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SUSTAINABILITY AT GOODYEAR.....................3 SUSTAINABLE SOURCING.............................27 ADVANCED MOBILITY....................................47

ABOUT GOODYEAR..........................................6 CONFLICT MINERALS COMFORT
BOLD GOALS GRI CONTENT INDEX......................................75
AWARDS DATA TABLE...................................................85

ESTABLISHED GOAL SUMMARY................... 113

About this Report

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (“Goodyear”) has a long-standing commitment to sustainability reporting, having published annual corporate responsibility reports since 1996.
Goodyear works to create value for our stakeholders by identifying opportunities and risks, developing strategies to address both and collaborating with our customers and suppliers to
understand their own goals and how we can work together to help achieve them.

This report covers activities and events that occurred during the 2022 calendar year, which aligns with Goodyear financial reporting and includes information for all global Goodyear
operations, including subsidiaries where the company has a controlling ownership. In June 2021, Goodyear finalized the acquisition of Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (Cooper). Data and
activities from legacy Cooper facilities are included in our Goodyear reporting numbers, unless otherwise noted.


A Message from Our Chairman,

Goodyear defines sustainability as responsibly balancing environmental, societal We continue to work with our customers and other stakeholders worldwide to
and financial demands without compromising the ability of future generations to advance our respective sustainability efforts and goals. This is truly a team effort
meet their needs. This definition helps guide our decisions, and over the past 12 as we all work toward building a better future.
months, our more than 70,000 associates around the world have exhibited
resiliency and determination, making notable strides toward our sustainability At Goodyear, we also look at those topics identified as industry megatrends by the
ambitions. Tire Industry Project leaders. These topics are circularity, climate, industry 4.0,
human rights, safety and well-being. We utilize these megatrends as we set goals,
At Goodyear, we are committed to ethical and sustainable practices to protect our develop strategies and align with possible collaborators.
planet and people; give back to the community; provide a safe, inclusive and
healthy workplace; and engage our associates in these efforts. Our Accomplishments
In late 2021, we announced our climate ambition, with a goal of achieving net-zero
Our Approach to Sustainability Scope 1 and 2 as well as certain Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Over
The Goodyear Strategy Roadmap outlines how we win, how we work and where we the past year, we developed our decarbonization roadmap and integrated our
focus as one Goodyear team. One of our focus areas is sustainability. near- and long-term climate ambitions into key business processes throughout the
organization. We will continue to evolve and update strategies that will enable us to
Sustainability is an integral part of our business strategy and how we work. We have reach our 2050 goal.
integrated sustainability throughout the organization, and it is through this
integration—in our business units and functions—that we are building momentum The progress we are making in renewable electricity will help us achieve our
and achieving sustainable business outcomes. We are creating value by identifying near-term climate ambition of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 46% by
opportunities and risks, developing strategies to address them and collaborating 2030. As of 2022, our operations in EMEA are now powered by 100% renewable
with our customers and other stakeholders to understand their goals and how we electricity, and we increased the utilization of renewable electricity through
can work together to help achieve them. The results of these efforts and the level procurement and on-site generation to 34% across our global footprint, up from 3%
of engagement among our associates worldwide has been both inspiring and in 2019.
We continually work to seek sustainable material options that deliver product
The integration of sustainability into Goodyear also demonstrates how we are performance while meeting our high standards of quality and safety. In 2022, our
maturing as an organization and on the path to having a truly sustainable business team developed a demonstration tire made of 90% sustainable materials* that was
model. In 2021, we adopted a sustainability maturity model to inform, guide and unveiled in January 2023. This demonstration tire is approved for road use and
advance our work. And, over the past year, we have made great strides. For includes 17 ingredients across 12 different tire components. The tire was tested and
example, in 2022, we developed our decarbonization roadmap that outlines our found to have improved rolling resistance when compared to a reference tire made
climate strategy, added functional resources within our regions and key areas of with traditional materials. This means it has the potential for fuel savings and a
the business, and continued our focus on social issues, including human rights. reduction in its lifetime carbon footprint. At the same time, we plan to sell an up to
70% sustainable-material tire in the United States in 2023. This puts us further
We use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to outline our along the path of introducing a 100% sustainable-material tire to the market by
ambitions and opportunities, as well as the problems we are looking to solve. We 2030.
also use them as a guide for our strategy, including how we identify risks to our
current business model and opportunities to innovate and solve problems affecting
society today. We detail how we support these goals in this report.


A Message from Our Chairman,

We also introduced and increased the size availability of the first electric vehicle Our work to reach our net-zero climate ambition is just beginning and will take time,
replacement tire in North America, the ElectricDrive™ GT, and introduced the first testing, investment and collaboration across our organization and value chain. This
transit and waste-haul tire, the Endurance™ WHA, with soybean oil, which replaced includes building detailed plans for each of our emissions hotspots, identifying the
petroleum oil in the tire tread compound, as we progress to our 2040 goal to fully right tools and technologies to help us implement these and understanding our
replace petroleum-derived oils in our products. Finally, we initiated a multi-year, value chain’s impacts.
multi-million-dollar program supported by the U.S. Department of Defense to
develop a domestic source of natural rubber from a specific species of dandelion. We understand that challenges will come up along our sustainability journey, but we
see these as opportunities for us to learn, grow and institute new ways of working.
In 2022, we established a cross-functional team of associates, representing Legal,
Procurement, Communications, Learning and Development and Global Looking Ahead
Sustainability to advance our human rights strategy. This team developed an
In 2022, we conducted a double materiality assessment to refresh our high-priority
education module, increased internal communication efforts on the topic,
environmental, social and governance topics. This will guide our work and focus in
implemented additional policies, updated our current policy and developed plans to
coming years, and we will report on these topics in our 2023 Corporate
enhance our supplier screening.
Responsibility Report.
Since our founding, we have taken actions to nurture a diverse, honest and safe
We will continue to stay on course, working toward the goals outlined in this report,
workplace that drives results for our customers, has a positive impact on our
and we will work with our customers and others. For example, we are continuing to
communities and enables our associates to realize their full potential. Over the past
partner with and learn from our supply base as we work toward our 2030 goal of a
year, our global teams have achieved incredible accomplishments in this space,
100% sustainable-material tire. We are also identifying new partners with whom we
including launching a global employer value proposition to attract the right talent,
can collaborate as we look toward our advanced mobility targets.
giving back to our communities through the annual Global Week of Volunteering,
celebrating a centennial of women’s organizations at Goodyear and reinforcing
I’m proud of our associates and the progress we are making toward our
ethical behavior through training programs. It’s evident through these milestones,
sustainability goals. We understand that the expectations of both our internal and
and many more, that our proactive approach to sustaining an Inspiring Culture
external stakeholders are high. Our commitment to sustainability and sharing a
achieves the greatest impact for our business and our teams around the world.
clear path forward is unwavering. We embrace the opportunities those
expectations present and are committed to keeping the world moving. The
Our Challenges and Opportunities foundation of Goodyear is our people. It is because of their dedication and hard
In our Corporate Responsibility Report, we not only reflect on our accomplishments, work that we are able to act responsibly today, anticipate
but we share the challenges that we have encountered over the past year, and the changes for tomorrow and build a better future for all.
strategies we are putting in place to overcome them and help us build a more
sustainable future.

Our serious incident (SI) rate is not where we want it to be. We remain committed to
take actions needed to further our goal of eliminating all serious injuries and
fatalities in our workplace. We will continue to learn and build maturity in SI
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
prevention, and teams throughout our global footprint are committed to reaching
our goal of zero. * A sustainable material is defined as a bio-based/renewable, recycled material or one that may be produced using or contributing
to other sustainable practices for resource conservation and/or emissions reductions including mass-balance materials.



by 2023 by 2025 by 2027 by 2030

Eliminate all serious injuries to Reduce rolling resistance by 40% Reinvent tires and service, delivering Win in responsible innovation
become known as having the safest and tire weight by 9% for our global data- and sensor-enabled intelligence by introducing the first 100%
operations in the world. consumer tire portfolio from a 2005 in all new products. sustainable-material and
baseline. maintenance-free tire.
2022 Result: Total Incident Rate of 2022 Result: Significantly enhanced
2.05; Serious Injury Rate of 0.06 2022 Result: 32.9% reduction connection to the road with 2022 Result: Developed a 90%
in rolling resistance and 9.4% demonstrated ability to estimate sustainable-material demonstration
Details on page 37 reduction in tire weight tire-road friction and treadwear tire, unveiled in January 2023

Details on page 49 Details on page 52 Details on page 29

by 2030 by 2040 by 2040 by 2050

Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by Achieve our goal of fully replacing Transform our manufacturing Reach net-zero value chain
46% and certain Scope 3 emissions petroleum-derived oils in our operations and processes to all greenhouse gas emissions,
by 28% over the same time frame, products. renewable energy to significantly aligned with SBTi and its Net-Zero
aligned with the Science Based reduce our carbon footprint. Standard.
2022 Result: When considering our
Targets initiative (SBTi) and its Net-
total sustainable oil usage in place 2022 Result: 34% renewable 2022 Result: Goodyear will report
Zero Standard.
of petroleum oils, our 2022 increase electricity across all facilities our 2022 results in our 2023 CDP
2022 Result: Goodyear will report was 28%. report released later this year. For
our 2022 results in our 2023 CDP Details on page 42 2021, we reduced Scope 1 and 2
Details on page 28
report released later this year. For emissions by a combined 2.4% and
2021, we reduced Scope 1 and 2 our Scope 3 emissions increased by
emissions by a combined 2.4% and
our Scope 3 emissions increased by Every Year 3.5%.

3.5%, against the 2019 baseline. Details on page 15

Increase global associate involvement in our Global Week
Details on page 15 of Volunteering.

2022 Result: A 38% year-over-year increase in associate

participation. Global Week of Volunteering activities took In addition to these corporate-wide ambitions, goals
place at 30 Goodyear locations, up from eight in 2021. have been established for the individual pillars of our
Better Future framework. Progress toward these goals is
addressed within each section of this report and a data
Details on page 66 table summary at the end of this report, as applicable.


An Overview of

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company was founded in 1898 with just 13
associates producing bicycle and carriage tires. Today, we are one of the
world’s largest tire companies, with an iconic brand and manufacturing operations
in most regions of the world. Headquartered in Akron, Ohio, we employ more than
70,000 people and manufacture our products in 57 facilities in 23 countries.

For 125 years, Goodyear has developed the technology that keeps people moving
so they have the confidence to go faster, farther and more places, making all of
life’s connections easier every day. It’s that same spirit that put Goodyear on roads
around every corner of the earth, in record books and even on the moon. And we’re
not stopping anytime soon. At our two Innovation Centers in Akron, Ohio, and
Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg, we strive to develop state-of-the-art products and
services that set the standard for technology and performance. From today’s
vehicles to the driverless fleets of the future, we are not just putting cars on tires;
we are enabling mobility.

Across our 15 brands—serving the consumer, commercial, aviation, off-road and

racing markets—we offer the benefits today’s drivers are looking for, from
innovative technology and performance handling to all-weather reliability and
quality and value. For information on Goodyear’s countries of operation and our
financial performance in the markets and regions we serve (Americas, EMEA and
Asia Pacific), please visit Goodyear’s most recent Annual Report.


Corporate Responsibility
ABOUT GOODYEAR and Governance

Goodyear has a long-standing commitment to corporate responsibility. The Committee also advances the company’s
We anticipate and respond to market trends, customer needs, supplier capabilities communication to internal and external
and investor interests and are focused on expanding our corporate responsibility stakeholders. Our VP and Chief
transparency in response to stakeholder requests. Sustainability Officer* reports to the
SVP Global Operations and Chief
Goodyear Better Future, our corporate responsibility framework, was launched in Technology Officer, leads the
2018 following an extensive materiality assessment to identify Goodyear’s high- Steering Committee and
priority environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics. This framework’s provides an annual update to
governance structure helps ensure corporate responsibility is integrated into all the CRC, enhancing their
levels of the organization, promotes communication and awareness and drives collective knowledge and
alignment with Goodyear’s corporate strategy and stakeholder priorities. The Better awareness of key
Future framework helps us drive innovation and operational excellence while sustainability issues.
creating value and helping us build a better future.
The Better Future Working Group, initially established in 2018, is comprised of
Goodyear’s Board of Directors (Board) and its Committee on Corporate either leaders or program managers for Goodyear’s high-priority topics. They are
Responsibility and Compliance (CRC), founded in 1976, are responsible for responsible for developing goals and targets for their respective topics and
monitoring and providing recommendations on how Goodyear manages our reporting on strategies to ensure we are effectively managing our high-priority
business in a responsible manner, including our ESG objectives, policies, strategies, topics. Members are responsible for understanding the current state of their topic,
programs and performance. The CRC, comprised of no fewer than three members developing and aligning appropriate goals and targets and ensuring key
of the company’s Board and currently comprised of five members, meets three performance indicators (KPIs)/metrics and strategies are in place for each goal.
times a year to review and receive updates from management and Goodyear’s Vice Performance is measured at least annually, and updates are shared internally and
President and Chief Sustainability Officer* related to ESG matters. The CRC fulfills externally, as appropriate. Goodyear expects the role of the Better Future Working
the responsibilities delegated to it by the Board of Directors in its charter. Group to evolve as our high-priority topics and focus areas have shifted based on
our 2022 materiality assessment.
The Goodyear Senior Leadership Team acts as a steering committee for Goodyear’s
sustainability strategy and performance. Each of the roles represented on the The Better Future Associate Council is a cross-functional group of associates that
Senior Leadership Team has compensation metrics and goals that are linked to identifies and implements location-specific initiatives aligned to our high-priority
achieving certain sustainability-focused targets. topics. The Council launched at our corporate headquarters in Akron, Ohio, in 2019.
The Council used 2022, following a temporary hiatus due to the pandemic, as a
The Better Future Steering Committee, led by Goodyear’s Vice President and Chief planning year to define its mission and outline priorities for 2023 and beyond. We
Sustainability Officer*, and currently comprised of 17 cross-functional, global hope to expand the Council to other global locations in the coming years.
leaders representing each region, as well as corporate in the areas of Procurement,
Technology, Risk, Legal, Manufacturing Operations, Communications, Government Collectively, this governance structure is helping to grow internal awareness and
and Public Affairs, Human Resources, Strategy, Finance and Marketing, ensures engagement for our Better Future framework through quarterly town halls and
functional goals are established for Goodyear’s high-priority sustainability topics other communication vehicles for associates, while enhancing our communication
and aligned with corporate strategy. to key external stakeholders.

* Goodyear’s Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer (VP, CS0) retired as of April 1, 2023. In the interim, our
Director of Global Sustainability assumes the responsibilities held by VP, CSO.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Stakeholder Engagement

Goodyear gathers stakeholder feedback throughout the year, building on

information gathered during sustainability materiality assessments. We regularly Stakeholder Group Regular Stakeholder Interactions
speak with investors, customers, associates, distributors, suppliers, regulators and
Board Members • Board meetings
more, collecting sustainability-related requests, questions and feedback. This
• Committee meetings
information is gathered and compiled by global functional business leaders and the
• Annual shareholders meeting
Global Sustainability team to help inform strategies that are formulated and
implemented at the functional level. Goodyear’s Global Sustainability leadership Customers • Daily communication via emails, calls and meetings
team provides this stakeholder feedback to the Board and CRC to inform their • Occasional on-site visits
oversight. • Annual customer conferences
Distributors • Daily communication via emails, calls and meetings
To ensure we are managing our most significant environmental, social and • Occasional on-site visits
governance (ESG) impacts, risks and opportunities, we continue to engage internal • Annual customer conferences
and external stakeholders who are knowledgeable in and value corporate
responsibility. This summary to the right highlights our key stakeholder groups and Suppliers • Daily communication via emails, calls and meetings
the type and frequency of interaction. • Occasional face-to-face meetings at Goodyear or
supplier facilities
Regulators • Engagement with governments in countries of
operation, as necessary
Industry Associations and • Tire Industry Project (TIP) and ongoing Working
Non-Governmental Groups
Organizations (NGOs) • Trade associations, including U.S. Tire
Manufacturers Association (USTMA), European Tyre
and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association (ETRMA),
Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association
(JATMA) and Automotive Industry Action Group
• Frequent interaction with NGOs
Investors • Quarterly earnings calls
• Annual shareholders meeting
• Frequent investor calls and emails
• Non-deal roadshows
• Industry conferences
Collaborators • Various collaborator engagements throughout the
year on a variety of projects
Community Members • Communication with and contributions to charities
• Regular volunteer activities
• Community program development



In 2018, Goodyear, under the leadership of Goodyear's Global Sustainability

leadership team and assisted by third-party sustainability consultants, conducted a Stakeholder Group Assessment Interaction
materiality assessment to identify and define our most significant environmental, Board Members Interviewed three board members
social and governance (ESG) impacts, risks and opportunities. • Members of the Corporate Responsibility
and Compliance and Governance
The process began by reviewing industry studies on ESG impacts and ESG ranking Committees, representing approximately
25% of the Board of Directors
and rating firm assessments of Goodyear and conducting customer research.
Following the research and benchmarking phase, nearly 50 global, cross-functional Customers Interviewed 11 customers
Goodyear leaders came together to discuss and map ESG impacts, risks and • Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs),
opportunities across Goodyear’s value chain, as seen below: fleets, retailer and airline
Distributors Interviewed two distributors
Raw Materials Manufacturing Distribution Product Use End of Life • U.S. and Europe

Suppliers Interviewed three suppliers

Raw materials, Tire, mold, bladder, Product delivery via Consumer use of Recycling, recovery
Regulators Discussed with internal departments
indirects, semi- and chemical road, ocean freight, Goodyear products, (tire-derived fuel), and • Gathered insights from regulators and
finished goods, and manufacturing and air including servicing disposal of materials
distribution (i.e. retreading)
governmental entities as to the regulatory/
legislative environment

Industry Associations and NGOs Interviewed two organizations

In addition to this assessment, Goodyear gathers stakeholder feedback throughout
the year. Investors Discussed with internal departments
• Insights from Goodyear’s investor
community based on its annual shareholder
For this materiality assessment, we identified a subset of stakeholders to engagement program, representing more
interview—those with a significant interest in Goodyear and whose decisions affect than 50% of our common stock investor
Goodyear’s business and vice versa. To determine which stakeholders to include in community
the process, we selected organizations and individuals—both internal and external— Collaborators Interviewed one significant collaborator
across our various stakeholder groups and regions to find those with whom we have • University partner
a significant relationship and who are knowledgeable in and value corporate
responsibility. These groups are identified in the chart to the right. Community Members Engaged 12 internal and external
Internal and external stakeholders provided their perspective on the significance of • Associates involved in community outreach
and community members from around the
various ESG topics and impacts, and Goodyear’s third-party consultant used a world
weighted scale to quantify the results. These results were presented to and
discussed with Goodyear leaders, and the final results were confirmed. See the
results on the next page.



The assessment validated the importance of many topics to both our organization Goodyear used our 2018 materiality assessment as guidance for the 2022 report,
and stakeholders and highlighted new opportunities. Following the assessment, given that our double materiality assessment conducted in 2022 was completed
Goodyear confirmed we had existing owners for the management of all high-priority near the end of the year.
topics, set goals and metrics and verified our internal- and external-facing
1. Advancing Tire Performance
• Lowering rolling resistance and weight to help improve • Enhancing wet grip for consumer performance • Customers • Associates providing insights from regulators, governmental entities and investors
fuel efficiency • Tire wear/longevity • Distributors • NGOs
• Road noise • Internal leaders
2. Sustainable Raw Materials and Sourcing
• Sustainable natural rubber • Using recycled content • Distributors • Associates providing insights from regulators and governmental entities
• Sourcing conflict-free minerals • Increasing the use of renewable materials • Internal leaders • NGOs
• Removing materials of concern • Sustainable procurement polices • Customers (OEMs) • Suppliers
3. Workforce Safety and Health
• Creating a culture of safety • Complying with workplace safety and health laws • Customers • Associates providing insights from regulators, governmental entities and investors
• Ensuring safe handling of materials used during production • Internal leaders
4. Supply Chain Management
• Supply chain management policies and strategies • Working with suppliers to implement ESG strategies • Customers • Associates providing insights from investors, regulators and governmental entities
• Assessing and monitoring supply chain ESG risks, impacts • Supply chain traceability • Distributors • NGOs
and opportunities • Anticipating and navigating trade regulations • Internal leaders • Suppliers
5. Energy and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
• Climate commitments and strategy • Reducing energy use and GHG emissions across our • Customers • Associates providing insights from investors, regulators and governmental entities
value chain • Internal leaders • NGOs
• Increasing renewable energy use
6. Business Continuity
• Anticipating disruptions and maintaining the ability to fulfill customer orders on time • Board members • Associates providing insights from investors
• Customers • Suppliers
• Distributors
• Internal leaders
7. Product Quality
• Delivering high-quality products that perform as expected • Customers • Associates providing insights from investors
• Distributors
• Internal leaders
8. Shaping the Mobility Revolution
• Shaping a more sustainable mobility model enabling the move to autonomous and electric vehicles, shared vehicles and • Customers • Internal leaders
connected tires • Distributors • New mobility entities
9. Ethics and Compliance
• Utilizing a Business Conduct Manual/Code of Conduct, policies, training and the Integrity Hotline program to drive ethical • Board members • Internal leaders
behaviors and compliance worldwide • Associates providing insights
• Acting with integrity, honesty and respect from investors, regulators
and governmental entities
10. End-of-Life Tires (ELT)
• Driving ELT to the best beneficial reuse avenues • Customers • Associates providing insights from investors, regulators and governmental entities
• Industry associations • Suppliers
• Internal leaders
11. Inspiring Culture
• Attracting and retaining talent • Promoting talent development, health and wellness • Board members • Internal leaders
• Building a diverse and inclusive culture and community engagement
• Acting with integrity • Succession planning


Our 2022 Materiality

In 2022, Goodyear, under the leadership of the Better Future Steering Committee,
refreshed our materiality assessment using the double materiality process, which
looks at both a company’s inward and outward impacts. This type of materiality
assessment examines the full scope of a company’s value chain and product

In early 2023, Goodyear aligned with our leadership on these updated high-priority
topics and focus areas. During 2023, we plan to identify current goals, close any
goal gaps and confirm and/or establish the ongoing management approach to these
topics. We will report on our management of the updated high-priority topics in our
2023 Corporate Responsibility Report, which will be released in 2024.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Goodyear Better Future

Goodyear’s Strategy Roadmap defines how we win, how we work and where we
focus, with sustainability being a focus area. Better Future, our corporate
responsibility framework, summarizes and provides an overview of our high-priority
sustainability topics on which we report. We detail how we share our Strategy
Roadmap with our associates in the Inspiring Culture section of this report.

The high-priority topics of climate, human rights and the environment are woven
throughout the framework. In this report, we first speak to those cross-cutting
topics, then we dive into each topic below providing more detail. We explain why
these topics matter, what we are doing to manage each, and our progress and
performance on our commitments. Some commitments outlined in the pages that
follow were set recently and may not yet have performance data available.

Pillars of our Corporate Responsibility Strategy


Safety and Health Compliance and Ethics

Sustainable Raw Materials Operational Impacts Health and Wellness
Advancing Tire Performance
Topic and Sourcing Product Quality Community Engagement
Shaping the Mobility Revolution
Supply Chain Management End-of-Life Tires Diversity and Inclusion
Business Continuity Talent Development
• Source sustainable natural rubber • Culture of safety and health • Fuel efficiency, safety, longevity • Demonstrate ethical values
• Increase sustainable material usage • Reduce environmental impacts and comfort • Healthy and well workforce
Focus Areas • Pursue raw material traceability • Produce high-quality products • Fleets, autonomous, connected and • Global community engagement
• Remove materials of concern • Drive ELT to beneficial reuse electric vehicles • Diverse and inclusive culture
• Manage supply chain ESG risks • Risk analysis and mitigation • Robust talent development


ABOUT GOODYEAR Goodyear’s Climate Strategy

In December 2021, we announced our climate ambition, which includes our • Senior Leadership Team: Acts as the steering committee for Goodyear’s climate
goal to reach net-zero Scope 1 and 2 as well as certain Scope 3 greenhouse gas strategy and performance. Each of these roles has compensation metrics and
emissions by 2050, aligned with the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) and its goals that are linked to achieving certain climate targets
new Net-Zero Standard. We also announced our commitment to achieve near-term • Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer: Oversees the company’s climate
science-based targets by 2030, including reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46% strategy, goals and progress. Reviews Goodyear’s climate strategy, goals and
and certain Scope 3 emissions by 28%, as compared to a 2019 baseline. In performance with company officers and each strategic business unit. This role
December 2022, Goodyear submitted our science-based targets to SBTi for has compensation metrics and goals that are linked to achieving certain climate
validation. targets
• Director of Global Sustainability & Global Sustainability Team: Engages
Our climate ambition includes several other important long-term sustainability functional and operational leaders in climate strategy alignment and integration
goals, including our commitments to use 100% renewable electricity in all and monitors progress
manufacturing facilities by 2030 and 100% renewable energy in all manufacturing • Climate Operating Committee (Functional & Operational Leaders): Develops and
facilities by 2040, develop a tire made of 100% sustainable materials by 2030 and implements decarbonization and climate change adaptation and resiliency
replace all petroleum-derived oils in our products by 2040. strategies and monitors progress

Governance for Goodyear’s Climate Strategy Goodyear looks at climate from two standpoints—decarbonization and adaptation
Goodyear’s Board is committed to overseeing the company’s environmental, social and resiliency. Both have risks and opportunities to address.
and governance (ESG) impacts, risks and opportunities, and the prioritization and
integration of ESG strategies. The Board Committee on Corporate Responsibility
and Compliance (CRC) annually reviews climate-related risks and opportunities,
targets, climate strategies, metrics and progress.

The CRC is responsible for monitoring and providing recommendations on how

Goodyear manages our business in a responsible manner, including our ESG
objectives, policies, strategies, programs and performance. This includes the
responsibility to monitor the company’s climate strategy. The CRC also discusses
the strategies and their integration into business processes. It has received
climate-related updates for many years.

