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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title Higher National Diploma in Business Management

Assessor Mr. Ruchitha Internal Verifier

Unit(s) Human Resource Management

Assignment title Report on Managing Human Resources

Student’s name
List which Pass Merit Distinction
assessment criteria
the Assessor has

Do the assessment criteria

awarded match those shown in the Y/N
assignment brief?

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s Y/N
comments on the student work?
Has the work been
assessed accurately?
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant
assessment criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities
for improved performance? Y/N

• Agreeing actions? Y/N

Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

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(if required)
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Remedial action taken

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Programme Leader
signature (if
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID S.P.D.Lalithya

Unit Title Human Resource Management

Assignment Number 03 Assessor Mr. Ruchitha

21/01/2022 Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance
and contributing to business success
Pass, Merit & P1 P2 M1 M2 D1
Distinction Descripts
LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to achieve
business objectives

Pass, Merit & P3 M3 D1

Distinction Descripts

LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can influence HRM decision making in relation
to organisational development
Pass, Merit & P4 M4 D2
Distinction Descripts
LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational
Pass, Merit & P5 M5 D3
Distinction Descripts

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.


Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature [email protected] Date 21/04/2022


Higher Nationals in
Unit 03: Human Resource Management
Assignment 01


General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
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2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom, right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Justify all paragraphs.
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7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You
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10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text
citation and a reference list.
11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course


Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it
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4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my
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Student’s Signature: Date:

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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief

Student Name /ID Number S.P.D. Lalithya

Unit Number and Title Unit 03: Human Resource Management

Academic Year 2122

Unit Tutor Human Resource Management

Assignment Title HR Case Study Review

Issue Date

Submission Date 21/01/2022

IV Name & Date

Submission format

Section A
The submission should be in the form of a 15 - minute group PowerPoint presentation (5 minutes
allocated for questions). The presentation slides and speaker notes should be attached together and
submitted as one copy. You are required to make effective use of PowerPoint headings, bullet points and
subsections as appropriate. Your research should be referenced using Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 1,500 to 2,000 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be
penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and
contributing to business success.

LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to achieve business

Assignment Brief and Guidance: Section A

While working as a management trainee in the Human Resources (HR) department of a chosen organization,
you have been asked to take part in reviewing the current recruitment and selection process to recruit a
Department Head for the newly implemented “HR Business Partners” Project of the HR department.
As the first step, you have to form a small team of (3–4 members) to research and understand the role of
HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business successes.
Then you are expected to review the existing recruitment process and suggest a more suitable recruitment and
talent retaining approach to achieve the goals of the “HR Business Partners” Project. Here, you are expected
to assess the contribution of HR department of the chosen organization in recruiting and retaining talent and
skills to achieve the overall objectives, Review the effects of the changing nature of the selected organisation
on the newly demanded human resources skills and knowledge to succeed in the new project, Examine how
HRM team should be performing in relation to the changing nature of the contemporary business needs.


The aim of your team is to successfully present the findings and submit an individual review report (by each
individual member of the team).


Submission format

Section B

The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 4,000–4,500 words,
although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in relation to
organisational development.

LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

The Human Resources (HR) department of a company of your choice is completing the annual HR analysis
of the organization. You are a newly recruited management trainee of this project who is expected to provide
a review report of the company annual HR analysis. With a brief overview introducing the chosen
organization, you are to explain the objectives of the HR function and the key roles and responsibilities. The
writing should then follow through and assessment of the approaches used in External and Internal Factors
which are influencing the organization and the influence of these factors on the decision-making process of
the company within the past year.

