Electrolysis 2

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An electric current was passed through dilute sulphuric acid. The apparatus used is shown.

1 Oxygen was formed at the anode.

(a) What name is given to solutions which decompose when electricity is passed through


(b) The ionic equation for the reaction at the anode is:

4OH– → 2H2O + O2 + 4e–

Explain this type of reaction.



(c) Write a balanced ionic equation for the reaction at the cathode.


(d) What happens to the concentration of the sulphuric acid as the electricity is passed through
it? Explain your answer.




(Total 8 marks)

Page 2 of 80
The diagram shows electrolysis of sodium chloride solution.

(a) Complete and balance these equations to show the reactions during electrolysis.

At the positive electrode

Cl– – e– → Cl2

At the negative electrode

Na → Na

(b) Silver halides such as silver chloride and silver bromide are used in photography.
The equation shows a reaction to prepare a silver halide.

Name and describe the products of this reaction, in words, as fully as you can.

product 1



product 2


(Total 6 marks)

Page 3 of 80
The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is an industrial process.

(a) Why do chloride ions move to the positive electrode?


(b) Sodium chloride solution contains two types of positive ions, sodium ions (Na+) and
hydrogen ions (H+).

Tick ( ) the reason why hydrogen is produced at the negative electrode and not sodium.

Reason Tick ( )

Hydrogen is a gas.

Hydrogen is less reactive than sodium.

Hydrogen is a non-metal.

Hydrogen ions travel faster than sodium ions.


(c) Solution X is alkaline.

Which ion makes solution X alkaline?


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(d) Electrolysis of sodium chloride solution produces hydrogen and chlorine.
The hydrogen and chlorine can be used to make hydrogen chloride.

(i) The diagrams show how the outer electrons are arranged in atoms of hydrogen and

Complete the diagram to show how the electrons are arranged in a molecule of
hydrogen chloride (HCl).


(ii) Name the type of bond between the hydrogen and the chlorine atoms in a molecule
of hydrogen chloride.


(iii) Some hydrogen chloride was bubbled into water. This made a solution with a pH of 1.

Which ion gave the solution a pH of 1?

(Total 6 marks)

Page 5 of 80
The diagram below shows the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution, in the laboratory.

(a) Which gas forms at the negative electrode? ..............................................................


(b) Explain why chlorine gas forms at the positive electrode.




(c) State one use of chlorine gas.

(Total 4 marks)

Page 6 of 80
Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.

The electrolysis of acidified water

After a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid have been added to some distilled water,
there will be three types of ion in solution:
from the water, H2O(l) → H+(aq) + OH–(aq)
from the acid, H2SO4(aq) → 2H+(aq) + SO42– (aq)
When the electrodes (anode and cathode) in a circuit are put into the acidified water,
the hydroxide ions and the sulphate ions are both attracted to the electrode called
the anode. However, it is harder for the sulphate ions to give up their electrons than
for the hydroxide ions to do this. So the hydroxide ions are the ones which react and
bubbles of oxygen are formed at the anode.
There are only hydrogen ions to be attracted towards the cathode and, when they
get there, they take up electrons to form hydrogen molecules.

From Chemistry Matters by Richard Hart, reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press

Even in a small volume of water acidified with dilute sulphuric acid there will be billions of
ions. Some will be anions and some will be cations.

(i) Name the ions in water acidified with dilute sulphuric acid.


(ii) Explain why only some of the ions are attracted to the anode.




(iii) Balance the equation for the reaction of hydroxide ions at the anode.

4OH– → H2O + O2 + e–
(Total 4 marks)

Page 7 of 80
The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is an important industrial process. Three useful
6 substances are produced:

• chlorine gas is formed at the positive electrode;

• hydrogen gas is formed at the negative electrode;

• an alkali is left in the solution.

The reactions which take place at the electrodes are represented by the equations shown

2Cl– – 2e– → Cl2

2H+ + 2e– → H2

(a) Name the important alkali which is left in the solution.


(b) State why chloride ions move towards the positive electrode.


(c) Why is the formation of chlorine at this electrode said to be an oxidation reaction?

(Total 3 marks)

Sodium hydroxide, hydrogen and chlorine can all be made in one industrial process.
7 Electricity is passed through aqueous sodium chloride solution (brine). The diagram below shows
a cell that can be used for this process.

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(a) Name A, B and C.

Gas A .........................................................................................................................

Gas B .........................................................................................................................

Solution C ..................................................................................................................

(b) Balance the equations for the reactions at the electrodes.

(i) .......... Cl– – ............ e– → Cl2

(ii) .......... H+ + ............ e– → H2


(c) Name the compound in this cell which produces the hydrogen ions.


(d) Which type of particles must be able to pass through the barrier to allow the electrolysis to
take place?

(Total 6 marks)

(a) In an industrial process electricity is passed through a solution of sodium chloride in

8 water. A student set up the apparatus shown below to investigate this process.

(i) Name gas X.


(ii) Complete the half equation for the production of chlorine gas during the electrolysis.

............ Cl– → ............ e– → Cl2


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(iii) The student found that the solution left in the cell was alkaline.

Which ion makes the solution alkaline?


(iv) Name the useful substance that can be obtained from the solution in the cell.


(b) Sodium carbonate is another useful chemical that can be made from sodium chloride. The
flow chart below shows one way in which sodium carbonate can be made.

(i) Write the formula of sodium carbonate.

Use the Data Sheet to help you to answer this question.


(ii) Salt is one raw material used in this process.

Name one other raw material used in this process.


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(iii) Sodium carbonate is one of the products of this process.

Name one other product.


(iv) 1. Give one example of a thermal decomposition reaction shown in the

flow chart.



2. Explain what is meant by a thermal decomposition reaction.



(v) Name one substance that is recycled in this process.


(c) When sodium carbonate solution is added to zinc sulphate solution a white solid
is precipitated.

(i) Use the Data Sheet to help you to name the white solid that is produced in this


(ii) State why this solid is formed.



(Total 13 marks)

Page 11 of 80
An investigation into the electrolyte copper sulphate solution was carried out as shown.

(a) What does electrolyte mean?




(b) These were the observations.

Negative electrode solid formed

Positive electrode gas given off

(i) Name the solid formed.


(ii) Name the gas given off.


(c) How could a sample of gas be collected at the positive electrode?



(d) Suggest why the blue colour of copper sulphate becomes paler during the investigation.


(Total 8 marks)

Page 12 of 80
A student investigated the electrolysis of lead bromide.

Lead bromide was placed in the tube and the circuit was switched on. The light bulb did
not light up.

The tube was heated and soon the bulb lit up. The observations are shown in the table.

Positive electrode Negative electrode

red-brown gas silver liquid

(a) What is meant by electrolysis?


(b) Why did the lead bromide conduct electricity when the tube was heated?


(c) Name the substances formed at the:

positive electrode; .....................................................................................................

negative electrode. ....................................................................................................


(d) Suggest one safety precaution that should be taken during this investigation.

(Total 6 marks)

Page 13 of 80
Sodium chloride solution is a useful raw material for the manufacture of other substances.

(i) What is the name of the process shown?


(ii) Chloride ions lose electrons at the positive electrode. What is the name of this type of


(iii) The solution formed at X is alkaline. What causes this solution to be alkaline?




(iv) Give a balanced ionic equation for the formation of hydrogen gas at the negative electrode.

(Total 7 marks)

Page 14 of 80
The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is an important industrial process. The
12 apparatus shown below can be used to show this electrolysis in the laboratory.

(a) Name gas A. ...............................................................................................................


(b) Chlorine is produced at the positive electrode. Describe and give the result of a chemical
test to prove that the gas is chlorine.





(c) Chloride ions move to the positive electrode. Explain why.



(d) A small quantity of chlorine is added to drinking water. Explain why.



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(e) The solution around the negative electrode becomes alkaline. Name the ion which makes
the solution alkaline.


(Total 6 marks)

(a) Two experiments were set up as shown.


(i) Give two observations which would be seen only in Experiment D.

1 .......................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................

(ii) Explain why in Experiment C no changes would be seen.






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(b) Another electrolysis experiment used an aqueous solution of copper chloride.

