Stimuli Based Nanomaterial

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International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics

ISSN- 0975-7058 Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023

Review Article


Uttaranchal Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun-247008, Uttarakhand, India
*Corresponding author: Poonam Joshi; *Email: [email protected]

Received: 26 Apr 2023, Revised and Accepted: 05 Jul 2023

The advancement of numerous interdisciplinary fields of science, engineering, and medicine has been integrated into the rapid growth of
nanomedicine (NM) over the past few decades. Many aspects of NM need to be investigated, even though a few clinical successes of nanomaterials
have significantly altered the landscape of disease diagnosis and treatment. One such topic is the complex interactions between NM and its post-
administration chemical, physical, and biological interactions and how these interactions impact NM biological performance. Because of the
increased prevalence of metabolic disorders, neurological illnesses, heart diseases, and cancer, as well as the hunt for effective therapies for these
and other diseases, there is a larger demand for unique, inventive, and drug-delivery systems that can transport medications to the desired place.
The many cutting-edge drug delivery systems are becoming more and more dependent on nanotechnology. In this review, developments in the field
and talk about how nanomedicine interacts with the physical, chemical, and biological material, with a focus on biological stimuli research. We also
show how nano-bio interaction can create a variety of multifunctional platforms of biomedical applications with a wide range. The potential
difficulties and opportunities in the study of nano-bio interactions are also discussed.
Keywords: Nanomedicine, Nano-bio interaction, Nanomaterials, Intelligent material, Nanoparticles, Stimuli-responsive
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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INTRODUCTION nanoparticles in the range of 50 to 200 nanomaterials being

particularly internalized by clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
While nanoparticles have improved notable over time and are Nanomaterials with a diameter of 5 nanomaterials are very likely to
regard a main strategy for improving drug delivery, remains to be be excreted by the kidneys, while those with sizes>150
improved is therapeutic efficacy, as there are still challenges with nanomaterials are significantly more likely to become lodged in the
their structure design and performance that have to be overcome. liver and spleen [12, 13]. Nanoparticles with diameters between 100
Withstanding advances in nanoparticle design for drug delivery, and 200 nanomaterials have demonstrated excellent tumor-
with lack of association targeting organism, identification and targeting potential, which can be attributed to their improved
targeting of specific site of action and thus toxicity following acute permeability and retention inside diverse cancers. However, typical
and chronic, drug release before reaching site of action, insufficient nano-formulations have not yet been able to accomplish the
drug release at specific site of action with still exist of intravenous requisite level of medication targeting and release, and despite
nanoparticles formulations. Therefore, to overcome from these decades of work, only a few nano-formulations have made it to
challenges researchers are developing stimuli-responsive systems market [14, 15]. The demand to programmed Nanomaterials with
have been widely studied and reported for drug delivery system. better structural and functional characteristics for useful
therapeutic effects remains unfulfilled [16]. In various disorders,
Nanomaterials any recent studies it was found that the alarming such as ischemia, inflammatory diseases, infections, and
incident of metabolic disorders which leads to cancerous disease malignancies, Nanomaterials that respond to stimuli can benefit
and many associated disorders which results in neurodegenerative from these changes [17, 18]. Most chemically stimuli-responsive
disorders, now a days it becomes the most challenging tasks for the Nanomaterials have their roots in these circumstances, as an
medical practitioners for providing effective treatment by using the alternative, they can be engineered to respond to a wide range of
novel approaches that have a unique process of targeting the physically induced stimuli from the outside, such as X-rays, light,
infected tissues or organs [1-3]. Nanotechnology has been playing a ultrasound, magnetic fields, and temperature. External stimuli are
more and more important role in the different innovative methods typically less unpredictable and manageable than internal urges. The
of drug delivery that are being studied to get the drugs where they type of stimuli-responsive nanocarriers that should be utilized is
need to go. Nanomaterials have been made and tested in many determined by several considerations, including the intended use,
different ways, such as polymeric, lipidic, inorganic and inorganic- the target location, the cost of therapy, and any safety concerns. In
organic hybrid nanoparticles, nanocrystals microemulsions, addition, much effort has gone into strengthening the
polymersomes, dendrimers, nanogels, nanofibers [3-6]. These programmability of various stimuli-responsive Nanomaterials in
nanocarriers may be designed with a range of surface and volume order to improve therapeutic benefits. For example, functionalizing
chemistries, sizes, geometries, and architectures to optimize nanomaterials surfaces with particular ligands and targeting agents
medicine release, targeting, and blood circulation time. Positively like as antibodies, peptides, nucleotide aptamers, and other small
charged surfaces, for example, often facilitate nanoparticles uptake molecules may increase medication targeting dramatically. Another
by cells [7, 8]. For examples polyethylene glycol (PEG) to idea is to add linkers or groups that can react to a variety of external
nanocarriers, causes blood opsonin to repel one another and or endogenous stimuli, which would make the nanoparticles
considerably improve the duration that Nanomaterials are in sensitive to a wider range of stimuli and give better platforms for
circulation. The size of Nanomaterials has an impact on their bio highly advanced programmability. This paper meticulously goes
distribution and cellular absorption [9-11]. It is common knowledge over the design strategies for both basic and complicated physically
that cells can easily ingest Nanomaterials between 10 and 100 stimuli-responsive nanotherapeutics [19-22].
nanomaterials in size through endocytosis. Nonetheless, through
various endocytosis pathways, large size of Nanomaterials may The examination of associations between nanoscale substances and
enter cells at a remarkably modest rate. For instance, oh, J. M the biological systems such as amino acids, fatty acids, genetic material,
layered double hydroxide NPs range showed 50>100>200>350 and other molecules in nature, cells and cellular receptors, and life
nanomaterials were taken up by human MNNG/HOS cells, with forms such as humans is known as "bio-nano interactions.
P. Joshi et al.
Int J App Pharm, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023, 48-59

