Speak Easy 2

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questions + tasks

Made by @teachers_secrets






MONTH________________ M T W T F S S

MONTH________________ M T W T F S S

MONTH________________ M T W T F S S
Do you like travelling?
What was your best trip.
What was your worst trip.
Did your class in high school go on a trip together?
Do you like to travel with children? Why or why not?
Do you like to travel with your mother? Why or why not?
Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?
Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane?
Have you ever been to a foreign country?
How much luggage do you usually carry?
How many times have you traveled abroad?
What is your favourite country?
Do you have a driver's license?

Are you afraid of going abroad alone?

Describe the most interesting person you met on
one of your travels.
Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations?
Have you ever hitchhiked? If so, how many times?
What are some things that you always take with you on a trip?
What is the most interesting souvenir that you have ever bought on one of your holidays?

When was the last time your traveled?

Where are you going to go the next time you travel?
Would you like to take a cruise? Where to? With who?
Is travel an education?
Would you like to work in the travel industry?
Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why?
Which is better, package tour or a tour you organize and book yourself?
Would you like to go back to the same place?
Do you prefer hot countries or cool countries when you go on holiday

Would you prefer to stay at a hotel/motel or camp while on vacation?
Would you rather visit another country or travel within your own country?
Do you prefer a budget or first class hotel? Why?
What are some tips you have for others who are planning to travel solo for the first time?
What was the most unique cultural experience you have had while traveling?
What historical landmarks do you recommend visiting in your country?
Elizabeth Drew said: "Too often travel, instead of broadening the mind, merely lengthens
the conversation." What does this mean? Do you agree?
Where do you want to travel to before you die?
1. bus tour - автобусний тур 21. discount - знижка
2. buy tickets - купувати квитки 22. destination - місце призначення
3. in advance - заздалегідь 23. health insurance - медичне страхування
4. a one-way ticket - квиток в один кінець 24. boarding pass - посадковий талон
5. security check - перевірка безпеки 25. flight - рейс, політ
6. check-in desk - стійка реєстрації 26. departure - виїзд, відправлення
7. check-in counter - стійка реєстрації 27. customs control - митний контроль
8. extra weight - зайва вага 28. paper map - паперова карта
9. gate - вихід на посадку 29. crew - екіпаж
10. hand luggage - ручна поклажа 30. currency exchange - обмін валюти
11. carry on bag - ручна поклажа 31. land - приземлятися
12. arrive - прибувати 32. fare - проїзд
13. lost and found office - бюро знахідок 33. parking lot - стоянка
14. central station - центральний вокзал 34. accomodation - житло
15. cabin - каюта 35. hitchhiking - подорожувати автостопом
16. complain about - поскаржитися на 36. bucket list - список бажань
17. maid - покоївка 37. overcrowded - переповнений людьми
18. order - замовляти 38. breathtaking - захоплюючий
19. cancel - відмінити 39. book - бронювати
20. reception desk - стійка адміністратора 40. passenger - пасажир

"quizlet" - learn words

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1 2 Write the words on separate sheets of paper
without translating them. Try to build a story with
them that makes sense in context.

This will help you to organize the words in your

memory, and you will start to use them freely in
your speech

The example:
Listen and learn the following words from native speakers videos and try to write
your own dialogue below

2 dialogues
My dialogue

Flight attendant:
A trip around the world is a great opportunity to forget about the routine for a while and meet every morning
in a new city with new adventures. At first glance, such an idea seems a bit adventurous, and immediately the
rather difficult and sometimes dangerous travels of Phileas Fogg from 80 Days Around the World come to
mind. But, fortunately, we live in the 21st century and we have a completely safe way to go around the world.

The world tour will cover 375 ports in 135 countries. Tourists will
be able to visit 13 of the 14 wonders of the world, and they will
spend a third of the nights in hotels on land during stops of 2-
3 days. The cost of the cruise starts from USD 30 thousand per
year, meaning that the entire tour will cost almost USD 90

The cruise organizers claim that this tour is ideal for digital
nomads who will have a unique opportunity to travel the world
and work at the same time, paying a little more than $80 per
day for "rent".

The cruise will be operated by the MV Gemini, which has 400

cabins and can accommodate 1,074 passengers. It will depart
from Istanbul on November 1, 2023, with additional stops in
Barcelona and Miami.

The price includes access to all dining options and alcohol

during dinner, a state-of-the-art wellness center, a sun terrace
and swimming pool, high-speed internet, entertainment, and
housekeeping. The ship will also have a 24-hour hospital with
free doctor visits. A business center with meeting rooms,
offices, a lounge and a business library will also be available
on board.