(i) What does electrolysis mean?




(ii) Name the gas A and the deposit B.

Gas A ................................................................................................................


(c) Give one industrial use of electrolysis.

(Total 9 marks)

Page 17 of 80
A student investigated the electrolysis of copper sulfate solution.
14 The student’s method is shown below.

Two clean pieces of copper were weighed. One piece was used as the positive
electrode and the other piece was used as the negative electrode.
The circuit was set up as shown in the diagram.

After the electrolysis, the pieces of copper were:

• washed with distilled water
• washed with propanone (a liquid with a lower boiling point than water)
• allowed to dry
• weighed.

(a) Explain why the electrode would dry faster when washed with propanone instead of water.



(b) The student’s results are given in the table.

Positive Negative
electrode electrode

mass of electrode before electrolysis, in

16.41 15.46

mass of electrode after electrolysis, in grams 16.10 15.75

The mass of the positive electrode decreased by 0.31 g.

(i) What is the change in mass of the negative electrode? ......................................... g


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(ii) The mass lost by the positive electrode should equal the mass gained by the negative

Suggest two reasons why the results were not as expected.

1 ......................................................................................................................


2 ......................................................................................................................


(c) Describe and explain how electrolysis is used to make pure copper from a lump of impure








(Total 8 marks)

The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution produces useful substances.

(a) Explain the meaning of electrolysis.





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(b) The diagram shows an apparatus used for the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution.

Reproduced with the permission of Nelson Thornes Ltd from PATRICK FULLICK et al, ISBN
0-7487-9644- 4. First published in 2006

The electrolysis produces two gases, chlorine and Gas A.

Name Gas A ...............................................................................................................


(c) The electrodes used in this process can be made of graphite. Explain why graphite
conducts electricity.




(Total 5 marks)

The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution produces useful substances.

(a) (i) Choose a word from the box to complete the sentence.

covalent ionic non-metallic

Electrolysis takes place when electricity passes through ..................................

compounds when they are molten or in solution.


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(ii) Choose a word from the box to complete the sentence.

alkenes elements salts

During electrolysis the compound is broken down to form...............................


(b) The table of ions on the Data Sheet may help you to answer this question.

The diagram shows an apparatus used for the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution.

Reproduced with the permission of Nelson Thornes Ltd from PATRICK FULLICK et al,
ISBN 0-7487-9644- 4. First published in 2006

Identify the products A, B and C on the diagram using substances from the box.

chlorine gas hydrogen gas oxygen gas

sodium hydroxide solution sodium metal

(i) A is ....................................................................................................................

(ii) B is ....................................................................................................................

(iii) C is ....................................................................................................................
(Total 5 marks)

Page 21 of 80
Sodium chloride is a raw material.
(a) The electronic structure of a sodium atom is shown below.

Complete the diagram for the electronic structure of a chlorine atom. A chlorine atom has
17 electrons.


(b) When sodium and chlorine react to form sodium chloride they form sodium ions (Na+ ) and
chloride ions (Cl– ).

How does a sodium atom change into a sodium ion?





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(c) The diagram shows apparatus used in a school laboratory for the electrolysis of sodium
chloride solution.

The solution contains sodium ions (Na+), chloride ions (Cl– ), hydrogen ions (H + ) and
hydroxide ions (OH– ).

(i) Why do chloride ions move to the positive electrode?


(ii) Name the gas formed at the negative electrode.


(d) Chlorine and chlorine compounds are used to bleach wood pulp that is used to make

The article below is from a newspaper.

Local people have been protesting outside a paper factory. They say:
‘We want the company to stop using chlorine compounds. Chlorine compounds
release poisons into the environment. The company should use safer compounds.’

The company replied:

‘Chlorine has been used safely for many years to treat drinking water. Only tiny
amounts of chlorine are released, which cause no harm. Using other compounds will
be more expensive and may put us out of business.’

(i) Why are some local people worried about the use of chlorine compounds?



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(ii) Why might other local people want the company to continue to use chlorine



(iii) It is decided to have an inquiry.

Why should this be done by independent scientists?


(Total 8 marks)

Electroplating is used to coat a cheap metal with a thin layer of an expensive metal.
In the diagram a teaspoon made of nickel is being coated with silver.

Silver nitrate, AgNO3, contains silver ions (Ag+) and nitrate ions (NO3-).

(a) Solid silver nitrate, AgNO3(s), does not conduct electricity.

Choose the correct answer in the box to complete the sentence.

are too big cannot move are too small

Solid silver nitrate does not conduct electricity because the ions

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(b) What substance is added to AgNO3(s) to turn it into AgNO3(aq)?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

petrol alcohol water


(c) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

no charge.

(i) Silver ions move to the negative electrode because they have a negative charge.

a positive charge.



(ii) When silver ions reach the negative electrode they turn into compounds.


(Total 4 marks)

Page 25 of 80
The diagram shows apparatus used by a student to investigate electrolysis.

The student was given a solution by the teacher. The solution contained a mixture of ionic

(a) Name the particles which carry the electric current through:

(i) the metal wires .....................................................................................


(ii) the solution. ..........................................................................................


(b) The table shows the ions in the solution.

Positive ions in the solution Negative ions in the solution

Zinc ion (Zn2+) Chloride ion (Cl–)

Iron(III) ion (Fe3+) Hydroxide ion (OH–)

Hydrogen ion (H+) Nitrate ion (NO3–)

Copper(II) ion (Cu2+) Sulfate ion (SO42–)

The reactivity series on the Data Sheet may help you to answer this question.

(i) Which element is most likely to be formed at the negative electrode?


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(ii) Explain, as fully as you can, why you have chosen this element.





(c) The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is an industrial process.

(i) The reaction at one of the electrodes can be represented by the equation shown

2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–

The chloride ions (Cl–) are oxidised.

Explain why.



(ii) The reaction at the other electrode can be represented by an equation.

Complete and balance the equation for the reaction at the other electrode.

H+ → H2

(Total 7 marks)

Page 27 of 80
A student investigated the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution.
Five sodium chloride solutions were made. Each solution had a different concentration.

To make each solution the student:

• weighed the amount of sodium chloride needed

• dissolved it in water

• added more water until the total volume was one cubic decimetre (1 dm 3).

The solutions were placed one at a time in the apparatus shown below.

The student measured the volume of hydrogen gas produced in ten minutes.

The results are shown on the graph below.

(a) Sodium chloride does not conduct electricity when it is solid.

Explain, in terms of ions, why sodium chloride solution conducts electricity.



(b) Chlorine is produced at the positive electrode.

Why are chloride ions attracted to the positive electrode?


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(c) The solution left at the end of each experiment contains sodium hydroxide.

Draw a ring around one number which could be the pH of this solution.

2 5 7 13


(d) The results for the experiment above are shown on the graph.

(i) Draw a line of best fit on the graph.


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(ii) The result for one concentration is anomalous.
Which result is anomalous?

The result at concentration ........................ grams per dm3


(iii) Suggest two possible causes of this anomalous result.

1 ............................................................................................................


2 ............................................................................................................


(iv) Suggest how the student could check the reliability of the results.



(iv) How did an increase in the concentration of the sodium chloride solution affect the
volume of hydrogen gas produced in ten minutes?


(Total 9 marks)

Humphrey Davy was a professor of chemistry.

In 1807 Humphrey Davy did an electrolysis experiment to produce potassium.

(a) (i) Humphrey Davy was the first person to produce potassium.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Humphrey Davy’s experiment to produce this new element was quickly accepted by

had a lot of money.

other scientists because he had a lot of staff to help.

was well qualified.


Page 30 of 80
(ii) Other scientists were able to repeat Davy’s experiment.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

Being able to repeat Davy’s experiment is important because

check the results of the experiment.

other scientists can see if the experiment is safe.

take the credit for the discovery.


(b) A student tried to electrolyse potassium chloride.

Potassium chloride contains potassium ions (K+) and chloride ions (Cl−).

(i) The student found that solid potassium chloride does not conduct electricity.

Use the correct answer from the box to complete the sentence.

are too big cannot move have no charge

Solid potassium chloride does not conduct electricity because

the ions ............................................................................... .


