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Received: 4 May 2021

| Accepted: 20 May 2021

DOI: 10.1111/sms.14006


Effects of range of motion on resistance training adaptations:

A systematic review and meta-­analysis

Jesús G. Pallarés1 | Alejandro Hernández-­Belmonte1 | Alejandro Martínez-­Cava1 |

Tomas Vetrovsky2 | Michal Steffl2 | Javier Courel-­Ibáñez1
Human Performance and Sports Science
Laboratory, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Background: Nowadays, there is a lack of consensus and high controversy about the
University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain most effective range of motion (ROM) to minimize the risk of injury and maximize
Faculty of Physical Education and the resistance training adaptations.
Sport, Charles University, Prague, Czech
Objective: To conduct a systematic review and meta-­analysis of the scientific evi-
dence examining the effects of full and partial ROM resistance training interventions
Correspondence on neuromuscular, functional, and structural adaptations.
Jesús García Pallarés, Faculty of Sport
Sciences, University of Murcia, C/ Methods: The original protocol (CRD42020160976) was prospectively registered
Argentina s/n. Santiago de la Ribera, in the PROSPERO database. Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were
Murcia, Spain.
searched to identify relevant articles from the earliest record up to and including
Email: [email protected]
March 2021. The RoB 2 and GRADE tools were used to judge the level of bias and
quality of evidence. Meta-­analyses were performed using robust variance estimation
with small-­sample corrections.
Results: Sixteen studies were finally included in the systematic review and meta-­
analyses. Full ROM training produced significantly greater adaptations than par-
tial ROM on muscle strength (ES = 0.56, p = 0.004) and lower-­limb hypertrophy
(ES = 0.88, p = 0.027). Furthermore, although not statistically significant, changes
in functional performance were maximized by the full ROM training (ES = 0.44,
p = 0.186). Finally, no significant superiority of either ROM was found to pro-
duce changes in muscle thickness, pennation angle, and fascicle length (ES = 0.28,
p = 0.226).
Conclusion: Full ROM resistance training is more effective than partial ROM to
maximize muscle strength and lower-­limb muscle hypertrophy. Likewise, functional
performance appears to be favored by the use of full ROM exercises. On the contrary,
there are no large differences between the full and partial ROM interventions to gen-
erate changes in muscle architecture.

health, injury, performance, range of movement, sport, strength training

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat​ive Commo​ns Attri​butio​n-­NonCo​mmerc​ial-­NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-­commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2021;00:1–16.  wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/sms | 1

|    PALLARÉS et al.

1 | IN T RO D U C T IO N to address this issue comprehensively, a meta-­analysis was

conducted to synthesize the outcomes of comparative stud-
There is solid evidence regarding the many benefits of re- ies. These findings may provide insight into whether there
sistance training for different ages, from children1,2 to older is merit for increasing or limiting the ROM of resistance
adults.3,4 Resistance training has been proven as an effective exercises to produce specific adaptations and maximize
strategy to reduce the negative impact of some diseases, such performance.
as sarcopenia,5 osteoporosis,6 diabetes,7 or cáncer,8 as well
as to increase daily physical activity levels and sports per-
formance.9,10 Nevertheless, neuromuscular, functional, and 2 | M ETHODS
structural adaptations in response to a given strength training
program mainly depend on the manipulation of the type of 2.1 | Registration of systematic review
exercises,11 relative intensity,12 training frequency13,14 and protocol
volume,15,16 rest intervals,17 and movement velocity.18,19
In addition, training effects can be modulated by the range This systematic review and meta-­analysis was conducted ac-
of motion (ROM), defined as the degree of movement that cording to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews
occurs at a specific joint during the execution of an exercise.20 of Interventions36 and the Preferred Reporting Items for
In daily practice, the ROM can be modified by altering the Systematic Reviews and Meta-­Analyses (PRISMA) state-
body posture21 or grip width,22,23 using external materials like ment.37 The review protocol was preregistered in PROSPERO
security bars or wood boards24,25 or by voluntarily reducing (CRD42020160976).
the degree of movement at the beginning or end of the ex-
ecution.26,27 Thus, resistance training with no restrictions in
the degree of movement is commonly defined as “full ROM,” 2.2 | Eligibility criteria
while training using any displacement reduction is consid-
ered as “partial ROM.”28 On this matter, the specific ROM The PICOS (population, intervention, comparators, out-
influences different biomechanical aspects that affect, among comes, study design) criteria for the eligibility of studies38
others, the development of force, motor units activation, and were used to determine the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
dynamic joint stability.25,29 More specifically, the ROM used
in each repetition determines the zone of the force-­length re-
lationship on which the stimulus is applied.30 Thus, providing 2.2.1 | Participants
this stimulus at a longer or shorter muscle length, as well as
avoiding specific zones within this force-­length relationship Healthy adults (aged 18 or older) with no restrictions of sex,
(eg, zone of maximal active or passive force),31 could modu- health, and socio-­economic status, ethnicity, or geographical
late the neuromuscular and functional adaptations.32 Similarly, area. Studies including people suffering from musculoskel-
applying the training stimulus on muscle lengths that exceed etal disorders, injuries, or diseases were excluded.
those required by the daily activities could generate a restruc-
turing of the muscular architecture (eg, an increment in fasci-
cle length),33 thus altering the force-­length and force-­velocity 2.2.2 | Intervention
relationships.34 These aspects together would suggest that two
resistance training programs conducted at full or partial ROMs Investigations implementing training programs based on dy-
could generate distinct long-­term neuromuscular, functional, namic resistance exercises performed by means of a meas-
and structural adaptations, even when all other training vari- urable external load were included. Isometric training was
ables (eg, relative intensity, volume, recovery) are matched. excluded as this type of contraction is characterized by the
To date, only one study has gathered the literature to com- application of force at a single point of the ROM and not
pare the training adaptations produced by the resistance training along its length. Moreover, because of previous experimen-
at different ROMs.35 This study concludes that full ROM exe- tal studies reporting significant changes in muscle size and
cutions would provide superior hypertrophy than partial ROM structure after only 10 days of strength training,39 no duration
ones, especially on the lower-­limb musculature.35 Nevertheless, restriction was set.
evidence about the neuromuscular and functional adaptations
produced by the different ROMs is still lacking.
Therefore, the current study aimed to systematically re- 2.2.3 | Comparators
view the scientific evidence examining the effects of full and
partial ROM resistance training interventions on neuromus- The ROM used during the resistance training intervention
cular, functional, and structural adaptations. Furthermore, was considered as the main independent variable. Eligible
PALLARÉS et al.   
| 3