Would you go on such a trip if you had enough money for it?
Would you be able to survive 3 years on a cruise?
In theory, does your job allow you to work online and travel?
What countries would you like to visit the most?
Is 90 thousand dollars too much for such a trip?
What exactly would you like to do on this cruise? Describe
your day
Why do you think people take these trips?
Write a word on this topic for each letter in a square





Y Z 16+

EuroTrip 2004
A sparkling youth comedy about a frantic journey through European
capitals in pursuit of love.

In the story, a shy college student Scott Thomas, wanting to get an A

in German, finds a pen pal in Germany named Mick, who agrees to
help the American with his homework. But it soon turns out that Mick is
not a boyfriend, but a charming blonde who would love to see her
American friend in person. After his final exams, Scott and a few close
friends fly to Europe and find themselves in a crazy whirlwind of
What is a hobby? What is your hobby?
How long have you had a hobby?
Why do people have hobbies?
Why did you start your hobby?
Can you make money from doing your hobby?
Do you spend money on your hobby?
Can a hobby be dangerous?
Which hobbies are the cheapest?
Which hobbies are the most expensive?
Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
Is hunting a hobby or a sport in your country?
Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?

How much time can one spend on his/her hobby?

Is your hobby safe or dangerous?
How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby?
Does your hobby interfere with your work/study/personal life?
Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?
Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not your own?
Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
What is your favorite recipe to cook or bake at home?
Have you ever tried cooking or baking a dish from a different culture?
What is your favorite type of music?
Have you ever been to a music festival? Which one(s)?

What types of exercise do you enjoy doing?

What is your favorite board game or puzzle?
How often do you play board games or do puzzles?
Do you have any board games or puzzles that you particularly enjoy playing
with friends or family?
Do you think board games and puzzles are good activities for children to
engage in? Why or why not?
What is your favorite video game of all time?
What was the first video game you ever played?
Do you play competitively or more for leisure?

What genre of books do you tend to gravitate towards?
Do you have a specific reading routine or habit?
Do you enjoy writing? What types of writing do you like to do?
Do you have any tips for remembering what you read?
What is your favorite type of dance to perform or watch?
What is your favorite type of music to dance to?
Do you think dance and the performing arts should be taught in schools?
What do you find most fascinating about the study of astronomy?
1. reading books - читання книг 21. architecture - архітектура
2. blogging - ведення блогу 22. calligraphy - каліграфія
3. dancing - танці 23.candle making - виготовлення свічок
4. listening to music - слухання музики 24. jewelry making - виготовлення прикрас
5. skiing - катання на лижах 25. origami - орігамі
6. roller skating - катання на роликах 26. sculpting - ліплення
7. skydiving - стрибки з парашутом 27. floristry - флористика
8. fishing - риболовля 28. scrapbooking - скрапбукінг
9. photography - фотографія 29. woodworking - деревообробка
10. writing stories - написання оповідань 30. tattoo - татуювання
11. knitting - в'язання 31. ballet - балет
12. sewing - шиття 32. gymnastics - гімнастика
13. gardening - садівництво 33. ice skating - катання на льоду
14. baking - випічка 34. outdoor activity - активний відпочинок
15. cooking - кулінарія 35. hanging out - відпочинок з друзями
16. collecting things - колекціонування речей 36. work out - тренування
17. cycling - їзда на велосипеді 37. drawing - малювання
18. card games - карткові ігри 38. surfing the web - перегляд веб-сторінок
19. chess - шахи 39. riding a horse - верхова їзда
20. sailing - веслування 40. flying a kite - запуск повітряного змія

1. Listen to the audio and don't look
at the script
2. Listen again and you can see the
text below
3. Look up the vocabulary in the
section "vocab"
4. Write out the unknown words
from the text and their
5. Complete the test

"quizlet" - learn words

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1 2
Solve the crossword puzzle about different hobbies. You can find the answers on the last page of the magazine

4. Trying to catch fish in a lake or river. 1. Using your voice to sing songs for fun or with friends.
6. Gathering special things like stamps or coins. 2. Taking pictures with a camera to remember moments
7. Reading books, magazines, or newspapers to learn and places.
and enjoy stories. 3. Growing flowers or plants in your garden.
8. Using pencils or colors to make pictures. 5. Going for a walk outside for fun and exercise.
9. Riding a bicycle for exercise and exploring your 6. Making yummy food at home.