(ii) What could the student do to the potassium chloride to make it conduct electricity?


(iii) During electrolysis why do potassium ions move to the negative electrode?


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(iv) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.

When the potassium ions reach the negative electrode


they turn into potassium electrodes.


(Total 6 marks)

Electroplating is used to coat a cheap metal with a thin layer of an expensive metal.
In the diagram a teaspoon made of nickel is being coated with silver.

Silver nitrate (AgNO3) contains silver ions (Ag+) and nitrate ions (NO3−).

(a) Solid silver nitrate, AgNO3(s), does not conduct electricity.

Choose the correct answer in the box to complete the sentence.

are too big cannot move are too small

Solid silver nitrate does not conduct electricity because the ions ................


Page 32 of 80
(b) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

no charge.

(i) Silver ions move to the negative electrode because they have a negative charge.

a positive charge.


(ii) When silver ions reach the negative electrode they turn into silver compounds.


(Total 3 marks)

This question is about potassium.

(a) Humphrey Davy was a professor of chemistry.

In 1807 Davy did an electrolysis experiment to produce potassium.

(i) Davy first tried to electrolyse a solid potassium salt to produce potassium.

Explain why this electrolysis did not work.





(ii) Humphrey Davy was the first person to produce potassium.

Humphrey Davy’s experiment to produce this new element was quickly accepted by
other scientists.

Suggest why.



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(b) A student dissolved some potassium chloride in water. The student tried to electrolyse the
potassium chloride solution to produce potassium.

The apparatus the student used is shown in the diagram.

The student expected to see potassium metal at the negative electrode, but instead saw
bubbles of a gas.

• Name the gas produced at the negative electrode.

• Explain why this gas was produced at the negative electrode and why potassium was
not produced.

The reactivity series of metals on the Chemistry Data Sheet may help you to answer this







(c) The student tried to electrolyse molten potassium chloride to produce potassium.

(i) Potassium metal was produced at the negative electrode.

Describe how potassium atoms are formed from potassium ions.





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(ii) Complete and balance the equation for the reaction at the positive electrode.

...........Cl− Cl2 + ...................


(iii) Complete the diagram to show the electronic structure of a chloride ion (Cl−).

(Total 10 marks)

This question is about zinc.

Figure 1 shows the electrolysis of molten zinc chloride.

(a) Zinc chloride is an ionic substance.

Complete the sentence.

When zinc chloride is molten, it will conduct .................................................. .


(b) Zinc ions move towards the negative electrode where they gain electrons to produce zinc.

(i) Name the product formed at the positive electrode.


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(ii) Explain why zinc ions move towards the negative electrode.





(iii) What type of reaction occurs when the zinc ions gain electrons?

Tick (✔) one box.





(c) Zinc is mixed with copper to make an alloy.

(i) Figure 2 shows the particles in the alloy and in pure zinc.

Use Figure 2 to explain why the alloy is harder than pure zinc.





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(ii) Alloys can be bent. Some alloys return to their original shape when heated.

What name is used for these alloys?

(Total 8 marks)

The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is an industrial process.

The diagram shows the apparatus used in a school experiment.

(a) One of the products of the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is hydrogen.

(i) Why do hydrogen ions move to the negative electrode?



(ii) How does a hydrogen ion change into a hydrogen atom?



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(b) Hydrogen is used to make ammonia (NH3).

Complete the diagram to show the bonding in ammonia.

Use dots (●) and crosses (x) to show electrons.

Show only outer shell electrons.


(c) The table shows the ions in sodium chloride solution.

Positive ions Negative ions

hydrogen chloride

sodium hydroxide

In industry, some of the waste from the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is alkaline
and has to be neutralised.

(i) Which ion makes the waste alkaline?


(ii) This waste must be neutralised.

Write the ionic equation for the neutralisation reaction.


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(d) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly
and using specialist terms where appropriate.

The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution also produces chlorine and sodium hydroxide.

In industry, the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution can be done in several types of
electrolysis cell.

Some information about two different types of electrolysis cell is given below.

Mercury cell Membrane cell

Cost of construction Expensive Relatively cheap

Mercury, which is recycled. Membrane, which is made

Mercury is toxic so any of a polymer. The
Additional substances used
traces of mercury must be membrane must be
removed from the waste replaced every 3 years.

Amount of electricity used

for each tonne of chlorine 3400 2950
produced in kWh

Needs to be liquefied and

Quality of chlorine produced Pure
distilled to make it pure.

50% concentration. Steam is 30% concentration. Steam

Quality of sodium hydroxide used to concentrate the is used to concentrate the
solution produced sodium hydroxide solution sodium hydroxide solution
produced. produced.

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Use the information and your knowledge and understanding to compare the environmental
and economic advantages and disadvantages of these two types of electrolysis cell.















(Total 12 marks)

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This question is about zinc and magnesium.
Zinc is produced by electrolysis of molten zinc chloride, as shown in the figure below.

(a) (i) Why must the zinc chloride be molten for electrolysis?



(ii) Describe what happens at the negative electrode.







(iii) Complete the half equation for the reaction at the positive electrode.

............... Cl2 + ............... e–


(b) Magnesium can be produced from magnesium oxide.

The equation for the reaction is:

Si(s) + 2 MgO(s) SiO2(s) + 2 Mg(g)

(i) How can you tell from the equation that the reaction is done at a high temperature?



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(ii) This reaction to produce magnesium from magnesium oxide is endothermic.

What is meant by an endothermic reaction?



(iii) A company made magnesium using this reaction.

Calculate the mass of magnesium oxide needed to produce 1.2 tonnes of


Relative atomic masses (Ar): O = 16; Mg = 24





Mass of magnesium oxide needed = ........................................ tonnes


(iv) The company calculated that they would produce 1.2 tonnes of magnesium, but only
0.9 tonnes was produced.

Calculate the percentage yield.



Percentage yield = .................... %


(v) Give one reason why the calculated yield of magnesium might not be obtained.


(Total 12 marks)

Page 42 of 80
Mark schemes
(a) electrolytes
1 1

(b) oxidation

electrons lost

(c) 2H+ + 2e– → H2

minus sign on e– not needed

(d) concentration increases


OH– discharged from water / water decomposes


H+ concentration increases / H2 and O2 evolved


(a) 2Cl– – 2e– → Cl2 (allow unaltered LHS to produce ½ Cl2)

Na+ + e– → Na (allow × 2 for all terms)

(credit candidates who point out that hydrogen / H2 is in fact produced)

for 1 mark each

Page 43 of 80
(b) for product 1*, idea of a solid / precipitate or silver bromide
gains 1 mark

but solid / a precipitate of silver bromide

gains 2 marks

for product 2*, idea of aqueous / a solution / dissolved (in water) / or sodium nitrate
gains 1 mark
(do not allow liquid)

but aqueous / a solution / dissolved (in water) of sodium nitrate

(*do not credit formulae)

gains 2 marks

(a) any one from:

• they are negative / anions
allow Cl–
ignore atoms / chlorine
do not accept chloride ions are negative electrodes

• they are attracted

• they are oppositely charged


(b) hydrogen is less reactive than sodium


(c) hydroxide (ions) / OH–

ignore OH
do not accept NaOH / sodium hydroxide

(d) (i)

allow any combination of dots or crosses

ignore chemical symbols

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(ii) covalent
allow close spelling errors
apply list principle

(iii) hydrogen (ion) / H+

ignore (aq) / H
do not accept hydrochloric acid / HCl
apply list principle

(a) hydrogen
for 1 mark

(b) chloride ions are negative;

negative ions move to positive electrode
each for 1 mark

(c) any one use of chlorine e.g.

making plastics
any one for 1 mark

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(i) hydrogen, hydroxide and sulphate
all three and no others
any order
do not credit any formula(e)

(ii) the anode is positive


(so) only the negative ions are attracted to it

or (so) only the hydroxide ions and the sulphate ions are attracted
(to it)
or (so) only the anions are attracted (to it)

(iii) 2H2O + O2 + 4e–


(a) sodium hydroxide / caustic soda / NAOH

for 1 mark

(b) negative ions move to the positive electrode etc.