The following details the governance structure for Goodyear’s climate strategy:

• Chairman, CEO & President: Serves as the executive sponsor of Goodyear’s

climate strategy. This includes receiving updates and making final decisions
related to Goodyear’s strategy
• Goodyear’s Board of Directors and Board Committee on Corporate
Responsibility and Compliance (CRC): Oversees Goodyear’s climate risks and
opportunities, targets, strategies, metrics and progress. The Board and CRC
discuss climate strategies and their integration into business processes. The CRC
monitors the company’s actions and progress toward achieving climate targets


ABOUT GOODYEAR Goodyear’s Climate Strategy

Decarbonization For the three hot spots that are included in Goodyear’s science-based targets, hot
In 2022, using Goodyear’s 2019 greenhouse gas emissions footprint, the baseline spot owners identified strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Those
year for our science-based targets, we identified the value chain hot spots strategies can be viewed below in Goodyear’s Decarbonization Roadmap.
requiring decarbonization: purchased goods and services; energy; transport; and
use phase. Use phase is an indirect-indirect emissions category for Goodyear. Goodyear hot spot owners and teams are in the process of building strategy-
While use phase is not included in our science-based targets, Goodyear will specific decarbonization roadmaps to 2030. Goodyear will report progress on these
continue to explore and evaluate use-phase elements that we can influence, for strategies in future reports.
example, rolling resistance and tire weight.


Reduce the greenhouse gas emissions
associated with producing Goodyear E MISS THE GAP AND ACHIEVE
tires, across its value chain, to reach INES
Net Zero by 2050. POTE Sustainable feedstocks and

Gap to Close
Purchased Goods low-emissions materials
61% & Services
Reduce material consumption
EMISSIONS Supplier climate commitments
FOOTPRINT 30% Energy
(Excludes Use
Phase) 3% Transport
Renewable energy
Scope Transport mode, miles and
3 DECARBO density optimization
NIZATION Scope 1 & 2: Emissions from burning fuels and
PATHWAY purchased energy in Goodyear facilities and
-28% SCIENCE- company-owned vehicles
10% NET
Scope 3: Emissions associated with the production
of raw materials and purchased goods, inbound and
1&2 -46% ZERO
outbound transport and other upstream and
downstream activities associated with Goodyear’s
2019 2030 2040 2050
Baseline 10%
Offsets business
(includes Cooper)
Goodyear’s climate ambitions

100% 100%
Renewable Renewable Note: Use phase is not included in
Electricity Energy Goodyear’s science-based targets.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Goodyear’s Climate Strategy

When it comes to strategies to pursue for decarbonization, Goodyear utilizes Life

Cycle Assessments (LCAs) to evaluate materials quantitatively through the entire
life of the product—from the sourcing of raw materials to the end of the product’s
life. Each LCA is performed using internationally recognized ISO frameworks that
help provide a full picture of product impacts as well as opportunities for
improvement that can be used in product development. Goodyear collaborated with
the Tire Industry Project (TIP) to develop Product Category Rules (PCRs) for
evaluating impacts from tires. LCAs assist Goodyear in determining lower-
emissions materials to pursue.

One of Goodyear’s most significant emissions-reduction activities in 2022 was the

advancement in acquiring additional renewable electricity in our operations. In
2022, Goodyear reached 34% renewable electricity at global manufacturing
facilities and 100% renewable electricity at our manufacturing facilities in EMEA.
Learn more in our Responsible Operations section of this report.

In 2022, Goodyear continued to build our climate ambition into key business
processes, such as our capital planning process. This work will continue in 2023,
further integrating our climate ambition into key corporate and functional

Performance against Goodyear’s Climate Ambition In 2021, combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions decreased by more than 2% from
our 2019 baseline. Energy efficiency projects and the increase of renewable
electricity in our manufacturing operations led to a decrease in Scope 2 emissions.
Scope 2021 Performance 2030 Goodyear has developed strategies to address Scope 2 emissions from purchased

vs. 2019 Baseline

Target electricity. Regarding Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions, Goodyear is in the process of
researching, evaluating and testing various strategies and crafting decarbonization
plans related to our 2030 targets.
Scope 1 & 2 Emissions -2.4% -46%
Goodyear will calculate our 2022 corporate greenhouse gas emissions footprint in
the first half of 2023, which will be reported in our 2023 CDP report and next year’s
Scope 3 Emissions +3.5% -28%
Corporate Responsibility Report.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Goodyear’s Climate Strategy

In 2022, Goodyear conducted a climate-related risks and opportunities

materiality assessment, a qualitative scenario analysis and financial impact
assessment to identify and prioritize climate-related risks and opportunities
relevant to Goodyear’s value chain. Complete details can be found in Goodyear’s
latest TCFD report, published in December 2022.

Goodyear’s climate-related risks and opportunities will be evaluated on an annual

basis, led by Goodyear's Global Sustainability leadership, Chief Risk Officer and
Chief Financial Officer. The aim is to ensure an up-to-date view of potential
climate-related risks and opportunities in the short, medium and long term, and an
understanding of the significance of impacts, including under different climate
scenarios. Goodyear will evaluate and potentially adjust inputs, parameters,
assumptions, data and analytical choices annually. Goodyear will use this analysis
to evaluate our adaptation and resiliency strategies. Goodyear will continue to
report the details of this analysis and strategic responses through our annual CDP
and TCFD reports.

While strategy-specific decarbonization roadmaps are being built to 2030, various

materials, energy and transport strategies are being implemented. For example,
Goodyear is actively pursuing bio-based, recycled and carbon-neutral materials,
further investing in energy efficiency projects and additional renewable energy, and
evaluating and implementing emissions-optimized transportation and warehousing
options. These strategies will be reported in next year’s Corporate Responsibility



The Goodyear commitment to acting with integrity, honesty and respect A cross-functional team of associates, representing Legal, Procurement,
is the foundation for our commitment to human rights, embodied in our Communications, Learning and Development and Sustainability, is advancing our
Policy on Global Human Rights. human rights strategy. In 2022, they:

At Goodyear, our commitment to human rights is a reflection of how we work. Our • Developed a Human Rights Leadership education module that launched in early
human rights policies and standards encompass our entire value chain. Goodyear’s 2023;
human rights policy is incorporated in our Business Conduct Manual, Zero • Increased internal communications, focused on leader and associate education
Tolerance Policy, Natural Rubber Procurement Policy, Sustainable Soybean Oil and engagement, on the topic;
Procurement Policy, Retention of Identity Documents Policy, Responsible • Implemented the Retention of Identity Documents and Responsible Recruiting
Recruiting Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct. Supporting these policies and policies; and
standards are various due diligence processes, including vendor management • Developed an expanded plan for enhanced supplier screening with a focus on
programs and grievance and remedy mechanisms, like the Goodyear Integrity identifying suppliers in high-risk categories for monitoring the implementation of
Hotline. Additionally, all Procurement, Legal, Human Resources and Internal Audit corrective action plans, if required. The execution of the first phase of this plan
associates globally are provided annual training on human rights. will begin in 2023.

Strategy and Governance The team also began work on an updated Policy on Global Human Rights that was
Reporting up through the Better Future governance structure, the Human Rights implemented in March 2023. This policy outlines Goodyear’s commitment to the UN
Steering Committee—formed in 2021, sponsored by our Chief Human Resources Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Goodyear will report on policy
Officer and General Counsel and led by our Chief Risk Officer—is responsible for implementation and updates in future reports. More information on our
Goodyear’s human rights strategy. This strategy aligns with the UN Guiding commitment to human rights can also be found at
Principles on Business and Human Rights and includes active workstreams focused
on the following:

• Educating our leaders and associates on human rights standards

• Identifying and managing human rights risks throughout our value chain through
due diligence and remedy processes
• Communicating our efforts to address human rights
• Aligning and working with key stakeholder groups to help carry out our work

The scope of this strategy includes evaluating potential risks and opportunities to
reduce risk in Goodyear’s operations and supply chain, represented by the Better
Future Framework pillars of Sustainable Sourcing, Responsible Operations,
Advanced Mobility and Inspiring Culture.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Nature and Biodiversity

Goodyear is committed to understanding the potential impacts our value Looking ahead, Goodyear, guided by the leadership of the Global Sustainability
chain may have on nature and our natural resources, including forests, team, expects to engage in the WBCSD’s Nature and Nature-based Solutions
land and water. Project to learn and inform our strategies. We also plan to conduct a risk mapping
exercise to identify areas of impact and opportunity in our operations and supply
While Goodyear does not own any rubber tree plantations, we have taken actions to chain. Finally, we plan to pinpoint current goals and close any goal gaps and confirm
support sustainability as a purchaser of natural rubber, as noted in the Sustainable or establish the ongoing management structure for these topics.
Sourcing section of this report and in our Natural Rubber Procurement Policy.
Goodyear is committed to working internally, with our supply chain and with We will continue to share and report on our progress in this space in future reports.
external parties to promote a natural rubber supply chain that is environmentally
and socially responsible, helping to minimize significant impacts on biodiversity.
This includes supporting the livelihoods of smallholders, while promoting
responsible acquisition and management of land that is free from deforestation.
Goodyear is an active member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural
Rubber (GPSNR) and provides funding for the GPSNR Capacity-Building project.
This project provides rubber farmers with good tapping practices to stem disease
and training to make organic compost to act as a source of nutrients for the soil and
a substitute for chemical fertilizers.

In our Sustainable Soybean Oil Procurement Policy, we outline how we will work
internally, with our supply chain and with external parties to promote a soybean oil
supply chain that is environmentally and socially responsible. This includes a supply
chain that is free from deforestation and land grabbing, promotes conservation of
important vegetation, minimizes impact on biodiversity and local communities and
is economically viable.

In Goodyear’s Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Policy, we state that we will
strive to reduce our environmental impact and conserve natural resources by
minimizing waste, water usage and air and greenhouse gas emissions while reusing
and recycling materials (where possible) and responsibly managing energy use
through the life cycle of the tire.

Goodyear is also an active member of the World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) and its Tire Industry Project (TIP). As a WBCSD member, we
closely monitor the development of WBCSD’s guidance and the related global


ABOUT GOODYEAR United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a In 2021, Goodyear participated through TIP in developing "Sustainability Driven:
set of 17 broad goals and 169 targets to address global challenges and drive Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap." The report highlights the
sustainable solutions toward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. sustainability impacts relevant to the tire sector. The four tire sector sustainability
megatrends that were identified in the report are listed on the following table,
which also identifies the relevant SDGs and Goodyear initiatives and goals that
support these SDGs.

Relevant SDGs Goodyear

Megatrend* Impact on the Sector* How Goodyear is Supporting
is Supporting
Circular innovation to Burgeoning populations in emerging markets and increased Goodyear Sections
tackle resource urbanization globally are encouraging a rise in mobility. The resource Responsible Operations Sustainable Sourcing
scarcity challenges that can result from growing demand present the
opportunity for the emergence of new business models such as those Advanced Mobility
based on the circular economy. Goodyear Goal
• By 2040, achieve our goal of fully replacing petroleum-derived oils in our products.

Climate and nature Progress to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, adapting to the Goodyear Sections
crises to accelerate physical impacts of climate change and halting biodiversity loss Goodyear’s Climate Strategy Responsible Operations
the low-carbon remains slow and insufficient. However, new regulations, investor
energy transition pressure and citizen power have created momentum to which the Sustainable Sourcing
business community must respond. Goodyear Goals
• By 2025, reduce rolling resistance by 40% and tire weight by 9% for our global consumer portfolio from a 2005
• By 2030, reduce water intensity by 10% from 2020 baseline.
• By 2030, reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 46% and certain Scope 3 emissions by 28% using 2019
• By 2040, transform our manufacturing operations and processes to all renewable energy to significantly
reduce our carbon footprint.
• By 2050, reach net-zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions.

Industry 4.0 to allow Rapid digitalization and automation across industries is driving improved Goodyear Section
systems productivity, efficiency and safety--but could lead to widespread and Advanced Mobility
transformation disruptive implications for employment and workforce skills if not
appropriately managed. Technologies, including artificial intelligence, Goodyear Goals
internet of things and 5G, alongside autonomous, connected and electric • By 2024, achieve first to approval for all development SKUs with only one physical iteration.
vehicles, offer significant opportunities to organizations ready to • By 2027, reinvent tires and service, delivering data- and sensor-enabled intelligence in all new products.
embrace them. The adoption of such technologies must come with • By 2030, win in responsible innovation by introducing the first 100% sustainable-material and
efforts to address rising cybersecurity and data privacy concerns and to maintenance-free tire.
manage the potential environmental impacts from material
and energy consumption.
Human rights, safety, Rising inequality is driving continued dissatisfaction Goodyear Sections
well-being and equal with current political and economic models and global Human Rights
opportunities — civil protests on issues relating to diversity and inclusion. Companies
across the value chain are increasingly expected to take strong positions on human rights Sustainable Sourcing
— are essential to and other social issues — including protecting employee well-being, Responsible Operations
building resilience. promoting workplace safety and improving supply chain due diligence
Inspiring Culture
and transparency — to ensure long-term business resilience.
Goodyear Goals
• By 2023, eliminate all serious injuries to become known as having the safest operations in the world.

* From the Tire Industry Project’s report, “Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap”



In 2020, Goodyear’s Global Technology organization Our Bold Goals include the tagline, “The road to success is an engaged and diverse
workforce,” highlighting that our associates are the driving force behind these
introduced six Bold Goals to articulate Goodyear’s role in the future of
goals. They are empowered to be curious and collaborative and encouraged to bring
mobility. These ambitious goals are focused on developing great products and
a proactive mindset to work every day to find new ways to contribute to these
services that anticipate and respond to the needs of consumers and customers.
challenging endeavors.
They’re aspirational yet attainable, providing our associates with a long-term
vision to enable mobility well into the future.
In our 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report, we highlighted our Bold Goals. We
share our 2023, 2025, 2027 goals, as well as the 2030, 2040 and 2050 goals in our
Our operational goals are more internally focused and reflect our commitment to
Progress Report on page 5 of this report. The other Bold Goal shared in our 2021
continuous improvement in everything we do. They include keeping our associates
report was our 2024 goal, listed below.
safe; increasing efficiency through improvements in our manufacturing process;
increasing quality and consistency to remain “best-in-class;” improving customer
satisfaction by providing the right tire when the customer wants it, every time; and
reducing our carbon footprint.

by 2024
Achieve first to approval for all development
SKUs with only one physical iteration.

2022 Result: The number of physical iterations

has reduced over the last two years. Goodyear is
implementing new capabilities and technologies
to help us reach this goal by the end of 2024. In
2022, we installed a dynamic simulator at our
Luxembourg facility. Having dynamic simulators
at both of our Innovation Centers in Akron,
Ohio, and Luxembourg, gives us full simulator
capabilities around the world.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Association Memberships

We demonstrate our commitment to sustainable development by collaborating with TIP’s focus areas include materials and chemicals, tire and road wear particles
a variety of organizations, including: (TRWP), end-of-life tire management, and tools and frameworks. TIP member CEOs
meet biennially to review project progress and approve a two-year work plan. The
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) work plan is reviewed by an assurance group of independent scientists, who
WBCSD, founded in 1995, is a global, CEO-led organization of more than 200 leading provide guidance on the scientific relevance and robustness of planned work.
sustainable businesses working together to accelerate the transition to a more
sustainable world. Member companies come from all business sectors and all major Some of TIP’s major accomplishments from the year include:
economies, representing a combined revenue of more than USD $8.5 trillion and 19
million employees. WBCSD offers members the opportunity to participate in several Tire and Road Wear Particles (TRWP) - TIP has been studying the potential impacts
programs and projects, including sector-specific projects like the Tire Industry of TRWP on human health and the environment since 2005. The early research
Project (TIP). Goodyear has been a member of WBCSD for over 15 years as part of launched by TIP has been groundbreaking in terms of identification, quantification
TIP, and in 2020, committed to being part of the Digitalization and Data in Urban and risk assessment of TRWP in different environmental compartments, including
Mobility project. air, soil, sediment, and water, through the development of new sample collection
methods and analytical techniques. As a result of this research, TIP has published
Digitalization and Data in Urban Mobility 19 peer-reviewed scientific studies on TRWP to date.
A WBCSD initiative, the Digitalization and Data in Urban Mobility project brings
businesses and cities together, to implement system-level and integrated The topic of TRWP has been receiving increasing attention over the past several
initiatives to steer urban mobility systems transformation toward a safer, cleaner, years from a large number of stakeholders, including international organizations,
more accessible and more efficient future. WBCSD members are guiding and NGOs, governments and academic research institutions. As this group of
scaling digital solutions and data exchange between the public and private sectors stakeholders continues to expand, in addition to TIP, Goodyear participates as a
to lower carbon emissions, enhance safety and accessibility, and reduce road member of regional tire trade associations (RTTAs), including the European Tyre
congestion and pollution in cities. Goodyear committed to the project in 2020 and and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association (ETRMA) and the U.S. Tire Manufacturers
became a member in early 2021. We aim to understand how Goodyear’s beyond tires Association (USTMA). The work with our regional associations involves advocacy
mobility strategy can contribute to and benefit from the opportunities stemming and engagement with stakeholders to share tire industry research and expertise
from the transformation of urban mobility. about TRWP, tires and tire-related materials, including the work that TIP has
Tire Industry Project (TIP)
Goodyear is a leader in the WBCSD‘s Tire Industry Project (TIP), formed in 2005 as a TIP continued commissioned research on TRWP conducted by independent
global, voluntary, CEO-led initiative undertaken by leading tire companies. research firms and consultants and guided by an advisory panel of academic
Together, TIP member companies, representing approximately 65% of the world’s experts. Recent research from TIP includes:
tire manufacturing capacity, work to anticipate, identify, analyze and address the • Analytical Method Development and Refinement
potential human health and environmental impacts associated with tire • TRWP Aging Study
development, use and management throughout the tire’s lifecycle. • TRWP Ecotoxicity Study
• TRWP Mass Balance Modeling
• TRWP Field Sampling


ABOUT GOODYEAR Association Memberships

Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR)

More information about TRWP, including all TIP’s research, can be found on TIP’s Tire Industry Project (TIP) members and other stakeholders, including automakers,
website. Beyond our engagement on TRWP with TIP and the RTTAs, Goodyear also rubber producers and traders, other end users, and civil society, launched the
takes into consideration impacts of TRWP as they relate to the sustainability of our Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) in 2018 to move the natural
products. To learn more about our efforts on product sustainability see Sustainable rubber industry toward a sustainable natural rubber supply chain.
Materials and Sourcing.
In addition to being a GPSNR founding member, Goodyear continues to be an active
End-of-Life Tires (ELT) - In 2021, TIP published the End-of-Life (ELT) Management GPSNR member. We continue to prioritize direct engagement within GPSNR
Toolkit, a guide to proven management systems to maximize collection and working groups, or indirect engagement as appropriate. We maintain a role on the
recycling of ELT in countries that do not have efficient programs in place. Executive Committee representing the tiremaker category. We are the co-chair for
the Strategy & Objectives Working Group that completed the Environmental &
TIP then organized stakeholder dialogues in Europe, the United States and China, Social Risk Studies and developed GPSNR’s Theory of Change. Work within this
with regional participants from across the ELT value chain. The objectives were to group refocused during 2022 on understanding how to assess risk within the global
promote and strengthen communication of the stakeholders; facilitate discussion natural rubber supply chain to support the development of a GPSNR assurance
and identify solutions for improved local-level ELT management; and maximize model that members can use to verify the natural rubber they use comes from
knowledge on ELT management, along with identifying new research opportunities. sustainable sources. Goodyear also is involved with the Shared Responsibility
Framework and Assurance Model working groups.
TIP published a report in 2023 describing the outcomes and lessons learned from
these stakeholder dialogues. According to the report, the workshops confirmed The GPSNR Capacity-Building working group launched multiple projects in 2022.
that all three regions have improved ELT recycling rates over the last 20 years, Goodyear was a gold-level donor, helping fund a project in Indonesia that provided
although important opportunities for improvement remain. The report concludes Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) coaching to more than a thousand smallholders.
with a summary of actions to be undertaken by TIP and the RTTAs, USTMA and Goodyear will continue to fund this long-term project in 2023 to further engage
ETRMA, in support of the recommendations made in the report. more smallholders with GAP trainings that will enable sustainable practices for
years to come.
Environmental Impacts – TIP published its 2022 report on environmental key
performance indicators (KPIs) for tire manufacturing, noting that TIP members Lastly, GPSNR launched its reporting requirements, whereby members report
overall either maintained or improved performance at TIP member locations. The annually on their natural rubber sustainability policy implementation progress.
KPIs include energy use, CO2 emissions, water use, ISO 14001 certification, and, for Goodyear submitted our data, and we anticipate a full member report will be
the first time, waste at member company tire manufacturing operations. released in 2023.

The 2022 KPI report indicated that work is ongoing to identify and integrate
additional SDG-related KPIs to report progress highlighted in the Sustainability
Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap, available here. In
2023, TIP plans to publish an expanded KPI report with indicators across the tire life
cycle demonstrating our contributions to the SDGs as a sector.


ABOUT GOODYEAR Association Memberships

Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (CRM) As part of the Human Capital Center, we are a member of the Human Capital
The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (CRM) brings together business, government Analytics Council, which focuses on drivers for talent acquisition and retention and
and academic leaders to shape policy for more equitable and sustainable solutions the use of analytics in strategic workforce planning. Goodyear is also a member of
that leverage technology to improve the movement of people and goods around the the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council, which delivers insights to help
world. CRM conducts research and advocacy to advance platforms that prioritize members optimize and enhance diversity and inclusion.
people while ensuring the well-being and security of the planet.
Trade Associations
Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) We explore and work collectively to improve various tire-related sustainability
The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) is a unique non-profit organization topics through our membership in several regional tire trade associations (RTTAs),
where Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, service providers, including USTMA and ETRMA.
government entities and academia have worked collaboratively for more than 38
years to drive down costs and complexity within the automotive supply chain. In Through ETRMA and USTMA, we are engaged in continuous dialogue with
2019, Goodyear joined AIAG’s Corporate Responsibility Steering Committee (CRSC). policymakers, industry, NGOs and academia, contributing to sustainable
development objectives and regulations. Some examples include deforestation-
In 2022, the CRSC continued to raise awareness of emerging topics in the areas of free supply chains, mitigation of TRWP through the establishment of a robust and
environmental, human rights, sustainability and conflict minerals. It also continues efficient test method to tire abrasion, evaluation of tire chemicals, as well as
to work to align reporting standards within the automotive industry. sharing tire industry research and expertise about TRWP, tires and tire-related
The Conference Board
As a non-partisan entity founded in 1916, The Conference Board delivers insights to
member organizations in such areas as sustainability, corporate philanthropy,
social responsibility, education, and diversity and inclusion.

Goodyear is a member of The Conference Board’s Environmental, Social &

Governance (ESG) Center and its Human Capital Center. We are involved in several
councils and working groups as a part of these engagements.

Within the ESG Center, Goodyear participates in the Product Stewardship and
Regulatory Affairs Council, which allows us to exchange ideas and best practices
about product-related regulatory, compliance and responsibility matters with peers
from other companies and industries.

We also have representation in Sustainability Council 1: Strategy & Implementation,

which is composed of companies that strive to track, manage and reduce their
environmental and social footprints in their operations and across their supply
chains. In addition, Goodyear is a member of the Business Continuity and Crisis
Communications Council.



In 2022, Goodyear received several awards recognizing the company’s • Newsweek recognized both Goodyear and Cooper Tire on its list of America’s Most
achievements and those of our diverse associate team. The following is a sampling Responsible Companies. The national ranking highlights 500 companies across 14
of the recognition we received: industries that strive to be excellent corporate citizens. Cooper Tire appears on
the list as a separate entity because Newsweek evaluated corporate social
Corporate Awards responsibility data from 2021 and previous years, and Goodyear’s acquisition of
• For the second time, Forbes named Goodyear as one of the World’s Top Female- Cooper did not close until June 2021.
Friendly Companies, a ranking determined by an independent global survey of
approximately 85,000 women in 36 countries. • FORTUNE and Korn Ferry’s annual World’s Most Admired Companies study
confirmed Goodyear’s strong industry reputation among senior executives,
outside directors and financial analysts. The overall corporate reputation score
from approximately 15,000 survey recipients ranked Goodyear in the top half of
the Motor Vehicle Parts category. The study evaluated FORTUNE 1000, Global 500
companies and other major non-U.S. companies on nine attributes: ability to
attract and retain talented people; quality of management; social responsibility to
the community and the environment; innovativeness; quality of products or
services; wise use of corporate assets; financial soundness; long-term
investment value; and effectiveness in doing business globally.

• Forbes, for a third consecutive year, recognized Goodyear as a top workplace on

its 2022 World’s Best Employers list. Now ranking at No. 355, Goodyear surpassed
our No. 466 spot on the 2021 list. The World’s Best Employers list, which has been
published since 2020, is Forbes’ most prestigious international employer



• U.S. consumers rated Goodyear as one of the “Top 25” most innovative companies Regional Awards
and one of the “Top 25” most socially innovative companies according to the 2022 In addition to corporate recognition, Goodyear received the following, region-
American Innovation Index (Aii) and Social Innovation Index (Sii). To determine the specific accolades:
“Top 25” ranking, Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business and the
Norwegian School of Economics jointly survey U.S. consumers across nearly In Asia Pacific, Goodyear was recognized in India as one of the Economic Times’
30,000 customer touchpoints spanning approximately 20 industries. Best Organizations for Women 2022. In addition, the company was Great Places to
Work Certified in India and the Philippines.

• Fast Company named Goodyear’s 70% sustainable-material demonstration tire as

a finalist in the automotive category in the publication’s 2022 Innovation by In 2022, Goodyear’s Americas region received the 2022 Military Friendly Designation
Design Awards. This demonstration tire was also named “Best Sustainable in the United States, and our San Luis Potosí plant was honored as Best Talent
Product” at CES 2022 by Engadget. Management Company, Asociación de Ejecutivos de la Gestión del Talento Humano
de San Luis Potosí, A.C.

In EMEA, Goodyear was recognized as one of the Top Employers in South Africa in
2022 and with the Premio Reifen + Autoservice award, naming the company one of
• AutoBild named Goodyear as the “Top Tire Manufacturer Summer 2022." Goodyear Germany’s Best Employers.
was also the first tire manufacturer to receive the “Green Tire 2022” award from
the publication.



