77/3
97 [7] 24/24 33/6 33/7 33/11 33/13 actively [1] 92/21 83/23 86/2 98/19 99/17 143/3 150/17
33/14 33/15 activist [1] 104/20 150/22
98 [3] 24/24 26/10 33/11 activities [4] 94/15 140/9 140/15 afternoon [5] 76/14 88/4 88/5 134/5
9:30 [1] 166/10 141/10 134/6
actor [1] 54/17 afterwards [1] 24/5
A actors [3] 91/3 91/4 91/6 again [42] 7/23 11/7 21/12 23/20 26/24
AARON [1] 2/7 actual [6] 40/1 83/18 83/21 84/3 89/12 31/12 34/5 34/12 35/25 36/9 36/14 40/9
abandoned [1] 12/4 91/14 52/12 57/22 58/8 62/11 67/23 72/11
abbreviation [1] 160/7 actually [22] 26/9 27/5 28/1 32/16 80/10 83/8 86/8 92/14 92/23 99/11
ability [4] 82/25 108/4 108/5 159/17 42/23 51/11 71/11 73/12 84/24 85/3 102/23 103/24 104/7 118/2 119/7
able [24] 8/14 8/18 25/11 34/23 35/7 89/18 90/17 105/18 108/21 109/2 125/3 119/10 120/14 121/24 122/1 134/18
48/18 61/9 65/10 66/20 67/11 69/21 139/17 151/17 152/23 156/14 157/6 141/1 141/4 144/16 145/4 147/19 157/2
74/7 81/23 84/9 84/21 106/15 106/16 160/20 157/2 161/17
111/5 117/23 121/17 122/20 134/19 ADAM [1] 2/9 against [20] 47/18 47/25 48/1 48/7
149/17 161/15 adapt [1] 108/5 48/17 49/22 49/23 51/2 51/2 51/5 51/18
Abney [3] 19/11 19/16 20/13 add [7] 44/21 56/18 70/24 73/14 73/16 81/22 85/10 93/5 113/12 131/25 132/5
Abney's [1] 19/20 94/3 102/19 132/7 132/9 143/23
about [126] 6/8 8/20 9/12 9/25 11/12 added [2] 132/2 138/13 agency [2] 40/24 54/11
11/12 12/13 13/2 13/16 14/14 14/15 Adding [1] 86/21 agent [8] 28/15 28/20 30/10 30/24
15/3 16/20 18/4 23/21 31/1 31/3 31/14 addition [4] 66/6 84/14 94/20 141/17 40/22 41/17 53/21 53/23
38/9 38/13 41/2 42/12 42/13 43/14 additional [8] 25/21 86/21 105/23 agents [1] 42/1
45/16 48/13 49/13 49/16 49/19 51/17 108/13 118/20 156/6 160/22 161/25 agree [8] 5/14 76/5 83/3 136/7 136/10
52/14 52/15 52/19 59/5 61/1 61/2 65/8 address [22] 8/9 8/11 14/18 24/20 150/22 161/1 161/9
A 68/16 68/18 69/1 69/10 82/10 82/16 152/14 163/18 165/8 165/17
82/24 82/25 82/25 83/1 86/15 87/6 before [35] 1/11 6/11 6/22 7/20 7/21
attack [6] 68/10 68/13 140/8 140/9
87/17 88/23 89/7 95/7 109/11 123/1 7/22 11/15 13/18 15/6 15/6 17/3 46/6
142/25 143/5
123/3 123/10 123/10 123/15 126/5 50/8 61/19 75/16 75/19 78/16 79/8 82/6
attackers [2] 142/11 142/21
126/22 127/9 128/5 128/12 128/17 85/8 86/23 87/4 88/12 99/6 101/10
attacks [2] 142/14 148/12
128/20 129/2 129/6 129/8 134/15 102/15 103/2 106/24 112/8 125/21
attempt [2] 94/11 109/17
149/22 149/23 150/6 150/7 150/11 133/3 143/25 145/10 156/10 168/10
attend [1] 107/17
150/23 158/16 159/21 162/11 162/14 began [3] 19/20 20/5 20/10
attendance [1] 16/6
163/12 163/15 163/18 163/18 163/22 begin [2] 49/11 100/3
attended [2] 36/19 145/15
164/12 beginning [6] 84/10 85/13 94/5 104/8
attending [2] 9/16 11/18
ballot-marking [17] 82/16 82/25 86/15 130/3 143/5
attention [5] 9/5 45/6 45/10 69/3
87/6 87/17 109/11 123/1 123/3 123/10 begins [2] 42/19 149/4
126/22 149/23 150/7 158/16 163/12 begun [1] 77/14
attorney [6] 19/10 19/15 62/23 117/5
163/18 163/22 164/12 behalf [17] 2/22 19/11 19/16 20/13
121/13 155/20
ballots [28] 10/22 43/4 65/8 66/8 68/16 21/6 21/12 30/24 35/4 35/17 41/12 64/9
attorney-client [1] 155/20
82/13 82/15 82/23 83/4 83/4 87/6 91/23 66/17 81/1 81/5 81/9 121/15 123/23
attorneys [1] 19/3
93/10 109/9 128/19 129/16 129/17 Behavioral [2] 116/20 120/16
attributable [1] 65/19
129/20 134/9 143/23 148/24 149/12 being [28] 8/22 12/19 12/19 15/1 15/19
audio [1] 160/7
158/16 158/20 158/21 158/22 158/25 16/9 20/24 27/10 29/12 38/1 39/24
audit [8] 67/18 68/21 150/10 150/13
163/11 41/10 45/2 45/2 47/9 62/11 73/17 74/2
150/15 150/17 150/20 150/25
ballpoint [1] 90/6 77/24 82/19 83/4 119/10 119/12 124/3
audited [1] 150/24
balls [1] 8/1 134/19 144/2 145/13 147/2
auditor [1] 149/13
bank [2] 53/24 53/24 believe [40] 9/4 15/25 34/2 39/4 58/6
audits [3] 68/25 86/19 111/2
barcode [3] 149/10 150/2 163/19 64/13 65/13 65/21 66/10 66/19 67/5
August [8] 19/3 26/7 111/20 112/13
barcodes [2] 163/11 164/10 67/8 67/11 67/14 68/2 68/20 68/23
115/2 115/9 115/11 135/18
Barnes [3] 22/2 22/9 22/24 72/25 82/23 95/25 97/25 101/10 102/19
August 2018 [2] 115/11 135/18
base [1] 166/7 103/13 105/2 107/11 107/18 111/2
August 25th [1] 26/7
based [16] 29/1 29/5 33/2 48/24 68/24 111/11 113/5 113/11 115/19 119/4
August 30 [2] 112/13 115/2
72/24 73/12 87/15 88/20 119/13 128/10 122/19 133/15 135/17 144/24 145/23
August 8th [1] 19/3
128/16 137/21 141/6 163/23 163/24 152/25 165/10
Augusta [1] 111/22
bases [1] 82/3 believes [2] 65/11 66/24
authenticate [5] 27/4 34/7 34/23 38/22
basically [8] 16/15 26/12 72/16 75/24 BELINFANTE [2] 3/4 3/6