/because it is negative
/opposite charges attract
for 1 mark

(c) loss of electrons

for 1 mark

(a) Gas A = Chlorine / Cl2 not Cl and Gas B = Hydrogen / H2 not H

for 1 mark

Solution C = sodium hydroxide/NaOH/spent brine

for 1 mark

Page 46 of 80
(b) (i) 2, 2
for 1 mark

(ii) 2, 2
for 1 mark

(c) water/H2O/hydrogen oxide not hydrogen hydroxide

for 1 mark

(d) ions/positive ions/negative ions/cations/anions

not charged particles/positive particles/negative particles
not H+ / Cl-/Na+ / OH-
Allow hydrogen ions etc.
not sulphate ions
for 1 mark

(a) (i) hydrogen/H2

for 1 mark

(ii) i.e. 2Cl ¯ -2e– →Cl2

for 1 mark

(iii) hydroxide or OH–

for 1 mark

(iv) sodium hydroxide/caustic soda/NaOH/bleach/

chemical name of bleach
for 1 mark

(b) (i) Na2CO3 or (Na+)2 CO32–

for 1 mark

(ii) coal
limestone/CaCO3/calcium carbonate
any one for 1 mark

Page 47 of 80
(iii) calcium chloride/CaCl2/sodium hydrogen
for 1 mark

(iv) decomposition/heating of limesstone

decomposition/heating of coal
decomposition/heating of sodium
hydrogen carbonate
any 1 for 1 mark

described change e.g. NaHCO3 → Na2 CO3

(Use judgement)
breakdown (owtte.)
by heat
for 1 mark each

(v) carbon dioxide/CO2 or ammonia/NH3

for 1 mark

(c) (i) zinc carbonate/ZnCO3/zinc

for 1 mark

(ii) It is insoluble
zinc carbonate is insoluble in water
for 1 mark

(a) substance brokendown / separates / splits into elements

by electric current / electricity

ions free to move e.g. when molten / in solution

allow 1 mark for “a substance that conducts electricity”
max 2

(b) (i) copper / Cu


(ii) oxygen /O2

allow CO2

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(c) tube over electrode

full of CuSO4(aq) / water

allow sulphuric acid / sensible electrolyte
not any other liquid / using a syringe

(d) Cu2+ ions removed / less Cu2+

not copper sulphate removed
allow 1 mark for “copper removed / less copper”

(a) breakdown / decomposition / splits into elements /

not ions

separates into elements / produce a chemical reaction


using electricity

(b) lead bromide melted / free ions

not electrolyte

(c) (+) bromine

element must be appropriate to electrode

(–) lead
element must be appropriate to electrode

(d) fume cupboard / protective clothing

allow safety glasses
not safety mat

(i) electrolysis
11 1

(ii) oxidation

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(iii) hydroxide ions or OH–
accept sodium hydroxide or hydroxide or OH for one mark only

(iv) H+ + e –

ignore any state symbols

2H+ + 2e– → H2
accept H+ + e-→ H for one mark only

(a) hydrogen
accept H2
do not accept H

(b) litmus paper / Universal Indicator paper / pH paper

allow any suitable named indicator

bleached / turns white or loses its colour

do not accept bleached cloth / leaves etc.
allow second mark unless incorrect indicator given
allow starch iodide paper (1)
goes black / blue black (1)
allow potassium iodide solution (1) goes brown / orange / black
precipitate (1)

(c) because they have a negative charge or opposite charges attract

accept (because) it is Cl–
accept chlorine, Cl or chlorine ions has a negative charge
do not accept Cl– on its own
do not accept Cl2 o.e. has negative charge

(d) kill bacteria / germs, etc. or sterilise / disinfect

accept destroys bacteria etc.
ignore clean / purify water (owtte)
do not accept just gets rid of bacteria

Page 50 of 80
(e) hydroxide (ion)
accept OH–

(a) (i) bulb lights up

13 1

bubbles / fizz / gas or chlorine given off


(ii) in solid, ions


are not free to move / (charged) particles cannot move or converse

atoms / electrons cannot move worth 0 marks

(b) (i) breakdown / decomposition / splitting up

not separation

by using electricity

(ii) gas A = chlorine / oxygen


deposit B = copper

(c) any one from:

• manufacturer of chlorine / sodium hydroxide / hydrogen / sodium

• electroplating of steel / reference to plating

not galvanising

• extraction of aluminium / metal reactivity series specified

• purification of copper
not making copper

Page 51 of 80
(a) (propanone) has a low(er) boiling point
or water has a high(er) boiling point or water evaporates slow(er)

or (propanone) evaporates fast(er) owtte

allow propane / solution / it
allow evaporates at lower temperature or boils quicker
ignore density / reactivity / melting point

(b) (i) 0.29

ignore + or –
ignore units

(ii) any two sensible suggestions eg:

• weighing error
accept human error or inaccurate measurements

• (copper) lost during washing owtte

allow different washing of electrodes

• (copper) lost during electrolysis / reaction owtte

• electrodes not completely dry

• impurities in the electrode

• copper falling off when removing electrode / copper from cell

ignore timing errors
ignore ‘fair test’
ignore sludge
ignore gases produced

Page 52 of 80
(c) any four from:

• impure copper is anode / positive (electrode)

• pure copper is cathode / negative (electrode)

• copper sulfate solution or any soluble copper salt in solution

• copper loses electrons or copper is oxidised(*)

• copper forms positive ions / particles(*)

(*)as alternative to these two points Cu → Cu2+ + 2e– = 2 marks

• copper gains electrons or copper reduced at negative electrode

or Cu2+ + 2e–→Cu at negative electrode

• copper attracts to / collects at negative electrode

• sludge / impurities collect at the bottom owtte

allow sludge left behind or sludge left in solution or impurities
separated from copper

• impurities not attracted to electrode

ignore get rid of impurities

(a) electric current / electricity

15 1

plus one from:

• is passed through ionic compound / substance / electrolyte

• passed through molten/aqueous compound / substance

must be linked to electricity
allow liquid compound / substance
do not allow solution / liquid alone

• causing decomposition
accept split up / breakdown / breaking up owtte
ignore separated
accept elements are formed
ignore new substances form

Page 53 of 80
(b) hydrogen
accept H2
do not accept H / H2

(c) one electron from each atom

accept each carbon is bonded to three other carbon atoms leaving
one (unbonded) electron owtte

is delocalised / free (to move)

must be linked to electrons
answers of delocalised / free electrons only, gains 1 mark
accept each carbon is bonded to three other carbon atoms leaving
delocalised / free electrons = 2 marks
maximum 1 mark if graphite described as a metal / giant ionic

(a) (i) ionic

16 1

(ii) elements

(b) (i) chlorine (gas)

allow Cl2 / Cl / Cl2
allow chloride

(ii) hydrogen (gas)

allow H / H2 / H2

(iii) sodium hydroxide (solution)

allow NaOH
allow sodium solution

Page 54 of 80

accept dots / crosses / e

must be drawn on diagram
electrons do not need to be paired
ignore brackets or + or -charges
ignore 2,8,7

(b) (one) electron

recognition that electrons are involved

lost / given away / transferred from sodium / transferred to chlorine owtte

must be linked to electrons
accept loses electron(s) for 2 marks
NB loses 2 or more electrons gains 1 mark
reference to sharing / covalent max 1 mark
ignore charges on ions formed

(c) (i) any one from:

• ions / atoms / they are / it is negatively charged / anions

accept they are negative

• opposite (charges) attract

accept they are attracted or it is oppositely charged
ignore opposite forces attract

(ii) hydrogen
accept H2
ignore H or H+

(d) (i) poisons released into environment (owtte)

accept any sensible idea of harm / harmful / poisons / poisonous /
pollution / damaging
do not accept answers such as global warming / ozone layer etc.
ignore safety unless qualified

Page 55 of 80
(ii) any one sensible idea eg

• loss of work / unemployment

eg shops / house prices etc.

company goes out of business

• any adverse effect on local economy (owtte)