“Therefore, an urgent need for smart Nanomaterials without any of specific criteria included in the significance of title, data and its
the limitations mentioned above is a demand of the current time. availability, appropriate referencing, presentation, and other key
Different types of smart Nanomaterials with controlled capacities points.
must be created [23, 24]. The continuous efforts of scientists
resulted in the development of a particular kind of material that, in Smart materials and nanomaterials
response to slight changes, experiences significant. The existence of Materials that are smart, intelligent, or active are defined as
natural living systems has the capacity to adapt their properties "materials that can change their properties according to specific
dynamically and intelligently. The Venus flytrap, an insectivorous stimuli." Certain stimuli, it is asserted, can lead materials to alter
plant that captures insects to feed its nutritional demands, and the form, density, color, modulus, rigidity, and harshness on demand.
Mimosa pudica plant, whose leaves change direction in response to Previously, "smart materials" were frequently classified as those that
stimuli like temperature and light, are just two instances of how could react immediately to their surroundings [29, 30]. After that, the
living things adapt to their circumstances. Other examples include definition of smart materials was enlarged to include materials that
pinecones, wheat awns, and orchid tree seedpods. Researchers may respond to inputs from outside sources and display a new class of
developed "stimuli-responsive" materials with incredibly intriguing functional characteristics. Temperature variations, light wavelengths,
applications in smart materials as a result of the biological systems' pressure, stress, electric fields, magnetic fields, chemical
outstanding powers for energy conversion and multitasking [25-27]. concentrations, and other specific stimuli can be used as agents, and
Researchers are paying increasingly more attention to the concept of the results can include colour, heat, hyperthermia, magnetic fields,
"intelligent material," also known as "stimuli-responsive material" or deformation, and other things [31-33].
"smart material," as a result of the advancement of technology and the These materials can alter their own characteristics in response to
growing demand for novel materials that may satisfy the resulting particular stimuli, alterations in size, shape, permeability, optical
needs. Smart Nanomaterials has been created as a result of this need and mechanical characteristics, surface area, solubility, and other
for adaptation. Whether or not the response is reversible depends on nanoparticles. In general, the majority of smart materials show five
the nanomaterials capacity to return to its initial state [28]. distinguishing traits: immediacy, transiency, self-actuation,
Herein, we provide a comprehensive review of stimuli-responsive directness, and selection. When a stimulus first appears, a material is
nanoparticles for drug delivery and biomedical applications. said to be immediate if it can react fast [34-36].
Initially, the review provides a theoretical overview of the different These substances include, to name a few, micelles, liposomes, and
types of stimuli responsiveness with biomedical applications, design polymeric nanoparticles as well as metal-and carbon-based
approaches of the nanoparticles and advances in nanomaterials. We Nanomaterials (such as metal oxides, nanogold, and nano silver) [37].
also highlighted the applications and limitations associated with
drug delivery systems. Additionally, this review puts an emphasis on Stimuli-responsive smart nanomaterials types
avenues in research area yet to be explored. This review creates a
The smart Nanomaterials are divided into many groups by applying
rigorous platform for the integration of stimuli-responsive
stimuli. Smart Nanomaterials characteristics can be modified by
nanomaterial into Nano-Bio Interactions studies.
external stimuli in a controlled manner. And the 4 different types
The data availability on this review article were compiled from indicated in fig. 1, these stimuli: physical, chemical, and biological
academic publications up to 1942-2023. Web of Science, PubMed, and dual responsive [38-41].
google scholar, and semantic scholar was used to find all the Chemical-responsive nano-materials and their application
information. Search terms were used in this review, ‘Nano-bio
interaction studies, recent advances of smart nanomaterials, stimuli Chemical responsive has been worked into the design of various
responsive, Nano-bio interactions, Physical responsive technologies for the diagnostics of several diseases and therapeutics
nanomaterial. Chemical responsive nanomaterial, biological [42]. Chemical-sensitive Nanomaterial Examples and their uses are
responsive nanomaterial, dual responsive nanomaterials. The listed in table 1.