102/1 126/9 127/5 154/5 below [3] 139/9 140/15 141/10
authenticated [3] 34/16 35/17 37/7
basis [10] 16/6 28/7 31/6 31/25 44/17 BEN [2] 2/6 22/24
authentication [13] 26/16 26/20 28/25
44/22 44/24 45/13 48/21 154/19 bench [2] 1/10 63/6
29/1 29/5 30/16 31/13 31/14 34/6 34/11
batches [1] 65/20 benefit [1] 104/2
38/17 39/10 40/3
Bates [1] 34/4 benefits [1] 104/5
authenticity [2] 47/9 147/9
be [174] best [5] 6/25 7/23 97/9 148/23 162/20
authority [1] 11/1
bears [3] 59/14 75/22 88/10 better [4] 13/7 13/10 17/14 58/20
authorized [1] 62/23
Beau [1] 42/15 between [17] 33/25 34/20 35/8 35/24
authorizing [1] 62/24
Beaver [9] 23/2 28/10 28/16 29/9 31/22 36/21 37/1 37/8 37/11 37/12 37/18 49/6
availability [1] 147/10
40/22 41/9 91/1 92/8 54/12 56/17 57/21 75/13 86/3 105/2
available [15] 13/23 53/4 68/4 108/20
Beaver's [2] 31/24 32/1 beyond [7] 31/20 62/14 91/9 91/11
108/21 109/2 110/6 112/14 112/15
became [1] 157/21 91/12 125/18 157/1
113/1 129/8 134/15 160/16 163/9
because [80] 8/17 8/21 9/1 11/1 11/18 bidders [1] 87/9
12/15 12/17 13/17 26/10 26/17 27/2 big [4] 106/8 112/5 136/25 166/14
average [1] 45/5
27/20 30/1 30/7 30/9 30/11 30/20 31/9 biggest [2] 31/14 31/20
aware [9] 29/19 34/7 67/2 81/19 83/9
33/10 35/22 39/13 45/1 51/13 52/11 bind [3] 52/20 52/20 58/8
108/17 133/6 153/1 160/3
52/19 55/4 55/6 56/6 57/19 58/15 59/6 binder [7] 19/5 21/15 21/23 22/23 25/5
away [4] 91/22 94/15 142/11 142/20
59/21 59/23 71/16 73/5 74/11 74/22 25/9 25/15
B 77/1 77/21 79/24 80/4 80/19 82/10 binding [6] 53/22 54/17 54/19 54/24
back [18] 5/8 6/7 20/17 25/20 38/8 85/15 92/13 94/10 95/5 96/5 97/3 97/22 55/2 55/10
56/21 65/13 75/8 76/21 76/23 98/14 97/24 98/12 106/10 107/14 108/13 bit [5] 5/8 43/24 98/7 98/9 119/14
118/22 129/23 130/24 146/8 154/9 113/5 113/25 117/16 117/24 120/8 Blake [6] 116/22 120/18 120/20 165/19
164/24 167/12 122/1 123/8 124/20 125/14 126/23 166/10 167/4
back-dooring [1] 118/22 128/1 128/10 128/16 132/3 134/11 Blanchard [2] 85/23 92/20
backdoor [4] 144/13 145/4 145/16 143/13 145/14 145/17 149/11 152/23 blessed [1] 15/17
145/22 154/13 155/22 157/15 160/15 164/6 blind [5] 116/24 120/19 120/21 121/4
background [5] 109/22 109/24 139/2 become [1] 114/22 159/18
139/18 151/13 becomes [3] 51/15 51/24 70/22 Blind's [1] 116/25
backup [1] 158/16 BEDARD [3] 3/5 4/18 27/25 BMD [31] 43/11 68/11 68/14 69/22
backwards [1] 126/9 been [48] 5/23 6/10 11/7 12/4 12/7 89/14 89/17 90/7 90/15 92/10 95/4 95/7
bad [6] 54/17 91/3 91/4 91/6 161/5 14/13 15/15 15/17 16/5 17/19 25/6 158/14 158/14 159/8 159/10 159/12
162/23 27/19 31/1 34/7 34/8 38/8 41/6 62/23 159/12 159/20 159/23 160/2 160/4
balancing [3] 93/13 93/24 97/5 63/7 64/13 65/10 66/18 66/19 68/2 68/2 160/5 160/6 160/10 160/17 160/24
ballot [59] 56/21 66/21 66/23 66/24 69/18 71/2 72/5 73/1 77/11 79/25 81/20 161/23 162/1 162/6 162/18 163/11
67/2 67/7 67/10 67/12 67/15 67/17 90/17 92/24 99/5 99/17 101/8 109/19 BMDs [22] 69/8 86/24 90/12 90/17 93/2
125/25 126/8 129/15 133/5 137/6 137/6 93/5 93/11 93/16 93/22 93/24 94/16
C 116/19 117/12 118/12 119/8 120/3 confirm [4] 35/7 66/20 67/11 83/1
120/16 122/8 124/11 125/3 125/19 confirmed [5] 46/15 58/10 67/5 67/8
clearly [3] 42/11 87/19 150/7
126/13 127/11 127/21 127/23 129/18 67/14
clerks [3] 25/11 25/19 74/14
129/21 130/1 130/6 130/16 130/20 confused [3] 42/12 52/18 74/15
client [16] 8/14 9/3 9/14 11/19 11/20
130/25 131/4 131/19 131/22 131/24 confusing [3] 20/25 49/8 54/3
12/2 12/4 12/16 13/5 15/3 17/3 60/24
134/8 134/20 134/24 136/2 136/6 confusion [2] 8/20 9/9
66/17 98/3 98/12 155/20
136/12 136/19 137/3 137/5 137/9 connect [3] 58/9 84/7 84/9
client's [2] 11/23 12/1
137/16 139/14 139/22 140/1 140/20 connection [5] 59/8 67/20 75/13 78/22
clip [6] 19/7 21/7 21/16 21/24 22/4 22/9
140/24 141/7 141/7 141/12 141/16 155/4
close [11] 12/25 17/3 75/14 75/16
141/23 142/1 142/3 142/19 144/4 consider [13] 88/14 96/17 104/9
75/20 76/1 76/25 78/16 80/6 80/18 88/8
144/18 145/2 145/19 147/15 148/6 104/13 109/8 109/11 109/13 126/13
closed [1] 60/1
148/10 148/23 149/8 151/5 151/10 126/13 127/10 130/25 144/17 156/13
closer [2] 64/4 80/20
151/23 152/2 152/3 158/12 159/3 159/5 consideration [3] 72/6 144/1 144/22
closing [1] 76/10
163/4 163/12 163/16 163/21 considerations [2] 125/7 135/3
CM [2] 1/2 1/3
Commission's [5] 108/1 108/22 131/9 considered [19] 48/3 102/4 108/12
CM/ECF [2] 1/2 1/3
151/15 151/24 109/15 118/22 119/12 126/21 126/21
co [3] 98/4 98/14 132/1
communicate [1] 16/24 127/1 127/12 127/13 127/14 131/4
co-chair [1] 132/1
