Preface Toc 5th Edition
Preface Toc 5th Edition
Preface Toc 5th Edition
Reliability & Statistical Analysis for Predicting Life, Safety, Risk, Support Costs, Failures, and Forecasting Warranty Claims, Substantiation and Accelerated Testing, Using Weibull, Log Normal, Crow-AMSAA , Probit, and Kaplan-Meier Models
Published and distributed by Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408-4328 Phone/Fax: 1-561-842-4082, E-mail: [email protected] Also distributed by: 1. 2. 3. SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers) Phone: 724-772-8597, Fax: 724-776-4955, E-mail: [email protected] and Wes Fulton, Phone/Fax: 310-548-6358, Web page: Paul Barringer, Phone: 281-852-6810, E-mail: [email protected] and
Copyrights and Trademarks: Windows is trademarked by Microsoft, Inc. YBATH is trademarked by Carl Tarum. The New Weibull Handbook copyright belongs to Dr. Robert B. Abernethy. Copyrights for SuperSMITH software, WinSMITH Weibull, WinSMITH Visual, MonteCarloSMITH and "Playtime with SuperSMITH" belong to Fulton Findings. Printing History First Edition, December 1993, Printings to June 1996 Second Edition, July 1996, 9 Printings to January 1998 Third Edition, September 1998, 13 Printings May 2000 Fourth Edition, September 2000, 12 Printings November 2003 Fifth Edition, December 2006
This book is dedicated to my wife, Sally, for her encouragement and patience. Further, it is dedicated to all my friends and colleagues that helped so much. Finally, it is dedicated to the reader with the hope it will have "some utility," to use Professor Weibull's words.
And lastly we have a special note for the Weibull Workshop students for whom we designed this Handbook
"Now in building of chaises, I tell you what, There is always somewhere a weakest spot,In hub, tire, felloe, in spring or thill, In panel, or crossbar, or floor, or sill, In screw, bolt, throughbrace,-lurking still, Find it somewhere you must and will,Above or below, or within or without,And that's the reason, beyond a doubt, A chaise breaks down, but doesn't wear out. Oliver Wendell Holmes"The One-Hoss Shay"
Background A quarter of a century has passed since the USAF Weibull Analysis Handbook was published. In the years that followed, the author frequently taught Weibull analysis using the USAF Handbook as the text, encouraged by both the United States Air Force and Pratt & Whitney. In 1987, the author retired early to devote full time to research and lecturing in Weibull Analysis. It has been most enjoyable and interesting. The best part has been meeting outstanding engineers from many industries with new and different applications for Weibull methods. The students inspire additional research and methods development. This in turn required rewriting and updating the USAF Handbook producing The New Weibull Handbook. This document is the fifth edition. It contains the latest methods, techniques, and applications that have been developed by the author, Wes Fulton, Paul Barringer, Joe Wauben, Bob Rock, Wayne Nelson, Randy Pirtle, Todd Marquart, Carl Tarum, Geoff Cole and David Navell and many others. The New Weibull Handbook has become the national and international standard for Weibull analysis. It is in daily use throughout the world. Thousands of copies have been distributed. Users include military, automotive, medical, electronics, materials & composites research, aerospace, electrical power, nuclear power, dental research, advertising, bearings, compressors, v-belts, chain drives and on and on. Many organizations have adopted the Handbook and software implementing its methods as standard including the Federal Aviation Administration, Harley Davidson, Motorola, TVA, Honeywell, BICC General, GKN Automotive, Dupont, Meritor Automotive, Teleflex, Guidant Cardiac Pacemaker (CPI), Daimler Chrysler, General Electric, Siemens, Behr, Borg-Warner, NASA, Rolls Royce, Gates Rubber, the US Naval Air Arm (NAVAIR), the US Air Force at SAALC and WPAFB, and Dow Chemical. The author has provided many free copies (shipping charges only) of the Handbook to universities in Europe, North America, and Australia. The author hereby extends this offer to university libraries worldwide. Wes Fulton provides free demonstration copies of the SuperSMITH software on his web site.
With this fifth edition there is a new companion text, The New Weibull Handbook Student Version. It includes an introductory version of the WinSMITH Weibull Software. The author provides free copies (shipping charges only) of the student handbook and the student software to professors and lecturers that teach reliability as well as to university libraries that request copies.