• any adverse effect on paper production / cost of paper / cost of water

allow less expensive to use chlorine or converse

• chlorine (compounds) have been used (for many years) without

causing harm owtte

• only a tiny amount of chlorine is released so it would not cause harm

ignore uses of chlorine to treat drinking water unless qualified

(iii) ideas related to bias

accept more reliable or valid or fair
ignore more accurate / fair test

(a) cannot move

(b) water

(c) (i) a positive charge


(ii) atoms

(a) (i) electron(s)

allow free / delocalised / negative electrons
do not accept additional particles

Page 56 of 80
(ii) ion(s)
allow named ions from table
ignore positive or negative
do not accept additional particles

(b) (i) copper

accept Cu
do not accept Cu2+

(ii) it is / they are positive (ions)

accept formula of positive ion

and it is the least reactive


(c) (i) loss of electron(s)

ignore numbers

(ii) 2H+ + 2e– → H2

accept correct multiples / fractions
accept e / e–
allow 2H+ → H2 – 2e–

(a) the ions can move / travel / flow /are free

accept particles / they for ions
allow delocalised ions

ignore delocalised / free electrons
ignore references to collisions
accept converse with reference to solid

the ions carry the charge / current

ignore ions carry electricity

Page 57 of 80
(b) any one from:

• because they are negative / anion

allow Cl–
ignore chlorine

• opposite charges / attract


(c) 13

(d) (i) reasonable attempt at straight line which misses the anomalous point
must touch all five crosses
do not allow multiple lines

(ii) 40
ignore 2.2

(iii) any two sensible errors from:

ignore systematic / human / apparatus / zero /experimental /
random / measurement / reading errors unless qualified

• gas escapes

• weighing error
allow NaCl not measured correctly

• error in measuring (volume / amount) of hydrogen

• error in measuring (volume / amount) of water

allow error in measuring volume / scale for 1 mark if neither
hydrogen or water mentioned

• incorrect concentration
allow NaCl not fully dissolved or spilled or impure

• timing error

• change in voltage / current

allow faulty power supply

• change in temperature

• recording / plotting error


Page 58 of 80
(iv) any one from:
ignore ‘do more tests’

• repeat the experiment

• results compared with results from /other students / other groups / other
laboratories / internet / literature.

• results compared with another method


(v) increases owtte

allow directly proportional or positive correlation
allow rate / it is faster / quicker

(a) (i) was well qualified

21 1

(ii) check the results of the experiment


(b) (i) cannot move


(ii) melt it / make it a liquid

allow heat it
allow dissolve (in water) / make a solution

(iii) they are positive

allow opposites attract or opposite charges

(iv) atoms

(a) cannot move

22 1

(b) (i) a positive charge


(ii) atoms

(a) (i) current / charge couldn’t flow

allow could not conduct (electricity)

Page 59 of 80
because the ions / particles couldn’t move
do not accept electrons/ molecules / atoms


(salt) needs to be molten / (1) dissolved (to conduct electricity)

so that the ions / particles can move (1)

do not accept electrons / molecules / atoms

(ii) he had status

accept he had authority or experience


he had evidence / proof

accept the experiment could be repeated

(b) hydrogen / H2
do not allow hydrogen ions

the ions are positive

accept because opposite (charges) attract

potassium is more reactive (than hydrogen)

accept potassium ions are less easily discharged (than hydrogen)
or potassium ions are less easily reduced (than hydrogen)

(c) (i) gain electron(s)

accept fully balanced correct equation for 2 marks

one electron
if no other marks awarded allow (potassium ions) reduced for
1 mark

(ii) 2 Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–

must be completely correct, including charge on electron
accept correct multiples

Page 60 of 80
(iii) 2, 8, 8
accept any combination of dots, crosses, “e” or any other relevant
ignore any charges if given

(a) electricity
allow an electric current

(b) (i) chlorine/Cl2

do not accept chloride

(ii) (zinc ions are) positive

ignore to gain electrons

and (opposite charges) attract


(iii) reduction

(c) (i) in alloy:

accept converse

different sized atoms/particles


no layers/rows
accept layers distorted

so cannot slide

(ii) shape memory (alloys)

accept smart

(a) (i) because they are positively charged

accept they are positive / H+
accept oppositely charged or opposites attract

ignore they are attracted


Page 61 of 80
(ii) gains one / an electron
accept H+ + e– → H or multiples
allow gains electrons

(b) 3 bonding pairs


1 lone pair
accept 2 non-bonding electrons on outer shell of nitrogen

(c) (i) hydroxide / OH–

do not accept sodium hydroxide

(ii) H+ + OH– → H2O

ignore state symbols
ignore word equation

(d) Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of
Written Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response.
Examiners should also refer to the information in the Reference material.

0 marks
No relevant content.

Level 1 (1-2 marks)

There are basic descriptions of advantages or disadvantages of the electrolysis cells.

Level 2 (3-4 marks)

There are clear descriptions of environmental or economic advantages or
disadvantages of the electrolysis cells. Comparisons may be implied.

Level 3 (5-6 marks)

There are detailed descriptions of environmental and economic advantages and
disadvantages, comparing the electrolysis cells.

Page 62 of 80
Examples of chemistry points made in the response:

Accept converse where appropriate.

• mercury cell is more expensive to construct

• mercury is recycled but membranes must be replaced

• mercury is toxic but membrane / polymer is not

• removing traces of mercury from waste is expensive

• mercury cell uses more electricity

• mercury cell produces chlorine that is purer

• mercury cell produces higher concentration / better quality of sodium hydroxide


Page 63 of 80
(a) (i) so ions can move (and carry charge)
accept so current can flow
allow so it can conduct (electricity)
allow so charged particles can move
do not accept so electrons can move

(ii) because zinc ions gain electrons

accept because zinc ions are reduced

2 (electrons)

zinc is formed
accept correct half equation for 3 marks
if no mark gained allow
positive ions go to negative electrode or
opposites attract or
reduction (of zinc) or
(zinc) gains electrons for 1 mark

(iii) 2 Cl– Cl2 + 2 e–

must be completely correct

(b) (i) because the magnesium is a gas

allow magnesium goes from solid to gas

(ii) (a reaction which) takes in energy (from the surroundings)

accept more energy needed to break bonds than released by
forming bonds
accept correct reference to energy level diagram
allow (a reaction which) takes in heat (from the surroundings)

(iii) (Mr MgO =) 40

accept (2 Mr MgO =) 80

1.2 / 24 (x40) or 0.05 (x40)


40 / 24 (x1.2) or 1.67 (x1.2)

allow ecf from step 1


Page 64 of 80
allow ecf carried through from step 1
correct answer with or without working gains 3 marks

(iv) 75(%)

(v) any one from:

• the reaction is reversible
accept incomplete reaction
ignore equilibrium not reached
• some lost / escaped / released (when separated)
• some of the reactant may react in different ways from the expected
• impure reactant(s)
ignore measurement and calculation errors

Page 65 of 80
Examiner reports
This question discriminated well between the more able candidates. Part (a) was largely
1 answered correctly, although for many candidates this was the only mark gained in this question.
The loss of electrons in part (b) was not noticed by many candidates, so subsequently this
reaction was not linked to oxidation. A lot of candidates knew the answer to part (c) but failed to
link the reaction to hydrogen ions. Part (d) was mostly answered incorrectly with only the more
able candidates realising that, overall, water was being lost. The majority of candidates
recognised water as a product in part (b) and, if they got that far, loss of hydrogen ions in part (c),
and therefore assumed that the acid was being diluted.

(a) The idea of opposites attracting was well understood and most students appreciated
3 that the chloride ion must be negatively charged.

(b) A significant proportion of students gave 2 responses instead of the required 1, including
one of the statements about hydrogen that was factually correct, but not the reason why
hydrogen rather than sodium was produced at the electrode.

(c) Only a small minority of students knew that the hydroxide ion is the cause of alkalinity, with
many giving sodium (Na+) or hydrogen (H+), which had been identified earlier in the

(d) (i) The concept of a shared pair of electrons, one from each atom, in the overlap was
well understood. The most common error was to place the hydrogen electron in the
same position as shown in the diagram of the hydrogen atom rather than in the

(ii) Was well known with ionic being the most likely incorrect response.