communicating [2] 13/16 42/25 137/9 140/20 141/8 144/4 144/17 146/1
co-counsel [1] 98/14
communication [1] 62/2 considering [2] 108/10 124/11
co-plaintiffs [1] 98/4
communications [2] 14/8 61/24 consistently [1] 67/4
COALITION [16] 2/13 8/8 8/13 12/17
community [15] 114/25 115/21 115/24 constitute [1] 168/9
14/24 19/12 19/16 20/13 42/3 81/6 81/7
116/2 117/6 117/11 117/21 118/15 consultant [5] 10/16 11/9 12/2 12/14
94/3 94/12 94/14 94/17 95/17
122/23 124/4 124/17 125/18 131/1 62/22
Coalition's [1] 88/21
131/11 145/24 consultation [1] 76/2
code [8] 87/10 95/4 149/10 150/3
compare [1] 165/8 consulting [4] 133/13 155/21 155/25
150/11 150/12 151/1 163/19
compatibility [2] 58/15 58/18 156/24
codes [7] 68/11 86/18 163/4 163/11
compete [2] 124/19 124/20 contained [3] 20/22 42/24 75/3
163/21 164/5 164/10
competent [1] 45/3 contend [1] 55/3
Coffee [24] 21/20 53/7 58/10 65/19
complaints [1] 84/8 content [2] 39/25 40/1
65/23 68/8 84/18 86/9 86/11 90/18
complete [4] 50/6 65/2 70/20 156/7 contention [2] 46/18 50/25
90/19 90/23 92/1 92/18 92/19 92/21
completely [5] 17/19 45/1 77/25 158/5 contents [2] 29/1 29/9
133/24 142/24 143/11 152/19 152/23
159/18 contest [3] 51/11 51/18 150/19
153/17 157/24 158/9
complex [1] 98/19 context [6] 16/10 49/4 56/7 92/13
cognizable [4] 83/7 88/24 89/2 95/12
component [1] 69/22 126/5 149/25
colleague [1] 89/25
components [2] 69/2 69/18 continue [6] 7/18 9/16 11/17 18/24
colleagues [1] 79/22
comprehensive [1] 68/25 80/10 86/15
collection [1] 25/3
compromise [6] 13/7 13/10 84/16 continued [3] 4/2 18/22 80/25
Columbia [2] 111/23 112/13
84/17 86/8 142/21 contract [2] 28/17 160/20
Columbus [1] 123/22
compromised [1] 149/12 contractor [6] 41/4 41/14 41/25 42/7
combination [3] 128/6 128/17 129/8
computer [4] 1/21 16/14 45/5 61/10 46/22 46/23
combinations [2] 128/12 129/2
COMPUTER-AIDED [1] 1/21 contracts [1] 41/3
come [30] 16/12 17/5 20/7 33/23 34/3
concept [1] 56/4 contradict [1] 97/24
38/13 38/16 61/5 61/10 91/24 96/9
concern [21] 9/24 10/11 11/11 11/24 contradicted [1] 95/3
110/3 110/25 123/7 127/6 139/9 142/18
12/15 12/24 13/1 13/17 18/7 27/8 54/23 contradicts [1] 55/17
143/4 143/10 143/13 146/7 146/22
88/22 118/4 118/9 122/20 124/17 129/4 contrast [1] 159/19
147/23 148/9 148/17 148/19 149/3
141/9 142/4 142/19 145/21 control [6] 30/11 35/21 35/25 56/16
149/21 151/13 156/7
concerned [4] 10/2 82/9 82/10 126/8 81/16 91/17
comes [8] 37/4 42/5 43/17 54/13 59/3
concerns [29] 13/2 16/11 53/2 68/5 controlling [1] 81/22
92/2 123/10 162/11
76/4 78/14 116/3 117/11 117/19 118/12 controls [1] 151/1
comfortable [1] 76/10
118/14 118/19 119/14 122/13 123/12 controversy [1] 96/12
coming [11] 10/11 13/3 15/4 46/12
123/13 124/3 124/4 125/16 125/18 convene [1] 71/18
77/15 88/10 124/12 154/18 162/18
126/4 127/22 131/10 131/13 131/15 conversation [2] 35/23 37/8
163/11 164/24
134/12 144/1 159/2 159/5 conversations [1] 34/1
comment [1] 111/6
concert [1] 15/13 convey [1] 117/12
comments [5] 139/9 139/13 140/14
concluded [1] 77/3 conveyed [4] 34/2 132/15 132/17
142/18 143/4
concludes [1] 69/23 132/20
commission [128] 100/23 100/25
conclusion [3] 32/19 83/20 98/18 COO [1] 117/6
101/1 101/3 101/7 101/8 101/15 101/23
conclusions [2] 27/11 68/21 Cook [1] 57/2
101/25 102/2 102/9 102/17 103/24
concrete [1] 53/3 cool [1] 17/23
103/25 104/3 104/3 104/11 105/1
condition [1] 74/17 cooperative [1] 110/11
105/18 106/6 106/8 107/2 107/14
conditions [2] 93/3 93/6 copied [1] 8/21
107/16 107/24 108/10 108/16 108/23
conduct [2] 54/10 94/24 copies [2] 81/17 87/24
109/4 109/6 109/8 109/17 109/21
conducting [1] 28/15 copy [7] 25/12 69/21 87/22 102/17
109/24 110/1 110/2 110/8 110/12
conference [1] 122/4 138/17 138/18 152/15
110/15 110/16 110/17 110/21 111/4
confidence [4] 88/23 89/6 89/7 89/8 Coquina [7] 50/4 52/11 52/12 53/11
111/20 112/12 113/1 113/4 113/10
confidential [1] 80/5 53/20 73/18 73/22
113/14 113/15 113/17 113/24 114/6
confidentiality [1] 147/9 corporation [1] 35/17
114/8 114/24 115/20 116/1 116/3
configuration [2] 160/25 161/1 Corporations [1] 41/18
F frankly [8] 30/20 31/2 52/3 54/3 57/19 76/19 86/17 101/12 144/13 144/25
91/5 124/2 154/14 145/5 159/23
finishing [1] 71/21
fraud [2] 68/24 85/11 ghost [1] 58/22
FIRM [1] 2/17
free [1] 80/17 Gilbert [1] 23/3
first [40] 7/20 10/14 11/22 24/9 26/13
front [12] 25/4 36/16 97/17 112/7 give [11] 6/25 23/14 25/20 42/10 92/7
26/21 28/13 47/23 59/10 59/21 61/14
112/11 113/15 113/17 119/9 122/8 94/23 96/9 102/6 104/25 127/5 152/5
64/23 65/14 66/21 76/4 76/16 77/3
129/18 135/24 151/10 given [16] 6/20 6/21 11/11 17/21 30/22