Table 1: Chemically responsive nanomaterials and their use in medicine

S. No. Nanomaterial Stimuli Application References
1. Poly (ethylene glycol)-ag nanoparticles pH Antibiotics, natural healing [43]
2. Hybrid ultra-pH-sensitive, nanotransistor) Nanotransistors HyUPS pH Endocytosis by receptors in tumour cells [44]
3. Nanohybrid composed of layered double hydroxides and zinc (II) pH Theranostics [45, 46]
phthalocyanine that contains octasulfonate)
4. Similar to melanin nanoparticles pH Tumour photoacoustic imaging [47]
5. Resveratrol-polylactic acid PLA-RSV pH delivery of drugs [48]
6. Poly (carboxybetaine methacrylate)-nanodiamonds pH Theranostics [49]
7. Vancomycin Nanoparticles pH Antibacterial effects [50]
8. Trans-cinnamaldehyde chitosan nanoparticles pH Antibacterial effects [51]
9. Amoxicillin Poly (γ-glutamic acid)-g-arginine poly peptide chitosan pH Antibacterial effect against H. pylori [53]
complexed NPs
10. Vancomycin Liposomes pH Against S. aureus and MRSA [54]
11. Cefazolin Porous Nanoparticles pH MRSA and Escherichia coli and [55]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
12. Vancomycin Micelles pH Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA [56]
13. Poly (ethylene glycol)-Pluronic F68-nanoscale covalent organic Redox Cancer treatment [57]
14. Mesoporous silica NPs Redox Antibacterial effects [58]
15. Silver Nps Nanogel Redox E. coli and S. aureus [59]
16. Chlorhexidine nanoparticles Redox Streptococcus mutants [60]
17. Folic acid Nanogel Redox E. coli and S. aureus [61]
18. Hyaluronic acid–chitosan–lipoic acid nanoparticles Redox Breast cancer treatment [62]
19. Folate redox-responsive chitosan nanoparticles FTC-NPs Redox delivery of cancer drugs [63]
20. Poly (ethylene glycol) conjugated to paclitaxel via disulfide linkage Redox Breast cancer cell prodrug [64]
21. AgNPs hybrid nanoparticles/Prodrug Redox Delivery of drug [65]
22. P [(2-((2-((camptothecin)-oxy) ethyl) disulfanyl)ethylmethacrylate)- Redox Release of drug [66]
co-(2-(D-galactose) methylmethacryl-ate)] and silver nanoparticles

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Int J App Pharm, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023, 48-59

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram for the chemical, physical, biological and dual responsive

pH-responsive nanomaterials which promotes their use in the drug release industry. In pH-
responsive polymers, a phase abrupt transition is caused by pH.
Smart nanomaterials that respond to pH changes by exhibiting novel Normally, the phase shifts between pH values of 0.2 and 0.3. Poly (L-
functional characteristics are especially interesting in the biomedical lysine), poly (N, N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate), poly
area since pH fluctuations are common in many specialized or
(methacrylic acid), poly (acrylic acid), poly (N, N-dialkyl aminoethyl
diseased systems. The benefit of employing such substances is that
methacrylates), poly (ethylenimine), chitosan, aginate, and hyaluronic
different areas of the human body have varying pH levels (for chronic
acid are the most well-known pH-sensitive polymers [73, 74].
wounds, pH values are 7.4-5.4; for saliva, 6.5-7.5; throughout the
gastrointestinal tract, the pH shifts from the stomach (4-6.5) to the Redox responsive nanomaterials
intestine (5-8)). Additionally, compared to the healthy condition, the
sick state has odd pH levels. An inflammatory tissue has a pH value of The process of oxidation and reduction-responsive nanomaterials
6-7, bacterial infections produce acidic pus, and tumour micromedia have shown to be useful biomaterials, with dendrimers, nanogels,
have a lower extracellular pH between 6.5 and 6.9 [67, 68]. and micelles made from polymers in particular being studied as
excellent transporters for medications, genes, and antigens. Labile
As a result of these extreme pH variations, many pH-responsive group polymers are a viable choice for developing redox-responsive
materials have so far been found. Polymers with ionizable moieties and biological systems. Poly (b-amino esters), polyanhydrides, and poly
polymers with acid-labile links make up the majority of the pH-sensitive (lactic/glycolic acid) are common examples of redox-responsive
polymers' classifications. The presence of ionizable, delicate, basic, or polymer compounds, which they include acid-labile moieties. Thiol
acidic moieties (amines and carboxylic acids) that attach to a groups, platin conjugation, and thioether, disulfide, or diselenide
hydrophobic backbone, such as polyelectrolytes, is essential for the first linkages are the most often used redox-responsive substances for
group. This type of polymer's most prevalent pH-responsive material controlled drug release applications [75, 76].
exhibits protonation/deprotonation processes by distributing the charge
throughout the molecule's ionizable groups [69-71]. Physical responsive nano-materials and their applications

The second category consists of polymers having a covalent These materials respond to externally supplied physical stimuli like
backbone that is acid-labile. The breakage of these bonds with the temperature, light, ultrasound, magnetic field and an electric field
decrease in pH determines whether polymer aggregates or chains have a lot of examples for targeted and controlled drug delivery [77].
will dissociate or break [72]. Due to the presence of covalent In table 2 shown some examples of physical responsive
bonding, the second group undergoes a slower inner modification, nanomaterials and their uses.