investigations should compare experimental groups that English language articles were included at the screening
trained the same exercise using a different ROM. For exam- level. To ensure a relatively complete census of relevant lit-
ple, <110° of knee flexion (full squat group), ~90° of knee erature, we performed a backward-­forward search, reviewing
flexion (half squat group), and ~60° of knee flexion (quarter the references and citations of studies included.44 Moreover, a
squat group). The current systematic review compared the second-­level backward reference search was done by pulling
effects of resistance training at full ROM against the group the references of the references.45 Records retrieved from the
training at the shortest ROM. Considering the abovemen- database search were imported to Mendeley (v1.19.6, Elsevier,
tioned example, we compared the full squat group against UK) and processed in Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft
the quarter squat. Studies in which one intervention group Corporation, USA) by AHB. After the removal of duplicates,
trained with more than one ROM (ie, full ROM combined two investigators (AHB and AMC) independently screened the
with partial ROM) were excluded. Investigations without a titles and abstracts. References not eliminated were subjected
control group (ie, a group that fully refrained from any type to a second-­stage screening of the full text. To ensure a quality
of training) were also included. appraisal of the review process, we assessed the agreement be-
tween the two researchers using an inter-­rater reliability test.46
Discrepancies at any stage were resolved by discussion with a
2.2.4 | Outcomes third investigator (JGP).

This review evaluated three main outcomes: i) changes in

strength measured by dynamic, isometric, or isokinetic tests, ii) 2.4 | Data extraction
changes in functional performance measured by jump height,
acceleration, agility, or specific tests, and iii) changes in mus- Two reviewers (TV and JCI) independently collected the data
cle size (cross-­sectional area [CSA] or volume) and architec- of all included studies using standardized forms in Microsoft
ture (muscle thickness, pennation angle or fascicle length). Excel, including author/s, year, sample characteristics (age,
Regarding the changes in muscle size, we only considered sex, training experience), intervention groups (full and par-
measurements collected by using magnetic resonance imaging tial ROMs trained), configuration of the resistance training
or ultrasound scans to ensure the reliability of the outcomes.40-­43 program (exercise/s, duration, frequency, relative intensity,
contraction type, movement velocity, and rest intervals),
dependent variables of interest (neuromuscular, functional,
2.2.5 | Study design and structural outcomes), and assessment tests. For quanti-
tative analyses (meta-­analyses), we collected the group size
This systematic review included reports on the efficacy of and mean differences of the aforementioned outcomes with a
training at full or partial ROMs from randomized controlled 95% confidence interval (CI) or standard deviations (SD) for
trials (RCTs). both intervention groups. Disagreements were adjudicated by

2.3 | Identification and selection of studies

2.5 | Dealing with missing data
Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science (core collection) da-
tabases were searched using a combination of keywords to Corresponding authors were contacted to provide missing
identify relevant articles from the earliest record up to and data of relevant variables. Otherwise, data were obtained
including March 2021. The following search strategy was from figures when possible using WebPlotDigitizer.47
adapted for each database and applied to the title, abstract, Studies with missing mean values were excluded from the
and keyword search: meta-­analysis but discussed in the review. Missing SD were
calculated or estimated from relevant statistics provided (eg,
("range of movement" OR "range of motion") from CI, standard errors, p values) or imputed from an ap-
AND ("resistance training" OR "strength train- propriate pretest.48
ing" OR "weight training" OR "weightlifting")
AND (“neuromuscular" OR “functional" OR
"strength” OR “performance” OR "hypertro- 2.6 | Risk-­of-­bias and quality of evidence
phy" OR "musc* mass" OR "musc* thickness" assessments
OR "musc* volume" OR "CSA" OR "cross-­
sectional area" OR "musc* architecture" OR Two reviewers (JCI and AHB) used the Cochrane
"musc* geometry”) Collaboration Risk-­of-­Bias Tool (RoB 2)49 and the GRADE
|    PALLARÉS et al.

(Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, to calculate the standard error, revealed that the choice of
and Evaluations)50 to judge the level of bias and quality of correlational value did not impact the overall results of the
evidence. The GRADE quality rating was downgraded one meta-­analysis. Between-­study heterogeneity was evaluated
level for each of the following limitations: the 95% CI in- using the I2 index. Values of I2 more than 25%, 50%, and 75%
cludes both appreciable benefit and harm (imprecision); high were selected to reflect low, moderate, and high heterogene-
variability and heterogeneity across studies (inconsistency); ity, respectively.36 All analyses were performed using pack-
and the presence of high risk of bias. Disagreements were ages robumeta (version 2.0) and metafor (version 2.4-­0) in R
resolved by discussion with JGP. version 3.5.2 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
Vienna, Austria).

2.7 | Statistical analysis

The effect sizes (ESs) were calculated as the standardized
mean differences between the full and partial ROM groups. The initial search yielded 1810 studies from the electronic
The sample size and mean ES across all studies were used database search and four from other sources (reference
to calculate the variance around each ES. Meta-­ analyses lists) (Figure 1). After removing duplicates, 1365 titles and
were performed using robust variance estimation (RVE) with abstracts were screened, resulting in 29 potentially eligible
small-­sample corrections.51,52 RVE is a form of random-­ full texts. After the full-­text screening, 16 studies were con-
effects meta-­regression for multilevel data structures, which sidered for qualitative analysis and meta-­analyses.53-­68 Two
allows for multiple effect sizes from the same study to be authors provided missing data not published in the original
included in a meta-­analysis, even when information on the studies.54,60
covariance of these effect sizes is unavailable. Instead, RVE
estimates the variance of meta-­regression coefficient esti-
mates using the observed residuals. It does not require distri- 3.1 | Study characteristics
butional assumptions and does not make any requirements on
the weights.51,52 A study was used as the clustering variable Details from the 16 RCTs (n = 551 participants) included in
to account for correlated effects within studies. Observations the final analysis are presented in Table 1. Resistance train-
were weighted by the inverse of the sampling variance. A ing interventions were conducted on male-­only samples in
sensitivity analysis, using alternative correlational values ten studies,54,56-­59,61-­63,66,67 female-­only in two studies,55,65

F I G U R E 1 Flowchart illustrating
the different phases of the search and
study selection, according to the
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-­Analyses)
TABLE 1 Summary of included studies


Functional Muscle

Study Exercise, groups and sample Resistance training intervention Muscle strength performance Muscle hypertrophy architecture
Bloomquist Back squat (free weight) 12 wk, 3 d/wk 1RM (loading test): Jump (Force plate): MRI: Ultrasound:
et al.,56 Deep SQ: 60° k.flex (n = 8) 2 blocks of 6 wk 1RM Deep SQ CMJ height* CSA front thigh Pennation angle
Shallow SQ: 120° k.flex (n = 9) Load from 3 × 10 RM to 5 × 3 RM 1RM Shallow SQ SJ height* CSA back thigh vastus lateralis
24 ± 5 y 2–­4 s eccentric and max concentric Isometric (dynamometer): CSA patellar tendon* Muscle thickness
100% males, students MVC Torque 40°* vastus lateralis
MVC Torque 75°*
MVC Torque 105°
Cale-­Benzoor Unilateral push-­pull (dynamometer) 6 wk, 2 d/wk Isokinetic (dynamometer): —­ —­ —­
et al.,55 Full ROM (n = 15) 5 sets, 10 reps Peak force push
Limited ROM 1/3 full ROM (n = 15) Nondominant side, both pull and push Peak force pull
18–­50 y motion. Limited ROM: 12.22 cm/s,
100% females, healthy adults Full ROM: 36.67 cm/s. Load
adjusted each set by barbell velocity
Goto et al.,58 Lying elbow extension (free weight) 8 wk, 3 d/wk Isometric (dynamometer): Ultrasound ×
Full EX: 0º -­120º EX (n = 22) 3 sets of 8RM Torque 90º elbow circumference:
Partial EX: 45º -­90º EX (n = 22) Load increased 2.5 kg to complete the Isokinetic (dynamometer): CSA triceps brachii
20.6 ± 0.9 y (FRE) / 21.6 ± 1.3 y (PRE) target 8RM Torque at 120º/s
100% males, resistance-­trained Torque at 200º/s
Hartmann Front/back squat (Smith machine) 10 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM loading test): Jump (Force plate): —­ —­
et al.,67 Deep front SQ: <60° k.ext (n = 20) 3 blocks 1RM Deep front SQ CMJ height
Deep back SQ: <60 k.ext (n = 20) 5 sets from 8–­10 RM to 2–­4 RM 1RM Deep back SQ SJ height
Quarter back SQ: 120° k.ext (n = 19) Load adapted 2.5 to 10 kg between sets/ 1RM Quarter back SQ
Control (n = 16) sessions. Each set included 2 last Isometric (Forceplate):
24 ± 3 y forced repetitions MVC Unilateral leg press
100% males, students MRFD Unilateral leg press
Kubo et al.,66 Back squat (free weight) 10 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM (loading test): —­ MRI: Vol. rectus —­
Full SQ: 140° k.flex (n = 8) 3 sets, 8 reps 1RM Full SQ femoris
Half SQ: 90° k.flex (n = 9) Load from 60% to 90% 1RM 1RM Half SQ Vol. vastus lateralis
21 ± 1 y Vol. vastus intermedius
100% males, physically active Vol. vastus medialis
Vol. biceps femoris
Vol. semitendinosus
Volume gluteus
Volume adductor*