Reading Try to describe these hobbies verbally and explain what people do during them

Cooking Photography Skydiving

Listening to Music Gardening Jewelry making

Origami Woodworking Bird Watching

Blogging Floristry Scrapbooking

Writing stories Playing Chess Hiking

Fishing Collecting Outdoor activity


My hobbies are reading books and working out. Along
with this, I also like cooking. While researching the
company, I got to know about the in-house gym.
Having a gym in the workplace is a great idea as
employees can get to know each other better on a
casual level apart from their designated roles.

I usually spend my leisure time reading books or
playing badminton. I like reading new and trending
novels and my favourite genres include suspense,
horror and thriller novels. Being a voracious reader, I
believe that I have a strong vocabulary and
knowledge of grammar. My zeal for writing gets its
flair from my passion for reading books.

I have a pet dog named Cookie and spending time
with him is one of my favourite things to do. I also
love to travel and I often plan trips with my family. But
solo travelling gives me the bliss that I crave for. Every
year I look forward to exploring new places and
catching up on some lifetime memories.

I like learning new skills and recently I have been
interested in exploring different languages as they
help me explore new cultures around the world. I
started learning Spanish online and I have already
cleared the beginner level. I generally spend my
weekends focusing on exploring new Spanish words
and watching Spanish movies to strengthen my
grasp over the language.



Have you ever been on TV? Have you ever hitchhiked?

Have you ever gone skiing? Have you ever played in a movie?
Have you ever gone surfing? Have you ever fired a gun?
Have you ever gone mountain climbing? Have you ever travelled by plane?
Have you ever made cheesecake? Have you ever try fishing?
Have you ever slept in a tent? Have you ever played chess?
Have you ever met a celebrity? Have you ever done scrapbooking?
Have you ever ridden a horse? Have you ever had tattoo?
Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? Have you ever made candles?
Have you ever tried in-line skating? Have you ever tried ice skating?
Have you ever tried riding a skateboard? Have you ever tried knitting?
Have you ever been on the radio?Have Have you ever tried sewing?
you ever milked a cow? Have you ever grown something?
Have you ever sung in public? Have you ever cycled?
Have you ever dance in public? Have you ever bake something?
Have you ever tried origami?
Pictures from audio cassettes
Do you think that tape cassettes are from the last century and
that no one needs them anymore? You are deeply mistaken.
There are real creators in the world who have found a very
original use for cassette tapes - they make unusual, stunning
paintings out of them. The idea of creating such paintings
belongs to a 25-year-old American woman, Iris Simmons. It is
interesting that many people are already interested in this

Sculptures from a pencil slate

As a rule, pencils are used for drawing. However, modern
craftsmen have turned them into magnificent works of art. By
carving pencils, artists create truly amazing miniature figures.
Each piece of such work requires great patience and special
skills. Figures, characters from movies and cartoons, animals
and people - all of this just "comes to life" on the tip of a pencil
in the skillful hands of a master.

Carving on books
This is an unusual art called book-carving. Someone admires it,
and someone calls it savage, considering it a mockery of books.
But many of the richest galleries in the world are chasing these
extraordinary "sculptures" and recognize that it is a
contemporary art form. Book carving is popular all over the
world, but it requires patience, hard work and accuracy. It is a
hobby for hardworking people with an artistic mindset.

Nail paintings
If you know how to hold a hammer, try creating paintings from
nails. The British artist Marcus Levine has been doing this for a
long time, and exhibitions of his work attract crowds of people
who want to see the result of an unusual hobby.
Street art is another unusual drawing that uses nails, but here
the nails are connected to each other with threads, creating a
very effective panel. With the help of colorful threads, it is easy
to create a cheerful picture for a good mood.
What are some brands of make up that you use?
Do you use mascara? Why or why not?

A1 Do you use lotions? Why or why not?

Do you use lip gloss or lipstick?
Do you think it's ok for men to wear make up?
Do you think it's ok for men to have nail polish?
What is the most expensive cosmetic that you buy these days?
Where do you usually buy your make up?
How old were you when you first started to wear make up?
Do you sometimes wear colored contact lenses?
What is the most expensive cosmetic that you bought in your life?
How long does it take you to apply your make up?

What do you think of cosmetics?

A2 How much more beautiful do you / do people look with cosmetics?

Do you think people look better without make-up and cosmetics?
Don’t you think cosmetics are a waste of money?
What new type of cosmetics would you like to see on the market?
What's your favorite color of makeup? Do you always follow the fashion?
Do you wear makeup every day? How much time do you spend on it daily?
What's your favorite makeup item?
How do you feel when you are not wearing any makeup?
Do you remove your makeup before you sleep? How? Do you use soap or cleansing lotions?
What is the best color of lipstick for your lips?

Do you ever go out in public without any make up on?