Table 2: Physical responsive nanomaterial and their biomedical application

S. No. Nanomaterials Stimuli Uses References
1. Poly (ethylene oxide), Poly (propylene oxides) Temperature Oral drug delivery [78]
2. Gold nanoparticles—PluronicF127-Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Temp. Wound healing, and photothermal platform [79]
3. Poly (oligo (ethylene glycol) methacrylate–co-poly (glycidal methacrylate) Temp. Tissue engineering [80]
copolymers/poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid)
4. Collagen or Chitosan Based Temp. Delivery of drug [81]
5. Poly (N-Isopropylacrylamide-co-Sulfobetaine Methacrylate) nanogel-PNS Temp. Diagnosis and chemotherapy [82]
6. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)- Temp. Delivery of drug [83]
Poly (N, N-dimethylacrylamide) Poly(acrylic acid)
7. Cholesteryl succinyl silane Micelle Laser light Photoresponsive Drug Release [84]
8. PEG coating gold shell Laser light Drug release [85]
9. Dna coating AU nanorod Laser light Photoresponsive drug release [86]
10. PLGA hollow spherical AuNM Laser Light Drug release [87]
11. AuNm liposomes Laser light Drug release [88]
12. DNA linker Spherical AuNM X-rays Radiotherapy [89]
13. PEG Spherical AuNM X-rays radiotherapy [90]
14. Mesoporous silica nanocapsules Ultrasound High intensity focused ultrasound therapy [91]
15. Au shell silica core light Photoresponsive targeted therapy [92]
16. Oligonucleotide spherical AuNm temperature Optical Multiplex biosensors [93]
17. PEG-PCL spherical gold nanomaterial light Photoacoustic imaging [94]
18. PLGA Au shell light Photoresponsive targeted therapy [95]
19. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-coated Electrical Deliver y of drug [96]
Poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) nanofiber
20. Fe3O4/Polyaniline Electrical Delivery of drug, Antimicrobial [97]
21. Polyaniline/gold nanocomposite Electricals Immunosensor for chronic kidney disease [98]
22. Polyaniline, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Electricals Artificial Nerves [99]
23. Biosynthesized gold nanoparticles/poly(catechol)/graphene sheets/glassy Electrochemical DNA mutation, biosensor, and acute [100]
carbon electrode lymphoblastic leukaemia detection
24. Poly (ethylene glycol) Light Fluorescent switches probes [101]
25. Ruthenium-containing block copolymer and nanoparticles of Poly Ru Light Photodynamic treatment and [102]
photochemotherapy performed in vivo
26. Fe3O4/methoxy pol y ethylene glycol)-poly-(lactide) composite Magnetic MRI [103]
nanocapsules Fe3O4/MePEG-PLA composite nanocapsules
27. Trastuzumab, doxorubicin poly (vinyl alcohol)/single-component thiol- Magnetic Cancer Treatment [104]
functionalized poly (Methacrylic acid) T-DOX PVA/PMASH magnetic
28. 3d hydrogel collagen Magnetic Directed neuronal regeneration [105]

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Int J App Pharm, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023, 48-59

Temperature-responsive nanomaterials Light-sensitive smart Nanomaterials are biomarkers that’s how the
location of medications and their ability to target them, as well as
The temperature-responsive polymers have received greater malignancies, by fitting a wide range of characteristics. This stimulus
interest in medical research since 1942, when Huggins and Flory material has the benefit of being easily adaptable when it comes to
first theorized polyesters-solvent interaction in solution with input characteristics like intensity, wavelength, light, beam width,
different temperatures and the notion of free volume (used to and exposure period for particular purposes.
explain the threshold temperature lower/upper a trend in solution).
Thermo-sensitive polymers are a particular class of substance that Smart Nanomaterials, such as nanopolymers, can be used to regulate
undergoes a sudden change in solubility response to a slight medication distribution to target regions and achieve the optimum
temperature change and given that particular infections exhibit concentration of drug delivery at a given time, resolving challenges
temperature variations, they have drawn researchers' attention in related with accurate drug release or light-mediated theranostics.
the field of biomedicine [106]. Chromophores, such as azobenzene groups, can be found in a variety
of light-sensitive polymers, spiropyran groups, or nitrobenzyl
One polymer phase manifest above an upper critical solution groups [113].
temperature (UCST), and a phase separation exists below this. An
LCST often occurs in polymer solutions as a coil-to-globule Mena-Giraldo et al. changed chitosan by adding molecules of
transition, reducing solvent contact. Normally, soluble polymers azobenzene that react to ultraviolet light. This made a
contain the UCST. The polymers that exhibit both LCST and UCST photoresponsive polymeric nanocarrier. They thought about how
capabilities, but at different temperatures, is a single generation of UV light might affect the release of the payload in a controlled
temperature-responsive materials. manner using nano bioconjugates. They demonstrated the
encapsulation/release concept using Nile red and dofetilide as cargo
The initially loaded drug is released when the LCST value of a models. They employed cardiac transmembrane peptide-
stimuli-responsive system rises to about 42 ᵒC as a result of a change functionalized photoresponsive polymeric nanocarriers. The effect
in the environmental condition, which is close to the body of UV light irradiation increased the feasibility of the treatment plan
temperature for better outcomes [107]. by increasing the concentration of intracellular delivery and
Electrochemical stimuli-responsive nanomaterials reducing the amount of cargo reactions [114].