The SuperSMITH software is the most significant technical breakthrough. Wes Fulton has created friendly, easy-to-use software that does everything in the Handbook. The New Weibull Handbook provides an understanding and reference for SuperSMITH. The computer software has made application so much easier. It has also made teaching Weibull easier, more efficient, and more fun. Within the Weibull workshops, many more applications and case studies can be treated without the drudgery of hand calculations and plotting. As this document is the workbook for the Weibull Workshops, many references to the software capabilities are included. This referencing may appear to be inappropriate, but the reliance on software in the workshops requires it. If the student using The New Weibull Handbook desires, he may avoid almost all hand calculations and hand plotting by using SuperSMITH. The new "Playtime with SuperSMITH" computer tutorial enhances the Handbook and provides many step-by-step case studies illustrating all the methods. Alternatively, the reader may use this Handbook to write "home-grown" software. Outputs are easily validated with benchmark case studies found in both demonstration and full versions of the SuperSMITH software. The Fifth Edition features new technology: Goodness of fit, illustrating for the first time the power of the three best methods for goodness of fit: Critical Correlation Coefficient, likelihood ratio and Anderson-Darling. Power is the probability that the method makes the correct choice identifying the parent distribution for a give data set. Crow-AMSAA modeling has become so popular that it has been moved to a new chapter. The new write-up includes the latest methods from the new IEC standards with best practices recommended. A new sections on warranty analysis has been added by Joe Wauben of Honda Life Cycle Costs are presented in a new section by Paul Barringer. Wayne Nelson has updated his on graphical repair analysis with a case study in Appendix M.
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082
Bob Rock of PACCAR updated his extremely useful life data analysis logic diagram which takes you stepby-step to the best methods and analysis for your particular data. The logic diagram is also available in Spanish. Todd Marquart of Micron Technology has completed an extensive comparison of the three methods for interval and grouped data. Which is most accurate? The New Weibull Handbook is unique in recommending best practices wherever there are alternative methods available. Some of the best practices have changed based on new research. Cost analysis is described for production process reliability, failure forecasts, Crow-AMSAA, Life Cycle Costs and optimal parts replacement. To make the Handbook more readable, all the heavy mathematics will be found in the appendixes. Asterisks on section subtitles indicate advanced topics. The novice reader may skip these advanced sections. As the workbook is designed for the Weibull Analysis Workshops, the format includes much white space for notes and calculations. Dozens of case studies are employed to present the methodology. Paul Barringer has taken the most important reference texts and papers from my library and put them on his Website for downloading. They are indicated by a $ sign preceding references throughout the Handbook.. Thank You: Many friends, students, experts, and clients have helped and contributed much to the Handbook. For me, all this support has been overwhelming. Everyone helped! Thank you all. Some are mentioned here: First, my associate, Wes Fulton, not only for his friendly software, but also for his research and development of new Weibull methods. Second, our associate, Paul Barringer, for his help, comments, reviews, research, and