B1 Do you often change the colors of your eye shadow or lipstick to match your clothes?
Do you often change the colors of your eye shadow or lipstick to match your clothes?
Do you think cosmetics are reasonably priced?
Do people use cosmetics because they lack confidence?
Do you think we’ll always use cosmetics?
Do you think cosmetics are good for the skin?
From what age is it OK to start using cosmetics?
How long do you think people spend each day applying and removing cosmetics?

Do people use cosmetics differently in different countries?

Who do you think is the most beautiful person in your country? In the world?
What is your opinion of cosmetic surgery? Would you like to have some done?
Do you think that tattoos are beautiful? Do you like body piercings?
Do you think that some people think too much about beauty? Why do they do this?
Do you ever worry about the shape of your body? What can you do about it?
Can you easily distinguish the differences between a cheap brand of make up and an
expensive brand? How?
Would you ever consider getting your make up or eyebrows tattooed on you?
1. beauty - краса 21. wear - носити
2. make-up base, primer - база під макіяж 22. heavy - важкий
3. mascara - туш для вій 23. natural look - природний вигляд
4. concealer - консилер 24. foundation - тональний крем
5. liquid eyeliner - рідка підводка 25. blush - рум'яна
6. eye shadow - тіні для повік 26. false eyelashes - накладні вії
7. moisturiser - крем для обличчя 27. cuticle scissors - ножиці для кутикули
8. rouge - рум'яна 28. perfume - парфуми
9. highlighter - хайлайтер 29. eyelash curler - щипці для завивки вій
10. bronzer - бронзатор 30. to remove makeup - знімати макіяж
11. powder - пудра 31. to cleanse skin - очищення шкіри
12. brow gel - гель для брів 32. to exfoliate skin - відлущування шкіри
13. lip gloss - блиск для губ 33. a lot of makeup - багато макіяжу
14. lip liner - олівець для губ 34. to use a lipbalm - користуватися бальзамом
15. lipstick - помада 35. put on makeup - нанести макіяж
16. nail polish - лак для нігтів 36. sponge - спонж
17. tanning lotion - лосьйон для засмаги 37. brush - кисть
18. facial cleanser - засіб для вмивання 38. makeup kit - набір для макіяжу
19. toner - тонік 39. cosmetic bag - косметичка
20. apply - наносити 40. jewelry - прикраси

"quizlet" - learn words

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1 2
LISTENING TASK 1. Watch the video and find the
words in the video that name
the types of cosmetics
(foundation, mascara, etc.)
2. Write down the words you
found here
3. Create 1 sentence with them
in your own words
4. If you want, try to repeat the
makeup from the video
5. Comment on this video on
YouTube in English

Mark which colors you like the most in your makeup and write why.
Color each item a different color


dark brown


Powerful ingredients are used as a base of

most brightening formulas – which is why they
lighten or fade the skin colour. They work to
lighten and bleach the skin. They are also used
for targeting brown spots and age spots that
have been caused by the UV rays of the sun.

These boxes have been made to make lives

more straightforward for the people struggling
to carry all the needed makeup items at once. It
includes a foundation, primer, lip colour,
mascara, eyeliner and other things that form the
basics of a professional makeup regime.

It is applied to the lips to add shine. Its

thicker and shimmer texture makes the lips look
more supple and plump. It is often used by
people who want to have some colour on their
lips, without using any solid colours.

This is a beauty product applied mainly to the

eyelids in order to make the eyes of the wearer
stand out and look more attractive. It can add
dimension and depth to one’s eye, makes one’s
eyes appear larger, complement one’s eye colour
or draw attention to one’s eye.


The step-by-step description of Tina's makeup will tell you how the Ukrainian singer really wears
makeup. The singer's look is perfect for a date or a romantic photo shoot.

1 The makeup base is applied according to your skin type. Using the concealer, we mask all
bumps, hide minor imperfections or skin rashes. The medium-density texture of the
foundation is evenly spread over the entire face.

To give the skin a light shimmering effect, apply highlighter to all prominent parts of the
face. Use your fingertips to apply the product to the center of the nose, the line under the
eyebrows and the cheekbones.
3 The cheekbone line is highlighted with blush. Apply a natural bronze blush to the
cheekbones with a beveled brush. Blend the blush towards the corners of the lips. The
borders of the blush should be invisible, the transition to the main skin tone blurred.