Associate Awards

Rob Dennis-Pelcher Receives Rowbotham Medal Two Goodyear Associates Named 2022
The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining awarded STEP Ahead Award Honorees
Principal Scientist Rob Dennis-Pelcher the Rowbotham The Manufacturing Institute recognized Missy Irons (top left)
Medal, given for outstanding contribution to the and Arwen Kathke (bottom left) at the 10th annual Science,
development or innovative use of materials for Technology, Engineering and Production (STEP) Ahead Awards.
automotive application. Rob was recognized for delivering Both Missy, a materials manager, and Arwen, a senior engineer,
carbon-based technologies with improved sustainability— were named 2022 STEP Ahead Honorees among a prestigious
an industry-leading innovation that was featured in group of 130 women for their outstanding work as
Goodyear’s 70% sustainable-material demonstration tire manufacturing professionals and mentors.
unveiled in January 2022.

O’Dale Satterfield Recognized with BEYA Legacy Award

O’Dale Satterfield, chief engineer-operations manager,
received the Dr. Lydia W. Thomas Legacy Award at the
2022 Black Engineer of the Year Awards (BEYA) STEM
Conference. The award honors O’Dale’s excellence in the
science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
workforce as well as his volunteer work.

Jim Foughty Named Recircle Employee of the Year

Jim Foughty, general manager, retread operations, won the
Employee of the Year award from the inaugural Recircle
Kanwar Singh Wins SAE Foundation Award Awards. This global recognition honors an individual within the
Kanwar Bharat Singh, technical project manager – tire retreading or recycling sector who has made a significant
algorithms, was honored with the 2022 SAE Foundation/ impact on a company’s sustainability goals and participation in
DENSO Young Industry Leadership Award. This the circular economy.
recognition is for individuals who have made significant
professional contributions in the mobility industry and
who show potential for outstanding leadership growth.
The awardees have less than 12 years of industry
experience and demonstrate a commitment to the
community, professional societies or STEM education.


Section title will usually be
two lines

Focus Areas
• Source sustainable natural rubber
• Increase sustainable material usage
• Pursue raw material traceability
• Remove materials of concern
• Manage supply chain ESG risks

SUSTAINABLE SOURCING Sustainable Materials

Given the potential social and environmental impacts of a global supply chain, we Sustainable Material Performance
proactively seek to understand our supply chain risks and address them to support Goodyear now uses a silica product made from residual rice husk ash—a byproduct
a healthy ecosystem. At Goodyear, sustainable sourcing is our approach to of rice processing. Rice husk ash (RHA) silica can help deliver performance similar
responsibly managing the materials we use for our operations and to traditional sand-based silica yet is more environmentally friendly and helps
products. That includes our efforts to source sustainable natural rubber, increase reduce waste going to landfill. Over the past several years, we have introduced the
our sustainable material usage, pursue raw material traceability, remove materials use of RHA silica in several of our global manufacturing facilities. We have been
of concern and proactively manage supply chain ESG risks. working closely with our suppliers to explore further expanding the use of RHA
silica. In 2018, we had set a goal to double our use by 2021 when compared to 2018
Prior to sourcing materials, Goodyear’s Product Stewardship team, which is part of use. Impacts related to our RHA silica suppliers’ footprint limited our ability to
Goodyear’s Global Sustainability team, completes supplier reviews that include source the expected RHA silica volume in 2021. However, in 2022, we successfully
gathering safety data sheets (SDS) and ensuring the materials comply with all secured RHA silica volumes that placed us at a 101% increase compared to our 2018
applicable global chemical inventories and regulatory standards, including the baseline.
European Union’s Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 concerning Registration,
Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and the U.S. Toxic Goodyear has also increased our use of bio-based oils to help
Substances Control Act (TSCA). Goodyear’s Global Material Science team approves
material specifications. In addition, through their management of change
us reach our goal of fully replacing petroleum-based oils in our
processes, our manufacturing facilities conduct environmental, health and safety products by 2040. When considering our total sustainable oil
(EHS) checks to help ensure safe use and compliance. Goodyear’s Procurement and usage in place of petroleum-based oils, our 2022 increase was
Technology teams manage the governance of materials and sourcing. 28%.
Product quality, safety and customer satisfaction are our ultimate goals. One example of this is our use of soybean oil. Goodyear utilizes commodity soybean
Goodyear’s Procurement and Technology teams actively seek sustainable material oil, a surplus that is available beyond food applications, in our polymer and tire
options that deliver product performance while meeting our high standards of manufacturing processes in a variety of ways depending on the application. We
quality and safety. To advance Goodyear’s sustainable material use, our Technology have announced sustainability goals around the increased use of soybean oil in our
teams work to investigate new alternative raw materials and incorporate innovative products. Goodyear established a goal in 2018 to increase the use of soybean oil in
solutions. place of petroleum-based oil by 25% by the end of 2019. We met and far exceeded
this goal by increasing our soybean oil use by 90% in 2019, 73% in 2020 and 13% in
Goodyear actively reviews definitions and standards that continue to mature and 2021. We increased our use of soybean oil by 89% in 2022 over 2021. This goal is
defines a sustainable material as a bio-based/renewable, recycled material or one supported by the established versatility of the technology, along with the
that may be produced using or contributing to other sustainable practices for demonstrated performance and processing advantages.
resource conservation and/or emissions reductions including mass-balance
materials. In 2023, Goodyear expects to continue to advance the science and technology and
conduct research to bring new materials that deliver quality and performance. Our
team will also continue to demonstrate its capability and work toward delivering a
100% sustainable-material tire by 2030.


Our Use of
SUSTAINABLE SOURCING Sustainable Materials

Unveiling of 90% Sustainable-Material Commercial Tire with 63% Continued

Demonstration Tire Sustainable-Material Content Collaboration
In 2020, Goodyear set a goal to create a 100% During IAA Transportation in September 2022, Goodyear In April 2022, Goodyear announced a program supported
sustainable-material tire by 2030. Our scientists and showcased an innovative demonstration commercial tire by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the Air Force
engineers continue to make great progress toward that made with 63% sustainable materials. Research Lab (AFRL), BioMADE and Farmed Materials to
goal. Goodyear began 2022 by announcing a develop a U.S. source of natural rubber from a specific
demonstration tire made of 70% sustainable-material The 63% sustainable-material demonstration truck tire species of dandelions.
content, a significant milestone toward our 2030 goal. includes 15 featured ingredients, including four different
carbon blacks and rice husk ash silica, across 20 tire Natural rubber is classified by the U.S. as a strategic raw
Throughout 2022, Goodyear’s team of scientists and components. This demonstration tire is labeled “A” in fuel material that serves as a critical ingredient in military,
engineers across the globe worked together and applied efficiency meaning it can offer the same fuel savings as aircraft and truck tires. Today, more than 90% of the
research, new technologies and their collective the most efficient Goodyear truck tires currently offered. world’s natural rubber is made from latex derived from
experience to improve upon the 70% sustainable- rubber trees and is primarily sourced from tropical
material content mark. The result—the development of a In the future, this demonstration tire can be connected locations outside of the U.S.
90% sustainable-material demonstration tire, unveiled in to monitor a variety of tire health parameters. This has
January 2023. the potential to reduce waste and increase efficiency by This program will build on research that analyzed more
maintaining ideal pressure and tire condition. Monitoring than 2,500 species of plants but found only a few with
This 90% sustainable-material demonstration tire the health of the tire is an important factor in properties suitable for use in tires. Taraxacum kok-
includes 17 featured ingredients across 12 different determining whether or when a tire can be renewed, thus saghyz, a species of dandelion known as TK, has proven
components, including: potentially contributing to circularity and increasing to be a valuable alternative to natural rubber trees.
• Four different carbon blacks produced from (bio-) While rubber trees typically take seven years to produce
methane, carbon dioxide, plant-based oil and end-of- the latex needed for rubber production, this species of
life tire pyrolysis oil feedstocks dandelion can be harvested every six months. TK
• Soybean oil, a bio-based resource that helps reduce dandelions are also resilient and can grow in more
our use of petroleum-based products temperate climates, such as Ohio.
• Silica produced from rice husk waste residue, a
byproduct of rice processing that is often discarded Backed by the DoD, Goodyear, BioMADE and Farmed
and put into landfills Materials began with planting and harvesting of TK seeds
• Bio-renewable pine tree resins, which replaced in Ohio in the spring of 2022. The natural rubber
traditional petroleum-based resins produced will be used in the production of military
aircraft tires that will be built and tested under rigorous
Additionally, this demonstration tire passed all applicable applications by Goodyear in cooperation with the AFRL
regulatory testing as well as Goodyear internal testing. at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
This demonstration tire also tested to have lower rolling
resistance when compared to the reference tire made If additional testing provides promising results, Goodyear
with traditional materials. Lower rolling resistance sees potential for the application of TK rubber to be used
means this demonstration tire has the potential to offer in all tire applications.
better fuel savings and carbon footprint reduction.

In 2023, Goodyear expects to sell a tire with up to 70%

sustainable materials.


Sustainable Sourcing

At Goodyear, we strive to make an impact through our choice of the • Promote practices that lead to the ability to trace natural rubber through the
materials we use. We are committed to managing sourcing in a way that helps entire supply chain
reduce environmental and social impacts and improve our global risk management. • Promote the use of responsible and sustainable production techniques
To that end, we continuously work to expand Goodyear’s requirements to include • Promote the best available growing and harvesting techniques
sustainable sourcing guidelines. Our Supplier Code of Conduct includes our • Support the livelihoods of smallholders
requirements related to human rights, environmental sustainability, health and • Regularly audit and work with our supply chain on policy compliance
safety, and business ethics, as well as our requirements related to competition law
compliance, conflicts of interest and privacy, among other topics.

Goodyear’s sourcing includes direct materials such as: natural and synthetic
rubber; fillers; pigments; chemicals and oils; semi-finished goods such as bead
wire, steel cord and fabrics; and indirect items such as services, equipment,
maintenance, transportation, energy and utilities.

Natural Rubber
More than 90% of the world’s natural rubber is made from latex derived from rubber
trees, which is primarily sourced from Southeast Asia. The tire industry uses
approximately 70% of the world’s natural rubber, and demand for natural rubber is
growing. This raises various social, environmental and economic concerns and
opportunities associated with the production of this important commodity. Social
and agricultural practices in natural rubber production can vary greatly and can Additionally, Goodyear is a founding member of Tire Industry Project ( TIP), a
have significant impacts on the livelihood and rights of local people, as well as local CEO-led initiative with 10 of the world’s major tire companies. Through TIP,
ecosystems through potential habitat conversions and reduction of species from Goodyear worked with other stakeholders, including automakers, rubber producers,
deforestation. other end users, and civil society, to move the natural rubber supply chain toward
natural rubber sustainability. TIP members and others launched the GPSNR in 2018.
Goodyear does not own any rubber tree plantations, but we have taken actions as
purchasers of natural rubber. Our Natural Rubber Procurement Policy aligns with In addition to being a GPSNR founding member, Goodyear continues to be an active
the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber‘s (GPSNR) Policy Framework. GPSNR member, including maintaining our role on the Executive Committee
This alignment signals our strong natural rubber supply chain commitments across representing the tiremaker category. Goodyear is also the co-chair for the Strategy
all aspects of sustainability. Our Natural Rubber Procurement Policy applies to & Objectives Working Group, which completed the Environmental Risk Study and
Goodyear and our affiliates. The key policy principles guiding Goodyear’s actions development of GPSNR’s Theory of Change. Goodyear prioritizes engagement
include: directly within GPSNR Working Groups or indirectly as necessary, as GPSNR
facilitates the natural rubber industry’s move towards a more sustainable supply
• Support and protect the rights of workers (including contract, temporary and chain. In 2021, GPSNR approved reporting requirements, under which members in
migrant workers), landowners and local people the natural rubber value chain will report on their policy implementation progress.
• Promote responsible acquisition and management of land that is free from Goodyear has submitted our data, and we expect a full member report to be
deforestation and land grabbing released in 2023.


Conflict Minerals and

Support for Natural Rubber Farmers and Communities To ensure compliance with our expectations, we also require any supplier with
Through our Natural Rubber Procurement Policy, we are committed to supporting products containing tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold or cobalt to fill out a Conflict
socially responsible projects in the communities that support our supply chain. In Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) twice a year. We require suppliers to disclose
2022, Goodyear, as a gold-level donor, helped fund a project in Indonesia that the smelters for those products, and we are a member of the Responsible Minerals
provided Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) coaching to more than a thousand Initiative’s (RMI) Conflict Free Smelter Program, an industry initiative that audits
smallholders. Goodyear plans to continue to help fund this long-term project in smelters’ due diligence activities. View our most recent Conflict Minerals report
2023 to further engage more smallholders with GAP trainings in support of here.
sustainable practices for years to come.
Soybean Oil
We expect that GPSNR’s capacity-building project will require ongoing funding to
As we continue to increase our use of soybean oil as a replacement for petroleum
enable the long-term success and expansion of the programs. As an active member
products, we identified a need to formalize our standards for its responsible
of GPSNR with representation in the Capacity Building Working Group, Goodyear
procurement. Our Soybean Oil Procurement Policy, published in March 2021, can
believes it is important to support GPSNR in its efforts to identify and address
help guide processors, farmers and all other members of the supply chain to
capacity-building gaps on the ground within the natural rubber supply chain.
establish practices and make sound environmental and social decisions related to
the growing, harvesting and processing of soybeans.
Conflict Minerals
Goodyear does not directly purchase conflict minerals for use in our manufacturing As we continue to increase our replacement of petroleum-based oils in our
processes; however, some of our tier 1 suppliers incorporate these minerals into products, we expect to continue the assessment and development of supporting
components that we purchase from them, such as bead wire. Goodyear conducts policies and reporting mechanisms, as needed, to help ensure we are responsibly
due diligence on our supply chain to assess our exposure to risk due to conflict managing our supply chain.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct requires that suppliers source minerals, derivatives
of minerals and other raw materials in compliance with applicable laws and
regulations and in a manner that respects human rights, and that they avoid directly
or indirectly financing or benefiting armed groups in the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) and/or its adjoining countries. In addition, under the Code, suppliers
are required, from time to time, (i) to certify that all materials and products supplied
to Goodyear do not contain tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold or cobalt or (ii) if they do
contain those elements, to cooperate with Goodyear to conduct appropriate due
diligence, including determining the country of origin and the source (including the
applicable smelter) and chain of custody of those elements.


Supply Chain

Goodyear’s Chief Procurement Officer leads our Procurement team, which manages In 2022, we completed an assessment for 94% of our raw material spend. Through
Goodyear’s sourcing for the materials and services we use globally. Together with this process, covered suppliers are required to provide information on policies and
other Goodyear teams, our Procurement team oversees and implements policies, programs pertaining to, but not limited to, human rights; employee training;
programs and supplier assessments and audits. The team also provides associate environmental, health and safety; chemical management; hazardous material
training on topics such as human trafficking, forced and child labor, anti- controls; and waste management. These survey results help position us to take
corruption, compliance and strategic sourcing processes. First-year Procurement effective action as we determine supply chain opportunities and strategies, as well
associates receive more than 40 hours of procurement-specific training, and all as to create and implement action and improvement plans when appropriate.
team members receive an annual refresher training. Training includes content that
helps associates identify potential issues and provides them with the skills and In 2023, we plan to continue to work with suppliers as needed to develop agreed-
resources to respond appropriately. upon improvement plans as well as introduce a pilot program for strategic indirect
suppliers to be included in our ESG assessment process.
We require our suppliers to comply with Goodyear’s Supplier Code of Conduct or
have their own equally substantial code of conduct, and we may deny or terminate a
business relationship should a supplier not do so. Topics covered in the Supplier
Code of Conduct include child labor and other working condition regulations, Supply Chain Scope of Those Required to
environmental practices and anti-corruption. We discuss the remaining policies Management Policies Comply
listed above in more detail in the sections focused on Human Rights and Natural Business Conduct Manual All associates
Supplier Code of Conduct All suppliers
Goodyear’s Business Continuity and Procurement teams annually conduct an
all-category and commodity risk assessment that identifies top raw material Global Policy on Human Rights All associates and suppliers
supplier risks across our global supply chain. This annual survey considers a wide
range of factors, including: procurement spend and volume; supply or supplier Natural Rubber Procurement All participants within the natural rubber
alternatives; geographic spend; geopolitical concerns; and emerging laws and Policy supply chain (e.g., smallholders, plantations,
regulations. Goodyear reserves the right to request information or access to intermediate dealers/consolidators,
suppliers’ facilities at any time to confirm compliance, including and especially as it processors and trading companies)
relates to human trafficking and modern slavery. In the event of violations, our Soybean Oil Procurement Policy All participants within the soybean oil supply
Procurement team pursues appropriate responses, which may include working with chain
suppliers to create corrective action plans or, in appropriate cases, terminating the
relationship. We include audit and corrective action results in our sourcing strategy

Our existing screening process includes an environmental,

social and governance (ESG) survey and requires raw material
suppliers—new and existing—to respond to the survey or
provide answers to a similar assessment.


Supply Chain Traceability

Supply Chain Traceability view to assessing human rights content in any applicable agreements. For the 2022
reporting period, there were no contracts in these categories.
Goodyear’s supply chain is complex, and Goodyear is exploring processes and
technologies to enhance supply chain traceability, tracking materials along
With a comprehensive approach to ethics and compliance measures, we work to
development paths from agricultural production to storage, distribution,
ensure our own operations do not allow or pose significant risk for either child or
processing, manufacturing and more.
forced labor. In accordance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act
of 2010, Goodyear takes measures to prevent and eliminate forced labor in our
In 2020, Goodyear planned to pilot a new system utilizing smartphone technology to direct supply chain, such as the risk-based assessments, supplier audits and
assist in field-based data capture with smallholders. The pilot had been put on hold procurement trainings discussed above. To develop the baseline for our human
due to concerns related to COVID-19, including travel restrictions for the safety of trafficking risk assessments, we used the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DoL) List of
our associates as well as our suppliers’ employees. In 2022, Goodyear was able to Goods Produced by Child or Forced Labor that categorizes goods by country. Within
complete this pilot program with Rubberway, and now utilizes this platform for the tire industry, the production of natural rubber, particularly in Southeast Asia,
supply comprising 36% of our natural rubber spend. poses the highest risk of child or forced labor.

For 2023, we are continuing to onboard new rubber factories into Rubberway and
Goodyear audits all our natural rubber suppliers every two years to ensure our
expect to be above 40%. Additionally, Goodyear intends to continue to engage with
operations are not supporting child or forced labor. In 2022, we conducted either
new suppliers and technologies to assess further capabilities related to traceability
onsite or virtual audits at 100% of our supply. Please see our Natural Rubber
and preventing material from deforested lands from entering our supply chain.
Procurement Policy for more information. One hundred percent of Goodyear
Procurement associates take an annual online training course on human rights
Human Rights issues. Beyond raising awareness about slavery and human trafficking, such as
Goodyear’s Global Human Rights Policy illustrates that we are fully committed to forced labor and child labor, the course also sets expectations for reporting any
maintaining an inclusive workplace and value chain that is free of harassment known or suspected violations.
based on a person’s gender, race, age, religion, disability, ancestry, national origin,
sexual orientation or other characteristics protected by applicable law. We prohibit In accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA), we have
all forms of compulsory, indentured or slave labor, as well as human trafficking, and also performed an initial assessment, with the support of a third-party consultant,
this extends beyond our operations to include suppliers and other third parties. to ensure Goodyear Germany’s compliance with the SCDDA in connection with
covered risks such as human rights and environmental risks. As part of our
Goodyear’s raw material supplier assessments include questions pertaining to continued efforts in this area, our intent is to assess the processes and
supplier human rights policies and violations. Our Supplier Code of Conduct methodology developed in the context of the SCDDA for expansion of our due
addresses important topics including human rights, child labor and other working diligence efforts globally.
condition regulations, environmental practices and anti-corruption. All suppliers
are expected to abide by Goodyear’s Supplier Code of Conduct or have their own Goodyear’s Integrity Hotline, available to both associates and suppliers, enables
equally substantial code of conduct. reporting of potential human rights issues, including anonymously (where
permitted by law). This hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from
In line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting recommendations, we anywhere in the world via toll-free telephone or website.
reviewed the material contracts listed as part of our annual public financial
reporting for those initiating strategic equity acquisitions or capital projects with a


Supply Chain

Our ongoing efforts to strengthen our understanding of our global supply chain
through our ESG survey gives us a baseline for enhancing our metrics and achieving
forward-looking goals, including:

• Completing more than 90% of the assessments of raw material spend to

Goodyear’s ESG information (through our survey or similarly) by December 2020 –
Completed 94% in 2022 and continue to update annually;

• Creating and implementing an action plan to improve the performance of each

raw material supplier below a defined ESG survey score by December 2020 –
Completed and annually updated;

• Achieving a 100% ESG survey response rate from suppliers of strategic indirect
materials – Successful pilot wave in 2021 of approximately 20 strategic indirect
suppliers with 100% response rate. We plan to expand to 100 suppliers in 2023;

• Training Natural Rubber Procurement team on ISO 20400 standards – We did not
complete training in 2022 due to restrictions limiting on-site training. This
training is slated to be completed in 2023; and

• Achieving 50% raw material spend traceability by 2025 – Delayed due to

pandemic-related travel restrictions in 2022; however, with limited travel
restrictions, this program has resumed as of February 2023. We continue to
explore more robust and comprehensive tools for enhanced transparency into our
supply base.


Focus Areas
• Culture of safety and health
• Reduce environmental impacts
• Produce high-quality products
• Drive ELT to beneficial reuse
• Risk analysis and mitigation

Workforce Safety

Goodyear’s Strategy Roadmap speaks to our commitment to operational

excellence, and that includes practices in support of responsible business Goodyear’s EHS Policy underscores the principles that guide us toward continuous
growth. Our day-to-day efforts to deliver high-quality products in an efficient EHS improvements. In 2019, we implemented our enhanced EHS Management
manner are supported by a culture of safety and health. We manage our System aligned to ISO 45001 across all customer-facing operations, including retail
environmental impacts and plan for adverse conditions to support business and field service support businesses. Additionally, 19 facilities are ISO
continuity. In the spirit of continuous improvement, we take lessons learned and 45001-certified, along with the 47 facilities that are certified to ISO 14001.
proven best practices to create and update our global standards. Operating in a
responsible manner worldwide leads to protecting our people, our customers, our Plant Optimization (P.O.) is Goodyear’s manufacturing operating system that is built
planet, our company and our good name. on the foundation of People and Environmental Care (PEC). Associates are
meaningfully engaged in EHS through PEC and interact with other P.O. pillars to
Workforce Safety and Wellness continuously build sustainable capabilities. One of the ways our associates learn
more about P.O. is through our e-learning courses. These courses provide an
We have a vision of being known as having the safest operations in the world. understanding of the system. From 2020 to 2022, more than 15,360 associates
Achieving that vision will require all associates to share a commitment to safety, participated in the self-paced, e-learning courses.
integrity, honesty, respect, and legal and ethical behavior. Every Goodyear
associate at every level of the organization has a personal responsibility for safety, Between 2020 and 2022, more than 650 associates completed the formal, intensive
which means they are expected to report unsafe work concerns and are P.O. Academy with virtual and in-person events increasing the positive impact that
empowered to stop work if they believe a task is unsafe. trained and engaged associates have on EHS. Overall, between 2020 and 2022, we
saw associate engagement through either participation in the P.O. Academy or
Governance of our operations, including performance, systems maturity and through the completion of the e-learning modules increase by 26%. As part of PEC,
compliance to internal and external requirements, is a critical aspect of our associate teams around the world organize and participate in activities that
process. Globally, we have a strategy deployment process where objectives support identifying and eliminating operational hazards while building internal
cascade from senior leadership to regional operations to the site level. Our monthly capability to develop projects and implement solutions to identified risks.
operations review process maintains accountability to the process by monitoring
performance and progress to our objectives. Another example of governance
includes our legal compliance audit process. We use third parties skilled in the
identification of environmental, health and safety (EHS) risk to audit our
manufacturing sites on a regular basis. In 2022, 24 of our global facilities were
audited to ensure ongoing compliance to EHS regulations.

To support safe operations, more than 90,000 hours of EHS

training were provided to associates in 2022. Work-related
hazards are identified through associate pre-shift
inspections, associate suggestions and formal inspections
and audits conducted by facility management and safety
teams. Formal health and safety committees represent 100%
of our manufacturing associates.


Workforce Safety

Performance Serious Injury Prevention

Goodyear measures our safety progress through both leading and lagging To achieve our vision to be known as having the safest operations in the world, we
indicators. In 2022, leading indicators included corrective actions completion; focus our EHS efforts on continuously reducing the risk of serious injuries. We’ve
ergonomic risk reduction; industrial hygiene improvements; EHS management identified serious injury risks, which we refer to as our Serious Injury Indicators,
system maturity; associate engagement; Corrective Action/Preventative Action based on a review of incident history, external benchmarking and industry best
(CAPA) related to audits, inspections and near-miss incidents; and near-miss practices.
incident reporting. We also measure Serious Injury (SI) and SI Potential; Total
Incident Rate (TIR) (injuries that require medical treatment above first aid and In 2022, we launched workshops, Insights to Culture, aimed at
restricted/lost-time injuries); contractor injuries; and first-aid injuries. In 2022, our
continuing to advance our safety culture. In the workshops,
key metrics include data from legacy Cooper facilities.
plant leadership teams from all businesses and regions had
Through the integration of legacy Cooper facilities into Goodyear’s operations, we the opportunity to reflect and learn methods to positively
discovered new synergies, including a machine risk reduction process that has influence culture.
strengthened our existing injury prevention system. We’ve also expanded our injury
prevention programs into legacy Cooper facilities. The result has been stronger As we continue efforts to advance our cultural environment, in 2022 we also
systems and more capable associates. increased focus on our Life Saving Practices, which are linked to our Serious Injury
Reliable data and easy-to-use technologies are vital to EHS decision-making. We
have created internal processes to provide reliable data and invested in industry As an example, our EMEA operations focused on Life Saving Practices during their
leading EHS management system software and mobile tools that generate real- safety month in June. Sites participated in different engagement activities, such as
time data analysis. This allows us to drive decision-making that supports our pledge signing ceremonies where associates refreshed their personal commitment
strategic goals. to use and follow Life Saving Practices in their daily work. Fairs and contests were
also held to identify and reinforce safe behavior while reflecting on how each
All incidents, including injuries, illnesses, near misses and property damage, are associate can support the safety culture at Goodyear.
investigated. Causes are then identified, and corrections developed and
implemented. These are captured in our EHS Data Management System for internal As we transition into 2023, we are formally integrating the Life Saving Practices
escalation, sharing of lessons learned, analysis and data reporting. into all aspects of how we work, including routine communications, performance
management, daily management system, shop level audits and interactions, injury
We reduced our TIR in 2022 from 2.23 to 2.05. Unfortunately, we did experience 38 investigations, as well in as our global audit process.
serious injuries, which we define as injuries that are permanently life altering or life
threatening. We remain committed to take actions needed to further our goal of STOP WORK if you don’t
understand a Life Saving
eliminating all serious injuries and fatalities in our workplace. We will continue to Practice or you are not
learn and build maturity in SI prevention, and teams throughout our global footprint certain how to apply it.
are committed to reaching our goal of zero.