The report is expected to be further narrated through special attention provided on the HRM practices used to
improve sustainable organizational performance by reviewing the application of: Job descriptions, and
personal specifications, the process of recruitment and selection, the process of performance management and
the employee relationship of the firm. These approaches should be explained with specific examples. It is also
important to explain the benefits of employee relations and employee engagement, and comment on the
application of psychological contract, employee voice and engagement to reach out for high competitive
advantages by applying the theories in to the practical scenarios of the chosen organization.
Examining and Applying various methods of HRM practices that can increase the organizational productivity
and profit will justify the importance of HRM. Managing “human” resources makes it essential to understand
the impact of legal and regulatory frameworks that need to be considered when making important Human
Resource Management (HRM) decisions. Further, you are expected to evaluate key factors affecting HRM
decision making to make valid recommendations on the HRM decision to reach organisational end

The content will then finalize a complete picture of the annual HR analysis.

The review must be submitted as an analysis report on how External and Internal factors can influence HRM
decision making through application of various HRM practices to reach sustainable organizational
development and overall performance.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating

sustainable organisational performance and contributing to
business success

P1 Explain the main areas M1 Compare areas of HRM to

of HRM in their contribution create sustainable
to creating sustainable organisational performance.

P2 Review the effects of the LO1 and LO2

changing nature of
organisations on human M2 Examine HRM in relation
resources skills and to the changing nature of the D1 Critically evaluate the
knowledge. modern business organisation.
strengths and weaknesses of
HRM in relation to creating
LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining sustainable organisational
talent and skills to achieve business objectives performance and achieving
business objectives.
P3 Review relevant HRM
M3 Evaluate the use of HRM
practices in relation to practices in recruitment and
recruitment and retention of retention in relation to the
employees for the
importance of the labour
achievement of business

LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM
decision making in relation to organisational development

D2 Evaluate key factors

M4 Discuss the key external
P4 Investigate the external and and internal factors that affect affecting HRM decision
internal factors that affect HRM decision making, using making to make valid
HRM decision making to relevant organisational recommendations
support organisational examples to illustrate how they
development. support organisational

LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for

improving sustainable organisational performance.

P5 Apply HRM practices in D3 Determine strengths and weaknesses

M5 Illustrate how the of HRM practices to make
a work-related context, using application of specific HRM recommendations for improving
specific examples to practices in a work related sustainable organisational performance.
demonstrate improvement to context can improve
sustainable organisational sustainable
performance. Organisational performance.


Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Section A

Section B


Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved

P1 Explain the main areas of HRM in their

contribution to creating sustainable

P2 Review the effects of the changing

nature of organisations on human resources
skills and knowledge.
P3 Review relevant HRM practices in
relation to recruitment and retention of
employees for the achievement of business
P4 Investigate the external and internal
factors that affect HRM decision making to
support organisational development.
P5 Apply HRM practices in a work-related
context, using specific examples to
demonstrate improvement to sustainable
Organisational performance.

M1 Compare areas of HRM to create

sustainable organisational performance.

M2 Examine HRM in relation to the

changing nature of the modern business
M3 Evaluate the use of HRM practices in
recruitment and retention in relation to the
importance of the labour market.
M4 Discuss the key external and internal
factors that affect HRM decision making,
using relevant organisational examples to
illustrate how they support organisational
D1 Critically evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of HRM in relation to creating
sustainable organisational performance and
achieving business objectives.
D2 Evaluate key factors affecting HRM
decision making to make valid
D3 Determine strengths and weaknesses of
HRM practices to make recommendations
for improving sustainable organisational



Learner name: S.P.D. Lalithya

Qualification: BTEC Level 4-HNC/HND Diploma (RQF)
Unit 02: Role of marketing and its relationship with functional units of an
Unit number & title:
Description of activity undertaken

Assessment criteria targeted

How the activity covers the requirements of the assessment criteria (this does not confirm achievement of
assessment criteria or confer an assessment decision)

Learner name: S.P.D. Lalithya

Learner signature: [email protected] Date: 21/04/2022

Assessor name: Mr. Ruchitha
Assessor signature: Date



Learner name: S.P.D. Lalithya

Qualification: BTEC Level 4-HNC/HND Diploma (RQF)
Unit number & title: Unit 02: Role of marketing and its relationship with functional units of an organisation
Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)

Assessment criteria (for which the activity provides evidence)

How the activity covers the requirements of the assessment criteria, including how and where the activity took place
(this does not confirm achievement of assessment criteria or confer an assessment decision)

Witness name: S.P.D. Lalithya Job role:

Witness signature: [email protected] Date:
Learner name: S.P.D. Lalithya
Learner signature: [email protected] Date: 21/04/2022
Assessor name: Mr.Ruchitha
Assessor signature: Date:


Part A
Contents .
A Part...............................................................................................................................................