Peach and golden shades of eyeshadow are used in the eye makeup. With a fluffy brush,
the shadows are evenly spread over the entire upper eyelid, and a line is made at the lower
eyelid. The shadows are slightly blended, giving a slightly almond-shaped shape. Often the
singer uses a combination of golden and pink shades, as a result, we get a wet eye effect.
5 We go through the eyelashes with mascara, comb through and separate the lashes glued
together with a brush. Draw eyebrows with a pencil, fill in all the gaps with thin strokes.
Fix the result with gel.

Red lips have become the main accent in the star's makeup. With a pencil, you need to
walk along the contour of the lips and fill them with color, then blend the lines. Apply red
lipstick with a brush. The lipstick must be matte, and to keep the color intense for longer, it
is applied directly to the pencil.
At the end of the makeup, powder with a matting effect is applied to the T-zone of the

I want everyone to remember

A that every woman and girl is
L beautiful with or without
makeup, and it doesn't matter at
all. A person is beautiful from the
inside! Always be yourself and
Y ignore those who dare to say
S something negative about your
beauty and you.
R "Red lipstick hides tears in your eyes.
E It is a bright accent and a distraction
T that helps to hide sadness and
longing. This lipstick has become a
symbol of femininity, a symbol: "I am
Y still".
with makeup without makeup - Tina Karol

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Write how you do your makeup every day in each box above
For example: 1 - clean and prepare your skin
Are you good at saving money?
Do you enjoy shopping?
Do you have a credit card? If so, do you have more than one?
Do you often put money in the bank?
Do you ever buy second-hand things? ("used things")
Do you sometimes give money to charities?
Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
Have you ever given money to a beggar?
How much did you spend last week?
How much do you spend on food each week?
How much do you usually spend each month on food?
What do you want to buy next?

About how much did you spend on presents last year?
Are you saving money to buy something?
Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop?
Do you give tips at a restaurant in your country?
Do you have to pay a sales tax in your country?
Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?
How much time did you spend the last time you went shopping?
What is something that you have bought recently?
What is something that you have bought recently that cost a lot of money?
What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
What's your favorite place to shop?
Do your parents give you an allowance? (Did your parents give...?)

Where do you keep your money?

Where do you usually buy food?
Which costs more, your telephone bill or your electric bill?
Which do you prefer, large stores or small stores?
Which do you think is more important, love or money?
Which store do you go to the most often?
How do you think money helps make us happy?
Do you think money is more important than love?
What qualities must a person have to make BIG money?
Who takes care of the money in your house?
If you had a large amount of money, what would you do with it?

Should children get an allowance (pocket money) from their parents?

If you found 100,000 won (or local currency) in a bag on the street, what would
you do? Keep it?
What are some reasons for people being poor? Can poverty be avoided?
Do you think that riches can have a bad effect on a person? How?
If you can't find an item at the store, do you find a clerk and ask for help, or do
you leave and go somewhere else?
Is it OK to bring children to the market or the department store?
1. assistant - асистент 21. be well-off - бути заможним
2. card - картка 22. in sale - у продажу
3. bag - сумка 23. bank on - розраховувати на
4. desk - бюро 24. come across - натрапити
5. department - відділ 25. come into - входити
6. book - забронювати 26. inheritance - спадщина
7. carrier - перевізник 27. do without - обходитися без
8. pocket - кишеня 28. get by - обходитися
9. cash - готівка 29. give away - віддавати
10. store - магазин 30. lend - давати в борг
11. credit - кредит 31. borrow - позичити
12. spend - витрачати 32. earn - заробляти
13. buy - купувати 33. queue - черга
14. sell - продавати 34. receipt - квитанція
15. save up - заощаджувати 35. discount - знижка
16. can't afford it - не можу собі дозволити 36. mall - торговий центр
17. in debt - в боргах 37. per day - в день
18. second hand - секонд-хенд 38. tourist - турист
19. annual income - річний дохід 39. return something - повернути щось
20. pay you back - повернути вам борг 40. steal - красти

"quizlet" - learn words THIS WEEK

Write what you want to buy or what you want to receive

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1 2


2. It is a small, enclosed fabric pouch in clothing used
for holding small items.
3. It is a line of people or items waiting for their turn.
6. It is a person or tool that helps with tasks or
provides support.
7. It is to take something from someone temporarily
with the intention of returning it.
8. It is to give someone something temporarily with
the expectation of getting it back.

1. It is a document that confirms a
transaction, showing what was
purchased and the amount paid.
4. It is to receive money or other
rewards in exchange for work or effort.
5. It is a reduction in the original price
of a product or service.
7. It is a container typically used for
carrying items.