Workforce Safety

Systems and Technology Ergonomics

We use technology to provide new insight for injury prevention. For example, Goodyear’s Ergonomic Core Teams contributed to our overall incident rate
associates in our Commercial Tire & Service Centers use wearable sensors to alert reduction and the improvement of workplace conditions to help make our facilities
them when bending and lifting tasks could contribute to injuries, enabling them to safer and more productive.
stop before an injury occurs. Associates at our manufacturing location in Akron,
Ohio, use tablet kiosks where associates can anonymously report an unsafe In 2022, after the introduction of motion capture technology to the ergonomic
condition before it becomes a hazard. In Latin America, we piloted video analysis teams, an internal ergonomic competition was relaunched to recognize teams
tools to help continually analyze near misses that could lead to injury. We continue working on ergonomic improvements. Teams from around the globe submitted 53
to expand our use of technology and access to real-time data on the front line. ergonomic projects. The Chairman’s Award, the crown jewel of our competition,
was awarded to our plant in Fayetteville, North Carolina, for a lift assist for green
Industrial Hygiene tires that reduced injury risk by 36% and reduced material handling by 100%. The
Preventing work-related illness in the workplace begins with understanding the winning project was a team collaboration among different functions and will be
potential impacts of noise and the substances used in the manufacturing process. replicated at other facilities with similar opportunities.
We assess workplace exposures through
monitoring, which validates that controls are Also in 2022, we launched a pilot program at four of our Commercial Tire & Service
effective and provides transparency to Centers to reduce ergonomic-related injuries. We are testing a wearable safety
associates. Goodyear’s industrial hygiene device that provides real-time feedback to inform our associates when they are
process uses best practices and regulatory and performing manual material handling tasks that could place them at risk of an
consensus standards to move beyond injury. This information allows them to self-adjust their actions. In addition, the
compliance. To advance global alignment, data collected provides a daily safe work score for the associates and provides
capabilities and visibility, in 2022 we managers with daily reports on safe scores and tasks having the most risk, helping
strengthened the development of our group of identify common solutions to lower risk and engineering controls.
global subject matter experts at our sites
around the globe by developing tools, training
and procedural guidelines to drive continued
maturity at our facilities. In addition, we piloted
qualitative exposure assessments in target
facilities to further advance the maturity of our
industrial hygiene process.



Goodyear’s Senior Vice President, Global Operations and Chief Technology Officer We continue to strive to reduce solvent usage and, consequently, solvent emissions
oversees the teams that implement our robust approach to operational at our manufacturing and chemical facilities. Since 2010, we have reduced global
environmental impacts. This includes our network of global, regional and facility solvent use by 43%.
experts in EHS, Sustainability, Engineering and Procurement. Our EHS Policy is the
guiding principle for all levels of management, associates and contractors to Releases to the Environment
continuously improve the safety and health of our workplaces and protect the We are committed to reducing the environmental impacts of our manufacturing
environment. operations. Our goal is to achieve zero environmental compliance violations, and
that includes our reportable releases and notices of violation. In 2022, Goodyear
We carefully monitor our energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and water use, reduced the total number of environmental violations from 25 in 2021 to eight,
set company-wide and facility-specific goals to reduce our operational impacts and indicating that our focus on continuous improvement strategies is having a positive
continue to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In 2022, Goodyear impact. Details on our performance in this area are outlined in the report’s Data
continued the integration of energy management principles through the cross- Table.
functional efforts of our Manufacturing, Engineering, Procurement and
Sustainability teams. Energy management is integrated into the P.O. operating
system, which embraces a zero-loss mindset and is active in 30 of our plants. This
includes aligning energy management with several of the key pillars of P.O., such as
focused improvement, daily equipment care, reliability excellence and early
equipment management.

Waste and Solvent Performance

Goodyear established a Zero Waste to Landfill expectation at our tire and chemical
manufacturing plants in 2006. Since then, we have continuously improved our
waste management practices by maintaining corporate standards, processes and
systems to help ensure the appropriate disposition of our wastes and other

To properly manage and confirm the continued success of our Zero Waste to
Landfill program, we have monitoring measures in place, such as waste reports
differentiated by waste types and dispositions and a detailed waste vendor
approval process.

We require our waste vendors to comply with our Zero Waste to Landfill program,
and we monitor and audit performance to ensure compliance. If we discover any
deviation from the program, immediate actions are taken, which can include
corrective action plans or the termination of vendor contracts.



Energy Optimization Program Energy Management Systems

In late 2021, Goodyear announced our climate ambition to reach net-zero Scope 1 Our Energy Management System provides the foundation needed to mature the
and 2, as well as certain Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 and to energy programs at each facility and begins with integrating energy into Goodyear’s
reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 46% by 2030. While these goals are P.O. program. This integration work is led by global, regional and plant engineering
for all our operations, reducing our GHG emissions in our manufacturing footprint teams.
will play an important role in achieving this goal.
At all levels of the organization building the capability of our Energy team is
As a result of our climate ambition announcement, Goodyear necessary to executing our energy optimization strategy. At the global level,
strategy is defined, tools and resources are developed, and project support is
has changed how we will report on our energy optimization.
provided. This work is led by Goodyear’s Global Energy Manager and executed by
Aligned with our climate ambition, we will use a 2019 baseline each Regional Energy Manager.
for our reporting going forward.
At the facility level, Goodyear has Energy Coordinators at 52 manufacturing
During 2022, Goodyear’s Global Energy team updated our energy optimization facilities. Energy Coordinators are responsible for identifying energy efficiency
program to align with these goals and incorporate key action items into our opportunities and implementing the energy optimization strategy at their individual
strategy. Starting in 2022, our energy optimization program is now focused on five facilities. Many of our Energy Coordinators are certified energy professionals,
key areas including energy efficiency, renewable energy and technology which Goodyear strives to have at our major manufacturing facilities.
development. Each of these areas has strategic action items associated with them Internationally recognized certifications allow our plant Energy Coordinators to
to reduce emissions, improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable effectively develop projects related to energy efficiency and meet our corporate
energy. In 2022, we also completed the integration of all Cooper tire facilities into efficiency goals.
the energy management program to ensure an aligned approach to energy
management across 52 manufacturing facilities. Tracking our performance through regular reporting and metering is critical to
continuous improvement. Goodyear continues to increase the level of metering at
Renewable Energy Procurement and Generation
all our facilities for real- time energy management. The development of energy
dashboards increases visibility to KPIs across the organization and supports better
management of key action items.

Energy Efficiency Programs Fuel Switching In 2023, we will continue to focus our efforts on expanding the metering at the
plants to enable more robust, real-time monitoring of energy performance in a
centralized energy management system in accordance with our digital
manufacturing strategy. The launch of our Global Energy Dashboard in 2022 is the
first step in this process, and we will continue to expand this system as we mature
our energy monitoring implementation globally. This system expansion work will be
completed in early 2023.
Energy Management System Technology Development
Goodyear reviews and updates our energy strategy annually.



Energy Efficiency Programs leak program, reducing the number of compressors operating at the plant and
Goodyear’s energy efficiency programs enable our plants to better identify and improving condensate return to the boilers. Other projects include larger
implement energy projects across our manufacturing facilities. Through the improvements such as replacing major equipment like boilers, compressors and
integration of energy into P.O., we work to reduce energy use through zero-loss chillers. These upgrades not only increase the reliability of our equipment, but also
thinking and equipment efficiency. The energy loss assessment, within our overall improve overall energy efficiency.
manufacturing zero-loss assessment, reviews different categories of energy losses
that can occur in all areas of the manufacturing facility, such as steam use, utility To reduce our consumption of natural gas, our Adapazari
costs, heating and cooling, and electric use efficiency. Upon completion of the facility in Turkey installed a solar wall to provide heat to the
annual energy loss assessment, each plant identifies its greatest opportunity areas
facility. This project has resulted in an energy savings of more
and sets its own goals in BTUs per pound of production.
than 600 MWh per year and reduced CO2 emissions by over 20
These goals are incorporated into Goodyear’s global energy reduction goal. We have metric tons.
identified more than 530 energy efficiency projects in our most recent five-year
plan that leverage a zero-loss culture to prioritize opportunities, target cost We are looking at opportunities to use this solution at other facilities in our
reductions and increase efficiency. footprint. In addition, our Pulandian, China, facility was able to reduce steam
consumption in their curing area by improving the curing trench manifold system,
In 2022, our savings from energy efficiency projects was resulting in improved steam use efficiency and condensate return.
approximately $19 million, and we achieved a 2.3% energy
efficiency improvement from our 2019 baseline.

To ensure consistent implementation of projects across all facilities, we utilize a

best-practice sharing platform and developed an energy project catalog. The
project catalog allows energy coordinators to easily identify potential projects in
each area of the facility.

New in 2022, we developed a tactical energy scorecard at all manufacturing

facilities. This scorecard helps to drive better day-to-day management of energy by
tracking performance of key areas, including efficiency of boilers, compressors and
chillers; air and steam leak repair programs; and LED lighting and controls

Throughout the year, each of our regions and facilities works to implement energy
efficiency projects in all areas of our facilities. Many of these projects focus on
improvements in our tactical energy program, such as improving our leak detection
and repair programs. Many of our facilities have implemented the use of new
equipment to better detect leaks throughout the facility, leading to greater rates of
repair. For example, our Tupelo, Mississippi, facility implemented a facility-wide



Renewable Energy CO2 emissions from their electricity intake while reducing energy costs. In addition,
In 2021, to help reduce our carbon footprint, Goodyear announced a Bold Goal to there are solar instillations at our plants in Aurangabad and Ballabgarh, India;
move our manufacturing operations and processes to all renewable energy by 2040, Bogor, Indonesia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Bangkok, Thailand; Adapazari and Izmit,
with a mid-term goal of 100% renewable electricity in our manufacturing operations Turkey; and Fulda, Germany. Investments in solar in our Asia Pacific and EMEA
by 2030. regions have resulted in the generation capacity of approximately 9MW of
electricity. In 2023, we expect to add additional onsite solar in at several more
At the end of 2022, we are using 34% renewable electricity facilities around the world, bringing that capacity up to 40 MW.

through procurement and on-site generation. This is up from

3% in 2019. Fuel Switching and Technology Development
We are beginning to investigate how we can significantly reduce the direct
To continue the progress we have made, we are engaging a cross-functional team emissions from our operations by switching fuels to renewable options and
within our Manufacturing, Global Engineering, Procurement and Sustainability developing new technologies for our processes. Much of the work in this space is
functions to develop a global renewable energy strategy that will help us achieve still developing, including the industrialization of renewable fuel sources. We are
our climate goals. We will continue to build upon this strategy in 2023 and report on also looking at opportunities to electrify our processes. This allows us to use
its progress in future reports. renewable electricity sources as power in place of using steam.

Additionally, after developing our renewable electricity roadmap in 2021, we have Bringing all this work together in our energy optimization program has allowed
begun executing the plan to build upon the progress we have made in this space. Goodyear to make progress toward meeting our goals for reducing emissions,
Our long-term plan is to utilize corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) for improving efficiency and increasing our use of renewable energy. So far, since 2019,
long-term electricity procurement. This will ensure that Goodyear is able to we have reduced absolute GHG emissions by 15%, improved energy efficiency by
maintain our goals and add new power generation to the grid. 2.3% and increased our use of renewable electricity by 34%.Through the actions we
have identified and already have started to implement, we believe we are on track
Eliminating Nearly 400k Metric Tons Of CO2 Emissions to make the progress needed to achieve our goals.
In 2021, Goodyear announced we would procure 100% renewable electricity for all
our facilities across Europe, Middle East and Africa by the end of 2022. By
purchasing nearly 800K MWh of renewable electricity, Goodyear can ensure that our
manufacturing plants, including Cooper facilities, in France, Germany, Luxembourg,
Poland, Slovenia, Serbia, South Africa, Turkey, the Netherlands and the UK now
operate with renewable electricity. This shift has eliminated nearly 400K metric
tons of CO2 emissions annually from the company’s carbon footprint.

Facilities Around the World Procuring and Generating Renewable Electricity

In addition to our EMEA region operating with 100% renewable electricity, we also
have several other plants around the world procuring and generating renewable
electricity. Our plants in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia and Peru purchase 100%
renewable electricity, and our Pulandian, China, and Lawton, Oklahoma, facilities
are each procuring a portion of their renewable electricity, eliminating or reducing



Water Performance We source water from public utilities, wells, lakes and streams, of which 31% (1.930
Goodyear’s production of tires is not a water-intensive process, and we use water billion gallons) is from public utilities and 69% (4.271 billion gallons) is from well and
primarily for cooling and sanitary purposes. However, we do operate in areas where surface waters. To reach our goal, we performed a study at our plants with the
water stress can be high. Therefore, we strive to continuously reduce our water highest water use, assessing them for potential water reduction projects and rating
use. To understand the full breadth of our water footprint, we track water use and priorities. We plan to continue to leverage closed-loop cooling systems, onsite
water withdrawal data at 52 of our facilities, and we use the WRI Aqueduct Tool to treatment plants and evaporative cooling to capture process water and steam
annually assess water stress, down to the basin level at every location. We have condensate to reuse and reduce the use of water. We will continue to report on our
nine facilities in areas exposed to water risks, but those facilities are some of progress in future reports.
Goodyear’s most efficient in terms of water use. Additionally, even though our
usage is not substantial in water-scarce locations, we include the WRI assessment
results, where relevant, in new project scopes to understand potential project
impacts on local water supplies.

Goodyear’s goal for water use is to maintain our strong performance at our most
efficient facilities while improving water efficiency at our highest-intensity and
water-stressed locations. Our facilities in high-stressed locations and the largest
water users in each region evaluate their reduction opportunities and implement
best practices for continued water savings. Our newer plants—for example, in San
Luis Potosí, Mexico, and Dudelange, Luxembourg—are designed to meet high
standards in water efficiency.

Now that we have incorporated the Cooper facilities into our manufacturing
footprint, Goodyear has set a goal to reduce water consumption by 30% by 2030
from a 2020 baseline. In 2022, we have continued to make progress in reducing
water and have already achieved a 19% reduction since 2020.


2010 3,204

2019 2,732

2020* 1,859

2021* 1,625

2022* 1,502

Global Water Usage (Gal/Ton) * Combined Goodyear and Cooper

*Performance adjusted for capacity utilization data for 2020-2022



Our customers and consumers demand high-quality tires that will help Customer Satisfaction Performance
them get where they need to go safely. Quality is an integral part of our A critical aspect of Goodyear’s product and process quality is our goal of meeting
Strategy Roadmap, with a vision to be the tire supplier of choice across the world by and exceeding customer requirements. We monitor our progress toward this vision
providing industry-leading tire quality, performance and service. through our internally developed OEM customer index, which provides an end-to-
end analysis of how we are doing at any given time with each of our OEM customers.
We ensure consistent quality through our robust Quality Management System This index utilizes a combination of leading and lagging quantitative and qualitative
(QMS). Our QMS provides a framework for our quality standards, minimum metrics to score overall OEM customer satisfaction, highlighting our priorities and
requirements and best practices that govern and enable our global operations. areas for customer relationship improvement at a glance. We also measure
Goodyear continuously improves our QMS through the execution of our global customer satisfaction through warranty cost per net sales, which is the cost to
quality strategy, ensuring that we retain a quality leadership position in every region fulfill warranties compared to net sales. This metric provides a barometer to
where we operate. Another way we ensure quality consistency across our facilities measure Goodyear’s ability to deliver the full value of our tires from point of
is through certified adherence to industry-accepted standards. While all of our purchase.
facilities are ISO 9001-certified, our OEM-producing plants are certified to the
higher IATF 16949 standard, which is specific to the automotive industry and Goodyear is among the industry leaders in warranty cost per net sales, and our goal
required by certain customers. is to maintain this status.

Quality is touched by every major level of the company. Goodyear has a Product
Performance Advisory Committee comprised of SVP & General Counsel; SVP, Global 2022 2021 2020
Operations and Chief Technology Officer; VP Global Quality; VP Global Warranty cost per net sales 0.14% 0.17% 0.22%
Manufacturing; Director Government Compliance and Product Performance; and
the president of the applicable strategic business unit. The committee meets as
needed to discuss product quality issues, including those that may require some Product quality performance trends continued to evolve positively in 2022, now
field action. There are also quarterly reviews with members of senior management including warranty performance from the Cooper-branded products. We were
to review field performance data. In addition, there are global-, regional- and focused on the safety of our associates and the quality of products as we managed
plant-level quality teams that manage quality procedures and audits and implement through the continued impact of supply chain volatility. The company continues our
continuous improvement actions when necessary. Finally, our production firm commitment to the execution of key quality strategies toward the quality
associates receive annual training on product quality and safety. This vision and supporting our business model.
organizational approach, coupled with robust early warning systems and
containment procedures, helps Goodyear maintain an industry leading position in
the area of product field performance.

Manufacturing facility audits, by both local plant associates and regional functional
experts, are conducted through a structured and layered audit process approach.
This approach fosters engagement and ownership of our quality standards down to
the floor-level associate. Additionally, external OEM customer auditors and
third-party auditors who review adherence to international quality standards, such
as ISO 9000, IATF 16949 and AS 9100, complement our internal assessments.



The proper recovery and reuse of end-of-life tires (ELT) help to In 2021, we began collecting metrics on the recovery routes from our company-
contribute to a circular economy, where they can be seen as a useful owned retail and commercial truck locations based on the TIP ELT Waste Hierarchy,
resource. Globally, an estimated one billion tires reach the end of their useful life and a common reporting methodology, to better understand the disposal of ELT we
every year. Goodyear plays an important role in managing ELT at our own locations manage. Collecting this information from our waste management vendors for ELT
and through promoting the reuse of ELT through new markets. However, proper will allow us to further advance the beneficial reuse of ELT, and we will share in
ELT management requires a multi-stakeholder approach because tire replacement future reports what we have learned from this information.
often occurs in locations outside of a tire manufacturer’s control and ELT
management involves many actors along the value chain. To do our part, Goodyear: Goodyear is also working to develop ELT as a raw material, promoting a circular
economy. Goodyear tires may contain recycled materials, such as recycled rubber
• Promotes the proper management of ELT in our company-owned retail locations; compounds that may include devulcanized butyl rubber, which has been used by
• Conducts research and collaborates with external organizations on the Goodyear for more than 20 years. It comes from used truck tubes and can replace
development of ELT recovery methods and uses of ELT as raw materials; and some virgin polymer and carbon black in the liner compound. Other devulcanized
• Actively collaborates with industry peers through TIP and RTTAs to advance rubbers and ground rubbers from ELT can be used in various tire compounds. Tire
industry-wide ELT management systems. materials such as steel in bead wire or steel cord may contain recycled content
(pre- or post-consumer) where the recycled material may vary. We are exploring
Performance additional opportunities to use recycled materials in our tires such as recycled
Globally, a number of ELT recovery systems are already highly developed, such as in styrene for use in making styrene butadiene rubber. We also continue to investigate
Europe, Japan and the U.S., with recovery rates of 92%, 92% and 81%, respectively. traditional recycling processes that provide acceptable properties beyond our
However, we will continue to work internally and collaborate with our industry peers current applications and are looking to work with customers to support beneficial
in the search for improvement consistent with industry goals of reaching 100% reuses of tires.
recovery for all tires worldwide.
We continue our active involvement in TIP’s work to promote ELT recovery routes,
According to the latest USTMA Scrap Tire report, 71% of scrap tires in the U.S. were especially in developing nations, and its research regarding emerging uses for ELT.
recycled into products such as rubber modified asphalt, new manufactured In addition to our work with TIP, we continue to be active in the USTMA’s and
automotive products and mulch for landscaping and other products, or used as ETRMA’s ELT market development efforts.
tire-derived fuel. This is down from 96% in 2013 when scrap tire recycling peaked,
although the USTMA report indicates that there is room to grow the market for
recycling ELT.

Within Goodyear, a cross-functional team contributes to the successful

management of ELT from our company-owned locations, reviews current trends in
ELT management, develops internal activities for new technology related to the use
and recovery of ELT as a raw material, and aligns on regional ELT activities where
we operate and sell tires.



In 2022, our Global Business Continuity teams focused on minimizing for continuous improvement in regional and global BC maturity. Strategic activities
disruptions and impacts from major risks, including infectious disease and to support operational resilience included training, testing and plan validation.
variant impacts; supply chain events; natural incident occurrences; and IT Annual objectives were tracked on a monthly basis to ensure alignment with our
infrastructure reliance, while applying resilience strategies to all other events. annual operating plan. Ongoing benchmarking is conducted with similar
organizations and with those having well-developed resilience programs.
Goodyear’s Director, Global Business Continuity, leads a process focused on
resilience that aligns with all Business Continuity (BC) teams across the In 2022, there were more than 60 formal BC team engagements. While most were
organization. Teams include representatives from each business unit and global managed within a week, some continued for multiple weeks.
and tactical functions and focus on the shared goal of helping Goodyear to be the
most resilient global tire manufacturer.

Governed by a senior leadership committee, these teams implement a risk-based, 1.

Program Initiation
decision-making BC Process. They track both quantitative and qualitative and Management
10. 2.
indicators and build continuous improvement into all major activities. In 2022, the Coordination Risk
teams identified focus areas, including supply chain events, people (talent), with External Management
potential operational impacts, infectious disease and potential political risks.
10 1
Geopolitical risks involving war and political escalations early in the year set the
9. 9 3.
trend for the need to implement planning to support associates, facilities and
business operations. Additional engagements throughout the year included
Communications 2 Business
Business Analysis
collective bargaining agreements and suppliers affected by a variety of unexpected 8 Continuity
events. The teams also participated in a global effort to define BC incidents, crises
Life Cycle 3
and events as part of ongoing education. In all, the global and regional BC teams 8. 4.
demonstrated great agility, helping the company to respond to and recover from
Plan Exercise,
Assessment and 7 Business
events that could have adversely affected Goodyear’s objectives, goals and Maintenance 4 Strategies

6 5 5.
Awareness Incident
Goodyear’s BC Process is aligned with the Disaster Recovery Institute (DRI) and Training Response
Programs 6.
International for certification in BC. All manufacturing locations follow a calendar of Plan
activities tied to a key performance indicator reporting process. Included are Development and
annual updates to risk assessments, business impact analyses and development of
BC plans. Teams then focused on and prioritized risks by highest probability and
Goodyear’s BC path toward resilience includes strong
potential impacts, supported by their critical processes through effective planning.
alignment and a common focus on executing strategies
aligned with these BC professional practices.
We evaluate the maturity of our BC Process through an annual Maturity of
Excellence process. This evaluation is based on defined actions to elevate
performance aligned with the DRI International’s Professional Practices framework
for maintaining organizational resilience. A three-year forward plan was developed


Focus Areas
• Fuel efficiency, safety, longevity and
• Fleets, autonomous, connected and
electric vehicles

ADVANCED MOBILITY Advancing Tire Performance

Advanced forms of mobility—such as fleets, autonomous, connected, electric Advancing Tire Performance
and sustainable vehicles—are transforming the tire industry and have the potential
Goodyear continued to invest in our Innovation Centers in 2022. The installation of
to make driving safer and more sustainable. Goodyear is positioned for success
the dynamic simulator at our Luxembourg facility was successfully completed and
through our commitments to advanced energy efficiency, safety, tire longevity,
is now fully operational. Having dynamic simulators at both of our Innovation
comfort and convenience, as well as several digital-based solutions. And we don’t
Centers in Akron, Ohio, and Luxembourg, gives us full simulator capabilities around
expect to do this alone. Our Goodyear Ventures fund partners with innovative
the world.
startups to help drive the future of mobility.

Located next to our proving grounds in Colmar-Berg, the DiM250 (driver-in-motion)

Goodyear’s innovative spirit and drive for excellence puts us at the epicenter of the
dynamic simulator allows Goodyear to prepare and execute driving simulation runs
mobility revolution. We are working closely with customers and other innovators to
and feed data back to the tire engineering teams, wherever they are located.
shape this transformation. We are excited for the future of mobility and have much
to offer the transportation industry through our work in advancing tire performance
Simulated driving enables systematic collection of hundreds of data channels,
and shaping the mobility revolution.
previously available only by labor-intensive instrumented testing. These efforts will
help lead to fewer physical testing iterations and provide a more sustainable testing
• Advancing Tire Performance - We continue to advance our technologies to help
future. As referenced in the Bold Goals, by 2024, Goodyear is seeking to reduce our
our customers reach their emissions reduction and safety goals and to be part of
physical testing iterations to one per SKU, a dramatic reduction from current levels.
the solution to these global challenges. OEMs, airlines, fleets and others continue
to face significant pressure to further reduce vehicle emissions and energy use
and increase safety.
fit to curve
• Shaping the Mobility Revolution - We are driving toward a mobility future in which
shared vehicle models and fleets are commonplace, and the vehicles themselves when final
are smarter, safer and emit significantly fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Tires are critical components to accomplishing these objectives.