80/10 80/12 82/7 88/17 88/18 94/7
fulfill [1] 55/24 67/25 69/11 69/18 72/5 72/21 84/6
98/23 99/17 100/3 109/17 111/19
full [5] 1/8 20/19 59/9 90/14 137/25 85/22 114/5 126/24 145/10 163/8
117/14 117/15 119/1 121/11 122/24
full-throated [1] 137/25 gives [3] 12/2 47/18 94/17
140/4 140/6 146/22 146/25 149/21
fully [5] 77/10 77/11 81/20 146/3 giving [1] 129/6
156/17 167/8
161/14 go [52] 6/14 6/21 7/1 9/20 17/12 17/15
FISHER [7] 2/5 4/12 32/17 32/20 33/3
Fulton [6] 5/2 66/8 67/9 67/15 128/13 18/11 20/17 24/1 24/4 24/22 39/2 48/15
36/23 94/4
128/23 52/10 56/25 59/20 60/21 64/1 64/2
fishy [2] 154/14 154/24
functioning [1] 41/10 64/19 71/10 71/22 76/16 76/21 80/7
fit [2] 24/15 51/19
fundamental [3] 11/4 50/24 97/1 81/14 90/11 90/14 98/14 102/21 104/24
five [6] 17/10 31/9 43/22 45/17 71/18
funding [1] 65/24 106/10 107/19 107/21 114/20 116/7
further [5] 17/2 57/15 66/18 71/13 117/20 120/6 122/16 125/9 128/1 128/3
five minutes [2] 43/22 71/18
164/17 131/6 134/13 138/9 138/23 139/25
five-minute [1] 45/17
future [3] 58/13 78/8 90/4 146/7 146/9 155/10 162/4 167/5
fix [1] 62/7
goals [1] 147/9
flaky [3] 30/20 31/2 32/11 G goes [11] 58/15 77/19 112/25 113/2
flaws [1] 83/24
G-E-R-M-A-N-Y [1] 99/14 119/8 119/11 121/5 122/1 123/13 147/2
flip [9] 97/5 116/7 116/12 116/16 135/1
Gabe [3] 40/6 40/19 42/17 150/2
138/1 142/7 146/16 147/19
Gabriel [4] 23/2 42/15 91/18 91/20 going [77] 6/14 6/16 6/18 8/4 8/9 8/9
floor [1] 15/5
gaining [1] 90/22 10/13 16/12 16/12 17/10 19/13 20/7
focus [4] 73/1 95/21 108/3 151/20
game [1] 42/10 21/4 24/3 24/8 26/23 26/25 28/5 28/9
focused [1] 53/21
Garland [1] 10/15 30/7 30/16 31/16 32/18 45/15 50/14
FOERSTER [1] 2/7
gave [5] 10/16 15/13 19/5 139/14 51/18 51/19 55/2 59/5 59/8 59/9 59/11
folks [1] 118/21
151/23 59/11 59/13 59/18 60/4 61/7 63/24 64/3
follow [8] 7/18 19/6 23/5 23/10 45/3
GBI [1] 86/4 70/25 71/17 72/17 73/11 73/16 74/23
66/16 97/14 153/25
gear [1] 162/18 75/14 76/11 76/15 77/17 77/20 77/22
follow-up [2] 66/16 153/25
general [14] 100/1 101/4 101/4 101/22 79/13 80/5 94/6 98/17 101/18 101/18
followed [1] 67/7
105/24 106/14 107/6 108/25 126/3 105/5 112/5 114/11 119/19 121/19
following [5] 1/1 23/4 66/20 97/10
132/14 132/25 157/15 157/15 157/19 125/10 128/7 128/25 133/4 136/18
generalized [1] 93/20 146/7 146/7 146/7 165/14 165/22 167/2
follows [2] 80/25 99/17
generally [3] 110/24 139/13 155/18 167/3 167/4 167/7 167/11
force [1] 91/23
gentleman [1] 36/4 gone [1] 75/8
forcing [1] 97/8
gentlemen [1] 80/2 good [23] 2/13 10/7 19/12 19/16 30/21
foregoing [1] 168/8
genuine [3] 53/18 57/23 58/4 43/20 46/2 46/3 71/11 81/6 85/18 88/4
forensic [3] 133/19 133/19 157/18
GEORGIA [47] 1/1 1/25 3/2 5/2 26/7 88/5 94/13 94/17 99/20 134/5 134/6
forget [1] 18/18
45/4 55/24 56/22 58/23 90/11 91/7 136/16 154/7 165/11 165/13 166/19
forgetting [1] 18/18
92/15 93/2 93/6 93/9 101/17 102/6 Gordo [1] 73/20
forgive [2] 19/22 19/25
104/1 105/4 106/3 106/10 109/18 117/5 got [14] 5/22 6/8 9/7 9/10 14/11 31/24
forgo [2] 50/8 50/13
121/14 123/2 123/18 125/20 125/21 38/12 40/2 56/10 74/14 106/15 110/7
forgot [2] 18/18 152/11
125/25 127/25 128/1 128/10 128/21 147/20 167/13
formatting [1] 29/14
129/1 129/15 129/16 136/15 136/24 gotten [2] 15/4 73/18
formatting-wise [1] 29/14
137/18 139/5 150/9 159/7 161/20 GOVERNANCE [6] 2/13 19/12 19/17
Fortalice [36] 26/2 26/6 26/17 27/2
163/22 168/4 168/8 168/10 81/6 94/13 94/17
27/11 28/14 28/17 28/20 29/8 29/10
Georgia's [4] 58/12 68/21 105/19 government [2] 85/18 165/20
29/12 29/15 29/16 29/17 29/19 29/20
108/2 Governor [4] 56/14 100/13 136/9
29/22 30/3 30/5 30/7 30/12 30/23 31/11
GERMANY [39] 4/16 6/1 6/17 18/10 137/15
33/9 33/10 33/15 33/16 45/16 46/14
66/11 80/13 80/15 80/16 99/1 99/13 grab [2] 22/17 134/23
46/21 46/22 47/7 47/10 92/8 92/9 92/12
99/14 99/16 99/20 102/15 103/2 107/12 grace [1] 79/23
Fortalice's [1] 27/3
112/7 113/21 115/19 118/13 119/7 grant [3] 91/19 117/1 120/23
forth [2] 38/8 56/20
119/13 122/19 124/10 125/19 127/19 great [4] 32/25 79/21 79/23 95/16
fortunately [1] 15/16
132/24 134/5 134/23 135/23 137/4 greatly [1] 143/21
forum [1] 115/23
139/2 146/14 152/9 153/25 154/18 green [1] 37/16
forwarded [1] 39/9
157/8 159/23 164/13 Greenhalgh [7] 8/23 8/24 8/25 9/1 9/2
forwarding [1] 38/10
Germany's [1] 69/14 9/4 9/13
forwards [1] 39/6
get [32] 5/22 6/3 6/4 7/9 7/15 18/4 20/8 Groundhog [1] 99/3
found [5] 30/9 54/2 62/7 66/7 69/16
32/4 39/9 53/11 57/8 63/3 63/7 64/20 grounds [3] 81/22 117/14 144/9
foundation [3] 37/25 38/18 107/9
73/9 74/14 77/4 80/16 80/18 87/3 102/3 group [5] 2/11 17/13 27/25 45/16 79/21