Choose from the list of things that you buy often, rarely, and not at all and write
them in the forms

handbag shoes underwear sweater waistcoat

dress hat tights jeans coat

suit T-shirt slippers boots jacket scarf shorts

socks pants pajamas overalls blazer gloves tops


Today, he’s one of the richest men in
the world with a global business that is
worth billions of dollars, but he used to
be a poor boy from Galicia, in the north
of Spain.

This is the story of Amancio Ortega, the

founder of the clothes company, Zara.


Amancio was born in 1936. His father was a railway worker and didn’t earn much
money. The family sometimes couldn’t afford food and his mother used to ask for
credit at the grocery store, but one day they said no. That was the moment Amancio
decided to leave school and get a job. He was just 14. Amancio’s first job was in a shirt

He used to fold the shirts and deliver them to customers on his bike. Then he moved
to another shop, where he learned a lot about the industry. Clothes used to be quite
expensive and there wasn’t much choice, so customers didn’t use to buy many.
Amancio realized that if he could produce more attractive clothes more cheaply,
people would spend more money

So, at the age of 27, and with just a little money that he’d saved, Amancio started his
own business making pyjamas, which he sold to local shops. After borrowing some
money from a bank, he began making other types of clothes and the business grew.
In 1975, Amancio opened his first Zara shop and the company soon opened more
shops in Spain.

Today, you can find Zara and the other fashion companies Amancio owns in 88
different countries around the world, but he still lives in Galicia, where he grew up.

Complete all tasks in order

At the shop
Buying new shoes

Write a dialogue below

seller customer
Are you afraid of flying? Why?
Are you afraid of ghosts? Why?
Are you afraid of giving a speech in public? Why?
Are you afraid of going to the dentist? Why?
Are you afraid of heights? Why?
Are you afraid of scary movies? Why?
Are you afraid of the dark? Why?
Are you afraid to die? Why?
Are you afraid of getting old? Why?
Do you know anyone with a phobia?
Do you like horror movies? Why?
Is there any person you are afraid of?
Were you afraid of the dark as a child?

Are there any numbers that people are afraid of in your culture?

A2 What are some things which many people are afraid of? Why are they afraid of them?
What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
What is your biggest fear in life? Are you afraid that it might come true?
What kinds of things make you nervous?
Are you afraid of being ill? What disease are you most afraid of? Why?
Why do people have different fears?
How do you react to fear?
What happens to you physically and emotionally when fear takes hold of you /
overcomes you?
Do you have any form of phobia or paranoia?
Do you think society lives in fear?

What was the most frightening experience you've had?

B1 Do you ever have nightmares (bad dreams)?

What is your personal experience with spiders?Do you think it is necessary to kill all spiders
that are found in our homes, or is it okay to coexist with them?
Have you ever seen any reality TV shows where people face their fears for money?
How do you cope with your fears?
What is your biggest fear for the world?
Are you afraid of speaking English?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted fear of flying?
Have you overcome any of your fears?

Do you believe people can be cured of phobias by hypnosis?

B2 How do these fears impact people’s decision-making and behavior?

In what ways do people try to reduce their fear of the unknown?
How do societal expectations and cultural norms influence our fears of the unknown?
How do technological advances and scientific discoveries impact our fears of the unknown?
In what ways can seeking out new experiences and exploring the unknown be beneficial for
personal growth and development?
What is the technical term for a fear of heights?
1. fear - страх 21. rational - раціональний
2. dread - жах 22. distress - страждання, лихо
3. apprehension - побоювання 23. anxiety - хвилювання, тривога
4. lack - недостача 24. danger - небезпека
5. frightening - страхітливий 25. relief - полегшення
6. horrific - моторошний 26. pain - біль
7. horrendous - жахливий 27. frustration - розчарування
8. dire - страхітливий 28. excitement - хвилювання
9. desperate - відчайдушний 29. adrenaline - адреналін
10. fearfulness -переляк 30. worrying - занепокоєння
11. horror - ужас 31. unafraid - безстрашний
12. mortal - смертний 32. caution - обережність
13. terror -терор, панічний жах 33. confusion - розгубленість
14. panic - паніка 34. force - сила
15. scare - переляк, трепет 35. awe - трепет, дрож
16. anger - гнів 36. alarm - тривога, сполох
17. hate - ненависть 37. petrified - скам'янілий
18. threat - загроза 38. regret - жаль, смуток
19. concern - занепокоєння 39. intimidation - залякування
20. shame - сором 40. pressure - тиск