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organizational
performance and contributing to business success..........................................................................

P1 Explain the main areas of HRM in their contribution to creating sustainable


P2 Review the effects of the changing nature of organizations on human resources skills
and knowledge.............................................................................................................................

M1 Compare areas of HRM to create a sustainable organizational performance........................

M2 Examine HRM in relation to the changing nature of the modern business organizations

LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to achieve
business objectives.......................................................................................................................

P3 Review relevant HRM practices in relation to recruitment and retention of employees

for the achievement of business objectives..................................................................................

M3 Evaluate the use of HRM practices in recruitment and retention in relation to the
importance of the labour market..................................................................................................

D1 Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of HRM in relation to creating

sustainable organizational performance and achieving business objectives................................

Part B...............................................................................................................................................

On the suggestion of the World Bank, DFCC Bank was established in 1955 as the first
development finance institution in Sri Lanka, and is one of the oldest development banks in

DFCC bank merged with 99% of its subsidiary DFCC Vardhana Bank in October 2015.
DFCC Bank is a licensed commercial bank presenting a wide range of services and products
to development Banks and Commercial Banks. DFCC has approximately 1253 employees to
date. (dfcc2020.annualreports.lk., n.d.)...........................................................................................

LO3 Examine how internal and external factors influence HRM decision-making regarding
corporate development.....................................................................................................................


P4 Investigate the internal and external factors influencing HRM decision-making to assist
corporate development.................................................................................................................

M4 Discuss the major internal and external factors influencing HRM decision-making, and
use relevant corporate e,g, to illustrate how support for organizational development can be

D2 Evaluate the key factors influencing HRM decision making to make the right

LO4 Apply HRM applications in the work context to improve sustainable organizational

P5 Apply HRM applications in the work-relevant context, utilizing particular examples to

enhance sustainable organizational performance.......................................................................

M4 Illustrate how sustainable corporate performance can be enhanced by applying

particular HRM practices in the context of the task...................................................................

D3 Identify the weaknesses and strengths of HRM applications for making

recommendations for enhancing sustainable corporate performance........................................



Part B .

About DFCC Bank.

On the suggestion of the World Bank, DFCC Bank was established in 1955 as the first
development finance institution in Sri Lanka , and is one of the oldest development banks in

DFCC bank merged with 99% of its subsidiary DFCC Vardhana Bank in October 2015 .
DFCC Bank is a licensed commercial bank presenting a wide range of services and products
to development Banks and Commercial Banks. DFCC has approximately 1253 employees to
date . (dfcc2020.annualreports.lk., n.d.).

Over the years , DFCC has evolved , diversified and grown to meet the the changing needs
and aspirations of a resurgent economy , its institutions and its people. In January 2015 ,
DFCC became a public quoted company incorporated under the companies Act No. 07 of
2007 , transforming into DFCC bank PLC.
Corporate Information DFCC Bank PLC .

Legal Form : A Public Quoted Company incorporated under the Companies Act No. 07 of
2007 with effect from 06 January 2015 , formerly known as DFCC Bank and incorporated
under the Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon Act No. 35 of 1955 as amended.
Chairman of the Board : Mr. J DURAIRATNAM
Chief Executive Officer : Mr. N H T I PERERA
Company Secretary : Ms. A WITHANA
Auditors : KPMG Ford, Rhodes, Thornton & Co, Chartered Accountants
Credit Rating :
 [SL] AA- Stable by ICRA Lanka Limited

 A+ (lka) Stable by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited.