TABLE 1 (Continued)


Functional Muscle
Study Exercise, groups and sample Resistance training intervention Muscle strength performance Muscle hypertrophy architecture
Martínez-­ Bench press (Smith machine) 10 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM (loading test): —­ —­ —­
Cava Full BP: chest contact (n = 11) 4–­5 sets, 8–­4 reps 1RM Full BP
et al.,59 2/3 BP: 2/3 full ROM (n = 13) Load from 60% to 80% 1RM 1RM 2/3 BP
1/3 BP: 1/3 full ROM (n = 13) Load adjusted each set by barbell 1RM 1/3 BP
Control (n = 12) velocity monitoring Barbell velocity (Encoder)
24 ± 5 y MPV Full BP
100% males, resistance-­trained men MPV 2/3 BP
MPV 1/3 BP
Massey Bench press 10 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM (loading test): —­ —­ —­
et al.,57 Full BP: chest contact (n = 11) 3 sets, 15 reps 1RM Full BP
1/3 BP:1/3 of the Full BP (n = 15) Load started 65% 1RM (Full BP) and
Control: combinate these two (n = 30) 100% 1RM (2/3 BP)
100% males, students, recreational Allowed to increase 5 pounds per
weightlifters session. Routine included a variety
of lower-­limb strength exercises in
addition to the bench press
Massey Bench press 1RM (loading test): —­ —­ —­
et al.,65 Full BP: chest contact (n = 11) 1RM Full BP
1/3 BP: 1/3 of the Full BP (n = 8)
Control: combinate these two (n = 8)
100% females, students, recreational
McMahon Knee flexion (dynamometer) 8 wk, 3 d/wk (2 supervised, Isometric (dynamometer): —­ Ultrasound: Ultrasound:
et al.,64 Long ROM: 90° k.flex (n = 8) 1 home-­based) MVC Torque 30° to 90° CSA vastus lateralis Pennation angle
Short ROM: 50° k.flex (n = 8) 3 sets, 10 reps, 80% 1RM + 1 d 30 reps knee flexion vastus lateralis
Control (n = 10) 2 s load hold (using metronome) Fascicle length
18 to 36 y 1RM test each 2wk for load adjustment vastus lateralis
54% males, students Routine included a variety of lower-­limb
strength exercises in addition to the
Pallarés Back Squat (Smith machine) 10 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM (loading test): Jump (Infrared system): —­ —­
et al.,63 Full SQ: thighs and calves contact (n = 12) 4–­5 sets, 8–­4 reps 1RM Full SQ CMJ height
Parallel SQ: inguinal crease aligned with Load from 60% to 80% 1RM 1 RM Parallel SQ Sprint (Timing gates):
knee (n = 13) Load adjusted each set by barbell 1RM Half SQ Sprint 20 m
Half SQ: 90° k.flex (n = 11) velocity monitoring Barbell velocity (Encoder) Endurance (ergometer):
Control (n = 14) MPV Full SQ Wingate peak power
23 ± 4 y MPV Parallel SQ
100% males, resistance-­trained men MPV Half SQ

