SCIE 4 LP 4as Earth and Space

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Lesson plan in Science (4 A’s Approach)

Grade: 7 Time: 8:00AM – 9:00AM

Section: Gold
At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
a) Explain how shadows are formed in space.
b) Describe and differentiate the type of eclipses.
c) Construct a model of eclipses.


b) REFERENCES: Science Learning materials
c) MATERIALS: PowerPoint, laptop, Pen


I. Preliminary
a. Prayer
 Before we start can someone lead (The students will pray the "Our
the prayer? Father")
b. Greetings
 Good Morning Grade 7 students!  Good Morning Ma’am Añain!
c. Attendance
 Mrs./Mr. Secretary, Is there any  Good Morning Ma’am Añain, Good
absent today? morning classmates, I’m glad to
tell you that all of my classmates
 Ok! Very Good! are present.
d. Review
 Okay class as a recap, so who can  Our topic yesterday is about the
still remember our topic yesterday? season here in the Philippines.
 So what are the season in the  The season in the Philippines are
Philippines? rainy and dry.
e. Motivation
 (Before we proceed to our
discussion for today, let us first
have a short game. The game will
be called "4 Pics One Word". Are
you familiar with that game?) Yes, Ma’am.

 Okay, Class I will post the pictures

on the board then I will call several
students to guess the words.

 Are you ready class? Yes, Ma’am.

(The teacher will present the picture on

the screen)


I can see, sun, moon, sun rays and a

Class, what can you say about the symbol I. I guess ma'am that is all about
first picture? What does it show? Corona.
Who can guess? Yes, Justine.

Yes, Justine that is correct.


I can see, sun, solar, sun and moon. I

Who can guess the next pic? guess ma'am that is all about Solar.
Anyone? Yes Kiana

Yes, Kiana that is correct.


Based on what I observed there’s a

next one, Anyone? Yes Princess? moon, calendar and telescope and I
guess it is Lunar.
Very Good!


Okay class can you guess the last

picture? Anyone? Yes, you Zach. Based on what I observed there’s a
moon, people looking at the sky and
crescent moon and I guess it is Eclipse.
Very good, that’s right

Now we can proceed to our lesson.

A. Activity (Group)
The Class will be divided into 2 Groups
and their going to answer / perform the
activity entitled “Are there shadows in

Is that clear class? Yes Ma’am

 1 big ball (plastic or Styrofoam
 1 small ball (diameter must be
about ¼ of the big ball)
 flashlight or other light source
 2 pieces barbecue stick (about one
ruler long)
 any white paper or cardboard
larger than the big ball
 Styrofoam block or block of wood
as a base

Note: All throughout the activity, stay at

the back or at the side of the flashlight as
much as possible. None of your members
should stay at the back of the big ball, Yes Ma’am
unless specified. Am I understood class?

1. Pierce the small ball in the middle
with the barbecue stick. Then push
the stick into a Styrofoam block to
make it stand (see drawing on the
right). The small ball represents
the Moon. Do the same to the big
ball. The big ball represents the

2. Hold the flashlight and shine it on

the small ball (see drawing below).
The distance between the
flashlight and the ball is one
footstep. Observe the small ball as
you shine light on it. The flashlight
represents the Sun.

3. Place the Earth one footstep away

from the Moon (see drawing
below). Make sure that the Sun,
Moon, and Earth are along a
straight line. Turn on the flashlight
and observe.

4. Place the white paper one footstep

away from the Earth (see drawing
below). The white paper must be
facing the Earth. Observe what is
formed on the white paper.

5. Ask a group mate to move the

Moon along a circular path as
shown below.

Activity Proper:
On a piece of bond paper, the group will
write their observations and explanations
based on the given activity. Next their
going to answer the questions:
 What is formed on the other side of
the Moon?
 What is formed on the surface of
the Earth?
 What is formed on the white
 What happens to the shadow of
the Moon as you move the Moon
around the Earth?
 Observe the appearance of the
Moon. What is the effect of the
shadow of the Earth on the Moon
as the Moon reaches position X
(see drawing above)?
Post Activity:
Each group will choose their
representative or reporter and share their
observation in class.
B. Analysis
The teacher will gather the work of the
learners and she will check if each group
got the correct answer.