ADVANCED MOBILITY Improving Energy Efficiency

In addition to virtual simulation, Goodyear continues to make progress in Improving Energy Efficiency
emerging forms of mobility, including tires specific to electric vehicles
Goodyear’s life cycle assessment (LCA) results point to the product-use phase as
the greatest opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so we design
for a more efficient tire from an overall energy-use standpoint. Energy use is
In 2022, Goodyear extended our product lineup specifically for EVs in both the
affected by design factors such as tire rolling resistance, tire weight and
commercial and consumer markets. Goodyear showcased two new tires for the
aerodynamics. Goodyear can foster energy efficiency through our tires’ rolling
growing last-mile delivery sector: the new Endurance RSA ULT and Fuel Max RSA
resistance, weight and aerodynamic impacts. A tire with low rolling resistance and
a vehicle with less weight consume less energy and emit fewer GHG emissions. To
help reduce rolling resistance, tire construction must reduce unnecessary weight
With the fuel-efficient Fuel Max RSA and the “Electric Drive Ready” Endurance RSA
and minimize the energy losses in the tire while helping provide safe performance.
ULT—Goodyear’s first tire equipped for the higher load capacity of electric
Therefore, we test our rolling resistance and weight reduction advancements in
commercial vehicles—Goodyear aims to meet growing demand trends within the
tandem with a multitude of other parameters including wet, dry and winter
last-mile delivery segment driven by e-commerce, as well as fleets’ cost-savings
traction, durability and treadwear to ensure optimized performance across all
and sustainability goals.
To help stay ahead of growing consumer demand in the EV space, Goodyear also
To illustrate our commitment to improving vehicle energy efficiency, through 2022
launched the all-new Goodyear ElectricDrive™ all-season tire and two new sizes for
we had achieved a 32.9% reduction in rolling resistance from 2005 baseline values
our ultra-high performance tire, the Goodyear ElectricDrive™ GT. With the addition
and are working toward another nearly 7% reduction by 2025. Similarly, we
of four new sizes to our EV tire lineup, Goodyear ElectricDrive is now a fit for 44%
decreased tire weight by 9.4% versus the 2005 baseline, exceeding our objective of
more battery electric vehicles operating in the U.S. today*.
a 9% overall weight reduction by 2025.
* Based on data released by Experian Vehicle Registration Data; January 2022
Goodyear developed state-of-the-art technology in rubber compounding, tire
construction and manufacturing to meet the increasing
demand for lighter tires with low rolling resistance.
Rubber compounding efforts include testing
different methods to mix and cure the
compound, as well as alternative materials and
fillers that could enhance fuel efficiency. For
the past decade, Goodyear has applied
lightweight technology to many of our tires.



Tire longevity reduces the number of tires that reach their end of life in a of the benefits. Representing Goodyear’s strongest performing highway tire to
given year. This is especially important to Goodyear’s fleet customers, who save date, the Wrangler Steadfast HT is an all-season tire with strong wet performance,
significant time and labor by replacing fewer tires, as well as electric vehicle enhanced ride comfort and backed with a 70,000-mile treadwear limited warranty*
customers, who benefit from longer-lasting tires to handle increased torque and featuring a long-lasting tread compound for longer tread life. Goodyear’s Wrangler
weight from electric engines. Workhorse® HT is engineered to deliver dependable all-season traction, while
providing a smooth, confident ride and a long-wearing tread compound designed to
In 2022, we launched six new products, each with longevity as a benefit, across our deliver dependable tread life and traction in wet, dry and light snow driving
North America consumer and commercial business. conditions. The Wrangler Workhorse® HT is backed with a 60,000-mile treadwear
limited warranty*.
In our commercial truck tire portfolio, we launched several tires with enhanced
features to help deliver long miles for our customers. The Armor Max® Extreme To stay ahead of growing demand in the electric vehicle (EV) market, Goodyear
Service Drive (ESD) tire is engineered to tackle tough jobs in extreme environments launched the all-new Goodyear ElectricDrive™ all-season tire and two new sizes for
while delivering extended service life through durability and traction in severe our ultra-high performance tire, the Goodyear ElectricDrive™ GT in 2022. The new
applications. We also launched the Endurance™ WHA tire made with soybean oil in Goodyear ElectricDrive™ comes with a 60,000-mile tread life limited warranty* to
the tire tread, offering fleets a more sustainable tire designed to keep waste haul ensure consumers can benefit from longer-lasting tires to handle increased torque
fleets on the road longer with a dual-layer tread compound that helps optimize from electric engines.
treadwear and miles to removal. Finally, we launched the Fuel Max 1AD that features
* See warranty brochure for complete details
encapsulated shoulder waffle blades that help deliver durability in high-torque,
single axle drive applications while stiffening the tread for long miles to removal.

When a new commercial tire’s tread wears below the recommended level,
commercial fleets can opt to retread the tire.
Retreading is a process in which the
remaining tread is removed from the
tire casing and a like-new tread is
applied in its place and then cured
so the tire can be reused. This
cost-effective option allows
fleets to extend the life of their
tires. Most Goodyear casings
are built with the durability and
toughness to withstand more
than three retread applications.

In the consumer passenger tire

segment, Goodyear introduced three
tires that feature tire longevity as one



Goodyear is working to reduce the road noise from our tires through a Goodyear’s quietest tires with SoundComfort technology are available across
combination of tread design and construction of the tire carcass. Because summer and winter in selected sizes. The following are the Goodyear tires with
some vehicle constructions are more sensitive to tire noise produced by air SoundComfort Technology available in our EMEA region.
vibration inside the tire cavity, we created SoundComfort Technology® to reduce
tire air cavity resonance. Our technology applies an open-cell polyurethane foam
element to the inner surface of the tire, reducing vehicle interior noise up to 4dB.5*. Summer Winter
The foam is also light enough to avoid impacting tire weight or rolling resistance**. Eagle F1 Supersport UltraGrip Performance +

Our SoundComfort tires are designed with a built-in sound barrier. Like a cushion Eagle F1 Asymmetric 3 UltraGrip Performance SUV
for your tires, this acoustical barrier reduces air vibrations and dampens the
interior noise in your car while you are driving, making the vehicle cabin half as Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5 UltraGrip Performance
quiet compared to regular tires***.
Eagle F1 Asymmetric 3 SUV
In our passenger tires, we are continuing to include SoundComfort Technology
across summer and winter tires. EfficientGrip

EfficientGrip SUV
In 2022, we launched the ElectricDrive™ and ElectricDrive™ GT
tires designed to deliver longevity, enhanced all-season EfficientGrip Performance 2
traction and a quiet ride featuring SoundComfort Technology.
EfficientGrip Asymmetric 3 SUV

* Actual results could vary based on a variety of factors, including road conditions, vehicle type, driving habits, tire
inflation, vehicle loads, and temperature.

** Test vehicle: Audi A7 3.0 FSI on straight line with measurement parameters of 50, 70, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 kph,
comparison of the airborne sound level in the interior when compared with standard tires.

*** Depending on the type of vehicle, its speed and road surface. Based on internal vehicle road measurements, tested
February 2018, January 2018, November 2017 and October 2011 by Goodyear engineers in Luxembourg. Tire size:
225/55R17 on VW Passat Alltrack and Ford Kuga and 255/45R18 on Audi A7.


Shaping the
ADVANCED MOBILITY Mobility Revolution

We are driving toward a mobility future in which shared vehicle models

and fleets are commonplace and vehicles themselves are smarter, safer
and more sustainable. Tires play a critical component in achieving these

The Goodyear team also consistently monitors our customers’ needs and explores
technological advances to help meet them.

Driven by this customer insight, we are delivering on five key areas:

1. Digitizing the connection with the road

2. Offering vehicle readiness
3. Developing new tire architectures, such as maintenance-free tires
4. Simplifying the consumer buying and tire maintenance process
5. Driving the future of mobility by partnering and investing in seed-to-growth
stage startups In 2021, Goodyear launched Goodyear SightLine, the company’s global tire
intelligence platform. Goodyear SightLine is in development to identify and address
Digitizing the Connection with the Road potential tire-related issues and relay information that only tires can feel. It is
Tires are the only element of a vehicle that touches the ground. This contact point designed to measure the tire wear state, load, inflation pressure and temperature
has the potential to provide important data to the vehicle. Connected tires can read and report on what is happening outside of the tire as well, including road
the road and report back to the vehicle with the goal of driving enhanced levels of conditions.
safety and performance. These innovations are shaping the evolution in mobility. In
fact, Goodyear has set a goal that, by 2027, we will reinvent tires and service, In an important step toward enhancing the connection to the road, Goodyear, in
delivering data- and sensor-enabled intelligence in all of our new products. collaboration with autonomous trucking company Gatik, was able to demonstrate,
in a proof of concept, that intelligent tires powered by Goodyear SightLine
Goodyear’s ability to service commercial fleets is well established, and we have technology can accurately estimate tire-road friction potential and provide
already begun to offer digital connectedness in the form of advanced telematics real-time information. With road-friction data, tires can help enable smoother,
and predictive analytics technology. With our proprietary algorithm technology, we safer and more sustainable driving. This is critical information for autonomous
help fleets predict when their tires need service or replacement, improving overall vehicles in terms of path planning and providing recommendations for safe driving
tire management and maximizing uptime across the fleet. speed, vehicle acceleration limits and vehicle following distance.

For several years, Goodyear has provided tire management solutions for Goodyear SightLine is currently available for light cargo van fleets and autonomous
commercial trucking fleet managers, including Goodyear Tire Management and systems and soon we expect to deploy Goodyear SightLine technology on select
Goodyear Proactive Solutions. Using on-vehicle sensors and active monitoring original equipment vehicles, bringing immediate utility to the mobility market.
systems, fleet managers and drivers can evaluate tire conditions in real-time using
Goodyear’s unique, fleet-specific algorithms. These solutions help fleets identify Goodyear continues to build capabilities and collaborate with other like-minded
critical issues, such as tire air leaks and high temperatures, while also providing companies to drive efficiency among commercial fleets. Together, we are working
predictive tire maintenance analytics to help reduce tire-related roadside to enhance the performance and operation of their vehicles.


Shaping the
ADVANCED MOBILITY Mobility Revolution

Offering Vehicle Readiness Simplifying Consumer Buying and Tire Maintenance

In 2022, Goodyear continued our emphasis on advanced forms of mobility, with a Our consumers are at the center of everything we do, which means getting new
strong focus on connected products and services. AndGo by Goodyear, a vehicle tires should be simple, straightforward and convenient. With Roll By Goodyear,
service automation platform that provides full vehicle readiness for consumer and mobile installation means you can get tires whenever, wherever. Our
commercial fleets, expanded its capabilities with more than 30 new features and website also provides consumers with the experience to shop and buy tires at a
orchestrated over 50,000 services in 2022 alone. With key partners like Toyota and time and location convenient to their schedule, including scheduling an in-store or
a recently added world leader in last-mile delivery, AndGo is well on its way to Roll By Goodyear installation location.
become a top player in the mobility space.
In the commercial space, our customers value turn-key solutions that minimize
When we launched AndGo in 2020, it was clear that emerging mobility companies downtime and streamline the order, install and repair processes. The commercial
needed a better way to service their vehicles. These new companies are Total Mobility platform delivers the right products, a premier service network and
spearheading the future of mobility, but they’re held back by vehicle servicing complete, connected tire management to make running a fleet easier than ever.
solutions that are time-intensive, non-digital and difficult to scale.
In addition to the Total Mobility platform, Goodyear CheckPoint drive-over readers
AndGo’s platform connects vehicles to service providers, such as Goodyear’s can help deliver a smoother ride for commercial fleets as they work hard to deliver
nationwide footprint, and facilitates services in a connected and seamless way. The for their customers. Goodyear CheckPoint is a drive-over-reader device that
platform orchestrates services between service providers and fleets, leading to provides automated tire inspections for tread depth and tire pressure, providing
ecosystem benefits such as wider service coverage, increased uptime, lower costs, data to help make maintenance decisions to keep fleets moving.
access to new markets and higher revenues for service providers.

AndGo supports many kinds of fleets and vehicle types, including car-share and
ride-share fleets, last-mile delivery, electric vehicles and more. The service is
scalable and flexible, and supports almost any kind of service offered by providers
and a variety of fleet sizes, including light- and medium-duty vehicles.


Shaping the
ADVANCED MOBILITY Mobility Revolution

Developing New Tire Architectures Driving the Future of Mobility

New tire architectures are going to play an important role as we continue to Goodyear Ventures, our venture capital fund, is focused on fueling the future of
address advancing forms of mobility. Goodyear’s development work in non- mobility by supporting and investing in seed-to-growth-stage startups in emerging
pneumatic tires (NPTs) is leading to products that are designed to eliminate flats mobility technology. Leveraging Goodyear’s global resources and technical
and air pressure checks, contributing to worry-free performance. expertise, Goodyear Ventures is collaborating with mobility ecosystem partners
that are driving the future of mobility.
The unique engineering of Goodyear’s airless tire solution
This past year, Goodyear Ventures expanded its investment portfolio of innovative
allows for no loss of tire pressure, because of this, NPTs have
startups that share a vision of convenient, accessible, sustainable, efficient and
the potential to improve longevity, lower maintenance costs safe new mobility experiences. This included, a technology firm with the
and help enable a more sustainable future. potential to advance the development and deployment of new advanced driver
assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous features and Revel, a transportation
We continue to make significant progress in this emerging technology, including company that is focused on accelerating EV adoption by providing infrastructure
recent NPT in-field testing on consumer electric and commercial autonomous and services.
vehicles. The testing results provide us the data we need to continue to improve
this innovation and get us closer to providing customers with leading technology in The Goodyear Ventures portfolio of 13 innovative companies, includes ampUp,
maintenance-free mobility solutions. Autofleet, Envoy, Formant, Gatik, Ottometric, Nova Labs, Recurrent, Spiffy,
Starship Technologies and Tactile Mobility.


Focus Areas
• Robust talent development
• Diverse and inclusive culture
• Healthy and well workforce
• Global community engagement
• Demonstrate ethical values


One of the core tenets of our Strategy Roadmap is engaging and enabling Offering a Rich and Rewarding Place to Work
our associates to realize their full potential. It starts with attracting diverse Goodyear strives to enhance all aspects of the talent lifecycle and enable
top talent and is followed by fostering an inclusive environment; offering associates to achieve their full potential through a rich and rewarding talent
opportunities for skill and career development; promoting health and wellness; experience. We do this by:
having a positive impact in our communities; and building trust and earning
confidence by acting with integrity. We continue to make progress in these areas. • Identifying and attracting the best talent in our industry
• Supporting associate growth and career development
• Building and preparing Goodyear’s bench of future leaders
Topic Importance • Engaging and inspiring our associates to deliver “above and beyond” for our
Talent Experience Our associates drive results by delivering value to our business and customers
customers, shareholders and communities. We
provide integrated talent management and learning Advancing Our Talent Acquisition Practices
solutions that inspire our associates to reach their Winning in the marketplace starts with attracting the right talent who embody our
full personal and professional potential at Goodyear.
values—acting with integrity, bringing out the best in one another, collaborating
Diversity and Inclusion A diverse workforce is critical to Goodyear’s future. closely as One Team and embracing change so that we can seize opportunity and
We foster an inclusive culture where all associates deliver results. Goodyear builds and executes unique strategies for attracting
feel like they are being heard, where our leaders and
interns and salaried and hourly associates. We use key performance indicators to
teams reflect the diversity of the changing work-
force and our customers, and where we value the evaluate the effectiveness of our talent attraction strategies and work cross-
power of differences to further innovation and functionally with business leaders to align on these initiatives.
long-term business success.
Health and Wellness Goodyear’s highest priority is the health and In 2022, we launched a global employer value proposition (EVP) as the foundation of
well-being of our associates and their families. Our our talent brand. Our EVP communicates what it is like to work for Goodyear and
wellness offerings through GoodLife aim to improve why talent should choose us.
quality of life and productivity.
Community Engagement Collaborating with community organizations Built from associate feedback, the EVP consists of four
energizes our team and helps us all build a better pillars: We invest in you; Your work moves people; You can
future. Our global strategy and efforts are an
extension of our business—aimed at ensuring safe build a better future; and Your perspective matters.
mobility, inspiring students to reach their full
potential and reducing environmental impacts. Messages and stories in support of these pillars are embedded across a candidate's
Compliance and Ethics To “Act with Integrity” is a core component of journey and associate experience touchpoints, helping to attract and retain talent.
Goodyear’s Strategy Roadmap. Each associate is
responsible for acting with honesty, integrity and
respect—every day and everywhere we do business.



Winning in the marketplace starts with attracting the best talent who Goodyear leaders have reinforced the importance of the PDP
embody our values—including acting with integrity, inspiring each other, as we maintain strong levels of participation in 2022. More
collaborating, embracing change, and delivering results—and our talent
attraction strategies reflect these values. Consistent with Goodyear’s desire
than 95% of all eligible associates had documented
to be a more diverse and inclusive culture, we are using hiring practices that aim to performance objectives.
increase the diversity of ideas, experiences and backgrounds represented within
the qualified candidate pool, and this focused effort starts at the top. Goodyear’s global processes and best-practice resources further build capabilities
and drive performance accountability to achieve developmental success.
Hiring practices also include posting Goodyear’s job opportunities to diversity- Associates are encouraged to take performance and development feedback to
focused career sites and partnering with professional associations, universities create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) focused on acquiring the skills, abilities
and diversity-focused career events and employment programs. The events and and experience required to achieve short- and long-term career aspirations. Nearly
organizations we engaged with in 2022 included: Black Engineer of the Year Award 8,000 IDPs were entered in Goodyear’s Global Talent Management System by our
Virtual Conference; Purdue University and the University of Akron student groups associates in 2022. Through the Goodyear talent planning process, managers
including the Society of Women Engineers, National Society of Black Engineers, the discuss talent strengths and opportunities to proactively build our leadership
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, and the Society of Hispanic Professional pipeline. These activities include annual in-depth reviews of business and function
Engineers; the All-Akron Student Engineering Program; and Australia’s WISE senior leadership team succession plans with the CEO.
Women employment program.
Evolving Opportunities for Learning and Development
Identifying internal talent for open positions is also critical to our talent Building the skills associates need to meet business and professional goals is an
management strategy. Associates are encouraged to check for open roles of essential part of learning and development at Goodyear. In 2022, our salaried
interest through Goodyear’s career site and to regularly update their professional associates completed an average of 15.5 hours of training, a 13% increase over
profiles in our talent management system for career advancement opportunities. 2021. Associates have access to a variety of global development resources and
We take pride in building and promoting our internal talent by using robust processes to advance their careers at Goodyear, including:
development and succession planning processes. This year, 1,300 open manager
positions were filled by an internal Goodyear associate. • Talent Central, a central repository of tools, books and articles for learning, as
well as policies and processes, to help associates manage their career and their
Applying a Purposeful Approach to Performance teams.
Our Performance and Development Process (PDP) provides associates with the • The Goodyear Learning Center (GLC), which houses a collection of 17,000+
clarity and support needed to achieve high performance and career growth. courses available to all associates, allowing them to identify learning
Goodyear’s approach requires associates and managers to tie business objectives opportunities that support individual development goals.
to our Strategy Roadmap, which defines how we work and how we win. Our method • Goodyear Connections, our mentoring system that connects associates with
leverages ongoing conversations that are focused on the “what” (business mentors for specific developmental needs.
objectives) and the “how” (core competencies). The PDP concludes with a year-end
performance evaluation and conversation that factor into the ways we reward
associates to reinforce strong performance.



Broadly, the GLC offers courses developed internally by the Talent Management Complementing these global talent reviews, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief
team and courses created by leading providers, from Skillsoft to Harvard Business Human Resources Officer annually meet one-on-one with the top leaders in each
Publishing. These offerings are enhanced on a continual basis to drive the region and function to align on succession plans and development actions needed
development of leadership capabilities, business skills and technical capabilities to grow the business of today and enable the leaders of tomorrow. We continue to
that ensure the organization's ability to seize the opportunities outlined in the establish more rigor and consistency in determining successor readiness using a
Strategy Roadmap. common language of critical experiences and capabilities and have begun using
succession metrics to measure success.
Over the past several years, we have increased investments in technologies that
improve the effectiveness of virtual learning capabilities and the associate In concert with our forward-looking talent strategies is a focus on developing
development experience. With this improvement, we continue to reach more leaders with diverse backgrounds and experiences. As such, our planning process
associates with meaningful learning that aligns with talent and business needs. includes a review of our “Diverse Talent Spotlight,” a discussion focused on the
career aspirations and development needs of high-impact, diverse talent and
We also prioritize development for our manufacturing associates. Our P.O. (Process actions that are being taken to support them in their career goals. Through this
Optimization) initiative engages and empowers these associates by focusing on process, we advance our progress in building a pipeline of qualified, diverse leaders
standardized work and improvement processes to emphasize consistency across prepared to position Goodyear as an industry leader for today and for the future.
plants and regions, promoting One Goodyear Way. Goodyear accomplishes this
through ongoing learning experiences and workshops on technical and soft skills. Gathering Critical Associate Insights
One of the most important indicators of our success as a company is how our
Investing in Leader Capabilities associates feel about working for Goodyear. Our global engagement survey
Goodyear invests broadly in development aimed at building capabilities vital to captures associate feedback about their experience and what Goodyear can do to
leaders. Across business units and functions, initiatives are in place that further enhance it. Survey insights remain essential to understanding and responding to
leadership skills such as communication, connectivity and appreciation. In 2022, associate needs in our complex and always-changing global environment.
we expanded our Inclusive Leader Program to support the diverse culture that will
help Goodyear drive business results. Established in 2018, our Global Associate Engagement Survey measures a variety of
topics connected to our Strategy Roadmap. Feedback from the survey is used to
Additionally, our General Manager Program, Global Manufacturing Leadership celebrate strengths and identify opportunities to take meaningful actions that drive
Program and our Plant Manufacturing Director Program, provide training and engagement and increase the likelihood our associates recommend Goodyear as an
mentoring for the next generation of leaders who will assume key roles in our employer of choice (Net Promoter Score).
business. These programs capture and transfer knowledge from incumbent leaders
to aspiring leaders and promote best practice sharing across our business. In 2022, 80% of global salaried associates participated in
Goodyear’s engagement survey, and we saw global year-over-
Planning for Our Future
Goodyear leverages an annual global talent planning process to prepare the next
year increases to overall company engagement.
generation of leaders. This helps our business identify future experience and
capabilities needed to win, evaluate talent strengths and development needs
against these experiences and capabilities, identify successors and coordinate
robust development plans focused on helping our leaders reach their full potential.



The Goodyear Senior Leadership Team also sets engagement-related goals as part Goodyear’s Global Communications Leadership team hosted Talking Strategy, a
of our PDP to keep the organization focused on the importance of maintaining an video podcast, to gather informative experiences and insights from leaders about a
engaged workforce in an evolving industry and talent market. We are proud to have highlighted element of the Strategy Roadmap.
sustained the significant increases in global engagement achieved during the onset
of the pandemic and are pleased to have continued to expand our engagement Goodyear also hosted interactive discussions during the Strategy in Action Live
survey to include our global hourly associates (i.e., retail stores and manufacturing series. These global meetings provided an opportunity for associates to learn more
plants). This year, 85% of the hourly population was invited to share their about our business, ask questions and engage directly with leaders on timely
perspectives. topics.

In addition to listening to our associates through our engagement surveys, we offer Strategy in Action, a series of feature articles, provided authentic perspectives
an exit survey to global salaried associates who elect to leave Goodyear. Our exit about an element of the Strategy Roadmap through educational Q&As about the
survey helps us better understand our opportunities to attract and retain talent and Strategy Roadmap in practice.
provides additional insights to consider as we seek to improve our career
development, engagement and retention programs. These combined listening Together, these programs helped drive understanding of our updated Strategy
activities offer a powerful set of datapoints across the talent lifecycle that help us Roadmap through meaningful stories from associates and leaders around the
prioritize where we can be most impactful at enhancing the associate experience. world.

Preparing for the Road Ahead To learn more about Goodyear’s Strategy Roadmap and our mission to enable
This is an exciting and pivotal time in Goodyear’s 125-year history. The world of mobility, visit our corporate website.
mobility continues to transform itself; technology has accelerated the pace of
change; and sustainability has become a critical determinant of business success
and corporate citizenship.

Given this momentum, we updated our Strategy Roadmap in 2022 to reflect the
current state of our business, of mobility and of society. It outlines how we win, how
we work and where we focus in a rapidly changing global tire industry.

To bring our Strategy Roadmap to life, we introduced a variety of internal

communications designed to help associates understand our global purpose of
enabling mobility through the lens of Goodyear leaders.

This approach empowered our teams to deepen their knowledge of the business,
listen to diverse perspectives, discover new ways to deliver results and learn from
leaders across the organization.


INSPIRING CULTURE Diversity and Inclusion

Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Culture

As part of our global mission to foster an inclusive culture where all associates feel In addition to ERG-sponsored educational events, we trained 50 global ERG
like they are being heard, implementing diversity & inclusion (D&I) best practices in presidents and vice presidents to help them identify their leadership style and
how we operate continues to be a business imperative. develop a strategic focus so they can help grow their ERGs.

This commitment is highlighted in our Strategy Roadmap, included in our Business In 2022, Goodyear ERGs coordinated more than 100 activities
Conduct Manual and Global Zero Tolerance Booklet and embedded across the around the world that directly impacted our associates,
organization through programs implemented in support of Goodyear’s D&I strategy.
businesses and communities—all accomplished through the
Our core initiatives—Insights and Analytics, Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), volunteer efforts of our dedicated associates.
Education & Awareness and D&I Executive Council—are centered around the talent
lifecycle because we strive to hire and retain the best talent that reflects the We honor our ERGs annually during Global Diversity Awareness Month in October
workforce demographics. with celebrations that included the 2022 Global ERG Annual Mosaic Awards. The
awards spotlight the hardworking associates who make ERGs possible and allow
To guide Goodyear in this space, senior leaders are accountable for our D&I Goodyear to recognize members and allies, share updates on our D&I strategy and
priorities and report progress annually to our Board of Directors, while associates come together as One Team to celebrate our achievements. This year, 32 global
receive training and are empowered to embrace unfamiliar cultures, different chapters submitted more than 65 nominations for six awards: Associate Impact
experiences and unique viewpoints at work. This is essential to our ability to better Award, Business Impact Award, Community Impact Award, Ally of the Year Award,
serve our customers and consumers today and in the future. Executive Sponsor of the Year Award and Excellence in Leadership Award.