(iii) That hydrogen was the ion that caused the solution to be pH1 was better known than
the hydroxide ion, though a surprising number of students gave hydrogen as the
response for both this and the alkalinity question.

Sodium was surprisingly given as the gas from the negative electrode. Most candidates
4 realised that chlorine was negative and attracted to the anode but did not realise it was an ion.
While many candidates said chlorine was used in swimming pools they did not qualify the answer
by mentioning its effect – killing microbes.

Page 66 of 80
In part (i), very few candidates could recognise and write down the names of all three ions
5 mentioned in the passage

Part (ii) was well answered.

A minority of students successfully completed the equation in (iii), but most made an

(a)/(b) These were often well answered.

(c)/(d) Fewer candidates were able to answer these. In part (d)many gave the answer “electrons”
rather than ions.

This proved a very difficult question for many of the candidates. The whole of part (a)
8 caused problems but parts (iii) and (iv) were rarely answered correctly.

As in question 9 (c) many of the candidates were unable to work out the formula of a
compound in part (b) (i), NaCO3 was a common answer. Parts (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv) were often well
answered although some candidates failed to explain what is meant by decomposition in (iv).

Few candidates showed any understanding of the precipitation reaction in part (c).

Paper 3 Foundation Tier

This question caused problems for weaker candidates because they could not express
themselves clearly enough to adequately answer some sections. The definition of ‘electrolyte’
rarely produced a sensible statement beyond a reference to conduction of electricity. In (b), the
identity of the gas was often correctly given but ‘hydrogen’ was also suggested. The need to
place a test-tube full of liquid over the electrode was only occasionally recognised and the reason
for the loss of colour of the solution was rarely attributed to discharge of copper ions (although
loss of copper was sometimes suggested).

Page 67 of 80
Paper 5 Higher Tier

Part (a) was generally well answered. Many candidates repeated the ‘electrolysis’ stem of
the question instead of mentioning electricity. Lots of vague ‘separated’ answers including ... into
the ions’. A number talked about free electrons carrying the current. Part (b)(i) was very well
answered and seldom wrong. Part (b)(ii) was often wrong – hydrogen and sulphur dioxide were
predictably by far the most frequent errors. A surprising number put carbon dioxide which is
correct with graphite electrodes. In part (c) there were many correct answers, though relatively
few filled the tube with electrolyte for the second mark. It was sometimes implied by talking about
displacement of the electrolyte. Common errors involved funnels and gas syringes, but many
more elaborate contraptions were seen involving pneumatic troughs, beehive shelves, gas jars
and much more! In (d) many put removal of copper sulphate and got nothing, but many others
knew that the colour was due to copper in the solution. Only the best candidates mentioned
copper ions.

Electrolysis was poorly defined and vague statements such as ‘separates the substances’
10 were common; electricity was often not mentioned! In (b). the idea of freeing of ions so that a
current can be carried was rarely seen. Answers to (c) and (d) were usually satisfactory although
the safety precautions suggested by some were general rather than specific to the experiment in
the question.

Double and Single Award

The process of electrolysis was known to most candidates. The loss of electrons from the
chloride ion was understood as oxidation by most. of the more able candidates. In (iii) there was
a lack of understanding about the OH– ion being responsible for causing the solution to be
alkaline. Some referred to the alkalinity being due to the sodium hydroxide, without any specific
reference to the hydroxide ion as being the cause. The balanced ionic equation for the formation
of hydrogen gas was rarely given correctly.

Page 68 of 80
Foundation Tier
(a) Many candidates were unable to identify the gas as hydrogen. Common incorrect
responses were sodium, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

(b) Few candidates knew this test but a surprisingly large number gave limewater or a burning

(c) This part was often well answered with candidates realising that the chloride ions must
have a negative charge.

(d) Answers such as ‘to clean the water’ were not sufficient to gain this mark. The idea that
chlorine kills bacteria / microbes was required. Some candidates thought that chlorine
neutralises the water or improves the taste of the water.

(e) Very few candidates knew that hydroxide ions make a solution alkaline. Many candidates
stated sodium, hydrogen or sodium hydroxide.

Higher Tier

This was generally a well answered question.

(a) Hydrogen was known by the more able candidates. Carbon dioxide, oxygen and sodium
were common incorrect responses.

(b) Most candidates correctly described the test for chlorine. Some did not name the indicator
to be used, while others did not know the result of the test. Some candidates used a lighted
splint or suggested a flame test, while a fair number tested for chloride ions.

(c) This part was very well answered. The majority of candidates correctly linked the negative
charge on the chloride ion with its attraction to the positive electrode.

(d) Almost all candidates knew that chlorine was used to kill bacteria to make drinking water
safe. Incorrect responses centred around the removal of hardness or the prevention of
tooth decay.

(e) Only the more able candidates seemed to know the OH œ ions caused the solution to be
alkaline. Incorrect responses included Na+, Na, NaCl, NaOH and CO32–

Page 69 of 80
Paper 3 Foundation Tier
Parts of this question proved to be difficult for many candidates, often because they did not
carefully consider what the examiner was asking of them. In part (a)(i), observations were
required but candidates simply named the products and did not state what would be seen. Few
correct answers were written for (a)(ii) since there was very rarely any reference to ‘ions’ and the
need for them to be able to move through the electrolyte. In part (b), the definition of ‘electrolysis’
was flawed because it was not made clear that there was a chemical reaction occurring at the
electrodes leading to the ‘breakdown’ of the electrolyte; ‘separation of the copper chloride by
electricity’ was a common type of answer scoring only one mark. Part (b)(ii) was often correct,
The answers to part (c) were disappointing - often because of a lack of clarity.

Paper 5 Higher Tier

Parts of this question proved to be difficult for many candidates, often because they did not
carefully consider what the examiner was asking of them. In part (a)(i), observations were
required but candidates simply named the products and did not state what would be seen. Part
(a)(ii) discriminated well. Vague answers referring to electrons, atoms, particles and molecules
were common. In part (b), the definition of electrolysis’ was flawed because it was not made clear
that there was a chemical reaction occurring at the electrodes leading to a ‘breakdown’ of the
electrolyte; ‘separation of the copper chloride by electricity’ was a common type of answer
scoring only one mark. Part (b)(ii) was often correct. The answers to part (c) were disappointing -
often because of a lack of clarity.

Foundation Tier
These were standard demand questions which aimed to differentiate between grades C
and D. Perhaps not surprisingly, a significant number of candidates, between 10% and 20%, did
not attempt some parts of these questions. All parts were, however, successfully completed by
many candidates and the questions differentiated successfully between the higher grades on this

Part (a) saw a large number of the candidates able to make the link between the low
boiling point of propanone and the fact that it would evaporate faster. A simple statement such
as, it has a low boiling point, was all that was required.

Part (b)(i) was correctly calculated by many candidates. A few candidates gave the answer
29 rather than 0.29 g.

Part (b)(ii) was not well answered. Many candidates simply restated information given in
the question that the mass lost and gained was not the same. Some were distracted by the lamp
suggesting ideas such as more electricity going to one electrode than the other. Timing errors or
differences in the size or mass of the electrodes were not accepted. Similarly we did not accept
answers such as, there was not enough power, it was not a fair test or the experiment was only
done once.

Page 70 of 80
A wide range of answers was accepted such as:

• weighing errors

• electrodes not being completely dry

• impurities in the electrodes

• mass lost in the washing process

• bits of copper falling off the electrodes

Answers to part (c) were disappointing given that this is one of only two electrolyses that
are specifically given in the specification. The mark scheme was broad and allowed candidates
to gain marks in a number of different ways. For example a simple answer such as, the impure
copper is the positive electrode and a piece of pure copper is the negative electrode. The
electrodes are dipped in copper sulfate solution. Pure copper collects on the negative electrode,
was sufficient to gain four marks.

A number of misconceptions were seen. For example, some candidates thought that the
impure copper would be melted and then two electrodes would be dipped into the molten
mixture. Other candidates thought that pure copper atoms would be positive and impure copper
atoms would be negative. Some candidates talked about positive and negative electrons where
they perhaps meant electrodes.