1 Arachnophobia: an intense fear of

SPEAKING TASK spiders and other arachnids

2 Ophidiophobia: an intense fear of snakes

3 Acrophobia: an intense fear of heights

4 Aerophobia: an intense fear of flying

Agoraphobia: an intense fear of places

WWW.ENGVID.COM 5 that are difficult to escape, sometimes

involving a fear of crowded or open

1. Watch the video about FEAR 6 Astraphobia: an intense fear of thunder

and lightning
2. Do the test after watching

"quizlet" - learn words 7 Trypanophobia:

an intense fear of

click on the qr code

1 2 8 Social phobia: an intense fear of social

Mysophobia: an intense fear of germs,

9 dirt, and other contaminants

10 Cynophobia: an intense fear of dogs

Complete the sentence

I'm afraid of ____________________________________________________________________________

I don't like _____________________________________________________________________________
My biggest fear is ______________________________________________________________________
I'm not afraid of ________________________________________________________________________
I get angry when someone ____________________________________________________________
I get annoyed __________________________________________________________________________
I get scared when someone ____________________________________________________________
When I was a kid I was afraid of ________________________________________________________
My parents always told me not to be afraid of __________________________________________
At the age of 6, I used to play __________________________________________________________
My friend used to be afraid of __________________________________________________________
I used to be afraid of ___________________________________________________________________
My parents are still afraid of ___________________________________________________________


Read/listen the dialogue and

the text
Сomplete the tasks for the
text below



Uma Thurman Jennifer Aniston
fear of being buried alive fear of water

Kristen Stewart
Sylvester Stallone
fear of riding horses
fear of heights
Read the quotes of well-known people about fear and write your thoughts below

Q1 If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs

I am thankful for all of those who said «NO» to me. It's because of
them I'm doing it myself - Albert Einstein
Identify fears and insecurities. Make a list of
The first step to overcoming fear is to recognize it. You need to
determine for yourself what exactly makes you afraid: failure? Is it
rejection? Fear of looking ridiculous? Once the fear is identified, you
need to sit down and think about why you are afraid. Are your fears
logical or are they just a product of your emotions?

mark if you do this or not

Stop "thinking too much"

Of course, it's a good habit to think about a situation before making
an important decision. But too much "thinking" actually keeps you
from taking action. If you don't act, you will never move forward. So
stop analyzing every little thing and take action instead!

mark if you do this or not

Find your strengths

When you remind yourself of what you are good at and what you like
about yourself, you will gain more trust and confidence, and thus
begin to let go of your fear. Try new hobbies or activities in your life. Try
something you've never tried before and you may realize that it's not
so scary to make a decision or ride a horse, for example.

mark if you do this or not

Exercise and eat well

We all know that exercise and a healthy diet are very beneficial for our
bodies. A healthy lifestyle can also improve your mood and make you
feel calmer, more balanced, and more confident. And this, in turn, is a
great way to overcome anxiety and insecurity.
mark if you do this or not

Make a goal for yourself

Without a plan, it is very easy to get lost and feel like your life has no
meaning. Setting a goal can give you concrete direction and make you
rise above your fears and allow you to achieve what you want in life. In
addition, each time you achieve your goal, you gain even more self-

mark if you do this or not

Do you have a best friend?
Why do you like your best friend?
What is his/her name?
Do you have a lot of friends?
Do you make friends easily?
How do you make new friends?
Have you made any friends over the Internet?
What is a best friend?
Has a friend ever let you down?
Do you believe your parents should be your friends?
How close do you get to your friends?
Why do you need a friend?

Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?

Can you describe one of your closest friends.
Do you trust all of your friends? Why?
Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?
Are you good friends with your family members?
What do you usually do together?
Do you have a close group of friends?
Do you tell your best friend everything?
Do you ever worry about losing your friends?
Are friends sometimes more important than family?
Do you agree with the expression “a friend in need is a friend in deed”?
Do you think you have a special understanding with your friends?
If you could choose any friend in the world, who would it be?
What is the most valuable thing you have to offer as a friend?

Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us
about them.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.
Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?
What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?
Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend
or ex-girlfriend?
Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
What is the relationship between love and friendship?
Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?