Electrical responsive materials that change their shape or size in Magnetic-responsive nanomaterials
reaction to a slight variation being applied electric current. The vast Magnetoresponsive Nanomaterials are stimulated by an applied
majority of ionizable groups are present in electro-responsive magnetic field. Better theranostic devices can be made especially
polymers, which are capable of mechanical work is produced by well with magnetic nanoparticles. These substances can improve, to
converting electrical energy. These types of smart materials were mention a few, Cellular labeling, immunoassays, magnetically guided
primarily used for energy transductions, muscle actuation, and medications, magnetic separation, magnetic hyperthermia therapies,
artificially tailored medication delivery [108]. These materials give magnetic resonance imaging diagnostics (MRI). Numerous
the advantage of exact control over an electrical pulse's duration, processes, such as the hydrothermal technique, ignition, thermal
current strength, or pulse spacing. The application of electric current decomposition, chemical vapour deposition, carbon arc, high-
alters the pH, which disturbs the hydrogen bonds that hold polymer temperature thermal breakdown and, have been used to create
chains together and ultimately results in the pdelivery of drugs and polymeric magnetoresponsive Nanomaterials. It is significantly
polymer chain bending or breakdown. Charged drug electrophoresis easier to understand cellular activities and signalling for in vitro and
implicated from electrosensitive polymers drug delivery. Charged in vivo remote control of cells when using magnetic nanoparticles
drug electrophoresis, diffusion, and drug release after erosion of made of iron and metal oxides [115].
electro-erodible polymers were all important phenomena in drug
delivery from electro-sensitive polymers [109, 110]. Conventional methods like thermal ablation and magnetic
hyperthermia, which kill cancer cells via thermotherapy by elevating
There are two recognized groups of electro-responsive materials. the temperature over 45 °C in a localised location or throughout the
The first class is made up of current-responsive polymer materials, body, have limitations such as inadequate targeting and deep tissue
where a change in the local concentration of ions in the materials or penetration. An MRI was developed in 1973 by Paul Lauterbur, and
solution is caused by the ions. Hydrogels, conductive polymers, and since the FDA approved its clinical usage in hospitals around the
layer-by-layer coatings, as examples, to the ions' mobility caused by world in 1985, it has been widely used. The MRI operates because
the electric field. The Second Group is subdivided according to protons present align when they are exposed to a magnetic field
preVoltage-responsive polymers are mostly used in biomedical from the outside [116].
applications like dielectric gels, elastomers, polymers for controlled
drug release, accumulating on electroresponsive nanoparticle drug MRI distinction materials are a type of medicine that improves
release, and so on [111]. image contrast by increasing the pace at which water protons
unwind in the target tissue. The vast majority of MRI contrast
Ha et al. developed a microfluidic actuator platform for materials are based on clinical gadolinium. Current MRI approaches
photothermal treatment (PTT) and brain tumor targeting must now be modified to address a number of limitations, such as
applications on the basis of an electro-responsive hydrogel. Collagen toxicity in some contrast media or delayed imaging pace and
I gel and highly conductible silver nanowires (AgNWs) were used to accuracy. Many other compounds based on iron nanoparticles
create the hydrogels. Cells reacted to electrical stimulation. Also, systems were created to further increase the signal-to-background
they successfully demonstrated PTT adequacy for brain cancers noise ratio. Magnetically responsive Nanomaterials of the future
utilizing gold nanorods linked to the acid peptide. Electrochemical must be stable, biocompatible, and have a high contrast capacity.
biosensors are an important class of electrically sensitive device due The system created by Antman-Passig et al. is an illustration of how
to their various advantages, such as simple operation and long- Magneto is responsive [117]. Nanomaterials are used.
lasting tracking at a favourable cost-benefit ratio. These qualities
improve electrochemical biosensors. The identification of acute Due to the presence of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP), they were
lymphoblastic leukaemia is one example of a clinical test that can be able to align collagen fibres (red). The collagen suspension
utilised as a support tool in the search for DNA alterations and containing neurons (orange) solidified both naturally (up) and in the
cancer markers [112]. presence of an external magnetic field (red-green bars) (down). The
collagen fiber orientation (blue lines) and MNP distribution in the
Light-responsive nanomaterials
first gel (up) were arbitrary (red). The second gel (below) showed
Due to its adjustable and adaptable characteristics, light is viewed as aligned collagen fibers (blue lines) and an accumulation of MNPs
an attractive stimulant. Light-responsive materials are extremely (red particles), while neuronal growth after a week produced
useful for applications because light can be applied instantaneously neuritis, proving the system's ability to regenerate the human brain
and with remarkable high accuracy with an on/off regulating mode. in three dimensions under the control of a magnetic field [118].

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Int J App Pharm, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023, 48-59

Biological responsive nano-materials and their applications in a "OFF" state in healthy conditions, switching "ON" when exposed
to certain stimuli like enzymes, glucose, H2O2, H2S, or glutathione.
In reaction to certain stimuli like biological signals and pathological Because of their excellent sensitivity and selectivity and little
disorders, bio-responsive Nanomaterials are created specifically for adverse effects, clever Nanomaterials are used [119].
biomedical purposes. Hence, it demonstrates remarkable progress in
the creation of unique, precise treatments for a variety of disorders Some biologically-active Nanomaterials and their applications are
in recent years. These theranostic smart Nanomaterials are typically listed in table 3.

Table 3: Biologically-active nanomaterial and their biomedical uses

S. No. Nanomaterials Stimuli Uses References
1. Acetalated dextran nanoparticles Glucose Diabetic Control [120]
2. Boronic acid-derived polymers Glucose Delivery of Drug [121]
3. Glycidyl methacrylated dextran/Concanavalin A Glucose Insulin Therapies [122]
Dex-GMA/Con A ConAMicro/Nanospheres
4. Chitosan-g-polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether nanocomplex CS- Glucose Insulin Oral Deliveries [123]
g-(mPEG) NP
5. Hyaluronic Acid (HA)-coated calcium carbonate NPs Glucose Insulin Oral Deliveries [124]
6. Chitosan/poly (gamma-glutamic acid) nanoparticles Glucose Insulin Oral Delivery [125]
7. Carboxymethyl chitosan-phenylboronic acid-Lvaline nanoparticles Glucose Insulin Oral Delivery [126]
8. Polyhexanide nanomaterial Enzyme Antibacterial Activity [127]
9. Silver Nanomaterials Enzyme Antibiotic Activity [128]
10. Ciprofloxacin Nanomaterials Enzyme Antibiotic Activity [129]
11. Doxycycline nanomaterials Enzyme Antibiotic Activity [130]
12. Nanoplatform formed from Ti substrates modified with layer-by Enzyme Concurrently cure implant-associated [131]
layer mesoporous silica nanoparticles-silver nanoparticles LBL MSN- bacterial infection and promote
Ag nanoparticles tissue development in vivo
13. Activates low-molecular weight Protamine-poly (ethylene glycol) Enzyme Glioblastoma Treatment [132]
poly (caprolactone) Nanoparticles-loaded with paclitaxel ALMWP-
14. ATP-Ag nanoparticles silver nanoparticles coated on adenosine Enzyme Participate in protein activity and [133]
triphosphate. signal transduction
15. layer-by-layer construction of materials-based poly(2-oxazoline) Enzyme Therapeutic delivery [134]