Higher Tier

For part (a) most of the candidates were able to make the link between the low boiling
point of propanone and the fact that it would evaporate faster. A simple statement such as, it has
a low boiling point, was all that was required.

Part (b)(i) was correctly calculated by the vast majority of the candidates. A few candidates
gave the answer 29 rather than 0.29 g.

Part (b)(ii) was less well answered. Many candidates simply restated information given in
the question that the mass lost and gained was not the same. Some were distracted by the lamp
suggesting ideas such as more electricity going to one electrode than the other. Timing errors or
differences in the size or mass of the electrodes were not accepted. Similarly we did not accept
answers such as, there was not enough power, it was not a fair test or the experiment was only
done once.

Page 71 of 80
A wide range of answers was accepted such as:

• Weighing errors

• Electrodes not being completely dry

• Impurities in the electrodes

• Mass lost in the washing process

• Bits of copper falling off the electrodes

There were some excellent answers to part (c) but in general answers were disappointing
given that this is one of only two electrolyses that are specifically given in the specification. The
mark scheme was broad and allowed candidates to gain marks in a number of different ways.
For example a simple answer such as, the impure copper is the positive electrode and a piece of
pure copper is the negative electrode. The electrodes are dipped in copper sulfate solution. Pure
copper collects on the negative electrode, was sufficient to gain four marks.

Alternatively some of the more able candidates gave more sophisticated answers such as,
Copper atoms at the positive electrode lose electrons to form positive ions. The positive copper
ions attract to the negative electrode where they gain electrons to form copper atoms. This would
also gain four marks.

A number of misconceptions were seen. For example, some candidates thought that the
impure copper would be melted and then two electrodes would be dipped into the molten
mixture. Other candidates thought that pure copper atoms would be positive and impure copper
atoms would be negative. Some candidates talked about positive and negative electrons where
they perhaps meant electrodes.

Some candidates were obviously confused about the meaning of the terms anode and
cathode. These are not required in the specification and candidates might find it simpler to refer
to positive and negative electrodes.

Many candidates found difficulty in explaining the meaning of the term electrolysis in part
15 (a). These candidates knew that it was something to do with electricity but could not give any
further information. Other candidates did not mention electricity but simply talked about the
movement of ions.

The majority of candidates gave the correct response which was hydrogen in part (b). A
variety of incorrect responses were seen including oxygen, chlorine and sodium oxide. In part (c)
many of the candidates gained one mark for the idea of delocalised electrons. Fewer candidates
were able to give a more detailed answer which explained that each carbon atom has one free
electron. Some candidates thought that graphite must be a metal.

Page 72 of 80
About half the candidates correctly answered part (a)(i) and part (a)(ii). All of the responses
16 were seen.

All permutations were seen in part (b). Oxygen and sodium metal were frequently given.
The best known answer was substance A, chlorine. Substance C, sodium hydroxide solution,
was the least well known.

(a) It is pleasing to note that the majority of the candidates were able to correctly
complete the electronic structure of the chlorine atom. A number were penalised because it
was unclear whether they had crossed out erroneous electrons.

(b) A good number of the candidates were able to make a good attempt at this question, which
is a topic they have often found difficult in the past. Some excellent detailed answers were
seen which mentioned full outer shells of electrons and ideas such as ions are atoms
where the number of protons and electrons are unbalanced. Poor answers included ideas
such as transfer of atoms, ions or neutrons. Better answers mentioned electrons but many
candidates discussed sharing of electrons or the chlorine atom giving the sodium atom
electrons. Others candidates hedged their bets and discussed the sodium losing and
gaining electrons. Some thought that the sodium atom would gain a proton.

(c) (i) Generally well answered.

(ii) Hydrogen was less well known. Many candidates made guesses and gave answers
such as sodium chloride or a wide variety of chemical elements.

(d) (i) Nearly all candidates gained credit.

(ii) A number of the candidates missed the point and gave answers such as chlorine is
needed to treat drinking water.

(iii) A fair number of the candidates correctly used their knowledge of How Science
Works and gave answers linked to the independent scientists not being biased.
Answers to do with accuracy or fair test were ignored since they did not answer this

Page 73 of 80
(a) and (b) Parts (a) and (b) were both well answered. The most common incorrect
responses were ‘are too small’ in part (a) and ‘petrol’ in part (b).

(c) (i) The vast majority of the candidates chose the correct property, ‘a positive charge’.

(ii) The type of bonding was less well known in this part with a substantial number of
candidates choosing ‘compounds’ or ‘molecules’.

Page 74 of 80
Electrolysis is often a challenging topic, and this question was no exception. It was,
however, very discriminating, enabling stronger candidates to demonstrate their understanding of
this important area of chemistry. In question 5(a)(i) and 5(a)(ii) the majority of candidates were
able to name electrons as the current carriers in the metal wires, but only a minority could identify
ions as the current carriers in the solution.

(a) (i) the most common error was giving the name of the metal - ie copper, rather than the
name of the particle. A number of candidates gave more than one type of particle, eg
‘electrons and protons’. This was treated as a list by examiners, so the incorrect
inclusion of protons meant that no credit could be given for electrons.

(ii) Common errors included electrons, protons, neutrons, water. The wide variety of
incorrect particles given suggested that only the more able had an awareness of the
charge carriers in solution.

(b) (i) This question, along with the accompanying explanation in part (a)(ii), was
challenging even for A*candidates, as it required the ability to understand and apply
the concept of reactivity to electrolysis. The most common incorrect element given
was zinc, but a significant minority of candidates gave Cu2+ or copper(II) ion, rather
than the symbol or name of the element. The question asked for the element formed,
so copying copper(II) ions from the table gained no credit. Although metals were
most often given, non-metals also appeared frequently.

(ii) This question elicited some accurate and well expressed responses. It was marked
independently of part (b)(i). Most candidates gained one mark for indicating that the
element should form positively charged ions, thereby showing a clear understanding
of the concept of opposite charges attracting. However, only the most able
candidates gained credit for realising that the least reactive element was discharged.
Most incorrect answers related to zinc, stating it was discharged because it was the
most reactive. Others suggested that iron(III) was discharged as it has the highest
positive charge, so was most strongly attracted. The most common response was
‘zinc is the most reactive positive ion’, gaining one mark. A lot of confusion in
terminology was apparent, for example the use of ions for electrons, atoms for ions,
ion for electrode and vice versa. Examiners read about positive electrons and
answers referring to the highest charged ion or the most reactive element as the
‘strongest’ ion or element. Some candidates felt that high reactivity caused greatest
attraction to the cathode.

(c) (i) While electron loss is widely known as oxidation, many candidates were unable to
state in this context which particle was lost with atoms, ions and protons being
suggested. Many of the incorrect answers stated that oxidation was the gain of
electrons. Others expanded OIL (as in RIG), but failed to apply the learning aid to the
equation given in the question. Some answers focussed on the loss or gain of oxygen
rather than electrons. Others focussed on the change in the charge on the ions.

(ii) Although only a minority of candidates gained credit there were some valiant attempts
at this question. Some candidates introduced other elements, eg Na or Cu, or turned
the final H2 into H2O. Many others gave e+, or subtracted electrons on the left hand
side of the equation. A number of candidates didn’t recognise this as a half equation,
so didn’t include any electrons, for example simply adding H + or H - on the left hand

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side. Many candidates managed nearly correct answers, for example with just a sign
or charge wrong. This suggests that candidates may have tried to learn the half
equations without understanding them.

(a) This part was answered incorrectly by the vast majority of candidates. Many
discussed the conduction of the electricity by atoms or electrons without reference to ions.
The idea of oppositely charged particles attracting was also common. Only a small number
were able to identify the role of moving ions.

(b) Most answers either stated that chloride ions were negative or that opposite charges
attract. Poor answers involved reference to negative electrodes and positive charge.