Promoting Inclusion: Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Goodyear’s eight ERGs are critical to our D&I strategy to attract and retain a diverse
workforce. With nearly 3,500 global members—a 6% increase in membership this
year—and a One Team mindset, our ERGs continue to foster an inclusive work
environment by offering education, cultural awareness, professional development
and volunteer opportunities to associates around the world.


INSPIRING CULTURE Diversity and Inclusion

The Goodyear Women’s Network Celebrates a Centennial Their success in implementing programs to support their mission, including the
In 2022, the Goodyear Women’s Network (GWN) in Akron proudly commemorated Driven Women Wednesday series, is one of the reasons why eight GWN board
100 years of women’s organizations at Goodyear. members received the 2022 Associate Impact Award during the annual D&I Mosaic

Just as Goodyear fosters an Inspiring Culture where associates can develop to their
full potential, GWN will continue to play an impactful role in attracting, developing
and empowering women for the next 125 years.

Members and allies came together to honor this milestone and pay homage to the Nurturing Change Through Education and Awareness
remarkable contributions women have made to Goodyear since 1922, when the Building upon the momentum of our successful training workshops in 2021,
company’s first women’s network was established. Goodyear deployed multiple education and awareness initiatives designed to move
participants from awareness to action.

In 2022, our Education & Awareness program consisted of four initiatives

empowering associates to listen, learn and act:

1. Inclusive Leadership Foundations: This workshop delivers unconscious bias

training to Goodyear people leaders and helps them identify and address
biases that may occur during recruiting, onboarding, development and
succession planning.
2. Coaching Sessions – Action Planning for Inclusion: Leaders who completed
Inclusive Leadership Foundations were invited to join 90-minute coaching
sessions where they created actionable D&I plans and reflected upon how
they can be a more inclusive leader.
3. Global Microlearning Program: This optional resource for global associates is
available online and provides a series of two- to five-minute-long videos with
supporting exercises. This resource allows our teams to take lessons at a
pace that works best for them and provides them with suggestions they can
Known then as The Wingfoot Girls, this group focused on cultivating the social, immediately put into action.
intellectual and physical development of its members. It eventually evolved into 4. D&I Champions Pilot Initiative: Goodyear launched the first-ever D&I
Women in Leadership (WIL) before becoming the Goodyear Women’s Network. Champions program in May 2022. This global initiative includes individuals
who represent their region to drive our D&I strategy deeper into the
Over the years, GWN has expanded to include 21 chapters throughout the Americas, organization.
Asia Pacific and EMEA. Members continue to empower each other, advance career
opportunities and champion women in the workplace and in our communities
around the world.


INSPIRING CULTURE Diversity and Inclusion

Extending the Reach of Our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

The D&I Champions program was first introduced this year in the Americas with a
pilot group of 19 associates to support a more inclusive culture that benefits our
customers and consumers.

D&I Champions are leaders in the business who have been recognized by the D&I
Executive Council member(s) representing their region. Nominated to take part in
the program, these associates completed educational sessions and informal
meetings with the Global Office of D&I to help them understand our strategy and
lean in to foster a more inclusive workplace.

The Asia Pacific region also collaborated with the Global Office of D&I in November
to launch this program with participation from 16 high-level leaders across the
region, extending the program’s global reach.


INSPIRING CULTURE Health and Wellness

Goodyear’s focus on the health of our associates is brought to life In 2022, GoodLife partnered closely with our Community Engagement team to drive
through our global wellness program GoodLife, which embodies a holistic participation in the annual Akron Half Marathon & 10K and provided first aid kit
approach to health and well-being for associates, families and partners. items for associates to use during the Global Week of Volunteering.

Our four pillars of emotional, financial, physical and social health guide our annual Our global workforce also has access to Goodyear’s Employee Assistance Program
programs. GoodLife measures the success of these initiatives through associate (EAP), which provides Goodyear associates with an array of services, including a
engagement and participation. focus on strengthening relationships, enhancing communication skills and coping
with depression, anxiety, stress, grief and loss, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We
Encouraging and Supporting Healthy Habits actively promote the services available to associates through the EAP, as we
We encourage a healthy workforce through voluntary initiatives, a Healthy Choice recognize the value it delivers by keeping associates and families safe and healthy.
Incentive, wellness physicals, year-round vaccination clinics and educational
programs that support our core pillars.

Our GoodLife Health Center (GLHC) provider Everside Health administered COVID-19
booster clinics and flu shot programs throughout 2022 in all Goodyear locations
that offer onsite wellness services.

In addition to these health offerings, associates have regular access to wellness

programs at the GLHC, personal health services and more. We provide an onsite
Fitness Center at HQ, as well as in other locations, to ensure associates can
maintain a healthy body and mind.

GoodLife also sponsored onsite trainings and activities that received positive
feedback from associates and leaders, while driving awareness of Goodyear’s
commitment to well-being:

• Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training: In partnership with Goodyear

Security Services, GoodLife sponsored an eight-month CPR certification
program, training and certifying more than 120 Akron-based associates.
• World Heart Day: Supporting the global effort to improve cardiovascular
education, GoodLife observed World Heart Day on Sept. 27 by offering heart-
healthy food and recipes. The positive response resulted in a GoodLife follow-up
program where the wellness team provided an expanded selection of healthy
snacks, recipes and more.


INSPIRING CULTURE Health and Wellness

Maintaining Safe and Healthy Worksites Delivering Robust Benefits

Safe and healthy worksites are essential to our business, so we regularly assess the To meet the needs of our diverse workforce, retirees and their dependents, we
measures we have in place to protect our associates. offer a robust benefits package with options for full-time and part-time associates,
as outlined below and on the next page, for our significant locations of operation
As part of this commitment, Goodyear has expanded our wellness services to (countries with more than 1,000 Goodyear associates). Costs for most benefit plans
manufacturing sites over the past years. Eight manufacturing locations have fully are shared by both the company and the associate.
operating GoodLife Health Centers with first-responder teams and fire brigades.
We also provide clinical services at two additional worksites.

These services help the continued operations of our workforce and deliver wellness
opportunities that our associates can leverage to improve their personal health.

Americas Europe, Middle East, Africa Asia Pacific

BENEFITS United States Brazil Chile Mexico – SLP Germany Luxembourg Poland South Africa Turkey Australia China India
Medical Plan Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Dental Plan Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No

Vision Plan Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No
Life Insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Accidental Death &
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Dismemberment Insurance

Short-Term Disability Insurance Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Long-Term Disability Insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Business Travel Accident Insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voluntary Products (Insurance
product offered at discount price, Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No
no GY contribution)
Pension Plan (on top of legal) Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Healthcare Flex Spending (U.S. only) Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Healthcare Savings Account (U.S. only) Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


INSPIRING CULTURE Health and Wellness

Americas Europe, Middle East, Africa Asia Pacific

BENEFITS United States Brazil Chile Mexico – SLP Germany Luxembourg Poland South Africa Turkey Australia China India
Paid Time Off (Vacation,
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sick and Holidays)
Leaves of Absence (Family,
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Medical, Personal)
Education Reimbursement Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Adoption Assistance Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes
Discount Tire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Affiliation Discount (allowing

associates to purchase services/

Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
products from external vendors
including automobiles)
Relocation Assistance for
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
transferring associates
EAP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GoodLife Health Centers (onsite
medical clinics to specifically handle
injuries/illnesses while at work, but can Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
also help accommodate any primary
care visits [cold, immunizations, etc.])
Financial - Interest-Free Loans No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No
Lifestyle - Meals No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes****

Lifestyle - Transportation
No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes*****
(shuttle bus/allowance)
Healthcare - Medical Check-up No Yes Yes Yes* Yes** No No Yes*** Yes*** No Yes Yes
Stock Ownership Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*
* Stock Ownership: Eligibility for Long-Term Equity awards based on job level **** Onsite meals subsidized in plants
** Healthcare - Medical Check-up: Legacy cases only based on job level ***** Shuttle transportation subsidized in plants
*** Healthcare - Medical Check-up: Eligibility based on job level


INSPIRING CULTURE Community Engagement

Goodyear associates around the world once again proved that our Safe: Promoting Safe Mobility
commitment to our communities extends to everywhere we live and Red Cross Fire Safety – As part of the Global Week of Volunteering, associates in
work. Throughout 2022, associates across our regions completed projects ranging Akron partnered with the American Red Cross to assist with a local fire safety
from collection drives to preservation of national heritage sites. Guided by our program. These volunteers installed 42 smoke alarms between 17 homes in the
Better Future mission, we focus our efforts by aligning programs to our engagement area, providing essential fire safety and early warning for the families living there.
pillars—Safe, Smart and Sustainable. This year, Goodyear associates worldwide
found opportunities to support their own communities in these key areas through
impactful projects.

Goodyear associates worldwide engaged in volunteer projects

and collection drives throughout 2022. This year, our
associates logged more than 16,000 volunteer hours with more
than 5,000 of those hours logged by members of Goodyear

The Global Community Engagement team brings Goodyear’s community

engagement strategy to life, providing tools and guidance to help associates
execute volunteer and engagement programs globally. By sharing best practices, Safe Mobility Project – Established in 2016, Goodyear continues the Safe Mobility
tools and resources with our locations around the world, Goodyear associates seek Project with Akron Children’s Hospital with a goal of reducing childhood injuries in
out valuable ways to positively impact their communities. the area. The team completed 144 total events in 2022, including child passenger
safety seat distributions, bicycle helmet distributions, teen driving education
Associates at Goodyear’s Corporate HQ gain both community engagement and events and more, many of which engaged Goodyear associate volunteers. These
professional development experience through Goodyear Corporate Councils. Each events extended their reach as the Safe Mobility Project expanded to three
Council acts as the liaison between Goodyear and a particular community additional counties.
organization to coordinate volunteer opportunities and assess needs, all while
helping participants develop leadership qualities. Goodyear’s Corporate Councils Community Health Program – Goodyear associates in Indonesia contributed to the
include Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio; Akron Children’s Hospital; Global Week of Volunteering by volunteering with a local community health
National Inventors Hall of Fame® Science, Technology, Engineering and program. Thirty Goodyear associates gave their time over the course of five days to
Mathematics Schools; and the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. provide health screenings to community members by taking blood pressures,
recording weight and height measurements, and more. The community is healthier
The Global Week of Volunteering supported long-standing community partners thanks to the efforts of these volunteers.
through a variety of projects, alongside widespread involvement from associates in
all regions. We continued to make the most of lessons learned throughout the
pandemic. While associates were able to return to in-person volunteer events, we
used collection drives and at-home opportunities to maximize associate
involvement, including at plant and retail locations.


INSPIRING CULTURE Community Engagement

Smart: Inspiring Students to Reach Their Full Potential

Driving Opportunity – In 2021, the Goodyear Foundation launched the Driving
Opportunity Scholars Program with The University of Akron, which supports full
tuition and fees for 15 undergraduate students majoring in in-demand fields for
Goodyear. Each student is assigned a Goodyear Corporate Mentor in their area of
interest to help guide them through various challenges associated with college and
beginning their careers. In 2022, the first cohort of students completed Goodyear
internships, gaining first-hand experience and learning in the workplace. In
addition, the next five scholarship recipients were welcomed into the program and
began their studies at the University of Akron.

STEM Career Day – Goodyear’s annual STEM Career Day encourages students to
pursue opportunities in various science, technology, engineering and mathematics
disciplines through creative and engaging projects. In 2022, Goodyear hosted high
school and middle school events to engage, challenge and educate STEM students.
Through hands-on activities, engineering challenges and mentorship conversation
with Goodyear associates, these students were immersed in STEM and what a
career in a STEM field could look like for them. Additionally, scholarships were
awarded to STEM Career Day participants pursuing degrees in designated STEM

After-School Activities – Associates from Goodyear’s San Luis Potosí location took
part in the Global Week of Volunteering by assisting a local organization called Club
de Niños y Niñas. This club provides a healthy and safe educational space for
students once the school day is done. The students can engage in study groups, art
activities and sports teams. Goodyear volunteers repaired and beautified the
outdoor space for the club, including sports fields.

Sustainable: Reducing Our Environmental Impact

Cleanup and Tree Planting – Goodyear associates in our Philippines location
committed to helping the local environment as part of the Global Week of
Volunteering. These volunteers cleaned up waste from an 11-km stretch of Marikina
Park, and afterwards planted tree saplings to beautify the area.


INSPIRING CULTURE Community Engagement

Trail Cleanup – Akron-based associates cleaned multiple locations used as walking

paths in the community during the Global Week of Volunteering. Partnering with the
Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition, volunteers cleaned and landscaped around the
Howe House, a scenic building in Downtown Akron that connects to the historic
Towpath Trail. Volunteers also assisted the Western Reserve Land Conservancy
with cleanup of a trail located close to Goodyear HQ, clearing downed branches and
litter that blocked the way of those enjoying the trail.

Community Preservation – Slovenian Goodyear associates went above and beyond

to improve and sustain landmarks in their community. These volunteers completed
a series of projects throughout the year, ranging from maintenance of cultural
heritage sites to beautification of a kindergarten and many more. Their dedication
helps ensure their community and history will continue to be enjoyed by all for years
to come.

Goodyear Blimps: Cruising for Communities

The Goodyear Blimps have supported communities and non-profit organizations
since 1925, when the Santa Claus Express toy-giving program began. For more than
95 years, Goodyear Blimps have remained committed to dedicating a portion of
operational time to community giving.

2022 marked the 12th year of Goodyear’s collaboration with the Marine Corps Toys
for Tots program, which began by using Goodyear’s Blimp bases to generate
donations of toys and cash and has since grown to several retail stores. In 2022, the
program raised a total of $14,337 and received its second largest toy donation count
ever, providing 22,657 toys for families during the holiday season. Since 2010, the
Goodyear Blimp Toys for Tots events have generated more than 215,000 toys and
over $525,000.

Goodyear also regularly provides blimp ride certificates for charity, generating
millions of dollars for nonprofits. In 2022, Goodyear provided 185 ride certificates in
local communities, which generated over $375,000 to benefit the recipient
nonprofits’ missions and work in the community, more than doubling the dollars
raised in 2021.


INSPIRING CULTURE Compliance and Ethics

Upholding High Ethical Standards

Goodyear’s long-standing commitment to upholding high ethical standards
influences everything from talent attraction, retention and engagement to our
ability to maintain our competitive edge and avoid unnecessary risk to the business.
Compliance & Ethics (C&E) operates at this intersection, emphasizing the
importance of acting with integrity and delivering value in several ways:

• C&E provides updates on ethics and compliance activities to the Board of

Directors multiple times per year. The Board Committee on Corporate
Responsibility and Compliance reviews the activities and processes designed to
uphold our commitment to ethical behavior.

• Global and regional C&E Committees—composed of top company leaders from

business and functional areas—meet several times a year to discuss compliance
and ethics matters, initiatives and training, and update policies and procedures
as needed.

• The department ensures that all salaried associates annually review and affirm
their knowledge of Goodyear’s Business Conduct Manual (BCM)—which defines the
behaviors that support our high standards and reinforces associate compliance
with applicable laws and business practices—and promise to abide by it and Reinforcing Ethical Behavior Through Training and Awareness
disclose any known violations of certain policies. In 2022, approximately 23,000 We expect every associate to know and understand our compliance and ethics
global associates were required to complete their BCM certification. policies and to abide by them. Goodyear requires almost all global salaried
associates and new hires to complete online training covering the Business
Goodyear’s Business Conduct Manual is shared through our Conduct Manual and key compliance policies. Additionally, these associates take
three online courses per year covering various compliance subjects, such as
corporate website, company intranet, Goodyear NOW digital anti-bribery, competition law, workplace respect, privacy, international trade
platform and in hard copy for associates without internet controls and others.
access. Available in 17 languages to help ensure global
comprehension, the Manual is updated regularly to reflect the In 2022, more than 15,000 associates completed online training courses on such
current workplace and regulatory landscape. subjects as competition law, global trade compliance and preventing global modern
slavery. Our three-year training cycle is reviewed and updated annually to ensure
our topics remain relevant and address the risks Goodyear faces.


INSPIRING CULTURE Compliance and Ethics

We also launched a new online training course this year for more than 9,000 hourly Since first launching Compliance Week in Brazil in 2015,
associates in our North America manufacturing plants. This was their first online
Goodyear has extended our reach considerably. This year,
training on the Business Conduct Manual, and the course included a special
message from Chairman and CEO Richard Kramer that emphasized the importance inaugural events were celebrated in Kunshan, Qingdao and
of ethics and integrity across our operations. Indonesia as part of 25 Compliance Weeks across the globe.
More than 130 compliance and ethics training sessions were
Goodyear has continued with our commitment to reaching associates wherever delivered to thousands of associates covering topics such as
they were during 2022 for compliance training and programs:
anti-bribery, giving and receiving gifts, conflicts of interest,
• We conducted in-person and virtual trainings across all strategic business units accurate recordkeeping and workplace safety.
as well as focused compliance campaigns in many countries and plants on various
subjects, such as workplace respect (including harassment and discrimination),
conflicts of interest, competition law, speaking up, preventing and detecting
fraud and bribery, gift and entertainment policies and privacy.

• Goodyear’s Quarterly Ethics Awareness Campaign, covering topics from the

Business Conduct Manual, takes place in our company-owned retail, wholesale
and commercial tire service locations in the U.S., United Kingdom, France,
Germany, Canada, Japan and Australia, as well as in our Airship Operations and
the Hebron facility. During the 2022 quarterly campaigns, managers led their
teams in conversations on compliance and ethics subjects such as how to speak
up when associates see something that isn’t right, conflicts of interest, substance
abuse and guidelines for wage and hour compliance.


INSPIRING CULTURE Compliance and Ethics

Speaking Up: Our Commitment to Ethical Behaviors and Practices Investigations Process - Goodyear conducts investigations in response to
Every associate has an obligation to Speak Up! and do the right thing to help allegations of misconduct related to the company. The allegations might be for a
Goodyear Protect Our Good Name. By speaking up, associates strengthen our variety of different misconduct including violations of law, policy, procedure, the
commitment to acting with integrity and engaging in ethical practices, which Business Conduct Manual or ethical obligations. An investigation is intended to help
benefits all stakeholders, from associates and customers to suppliers and Goodyear identify and understand the facts relevant to the allegations, assess the
investors. situation, and come to a conclusion about how to resolve the issue and address any
risks or misconduct that may have occurred.
Goodyear strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against
Like all associates, those responsible for conducting internal investigations are
individuals who report in good faith known or suspected expected to maintain the highest ethical and legal standards. This year, we
violations of policy or law. The Speak Up! section of the developed an Investigator’s Code of Conduct to remind investigators about their
Business Conduct Manual provides detailed information about obligations and help all associates understand the obligations of those entrusted
how to report concerns and about Goodyear’s anti-retaliation with conducting internal investigations. Fairness, confidentiality, an unbiased
policy. approach and a commitment to our non-retaliation policy underlie these principles
and are essential to an effective investigative process.
Integrity Hotline - As part of its mission to promote ethical standards and equip
Trust is a critical element of the Compliance & Ethics mission, and we build trust
associates to act with integrity every day and speak up when required, Compliance
through transparency. C&E conducts ongoing data analysis to better understand
& Ethics oversees Goodyear’s hotline reporting and investigation case management
our investigations data. This includes reviewing the types of allegations reported,
system. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, the Integrity
locations involved, substantiation rates and anonymity rates. This data is shared
Hotline allows associates and all other stakeholders (including customers and
with Goodyear’s executive leadership, Board Committee on Corporate
suppliers) to ask a question, raise a concern or report questionable conduct. The
Responsibility & Compliance, and Global and Regional Compliance & Ethics
Hotline is one option to report concerns, including anonymously where allowed by
local law; however, associates are also encouraged to bring concerns to their
managers or representatives across HR, Legal, Compliance & Ethics and Internal

Reports of any non-minor compliance or ethics concern made through any of these
means and brought to the attention of C&E are included in our hotline and case
management system. Every report, regardless of how it is reported, is reviewed by
a C&E team member. The reports are vital to addressing potentially harmful
behavior, identifying emerging risks, and tailoring training and policies to the actual
situations our associates face.


INSPIRING CULTURE Compliance and Ethics

Ensuring Business Partner Commitments to Compliance and We value every Integrity Hotline report and encourage all
Ethics associates to Speak Up! when something doesn’t seem quite
Goodyear expects our business partners, including distributors, suppliers and other
right. Goodyear’s Speak Up! culture is evident in our 2022
third parties, to adhere to high ethical standards. In partnership with other
functions, C&E applies a risk-based approach to vet, monitor and establish Global Associate Engagement Survey — 94% of respondents
compliance expectations for third parties. All suppliers must comply with the legal, say that they would report unethical behavior if they observed
ethical and sustainability principles in our Supplier Code of Conduct and with all or were made aware of it.
applicable laws. Similar to Goodyear associates, our business partners are
encouraged to report any concerns through the Integrity Hotline for investigation.

Advancing Data Privacy and Protection

Like many global companies, Goodyear faces data security risks, and monitors new
and developing regulations and best practices to anticipate and mitigate such risks.

As a response to new and changing regulations, Goodyear regularly reviews and

updates our privacy policies and procedures to comply with regulations and privacy
best practices and implements dedicated training programs for associates who
interact with personal information. In addition, we take other actions designed to
protect the personal data of our associates, customers, suppliers and others with
whom we do business.

Anticipating Potential Risks

To ensure Goodyear’s compliance with all appropriate regulations, C&E continually
monitors and prepares for upcoming regulations and works to anticipate and
mitigate any potential compliance and ethics risks.


• How We Report
• GRI Content Index
• Data Table
• Established Goal Summary

Operational data are reported on owned and leased facilities. All data reported have In 2022, we completed the integration activities with Cooper for all manufacturing
been collected from our operations based on standard reporting definitions and facilities. As part of this integration and to align with our short- and long-term
requirements. Some energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from our climate ambitions, we have reset our baseline to 2019 for all energy and GHG
manufacturing plants in the European Union were verified by a third party. Some reporting. All data reported for manufacturing facilities is inclusive of all Cooper
data have been reported to governmental agencies that check for accuracy. We and Goodyear facilities, unless otherwise noted.
track energy intensity and measure our progress at our tire and chemical
manufacturing facilities through our global data management system. The system We have developed internal recordkeeping requirements that build on OSHA
helps improve accuracy and metering to provide real-time energy data. Our energy (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) lagging indicator requirements and
intensity ratio is calculated using total finished production and includes all sources internal definitions for leading indicators.
of fuel used in the manufacturing process, including purchased electricity,
generated electricity, purchased steam, natural gas, fuel oil, propane, diesel, Human Resource (HR)-related data is aggregated and reported as a reflection of the
gasoline, waste fuel, pet coke, coal and biomass. full reporting year. Global percentages are calculated by using the total percent of
associate count (not FTE) and does not include contractors. Temporary employees
We use the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and include internal classifications of either temporary, intern, student and/or
World Resources Institute (WRI) GHG protocol for calculating emissions. According apprentice. All other employees are considered permanent. Fluctuation in 2022
to the WBCSD and WRI, Scope 1 emissions cover direct greenhouse gas emissions employee data was caused by the integration of Cooper data, unless otherwise
from sources that are owned or controlled by the company. Scope 2 emissions noted.
account for indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased energy.
Scope 3 emissions include all other indirect GHG emissions that occur in This report has been prepared with reference to GRI Standards. The GRI Standards
connection with the activities of the company, but from sources not owned or are the most widely adopted global standards for sustainability reporting. These
controlled by the company. Reported emissions include all Goodyear manufacturing standards help businesses and governments understand and communicate their
locations where Goodyear has operational control, and detailed direct (Scope 1) and impact on a variety of sustainability issues in a common format.
indirect (Scope 2) sources. These sources include electricity and steam generated
offsite and all fuels used in boilers and other combustion equipment, including This report has been internally reviewed by the Goodyear team. The review process
natural gas, fuel oil, propane, diesel, pet coke, waste fuel and coal. In 2022, 47% of includes review by our Goodyear Better Future pillar and focus areas owners,
our emissions were indirect and 53% were direct. members of the Goodyear Senior Leadership Team and our Board of Directors’
Committee on Corporate Responsibility and Compliance.

Certain information, including our estimates, forecasts, targets and plans, contained in this report constitutes forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations and assumptions
regarding anticipated developments and other factors. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and do not represent a guarantee by us of future
performance. There are a variety of factors, many of which are beyond our control, that affect our operations, performance, strategy and results, including global demographic and economic trends,
energy prices, technological innovations, climate-related conditions and weather events, governmental policies and legislative and regulatory changes, and could cause our actual results and
experience to differ materially from the assumptions, expectations and objectives expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements. These factors are discussed in our filings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission, including our annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent our
estimates only as of the date they are made and should not be relied upon as representing our estimates as of any subsequent date. While we may elect to update forward-looking statements at some
point in the future, we specifically disclaim any obligation to do so, even if our estimates change.


Goodyear has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, with reference to the GRI Standards.

GRI Standard Disclosure Location Page


General Disclosures

1. The organization and its reporting practices

GRI 2: General 2-1 Organizational details An Overview of Our Business; Global Presence 6
Disclosures Legal name: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
2021 Type of Company: Public
Location of headquarters: Akron, Ohio, USA

2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting About This Report; Global Presence; 2023 10-K, pgs. 1-5 (Exhibit 21.1) 2

2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point About This Report; 2
Reporting period: January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022
Reporting cycle: Annual
Publication date: June 27, 2023
Contact point for questions regarding the report: Michael Rachita, Director, Global
Sustainability ([email protected])

2-4 Restatements of information • In 2022, we completed the integration activities with Cooper for all manufacturing facilities. N/A
As part of this integration and to align with our short- and long-term climate ambitions, we
have reset our baseline to 2019 for all energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
reporting. All data reported for manufacturing facilities is inclusive of all Cooper and
Goodyear facilities as well as Goodyear’s Chemical operations.
• The total number of facilities reported in 205-1 for 2020 and 2021 were incorrect and
• Data for 301-1: For the 2022 reporting year, Goodyear re-classified certain raw materials
based on internal definitions.
• Data for 205-2: Training held in person and couldn’t report two employee breakouts
• Supplier audit data revised based on incorrect classification of suppliers in 2020 and 2021.