Glucose-responsive nanomaterials nanoplatform. They discussed the creation of an implant made of

titanium (Ti) that contained silver nanoparticles, modified Ti
Glucose-responsive nanoparticles can prevent diabetes substrates with multilayer layers of poly (L-glutamic acid) and
complications and administer the bioactive chemical in a targeted polyallylamine hydrochloride, and mesoporous silica nanoparticles
manner. This mimics the normal endogenous insulin synthesis (MSNs) (Ag NPs). They used a model of a rat femur that was
that occurs in glucose presence. Particularly in light of their bacterially infected [137].
application in the fields of glucose detection and insulin delivery,
polymers have attracted considerable attention [135]. The Dual and multi-responsive nanomaterials biomedical
polymer responds to a pH shift by transitioning to a different applications
volume, and in this way, conformational polymer changes control
the body's glucose level. The creation of multi-stimuli-responsive polymeric nanoparticles as
means of delivering drugs to certain targets the most promising area
Drug delivery systems that are enzyme-responsive are often made of for nanotechnology development is the creation of nanoparticles
inorganic or polymeric nanoparticles. Various tumor-specific with therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities. These technologies are
enzymes can affect the peptide structure or ester bonds of widely used because of their benefits in terms of targeting,
nanocarriers, causing the loaded medicine to release at specific sites. synergistic medications, and multimodal imaging. To only use the
Proteases and phospholipases are the most often employed triggers medicinal and/or diagnostic properties at the diseased spot, then
in enzyme-responsive drug delivery systems. another theranostics system depends on biological, chemical, and
physical triggers. The dual and multi-stimuli-responsive approach is
For instance, a few authors showed how well the phospholipase- unquestionably ideal for theranostics in this era of the "war on
responsive liposome (PSL) delivered drugs because sPLA2, which is cancer" since some qualities can launch therapy and cure while
present in tumour cells, causes liposome breakdown. Peptide nucleic others can offer diagnostics. As a result, the benefits of multi-stimuli-
acid (PNA) release is started and carried out by sPLA2 [136]. sensitive polymers in the biomedical field are gaining increasing
Enzyme-responsive nanomaterials attention. The development of multi-stimuli-sensitive polymeric
nanoparticles as drug delivery methods for specific targets the
Because they are extremely selective, simple to degrade, tolerant of action of several internal and exterior stimuli is detailed [138. Table
moderate conditions, and possess characteristics including Enzyme- 4 provides examples of multi-sensitive Nanomaterials and their
responsive systems are appropriate for use in biomedical uses. The creation of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches is
applications because they are sensitive to biorecognition, catalytic essential in the current global battle against cancer. The scientific
efficiency, and process efficiency. Polysaccharides like cyclodextrin, community has created many systems using Nanomaterials with
pectin, dextrin, and chitosan can be broken down by hydrolytic multiple response stimuli that have been successfully used to cure
enzymes (like glycosidases) or reductive enzymes (like cancer.
azoreductases) produced by microorganisms in various organs in
Yu et al. created a multi-responsive system with regulated drug
nature. Enzymes are utilized to break up the polymer in the case of
release and tumor cell eradication by distillation, precipitation, and
enzyme-responsive polymeric nanoplatforms in order to get
polymerization. The penetration and accumulation of the tumor, as
desirable features.
well as targeted medication administration, are made possible by
In order to cure S. aureus infections and promote bone tissue growth the pH-, redox-, and temperature-responsive drug release
in living beings, Ding and his team created an enzyme-sensitive mechanisms [139].

P. Joshi et al.
Int J App Pharm, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023, 48-59

Table 4: Dual and multi responsive nanomaterial and their biomedical uses
S. No. Stimuli Nanomaterial Uses References
1. pH and GSH DOX Nanoparticles Tumor treatment [140]
2. pH and thermal DOX @SiO2-PMAA-b-PNIPAM Ideal carriers for anticancer drug delivery enhance [141]
Silica Nanoparticles the drug release in controlled manner of DOX.
3. Redox and pH nano-materials Micelles of Doxorubicin Reduce side effect, enhanced extremely targeting [142]
4. Redox and light nano-carriers Dextran nanoparticles Carrier composition preparation drug [143]
5. pH and GSH Quantum Dot-based Breast cancer [144]
6. Redox and enzyme Redox responsive Increase the medication released by synergistic [145]
nanocarriers effects
7. Oxidoreduction responsive β–CD attaching poly Chemotherapy and Magnetic resonance imaging [146]
drug delivery nanoparticles ethylenimine MNPs
8. pH/light/enzyme CuS NPs Theranostics [147]
9. Liposomes pH and Enzyme Responsive Actibacterial Activity against Francisella novicida [148]
10. Redox/pH/temperature Nanogels based on alginate Anticancer Activity [149]
and cystamine