contributions. A board of industry experts has reviewed the fifth edition and provided many comments and contributions: Walter Thomas, Wes Fulton, Ronald Schop, Bob Rock, Charles DeSica, Randy Pirtle, Todd Marquart, Carl Tarum, Geoff Cole, Paul Barringer, Jim Breneman, and Joe Wauben. I am indebted to them. Many contributed sections of the Handbook: Bob Rock, PACCAR; David B. Smith, Detroit Edison; Bob Scanlon, Southern Pacific (now with the US Postal Service); Sten-ke Irell, Volvo Flygmotor; Marie Stanton, FPL; David Weber, Consultant; Carl Tarum, Delphia; Hans Iwand, Union Pacific; Drs. Memis and Lautenschlager, Dentists at Northwestern University; Richard Rudy, Chrysler; Kenneth Young, Hydril; Jim Keener and Mel Thomas, FPL; Bill Pritchard, TVA; Shashank Kolhatkar, Borg Warner; Charlie Williams, Florida Power; Geoffrey Cole and David Navell, Rolls Royce; David Williamson, Dow Chemical; M.A. Vasan, Meritor Automotive; David B. Smith, Detroit Edison; and David Langanke and Randy Pirtle, Honeywell Engines. This edition is improved by incorporating the suggestions from the excellent constructive review of the Handbook by Dr. Alan Winterbottom for the Royal Statistical Society Journal A (1997), 160, Part 2. The author is indebted. None of the above are in any way responsible for errors in the Handbook. The author takes all the blame. Please call or write with questions, comments, and constructive criticism about The New Weibull Handbook. I would like to hear from you: E-mail is preferred: [email protected] Dr. Robert B. Abernethy Wintertime: 536 Oyster Road North Palm Beach, Florida 33408-4328 Phone: 561-842-4082
Summertime: 174 Tanasi Lagoon Drive Loudon, Tennessee, 37774-2984 Phone: 865-408-0541
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 An Overview Of Weibull Analysis 1-1 1.1 Objective 1-1 1.2 Background 1-1 1.3 Examples 1-2 1.4 Scope 1-2 1.5 Advantages of Weibull Analysis 1-3 1.6 Data, Discrete Versus Life Data 1-3 1.7 Failure Distribution 1-4 1.8 Failure Forecasts And Predictions 1-5 1.9 Engineering Change Test Substantiation 1-6 1.10 Maintenance Planning 1-6 1.11 System Analysis And Math Models 1-7 1.12 Weibulls With Curved Data 1-7 1.13 Weibulls With Corners And Doglegs 1-9 1.14 Weibayes 1-9 1.15 Small Sample Weibulls 1-9 1.16 Updating Weibulls 1-9 1.17 Deficient (Dirty) Data 1-9 1.18 Establishing The Weibull Line, Choosing The Fit Method 1.19 Related Methods And Problems 1-10 1.20 Summary 1-11 Chapter 2 Plotting The Data And Interpreting The Plot 2.1 Foreword 2-1 2.2 Weibull Data 2-1 2.3 The Weibull Plot Scales 2-2 2.4 (Eta) and (Beta)2-2 2.5 Weibull Analysis - An Example 2-4 2.6 Median Ranks 2-5 2.7 The Weibull Plot 2-6 2.8 "B" Life 2-6 2.9 Suspended Test Items 2-7 2.10 Bernard's Approximation 2-7 2.11 Suspensions Increase Eta 2-8 2.12 Interpreting The Weibull Plot 2-8 2.13 Beta < 1 Implies Infant Mortality 2-9 2.14 Beta = 1.0 Implies Random Failures 2-10 2.15 1.0 < Beta < 4.0 Implies Early Wear Out 2-11 2.16 Beta > 4.0 Implies Old Age (Rapid) Wear Out 2-11 2.17 Weibull Modes May Be "Covered"2-12 2.18 Weibull Paper And Its Construction 2-12 2.19 Weibull Analysis - The Standard Method 2-14 2.20 Problems 2-13
Chapter 3 Dirty Data, "Bad" Weibulls, And Uncertainties 3.1 Foreword 3-1 3.2 Small Sample Uncertainties 3-1
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082