Company Registration Number : PQ 233
Vision ;
To be the leading financial solutions provider sustainably developing individuals and

Mission ;
To provide innovative and responsible solutions true to our values with the expertise of our
multi-disciplinary team of professionals and synergies of our financial services group.
Value Description :
DFCC Bank PLC ensures that it's employees are committed towards enhancing the lives of
people, by being


 Innovative
 Customer-centric
 Professional
 Ethical
 Accountable
 Team-oriented
 Socially Responsible

HR objective of DFCC .
The primary HR objective of DFCC is to ensure availability of a competent and willing work
force. The employees will meet the needs of their stakeholders . (dfcc2020.annualreports.lk.,
n.d.) .
Key roles and responsibilities of HR at DFCC .
 Recruit candidates. HR needs to understand the organization's needs and make sure
those needs are met when recruiting for new positions . (dfcc2020.annualreports.lk.,

 Hire the right employees .

 Process payroll and other financial benefits .

 Conduct disciplinary actions .

 Update HR related policies .

 Maintain employee records .

There is numerous Human Resource based management that takes the lead to make the most
of opportunity through the facilitation of change proposing strategies and programs to
develop a positive quality and performance-oriented culture . The Human Resources
management is involved in the recruitment and selection of the right people for the
organization to achieve standards of competitive advantage focused on the importance of
investing in people and building high quality flexible well motivated and committed
workforce . (Collings , and Wood, 2009).


LO3 Examine how internal and external factors influence HRM decision-
making regarding corporate development .
P4 Investigate the internal and external factors influencing HRM decision-making to
assist corporate development .

Human Resources departments play a vital role in employee relations, workforce planning ,
development , training , and legal compliance in an organization. Because that is not directly
connected to the production of services and goods , human resources can see it as a separate
process from a business's daily functions , but an effective Human Resources department may
make a genuine distinction to an organization's progress . A Human Resources department
usually meets several external and internal facts as part of its activities of corporate
development. Corporate development refers to the planning and execution of strategies to
meet organizational objectives. (Joseph, 2011) .
The organization needs to meet customer needs and demand satisfactorily . Therein the
primary role of the Human Resources Management department is job analysis in staffing
along with organization and utilization of workforce , the measurement and appraisal of the
workforce , assessment of performance , implementation of rewards for employees ,
professional development and training thereby retaining key performers . These actions will
ensure that the organization has the right people in place to cater for the needs of the
company. This action will ensure sustainable organizational performance .
External Factor : Available Labor Pool .
The primary role of Human Resources departments is to maintain sufficient staffing levels
via workforce planning. One external factor influencing the capability to recruit qualified
employees is the existence of a labour market , such as unemployment rates , many qualified
employees within a reasonable distance of employment and in some circumstances , the
absence of applicants with skills. It can be difficult for an organization to identify and attract
suitable employees , mainly if the same skills are in demand around the industry (Joseph,
2011) . If the organizational objectives are to be met then the right employee with skills ,
experience and attitude must be recruited .
External Factor : Government Regulations .
The Government regulations and laws are external facts that affect Human Resources
Management , which is required to ensure that the firm is compliant. A company can
influence the laws regarding its employees' recruitment , training , compensation , and
discipline . A wrong move can lead to sanctions against the firm or even cases filed by


employees , future employees , consumers , and vendors (Wood, 1999) . The corporate
objectives have to be met within the set Government regulations .
Internal Factor : Level of Growth .
Internal factors affecting Human Resources are the firm's present and projected increase rate.
Firms experiencing rapid expansion and aggressive growth can need to focus on recruiting
and staffing their HR department . In order to meet the corporate objectives , the company
has acquired the assistance of the strength of the company. In the case of DFCC , they have
many branches , the brands are popular , and they have an experienced team of employee and
a strong culture (Wood, 1999) .
Internal Fact : Use of Technology .
One of the major internal factors influencing Human Resources planning is the willingness of
the firm management to utilize technology in general operations . (Joseph, 2011) .
Technology will help streamline operations making it easier to meet the corporate objectives .
M4 Discuss the major internal and external factors influencing HRM decision-making ,
and use relevant corporate e,g, to illustrate how support for organizational development
can be achieved .