Redox dual-stimuli responsive DDSs of glycolysis, their energy is mostly obtained via glycolysis.
Moreover, the Warburg effect lowers the pH of the tumor
Redox-responsive DDSs are still having significant difficulties, microenvironment material. Cancerous endosomes and lysosomes
although having a lot of potential for improving tumor targeting. It have lower pH values than blood and normal cells, which have a pH
should be highlighted, however, that unfavorable drug release of 7.4. It has been discovered that positively charged nanoparticles
behavior from redox-responsive DDSs would be seen at non- are more likely than negatively charged nanoparticles to enter cells
targeted tissues, resulting in unfavorable toxicities. Despite the by the endocytosis of proteoglycan adsorption in cell membranes.
nanoscale size of DDSs, there is still a long way to go before the Positively charged nanoparticles, on the other hand, are quickly
number of chemotherapeutic drugs produces a satisfying effect removed from the bloodstream. Charge reversal achieved by the
[150]. To get around the issues outlined above, redox responsive acid gradient between blood and cancer cells and pH-responsive
DDSs have been given additional sensitive external or intracellular DDSs have been developed as a better approach to address this
groups or materials. Table 4 displays sensitive groups of substances problem [156].
that are external to or within cells. Additionally, it was estimated
that two unique reactions such as enzyme-mediated DDs as well as Redox and enzyme dual-responsive DDSs
the specially used redox reactions show the more decrements in the
normal sizes in order to reach the cancer cells which reveals its The human body contains an abundance of enzymes, which are
potent anti-cancer activity of the drugs [151]. crucial for sustaining the body's regular functioning. In a number of
serious clinical disorders, it has also been found that enzymatic
Redox and light dual responsive DDSs activity is dysregulated. For instance, tissues with cancer
overexpress certain enzymes. In order to construct enzyme-
It is also known as photodynamic therapy which is based on the responsive DDSs, enzyme-sensitive materials have been used
photodynamic effect. It has been recognized as a valid method. The extensively [157].
photosensitize delivered in the body, tumor tissues were treated by
the specific wavelength of light with the single molecule of O2 it The redox-responsive DDSs have higher tumor-targeting and drug
increases the necrosis of cancer cell and activate an immune release efficiency due to the enzyme's excellent biocompatibility,
response against cancer [152]. The following two significant issues selectivity, and efficiency. The primary components of enzyme-
are still being faced by photosensitize delivery methods responsive DDSs are typically starches and peptides, which are
notwithstanding this. One problem is the possibility of trapping the degraded by enzymes such phospholipases, cancer-associated
created singlet oxygen inside cells as a result of the matrix of proteases, kinases, and acetyltransferases [158].
nanocarriers, which slows down or even entirely prevents the out-
diffusion. Additionally, the photosensitize kept in the nanosystem Redox responsive and magnetic guide DDSs
maintains the state of self-quenching to lessen the PDT impact and In recent research on redox dual-stimuli responsive DDSs, which
the effectiveness of NIR imaging through hydrophobic interactions, intended to further deliver medications to specified locations while
which is known to be beneficial for reducing side effects in blood safeguarding the healthy tissues from damage, magnetic guidance
circulation [153, 154]. The PDT effect is, however, restricted to has emerged as a hotspot. These studies are in addition to the dual
tumor locations for this reason. The ideal outcome is to preserve the sensitive DDSs already discussed. Fig. 2 depicts the medication
fluorescence in the bloodstream and have it self-extinguish after it distribution of magnetic and redox-responsive DDS. The precise
reaches the target areas. Delivering photosensitizer: PDT has lately regulation of medication release into tumor cell cytoplasm is the
gained popularity as a cutting-edge tactic thanks to its advantages of fundamental component of the smart magnetic guide drug delivery
being selective, repeatable, and largely noninvasive. Nevertheless, system [159].
due to the photo sensitizer’s self-quenching in the center of
nanoparticles in blood circulation and the NIR light's low Advances in nano-materials
penetration, the concentration of singlet oxygen produced by photo
sensitizer was unable to reach the optimal level. To address the Organic/inorganic hybrid nanomaterials
difficulties highlighted above, substantial research has been Two hybrid organic/inorganic materials are formed as a result of
conducted on the development of new redox-sensitive DDSs to interactions between the organic and inorganic components. For
regulate drug release under high levels of GSH in cancer cytoplasm instance, iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles, carbon dots,
[155]. semiconductor quantum dots (QD), and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
Redox and pH dual responsive DDSs are some water-insoluble inorganic nanoparticles. The size of these
mixtures of organic and inorganic elements is submicron. Hybrid
Among the intracellular drug release stimuli DDSs, the pH sensitive nano-composites are organic and inorganic matrices with a size
DDSs achieved by the differential in acidity is a relatively developed higher than a micron. Nanoscale organic and inorganic materials are
system. More energy is required for tumor tissues to maintain their used to make hybrid nanoparticles [106]. Nanoparticles and
growth. As a result, rather than the regular oxidative nanocomposites, the two types of organic/inorganic hybrids, can be
phosphorylation that results in greater H+production as a byproduct further divided into classes 1 and 2 based on the strength of their