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Functional Muscle

Study Exercise, groups and sample Resistance training intervention Muscle strength performance Muscle hypertrophy architecture
Pinto et al.,62 Elbow flexion (curl bench) 10 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM (loading test): —­ —­ Ultrasound:
Full EF: 0° to 130° e.flex (n = 15) 2–­4 sets, from 20RM to 8RM 1RM Full EF Muscle thickness
Half EF: 50° to 100° e.flex (n = 15) 1RM Half EF elbow flexors
Control (n = 10)
23 ± 3 y
100% males, no resistance training
Rhea et al.,61 Back squat (free weight) 16 wk, 2 d/wk 1RM (loading test): Jump (Vertec system) —­ —­
Full SQ: >110° k.flex (n = 10) 4–­8 sets 1RM Full SQ CMJ height
Half SQ: 95–­95° k.flex (n = 9) Load from 8, 6, 4, 2 RM then reverting to 1RM Half SQ Sprint (Timing gates):
Quarter SQ: 55–­65° k.flex (n = 9) 8 RM. Same relative loads per group 1RM Quarter SQ Sprint 40 yards
100% males, highly train athletes
Steele et al.,60 Lumbar extension (machine) 12 wk; 1 d/wk Isometric (dynamometer): ROM (Standing tests): —­ -­—­
Full ROM (n = 10) 1 set 80% RM until concentric volitional Lumbar extension Schober's flexion
Lim ROM 50% (n = 7) fatigue Schober's extension
Control (n = 7) Load increased 5% once the set took Lumbar ROM
43 ± 15 y >105 s. 2 s concentric, 1s extension
55% males, physically active and 4 s eccentric
Valamatos Isokinetic knee extensions (machine) 15 wk; 3 d/wk Isokinetic (dynamometer): —­ MRI Ultrasound:
et al.,54 Full ROM: 100° k.flex (n = 11)a 5 blocks of 3 wk Torque from 30° to 100° CSA vastus lateralis Pennation angle
Partial ROM: 60° k.flex (same than FULL)a 2–­7 sets of 6–­15 reps Isometric (dynamometer): Volume vastus lateralis vastus lateralis
Control (n = 8) Load increased 30°/s every block MVC torque Fascicle length
18 to 34 y Time under tension increased from 50 s Quadriceps force vastus lateralis
100% males, physically active to 55 s. Kick as fast as possible Vastus lateralis fascicle force
Vastus specific tension
Weiss et al.,53 Squat (Bear machine) 9 wk, 3 d/wk 1RM (loading test): Jump (Vertec system) —­ —­
Deep SQ: thighs parallel to floor (n = 6) 2–­4 sets from 9–­10 RM to 3–­4 RM 1RM Deep SQ Depth Jump height*
Shallow SQ: 50% Deep SQ (n = 7) 1 wk of active rest between, after which 1RM Shallow SQ DJ height from 20 cm*
Control (n = 6) 1 d of Leg Press was included due to Power (dynamometer): SVJ height*
24 ± 6 y severe shoulder girdle discomfort Peak power at 1.43 m/s* RVJ jump height*
55% males, students Peak power at 0.51 m/s*

|    PALLARÉS et al.

and mixed-­samples in four studies.53,60,64,68 Nine studies in-

vastus lateralis

vastus lateralis

vastus lateralis

Abbreviations: 1RM, one-­repetition maximum; Bm, Body mass; BP, Bench press; CMJ, Countermovement jump; CSA, Muscle cross-­sectional area; DJ, Drop jump; e.flex, elbow flexion; EF, Elbow flexor; EX, Elbow extensor;
Muscle thickness
Pennation angle
vestigated lower-­limb exercises,53,54,56,61,63,64,66-­68 with five

Fascicle length

k.ext, Knee extension; k.flex, Knee flexion; MPV, Mean propulsive velocity; MRFD, isometric maximal rate of force development; MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging; MVC, Maximal isometric voluntary contraction; RVJ,
of them training the squat,53,56,63,66,67 two a combination of

lower-­limb exercises,61,64 one the leg press exercise,68 and
one the knee extension exercise.54 Seven studies performed
Muscle hypertrophy upper-­limb exercises,55,57-­60,62,65 with three studies train-
ing the bench press57,59,65 and the other the elbow flexion,62
elbow extension,58 arm push-­and-­pull55 and lumbar exten-
sion60 exercises. The main strength outcome analyzed was
the one-­repetition maximum (1RM), 53,56,57,59,61-­63,65-­67 fol-
lowed by isometric tests,54,56,58,60,64,67,68 isokinetic evalua-

tions,54,55,68 and barbell velocity assessments.59,63 Functional

tests included vertical jumps,53,56,61,63,67 sprints,61,63 Wingate
anaerobic test63 and flexibility assessment.60 Four and two
studies assessed changes in muscle hypertrophy using the

cross-­sectional area54,56,58,64 and muscle volume,54,66 respec-


tively. Five studies included variables of muscle architecture

measured by means of ultrasound scans, including the penna-

tion angle,54,56,64,68 fascicle length,54,64,68 and muscle thick-

ness.56,62,68 Results for the GRADE certainty of the evidence
Isokinetic (dynamometer):
Torque at 30, 60, 180, and

Isometric (dynamometer):

of particular outcomes are presented in Table 2.

Torque at 50, 100, and
Leg press power test:
Muscle strength

3.2 | Quality of studies and risk of bias

Peak power

150 ms


A summary of the risk-­of-­bias assessment is shown in Figure 2.

No study was considered as a low risk of bias in all categories.
*Results not included in the meta-­analysis due to missing data. aDominant vs. nondominant legs randomly selected.
(1–­10). Weight increased when effort

The greatest biases were found in the randomization process,

Training loads adjusted using a scale

measurement of the outcomes, and selection of the reported

Resistance training intervention

results. No study provided a trial preregistration. Three stud-

3–­6 sets of 4–­8 reps (4-­8RM).

ies showed a high risk of bias in the selection of the reported

results since they only presented one dependent variable.55,57,65
Only concentric action

was rated below 8

10 wk, 3 d/wk

3.3 | Muscle strength

Restricted vertical jump; SJ, Squat jump; SQ, Squat. SVJ, Standing vertical jump.