four [6] 31/9 68/13 94/6 113/22 149/3
108/19 110/6 117/18 120/7 133/4 guess [11] 20/24 41/23 49/8 49/11
134/13 138/17 151/3 156/10 166/17 50/23 54/6 59/11 74/13 108/20 129/4
Fourteen [1] 69/16
167/6 129/13
frame [1] 46/22
gets [1] 156/12 guiding [1] 13/1
Frances [3] 64/24 65/7 65/22
getting [11] 30/2 42/11 46/10 50/2 guilty [1] 86/5
G happy [5] 6/12 14/20 50/9 74/21 75/12 66/11 100/18 119/3 119/4 119/5 121/7
hard [2] 108/13 140/9 here [92] 6/21 8/15 8/18 9/20 10/9
gun [1] 102/21
harder [1] 79/25 11/19 12/22 13/3 13/9 13/19 14/1 14/21
guy [1] 136/20
harm [2] 53/16 56/14 15/1 15/10 15/21 16/5 16/9 16/12 19/23
guys [3] 29/25 136/15 153/17
harmful [1] 114/13 20/8 20/14 30/21 34/6 36/5 40/25 41/7
H harms [2] 96/17 96/20 42/24 43/15 45/24 46/11 47/20 49/20
hack [6] 89/14 89/17 89/21 90/7 92/10 Harry [1] 44/8 50/2 50/24 51/12 51/22 51/24 51/25
159/24 Harvey [2] 18/16 44/7 52/11 52/17 53/6 53/10 53/13 53/24
hacked [2] 85/2 89/24 Harvey's [1] 18/13 56/8 56/19 58/3 59/4 60/24 61/5 61/7
had [110] 5/15 5/23 5/23 6/3 6/14 6/20 has [87] 1/6 10/1 10/2 11/1 11/9 11/14 61/10 61/21 62/11 62/16 62/23 71/21
6/21 7/13 8/13 12/17 13/21 14/5 14/8 11/18 12/4 12/7 12/9 12/10 12/16 13/8 73/4 83/20 85/22 88/3 88/9 91/4 93/1
14/8 26/12 29/24 32/17 33/5 34/3 34/5 14/5 14/5 14/10 14/13 14/25 16/3 17/4 93/2 93/5 93/23 94/10 94/12 95/21 99/5
34/11 34/16 34/25 34/25 37/21 39/8 17/19 25/6 25/15 32/10 34/21 38/3 101/21 107/24 108/1 112/25 118/9
41/2 41/10 43/3 44/11 44/14 48/12 52/8 40/22 42/5 45/3 45/5 45/7 45/7 46/25 119/7 119/12 119/14 135/4 139/2
55/4 55/14 59/7 60/5 60/18 62/9 64/8 49/3 51/20 58/12 60/1 63/7 68/4 71/1 140/19 141/9 141/25 142/8 142/25
65/10 66/18 67/9 68/2 69/18 71/16 74/1 71/4 71/7 71/17 72/5 73/1 73/18 74/12 146/5 146/18 147/19 154/25 159/24
75/25 76/20 84/8 85/10 85/18 101/8 77/15 77/16 78/7 80/13 81/20 82/17 161/5
104/21 105/2 105/3 105/5 105/8 105/9 82/21 84/16 86/4 87/11 91/16 92/4 hereby [1] 168/8
105/9 105/10 105/12 105/12 105/13 92/15 92/23 93/1 94/15 94/24 96/14 hereunto [1] 168/12
105/14 106/20 107/10 109/1 109/19 97/24 99/5 106/15 107/12 124/8 128/15 HERNANDEZ [1] 3/5
110/2 110/3 110/3 110/14 110/14 129/1 129/14 133/5 134/14 145/9 hey [1] 136/15
110/15 110/20 110/20 110/23 111/15 145/11 153/12 153/12 155/4 156/7 high [1] 15/5
111/23 115/25 118/19 118/23 119/5 156/9 159/10 160/4 160/6 161/6 162/12 higher [1] 20/11
119/8 120/19 120/20 122/1 125/21 hasn't [1] 62/23 highest [1] 45/6
125/25 126/7 128/10 128/11 130/8 HAVA [3] 116/25 120/21 160/15 highlight [2] 20/18 107/21
130/10 132/2 132/4 136/20 137/20 have [290] highlighted [1] 151/17
141/14 141/14 141/18 152/1 152/14 haven't [7] 14/7 47/14 72/19 124/7 highly [1] 80/4
152/15 153/5 163/2 163/5 166/24 168/9 156/19 156/21 156/21 him [32] 8/18 13/12 13/19 14/14 14/18
hadn't [1] 34/10 having [13] 7/3 16/7 16/14 37/15 46/20 14/20 15/14 16/13 16/24 20/12 27/7
Halderman [13] 67/25 68/1 68/20 65/20 76/3 78/13 88/22 99/17 118/16 34/2 34/7 34/22 39/16 60/25 66/18 71/8
69/11 69/16 69/20 75/5 84/20 89/14 126/14 160/13 89/16 100/15 119/14 119/17 134/19
90/8 92/14 159/24 167/3 he [183] 136/4 145/17 145/20 147/15 161/14
Halderman's [4] 74/17 84/25 87/5 he's [10] 10/8 13/15 18/3 43/5 43/5 161/18 166/1 166/6 166/8
89/20 89/21 99/3 123/22 149/18 166/4 himself [1] 77/16
half [1] 80/8 head [3] 56/4 129/14 142/6 hire [4] 41/15 154/6 155/5 155/6
Hall [12] 33/25 35/12 35/24 37/12 38/9 heading [5] 140/1 142/8 146/18 147/20 hired [14] 42/7 100/6 100/14 133/13
38/24 38/24 39/2 39/5 39/6 39/9 86/3 148/18 133/14 133/15 133/18 133/19 155/21
HALSEY [1] 2/8 health [6] 15/16 116/20 117/2 117/7 155/23 156/24 156/24 157/9 157/17
Hamilton [8] 6/14 23/3 26/20 26/23 120/16 120/23 his [64] 8/14 8/15 9/15 9/15 9/17 10/23
26/25 28/11 32/8 39/3 hear [27] 17/12 18/6 18/6 19/3 21/6 11/8 11/16 11/17 12/17 12/20 13/5
Hamilton's [1] 32/19 21/12 21/22 22/3 22/4 49/1 54/21 60/4 13/22 14/4 14/12 15/3 15/13 15/17 16/9
Hampton [5] 22/25 38/10 38/25 39/5 60/25 62/9 77/10 77/17 77/20 93/14 16/14 18/3 20/5 29/9 29/11 31/22 35/7
39/8 98/20 105/22 105/23 110/18 114/24 36/19 38/15 41/9 61/2 63/5 68/3 68/5
hand [33] 12/16 43/11 54/4 68/25 115/20 115/23 121/7 124/18 68/23 71/8 75/6 81/9 89/22 91/2 92/20
82/23 82/24 83/1 83/4 87/6 99/9 109/8 heard [33] 23/25 34/10 39/16 40/18 98/8 107/9 131/3 132/3 133/10 133/24
123/5 126/4 127/9 128/19 129/5 129/15 54/7 77/10 77/11 78/5 80/23 81/13 137/1 137/1 139/18 139/22 140/4
129/17 129/20 134/9 134/16 139/23 81/20 82/8 82/21 86/17 87/10 89/3 89/4 140/13 142/18 142/19 143/22 146/1