P. Joshi et al.
Int J App Pharm, Vol 15, Issue 5, 2023, 48-59

links. Depending on the manufacturing process, the binding strength their compact size and high surface area to volume ratio allow them
varies. The class 1 hybrid materials are held together by weak to quickly penetrate the epidermal layers and interface with the
hydrogen bonds, Vander barriers, electrostatic bonds, or wound site. Because of this, Nanomaterials can not only act as
electrostatic interactions between organic and inorganic healing agents for wounds but can also transfer healing agents to the
components. However, class 2 hybrid materials have strong and wound site in a steady, controlled manner. Nanomaterials-based
stable covalent or ionic connection. With little phase separation and strategies have created novel antibacterial alternatives that can
clearly defined organic-organic interfaces, new materials from eradicate various pathogenic bacteria. For instance, metal or metal
functionalized alkoxides can be synthesized using Class 2 hybrid oxide nanoparticles (such as Ag, Au, and ZnO) have been created for
materials that contain covalent linkages [160, 161]. their ability to treat wounds and their inherent antibacterial activity
[169, 170].
Chemo dynamic cancer therapy (CDT) using nano-material
Due to how quickly nanotechnology is growing, Nanomaterial is used
in a lot of cancer treatments. Several cutting-edge therapies for This brief overview outlines the incredible developments in
sensitive reaction activity, starvation therapy (ST), and other sensitive nanotechnology over the past two decades and explains why they
reactions have been made using Nanomaterial. This is usually done by are crucial to the further investigation of smart materials for
causing a lot of oxidative damage on the outside and then using the biological applications. To create drugs and polymers that react to
low oxygen material inside the tumour to turn the overproduced biological cues like the pH and temperature differences between
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) inside the cells into the very dangerous healthy and diseased tissue, creative drug and polymer formulation
hydroxyl radical (OH) (TME). It is critical to compare CDT based on the are required. The induced response results in a controlled and
Fenton-and Fenton-like responses elicited, which have tumour sustained release of the load. The prospect of developing materials
selectivity and are caused by TME's endogenous chemical energy and that individually respond to local stimuli will increase with a better
are beneficial in preventing oxidative damage to normal tissues. knowledge of the physiological changes and the distinctions
Furthermore, CDT does not require a separate oxygen energy source between healthy and sick tissue. According to the therapeutic
(O2). Additionally, increasing anti-tumor sensitivity and effectiveness objectives, the production of nanoparticles for drug release
by combining CDT with other treatments Metal Nanomaterials, noble following encapsulation must be customized. Designing
metals, organic frameworks, mesoporous carbon-based multifunctional nanoplatforms will enable new methodologies and
Nanomaterials, etc. are some NANOMATERIAL-based nanoplatforms tactics for clinical cancer nanomedicine, improving the efficacy of
utilised for CDT [162, 163]. diagnostics and treatment. In conclusion, stimuli-responsive
nanomaterials will surely lead to effective methods and deliver a
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) nanomaterials significant advantage in the biomedical area given the growing
A rapidly evolving technique for cancer diagnosis and treatment is advancement and ongoing innovation of science and technology.
photodynamic therapy (PDT). Cytotoxic reactive oxygen species ABBREVIATIONS
(ROS) eventually cause the death of cancer cells in the presence of
endogenous molecular oxygen because they accumulate in tumor NM: Nanomedicine, ZnPc58: Zinc (II) phthalocyanine, MelNP:
tissue and are triggered by light sources of particular wavelengths. Melanin-like nanoparticle, PLA: Polylactic acid, RSV: Resveratrol,
Even if its constituent components are non-toxic, PDT is associated CPT: Camptothecin, PTT: Photothermal treatment, AgNWs: Silver
with the production of harmful ROS like singlet 1O2, O2•-, OH. nanowires, MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MNP: Magnetic
Photosensitizer (PS) is filled with light. This method allows PDT to Nanoparticles, Gox: Glucose oxidase, PSL: Phospholipase-responsive
safely eliminate tumor cells as PS medicines have extremely high liposome, PNA: Peptide nucleic acid, MSNs: Mesoporous Silica
toxicity in the absence of outside photo-activating light [164]. Nanoparticles, MNPs: Magnetic Nanoparticles, QD: Quantum Dots,
Additionally, PDT considerably decreases side effects and enhances AuNPs: Gold nanoparticles, ST: Starvation Therapy, ROS: Reactive
target specificity when compared to conventional cancer treatment Oxygen Species, PS: Photosensitizer, CDT: Chemodynamic Therapy,
alternatives like radiotherapy and chemotherapy since only the TME: Tumor Microenvironanomaterialent, DDs: Drug Delivery, GSH:
targeted cells and tissues are exposed to radiation during PDT. It Glutathione, DOX: Doxorubicin, LCST: Lower Critical Solution
represents a possibly improved method of successful cancer Temperature, UCST: Upper Critical Solution Temperature, LDH:
treatment. Wideband light from non-laser sources and Layered Double Hydroxides, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus,
monochromatic light from laser sources, such as metal-lamps lasers DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid.
and argon-pumped dye lasers, fluorescent lights, and xenon arc
lamps, are just a few examples of sources that can be employed for FUNDING
PDT. The selection of the light source is based on the PS used, the There are no funding sources
location of the tumors, and the light intensity. Evidently, a
wavelength that may activate PS and create ROS is required to AUTHORS CONTRIBUTIONS
induce PDT [165, 166]. Since only target cells are affected by light
All the authors have contributed equally.
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