What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?
What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?
What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?
There is a saying that "to lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with
him/her". Do you agree? Why/Why not?
What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought
your relationship to be brother/sister asked you out on a date?
1. buddy - товариш 21. fair-weather friend - друг по погоді
2. mate - приятель 22. to build bridges - будувати мости
3. ally - соратник 23. cross someone’s path - переходити дорогу
4. blood brother - соратник 24. to make friends - дружити з кимось
5. peer - ровесник 25. to be at odds at someone - бути не в ладах
6. companion - компаньйон 26. date - побачення
7. acquaintance - знайомий 27. nearest and dearest - близькі та рідні
8. partner - партнер 28. get together with - зустрітися з
9. chum - друзяка 29. to drift apart - віддалятися один від одного
10. close friend - близький друг 30. to break up - розлучатися
11. get in touch with - зв'язатися з 31. to fall out with - посваритися
12. adore - обожнювати 32. to get to know someone - познайомитися
13. easy-going - безтурботний 33. common - спільне
14. true friend - справжній друг 34. ups and downs - злети і падіння
15. loyal friend - вірний друг 35. hang out with - тусуватися з
16. fast friends - швидкі друзі 36. spend time with - проводити час з
17. old friends - старі друзі 37. grow apart - виростати окремо
18. childhood friends - друзі дитинства 38. go out - виходити на прогулянку
19. circle of friends - коло друзів 39. roommate - сусід по кімнаті
20. friends in high places - впливові друзі 40. co-worker - колега


"quizlet" - learn words Mark the character traits of a true friend
click on the qr code
2 Integrity Encouraging
Honesty Forgiving
Loyalty Considerate
Respectfulness Thoroughness
Responsibility Accepting
Humility Courageousness
Compassion Admiring
Fairness Brave
Forgiveness Confident
Authenticity Creative
Generosity Curious
Perseverance Determined
Kindness Empathetic
Politeness Enthusiastic
Lovingness Flexible
Optimism Focused
Reliability Grateful
Conscientiousness Humorous
Self-disciplined Intelligent
Ambitiousness Modest
Complete all the tasks in order at the
link and find out if you are a good

Imagine the situation and try to explain what you would do and why

You and your fiancé are getting

You are offered a vacation abroad
married, and your friend comes to
with strangers. The trip is already
you and says that he would like to
paid for, but you don't know these
ask his girlfriend to marry him at
people at all.
your wedding.

Would you agree to go?

How would you react and would
you agree?

Your friends have started to have

Your childhood friend tells you that
not so healthy lifestyle and drink
he/she likes you. And you consider
alcohol. But you're totally against it,
him/her not just a friend, you've
even though you like to hang out
always liked him.
with your friends.

How do you react?

What should you do?

You are very smart, and you have

begun to develop yourself, but the
Your best friend started dating your
people around you at the moment
ex. You're glad they found each
do not understand many of the
other and are happy.
things you say. You feel bored and
uninterested with them.
Would you be jealous? How would
you react?
What are you going to do? Explain
4 Steps to Making a New Friend

1 step VIDEO
2 step
____________________________________________________________ Watch the video without subtitles
Watch it again with English subtitles
3 step Write down these points briefly here
4 unknown words from the video

4 step


Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston, who famously played Monica and Rachel on the TV
show "Friends," have maintained a strong friendship since the series ended. They've
supported each other's career endeavors and have been seen attending events together.

They say that there is no place for true friendship in Hollywood,

but the stars of the cult TV series Friends, Courteney Cox and
Jennifer Aniston, are direct proof that actors can be close even
when there is some competition between them.

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox met in 1994 on the set of

Friends, the title of which became prophetic for them. Since
then, and until recently, the relationship between the two stars
has remained impeccable: they have gone shopping together,
dined in restaurants and posed on the red carpet at Hollywood
events - exclusively in an embrace.

It is known that the women often meet

and even invite their colleagues who
they worked with during the filming of
the Friends series to dinner.

Jen, as you know, became the godmother of Courtney's only daughter

Coco. Today, almost 20 years after the series ended, the girls continue
to be friends just as Monica and Rachel would have been.
online board games with friends


Scattergories is a word game


Monopoly is one of the most


First, create a room and tweak

that challenges players to beloved board games to play settings and preferences.
with family and friends, Then, send friends the game
think up words that fit within
making it an obvious choice link, join a video call, and
certain categories and start
for board games to play start to play.
with a particular letter.


Clue, also known as Cluedo, is


Battleship is a guessing and


The game begins with each

a classic whodunit game that memory game that has players player selecting a character,
racing to sink each other’s then choosing from a list of
challenges players to hunt
ships. pre-existing questions.
down the details of a crime.


Checkers, also known as


Chess.com offers players the


Mysterium is a supernatural
Draughts, is a board game for option to start a game with a strategy games that
two players. It is played in a friend, as well as the ability to challenges participants to
square board, made of 64 square off against a random solve a murder mystery.
or computer opponent.
smaller squares, with eight
squares on each side.
to myself
Write a letter to yourself in the future in a few years. What will you be like? What countries
will you visit? Changes in your personal life and work. Some thoughts about your life

And then you will read the letter and see if the expectations were realized or not


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"Speak Easy"
Owner and editor - Kolb Victoria
03 / 2023

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