143/23 148/24 149/23 150/6 158/15 89/22 89/22 92/18 97/6 98/22 100/23 146/24 149/14 149/18 150/4 153/8
158/20 158/22 158/25 159/21 162/14 101/20 104/23 113/11 118/21 119/5 153/16 154/18 166/11
168/12 124/7 125/12 127/3 142/2 156/10 history [2] 58/11 126/5
hand-mark [1] 148/24 hearing [13] 42/9 74/22 77/25 78/13 hit [1] 143/13
hand-marked [25] 43/11 82/23 82/24 78/14 80/4 80/6 114/1 123/22 130/5 hold [4] 18/6 30/16 75/9 106/23
83/1 83/4 87/6 109/8 123/5 126/4 135/5 135/19 144/5 Honor [179]
128/19 129/5 129/15 129/17 129/20 hearings [2] 107/17 109/19 Honor's [1] 74/3
134/9 134/16 143/23 149/23 150/6 hears [1] 104/19 HONORABLE [1] 1/11
158/15 158/20 158/22 158/25 159/21 hearsay [20] 27/10 27/14 27/16 28/13 hope [3] 15/20 30/18 165/25
162/14 28/22 31/13 31/20 34/12 40/6 40/16 hopefully [2] 104/17 110/3
handed [1] 22/21 40/25 41/18 42/4 44/12 112/20 112/23 hoping [1] 74/13
handle [1] 50/18 113/6 117/14 118/1 144/9 HORST [1] 2/9
handled [1] 82/13 height [1] 162/8 Hotel [7] 49/14 49/19 49/21 51/7 51/10
handpicked [1] 136/8 held [2] 92/24 168/10 51/23 73/8
hang [1] 80/17 help [5] 30/1 58/9 120/22 154/8 154/25 hounded [1] 15/22
happen [4] 7/1 8/2 84/12 143/22 helped [2] 102/3 102/3 hour [2] 59/9 80/8
happened [5] 6/24 16/4 63/6 85/6 helpful [5] 52/13 52/14 55/7 70/1 house [3] 105/6 105/7 154/6
123/22 114/16 housekeeping [2] 43/25 165/16
happening [4] 11/9 11/12 61/16 109/1 helping [1] 102/1 how [40] 9/25 11/13 17/8 30/6 34/22
happens [2] 6/15 7/5 her [17] 14/5 14/10 14/16 14/16 49/19 37/13 50/17 51/19 63/6 75/10 75/22
51/21 53/22 65/15 65/24 65/25 65/25 76/24 79/4 80/8 89/17 90/17 92/10
T 127/3 137/5 140/23 144/2 144/14 145/5 111/4 111/5 114/3 116/1 117/5 120/9
145/10 145/17 145/22 145/25 164/23 121/22 122/7 123/9 123/15 124/6 128/9
take... [13] 62/10 80/8 80/8 80/9 90/13
166/11 168/12 128/24 135/14 135/16 136/8 137/1
95/2 96/7 104/25 107/8 121/19 141/18
testing [5] 62/6 62/7 62/10 69/4 86/20 137/14 137/22 141/18 142/14 143/18
144/18 166/11
text [14] 35/8 36/20 37/1 37/7 37/8 144/11 148/12 148/24 150/2 156/10
taken [13] 11/4 19/2 21/5 21/11 22/3
37/10 37/12 56/10 150/10 150/13 158/19 164/7 165/11 165/12 166/23
29/3 46/9 48/1 71/23 87/11 92/13
150/16 150/21 150/23 159/19 167/11 167/15
146/11 152/14
textbook [1] 146/23 then-Secretary [3] 101/1 136/8 137/14
takes [3] 47/12 89/18 90/18
texts [4] 33/24 34/20 35/14 37/10 theory [1] 86/16
taking [5] 16/6 42/6 47/17 53/15 79/6
than [31] 5/25 12/24 13/5 14/20 20/12 there [175]
talk [9] 75/14 76/21 79/19 84/22 94/6
20/25 23/9 32/2 33/14 35/25 53/25 there's [13] 8/20 37/10 49/18 88/2
103/24 110/25 111/16 131/5
59/12 59/13 67/7 74/1 79/25 82/24 88/10 104/5 106/18 106/18 123/6
talked [9] 14/14 26/15 75/25 83/15
89/17 96/8 96/18 96/24 118/16 124/5 124/22 125/11 160/12 162/17
84/10 85/1 87/7 116/2 137/11
125/11 139/18 157/23 159/8 160/25 thereby [2] 80/22 167/18
talking [13] 9/12 42/13 45/16 71/18
161/3 161/21 162/5 therefore [3] 7/10 47/11 76/6
112/21 113/16 119/21 119/22 120/1
thank [50] 7/25 9/11 17/17 17/25 19/9 therein [1] 168/11
137/5 148/10 150/20 159/9
21/14 22/5 22/8 23/18 23/19 24/17 these [56] 8/5 17/5 19/18 20/19 22/24
talks [3] 143/3 149/16 158/18
25/18 43/21 44/9 44/18 45/14 45/18 27/2 27/6 27/7 27/21 28/1 28/9 28/21
tallied [1] 148/25
57/17 61/6 63/20 64/4 64/22 70/4 70/11 29/8 30/24 33/23 34/3 34/16 36/9 36/20
tampered [1] 148/14
70/18 71/14 79/24 80/21 87/20 87/21 37/7 47/22 49/7 49/24 51/9 52/8 52/9
tampering [2] 67/13 147/4
88/1 93/25 94/2 97/25 98/1 98/5 98/10 52/15 52/20 53/14 54/24 55/10 55/11
taping [1] 61/16
122/17 138/21 138/24 151/8 153/22 55/14 55/17 56/8 56/13 56/17 58/3 58/4
task [1] 101/7
158/6 161/18 164/13 164/24 164/25 58/6 58/20 72/14 73/6 74/5 97/15 97/23
tasked [2] 103/25 105/18
165/1 166/3 167/14 103/4 103/6 112/5 118/21 118/24
tasks [1] 102/2
that [1065] 119/14 120/9 121/9 121/21 139/13
taught [1] 89/16
that's [26] 5/10 7/4 8/2 9/7 21/2 22/11 they [245]
TAYLOR [1] 3/9
32/9 37/17 37/18 37/23 54/2 62/15 71/9 they're [2] 41/4 47/5
teaches [1] 146/24
93/1 117/14 121/22 122/10 131/5 thick [1] 25/15
team [1] 76/21
135/11 144/20 156/25 165/6 165/6 thing [21] 7/9 22/12 41/8 63/3 73/14
tech [6] 43/1 45/4 136/15 136/24
165/24 166/2 166/14 73/16 88/9 88/11 93/4 102/19 110/23
137/18 139/5
theft [1] 147/4 114/17 117/3 123/17 127/24 131/2
technical [6] 26/2 26/6 83/24 104/10
their [67] 5/21 16/11 17/3 17/23 24/8 136/25 148/17 152/11 159/16 162/23
117/1 120/22
24/19 41/13 41/20 42/6 50/8 55/12 things [33] 5/3 6/13 6/15 6/17 7/1 7/4
technically [2] 67/6 135/12
