Science LP

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Science V
4st Quarter
Prepared by: Manilyn, Calugmoc

At the end of the 50- minute period, the learners will be able to:
I. OBJECTIVE a. identify the phases of the moon;
b. tell the importance of the moon during night time and;
c. draw the different phases of the moon.
A. Topic Phases of the Moon

d. SUBJECT B. Reference k to 12 Science Curriculum Guide, p. 125

C. Materials Manila paper, cartolina, pentelpen, activity sheets,pictures.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation
1. Routines
“Everybody, please stand up. Students 1, kindly lead the Student: “Dear Father God, we thank you for this wonderful day
prayer.” that you gave us. We ask for your blessing and guidance as we
go through to our discussion today. Amen.”
“Good morning class!”
“Good morning teacher Lyn! Good morning classmates! Good

“Okay before you take your sit, I want you to pick up some (The students will pick up the papers or trash then throws them
pieces of paper under your chairs and make your rows straight in the trash bin.)
and have your chairs properly align. Okay thank you, you can (The students will take their seats.
now take your seats.

2. Review

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us have a short recap

or review about what our previous topic?
Student 1: Our lesson yesterday is all about the layers of the
who among here remembered our previous lesson? Anyone? Earth.

Very Good

So, what are the 3 layers of the earth? Student 2: The 3 layers of the earth is crust, the mantle and the
Very good

Who can give me what are the 7 layers of the earth in order? Student 3: Crust, Mantle, Core, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere,
Mesosphere, Outer core.
Very good It seems like you all understand our previous

3. Motivation
Okey now, I will be showing you a picture and then you may
react from it depending on your perspective.
Student: Ma’am, I would like to answer
Its your time share your thoughts about it.
It is different shapes of the moon at night time.

What can you say about the pictures?

Okey, for the second picture. Who would like to share their as Student: Ma’am, I would like to answer

Thank you so much everyone for participating. Now let’s go to

our discussion for today.

4. Presentation of Topic and Objective/s

This time class, I want you to read our objective for
today’s discussion. Read it loud and simultaneously.
At the end of the lesson, we will be able to;
Okay? Ready!
a. identify the phases of the moon;
b. tell the importance of the moon during night time and;
Very good class! c. draw the different phases of the moon.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the Lesson

This time, we will discuss the different shapes of the moon that
is being shown below that is what we call “The Phases of the
Moon”, and that is what we are going to discuss for today’s

I have prepared this illustration

This illustration shows the different positions of the moon
around the Earth regarding the Sun.

Have you noticed that the moon keeps changing shape?

It starts as a thin crescent which grows bigger every night

until it is a bright ball in the sky.

What makes it seems to change like this?

(The answer of the students may vary)
Just Like the Earth, the Moon does not have its light. It
reflects light from the sun. The phases of the moon you see
depend on its position around the sun and Earth.

As the Moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up different

parts of it, making it seem as if the Moon is changing

And in fact, the shape of the moon does not change, as it

revolves around the earth we see more of its lighted part. Then
see less and less of its lighted part.


 New Moon- when the moon is between the Sun

and the Earth is not lighted so we do not see it.

 Full Moon- when the earth is between the moon

and the sun, the moon will be at its brightest.

 Quarter Moon- this phase is frequently naming (The student will listen)
the half Moon, it is between the gibbous and
crescent Moon.

 Gibbous Moon- this phase is between the

quarter and full Moon stages, more than half of
the Moon can be seen, it is sometimes waxing or

 Crescent Moon- it is between the quarter and

new Moon sometimes it is waxing and waning.

Using this model of the Moon, Sun, and the Earth.


We cannot see the moon while it is

between the Sun and the Earth because it is not lit. There
is no visibility of the Moon. Since the moon's lit side (The student will listen)
faces away from Earth, the Sun, Earth, and Moon are
nearly in a straight line, with the moon situated between
the Sun and the

Earth. The phase is known as "NEW MOON."

The second stage of the cycle of phases

is called the Waxing Crescent. We can view an increasing
amount of the Moon's lighted side as it orbits the Earth,
which is why we say the Moon is

Waxing. Waxing refers to an increase. The stage

is referred to as "WAXING CRESCENT."

The First Quarter, or Half Moon, is

the third phase in the cycle of phases. When the Moon has
completed about a quarter of its turn around the Earth, we
can see half of the illuminated part, that is a quarter of the
Moon or

what we called the “FIRST QUARTER”.

The fourth stage of the cycle of phases

C. Application

Class you will be divided into 2 groups

Direction: Draw the different phases of the moon

shown below. After draw choose 1 representative

each group and present in front your output.

Full moon waxing crescent waning crescent

Students: Doing activity
First quarter w a n i n g gibbous waning crescent

New moon Last Quarter

D. Generalization

The Teacher will ask the student about the phases of the moon.

What are the five main phases of the moon?

Student: The five main phases of the moon are: New Moon,
Very good Crescent Moon, Quarter Moon, Gibbous Moon and Full Moon.

How about the 8 phases of the moon within a month, what are
those phases?
Student: The eight phases of the moon within a month are the;
New moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous,
Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter and Waning
Very good class all of you understood our topic for today.

Directions: In a 1\2 sheet of paper, identify the phases of the moon shown below.






Observe the shape of the moon every night for one week, then draw the moon’s shape each night in a chart
similar to the one shown below and write your observation.

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