2-5 External assurance Goodyear does not conduct external assurance for our Corporate Responsibility Report. N/A

2. Activities and Workers

GRI 2: General 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships An Overview of Our Business; Global Presence; Goodyear's Climate Change Strategy; Shaping 2; 13-16;
Disclosures the Mobility Revolution; Sustainable Materials & Sourcing; Data Table; 2023 Proxy Statement, 27-34;
2021 pg. iii; 2023 10-K, pgs. 2-4 and 5 52; 85

2-7 Employees About Goodyear; Data Table 6; 97

2-8 Workers who are not employees About Goodyear; Data Table 6; 98
This data is reflective of North America only. Goodyear uses third-party employment
agencies for staffing contingent workforce positions. Type of work performed is related to
industrial, business professional, creative and technical services.


3. Governance

GRI 2: General 2-9 Governance structure and composition Corporate Responsibility; 2023 Proxy, pgs. 1 – 4 and 6-11; Corporate Governance 7
2021 2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body Corporate Governance; 2023 Proxy Statement, pgs. 5-8 N/A

2-11 Chair of the highest governance body Corporate Governance; 2023 Proxy Statement, pg. 2; Board of Directors and Executive N/A
Officers Conflict of Interest Policy

2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the Stakeholder Engagement and Significant Corporate Responsibility Topics; Corporate 7;8
management of impacts Responsibility; 2023 Proxy Statement pgs. 3-4 and 8-13; 2022 CDP Climate Change Response
pgs. 2-4

2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Corporate Responsibility 7

2-14 Role of the highest governance body How We Report; 2023 Proxy Statement pgs. 12-13; 74
in sustainability reporting The Board of Directors has the opportunity to review, provide feedback, and approve
Goodyear’s Corporate Responsibility Report annually prior to publication.

2-15 Conflicts of interest Board of Directors and Executive Officers Conflict of Interest Policy N/A

2-16 Communication of critical concerns 2023 Proxy Statement, pg. 14; Compliance & Ethics; Data Table: Goodyear discloses all N/A
material matters in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Corporate Responsibility 7

2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance 2023 Proxy Statement pg. vi N/A
body Annual internal self-assessment. If relevant actions are identified, they will appear in
Goodyear’s Proxy Statement.
2-19 Remuneration policies 2023 Proxy Statement, pgs. v and 27-58 N/A

2-20 Process to determine remuneration 2023 Proxy Statement, pgs. iii-iv, 9-11, 22-23 and 33-36 N/A

4. Strategy, policies and practices

GRI 2: General 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy Leadership Message 3-4
2021 2-23 Policy commitments Compliance & Ethics; Goodyear Strategy Roadmap; Human Rights; Supply Chain 17;
Management 32-33;
Precautionary principle or approach: Although Goodyear does not formally follow the 69-72
precautionary principle, we assess environmental risks across our operations.

2-24 Embedding policy commitments Goodyear Strategy Roadmap; Compliance & Ethics; Human Rights; Supply Chain 32-33;
Management; Data Table 69-72;

2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns Integrity Hotline 71-72

2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations Data Table; In 2022, Goodyear had 8 environmental compliance violations (inclusive of 95
Cooper operations) and incurred monetary fines totaling $146,903.

2-28 Membership associations Association Memberships 21-23


5. Stakeholder Engagement

GRI 2: General 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement Stakeholder Engagement and Significant Corporate Responsibility Topics 8
2021 2-30 Collective bargaining agreements Data Table; 2023 10-K, pgs. 5-6 98

Material Topics

GRI 3: Material 3-1 Process to determine material topics Stakeholder Engagement and Significant Corporate Responsibility Topics; Better Future; 8; 9-12
Topics 2021 Materiality

3-2 List of material topics Stakeholder Engagement and Significant Corporate Responsibility Topics; Better Future; 8; 9-12

List of Material Topics:

Advancing Tire Performance
Business Continuity
Community Engagement
Compliance and Ethics
Diversity and Inclusion
End-of-Life Tires (ELT)
Energy & Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Health and Wellness
Product Quality
Shaping the Mobility Revolution
Supply Chain Management
Sustainable Raw Materials and Sourcing
Talent Development
Workforce Safety & Health

Changes in reporting: There are no significant changes from previous reporting periods in
the list of material topics or topic boundaries for the 2022 report.

Economic Topics

Procurement Practices

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Sustainable Sourcing 28-34


GRI 204: 204-1 Percent procurement spend on raw Data Table; 46% of 2022 procurement spend on raw materials from local suppliers. 86
Procurement materials from local suppliers
Practices 2016



GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Compliance & Ethics 69-72


GRI 205: 205-1 Operations assessed to risk related to corruption Data Table 108
corruption 205-2 Communication and training about Data Table 108
2016 anti-corruption policies and procedures

205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken place Allegations of corruption/bribery are formally investigated to conclusion. The investigation N/A
results are provided to pertinent stakeholders for remediation and corrective action.

Shaping the Mobility Revolution

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Advanced Mobility 48-54


Business Continuity

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Business Continuity 46


Non-GRI Key Number of incidents Business Continuity; Data Table 46; 96

Indicators Average incident duration Business Continuity 46

Environmental Topics


GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Sustainable Sourcing; End-of-Life Tires 28-34;
Management 45

GRI 301: 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume Data Table; 23% of materials used in products in 2022 were renewable (636,500 tons) and 89
Materials 2016 77% were non-renewable (2,080,000 tons).

301-2 Recycled input materials used Data Table; 0.13% recycled input materials used in products in 2022. 89

301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materials End-of-Life Tires; No to insignificant amounts of packaging associated with tires. 45



GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Responsible Operations; Operational Impacts; Renewable Energy; Improving Fuel Efficiency 35-46;
Management 49

GRI 302: 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Renewable Energy; Data Table 39; 92
Energy 2016
302-3 Energy intensity Renewable Energy; How We Report; Data Table; In 2022, global energy intensity was 6,739 39; 74;
BTU/lb. 92

302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Renewable Energy; Data Table; Established Goal Summary 39; 92;

302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and Improving Fuel Efficiency; Data Table; Established Goal Summary; 32.9% reduction of rolling 49; 96;
services resistance – Global Consumer Tire Portfolio from 2005 to 2022; 9.4% reduction in tire weight 113
– Global Consumer Tire Portfolio from 2005 to 2022.


GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Operational Impacts; Goodyear's Climate Strategy 14-15;
Management 39-43
GRI 305: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Goodyear's Climate Strategy; Data Table 14-15;
Emissions 93
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Goodyear's Climate Strategy; Data Table 14-15;

305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 2022 CDP Climate Change Response pgs. 27-31 N/A

305-4 GHG emissions intensity Goodyear's Climate Strategy; Data Table; In 2022, global GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1 14-15;
and 2) was 0.563 tonnes CO2e/ton. 93

305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Goodyear's Climate Strategy; Established Goal Summary 14-15;

305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) Data Table 93

305-7 NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions Data Table 94


Waste and Solvents

GRI 306: 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts Waste and Solvent Performance; End-of-Life Tires (ELT) 39; 45
Waste 2020
306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts Waste and Solvent Performance; End-of-Life Tires (ELT) 39; 45

306-3 Waste generated Data Table 94

306-4 Waste diverted from disposal Data Table 94

306-5 Waste directed to disposal Data Table 95

Environmental Compliance

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Responsible Operations; Operational Impacts 35-46

GRI 307: 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Data Table; In 2022, Goodyear had 8 environmental compliance violations (inclusive of 95
Environmental Cooper operations) and incurred a monetary fine of $146,903.
Supplier Environmental Assessment

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Supply Chain Management 32-34


GRI 308: 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental Data Table; As of the end of 2022, 100% of all raw materials suppliers had been screened 86
Supplier criteria using environmental criteria.
Assessment 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and Data Table; As of the end of 2022, 186 raw materials suppliers had been assessed for 86
2016 actions taken environmental impacts.



GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Inspiring Culture; Talent Management; Benefits 55-72

GRI 401: 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Data Table 99-101
2016 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not Benefits 64-65
provided to temporary or part-time employees


Occupational Health and Safety

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Responsible Operations; Workforce Safety and Wellness; Inspiring Culture; Health and 35-46;
Management Wellness 55-72

GRI 403: 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system Workforce Safety and Wellness 36-38
Approach 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident Workforce Safety and Wellness 36-38
2018 investigation

403-3 Occupational health services Workforce Safety and Wellness; Health and Wellness 36-38;

403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on Workforce Safety and Wellness; Data Table; In 2022, 100% of manufacturing associates 36-38;
occupational health and safety were represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees. 90

403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety Workforce Safety and Wellness 36-38

403-6 Promotion of worker health Health and Wellness 63-65

403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and Workforce Safety and Wellness 36-38
safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

GRI 403: 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety Workforce Safety and Wellness; Data Table 36-38;
Occupational management system 90
Health and
Safety 2018 403-9 Work-related injuries Workforce Safety and Wellness; Data Table 36-38;

403-10 Work-related ill health Workforce Safety and Wellness; Data Table 36-38;

Training and Education

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Talent Management; Compliance and Ethics 56-59;
Management 69-72

GRI 404: 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Data Table 103
Training and
Education 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition Talent Management 56-59
2016 assistance programs

404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance Talent Management 56-59

and career development reviews


Diversity and Equal Opportunity

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Diversity & Inclusion 60-62


GRI 405: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Data Table 104
Diversity and
Child Labor

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Traceability; Human Rights 32-34

GRI 408: Child 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of Supply Chain Traceability; Human Rights 33-34
Labor 2016 child labor

Forced or Compulsory Labor

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Traceability; Human Rights 32-34

GRI 409: 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of Supply Chain Traceability; Human Rights 33-34
Forced or forced or compulsory labor
Labor 2016
Human Rights Assessment

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Traceability; Human Rights; Compliance and Ethics 17;
Management 32-34;
Approach 69-72

GRI 412: 412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures Data Table; In 2022, 14,507 associates (20% of the global associate population) were trained 87
Human Rights in human rights policies/procedures.
2016 412-3 Significant investment agreements and contracts that Data Table; There were no significant investment agreements in 2022. 87
include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights


Local Communities

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Community Engagement 66-68


GRI 413: Local 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact Community Engagement; Data Table; In 2022, 61% of operations had implemented local 66-68;
Communities assessments, and development programs community engagement efforts. 112
413-2 Operations with significant community engagement, Overview of Our Business; Global Presence; Data Table; In 2022, Goodyear had 8 6; 95
impact assessments, and development programs environmental compliance violations (inclusive of Cooper operations) and incurred a
monetary fine of $146,903.

Non-GRI Key Percentage of corporate citizenship/philanthropic contributions Data Table; 17% 112
Performance used for charitable donations *Philanthropic budget; does not include business unit budgets. Goodyear data only.
Philanthropic Percentage of corporate citizenship/philanthropic contributions Data Table; 70% 112
Activities used for community investments *Philanthropic budget; does not include business unit budgets. Goodyear data only.

Percentage of corporate citizenship/philanthropic contributions Data Table; 13% 112

used for commercial initiatives *Philanthropic budget; does not include business unit budgets. Goodyear data only.

Supplier Social Assessment

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Traceability; Human Rights 32-34

GRI 414: 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria Data Table; As of the end of 2022, 100% of all raw materials suppliers had been screened 86
Supplier using social criteria.
Assessment 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions Data Table 86
2016 taken


Customer Health and Safety

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Product Quality 44


GRI 416: 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product Data Table; 100% of product categories are assessed for health and safety impacts. 95
Customer and service categories
Health and
Safety 2016 416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product health Data Table; In 2022, there weren’t any incidents of non-compliance concerning product 95
and safety health and safety.

Non-GRI Key Warranty cost per net sales Customer Satisfaction Performance; Data Table; In 2022, Goodyear’s warranty cost per net 44; 95
Performance sales was 0.14%.
Product Percent of plants with quality certification (ISO 9001, IATF 16949, Data Table; 100% of Goodyear plants have quality certification. 95
Quality etc.)

Marketing and Labeling

GRI 3: 3-3 Management of material topics Product Quality; Compliance and Ethics 44;
Management 69-72

GRI 417: 417-1 Requirements for product and service information and Data Table; 100% of significant product categories are covered by and assessed for 95
Marketing & labeling compliance with procedures for product information labeling.
417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product Data Table; In 2022, there were not any incidents of non-compliance concerning product 95
information and labeling information and labeling in North America or Canada.

417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing Data Table; In 2022, there were not any incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing 95
communications communications in North America or Canada.


General Disclosures

Company 2022 2021 2020

2-6¹ Financial performance Annual revenue (net sales) (million USD) $20,805 $17,478 $12,321

Net income [loss] (million USD) $202 $764 $(1,254)

Total assets (million USD) $22,431 $21,402 $16,506

Total liabilities (million USD) $16,965 $16,218 $13,247

Total shareholders’ equity (million USD) $5,466 $5,184 $3,259

Tire units sold (million) Global total 184.5 169.3 126.0

Americas 95.0 85.9 56.7

Europe, Middle East, Africa 55.1 52.7 44.5

Asia-Pacific 34.4 30.7 24.8

Number of manufacturing facilities Global total 57 57 46

(tire, development, chemical, molds,
retread, mix) Americas 29 29 23

Europe, Middle East, Africa 18 18 15

Asia-Pacific 10 10 8

Number of non-manufacturing Major offices (headquarters, development, innovation, purchasing) 9 9 9

facilities globally
Retail 950 1,000 1,000

Distribution 300 300 220

Tire retreading 40 50 50

Proving grounds 7 8 7

Airship operations 3 3 3

1 2021-2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2020 Goodyear data only.


Non-GRI Area of manufacturing facilities (tire, Global total 56,672 46,403 49,381
development, chemical, molds,
retread, mix) (thousand sq. ft.)⁴ Americas 26,973 21,418 24,291

Europe, Middle East, Africa 18,979 17,207 17,528

Asia-Pacific 10,720 7,779 7,562

Total weight of products produced Global total 3,977,000 3,944,000 3,140,000

(metric tonnes)²
Includes Tire, Chemical, Retread, Americas 2,365,000 2,376,000 1,863,000
Bladder, Mold, Semifinished Products Europe, Middle East, Africa 1,071,000 1,058,000 852,000
Exported and Other Production
Asia-Pacific 543,000 510,000 424,000

Sustainable Sourcing

Sustainable Sourcing/Supply Chain Management 2022 2021 2020

204-1³ Local suppliers % procurement spend on raw materials from local suppliers used for 46% 45% 42%
significant locations of operation
Tire raw materials only. We define significant locations of operation as our tire manufacturing
operations, excluding retread-related operations for certain regions and locations. We define
local as sourced from the same country as the Goodyear manufacturing location being supplied.
For purposes of this definition, due to geographic proximity, for selected materials in the
European Union we have treated the European Union as a single country.

308-13 Supplier environmental assessment % new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 100% 100% 78%
Tire raw materials only.

308-23 Number of suppliers assessed for environmental impacts 186 184 171
Tire raw materials only. Number of new suppliers assessed or repeat assessments conducted
during the year. Baseline established in 2019.

Number of suppliers identified as having significant actual and potential 45 43 54

negative environmental impacts
Tire raw materials only. We determine and define significant impact as failing to meet then
current acceptability limits based on response to our assessments (and where applicable
audits, to the extent resulting in supplier action such as suspension or discontinuance), which
focus on process. Confidentiality concerns limit further disclosures.

Percentage of suppliers identified as having significant actual and 100% 100% 98%
potential negative environmental impacts with which improvements were
agreed upon as a result of assessment
Tire raw materials only. We determine and define significant impact as failing to meet then
current acceptability limits based on response to our assessments (and where applicable
audits, to the extent resulting in supplier action such as suspension or discontinuance), which
focus on process. Confidentiality concerns limit further disclosures.

2 2020-2022 combined Goodyear and Cooper data.

3 Goodyear data only.
4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


308-13 Supplier environmental assessment Percentage of suppliers identified as having significant actual and 0% 0% 0%
potential negative environmental impacts with which relationships were
308-23 terminated as a result of assessment
Tire raw materials only. We determine and define significant impact as failing to meet then
current acceptability limits based on response to our assessments (and where applicable
audits, to the extent resulting in supplier action such as suspension or discontinuance), which
focus on process. Confidentiality concerns limit further disclosures.

412-24 Human rights assessment Number of hours devoted to training on human rights policies/procedures 10,967 340 348
Based on total Goodyear associate count. Only procurement associates trained in 2020 and
2021. Training data for global associates captured in 2022.

Number of associates trained in human rights policies/procedures 14,507 340 348

Based on total Goodyear associate count. Only procurement associates trained in 2020 and
2021. Training data for global associates captured in 2022.

% of associates trained in human rights policies/procedures 20% 0.6% 0.6%

Based on total Goodyear associate count. Only procurement associates trained in 2020 and
2021. Training data for global associates captured in 2022.

412-34 Number of significant investment agreements that include human rights N/A N/A N/A
In line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting recommendations, we reviewed the
material contracts listed as part of our annual public financial reporting for those initiating
strategic equity acquisitions or capital projects with a view to assessing human rights content
in any applicable agreements. For the 2021 reporting period, our acquisition of Cooper Tire &
Rubber Company fell into this category and included a clause addressing our human rights

% of significant investment agreements that include human rights clauses N/A N/A N/A
In line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting recommendations, we reviewed the
material contracts listed as part of our annual public financial reporting for those initiating
strategic equity acquisitions or capital projects with a view to assessing human rights content
in any applicable agreements. For the 2021 reporting period, our acquisition of Cooper Tire &
Rubber Company fell into this category and included a clause addressing our human rights

3 Goodyear data only.

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


414-13 Supplier social assessment % new suppliers that were screened using social criteria 100% 100% 78%
Tire raw materials only.

414-23 Number of suppliers assessed for social impacts 186 184 171
Tire raw materials only.

Number of suppliers identified as having significant actual and potential 56 42 49

negative social impacts
Tire raw materials only. We determine and define significant impact as failing to meet then
current acceptability limits based on response to our assessments (and where applicable
audits, to the extent resulting in supplier action such as suspension or discontinuance), which
focus on process. Confidentiality concerns limit further disclosures.

Percentage of suppliers identified as having significant actual and 100% 100% 98%
potential negative social impacts with which improvements were agreed
upon as a result of assessment
Tire raw materials only. We determine and define significant impact as failing to meet then
current acceptability limits based on response to our assessments (and where applicable
audits, to the extent resulting in supplier action such as suspension or discontinuance), which
focus on process. Confidentiality concerns limit further disclosures.

Percentage of suppliers identified as having significant actual and 0% 0% 2%

potential negative social impacts with which relationships were
terminated as a result of assessment
Tire raw materials only. We determine and define significant impact as failing to meet then
current acceptability limits based on response to our assessments (and where applicable
audits, to the extent resulting in supplier action such as suspension or discontinuance), which
focus on process. Confidentiality concerns limit further disclosures.

Non-GRI3 Supplier ESG Improvement Percentage of current suppliers with corrective action plans that have 65% 67% 57%
improved their ESG performance within 12 months of the plan’s launch

Supplier Audits Number of suppliers audited 97 1075 665

Tire raw materials only.

Number of supplier facilities audited 141 108 68

Tire raw materials only.

Percentage of suppliers audited in compliance with code of conduct (or 100% 100% 98%
audit standard)
Remedial action taken.

3 Goodyear data only.

5 In 2020 and 2021, some facilities were incorrectly classified as a supplier. This has been remedied in 2022.


Sustainable Raw Materials 2022 2021 2020

301-13 Renewable materials6 Weight (thousands of tons) of renewable materials used in products 637 641 496
Includes materials derived from materials of biological origin such as natural rubber, plant
based oils, fatty acids, etc.

% of renewable materials used in products 23% 24% 23%

Includes materials derived from materials of biological origin such as natural rubber, plant
based oils, fatty acids, etc.

Non-renewable and non-recycled Weight (thousands of tons) of non-renewable and non-recycled materials 2,080 2,082 1,644
materials6 used in products

% of non-renewable and non-recycled materials used in products 77% 76% 77%

301-23 Recycled input materials used6 Weight (thousands of tons) of recycled materials used in products 3.6 1.1 N/A7
Includes both pre- and post- consumer recycled materials.

Percentage of recycled input materials used to manufacture the 0.13% 0.13% 0.18%
organization’s primary products and services
Includes both pre- and post- consumer recycled materials.

301-33 Reclaimed products and their Percentage of reclaimed products and their packaging materials for each ELT ELT ELT
packaging materials product category No to No to No to
insignificant insignificant insignificant
amounts of amounts of amounts of
packaging packaging packaging
associates with associates associates
tires. with tires. with tires.

3 Goodyear data only.

6 For the 2022 reporting year, Goodyear re-classified certain raw materials based on internal definitions.
7 New baseline established in 2022. Will continue reporting in future years.


Responsible Operations

Health and Safety 2022 2021 2020

403-4 (2018)4 Worker participation % of manufacturing associate representation in formal joint 100% 100% 100%
management-worker health and safety committees

403-8 (2018)4 EHS management system Number of employees and contractors who are covered by EHS 71,377 59,056 59,741
Management System
Count includes both employees and supervised contractors. Independent contractors are not
included in this count but are covered by the EHS Management System.

% of employees and contractors who are covered by EHS Management 100% 100% 100%

Number of employees and contractors who are covered by an audited EHS 71,377 59,056 59,741
Management System
Count includes both employees and supervised contractors. Independent contractors are not
included in this count but are covered by the EHS Management System.

% of employees and contractors who are covered by an audited EHS 100% 100% 100%
Management System

Number of employees and contractors who are covered by EHS 35,795 37,765 37,260
Management System that has been audited or certified by an external
Sites with ISO 14001 and/or OSHAS 18001 certifications.

% of employees and contractors who are covered by EHS Management 49% 64% 62%
System that has been audited or certified by an external party
Sites with ISO 14001 and/or OSHAS 18001 certifications.

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


403-9 (2018)4 Work-related injuries Number of hours worked (millions of hours) 134.2 108.7 96.0

Number of incidents 1,373 3,163 2,336

Total incident rate (medical treatment above first aid and restricted/ 2.05 2.10 1.808
lost-time injuries)
Rate based on 200,000 hours worked.

First aid rate 3.83 3.71 3.07

Rate based on 200,000 hours worked.

DART rate 1.49 1.53 1.40

Rate based on 200,000 hours worked.

Number of serious injuries 38 13 17

Includes Goodyear associates, supervised and independent contractors.

Serious injury rate 0.06 0.02 0.03

Rate based on 200,000 hours worked. Includes Goodyear associates, supervised and
independent contractors.

403-104 Employees Number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health 0 0 0

Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health (including fatalities) 93 769 3298
Ill health recordables are primarily composed of sprain/strain/overexertion, and soreness/
range of motion restricted cases.

Contractors Number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health 0 0 0

Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health (including fatalities) 0 5 3

Repetitive motion and slip/falls are the primary work-related hazards encountered by

Non-GRI4 Safety training Total hours of safety training completed 91,000 43,827 39,237
Data does not reflect the full volume of training conducted. A process for capturing all safety
training hours is under development.

Average hours of safety training per employee 1.30 1.35 0.7

Data does not reflect the full volume of training conducted. A process for capturing all safety
training hours is under development.

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
8 Does not include COVID cases.
9 New baseline established in 2021. Updated scope of data to exclude categories outside of recordable cases. Will continue reporting in future years.


Energy 2022 2021 2020

302-110 Energy consumption Total fuel consumption within the organization from non-renewable 47,389,000 53,640,000 48,545,000
sources (gigajoules)

Total fuel consumption within the organization from renewable sources 11,395,000 4,365,000 757,000

Heating consumption (gigajoules) 3,593,000 3,529,000 3,252,000

Cooling consumption (gigajoules) N/A11 N/A11 N/A11

Electricity sold (gigajoules) N/A12 N/A12 N/A12

Heating sold (gigajoules) N/A12 N/A12 N/A12

Cooling sold (gigajoules) N/A12 N/A12 N/A12

Steam sold (gigajoules) N/A12 N/A12 N/A12

Total energy consumption within in the organization (gigajoules) 62,377,000 61,534,000 52,554,000

Total energy consumption (MWh) 17,315,000 17,093,000 14,598,000

Fuel use - natural gas (MWh) 6,808,000 6,880,000 5,700,000

Fuel use - other (MWh) 276,000 273,000 231,000

Electricity consumption (MWh) 9,233,000 8,959,000 7,764,000

Steam consumption (MWh) 998,000 980,000 903,000

302-310 Energy intensity Global energy intensity (BTU/lb.) 6,739 6,708 7,196

302-410 Reduction of energy consumption Amount of reductions in energy consumption achieved as a direct result of 1,415,302 1,445,263 1,651,240
conservation and efficiency initiatives (gigajoules)
Reductions in energy are calculated from the 2010 baseline. This figure accounts for energy
reduction initiatives and changes in production.

10 In 2022, we completed the integration activities with Cooper for all manufacturing facilities. As part of this integration and to align with our short- and long-term climate ambitions, we have reset
our baseline to 2019 for all energy and GHG reporting. All data reported for manufacturing facilities is inclusive of all Cooper and Goodyear facilities as well as Goodyear’s Chemical operations.
11 Data not currently tracked.
12 Not consolidated at a global level.