Meta-­analysis showed that exercise training at full ROM pro-

duced a significantly greater effect on the muscle strength
with moderate effect size (ES [95% CI] = 0.56 [0.20 to
Partial ROM: 90º to 81º k.flex (n = 15)a

0.91], p = 0.004, I2 = 77.6%, studies: n = 16, Figure 3).

Full ROM: 90º to 0º k.flex (n = 15)a

67% males, resistance-­trained men

Specifically, separate variables analysis (Table 2) revealed

Exercise, groups and sample

that the full ROM training produced significantly greater im-

provements than partial ROM in 1RM Full ROM lower-­limb
strength (ES = 1.53, n = 6, p = 0.001) and nonsignificant but
Leg press (machine)

notably higher enhancements in 1RM Full ROM upper-­limb

strength (ES = 0.69, n = 4, p = 0.078) and isometric lower-­

limb strength (ES = 0.74, n = 5, p = 0.194).

25 ± 4 y

3.4 | Functional performance


et al.,68

Meta-­analysis showed that training at full ROM produced a

greater but not-­statistically significant effect on the functional
PALLARÉS et al.   
| 9

performance (ES [95% CI] = 0.44 [−0.32 to 1.20], p = 0.186, particularly lower-­ limb 1RM Full ROM (ES = 1.53,
I2 = 63.1%, studies: n = 5, Figure 4). Likewise, separate vari- p = 0.001). The results seemed to be homogeneous in a
ables analysis (Table 2) revealed greater but not-­statistically broad variety of exercises (squat, knee extension, bench
significant improvements in jump capability after full ROM press, elbow flexion, arm push-­ and-­pull, and lumbar
training (ES = 0.55, n = 4, p = 0.164) (Table 2). No conclu- extension).
sive evidence was found for the sprint time and Wingate test. Traditionally, resistance training at partial ROM has
been suggested as a good strategy to reduce neural inhibi-
tion and improve the coordination of primary and stabiliz-
3.5 | Muscle hypertrophy ing muscles.69,70 However, this meta-­analysis has not found
any longitudinal intervention that supports these superior
Meta-­analysis showed that exercise training at full ROM neural benefits in favor of the partial ROM. Moreover, par-
produced significantly greater muscle hypertrophy on lower-­ tial ROM resistance training has been believed to produce
limb muscles, compared to partial ROM training (ES [95% greater strength adaptations, since it allows us to lift a higher
CI] = 0.88 [0.19 to 1.57], p = 0.027, I2 = 80.3%, studies: absolute weight, as a result of evading the critical region
n = 4, Figure 5). of the movement (ie, the sticking region).25,71 However,
this was not supported by the current meta-­analysis, with
most of the studies reporting greater neuromuscular adap-
3.6 | Muscle architecture tations after a full ROM training, both in the upper 59,60,62,65
and lower limbs,56,63,64,67 even using lower absolute loads
Meta-­analysis showed no large differences in muscle ar- (ie, kg) (Table 1, Figure 3). The sticking region would be
chitecture (ES [95% CI] = 0.28 [−0.26 to 0.82], p = 0.226, caused by an interaction between the muscle force-­length
I2 = 74.6%, studies: n = 5, Figure 6). No conclusive evi- relationship and the external torque.31 On this matter, the
dence was found when variables of muscle architecture were sticking region would be the zone at which the maximal
analyzed separately, although fascicle length tended to be fa- amount of contractile material is involved, due to two main
vored by the full ROM training (ES = 0.87, n = 3, p = 0.327). reasons: i) the optimal (or close to optimal) muscle length
(ie, not excessive stretched or contracted position of the sar-
comeres),30 and ii) the minimal velocity (ie, the number of
4 | D IS C U SS ION cross-­bridges attached increases as the shortening velocity
decreases).72,73 Therefore, the fact that partial repetitions
This systematic review found that full ROM resistance train- systematically avoid this zone of maximal active tension
ing is more effective than partial ROM in improving some could be the reason behind the lower effectiveness of partial
training adaptations. In particular, full ROM produced signifi- ROM in enhancing strength.59,63 However, future research
cantly greater improvements in muscle strength and lower-­ is needed to understand the kinematics and physiological
limb muscle hypertrophy. Moreover, although not statistically mechanisms that underlie these findings. On the contrary,
significant, our results suggest that functional performance the lack of studies executing the partial ROM training at
could be favored by the use of full ROM exercises. On the long muscle lengths limited the current research to exam-
contrary, although fascicle length tended to be favored by the ine whether there are differences between full and partial
full ROM training, we did not detect significant differences ROMs according to the muscle length trained by the lat-
between ROM interventions to produce changes in muscle ter. Specifically, except for one group that trained by using
architecture. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first partial repetitions executed at a long muscle length,68 and
systematic review and meta-­ analysis reporting the effects three studies that executed partial repetitions at an interme-
of resistance training with full ROM exercises compared to diate region of the force-­length relationship,55,60,62 the rest
partial or restricted variants. The results of our investigation of the investigations trained the partial ROM at short mus-
contribute to clarify the effectiveness of commonly used exer- cle lengths. Nevertheless, since the muscle length trained
cises during resistance training. The synthesis of the available would be closely related to the moment arm (eg, smaller
literature aids a better understanding of the methods used and moment arms at more flexed knee angles, and so at longer
the identification of research gaps and future challenges. muscle lengths),74 it would be of great practical value that
future investigations compare the full and partial ROM in-
terventions including partial repetitions executed at short
4.1 | Muscle strength and long muscle lengths.
The present review found some controversy about the
Full ROM repetitions during resistance training were found specificity training principle, which states that responses to
more effective than partials to enhance muscle strength, training will be adapted in a similar manner to that employed
|    PALLARÉS et al.