55/16 55/24 59/21 60/9 72/19 72/21 7/12 8/2 8/10 16/8 17/22 34/5 74/4 74/8
technology [7] 16/21 121/2 160/16
74/16 74/16 74/17 74/18 75/10 75/14 74/25 78/4 79/18 84/12 97/23 99/21
161/20 161/21 163/9 163/10
76/3 76/16 76/17 76/25 79/7 81/8 82/8 101/19 104/9 104/9 110/5 111/2 113/16
TED [1] 1/24
82/19 82/20 82/21 82/23 83/1 83/8 119/3 123/6 126/20 130/10 134/7
tell [10] 5/24 18/5 31/7 31/8 37/13 43/2
83/18 83/19 83/22 83/23 89/11 91/10 141/18 159/20
49/16 50/17 51/22 84/22
97/1 97/2 101/20 101/21 104/16 104/22 think [184]
ten [6] 17/10 23/21 23/25 24/19 69/5
104/22 105/22 105/22 107/17 108/11 thinking [1] 17/15
110/6 110/18 110/18 111/7 113/4 116/3 thinks [1] 17/13
ten minutes [1] 17/10
120/13 121/25 124/12 132/10 132/12 third [9] 12/25 19/10 19/14 27/9 65/21
tension [1] 17/21
137/21 144/25 145/25 67/25 85/20 140/13 142/18
term [1] 90/25
theirs [1] 79/10 Thirteen [1] 69/11
terms [14] 50/24 60/5 62/18 81/25 82/8
them [66] 5/4 5/8 5/19 5/21 5/25 6/4 this [273]
82/18 83/5 83/8 83/14 84/14 84/23
6/5 6/25 14/24 15/1 20/15 23/10 24/1 thoroughly [1] 108/1
86/10 120/12 125/2
24/4 25/12 25/13 27/4 27/12 27/20 those [62] 20/14 20/20 23/25 24/2
Tessier [1] 57/3
27/25 29/20 29/22 29/25 34/7 34/21 24/15 24/16 24/20 24/20 24/24 25/3
test [4] 93/13 93/24 94/8 96/3
36/18 41/17 42/1 43/10 45/3 45/10 25/3 27/19 27/24 29/11 31/11 32/21
testified [32] 28/16 29/9 29/11 34/25
47/10 47/11 50/20 56/12 64/5 64/11 33/12 33/17 34/1 34/13 35/14 35/17
40/22 82/12 85/24 89/16 91/2 91/4
69/19 72/10 72/10 78/5 79/24 81/22 38/19 38/23 39/9 44/15 47/8 47/12 50/6
91/19 91/20 92/8 92/11 92/14 99/17
85/25 88/2 89/7 90/22 102/6 102/7 67/2 82/3 82/4 82/12 82/22 83/4 84/9
99/20 105/17 107/13 107/25 111/9
103/9 103/12 108/14 110/19 111/11 84/21 92/1 92/5 108/12 109/15 109/16
122/19 124/10 131/21 133/16 153/5
115/8 120/8 124/17 124/25 131/5 137/2 111/5 111/8 111/12 111/16 117/17
157/8 157/11 158/8 158/11 158/24
137/11 141/19 144/12 161/5 162/20 122/15 125/15 128/25 130/20 130/22
162/23 132/9 132/15 134/12 143/11 145/25
testify [14] 35/7 41/6 51/21 74/5 89/3
themselves [3] 29/16 32/2 38/13 157/14 159/19 160/11 162/22 163/3
89/4 89/5 89/5 93/19 119/5 119/14
then [99] 7/2 9/21 12/20 12/21 14/17 though [4] 24/14 60/4 76/11 80/19
119/17 131/2 155/24
14/18 17/16 18/10 18/23 19/21 20/2 thought [18] 6/2 8/16 9/1 12/21 20/25
testifying [6] 35/4 35/17 112/25 117/22
23/4 24/20 26/12 27/9 28/24 33/6 33/19 45/10 48/11 60/9 72/3 76/2 104/11
119/3 119/21
34/11 36/13 37/25 39/3 39/15 39/18 115/4 115/7 134/15 136/20 137/8
testimony [55] 30/3 31/25 32/1 36/24
43/3 45/22 48/14 48/23 49/10 49/18 156/14 166/23
41/9 44/6 47/17 48/3 49/19 52/1 55/9
52/2 53/6 53/24 54/25 54/25 55/1 56/3 thoughts [1] 110/18
63/23 64/9 64/12 65/13 68/3 68/23 72/5
56/5 56/25 62/8 64/1 77/3 78/16 79/4 thread [3] 37/1 37/11 37/12
72/11 72/13 72/16 72/21 73/6 74/17
79/11 79/18 80/24 83/11 90/24 94/7 threat [10] 68/8 83/18 83/22 91/10
75/6 76/3 82/21 84/25 86/4 86/17 87/10
96/16 100/15 100/16 101/1 101/21 91/13 91/14 140/5 140/14 140/21
92/19 95/2 95/24 107/9 113/11 114/24
104/17 105/3 105/6 105/7 105/14 142/15
117/19 118/23 119/3 119/25 121/25
105/23 105/23 110/14 110/18 111/1 Threats [1] 140/2
V 110/9 110/23 114/4 116/4 117/21 121/2 weekend [3] 5/22 7/10 7/21
121/3 123/1 123/4 126/22 126/23 weekends [2] 7/13 7/14
vendors [8] 102/4 108/19 108/19 110/6
126/24 127/25 127/25 128/2 128/4 WEIGEL [1] 3/8
110/10 110/12 114/4 163/9
128/8 128/22 128/24 134/12 134/16 weigh [6] 81/24 81/24 83/12 93/14
verbatim [1] 125/16
135/3 140/20 140/24 141/8 147/14 97/11 124/23
verifying [1] 38/3
147/20 147/25 148/5 148/11 148/18 weighed [1] 141/19
version [2] 47/5 69/24
160/10 160/15 162/5 162/6 162/19 weighs [1] 97/22
versions [1] 27/8
163/13 163/23 164/7 weight [1] 97/12
versus [1] 54/4
vs [1] 1/5 weighty [1] 98/20
very [22] 7/16 12/19 16/20 17/20 18/7
vulnerabilities [1] 89/20 WEINHARDT [2] 2/6 23/20
42/6 43/20 68/25 71/11 80/2 85/7
vulnerability [1] 51/17 WELCH [3] 1/23 168/6 168/16
110/11 123/7 127/25 130/3 145/24
vulnerable [1] 73/2 welcome [2] 47/5 166/4
153/16 157/15 164/4 164/24 165/13
well [90] 6/23 6/23 7/25 8/10 11/14
166/19 W 12/21 14/11 15/20 16/18 17/12 18/5
via [1] 55/1
wait [3] 10/5 13/25 88/12 28/14 28/18 30/15 32/6 34/21 36/17
video [2] 22/11 22/22
waive [1] 50/22 39/18 41/8 42/18 43/3 44/17 45/1 45/22
videos [4] 5/8 18/24 90/20 92/1
waived [5] 28/3 28/7 76/19 156/4 156/5 46/20 46/25 47/22 53/20 54/15 59/5
videotape [2] 10/12 17/15
walk [2] 90/6 121/22 60/24 63/6 64/6 65/5 71/7 71/25 73/10
videotaped [5] 19/7 21/7 21/16 21/24