(c) This part was surprisingly poorly answered. The most popular responses were pH 5 and pH

(d) (i) Many candidates correctly drew a straight line through 5 points missing out the
anomalous point. Some lines only went through some of the points while others
included the anomalous point and these lines were not given credit. Multiple lines and
curves were also penalised. There was also evidence of lines drawn in ink or
candidates with no eraser as a number of answers contained crossed out lines or
annotations pointing to the “wrong” line. In some of these it was very difficult for
examiners to distinguish which part of the line candidates intended to be their correct

(ii) The anomalous result was often correctly identified though 2.2 was a common error
and wild guesses were also evident.

(iii) This part discriminated very well between the candidates. Weaker answers were
vague and candidates often wrote at length but without the required detail to gain
credit. Common examples of vague answers were; ‘experiment was done wrong’,
‘there was a mistake or error’, ‘equipment was faulty’ and ‘incorrect measurement’.
There were frequent references to human, random and systematic errors, which
received no credit unless they were further qualified with a specific idea e.g. error in
weighing out sodium chloride or measuring the volume of the hydrogen.

(iv) This part was answered correctly by the vast majority of the candidates. The most
common correct responses were those with the idea of repeating the experiment or
comparing results with others. A few vague responses such as ‘do more tests’ or
‘average results’ received no credit.

(v) Most candidates realised that there would be an increase in the volume of hydrogen
or that it would be produced faster. A minority of candidates confused time and rate
and stated that it would take longer.

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(a) Many students were able to choose the correct responses.
(b) (i) Many students successfully identified that the ionic solid would not conduct electricity
because ions cannot move. However, the other two responses were often chosen
showing a lack of knowledge and understanding.

(ii) Generally poorly answered with few correct answers seen indicating that the solid
needed to be melted or dissolved to make a solution. Numerous answers simply
stated ‘give it a (positive) charge’ or ‘add more electrons’. Vague references to adding
a metal or reaction with another substance were common.

(iii) The idea of oppositely charged particles is well understood. Many students did not
gain the mark as they only state ‘they attract’. Poor responses discussed movement
of electrodes and the presence of positive electrons.

(iv) Guesses were evident with the incorrect answers molecules and electrodes
frequently chosen instead of atoms.

(a) Generally students were able to select the correct response to explain why solid
22 silver nitrate did not conduct electricity.

(b) (i) Most students knew that silver ions were attracted to the negative electrode because
they were positively charged.

(ii) Few students knew that silver ions formed atoms at the electrode with most choosing
either the distractors compounds or molecules.

(a) (i) Many students referred to “potassium” rather than a potassium salt. While over
23 half of the students realised either that the solid salt was unable to conduct electricity
or that the salt should be molten or in solution to conduct, fewer students indicated
the necessary movement of particles to gain the second marking point. A number of
students thought that electrons moved through the electrolyte. A small minority of
students answered in terms of the reactivity of potassium.

(ii) There was a wide variety of incorrect responses, often focusing on the reactivity of
potassium, or that it was a new and useful metal, or that this method could be used to
produce other elements. The answers of the minority of students who gained credit
often related to the ideas of Davy having status and Davy having proof or evidence. A
small number of students did not give any added value in their response, stating that
he was a professor.

(b) The most able students gave succinct and accurate responses, gaining full credit. Carbon
dioxide and chlorine were the commonly mentioned incorrect gases, and students giving
these gases had difficulty answering the rest of the question. Answers from weaker
students indicated a very poor understanding of basic electrolysis, and therefore no grasp
of the relevance of reactivity on the discharge of ions. Some students omitted to mention
that hydrogen ions are positive.

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(c) (i) Students are more familiar with describing how ions are formed from atoms, so this
question proved to be discriminating as it required more thought, and a minority of
students earned both marks. Some students explained why potassium ions are
attracted to the negative electrode rather than how they form potassium atoms. A
number of students thought that the potassium atom would have a full outer shell of

(ii) Although a minority, an encouraging number of students gained this mark. The half
equation had to be completely correct, including the correct charge on the electrons
to gain credit. Incorrect responses often included potassium atoms or ions.

(iii) Approximately half of students gained credit, giving a clearly drawn electronic
structure of a chloride ion. A chlorine atom structure (2,8,7) was the most commonly
seen incorrect response, while some students gave only 6 electrons on the outer
shell, suggesting that they thought that a chlorine atom would lose, rather than gain
an electron on ionisation.

(a) The majority of students realised that electricity was conducted. A common wrong
24 answer was heat.

(b) (i) Many students named chlorine as the product of electrolysis at the positive electrode.
Incorrect answers such as chloride, zinc and zinc chloride were common.

(ii) A large number of students showed a lack of understanding and discussed the
gaining of electrons which was not what the question asked. The question asked
students to explain why the zinc ions move, not what happens when they get to the
cathode. Numerous answers just repeated the word ‘move’ instead of attract.

(iii) A good discriminating question. Most students thought that when zinc ions gain
electrons that the type of reaction was a neutralisation which showed a lack of
knowledge and understanding.

(c) (i) Reference to the presence of different sized particles or disruption of the layers in
alloys and consequent inability for the sliding of the particles scored full credit. Vague
answers referred to a mixture of atoms and lack of movement of particles and scored
no credit.

(ii) A minority of students correctly named the alloys as shape memory or smart.
Thermosetting or thermosoftening were common incorrect responses.

(a) (i) Generally well answered with students stating that the hydrogen ions were
25 positively charged or that opposites attract. Vague answers referred to incomplete
shells of electrons and charged electrodes attracting. Incorrect reference to positive
electrons was a common error.

(ii) Credit was given for the idea of obtaining an electron or electrons.

(b) A good discriminating question. More able students scored both marks for showing clearly
3 bonding pairs of electrons and a lone pair anywhere on the outer shell of the nitrogen
atom outside the bonding pairs area. Some students omitted the lone pair while others
filled all the shells randomly with numerous electrons.

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(c) (i) A minority of students recognised that hydroxide ions made the waste alkaline.
Chloride and sodium were often given and sodium hydroxide was not accepted.

(ii) The ionic equation was beyond the capability of most students. Word equations and
blank spaces were common.

(d) Most students used all of the space provided to write their answer and there were few
blank pages. The majority used the table of cell differences given in the stem of the
question to formulate the presentation of their answer.

The word ‘cell’ was missed in many instances as well as the word ‘it’ being used for
chlorine. All too often there was no reference made to sodium hydroxide with only vague
references to concentration. Many students stated that the membrane cell had to be
replaced every 3 years but that the mercury cell could be recycled. Many students thought
that the cell had to be purified or that mercury produces a higher concentration, sometimes
of steam, without specifying that the purpose of each cell was to produce chlorine and
sodium hydroxide. Frequent statements from the table for each cell were given without a
comparable link though a comparison was often implied.

Some misconceptions were apparent when students were suggesting that the cells
produced electricity or that they were comparing running costs.

The most common additional information given that allowed them access to level 3
involved use of fossil fuels with subsequent increased carbon dioxide emissions and
references to global warming. Usually if cost was cited there was no further explanation to
justify where the money was spent. There were a number of correct comparisons of both
electricity consumption per tonne of chlorine and the different sodium hydroxide
concentrations produced. Some good answers referred to the toxic effects of mercury
leakage on wildlife and the environment.

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(a) (i) A minority of students gained credit. Many referred to the movement of
26 unspecified particles or electrons.

(ii) There were few completely correct explanations due to confusion between types of
particles. Many students referred to positively charged atoms or molecules. However,
it was well known that opposites attract.

(iii) Only a minority of students were able to complete the half equation correctly.
Examples of incorrect responses on the left hand side of the equation included Cl,
Cl2–, Cl2–, 2Cl.

(b) (i) Many students spotted that the reaction was reversible and suggested that this was
why it should be done at a high temperature. Only a minority recognised the
significance of the gaseous magnesium.

(ii) The term “endothermic” is well known.

(iii) A majority of students were able to calculate the Mr of MgO, but only a minority knew
how to continue the calculation. Many went on to calculate 1.2 / 40. Some students
worked out the Mr of MgO to be 56 (ie MgO2)

(iv) A high proportion of students gave the correct answer. A few students calculated 1.2 /
0.9, giving a yield of 133%.

(v) A majority of students gained credit, often recognising either the reversibility of the
reaction or the possible loss of gaseous magnesium.

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