Emissions 2022 2021 2020

305-110 Direct GHG emissions Total direct emissions (tonnes CO2e) 1,297,000 1,334,000 1,108,000

Direct CO2 emissions (tonnes) 1,294,000 1,332,000 1,106,000

Direct CH4 emissions (kg) 30,000 32,000 27,000

Direct N2O emissions (kg) 3,600 4,000 3,300

Biogenic CO2 emissions (tonnes CO2e) 0 0 0

305-210 Indirect GHG emissions Total indirect emissions (tonnes CO2e) 1,172,000 1,499,000 1,400,000

Indirect GHG emissions Gross market-based energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions (tonnes 899,000 1,227,000 1,152,000

305-1, Total GHG emissions Total CO2 emissions (tonnes) 2,469,000 2,833,000 2,508,000
Total GHG emissions Global GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) (million tonnes CO2e) 2.47 2.83 2.51

305-310 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG Gross other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions (tonnes CO2e) Reported in CDP Reported in Reported in
emissions Climate CDP Climate CDP Climate
Response Response Response

305-410 GHG emissions intensity Global GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1 and Scope 2) (tonnes CO2e/ton) 0.563 0.652 0.725
Includes CO2, CH4, and N2O

305-510 Reduction of GHG emissions GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction initiatives (tonnes 432,000 69,000 394,000
Reductions in CO2 are calculated from the 2010 baseline. This figure accounts for energy
reduction initiatives, fuel changes, renewable energy generation and purchases and changes in

305-613 Emissions of ozone-depleting Production, imports, and exports of ODS (tonnes CFC-11e) N/A 0 15 N/A14
substances (ODS)

10 In 2022, we completed the integration activities with Cooper for all manufacturing facilities. As part of this integration and to align with our short- and long-term climate ambitions, we have reset
our baseline to 2019 for all energy and GHG reporting. All data reported for manufacturing facilities is inclusive of all Cooper and Goodyear facilities as well as Goodyear’s Chemical operations.
13 Goodyear is in the process of re-assessing the environmental data tool to systematically allow the tracking air emissions in the future.
14 Started reporting in 2021.
15 Inclusive of Goodyear facilities except Goodyear Chemical. CFC-11 only substance included. Zero emissions during 2021 data year.


305-713 NOx, SOx, and other significant air NOx emissions (tonnes) N/A 889 15 N/A14
SOx emissions (tonnes) N/A 168 15 N/A14

Persistent organic pollutant (POP) emissions (tonnes) N/A 0 15 N/A14

Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions (tonnes) N/A 317 15 N/A14

Hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions (tonnes) N/A 0 15 N/A14

Particulate matter (PM) emissions (tonnes) N/A 217 15 N/A14

Non-GRI CDP Climate CDP Climate Change score B B B-

Electricity Percentage grid electricity 66% 83% 96%

Percentage renewable electricity 34% 17% 4%

Water 2022 2021 2020

303-3 (2018)2 Water withdrawal Total withdrawals (m³) 24,925,000 26,746,000 24,348,000

Water withdrawal Total fresh surface water and well water withdrawals (m³) 17,577,000 18,537,000 16,529,086

Water withdrawal Total municipal water intake (m³) 7,348,000 8,209,000 7,819,000

303-5 (2018)2 Water consumption Global water usage (gal/ton) 1,502 1,625 1,859

Non-GRI CDP Water CDP Water score B B B

Waste and Solvents 2022 2021 2020

306-3 (2020)2 Waste generated Total weight of waste generated (tonnes) 243,372 N/A16 N/A16
Manufacturing sites only.

306-4 (2020)2 Waste diverted from disposal Total weight of waste diverted from disposal (tonnes) 177,256 N/A16 N/A16
Manufacturing sites only.

Total weight of waste diverted from disposal (tonnes): Recycling 177,256 N/A16 N/A16
Manufacturing sites only.

2 Goodyear and Cooper combined data.

13 Goodyear is in the process of re-assessing the environmental data tool to systematically allow the tracking air emissions in the future.
14 Started reporting in 2021.
15 Inclusive of Goodyear facilities except Goodyear Chemical. CFC-11 only substance included. Zero emissions during 2021 data year.
16 Started reporting in 2022.


306-5 (2020)2 Waste directed to disposal Total weight of waste directed to disposal (tonnes) 66,116 N/A16 N/A16
Manufacturing sites only.

Total weight of waste directed to disposal (tonnes): Incineration (with 59,228 N/A16 N/A16
energy recovery)
Manufacturing sites only.

Total weight of waste directed to disposal (tonnes): Incineration (without 6,887 N/A16 N/A16
energy recovery)
Manufacturing sites only.

Total weight of waste directed to disposal (tonnes): Landfill 0 N/A16 N/A16

Non-GRI4 Solvents % reduction in use of solvents 40% 43% 40%

Compliance/Conformance 2022 2021 2020

307-14 Environmental compliance violations Total monetary value of significant fines $146,903 $0 $0

Total number of non-monetary sanctions 0 0 0

Cases brought through dispute resolution mechanisms 0 0 0

413-24 Operations with local community Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local 0 0 0
engagement, impact assessments, communities including the location of operations and the significant
and development programs actual and potential negative impacts of operations

Non-GRI Environmental compliance violations1 Number of environmental compliance violations (notices of violation and 8 25 8
reportable releases)

ISO 140014 % of tire and chemical manufacturing facilities with ISO 14001 certification 100% 100% 100%

Product Quality 2022 2021 2020

Non-GRI 4 Warranty % warranty cost per net sales 0.14% 0.17% 0.22%

Quality certification % of plants with quality certification (ISO 9001, IATF 16949, etc.) 100% 100% 100%
Product recalls Number of recalls issued during performance period 3 2 N/A17

Number of units recalled during performance period 173,956 1,447 N/A17

1 2021-2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2020 Goodyear data only.
2 Goodyear and Cooper combined data.
4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
16 Started reporting in 2022.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.


Business Continuity 2022 2021 2020

Non-GRI 4 Business continuity Number of business continuity incidents 61 106 70

Number of Goodyear facilities located in coastal or flood zones 21 15 15

Advanced Mobility

Advancing Tire Performance 2022 2021 2020

302-53 Reductions in energy requirements of % reduction in rolling resistance - global consumer tire portfolio (2005 32.9% 32% 31%
products and services baseline)

% reduction in weight - global consumer tire portfolio (2005 baseline) 9.4% 8.8% 8.2%
416-13 Product health and safety % of product categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed 100% 100% 100%

416-24 Incidents of non-compliance Total number of incidents 0 0 0

concerning product health and safety
Incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty 0 0 0

Incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a warning 0 0 0

Incidents of non-compliance with voluntary codes 0 0 0

417-14 Requirements for product and service Percentage of significant product or service categories are covered by 100% 100% 100%
information and labeling and assessed for compliance with procedures for product and service
information labeling
Goodyear’s procedures for communicating product information do not require disclosing the
sourcing of product components, material content of products, or disposal of products. The
warranty literature provided, or made available to consumers, includes sections on tire care and
proper tire maintenance and applicable safety warnings for consumers to follow for the safe
use of our products and to prevent or reduce the likelihood of property damage, serious injury or
death. Baseline established in 2020.

417-24 Incidents of non-compliance Total number of incidents 0 0 0

concerning product information and
labeling Incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty 0 0 0

Incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a warning 0 0 0

Incidents of non-compliance with voluntary codes 0 0 0

417-318 Incidents of non-compliance Total number of incidents 0 0 0

concerning marketing
communications Incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a fine or penalty 0 0 0

Incidents of non-compliance with regulations resulting in a warning 0 0 0

Incidents of non-compliance with voluntary codes 0 0 0
3 Goodyear data only.
4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
18 Goodyear data only. Representative of North America and Canada only.


Inspiring Culture

Associates 2022 2021 2020

2-74 Number of associates Global Total 71,377 59,984 59,741

% of associates- Male Global Percentage 87% 87% N/A19

% of associates- Female Global Percentage 13% 13% N/A19

% of associates- Gender not specified Global Percentage 0% 0% N/A19

% of associates- Permanent Global Percentage 99% 99% N/A19

% of associates- Temporary Global Percentage 1% 1% N/A19

% of associates- Full-time Global Percentage 99% 99% N/A19

% of associates- Part-time Global Percentage 1% 1% N/A19

% of associates- < 30 year old Global Percentage 21% 19% N/A19

% of associates- 30 - 50 year old Global Percentage 55% 56% N/A19

% of associates- > 50 year old Global Percentage 24% 25% N/A19

Male Total associates 61,874 51,974 52,122

Permanent associates 61,199 51,328 51,530

Temporary associates 675 646 592

Full-time associates 61,435 51,651 51,765

Part-time associates 439 323 357

Female Total associates 9,462 7,959 7,562

Permanent associates 9,213 7,720 7,374

Temporary associates 249 239 188

Full-time associates 9,188 7,703 7,321

Part-time associates 274 256 241

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
19 Baseline established in 2020.


2-74 Gender not specified Total associates 41 51 57

Permanent associates 40 51 57

Temporary associates 1 0 0

Full-time associates 40 50 55

Part-time associates 1 1 2

Americas Total associates 36,956 29,404 28,995

Permanent associates 36,570 29,027 28,663

Temporary associates 386 377 332

Full-time associates 36,664 N/A16 N/A16

Part-time associates 292 N/A16 N/A16

Europe, Middle East, Africa Total associates 23,460 21,812 22,114

Permanent associates 23,046 21,449 21,754

Temporary associates 414 363 360

Full-time associates 23,057 N/A16 N/A16

Part-time associates 403 N/A16 N/A16

Asia-Pacific Total associates 10,961 8,768 8,632

Permanent associates 10,836 8,623 8,544

Temporary associates 125 145 88

Full-time associates 10,942 N/A16 N/A16

Part-time associates 19 N/A16 N/A16

2-82 Workers who are not employees Number of workers who are not employees and whose work is controlled 1,889 N/A16 N/A16
by the organization
North America only.

2-304 Collective bargaining % of associates covered by collective bargaining agreements 58% 60% 60%

2 Goodyear and Cooper combined data.

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
16 Started reporting in 2022.


New Employee Hires 2022 2021 2020

401-14 Global Number of new hires- Global Total 17,317 12,657 N/A17

Number of new hires- Male 14,789 10,711 N/A17

Number of new hires- Female 2,528 1,940 N/A17

Number of new hires- Gender not specified 0 6 N/A17

Number of new hires- < 30 years old 9,839 7,521 N/A17

Number of new hires- 30 - 50 years old 6,467 4,468 N/A17

Number of new hires- > 50 years old 1,011 668 N/A17

New hire rate- Global Total 24% 21% N/A17

New hire rate- Male 24% 21% N/A17

New hire rate- Female 27% 25% N/A17

New hire rate- < 30 years old 69% 65% N/A17

New hire rate- 30 - 50 years old 16% 13% N/A17

New hire rate- > 50 years old 6% 4% N/A17

Americas Number of new hires- Male 9,245 6,945 5,355

Number of new hires- Female 1,432 1,113 687

Number of new hires- Gender not specified 0 6 15

Number of new hires- < 30 years old 5,987 4,730 3,337

Number of new hires- 30 - 50 years old 3,948 2,801 2,255

Number of new hires- > 50 years old 742 533 465

New hire rate- Male 29% 27% 21%

New hire rate- Female 31% 30% 19%

New hire rate- < 30 years old 71% 72% 52%

New hire rate- 30 - 50 years old 22% 20% 16%

New hire rate- > 50 years old 7% 6% 5%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.


401-14 Europe, Middle East, Africa Number of new hires- Male 3,843 2,571 1,810

Number of new hires- Female 693 551 362

Number of new hires- < 30 years old 2,640 1,924 1,316

Number of new hires- 30 - 50 years old 1,673 1,126 810

Number of new hires- > 50 years old 223 72 46

New hire rate- Male 19% 13% 9%

New hire rate- Female 23% 20% 13%

New hire rate- < 30 years old 68% 56% 36%

New hire rate- 30 - 50 years old 12% 9% 6%

New hire rate- > 50 years old 4% 1% 1%

Asia-Pacific Number of new hires- Male 1,701 1,195 734

Number of new hires- Female 403 276 206

Number of new hires- < 30 years old 1,212 867 503

Number of new hires- 30 - 50 years old 846 541 403

Number of new hires- > 50 years old 46 63 34

New hire rate- Male 19% 16% 10%

New hire rate- Female 24% 22% 16%

New hire rate- < 30 years old 61% 56% 33%

New hire rate- 30 - 50 years old 11% 9% 6%

New hire rate- > 50 years old 4% 6% 4%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


Employee Turnover 2022 2021 2020

401-14 Global Turnover number- Global Total 16,140 12,220 N/A17

Turnover number- Male 13,840 10,706 N/A17

Turnover number- Female 2,300 1,510 N/A17

Turnover number- Gender not specified 0 4 N/A17

Turnover number- < 30 years old 7,012 5,472 N/A17

Turnover number- 30 - 50 years old 6,239 4,372 N/A17

Turnover number- > 50 years old 2,889 2,376 N/A17

Turnover rate- Global Total 23% 20% N/A17

Turnover rate- Male 22% 21% N/A17

Turnover rate- Female 25% 19% N/A17

Turnover rate- < 30 years old 49% 48% N/A17

Turnover rate- 30 - 50 years old 16% 13% N/A17

Turnover rate- > 50 years old 17% 16% N/A17

Americas Turnover number- Male 8,474 6,673 5,869

Turnover number- Female 1,337 807 700

Turnover number- Gender not specified 0 4 9

Turnover number- < 30 years old 4,453 3,574 2,561

Turnover number- 30 - 50 years old 3,454 2,555 2,455

Turnover number- > 50 years old 1,904 1,355 1,562

Turnover rate- Male 26% 26% 23%

Turnover rate- Female 29% 22% 20%

Turnover rate- < 30 years old 53% 55% 40%

Turnover rate- 30 - 50 years old 19% 18% 17%

Turnover rate- > 50 years old 19% 16% 18%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.


401-14 Europe, Middle East, Africa Turnover number- Male 3,869 2,962 2,304

Turnover number- Female 642 449 348

Turnover number- < 30 years old 1,809 1,436 960

Turnover number- 30 - 50 years old 1,888 1,143 912

Turnover number- > 50 years old 814 832 780

Turnover rate- Male 19% 15% 12%

Turnover rate- Female 21% 16% 13%

Turnover rate- < 30 years old 47% 42% 27%

Turnover rate- 30 - 50 years old 14% 9% 7%

Turnover rate- > 50 years old 14% 15% 14%

Asia-Pacific Turnover number- Male 1,497 1,071 834

Turnover number- Female 321 254 202

Turnover number- < 30 years old 750 462 337

Turnover number- 30 - 50 years old 897 674 548

Turnover number- > 50 years old 171 189 151

Turnover rate- Male 16% 14% 11%

Turnover rate- Female 19% 20% 16%

Turnover rate- < 30 years old 38% 30% 22%

Turnover rate- 30 - 50 years old 12% 11% 9%

Turnover rate- > 50 years old 15% 19% 16%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


Talent Development 2022 2021 2020

404-13 Average hours of training per Global Total 15.53 13.73 13.00
Male 15.23 13.51 12.70

Female 17.48 15.20 14.79

Salaried 15.04 14.23 14.62

Hourly 15.71 13.53 12.37

Management 17.78 17.62 14.65

Individual contributors 15.33 13.39 12.86

Non-GRI3 Training Expenses Total amount of money spent on training during the reporting period (USD) 21,903 20,534 N/A17

Training Number of associates trained in Better-Up Coaching Program 254 316 1,444

Number of Virtual Courses completed through Global Content Providers 11,363 14,655 18,243

Number of associates who completed the formal two-week Plant 235 203 21520
Optimization Academy

Number of associates who completed Plant Optimization Academy 24,102 21,486 20,421
e-learning courses

3 Goodyear data only.

17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.
20 Virtual academies offered, which allowed for larger population.


Diversity and Inclusion 2022 2021 2020

405-14 Number of governance body members Total 12 14 N/A17

Male 8 10 9

Female 4 4 3

< 30 years old 0 0 0

30 - 50 years old 0 0 0

> 50 years old 12 14 12

% of governance bodies Male 67% 71% 75%

Female 33% 29% 25%

< 30 years old 0% 0% 0%

30 - 50 years old 0% 0% 0%

> 50 years old 100% 100% 100%

Number of salaried employees Total 18,920 17,030 N/A17

Male 13,587 12,253 12,202

Female 5,329 4,774 4,594

Gender not specified 4 3 4

< 30 years old 2,721 2,486 2,317

30 - 50 years old 11,177 9,969 9,807

> 50 years old 5,022 4,575 4,676

% of salaried employees Total 27% 28% N/A17

Male 72% 72% 73%

Female 28% 28% 27%

Gender not specified 0% 0% 0%

< 30 years old 14% 15% 14%

30 - 50 years old 59% 58% 58%

> 50 years old 27% 27% 28%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.


405-14 Number of hourly employees Total 52,457 42,954 N/A17

Male 48,287 39,721 39,920

Female 4,133 3,185 2,968

Gender not specified 37 48 53

< 30 years old 11,946 9,217 9,012

30 - 50 years old 28,548 23,474 23,441

> 50 years old 11,963 10,263 10,488

% of hourly employees Total 73% 72% N/A17

Male 92% 93% 93%

Female 8% 7% 7%

Gender not specified 0% 0% 0%

< 30 years old 23% 21% 21%

30 - 50 years old 54% 55% 55%

> 50 years old 23% 24% 24%

Number of managers Total 5,280 4,865 N/A17

Male 4,214 3,936 3,863

Female 1,066 929 871

Gender not specified 0 0 0

< 30 years old 122 128 123

30 - 50 years old 3,472 3,202 3,060

> 50 years old 1,686 1,535 1,551

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.


405-14 % of management Total 7% 8% N/A17

Male 80% 81% 82%

Female 20% 19% 18%

Gender not specified 0% 0% 0%

< 30 years old 2% 3% 3%

30 - 50 years old 66% 66% 65%

> 50 years old 32% 31% 33%

Number of individual contributors Total 66,097 55,119 N/A17

Male 57,660 48,038 48,259

Female 8,396 7,030 6,691

Gender not specified 41 51 57

< 30 years old 14,545 11,575 11,206

30 - 50 years old 36,253 30,241 30,188

> 50 years old 15,299 13,303 13,613

% of individual contributors Total 93% 92% N/A17

Male 87% 87% 88%

Female 13% 13% 12%

Gender not specified 0% 0% 0%

< 30 years old 22% 21% 20%

30 - 50 years old 55% 55% 55%

> 50 years old 23% 24% 25%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.


Non-GRI4 % of U.S. workforce self-identified as: Black or African American 20% 20% 19%

Latino or Hispanic 10% 10% 11%

American Indian or Alaska Native 2% 2% 2%

Asian 2% 3% 3%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1% 1% 0%

White 62% 61% 61%

Two or More Races 2% 2% 2%

Not Specified 1% 1% 1%

Employee Resource Groups Number of ERG members globally 3,500 3,300 3,065

Number of ERG chapters globally 38 38 32

Recruiting and hiring % of recruiters who are AIRS Diversity & Inclusion Certified (Americas & 75% 82% N/A21
Executive team)

Veterans at Goodyear % of military veterans in Goodyear’s U.S. workforce 8% 7% 6.8%

Positions filled internally % of open positions filled by internal candidates 84% 84% 80%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
21 Due to COVID, furloughs and business conditions, re-certifications were delayed until 2021.


Anti-Corruption 2022 2021 2020

2-164 Communication of critical concerns Total number and nature of critical concerns that were communicated to Goodyear Confidentiality Confidentiality
the highest governance body discloses all constraints constraints
material matters
in its public filings
with the
Securities and

205-14 Operations assessed for risks related Total number of operations assessed for risks related to corruption 1,423 1,48422 1,381 22
to corruption
Percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption 100% 100% 100%

205-24 Total number of governance body Global total 12 14 12

members communicated to about
anti-corruption Americas 11 13 11

Europe, Middle East, Africa N/A N/A N/A

Asia-Pacific 1 1 1

% of governance body members Global total 100% 100% 100%

communicated to about anti-
corruption Americas 100% 93% 92%
Europe, Middle East, Africa N/A N/A N/A

Asia-Pacific 100% 7% 8%

Total number of employees Global total 71,377 59,984 59,741

communicated to about anti-
corruption Americas 36,956 29,404 28,995

Europe, Middle East, Africa 23,460 21,812 22,114

Asia-Pacific 10,961 8,768 8,632

Salaried associates 18,920 17,030 16,800

Hourly associates 52,457 42,954 42,941

Management 5,280 4,865 4,734

Individual contributors 66,097 55,119 55,007

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
22 Restated correct number of facilities


205-24 % of employees communicated to Global total 100% 100% 100%
about anti-corruption
Americas 100% 100% 100%

Europe, Middle East, Africa 100% 100% 100%

Asia-Pacific 100% 100% 100%

Salaried associates 100% 100% 100%

Hourly associates 100% 100% 100%

Management 100% 100% 100%

Individual contributors 100% 100% 100%

Total number of business partners Global total 32,201 30,818 31,583

communicated to about anti-
corruption Americas 13,028 11,724 12,098
“Business partners” includes active suppliers plus
certain active customers (those that, based on Europe, Middle East, Africa 11,840 11,896 12,164
certain criteria, are part of Goodyear’s
anti-bribery due diligence process) Asia-Pacific 7,333 7,198 7,403

% of business partners communicated Global total 100% 100% 100%

to about anti-corruption
“Business partners” includes active suppliers plus Americas 100% 100% 100%
certain active customers (those that, based on
certain criteria, are part of Goodyear’s Europe, Middle East, Africa 100% 100% 100%
anti-bribery due diligence process)
Asia-Pacific 100% 100% 100%

Total number of governance body Global total 12 14 12

members trained on anti-corruption
Americas 11 13 11

Europe, Middle East, Africa N/A N/A N/A

Asia-Pacific 1 1 1

% of governance body members Global total 100% 100% 100%

trained on anti-corruption
Americas 100% 93% 92%

Europe, Middle East, Africa N/A N/A N/A

Asia-Pacific 100% 7% 8%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


205-24 Total number of employees trained on Global total 23,810 25,108 15,498
Americas 16,365 14,864 6,299

Europe, Middle East, Africa 3,448 6,478 6,238

Asia-Pacific 3,997 3,766 2,961

Salaried associates 9,227 14,699 15,222

Hourly associates 14,583 10,409 276

Management N/A23 4,483 4,494

Includes salaried associates only. Management vs. individual contributor breakdown not
available for hourly associates trained.

Individual contributors N/A23 10,216 10,278

Includes salaried associates only. Management vs. individual contributor breakdown not
available for hourly associates trained.

% of employees trained on anti- Global total 33% 42% 26%

Americas 45% 51% 22%

Europe, Middle East, Africa 15% 30% 28%

Asia-Pacific 37% 43% 34%

Salaried associates 49% 86% 91%

Hourly associates 28% 24% 1%

Management N/A23 97% 95%

Includes salaried associates only. Management vs. individual contributor breakdown not
available for hourly associates trained.

Individual contributors N/A23 82% 20%

Includes salaried associates only. Management vs. individual contributor breakdown not
available for hourly associates trained.

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
23 Due to the transition of this training from online to in person in 2022, information on management-level participants and individual participants was not available across all locations.


205-34 Confirmed incidents of corruption and Total number of confirmed incidents of corruption Allegations of Confidentiality Confidentiality
actions taken corruption/bribery constraints constraints
are formally
investigated to
conclusion. The
results are
provided to
stakeholders for
remediation and
corrective action.

Total number of confirmed incidents in which employees were dismissed Allegations of Confidentiality Confidentiality
or disciplined for corruption corruption/bribery constraints constraints
are formally
investigated to
conclusion. The
results are
provided to
stakeholders for
remediation and
corrective action.

Total number of confirmed incidents when contracts with business Allegations of Confidentiality Confidentiality
partners were terminated or not renewed due to violations related to corruption/bribery constraints constraints
corruption are formally
investigated to
conclusion. The
results are
provided to
stakeholders for
remediation and
corrective action.

Non-GRI 4 Business conduct manual training % of associates who have completed Business Conduct Manual training 98% 99% 99%

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.


Community Engagement 2022 2021 2020

413-1 Local community engagement % of operations with implemented local community engagement4 61% 44% 56%
Does not include retail, retreading or distribution locations at this time.

Non-GRI Number of Goodyear locations participating in Global Week of 30 8 N/A24


Hours of associate volunteer service3 11,000 9,500 7,250

Total value of associate volunteer efforts3 $640,000 $600,000 $600,000

Community organizations served through associate volunteer efforts3 118 96 93

Philanthropic Activities3 Percentage of corporate citizenship/philanthropic contributions used for 17% 10% N/A17
Data reflects Corporate Philanthropy Budget; charitable donations
Does not include business unit budgets
Percentage of corporate citizenship/philanthropic contributions used for 70% 78% N/A17
community investments

Percentage of corporate citizenship/philanthropic contributions used for 13% 12% N/A17

commercial initiatives

3 Goodyear data only.

4 2022 Goodyear and Cooper combined data; 2021-2020 Goodyear data only.
17 New baseline established in 2021. Will continue reporting in future years.
24 No global week of volunteering in 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.


Baseline Goal Performance

Year Start (%) Year Target (%) 2020 2021 2022

Sustainable Sourcing Goals

% raw material spend traceability 2018 0% 2025 50% 0% 0% 6.5%

% of natural rubber suppliers audited 2018 79% Ongoing 100% 91% 100% 100%

% petroleum-derived oils used N/A N/A 2040 0% 98.3% 98% 98%

Responsible Operations Goals

Total Incident Rate (TIR) 2018 1.96 2023 0.95 1.80 2.10 2.05

Serious Injury (SI) Rate 2018 0.04 2023 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.06

Number of environmental compliance violations and 2018 9 2028 0 8 25 8

reportable environmental releases

% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions 2019 0% 2030 -46% N/A -2.4% *CDP 2023

% reduction in relevant Scope 3 emissions 2019 0% 2030 -28% N/A 3.5% *CDP 2023

% renewable energy at all manufacturing facilities 2019 0% 2040 100% 3.7% 17% 34%

% reduction to achieve net-zero value chain greenhouse gas 2019 0% 2050 -100% N/A 2% *CDP 2023
(GHG) emissions response

% reduction in global water consumption 2020 0% 2030 -30% N/A -12% -19%

Advanced Mobility Goals

% reduction in rolling resistance - global consumer tire 2005 0% 2025 -40% -31% -32% -32.9%

% reduction in weight - global consumer tire portfolio 2005 0% 2025 -9% -8.2% -8.8% -9.4%

Inspiring Culture Goal

% of associates globally with access to GoodLife platform 2018 34% 2023 100% 72% 100% Achieved in

*We stopped disclosing our goal of tobacco-free campuses by 2025 in our 2021 CRR. This goal is under review as a result of organizational changes.


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