Human Resources departments play a vital role in employee relations, workforce planning ,
development , training , and legal compliance in an organization. Because that is not directly
connected to the production of services and goods , human resources can see it as a separate
process from a business's daily functions , but an effective Human Resources department may
make a genuine distinction to an organization's progress and development . The
organizational development is the implementation of practices , systems and techniques that
affect organizational change. A Human Resources department usually meets several external
and internal facts as part of its activities that ensure organizational development (Joseph,
2011) .
Human Resource Management is critical in supporting the organization to improve the
effectiveness through the management of corporate governance and ethical issues which are
beyond economic performance . The support that is received from Human Resource
Management aligns the organizations for future direction and to meet the company’s goals.
The ethical considerations regarding the role of Human Resources are important because it
focuses on maximizing the commitment of the employees through empowerment .
External Factor : Available Labor Pool .


The primary role of Human Resources departments is to maintain sufficient staffing levels
via workforce planning. One external factor influencing the capability to recruit qualified
employees is the existence of a dull labour market. Yet an organization is constantly
changing. Thus, the processes and procedures change. The employees are the heart of the
operation. Their actions ensure that organizational objectives are met. They must be willing
to change and develop processes and systems as and when change occurs. It can be difficult
for an organization to identify and attract suitable employees, mainly if the same skills are in
demand around the industry (Joseph, 2011) .
External Factor: Government Regulations.
Government and public service regulations and laws are external facts that affect Human
Resources Management, which is required to ensure that the firm is compliant. A company
can influence the laws regarding its employees' recruitment, training, compensation, and
discipline. A wrong move can lead to sanctions against the firm or even cases filed by
employees, future employees, consumers, and vendors (Wood, 1999). These regulations
affect the decision-making process as well as the adaptation of practices, systems and
Internal Factor: Level of Growth.
Internal factors affecting Human Resources are the firm's present and projected increase rate.
Firms experiencing rapid expansion and aggressive growth can need to focus on recruiting
and staffing their HR department. More stagnant firms can focus more on retaining
employees and enhancing the firm's culture and workplace environment via improving job
descriptions and improving compensation and marginal benefit programs. (Wood, 1999) .
Internal Fact : Use of Technology .
One of the major internal factors influencing Human Resources planning is the willingness of
the firm management to utilize technology for certain critical human resource functions and
other operations (Joseph, 2011). Technology enables quick decision-making process.
Technology will allow reorganizing processes and procedures.

D2 Evaluate the key factors influencing HRM decision making to make the right

Human resource management is an important part of any business because it joins the
effective management of the organization's employees. Employees are the most asset of any
organization, making HRM a very effective domain for employees and organizations to


succeed. The Human Resources is an asset that includes the talent, expertise and resources
that help the organization meet their business objectives.

1] Execution of Technology.
The execution of Human Resources technology is one of the most significant factors
influencing the Human Resources Management of an organization. This is because the firm
has advanced Human Resource software platforms designed to automate every factor of HR
work. That increases Human Resources efficiency and productivity with more practical
employee management. (Boxall, and Purcell, 2011).

2] The Work Environment.

People could only imagine the traditional office environment until last year. However, the
Covid-19 epidemic changed all that for the better, and many people today are gradually
getting used to the present condition of working from home . This new condition has brought
a lot of challenges to the HRM sector and the human resource sector. (Paauwe, and Boon,

3] Availability of Good Talent.