want [55] 5/6 7/11 7/19 10/23 12/22 74/11 75/18 77/25 80/7 81/8 89/13
13/4 15/11 16/14 17/18 21/3 23/14 89/25 91/18 95/24 98/11 98/17 100/18
view [10] 75/17 77/2 77/8 78/15 78/15
25/11 27/21 36/23 50/14 50/17 52/14 104/5 105/11 105/16 108/18 108/24
79/9 81/25 96/7 149/17 157/19
55/19 55/21 58/22 61/9 63/14 63/19 109/16 111/6 112/1 113/5 113/7 113/8
views [7] 111/7 131/1 132/10 132/12
70/24 78/3 78/3 78/9 78/11 79/3 79/4 114/11 116/12 117/18 117/23 118/4
132/15 137/1 137/1
79/19 79/24 80/17 88/6 88/15 90/8 119/15 119/19 119/20 122/4 122/24
VINCENT [1] 3/3
95/21 99/21 107/7 107/8 113/22 114/13 123/7 127/3 127/5 129/23 130/24
violates [1] 96/25
115/15 116/12 116/16 119/22 127/6 143/13 145/7 147/2 149/21 150/5
violation [1] 63/12
127/8 127/8 129/9 133/4 145/11 146/4 153/20 154/20 156/16 159/1 159/9
virtual [1] 165/21
154/6 156/8 160/12 163/3 164/8 165/14 166/25
virtue [1] 120/13
wanted [28] 11/24 12/16 27/6 27/16 well-being [1] 147/2
visible [1] 162/3
50/8 60/22 60/25 71/7 75/19 75/19 well-trained [1] 123/7
visibly [1] 90/12
77/21 94/3 98/2 101/19 104/11 104/14 wellness [1] 117/7
Visually [1] 29/14
104/20 105/8 106/8 106/19 130/2 133/6 Wendell [3] 21/19 21/24 23/1
voice [3] 19/11 19/15 101/20
136/22 137/2 137/24 141/19 167/5 Wenke [3] 130/14 135/23 136/1
voices [2] 104/14 104/22
167/6 went [5] 6/7 76/23 105/4 118/18 130/8
VOLUME [1] 1/10
wanting [1] 47/20 were [136] 5/4 5/5 5/7 12/11 12/12
volunteer [2] 136/25 143/6
wants [7] 9/17 13/9 16/8 38/19 47/4 12/12 14/23 15/14 18/24 24/11 26/14
volunteered [1] 157/9
138/19 161/11 26/17 27/7 27/7 28/9 29/8 29/15 29/18
volunteers [1] 106/17
warned [1] 142/25 29/21 30/7 30/9 30/10 31/22 33/5 33/9
VON [1] 2/10
was [368] 34/5 34/13 35/14 35/16 36/12 38/18
vote [33] 67/13 83/11 83/17 84/3 84/11
wasn't [8] 26/18 35/15 51/24 70/25 38/24 41/5 42/25 44/14 44/15 45/10
85/21 87/16 87/19 89/18 91/10 95/3
89/16 117/23 119/19 126/18 45/16 45/16 46/13 46/16 48/2 48/3
95/4 95/8 96/23 96/24 96/24 97/1 97/2
waste [1] 42/10 48/11 48/13 48/13 52/19 53/14 53/15
118/16 120/22 125/22 126/7 126/14
wasted [1] 11/10 53/18 54/3 56/11 56/13 58/3 58/4 58/21
126/15 126/24 127/6 128/1 128/22
Watson [9] 64/24 65/7 65/10 65/14 59/7 60/9 62/6 62/7 65/11 65/16 65/19
131/18 131/23 159/3 159/7 162/20
65/14 65/18 66/6 66/6 85/23 66/8 67/8 67/25 67/25 69/2 75/1 75/3
voted [5] 126/6 131/25 132/5 132/7
Watson's [1] 65/23 75/18 80/4 80/22 83/3 84/6 84/9 86/24
way [26] 6/20 8/18 11/5 12/18 13/17 92/13 92/16 94/6 100/6 100/12 101/11
voter [14] 85/10 108/3 123/13 123/14
15/15 24/22 49/23 52/22 68/24 71/22 101/18 101/18 103/4 104/25 107/10
123/16 123/19 123/19 127/2 128/6
74/11 75/17 78/7 79/15 90/12 93/3 108/12 108/15 108/20 108/20 108/21
128/7 129/6 149/12 160/4 161/2
109/3 111/12 126/24 128/11 144/13 110/11 111/8 111/12 111/14 111/24
voter's [1] 149/17
145/4 150/9 153/14 163/20 113/16 113/19 113/21 113/22 113/23
voters [33] 86/14 87/1 97/8 97/18
we [356] 114/7 115/14 116/22 117/9 117/25
105/15 106/13 117/20 118/17 121/4
we'll [23] 6/17 6/18 7/18 7/24 8/5 16/25 118/21 119/20 119/24 120/17 121/9
122/20 125/22 125/23 126/6 126/7
25/20 33/17 43/18 43/23 45/22 46/1 121/9 122/13 122/13 122/22 122/22
126/15 127/7 127/7 128/21 148/24
59/6 70/4 76/16 78/16 78/17 80/7 80/10 124/3 124/16 125/7 125/16 127/20
159/3 159/7 159/8 159/14 159/15
82/3 166/9 167/13 167/15 132/15 132/25 135/15 137/1 141/20
159/17 159/18 159/18 161/3 161/21
we're [48] 6/2 6/12 6/16 6/18 6/19 7/23 163/25 165/7 167/2 167/2 167/3 167/10
161/22 162/13 162/16 162/22
8/4 8/10 9/3 10/7 11/3 12/3 16/12 21/4 167/11 167/18
voters' [2] 108/4 148/13
27/13 27/17 27/20 32/21 38/21 38/25 weren't [2] 34/4 74/7
votes [16] 66/22 67/6 67/9 67/12 67/12
42/9 42/13 44/13 47/15 50/21 51/16 what [202]
82/19 82/20 83/19 89/15 89/17 90/4
53/24 56/2 59/8 71/17 71/18 74/23 whatever [8] 6/19 27/11 33/4 55/5 70/7
90/13 91/7 95/6 95/11 130/10
75/14 77/21 79/2 91/11 91/11 93/4 105/4 112/24 149/9
voting [72] 10/24 58/13 66/22 68/9
112/24 115/2 121/24 122/7 146/4 146/7 wheelchair [1] 162/9
68/12 69/8 69/22 82/9 84/19 89/14 90/6
156/20 165/10 165/14 166/22 when [57] 6/21 8/4 11/25 12/4 14/16
91/17 91/22 93/10 96/8 97/9 97/21
we've [10] 5/19 9/9 10/2 38/12 41/2 15/13 29/18 37/15 49/25 54/13 60/1
97/22 101/11 101/12 101/17 101/19
59/21 97/22 118/21 147/20 165/8 63/18 66/11 77/8 79/1 80/23 84/25 86/2
102/4 104/1 105/4 106/2 108/2 108/18
website [3] 103/7 103/10 112/15 92/2 95/8 95/8 95/9 95/10 98/21 100/1
108/18 109/18 109/20 110/4 110/5
week [1] 152/21 100/3 100/6 100/8 100/12 100/13