TABLE 2 Summary of quality of evidence synthesis (GRADE) for the efficacy of full vs. partial ROM resistance training in particular

No of participants Certainty of the

Outcomes (studies) evidence (GRADE) Effect size (95% IC) p-­value I2
Muscle Strength
Lower-­limb 1RM Full ROM 127 (6 RCTs)53,56,61,63,66,67 ⨁⨁⨁◯ 1.53* (0.94 to 2.11) 0.001 40.1
Lower-­limb 1RM Partial ROM 127 (6 RCTs)53,56,61,63,66,67 ⨁⨁⨁◯ −0.27 (−1.03 to 0.50) 0.412 6.3
Lower-­limb isometric strength 124 (5 RCTs)54,56,64,67,68 ⨁⨁◯◯ 0.74 (−0.58 to 2.06) 0.194 84.3
Upper-­limb 1RM Full ROM 101 (4 RCTs)52,57,59,62 ⨁⨁⨁◯ 0.69 (−0.14 to 1.52) 0.078 30.1
Upper-­limb isokinetic strength 74 (2 RCTs)55,60 ⨁⨁◯◯ 0.24 (−2.18 to 2.66) 0.424 18.8
Functional performance
Jump height 98 (4 RCTs)50,54,56,61 ⨁⨁◯◯ 0.55 (−0.41 to 1.51) 0.164 59.7
Sprint 42 (2 RCTs)50,61 ⨁⨁◯◯ 0.10 (−9.89 to 10.08) 0.923 83.2
Muscle Architecture
Vastus lateralis pennation angle 84 (4 RCTs)54,56,64 ⨁⨁◯◯ −0.01 (−1.53 to 1.51) 0.984 79.6
Vastus lateralis fascicle length 67 (3 RCTs)54,64,68 ⨁⨁◯◯ 0.87 (−2.04 to 3.77) 0.327 84.6
Vastus lateralis muscle 76 (3 RCTs)56,62,68 ⨁⨁◯◯ 0.05 (−0.30 to 0.39) 0.605 0.0
thickness LOWa,b
Note: Significant differences in favor to the full ROM: *p < 0.01.
Evidence limited by heterogeneity between studies.
Evidence limited by imprecise data (small sample size or lack of a clear effect).

F I G U R E 2 Risks of bias of the studies examining the efficacy of full vs. partial ROM resistance training. The use of exercise training makes
it impossible to truly blind patients to treatment allocation; therefore, this was not considered in the overall risk-­of-­bias assessment of each study

during training. In this regard, some studies found that each improvements even in the partial tests.59,63 It should be taken
training group obtained the greatest 1RM improvements at into account that the specificity principle could be related
the specific ROM at which they trained (eg, the partial squat to the learning effect of participants, after regular practice.
group achieved more 1RM enhancements in the partial squat For example, a participant who trained during weeks at a
test than in the full squat test).56,61,66,67 Conversely, other in- given ROM is expected to obtain greater post-­intervention
vestigations showed that, although each training group max- performance in this specific ROM as a consequence of the
imized the strength gains at the specific ROM they trained, familiarization with the execution of the exercise.75,76 An
the full ROM group obtained the greatest neuromuscular interesting approach to reduce the impact of the learning
PALLARÉS et al.   
| 11

effect when interpreting the main results is the inclusion of

complementary neuromuscular tests, not related to the spe-
cific resistance training performed during the intervention,
for instance, maximal isometric contractions at specific an-
gles.56,64,67 Thus, taking into account these complementary
evaluations, our results continue to support the greater ef-
ficacy of the full ROM training to enhance strength gains
(Table 2).

4.2 | Functional performance

The choice of the optimal ROM to improve sports per-

formance has been under discussion for decades.28,77-­79
According to our review, most of the research suggests
full ROM resistance training as preferable to increase jump
ability53,56,63,67 (Table 2), with only one study supporting
the superior effectiveness of partial ROM61 (Figure 4).
However, although effect sizes favored the full ROM, the
meta-­analysis was not significant. Interestingly, except for
Rhea et al.,61 studies reporting specific strength adaptations
at the ROM trained (specificity principle) showed higher
effectiveness of the full ROM training to increase jump
height.56,67 On the contrary, the two studies examining the
sprint performance showed conflicting results61,63 ; there-
fore, we cannot present a clear conclusion about the optimal
ROM to maximize this functional capability. Furthermore,
only one study examined sports abilities different from
jumping or sprinting, by means of the Wingate anaerobic
test, with positive results favoring the full ROM.63 Future
research should confirm these results.