Let's begin with the group 1. Followed by (Group 1 representative will present their
Group 2 work)

(After presenting their report, the teacher (After Group 1, Group 2 will present their
will credit her learners) work)

I am so glad that the 2 groups where able

to answer the question. It seems that you
really have an idea about the lesson.

You all deserve a big round of applause (Students will clap their hands)
C. Abstraction
Our topic for today is about the _______.
Based on your observation what is our
topic for today. Anyone?
Based on our observations, the title of our
Yes, John? topic for today is all about eclipse.
Yes exactly!

Now, let us start our discussion. First,

let's define what is eclipse.

Any idea from the class?

Yes Jake The meaning of Eclipse is The partial or

total blocking of light of one celestial
object by another. An eclipse of the Sun
or Moon occurs when the Earth, Moon,
and Sun are aligned.

Precisely, Thank you. You have just

simulated the formation of shadows of
astronomical objects in space. The
formation and darkening are the same as
the formation of shadows commonly seen
around you. When shadows are formed
on astronomical objects, a darkening
effect is observed. This phenomenon is
called an eclipse.

How Do Eclipses Happen?

You know that the Sun gives off light. Yes, Ma’am!
Right class?

As the different members of the solar

system move around the Sun, they block
the light from the Sun and form shadows.

Such as give me one, anyone?

It could be, other planets, asteroids or
Yes Grace even moons.
Yes that is correct.

But we cannot see the shadows that they

form because we are far from them. The
only shadows that we can observe are
the shadows of the Moon and Earth.

Remember class when we say, Umbra

this is, the fully shaded inner region of a
shadow cast by an opaque object,
especially the area on the earth or moon
experiencing the total phase of an

When it is Penumbra, this is the shadow

cast by the earth or moon over an area
experiencing a partial eclipse.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon

comes directly between the Sun and

A lunar eclipse an astronomical event that

occurs when the Moon moves into the
Earth's shadow, causing the Moon to be
Yes Ma’am
So now class, did you understand how
shadows are formed in space?
Yes Ma’am
Did you enjoy your activity about model of

Yes Ma’am
Did you understand the type of eclipses?
None Ma’am
Any question? Violent Reaction?
D. Application

Since we are done discussing the eclipse,

I want you to get your paper and answer
what is being ask.

1. What is the type of eclipse?


2. What is the type of eclipse?


I will give you ten minutes to finish. And

submit it to me when your finish.

(10 minutes later)

Are you done class? Yes Ma’am

Okay, pass your paper in front of you and

the person who are at the center well get
the papers and pass it on me. Here are the papers Ma’am.
IV. Evaluation ( 5 minutes)
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following astronomical phenomena shows shadow formation? A
a) Eclipses
b) Birth of a star
c) Collision of asteroids
d) Rotation of Earth on its axis

2. What part of a shadow has all light been blocked? A

a) Umbra
b) Penumbra
c) Black shadow
d) Dimmed shadow

3. Which of the following is the correct alignment for solar eclipses to occur? The
blue circle represents Earth and the small gray circle represents the moon. C

4. What is the correct alignment for a lunar eclipse to occur? C

a) Sun – Moon – Earth
b) Earth – Moon - Sun
c) Sun – Earth - Moon
d) Earth – Sun – Moon

5. What part of the shadow is dimmed but light is not totally absent? B
a) Umbra
b) Penumbra
c) Black shadow
d) Dimmed shadow

V. Assignment
Directions: List down 5 occurrences of eclipse (it is either lunar or solar) in the
Guide Questions: Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. When do solar eclipses happen?
2. Is a solar eclipse a common occurrence in the Philippines? Why or why

Prepared by:
Añain, Fatima Grace M.
Science Teacher

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