It is difficult to hire specialist professionals. They are demanding and do not come cheap.
There is an expectation for the Human Resources Management department to discover the
proper resources for required job roles in organizations. This may lead to compromises with
resources that are not best suited for positions that remain open. (Paauwe, and Boon, 2009).
4] Development and Training.
Digital HRMS is a new-age human resource software platform that allows the Human
Resources department to manage and design training sessions for employees, even over long
distances. Development and training programs for employees may be an excellent method to
enhance employee engagement and, at the same period help organizations discover resources
with the skills set required for a variety of positions. Also, it may prove to be a winning
solution for the employer and the employees (blog.thedigitalgroup.com, n.d.).


LO4 Apply HRM applications in the work context to improve sustainable
organizational performance .
P5 Apply HRM applications in the work-relevant context , utilizing particular examples
to enhance sustainable organizational performance .

Human Resources Management , staff selection and recruitment processes should present the
human resource practices that play a crucial role in the progress of each organization . There
are different uses , but they are functional , operating , and effective. Human Resources needs
to assess how they affect employee productivity. (Paauwe, and Boon, 2009) .
The importance of the labour market is highlighted in recruitment and retention . The Human
Resources Management practice is to recruit the right person as per the job description and
motivate such staff members to stay on with the organization , yet many a time there is a high
labour demand but low supply within the market. Human Resources is the internal practices
and the external results. KPIs are set when recruiting. Yet , leaders are created over time
hence , years of practice and training will help the employee reach company targets .

1. Recruiting as one of the best practices HRM .

Finding the right employees for the right job is a significant challenge for any organization .
In the first phase of the selection procedure , the pre-employment platforms help verify and
define the best CV among thousands more quickly. DFCC rates the potential employees
when recruiting .

2. Creating favourable working conditions .

Working environment favourable working situations are designed to meet the basic
requirements of workers and at the same period encourage them to motivate and work
effectively . Supplying workers with all the goods they need can increase the workforce's
productivity. DFCC ensures that the basic resources are made available to all employees.
(Johnason, 2009) .

3. Benefits and compensation .

Benefits and compensation are also vital in human resources practices . Before recruiting
individuals , a manager should research market pay rates for a suitable position and provide
an employee with the appropriate pay for organizational budgeting . An employee should be


notified of probation and post-probation pay (BEST 7 HRM PRACTICES, 2022) . DFCC
ensures that benefits and compensation is in line with industry best practices .

4. On boarding process .
The first impression an employee makes on the first day at work is particularly vital for the
time of entry . When a new employee joins , managers should inform their colleagues as soon
as possible and introduce them. In addition , a new group member should have access to all
organizational programs , CRMs , and internal guidelines and policies . DFCC ensures that
these potential employees are given an induction program. (Paauwe, and Boon, 2009) .
5. Access to tools and knowledge .
Access to all working tools and necessary materials is essential for HRM applications.
Supplying employees with primary details about the processes and procedures used in the
firm and fundamental training on their use speed up their entry process , and newcomers
begin to bring results faster . DFCC provides access to intranet that has all the processes ,
procedures , laws etc documented . (Paauwe, and Boon, 2009) .
6. Employee retention .
Many large companies boast cool retention packages for their employees . That is now more
of a necessity than a privilege and part of the best Human Resources practices . DFCC Bank
wants to stay with market competitors , hence the Bank organizes quarterly group buildings
sessions , supplying medical facilities and health insurance , and conducts foreign language
lessons . (Tamil lessons for Sinhala employees and vice versa) . Bank provides lunch for a
subsidized value (BEST 7 HRM PRACTICES, 2022) .
7. Coaching and development .
The professionalism and individual qualities of the staff are an integral part of any
organization. Also, recruiting qualified , experienced employees to a company is not enough
for their current progress . Highly skilled employees , allowing them to expand professionally
, help increase revenue and business rates are considered the best practice . Development and
training help achieve two goals simultaneously : a firm's image is represented with experts in
the related fields and their latest ideas , and non-standard business development strategies can
quickly increase revenue (BEST 7 HRM PRACTICES, 2022) . DFCC ensures that the
employees have a minimum 36 hours of training per year .