4.3 | Muscle hypertrophy

The present study found superior effectiveness of the

full ROM training to produce lower-­limb muscle growth
(Figure 5). Our results are in line with a previous systematic
review35 suggesting a potential greater effect of full ROM
resistance training on muscle hypertrophy, especially in
the lower limbs.54,56,64,66 It is worth noting that, except for
Goto et al.58 (muscle size measured at a single point of the
muscle length), the rest of the investigations used as an in-
dicator of muscle hypertrophy either the muscle volume54,66
or CSA measurements acquired at different lengths of the
target muscle (eg, proximal-­medial-­distal).54,56,64 Although
the assessment of the muscle volume via MRI would be the
gold-­standard technique,80 measuring the CSA at different
points would allow researchers to identify regional changes
which would be dependent on the exercise trained (eg, leg
press and knee extension would maximize hypertrophy in
the middle81 and distal sites39 of the muscle, respectively).
F I G U R E 3 Forest plot showing comparative effect of full and Therefore, the results found by the current study regarding
partial ROMs on muscle strength the superior effectiveness of the full ROM in generating
|    PALLARÉS et al.

Forest Plot F I G U R E 4 Forest plot showing

comparative effect of full and partial ROMs
Studies Effect Size Weight on functional performance

Bloomquist 2013
CMJ height 0.653 0.818
SJ height 1.325 0.818

Hartmann 2012
CMJ height 1.249 1.094
SJ height 0.445 1.094

Pallares 2019
CMJ height 0.719 0.474
Sprint 20 m 0.871 0.474
Wingate peak power 0.756 0.474
Wingate mean power 0.191 0.474

Rhea 2016
CMJ height −0.392 0.888
Sprint 40 yards −0.701 0.888

Steele 2013
Schober flexion 0.106 0.558
Schober extension −0.514 0.558
Lumbar ROM 0.941 0.558

0.44 (p = 0.186)

−2 −1 0 1 2 3
Favours partial ROM Effect Size Favours full ROM

F I G U R E 5 Forest plot showing

comparative effect of full and partial ROMs
on lower-­limb muscle hypertrophy
PALLARÉS et al.   
| 13

F I G U R E 6 Forest plot showing

comparative effect of full and partial ROMs
on muscle architecture

muscle hypertrophy would be reinforced once the evalu- adding or removing sarcomeres as a function of different
ation techniques used by the individual studies have been training parameters, including the range at which they are
considered. Nevertheless, two limitations related to the stimulated.83-­85 This may account for the higher enhance-
muscle hypertrophy analysis should be noted. Firstly, the ments of fascicle length after full ROM training, as a re-
scarcity of scientific evidence examining the upper-­limb sponse to stimulate the muscles at lengths that exceed those
hypertrophy through sensitive methods (ie, muscle volume required by the daily activities,54,64 particularly during the
or multiple CSA measurements) limits us to provide a clear eccentric phase of the movement.81,86 Consequently, the
conclusion about the influence of the trained ROM on mus- changes in fascicle length would modify the muscle function
cle growth of the upper-­limb muscles. Secondly, the limited due to its influence on force-­length and force-­velocity rela-
duration of the training programs designed by the studies tionships.34 Thus, a reduction in the number of sarcomeres in
included (mean duration = 10.4 weeks; ranging from 6 to series would vary the joint angle where optimal force is pro-
16 weeks) would have influenced the hypertrophy values duced during the activity (ie, altering the force-­length rela-
detected by the current review. Specifically, although sig- tionship) and reduce the shortening velocity (ie, altering the
nificant increases in muscle size have been observed after force-­velocity relationship).87-­89 Furthermore, having short
only a few weeks of training (~3 weeks),39 muscle growth fascicles has been related to the rise of microscope mus-
has been proved to be influenced by the duration of the cle damage after repetitive eccentric actions.34 Therefore,
training program in a linear fashion (ie, the longer the dura- athletes’ risk of injury could be reduced by training at full
tion, the more muscle hypertrophy).82 Hence, future inves- ROM.
tigations comparing the full and partial ROMs in terms of This study is not exempt from limitations. Firstly, we had
muscle hypertrophy are encouraged to implement training to estimate results from studies that only reported them graph-
programs of longer duration. ically or lacked some specific statistic (eg, SD). Secondly,
most of the meta-­analyses indicated moderate to high levels
of heterogeneity. This fact could be explained mainly by the
4.4 | Muscle architecture different variables included in each quantitative analysis (ie,
clinical diversity), as well as the different methodologies (eg,
Our results revealed large disparities in the effectiveness of programming, volume, intensity, exercise, duration) used by
full or partial ROM training to modify the muscle thickness, each study (ie, methodological diversity). Thirdly, the scarce
pennation angle, and fascicle length.54,56,64 However, two and contradictory results about some effects, both functional
of the three studies analyzing the fascicle length found su- (sprint, cycling) and structural (upper-­limb hypertrophy and
perior adaptations after full ROM repetitions54,64 (Table 2, muscle architecture), limit the present study to provide a clear
Figure 6). On this matter, muscles adapt their structure by conclusion about these specific adaptations.
|    PALLARÉS et al.

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