3.2.1 Goodness Of Fit 3-3 3.3 Suspensions 3-6 3.4 Suspect Outliers 3-6 3.5 Curved Weibulls And The t 0 Correction 3-7 3.6 Curved Weibulls And The Log Normal Distribution 3-11 3.7 Data Inconsistencies And Multimode Failures 3-14 3.7.1 Low-Time Failures 3-14 3.7.2 Close Serial Numbers 3-15 3.7.3 Mixtures Of Failure Modes 3-16 3.8 Steep Slopes Hide Problems 3-17 3.9 Bad Weibull Patterns 3-18 Conclusion 3-18 3.10 Problems 3-19 Chapter 4 Failure Forecasting = Risk Analysis 4-1 4.1 Situation 4-1 4.2 Definition 4-1 4.3 Forecasting Techniques 4-1 4.4 Calculating Failure Forecasts 4-1 4.4.1 Expected Failures Now 4-1 4.4.2 Failure Forecast When Failed Units Are Not Replaced 4-3 4.4.3 Failure Forecasts When Failed Units Are Replaced 4-3 4.5 Failure Forecast Analysis-Summary 4-4 4.5.1 Case Study 1: Bearing Cage Fracture 4-5 4.5.2 Case Study 2: Bleed System Failures 4-7 4.6 System Failure Forecast Without Simulation* 4-12 4.6.1 Case Study 3: Aircraft In-Flight Engine Shutdowns* 4-12 4.7 System Failure Forecasts With Simulation* 4-15 4.7.1 Case Study 4: System Failure Forecast With Simulation* 4-17 4.8 Optimal (Lowest Cost) And Block Replacement Intervals* 4-19 4.9 Problems 4-25 Chapter 5 Maximum Likelihood Estimates & Other Alternatives 5-1 5.1 Introduction 5-1 5.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) 5-1 5.3 MLE With Reduced Bias Adjustment (RBA) for Accurate Results 5-3 5.3.1 The RBA Factor for Normal and Lognormal Distributions 5-4 5.3.2 The RBA factor for the Weibull distribution 5-5 5.3.3.Best Practice 5-6 5. 4 Median Rank Regression: X on Y Versus Y on X 5-7 5.5 Plotting Positions 5-9 5.5 Special Methods: Mle With Reduced Bias Adjustment (Rba) 5-6 5.6 Special Methods: Gossett's Student's T 5-10 5.7 The Dauser Shift - Unknown Suspension Times 5-10 5.8 Special Methods For Inspection Interval Data And Coarse Data 5-12 5.8.1 Inspection Option #1 5-12 5.8.2 & 5.8.3 Probit Analysis Inspection Options #2 & 3 5-13 5.8.4 Kaplan-Meier (KM) Inspection Option #4 5-14 5.8.5 Interval Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) Inspection Option #5 5.9 Distribution Analysis 5-16
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 Weibayes And Weibayes Substantiation Testing 6-1 6.1 Foreword 6-1 6.2 Weibayes Method 6-2 6.3 Weibayes Without Failures 6-2 6.4 Weibayes With Failures 6-3 6.5 Unknown Failure Times 6-4 6.6 Weibayes Worries And Concerns 6-4 6.7 Weibayes Case Studies 6-5 6.8 Substantiation And Reliability Testing 6-9 6.9 Zero-Failure Test Plans For Substantiation Testing 6-10 6.10 Zero-Failure Test Plans For Reliability Testing 6-12 6.10.1 Re-Expression Of Reliability Goal To Determine ? 6-12 6.10.2 Tailoring and Designing Test Plans 6-14 6.11 Total Test Time 6-15 6.12 Test-To-Failure Versus Weibayes Zero-Failure Tests 6-16 6.13 One Or Zero Failure Test Plans 6-19 6.14 Sudden Death Tests With Weibull And Weibayes 6-20 6.15 Case Study: Cost Vs. Uncertainty Trades 6-23 6.16 Normal And Lognormal Tests 6-22 6.17 Accelerated Testing 6-24 6.17.1* Accelerated Step-Stress Test Data Analysis 6-25 6.17.2* Accelerated Testing: A Method For Estimating Test Acceleration Factor With No Existing In-Service Failures 6.18 System Deterioration 6-28 6.19 Weibull Libraries And Lessons Learned 6-29 6.19.1 A Weibull Library Case Study 6-30 6.19.2 Weibull Libraries For End Users 6-31 6.21 Problems 6-32 Chapter 7 Interval Estimates 7-1 7.1 Interval Estimates 7-1 7.2 Confidence Interval Concept 7-1 7.3 Confidence Intervals For B Lives And Reliability 7-2 7.3.1 Beta-Binomial Bounds 7-3 7.3.2 Fisher's Matrix Bounds 7-4 7.3.3 Likelihood Ratio Bounds 7-5 7.3.4 Pivotal Bounds Monte Carlo Bounds 7-6 7.3.5 Reliability Assurance Interval and the p value 7-7 7.3.6 Normal Distribution Confidence Bounds with Students t 7-7 7.3.7 Summary Of Confidence Bounds For B Life And Reliability 7.4 Confidence Intervals For Eta And Beta 7-8 7.5 Are Two Weibull Data Sets Different Or From The Same Distribution 7.5.1 Double Confidence Bounds Do Not Overlap 7-10 7.5.2 Likelihood Ratio Test 7-11 7.5.3 Likelihood Contour Plots 7-11 7.6 Problems - True Or False? 7-13 Chapter 8 Related Math Models 8-1 8.1 Introduction 8-1 8.2 Binomial Distribution 8-1 8.3 Poisson Distribution 8-5 8.4 Binomial Becomes PoissonSometimes 8.5 The Exponential Distribution 8-11