M5 Illustrate how sustainable corporate performance can be enhanced by applying
particular HRM practices in the context of the task .
Human Resources are considered the most valuable asset of any organization , but especially
few firms can fully utilize their potential . HRM is the set of practices , policies , and systems
that affect employee behaviour , performance , and attitudes. Paying particular attention to
Human Resource Management is vital for each organization . Human resource processes and
practices are part of the organization's HRM. Few Human Resources Management
applications can enhance and maintain corporate performance .
Human Resources practices support achieving the results of the organization . Hence a Bank
like DFCC establishes an Operations Excellence Team for continuous improvement . The
Bank describes standard operating processes to ensure compliance through the Human
Resources activities of the organization . There needs to be end-to-end process management
and the development of training programs to highlight continuous learning . The Bank
establishes strict regulatory mechanisms to improve corporate accountability , compliance ,
and discipline. There will be the measurement of performance relative to industry
benchmarks . DFCC is conscious to add more value to communication and organization by
assuming strategic steps . (Johnason, 2009) .
D3 Identify the weaknesses and strengths of HRM applications for making
recommendations for enhancing sustainable corporate performance .

The common weakness is visible in the difference between Human Resources and finance
even at DFCC. HR is hesitant to consider financing in its line of work . Human Resources
tends to have unnecessary costs while thinking that finance squeezes every penny that is
saved . The HR is focused on providing the right employee for the right work . When HR and
finance work together the company is better able to move towards efficiency , productivity ,
customer satisfaction and profitability . Yet the HR is only interested in the Human Resource
aspect . Human Resources might be slow to adopt new processes . Yet , the strategy is a line
to the business objectives. They will fight for the right of the employee even if it is costly .
HR does not see that it can benefit from more collaboration with the organization's
operational teams . Another disconnect in Human Resources is the internal practices and the
external results . KPIs are set when recruiting . Yet , leaders are not created over time hence ,
years of practice and training will help the employee reach company targets . The process is
time consuming and costly .


The strengths in HRM at DFCC , by which recommendations have been made to enhance
sustainable corporate performance .
1. Supplying security to employees .
The first best use of Human Resources is job security . Personal life is unexpected , and the
job is a constant factor that is extremely essential to many individuals. Having an employer
who can provide the employee with himself and his family is , personally , the main reason
individuals come to work .
2. Selective hiring: Hiring the right Individuals .
The second is to choose the best use of Human Resources . That assists an organization in
attracting value-added employees . A company's objective is to recruit unique individuals
because they add to its success and value. Building a fair and structured selection process
should also be a priority. This reflects that society better reflects legal needs , internal
diversity purposes , and a more diverse workforce . It may be of great help in understanding
broader customer behaviour and different customer needs .
3. Effective Teams and Self-managed .
Better-performance groups are essential for any firm to achieve success . Teams are valued
because they think differently but work towards a common purpose . This also indicates that
various ideas are generated to achieve the organization's common goal . Those ideas are then
formulated and integrated , and the best ones are selected as a result (Mathis, et al, 2016) .
4. Fair and performance-based compensation .
Indeterminate compensation is the fourth-best use of Human Resources . That has everything
in terms of benefits and compensation . The firm hires the proper individuals , and it needs to
compensate them more than usual . These individuals add more value to the company , so it
needs to pay them fairly and retain them. In this situation , it is an example of how various
best practices function together to supply more value than just selective recruitment ,
uncertain compensation , and job security . The firm needs to pair individual gifts with
distinct contributions made by employees. These are performance-relevant rewards .
5. Training in relevant skills .
These Human Resources best practice say that firms must invest significantly in budget and
training periods for their workers . Once the best candidates are recruited , a player can be
assured that they are at the forefront of the field. That is especially true today as technology
advances rapidly . This is where development and learning come into play .
6. Creating an egalitarian and flat organization .


Japanese management practices are rooted in this best practice of Human Resources
Management. Although the author sees that some workers are better than others for the firm's
success , this should not be communicated by far. Every employer is a most valuable member
of the firm and must be treated as such . (Johnason, 2009) .


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