7-8 7-9
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082
8.6 Kaplan-Meier Survival Estimates 8-12 8.7 Probabilistic Design 8-17 8.7.1 Strength-Load And Life-Usage Interactions 8-17 8.7.2 Total Life = Crack Life + Crack-To-Rupture Life 8-18 8.7.3 Does Failure Mode A Cover Mode B? 8-19 8.8 Production Process Reliability 8-19 8.9 Extreme Value Statistics 8-21 8.10 Batch Effects 8-23 8.11 Problems 8-24 Chapter 9 Crow-AMSAA Modeling, Warranty Analysis & Life Cycle Costs 9.0 The Crow-AMSAA-Duane Reliability Growth Model 9-1 9.1 Background History 9-2 9.2 CA Methods 9-2 9.2.1 Simple Graphical and Regression Solution 9-2 9.2.2 IEC Solutions for Time and Failure Terminated Data 9-5 9.2.3 IEC MLE Solutions for Interval and Grouped Data 9-7 9.3 Comparisons of the IEC and Regression CA Methods 9-12 9.4 CA Input May Be Confusing 9-14 9.5 Missing Early Data with CA 9-14 9.6 First Time Failure Mode Analysis 9-14 9.7 Warranty Claims Analysis 9-15 9.8 Warranty Data Matrix 9-16 9.9 Warranty Data Rules 9-17 9.10 Warranty Data Matrix Conversion and Analysis 9-18 9.11 Warranty Analysis Methods 9-20 9.11.1 Inspection Option #1 9-20 9.11.2 Kaplan-Meier 9-20 9.11.3 MLE Interval 9-20 9.11.4 Crow AMSAA 9-20 9.12 Case Studies 9-21 9.13 Tracking Your Results 9-21 9.14 Warranty Conclusions and Recommendations 9-21 9.15 Life Cycle Cost 9-21 9.16 Net Present Value (NPV) 9-21 9.17 Discount Rate 9-22 9.18 Life Cycle Cost and NPV 9-22 9.19 LCC Calculations 9-23 9.20 Case Studies 9-24 Chapter 10 Summary 10-1 10.1 The Beginning Of The End 10-1 10.2 Which Method? What Kind Of Data? 10.3 Looking At The Plot, What Do You See? 10.4 Which Distribution Is Best? 10-4 10.5 Substantiation And Accelerated Testing 10.6 Confidence Intervals 10-6 10.7 Presentations And Reports 10-6 10.8 Logic Diagram - Flowchart 10-6 10.9 The End 10-6 10.10 Best Practice Flow Chart 10-7 9-1
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082
Table of Contents
Appendix A: Glossary
A-1 B-1
Appendix B: Rank Regression And Correlation Method Of Weibull Analysis B.1 Method B-1 B.2 Example And Step-By-Step Procedure B-1 Appendix C: Maximum Likelihood Estimation* C-1 C1. Foreword C-1 C.2 Statistics, Probability And Likelihood C-1 C.3 The Likelihood Function C-1 C.4 Maximizing The Likelihood Function C-2 C.5 Maximum Likelihood Example C-3 C.6 Interval MLE C-6 C.7 Maximum Likelihood Versus Median Rank Regression Estimates C-8
Appendix D: Goodness of Fit .D-1 Appendix E: Weibayes Analysis E-1 E.1 Foreword E-1 E.2 Weibayes Equation With No Failures E.3 Weibayes With Failures E-2
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082
Appendix F: Batch Failures Using The Aggregated Cumulated Hazard Function F-1 F.1 Batch Failures On Weibull Plots F-1 F.2 Batch Problems With The "Present-Risk" Method F-2 F.3 The Ach Method F-3 F.4 A Case Study: Aero-Engines (Lp Turbine Strap Failures) F-4 F.5 Concluding Remarks F-5
Appendix G: Weibull And Log Normal Mean And Variance G-1 G.1 Rth Moments G-1 G.2 Weibull Mean G-2 G.3 Weibull Variance G-3 G.4 Weibull Mode G-3 G.5 Weibull Median G-3 G.6 Log Normal Mean And Standard Deviation G-3 G.7 Log Normal Variance G-4
Appendix H: Weibull Graph Paper H-1 Appendix I: Median Ranks I-1 J-1
Appendix J Mixtures Of Populations And Failure Modes J.1 Competing Risk: J-1 J.3 Competing Risk Mixture: J-2 J. 4 Compound Competing Risk Mixture: J-2 J.5 Weibath Model: J-2 J.7 Curve Shape. J-3 Appendix K: Answers To Problems Appendix L: The C4 Factor L-1 M-1 K-1
Appendix M: Graphical Repair Analysis Appendix N: Waloddi Weibull N-1 References Index I-1 R-1
Dr. Robert B. Abernethy 536 Oyster Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408-4328 561-842-4082